I "4 : ! " . . . . ; : - " Mlisbed in I f ... O j .-;is to increase , to approximately If rprant COld "J UUle ijarF in North a w . mrs. One W left Greensboro yes PiaWe5t Virginia coal ( run Pjrtusnao, 01 mo V :.,inn. says ninety-nine Ce Gubaa people desire 'Cadence. A sUte 3,ire "a hooorof th. lcers at the WhUe V.. visaed the State L. vr.chinetoa that his 'VUael has been alto- .nroDe- Ctotton ' ods seriously damaged m nf South Carolina. t .uwina wiJl ffive l :r f.-irirn trooDS jieioers T. thousand a xr th bandits tU secareu j ga express train near rIy yesterday morning. 3 flu' rt,fusal to turn 1 ,j 0t the Forbidden City v, be guirded by German .!,- A iir-ricin fvjrce is iwi ...ffeaei t- Gen. .j.aupaihrt vendors and BeJSour Days auu um, ,. .jw reserves. The jiljham.'s electioa was in Ifee constitutional convention pemiiJrity. New York sX)aey ou eiil sttady at 24 t!Bt loan 3i sad ruling rate (sf.cotto-j qiiei: middling i 8 7-16c; fl.jur moderately tsrii-spjt easy; No. 2 rtd jt steady; No. 2, 513; jdjisirnae j common to good quia turp"2Uue steadier at iEATHEff HtPORT. iDt?'T0F iORIOULTUKK, Wf tTTTER BUREAU. iiaaTOS. X. C, April 23 hatares: 8 A.M., 54 aegrees; A derets; tnaxicium, 67 de sunaai, 45 deg,-s; mean, 56 fiil for the day, T; rainfall tiith? raoath to date, 2.00 LrOS UQI05 BULLETIN. lightly Ljbt rains hi. fallen in Aususta, Charleston, Es i:,d W imiugion districts. Ut-m-riturrt at Weldon, 38 KitXsbrra, 39: Greene- mem mi DAV. pasios, ipri! 23 For North wUosettled a?.r Wedaes- fbiy local siiuers. Tours :nd tarter; variable winds, Rfeh weste-iy ou the coast. tilaaac April 24. 5 15 A. M.. 6 41 P. a 13 H. 26 Id. 12 00 A.M. 2 30 A. M. Iflwth Ft South port. wr WilmiDgotn . tad Oil Trnat will de ,000,00(1 dividend Mav k Rockefeller must have a liiat big fish story comes wa, where a fellow saw a Nwhalea three milpa lontr. h parade not the whales. f'nowten ship yards on r wm ciact seas, where taher War shina on e while she will ha qkiq e needs. paper r-Dlej and hia nQrt r..dlatrict ey are going rlfie pouting wells loose ! ;ome mmg as to Standard Oil TmDf e Texi8 gaahers. Of Ft :n ... . " "m KODble them 12 eventually control lb... p.. "aJberan r0;i-j i f eof the lakes on it. Ptobe bridged, and ro83 oq the boats. -1 158 polishers Mock : j- etnt geho hired women tq w they worked Si) eot;-, ; ymg the tue com- r.4 lat0 clnt-K II P the t l X 8DaP jtncB in i 9hUV-Cedacon- L Jdef8taud8 opwaS B,je to send act .:; ",v-u are tvne- 31 "al(l that.tl.i- tr we rm Ul8 WU1 o Si Pr68ent method of z ii c i a s - .-in n i - - ii- v a u-. n - - it i . . t i -w sua. t- - t. ir ww mu. at t i I . Jfu Ril II Vl u 11 W 77 ' II I III I I I. IV XX 8 II I XX I II B a . XI I I L 11 - II Wk. , I -.. - ..I. "" u-a.. - .v;:.iL.Vl;J.,NI'JL;NI.. J.JL VOL. LXVIII.-NO. 28 . Warren To housekeepers. J. H. Hard inTo our patrons. Carolina Yacht Club Meeting. BU8ISKS8 LOCALS. Travelling Salesman -Place wanted. LOCAL DOTS. The Y. M. C. A. board of di rectors will meet Thursday evening. Another steamer for the men haden fishery down the river is ex pected next week. Christian Seience service at the Masonic Tmple, room 10, this evening at 8:15 o'clock. Hillyer's Wonder Company, a gift enterprise and leger iemain per formance, was seen by a fairly large crowd at the" Opera House last even ing. A special meeting of the Caro lina Yacht Club will be held at the Court Home this evening at 8 P. M , at which important matters will discussed. The Ladies' Annual Tourna ment of the Cape Pear Golf Club will be played this afternoon. A handsome silver cup is offered to the lady mak ing tne lowest score. The W. L. I. had a picked squad drill last night, preparatory to sending two men to Raleigh May 10th to participate in a competitive drill for a prise to be offered there. Justice Bornemann committed Lena Gellman, colored, to the count v jul yesterday for the Criminal Court, where she will answer the charge of husbana beating. She assaulted him with a rod of iron. It is learned that ; special re duced rates will be offered at The Or ton to members of the American Fruit and Produce Travellers' Asso ciation, which will hold its annual session here Saturday. j There was a variety of com ment yesterday upon the action of the Board of Audit and Finance in in creasing and decreasing! salaries of city officials. Some of the criticism was rather harib, while in other in stances it was favorable. I The Frnit Growers'! Expsess is completing a new icing: station at Techey's, N. C, similar to those built at Chadbourn, Warsaw and other points in the strawberry section. All the plants are now being stored preparatory to the opening of the ship- pmir season. ; Geo. E. Hood, Esq., a well knon young attorney of Golds bo ro and member of the House of Repre sentatives from Wayne at the last ses sion, was elected mayor of his city Monday. Mr. Hood has a number of friends in Wilmington who are pleased to hear of his preferment.! Record of the Courts. J. H. Ryan, a printer who came to the city about a year ago.! was bound over to the Criminal Court by Mayor Waddell yesterday morning; for an assault with apparent attempt to kill upon Etta Bartley, a woman of ques tionable reputation living on Market between Tenth and Eleventh streets. A hatchet and a ra?or were the weap ons used and Ryan went to jail in de fault of a $1E0 bond. Toe Birtley woman was later bound jover to the Criminal Court by Justice Fowler on a charge of keeping a disorderly house. Sha couldn't give bond and also went to jail j Fell and Broke His Arm. j ZRichard, the 12-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. R. H Grant, No. 109 North Front street, fell from hia bicycle at corner of Fourth and Market streets yesterday about noon and sustained a fracture of the left arm just above the wrist. He is a student of Miss Alderman's school, near corner of Fourth and Dock streets, and had started down town daring recess. He was riding rapidly when his wheel tripped and the rider fell, the boy's arm striking a stone in the street He was carried to his home and a pnysi ciao set the broken member. Small Pox Paileot Escaped, j OTm Smith. th necro discovered with small dox in the Fayettevilie j il and later sent out j to the pest house, made his escape yewruajr mn.ninff)ii had not been captured uiviutvg , - yesterday afternoon. His j case was of a mild form. He was aw&Hing mat ot ihA nominal Court for stealing chickens. The quarantine upon Cum berland jil wasiirtea at noon yester day. . Advertising Booklets. T.o.iiiAnt Tmhi nf the Chamber of O jmmerce, yesterday received the new illii.trAtAri advertising booklets of the city and surrounding country, for which an order was given oy me nnmh. cAVAral weeks iuro. They n.nllv anH will do much, if judiciously distributed, to attract pub lic attention to the city as n me place for investment or residency. Jr. 0 U A. M. Celebratioa. Jeff Davis Council. Junior Order of United American Mechanics, will cele brate its second anniversary, to night. Th welcome address Will be by Wil liam J. Bellamy, Esq , and the oration by L V. Grady, Esq. There Is a special programme of music, etc , 4nd refresh tnents will be served. j For Whoopinir Cough NRW ATYX7 VlmaTw. ; " ". ' . (4M,4oii,aiimxi5 I PBOXOBANT. j L:lTr-v '.TOrrV" : , .V;V- - - LOST TO RICHMOND. The Grays Took the (Hants tato Camp After Qame Was Won by the Latter. WARREN'S COSTLY ERROR. wlwSBB Saffle Hit Wbea Hits Meant RaasThose ei Wllmisftoa Namerons, Bot Scst-tered-ExhiblUoo WasMaraifi cent Qeaeral Noteg. YESTERDAY'S GAMES. Wilmington, 3; Richmond, 5. Norfolk, (no game, rain.) WHERE THEY PLAY TCKDAY. Riohmond at Wilmington. YD a 4 . ... . urisoioma ai xdieign, Newport News at Norfolk. STANDING OP THE CLUBS. Norfolk.... Won. Lest Par cant. 6 0 1.000 Richmond 3 8 8 S 2 3 4 4 4 5 .600 .428 .488 .428 .285 Wilmington ..... Newport News.., Raleigh .... Portsmouth , Wilmington drops to third place in the base ball per centage column and in that position is on an equality with Raleigh and Newport News. Richmond takes her place in space No. 2 from the top. Of course yesterday afternoon's game did it the weather gods didn't favor u with a shower and here's how it was done : It was in the eight inning and Wil mington had the game with every chance in her favor. Each team had cored in the second inning and Wil mington had scored again in the fifth. In the eighth, the Giants had their turn at the bat Allen had hit to short a ad was thrown otft at first. Delaney bunted to third and was thrown out; Clayton had hit to left field fence for three bags but Foreman was thrown out from second, leaving him on third. Richmond then took her turn with the stick and accomplished the ruin of Wilmington for that game at least. Warner walked, but was thrown out by Manners' safe hit to short; Bishop hit to left for two bags; Bigbie hit to short, and Manners was thrown out at home. Bigbie stole second, and Fill man hit to third, upon whose error Bishop scored. Traeger walked, and 8ffle hit to left field fence for three bags, scoring the three men on bases. Kain was thrown out from third, and the side retired after four Richmonds had crossed the home plate. The weather was fairly good, but a trifle too cold for base ball. The attendance was about 700. and enthu siasm ran high until Warren's costly error in the eighth contributed large ly to the defeat of the Giants. His error upon this occasion, though very disastrous, was partially excusable; a baseman in that position at about that stage of the game is invariably blind ed by the sun, and though it is ex pec ted that base ball men should have cast iron senses and refrain from mak ing "goo goo" eyes, Warren's offence is the first and is excusable. The game was called promptly at 4 o'clock. Warren fanned; Cranston walked and stole second and third; Crockett hit out to first; Stafford walked andMcGinnis went out to right. For Richmond, Bigbie hit out to first; Tillman was hit and took his base but attempted to steal second and was put out; Traeger was thrown out from short. In the second Allen was hit by the ball and according to the Umpire went out; Delaney hit safe to right and was thrown out in trying to purloin sec ond; Clayton hit for a home run to left field and the rooteas went crazy, (wild is normal). Foreman fanned. For the Grays 8f&4 hit to right but was retired by a beautiful catch by De laney ; Kuin hit safe to right; Thomas filched second; Warner hit safe over second scoring Kain; Manners hit safe to right and Warner was thrown out at third. In the third inning Warren fanned; Cranston walked, but was forced out at second by safe hit of Crockett to short; Stafford flew out to right. For Richmond Bishop and Bigbie were thrown out from second; Tillman walked and Traeger fanned. In the fourth, McGinnis hit out to left; Allen fanned; Delaney singled over second and Clayton to right but Foreman went out to centre. Saffle and Kain for Richmond were thrown out from hird and short. Warren fanned. In the fifth Wrren was thrown out from second; Cranston from short; Crockett singled to centre and Staf ford hit to deep centre for three bags; scoring Cranston. McGinnis was thrown out from the pitcher. War ner and Manners for Richmond went out from short and Bishop flew out centre. In the sixth Allen fanned; Delaney hit for three bags to left field fence; Clayton flew out to second and Fore man went out to first For Richmond Bigbie was thrown out from, third ; Fill man and Traeger fanned. In the seventh Cranston singled to left; Crockett was thrown out from second; Stafford walked and McGinnis went out to cecondV For Richmond Saflia walked and stole second and third. Kain hit to Warren at third, who threw out Kain at first, doubling home and re tiring 8flle. Thomas fanned. ' The woeful story of the eighth inn ing has beeit tolpT and in the ninth Warren for Wilmington was thrown out from the pitcher; Cranston hit out to centre .Crockett hit safe to right ai d An Rain's fumble went to secona ana third and on another error.to the home plate. Stafford hit out to centre and WILMINGTON, N.'Os, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, the game was ended. Richmond did not take her turn to the bat in the ninth, THE TABULATED SCORE. Wilmington. ab b h po a k Warren, 8b....:... 5 0 0 1 3 1 Cranston, c 5 0 1 9 0 0 Crockett, 2!........ 5 2 2 4 2 0 8tfford, lb 5 0 1 10 6 0 McGinnis, of 4 0 0 1 0 0 Allien, If 4 0 0 0 0 1 Delaney, r f 4 0 3 1 0 0 Clayton, ss 4 1 3 0 5 0 Foreman, p .4 0 0 1 0 1 Total..... 40 3 10 27 16 8 Richmond. ab b h Bigbie, of 4 10 Fiiman, ss 4 1 0 Traeger, If 4 1 0 8affel, 12 b 4 0 1 Kain, r f ....4 1 1 Thomas, lb 3 0 0 Warner, 3b 8 0 0 Manners, c 3 0 1 Bishop, p 3 1 1 PO A E 2 0 0 0 2 0 3 1 0 I 0 7 1 3 3 11 0 5 2 total 5 4 27 14 3 SCORE BY INHINGS. 123456789 R H. E Wilmington. .01001000 1 S 10 8 Richmond . . : .0 1 0 0 0 0 04 x & 4 8 Batteries: Foreman and Cranston ; Bishop and Manners. Summary. Earned runs, Wilming ton 2, Richmond 2. Errors, Wilming ton 3. Richmond 3. Three base hits, Wilmington, Stafford, Crockett, Clay ton; Richmond, Saffle. Home runs, Clayton. Bases on balls, off Fore man, 4; off Bishop, 4. Struck out by Foreman, 6; by Bishop, 5. Hit by pitched ball, Foreman 1; by Bishop 1. Double play, Warren to Stafford to Cranston. Time of game one hour and thirty minutes. Umpire Clark. Attendance 675. Notes of the Qame. Foreman pitched a splendid game yesterday much better than Bishop, who did extremely' well. Delaney and Clayton also distinguished them selves and Capt Stafford moved up a peg or two in the estimation of the "fans." Crockett is always a favorite. Saffle for Richmond made a beau tiful catch at second yesterday, which actually brought forth applause from Wilmington's most ardent spectators that's saying much. It it confidently expected thst Wil mington will win to-day. If so, she goes back to second place in the league. There was no game at Raleigh and Norfolk yesterday on account of rain. Allen and either Thackara or Cran ston will compose the battery for the Giantsto-day. BfQs and Manners will do the honors for the Grays. Holly' wood will likely play left field for Wilmington and Delaney will play in right O'Steen, from Greenville, 8, C, will probably arrive to-day. He is an A No. 1 outfielder and is clever with the stick. Portsmouth will-arrive to morrow over the Seaboard Air Line from Raleigh. Norfolk goes to Newport News and Richmond to Raleigh. Stafford won the handsome tailor made suit offered by the Fishblate Clothing Company for the first home run on the Wilmington diamond. He got it at Monday's game. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Col. A. W. Shaffer, of Raleigh, is atThe Orton. Mr. Jere Connolly, of Washing ton, D. O, is in the city. Mr. W. W. West, of Ammon, N- C, is In the city on a business trip. Mr. J. E. O'Donnell, the cash register man, arrived yesterday from Raleigh. H. A. Grady, Esq., of Clinton, N. C, is in the city on professional business. Mr. A.Li. DeRosset, Jr., of At lanta, is spending a few days in tbe city with his parents. Mrs. Hoke arrived yesterday to join Jugge Hoke who is holding the Superior Court They are guests at Tbe Orton. Messrs. M. S. Willard and J. VanB. Metts are attending the Under writers' meeting at Old Point Comfort this week. Mr. J. H. Davis, formerly with the A. O. L in this city but now of Georgetown, S. C, is in the city for a brief visit. Mr. J. A. Murphy ,of Atkinson, N. O, is in the city on a business trip. . He says he hopes to begin shipping strawberries about May 1st. Supreme Chancelor Fethens and Wilmington's delegation to the Pyth ian Grand Lodge at Greensboro left yesterday morning via the A. & Y. railroad, - Rev. D. H. Tnttle arrived from Kinston yesterday and is assist ing the pastor, Rsv. Jno. H. Hall in the series of revival services at Fifth street M. E. church. Dr. J. N. Johnson returned home last evening from Warsaw, where he went several days ago on account of the death of his aunt, after wards accompanying the remains to Richmond for interment Messrs. Willie Grant and Tom uhenard left yesterday to attend the commencement exercises at James Sprunt 'Institute, Kenansville. The annual address will be delivered bv the RevrJ. M.' Wells, Ph. D. of this city? Registrations at The Orton yes- terdsy were DeLancey Evans, Golds boro; D. M. Pearsall. Rocky Mount; A. B. PearsaU,. Red Springs; T. Q Hall, Wallace ;. W. Andrews, Cbar lotte; M. R. Reeves, Greens Doro; B Gillespie, Tasewell, V VERDICT FOR $6,000. Mr. B. F. Penny Recovers That Amount From the Atlantic Coast Line. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. Most of Yesterday's Session Consumed In Argument by Coansel Case of Dortch Vs. BannermsDO Being. Heard. Some Qeoeral Notes. The jury in the case of B. u Penny against the W C. & A. Railroad Com pany, after five and a half hours con sideration, came into court at 10:30 o'clock last night and rendered a ver dict awarding the plaintiff $6,000 and costs of the action. Extended reference was made to the case in yesterday's paper and the pub lie is perfectly familiar with the con tention of both parties to the suit The continued hearing was t begun first thing upon the convening of the court yesterday morning and lasted until 5 o'clock in the afternoon. Tbe defendants introduced no testimony and argument was commenced by counsel. Mr. Junius Davis 6poke for the railroad, Mr. A. J. Marshall for the plaintiff, Hon. Jno D. Bellamy for the defendant Mr. Eugene 8. Mar tin and Mr. Marsden Bellamy for the plaintiff. In the afternoon from 3 to 4:15 o'clock. Mr. George Rountree closed yie argument for the defence. After a brief but very clear charge by Judge Hoke, the jury retired and did not bring in a verdict until last night as staled. Judge Hoke was tele phoned for and he received the ver diet in the absence of Col. John D. Taylor, the clerk, who was too unwell to be out ai that hour. The first issue, "Was the plaintiff injured by the negligence of the defendant?" was an swered in the affirmative and the second as to contributory negligence on the part of plaintiff was answered in the negative. The third as to amount has already been given. It is believed that a motion will be lodged with the court this morning to have the verdict set aside upon the ground of an excess. It will, in any event go to the Suprenq Court upon motion of one side or the other. The jury which had the lease in hearing is composed as follows: W. R Smith, E. T. Jewell, J. G. 8kipper, C. J. Reaves, C. Schulken, J. 8. Can ady, W. H. Alderman, Jos. Silvia, R. M. Wescott Samuel Bear, Sr., Louis Gordon, Thomas H. Maxted. Upon conclusion of a hearing of the case yesterday afternoon tbe follow ing matters were disposed of: . J. H. Sloan vs. J. L. Hines, contin ued for defendants. H. H: Ikiult vs.F.7T. "Milla, ect' for first case on first Tuesday of next term. The case next taken up was that of W. T. Dortch, admr. et al, against W. T. Bannerman. It is one which in volvesthe possession of a tract of land valued at about $1,400 and situated on (he New Hanover and Pender county line. Messrs. Rountree & Carr and A. D. Ward, Esq., of Newborn, ap pear for the plaintiff and Messrs. Bel lamy 8$ Bellamy and L. V. Grady for the defendant About an hour was given to the case yesterday in an argu ment by attorneys as to the law at point and the hearing will be contin ued to-day, an adjournment having been taken at 6:30 o'clock. The only witness introduced'yesterday was Mr. W. W. Larkins, Register of Deeds of Pender county, and be did not con clude his testimony. The following jury has been selected to hear the evidence and determine upon the issues: J. C Newton, C. E. Collins, A. P. Merritt, C. A. Turley, Wm. Tienken, R. G. Holmes, Sam uel Hard wick, J. M. Byrd- O.IA. Wig gins, John Presson, A. J. Hill and J. R. George. The case of Northrop vs Sedgley Hall Club was set for hearing last week as the second case for hearing to-day, and the case of the National Cash Register Company vs. Lucy J. Farriss is set for the third case. There are no other matters upon the calen dar for to day but that have been con tinued. The damage suit of Emelme Ma6k vs. the City of Wilmington is set for lo-morj-ow With several other suits of minor importance. Tbomss W. Alexander, Esq. The Charlotte Ob&rver of a recent date has the following item concern ing Thos. W. Alexander, Esq., who was formerly private secretary to the Hon. John D. Bellamy : Mr. Thomas W. Alexander yester day received an offer of a clerkship in the law department in the land office of the government at Washington. The place pays $900 a year. Mr. Alexander successfully stood a civil service examination two years ago, and the offer is the result of the ex amination. He will not accept the position." The Teachers' Assembly. Messrs. M. W. Jacobi and D. C Love were yesterday making a canvass of Wilmington business houses for advertisements for the Teachers' As sembly programmes, which, was one of the inducements required by those who hsd the fixing of ' the place of meeting. Messrs. Jaeobi and Love met with splendid success yesterday. City Snjbscribert. . CJitv subecriDers are earnestly re quested to report promptly at the Stab office every. failure of the carriers to deliver their papers. In aJ such cases nerai vrw pe laven w insure pro my ftnd regular deliverx- 1901. STATE TAX COMMISSION CLERK; Mr. W. c. Wisbarf, of Maztoo, Receives Unanimous Vote for Position. Raleigh News and Observer. The Corporation Commission, which was created a State Tax Commission by th last Legislature, met in that capacity yesterday and elected a Tax Commission clerk. There were a large number of candidates for the place. The successful candidate is Mr. W. C. Wishart of Maxton. Robeson county. There was no balloting for the posi tion, bat after consultation Commis sioners McNeill and Rogers agreed upon Mr. Wishart and Dr. Abbott had no canduate. thus 'making, it unanimous for the choice of the two Democratic commissioners. Mr. Wishart is about thirty years old and has a wife and three children. He, was born and raised in Robeson county, and has had a number of years experience in office work. He is the son of Col. S. M. Whishart who served in the civil war, and who was killed by the Henry Berry Lowry out aws in the 80's. and a step-son of Mr. W. B. Harfcer, a prominent cilison of Maxton. .' Mr. Wishart was endorsed for the position by leading: citizens of Lum ber ton, Maxton, Wadesboro, Wil mington and other places, besides hav ing testimonials from other sources. He is reported as beiug well fitted for the duties of the position to which he has been elected. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. There will be a soeclaJ maatlncr at thn r.iro. Una Yacht Clnb. Wednesday, April 21th, 1901, Ooucty Court Boom at 8 P.m. Action will be taken the Reserve Fund; also, on -article 6, section 8 or tbe By-Laws. Changes in racing ruiea wm De discussed. at) at it H. H. SAVAQE, Purser. To Our Patrons! While onr business has been temporarily suspended by reason of the damage in curred by. fire, we are making every effort to get the business in good ehapa, and we are again ready to serve yon, as hereto' ore, to the best of onr ablll ty. Onr temporary quarters will be next door to the old stand. Bargains in Boap, Perfumery, Brushes, Combs and many other Toilet articles. J. H. HARDIN. Both 'Phones. No. 65 ap 18 tr SUMS1ER NEEDS. My store is crowded with Artistic, HUh Grade, Medium and Cheap Furnishings for j our Summer home. A FEW MORE FINE GOODS At factory cost for Cash, or Credit, that I don't want to c rry over tn Fall. N. F. PARKER, Furniture and Furniture Novelties, 111 Market street, Inter-State 421. Bell 'hone CIS. ap33tf & 82nd Anniversary. Independent Order of Odd Fel lows: The public is cordially invited to attend the celebration at the Opera House Friday evening, April 33th. in honor of the Eighty-second Anniversary of the founding of Odd Fel- lowBhiDln America. Oration by Cal.-Jao..F 1 Bruton, of Wilson. N. C. Special musical pro gramme arranged for the occasion. w. L. SMITH, Chairman. J. A. OBRKLL, Secretary of Joint Committee. apr si at saaje rr To Onr Cakes are made the same as yon make them at home; so save yourself the trouble and Buy them for Easter at WARREN'S STEAM BAKERY AND CAFE, 22 orth Front street. Fresh and Fine Saratoga Chips, Something you have been asking for. Brjrn ham's kxtract Beer Wine and Iron. Extra quality of Corned Be?t, Bpiced Piokies. Utuffed Mangoes, Red Admiral Beans. Have yon tried them? If not, you have missed a treat, sure melt in your mouth. For tne best Butter-Fox Biver, Clover Hill For tie Finest FlOuT "MYSTERY." CALL S. W. SAWDERS. At The Unlucky Corner, or Brooklyn Branch. apr 7 tf DRIED APPLES. We have about seventeen hundred pounds Qtsnice uriea a.upies. eena us your or aera, Also 2.000 Kegs Nails. 300,000 Pounds Hoop Iron. 50 Barrels Olne. 10 Barrels Bangs, 250 Bsgi Grits, 300 Bsgi Meal. 1,6OQ BfcT Golra. Send qs your orders. p D. L. GORE CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, apSOtf Wilmington. K. C. More Salt WE CAN SUPPLY TOUB NEEDS, 10,000 BACKS. SEED POTATOES of the BEST variety stnd quality. Seed Oats, Seed Rye. Fertilizers. f avll snakes and grades. Inquiries and orfiers solicited. ; The Worth Co- fehsetf There Is Nothing Just as 6cs.d nor anythuur that will cure La orinne. Croup, Cough and Golds aa quickly as Bice's Goose Grease Liniment . No inns uure, mo ray. ISftIB . ' - j 7 . - - ' v" WHOLE NO. 10,508 OXFORDS FOE SOLOMON'S apr 14 tf W At low prices for the best and prettiest styles in Slippers, Sandals and Oxfordsfrom Wee Baby to Grandpa. See us for your SUM MED SHOES. GEO. R. FRENCH & SON. ap2l tf A FACT. t.h ravtWq ittieir w.B - i'I9 - POVERTY, and to HI8E in the WORuD V P pleaseVitKhrrSt01181,16' tW8' ad 8tart a Depoattsg-eeetved now will draw 4 per cent, from Bay 1st. The People's Opposite the Postoffice. H. C. McQUEEPi, President. jno. 8. ARMSTRONG, Vice President. aP8tr F, W. DICK, Casbler. To Base Ball Park. For the accommodation of thosa who would like to seethe Bas Ball games we wi'l run Wagonettes from Front and Market streets to the Base Ball Park between the hours of 2:30 ann 4 p. M Fare 10 cents. For Horses and BucrelPS. Tram and Car riages, we can furn'sh you the most up-to-date cutfl'. ln'heclty. ppeciai aw ant on giva tsoarmng Horses. Box stall if preferred. THE S. J. DAVIS LIVERY STABLES 308, 210 Market Street. Both 'Phones 124. apSStt THE MATERIAL AND FINISH of our medium and low priced BEDROOM SUITES is very little below that of tbe highest priced goods of some dealers. ir this statement is hard to believe make an examination and comparison. We are ready at ail times to show yon goods without urging visitors to buy. These handsome pieces and low prices will do some tempting, however. 1IUNR0E & KELLY, e ' ' No. 17 South Front street. 11 'Phone 115. apr 2a tf 50 $bls. Large Mullets. Barrels Medium Mullets, Bags Green Coffee, 200 200 25.000 Cigars, retail at 5c. 20.000 Cigars, retail 2 for 6e. 40,000 Cheroots. 100 Boxes Soap. 100 Cases Lye. 50 Cases Oysters. 100 Cases Pie Peaches. 25 Cases Table Peaehes. SO Packets Biee. 25 Barrels Cider. 50 Barrels Vinegar. These Goods for sale at prices to suit the times. SAMUEL BEAR, Sr. 18 market street, Wilmington, N C. aprstf MASON'S CAKES. $ 450.00 in Mason's Assorted Cakes delivered at prices from fac tory. $ 360.50 $ 491.11 $1,260.59 $ 961.04 In Tyler's Cakes from store or iactory. in Stick Candy, all sizes, from store on actory. in Flour, Bags or Barrels' . from mm or store In Tobacco, S5c to 40c from store or iactory. Fully prepared to take care of every customer W. B. COOPER, Wholesale Grocer, 808,810, sis Nutt street, ap 31 tf Wlinunstou. N. O. ; WORM KILLER. This old and reliable and well Icown vermi fnge Is now manufactured with mrch care by tbe Btonebraker Chemical Co., Baltimore, to whom you will please dl ect all orders and in quiries. The Btonebraker Chemical Co. are ad vertising this article and lam well satisfied, instead of being reduced, tbe demand win be greatt, tocreased. ybWtn, ap 88 at. of Boykin Sc OarmerOo. The Barber Shop. It makes no difference whether the weather is hotor C3ld. Ton Bead a nice, clean, easy .WU M8LOT8-S DAVIS, . 7 South Front street. t. a. Brush the gentleman tap a pi -satstt as io Car Al Straight Flour. Soxes DamagVed Tobacco, axes Sound Tobacco. eoeooo'e TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Tear, by Mali, $5.00 Six Months, " 2.50 Three Months, " 1.25 Two Mentha, - 1.00 Delivered to Subscribers in the City at 48 Cents per month. Patent LeaUer, Patent lii, Ylci KM, Box Calf, TanBlack SHOE STORE, ?0KJ man, or a youth starting life, can have, is DWm PractJcal eep 8avlnf8 Acco with us t once, you will be Savings Bank, SHOES! Our Specialty. BUT WHEN YOU WANT ANY Iti CALL AT DEPARTMENT STORES, 63 steps Bast from corner Front and rruwiw aittoto. f ; t Bell 'Phone 661. ap 14 tf : Equally Successful. "Topical Twist Cigar." HAND MADE Long Havana Filler. This Is ffenntne HAND MADE. Lone Havana Filler, and at the price, should be a trade-winner. They are free smokers and the flavor and quality unsurpassed No high-priced Cigar gives Detter satisfaction. . We make one price to all dealers. Guarautf e them, if not better than any you handle send them back. 'Match It" Cheroot. Sumatra Wrapper and by far dif ferent from other Cheroots. Try them and if not as good as many nictel Cigars, send them back. We pay all expenses. Yollers & Hashagen, apr 21 tf BOLE DISTBIBUTORS. Try Hy Ice Cream. Very Best $1.00 Per Gallon, Chocolate and Vanilla. Bananas, Apples, Oranges, Pineapples and fresh C000ANUTS. J. W. PLUNDER, Jr. Bell 'Phone 680. an SO tf Inter-State 132. FIRST PAT. FLOUR, 2ND PAT. FLOUR, STRAIGHT FLOUR. Sugar, Ilolasses, Syrup, Oorn, Oats, Meal, Grits, &c, In stock, not to arrive. Your or ders very much appreciated. Special attention paid to consign ments. 8. P. HcNAIR. ap 19 tf . , Executors' Notice. . Having Qualified as Executors of James w kereceased, notice Is hereby given to all persons holding claims against bis estate to Dresent tbe same to us on or before the Both Sayof March. A. D. U02. or this sotios will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. . -. , .. . This March 19th, 1901. - -, , , JAMXS BPBTJNT. WILLIAM OILCHBIST. - xecutors of James Walker, deceased ; - mar so t. we de Real Cheap 11 r 1