Wished in S V ! UTLINES 0! government is -di:" .fall China 'e0P nrld The Cal nances that is 5j2.fi Southern and feltf announcement 'll u n VlA ClWZeua w Thn irtint r.. York city to raise : ile will ship UlTondutyis fiesaresuiiu ' .. m KRK 000. ffiselma,Ala.dam- l Burke and nu i:.5h of the cotton was r ' If entrx Americana prisoners captured by (JkSBBfli Africa. Kn- Qwd thirty people injur- j Wilmington, repreMQi- Srf Deters of the Con- r nnvAll a. i .Min the Hall of t,eo. " , 0 the largest stock iatheWe, suspend Ersm. ii " 1 Wrtd we , r urkets: B: jfloney on can yjper cen cent; couou ulo ..Ac 8 S 16c: flour was t.K&n on spring grades; Ufiiet, No. 2 red S4c; W,Ka 2 52Jc; oats Cko. 2 53ic; rosin duU; ViTUPR REPORT. JIIM1 JffYorAaRIOT&TURK, fesisTOS, . C May 6. 8 A.M., 67 degrees; limes; maximum, 82 de- Vaam, 63 'degrees; aiean. 74 kthe day, . ; rainfall W 4e month to date, Inis in the Cape Fear river iiieatS A.M. 4.0 feet U6I0N BCLLKTIN. nther continues in all sec- nics have fallen in the iiusu, Galveston, Little New Orleans, and fetricts. -. r" FOR TO-D May 6. rr North Slowers Tuesday with apentnre on the coast! fair in westen, showers jcrtion; fresh southeasterly a? southwesterly. Silmnc M.y 7. 5.03 A.. 11. 6.51P.M. 13 H. 49 M. liSouthDort. 9.39 A iL aWilminptn. 12.09 P. M pthejare forming acorn- well and spades. Well atSenator Tillman after Pia pitchfork. to a new law in Wis- Je divorced in that State rl again within a year. leatime to think what and to change their & according to statistics. poa from Ireland foots un pw'V-H males and 1,. And they have country some mihtv r"") too. - tM.. . ' O J recent banquet of Xm w some taffy fs, and rpmo,j ii.x f editor tt.-fi. i- u uio ijcu la IT ILII n O -W . . -tm ae can't put on n lull II H as much ne trio i,v. "itended it. a.-. ,.. "CUJ 19r ae is u on tko, , tlVl r and en- the letter. Ji wuu oecame tnL - 1 e on 'Change, . her husband' i0ftij t get into the pit, r-"-cuiau ana ?w ana Pd a Uer fir8t venture &da IS almnot o lhe arfi. nnf miles in the Unthan 1.250,000 that unknown. 8e growth of suPPosed to abound ""V"" enter Hr,lation Wall shir... ne Past. R, iHftTheedtothead. IWC and later Wish -f . ; to 5il M ' ,UItJan i - - nine now. ':.J , - vxujfcTO im t -: Dim: - , VOL. LXVIII. NO. 39. THE BOND ELECTS Date Changed to June 18th and Registrars and. Inspectors : Appoinled for Same, i - THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS; Held Resaltr Mosthly Meetlni Yesterdly Afteraoon -tad ' Trtosacted ; Priocl Pfly Rootlae BasiaessJoron Drawn far Crlailnal Coaii. - The principal feature of yesterday afternoon! reeular monthly meeting; of the Board of : County Commia sionera was the appointment of regis trars and inspectors and the design tion of polling places for the election on the bond-issue for public road -.improvement, all of which appears from an official advertisement in another column, and the changing of the date for the said election, from May Slat to June 18th, in order that it 1 will con form to the requirements of the new election law, copies of which were not closely examined until after the first date had been announced. All members of the Board were present and Chairman - Hci&aeh'ern presided. The usual reports of the Superintendent of Health,! Superin tendent of Roads and Register of Deeds; embracing no special features, were read and ordered on file. James Irwin, colored, of Masonboro townships, and Lydia, Simmons, col ored, of Cape Fear township, were placed on the outside pauper lU-t at $1 per month and William Usher, colored, oft Harnett township, at $1.50' per month. - Commissioner Alexander reported that the "water section" of the county fence had been repaired at a coat of $11 to the county. - . i The chairman and Commissioner Montgomery were empowered to have the fence around. Oak Grove cemetery repaired at once. The action of Commissioner Holmes in approving sheriff's warrants for jury tickets, in the absence of the chairman, was approved. The list of jurors for the next term of Criminal Court for New Hanover county, published in another column. was then drawn and the Board ad journed, subject to call of the chair man. OR. W. D. M'MILLAN ELECTED. Chosea SaperiiteBdeat of Health fey the Cooaty Saaltary Comstittee. 1 - The County Sanitary, Committee, a creation of the last Legislature and members of which ware recently ap pointed by the .Mayor and Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, met yesterday afternoon and selected Dr. W. D. McMillan, superintendent of health for New Hanover county, for a period of two years. . The salary of the office remains a heretofore $100 per month. i Present at the meeting were all the Commissioners, who are! ex-officio members of the Sanitary Committee and Drs. L. EL Love and T. S. Bur- bank. ' - : - REY. R. W. BOOUE DECLINES. Will Not Become Rector of ; SL Jsates' i Episcopal Parish, Tbls City. The vestry of SL James' Episcopal parish, this city, yesterday received a letter f rdm the Rev. Richard . W. Hogue, ofjSheffield, Ala,, declining the call recently extended him to suc ceed the ReV. Dr. Robert Strange, who resigned several months ago to become rector of 8L Paul's pansn, Richmond. Va. ? ' ' Rev. Mr. Hogue stated in his letter that he had reached the; conclusion with reeret that he could not come to Wilmington, but he conceived it to be his dntv to remain with bis churches at Sheffield and Tuscumbia, Ala. The lastaUatloa Service. The installation services of Rev. J. M. Wells. Ph. D..r as pastor oi me - m il mint PreabTterian church, were weii attended on Sunday morning and wereverv imnressive. The charge to the pastor by Rev. E. Er.Lane, of Im- manuel Preab tenan cnurcB, was spoken of as having Been especially forcible and the sermon by Rev. D. P. McGteacbv and charge to . the people by Rev. R. M. Williams were aio favorablv sookenof. Twenty minute services are being held each morning this week preparatory to the commu nion next Sunday. : ' ' Cape Fesr Golf Clab. " The final match between the win ners or tne nrn ana kwbu a . m Ma. J S Mltvai) foursome handicap tournaments was played.on the links of the Cape Fear no if rjinh vesterdav afternoon, and resulted in a victory for Miss Ran- doloh and Mr. A. a Williams over Mr. and Mrs.TM.Emerson, by a score oi wj tntvt ThA winners each received a silver cup presented by the dub. NEW aDVERTISEMKNTS 1 w . . . A. a L. Dividend notice ; To Public Election notice. Atlantic National Bank report. F. T. MUls Come eet a buggy. The People's Savings Bank-Statem't Murchison National ?ank SUtem't Munroe $ Kelly-Brass and Iron beds r-r - TJSnTKSS LOOAL9. Wanted Thick slabs. -Ranted liong leaf pine wood. WIL Iron Works Door screens. Auction of Dinsrelhoef Bros, to day , at 10.80 A. IL and 8 P, M. Morning LOCAL DOTS; T There is now not a' ainfflA fnr. eign or coastwise vessel at this port. "The Church Calendar' in tha I name of a neat littla In the interest of the First Presby te- The regular mohthlv mAf.ini of the Board of Managers of the Pro duce Exchange win be held tht n. ing at '11 o'clock, v V. N Of course, WOminirton Will MT. tribute to the relief fit th infftMM Think of the awful condition of ten thousand neonle been burned. -;" Stonewall Lodge. K. of P.. of this city last night donated $15 for the J ackson ville sufferers, the same to be distributed through the Pythian Re uei yommittee. , ; s first -Sergeani" "Leroy, of "ForT vasweu, came up yesterday to assist In the drill of the W.' L. squad for etrance into the competitive drill at Kaieigh May 30th. Hr Capt. J . W. Harper has alreadv booked seventeen excursions on the steamer Wilmington for the coming season. It is quite a good . beginning and one that aurora well for Carolina oeach this Bummer. The board of directors of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company- has declared a dividend of 2 per cent on the preferred stock of the company, the same due and pay-' able May 15th, at the office of Mr. James T. Post, treasurer. CREOSOTED CROSS TIES. Remarkable Record of the Power of the Splrittlne Wood Preserver. When the Hon. John D. Bellamy began the construction of the Wil mington Street Railway in May, 1897, he had several hundred sap pine cross ties treated with the wood preserver ; of the Spirittine Chemical Company, of this city. General Manager Hanson superintending the work. These ties, which under normal conditions would not last more than two years, are be ing removed to-day (inra most perfect state of preservation, because they are too small; being 4x6) for the heavy rail that is being laid. The spirittine wood preserver manufactured by the Spirittine Chemical Company is no longer an experiment, having atood the most rigid test successfully for fourteen years. The oil, owing to certain chemical ingredients with which it is treated, Jias thoroughly penetrated the wood and consequent ly made it very much harder and stronger, as was proven yesterday by sawing one of the tieaLin two. The spikes v that held the rails are so se cured that they can scarcely be with drawn. The -odor, too, is 'almost as 'strong and distinct as when the oil was put in fourteen years ago. GENTLE WEN OF THE JURY. Those Drawn for Last Term of Eastern District Crlmlaal CoorL At vesterdav afternoon's meeting of. the Board of County Commissioners the following jurors were drawn to serve at the term of Criminal Court which will convene Monday, June 3rd: . First Week. EL J. Bierman. T. J. Pratt. P. B. Walsh. E. F. Jones, W. H. M. Koch, James B. Huggins. B. W. Skinner, W. H. Darden, Jr., Frank l. Eean. T. M. Emerson, W. & Walker, E. Rehder, D. C. Love, A. B. George, J. S- Sneeden, T. H. Hawkins, H. K Holden, Louis Todd, T. S. -Jacobs, D. W. Trask, Paul Casse, F. B. Le- Gwin, J. A. Orrell, J. L. Barnes, J. E. Gordon. W. R- Bate, W. M. Moms, Joseph H. Hanby, SigmonBear, E. W. 8okley, Henry Tietgen, John s. Brown. Geo. P. Hurlbert, James O. j Lewis, Oscar Batton, John W. Yates. Second week. G. Jamea Boney, Wm. Brothers. E. W. Rogers,H. C. L. Bookenhagen, E. P. Boatwright, A. a Jones, B. M. Hill, D. & Gurganus, David a Clark. W. A. J. Yopp,Edgar Hinton, F. D. Capps, L. H. Kelly, Jamea F. Post, F. P. Baldwin, W. J. Morriss, L. Southerland, Louis Craig. FEDER4L COURT ADJOURNED. One Unimportant Case Tried Yesterday and Recess Taken to Jane 25th. The Federal Court' adjourned yes terday at noon, after .disposing of one unimportant case from Bladen county. J. D. Jones, - charged with breaking into a cistern house, removing and cpncealintT spirits, was found not I guilty, and Judge Purnell ordered a reeeas of the court until Tuesday, June 25th, ; when several admiralty ! cases on the docket will be heard. Most of the jurors, witnesses and defendants' in attendance upon the term left yesterday for, their homes.- Death of Mrs. Bodd. . nvtTiHa f n the citv will learn with sorrow of the death of Mrs. Susan A Budd, relict of the late G. M. Budd, which occurred at her home at no. sio ifT? WtrMt vesterdav morning at q.qa aVIaaV Mm. Budd wai in the w .w w - - . - - TRtK nf her im and ; is . survived by a niece, Mrs. H. D. Stanland, and two nephews, . Messrs. w. B. jreraew and John W. King, all of this city. The funeral will be held from the late residence at 9:30 o'clock this morning with interment in Qakdale cemetery. Mr. M. J. Meredith, of George town, 8. C, and Mrs. U H. .Le, or Farktoh, N. Q; are visiting the family of Mr. W. J. Meredith. "i Htm. rinrBlhoef Bros, to day atl0.30 A. M. and 8 P. M. Morning " 1 , : 1 ; I- WILMINGTON, N. C, THE SHIPBUILDERS. Made Initial Appearance On Wil- - .T T i, mingtoq Diamond Yesterday and Lost Their Game. THE SCORE : SIX TO THREE Norfolk Defeated Raleifh sod Portsmouth Shot Richmond Oat With Her Ath letic Association Team Ezbl- bitloo Here Very Good. : YESTERDAY'S GAMES. Wilmington, 6 Newport, 3. - Raleigh, 10; Norfolk, 13. -. Richmond, 0 ; PortsmouthT'8. , WHERE THEY PLAY TO DAY, Norfolk at Raleigh. : Viewport News at Wilmington. -V,w-RUhmnn.d,at-foi'tsmoi tlu STANDINa OF THE CLUBS., . ' Norfolk..1.; Newport News... -Won. Lest Percent. 12 4 .750 .. 10 7 .588 .. 9 9 .600 .. 9 9 . .500 .. 6 12 .333 .. 5 12 .895 Kalelgh Wilmington ..... Portsmouth...... Richmond Five hundred people yesterday after noon saw the Giants- take the game from AshenbackV Shipbuilders by a score of six to three. It was a splen did exhibition and the weather condi tions were very favorable to the sport. It looked at first as if the Virginians had gone in to win and the heart of the average Wilmington rooter began to become faint when Newport went up and Deisel walked and was fol lowed by a sacrifice by Sechrist and a hot liner N to third, scoring Deisel. Ashen back's fellows then went to work playing hard ball and Wilming ton was unable to follow with a score. Both sides were playing hardball. when Hsmpleman led off for New port with a hit to right for three bags and after Renner had fanned was scored by a single past second by Hie berger. Then it was that the Giants realized that they must play ball if they would win and with the score two to nothing, Clayton put on his batting clotnes and singled to left, followed by Allen, who hit through 'short and sent Clay ton flying to third. Thackara fanned and Warren aingled to left upon which with a beautiful alide to the plate, Clayton scored; Stewart aingled to short and Alien flew into home like a high diver; Cranston hit safe and slow to first and Stewart and Warren scored; Cranston stole second; Crock ett fanned; McGinnis hit safe on er ror to short and on a slow throw from second Cranston went under the wire in two-forty time, making five runs in the single inning. It was extremely' hard, fast and clever ball playing from then to the eighth inning, when Wilmington made another run and in the ninth Newport News got another making its score three. Wilmington did not take her half of the ninth. In the eighth, after not allowing the visitors to score, Clayton went up and walked and stole second; Allen made a long drive to left and the "Kid" went around the bases like at whirl wind finally landing on the home plate, after an ineffectual throw to Ashenback, calculated to retire him Allen stole second but on beautiful run to third was thrown out. Thackara and Cranston .fanned, Warren and Stewart haying aingled to left and past second in the meantime. Ashenback's boys got their run in the ninth on a long drive for three bags to deep centre with a hot liner over second ' by Sechriat after High and Diesel had flown out to left and first .Weddige made the last out by being thrown out from left by Allen to first . .' . ... . Following is the tabulated score and summary: THE TABULATE! SOQRE. Nm Hamnton ' AB R H PO A E DeiseLSb........... 1 2 2-4 Q 8echrist, ir..... o 0 u. - u l W1Hi1h.. ...... S 0 4 7 0 0 j Ashenback, e, 4 0 2 6 0 0 Johnson, C , , ....... 4 u z x o o Hempleman 3b.. . , 4 11 2 0 1 Renner, ss. ..... , .'. . 4,00 1 - 2 1 TTiAhArmr. rf 4 13 10 0 High, p......:...,l. 4 0 0 0 0 0 Total..... ;vv... 88 3 14 24 6 . Wilmington! AB B H PO A B rWnaton. rf . . ..... 5 11 .1 0 0 0 Crockett, 2b ....... v 2 0 0 - 6 -1 2 McGinnis, cf. 4 0 0 1 1 0 Stafford, lb......... 4 0 ' tf 6 1 .0 01ayton,ss...v...... 8 3 lv$ 3 0 Allen. lf......i..... 4 x 12 2 10 Thackara, c..;.;, .;' 40 0 6 3 0 Warren, 8b . .. . . . . r. 4 18 3 10 H!w.pt n. ....... 3 1 21 2 0 Total..".-:..' S3 :6 8 27 13 2 - .' raaoRKBYnwiNqs. 19S456789 BHD Wilmington v .;o 6 0 0 0 0 01 x- 8 3 Newport News.U 100000013 18 Batteries Stewart and thackara ; TTiVh and Ashenback."1 - - - Siimmarv " Two-base hits Wed- didge. t Three base" hiU Hempleman TUESDAY, MAY .7; 1901. and Heiberger. Base on balls Off Stewart, 1; off High, 8. Struck out By Stewart, 4; High, 6 Hit by pitch ed ball By High, L Passed ball Ashenback,- L' ' Time of game, 1:35.- Umpire, Mr. Staley. .; r .. Notes of the Games. y A commendable feature of the Wil mington team is the good feeling ex isting among the members. There are no petty jealousies among them, and they always speak well of each other. Stewart is improving in his curves, and before the' season is over he will rank with the best pitchers . in the league. The "Shipbuilders" received gener ous applause yesterday on their good plays. Tbis is as it should be. Noth ing is lost by courtesy to bur visitors. Ashenback "is a whole team within himself. He has the grand stand al ready, and ' will make a bid . for the bleaxhen to ay jnSe is good natured and generous to a fault It is refresh ing, to see him ' play when he is los ing.--- -.-;, - . ,,,-v-. :. - .vv: There are no stolen bases on Thack ara. His work yesterday, in throwing ing out the Shipbuilders at second will probably teach them a lesson in suc ceeding gamea. ' Some of the Virgi nian-PiloV s obser vations of Saturday's game with Nor folk are as follows:' ' "Wilmington certainly has a strong aggregation and the team that beats them will know they have been play ing ball." "Vorhees, who twirled for the Wil mington aggregation, had a horse shoe concealed about him somewhere, for wnile he sent them up over tne plate as big as balloons, the Norfolk men could not hit xthem safely. He re ceived very eleyer support and won." The Portsmouth Athletic Associa tion, with Winfield Clark manager, is now at the back of the team from that city anjL haa plenty of money. The team is to be strengthened at once and put on a winning basis. In the loss of the game by King Kelley's red . birds on their home dia mond yesterday, the Raleigh team ties Wilmington' for third . place in the per centage column. Another game from Newport "News to-day ought to put the Giants at second place. . Portsmouth showed yesterday in its shut out of Richmond that she is bound to come sooner orffsteri The Brownies no longer bring up the rear in the per centage column. The game to day will be well worth the seeing. The Newport News aggre gation is now reported to be even a stronger team than Norfolk, Nelson having left the last named club Satur day night, and the really close games this week may be depended upon, to come from Ashenback and his clever playerefrom the shipbuilding town. . Games on Other Diamonds. 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 B H Norfolk 3 4 0 0 0 2 2 0 2-13 117 Raleigh ......1300410101016 9 Batteries Legrande and Weeks, Wolf and Logan. - At Portsmouth Portsmouth, Va., May 6. The locals to-day took the game from Barley Kain's kida by a score of 8 to 0, thereby crawling up one position in the per centage column and rele gating Richmond to that undesirable end, from which it has been so hard for Portsmouth to merge with its badly broken up team. MRS. MARY LEGYVIN. Death of An. Aged and Highly Respected Lady la East Wilmington Yesterday The Funeral To-day. Numerous friends in Wilmington heard with profound sorrow yesterday morning of the death of Mrs. Mary LeGwin, relict of the late John F. LeGwin. which occurred at 11:05 o'clock at the home of her son-in-law Mr. R. W. Smith, at his place, "Oak Hill," in East Wilmington. Mrs. LeGwin has been-in ill health for some time but death was haatened bv a recent very severe attack of la grippe from which she never finally recovered. She was born near Scott's Hill, N. C. .January 31st, 1821 and was therefore in the 81st year of her age. 8he had spent most of her life in Wilmington and has many very near friends here, who regret-her sad de mise and the sore bereavement suffered by the family. She connected herself early with the church and her life was devoted to Christianity. She was the oldest member of Fifth Street M. E. Church, of this city, and the remains. after the funeral at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon from the residence of Mrs. L A. Donnelly, will be taken there and thence to Belle vue: cemetery for inter ment. . :- Mrs. Leg win is survived by four children Mrs. H. A. Donnelly.Mrs. R. W. Smith and Mr. L. M; LeGwin, of Wilmington! and Mrs. W. EL Jarman, of Jacksonville, N. G , all of whom have he tenderest sympathy of many friends. a narooalttf Party. A marooning party, chaperoned by Mrs. George P. Ootchett, at the North rop icottage, on Wrightsville, was much enjoyed , by a number of young society people ' from Saturday last until ; yesterday morning. Among those composing the party were Misses Qcta via Boatwright, Leonora Cant- well,Elia French, , Carrie Wright, Katie Maffit, Olive Armstrong, Nessie Ootchett and Emma Northrop; Messrs. W. a 5 and G. D. Crow, Dawson Latham, Crosweli Rsgin, Marsden Bellamy, Jrn . Creth , Angel, O. A Wiggins. Jr., George Davis and Jas. G. Ootchett. A nxtinn nf Tfnrfilhoef Bros, to-dav ailO.30 A. LL and 8 P. M. Morning sale for ladies. A LENGTHY SESSION. Board of Aldermen in Session Last Night to the Morn ing t Hour - V" SEWERAGE QUESTION AGAIN. Provoked Lively Discussion, Bat Went Over to-Speclsl Meeting To-morrow Nlrht Policemen Elected and Salaries Were Restored. It was morning when last night's regular meeting of the Board of Aiders men adjourned; and the adjournment then was to Wednesday night when the multitude'of matters for consider ation will be further acted upon.. - ; Perhaps the mosLspiritftd. discussion during the meeting :last night was in regard to the granting of the franchise to the ; Wilmington Sewerage Com pany for the establishment of a sys-; tern of sewerage in. the city according to plans recently approved by the county and State boards of health. The matter came up under head of the report of the Sewerage Committee, Alderman Bailey, chairman, and in voked quite an animated discussion, after which' the matter was left over to the special . meeting to-morrow night.' Alderman Bailey asked the delay as he said he desired further times for more thorough research into the plans and specifications. A letter from Hon. Jno. D. Bellamy, attorney for the corporation, was read and Mr. Bellamy s also addressed the board xat some length. Dr. George G. Thomas, president of the State Board of Health, also spoke favorably of the plans, as did City Engineer Jos. H. McRee and Major Ives and Col. Lewis' of the Sewerage Company. Members of the Board also discussed the .question at some length but decided to postpone action as stated. All members of the Board were present,- Mayor Waddell presiding. -Communications from, the Board of Audit and Finance stated that the appropriation for the establishment of a municipal scavenger system had not been approved for the reason that it was not considered practicable. Upon motion- of Alderman Harriss theSanitary Committee of the Aldermen was requested to appear before the Finance Board and urge the appro priation, explaining its desirable and economical features. Concurrence by the j&nance Board in the proposition to sell the Fifth Ward Hook and Ladder building was reported, provided the property brought . as much as . $1,200. Upon strong appeals of Aldermen . Parker and Mann ' the Aldermen rescinded their original action in ordering the sale of the propei ty, the same to be used in the future for rental. It was also reported that the .Finance Board approved the recenjL action of the Al dermen authorizing the treasurer to turn' over to the city at torney the back tax books, provided same is amended authorizing Iredell Meares, Esq , to be retained in all suits in which pleadings were filed prior to April 1st, 1901.V The Finance Board also inquired in a communica tion why; the contract for feeding prisoners had been awarded to Mrs. Jane Sheehan at ten . cents per meal when there was a bid for nine cents. The Board requested the Mayor to ex plain that Mrs.. Sheehan had long filled the contract with eminent satis faction and her bid was considered the lowest, taking all circumstances into consideration. Upon a suggestion in the same communication the Streets and Wharves Committee was asked to inquire' into the recent successful bid of the Cowan Livery Company as to whether it provided for a sheltering of the city carts, etc., as was stipulated in the bid of Mr. S. J. Davis, the next highest A resolution was adopted authorizing the usual loan of $40,000 to tide the city over the Summer months, when taxes aie slow in coming in. , The Market Committee was requested to look into the claim for damages of Ellis Bufarro, a tenant in the Front street market house. The following now constitute the corps of police for the city as elected last night: Chief John J. Furlong. Captain N. J. Williams. SergeantsG. H. Ward, 0. a Bur nett, G. W. Smith, C. W. Woolard. Privates M. E. Guy, EL H. Woebse, John Martin. O. E. Ward, E. L. Smith, W. C. Moore, Alex. Wells, Dave Willis, E. J. Grimslev, Frank George, Leon George, J. J. Moore, W. M. Harris. W. E. Watson, Moses Padrick. E. R. Chad wick, B R. King, L"F. Huggins, John Meier, J. B. New kirk, W. H. Temple, i E. Skipper, Rufus Holmes, Woody Howell, L M. Smith, Dan George, JV M. King. - Subs J. D. McClammy, ls; 8. J. Bryan, 2d M. Bowen, 3d.x Upon motion of Alderman Johnson it was recommended that street hands and cart drivers receive $7 per week compensation j upon motion of Alder man West that the city attorney 'a salary be restored to $500; upon mo tion of Maunder and amendment by Parker,' .that : the cattle -weigher's salary be made' $30 per month; upon motion of Parker that Alderman Har riss and the Mayor appear before the Board and ask that the salary of the Chief of Police be restored to 11,200 per year; upon motionof Johnson, that the salary of permanent health officers be made $45 per month, instead of $40; upon suggestion of the Mayor, Bailey and others, that street hands working in sewers receive $1 per day extra. Mayor, Waddell and Alderman Bailey stated , that according to a strict Interpretation of the law the street WHOLE NO. 10,519 paving in the future must be let by con tract and the Mayor stated that he had been served with notice that if the municipality undertook further work n thi8 direction, the city would be en joined. The matter went to the Streets and Wharves Committee. Hon. Jno. D. Bellamy asked per mission to further address the Board and stated that the plan of the pro posed new sejrerage system will be on exhibition to day at the office of Capt J. H. McRee, city engineer, for the inspection of any person who desires, to examine the specifications. Upon motion of Alderman Parker it was decided to persist in .its recom mendations as originally made as to the turning over of the back tax books to City Attorney Bellamy. Petitions from various citizen were referred to the Streetsand Wharves Committee as follows: From citizens of Third and. Fifth wards that- Dock from Seventh to Ninth street be ma cadamized from curb to curb; from citizens and tax payers that Orange beiweeifFront and Sixth ' streets be improved ; upon 'suggestion of Alder man Parker that an open cistern on Castle between Sixth ' and Seventh streets be looked after; from commit tee of property owners and citizens that Second between Market and Cas tle streets be macadamized; upon sug gestion of Alderman Maunder and petitions of various citizens, that a bridge be built over Fifth street cross ing of the A . C. L. tracks and that a committee be appointed to confer with the railroad authorities relative to a joint ownership (committee named as Messrs. Maunder. Skinner and Harriss. A resolution was adopted as 'the sense of the board, that Princess street be the next thoroughfare improved. The mayor stated in this connection that he learned from the County Commissioners that they would bear their pro rata share of the cost of this improvement It was ordered h&t the city attor ney attend the daily sessions of the municipal court and conduct the pros ecution of such cases as come before the mayor. tf The mayor stated that he would take into consideration a suggestion by Alderman 'Bailey that two other members be placed on the Streets and Wharves Committee. E. J. Pollard, agent of the Schlitz Brewing Company, was granted li cense to wholesale malt liquors; ap plication of Frank B. Brown to retail liquor on Campbell street was denied upon adverse report of a special com mittee of investigation. After font ballotsCapL A. L. De- Rossett was appointed tax lister for the current year. Other applicants were G. D. Parsley, W. A. Williams andT. O. Bunting. The Fire Committee was authorized to lease a fire . lighter for use on the river until permanent arrangements can be made. . No Judgment Agsinst Mr. McDiarmid. In its report of the proceedings of the U. S. Court Friday, the Stab in mentioning the case of the Cape Fear Lumber Company against, Cotting- ham left the inference that Messrs. W. J. Diarmid & Co., of Fayette ville, were parties to the judgment against defendant for $6,000. This is in Correct. There is no judgment against Mr. Mc Diarmid in the case. Revival Meetings. The Schoolfield meeting is now in progress at Grace M. E. church and is being well . attended. Services are held each day at 10:80 A. M. and 8 P. M. Rev. O. L. Stringfield, of Raleigh, is aasisting Rev. J. J. Payseur, the pastor, with a series of revival meet- ingswhich also begun at that church Sundai Strawbergr shipments. Betweenatwenty-five and thirty cars of strawberries went forward by Southern anjd Fruit Growers' Express yesterday ' from the trucking section contiguous' to Wilmington. The prices are holding up fairly well and growers appear to be pleased with the prospect for the season. The regular schedule of refrigerator car trains was put into effect yesterday: 'Mr. F. T. Mills left last night for Kentucky and . will return the latter part of the week with several car loads of very fine stock, which will be of fered for sale at his Princess street stables.' - - - iFJBa. BUDD In this city, yesterday morning- at a: w o'ciocx, Mrs. bubam jl. jbuuu, reiicD oi . M. Budd, in the 76th year of her age. ' .Funeral from residence No. 816 HcBae street. this (Tuesaay) morning at 9:80 o'clock. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend. Interment In Oakdale Cemetery. ; LsOWiN-Mss. H ABY LsGWIN. relict of the late J. F. LeGwin, died at the residence of Mr. o'clock yesterday mornloff, aged 80 years, S U. W. HmiUL IB JCI81 WUBUOKWa. u;u9 monuisanaoaays. . The laneral will be held at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon from the residence of Mrs. H. A. Donnelly, on Nun street between Fourth and Fifth, thence to Fifth Street Methodist Church, Interment at BallBvna. ' V - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY AND TREAS URER OF THE ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD COMPANY. ' - " WILMINGTON. If . U, May 6th, 190ir , -. i - . ii a ii nf 1n i HnTittn Anaof Lime itauroau un . z two. and oneper cent on theerred i and payable May 15th, at tne o&ce of the Treas- rnTi flWnaf ne Itrmlra will frfjarif? AlAMBfl tTGUL May 6th to the 15th, both inclusive. . mafw -1 -r " Treasurer.- One Year, by Mall, 6.00i Six Months, f 2.50 i Three XEontha, - " 1.26 ; Two XXonths, v " . ; 1.00 ' Delivered to 8n1erlbers Ik tnt f f f w mt Alt flanta m, w ww . il -r... : . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Election Notice. In accordance with this laws of 1901 entitled - An Act to Issue Bonds for road improvement In New Hano-er County, an election will be held Tuesday. Jane 18th, 1901, ana the question suDuuctea as lollows: . "Shall New Hanover County. North Carolina. Issue llfty thousand dollars of Its bonds, with interest coupons attached, to repair, make and Improve the public roads In said county.' The ballots tendered and cast by the finalised electors shall; have, written or printed upon them "for good roads or agaldst gotd ro&da." AH qualified electors who favor the Issue of said bonds shall vote "for good roads." All qualified voters who are opposed to the Issue of said bonds shall vote "against good roads." - An entire new registration Is required for said election. Beglstration books will be opened Hay 16th and remain open till June 7th Inclusive, at the voting places In the regular election precincts as follows - ' - - '-: - First Ward 1st Division Polling place ad-4 Joining Kavronlchols' store, onFourth between Hanover and Brunswick streets. Eealstrar F. T. Skipper. Poll holders J. D Doscher and Qes. Bland. i' First Ward 2nd Division Polling place Ottrsons store northeast corner Fifth and Harnett streets. Registrar Isaiah West Poll ' holders T. B. Carroll and Martin Bathgeu. First Ward 3rd Division Polling place Hose Keel home near Fourth streeV bridge. Bepis- trar-W a. Wright. Poll holders-J. T. Mc- Iver, Geo. Hewlett. ' Second Ward Polling place Old Court House. Beglstrar-A. J. Hill. ,Poll holders B. W. Wallace, 8. P. Collier.: Third Ward Polling' place near southwest corner Eighth and Princess streets. Begistrar A. a. Hanklns. PoU holdersWalker Heares, Geo. P. Cotchett. . Fourth Ward Polling place Worth's ce house, on Dock between Front and W-iter streets. Begistrar X. W. Hewlett. Poll holders T. G. Pickett, W. J. Bellamy. Flftb Ward 1st Division PolltnaDlac 3. Hook and Ladder House on Ffoh, near Castle s roet. Begistrar B. H. HcKoy. Poll holders J. H. Branch and Fred Grltlth. Fifth Ward and Division Polling place, En. glne. House, corner Fifth and Castle streets. . Begistrar J. D. H. Klander. Poll holders-j-M. McGowan and H. A. Decover. . Cape Fear Township PoMng place. Blossom's 8 tore, at Castle Haynes. Begistrar B. w. Bor deau. Poll holders 0. H. Casteen and T. J Belcher. Hasonboro Township Polling place,, Town ship House. Beilstrar T J. Fergus; PoU holders Chaa. W. Bishop and Jno. G. Wagner. Federal Point Township-Polling place,. Bid- die's Store. Begistrar J. A. Blddle. Poll holders Jno. Keves and Hill Williams. Harnett Township 1st Hvlslon Polling place, Delgado store. Begistrar J. D. Woody. Poll holders B. B. Moore and D. T. O'Brien. Second Division Polling place, Township House, near 7-mile post. Begistrar Garrett Walker. Poll holders C- H. Alexander- and Bobt Parker. " D.MOBACHEBN, , Chairman. By order of Board County Commissioners. ma 7 18 ju . j . REPORT VF THE CONDITION OF THE ATLANTIC . National Bank at Wilmington, In the State or North Carolina, at the close of business, April 84th, 1901. v BE80UBCES. . Loans and discounts..... ......f 000,030 43 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 058 65 U. 8. Bonds to secure circulation . 95,100 00 V. 8. Bonds to secure U. 8. Deposits 128,800 00 Banking house, furniture, and fix tures ... . ....i....... . 1U,UW w . Due from National Banks (not Re serve Acrent&) 87.041 81 , Due from State Banks and Bankers 53,451 53 Doe from approved, reserve agents u.vrr i Notes of other National Banxs... 4.0WUU- Fractlonal paper, currency, nickels, and cents... .... 681 66 Lawful Honey Reserve in , nanf.viz: r Speclei .....r 6,50000 - . Legal tender notes 62,000 00 68,500 00-73,581 66 Redemption fund with U. 8. Treas'r . X . . . . I . - , . n IMA JIM (3 per cenc oi circulation; ........ - o,ow uu Total $1,889,736 88 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In .$ 125,000 00 Surplus fund 1 50,009 00 Undivided profits, less taxes ana expenses naia yv.skj eo isv,inm so National Bank notes outstanding.... 05,100 00 Due ' to other . National - Bank8....... 70,678 23 Due to . State. Banks and Bankers livwo i Individual deposits subject to check.. .TTT. 703,407 33 , , Cashier's checks outstand- ing 159,887 21 United States deposits.... 120,875 00 1,039.805 96 Total .S 11,889,736 82 State of North Carolina, county of New Han- over BSu I. ATidraw Worel&nd ' Cashier of the above- - named bank, do solemnly swear that the above . statement Is true to the best of my knowledge ana belter. ... . - ANDKJEW aoniCliAHM. uasaier, Subscribed and sworn to before me this Hay tk.1901. ;M. Correct Attest: Wm. K. Bpringkr, ) P. u. Bridqkrs, VDlrectors. ma 7 It D. L. Goes, ) " "Lost Opportunities Seldom Return." On this rapidly advancing market ana sausnea wnn waac we iiave -met you can buy . Virginia Water Ground Meal Prime White Corn . Prime Mixed Corn At satisfactory prices. Write us. We hav some stock of sardines J cans. Sardines J4 cans. Sardines In glass Jars. . t We close out at Bargains. "Red Sea! Lye." , "Red Seal Lye." "Red Seal Lye." Easily the best made and makes good profit to the retailer. Yollers & Hasbagen, SMppers of Grain and froTisions. apr28tf ; BRASS ATfD IHOIT BEDS. ' ' Tour slumber may be Just as sweet on a ft cot but the cot wm not beautify yeur room and -Its days are numbered anyway,' ; These White Enameled iron and Brass Beds are very handsome, very strong and not at all expensive. They are becoming more popular and fashionable every, day and deservedly bo as they chamge the appearance of any apart; ment. --, - ' - IIUIIEOE 6 KELLY, , , , No. 17 South Front street. . "Bell Phone 115. . anrsott I 4 - ! sale for ladies. . fAle iorjaaies. - . -