i.. Liner i" v I allrnlaZfOD. $ fl4V has resigned as U. 8. j r..,m the ruins of Torks near Frankfurt, .Mrreu I'" Criistration to relieve her W , rttona Chinese U'ereSPp "BlacK Jack" rL'tMfc robber, hanged r m - The expre8S Xc'BUal of Georgia train 1 ,B-.aount taken unknown. Markets: Money on call lV,4 per cent ; cotton quiet; 4aDds8 5 16c; flour firm; fiffirm, No. 2red83fc;corn No. 2 53J3; oata-spot Cf?32ic; rosm dull; spirits LEATHER REPORT. fl a Dtrt or agriculture, N. a. April 29 maximum. RU rlo 51 degrees ; mean 6U gtmnutn J for the day, 0; rainfall Will to of the moata 10 uw, w Cofwaterin the Cape Fear river grille at 8 A.M. 11.9 feet. WEICA3T FOB TUUJi. 'SDGTOS. April 2(5.-For North LFiir Sitmdav; warmer m w porno u; "iuuj -j CT...1- Sunday fair. BOK'J " pt Almanac April 27. 5 12 k. M 6 43 J . M 13 H 31 M 2.2IA. M. 4 50 A. M 1 w Jdysift...- i Iftw tsouinpori. f jer WilJii-eo'n. w is Dlavin? the role of anblej again and threatens to iiaj ?oer found with a gun or lidand comfort to the fel- KB fame? Several Northern beat Marion Butler in South da,confouadi;- him with ex- nf Seuator M. Butler. We mi whether Marion or M. 0. u be maddest at this. 3 iPukhurst said in one of his it IS speeches that a3 between ia Sodom and .Gomorrah and fork, his preference would be Scold towns. There is no ac pgfor the taste 8 or prefer? jofiome men. k piMcLaurin, of South Caro- sjihe will not leave the Dem- fcparty. If Senator McLaurin Filow np and travel a differ ed from that he has been W lately the Democratic li leave him. i , f litest combine report from f?" that fellowa who have 1 ava "stipulating the wires have Ntelephone combine wnich i,ui,uuu miles oi wire W) telephones. They will 3; ed to run the hello busi ly own wav. Nenaed food has been lann- Ftobe given a trial for ty Japan and -some other r"cU. It ia nnmcnA ttJ beans compressed into ' remarkable thinir ru 18 tna!t wasn't concocted rswneae hut k nt: T i , PD. hi been charged with p enable commnnitmn. ecom Pers, and , Ju. UIUCIOU Stand r , . - bl ia . in hies nr. bet ween him and Con- I ate de MelvillA in V " ew YnrL- nVA HIS The COUnt. 8inrni tka Pi decla are3 that hiornmw Wh J 6 has hpon mop. ""i- ne can't nnnnt. tv,a Ft w uiuerent times. of ,t.a . .. VVHUW wuw I, j serves nim Un tr (thont ai 7n .l,,ere- Hi last 'to trouble. n - wditera in the nobhv T.M-r Hiaut8 aon't get ! liP-tor, r . UaJ Dl iTenn the Proprietor of taurant for $2,000 fctU Whlch be lost 4106 bnt;: considered ta.t; caned in as . "ua thai-. there are a h make h&t UTUNES Libert fopold 1 iff VOL. LXVHI. NO. 31, 1.0.0. F. CELEBRATION WUmington Odd " Fellows Ob served Eighty-second Anni versary Last Night, . ADDRESS BY COL. BRUT0N. Masterlj Effort Thonmthlj ApprecUted by aa Opera Hoase FaU of People. Spleadld Maslcal Protramoie , Artlatlcallj Rendered. V The eighty-second anniversary cele bration by the members of the Odd Fellow fraternity ia Wilmington last evening at the Opera House was in every way characteristic of the spirit of enterprise and completeness for which the order is noted every where, and the -event upon the" whole Wflcta great credit upon the members of the com' mittee of - arrangements,1 who have worked assiduously for the past month to make a sueceea of it. The exerciser opened a little after 8 o'clock with a musical number, 'Two ttosea," by a male quartette consisting of Messrs. Q EL Cooper, first tenor; J. a Williams, first bass, B. O. Banks, second tenor: A. 8. Holden. v soond bass. Then followed a fervent prayer by the Rev. A.. D. McClure, chaplain. and this was followed by a ''Hunting Song," aweetly rendered by a mixed quartette participated in by Mrs. W. L. Latta, soprano; Mrs. Jas. D. 8mith, alto; Mr.B a Banks, tenor, and Mr. J. a Williams, basa. , ' Secretary B P. King of the officers of the ioint meetin sr. then read the proclamation aa is customary upon such celebrations, and a duet, "Gently Flows the River,? was superbly ren dered by Messrs. ' Bank- and A. S. Holden. - ".- The usual anniversary cerettkOny then came, and after a delightful ren dition of The Bridee" bv the male quartette, the Hon. John D. Bellamy, Past Grand Master, presented in hsppy maonerCoL Jno; P. Bruton, P. G. M., of Wilson, N. C, and one of the most distinguished members of the rdr in the State. Cl. Bruton spoke for about forty minutes, dwellioe upon the benefits aud beauties of Odd Fellowship, and closing with a beautiful figure of 8-jeech enumerating the cardinal prin ciples of , Odd Fellowship "Love, Friendship, Truth, Qharity, Benevo lence; five great virtues, which, like a jewel on the stretched finger of time, thine luminous forever " Col. Bruton's speech is spoken of as . , . a one or tne very nest ever oeuverea upon the occasion, of a lodge function in this city. The Opera House was dlled to overflowing and the speaker was given most attentive and appre ciative hearing. "Come W here My Love Lies Dream- log," (Foster), was next renderegjry a mixed quartette, consisting of Miss Carrie .White, soprano; Mrs. F. A. Muse, alto. M Q. EL Cooper, tenor; Mr. A. a Holden, bass. Next followed a recitation by Miss Hattye Taylor, which was charmingly presented and greatly enjoyed. The closing chorus, "Oh. Itain, Italia, Beloved,' (Donxetti), was rendered by Mrs. LatU and Miss Whit, soprano; Mrs. 8mith and Mrs Ifase, altos; Messrs. Cooper' and Banks, tenon, and Messrs. Williams and Holden, hnnftrs Tne benediction by Rev, Mr. Mc Clare dismissed perhaps tne largest gathering of Odd Fellows and their friends ever assembled in the city. . Mr. Alfred H Yopp played a splen did piano accompaniment to ail tne musical selections, which were warm ly applauded. ColBraton, the orator, amvea in the city last evening and is being en teruined at the. home of his friend, CoL Walker Taylor - In attendance upon the celebration were about twenly five members of Atlantic Lodge, I O, O. P . of South- port, who. came up on we Wilmington late in the afternoon and r-turned after the exercises last night Thev were hospitable entertained at The Orton by the W'1"0110 lodee- The committee of arrangemenU tor the event last night was composed as follows : W. L- Smith, chairman ; J. a. O relL secreury: J. W. Fleet, B. O Craig, J. J- Hopkins, W. O. 8mith, Jno E Wood, D. KIGwin, B. R. Penny, B. J. Jacobs. E. If. Penny, 1C P. Johnson, The namerof officers who presided at the meeting have already been pub lished in the STAB- The following were among we nartv of South port Odd Fellowa who came up for the" celebration i Jaa. A. Williams, O. D. Burnss. B. V. uner. jfcT. Lowramer.JB J. Holden, 4. a Ruark. A- BL Osen, Fip Kngier, J. a. Nox, A. C. Lime, J. B. Mcuracaen, a Ed. Taylor, ' .'. - Rev. Mr Kejley ACCepta. ' Th Annfrreffation of St. I Matthew'a Knirlish Lutheran Church yesterday received - notice that the Bev. O. W, (rtk s woman. and Egley, of Wbytheville, Va.. would v,nm,. i " - . i ' . accept the call to the pastorate of that "iu Liiiiin o .uka thA jaz ri am a. nan naauirBW ui stuaaw n.n.Miwtn which was xnoea w KSm . month H1 tffO UO. OCT. OU. " . . - T, ... H Kegley is ayouug minister of unusual r..rnA and abititv ana cruuicu wku distinction lsat year fromhe Lutheran Theological Seminary, Charieston,S. n T.at mmmtr he-sunolied ihe pul nit rn a ihnrt - while ana s:rea iv rZ" . . . . . Lt.k l.. pleaceu tne cosgregaiion oi wowju uo is now to become pastor Clyde Line Sailing daya. Ploaaix Ins. Co. Statement. - Munich las. Co SUtement. Mdrobisoh NaJ Bank Best service. Busiagea- locals. LOCAL DOTS. Mias Elizabeth D. Bnrtt ni give a piano recital in thrnM tt.. at Florence on the eveni n nt Anrii 80th. " A fishing party of Wilminirton people will leave the city at midnight, May 9th, for "a trio to T,ittiA THw a C, on the tug Marion. - The Cape Fear Lumber Com pany yesterday cleared the schooner Henry R. Tttton and Montana with cargoes of lumber for New York. Bev. J. B. Hurley, field azent of the Methodist Orphanage at Ra leigh, will speak at Grace' M. EL Church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. - A ladies' breaat-pin. highly valued as a-gi was lost yesterday af ternoon on the streets., A liberal re ward will be paid for its return to the real estate office ot Mal J O'CMuer on mnoesaatreet. - . Alonza Cox and Arthur Peter son, both colored; were sent to the county, work house yesterdav for twenty days each for vagrancy. Tney were coopedT,,by the police at the Power house of the Street Railway Company. Mr, T. D Love, the well known Water street grocer and steamboat agent, yesterday moved his stock from its former location, next door to the Home Brewing Company, to two doors to the south. He now has a much better location and'a more convenient store room. The Home Brewing Com pany will occupy his old store with iu original place on the corner of the alley. THE ANNUAL PILGRIMAGE. Colonial Danes Are ArraaIof for a Most Oetif atfol Trip Oa Next Wedaesday. AaaoaacemeaU Made. The North Carolina Society of Colo nial Dames is very active in its prepa rations for the annual pilgrimage next Wednesday, May 1st, to the ruins of 8L Philip's church at Old Brunswick. A meeting of the Society was held yes terday afternoon in the Masonic Temple, at which final arrangements for tbe trip were made. - The steamer Wilmington will leave her wharf at 9 45 o'clock and the fare fjr the round trip wilLbe only SO cents for adults and for children under 15 years of age 15 cents.. The Dames are determined to make of the excursion an altogether agree able and delightful affair, and a large party ia expected. Those who con template going are asked to carry luLcheon with them and a supply of water, as tbe supply about the ruins is limited and inferior. It ia hoped that no children will be allowed to take the trip unless under the care of some older person, as tbe ladies in charge of the excursion can not become responsible for their safe keeping. 7 o the event the day is not favor able to an outing of thiacharacter on Wednesday, the. trip will be made on Thursday following, and the annual meeting of the society will be held at 10 A M. on the Wednesday preceding. DEATH OP MRS. P. V. ALDERHAN. Passed Away at Nine O'clock Yesterday Morals? FsseraJ This Afteraooa. lira Rena H. Alderman, relict of the late Percy V.' Alderman, who was so well and favorably known in Wil mington, died at 9 o'clock yesterday morning at the home of her aunts, Missea Lula and Teresa Agostini, No. 19 South Sixth street, after a lingering illness of several months with con sumption, N Mrs Alderman was a daughter of the late Wm. Harris and a grand daughter of the .late P. M. Agostini. 8he was only 28 years of age and leaves one child, Hrry, aged $ years. Her aunts, two brothers and two sis ters are the only Remaining immediate relatives to mourn. the sad and' un timely death. Te brothers are Haara.- W. M- Harrias and Pierre A. Harries and tbe sisters, Mrs. Jfi o. Knight and F. T. Skipper. - Agra, Alderman was a consistent member of 3t. James' Episcopal church and a lady of sweet Christian character. ' The funeral will beheld from the late reaidenee at 4:30 o'clock this after-, noon and tne. interment will be in Oakdale cemetery --v ATLANTIC YACHT CLUB. Initiation Pee Caaaged aad Other Basiaest Traasacted at Meetlof Last NIfM. .. At a very enthusiastic special meet ing otmemberiof' the Atlantic Yacht Club held Isst evening in the Mayor's office at the City Hall, Commodore. James F. Post presiding and Mr. R. D. Cronly acting aa secretary." it was decided to change the initiauon lee from $20 to $12, and to make the sea nn'i dues $3. this special dispensation jo continue Util July 15th. 1; : Among other things mscussea waa the matter of jmprovementa to the club's property at Wrightsville beach, and the governing feoferd was ih vested with authority . ' to "rebuihi thex club pier, which was destroyed hy-the storm of 1899.' and also to make other ma- tti Imnrovemehts " to ' the club rounds and building.. The- meeting adjourned subject to qaH of toe yommooora. : . t VMihlnfl new this season. Al len's New Orleans Minstrels, Monday nht nn nerformanee only .-s 8how grbULds Sixth pd Bd Orosi streets. ; .t-x : WILMINGTON, N. O., SATURDAY, APRIL 27, THE BROWNIES LOST. Wilmington Defeated Portsmouth On the Hilton Diamond Sec ond Time Yesterday. NEWPORT DEFEATS NORFOLK Aad Thereby . Hssgs a Taie Poll of Mean- lag aad Consolation to tbe Glaats. -The Exbibltloa Yesterday Was of Very Poor Order. " - yKSTERDAY'S GAMES. Wilmington, 13; Portsmouth, 9. wwn ; riicnmona, z. Newport, 7; Norfolk, 2 WHKB THKY PLAY TO-DAT. Portsmouth at Wilmington. a ,.. - tficnmond atKUeifh. ... - . 'n , " Norfnilk mt rJeiimil fJuia 1 STANDISa OF TH OLUB8 . 'i - Wan Ijhc Puit ixorroik ... . . , , .;.. 7 Wilminsrton . . . . . 6 m t ... - - w. Ju 1. 4 87C .600 .500 .333 .444 .300 Raleigh 5 5 6 5 7 Richmond . . .-. . 8 Newport News 4 Portsmouth... 3 Norfolk lost the game to Newport news yesterday afternoon, in a score of seven to twelve. That is better news than the fact that Wilmingson took tbe second game from Portsmouth yesterday by score of twelve to nine. Norfolk has maintained a winning streak ever since the opening of the season and has stood at the top of the per centage column and looked defiantly at her more humble neighbors below. It is good news, too, because Wilmington has remained comfortably toward the top and expects in the future to out strip the "Sdippers from the good ship Mary Jane" and take the pennant position for itself an . expectation which is reasonably grounded and perfectly in keeping with the deter mination of every man on Maaager Peschau's team. But to the game yesterday. It was rather poor exhibition, and while there is some manner of truth in the general opinion that "any game is a good one in which Wilmington wins" there were 'numbers of people at Hil ton yesterday who were far from sat isfied with the article of ball fur niahed. - Martin, the plucky little pitcher for the Brownies, went up in a balloon in the second anil allowed the Giants to score at wilL xne base runner wss forced in on balls to tbe batter, and the Portsmouth t wirier was hit all over the garden. It looked much like a walk over for tbe Jocala until the fourth: inning, when "Cy" Vorhees, for the home teamr went all to pieces and was "wi Hawed" all over thd dia mond. He steadied down later, how ever, and pitched a fairly good game' He is not in good trim yet. but. will be a N.o. 1 later. Tne sensational catch of the day was made by Delaney in centre field in the last inning when three Brownies were on bases and a score looked inevitable. He made a long run for the ball and secured it after losing his footing and falling to the ground. Stafford's work at the bat was good and but for his cleverness with the stick, Wilmington might have lost the game. In the first inning Cranston, Crock ett and McGinnis were thrown out in one, two, tnree order, and it waaanout the same story for Weaver, Westlake and Kemmer and Murray for the Brownies. In the second, Stafford hit to centre for two bags and on error got third; Toackara hit out to deep left and Stafford scored ; Delaney flew out to right; Warren and Clayton walked; Vorhees singled to centre, scoring Warren; Cranston walked, forcing Vorhees to second; Crockett walked forcing Ggayton home. McGinnis singled to short upon whose error Cranston and Vorhees scored; Stafford walked, advancing McGinnis. nack arahitto third and on wild throw to first. Cockett and McGinnis scored; ThackiS attempted . second and was thrown out. For Portsmouth Knau, Lipp and Martin flew out in short of der. In the third, Delaney was thrown out from right; Warren walked and stole second; Clayton fanned and Vorhees flew out to right. For Ports mouth, Swanson fanned; Watson was thrown out from short; Weaver sing led to right; Westlake hit aafe to umpire; Kemmef hit to third forcing out Weaver.: la the fourth Cranston went out to left ; Crockett hit to second and aafe on error of first McGinnia flew and to right; Stafford walked forcing Crock ett to second ; Thackara fanned. Portsmouth took, ad vantage of Vor hees' absence in the air and Murray singled past short ; Knau walked ; L'pp hit safe to right; Martin hit to second -forcing Lipp rand scor jng Murray; Swander hit down to plate and on ineffectual throw to first; Knau scored j Watson singled to right and Hrtin scored; 'Weaver hit for two bags, scoring Swander; Westlake hit hit to centre and Watson and Weaver scored; Kemmer went out from short and Murray fanned. : : In the fifth Delaney flew, but to short; Warren walked and stole sec ond; C ay ton flew out'to left Vorheea hit out to second. For the Brownies Knau walked ; Lipp bunted and was thrown out; Martin hit third and safe on wild throw ; 8wanders and Watson fanned.. In the sixth; ; Cranston walked Crockett sacrificed, McGinnis flew out to centre; Stafford singled to short and Thackara. 'went ou't fronv short For Portsmouth -Weaver, went out from ? ahort; : Westlakev singled third : Kemmerhit to third, ana worn oat on beautiful' double - from Wamnto?-CJrocket: to ' Stafford. In the seventh, Delaney, Warren and Clayton went but in short -order and lor Portsmouth : Murray walked ; Knau hit safe on short's error; Lipp fanned; Martin flew out and to left; Swander hit to centre for , two bags. scoring Knau and Murray ; Watson went out from second. In the eighth, Vorhees flew, out to centre; p Cranston singled to left; Crocket liit hot over second and stole it; McGinnis popped up a foul to catcher; Stafford singled to left for 4 three bags, scoring Cranston and Crockett; Thackara singled to left, scoring Stafford; Delany hit to short forcing out Thackara. For Ports mouth Weaver, Weitlake and Mur -Murray went out in shprt order, leav ing Kemmer, who, had walked, dead on second. , . In the t ninth Warren, singled past third; Clayton forced him out at second;? Vorheea hit safe to right; ermy WoHef t,t wSbTmae:;a beautiful-catch ; Clayton got third on wild pjtch ; Crcckettr walked and Mc Ginnis aingled. to centre scoring Clay ton and Vorhees; Stafford went out from third. For Portsmouth, Knau walked ; Lipp fanned; Martin flew out lo left; 3 wanders hit safe to centre; Watson hit safe to left and the bases were filled; Weaver hit high to centre, and Delaney by a phenomenal running catch, which set the bleacheries wild, retired the aide. THE TABULATED SOOBE. Wilmington. AB B . 4 2 . 43 .6 1 PO 1 1 1 9 6 4 3 2 0 ,E 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ,1 0 Cranston, rf . . . . Crockett. 20 McGisnis, cf 6 1 1 Stafford, lb.... 4 3 3 Thackara, c. 5 0 1 Delaney, ir sou Warren. Sb 2 1.1 Clayton, as. 4 2 0 Vorhees rjj. 4 2 1 Total . .89 12J.0 27.15 2 Portsmouth. AB R H.PO A B Weaver, 2b 6 1 2 2 3 0 Westlake. o. 4 1 3 4 O o Kemmer. 3b 4 0 0 0 3 1 Marray,cf.. ........ 4 2 2 1 0 0 Kuau.ss 2 2 0 3 1 1 Lipp. rf ..5 0 1 3 1 0 Martin, p ..5 1 0 0 5 0 8 wanner. If. 5 1 2 4 1 1 Watson, lb. 5 1 2 10 0 1 ToUl .40 9 11 27 14 4 SCOBS BV IHB1KGS. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9BHE Wilmington. ..0 7 0 0 (W) 0 3 213102 Portsmouth. ..1006 (TO 3 0 09 11 4 Summsry Earned runs, Wilming ton, 3; Portsmouth, 4. Errors, Wil mington, 3; Portsmouth, 4. Sacrifice bits, Wilmington, Crockett. Two base hits, Wilmington,8tafford; Ports mouth, Murray, Weaver, Swander. Tnree base hits, Wilmington, Stafford. Total base on hits, Wilmington, 13; Portsmout, 14 .Bases on balls," off, Vorheea 6. off Martin 10. Struck out by Vorhees, 6; by Martin, 3. Wild ditch, Martin, . Double plays, Wilmington, Warren to Crockett to Stafford. Stolen bases. Wilmington, 3; Portsmotb, L Time of game, 1:50. Umpire Clark. Sorer, Nash. Attendance, 500. Notes of the Home dime. 'Bill" Watson, a Wilmington boy, played first base for the Brownies and did well. Gates, who was injured in Thursday's game, was unable to take the field and Watson filled his place, Kemmer going to. Gates' sition at third and Watson to Kemmer's at first. He was clever with ihe stick yesterday, and would make a valu able addition to Portsmouth's team for the season. ' ' ' Clayton's error at short in yester day's game fully demonstrated to tbe Wilmington "fans" that the very best in the business sometimes make mis takes It waa Clayton's first for the season, which is.a remarkable record. for the difficult position, in which he plays. - " O'Steen will likely report at New port News with Wilmington's team next week. A telegram was received from him yesterday. - Umpire Clark continues to be all right He is a favorite with the Wil mington Vfans,' but sometimes brushes us seemingly hard. Foreman and either Thackara "or Cranston will be Wilmington's battery to day. You should see "Brownie" pitch. If there is one thing Ports mouth does dread it is Foreman,' He is a bard proposition for any team to solve. The locals leave tQ morrow morning fpr Newport News and Portsmouth goes home to meet '-Raleigh ; Rich mond goes to Norfolk. For the last half of the week, Wilmington goes to Norfolk, Raleigh o Richmond and Newport to Portsmouth .' Scores 0a Other Diamonds. At Newport News: o O i K ff V O A n a v N. News. ....3 0 0 3 0 0 0 8 x 7 8 Norfolk 0 0 0 1 2 0 2 0 05 7 1 Batteries: Heiberger and Foster; Marrisey and Nelson. v J , At Raleigh ; ." " ' 1 33 4 5 6 7 8 9-BSH Raleigh... ,.1 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 x 5 6 3 Richmond .. .0 0 0 0 0 1 p 0 13 7 3 Batteries: Bowden and Legrande; Bishop . and Manners, Time, 1,:20. Umpire, Davis, The Travellers; Meet... The Orton will" be the , Mecca to which many fruit and, produce ..solici tors will travel 'to4ay ; the occasion being the third annual meeting of the American Fruit and Produce Travel ier's Association v A session will be held at TJhe Orton i at4:b'cIoc3fe thia afternoon and ano.the atf) P. tt. in the rQQ,m oi thf-lerehanta.' Assoicia- - Allen's Jewleans said to give the- bee.t parade of any Minstrel organisation, in thia country; Be sure and. see It Monday. It will start from their private care in thf Coast Line, yarda. about.'xioon.: The Company will sgive one .performance only Monday: nhV-5-rJ'H 1M 1901. WIH CONSOLIDATE, Atlantic Bnk National and National of Wilmington - Will Likely Become One. A STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING Is Called for May 27th at Which Qoestloa Will be Proposed Circalars Issued by Directors of the lastitatioas. Details Unobtainable. , -. A sensation was sprung upon local financiers and tbe public . generally ye8terday afternoon when it was an nounced with authority that a move ment was on foot, with every prospect of suceesful culmination, to conaolU Af) hn Ai"tfa. ttai-i .r.A wn- mington National baoks, two of the leading institutions of thwr character ia the' city, , with ' a . combined capital stock of $225,000, the Atlantic bavins $125,000 of the amount aid the WiK mingtoh National, $100,000 The- following notices to stock holders of a meeting of tbe two banks to be held simultaneously at 11 A. M , on May ; 27th, and an accompanyihg circular with each contain all the par ticulars-now obtainable as to the basis upon which the proposed consolida tion will be made: THE NATIONAL BANK OF WILMINGTON. Deab 8 IB: Please take not:ce that a meetinsr of the stockholders oi The National Bank of Wilmington will be held in the President's office on Mon day, May 27, 1901, at 11 o'clock A. M., tor the purpose of allowing each stockholder to vote upon the subj-ct of uniting the business of this bank with The Atlantic . National Bank either by liquidation or by consolida tion. By order of the Board of Di rectors Jno. S. Abmstbong, President, and Chairman of the Board. To the Patrons of the National Bank of Wilmington; " It is proposed that tbe business of The National Bank of Wilmington and The Atlantic National Bank be consol idated in order to reduce taxes and aave expenses - thereby increasing the profit to the stockholders. With this end in view, tbe Directors in this Bank have purchased stock in Tbe Atlantic National Bank and it is proposed by both banks to continue the business under the charter of The Atlantic Na tional Bank. It ia. also proposed tbat the Board of Directors of The Atlantic National Bank be increased in order that this Bank have as full representa tion as the present Directors of Tne Atlantic National Bank. No change is proposed with reference to the policy of tbe business. J W. Norwood ha Asonsen ted to serve as President and John a Armstrong has agreed to serve aa Vice President of the consolidated business . Thanking you for your former patronage, and soliciting a continuation, we are, .Respectfully, J. a Armstrong, J. H. Obsd bourn Jr. Wm. Calder, J. G. Li Ueischen, -Geo. B French, Hugh McRae, Wm. E. Worth, Directors. Junius Davis, Gabriel Holmes, O W. Yates, - J. W. Yates, Cashier. THE ATLANTyXNATIONAL BANK. DeabSjh: Pllase take notice that a meeting Of the stockholders of the Atlantic National Bank will be held in the president's office on Monday, May 27th, 1901. at 11 o'clock A. M. for tbe purpose of allowing each stockholder to vote upon the subject of increasing the number of the present Board of Directors f 'om eleven to not exceed ing nineteen ; also for the purpose of allowing each stockholder to vote upon the question of increasing the capital stock of the bank from $125, 000 to $200,000. By order of the Board of Directors. J. W. Nobwood, President and Chairman of tbe Board. To the Patrons of the, Atlantic Na tional Bank: . It is proposed that the business of The Allan tic National Bank of Wil mington and The National Bank of Wilmi' g on be consolidated in order to reduce taxea and save expenses, thereby increaaing the. profit to stock holders. With this end in view, Tbe National Bank of Wilmington pro poses jto liquidate and transfer its bust ness to The Atlantic National Bank. The officers and Directors of The Nav tional Bank of Wilmington will pur chase an interest in The Atlantic National Bank in order to get the benefit of the increased value in At lantic Natioual Bank stock. It is pro posed to increase tbe Board of Direc tor of The Atlantic National Bank in order that the present Di'ec tors of The National Bank-of Wil mington may have full representation on the Board of Directors of The At lantic National Bank. No change is proposed with reference to the policy of the bank. J. W. Norwood will continue as President, Jno. 8.. Armstrong will act as Vice president of the consolidated business. Thanking you for your former patronage and soliciting a continua tion, we are, ' Respectfully, Jt W. Norwood, J). IVGore, G. A. Norwood, P. L. Bridgers, tx. u. snort, S P. McNair, C W. Worth, IS, J. Jfowers, iiS - U VoIlgi, J. Ij. Coker, W. E. Springer. Directors. Andrew Moreland, F. J. Haywood, -Cashier. Asst. Cashier. Officers of both insUtutiona and prominent members of the boards oi directors refused to discuss the matter of consolidation yesterday beyond the information contained .-In the above circulars. - It was learned, however, that the banking house of the consoli dated institution will be the handsome buiiding now occupied by the Na tional Bank of Wilmington, northwest corner.of Front and. Princess streets. An inquiry aa to the probable reduc tion of clerical force was made, but, of course, QCtthing satisfactory : can be learned joat yetThe, 'Atlantic bank employe about twenty five men and the Wilmington bank abontfteen. It Is expected that ajtei thestock holders njeetiag, it wiUbeabqutthirty days until the consolidated institutidu under the: name of the .Atlantic N tional Bank!Lwill be invf uU -operatioiu Minstrel Monday. One performance I onlyreleani- refined and up to-date. xsveryming new thia season, enow gounss Uxth and Bed Cross streets, f WHOLE NO. 10,511 The Mnrchison Of Wilmington. . Guarantees to its patrons the very best service and security. Depository for United States.1 State and City Funds. . " r , Deals in Foreign Exchange. Business intrusted to us will receive careful and prompt attention. tt.-. BleQTjrEiBir, President, apr 87 tf SUPERIOR COURT YESTERDAY Eacsged All Day ia Ceatlaaed Hearlsj of the Carter Damsfe Salt Win Coaclade To-day. - I AootheR entiredaar-. waa nonsomed t ithe Superior Court yesterday in a hearing of the ease of Carter against the Cape Fear- Lunger Company for $10 000 alleged damages, reference to which was made at length in these columns yesterday morning. . All the evidence was in - by noon yesterday and argument by counsel was begun but not concluded when court took an adjournment for the day at 6 o'clock last evening. Hon. Jno. D. Bellamy was sneaking for the plaintiff when tbe hour for adjourn ment was reached and he will finish thia morning. Judge Hoke will then charge the jury and a decision is ex pected later in te day. For the defendant yesterday morn ing Messrs. O. H. Cooper, R. A. Pars ley, W. T. Sears, O. A. Wiggins and J. A. Arrinedaie testified as expert mill men and tbe last named as to the ' conditions and circumstances of the accident by which Carter claims damages. Richard McPherson and John Corbett, both colored and co- laborers with the plaintiff, also testified as to the device used in loading into the dry kiln at the Cape Fear mill. For the other side the plaintiff was recalled and the evidence closed. George L. Pesohau, Esq., addressed the jury for the plaintiff, and con cludedhis speech after the dinner re cess. Robert Rusrk, Esq.. then spoke for about forty minutes in behalf of tbe defendant, ' and Iredell Meares, Esq., followed in a speech of about an hour also for the defendant.- Mr. Bel lamy began his speech just before adjournment and spoke for about twenty minutes. Court will be convened at 10 o'clock this morning, and the concluding business transacted preparatory to ad journment for tbe4erm this evening. M'MULLEN'MIIXEK LUMBER CO. Mammsih Plant Doing Tremendous Bosl- aess at Bowdeo's, Daplia Coaaty. Mr. Leroy B. Rogers, of the D. L. Gore Company, who returned this week from a trip up the Wilmington and Weldon railroad, had occasion while away to go over the extensive plant of the McMullen-Miller Lumber Company at. Bowden's, N. C , estab Iished a little less than two years ago. Mr. Rogers says the plant is essily the best adapted and most up to date in the South Atlantic Statea. From SCO to 400 men find employment there and from seventy-five to oneisundred thousand feet of timber are cut per day. The shipments average from five to ten cars per 'ay and the establishment of the mill at that point has done wonders for the surrounding country. Practically a new town has been made of Bowden's and the A. C. L. station has been moved nearer to the mill for convenience sake The company operates a large sup ply store and a hotel in connection tfith the extensive plant and every thing is aa systematic as a government department office. Mr. W. H. Mc- Mu&en, ot Minneapolis, Minn., is the Cleveland attentive manager and treasurer of the company, and is a man or wonderful executive and busi ness. abiMfy. The company Is now constructing a railroad from Bowden's to Newton Grove, a distance of about 17 miles, and this is now practically completed. It is laid with substantial iron and a regular locomotive is run over the track, PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Miss Mary Kenan is in Ral eigh visiting the family of CoL Thoa. S.-Kenan, " .). The Stab is pleased to note that Mrs. A. L DeRosset was much improved yesterday. .... Mr. L. R. Ives, of Florence, S. C, waa an arrival at The Orton yesterday. 7 Mr. P. R. Albright, : secretary and treasurer of the North Carolina Car Service Association,: is at The Or- ton. . ' ,'-.':-7- Arrivals in the city yesterday were:. , J. P. Woodward, Warsaw, J. A. Duncan. Apex; L. T. Cottingham. Maxton, and J. J. McCurry, Char lotte, . i f:':-"v. President J. G. Thompeon, oi the American Fruit and Produce Trav ellera Association, arrived at The Orton yesterday for the annual meet" ing to-day. : -K'l f r.,'-.: ' . ' Bemember the -Minstrels ; Monday night, April 29th. Show grounds corner Sixth and Bed Cross streets. Seats for 3.000 people.. Admission 15 and 25' cents. . . u .- -'i'tt. -'13 t y nran? w AirjWBilANr-lB this city, at 9 o'cJock A.J, 5riXV TABtli S8tb. Mrs. BXN HABBISa aldkbxan, relict o2 the late P. v. alderman, aged SB years. ,icj, iii-sjj -c , ItuwralfHBlaeresldenee. lBOTiUi Sixth street a 4:09 KJI,. to day, theact to Oakaato" Oeuietary. yriendsanaacqttalaUDCr ally tavttad to attendm fiMmS" TERrjs of suescfliPTion.: Oas Yer, by EXail, $5.00 Six Boatha. . :: .60 , Three Zfeatha, ; ;;1.8B ) Two Uontha, ' llr'I.00, Delivered to Subscriber in tn City at 45 Cents per BXontn. national Bank, J. V. OBAINCBB Caaltter. EqaaUy SflccessfQl. "Topical Twist Cigaf HAND KADJE Long Havana Filler. This is genuine HAND HADE, Long Havana FlUerand at tbe price, should be a traoe-win-ner. They ar free smokers and the fUvor atd qnaltty nnarpoooa No higb-prtced Cigar gives oetter satiataotion. We make one price to all dealers. Oaarauc e them, tt not better than any you handle send them back. 'Match It1 Cheroot. V' Samatra Wrapper and byfar- tf- ferent from other Cberoota. T y them and if not as eoo 1 aa m.ny ntctel Cigars, send them back. We pay all expenses. Yollers & Hashagen, apr si tf SOLE DI8TBIBUTOB8. STATEMENT pHCENIX INSUBANOB . CONN. COMPART. OT HaBTFOB Condition Pecehbkb 81st, 1900. AS Showv by CTATKMKNT FILED Capital Stock-A. thorlzed, fSOOorttoOO; 8ob sa Ibed A3 ooa.coo 00: Pkid in ojian as nno non nn Income From Policy-holders $ tov.Mo.vt; jusceuaneoos, vbo,- 843 0.: Total 1 BC4 9ftftO DlMhirermenuB To Policy-holders, 9Kv,-v di; auBceuaneons, . 3951.062.75: Total a.122.192 S8 Butks w ntien or renewed daring . year, axBw.wu.gu; in lores.... . SM.4.037.W A88ET8. Value of Beat Estate aess amount ui eacafflonnces) ...9 Value of Stocks and B nds (United 50845.88 4,903,087 80 84,169.61 9.000 00 86,885.87 272 245.96 228,680.60 BHueB, Btaie, ens., ownea), Loans on Real Estate (first lien on fee Blmnla) Loans un Siocks, Bonds and other secnrttles Interest and rents, due and accrued C.sh la Home effl jo aad d -posited in Bwiks . Premlnms unpaid, All ouher Assetss detailed In state ment 260 519.81 Total i Less Assets, not admitted. 5,600 P84 08 . 17,889 SS Total admitted Assets...: .8 5,683,494 !S LIABILITIES. jOsse3 unpaid $ 258.068.15 8 087. 88 17 unearnea rrenuams Total Liabilities as to Policy holders . . .1 2 MO Qlt.ft2 Capital Paid np... .y..... 2.u00i0000 Sarplus beyond all Liabilities.1. .... 1.W2 619.98 Total Liabilities.... 9 5.S8J4MS5 BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA IN 190O. BiAks writtoo. Si 890,720 00; Premiums received. : S;0l 074.89. Lossr8iarnrredVS8 704 68: Paid, $8,918.86 Fresiaent, V. w. a pkilton - Secret wv. Edward Millioan. ' Home Office, 61 Perl Stres, Hartford, Conn. General Agent for fervloe, W. W. - Hodges, Wilmington N.O. Business Manager for North Carolina, Major J. 8. Raine, Atlanta, Oa. 8TATE OF NOBTH CAROLINA, ' " INSUBANCB DKPAkTKKNT, . Balkigh, March 23, 1901. L James R. Young, Insurance Commissioner; do ber by certify tbat tbe above Is a true and correct abstract ot the statement of the Phoralx Insorai ce Company of Hartford, Conn., n ed w th this Department, showing the condi tion or id Company on the 81st day ot Decern ber 1900. Witnef s my hand and official seal, the day and date above written. JAMES B. YOUNQ, apr872t Insurance Commissioner. . STATEMENT jyjUHICH REIN8UBANCE COMPANY, of Senna iiy. Condition djccxhbss 8'st, 1900, as Shown rf BTATCMBNT FILED. - :tol Penosited In United States in cash. io,coo 00. Income From Policy-holders, si,- . - 459 808,42; Miscellaneous, 16,216.03; Total,... . .77. $1,436 S29 45 Disbursements to P 'l cy-hol era, $34 69?0; Miscellaneous, $580,- 4U f 1; To al 1,815.071.81 Rleks Wrltv-n or renewed daring year, $205,909,155.00; in force...... 8:5,89599.00 ASSETS. Value of Stocks and"Bons (United States. Stat. eto.,ownd Interest and Bents due and ac crued Oasbsin Borne Office and deposited in Backs Premlnms unpaid 896,t87 50 79580 845,804 00 Total Assets. UABrLTTIES. Losses unpaid,... -.. $"l1,487.75 f 18VJ1S.C0 unearnaa iremiums, i, ... . ... OIS.U iv Total Llabuitles as to policy holders, .T...'.Sl,001 98910 Surplus beyond all Liabilities 269.55565 Total Liabilities, $1,861,487.75 BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA IN 1969. Reinsurance bostnera only. U. 8. Manager, Ca&l Pchreiner. U. 8 Branca Office, 846 u road way. New " VorkClty. General Agent for service, M. s. Willabd, Wllmingtoo, N. C . - Bnstness Manager for North Carolina, managed from New York Office. STATEyOF NORTH CABQLINA, , . .; . '. , :.' . ' i'- '- iNSUaAJtCX DBTABnaXT, , ifc:73i;I Baliigb, March 18,1901. I, Jamss B. Yofng, Insurance Commissioner, Oobreby certify ihat the above is a true and -correct abstract of the statement of the' Munich ' hs-Ibsttbajtcz Company, ot Ger manv, fl ed with this Department, show- -ing the condition of said Company on the 3lst day of December. 1900. . . - . witness my hand and official seal, the day and date above written. ; JAKES B. YOUNG, -c, Insuraaee Oommissioner. .. ap27 8t - , NORTH CABOIJNA, , : Nxw Hakovkk Coxmrr. . i. tsj,--tr, .. H x-:: In the Soperlor Court. vaT-i lNottoaoi8aloUBdWitteontion; H. G. Wadley. 1 - . r :ir-i;,:; By vhtne of an execmttoajtoected to imdersigsea, rrom w cuumiw "Sf - ""'llr " sonorntrTsald BtateI wid,-on Monday, tfe- Mi i nf Mar. II as is o'elock M.. at the Oonrt House door of aw Hanorer countr. sell 2ju. hiirhMt bidder for cash, to satisfy said execu'tonTall the right, title and lntereM which tbesaJd H G. wadley has in the following da- : Kor1 of land situate in the county of Hew Hanover, said State, on the west aide of the northeast branch or the Cape rear river, beelnolngoa tbe bank of said river at a tonamarked. (P), being tbe northeast corner.; ot a tract of land belonging to Powers, Glbbs . Oa noon which their works and banc log are . Bltnate: and running thence due west 904 a10 feet to another stone marked (P), thence norta 1878 7-10 feet to another stone marked (P).tbecee doe ea 908 s 10 to another stone marked P standing on the bank of said rtv-r and tbenoa -aoattiwardly down the river and with the mar- .: gin thereof to the beginning, with all tbe right : ot entry, rights ot way and other easemen . IncideBttotSe land, together with the entire BawMU Plant out&t and fixtures situate open the above described tract of land and all bsid- lurs thereon known aa the Pyke Oas SawKUU uatea una svta aay ox m sruo, 5t BberiS aiw Saaover Oooniy. - - . t-y Mm ill v.' i -.v.-' ir.;...i.;?--v,: - ou a week. XiOat -A- breastpihr v-- . w ... . . ; .. ........ V r - s-: