!,i V WBWr outunes selected for first and 5S3meD the regular nancies m 'W from North Carolina. mndon is buying up U.u.Routh issued .during " period. The irU: liners arrived in tn confer with steamer loading co. ' i. Fla. Fifty . t)n will be ex- York to-day. of the treasury bought & - nds vesterday. r , mm lepers ia the Philip- letf ' . ptinn in the is- W .. . uimpd. is termi- .The IUSLII ' lo.n. Smiih. American Biiiy n L.tHd out I,U1' r' Hnn. Eng.. died the blow. tf.S of a at ' n. five persons were KUiea. ? L. E Massey, of Vir- .O WCU - . ... a ,. vears. toie Nation is agam m jaii. i'v . .u;. -. much mm Texas mis j i - done. Capt. Kd.i.icide ai Houston, Tex ijTiWiOIineo- -a- shis position a " t . Two men fatally Ljitlfoht in a magistral ri Chicago. vuv ---- V,. caused losses aggregating jj iDuus.i-- Tark markets: iioaey on ran i per cent ; cotton quiet apSandsSf.-; Hour nrm Dm 'wheat-spot strong, No. 2 corn-spot steady, No. 2 ,8-spot steady, No. 2 31c; jjil; spirits turpentine dull. IEATHEB REPORT. 1Dip'toageiooltubk, 4 WnTHKS BCKEAU, ? HJC5QT05, N. C, April 23. Urares: 8 A 31., 48 degrees; 1,58 degrees; maximum, 64 ae juiBum, 41 degrees; mean, o i m for thef day, 0; rainfall to of the month to date, 2.00 L W ter in the Cape Fear river kwille at 3 A. M. 12 feet. Ifjjrost in Coar' ' flight it Wiimiueton ao!,ti .sleigh ki The average miniujum tem- ,tii the Wilmington district dearees; the lowest tempera Bs37ce2rtej at Cheraw with isiher, REICiST FOR TO DAY. pGTOS, Aprill For North Fiir'Th'Jrsday; warmer in aor. FfiJay fair, fresh west i tiids. jtailmn.c April 85. t:r:::::::: 5 14 A.M. 6 42 P.M. 13 1. 23 65.. 12.25 AM. 2.55 A.M. !tii. Tut-it South port. Tiler Wilmingotn. fcaore woman givea an option FHTin? in Pittshnrtr and a 0 a chose the latter. One who Mgood gqdate look at Pitta- rald not conscientionalv . j pildo says he once command- W riflemen but never par- m a battle. He seema to soft snap. It is evident ta that he was never killed Fmso frequently reported. "AuCkpsub" is played out. e found au inventory of all nabob's Dronertv. unA if I r i J jwtnp more than 19,000, le over half t'nQ nni 80mf our rich fellows. Pilots of lunatic in all ?The other day 100,000 of wnaon shouted themselves orer a game of foot ball. on3 have tha Dv.n0 their minds . MbI the Boer war. York 7ViA 1. 10 ahoo:in? n;,nn3 - - "aui5 aaa cruel to P'wn8" for trn Bv,f; would lito i it. . ,r edK but dead DiVpona K tl it . ... " o L lQe bill in testa of rr"a 8ava the American tefii.. v""ta importea I Africa f nr u Pi bat u army were mencan mule P to the South Ufa. nuuoid witn ta tl ... . Hdn't under- Dav'gate the American a T. i. iQaians. nu.i. Ran..; Anere are;T3.99: tu hy -vs,- wu worth of Sr'.OOOavPar fnr KaZ ea8ed 0 800, I fi j.. , - fWth ;?8? lauds- The totkT aQa the interest fote:circre(litintheU. S. K;tol304-25 ay I woman or, a i VOL. LXVHI.NO. 29. THE SUPERIOR CODRT i VeryLitUe Progress Made and an Early Adjournment Had for the Day. . NO MOTIONS IN PENNY CASE. Northrop Verena Sedjley Hall Clab WUI be Heard by Referee Damaxe Salt Con tlaaed and Motion for Party De fendant Allowed In Another. ! There was little done in the Superior Court yesterday; in fact there was lit tle on the calendar of cases upon whicfi to work, and at 1 o'clock in the afternoon a recess was taken until 3 P. M., and at that hour an adjourn ment waa taken for the day. Ths case of Dortch against Banner man, which was begun Tuesday, took up practically all the morning session, but there came a balk in the matter of procuring witnesses and upon con sent of both sides a mistrial was had. It was ordered by Judge Hoke that ihe defendant, upon whose'.re quest the mistrial was made, should pay the cost of this term. The points of law and facts in the case were referred to at some length in yesterday morning's paper It was expected jesterday that some motion or appeal would be taken in the case of Penny against the rail road, in which the jury awarded the plaintiff 16.000 damages, but this was not done. It is learned from attorneys interested in the case, however, that some action alone this line will h taken before final adjournment for the term. An order was made for a referee in the case of 8. and W. H. Northrop against the Sedgeley Hall Club, acd the case was continued until the next term. The case of the National Cash Reg ister Company against Lucy J. Far riss for the recovery of a small amount was set for the last case to day. It is learned that by some agreement of attorneys a judgment will ba obtained. The damage suit of George Graham, colored, against Messrs. . Alexander Sprunt & Son was called up from the motion docket and by agreement of attorneys, the Champion Compress and Warehouse Company was made a party defendant. Graham was a stevedore for Messrs. Sprunt & Son and was injured in some way while loading cotton last Fall. -Messrs. Stevens, Beasley & Weeks and L. V. Grady appear for the plaintiff and Iredell Mearesy Esq., for the defend ants. Summons is to issue in the case. The damage suit of Emeline Mask aeaiust the city, ftt for to-day. has been continued. An unimportant damage suit, in which Charles Carter, colored, sues the Caps Fear Lumber Company for damages, will likely be heard to-day. Barring this case, there are few others of interest on the docket for the remainder of the week. Returned Prom Fsyetteville. Cipt. Robt Green, quarantine offi cer. returnea last mgnt irom ayeiie- ville, where he went to inquire into the smallpox situation and the escape of the negro Smith from the pest house. Dr. McGougan. superintendent of health, said he was satisfied Smith was not far from his mother's borne in the vicinity of Fsyetteville, and was not likely to go to Wilmington. There was no sign of any other case, either at the jiil or elsewhere in Fayetteville. In the matter of Federal prisoners in jail at Fayetteville, to be brought to Wilmington for trial at the ap proaching term of the U. 3. Court, Dr. McGougan said it. would be left to the authorities In Wilmington to determine the matter, j James Sprout Iostitnte. j The Bav. J. M. Wells, Ph. D., re turned yesterday morning from is.e- nansville, N. CL, where on Tuesdy evening, ne aeuverei . iuo uuu dress at the commencement exercises of the James 8prunt ; Institute. This institution under the presidency of the Rev. W. M. Shaw, so favorably known by many Wilmington people, has just closed one of the most success ful years in its history, both in point of attendance and the instruction of f ered. So popular has the school grown that the trustees at a recent meeting at Warsaw decided to make great im provements and enlargements to the building for the coming term. The address of Rev. Mr. Wells is spoken of in the highest terms and is said to have been the very best ever deliverea upon a similar occasion. Veterans' Crosses of Honor. The Stab is requested to say that all veterans who desire certificates of eligibility for Crosses of Honor to be presented by the Daughters of the Confederacy on Memorial Day, May 10th, anD v to (Japi. uames k u r m r- - L Metts for the same as no certificates will before Monday, be issued after that date Lient. Bradley J. Wootten. rv Edward Wootten bai received news that his son, Lieutenant Bradley J. Wootten. will not arrive home tms week as expected. He will be detaln- A .t San Francisco until May 6tb, -hon hi reeiment will be mustered out Friends of Lieut. Wootten await with pleasure his home coming. SKW A.HV1EBTISEMENTB. S EL MacRaeP Bankrupt notice. MasonicMeeting Concord Chapter. The People's Saving Bank Money. : r- , . : v - i I a LOCAL DOTS. The meeting of the stockhold ers of the O.C R. R, has been post poned until May Ut. - The steamer Southport is on the ways at Skinner's for a new coat of paint and general overhauling. Concord Chapter No. 1., B. A. M., will hold a special convocation to night to confer the Past Master's degree. The straw hat man is still in the back ground but he got on the streets for a few hours during the warm sunshine about noon yesterday. A lady who is thoroughly com petent, and can give good references, advertises in the "Business Locals" department of the Star for a situation as stenographer. An entertainment for the bene fit of St. Paul's Lutheran oburch inw provement fund will be given at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rth der this afternoon and evening. The A. C. L. is building a spur track to the county rock quarry at Castle Haynes. The work of re moving the material by cars to this section of the county will be much faciliated. An important meeting of the society of Colonial Dames will be held Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock in room No. 9, Masonic Temple. Tne president requests that all members of the society be present. Atlantic Lodge of Odd Fel lows, of Southport, has accepted the invitation of the Wilmington breth ren to come up and participate in the anniversary exercises at the Opera House, to-morrow night Jefferson Lodge, K. of P., last night conferred the rank of page upon five candidates; the rank of esquire upon four pages and the rank of knight upon five. Two applications for membership were received. A very interesting meeting of the Primary Union was held yester day afternoon at the Y. M. O. A. Miss Nellie Cook taught the lesson for the coming Sabbath and the Union listened to a very instructive address by Dr. Black well. A lamp explosion occurred at the residence of Mr. H. F. Otten, cor ner of third and Bladen streets, Tues day night about 9:30 o'clock, while all the members of the family were ab&ent Residents in the vicinity ex tinguished the flames started by the explosion. THE QOLF TOURNAMENT. Aannal Event Under Anspicet of Cape Pear Clab Was Much Etjojed. Some Good Scores. The annual golf tournament for the ladies, under the auspices of the Cape t ear Golf Club, was played yesterday afternoon on the Hilton links. The prise a handsome silver cup was won- by !Mrs. E. W. VanC. Lucas! who made the lowest score 67. The following scores were recorded : Miss Feary Gross score 76.- handi cap , net 76. Miss Boat wright Gross score 95, handicap 27, net 68. Miss Randolph Gross score 94, handicap 22, net 72 Miss Peck Gross score 104, handi cap 32, net 72. Muu DeRosset Gross score 96, handicap 22, net 74. Mrs. Lucas Gross score 89, handi cap 22, net 67. Mrs. EmersonGross score 98, handi cap 27, net 7L HMrs. McMillen Gross score 77, handicap 5, net 72. Misa Calder Gross score 83, handi cap 15, net 68. Miss Kenan Gross score 85, handi cap 15, net 70. Miss McQueen Gross score 107, handicap 27, net 80. The gentlemen's annual tournament will be held Saturday week Much interest was manifested in the tournament and a large crowd was on the ground to witness the game. s CAROLINA YACHT CLUB. Meeting Ust Night at Which It Was De elded to Improve Clnb Honse. Pursuant to call of the Commodore there was a meeting in. the Court House last night of members of the Carolina Yacht Clwb. The attendance . nnl and all present were thoroughly enthusiastic at the pros nect for the coming season. Among other things, it was decided to make very material improvements to the appearance and comfort of the ot Wriirhtsville Beach. To thfeend. the reserve fund, amount ing to $383 was placed in the hands of the governing board to do spent, i this improvement The work will be commenced at once nd completed in time for the open- Another important feature of the hiLinesa transacted was the adoption of a resolution by which the pries of a membership is placed at fiu. whs tnaaiinap ihen adjourned, sub- ject to call. . A Temperance Thanksglrlnr. To-morrow night, April 26th, the good people of Magnolia, of all creeds a twe of no creed, will hold a ser vice at the Baptist, chuwh in token of their gratitude that the sale of liquor his been legally prohibited In that ajt well as in adjoining counuerj They will meet and take courage for fl.itt. The several pastors and others will speak. Rot. B. H. Her--i f this eitv. will be one of the chief peakew on the occasion. WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 25, WILMINGTON'S GAME Administered Substantial Drub bing to Richmond Grays Here Yesterday Afternoon. A FAIRLY Q00D EXHIBITION. Visitors Made Many Errors and the Locals Got In Heavy Hittisg Portsmouth Opens Here To-day Games Upon Other Diamonds. YESTERDAY'S GAMES. Wilmington, 10; Richmond, 2. naieign. z; rortsmoutb, 6. Norfblk, 4; Newport, 2. WHERS THEY PLAY TO-DAY. Portsmouth at Wilmington. Jtucnmona at Ktleutb. 0 Norfolk at Newport News. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. NorroiK 7 0 1.000 Wilmington 4 4 4 5 5 5 .500 .428 .375 .375 .375 Richmond S Newport News 3 Raleigh 3 Portsmouth 3 Wilmington redeemed herself yes terday afternoon and again takes second place in the league. Norfolk having maintained ' her perfect record against Newport News, and Ports mouth having succeeded in taking nto camp King Kelley's down home boys from Raleigh. The score of the Giants was 10 to 2 against the Richmonders and in that score she administered to the Vir ginians the most decided defeat of the eague season. -The locals went to work at the be ginning to win and kept it up until tbe close of the game. Every man did his duty and only one error was scored against the home team. That was by Warren at third and was not costly. Richmond lost the game by Wil- j mington's superior stick, work and errors principally in the outer garden. Allen pitched a good ganSe and was all right with the stick. Tfaackara was behind the bat for the first time since his finger was dislocated in the second game at Richmond and did superb work. Clayton sustained him self at short and Stafford was the same grand stand favorite that he always is. His beautiful catch of a hot drive by first late in the game yesterday added to his already enviable record. In the first in Ding Cranston flew out to centre; Crockett singled to right; McGinis flew out to right; Stafford hit safe to third, forcing Crockett out at second. Bigbie for Richmond was thrown out from short; Fillman bunted and was thr6wn out at first; Traeger singled to centre for three bags and it looked like a score but 8ffle fanned and retired the side. In the second Richmond saw her finish. Tbackara singled to left for two bags; Delaney sacrificed; Warren was hit and walked; Clayton hit safe to short; Allen singled to left scoring Tbackara and War ren; Clayton advanced to third and Allen to second on error of left field ; Cranston was thrown out from short and Clayton scored; Crockett fanned and retired the side. For Rich mond, Kain and Thomas were thrown out from third and second; Warner went out on a beautiful stopby Allen. In the third, McGinnis was thrown out from second ; Stafford singled over third; Thackara was hit and walked and Cranston was allowed to run for him; Delaney bit to second, advanc ing Btatlord and uranston; warren hit to short and on his error Stafford scored; Cranston was thrown out at home. Manners walked for Rich mond; Bass was hit and walked; Big bie sacrificed; Fillman hit to centre for two bags, scoring Bass and Man ners; TxaeJIer fanned, and Baffle flew out to second. In the fourth, Clayton was thrown out from short, and Allen and Cran ston fanned. For Richmond, Kain was thrown out by Allen; Thomas flew out to Stafford, and Warner fanned. In the fifth, Wilmington scored again. Crockett hit out to pitch McGinnis flew out to right, Stafford singled to left and on error of Traeger got third base; Thackara was hit and walked ; Delaney hit high fly to right and on error of Kain, Stafford scored and Thackara went to third; Warren bit out to second. For Richmond, Manners was retired by Clayton's beautiful catch at shorf; Bass flew out to Stafford; Bigbie singled over second; Fillman hit safe to third, and on Warren's error Bigbie got third; Traeger walked and filled the. bases, S,ffl flew out to left nd retired the side. In the sixth inning Clayton hit safe and hot to Umpire Clark; Allen sin gled to left; Cranston sacrificed; Crocket flew out on a high fly to centre, and Clayton scored ; McGinnis singled to right seoring Allen -.Stafford hit to left for two bases; McGinnis got third on error of Traeger; Thackara walked and Delaney was thrown out from third. For Richmond Kain was thrown out by the pitcher; Thomas sinirled to centre: Warren fanned and Manners hit hot and out to pitcher. In the seventh inning Warren was thrown out from short and Clayton and Allen fanned. For Richmond, Bass fanned; Bigbie popped out to Aliens Fillman. was hit nd walked, and TrAeger was thrown out from pitcher. . - Io the eighth inning, Cranston hit safe to pitcher; Crockett sacrificed; McGinnis hit. safe to short, who, Cranston to advance on his error; McGinnis stole second; Stafford! flw out to deep centre ana uranstoii scored; Thackara hit to left for two baes., scoring McGlnnia; .nelan.ey singled to right scoring Thackara; Ciayton hit safe to short, but forced outt Delaney at second. For Rich mond, 8affle was thrown out from third; Kain singled to left; Thomas was retired by a beautiful catch by Stafford ; Warner flew out to right ' In the ninth, Clayton was thrown out from second; Allen hit to left for two bags; Cranston was thrown out from tbe pitcher; Crockett flew out to right For Richmond, Manners was thrown out from short; Bass beat out a slow hit on third base line; Bigbie hit to short, forcing out Bass; Fillman flew out to Delaney. - Following is the tabulated score : - THE TABULATED SCORE. Wilmington. ab b h Pa a e Cranston, r f 6 11 10 0 Crockett 2b 6 0 1 0 2 0 McGinnis. cf 5 1 1 1 0 0 Stafford, lb 5 2 3 16 6 n Thackara, c 5 2 2 5 0 0 Delaney, If 5 0 1 2 0 0 warren. 3b.. .. 5 1 0- 0 2- 1 Clayton, ss 5 1 1 12 0 Allien, p.., 5 2 3 112 0 Total 47 10 13 27 18 1 isicnmond. ab r H 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 PO A 2 0 Bigbie, cf. 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Fillman , s s 5 0 3 3 3 12 0 4 0 3 0 5 0 0 3 0 9 Traeger, If 4 8affel, 2b 4 Kain. rf 4 Thomas, lb 4 Warner, 3b 4 Manners, c 4 Bass, p...... 4 Total 37 2 6 27 19 6 SCORE BV INNINGS. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Wilmington. ...0 3101203 010 Richmond. 00200000 02 Summary Earned runs, Wilming ton, 3; Richmond, 1. Errors, Wi- mington, 1; Richmond, 6. Two base hits. Thackara, 2; Allen, 1; Fillman. Three base hit Traegar. Total bases on hits, Wilmington, 16; Richmond, 9. Stolen bases. Wilmington. 3. Bases on balls, off Allen, 2; off Bass, 1. Struck out by Allen, 5; by Bass, 5. Hit by pitched ball, by Allen, 2; by Bass, 2 Time of game, 1 hour and 35 minutes. Umpire, Clarke. Scorer, Nash. Attendance. 600. Some General Base Ball Notes. There is a crying demand for a re moval of the trees in the outer garden of the Wilmington diamond. The Richmond team left last night for Raleigh via the Atlantic Coast Line. It spent last night at Golds boro, and will reach Raleigh at about 11 o'clock to day. Portsmouth will arrive to-day from Raleigh on the Seaboard Air Line train. It is a good team, but has play ed in hard luck. Some eood trames will be played here with that team. Stewart and Thackara will form Wilmington's battery to-day. The visitors will put up top best (hey have f in the shop. The score at Rileigh yesterday was as follows: 123456789 RUE Raleigh 0 0000000 2 2 3 4 Portsmouth. ..0 03000201 6 11 0 Batteries: Leonard andLegrande; Volt? and Westlake. Norfolk took yesterday's game from Newport News by a score of 4 to 2. Norfolk leaves to-day for Newport News to play this afternoon. She will engage the Wilmington ."Giants" on her home diamond to day week. Wil mington leaves Sunday for Newport News. O'Steen, of Greenville, S. C. who has been signed by Manager Peschau, will likely get here to-day. VICE PRESIDENTS WERE ELECTED. Woman's Christian Temperance Union Held Meeting Yesterday Afternoon. The Woman's Christian Temperance Union held a very enthusiastic meet ing yesterday afternoon in the lecture room of the First Baptist church, Mrs. W. P. Oldham, the president having presided. After scripture reading and devotional services of an interesting and profitable nature, the following vice presidents from the several ohurches represented were appointed: First Presbyterian Mrs. W. M. Cumming. Fifth Street Methodist Mrs. Jno. T. Sholar. N Market Street Methodist Mrs. Pickett First Baptist Mrs. Sallie Mclntire. Brooklyn Baptist Mrs. J. H. Hil dreth. An adjournment was taken until next Wednesday afternoon week when vice presidents from other churches represented will be. ap pointed and other business transacted. Tbs ladies of the Union desire to thank Messrs. C. W. Yates $ Co, for the donation of a record book for the secretary and treasurer and to Mr. George Q. Gaylord for white goods from which to make badges. The Union is growing in members and influence and has a very encour aging outlook. The Chamber of Commerce Library. Through the courtesy of Mr. J. L. Hill, of the J. L. Hill Printing Com pany, of Richmond, Va., the Chamber of Commerce has received the folio w- ine city directories, which have been placed in the library for the use of members: Asheville, Nashville, Jtta leigh, Petersburg, Baltimore, Provi denca, Birmingham,Philadelphia Busi ness Directory, Georgia State Gazet teer, Virginia State Directory, Rich mond and Manchester, Philadelphia and St Louis, Newport News, Hamp ton. Phoebus. Old Point, Nowolk, Portsmouth Berkley. ; City Subscribers.' City sabscripera are earnestly re quested to report promptly at the Stab office every failure of the carriers to deliver their papers. In all such steps will be taken to Insure promp and regular deliverv. 1 ; ; 1901. A FESTIVE OCCASION. Junior Order of United American Mechanics Celebrated Their Second Anniversary. WAS AN ENJOYABLE EVENT. Address of Welcome by William J. Bel i lamy, Esq. Phenomenal Growth for Two Years of Jeff Davis Council. Arrangement Committee. Jeff Davis Cbuncil, Junior Order of United American Mechanics last night in Germaoia Hall celebrated in fit ting and characteristic style the sec ond anniversary of its founding in this city. , ThQiall was eroded with ntiH iastic Juniors . and their friends, and it was near the midnight hour when the festivities incident :o the occasion were ended. The gathering was wel comed in words of eloqueuca and good fellowship by City Attorney William J. Bellamy, who is himself an ardent member of the order and thoroughly in accord with its benevolent and fraternal purposes. He felicitated the council upon reaching the second mile post in its existence and referred to the exalted pinnacle to which it has arisen in the lodge world hf the city, since its establishment two years ago. The work of the past twelve mouths was reviewed and enthusiastic refer ence was made to the meeting of the Grand Council here next year. After Mr. Bellamy's speech, which was punctuated with warm applause, members present and their guests were invited to partake of a splendid collation furnished under the direction of the committee of arrangements. A number of the laymen spoke impromptu during the progress of the evening, among whom were Messrs. W. R. Hall, J. T. Burke, John E. Wood and others. Toe benefits of the order were referred to in the speeches and some interesting statistics of lodge work given. The council was formed with 80 members, but now has a member ship of something over 129. It paid out during 1900 over $300 in sick benefits and about twice that amount in death claims. The 'committee of arrangements for the affair last night was composed of Messrs. William J. Bellamy, Jno. E. Wood, J. T, Burke, G. C. Simmons and A. J. Hanby. These did their duty well and received many compli ments upon tne success of tne occasion. TRANSFERS OP REAL ESTATE, Two City Lots sod Tracts in Country Ex changed Hands Yesterday. A residence and lot on Walnut be" tween Third and Fourth streets was yesterday transferred by deed from Nash E. Bunting, of Fayetteville, to Justin M. Bun&g, of Wilmington, for $1,400. B. H. J. Ahrens and wife yesterday transferred by deed to Mrs. Mary W. Pickett the residence and lot, 37xl50 feet, on the south side of Market be tween Ninth and Tenth streets; con sideration, $1,050. Another deed filed for record yes terday transferred from Bellamy Har riss to George Harriss his undivided six-sevenths interest in two tracts of land in Harnett township, the one lying beiween the northeast and south west prongs of Lee's or Bradley's Creek and tbe other tract adjoining and beine ou both sides of Clear Run branch. Tne consideration is $800. A first deed from the other heirs of the late George Harriss, Sr., transfers the six-sevenths interest to Bellamy Har riss, AT CAROLINA BEACH. Hsnover Trsoslt Company Will Open Sedgely Hsll Clnb for Public Benefit. The New Hanover Transit Company, through its obliging and clever man ager. Capt J. W. Harper, has rented from its recent purchaser, Mr. A. S. Heide, the handsome and commodious Sedgley Hall Club bouse at Carolina Beach, and will open it May 20th for the b&nefit of the public at large. There will be a competent janitor in charge day and night and visitors to the beach are cordially invited to make the club rooms their headquarters while there. ' This move on the part of Capt Harper and the Transit Company will be a drawing card for Carolina Beach, which expeots te be itself more than ever this season. There will be two hotels under capable management, and beginning May-20th, there will be five boats each day to that popular seaside resort All Honor to Jefferson Lodge. Mr. A. S. Holden, Keeper of Records and Seals of Jefferson Lodge, No. 61, K. of P.. of this city, last night re ceived a telegram from Greensboro, stating that Grand Representative R. S. Collins had been unanimously elected Grand Outer Guard of the Grand Lodflre now in session there. The telegram came from the Wilming ton delegation at Greensboro and was read at the meeting of Jefferson Lodge last night and tbe news was enthusias- Ically received. It is a high compli ment to the Lodge and to Mr. Collins, who was first elected a Grand Repre sentative this year. i Mr. W. A. Hinshaw, of Clio, S. 0., is at The Qrton. For WhooDine: Couirh use C&EnEY'B EX PECTORANT. - : WHOLE NO. 10,509 PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Dr. W. J. H. Bellamy is back from a trip to New York, 7-Jtfr. H. J. Lyon, of Elizabeth- town, N. C, is at The Orton. Mr. A. J. Johnson, of Clear Run, N. C is in the city on a business trip. Mr. W. A. Davis, of Burgaw, came down yesterday for the base ball game. Mr. H. B. Nunnery, of Cedar Creek, Cumberland county, N. C, was here yesterday. tahn G. Shaw, Esq., arrived last evening from Fayetteville on pro fessional business: Dr. E. Porter, of Rocky Point, was here yesterday on one of his occa sional business trips. MISS MCTJIarmidT "of Fayetteville, returned borne yesterday after a visit to the family of Mr, J. W. Murchison. Mr. Martin Jjrunjes left last night for New York, from whence he will sail for a visit to his old home in Germany. Col. R. T. Bennett, of Wades- boro, is here as attorney in the New Hanover bank cases before the 8u perior Court. Messrs. S. H. Thomas, of Cala bash, N. C, and A. M. Williams, of Phcenix, were among the wholesale purchasers in the city yesterday. Mrs. Henry Pannill left yester day afternoon fyr Bishopville, S. C, in response to a rolegram announcing the serious illness of her mother, Mrs. Jane Barrett Mrs. M. 0. Calloway, after a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Au D. Mc Clure, left yesterday to visit another of her daughters, Mrs. Glenn, of Spar tanburg, S. C. Mrs. Russell Bellamy and Miss Helen Trenholm. of New York, left ast evening, returning home Tafter a very pleasant visit to the family of Dr. W. J. H. Bellamy. LIST OF LETTERS. Remaining Uncalled Por in the Wilming ton Postoffice April 24, 1901. MEN'S LIST. J. M. Ausley, Geo. T. Ausley. Lumley L Avery, Willie Ashe, G. F. Ho wen. Jr., Joshua Beattie, W. Bald win. W. D. Bunting, Dan Donnahoe, A. C. Giles, J. H Guyer. Ed Green. J. T. Graham. Oliver Green. D. W. W. Holmes, F. Hanyrlette, Rev. Jno. RowIav W FT n.mnfnn Phillirt Jenkins. no RtS3.-'W- a T.land, Walter Lee, J. P. Monroe. M O. Mc Milian, Richard Marry. Richard Mc Ree, Samuel McCarter, Samuel Mc Koy. W. T. Mercer. L. H Padison, W. C Orr, Rev. W. 8. Rtne, Willie Rountree. Willie Rite. D. W. Smith. N. J. Sellers, R. H. Simmons, Wiley Shaw, W. H. Toomer, William Wright Samuel Wiggins. R. N. Widhams, Rodolph Walton, H. Washam. WOMEN'S LIST. Arcaney Bass, Hattie Canidy. Lizzie Carroll, Alice Ganthen. Mary M. Geer, Mrs. J. F. Herring, Virginia Jones, Hattie Murphy, Mrs. Samuel Milde. Troy McLeod. Sarah Patrick. Lizzie Subsine, July Smith, Minnie Stevens, Mrs. W. A. Scott, Mrs. M A. Tbompon. Bride Vereen. Kliza Williams, Eliza Wilson, Fannie Wil liams, Daisy Whitney, Athlea West broofc, Anna Walters. RETURNED FROM DEAD LETTER OFFICE. W. H. Robinson. Robert M. Kir lock. Oskdale Cemetery Directors. As is customary each year, the Board of Directors of the Oakdale Cemetery Company held a meeting at the lodge yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock and transacted unimportant business to the public. The Directors made an examination of tbe grounds and found everything in most excel lenWorder, which reflects much credit upolJhe attentive and thoroughly capa&e superintendent, Mr. Timothy Donlam. Members of the board were driven out to the cemetery in. carriages. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Concord Chapter No. 1, EVA. M. QOMP ANIONS. There will be a Special Con vocation this (Thursday) evening, to confer tbe Past Master's Degree. By order of the High Priest apr as it W. A. MARTIN, Secretary. To Our Patrons ! While oar business has been temporarily suspended by reason of tbe damage In curred by fire, we are making every effort to get tbe business in good shape, and we are again ready to serve you, as heretofore, to the best of our ability. Our temporary quarters will be next door to the old stand. Bargains In Soap, Perfumery. Brushes, Combs and many other Toilet articles. . J. H. HARDIN. Both 'Phones, No. 55 ap lStf IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the Eastern District of North Caro lina. Fourth Division. In Bankruptcy. In the matter of W. S. Jackson. Bankrupt. Petition for discharge. To the Eonorable Thomas R. pnrnsii. Jodn of the District Court of tte United States for the Eastern District of North Oaro'lna: W. 8. Jackson, of Dunn, In the county of Harnett, and State of North Carolina. In Baid dlstr'ct, respectfully repre sents that on the 20 th day - of March last past. h" was duly adjudged bankrupt under the Acts of Congress relating to bank ruptcy; that he has duly surrendered an his nrorjertvandrlKhtsof property and has fully complied with all tbe requirements of said Acts and the orders ef the Court touching his bankruptcy. Wherefore, he prays that he may be decreed by the Court to have a full discharge from aU debts provable against his estate un der said bankrupt Acts, except such debts as areexce snted by law irom sucn aisonarge. Dated this S3rd dai ay of Apr!, A. D. 1901. W. S. JACKSON, Bankrupt ORDER OF NOTICE THEREON. ' Vutera Tklatvtnf. n Unrth nsmltlia. 88 ! On tbe 28rd day of April, a. D 1901. on reaaing the foregoing petition, it is ordered by tie Court that a hearlngte had "pon tbe same on the 6th day of May. A. D. 1901. before said Court, at FajetteyUle; said district, at five o'clock la the arterroon; and that notice thereof be published in Ths Moairaio 8m. a newspaptr Drintedin tbe said district, and that all known creditors and other persons In interest mayap pat said t me and place and show cause, ffany they have, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be granted. n WH ness my hand at Fayetteville, N O in the said district on the daor UjjJ901" aprSBlt , Referee in Bankruptcy. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Yr, by MaJJ, fS.OOX Six SKonths, , .' ' 8.50 Thiree Months, ; 1.25 Two Months, 1.00 Delivered to-Subscriber fn thX X City at 45 Cents per BEoKth. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SHOES! Our Specialty. BUT WHEN YOU WANT ANY Good Mi W (tap CALL AT DEPARTMENT STORES. 63 steps East from corner Front and Princess Streets. Rell 'Phone 661. ap 14 tf Equally Snccessfal. "Topical Twist Cigar." HAND M&DE Long Havana Filler. This IS senuine HAND MADE. Loner TTo.va.na Filler .and at tbe price, should be a trade-winner. They are free smokers and the flavor aed quality unsurpassed No high-priced Cigar gives better satisfaction. We make one price to all dealers. Guarantee them, if not better than any you handle send them back. 'Match It" Cheroot. Sumatra Wrapper and by far dif ferent from other Cheroots. Try them and if not as pood as many nickel Cigars, send them back. We pay all expenses. - Vollers & Hashagen, apr 21 tf SOLE DISTRIBUTORS. Try My Ice Cream. Very Best $1.00 Per Gallon, Chocolate and Vanilla. Bananas, Apples, Oranges, Pineapples and fresh COCOANUTS. J. W. PLUMMER, Jr. Bell 'Phone 680. ap 0 tf Inter-State 132. More Salt WE CAN SUPPLY TOUR NEEDS, 10,000 SACKS. SEED POTATOES of the BEST variety and quality. . Seed Oats, Seed Rye. Fertilizers of all makes and (rrades. Inquiries and orflers solicited. The Worth Oo. febsetf FIRST PAT. FLOUR, 2ND PAT. FLOUR. STRAIGHT FLOUR, Sugar, Molasses, Syrup, Corn, Oats, Meal, Grits, &c, In stock, not to arrive. Your or ders very much appreciated. Special attention paid to consign ments. S. P. McNAIR. ap 19 tf - LIASON'S CAKES. $IRfl nft In Mason's Assorted' Cakes H-uU.UU delivered at prices from fac tory. $ 360.50 orrVfakeS,rni8t0re $ AQ III in Stick Candy, all sizes, to I I from store or factory. $1 9Rfl In Flour. Bags or Barrels l.aSDU.asf from mai or store $QRI flA In Tobacco, S5c to 40c from OI'UI store or factory. Folly prepared to take care of every customer W. B. COOPER, Wholesale Grocer, 308,810. 8 Nutt streev . Sp21tf WIlmiBStt-ii.W.tt Fresh as Vine Saratoga Cblpa, Something you have been asktngfor. Burn ham's Extract Beer Wine and ,Iron. Extra , quality of Corned Beef, . Spiced Pickles. Bluffed Mangoes, Red Admiral Beans. Have you tried tbemf If not, you nave missed a treat, sure melt in your mouth. . For the best Butter Fox River, Clover uOl For tbe Finest Flour "MTSTERT." CALL S. W. SANDERS. At The Unlucky Corner, or Brooklyn Branch. - apr 741 . : ra