-' v.,; WrThaaThat a v.t Daily News- w -ktlBhed Ifl ZB STATE. J 2JwV OUTLINES has been declared at Va-one hundred and ' 's were burned; the Ten millions; the relief Sens of Jacksonville 000- the Governor has ' 5lSnosal of the relief n nan soldiers at aerman J on British tU! p The British Ch.nt. in Newport r m New York city H lDd other structures at LiBdi in St. Louis driver at Jacksonville . ..JdrO nwned; sixty people .fflW Edith. rw hs sent a large frf". , ., , Jackson imcu J icuu in Delarey, the "T. fcoe four or five ; Rritish forces M.f-.rr- nd a battle v, BiDO'D"' Lwiinent. f tnnir Tex., ves- 1&JQ a-u - in the afternoon for Kl TjY marvels: reeut; cotton quiet, mid- l ....... Aimi was nmet v,oat not weaker. i i ejlj- core sp' Mts-spot quid. No. 2, turpentine j OUU, iDirt0?iMOCLTURI, J fjilHEll BUREAU, J b,: 8 1-60 degrees; 8 decrees: maximum, 69 de jjjjaUL 33 d-rees; mean. 61 iJlortheay. .-; raiafall H the Month to date, aoj gsaios bulletin.' nt has continued fair and i'tl iairictj. followed by apesfore in North Carolina; gcnuimuin was 91; mini l BiCiST FOB TO DAY. Y1 vT Al jSSIOS, .Uiv i. nor tfionn t Pir Sauddj aid Monday, Bids, oios'iy frtsh suuth- May 5. 5 04 A. M. 6 50 P. M 13 H. 40 M. S19A M. 10.49 A. . Gfc tr it South; -rt. item Ienne33ee are pro lan got. oat of one the other ccords of wood, three gal- ssey and live coons. 3di?gera ia Philadelphia This looka like a grave iaoodoo.: What's the mat- is old town, anyway. Sffli Trust ha3 agents in A Kid may soon .have its MlL It is rennrtpd th:it it n options on all the- best stations. ap Professor, over thirty fJWdkig class that he had falW0mftT1 Tha nrnK fthat he didn't go out of 1ch. took in a lot of the coal mines, and out its tentacles athe Wfi3t Virginia mines. P "doctor wa3 arrested in 'heotW t ... i SB J WW4,US rH'e Dottles of croton bot colored. Thev fined ft Mfor BrafibVinn. frn-r.A ictims, but for doing it Secretary W. : j j. 1 uauquet mat fwouldfighttQmaintain 7iie or-the Yang , River or th Tn r'niake anv hna ov, other river3 than she ob ont before shfl rt rs We -New Vnrlr TTr. .-wt;: - men Etnrft " u"u 1Q ine ag- - me country ' and mads theil them Elation anley, of k He ansas, is in bounced when is. SoS?.a,kePnts En -.DOrn m the 'H'i fairly be-" fc CryBeniout six 141 &e will ar . r cer"hcate " jraician. A little require the ysician. Kansas an it I till I- inn VUl,.LXVin.-,NO. 38. grocery mmm. Travellers for Wilmington Whole-" "sale Dealers Met for Or ganization Last Nigfit. ENTHUSIASTIC ATTENDANCE. Association for Matnal Beoeflt of Both Members and Hoases Which They RcprcMBt Resolatlons Adopted . and Committee Appelated. A number of trarelling salesmen for wholesale grocery houses tn Wilming ton and representatives of the jobbers by whom they are employed, met last night in the Merchants'; Association rooms in tne 8eaboard Air Line build ing for the purpose of organizing- an association of themselves for mutual benefit. ' j The- meeting was well, attended and thoroughly enthusiastic, and was csdles Mr. F. A. Lord, was made tmiMwa' chairman and Mr. J. Stevenson Brown temporary secretary. The object of the gathering was briefly and concisesly stated by the chairman and upon mo tion of Mrv Bunting it "was decided definitely to form the association in yiew and the following committee was appointed on by laws and constitution : W. 8, Bunting, with Hall & PearsaiL incorporated; B. Schulken, with the Adrian Company; and Jj S, Brown, with the J. C. Stevenson Company. . Mr. C D. French suggested the propriety of having the jobbers im press upon their salesmen the desira bility and importance of connecting themselves with the proposed associa tion. This was followed by timely suggestions by others present and the following resolutions offered by Mr. J. EL Mallard were unanimously adopted: , I Resolved, That it is the sense of this meeting that the committee appointed to submit at the next meeting a con-, stitution and by-laws for the govern ment of this association shall incorpo rate, in this instrument fines for giving rebates, violation of contracts and any discourteous or culpable conduct from one salesman towards another, ealcu lated to reflect upon the character either of the salesman or the house he represents. j Resolved, That the above are some of the fundamental rules; upon which this association shall be established, and that until the adoption of the con stitution these principles sha'l be con sidered in force. Upon the adoption of these resolu tions Mr. C. D. French moved for an adjournment until next Saturday night week, when permanent organi zation will be effected. It is hoped by this, time to have many more applica tions for membership, j and to place the Association upon a sound and beneficial baste TO klaentified with it Tne movement to organize is a result of the recent visit to Wilmington of the president of the Southern Whole sale Grocers Association, and has every prospect of abundant success. Among those present last night were: C. D. French, with J. A. Taylor; W. S. Bunting, with Hall & Pearsall; EL S. Lathrop, with J. A. Taylor ;G. E Laf twitch with McNair dfc Pearsall; Li. B. Rogers of the D. h. Gore Com pany; J. M. Lioiun, witn w. a. Cooper; W. H. Brown and F. A. Lord, with J. H. Watters; J. H. Mallard and J. 8. Brown, with the Stevenson Company; S S. Hooper, Captain W. R, Kenan; W. W. Roberts, with the Worth Company; E. Schulken, with the Adrian Com pany Company; J. H. Bunting with WUliams Bros. ; E. L. Arthur, with 8. P. McNair. The following jobbers were present: A. P. Adrian, J. C. Stevenson, C. C Covington, L. J. Caoper, R. N. Sweet, Ff &. Hashagen and B. F- Hall. WEDDED AT AOOUSTA, OA. Miss Nellie Scstterzood, Well Known In WilminftOB, Married Last Week The Augusta Chronicle of May 2nd has the following account of the mar riage of a young lady well known in Wilmington: ''Miss Nellie Scattergood and Mr. St Clair Williams were quietly married at 6 o'clock last afternoon at the First Presbyterian parsonage, Rev. Dr. Plunket impressively omeuung mo beautiful ceremony. Miss Scatter good was visiting at the homo o( the groom's sister, Mrs. Scarborough, No. 10 Greene street. "She is an unusually attractive young woman whose charm of man ner and superior accomplishments onBi fa to be widely admired. Her marriage to Mr. Williams will be a great surprise to her friends in this and other cities. Sincere good wishes accompany her in her future life. , - "Mr. Wiiliams is an: efficient and popular telegrapher of the Western Union Telegraph Company, and is possessed of a gentlemanly, and cour teous demeanor which gains for him the estimation of every one with whom he comes in contact, au nos of friends will hasten to extend their hearty congratulations j upon the an nouncement of his . marriage to such an excellent young woman. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Warren A. Card. T Star Press toy wanted. Notice Bargain for cash. . 7 Hall Pearsall Full lines. S. J. Davis-rFancy poultry.: . 8 &B. Solomon. Soft shoes. N. F. Parke. Summer needs. The Mayor Proposals invited. , The Mayor Proposal invited. Taylor's Bazaar-jO per cent. off. C W. Yates & Co. Hammocks. ; J. H. Rehder & Co.4-Ad vantage; -Geo. R. French& Sons Slippers. Geo. O. Gaylord Special bargain BTTSDrESS LOCALS. Wanted Any person. v ; TJ.O. V.'n Regular meeting. , P. H. Hayden Buggies, harness. LOCAL DOTS. irtu M iiiSSsSSlSS- Bev. P O. Morton will conduct the men's meeting at the Y. M. O. A. this afternoon. Cape Fear Camp No.; 254 U. O. V., will hold its regular monthly meeting to morrow -night at 8:15 o'clock. Seven United States prisoners sentenced to various terms of confine ment in jail at the present term of the Federal Court, were sent un to Rock ingham yesterday. The annual meeting of lot own ers in Bellevue cemetery will be held Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock at the office of the secretary, Mr. Walter E. Yopp, No. 306 Princess street. Ten men out of all languages and nations shall take hold of the skirt of Him that is a Jew, saying, we will go with you for we have heard that God is -with, you,n will be Dr. BiaekweU's text to-night. The hearing of the Brittain case before the Superior Court Clerk aajto a question of residency was posti poned yesterday until 10:30 A. M. to morrow on account of the sickness of R. Q. Grady, Esq., counsel for the plaintiff. The half -holiday custom on Saturday in Wilmington during the Spring and Summer is now being agitated among the clerks on the wharf and in some of the up town dry goods stores the clerks want an early closing during week days. Proposals are invited by Mayor Waddell for uniforms for the city police and for the extension of a water system into Fifth Ward, provision for which was recently made by the Aldermen and Audit and Finance Board. Mr. P. H. Hay den, the well known carriage and buggy builder, yesterday received from New York for Dr. E. S. Pigford, one of the latest vehicles a three-wheeled buggy. It was put together yesterday afternoon and created .much interest among lovers of nobby rigs. STREET CAR IMPROVEMENT. Work of Relay in? Frost Street Track Pro- fressinf Base Ball Schedule. Trackmen engaged in laying the heavy rail for the Wilmington Street Railway Company on Front street, now have the work about up to Front and Princess streets, and. cars are bandied as if the work was not going on, the transTer for the grading being at the junction as usual. Everything will be in perfect readiness for the handling of the base ball crowds this week, and the smooth ride by reason of the new rail to Red Cross street will be noticeable. General Manager Skelding has every paver he can employ! at work in re laying the cobble stone torn up to put in the new track, and the work of getting the street in ship shape again is being done with as much celerity as could be expected. The public will be amply repaid for any temporary in conveniences by reason of the condi tion of the street, by the improvement of the car service that has come with the laying of the heavier rails. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Namber of Sales Recorded in Register of Deeds Office Yesterday. The Register of Deeds yesterday re ceived deeds for the following prop erty transfers: Jno. J. Fowler, - commissioner to W. J. Reaves for 3. 500. the Marl borough House property, near Front and Orange, 47x90 feet in size. W. L. Smith and wife and J. V. Graineerto Adam G. Latta. of New York, for $5&, all their title and inter est in certain lands on Masonboro sound. Also M. Bellamy, Jr., com missioner, to A. G. Latta for $1,000, the Henning place containing about 70 acres on Masonboro Sound. Mrs. Elizabeth Vollers to Mrs. Nel lie Draper Dick for $3,800, residence and lot on west side of Second street between Ann and Nun, the lot being 66x165 feet fn size. Edward McCabe to James H. Lof tin, for 32.70. small . tract of land on Wrightsville sound. A Saloon Change. Mr. J. O. Boesch, junior member of the firm of J. G. L. Gieschen & Co., has purchased the entire interest in the Acme saloon belonging to the firm at corner of Front and Dock streets and will conduct it in the future. Messrs. Gieschen Bros, will now de- wtitA their entire time to the Atlantic rw a and saloon at corner of Front and Red Cross streets. W. C. T; U. Meeting. The W. C. T. U. will meet Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock, "in the lecture room of the First Baptist Church, In stead of Wednesday, as at first pro nosed. Hiss Abbott will leave for her home Wednesday, and would be glad tn meet all who feel an -interest in the Union. StrnwDerry saipmenu Seven solid ears of strawberries went forward yesterday by Fruit Growers Rxnress from points along the w 11 mington and Weldon railroad. It . is expected that the regular schedule 01 wifnerator : car trains will be put in .n.MUm about; the middle of this ; weelcl V'.V:'-' " v . J-'-'-3. : 'V- "Auction nalo of DingelhoefJ stock iftiw a. IL and 8 P. M. Monday and ! Tuesday. WTLMINQTON, N. C, GIANTS TOOK GAME. Norfolk Received Into Camp by the Good .Score of Five , to Three. VCRHEES' SUPERB GAME. Base Bail in the Virginia-Carolina League Yesterday Portsmouth's Franchise Will Not Qo Begging Rich mond Lost to Raleigh. YESTERDAY'S GAMES. Wilmington, 5; Norfolk, 8. mieigo. 8; Richmond, 4. . Newport 4 ; Portsmouth, 3. WHERE THEY PLAY TO-MORROW. Norfolk at Raleigh. Newport News at Wilmington. Richmond at Portsmouth. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. - Won. Lest Percent. IN or folk 11 4 .733 Newport News 10 Raleigh . . 9 6 8 . 9 11 12 62&- .529 Wilminfirton . ... 8 .470 .812 .294 Richmond 5 Portsmouth. 5 The Wilmington Giants took the game from Norfolk, hands down yes terday afternoon in a score of 5 to 3, and outplayed the Skippers at every point in the contest. Vorhees was in the box for the Giants and proved himself in admirable form. He al lowed only five hits while the Wil mington sluggers got ten off Danne hower, who is reported to be Nor folk's very best twirler. Five hundred people saw the game. the temperature was 80 degress and the weather conditions otherwise were very favorable to the sport Allen wentln left field in place of Delaney, who went to the bench, and played an excellent game. Capt E, Gilligan, of the Norfolk team, was too unwell to go in the game at .first, but in the eighth inning Wolfe went out of right field and was replaced by M orrisey, who was succeeded at second by Capt. Gil ligan. The Skippers fought hard - to win but the heavy hitters of Wilming ton had on their batting clothes and easily made them appear small on the score board. Wilmington took first at the bat, Cranston, Crockett and McGinn is Laving gone out in their order. Nor folk did much the same with Spratt who went out to short Smith, who walked and stole second, Mullen to first and "Reddy" SiUigan on a beau tiful fan. ' In the second, Stafford hit to left and lot second on wild throw; Thackara fanned; Allen hit to third, forcing Stafford; Warren singled past first, sending Allen to third; Warren stole second ; Clayton went to centre for two bags, scoring -Allen and War ren; Vorhees went out from third. For Norfolk, Nelson hit to right and got second on muff; Morrisey hit to left for two bags, scoring Nelson ; Mc Dade fans; Wolfe hit to short and on fumble Morrisey scored; Dannehower fanned and Spratt flew on foul out to third. In the third, Cranston, McGinnis and Stafford fanned, Crockett in the meantime having singled to right For Norfolk, Smith singled to left; Mullen sacrificed; "Red" walked; Smith and Nelson went out from third and first In the fourth, Thackara, Alen and Warren went out in their order from centre, pitch and left Morrisey and McDade went out from first and sec ond ; Wolf e was hit by pitcher and Dannehower fanned. In the fifth, Clayton flew out to left Vorhees singled to right; Cranston lined between first and second, hitting Vorhees and retiring him from the game; Cranston was. thrown out at tempting second. For Norfolk Spratt flew out to left; Smith singled to centre buPwas thrown out attempt ing second ; Mullen flew out to left. In the sixth, Crockett flew out to right; McGinnis hit safe to short; Stafford singled to right; Crockett was own A out at second and on wild throw to third McGinnis scored and Stafford got third but Allen flew out to centre. For Norfolk, Gilligan fanned and Nelson and Morrisey went outfrom second and short . . In the seventh Wilmington won the game. Warren fanned; Clayton flew to first and on error was called safe,, and stole second; Vorhees singled beautifully to centre and Clayton scored Cranston ' hit safe to short, advancing Vorhees; Crockett forced Cranston at seoSnd, Vorhees going to third; Crockett stole second and McGinnis hit to short, and on slow throw to first Vorhees scored and Crockett got third; McGinnis stole second and Stafford walked; Thackara fanned, retiring the side. For Nor folk, McDde and Dannehower went out from' centre and second; Wolfe fanned. '-' . - i In the eighth, Allen went out from right and Warren and Clayton from short Spratt and Smith went out from third and short; Mullen fanned. In the ninth, Vorhees flew out to right f Cranston fanned, Crockett singled ; to centre and McGinnis was called out on being hit by his batted balL For Norfolk, Red" Gilligan got first on Warren's fumble at third r Nelson flew outhiear centre; Morrisey hit to third and Warren .threw Gilli gan out at second; McDade walked; Wolfe hit safe to first and on low throw home Morrisey-scored; McDade was put out at home plate. r v - ' SCORE BY HTNIKG&. " r --. 1 33 4 5 6 7 8 9 R'H i Norfolk ...V., .X) 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-3 5 5 Wilmington 1.0 2 0 0 01 2 0 05 10 2 ' : Batteries Dannehower and Nelson ; Vorhees and Thackara. i-f ; ) Unofficial sammary: r Struclr out By r Vorhees, 7;; by. Dannehower, 7. Stolen.basen--SmIthfiWolfe, Warren SUNDAY, MAY 5, 1901. Cranston, Crockett and McGinnis. Two-base hits Clayton and Morrisey, Sacrifice hits Mullen. Base on balls -r-Off ' Vorhees, 3 ; Dannehower, 1. Hit by pitched ball By Vorhees, L Umpire, Mr. Clark. Time. 1:45. Notes of the Game. Old man Vorhees made 'em y." yesterday. Although the "Giants" lost two of the games with the "Crew of . the Mary Jane," the scores, as a whole, show how evenly the two teams- are matched. ' The Wilmington B. B, lunatics are feeling better now. Now don't expect the Wilmiugton "Giants" to win every one of the fif teen games to . be played here during the next three' weeks. There would be no fun in thai. Gfosely contested games, whichever side wins, is what draws the crowds. If Charlotte comes into the league, as seems more than possible, it would add to the gaiety of the season. The Charlotters are said to be going base would turn out big crowds atbe home, grounds. ' Every dead game sport will go to Hilton Park next week ; and they'll all get the worth of their money, too. A special to the Richmond Dispatch from Norfolk says : "The story to the effect that the Portsmouth club will disband, and that this may result in the wreck of the Virginia-Carolina League, is without foundation. It is reliably stated that Portsmouth will be backed by new capital for awhile lon ger, and if the club does not pay, the franchise and players will be trans ferred to Charlotte, N. C , which, like Raleigh and Wilmington, is base ball mad. The Charlotte people are very anxious to enter the league, and at the first chance will buy a franchise. The prospects for a successful base ball season is very bright." Under Nstional League Rules. Washington, May 4 President N. E Young, of the National League Base Base Clubs, announced to-day that the following organizations had qualified and paid for protection un der the national agreement for 1901: The Southern Association, Class B, R. T. Kent, president; the Virginia North Carolina League, Class C, E. H. Cunningham, president the Games Here Thl Week. The Giants will arrive home on the A. C. L. train this evening, and will most likely be accompanied by Ash- enback's aggregation from Newport News, who have three games here with the locals, beginning Monday. Thursday Norfolk begins three games here, and Newport goes to Raleigh; then the first of next week Wilming ton goes to Raleigh for three games, and Raleigh returns with Wilmington here for three games the last half of that week. Then the following week Richmond comes for three games, and the last half of same week Portsmouth comes. Then Wilmington goes to Richmond for three games, and New port and Norfolk return for three games each. It is hoped that Umpire Clark will be here for the games this week. Qames on Other Diamonds. At Newport News 123456789 RHE NewportNews. .01101000 14 7 3 Portsmouth ....2 0 0 0 010 0 03 6 5 Batteries High and Ashenback; Voltand Westlake. At Richmond 123456789 RHE Richmond 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 04 5 6 Raleigh 0 0030000 69 9 4 Batteries Hooker and GanS; Per son and LeGrande. At Raleigh (college ball) Agricultural and Mechanical Col lege, 15; Horner's Military School, 5. ANNUAL GOLF TOURNEY. Played Yesterday Afternoon On the Hil ton Links Mr. Blair Was the Suc cessful Contestant. The mens' annual handicap tour noment was played on the links of the Cape Fear Golf Club yesterday afternoon. The prize was a silver cup given by the club, and was won by Mr. J. J. Blair, gross score 89, handi-: caps Q, net score 89. Mr. A 8. Wil liams was second with a gross score of 100, handicap 9, net score 91. The other scores were as follows: gross hand- net score icap score Mr. J. Reinberg ,109 14 95 Geo. l$ountree,,.. e o t W. W. Murell .... 113 9 103 T. M. Emerson. . .104 . 0 104 H. MacRae. . . . . . . . 113 9 104 Ohas McMillan ... .107 0 107 W. A. Riach..-...120 9 111 8. W. Merrell 128 14 114 Oapt Van O. Lucas. . .124 9 115 Mr. T, W. Davis . 134 14 120 " C. Giles, Jr ,.148 18 130 " D. MacRae 84 8 ... There will be a .. mens' handicaps tournamentinext Saturday for a silver cup given -by a member of the club. To mountain and. Scaanore Resorts via SBAnVlSU aid Atsnas WAT. :.; ,- .: Before completing arrangements for your. Summer trips or . deciding upon places at wmcn to spena me summer, fou should-call on Ticket Agents and 'assenger Representatives of the Sea board Air Line Railway. They are specially prepared to furnish informa tion as to lowest rates, quickest kjbbuu les and most attractive routes to the Mountain Resorts in " Western North Oaralina and Southwest Virginia, also ! to the Seashore Resorts of Ocean View, Virginia Beach, Old Point Uomrort, the great. Eastern Resorts along the Jersey Coast and other places reached via the Seaboard Air Line Railway. This Company is offering lower rates than ever with perfect train service and fast through - schedules. It will interest and benefit you to call on Seaboard Air Line Railway Agents. . . Auction sale of Dingelhoef s stock 10:30 A. VL and 8 P. M. Monday and Tuesday. " , ' . JL . t CASE OF H. T. ALLEN. Laurinburg Printer. Gets Eigh teen Months in Penitentiary and $100 Fine. FRAUDULENT USE OF MAILS. Trial Consumed Greater Portion of the 9Dsy in Federal Court, Which Con tinues to This Week Number of Uninteresting Matters. The Federal $ourt was engaged for a greater portion of yesterday in the trial of H. T. Allen, of Laurinburg, charged with fraudulent use of the mails. It was 5:30 o'clock in the after noon when the jury took the case and within about five minutes it rendered a verdict of guilty, although the de fendant bad plead not guilty. The case was taken up at 11 A. M., Jan H, -Cook, E. -ef-Maartcqh -p pearing for. the defence and District Attorney Bernard and Assistant At torney Spears conducting the prose cution. Postoffice Inspector J ere Con nally, who worked up the case with ex ceedingcleverness, was the first witness and gave substantially the same testi mony as that printed in these columns soon after the arrest Of his trip to Laurinburg he said he found no labo ratory, no "Doctor Allen," but an or dinary printer, who had assumed the prefix r "Dr." for business purposes. He also testified as to having seen no "Station A" at Laurinburg and also as to his methods of collecting the evi dence. The next witnesses were W. S. Booth, of Rochester, N. Y. ; L. H. Petty, of ParBon, Tenn , who made purchases of recipes and Confederate moneyNfrom Allen ; J. H. Gregory, of Morris Plains, N. J., who sent $2 to the defendant- simultaneously with an inquiry to the postmaster at Laurin burg as to Allen's standing and who received a return of his money upon the postmaster's inquiry of Allen; Ira 8, Cleary, of Columbus, Ga , who received circulars .but did not pur chase; R. W. Cavaness, of Southern Pines, N. C, who purchased recipes and Condfederate money; H. J. Channel, of Broofcwood, Ala, who sent along $10 and received seventy five fac simile $5 notes of old conti nental currency, ten recipes and ten copies of a Guide to Wealth," price $5 per copy. Postmaster W. H.Cooper,of Laurin burg, testified as to having 139 receipts for money orders senUto Allen, out side of registered letters and of his having received a fraud order as to Allen from the Postoffice Department L, H. Matthews, of Teachey's, N. C ,( and Alfred Prevatt. of Lumberton, testified as to purchases After the recess for dinner, Allen went upon the stand and claimed legitimacy for his rcheme, and pointed out to the court that he had a large family and received the small salary of $25 per month. . There was argument, then by coun sel, District Attorney Bernard making an especially strong appeal for the prosecution, and Jno. H. Cook, Esq., for the defence. The jury in the case was as follows: J. T. McL&mb, Jesse Lancaster, Rich ard Smith, Wm. Daughtry, George E. Brooks, Eugene Philyaw, E. W. Hinson, H. P. Clark, Autry Baggett, J. P. Alderman, W. A. Tillihghast and C. W. Maultsby. J. M. Ham and W. W. Cocke, de faulting witnesses in the case were each fined $80. Attorney Cook made an appeal for the defendant as Judge Purnell was about to impose sentence, just before ad journment at 6 o'clock: last evening, but Allen was given the extreme pen altyeighteen months in' the peniten . tiary and $100 fine and cost the place bf confinement to be named by the Attorney General. Nashville, Tenn., it is said, will likely be the place. The following other proceedings were had during the day and a recess taken u n til to morrow morn in g : Daniel David and Wm. Brannon, retailing liquor without license; not guilty. Jesse Wall, Richmond, retailing; plead guilty and sentenced to 18 months in penitentiary and to pay a fine of $100 and cost - Sam Wrightj Richmond, retailing, plead gilty; sentenced to 60 days in Jail and $100 fine and cost Kirt Chavis, Richmond, retailing; plead guilty, thirty days in jail, $100 fine and cost - Thos. Steen, .Richmond, receiving and concealing spirits ; called and failed. . Phoebe. McNeill, Cumberland, re tailing; continued. Sandy Thomas, Scotland, retailing; called and failed; judgment nisi sci fa and capias to next term. 7 Robt W. Davis, Esq., of Southport, was admitted to practice in the Circuit and District Courts as attorney and counsellor. The following jurors were excused for the term: M. M. Moore, Jas. C. Cromartie, Geo. E. Brooks, William Daughtry, J. R. McPhail, J. E. Dur ham and JM. Smith. Speclaj Music at Grace. A special mala quartette composed of Messrs. Frank Westbrook, M. Les ter Bussey, W. W. Hodges and J. M. Culbreth with Mrs. M. L. Chasten, accompanist, will furnish the music at both morning and evening service at Grace church to-day. upon the occasion of the opening of the School field meetingV i - v . ' ; Judge and Mrs. E. ' E. Bryan are . visiting Mr. Bryan'a mother ; at Faison, "N. C, since the adjournment of court at Fayette ville last week, f Auction tale of Dinsrelhoefs stock L0:30 A. M. and s P. M. Monday and Tuesday. : , - it , WHOLE NO. 10,518 PERS0NAL paragraphs. Mr. W. G. Whitehead left yester day for New York. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Shannon returned to their home at Henderson yesterday. Mr. H.H. Jones, of Pollocksville, N. C.. was in the city yesterday on his way to Wallace. Mr. E. C. Holt left yesterday afternoon for a- visit of some time to Hut Springs, Ark. J. 0. Carr, Esq., left last even ing for Kenansville, N. C, on profes sional business. Capt. J. D. Price returned to Georgetown, 8. C, yesterday after spending a week with his family. Mr. H. F. Meyer, gardener at Mclntire's GJenoe farm in Onslow county, was here yesterday on his way to New York. He will return in June. installation Service-Tosy, ----- - Key. R. M. Williams, of Wallace, and Rev. D. P. McGeaehyv of Burgaw, arrived in the city yesterday to par ticipate in the installation of Rev. Dr. J. M. Wells as pastor of the First Pres byterian Church of Wilmington, ex tended reference to 'which was made in these columns yesterday Rev. E. E. Lane and Mr. W. H. Sprunt, as an elder, will also take part in the exer cises. ' Auction sale of Dingelhoef 's stock 10:30 A. M. and 8 P. M. Monday and Tuesday. j t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PRESS BOY WANTED. A steady boy Is wanted to feed Job Presses. Host be a resident of Wilmington. One who baa bad some experience preferred. Apply at the my4tf 8TAR OFFICE. Street Railway Notice. On and after Jane 1st, 1901, cars of the Wil mington Street Railway Company will stop only at the near street corners from the di rection the car Is proceeding and at red posts In ine miaaie or eacn diock aioi along which the track extends, mal lm A. U. HJUSliULNG, General Manager. CITY OP WILBUNGTOK, Mayor's Office. eeaiea proposals ior constructing ana laying a line of pipe in Fifth Ward of above city mast be submitted by noon. May 20th, 1901, at tne Mayor's Office, City HalL Bald construction to consist of catting out and removal of 443 feet or f our Inch cast Iron water pipe; cutting and relaying of 1045 feet of six inch cast iron water pipe; furnishing and laying 1,628 feet of twelve Inch oast iron pioe; 2,040 feet of eight inch cast iron pipe, and 2.745 feet of six inch, cast iron pipe, with necessary valves, tees and crosses as shown in plans. Also on said system the erection of ten double nozzle fire hydrants. Plana and specifications can be seen at City .nan. uignt reeervea to reject any or ail mas. a OL WADDELL, my43t sutufr Mayor. SUMMER NEEDS. My store is crowded with Artistic, High Grade, Medium and Cheap Furnishings ior your cummer nome. A FEW MORE FINE GOODS At factory cost for Cash, or Credit, that I uuu ir wane w carry over mi au. H. F. PARKER, Furniture and Furniture Novelties, 111 Market street, Inter-State 421. Bell 'Phone Sis. apsstf Having thoroughly overhauled our large plant, building our ovens larger and putting on more help, we will be able to furnish the trade with out trouble. Also, we have added to our Ladies' Cafe some handsome im provements, making it the nnest in the State, and the only one in the city for ladies. WARREN'S STEAM BAKERY AND CAFE, ma 5tf 22 North Front street. Full Lines of . Flour, Meal. Grits. Lard, 9 Meat, Molasses, Salt, Iron, Nails, Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars, Btftter, Cheese, Cakes, Candles, Canned as uooas.etc " Coricspondence solicited. HALL & PEARSALL, (INCORPORATED.) WHOLESALE GROCERS. ma 5 tf Nutt and Mulberry Xioolsz "FTere. freab. and Vine Saratogas Cli'lps, Bomethins von have been asking for. Burn- ham's Extract Beef wine and Iron. Extra aualltv of Corned Beef. Spiced Pickles. (stuffed Mangoes. Red Admiral Beans. Have you trie them? If not, you have missed a treat, sure meit in your moaw. For tne best Butter Fox River, Clover Hill Tnii tho rinwt TJlflnn "liVCiPPDV iui iuu liiiuai iium iuiuijuuii CALL S. W. SANDERS. At The Unlucky Corner, or Brooklyn Branch. : apr 7 tf To Our Patrons ! ' While our business baa been temporarily suspended by reason of the damage In curred by fire, we are making every effort to get the business in good shape, and we , are again ready to serve yon, as heretofore, to the best of our ability.- Our temporary anarters will be next door to the old stand. Bargains in Soap, Perfumery, Brushes, Combs and many other Toilet articles. Ji H. HARDIN. Both ThonesNoBg. 3 - ap 18 tt Hew RiYer-lMets. 2,780 Pounds N. C. Mullet. 1,100 Pounds White Mullet. 108 Barrels P. R- Molasses. 61 Bnrrels D. D. Syrup. 190 Doxea Can Syraps. 89H Bstrrela P. R. Molasses. '81 10 gallon Kegs Molasses. - 87 - 6 iravllon &ejrs aoiaini 110 Bundles 1H Iron, : - 87 Bundles 1 Iron, 1 80 Bundles 1 -inch Iron. : YY. B. COOPER, Wholesale x Grocer. 8D8.no, 819 Nutt street, 7 wumnurton,H.a my TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION.: One Year, by HalL $6.00 Six ,Moatla,iW7'-0 ', Three Months, ' " -' " 1.85 Two Months. " 1.00 Delivered, to Subscribers In tne ' - mtv .1 IS Unit. n.. Wami. y , T T i NEW AD VEETISEMENTS. FOR FANCY POULTRY, For sale this week Effffs for hatching; ' Buff Cccblns, Barred Plymouth Bocks, White Plymouth Rocks, Black Minorcas, Buff Leg-; horns. Brown Leghorns; Game, Duck Wing: Grays, Brown Henny, War Horse and Black- ' breasted Reds. Deck Eggs: White Peklns, Black Cayugtan, and White Musscovlas. Tur- , keys: White Holland. Geese: Poland, Pea fowls : Light Blue Guineas and Pigeons of all ' kinde. THE S. J. DAVIS LIVERYSTABLES, 3U8-SHU marxet street, Both 'Phones 124. ma 5 tt? - BARGAIN FOR GASH To . -close non-resident estate. For sale as a whole without' regard to mineral Values. . 2,600 acre tract Improved Farming, Timber and Mineral Lands and valuable Mining and Gold Milling Ma chinery thereon. "The Mann-Arrlntrton Gold Mining Estate" at Argo, Nash county, N. a to Bright Tobacco Beft-12 miles from Nashville, N. C. Land will be sold without machinery at low farm and Umber value. Buyer gets mine, . veins and placer, been profitable now producing some gold by "hand-sluclng." Machinery, all or separately, (except - BUDOiTiiung eiuier mui nlant) at 85 to f0 ner cent of cost. 1.600 to 2.000 acres good timber. Much original growth ' mostly yellow pine and oaks, other bard woods and poplar, . eto. Stumpage, estimated over 110,00 ).co. Location healthful, -land roll ing, well. watered and drained. Undeveloped 9 feet fall, water power. 250 acres csltiy.ted. 250 A. partly cleared. Produces and adapted growth good crops corn, cotton tobacco, oats. millet, grasses, etc., vegetables fruits and Tines; aieo snitame ror stocx or sneep larm. improvemenw-4u .Frame Buuaings, vweiuogs one iurnlsbed, Btore, large mui ana rower House, Barns, 8U, 'iobaccoi;Hou8es, enopa. Chapel, Laborers' Houses, Etc Machinery 20 stamp Fraser & Chalmers 760 pound stamp mm complete, power ior au scamps, xwo "o-ieei. Improved Bunctington" mills complete. "Ma rion" Steam Shovel "Style A." "Lidgerwood" the Hoisting (Marlon) Engines. "Cameron" etc , Fumps. Power for wood work mill. Air Comnreesors. Assay outfit. Pining. Tools. Carts, Wagons, Farm Implements, Ensilage Cutter etc. Railroad Link projected near by. Title perfect principals invited. Examine or correspond. E. W. Lyon, Dnkes, Naeb county. . v. my o iw 63 1-2 Steps EAST from the corner of Front, and WEST from corner second and Princess streets will take you to DEPARTMENT STORES, Where the public have found; are still finding and will continue to nod the BEST GOODS for the LEAST MONEY, any where to be found. A comparison will convince. Shoes Our Bell 'Phone 661. ap28tf "Lost Opportunities Seldom Return." On this rapidly advancing market and satisfied with what we have met you can buy Virginia Water Ground Meal Prime Wklte Corn . Prime Mixed Corn At satisfactory prices. Write us. We bav some stock of Sardines H cans. Sardines 4 cans. Sardines in glass jars. . We close out at Bargains. n "Red Seal Lye.' "Red Seal Lye." Easily the best made and makes good profit to the retailer. Vollers & Hashagen, Simmers of drain aiiProylsicus. -' apr28tf . - Proposals Invited. Proposals for furnishing Uniforms for the Police force will be received up to 12 o'clock noon of Uth Inst. Sealed Colds accompanied with samples of material must be left at the office of City Clerk and Treasurer. The right to reject any or all bids is reserved. Uniforms must be delivered Within thirty days after awardof contract. Bpeciflcattons Coat, single breasted sack : coat, dark Navy Blue Flannel (Middlesex or of equal quality) with rolling collar, to button high in neck, cut square at bottom. In length one inch below crotch, with eyelet holes for Ave large service buttons. Waistcoat and Trousers, samV material; waistcoat without collar to have eyelet holes for seven small service buttons. Bids for buttons not invited. my 5 it - A. M. WADDELL, Mayor. Notice: In accordance with the laws of 1001 entitled An Act to issue Bonds for road improvement to -; New Hanover County, an election will be held Friday, May 31st, 1901, and the question sub-1 mitted as follows:" i. .. - "Shan New Hanover county, North Carolina, ; Issue fifty thousand dollars of its bonds, with . Interest coupons attached, to repair, make and V improve the publio roads to said county." ' The baUots tendered and cast by the qualified electors shall have written or printed upon . them "ror good roads or agaldst good roada.' . All qualified electors who favor the issue or-. said bonds shall vote "for good roads." , An . qualified voters who are opposed to the Issue r of said bonds shall vote w against good roada ; An entire new registration Is required for said election. . - , D. MCaTACHIRN, - Chairman Board County Commissioners. . Polling places and Registrars will be-- pub- llsbed later. - , - - -kapi- Ik. - ,;y mm ft ! IJ Election .-"'ivl-jsC i: V ..-..-t.v. . --if-; 13 mi S3? PS