- " . r - , , - : ' v - .. -. - i I , , . .- .- - . .-v-.-.- i--,-,.: - t - -r - 1 fllonnu OUTLINES , states Treasury yester 1 1000.000 short term .kited iw ' V.nle HDd all the records de Sdo boat Bancroft . j.ur-- trial trip. join t tone of general busi- nf9 The Staie j-ep 4 at some of the letter. Jdspleased Lister Loomis regard- Jje0' Five thousand Of i Jr".,; in a battle be- beiks i- Arabia. l" iml trainer, was oau PfB Bg tiger at the Zoo to succeed Auin V ,nH commander of r..: " Chinese in t0 ' V. ' ata 60.000.000. .UlfnAUTKi-pi' ' P . in pekin want the A to be lynched in Bul- Toe strike trou- Kotral Byroad of New .. . eDitlnmeiit. .miliar iry" r tilled aod four senoua- "J5yl landslide in Colorado, tilled and two wound- ,M between werm 0 -"does near Whitesburg, !ji- were victorious. LChioese drowned in a colli fers near Canton. r 1 . f nnatr All percent, the last loan .. t 1 npr rent. : cotton Lif BMJ f ' 1 - 01-. a.- A iriowd generally well sua- Liheat-spot quiet, No. J rea U finn, So. 2 3Uc; rosin Bamon to gooa ai i.ou; 'spestine firm at 36,37c iUTHER REPORT. I Dff OF AGRICULTURE, i whthsb Bureau. auGTOS'. 0., April 12 ) L H degrees; maximum, 65 de Bumam, 43 degrees; mean, o4 I'd for the day, . ; rainfall k; of the month to date, .90 Muter in the Cape Fear river aer,!leat8 A. SI. 6.5 feet. JOEKiST FOR TO DAY. bjGTOS. April ,'f-For North Bail. ' . ,y ; -warmer beaut; fresj cterly winds. I! Ml Wtilataac April 13. hi. 5 30 A. M. k 6 32 P.M. taps 13 H. 02 M. fa t South port. 2 28 P.M. f i W JmiDROtn . 4.58 P. M. la past fifteen months 514 iaTe cleared from the port Orleans loaded with 46,404,- rain. fsdthat the Michigan men w bought that big s warn v will drain, it and plant as Slta8 Drantip.aKlp in nnorar tod that the Rothschilds P J. P. Morgan. The f. is manipulating things he betaking on load enough NMc!er?Vman in Ponncul. 'Is that although there PI so-called Russians in this Poearaonlvf.nnt.h Mothers being mixtures. fJ Wegram states positively rQl Will S.lil for tnn OQ, MaV 31 at anrl or afint address to the Ameri- Tammany Hall. lir r are now being made t with armor nlat - " " U1L.U unu JO a ton. It ;a trt r w Ui distance, equal ' Plate the Government t.. T j ruicub a wash- rm m tho ran it a- vn.cu over If - might be in- "these fiirno 'tf , b"'co mat it was wmu to capture - -"uamspon, Md., 11 -ho for tOWal rtohis WtfTA. u,also enable to s -men was brown, Ni. agohere- d w Wlth ifc his toV gray beard is 1Itth6fl'ut WlU happen to W K n A. , . . WrS hQTT ? I ni:. Ch;r -ct:er8 seem to be fcftUe and 4.000 k ';claima for about M? J dUt Possibly pa7 H tk. "a that. If t.no. ttp his Blo:r &ni uftmon i tw v,c tQey wil irom him. W - -ruThal A I ; - t I Tj i ; r-.;ti l . . - - . "Ma -, I X n.dflriui x M - mi w j a . . - M i zir . . . mm.- www www w v w w w-w-w v on " l .. -r if it ii i r x i ii i r w 'u -swaa, -nw w . m. -una-- .sm. . ijw -w nw. 'Ww a w $ I IE Lifl u- - - ( T I L' rvv I II vv I fx vr A ? DnnilSUCi o I - 0 1 III 1B H U w A I H WW n B - IV I w IK II K I XXI II B XXI II I! - W Ml" II ' II I X . .i.i.. ii in vi u ii . ... 1 1 . ii in n- h w v on' n t m. i u i i v. ii b . w i i i - .. i - -.v . i i t i- r i y i I crwT t r- . . " r 1 1 : : : ; The Algonquin will leaye for a cruise along the coast to day. Judge E. K. Bryan will oon vene the Robeson Criminal Court at Lumber ton next Monday, j Lettuce is now bringing from $4 to $4 50 per barrel and! $3.50 per basket in the Philadelphia market Mr. A. E. Bennett, ; of Lum berton, N. C, has made an assignment to A. W. McLean. Esq., of that town. Bev. O. L. Stringfleld; of Ra leigh, is expected to assist the pastor in a series of revival services soon to be held at Brooklyn Baptist Church. Mr. M. Marshburn, j manager of stalls Nob. 1 and 3 in the Front street market, has an announcement of interest in the advertising columns of to-day's Stab. In the municipal court yester day the Mayor had to deal with four offenders, who were up for being drunk and disorderly. Judgment was suspended in each case. The Atlantic Lodge, j I. O. O. F., of South port, has been invited and will likely attend, the eighty-second anniversary celebration by the Wil mington lodges here April 36th. Cotton receipts during the part week we.e only 3,423 bale?, against 5,258 in the same week last year. The receipts of all naval stores for the week sb ow an increase, except in tar. Rev. A. D. McClure will not return in time to occupy his pulpit as usual to morrow, but Rev. D. P. Mc- Geachy, of Burgaw, will be here to preach in his stead at 11 A. M. and 7:45 P.M. V A number of A. C. L. engineers and master mechanics were in the city yesterday. They came, among other things, to look over the matter of ar ranging tram schedules tor the com ing trucking season. The fire department respond ed to an alarm from box 53 at 1:05 o'clock yesterday afternoon, which was caused by a small blaze at the house of David Davis, colored, which did -only trifling damage. - Elder J. D. Bass, of Virginia, is expected to preach at,the Primitive Baptist Church, on Castle street, be tween Fifth and Sixth, this morning at 11 o'clock, and to morrow morning and evening at the usual hours. The "Dock Streeters" and "Little Hammers" played an fntt-r esting game of base ball at the O. A. N. park yesterday afternoon, in wBich the first named team vras de feated by the latter in a score 9 to 0. Two negroes, who were expos--ing fdV sale a set of pony harness, were arrested by the police in Brook lyn yesterday after. on. If any per son hs lost such property it may be identified bv applying at the City ikall to day. King's Daughters and Sobs. A meeting of the Wilmington City Union of the King's Daughters and Sons was held yesierday morning at 11 o'clock at the residence of Mr. James Coadbourn, No. 117 South Third street. Officers of the several circles made reports. Resolutions in memory of the late Mrs. R. N. Sweet, who w as at one time a leader of the Union, were read and adopted. Upon the recommecdalioa of the Executive Committee, the authority of the Wil mington Union of the King's Daugh ters and Sons was turned over to the eaders of the Ministering Circle, the Whatsoever Circle and the Hospital Circle. Mrs. Thomas BL McKoy, dele gate to the State convention of the King's Daughters and Sons, at Hen derson, made a report which was thoroughly enjoyed and proven bene ficial to those present. Beautiful Dasce at "Alrlle." Mr. and Mrs. Pembroke Jones gave a delightful favor german at "Airlie last night complimentary to a large! number of their friends. The affair was a most no table society event. The dance was given ia the handsome new ball room which has recently been com pleted, and the decorations were mag nificent. The HolIowDustt orcnesira, of Raleigh, furnished tne music Those who attended from Wilming ton went down on a special, train on the Seacoast road at 7:30 o'clock yes- nvnninff and returned to the city at an early hour this mornings Pallmin Car "Princeton." Probably the most magnificent Pull man car ever teen ia niuiuSu - Wl ilMin At AT came in over the W. & W. road yes terdav morning n the regular pas senger train from the North and wept out at 7 o'clock last evening, "rnnce- tnn" urna thn name of the car and it is one of newest type of Pullman sleepers, and is used on the i Federal Express" between IWashington and Boston. The car is elegant in itsap poinments and is one of the most beautiful and elaborately finished in tne service to a ay. xno crmwiu might well be called a rolling palace mi UDJ.iuitniH Left Sleeper at Florence. The Pullman car "Tampa" on the run between Charleston and Wilming ton, "mounted a frog" at Florence yesterday morning and was left there, train No 54 arriving here at 1:35 o'clock. P. M. without a sleeper. The front trucks of the car took one track and the rear trucks went on another. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 'M Marshburn Finest beef. ' Hall &Peariall Canned goods.? J. W, Plummer, Jr. Ice creaam. RESIGNED. Dr. W. F, Stokes Tendered Resig nation and Urged Immediate Action Upon Same. THE VOTE ON 1 HE BOND ISSUE. Commissioners at Meeting Yesterday AI- teraooa Authorized Chairman to Make Call for Election Early as Prac ticableOther Motes. The Board of County Commission ers at a special meeting yesterday afternoon at 13:30 o'clock accented unanimously the resignation of Dr. W. F . 8tokes as coroner of New Hanover, to which office he was elected in Au gust, 1900. The resignation was handed in on April 2nd, but not until yesterday was it acted upon. Dr. 8tokes assigned no reason jfor-hia purpose : to- resign but urged immediate action upon his re quest in the following letter, which was ordered spread upon the record of he Board's proceedings: "Wilmingtoh, N. C, April 3, 190L Board of County Commissioners, New Hanover County : Gentlemen I hereby offer my resignation as coroner of New Hanover county. Hoping my resignation will be acted upon immediately and in ac cordance with my wishes, I remain "Yours respectfully, "William F. Stokes." At the meeting of the Commission ers Chairman McEichern and Com missioners Holmes and Montgomery were present. The election of Dr. Stokes' successor did not take place, as members desired time for consider ation of proper persons for the office and action in the premises by the en tire Board. To this end it was decided to hold another special meetincr on Monday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock for final disposition of the matter. Among the names mentioned in con nection with the office are Dr. C. D. Bell, whom it is learned will be urged to take the position, and Deputy 8heriff H. W. Howell, who is being urged by his friends for the place. The committee on investigation from the Board, consisting of Com missioners Montgomery and Vollers, was ready yesterday afternoon to make a report of its examination into the matter of the failure to bury the corpse of thB unknown negro in Federal oint township bat it was decided to wait upon that until the meeting of the entire board Monday afternoon. Election oa Bond tasne. By authority of an act of the Gen eral Assembly just adjoured, the chairman of the Board was instructed to give the required notice and make the necessary arrangements for the holding of 'an election to determine upon the question of whether or not the county shall issue $50,000 of its bonds with interest coupons attached for the purpose of repairing, making and improving a system of good county roads. Chairman McEachern says that the legal notice of thirty days will most probably be given to morrow, so that the election will be held about the fifteenth of May. The accustomed majority of the qualified voters of the county is required to make the bond issue a cer tainty, or in other words, no vote at all counts against the measure. Poll holders and other officers of the election will be appointedlby the Com missioners later. The only other item of business transacted at the meeting was the approval of the granting of license to ptddle on foot to Ward Schibley and Mary Abdallah. The board took a recess until Mon day at 3:30 P. M. Bad Runaway at Clinton. Parties who arrived in the city last evening irom unnion Drougnt me news of a bad runaway which occur red there late Thursday afternoon, and in which two prominent ladies of the town, Misses Draughon and Ray, re ceived more or less injuries by being thrown violently to a sidewalk. Miss Draughon received a severe gash on her head and was rendered uncon scious for some time. Miss Ray was badly stunned. Medical assistance was rendered at once and no very serious results were anticipated. They Will Be Missed. Mrs. Eugene P. Webber and daugh ter, Miss Maude E Webber, left yes terday for Washington, N. C, where they will visit relatives before joining Mr. Webber, of the revenue cutter service, wno is now siawoneu on iuo Woodbury at Portland, -Me. Mrs. Webber and Miss Webber have been shown many pleasant attentions in Wilmington and they have made a host of friends who will ever welcome them back again. Odd Fellows' Orphan Home. Mr. N. Jacob! returned last night from Goldsboro where he has been in attendance upon the annual meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Odd Fel- irtwft' Orohan Home. He stated to a a reporter that the affairs of the insti tution are being most satisfactorily conducted and very gratifying reports were made from every department There are at present forty children in the Home. . Tried for Larceny. " Emilyn Strickland, colored, was be fore Justice Fowler yesterday on the charge of larceny of $7.70 from Miss Murray, by whom she was employed servant. Toe evidence showed that the woman was of unsound mind, and hence she was acquitted by the magistrate. CORONER WILMINGTON, N. C., SATURDAY, APRIL 13,-1901. SCRUBS WHITE-WASHED. The Practice Game at Hilton Yesierday Demonstrated the Fact That Wil mington Has a Qood Team. The "scrubs" had a stiff proposition to solve at the Hilton ball park yes terday afternoon when they went up against the mighty aggregation of professional ball tossers which will represent Wilmington on the diamond this season, and, judging from the form in which the men showed up, they will make a rush for the pennant A large crowd of "fans" was on hand when "play bail" was called by Umpire Davis, and everybody had a close eye on the players to see if there were any weak places, but judging from the expressions of praise on all sides, the . team signed by Manager Peschaisa alt right and Wilmington wl be among the first in the proces sion. The "scrub" team was composed of aomegt parebtt was no match for the fellows on the other side. Four innings were played. In the third the "scrubs" were allowed six put outs and in the fourth nineteen put outs were record ed against : them before the side re tired. At the close of .the fourth inning, the professionals had piled up 18 runs while the "scrubs" bad not sent a single man across the home plate. The feature of the game was a triple play by Warren, Stafford and Crockett The teams lined up as follows: WILMINGTON. "SCRUBS." Stafford lb. .... . ...Watson. Thachtra c Tilley. Crocket 30. Tolar. Cranston r. f Turrentine. McQinnis. c. f Genaust Hollywood L f Litgen. Warren Sb Moore. Clayton s. s.. Delaney ..., p::::::;bSunt The final practices of the league team before going to Richmond will take place this morning and this after noon and a most cordial invitation is extended by Manager Peschau for the public to go out and see the final line up of his men, who are now in excel lent condition. A picked team from local talent will play the "pennant winner" most likely for the afternoon practice and a good idea as to the value of the team may be gathered by seeing this game. There will be an extra car service to Hilton during the afternoon and no admission fee will be charged at the Jga - NEy COUNCIL, ROYAL ARCANUM. Effort to Organize One Here State Meet ing at Newbera Wednesday. The Star learns that there is a movement on foot with every prospect of success, to organize, a new council of the Royal Arcanum in this city; While particulars are yet unobtaina bl, it is likely that a charter will be applied for early next week, just be fore the meeting of the Grand Council with Trent Council No. 411, at New bern next Wednesday. Mr. L L. Greenewald, of this city, is Grand Regent of the Grand Council, and will attend the meeting at New- berri. The annual reports will show that during the past year there has been a very considerable growth of the order in the State. Five new councils were organized. Ad about $96 000 paid out in death losses. The new councils are at Rocky Mount Sanford, Reidsville, Morgan ton and Canton. There are now over two thousand members in North Carolina. THE FIRE LAST NIGHT. Three Small Houses In Negro Settlement Destroyed Were Partially Insured. The fire last night at 8:43 o'clock was in a negro settlement known as "Union Square" on Fifth street between- Mar stellerand Kidder streets. Dwelling No. 1313 South Fifth street, owned and occupied by James Simon ; No. 12?5, owned and occupied by An thony Davis, and No. 1217, owned and occupied by John Batu, were a total loss with their contents. Tne Batts house was insured with Col. Walker Taylor for $100; the Davis house in the same agency for $150, and there was. no insurance upon the Simon house. The fire originated from sparks from the chimney of the Batts' house and alarms were sent in from boxes 47, 63 and 413.. .As the house? were situated seven blocks from the nearest hydrant nothing could be done to save the property. PanniU Paint Manufacturing Company. Mr. Hnry Pannill, manager at the factory of the Pannill Paint Manufac turing Company on Water street, says that a good start is being made toward the manufacture of the ' company's product Yesterday in the presence of a number of- gentlemen two interest ing experiments with the roof paint were had. A hole was punched in the bottom of a tin basin filled with water and while the water was wast ing itself through the aperture the roof paint was applied' and the leak stopped. The other experiment con sisted in painting the bottom of an ordinary sifter; then filling it with water. There was not a particle of leak. Baried In Bellevue. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Merrit have the avmnathv of many friends in the death of their infant son, Avon 0., which occurred Thursday night The funeral was held at 4:80 o'clock yes terday afternoon from the family real deuce, No. 413 Campbell street, with interment in Bellevue Cemetery. THE SPRING SESSION. Wilmington Presbytery Provides For Installation of the Rev. J. M. Wells, Ph.D. ON SUNDAY, MAY THE 5TH. Sermon by Rev. D. P. McQeachy and Charges to Congregation and Pastor by Revs. Williams and Lane. The Meeting at Clinton. Messrs. C. H. Robinson and W. R. Stewart returned last evening from Clinton, where they have been at tending the Spring session of Wil mington Presbytery. The most . important item of yester day's proceedings of the presby tery-to Wilmington people was the arrange ment for the installation of the Rev. J M, Welia aai pastor oLohe First first Sunday in My was designated as the time for the service and the pres bytery appointed Rev. D. P. Mc Qeachy, of Burgaw, to preach the sermon upon that occasion. The charge to the congregation will be delivered by Rev. R. M. Williams, of Wallace, and that to the pastor will be deliv ered by Rev. E. E. Lane, of this city. Mr. Robinson said upon his return that' it was expected that the preBby- tory would adjourn last night and that Clark Um would most probably be the place of next meeting.' Rev. E. E. Lane, of Wilmington, the youngest member of the presbytery, was chosen moderator of the presbytery and Rev. D. P. McGeachy and Mr. Carr, of Rose Hill, clerks. Rev. J. M Wells preached yester morning at 11 A. M., and during the day there were interesting addresses by Rev. 9r. A. J. McKelway, editor of the Presbyterian Standard, Dr. Butler, missionary for five years in Brazil, and RiV. E. E. Gillespie, synod ical agent Tne presbytery was royally enter tained by the Clinton people and members in attendance were profuse in praise of their hospitality. THE FIRE THIS MORNING. Blaze in "VooKampeo Block" at 2 O'clock This Morning Wrought a Con siderable Loss. Fire which started at. 3 o'clock, this morning ostensibly from an ex plosion of some character at the rear of the grocery store and saloon of Mr. J. W. H. Fuchs, on the northwest corner of Front and Orange streets, caused damage to the fine two story store buildings known as the "VonKam- pen block" and to the car shed and dtber property of the Wilmington Street Railway, with merchandise and other goods in the buildings, that will probably exceed $10,000. From best accounts obtainable at a very early hour this morning the ex plosion was outside the building and very near the oyster saloon of Mr. W. R. Smith, in the basement of Mr. Fuch's store. The flames spread rapidly and when the fire department reached the scene the rear of the five stores, two of which were vacant, was ablaze. The flames communicated to the car shed of the Street Railway Company, and also to a water tower of the com pany in the rear of the row of build mgs. The stores in the block are Hardin's Palace Pharmacy, two vacant stores adjoining, grocery of Mr. Fuch's and the grocery and saloon on the corner of Front and Orange. Up stairs in the building there were sleeping apartments. All the occu pants escaped but much of the house hold furniture was destroyed. Mr. W. R. Smith and one or two associates were in the oyster par lor when the explosion occurred. They &ay the flames had been discov ered by them a few minutes before the explosion and they narrowly es: oaped with their lives. At 3:15 o'clock this morning the fire was under complete control. Nothing definite as to the loss or insurauce is obtainable now. All the buildings except the property of the Street Railway is the property of Mr. G, F. VonKampen. Steamer's Narrow Escape. The steamboat Buck, Capt. Ward, had a narrow escape last night She lert Wilmington at 8 o'clock in the evening for Long View with some twenty passengers and a tow of four flat boats laden with merchandise. Near Navassa, in passing through the draw at the railroad bridge, the Buck came into collision with severaj timber rafts which were drifting down on the freshet The flats were also caught and it was only by cutting the lines and setting the flats adrift that Capt Ward was enabled to save his boat and get It clear of the rafts. The flat boats, however. Were afterwards picked up, one by one, and made secure; but the'-Buefe had by this lime nearly exhausted her supply of fuel, and was forced to return to the city. She sustained some slight damage in her encounter with the rafts, but will be ready to leave again for Long View early to day. City Svbscrlbers. City subscrioers are earnestly re quested to report promptly at the Stab office every failure of the carriers to deliver their papers. In all such cases steps will be taken to insure promp and regular delivery. For WhooTjinf? Oounrb. use OHElfBYrS EX PECTORANT, t PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. L M Bear left last night for New York. Mr. B. 0. Stone spent yester day at Clinton. Miss Mattie Blood worth went to Burgaw last night. " Mr. Wm Goodman returned last night from New York. Mrs. T. F. Simmons returned last evening from New York. Capt Geo. L. Morton returned last night from a Nortern trip. Col. N. A. McLean, of Lum berton, was arrival in the city yester day. - Miss Mamie McGirt went to Fay ettville yesterday to visit her sister, Mrs. T. A. Smoot. Misses Nellie and Elliott Emer son are at home from school in Mary land for a few days. , -Mra., 3Y. - E. JBobert&on-. and chtkhrea are vihltiug Mi-sr'Robertson's parents at Albany, Ga Mrs. Jno. C. Wagner and chil dren, of Kinston, N. C, are the guests of Mrs. George T. Hewlett Mr. G. W. Britt, A. C. L. baggage agent, has returned after spending a few days in Richmond. Mrs. H. C. Bentley, of Rich mond, Va., is visiting in the city, the guest of her mother, Mrs. Bronson, on Grace street. Mr. J. h. Middleton, proprie tor of the King Grocery Company, is selling out preparatory to entering other business. Mr. Roy Thomas returned to Washington, D. 0., last night, after spending several weeks at home re cuperating bis health. Mr. Alex McKensie, of Elrod, N. C, is in the city on a business trip and is the guest of hia relative, Mrs. McKoy on Red Cross street Rev. F. H. T. Horsfield ex pects to leave this morning for Bur lington, where he has a temporary charge similar to the one with St James' parish, this city. The Rev. Dr.-Robert Strange and little son, of Richmond, are visit ing Mrs. James Strange at Fayette ville. It is hoped to have him preach at St. John's church in that city to morrow. Among yesterday's arrivals were: W. F. Boen, Willard; H. L. Stevens, Warsaw; C. H. Williamson, Winston; Ptter Black and Peter Bat son, Topsail Sound; B. Brinkley, Wanauish; W. J. Hughes, Chd bourn. WILL LIKELY ACCEPT CALL Believed That Efforts Will Be In Vain to Keep Dr. BlsckweU Here. , The Stab regrets to say that it appears very probable now that the Rev. Dr. Calvin L Black well, pastor of the First Bapwst church of Wil mington, will accept the very flatter ing call to the pastorate of the First Baptist church, of Newport News, Va., mention of which was made in these columns on Tuesday morning. The field at Newport News is a very inviting one, and there is increased opportunity for greater influence on the part of Dr. Black well. The fact of Dr. Black well's being a native of Vir ginia, and the residency of a number of members of his family in that State at present is also a strong inducement for him to leave Wilmington for that field. Very strong efforts, however, are being, made by the congregation in this city to keep him here, and it is sincerely hoped by the people of Wil mington at large, irrespective of de nomination, that he will consent to remain with his Wilmington church. Miss Hoke and Mr. Webb to Wed. The wedding of Miss Lillie Hoke and Mr. Alexander Webb next Wednes day night at 9 o'clock, in the Chapel of the Good Shepherd, Raleigh, will be one of much social prominence on account of the popularity of the con tracting parties. Miss Hoke is a daughter of Gen. R. F. Hoke, of Raleigh, and Mr.. Webb is a prominent insurance man, and both are well and popularly known in Wilmington.. An Outing By the Sea. -ror. wasnington Uatlett will give the students of Cape Fear Academy a pleasant outing next Friday. He has made arrangements to take the boys to Southport on the Bteamer Wilming ton. A game of base ball will be played that day between the Academy .nine and a team from Southport All who desire to take the trip may do so. The occasion will no doubt be one of much pleasure. Rev. Richard W. Hogne. Rev. Richard W. Hogue, who has been called to, the rectorship of St James parish, this city, is expected to arrive with Mr. Hogue from Sheffield, Ala., and to occupy the pulpit of St James' cnurch at all the services on to-morrow. He and Mrs. Hogue will remain in Wilmington for several days and will be the guests of the family of Capt T. D. Meares on Mar ket street Sale of Yalnable Residence. The Register of Deeds recorded at the Court House yesterday the fol lowing sale of real estate: James T. Riley and wife to Mrs. D. H. Lippitt the residence on the western side of Fourth, street, between ' Dock and Orange, which ia now occupied, by Mr. Gouverneur and family. - The lot is 44x100 feet, in dimension-and the price paid was $4,100, WHOLE NO. 10,499 THE STATE PENITENTIARY. Board of Directors Make Imnortsat Changes Several Offices Abolished , Martin's Defalcation Base Ball. Special Star Telegram. Raleigh, N. C. April 13. Gover nor -Aycock to-day commissioned Charles O. Daniels, of Wilson, solid tor for the Fourth district The Board nf Directors of the penu teotiary held a business meeting to day, and abolished the office of gen eral manager, held by F. B. Arendell ? also, that of stenographer, held by Mra. Col vert and the positions of mail carrier and clerk to the warden, Capt J. M. Flemming, of Wake, is elected Warden, vice W.W.Green, of Frank lin ; Dr J. R. Rogers, prison pbytriv cian. vice Dr. Henry McKee Tucker of Raleigh. Duties heretofore per' formed by the genernl mana ger will be performed for- the., pj-eaent by K L. Travis, of Halifax, chairman-bf the board of directors. No superintendent has yet beeu elected. No statement is yet made as to the condition of the prison affairs. The committee to investigate .the State Treasury shortage, by reason of ex Clerk Martin's defalcations, has about finished work and will report to morrow. While no statement can be obtained the opinion is tbat a safe estimate of the shortage is $12,000. Raleigh's base ball team beat the University of North Carolina on the Raleigh uiamoncby a score of eleven to six. There was a large attendance at the game, which is pronounced a good one. The Raleigh team is get ting in great shape for fine work in the Virginia-North Carolina League. EXCITING Y. M. C. A. SPORTS.' Basket Ball Series Will Close With Two Games Monday Night. Two exciting games of basket ball were' played at the City Hall last night. The first was between the Young Men and the Naval Reserves and it resulted in a score of 27 to 14 in 1 favor of the former; and the second j game was between the Boys' Brigade and the Business Men. The former won out by a score of 81 to 34. The teams lined Up as usual. With a "double header" next Mon day night the Zoeller cup series will close. The two games will be played by the Boys' Brigade and Naval Re serves, and tne xouug Men and tne Business Men. The finish will no doubt be exciting and the outcome is by no means certai Tne percentages of the teams at present are as follows: Young Men, 875; BusinessaMen, 625; Boys' Brigade, 500; Navai Reserves, 000. The team finishing with the highest percentage, will, of course, be awarded the handsome silver cup do nated by Victor E. Zoeller &. Co., the jewelers'. The Home Brewing Company. As a result of the visit to Wilming ton on Thursday of Mr. George E. Guvernator, secretary of the Home Brewing Company, it is learned that the present quarters of the Wilming ton branch of the company will be considerably enlarged and improved. Another store the size of the one now occupied by the company will be se cured on Water street, and ample room reserved for the storing in refrigerators of as much as five car loads of beer at one time. New and additional delivery wagons have been bought and the company propose to finish Manager Jno. M. Wright ith the facilities for doubling his present very large business. DIED. WIKTON In this citv. at one o'clock this tpm. nrrtaw moraine. Mrs. MART ANNA WIN. TON, relict of the late Henry Lockwood Winton. Funeral notice later. NiV ADVERTISEMENTS. Tbe Sinest in Front Street Market. FOR THE FINEST Beef, Spring Lamb and Mutton Call on me. I assure you I will treat you right and do all I can to merit your patronage. Give me a trial. Tours to command, - M. MARSHBURN, Manager. . Stalls Nos. t and S. north side. Front street Market. Phones Bell 128. Interstate 828. aplSlt Ice Cream ! VERY BEST. ANY KIND. G1 Per Gallon. Apples, Fears, j Bananas, Oranges. Anything yon want in my line. I W. PLUHMEB, Jr., Bell 'Phone apistt 680. Inter-State 132. GRITS AUD HEAL ONE CAB LOAD OBITS TO AB- K1VX THIS WEEK, 1,500 bus. VsW WVr Ground Meal 300 pkga Carolina. RIee. S.OOO lbs. Iiarda, Including "Fair banks Compound, 200 bbla. Sng;r. ' 150 boxes Snuff, all grade. ' 200 boxes Crackers. 1 1 And full stock of other Groceries. Get our prices. D. L. CORE CO.. WHOLESALE GROCERS,' apBtf Wilmington, W. 0. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Yer, by Mail, $6.00$ Six Month, ' 2.50 Three Months, ; 1.25 Two Months, 1.00 'Delivered to Sttb-i-lber tikfce rltvat 4S flint. n.-i-.i. - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SUMTER HOTEL, SUMIEP, S. C. Announcement.: To our friends, enemies and strangers: On the morning of the 15th we are going to do exactly what you want us to do throw open the doors of our new Hotel Sumter. This isn't the biggest Hotel in the world. It isn't the best, but there is nothing better in South Carolina. The building ia sew and so are the furnishings every stick; also brass and iron beds with felt mattresses. A number of rooms With private baths. The, best lighted din ins room in the State, and light isn't the only thing tbat gHs on the tables. The lobby and reading room are both good looking; and, they will suit your taste. But what we want to say is this: As above hinted we will open, on the 15th, (Monday) but the job is toO big; to be performed by a couple of proprietors. We want a lot of travelling; men to help us. We are going to furnish you with a first rate upper and a bandot. music, to help -worry it downt there? will be' other ac cef.tb!e thing too ice water and and but you want to come and see and feel and hear for yourself. Remember it's next Monday, April : the fifteenth. Yours (to tell the truth) for what there is in it. . PAREIRA & SOLOMONS, aplltt NORTH CAROLINA., . New Hanover County. . In the Superior Court. E. W. Kerr V8 - H G. wkdley. 1 Notice or Bale Under Executi-;u. . By virtue ot an execution directed to me, adttrslgi ed. Torn the fu .erlor Court of 8& Hi j unclttrslei ea. 'rom the fu .erlor Court of haul. - son c uniy, said State, I wl 1, on Monday, n e - oiuunyo nay, ivui, u o ciock m. ai 'ne Court House door of New Hanover county, ?-11 to the highest bid er for cash, to satiaf t execu'loD, all thought, title ar d lnteieat which -tuetald H G. Wadley has In the following de scribea property, to-wlt: AH that t act or oarcel of land situate In the county of New Hanover, said State, on the west siae or tne nortneast orai ca or tne uape rear river, beginning on the bank ot said river at a ' ot a tract of laud belonging to Powers, Glbos oo. uoonwmcn tneir voncs ana Doiiiine are situate; and tunning thence due west 90 a-10 : reet to another btone marked (P), thence north 12787-10 feet to another sti'nemarked (P).tberce : due east 08 2 10 to another stone marked (P) standing on the b nk of said riv- r and thence : soutawardly down the river and with the mar gin thereot to the beginning, with all the right ot emry, Hants or vay and other eaaemen s incident to the land, together with the entire Saw Hill Plant outfit and fixtures situate upon the above described tract of land and all build ings ihi eon known as the Pyke Co.'a Saw Mill. catea this 89ih day or nsrch, wo-. F4ANK. H. cTEDM&N, mar 305 1 sa Sheriff Mew Hanover County. SENSIBLE KITCHEN FUR NITURE. Quite important that this part of tte house have convenient furnishings. The busy work ers wlU be greatly facilitated. Have a line or Kitchen Tables, Meat Safes, Chairs, etc.. which will please as well by their good looks as by their substantial make. Each article is the kind that will last. These are samples of our low prices: Kitchen Tables Sl.60 to S2 00: uhalrs 45c. 60c 65c each. HUNB0E & KELLY, No. 17 South Front street. Bell Phone 115. apr 9tf "STRICTLY IN IT." Last w class dealers using 1 ek we named a few first tie "CUBAN BLOSSOM" 5 cD2L.i3 Cigai? As the best Cigar for the price ever sold over the counter. "None in this wide world excepted." Here's a few more from up town: Wm. Niestlie, Druggist. Geo. Heyer. Grocer. J. H. Brunjes, Grocer. C. P. B. Mahler, Grocer. Thomas & Co., Grocers. F. P. Lamb, Grocer. J. P. Rulfs, Grocer. Geo, Schnibben, Grocer. Martin Schnibben, Grocer. Humphrey & Annan, Grocers. J. B. J. Sandlin, Grocer, . H. T. Duls, Grocer. P. Mobr, Grocer. 8 E. B. Harr, Grocer. J. D. Steljes, Grocer. B. H. J. Ahrens, Grocer. H. Litjen, Grocer. J. C. Walton, Grocer. Capps & Bro., Grocers. J. u. Brown, Grocer. Toilers & Hashagen, , mar 81 tf BOLE BELLING AGENTS. More Salt i . WE CAN SUPPLT TOUR NEEDS. 10,000 SACKS. SEED POTATOES of the BEST variety and quality. " Seed Oats, Seed Rye. Fertilizero of all makes and srrades. Inquiries and orflers solicited. The Worth Co. febaotf Hew River Mallets. $963.11 i Choice Mullet. $48.09 in White Mullet. - $78.40 in 25e Tobacco. $59.80 In Tin Cup Tobaeeo. $811.60 in Sehnapp Tobaeeo. $104.05 in Early Bird Tobacco. . $55 SO in Ionnr Horn Tobacco. $69.60 in Rod Horao Tobacco. $45.80 in Biff 4 Tobaeeo. . $250.90 in Lombardy Cigars. We cut close for cash.' Just as glad to sell on time. .:-xv:.r'?;-&::-:r: W. B. COOPER, Wkolosalo Groeor, 808.810, MS Nutt l apiatf . Wilmington, i .o.

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