TERUS OF SUSSCniPtlO'l. tit h 11C" . .n.HirNeWS- Oae Year, by SaU.S f8.00Z Pflbll8hCd 10 WIllB,B2t00" ; Six Bontha, 2 - BJiOX Threw ZXoaiha, -i ; 1.88 Two XContha, f 1.00 DeUvered. tf Snbaerfbers lm SBie VOL. LXVni. NO. 33. CUT at 4S Cents per BEontn. WILMINGTONi N. CM TUESDAY; APRIL 30, 1901. WHOLE , NO10a513 fTT! A ITT) IV' -c STA hot fan, 'to, lOD, Si ; Hi t? n 1 Bice 160, 00Q, l0( y He d , 131 ' bo 6 I "re iltoi efroi impei 4 lb f men I shir indr t fron: ' aa iLOO 8prioi & e, Sail', 1 as as with SI dDip Pr ZJ. r 11 OUTLINES and party ie tefday on the conumjuh yes trio Line step m the u" . . iJBerL0(V have purchased 'jKL,, of trans-Atlantic the consou- k. -.note i.:r.inr inioroo. atrial of uapi. J. at11- at Manila. 1' 1. rfirtTTl III IO J J :7n9rticipant8 inie ' . j hpcrua ;ale cottoa mark at Savannah, Ga. P436 p ; loss $225,- r.kmeiaud several tZhrsZ explosion ma Wf?byiStorv. Fire 1 r . J. an ICI" ',7;ia ;lo,s $75,000. fL denies the statement r "v. a ulitical trip rf'V,st and S.uth. . nf JaDan are -f-ari 11 rci o - fi.R Jot- in Atlanta for the roo Sjutnera ' , ..b-ts- Money uu L..t per coat, wu C. 1 4 per cent; cotton quxet, P ...j. s ifie:flour easy r- BOND ISSUE ELECTION The County Commisoners Have Called It toVbe Held Fri day, May . 31st. - THE AMOUNT IS $50,000. Cbilrmii McEachera Tblski If Qaeatloo Carries Road Levy Will be Redaced. Iispectors and Retlstran Naned Later Law Prorisloni. LOCAL DOTS. GIANTS WON 6AHB. accouqt of breat No. 2 id C. to sell on kt ?DOl easy, BB-spot easy, Utine qaiet at 3636iC and hii Drs I multipi aty of e of p iTrom I it $1 S3 opportq de8irabli w pnc ions, all! yards liars at dren's ter Siaie ar otetoM'l Our greal a blotm aths ai the moil nallv loH in findma t tbMn td and tli Iaf in tb hlack a" Uion Vei AR Let Stree report. iDff'TOFAGKICTJLTURE, I Wiathkb Bureau. aoeto5.N.a.Apmasi. t. 8 A. 51 degrees; jO degrees; maximum, f2 ae liaimam,44degr3;n)ean,58 j for the lay. rainfall id the month to date, 2.00 RBCAST FOB TO DAV. nsmff, April 29.-For North i: FiirTaesday and Wednes lismosily light easterly. UilmaakC April 30. iter wumnrgom. 5 09 A. M 6 46P.M. 13 H. 34 M. 4.47 A.M. 7.17A.SL WTDL speaks Eoglish with Viiccent. Xotbing strange Lt: there is more German in Jswjthing else. pericau peopleare getting a the banana. They eat 100,000 worth a year, and them don't get enough be a good thing for the Swernment if some of its tia Sooth Africa could be ai with some of De Wett's Morgan seems to be pretty rapidly, even if he ajoj early social advantages. prnedtodancaand is suing Nrce. minister to China, has K San Franpispn. nn hia ! Itia eaid ha mav ta- e American people would 1 3i?nei if hs had Rago. re- 1 Paper savs the discov- made that pure cider, h&J, taken at intervals, is a ificforBmallDOT. Tt must istnffiough, and that PJto get aa the smallpox. The people of New Hrnover county will vote Friday, May 31st, upon tb question of the issuance of $50,000 in bonds for permanent road impr6 ment. j The deBnite decision a dllte WM reached , at a called -eeting of the Board of County commissioners last niffht :at the Grrt House over which, Chairman McEachern presided and in attendance, upon which were Commis sioners Vollers, Holmes and Mont gomery. - 1 - ; The election will be held under a special act.4f the recent General As sembly entitled . "An act to issue bonds pr? road improvement in New HanoOT county. " An entirely new regvtration Is required for the elec tion and a majority of - the qualified voters of the county under such regis tration is required to carry the ques tion in the affirmative. The election will be held under the general election law passed by the Legislature of 1901 and in the same way as elections are held for members of the General Assembly. The Btab is informed that there is little change in this law from the one under which the ' election was held in August 1900.- The polling places will be the same as In November and as near the same location as possible in the last election. There will be three polling places in Firat ward, two in Fifth, two in Harnett township and one in each of the other wards and townships of the county. The definite arrangements as to the details of the election will be arranged at a subsequent meeting of the com missioners. A registrar will be ap pointed for each precinct and the reg istration books kept open for twenty days prior to the election. There wilt also be two inspectors at each precinct on the day of election to receive and count the ballots. These, wth the other officers and the places, will likely be designated at the regular monthly meeting of the commissioners next Monday. The ballots tendered and cast by the qualified voters shall have written or printed on them "For Good Roads" or "Against Good Roads," as the elector may chose to vote either-pro or coa upon the measure. The law protidiqg fqr a. submission of the question to tfce voters of the county stipulates the amount as $50, 000 with interest coupons attached and maturing 25 years hence, in speaking with Chairman McEachern last night about the measure he stated to a reporter that he was satisfied be could float the bonds at four per cent, or less and receive a premium upon them. He said further that if the question is carried the commissioners would be enable tq redqee the pres ent road tax levy from ten to five cents upon the $10Q property valua tion" and that this decreased lev would provide each year sufficient ATinA tn ht interest upon the bonds and contribute to a sinking fund that will liquidate ibe bonds at the end of twenty fire years. If the bond issue does not carry, Chairman McEachern says the" road levy will have to be increased above the pres ent ten cents le?y in order V carry out the work as outlined for the in coming fiscal year at least. The com missioners under the present law have power to make the road levy as high as twenty -five ceata on tie hundred. In the advertising columns oi w day's Stab official notice is given of the election as required by law. The sale of the McDaniel prop erty on Church street was postponed I They Beat jrcBboruuy nam we same nour y ay. About 200 crates of strawber ries went forward by express yesterv day from points between Wilmington and Goldsboro. . " .... .." The 8teaper Driver resumed her runs on &e river yesterday, after having bean laid up at her dock here-, for two weeks for a general overhaul . ing. She left in the afternoon for Fay ettevillu great shape. ' -rMr. Albert C. Wessell," a son of e lat A. C. Wessell, of Wilming ton Rraduated with honors last week from-the New York School of Phar macy. His degree is Ph. G.; and he will practice his profession for the present in New. York city. -The Eev. Alexander Sprunt, D. D. jras Sunday night . installed pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, of Charleston, S. C., with impressive ser vices. The2etecr Courier of y es terday contains almost a column ao count of the installation. Next Sunday is the date for the installation of the Rev. J. M. Wells, Ph. D:, as pastor of the First Presby terian Church, of this city. The ser mon will be by the Rev. D. P. Mc Geachy, of Burgaw; the charges to pastor and congregation by the Rev. E. E. Lane, of Wilmington, and Rev. R. M. Williams, of Wallace. Mr. W. H. Sprunt will be the ruling elder present, j ' the Team That feated Norfolk at New port News. De- CROCKETT 00T HOME RUN. The Score Was 9 to 4 Umpire J. R. Davis Reslfned Prom Two-State Lesfae. Ob Other Diamonds Yesterday. General Base Ball News. , YESTERDAY'S GAMES. Wilmington, 9; Newport, 4. Raleigh. 8; Portsmouth, 18. Norfolk, 3; Richmond, 1. WHERE THEY PLAY TO-DAY. Wilmington at Newport News.' Richmond at Norfolk. -A Rileigh at Portsmouth. STAia6 of thb ovuia Norfolk: Wilmington . . . Raleigh .... ... Newport News. Portsmouth. .. . Richmond Won. .. 8 7 .. 6 .. 5 .. 5 .. 3 Leet 2 5 6 6 7 8 Percent. . .800 , .583 .500 .454 .416 .873 PRODUCE TRAVELLERS' ASSOCIATION. President Makely Aaooaaces Stsadlof Committees for Easaiaj; Fiscal Year. President A. E. Makely, of the American Fruit and .Produce Travel lers' Association Sunday announced standing committees for the ensuing year as follows: Executive Committee J. R. En tricken, i with T. O Rhodes & Co., Allegheny. Pa.; G. W. Waller, with Coal burn 4p Wallace, Philadelphia; W. L. Davis, with J. P. Sawyer & Oo.i New York; W. W. Mixon, with J.H. Killough& Ca, New York; Irving W. Tourtellot, with 8. Tour tellot & Co , Providence, R. I. ; H. B. Gerrish, with Gerrish Bros., Boston, Mass. ; C. J. Crenshaw, with Hayes, Blair & Co.. Cleveland, Q.; O. O. L. Brown, with Albert M. Travis, Pitts burg, Pa., and Chas. 8. 8chmardeback, with JJ B. Hammer, Cincinnati, Ohio. - . Hotel ; Committee F. M. Shelly, with Fred Brennison, Buffalo, N. Y. ; H. O. Darbee, with Emory Sudeer, Philadelphia, Pa.r Chas. W. Jacobs, witb a Wilkinson & Son, Philade) phia. Pa., Harry- Dingf elder, with U I. and M. Dingfelder, New York; J, a Mexon, with J. H. Killough Co., New York; W. F. Pratt with F. B. Pratt k Co., Boston; R. B Brenne man, C. H. Dean, with Glaa Bloom & Co,, Cincinnati; J. D. Pickard, with A J. Krost, Buffalo, N. Y., W. a Meller with Evans & Turner, Colum bus, Ohio; Wm. Lee with J L. Ke och Indianapolis, nd.; M. R. Morris, A Grossenback & Co , of Milwaukee, O. G. Caldwell with Fearou, Fruit Com pany. Peoria, 111., W. R. ellar, with Ieibrandt Commission Co., Denver, Colo., Robert W. Gees, with D- E. Smeltyer & Co, Kansas, Cty. Mo, Tf and none of them have more than two postponed, a majority of them have been played in such bad weather that the players have not been awe to make a eood showing : tbeir records for the season will be lowered on ac count of a bad start, and the patrons of the game have not attended the ex hibitions on account of the chilling and disagreeable weather." Umpire Davis Has Resiraed. League Umpire J. R. Davis, of Wil mington, arrived in the city Sunday morning and expected to -leave for Portsmouth in the evening, to umpire the game there, yesterday. . At the last moment, however, after going to. the station, he decided in view of recent developments and .his inability to please everybody to resign his' posi tion. He accordingly wired President E.' H. Cunningham, of Norfolk, yes terday morning that he would- resign' the place and that an explanatory let ter would follow. Upon his return from Raleigh t ha papers in thateTty . vpoke f veryrcpmplimentary' of his work - and decisions there. He says Raleigh has a good aggregation . of batl players and will majce her sister teams "hump" for the pennant. - Umpire Davis assigns as the reason for retiring from the League his in ability to please contesting teams and the public at large, consistent with what he conceives to be his duty as an official of the organization, Last night he forwarded the ' supplemental letter to his telegram. Wilmington regrets that he did not see his way clear to continue through the season.' The Stab learns that it is quite likely that Mr. S. Upchurch, of Raleigh, will be appointed to succeed Mr. Davis. The Wilmington team left at 9:45 A M. Sunday for Newport News, where they play three games this week. Umpire Staley is officiating, while Mr. Clarke is at the Norfolk games. The Portsmouth team left on the same train with the Wilmington boys for home.' Champ Osteon, of Greenville, S. C, Manager Peschau's new man for the outer garden, arrived Sunday on the W. C. & A. train at 1:45 o'clock and left in the evening to join the team at Newport News. His forte is at the stick and one enthusiastic ad mirer of his, "who dosen t take any interest in base ball," went so far as to say he excelled Stafford at batting. While that is not possible on the face of it, it is believed that hes fully up to the recognised Stafford standard and, if so, he is all right. There is little base ball timber better than Capt. "Bob." The score at Norfolk yesterday was as follows: 133456789 r he Richmond-...0000 0 001 0 1 U 5 Norfolk, ...,,01 1000010-3 8 1 Batteries, Bishop and Manners; mington Giants took the first game of I Dannehower and Armstrong. the series, with Newport JJews-Hamp I jlne scorej at Portsmouth -yesterday ton to day, .the score being. 8. to 4 I was as follows: The Shipbuilders played Chinese ball at 12 3 456789 times, .with disastrous results, and o n n a h rVna n s ai-Zil-ii,. hom. A.m Raleigh ........2 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 08 .ij -uh tw Aiift I The batteries are not given for the visitors. The Shipbuilders had the game clinched in the fifth, hut dumb plays, whih followed gave the visitors runs, which should have been cut off. The Giants out played the Shipbuilders in the field and out bat ted them. Crockett, of Wilmington, made home run and a two bagger. Ashen back led the home team at the bat with three hits. The score; THE FEDERAL COURT. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. The Circuit and District Terms Will be Convened iii Wil mington. To-day. SEVERAL INTERESTING CASES. Are 0a tbe Docket for. Trial at This Ses sjoa Judge Parnell and District -Attorney Have Not Yet Arrived. Other Notes. Let the Wilmington rooter rejoice and the proverbial small boy be glad. Capt Bob Stafford's Giants have taken by a good comfortable, score nine to foura game of base ball from Ashenback's Shipbuilders at New port News, before whom for the first time and twice in succession the Nor folk team has fallen. In other words, when Wilmington lines up against the team that seven successive days stood with perfect per cent, at the top of the column and bade defiance to any and every thing that it met on the dia mond, she will do so with conscious ness deep down in her boots that she has takes a game from the superior of the team about, to be confronted and the one that has beep a mortal terror to its every associate in the Two State League. Manager Peschsu might well have telegraphed home last night: "Veni, vidi, vioi,n but that was unnecessary for most everybody in town was at Fishblate's, where the bulletins from all three games were posted every few minutes, telling in no uncertan terms how our boys with the invincible "Tacks" Allen in the box, were laying it on the boys that heat Norfolk.. It was a plain story in figures, but they say figures never lie, and as each in ning was posted thQ"sports" cheered the returns to the echo. The following special telegram to the 8ta1 was received from Newport News last night: Newport News. April 29. The Wil IN VOLUNTARY BANKRUPTCY, ' on W alder see will not ! "Ten-room asbestos fire- 1 lth him when ip crnoa Pany. It harmened to I tbat winter palace in M Jle flames lapped it up 1 ourued. Will Be Married To-Day. w- William J. Martin, of the Ra leigh Morning '&tt 'arrived iu the A Street Car IoBoyatloi, Qo and after June 1st, in order to facilitate travel and make it possible to give the r public a better service, the cars of (the Wilmington Street Rail way Company will ston on.ly V the "further" street corner, from ne airec tion the car is moving and at red posts tbat will be placed in the middle of each block. It is a custom in vogue in all the lvrge cities and many of tbe small ones and is said to have proved of mutual benefit to the trans portation companies and a coztvei i ence and safe guard to the public as welL It will be tBirty days yet be fore the new order goes into effect. Select YsBdeVule and Co'medv. The Harriis, 'Truefceart and Mackey Company last night very cleverly pre I ' aS. sented to a imau W ppwu Wilmington. ab a h w a Cranston, rf 5 8 18 0 Crockett, gb 4 8 8 8 1 McGinnis,cf. 5 13 8 0 Stafford, lb. 8 1 3 11 0 Thackara, c. 5 0 0 3 0 Delaney, If 5 0 .0 1 0 Warren, 3b,., 5 0 3 3 9 Clayton, as. 4 1 0 3 3 lien, p.., a 9 o ..40 9.11 27 10 AB B. H PO A ..4 3 13 3 1 0 1 0 0 4 3 2 0 Total.......... News Hampton Deisel 3b Secbrist, If 3 0 1 0 Weddige,lb... 4 0 0 10 Foster, c...a..,,,. a l l o Ashenbaek.cZ 3 13 Johnson, r' and as, . 4 0 1 Hempleman,8b. ... 4 0 0 Renner, ss 3 0 0 Slagle, p 4 0 1 Hieberger, rf. 1 u l Total. .....S& 4 9 87 14 5 SCORE BY INNINGS. S 0 1 0 o o o 0 0 o i E 1 0 3 0 0. 1 0 0 1 Q J. H. Royal, of Clinton, Asks for Settle meat ol His All sirs by Referee. Jacob H. Royal, of Clinton, N. C, through his attorneys, Allen & Dorteh, of Goldsboro, yesterday filed with the clerk of the United States Court here a petition in voluntary bankruptcy, asking that same be heard by Referee Samuel H. MacRae at his office in Fayetteville at 130 o'clock P. M. on May 1st The liabilities are scheduled in the petition at $5,400, with assets, princi pally in accounts and judgments, amounting to $13,659.50. The only two creditors named are R. W. Hicks, of this city, in an unsecured claim of $4,600, ard J. L. Stewart, of Clinton, from whom he purchased land in the sum of $900. The exemption asked is twenty-eight acres of land near Clin ton, upon which defendant has a dis tillery valued at $1,000, and certain other property in the estate. . AMATEUR BASE BALL, city yesterday afternqon and is a guest I audience the muaical farce, "t Tie He." fa ? puts a tariff duty of bushel on wWt , ia corn, Ball Pr Jl !2,f,ke i iitfrnYSli on wheat and is proposed, it OB, Amfirinan mp.i'n it will ho and meal consumers "I the 41 anH is KS,1 a trot i --fwnis8 are nrftnarmor f? 150,000,000 steel and ne, on the wmch will employ t 7' " is said, will be jPlete plant in the "CT Tim-- repose to salt tbA Trust every time at the Orton. This aiiernoo . o'clock in Saint Paul's Episcopal Church, he wdl wed MissLuiie An derson McMillan, daughter v of Dr. and Mrs. W. D McMillan, of this city, A. Watson, of the East Carolina Diocese, officiating. Immediately after the performance of the ceremony the bride and aW?. iM the Si30 o'clock 8. A- -U train for Liucolnton. N. O., where they wUl aJ which they will go to w to visit the groom's parents. - . Mr. Henry B. Martin, of Charlotte, and Miss Carrie Martin, of Winston, ., j wAanAntlvelV Of the Dromer auu -r - - - - To night a select vaudeville perform ance and one-act comedy, "Highway mn,v will be given, and the prices will be 25, 35 and W cents. Ladles wm he admitted , free when accompanua by the holder of a paid 50 cen ts ticket. To-morrow afternoon at 9 o'ciocx a matinee will be given when the prices will be 15 and 35 cents. ;- Marshals Per memorial Day. Commander : James I. Metta, of Cane Fear Camp, U. C. Y. has ap- pointed OoL A. M. waaaeu, .wuh Marshal for: the Memorial Day exer cises with the following aides; Capt. Tama Wilderl Lieut, ino. A Everett . -n-A th.MMinflnf I j n ir TrMUvaw and P. H. groom are nere w ..u..- 77 tw, nf MATueii. - www. . " - cutter r teel )eerTey-r loarter! at., ' r. in snvirior L lQ8liegee advin. MA ratafee , ' - ythiX .De Pbut fab . 3 are idto '. Von a . to rv'ork in his " u:a Pt on 1 . fk,,,;, 101(1 to do it. - 1 tad fhoj would s who would do pull the old they had" half to-day. - Revesoe Cotter Alxoaqttlo. , f ; Th. TtnittA . States revenue Algonquin arrived in port Sunday from Port Royal, a C Oapt WJley says he found the ; docking lacumc there amply adequate for his vessel and he has so reported to the ?re"u department. The Algonquin will be sent shortly to eitner;rorr xwj w Baltimore for her: semi-annual pver- hauiin-Kvv' v-tv-J-'v-n ' - NEW DVEBTISEMENTB . IegalElection hotice. - . W. B. Cooper Spirit casks. " . Continental Ins. Co. Statement : Hartford Fire Ins.; Co.-Statement. People's Savings Bank Reminded,; - Munroe & KeUyBabyf carriages.; Opera House--lIatihee to-morow. Raleigh, will deliver the address. . . Ortoa Clftr Stasd 'Af ter to-day Mr. H. J. Gerken will not conduct ihe cigar and news, stand at The Orton, he having decided to M1aa the business and devote his entire time to bis place on Front street, near Market! The urron mwh present wiU he in cnarge w R. W. Wallace & Oaproprietors of the hotel T - ;": : Allen's New Qrieaii Mlastrels; ; ; ' AUen's New Orleahs Minstrels air- their tenta 'at fTwi. f ormace was given w ""11 erowdlarth.Theio new,- and th9SP5: good. 183456789 R B 1 N. News 1 00 030000 4 11 1 Wilmington,.00a0 08 030 9 9 5 Summary; Earned runs, Newport News-Hampton, 8) Wilmington, 8. Two base hits, Johnson, Oookett, Stafford. Home run, Crockett Sac rifice, hits, Sechrist Bases on balls off 81agle, 5; off Allen, 4. Struck out by Slagle, 3; by Allen. 8. Double plays. Warren to Crockett to Stafford.' Left on bases, McGinnis Stafford (3), Foster, " Johnson (3). Warren (jsj.: 81sgle, Weddige, Crockett Thackara, flieberger. Wild pitch, Allen, Slagle. Passed ball, Foster. Time 1:40. A.t tendance 500. Umpire Staley ; - Some Qeneral Leafoe Notes.7 : The Richmond Dispatch of Sunday says: "Clayton of the -WilminKton Giants is said to be the best shortstop in the Two State League" There's more truth than poetry in that simple statement . . - - - - Hollywood, who was signed for the outer garden 'early in the season has been given his release and last night he left for Utica, N. Y., where has the offer bta good position. " Vorhees, one of tbe latest additions to the' team; . will likely be released, to Portsmouth or some other team In the Two-State League. . ' - Lf Manners, who caught the three Richmond games here last week, has declined to accept, an offer from the Boston team of the American League. He telegraphed, his declination from Raleigh Saturday night '-,-, : - , The Richmond Dispatch, of Sunday sajs: :;One of the troubles - of ; the Virginia Carolina Leage is 'that the season - was commenced "too soon fully two weeks before it sh6uld have opened " Although somef the clubs have piayea every bcuwuuo game. Little Olanti aid Walnnt Streetera Played laterestlaf Game Yesterday. The "Little Giants" won a hotly contested baseball game with the "Walnut Streeters" yesterday after noon in the Hemenway School yard, the aoora having , been 13 to 7. The line up was aa follows: LITTLE GIANTS. -WALNUT STREETERS. King. c. . . . . .Myers-Moore Bancks.... p..... ......-; wane James. ....... . .lb. . . . . . My er-Moore Frank C. ....... .2b - Hall King,: -V., . 8b. . :. .Hedrick Bancks, W.,?,.. ss.. Davis Cole. . . . . . .If,. .'. . . . ,., , . .Merritt Gieschen. rf.,.,..... .r.i.Darden Taylor, , .of. .Morris The features of the game were the pitching of Bancks and the catching of Myers and Moore. RelsylBg street Railway Track. Track Foreman Mark Jones, of the Wilmington Street Railway Company, yesterday began work with a force of forty laborers : : at tearing up and grading the track: - of the company on TTmnt nnav Red Cross street. New ties will be laid for the heavy rail and the track bed otherwise improved. Mr. C. C Chadbourn has the contract for distributing the rails along the line of track and began work yesterday after noon, it is nopea to nave new The United.8tAes District and Cir cuit Courts Will be convened here to day this morning at 10 o'clock, if Judge Purnell reaches the city from Raleigh on the. 9. 45 A, G. L. train; this afternoon if he should arrive on the Seaboard -Air line tram at 135 o'clock. District Attorney ' Bernard will , likely arrive .-, with him on the same train, and court will be imme diately convened.- Assistant District Attorney Oscar J. Spears arrived in the city last evening and many of the deputy marshals, jurors and wit nesses arrived during Sunday . and yesterday. The docket is said to be comparative ly light though a number of cases of interest will likely be tried. Among tbe cases in admiralty is a $5,000 damage suit brought by London Cot ton, colored, against the Clyde Steam ship Company, by whom he was at one time employed as a stevedore un til he was injured in an. accident, alleged to have been caused by neg ligence of the defendant, and another on the civil docket against the same defendant is brought by Hamilton Hargrove, colored, who sues for $3, 000 damages under circumstances something similar. Messrs. Rountree &Carr appear for the Clyde Company in both cases, while the plaintiff in the first suit is represented by, Herbert McClammy and Wm. J. Bellamy, Esquires, and in the second by Iredell Meares, Esq. Another suit of some general inter est that will likely be tried is that pf Thompson & Co. and A O. Thompson, of Conway, S. C, versus the Atlantic National Bank, in which plaintiffs seek to recover $5,000 damages for alleged non-payment of a check drawn by plaintiff through tbe Bank of Fayette ville on the defendant bank, when, it is claimed in the complaint, that the plaintiffs had money to their credit B. F. McLean, Esq , appears for the Conway people and McNeill' & Brvan for the bank pe&le. - It is un derstood that in addition to the attor ney formally entered in the case, Rus sell & Gore will appear for the plain tiffs and Bellamy & Bellamy for. the defendant. A case ou the equity docket is that of the Morton Trust Company against theStrtei Railway Company, which will be heard in the matter of a motion to foreclose. Of course the u&l complement of "moonshining cases" will come on from the up-country. A number of prisoners from Fayetteville, who are quarantined against for smallpox, will get here Thursday, as the quarantine will have expired by that time. The following jurors are in attend ance Upon the term: Cumberland county W. A. Tilling hast, Cyrus Murphy, W. H. Levy, J. H. Currie. Sampson Autry Baggett, I. T. Mc Lamb,J R. McPhail, Wm. Daughtry, W. W. Newkirk. New Hanover Eugene PhilyaW, 8. Bender. R. M. Murray, Wm. Calder, R. H. Pickett Richmond Stephen Wall, J. M. Smith, J. G. Terry. Jacob Perkins. Brunswick Jesse Lancaster. Jack son Stan land, Jno. H. Mooe. Geoege E. Brooks, W. A Moore. Scotland Jno. D. McDonald, John M. Brewer, T. M. McLauchlin, W. W. Bullard. Pender J. E. Durham, R. A. Cor bett, Peter Simpson, Boston, M. M. Moore. ; Robeson W. F. Steed, R. B. Bus sell, D. F. Edmunds, Gils Davis. Duplin J. P. Alderman, O E. Hus sey, Jno. R. Wells, Robt Maxwell, B. W. Sutton. Bladen H. P. Clark.Richard Smith, W.-L Shaw, J. O, Stanley, James C. Cromartie. Columbus James H. Strauss, C. W. Maultsby, E. H. Ooox, J. M. Hin son. . Mr. George R. French returned to the city yesterday. , ;t Mr. A. S. Williams went up to Fayetteville yesterday. . Mr. Ike - Solomon returned yesterday from New York. Mrs. ' Hugh MacRae returned yerterday morning from a visit to New York. : Sheriff T. 8. Burch, of Florence county, arrived in the city yesterday on official busines Mr. M. M. Moore, of Burgaw, arrived in the city last evening to at tend Federal Court Judge i Hoke left yesterday morning for Clinton, N. C, to hold Sampson Superior Court i ; McNeill, of Wilming ton, speet Sunday and yesterday- with his parents at Burgaw, N. C. Mr. J. H. Wishart and little son, of Lumber ton, a$ in the city the guests of friends and relatives, Mr. C. W. Thomas, of the Fidelity and Casualty Company, of Richmond, Ya., ia a guest at : The Orton. Miss Sallie McBee is at home from Fayetteville, where she spent some time very pleasantly, the guest of relatives and friends. Mrs. Ernest N. Farrior, of Charlotte, is in the city to spend some time with her parents, Major and Mrs. T. H. McKoy, FJtont and Orange NEW ADVEBTISEMENTS. 63 1-2 Steps EAST from the corner of Front and WEST from corner second and Princess streets will take.' you to " , mm & evahs co DEPARTMEMT STORES, Where the public, have found ;areltill finding and will continue to nnu the BKST GOODS for the LEAST ; " MONEY any where to be found. A comparison will convince. - to BeU 'Phone 861. MM. ap88tf "Lost Opportunities Seldom Return. On this rapidly advancing market and satlBfled with what we have met yon can boy Virginia Water Ground Meal Prime White Corn. Prime Ulxed Corn . streets. Judge E. K. Bryan arrived in the city Sunday from Lumberton and left yesterday morning for Fayette ville to hold Criminal Court He was accompanied by Mrs. Bryan. , Among the arrivals at The Or ton yesterday were Messrs. James H. Johnson and H. T. Johnson, Hope Mills, N. C : J. E. Eelley, Tarboro, N. C.;W. M. Ward, Newbern. Mr. Julian K. Taylor, a very clever young dry goods salesman, who has been with the Mercer & Evans Company, left last night for Han-ell's Store to solicit truck for a well known Northern commission house. Miss Bessie Carnes, of Sum ter, S. C, who has been visiting in the city for several days, the guest of the family of Mr. Henry Pannill, will leave tomorrow for Fayetteville, where she will be the guest of rela tives for a few days prior to returning home. CHRLOTTE'S MAY MUSIC FESTIVAL. ipr Mr. Osmood L. Bsrriazer Here to Interest . W Urn la gt on la the Event Mr. Osmond L. Barringer, of Char lotte, secretary of the Bureau of In formation for the Carolina May Music Festival to be given in the Queen City, May 7th and 8th, arrived in the city yesterday and is a guest at The Orton. Mr. Barringer is in the city to interest the people in Charlotte's big event and was in conference with several Wil mington gentlemen-yesterday in refer ence thereto. - This is the first Music Festival held in Charlotte since 1891, and from all prospects will be the largest in point of attendance, and certainly the high est from a standpoint of quality. The programme will consist of an organ recital and two concerts. The first will be held in the Second Presbyte rian Church, Tuesday night the 7th, at 8.30 o'clock, while the two concerts will be held in the magnificent new auditorium of the Presbyterian Cob leee. one at 3 o'clock P. M., the other at 8 30 P. M,, Wednesday the 8th. The artists engaged are among the most renowned in the country and the Charlotte people, may be depended upon to give everybody that attends a goon time. Mr. .Barringer came with his auto mobileVpne of the finest on earth and mau his canvass about the city "on whjls." He will leave this after noon for other points in the State. At satisfactory prices, soma stock of Write us. We hav Sardines H cans. Sardines H cans. Bar dines in glass jars. We elose ent at Bargains. "Red Seal Lye." ' Red Seal Lye." "Red Seal Lye." Easily the best made and makes good profit to the retailer. ' Yollers & Hashagen, Supers of Grain and Froyisions. aprSStf THE KING'S COACH isn't of more pleasing design or better make than the BABY CARRIAGES Bhown here. Any one ot them may, and is well fitted to carry the future President, or the first lady or tbe land Handsome, stepng, easy running and beautifully finished, they are marvels ot value. ' ..' Go Carta from 16.00 up. Carriages from 97.50 up, HUHROE & KELLY, No. 17 South Front street. Bell PhonellB. aprSOtf SPIRIT CASKS. 200 New Spirit Casks at S 1 . 1 4. SB Bbls. I -in. Hoop Iron. 87 Bbls. I l-2-in. Hoop Iron. 47 Bbls. I 3-4-in. Hoop Iron. 1 1 Bbls. Glue. 100 Bundles Rivets. 574 Kegs Hails. 1100 Bbls. Half Patent Flour. 145 Bbls. Best Patent Flour. 21 Cream Cheese, 57 barrels Sugar, 40 bags Sugar. . - . w. is. uuurtn, Wholesale Grocer. ap so tf SOS. 810. SIS NUtt I WUmlastoB. a Election notice. WILL QO TO BEDFORD CITY. VA. ARRESTED SOUTH CAROLINA NEQR0. Officers Wood aod Horjins Made a Good Hani Last Night Policemen C. E-. Wood and L F. Huggins last night at corner of Fourth and Bed Cross streets came across a bad' negro named Joe Jordan, wanted badly by the authori ties at Darlington, & O , for assault with a deadly weapon. There has been a ' warrant for Jordan at the police station for some time, but not nntil last night did the officers spot the negro. He was arrested and when locked up a pistol was found on his person. yv;". Chief Furlong telegraphed the au thorities at Darlington that their man was "incarcerated in durance vile.? and they could send for him. A reply is expected to day. ' Jordan confessed his identity. . Escaped the Gallows. At the session of Robeson County track laid as far south as Princess I Criminal Court concluded last week. street by Friday Wfil Likely Not Serve; . ; . Mr. J.J. Blair has declined the office nf Uentanant. Junior Grade, of the-1 Wilmington Division" of - Naval Be-, serves, to 5 which position he -was elected at a recent business meeting of the company. Mr. Blair though toe duties would interfere witir hia work as superintendent of the Wilmington public schools and , therefore declined. Mij successor has been elected, but no announcement will be made until it is asrtatoeacaer mww wr Judge E. K. Bryan presiding,; Lewis McLauchlin. a colored man, who nao, at one time been tried and sentenced to be hanged for an alleged assault unon one of his o wn race near Maxton about two and a half years ago, and subseuentlyj given a new trial by the Supreme Court was found not guilty by : ajury after 'a hearing of. over a week and aftar- an all night's consultation 1 by. ' the ury. .. The case attracted wide-spread attention in that community.; Rev. Edward E. Lase Has Accepted a Call to VirglBia Presbyterian Church. -Rev. Edward E. Lane, for the past eighteen month, pastor of Immannel Presbyterian church, yesterday an nounced that he had decided to accept a call recently extended to him to be come pastor of the Bedford City, Va., Presbyterian church, his decision to accept being, subject to the action of a called meeting of Wilmington Pres bytery to be held very soon. - Rev. Mr. Lane went to Bedford City several weeks ago to look over the field and after returning made the announcement as above. During his pastorate here he has done a great work at Immanuel church and has oreatlv endeared himself to the Wil mington people at large. Rev. Mr. Lane is a native of Brazil, hia father having been for years a missionary in that field. He is a graduate of Union Theological Sem inarv and the charge here was his first The main reason for. his decis ion to go to . Virginia is on account of the climate, which he believes will be more conducive to the good health of his mother. :' ' J - . " 'MMHnMHBaSflsmkBBBBfrBBSeMi ' ' W a W. Death CUla. Y Mr. ', George C. Jackson, Clerk of Live Oak Camp No. 6, Woodmen of the World, yesterday received a cneca: for $3,000, the same-being the amount of insurance carried try the lave j. ts. McDaniel for the benefit of his ; family in the insurance branch of that order; The : payment is unusually . prompt when considered in the iignt - -uw 1 necessary delay: in forwarding and re ceiving papers neoessary.to the usual proof of death from the head osuce, In accordance, with the laws of 1901 entitled An Act to Issue Bonds for road Improvement In . New Hanover County, an election will be. held Friday. May 81st, 1901, and the question sub mitted as follows: "Shall New Hanorer County, Korth Carolina, Issue fifty thousand dollars of its bonds, with Interest coupons attached, to repair, make and improve the public roads In said county." The ballots tendered and cast by the quaUfted electors shall nave written or printed upon ; them "for good roads or agaldst good roads. All qualified electors who favor the Issue of said bonds shall vote "for good roads." AH qualified voters who are opposed to the Issue of said bonds shall vote "against good roads." . Anentlrenewwgistaratlonlsiuiredforsaia election. , .., Chairman Board County Commissioners. ' "folingplaces and Eegifltrars wm be pub lished later. apwsst TO-ZIXGIIT. Kattinee To-morrow at 8 P. XL HARRIS ) TRUEHART & PACKAY J IN Bf USICAfc ; VOBEBDV AND Prices 25, 35 and 60 cents. Ladies free again to-night apsait --- , : ' -- JAS. T. RILEY & C0.r Dealers In Hard Wall Plaster, Idme, Cement. Brick Acrl- eulturalXIme, Iousd Plaster TerraCettai CMinnoy Huo Pipe- -3 4 - -? i .-' -;-t. .v- 3 it m --. v " T

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