; . Xrv.' '''i.-O-; v- j i-? fj&- v.. That i asiioa- TATE. i A' OUTLINES f the Galveston vinAsbeville,N. lral appraisers L United States is justi- u . intervailinar .nt has ordered with orca which a German pediUon was prePrin in Florida r xoruu" r-detBolished several houses; ri. killed na lul" . K Doll appointed " t of the Seaboard Air ! lament's exhibit axposi011 practically rZ Pearson Hobson 8""" , Airni- Tjuwioe ... " . o nubllC. a ac Arthur Peace ne- Lord Kitchener 6m have been resumed. KermeFirstNaUonal CEpa, arrested for em- i AAA Mlin " tr Olinda damaged by Thin New York harbor. in Eist Tennessee jairkets: aonrv wu (fi percent, the last loan stF' cent coUon ,ew feature, merely noia- prices; wheat-spot nrm, jflMe corn , spot dull; io. - oujci ,jrits turpeatioe easy at Ueb report. feDBtOTAGEIOCLTUEB, Ustos.N.C, Aprd 13. 6 degrees; maximum, bo ae Uam,B5de?res; mean, 60 fay, Mforthe day, .5; rainian W the month to date, 1.98 Inter In the Cape Fear river Mia it 8 A. U 9 2 feet. MiRMIOS BCLLETIS. in have fallen in the East i ud portions of the South fees Frosts are reported VGilTeston, New Orleans Wt disHcu. BOBS WARNING. toiiDK legrsEto-. . receivea I, at the Weather Bureau jet: ''Change storm signals to k The storm is central over iMC.rolija. Will move ast with iucreasin intensity, finds shifting by 3atur piW Qor hweil gales. X8CA3! FOB TO DAY. pros, April 19 For North Eiia Saturday ?ith clouds hponioa. Sanday fair and 1$ northwesterly winds. kilaac April 20. t:.;:..::.. 5 21 A. M. 6.38 P. Jd 13H. 17 M N tt South port. 8 52 P M. wWUmingotn. 11 22 P. M. kTork mb has iETented a Saand think3 be bas a p fortune in it. President ' Steyn was re of the the preaidennv .eeStat e, he had no oppo- iun 13 asked '-Why the . . . t failed?" Probably leooldn't.get the twist on r'wai 8ome nf th ntl,o m vuv V WUwl V. T f" womu, of Venezuela. rwaaa savin r t.ht P.;. 0ttf 112,000 salary tw jearB $2,000, didn't saw u a v.. piohack it doesn't maVo face. wopopulatioa of Cuba wViifr not P6r cent t . Milner, 'jovernor of lolony, J health. is going to The Boers ixucnener wm.h may have ""n ni8 ffoinsr to doctored. u n '0 put t, Thompson uuunr.r t -VM. mat iney aemized with a. ;'"oaoutf5 worth o u not watch- Near, i i a i i - -wrus it in Da anon a ad iVin ?0methiK. The 1 5 hu ha;r arre8ted hdfc af.bor court ... cj traa bptii- t,v , uukli bO m the other for 60 VOL. LXVHI.-NO. 25. NEW ADVKBTISEMENTB D. -L. Gore Co. Dried annlea. J.W. Plummer, Jr-Try my iea cream upera nouse-Uy Friend from India. LOCAL DOTS. rwo to one 13 a score that the National League might he proud of. Foreman came to the fore yes terday.. Well, he man e&ouffh ' to do it. .1 v:. i The WUmington "Qianta,, measured up to their full height yes terday. , " ; - . . . ; What the base ball enthusiasts will do for the street can VnnH.. "will be a plenty." j - - " Eer. T. H. Leavitt willsTieak at the men's meeting at the Y. M. a A. 8unday afternoon. I Bey. A. D. McClore will preach at PearsalTa school hontA in I noon. ! Grand representatives from the several K. of P. lodges in the city wui leave next week to attend the Grand Lodge at Greensboro. 1 Messrs. S. L. Smith and C. W. Suggs are engaged in putting in metal skylights for the American Pine Fibre Company at Cronly, N. ci xx. xxanDj. the pro- pnetor, is having the Atlantic View Hotel at Wrightsville sound .repaired and put in order for the coming sea sou. I The steamer Wilmington will make her usual trip to 8outhport and to sea on Sunday. The regular Summer schedule will be effective May 10th. The barque Wayfarer clear- ed yesterday with naval stores for London from the 8. P. 8hotter Company ; the schooner C. C. Lane from cleared for Boston with lumber the Cape Fear Lumber Company. Decided improvement-is being made to the appearance of the cigar emporium of Mr. H. J. Gerken on Front street Oak finishings will be put in the -interior of the store and the front will be red with aluminum trimming. ' j i The pine fibre plant at Cronly is said to be consuming large quan tities of straw just now which is be ing shipped in bales from all this see tion of country. Only the j green straw is used and numbers of people are finding profitable employment in the industry. I ' " BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR. Matter of Expesses of City Was Dlscstsed for Nearly Four Hjprs by the Fiaance Board - . i The C:ty Board of Audit snd Finance spent nearly Tour bonrslast night in the ' consideration of the budget for the expenses of the munici pality for the fiscal year, as adopted by the Board of Aldermen Wednesday night, but nothing definite was de cided upou, and another special meet ine will be held soon, at wnich it is hoped to complete the work. At the meeting last night all mem bers of the Board were present except Mr. 9 P McNair, who was too unwell to attend. Among the matters discussed was the question of a raise in the pay of ser geants of police from $1.60 per day and ten cents per day for uniform to $1 75 per day and ten cents per! day for uniform. Nothing.- however, was definitely decided upon, and I an ad journment was taken subject to call of Chairman McQueen. The Wroox Nerrq. Policeman H. H. Woebte returned yesterday morning from Goldsporo where he went to identify a negro arrested there on suspicion of having been the assailant of Mr. Chaaj Biehter a few night ago. Mr. Woebse couitt not identify the negro as the one wanted and returned home 1 without the Drisoner.- Mr. Biehter has offered a rrd nf 125 for the arrest or me h mm negro, whose name is John Avery. Cspt. "Wash" Lamb. Goldsboro Argus: "Mr. J. W. Lamb, who baa moved his residence to il nurchased " lot on J ohn street, is now having brick placed on the lot from which be moved nia ho,i renaratorv to the erection of ' " - ' livery sUbles. He has sold his uvery table loL the scene of the recent fire. to Messrs. Best & Thompson, who will occupy it with store rooms." Official VUltstloa to SL Jsmes. The Bt. Bev A. A. Watson P. D., Bishop of the Diocese of jast Caro lina, will make his official visitation to SL James Parish on Sunday morn inir at the 11 o'clock service. The class for confirmation, in the absence of a regular minister connected with the parish, will be presented to the bishop by the Bev, James Carmichaei, u.-v. Dean of this con vocation. Asslr nmeot St Red Spriaf s. Lumberton "Rcbesonian: Messrs. W. H. Carr & Co., hardware, mer chants, of Bed Springs, have made an assignment, naming Mr. - John xx Cook, of Maxton, assignee. (The 'at-' sets, we are informed are largely in excess of liabilities.: Workers of the Roads. The municipal : conrt yesterday moraine resulted in six recruits being sent tn ioln the county roads force at rwu ffivnM for 20 days. - Five of them were arrested Thursdsy night as nmnti and the other ' negro was sent up for assault and battery.' ; 'TWAS TAR'UEEL DAY WUmington Defeated Portsmouth and Raleigh Did Same for Newport News. BOTH SCORES: TWO TO ONE. t uremia riicnea Msrsifleent n.m. A. Qitots, Who Now Take Second Place In LesraeNo Game at Rlch moad Other Notes. - tkstkrday's oahes. 0 - mwwamv ivi Wilmington, 2; Portsmouth. 1. naxeign, z ; jn ewpoi t News, 1. t- (No game, rain.) WitERB THEY PL1.Y TO-DAY. Wilmington at Portsmouth, - sieigh at Newport News, v Norfolk at Richmond, x BTAxmnfa of thx clubs. ' Norfolk ... i .-. v rtr 4 -0--i.00 wuminffton 2 .2 .600' .400 .400 .40Q .833 Newport News 8 8 3 8: 2 Kalelgh .... i. 3 Portsmouth.... 9 Richmond ...... ... . l Perhapsthe most magnificent exhi bition of baseball seen in the Yirgina- Carolina League this ' season was the game at Portsmouth yesterday after noon in which . the Giants from Wil mington wrested the honors from the local ' team in the extremely close score of two to one. "Brownie Foreman was in the box for the Giants and was evidently, at his very best, for he allowed only one Portsmouthian to claim a hit, while the Giants easily got nine on Voltz and should have piled un runs at a much more lively rate than they did. But the winning of the game is enough to give Wilmington second place in the League and Manager Peschau has already served notice on Norfolk that the "waters will be troubled up around first place, when the Skippers meet the Giants on the field of battle week after next, if in deed, some of the other teams in the League don't, before that time, reduce the 1,000 per cent, that the Norf olkites have succeeded in maintaining since the opening of the League. In the game yesterday at Portsmouth neither team was able to score until the fifth inning, when there was one for each side. The Giants followed this secord with another score in the sixth, and Portsmouth was unable to do likewise and nothing but goose eggs were chalked up on the board thereaf ter. It took Baleigh ten innings to ad minister the same defeat to the "Ship builders," of Newport, but "King' Kelley's boys finally did it, and Wil mington was glad to know of their good luck. . The score by innings in the Wil mington-Portsmouth game yesterday was as follows: SOOBX BT HfNUTGS. 12S456789 R H. E. Portsmouth ..000010000 1 1 0 Wilmington, .0000 110 0 02 9 1 Batteries Voltx. and Westlake; Al len and Cranston. Umpire Staley. 0a Other Diamonds Yesterdsy. At Newport News 12345678910 RHI News Ham'nO 100000000 1 71 Baleigh. 1000000001 2 58 Batteries Leonard. Bowden and LeGrand; ulagle and Foster. At Richmond- No game with Norfolk on account of rain. Some Stray "Hlxh Balls." Umpire J. R. Davis, of Wilmington, is omciaung wis wee a at ixowiwi News. Thursday in the game with Ra leigh, Manager Ashenback of the New port team, who is also a player, began to "mouth about a decision in the first inning as to the number of strikes on him. Umpire Davis quickly re tired him from the game on this ac count. The Wilmington Giants "flushed with victory will arrive in the city to-morrow. The Richmond team will likely get here to-morrow morning or evening via the JL O. L. It is not known what umpire will officiate at the game here. Allen, who has been christened the boy wonder," will go in the box for the Giants for the final game with Portsmouth to day. t,Tacks is; a winner and a hard worker. Virginia sent the news out early in the. season that "Tacka" couldn't pitch. "Tacks' got the news soon after he came to Wilmington and will make a desperate effort to show them to the contrary. He made a successful attempt in that direction at Richmond Monday. The srame was received by innings at the store of the Fishblate Clothing Company yesterday afternoon and ex cited no end - of interest. Bulletins will be received again to-day at the aame dace. Vorhees is expected to day or to morrow from Charlotte, and will like ly go in the box for one of the games with Richmond next wees Richmond is still stickling lor clean hall nlavine. In the game witn nor . '' mi I- : 4 Via folk tnere on launuaj nauMMn vflt unmanageable, lhe u.i n - nixoatch savs : " "- The fact that the promoters of the Virginia Carolina Base; Ball League intend to nave oieu .. the season of 1901 or none at all was Vtl t.tA mt nmnuA street tark ves- roonUmpUCfckehad Saorders, and he carried them out with" firmness. -At the beginning of r.atX. innn. Mnllnn talked back to the umpire, r He was cautioned and when he tf--yi35f-out of the game and off of the field. It first he did not go,7Wt when the umpire began to count time he-made -Xrin Vanairer Ouamngbam f orTBroad itreet tl-ftj-" remarks -at tne umpiiy. .rrrr um nnt riMat.7 and was to leave i protested, .Kt iff - Clarkewas -firm. acUon met wiUx the hearty, p- al of the specUtor , . ; VI4I - . His proval WILMINGTON, N. CM SATURDAY, APRIL 20, Six hundred people saw the irame with Wilmington at - Portsmouth Thursday. The Landmark. : in Hrton re- i me strong team" of the league.s The game, it is further stated, was fast and particularly well played, consid ering the chilly atmosphere. A gentleman well informed in base ball matters called the attention of a reporter last night to the fact that- Wilmington beat Portsmouth yester day in exactly the same score that Portsmouth beat Boston, of the Na tional League, in the practice came there about ten days ago. MIXED FOURSOME TOURNAMENT. Plsyed at the Cspe Fear Golf dab Uflks . Yesterday Altcrnooa. Members of the Cape Fear Golf Club played a mixed foursome tourna meOfc yesterday afternoon. The first rfize was wpn by Mr, and Mrs. T. M. Emerson. -The second prise was 1 U vided between Capt, and Mrs. ' Lucas, and Mr. W. W. Merrell and Miss Calder, who came out a tie. The entries and scores were as fol lows: Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Emerson, 60. handicap, f, net 55; Capt. and Mrs. K- W. VanO Lucas, 66, handicap, 10, net 56; Mr. W. W. Merrell and Miss Mary Calder, 61, handicap, 5, net 56; Mr. W. A. Biach and Miss Eenly, 72, handicap, 12, net 60; Mr. J. J. Blair and Miss Lucas, 66, handicap, 2. net 64;Mr.T.W. Davis and Miss Anna Peck, 85, handicap, 5, net 70. - Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson will meet the winners of the second trial four some, to be played on the 27th inst, in a final on May 4th. The ladies' single handicap tourna ment will be played this afternoon. Silver cups will be presented to the winners in the tournament this after noon, also to the winners in the men's annual tournament on May 4th, and the foursome finals on the same day. MET YSSTERDAY M0RNINQ. Cspe Pear Chspter Daafbters of the Con- federscy Were ia Session. Cape Fear Chapter, Daughters of the Confederacy, held its regular monthly meeting at 11 o'clock yester day morning, instead of in the after noon, on account of the "Old Maids' Convention," which was given last night under the auspices of the Chap ter. All the officers and a large num ber of mambers were present. Five new members were vnrolled, swelling the membership to over a hundred. The Memorial Committee reported that all arrangements have been com pleted for the Memorial celebration on May 10th. The orator of the day will be Capt 0. B. Denson, of Baleigh. - The Chapter favorably discussed the matter of giving an entertainment for the benefit of the Wilmington Light Infantry. It will probably be held this Spring. The Museum Committee made a satisfactory report. The museum will be open every Friday afternoon, and visitors will be welcomed. TWO CELESTIALS IN TROUBLE Chinamen Hid a Fight nnd They Were Brought Into a Magistrate's Conrt Lem tfu, a Chinaman running a laundry on Market street, got into a fight with Lum. Sing, a Front street Chinaman Thursday afternoon and it resulted in the appearance of both Celestials before Justice Fowler yes terday morning. Of course his honor could not catch on to, all the expres sions used, yet he grasped the evi de ca sufficiently to handle the ease. Lem Fu, the defendant, entered the laundry of the plaintiff, Lum Sing, and Sing "dunned" him for $75 which he said he owed. Fu became indig nant, pulled a pistol from his pocket 1 . l Oil. I 1 IM.. ana situck oiag over uio uewi. more was something doing for a few min utes, and when Fu found himself he was in sole possession of the, shop. Sing didn't like the turn of affairs and hsd his fellow countryman arrested, jru was bound over to the Criminal Court in two cases, one for assault and battery and the other for carry ing a concealed weapon. He gave a $35 bond for his appearance. Cop Presentation Monday Night, A reception will be given at the Y. M. O. A. Monday evening to the mem bers and lady friends of the associa tion, and at which, time the Zoeller cup will he presented tonne xoung Men's basket team. ' A programme of music is arranged for . the occasion. The basket bail game announced for Monday night between the "longs' and "shorts" has been declared off, as they could not obtain qse of the City HalL Hence the basket ball season is at an end. " Sales of Property. - Two real estate transfers were re corded at the Court House yesterday as follows : ' . '": ".. Robert . Ruark, commissioner, to Thos. J. Gore, property 130x44 feet, on Dock street between Seventh and Eighth; consideration, $855. : . De Leon Fillyaw et aL to Margaret O. Heyer, property 66x185 feet, on the northeast corner of Third and uiaaen streets ; consideration, $750. City SebscrOers.. jOity suhscriDers are earnestly re- j quested to report promptly at the Stab office every, failure or ine earners w deliver their papers. In all such cases step ;wiU; be taken' to 1bm promp and., regular delivery r; i-i For loopinnr Oourjh -cth- uso OHE IIBx'O pEOTOBAlTT. f tty T ' . ENJOYABLE MEFM Old Maids' Convention- Largely Attended . Last 5 Night and Thoroughly Amusing. NEAT SUM WAS REALIZED. Cast of Characters Was Large1 and Com- - pany Under Direction of Miss Dnnkel i Entertained Cleverly For the Daughters of Confederacy. The Convention of Old Maids at the Opera House last night was-a success beyond measure and it was witnessed by a peeked house. The Convention was given- for the benefit of the Daughters of the Confed eracy and was under the direction of Miss Dunkel, to whom much praise is due fpr the. excellence of the; perf orav 'uiTt-S.. "ptgiymme-si-' splendidly rendered and those who took part acquitted themselves most creditably. The audience was highly entertained from bearinning to end and some of the situations were most ludicrous and amusing, causing very hearty applause. After a sweet overture by Mus Alice Small bones on the violin,' accompa nied by Miss Fannie Corbett, the Old Maida marched down the aisle in couples, and after the most endearjng greetings took their positions on the stage. The costumes were very effec tive and the proceedings of the meet ing were" extremely amusing. The motto of the assembly, "While there is life there is hope," was prominently suspended. Of the many reports read, the "market report," by Miss Tallulah DeRosset, excited the most interest. . When "Prof. Makeover" and his as sistants were introduced there was great excitement among the old maids and the results brought about by the "remodeloscope," were very pleasing and in each instance beautiful. The Convention was attended by the fol lowing: Dramatis Persosav Josephine Jane Green, president, (Mrs. Geo. E Leftwich); Roviley Abigail Hobbs, secretary, (Miss Belle Anderson) ; Ruth Jane Seek-no fur ther, treasurer, (Miss Ruth Coving ton.) CLUB MEMBERS Peachy Pinky White, (Miss Louise DeRosset) ; Mehltable Schreppenheiser, (Miss Tallulah DeRosset); Jane Maria Coy, (Miss 8. L. Parsley) ; Sophronia Araminta Long, (Miss Elizabeth Rob inson); Gloriana Gadabout, (Miss Emma Morton); Violet Anne Twad dles, (Miss Mary Harper) ; Charity Longf ace, - (Miss Lois Stanley) ; Charity Anne Hopkins, (Miss Mary Wootten) ; Nerissa EtheliBodkins,(Miss Carrie Casaux) ; Jessica Juliet Bmith, (Miss, Marie Whitney); Sophronia Stuckup, (Miss Mary Lewis) ; Saman tha Hoggins, (Miss Anne M. New bury); Portia Olivia Bennett, (Miss L. O. Wootten) ; Penelope Gertrude Doolittle; (Miss Kate Borden); Frances Lucretia Lasthope, (Miss M. Clara Woodward); Priscilla Axe-me quick, (Mrs 8mitb); Lu- cinda Maria Scraggb, (Miss Jones); Anxiety. Electro finer, (Miss Lavinia Gillican); Gloriana Celeate Popover, (Miss Harriet French) ; Clara Arabel la Prentice Price, (Miss Emma West) ; Professor Makeover. (Mr. Chas. Mc- Millen) ; Assistants, (Mr. H. West and Mr. J. G. Cotcbett) ; The Man, (Mr. Bradleigh). MAKEOVERS. - Bride, (Miss Kate Jiaffltt); Beciter, (Miss Hattie Taylor); Soloist, (Mrs., Tom Jones); Dancer, (Miss Bessie Gore) : Violinist. (Miss Alice SmaH- bones); Whistler, (Miss Otten). Statue Poses. 1. Harmony. 2. Toilet of the Bride. 3. Our Flag. 4. Looking Backward. 5. Home. Sweet Home. 6. Sweet Slumber. ' .Misses Belden, Lewis, DeRosset, VanDyke, Gillican, Harper, Humph reys, White. French, West, Munds, Grftican, Bowden, Bmall bones. The statue poses in part second were exquisite and most effective. Each scene was perfectly beautifuL The affair was very creditable indeed. and furnished abundant amusement and entertainment fo the very large audience that ventured out in the very disagreeable weather to witness it. MY FRIEND FIg)M INDIA.; The Next and Uort Regular Offering at the - ' Opera House Monday Nightthe Sale of Seats. .... The next and last regular offering at the Opera House will be what is said to be a clever farce, "My Friend from India, presented by the original Myron B. Bice Comedy. Company, headed by Miss May Yokes, who created the part of TilIy, the German maid, in tne initial nerformance at the Bijou Theatre in New York city, and played by her more than one thousand times since. - "My . Friend from India," is light and insubstantial as the fabric of dream.-but enjoyable withal, as some Hmami hannen ''to be. wherefore, those who appreciate its qualities must visit the theatre for themselves and discover hnw cl&verlv the author has worked out the -funny situations that abound all - through" the play. The mirror rme. which is the niece de resistence of the farce, is alone worth the price of . . m m - a " .1 admission to inose seeaing a . noaxijr laugh, and there are many other ludio Aiib nitoationa. The eomnanv sur rounding Miss Vokes is exceptionally wl . and includes John J)'. Ward, Tnte Vrohman. Sidney Lee; "Lewis Peters, Millard .Simpson, Wm. T. AnnL Frank HalL Oscar Luckstone, Rose - Tapiy, Maude, Why te, Krmna Chase and Edna Ewen. A musical di rector ir carried by the company, for th eomet internretation of the music I for the many vaudeville features.- , 1 Wte am on sale this morning at 1901. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Dr. B. R. Graham, of Wallace, was here yesterday. Mr; H. E. Wells, of Columbia, arrived in the city last night Dr. and Mrs; C D. Bell left yesterday for a trip to Baltimore. Prof. M. C. S. Noble came down from Chapel Hill yesterday evening. Mrs. J. B. Mercer and child came home last night from xiocay Point. Miss Louise Moore, of Kins- ton, returned noma yesterday after a visit in the city, the guest of her uncle, Mr. O. H. O'Berry. Miss Maude Mearea, of Clark- ton, N. C, is visiting .in ttte city, the guest of her aunt, JMLrs. R B. Stone, ' No. 123 South 8ixth Street. -Mrs. 'Si E. Smith, No. 517 Nortbr Fourthstreet; isr; critieaWy-ill.- Her son. Dr.? Smith, of Maxton, hab been telegraphed to come to her bed side. FAYETTEYILLE MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS Anti'Admiolstrstloo Committee Names Ticket Against Thst of the Primsries. Szecial Star Correspondence. Fayetteyille, April 20. At a meeting of the anti Administration Committee last night the following municipal ticket for this city was agreed upon : For' May or Senator J. D. McNeill. FOB ALDERMEN. First Ward Messrs. Datus Jones and Thos. H. Maultsby. Second Ward Joseph Barnes and MikeFolb. . Third Ward D. A. McMillan and R. G. Haigh. Fourth Ward James F. Johnson and John Thomson. Fifth Ward R. H. Buckingham and James G. Hollinesworth. Sixth Ward Samuel H. Strange and John Tr Williams. ' Seventh Ward Joseph B. Under wood, Jr., and W. E. Kyle. The Board of Audit and Finance and the Executive Committee are to be selected at an adjourned meeting to be held soon. The date for the ratification of the ticket nominated has been fixed for Wednesday, 24th inst. EARLY STRAWBERRY SHIPMENTS. Mr. A. Boweo, of Long Creek, Claims to be First. 1 Special Star Correspondence. Long Creek, N. April 18. Please correct an error. It was Allie Bo wen, of Long Creek, that made the first shipment of strawberries, on the 14th inst. and not M. M., Bullard, of Montasue. Said berries were shipped to W. P. Ireland, Philadelphia, and were sold for 40 cents per quart. Also, Mr. Bowen has shipped an additional crate to-day. April 18th, to the same house. Church Notices. Bladen Street Methoo Church Bev. J. J. Porter will preach at 11 A. M., and at toe evening service. Chanel of the Good Shepherd, Sixth and Queen streets. There will be the usual services on Sunday at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday Bcnooi at o'cioca in tae arcernoon. Southslde Baptist Church, corner Fifth and Wooster streets, Bev. K. H. Herring, pastor. Services 11 o'clocK A. M. and 7.83 P. M. Sunday School at 8 P. M. Prayer meeting service every Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. First Presbyterian Church: Divine service at 11 A. M. ami 8 00 P. M., conducted by the rtor. Bev. J. w. Wells. Sunday School at 3.45 M. Prayer meeting on Thursdays at 8 P. M. The public cordially invited. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, corner Fourth and Campbell streets, Bev. Alex. D. Mc- uiure pastor. Baooaia services a 11 a. jo. ami 7.45 P. M. Sabbath School at 3 83 P. M. Prayer meeting and lecture Wednesday at 8 P. M. The public cordially Invited. Seats free. BeliKlons services will be conducted at the Seamen's Bethel to-morrow (Sabbath) after noon at 3 o'clock, by Bev. a. D. McCiure. Seamen and rlvermen are especially invited. All are welcome. Brooklyn Baptist Church, corner Fourth and Brunswick streets. Bev. J. J. Payseur. pastor. Services to-morrow at 11 A. M. and 8 P. U. Sunday School at 3.30 P. M. Weekly prayer ana praise meeung rveanesuay at a r. m.. Strangers and visitors are cordially Invited to au services. Fifth Street Methodist Church, situated on Street Methodist Church, situated on treet between Nun and Church, Bev. loXlAXhhft. Fifth street between nun and Church, Bev. John h. at 11 A. nesdav evenlmr at 7.30 o'clocK. sundav Sunday afternoon at 8.00 o'clock. A cordial In vitation exwnaea to an. Grace M. E. Church, corner or urace and Fourth streets. Pastor, Bev. J. N. Cole. Ser vices Sundav at 11 o'clock a. m. and 7.45 d. m. Sundav SchooL W. B. Coooer. snnt 8.80 n. m A cordial welcome to alL Visitors to the city weeuv nraver meeians weanesoav a s.uu u. m. especially invited, beats rree. NEW ADVEBTISBMENTS. MONDAY, APRIL 82. Myron B. Rice Comedy Co., Presenting H. A. DuSouohet's Side Crack r . .. tog Farce.. . MY FRIEND FROM INDIA With MAT VOKXS in her original character ... . - en riujr. in ooniunctlon with a number of nigh class vaudevuie specialties. , . apivst DRIBD APPLES. ; we hare about seventeen hundred pounds of nice Dried Apples. Send us your orders. 2,000 Kegs Nails. ' 300,000 Pounds Hoop Iron. 60 Barrels Glue. 10 Barrels Bungs, -250 Bags Grits. 80O Bagf Meal. I.50O Bags Corn. . ; Send ns your orders. .. - ... - ' " D. L. GORE CO., WHOLESALE apsotr GROCERS, Wilmington. R, C. To Our Cakes are made the same as vou make them at home; so saye yourself the trouble and 3 BuVhemrfor Easter at 7Ar,r.HrS STEAL1 HUBERT mm 82 North Front Btwet. IBP WHOLE NO. 10,505 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. We will hare another consignment ot First- class Harness, Saddles and general purpose Horses, and also a lot of GOOD MULES FROM THE SOUTHERN LIVE 8TOCK CO , which win arrive hre about April 85th; To make room for them we will sell the stock we have oh hand at very low prices. It yon want a Horse. Boggy or Set' ot Harness cheap call at - S. .DAVIS' LIVERY STABLES sos, 810 Market Street. Both Thones. - aplStt Try My Ice Cream. Very Best $100 Per Gallon, Chocolate and Vanilla. Bananas. Apples, Oranges, Pineapples and fresh C000 ANTJTS. J. W. PLUMMER, Jr. Inter-State 133. Bell 'Phone 689. an 0 tr IDEAS IN FURNITURE. PerhaDs von have not thoueht that almost as mnch time fa devoted to the worklns ont of designs as there la to the making or the furni ture. "Sou will realize this when you examine the Une of Parlor, Bedroom, Dining Boom and Library Suites shown here. There is grace, beauty and strength In every carve. Our little prices are great aids to possession. HUNE0E & KELLY, No. 17 South Front street. Bell 'Phone 115. anr 16 tf NORTH CAROLINA, New Hanover County, In the Superior Court. . w. j&.err - vs. Notice oCSale Under Execution. H. G. Wadley. ) By virtue of an execution directed to me, the nndersimied. from the Suoerlor Court of Samp son county, said State, I will, on Monday, the 6th day ot May, 1901, at It o'clock M.. at the Court House door of New Hanover county, sell to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said execution, all the right, title and interest which toeeaid H G. Wadley has in the following de scribed property, to-wit: - Ail mat tract or parcel oi tana euuaie in wie county of New Hanover, said State, on the west side of the northeast braxca of the Cape Fear river, beginning on the bank of said river at a stone marked (P), being, the northeast corner of a tract of land belonging to Powers, Gibbs & Co. upon which tneir worts ana Duuoing are situate; and running thence due west W3 3-10 feet to another stone marked (P), thence north 1278 7-10 feet to another stone marked (P), thence dne e8t S03 2 10 to another stone marked (P) standing on the bank of said riv-r and thence Boutnwaraiy aown tne river aaa wun mm mar gin thereof to the beginning, with aU the right ot entry, rights of way and other easements Incident to the land, together with the entire Saw Mill Plant outfit and fixtures situate upon the above described tract of land and all bld- lngs thereon known as the Pyke uo.'s saw Mia. Dated this aotn day or Marcn, nam. FRANK H. STEDMAN, mqf305t sa Sheriff New Hanover County. ' ; : rlll Till. rLUUtt, 2 PAT. FLOUR, STRAIGHT FLOUR, 1 Sugar, Molasses, Syrup, Corn, Oats, Meal, Grits, &c, In stock, not to arrive. Your or ders very much appreciated. Special attention paid to consign ments.- S. r. dcflAIR. ap 19 tf Vremtk and. Fine Saratoa Chips, Something yon have been asking for. Burn ham's Extract Beer Wine and Iron. Extra quality of Corned Beef, Spiced Pickles. Stuffed Mangoes, Bed Admiral Beans, save . von tried them? if not. yon have- missed a treat, sure melt In your month. - . - . For tne best Butter-Fox River, Clover ufll Fop the Finest Flonr- MYSTERY CALL ' . . S. W. SANDERS. At The Unlucky Corner, or Brooklyn Branch. apr 7 tf W JbLS TTAYE . Dried and Canned Fruits Vegetablea Zlolasses, Syrup, Salt and Canned Fish and Heats, v An of which the Spring trade demands.' vmmoo nvntii. Truckers, a little ; higher than someotbera, bnt your stuff, brings toes left a reduced prices to otose at, .- ttat.t, & PEAE.0ALL, . "WHOLESALE GROCERS, aVatr - . " Nutt ana Knjberry g . MMgisa 0660006000000600 TIRL1S OF SUBSCRIPTION Oas Ts,,; by tLall, $9.i Six Menthsv 7 BJ50 Tarest ZXontns, M f , Two XXontfcs, v ' 1,00 Dsllvereal So 8naerlbrs In'tsM City a 45 Csnta per BKoKth. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. T Our Specialty. BUT WHEN YOU ANY WANT CALL AT mmvm stores, r ; 63i steps East from corner Front and Princess utreets. BeU 'Phone 661. aplitf- Equally Successful. Topical Twist Cigar Is the comi on ot the incompam Cuban Blossom Cigar. Not so large in size or price, but quality there Is tne e same: otherwise, no difference. Cuban Blossom Cigar, Sold by all Druggists. Cuban Blossom Cigar, Sold by all reliable Grocers. Cuban Blossom Cigar, Sold by Saloons and Restaurants. Order these Cigars and you will do an increased business see. Guaranteed to sell or we own the Cigars. Vollers & Hasbagen, apr 14 tf SOLE AGENTS. SEASONABLE GOODS. MULLETS, new catch. Best Cream Cheese, Martin's Gilt Edge Butter, Bagging and Ties. SALT. A eEHSBAL LIKE OF OA8& OOOD3 IN DEMAND AT THIS SEASON. Sole agents for ROB BOY FLOITB. LlGlIAIR & FEARS ALL. sen Before You Buy GET MY PRICES. E. M. ANDREWS; The Furniture Dealer, E117 SOUTH FBONT BTBXET, . r . ' Opposite Market Bouse. ap 14 tf WE CAN SUPPLY TOUB NEEDS, 10,000 SACKS. SEED POTATOES of tne BEST quality. variety . and Seed Oats, Seed Rye. Fertilizers of all makes and grades. Inquiries and orflers solicited. - The Worth Co. fsbsstt - - - Nev River Uullets. $963.11 in Choice ZXnUei. $48.09 in WhltaZInlUt. $78.40 in 25c Tobaveco. 'K $59.80 in Tin CnpToba $811.60 in Schnapps Tobsveeo. $104.06 In ; Early Bird Tobaceo. v $55.60 in Long tlorn Tobaeeo. . $69.60 in Bed Soria Tobacco. $45.80 in Big 4 Tebaeco. ' $250.90 in Lombardy Cigars. We eat close for cash. Just as glad to sett on time. . - W. B. COOPER,; J Wholesale Qroeer, - 808,810. sis Nutt street anistr - wilmrnBton.N.0. . To Our Patrono! 7 ' :Jt - While our business has been temporarOy suspended toy . reason of the damage in- 7 curred toy flrs, wears making every effort -' to get the business In good shape, and we are again ready to serve yon,as hsntofors, - to the best of oar ability..: ::. ' ' our temporary quarters will be next door ' to the old stand, '' - ' sr5?-'fs w ;v T' " : . . Bargains' In Soap, Perfumery, Brashes. . .. - combs and many other Toilet articles, -r . - J. B. HABDIN. 1 Both Thones, No. 55 . ap lStt SHOES mm i . More Salt . 1

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