... : -' ...Fide. KHn?m'i IP"" ti..f In S1 published 1 Wi!fflin?lon h- 41 if ft S to IF OUTLINES. IU .h Pennsylvania cr u - v ' tior-andna. v a. "dement yet of the Pow Cm"5! .mount of indem- "r Jill be required to pay, w . . ... .J now I .1 .At b en determiueu .u h raisea. The 8DS" regional Bank u a defaulter to the T John J. Griffin, uieT.:, .harmed with the ID Rear Admiral Schley Avres yesterday rlu s. am at New r- f taed the suit for injunction 'jjSpment of mulM "d Che British army in South .Martin's defalcation in T penitentiary account to $16,832 61; accounts of Rations are yet to be exam committee. Report , Co. are about to .ttttoo mill combination lacks ijot . Toe three gold bars ji'the specie room on the IpfriserWilhelm der Grosse ,li conceded on the vesseL Lent McKtnley will leave 'fLnMnday for a tour to the CLil coTeriDg a period of over - i 1U Jjwv.. C .Iteration ot LiiDor, sjwu kt in, in Charlotte, organizing mill or tne general mm auimo for My 1st; manufacturers i flie situation is grave. ,frk markets: Money on call jgii per cent; cotton quiet, raplaods 8 5 16c. : flour quiet steady at unchanged prices; 4ft steady, No. 2 red 79c; Uort tan.No. 2 4950c ; rosin Ij. common to gooa si ou; spirit C&iefirmat36M36c. WEATHER REPORT. tlDlP'TOF AGRICULTURE, WEATHER BUREAU, IniDfiTOS, N. C, April 13. ism: 8 A. M., 54 degrees; 1, 15 degrees; maximum, 57 de- 5Bjimum, 48 degrees; mean, 52 M for the, ay, .37; rainfall ty of the nvC ih to date, 1.17 wti water L fe Cape Fear nver WteYille at 8 A. M. 6.0 feet. KEKAST FOB TO-DAY. ishugton, April 13. For North tta-Bun Suuday ; high easterly ft lioaay fair. fatAlmtnac April 14. iiH 3 i 5 28 A.M. 6 33 P. M. 13 H. 05 M. 3 28 P. M. 5.58 P.M. !It!...j Witer at South port. Titer Wilmingotn . jar and mature delibera te we come to the conclusion Traits are good things for the fliho ran them. ' big Texas oil wells are having shooting match to show i an shoot a stream of oil the H. The jJ the shooting. ' Frank J. Gould . is the rietorofaso.OOO St. Ber- When they promenade dog attracts more at- irank does. r. Jlor?an arriv1 at H.. i . . f ne declined to be inter- "hen J. p. wants to be ed he sends for the scribes 'o that kind of work. Pattest man'' in this oonn- , UUU r ant gnnniin.i t j -faieut caU86, 1081 Ws; bnt ho rPB he has been keeping p?T! - 'me.Nat nn'o r " o lauie 18 WUUi eia mill n.an has had statue of her made. f w with a hio rwj . . . hatchet, and I5n . B'gnforhi3 mma fa I "vulUQlan Plrro. ,1 3- "gi ouup inai- I. ""netmav .Q j there "J , T',Dey. W in K aeal 01 U.v . maaness. Almost V " sufferea as he ' onions would K1 In LI Ka, aQa atay mad a . uasmaugu- mature in tk u t. ""o ui Wu OX lnctoa u .... sued the Ifctou . ainung damages le 2 T J'iltiQg her and lor alienating his Nit. Rainess p-re eachVthe f C' ' Sew Ylk fctot. m York V ! u viiner wow j go In 1 L War. V 7 stories. will mini i wuomizg on thirty or forty I.. . . .... . jj -jg aagM.----" a ammmmmm I if I II- ... 1 - ' 1 F.l 1-4 If -'I I ... Ill I I - t II t l A. X .11. i , - k. -N" S II K." . -I I ' - i?v -'V-" r -V - i.; : v ujl V lllNO. 20. LOCAL DOTS. For other new adyertiaementa .see fourth page.---. 'i The County Commlaaionera will hold a special meeting for the consid eration of important matters to-morrow afternoon at 8:80 o'clock. ! v A license for the marriage of Mr. John A. Yopp, of this city, and Miss Katie A. Jones, of Cape Fear Township, was issued yesterday. About fire hundred packages of lettuce were shipped North by ex press yesterday." It was probably the largest shipment for any one day this season. j i The hammer shaft of the bis: fire alarm bell waa broken while strik ing the alarm from box 52 Saturday night Electrician Yates says it will be repaired to morrow. The election of policemen and firemen by the Board of Aldermen will likely not take place before the first Monday in May. , It is said that-the policy will be to make rery few changes. " : ' . The Wilmington Cotton Mill is now running only four days in the week... owing to the depression in the market for most all cotton mill products. Friday and Saturday are the days on which the mill is shut down. The schooner Mecosta, Capt. Strout. which arrived yesterday from New York, made an especially quick trip, having consumed less than four and a half days in the passage down ward. She brought a cargo of coal for J. H. Taylor. The steamer Wilmington will leave her wharf, foot of Market street, this morning at 10 o'clock for a trip to Bouthport and out to sea. The fare for the round trip is fifty cents and the steamer will return so as to arrive in' the city about 7 P. M. FIRST STRAWBERRY SHIPMENT. Weat Forward Yesterdsy Pros Warsaw to New York Commlssioa Hoase. A correspondent of the Star writing from Warsaw, N. O , says that Mr. J. W. Stokes, of that town, yesterday made a shipment of strawberries to R. L. Brown & Co., a produce commission firm of New Yoak City. Tne Stab's correspondent says that this is believed to be the first shipment from the entire State. Steamboat Inspectors Here. Capt. John T. Borden and Capt. F. B. Bice, United States steamboat boiler and hull inspectors, respectively, on yesterday and the day before made an inspection of the tags Marion, Blanche and Navassa and the new freight Steamboat CharleP M. WhiUock, re -o ntly built by Capt. Ellis 8hermap for the Long and Town Creek trade. The inspectors will return on Wednesday to inspect the steamer Driver, which is now in port here. Sties of Property. Two deeds were filed for record at the court house yesterday, as follows: James F. Post and wife to James Smith, a two story residence and lot on the western side of Seventh street, between Dock and Market; considera- Tion, $1,000. Andrew Smith and wife to E P. H Strunck, property 66x123 feet on Wooster street, between Fifth and Sixth ; consideration, f 250. ; The Strawberry Crop. The effect of the continued cool weather is to still further delay the strawberry crop to such an extent that it is said to be provoking serious com ment upon the part of the truckers. Conservative growers say that the season now can't possibly open before the first of May, and it is likely that no shipments of consequence can be made even so early as that date. ; The News. Prom Fort Caswell. It is expected that the extensive building improvements at ! Fort Cas well will be completed this week. A report is also current to the effect that la accordance with the policy of the late Congress to strengthen all the army posts along the coast that another company will be assigned to Caswell soon. Mr. Barnes aad Bride Arrived. Mr. D. F. Baraes and bride arrived vMtArdav from Savannah, ua., ana will be at home on North Founn street. Mr. and - Mrs. Barnes upon their return to the city from Savannah stopped in Charleaton for a few days where they visited Mrs. Barnes1 sister, Mrs. Dawson Cunningham. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Str. Wilmington Out to sea. J. H. Hehder & Co. Special. Carolina Yacht Club Notice.. E. M. Andrews Get my prices. N. F. Parker Will donate $50. Vollers & Hashagen 8uccessfuL 8. & B. Solomon." Oxfords men. Geo. O. Gay lord In public favor, Murchison National Bank Security Mercer & Evans Co-Shoes a specialty Masonic Meeting Concord Chapter. BTJSHTESS lOOAJjS.. , Bookkeeper Position wanted. ' Excursion to Bouthport Friday. P. B Hayden Buggies, harness; - if .cnn villa and Fruit Bleaching 7c. : 12tC Lonsdale cambric 9ic. this week atRehders. -. , ' t t iiiesjsjfc-fcBiaBM' Children's parasols. 10c; white un- laundered shirts. 29c; all wool serge suits $4.98, this week at Rehder's. t LODGE CELEBRATION. ' ' ' -1 ' 1 Very Complete Programme Is Be ing Arranged by Odd Fel- lows Committee. ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION. BOS. Jtha D. Bsllamv Will UienAnrm ww mrnm waavw Speaker of EvenloxPresldlnr Offi cers and Musical Selectloas As- T aonnced for the Eveat. The joint committee - of arrange. ments from the four lodges of Odd Fellows in the city will meet Thurs day evening with Wilmington Lodge in o. 139, for the purpose of arranging the final details of the eighty-second anniversarv celebration to he rin n I the One- TTnu mm av tli a t April 26th. The members of the committee have at work like beaver Jo th pait J several weeks in making the arrange ments for the event and enough, is xnown now to aay that the celebra tion this year will eclipse by far all former efforts in this direction. Hon.. Jno. D. Bellamy, member of. Congress rrom tnis district, has been invited and has accepted the invitation to in troduce Col. Jno. F. Bruton, a dis tinguished Odd Fellow . and speaker, of ; Wilson, who will deliver the an nual address. Grand Master M. W. Jacob! will be in attendance upon the ceremonies and the following officers have been selected to preside at the meeting: ' P. G. C W. Stewart N. G. Walker Taylor. R. 8. to N. G.-S. H. Fishblate. L. a to N. G. J. D. Webater. Y. G. Marsden Bellamy. B, 8. to VG.- J. E. Silva. L. a to V. G. Wm. Goodman. Secretary B. F. King. Treasurer 8. G. Hall. Warden- B. W. Dunham. Conductor D. J. Prease. O. G. C. O. Chad bourn. L G. Jas. a Williams. R. a a O. F. Williams. L. a a D. F. Barnes. Chaplain Rev. A. D. MeClure. Marshal A. D. Brown. Not the least important feature of the celebration will be an excellent programme of music, which detail of the ceremony Mr. J. W. Fleet of the joint committee, was assigned to ar range. He haa secured some of the best talent in the city and the pro gramme of vocal selections, with Prof. A. H. Yopp as piano accompanist ia as follows: Male quartette; "Two Roses," (Werner), C. H. Cooper, first tenor; R. O. Banks, second tenor; James a Williams, first bass; A. 8. Holden, second bass. " Mixed Quartette : "Hunting Song," (From Lily of Killarney). Mrs. W. L. Latta, soprano; Mrs. James D. Smith, alto; R. O. Banks, tenor; James a Williams, bass. Duett "Gently Flows the River," (Joan of Arc, by Gaul), R. O. Banks and A. a Holden. Male Quartette: t(The Bridge," (Lindsav), C. H. Cooper, first tenor; R. OL Banks, second tenor; James a Williams, first bass; A. a Holden, second bass. Mixed Quartette : 'Come Where My Love Liea Dreaming," (Foster), Miss Carrie White, soprano; Mrs. F, A. Muse, alto; Q. JB. Cooper, tenor; A. a Holden, bass. Full Chorus: "Oh! Italia, Italia! Beloved," (Donizetti), Mrs. W. L. Latta, Miss Carrie a White, sopranos; Mrs. James D. Smith. Mrs. F. A. Muse, altos; Messrs. GL H. Cooper, R. O. Banks, tenors; Messrs. Jas. S Wil liams, A. 8. Holden, basses. The committee of arrangements is as folldws: W. L. Smith (chairman), J. A. Orrell, (secretary), J. W. Fleet D. K. LeGwin, H. O. i Craig, B. R. Penny, J. J. Hopkins, B. J. Jacobs, W. a Smith, Ed. Penny, Jno. E. Wood, E. F. Jflhnson. Rev. Mr. Hogae Here. Bey. Richard W. Hogue and.wife arrived yesterday afternoon via the Seaboard Air Line, and . are being en tertained at the home of Capt. T. D. Meares on Market street Rev. Mr. Hogue will oonduet the services at St. James' to day, and will preach at the Chapel of the Good Shepherd at 7:45 o'clock this evening. He will remain here for several days. It is expected that very soon he will give the vestry an announcement as to his intention as to the acceptance of the call to the parish. Rev. Mr. Hogue and wife were accompanied by Capt. Meares from Atlanta, and were met at the station by a number of the members of 8L James' vestry. May beCJa Ilty o Larceny. 8ilaa Washlngton;and James Floyd he negroes who were : exposing for sale a set of pony harness Friday Aftomnnn. and who were arrested shortly ; afterwards on suspicion o larceny, were examined at the City Hair yesterday and, Washington was released from custody as there waa no evidence asrainst him. The other no- no is still detained in the guard house pending further developments. He claims to have gotten the harness tUm w rathe whom, he says, lives at Clio, B. Q. Appetite Oot Her lato Troabte , t Anna Pollock colored, was arrested yesterday on the charge of stealing a ham fmm one of her neighbors. ' She was tried before Justice Fowler and bound over to the Criminal Court In default of bond la the aum of $50 she was committed to jail. WILMINGTON, N. 0.f SUNDAY, APRIL U, 1901. RANGE UQHTS FOR'CAPE FEAR Wfltnfngtoa is loterested In Improvias Qoldlafs to Navigatloa to the River. Commander Jno. A. Rodgers, of the Sixth Lighthouse District, Charleston 8. C, has been petitioned by practi cally every man interested in the ship ping at the port of Wilmington for additional rapge lights to serve aa an aid to navigation by night in the Cape Fear. A liberally signed document setting forth the number and location of the lights desired and the reasons for the request was forwarded a few days ago to Commander Rodgers and it ia be lieved that the desires of the shipper here will be complied with. . One of the lights is wanted at the mouth of Alligator creek and three are. wanted for a rantre from Bald Head ouoy up and down the river and still Dan other is wanted on Battery Island point, where the light was discon tinued three or four years ago. I SECOND ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION. Jnslor Order of Americas Mecaaaics Ar- . rsBrior for-a Festive Occaslea. The Junior Order of United Ameri can Mechanics is nothing if not pro gressive. A little less than two years ago, Jeff Davis Council No. 63 was formed in this city and since that time the local branch of the order has grown not only in numbers but In in fluence. On April 24th the council has ar ranged to celebrate its second anni versary in the characteristic style of the Juniors. There will be sneeohes by prominent members of the order and an elaborate programme of music, -etc ' Refreshments will be served and a most enjoyable event is assured. The" committee of arrangements consists of Messrs. W. J. Bellamy, Jno. E. Wood, J. T. Burke, A. J. Ganby and G. C. 8imsaons. WILL BE KNOWN THIS MORNINO, Dr. Blackwell Will Likely Aaaoance De- clsloa Aboat Newport News Call. It is expected that at the morning service at the First Baptist church to day Rev. Dr. Calvin 8. Blackwell will announce bis decision in the mat ter of acceptance or refusal of the call recently extended him by the New port News Baptist church. The con gregation is fearful that the answer will be in the tUirmative. There is no let up in the very great effort upon the part of his Wilming ton congregation to keep him here and resolutions embracing a very strong endorsement of Dr. Black- well have been unanimously signed by every member of the church to whom t has been presented. THE WILMIISQTO.N PRESBYTERY. Mr. C. H. Roblasoa aad Rev. R. M. WII Hams Delegates to General Assembly. Rev. E. E. Lane, of Immanuel Pres byterian church, and Rev. D. P. Mc Geachy, of Burgaw, arrived last night from Clinton, where they attended the spring session- of the Wilmington Presbytery. The presbytery adjourned Friday night and Clarkton was de cided upon as the place for holding the Fall session, which will convene October 10th. Mr. a H. Robinson, of Wilming ton, and Rev. R. M.. Williams, of Wal lace, were selected as delegates to the General Assembly of the Presbyterian church, which will convene this year at Little Rock, Ark., in May. Rot. A. D. MeClure remained over in Clinton and his. pulpit at St An drew'a will be filled to day by Rev. Mr. McGeachy. Chicken fief's Dssh For Freedom. bilas Crawford, a cnioken tnier, yesterday morning proved him self as clever on his feet as he was in lifting fowls from ft roost The neero sent a coop or chickens to Mr. C. E. Collins, who runs a store on' Market street between Second and Third, shortly after day light yesterday. Boon after he left a womiacame in and identified some of the fowls as belonging to her. When Crawford returned later for his money Mr. Collins arrested him and telephoned to the City Hall for an officer. Officer Barden was sent after him and the thief walked along peace fully with the policeman until he ar rived in front of the City Hall. There he made another break and several policemen took after him but he proved too fleet footed for them and made his escape. Tbe Piae Fibre Pfeat. Vice President H. -XL Fanshawe, of the American Consolidated Pine Fibre Company, came down yester day, from the plant at Cronly and left last night for New York. The plant at Cronly has been running since Monday but not with its enlarged capacity. Work, however, is being pushed on the extension of the plant and it is expected to have the enlarged plant in full operation within a month or six weeks. Miss Stella Shrier, who went to Cronly, to 3o shorthand and typewriting for Mr. Fanshawe, also arrived yesterday from Cronly, re- turning home. q "Interest in the "Old Maida" to be seen at the Opera House, April 19th, is running high. The rehearsals promise it will be tbe funniest thing that ever happened in Wilmington. There will also be a packed house. Out of twenty dates for Miss Dunkel's conventions there have been twelve where standing room was at a premium and always a f..n hnnM. It is a Daughters of the Confederacy benefit and as such will draw a house - Then it will give you the most pleasing, funniest evening of Tonr life. .--.- . ?&:---J THE FIRE YESTERDAY Early Morning Blaze Very De structive But Controlled Well By the Fire Department. FAIRLY Q00D INSURANCE. Was Carried by All Property Owaers Bat Actaal Damages Are Hard to Esti mateFirst Discovered by Street Railway Eaglseer. r There is very little to add this morn ing to the hurried account of the fire in the VonKampen block given in these columns yesterday just after the flames were gotten under control by the hard work and clever manage ment upon the part of the department The origin of the fire is still a mys tery, but it has been settled that the explosion which caused so much few minutes after the fire had started. Assistant Engineer Fred Mintz at the power house, adjoining, was the first to discover the glare from over the car shed. He .turned on. a : private hose and had the flames almost under control when the explosion occurred and shot the flames all over the rear of the stores in the VonKampen block. It is Mr. Mintz's opinion that the fire started in the back of Mr. Fuch's store where whiskey waa stored. About the time the explos ion occurred, Police Sergeant C a Burnett and Mr. William Harker turned in an alarm from corner Front and Orange street and policeman M. Bo wen, on that beat and Mr. Joe Warren set about to save persons sleeping upstairs in the building among whom were Mrs. Joseph Regis ter and family and Mrs. Croom and family. The .department soon had six streams upon the fire and engine No. 1 at work on one of them. The damage- to the Street Railway Com pany will probably not exceed $750, fully covered by insurance on the entire plant, amounting to $26,000, in companies represented by J. H. Boat wright & Son. This damage was to the water tank, in the rear of Har din's Palace Pharmacy; three cars that were slightly scorched; car shed, tools, wagon, eta, that were in an im provised shed next .to the rear of the-f stores. . The stock of groceries of Mr. J. W. L Fuchs', one door removed from corner of Front and Orange streets, was very badly damaged, but the sa loon, immediately on the corner, escaped such severe loss. Mr. Fuchs estimates his damage at about $3,000 to both, with an insurance of $3,975, divided among agencies as follows: J. VanB. Metta, $1,175; Walker Tay lor, $1,000; Jno. J. Fowler, $800. Tbe building in which these and another vacant store were situated belonged to Mr. O. F. VonKampen and was in sured with J. VanB. Metts for $1,500 and with Willard & Giles for $1,000. Mr. VonKampen says he is unable to estimate his loss on either this or the other building occupied in part by Hardin's pharmacy. The stock of drugs of Mr. J. EL Hardin was insured for $6,200, in the following agencies: J. H. Boatwright & Son. $1,900; J. VanB. Metts, $1,900; Willard & Giles, $1,250; Walker Tay lor, $1150. Mr. Hardin says it will take an inventory to determine the amount of his damage, but he fears that he is not fully protected by in- su ranee. Un tnat building Mr. Von Kampen had $5,000 insurance, with W. W. Hodges, $1,000; J. -H. Boat wright & Son, $2,000; Walker Tay lor, $1,000; Willard & Giles, $1,000. The damage to the household goods of the persons living up-stairs over the FucbV stores will likely approx imate about $300, with no insurance. Chief Schnibben, of the Fire De partment, said last night after a more thorough investigation that he was in. clined to the idea that the explosion was that of a tin keg partially filled with gun powderand stored in the of rear Mr. Fuchs' grocery store. SUMMER EXCURSION FROM ATLANTA. Delegation of Gate City Grbccrymea' May Come to Wrlfbtsville in Jane. . Messrs. H. E. Maddox, J. H. John son and L. B.- Morgan, prominent business men of Atlanta composing a delegation from tbe "Grocers' Associa tion of that city, arrived, in Wilming ton yesterday at noon over the Sea board Air Line railroad, and were ac companied by Mr. R. H. Tate, assistant general passenger agent of the a A. LLt and Capt T. D. Meares, general agent of the system at Wilmington. The delegation came to look over the. propriety of the running of an ex cursions by business men and others to Wrightaville Beach about tbe middle of June and the centlemen were taken down to the seashore yesterday. Members of the nartv expect to return to Atlanta this afternoon. If they decide to make Wrighls rille the place of their annual outing this year, it will mean much for Wil mington, as the class of people who will Visit the city, upon this occasion will be among the very best and most influential men of the Gate City. '. i "-BS"s,"ea--- In Honor of Miss SaUle McRee. ? Fayetteville Observer, 12th : VMiss Eillian Blocomb rave a most delight ful luncheon vesterdav in honor . of Miss Baffin j McRee, of Wilmington, and the Misses Cameron, of Lake Wao eamaw. :Mra.'Herbert LutterlOh ia en tertaining this afternoon in honor of her aiaterv Miss McRee." ; iDon't week. fail to visit Bender's (hit MARTIN'S DEFALCATION MORE THAN EXPECTED. Shortsge ia tbe Peaiteatiary Account $16,- 832.61 Appolotmeats by tbe Gov ernor Otber Matters. SpectcU Star Correspondence. RaiiEiaH, N. O, April 13. Gov. Ay cock, CoL P. M. Pearsall, private secretary, and Hon. Francis D. Win ston will go to Pinehurst this after noon to spend Sunday, the guest of Hon. Robt N. Page, of Alabama The hotel at Pinehurst and neigh boring reseats will close for the Win ter. season about May 1st The past season has been the most successful a the history of the tesorts. Several car loads, of people, who have been spending the Winter there, passed tDrougn isaieign yesterday en route to their Northern homes. A special committee on the part of the State Board of Education has de cided to require bonds aggregating $23,000 from bidderafor the contract tft innnlv the Urt Knnt. tn vmKlln' fhtoisrulJffttr :-fhe "Aycock school law. The sub commission reports very good pros-ress in their work of ex amining the books offered by differ ent publishers and say they will have tneir report ready, by April 23d. Capt. J. J. Bernard, of the Raleigh Light Infantry, has received a letter from the Wilson Light Infantry to the effect that they will send a detach ment May 10th to compete for the prize for the best individual drill. Grand Master M. W. Jacobi. of Wilmington, has been in the city for the past two days conferring with Grand Secretary Woodell with refer ence to the report to be submitted to tne wand i-odge ox Udd Jb allows when it convenes at Asheville May 14. Special Star Telegram. Raleigh, N. C., April 13. The leg- slative committee to examine the State treasury accounts and ascertain the shortage of Maj. Martin report the exact shortage of the penitentiary account $16,832.61. I was told yester day by members of the committee that would not be over $12,000. They had not then drawn a balance. The committee will continue the investiga tion until the accounts of all institu tions are examined. Martin says the other accounts had been short but he made them up out of the penitentiary account The Governor has appointed the fol lowing gentlemen delegates to the 28th national conference of Charities and Corrections to be held in Washington May 9th to 15th, inclusive: Dr. P. L. Murphy, Morganton ; Hon.' Thos. G. 8kinner, Hertford; Rev. J. B. Boone, Thomas ville; Dr. J. F. Miller, Golds boro; George W. Watts, Durham; Hon. John E. Wofdard, Wilson; Dr. John R. Woltz, DSbson; J. G. Siler, Franklin ; Parks Kilpatrick, Sandif er ; Dr. Charles Duffy, Newborn ; Capt. C. B. Denson, Dr. James McKee, Ra leigh. TEAM OFF TO RICHMOND. Will Open tbe League Season There To. morrow Manager Peschan Is Con fident of Maodaat Success. The boys who will do the honors for Wilmington on the diamond at Rich mond Monday will leave this morning via the Atlantic Coast Line, and will arrive at Virginia's capital at 7:22 o'clock this evening. The club will have headquarters at the Lexington Hotel, and will go twelve men strong. "I feel confident of success," Mana ger Peschau said last night in speak ing of the week's prospects. "We are reasonably certain of two of the' three games with Richmond, and some of my men say they will not be satisfied with less than three." The team will line up for Monday's game as follows s xnackara, eaten; Foreman, pitch; Stafford, captain and first base; Crockett, second base; War ren, third base; Clayton, short stop; Hollywood, left field; McGinnis, cen tre field; Cranston, right field. Re serves: Stewart, Allen and DeLaney. For the second game with Richmond Allen will go in the box andThackara will catch. Stewart who was expected on last night's 8. A. L. freight train from Monroe, will likely go in the box on the third day. The team had gymnasium practice yesterday; the grounds were too wet for field practice. League Umpire J. R- Davis yester dayreceived orders . from President Cunningham to proceed to Newport News and umpire the game there with Portsmouth. Monday. The other opening league game will be -Raleigh at Norfolk. Easter Music at St Jofaa's. 9 The Easter music at St John's Epis copal church will be repeated t the service this morning. The programme of music rendered by the choir last Sunday was perfectly beautifuL Those who will assist the regular choir will be Miss Emma West, Miss Piatt, Miss Muse, Miss Barnes and Mrs.- John Frank, whose sweet voices are too well known to be commented upon. CaroIIan Yacht Club. A special meeting, of the Carolina Yacht Club is called for Wednesday night, April 24th, at 8 o'clock in the Court House. Action will be taken on the "reserve fund," also on article 6, section 8 of the by-laws. -"A full at tendance is desired.- . xrc 'City ;SascrIner8' r'r ;r'?;; " . :'C5fcr subacftoera aj " earnestly re quested to report promptly at the Stab office, erery failure of the carriers to deliver their papers, lln all such cases steps .will be takes, to - Insure promp and regular iailiGTTM&Mk WHOLE NO. 10,500 PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. --Mr. W, T. Bryan left last evening for Warsaw, N. C. Rev. F. H. T. Horsfield left yesterday for Burlington, N. O. Mr. Jno. C. Bobbins, of Wash ington, N. C, is at The Orton. Mr. D. J. Bledsoe, of Autreyville, N. C , was a visitor to the city yester day. 5 Mr. and Mrs. -R. W. Wallace left yesterday to spend Sunday at Kenansville. Mrs. Ed. Kelley returned yes terday from a visit to friends at Co lumbia, 8. C. The Star had a visit yesterday from Mr. J. H. Downing, of Down ingsville, N. C. Misses Nellie and Elliott Em erson have returned to college near Baltimore after a visit home. Mr. G. W. Taylor, wife and two children, of Jacksonville, N. a; were guests at The Ortoa yesterday. Mr. J. M. Johnson, of Marion, a C, and E. A. Perry, of Chadbourn, N. C, were arrivals at The Orton yes- day. Mr. Boy Thomas has returned to Washington, D. C, where he has a position in the Coast and Geodetic Survey. Mr. Eugene Smith, one of the clever travelling salesmen of M. J. Corbett & Co., came in yesterday from a two week's business trip. Eev. D. P. McGeachy, of Bur gaw, 1 arrived in the city last even ing and will preach at the usual hours at St i Andrew's Presbyterian church to-day. Mr. M. W. Jacobi arrived home last night from Goldsboro where he attended a meetincr of the Board of Trustees of the Odd Fellow's Orphan Home. Capt. B. J. Fisher, of New York, and hia attorney, CoL Jno. N. Staples, of Greensboro, arrrived in the city last night to be present Monday at the Superior Court, in which they are interested in the case of W. E. Worth, receiver, against the Greens boro Ice and Fuel Co. PRESBYTERY AT CLINTON. Interesting Notes of the Session and of tbe Work Accomplished. Special Star Correspondence. Cuntok, N. C, April 13 Wil mington Presbyjy has been in session here since Wedfebsday, closing Friday night The opening 'sermon was preached by the last moderator, Bey. D. P. McGeachy. Rev. E. E.Lane, of Wilmington, was elected moderator by a unanimous vote. Much business of importance was before the body and was discussed enthusiastically. Re ports were made by the committees on Home and Foreign Missions, Educa tion, etc. The body was addressed by Dr. McKelway. of the Standard, by Dr. Harding, of Davidson College, by Dr. Butler, of the Brazilian Mission, and by Rev. E. Gillespie, of the Synod's Home Mission Board. The work of the Presbytery is in most excellent condition, the funds being largely in excess of those of any previous year. New mission points have been opened up and steps taken to reach the destitution of this section both from a religious and an educational point of view. The James Sprunt Institute is making astonishing pro gress and a committee was appointed to arrange for a school for boys. Dr. Wells, of Wilmingtonvand Rev. L. E. Wells, of Duplin county, were received into tbe Presbytery and a committee appointed for the installat tion of Dr. Wells as pastor of the Wilmington First church. Rev. R. M. Williams and Mr !C. H. Robinson were chosen deleg ates to , the General Assembly of the Presby terian church, which meets in Little ck. Clarkton was chosen as the place for tne rail meeting. Mucn nas been in praise of the good people of Clioon by the members of the Pres i&on by tOy. byteT Mil ery cheap this week at Reh- der's. t FUNERAL NOTICE. The fdheral services ot tbe late Mrs. Mabt Ansa Winton will be. conducted from Sr. John's Episcopal utrarcn at 4.30 o'ciock una (snnaar) aiiernoon. interment as uumug cemoiery. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Concord Chapter No, 1, R. A. M. COMPANIONS The regular Convocation will be bold Monday evening 8 o'clock. aprJ41t W. A. HASTEN, Secretary. Trip to Southport and Out io Sea. The steamer Wilmington will make a trlD to Soutnport and out to sea on Bandar. April 14th. Leaves at 10 A. JL, returning at 7 P. M. Fare 60o round tiip. .... pritit j. n.iiAiurwi. XJOTIOE. There will be a special meeting of the Carolina; Yacht Club Wednesday, April 24th, 1901, County Coun room, 8 P. M. Action will be taken on the "Reserve Fund;" also, on article 6, j Section 8 of the By Laws; Any mem ber having special business before this meeting will notify Purser at once. apl41t Purser. Tn Ti&rtt&hiA imiiMMi if there 1 a single Amttin. i... Kwlt f CtMl MET WHO Will not admit that I nave tbe flnert stock of goods ever shown la WPmtngton.. Tjm say one wbo Has either money or creuit wu, wi iTZZ, luZr 4nmmr Heeds." sell my fine goods at leas tnan ractoT;CflsW ;,,K s, oooooooeoo TERHS OF SUBSCRIPTIOli One TektV by- HnJl, 5.00$ Six , ZIontha, .' ;.": d Three ZXontha, . 1.85 5 Twononthi, 1.00' OeUvere4 to Subscribers 1st Site City at 45 Cents per Btombu ' oeoeoeoe NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. T a4 Our, Specialty. BUT WHEN YOU WANT ANY c CALL AT DEPARTMENT STORES, 4 68J steps East from corner Front and Princess Streets. Sen 'Phone 661. ' ap 14 tf Equally Successful. Topical Twist Cigar Is the comr n of tbe lncomparai uban Blossom Cigar. Not so In sfm or price, bnt quality there b e same:- otherwise. no difference.. luban Blossom Cigar, Sold by all Drngglsts. luban Blossom Cigar, Sold by all reliable Grocers. luban Blossom Cigar, 'Sold by saloons anasastanrants. Order these Cigars and you will do an increased business see. Guaranteed to sell or we own the Cigars. Yollers & Hasnagen, apr8ltf BOLK AaXNTS. SUMTER HOTEL, SUMTER, S. C. SHOES Good Article Real leap BH EillS 0. sssssaeBseasaaaassaaa) Announcement. f To our friends, enemies and strangers: On the morning of the 15th we are 1 .. going to do exactly what you want ua - toio throw open tne doors or our new Hotel Sumter. This isn't tbe biggest Hotel in the world. It isn't ; the b9st, but there is nothing better in South Carolina. The building ia new and so are the furnishings every stick; also brass and iron beds with felt mattresses. A number of rooms j : with private baths. The best lighted dining room in the Stale, and light isn't the only thing that gets on the , tables. The lobby and reading room . are both good. looking and they .will suit your taste, cut wnat we wane to r say is this: As above hinted we will n open on the 15tb, (Monday) but the f job is too big to be performed by . . couple or proprietors, w e want a ioi .-v of travelling men to help ua. We are 4 going to rurnisu you wiui a urak -supper and a band of music to help worry it down; were wm oe omer ac- ceptable things too ice water and -and but you want to come and see : and feel and hear for yourself. 1 Remember it's next Monday, Apru the fifteenth. Yours (to tell the truth) for what there is in it. PAREIRA & SOLOMONS. q Before You GET MY PRICES. E. M. ANDREWS, The Furniture Dealer, 117 SOUTH FRONT STREET, . Opposite Market House. ap 14 tf JAS. T. RILEY & CO., Dealers in Hard Wall Plaster, Lime, Cement. Briek. Agrl ewltnraJ Lime, Lsvad Plaster, Terra, Cotta. avad Chimney Hue Pipe. mar 81 tf tu fr su New River Unllets. $963.11 ia Choice Zlvllei. ' , $480)9 In Whits ZXuUet. - $78.40ria 25e Tobacco. $59.80 in 'Tin Cup Tobaeeo. $311.60 ia Schnapps Tobaeeo. $104.O5 la Early Bird Tobacco. , $55.60 la Xioag; Horn Tobaceo. $69.50 ia Red Horse Tobacco. $46.80 ia Bis; Tobacco. ; $850.90 ia Lombardy Clfrars. , wecot close for cash. Just as glad to sen on time. . J-j- V. B. COOPER, Wholesale Groesr, : apistf Adnuniiitrator's ITotico. I bave-thls day quallfled before tbe clerk of i BuTOrtor OouriE of New Hanover county as iTninlstrator. cum testameato annezo, of Mrs. " mrJr.vR.auL deceased, anai nereo rii.MMi. iiMteMed to her estate to make earl: MAniL iui en Mrsons ha vine claims aaainst said estate to praeens ju.iw toners, Bellamy Bellamy, duantoentt- ; cated. on or before tbe 1st day of ApriLlSwa, er ; this notice will be pieaaea in oar oz toeir re-. Thla fhM MM flV Of MaMh. 1901. ' ' " - A' ' - - -- - THOS.S.DA Administrator O. TwA.pt Mrs. Mickey B. el Buy -mi '44 !--'- 'A Hi