ir:ntl,erD.UyNcw8. Z. Published In ' On Year, by XXaIl $6.00 I Six SXontha, 2.60 ; Tlii'.Montls:rH;:';;::B;lB5 OUTLINES. T,PPded through- I00 . mother. A 1541 W " " into a Cai lias wmnanv Tiveral thousand ton. Gef The Industrial "Sve a hearing to P. J. -presenting the Southern Ossification committee. !7 spent several hours n.. nd spen Amines. k soon commenced T.. -oTmPs have been fiZ must go to work or i" , . Naval officers are splice. i o.otAs trovern- icoaling station m the fe Gen.MacArthur can challenge comparison & orderly conaiuon ISSin the United StateS A arsons struck and killed lSitCordele,Qa. The S combine organized un- CSotXeirJeitey. The Cjjt Jacksonville are lm Cginj people have left the r!S.Y. markets: Money on Vi'si10 cent; coiua uplands 8 116c; flour ld fairly active; wheat spot UjredSlic; corn spot dull, I t firm. No. 2 S3ic: 'B;0l-i- ' - 6 lBB'i .. .:..j,.ll.f f; spirits mrpeuuuo . THER REPORT. llDffTorAGBIOULTUBE, J r ttr . -ttttfo RTTRIT ATT. fiEHSTON, N. C, May 7. ) pjaieg: 8 a. ia., oo ucroco, luiMua- mflTimum. 75 de- 1,UBS1W ' am, 62 degrees; mean, 68 1 far the daw -20; rainfall pthe jponth to dlite 20 Wrtter in the Cape Fear river Udleat8 A.M. 3.9 feet (jflOHMGION BULLETIN. Jiatheris somewhat unsettled; Jni have fallen, except in the i Little Reck, Memphis and M districts. J BaCiST FOB TO cAY. St Continued cloudy weather jasbna1 showeri Wednesday. xxi in western, cieanuu up stem Dortion; fresh to brisk Blinds, becoming southwest- fet Almanac - May 8. 5.01 A M. 6.52 P.M. 13 H. 51 M. 10.23 A M. 12.53 P.M. iSatsoutQDort iWilmiDgotn. t dispatch says there are Mans booked for emigra- Ifcfriited States this month. tithe coolest thiog of the sir is the proposed -10 per ,a of price by the Chi "sTrait comes from St. TTfilfna fa. Cronje, wife of Gen. to become insane and im 1 aeraelf the ex-Empre83 Eu- 'ftese speculators on Wall k millions on stocks in a vdoemt that mean that People have been bun Pf those millions.? . uuuest pieces or real iis country i8 that Cripple wwi, about three miles 1'hich in twelve years has j-)wv,wo goiq aust. lhe "gold pure" ftnrl tat the copper cure is Aillchigan doctor pro Je consumption by in- that China cannot pay i a luuemnny ae 2the allied Powers. Well, "ch one will probably MthatT aieana C in Richmond is lovement to suppress MthCOnCealed weaPnsby lm 8Uccessful and fc?thinglike en k T Xt would cause a jWWket. Compilation of ann . &ntryat the e K8h 7U0tacare at -Serald figure8 out 1 .- fW, hG ChiQeS8 d0 e r, i. . "na pi.. , . . i been i wmch ?W....W" f?r taw 9 H "Hies V receW rtu.,. an(l expreasea i- "the Nftr1b more laan the Texas HEHORIAIilSERYIcg; Ladies Have Completed All Ar rangements forj Observance of Memorial Day. CAPT. C. B. DENSON, ORATOR. " . ;. There Will be the Usual Military Parade and Mule by Second Regiment Band. Ladlea lathed tci -Contribute RowersOther Notes. The ladies of Cape Pear Chapter, Daughters of the Confederacy have completed all arrangements for the observance of Memorial Day on . Fri day of this week. May, 10th. and the celebration this yearj promises to be more elaborate and appropriate than usual. , -. -..i There will be the usual parade and all the military organizations and others participating will assemble at the W. L. IT armory at 8:30 o'clock P. M., on the afternoon of the obser vance and will proceed under direc tion of CoL A. M. WaddBU, chief marshal, to Oakdale Cemeter j assem bling at the lodge, from whence they will march in the following order: Second Regiment Band. ; W. Ei. L, Naval Reserves and other military organisations. Cape Fear Camp of Veterans. Orator and Chaplain." Daughters of Confederacy. Sons of Veterans. ; Schools of the city. The orier of exercises will be a, dirge by the band followed - by a prayer by the Rev. Dr. A. O. Voigt. Then will come the annual oration by ppt C. B. Denson, of Raleigh, followed by the calling of the Boll of Honor. The hymn : "Soldiers of . Christ Arise" and the doxology will then be sung and after "Nearer j My God to Thee," the benediction 'will be pro nounced "closing the services of the day. - Col. Waddell, the chief mniii( has upon his staff, as aides, CapL Jesse Wilder, Lieut. Jno. A. Everett. Messrs. O. M. Filly aw and P., H. Hayden. ! Tne ladies of Wilmington are re quested to contribute flojnfers for the decoration of graves at the cemetery and to bring them to the W. L. L armory at 9:30 . o'clock Friday morn ing, where a committee of ladies will be present to receive them. ' Members of Cape Fear Chapter, Daughters of the Confederacy, are re quested to meet at the Lodge at the cemetery promptly at 3 j o'clock on May 9 th for 'memorial work." From Wilmington .CapL Denson, the orator, will go direct to Washing ton, D. C., having been commissioned by Governor Aycocl as a delegate' to" the National Convention of Charities and Corrections to be held at the Capi tal about that time. Captj Denson is an honored survivor oft the Lost Cause and an orator of great power. The ladies are very fortunate in hav ing him with them upon this occasion. BELLEVUE CEMETERY COMPANY. Annnal Meeting of Stockholders Lsst rXlxht Officers Elected. The annual meeting of lot owners . 1 ,3 1 A in iiexievue cemetery waa uem wk night in the office of the' secretary, Mr. W. E. Yopp, No. 206 Princess street A number of routine matters were considered, after which a board of directors and officers were eiectea as follows? ; r President J. A. Everett. Vice President H. A. DeCover. Secretary and Treasurer- W. E. Yopp. i Superintendent J. H. King. -Board of Directors G. W. Linder, a G. Hall, Win. Niestlie, U. Jfc Hudson, H..A- De0over, Wm. Simp son and B.- F. King. Success of Dr. Tool Green. Dr. Thos. M. Green, who is a son of Wilmington's esteemed townsman, Dr. W. H. Green, and who has been in Baltimore the past several years, nas recentlv scored auite a success in a m v competitive examination by which he receives the appointment as a res ident surgeon of St Joseph's Hospital, & - . Baltimore. Dr. Green grattuatea with honor last May and won by his standing there an appointment in the University of Maryland uospiiai, where he has been under Dr. xinany since his graduation. There were nine applicants. In the recent competitive examination and Dr. Green stood first and ateraged higBest in general branches. The news of fixe ability and sucoess of Dr. Green in his chosen profession will be J received here by his many friends witn great pleasure. - : '. '' i "' " '" Transportation Is Free. - i"" " Th Atlantic Cast' Line Jias mag- nanimoualv arranged to : transport t all annolies for the Jacksonyillo fire sufferers' when consigned to. the - Ar tu Btrieken citv-or the chairman of the Board of Belief. NEW ADVEM3SEMENT8. Government Sealed proposals WE.Bpringer & Co. Stone coolers J. TT Hanbv Atlantic View Jtioiei. Murchisoit National Bank Report. . Wrightsyille Beach-Property own rs Bpsorggs UOQAUl. Wanted Position in hotel. - , Notice To ladies of Wilmington. Notice Daughters of Confederacy. wNMMMSBnsnnnnnBjnBnnvVaBBaMWMMw - cieJtAm vMAAivad tar Oommenoe LOCAL DOTS. The -Board of Aid ATrn ATI monf in special session to night. ' - In the article whien ftniwur in the Stab yesterday, headed "Oreo oted Cross Ties," 1897 should have been 1887, as the context indicates. " Mr. J. E. Davis has been ap pointed registrar for Fourth wawl in the bond election, in place of Mr. E. w. Hewlett, who found it inconve nient to serve. Undertaker W. "R. Yn terday erening seni to Rockv Point casket for the burial of Mr. J.J). Mahn, young man aged 18 years, who died there yesterday morning. Capt. Jno. H. Hanbv. its irenial proprietor; announces that the Atlantic View Hotel, WrightsviHe Sound, will be open to guests May 18ths also, that he has some convenient cottaffe the grounds for int tn famitt.. w ITTI the season. - In one of the Star's Favette- ille teleerama vgtcfdi mrui.. a- was stated that ''Senator McNeill m- ceiTed but little over a hundred votes." It should have been white'! rotes, as nia aggregate vote was much 1 km han that figure. There was no meeting of th& Woman's Christian Temperance Union yesterday afternoon on account of the inclement weather and the slight ill ness of the president, Mrs. W. P. Old nam. The next meeting will tM afternoon week, when it is hoped there will be a large attendance. DELEQATES TO DIOCESAN COUNCIL Elected by Episcopal Parishes of City to Attend On May 22sd. The Episcopal parishes of the city have elected delegates to the Diocesan Council to be held with St Paul's church, Edenton, N. Q, May 22nd, as follows: St James' OoL Wm. L. DeRosset Mr. Wm. Calder. OoL Jno. W. At kinson and Mr. D. H. Lippitt; alter nates, Messrs. J. Allen Taylor, F. H. Fechtig, a & Grainger and W. H. Yopp. St Paul's Capt W. G. MacRae, Messrs. R. H. Pickett, Ed. Taylor and Jno. J. Fowler: alternates. Messrs. G. W. Felger, H. A. Fields, J. R. Boyd and W. J. Clemmons. Delegates to the Diocesan Council have the choice of three routes from here via Newborn, Plymouth or Tunis. The round trip fares are, via Newborn, I9.S5; via Plymouth. $8.75; yia Tunis, $9.10. Meals extra, 60c each, either route. The steamer leaves Newborn Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, returning alternate days. Via Plymouth, one night spent there each way. There Is no charge for stateroom on steamers from Newborn or Tunis. Persons may leave here, via Newborn at 3.20 P. M. Monday or Wednesday, connecting with the steamer Newex via Tunis or Plymouth, at 9.05 A. M., reaching Edenton via Newborn at 13 M. Tuesday or Thursday; via Tunis at 10 P. M.; via Plymouth, at 1P.M. next day. WILMINGTON PRODUCE EXCHANQE. Meetlaf of Board of Maoazers Yesterdsy Morning Tea New Members. A number of routine matters were transacted at the regular monthly meeting of the6oard of Managers of the Produce . Exchange yesterday morning, the president, Mr. P. Pear sail presiding, and a goodly number of members being in attendance. . An arbitration ' committee was elected as follows: C. W. Worth, H. C. McQueen, B. F. Hall, Jan. H. Chadbourn and J. A. Springer. Nom ination of other standing committees was deferred. Seven new members were elected and three were reinstated, making the total membership, now. number 87. There are also several other members in view and it is expected at the next meeting Jo have the number consid erably increased above 40. The membership dues were fixed at $50 per year. Col. Cantwell, the veteran secretary of the exchange, having served in that capacity for twenty-five years, was renominated andTwill be re-elected. Market reports by wire on coffee were ordered. THE EVENING DISPATCH. Is Oat In ; Enlarged Form A Mmpiex c Typesettlox Machine Installed. The jXmateti appeared yesterday in an enlarged form and is now a seven column folio. It was well filled, with all sorts of-news .-and made a most creditable appearance. The proprietor announces that he has added to his eauinment a Simplex type-setting machine; "which -will materially I in erease his facilities- for getting out ' Y m nam at . an earlier-hour. The Dispatch says: - ' -' : w im mnoh srratified over our Krosperity in the past and feel that we ave received as liberal patronage as tw. nectoL With ereatly improved facilities we expect to give k.w MwfftA fn everv particular and earnestly solicit your continued pa tronage.". : ..v '"-4 -' ' . Our evening contemporary has the best wishes of Thk Moeotno Stab for its continued success. In the lan nf Rio Van - Winkle: "May you live long and prosper." - ninfrelhoef Bros? to day ;tSIluS8 R: M. Morning sale for -ladies." ; . . ; :; Special Prices of-S?S! -tTri w pnivofft Co. 35c value WILMINGTON, N. C WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, i - TDE BASE BALL NEWS No Game Yesterday Between the Giants and Shipbuilders On Account of Rain. RALEIGH DEFEATS NORFOLK. Portsmouth Arala the Winner With Rich mond Qame Here; Then Come the Norfolk Skippers Some Gen eral Lesgne Notes. YKSTKEDAY'S GAMES. Wilmington-Newport (rain.) - twieign, 7; JNorfolk, 2. Richmond, 4; Portsmouth, 9. WHKBE THEY PLAY TO- DAY. . Norfolk at Raleigh. JNewport News at Wilmington. Q .. '-' , tJJ' " Richmond at Portsmouth. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. Won. Lest Per cent Norfolk 12 5 7 9 9 13 13 .705 Newport News . 10 Raleigh 10 .588 .526 .500 .368 .277 Wilminsrton o Portsmouth.... 7 Richmond 5 Ashenback says the weather Gods were extremely "good to Wilmington yesterday, but everything Ashenback says about base ball doesn't go, as the public doubtless knows, or at least that, part of -the populace which at tends the games at the park each after noon. Ashenback was sure of a victory for the Shipbuilders and Manager Peschau was just as confident for the Giants, who took the first game day before yesterday.,. But it rained, and, of course, nobody knows' just how the lots would have fallen. The teams and a few perhaps one hundred of the more "faithful'' went out to the park ind between showers it looked like there was to be a game, but there. wasn't Both teams were in good form and a contest royal would have been wit nessed. All the energy and fast play ing that would have gone into yester day's game, however, has been stored away and will be injected into the team work to-day. For hat reason it behooves everybody to be on hand. The Wilmington team deserves a much better patronage than it is re ceiving and they also deserve more en couragement from the bleacheries and grand stand while the game is in pro gress. To controvert Ashenback's words of encouragement to his team," every member of a Wilmington at tendance should, convert himself into rooter of the "deepest die" and get at 'em. a Donble-Header TcDay. This afternoon there will be a double barrelled game, at which only one admission will be charged It will be one of Ashenback's bargain days, and at least 1,000 people should see the contest The first game will be called at 3 o'clock, and Foreman and Thack- ara will compose the battery for the home team. The second game will be called promptly at 4 o'clock as usual. and Allen and Thackara will do the grand act" for the Giants. Ashen back will have two strong batteries, and both games will be A No. 1. Ashenback is after another twirler who will come from the National League. It is expected that he may possibly arrive to-day and o in one of the games this afternoon. The Norfolk team will be in to- morrow, ana mere are even oaas mat Wilmington will take two of the series of three games with that team. The question now is to take both of the games from - Newport News this afternoon. Seabrig, a fast left fielder of Wil- liamsport Pa , has been signed by Manager Peschau, and is expected this evening or, to-morrow morning. The best of fhe three mennow signed for that position will get the perma nent job. Games on Other Diamonds. At Raleigh; 13345678 9 E h Norfolk ..0 0000300 03 5 4 Raleigh ......20301110x 7 9 0 Batteries Morrisey and Logan; Bowden and Legrande. At Portsmouth: 123456789 B HTK Portsmouth ... .0 8 0 0 4 0 1 1 08 115 Richmond .. 03300000 04 5 3 Batteries: Martin and Westlake; Gans and Bass. Sewerage Promoters Retnra Home. Col. J. E. Lewis, Maj.Ohauncey Ives and Mr. Kisner, the gentlemen from Philadelphia who have- been in Wilmington for nearly six weeks in connection with the proposed system of sewerage, left on the northbound train for- Philadelphia last evening. They were very much disappointed in not getting their plans approved, after they had been passed and approved by the State Board of Health at Ra leigh and the City Board of Health. The 8tab- learns, however, that - an effort will be made to induce the gen tlemen to return and take up the en terprise, if the Board of Aldermen shall approve the plans at its meeting tonight . . . . Will be Comineficemeat Orator. The Rev. Dr. Calvin S BlackweU has accepted invitations to deliver the commencement orations for the Haiem ham High School, Sampson county. on Mav 34th and for the Ashpole In stitute, Robeson county, oh May SOthr nnii nrtment of Ladies', Gents' and Children's Bathing Suits Just re ceived at the aw. Poivogvvp, ..f(nn nt TkinMlhoef BtOS. to day at 10:30 A. 1L and 8 P. M. - Morning THE NEW REVENUE LAW. Opinion of Lesdinf Lawyers Is That Meas ure Is Unconstitutional On Account of Mnnner of Its Passage. The Stab announces upon Very good authority that able counsel have befen employed by parties in this city to re sist the enforcement of the revenue law passed by the last General Assembly, on the ground that it is entirely : un constitutional, as section 14 of Art 2 of the constitution hss not been com plied with. This section ' uses the language that "no law sha&Jbe passed to impose any tax upon the people of the State, unless the bill for the purpose shall have ' been . read three several times, and . passed 'three several readings,- which readings shall be on three different days, and agreed to hy; fiach Houm respecUyely, auad -unless the" yeas and , nays on the second and third readings of the bill shall have been entered on the jour nal." The information comes from very good authority that when the bill came up for the second reading in the Senate, that it was weighted down with thirty six amendments, and after the bill went back to the House many of the amendments were concurred in and others rejected. That when the bill as amended came back to the Senate it was only read one time and passed one reading and was afterwards ratified. If this information is correct then in the opinion of our best lawyers the whole revenue act is invalid, the Supreme Court of North Carolina having several times decided that un-. less a bill of this character passes the three readings on separate days and the yeas and nays are recorded in the second and third readingsjthe bill is utterly void. The contest will be watched with much interest as many - very important changes have been made in the new law, and many in terests will be effected by the result of the decision. It ha? been held, however, by the Supreme Court that if the revenue law fails for jack of the constitutional requirements, the last preceding. reye-; nue bill holds, and the taxes must be levied under it So our county and State governments will not be crip pled for want of revenO. as the levy will undoubtedly be made under the revenue act of 1899. ' CITY HOSPITAL MANAGERS. Superintendent's Report Received and Ap proved at Meeting Yesterday. The report of Dr. Andrew H. Har ris, superintendent of the City Hosr pitaLfor-tH ahuhth of April, as adopted yesterday afternoon by the Board of Hospftal Managers, showed the following statistics: Patients remaining in the hospital March 31st were 31: during April 24 were admitted, making a total of 55. During the month 28 patients were discharged, 2 died, and there were re maining May 1st 25. Pay patients were treated 148 days, charity patients 636; total, 784. Rations were fur nished 148 days to pay patients, 636 days- to charity patients and 446 days to employes, making a total of 1,230. The average cost per capita per day was 16 cents. The whole amount ex pended during the.month was $201.54 for subsistence, $158.86 for general expenses and $218.70 for pay roll; total, $578.60. The receipts were $108.80 from pay patients, $46.92 from prescriptions ; city, $166.66, and county, $250; total, $572.38. The expendi tures over receipts were $6,.23. The following table shows the num ber and character of patients treated: City. County. Pay. White males 5 1 3 White females 6 Colored males. .... 31 Colored females . . : . 5 3 2 2 8 6 1 Total , 37 10 Present at the meeting were Chair man McEachern, . Commissioners Vol lers and Holmes and Alderman Von Glahn. Funeral of Mrs. Budd. The funeral of Mrs. Susan A. Budd, whose sad death has already been chronicled in these columns, was held yesterday morning at 9:30 o'clock by the Rev. J. N. Cole from the late residence, No. 316 MacRae street, and the interment Was in kdale ceme tery. The pallbearers were nephews of the deceased as follows; Messrs. Jno. W..King. H. Q. Craig, W. E. Perdew and H: P. Btanland. Dr. Winston WUI Deliver Address. The faculty ' and patrons of the Tileston High School, of this city, are congratulated that Dr. George T. Winston, president of the A. Sq . M. College, Raleigh, has been secured to deliver the annual ' address at that popular institution on May 23rd, Dr. Winston this week notified Mr. Blair, superintendent of the Wilmington public schools, that he would accept the invitation. ' -:" ' . Lost In Jacksonville Fire. U f Mr. 8. P. Collier, Jr., soliciting freight asrent for the A. O. L., and formerly a resident of Wilmington, lost all his household effects, includ ing many valuable- wedding presents in the recent Jacksonville fire. Mr. nl Mrs. Collier were away I from home at the time of the conflagration, the first named having been at miami, Fla.; on a business trip and Mjrs. Col lier visiting at Wilson, N. C. '.v. y. . Tt tha n w TAivofft Co- finure on windA awninsrs before the weather gets too hot:v --: :' New: Millinery ved to-day" at tneu. w. tov( CJo. - vp-to-oate goods.-v.y;;- 1901. BANE CONSOLIDATION Leading Features of the Plan by Which the Institutions Were Joined. AUTHORITATIVE STATEMENT. Deposits of National Bank of Wilmington Assumed Yesterday Afternoon by At lantic National Strength of the New Banking House. The Stab htb received for publiea tion the following statement concern ing the consolidation of the Atlantic National Bank and the - National Bank of Wilmington: The deposits of the National . Bank of Wilmington wem-assumed by the Atlantic National Bans . yesterday afternoon. The Atlantic National Bank has purchased from the National Bank of Wilmington the huilding formerly occupied by the latter for $23,000 and will occupy the building on and after to day. The comptroller of the currency gave his consent to the immediate con solidation, upon recefving a statement signed by a sufficient number of stock noJders or each bank agreeing to the consolidation. The stockholders of the Atlantic National Bank' agreed to elect all of the present Directors Of the National Bank of Wilmington as Directors in the Atlantic, every stockholder in the National Bank of Wilmington having parchased stock in the At lantic. The stock purchased by the National Bank of Wilmington stockholders was secured from non resident stockholders of the Atlantic National Bank. The Atlantic National Bank bus a' paid in capital of $125,000 with a sur plus account of exceeding . $175,000. The Atlantic has a great many assets which have a market value far in ex cess of the value as carried on the books of the bank. It is probable that no other bank stock in North Carolina will sell at as higbrar figure as the stock in this bank. The Atlan tic has been in business nine years. The National Bank of Wilmington has accumulated a surplus of exceed ing thirty per cent. As soon as their assets are fully examined bv the Atlantic National Bank, and paid for by' the latter institution, the stock holders of the Atlantic National Bank of Wilmington will be paid for their stock, including the surplus assets. This will probably be effected the latter part of the week. All checks on the National Bank of Wilmington drawn, by depositors having a credit with tnat bans: will hereafter be hon ored by the Atlantic National Bank. The consolidated business will be managed with a very much smaller clerical force than was employed by the two banks as separate institutions. The officers of the bank tfcill make a point or securing desirable positions for em ployes whose services will not be needed by the consolidated business. The principal officers of the bank. who are largely interested in the stock, feel confident that the stock will grow rapidly in value since the busi nesses have been consolidated and have voluntarily had their salaries re duced in order to assist in enhancing the value of the stock to all share holders. The policy hereafter' will be to con tinue to accumulate a surnlus. but it is probable that thetfiividend will be in creased from eight per cent, per an num to one per cent each month. This dividend can be increased and still leave the hank a liberal amount to add to surplus each year. The Bank Consolidation. The authorized statement of the leading features of the consolidation of The Atlantic National Bank and The National Bank of Wilmington, printed in the Stab to-day, will be read with interest The announcement that, besides continuing to accumulate a surplus, "it is probable that the divi dend will be inoreased from eight per oent per year to one per cent per month" be will very acceptable to all stockholders who need the income from their investments WrlghtSYille Beach meeting. The property owners of Wrights ville Beach are called to meet at the Wilmington City Hall at 8 P. M. on Friday May 10th for the purpose of considering matters of taxes,, sani tation, sewerage, etc The meeting is called by Mr. Geo. D. Parsley, city clerkT and treasurer, by order of Mayor R. W. Hicks. Clinton's Municipal Election. A special to the Stab last night from Clinton, N. 0., says that in the muni cipal election there yesterday, Henry B. Chesnutt was elected mayor in a vote of 101 to 80. W. A. Hobbs, J. R. Hiatt; J. A. Ferrell, M. J. Herring and G. L. Peterson were elected commis sioners. The issues were purely local. The MerchantsV Assoclstlon. There will be a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Merchants' Asso ciation this afternoon at 3. o'clock in its office in . the Seaboard. Air Line building, on North Front street A full attendance is desired. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Col. W. S. Cook, the newly elected Mayor of FavettevUle, was an Orton guest yesterday. Friends of Mr. Jno. W. Cot ton will regret to know, that he is dan gerously ill with pneumonia in the A. a L. hospital at Rocky: Mount, N. C. Dr. A. G.Voigt and Dr.' G. Dt Bernheim returned yesterday evening from the N. C. Lutheran Synod, which met near Gibsonville, N. C. .They re port a very pleasant and profitable ses sion. Auction of Dingelhoef Bros, to-day at 10:30 A. M. and $ P. M. ; Morning sale for ladies, 'fsvr. t Christian Science services at the. Ma sonic Temple, room No. 10, this, even ing at 8:5rO'cionav WHOLE NO, 10,520 DESTRUCTIVE HAIL STORMS. Reports From Esst Carolina Trucking Section Are Tbnt Greet Dnmnge Has Been Wrought to Crops. News of a destructive hail storm, which appears to have been pretty general over the trucking section of Eastern North Carolina yesterday af ternoon, reached the city last evening and it is believed very great damage has been wrought to strawberries and other crops. - Mr. R. R. Stone, of the firm of Stone, Rourk & Co., who came down on a freight train from Fayette vi lie on the Atlantic and Yadkin road last night brings most discouraging reports from that section.. He 'says that the area covered by the fall of hail extends from a distance of about seven, miles from Wilmington as far towards Fay etteville as Atkinson, N. C, where there was a slight fall when the train passed through, which may have in creased in violence aNer be left When the train reached Montague, the first station out from Wilmington, it was found that the pelter of hail stones was phenomenal. Mr. Stone said he never saw such a fall; before and in places, he believed, where the stones had rebounded . together, they were as deep as three inehes and of good size. People at the station at Montague re garded the storm little less than a ca lamity upon the track growers, though no exact information as to the extent of the damage could be gathered at that time. Points along the A. & Y. road were not the only sufferers by the storm. The trucking section along the W. & W. was also visited, as the following, received last night from both sections, will show: "Mount Olive, May 7. The heaviest hail storm for several years fell at Mount Olive this afternoon. The damage to the strawberry crop must be heavy, yet it is unknown. The hail and rain storm commenced at three minutes to 8 o'clock in the afternoon and lasted twelve minutes, literally cov ering the ground, the size of the stones being from that of small marbles to the size of small May apples." "Ctjbbie, N. C.; May 7. This place was visited to-day by one of the heavi est hail storms seen here in twenty-five years. Truck and other crops are badly damaged. Some of the farmers think their berries are ruined. It stripped the fruit from the plants and they look as though they were beaten with brush." It will probably be a day or two be fore the exact damage to all sections can be awrtained! Salary of chief restored. Meetlog of City Board of Audit and Fi nance Last Night Many Other Mat ters Were Considered. At the meeting of the city Board of Audit and Finance last night, all members except Mr. McNair having been in attendance, it was decided upon personal representation of Mayor Waddell and Alderman Har ries, to restore the salary of the Chief of Police to $1,200 per year; that of the cattle weigher to $30 per month, and the action of the Aldermen in electing an additional sergeant to take the place of a Lieutenant of Police, which office was recently abolished, was concurred in, provided that some member of the police department, per form the duties of clerk to the police court Alderman Johnson and Dr. O. T. Harper, city physician, also appeared before the Board and made an argu ment for the establishment of the new seeverage system under municipal con tra!, recently outlined in these columns, and the board decided to ap propriate an amount not exceeding $400 tor a one month's experiment with tie plan as promulgated by Dr. Harper This amount is to be used in the wtrchase ' of four carts, the salary of eight men and ai collector, and the seams for the work are to come from the street force. If the plan is found to be self-sustaining it will be adopted permanently. Dr. Harper pointed out to the board that at least $13,000 revenue could be de rived each year from this 'source. whereas only $6,000 was asked for its establishment - If 75 per cent of the accounts were collected it would be a paying investment for the city. No action was taken relative to a request for restoration of the salary of the city attorney; neither was there action in reeard to increase of pay of street laborers and cart drivers. The salary of Assistant Foreman Jackson, of the Fire Department, on account of clerical error, was restored to $45 per month. The bond of W. T. Parker in the sum of $300 with W' H. Chadbourn surety, was approved. - There was con currence in the action of the Alder men to negotiate the usual Summer loan of $40,000. After passing upon hills for current expenses,- the Board adjourned near midnight : . " ::'V: New white goods just "received at the Q. W. PolvogtGo. ; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Atlantic Hotel, N. C. ' This delightful summer Beeort wffl be open a mrfi v 18 th. Put Fish and an othes 8ea Delicacies serveu at cur and Bathmg at pieasnra Nice cottages witnuv tue grounds to rent for the season to families. For farther lntOBnatamsdatss;-".': '; ' i, JOWX H. HANBT. xaa s iftUV - . - we sa 1 Two Hontha, " " ' 1.00 wsuiuea v ouBicriDen in IMA r : City t 4S Cants per BEontla. . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Election Notice. In accordance with the laws of 1901 entitled An Act to issue Bonds for road improvement In New Hanover County, an election wOl De bold Tuesday June 18th,. 1901, and tne question BUDnutted as follows: 'Shall New Hanover County. North OaroUna. Issue fifty thousand dollars of its bonds, with Interest coupons attached, to repair, make and Improve the public roads In said county." -: - The ballots tendered and cast by the quail Bed electors shall have written or printed npon them "For good roads or agaldst good roads." All qualified electors who favor the issue of said bonds shall vote "for good roads." All qualified voters who are opposed to the issue . of said bonds sban vote "against good roads." An entire new registration is required for said election. Registration books wil) be opened May 16th and remain open tul June 7th inclusive, at the voting places in the regular election precincts as follows: . . i-";-? First Ward 1st Division PblUns: place ad- - joining MavronlcholB' store, on Fourth between Hanover and Brunswick streets. Registrar T. Skipper. Foil holders J. D. Doscher and . ' . Gen. Bland. -r-"" First Ward 2nd Division Foiling place ' . Ott-rson's store northeast corner Fifth and Harnett streets. Registrar Isaiah West. Poll . holders T. B. Carroll and Martin Rath gen. First Ward 3rd Division Polling place Hose Reel home near Fourth street bridge. Regis trar w A. Wright. Poll holders-J. T. Mo- Iver, Geo. Hewlett. Second Ward Polling place Old Court House. Registrar A. j. Hill. Poll holders R. W. Wallace, 8. P. Collier. Third Ward Polling place near southwest corner Eighth and Princess streets.. Registrar - A. O. Hanklns. Poll holders Walker Heares, Geo. P. Cotchett. - Fourth Ward Polling place Worth's ice house, on Dock between Front and Witter streets. ' Registrar J. B. Davis. Poll holders T. G. Pickett, W. J. Bellamy. Fifth Ward 1st Division Polling place, Hook - and Ladder House on Fifth, near Castle s reet. " Registrar R. H. McKoy. PoU holders J. M. Branch and Fred Griffith. Fifth Ward 2nd Division Polling place, En. glne House, corner Fifth and Castle streets. Registrar J. D. H. Klander. Poll holders-J. M. McGowan and H. A. Decover. Cape Fear Township PoLlng place. Blossom's Store, at Castle Haynes. Registrar RjW. Bor dean. Poll holders 0. H. Casteen and T7 J Belcher. - Masonboro Township Polling place,, Town ship House. Registrar T J, Fergus. Pou holders Chas. W. Bishop and Jno. G. Wagner. ' Federal Point Township Polling place, Bid- die's Store. Registrar J. A. Blddle. PoU holders Jno. Keves and Hill Williams. Harnett Township 1st Division Polling place, Delgado store. Registrar J. D. Woody. Poll holders B. B. Moore and D. T. O'Brien. Second Division Polling "place, Township House, near 7-mile post. Registrar Garrett walker. Poll holders C. H. Alexander and Robt. Parker. D. MCEACHERN, . Chairman. By order of Board County Commissioners, ma 7 18 in REPORT FTHE CONDITION OF THE MUBCHISON National Bank, oi Wilmington, in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business April 84th, 1901. - RESOURCES. Loans and discounts 1386,416 81 881 41 157,000 00 overdrafts, secured ana unsecured.. U. 8. Bonds to secure circulation. U. S. Bonds to secure U. s. Deposits. . 4 000 00, Other real estate owned xor lsana-B BOUdlniE 17,000 00 72,978 84 72,480 09 44,815 85" 279 00 10,000 00 381 66 Due from National Banks (not Re serve Aeente). Due from State Banks and Bankers. . . Due from approved reserve agents. . . lnternai-Kevenue stamps........ Notes of other National Banks Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents Lawful Honey Reserve In Bank, viz: Specie s 6,000 oo Legal-tender notes 86,000 00 U.S. Certificates of Deposit for legal tenders Redemption fund with U. 8. Treas'r 84,000 00. 7,800 00 (a per cent, oi circulation; i .......... Total... .$844,026 06 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in 200. o 8ufplus fund.VT. 80,000 00 Undivided profits, less expeneses and taxes paid . 11,568 97 National Bank notes outstanding lj.950 po Due to other National Banks ?4&3 86 Due to state Banks and Bankers 83,386 9a Dividends unpaid 74) oo Individual deposits subject to check. . 866,637 85 Cashier's checks outstanding 6,200 08 United States deposits 41,600 oo Notes and bills reducounted. 83,547 44 Total 1844.096 08 State of North Carolina, county of New Han- I. J.' v'Oralnser.' Cashier of the above- named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. . J, V. OKAinuKtt, Joaier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of April, low. AuJliA. D. HAiiiAi KVW1J f uuuv.. Correct Attest: Signed H. C. McQdskn, 1 M. J. Corbett, VDlrectors. ma sit J. C. btkveitson, ) "Lost Opportunities Seldom Retain. II On this rapidly advancing market ana sausnea wiw wna we ha' ive Virginia Water Ground Meal -' . Prime White Corn. Prime Mixed Corn At satisfactory prices. Write us. we hav some stock of Sardines J4 cans. Sardines H cans. Sardines in glass jars. We close ont at Bargains. "Red Seal Lye." "Red Seal Lye." "Red Seal Lye." Easily the best made and makes good profit to the retailer. - Yollers & Hasbagen, SMjpers of Grain ani ProTisions apr88tt CUSTOM HOUSE, WILMINGTON, H. O., OOL-., lector's Office, May 7, 1901. Supplies for Mflmlaxlv tionel. or tern a.t Wflmlncrton. H. ' C. aad deUvered on said vessels at that place dnrlns the fiscal vear endlns June 0, 1908. wui be received at this office until 8 o'ekwk P. or May 14th, 1901, at which time and place they will be publicly opened. . The coal "t?, be anthracite or bltuBainons of besMUtr; uniform In character; to weigh 8,840 PSS ? the ton; to be delivered on board tiMveaselsat such times and In such Quantities as may be re- VlSUTand'Hf a Sfattesronilshlng the vessels with fresh water, and their charges taoreior. Biinknsof proposals, with seulssshow-ifc v SSarticlesof ship chandlery and component -Darteofrationa, maybe had noon application tothls office; proposal, wutet b submitted t theseforms. BepartteWds wffl also be received attiie same tlmeand place for lubrtcatlng and fflnmlnattngoils. The right Is reserved to re- j ctan7 ana all bids. JOHNO.rOY.. maS4t . - wefrsutu - Collector. - The Property Owners v- i Of the town of Wrighiwille Beach are toWbrW notified of a meeting tone neiaai trr. f ji- tlIJrtS consider taxes, ssnlUtion, sewage and other matters for the ensuing season. If unableto ;mattt ' " nerkandTreaaawr.Y t- ; ,o Wei ';.'.a'1l5v.J . v.;.; if;. : -.. .i. 1 ' ment Dresses at the C. W. Polvogt sale tpt 'ladies..- . for 15c. i- v.-

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