00. ! ..V jjE s-a J 1 - . 'witter Willis is under set" .u mail near VThe teller of the K Ki Orleans, short m has been arrest- 7 'h meward movement P iB the Philippines ffi -ear Birmingham, (Ttobethe man who r i;m woman new ft' L i will be arm" :ila Via. M't demands im nf foreifirnpost ople. v ar' hire hABn seni iruiu u. -f iPilinino bands. 'Ued aad one faUlly fight with prisoners in 'Pdifornia. -Pres- Sler spent yesterday at ii Tncuranflft COCO (V. xu h.ve settled about Qtfcir losses at Jackson f carpenters who struck BaffiW expouuuu, gsions were jesion of tne iaouinem (1ii0lt m iN6W riCU-. with actual oasiuesa bills at 4S7f437i per oaiet. middling upianas (jjdull all day and tend- little because of a wheat; wheat spoi j red 81; corn spot l 5ls; oats spot quiet. Insia dull, strained com IjTHER HEFORT. ! of Agriculture, . t litrn Bureau, Woj.N. C., May 11.) 8 A. M., 5 degrees ; Jjjjpees; .'Aximum, 81 de- faua, 58 degrees ; aiean. 70 &r the day, 0 ; rainfall ithe mouth to date, 1.35 'liter in the Cape Fear river S8 A. M 7.7 feet FOR TO-DAT. tfay 11. For North LftirSunday and probably westerly winds. bllaukc My 12. -;Wa.m. UT55P.M. ........ 13H. 58 M. tatSouthport. 1.53 P.M. iWilmiagotn: 4.23 P.M. oompaniea hare a rough ii. Six Xi3souriana srest for swindling them. ieof this country spend h teek for coffee, and a fji ns drink very weak 3t hreaV in Wall Ht.rpf. is'could say "I told you ifiJn'tneriect the otinor a XT X ay it. Sof Chicago denies the 1 he told his class he had ?i Toman. It wasn't pi denying for no one ft Hon. Mark Hanna, candidate," is pleased Heath's lon?-ranpe sf aafeto remark that if P Perry will haye a pull. waa "pelted with ae entered S8- But wait until he P&nd they get to as FFith jonffR. Tt,on i, vj ClOC. Or, Of Tvonf nnlrv lefn?ppiti( i"n Tr, j: Indianapolis. He "uo Vlolli after he is dead. K J authorship of 171 '""nan's Love Let- pledged that he MOoutof them so ist have Iippti onT0- n?them. rSrJOioilinT -. i-wea hv H,a Cr'Mne.wUoh has tl8f. It , raagrapn artist fQ 1 ... I 'ono u - Sto:.lf' acixinlej Ytte m Hawaii." I4; B water to do that, 1 : ir ann. . -u ooastthat ' ffat" administra- Hi;... . uugnt to be in w . "uia nave it t.a my years $1. f uyi VOL. LXVniNO. 44 LOCAL DOTS. N at the men't meeting at ihe Y.-M. CL A. this afternoon at 6 o'clock. ' - Parishioners of .St.' . Paul's Episcopal church are requested to note the chauge from af ternooa to morn ing in the hour for Sunday school. The award of the contract for police uniforms was made 'yesterday to the Fishblate Clothing Oompany, over three other bidders. . f . - . The atoiamGldruinien ing the past week made hauls of some thing over ten million Vfat backs" for the Menhaden fishery, t down the river. v . '! '. , A sociable for, the) benefit of St. Thomas Catholic church, will be given at Hibernian "Hall Tuesday eTenlng, May Hth. - Eefreshments will be served. . : ''.. . Capt. lowest bidder -; JW. Harper .was the for-thst government transportation from Caswell to 8outh port among the number of bids that were opened Thursday. The Stab is glad to note from a private letter received yesterday that Mr. H. E. Newbury, of Magnolia, has been back from the hospital some time and that his health is much improved. The A. -C. Li. : passenger train from the North, was delayed about two hours yesterday morning on ac count of the derailment- of some freight cars at Dudley, station near Goldsboro. . . ' Thos. C. Miller, ofPhiladel phia, yesterday transferred to Andrew J. Walker for $1,500, the house and lot on east side of : Seventh; street be tween Walnut ahd Bed Cross streets, size 66x1081. . " Van J. Millia and wife jester day transferred by. deed to . a Walker the house and lot at north east corner of Seventh and Dawson streets, 66x165 feet in size, j The con sideration is $435. i "Brownie," the sensible York shire terrier, belonging to Mr. J. T. Bunge and who is well known about town, was run over and instantly killed by a trolley, car last night, in front of the Western Union office. Thos. Jenkins, George Clark and O. Howlard, all colored, and pro fessional shoplifters, were sent over to the Criminal Court by Mayor Waddell yesterday for larceny of goods from the Mercer & Evans Company? and Fishblate Clothing Company. The negroes Were arrested on a clever bit of detective work by Capt Bobett Qreen. ; REV. H. T, HORSFIeQ). , Understood That He,WIH Agala Supply The SraiB learns on unquestioned authority that the Ber. Frederick H. T. Horsfield has been engaged as tem porary rector again by the- vestry -of St. James parish and that) he will ar rive from Burlington, N. C, in time to conduct services next Sunday. Be v. Mr. Horsfield will likely remain as temporary rector of St. James until about October He is. well known and highly esteemed by Wilmington people, he having served as temporary rector of St. James a month or more ago. At present he has another tem porary charge at Burlington. Win be Married To-day Mr. Robert E. Yanjiaer. formerly of Wilmington but now a rising young business man . of I Bichmond, Ya., and a son of Mrs. M. EL VanLaer of this city, will arrive thia morning, and this evening at 6 o'clock at the residence of the bride's parents, Dr. and Mrs. N. M. I Culbreth, ne win wed Miss Lily J. Culbreth, a popular and talented young lady of Wilming ton. The ceremony will be perform ed by the Bav. J. N. Cole and Mr. and Mrs. Vanliaer will leave on mp 7 o'clock A. C. L rain for Richmond, where hey wll reside la tne future. Teachers' Assembly Committee. Messrs. Jas. H. Chad bourn, Sr., W. A. Johnson. W. Cailett, J. J. Blair, Jas. F. Post, B. J. Jones, D. O. Lovt W. H. Sprunt and M. W. Jacobi have been named as a committee to make preliminary arrangemepts for the N. C Teachers Assembly ai Wrights ville June 10th to 16th. The commit tee will hold its first meeting on May 5 22nd. -i - t NEW ADVEBTISEMENTS Hibernian Hall-Sociable. 8. & B. Solomon. Corsets. . W. B. Newbury Proposals. Opera House May Festival. A. Mavronichols Ice cream. Geo. O.aylord Bargain week. C. C. Covington Co. Thanks. W. B. Cooper Bagging and ties. J. H. Behder A: Co. Embroideries. C. W.Polvogt Co. Millinery open'g. C. C. Covineton & Co. To patrons. Vollers A; Hashagen Buyers of gro ceries. BTJSIHXSS UX3ALB. P. H. Hayden Buggies, harness. Miller & Barber Greatest bargains. Just received 100 dozen Handkerr Ahiafa At Johnion'i . to : sell at 'ball value. : ' V'j f The best Kid Glove in the city at 80 cents per pair at Johnson's. t French Onrandles, beautiful styles, at Johnson's at 10 cents per yard, t Dinffelhoefs auction sale Monday nis-ht at 8 o'clock. Market street. . t M,MMMMMJBJSSSSBSSllilJJJBJBjg A. DONATIONS ACKNOWLEDGED. The Ladies Rat.vai.. o-.. x gratefully acknowledges the receipt of tha rAilnvh.- j . . . . r '""""uik uonauons tor March Bnnt ;:LCSJ. Mrs. HaTlnw Jcfaires; Miss Louise Davii."one pac1e?M.Tw crackeS: bread and1 PriiMis Louise Harlowf v- . "-' . a vxKjper. one p7.k-rr naer, eges; AlIr1nrTi ir t "n . ... iff nf$?7 Hintze. beef weekly j medlcinr; J5umy' Donations f or Anniversarw. M Srd IQOI If TBJ TT-,. n. U XJ.OII.- XIII A .O. Davia, one-package t ,rA Friend, , aixib. v. j. Ajovington. two packages; Mrs. W. W. MacBae. two packages; Mrs. T. H. Thompson! Pckge ; A Friend, two packages, Mrs. Milhs, one package; Mrs. D. B. Haumuoa, iu.ru. Dannie Watters, bread; Mrs. Geo. Honnett, w uneeaa crackers; Dr. Taylor, 10 cans salmons; Mrs. J. J. BOWIIAn " nntt nanlr a potted ham; Mrs. Willie Perdew, one package; Bev. A. D. McClure, 20 pounds honey: Mrs. narmic.hani sugar; Mrs. Wallace CarmichaeL ; Mrs. Humphreys, sugar; Mrs. R. HVAnoh fviiff. Um' TXTUitl i three lars of htm tt ginger wafers. : The postponed meeting will be held Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the TT aome. HIQH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT. Pretty Invitations to Qrsdastloi Exercises lssaed Yesterday by Senior Class. Handsomely engraved invitations of exceedingly pretty design were mailed to friends yesterday by the senior class of the - Tileston High School announcing the commence ment exercises of that popular institu tion on Thursday evening, May 23rd at 8:30 o'clock. As previously noted, Dr. Geo. T. Winston, of the A. & M. College, Balelgh, will deliver the annual address and the occasion this year as in the past will be fraught with much enjoyment ior pupils, teachers, patrons and the public at large. The graduating class this year is composed of eight seniors as follows: Misses Catherine Cooper Barden, Ida Rankin Brown, Alice Charles Craft, Mildred.. Davis and Messrs. Lemuel Clayton Grant, Bobbie Earle Mclntire, Geraldine Sailing and Julius Prince Webster. GENTLEMEN'S HANDICAP TOURNAMENT Silver LoTlif Cap Woa 0 Hlltoa Links by Mr. George Roostree. The handicap tournament for a sil ver loving cup, presented by Mrs. E. W. YanC. Lucas, was played on the links of the Cape Fear Golf Club yes terday afternoon and was won by Mr. George Bountree in a gross score of 91; handicap, 0; net score, 91. Mr. W. W. Murrell waS second with a gross score of 104, -handicap, 9; net score, 95. The other scores were: gross, handi- net. cans. Mr. Hugh MacBae. . .106 9 97 " A-S. Williams.. 1U8 4 iu " Chas. McMillan. 108 4 104 'Henry Baoon..., 114 9 105 " a w.Merrell.. 120 14 106 Donald MacBae.. 129 18 111 CapL E. W. Lucas.. 121 9 112 Next Saturday afternoon there will be a ladies' handicap tournament. A Trip to Sea. No more pleasant outing of the sea son can be had than the trip to South- port and to sea on the steamer Vrr mvnaton to-day. The day promises .to be an ideal one and the weather is ufflciently torrid inthe middle of the day now to make a breath of sea breeze refreshing to the average citi zen, who spends his Sundays in town. The boat leaves at 10 A. M. and re turns at 7 P. M. each Sunday. - The fare is only fifty cents. Boys' Brlgsde Excorsloa. - The annual excursion of Gpl. Walk er Tavlor's Boys Brigade will take place this year on May 20th and. will be to Carolina Beach, where tnere win kA a taroet nractice and dancing and refreshments at Sedgeley Hall Club house. The committee of arrange ments is composed of Lieut. Jas. A. Price, Sergeant E. P. Dudley and C- C. Loughlin. A Treat for tne Ladles. The ladies of Wilmington will . be i j tn, i..m fmm nnr advertising D1CMCU W v v , i - columns, that the a W. .Polyogt Co. -n i -I .u.: miA amrriAP Millinerv W1U UTO HlOA uuu wiu--.- opening on Monday, Tuesday .and Wednesday of this week. They have just opened about 50 new pattern hats from $3.00 to $10.00 each, and invite the ladies to visit this popular depart-, ments of theirs. Together with their millinery opening they will have their Spring Bargain Week and have placed on sale the greatest bargains they havetyet offered. We predict for them a crowded store all the en tire week. : The nanv. ' m r... I.L D.....' PaIDI. A, JJ'. messica urruworj vw . of Winston, N, C, are offering ri i: AmtaA onnlM at Sf! OCr Mni-th pound. 7.000 yards' new Embroideries and interungs ui n ... . 9 FPaY1a T.fnonl The beat assonmea f" - In the city a ifuuuwu m j-- - prices. Dingeihoefs auction J i-iftt s rfelock. .Market street.. night WILMINGTON, N 0M INTO SAFE HARBOR. Went the "Good Ship Mary Jane and Her Crew of Unlucky Sailor Boys. GIANTS DEFEATED, 9 TO 5. Ao Off Day WItb Foremsa sod Indifferent .nay lag by Wilmloitoa at Critical ' Moments Lost the Game Yes- . terdaj Other Games V ; YKSTKEDAY'S GAMES. Wilmington, 5; Norfolk, 9. joaieign 7; ixewport JNews, S. Bichmond, 12; Portsmouth, 4. WHERE THEY PLAY TO-1IORROW. Wilmington at Baleigh. - - rwcnmonaat-lNewportNawa. . .V a Portsmouth at Norfolk! Won.' Lest Peroent Balelgh 14 8 .636 8 .619 10 .546 10 . .500 14 . .364 14 .333 ix on oia , 13 Wilmington 12 Newport News 10 Portsmouth R Bichmond.-. 7 The good ship "Mary J." managed to get safely into harbor with sails slightly fragmented on the Hilton dia mond yesterday afternoon, despite the herculean efforts of the Wilmington Giants to pound her to pieces as she passed safely into the haven in the third inning with six good and true runs to her credit The Giants prior to that time had a good safe lead with one run each in the first and second innings, but they went from good to bad, to indifferent, and there's where they last. - Secretary Ed. Doran was at the helm this time and steered the old i tub, called the "Mary Jane," past the rocks of adversity and snug in har bor. President Cunningham could abide the ship no longer, for he ap pears to have been the "Jonah" aboard all the time, -and when he left yester day mornirg for Baleigh Secretary Doran took the boys in tow and pilot ed them safely through. Weeks and Gwaltney composed the ' battery for the Skippers and the latter did excellent work at bat aa well as behind the plate. Foreman and "Our Own Beddy" did the battery work for the locals, but "Brownie" had a day off every pitcher has them and contented himself with aerial per formances during the game, being at one time way up in a balloon; the next in a parachute lAaded earthward and tbe next in the box, pitching stiff, good balL that outclassed Weeks two to one. Tjpon the whole he got only" fair support, and though the opposing pitcher appeared "dead easy" some how the Wilmington sluggers could not connect with the ball for any-appreciable gains and - the game appears an up Vree to -have " beenloai by excusable indifferent playing. - About 600 people saw the exhibition and it was 4 o'clock when the fire works began. The , "Mary Janers" opened up with a single by Spratt, a sacrifice by Smith and two infield hits by Mullen andGilligan, E., which retired the side. For Wilmington Cranston got his usual promenade but was forced at second by Crockett: McGinnis singled but Gwaltney caught him at second. Stafford went for two bags through third ; Crockett scored and Clayton went out from short. In the second the Skippers went out on infield hits after B. Gilligan had walked and been forced out at third on a' hit by McDade; a bunt by Morrisey and a high fly by Gwaltney. For Wilmington, Allen was presented with first base ; Warren sacrificed, and Allen stole third ; Delaney got a promenade and filched second; Fore man flew out to left and Allen stole home ranston .walked and Delaney stole third, ft looked like at least-two more runs when "Davy" Crockett came up, but he went out from second. In the third, the Skippers began to lash their raft together and Spratt, who has a league reputation for beat ing the atmosphere, was given his base and Smith singled to right; Mul len bunted perfectly safe ; E. Gilligan hit to short, and Gwaltney, who ran for Spratt, was thrown out at home. Indifference began to creep into the game. Gilligan walks on umpire's fishy judgment, foroicg Smith v in; Morrisey singles, scoring Mullen and E. Gilligan, and "Beddy" Gilligan crossed the plate on . Crockett's error; McDade goes out from Foreman; Gwaltney singles to centre, scoring Morrisey ; Weeks goes to left fpr two bags, scoring Gwaltney, and the score waa 6 to 2, when Spratt flew out to Crockett Wilmington came up and was unable to scores ; In the fourth,- Smith and Mullen bunted safely, but E. Gilligan failed in a similar attempt; "Beddy" Gilli gan came up and scored Smith and Mullen on a long drive to left for three bags; Morrisey walked and B." Gilligan scored for the last time on McDade's single. Wilmington hardly got beyond the infield and when the fifth inning came up the score was y to 2. ' "r- in the- fifth, neither team . crossed the plate and went out in tne oraer oi their batting In the sixth, Norfolk filled un the bases, but did nothing, Wilmington went up and Allen, after walking, scored on Warren's drive to left for two bags: In ' the seventh, Norfolk wenf .out on infield hits,' and McGinnis, for Wilmington! went out to short and Stafford drove to left for two bases, scoring onClay ton's three base hit to left Allen walked ana stoie seconu, but the VKid'f was v thrown ; out at home ; Warren- singled and Allen scoredv on Gwaltney's wild throw to third: Delaney fanned.- ? 5 - v In the eighth, Mullen went out on StJNDAY, MAT 12, 1901, a beautiful running catch of Delaney ; GllUean EL, Weeks and Gilligan, "the Bed," hits safe and too warm to pitcher. If there was a decided feature of the game it came just here, when the Bide is retired by Clayton's catch of Morri- sey's hot drive, with a double to first Wilmington came up and fared rather bad at Umpire Staley's hands that waa alL- In the ninth, McDade and Weeks fanned; Gwaltney got first on War ren's error, and Spratt popped out to Staff ord. . Wilmington gave up the game : when Stafford - went out, easy from second, , Clayton hit for two bags, -Alien walked. Warren fanned,- Delaney walked . and- filled up the bases, and Thackara l(for - Foreman) hit out to short Features of the game, for Wilming ton, were Claytona brilliant one hand stop of E. Gilligaa's ground drive to second and Delaney's running catch SOOBB BY INNINGS. . .' X 123456789 R HE Norfolk .00630000 09 12 1 Wilmington ...11000120 05 8 3 Batteries Weeks and Gwaltney r Foreman and Cranston. theV&bulated soore. Norfolk. AB R H PO A E Spratt cf ........5 0 1 1 0 0 Smith, ss j . 4 2 1 1 4 0 Mullen. If 5 2-2100 Gilligan (E ), 2b 4 1 0 5 3 0 Gilligan (R), 3b..... 2 2 2 0 1 0 Morrisey, rf. .'.'5 13 1 0 0 McDade, lb .5 0 1 12 1 0 Gwaltney, c 5 116 11 Weeks, p 4 0 1 0 2 0 Total., 39 9 12 27 11 1 Wilmington. AB. B H 0 0 1 2 2 0 2 0 1 PO A E 5 0 0 Cranston,! 2 Crockett 2b . 4 0 1 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 15 0 2 5 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 8 McGhnnis, cf 5 Stafford, lb 4 Clayton, as. 5 Allen, If 1 Warren. 3b 3 Delaney, rf 2 Foreman, p 4 Total.. 30 5 8 27 16 3 Summary: Stolen bases Delaney, Warren and Allen (3). Double plays Clayton to, Stafford. Two base hits Stafford (2), Warren (2), Clayton and Weeks. Three-base hits Clayton and Gilligan B: Struck out--By Fore man, 4; by Weeks, 4. Base on balls Off Foreman, 6; off Weeks, 10. Left on bases Wilmington, 12; Norfolk, 6. Time of game, two hours. Attend ance, 500. Umpire, Mr. Staley. Notes of the Game; "Tacks" Allen made three of the five runs for the Giants yesterday, and a reputation for himself for pur loining bases. "Brownie" Foreman is all right it was simply his off day yesterday, and at that he pitched a better game than Weeks for Norfolk. The Wilmington team leaves this morning via the A. C. L. for Baleigh for three games, and Baleigh will re-' Jaumith-libelants for .three, other, games here Thursday, Friday and Saturday of thia week. Secretary Doran said yesterday that . Mr. Up- church would umpire the series at Baleigh and Wilmington this week. Mr. Staley left with the Norfolk team for home last night where he will umpire the games there and at Ports mouth, alternatively between these two teams. Bichmond and Newport News play this week; first at Newport News, then at Bichmond. The fol lowing week Bichmond, and Ports mouth come to Wilmington in their, order; then Wilmington goes to Bich mond for three games and Newport News comes here. The Norfolk boys are a clever set of fellows, but are in hard luck. Wil mington also enjoyed a visit during the Norfolk games from two of the biff League magnates. President Cun ningham and Secretary Doran. They were most agreeable company in base ball circles, renewed old acquaintances and made many new ones. Capt "Bob" Stafford will play in Monday's game at Baleigh, but Mon day night he leaves for Greensboro on some legal business that could not be avoided. In the other two games he will not be with the .team, but the guiding reins during the game will be in other competent hands. Games on Other Diamonds. - At Raleigh: 12 345678 9 R H E Baleigh.. 0 1 3 1 01 0 lx 713 4 Newport News.. 0 0 0 02 0 0 0 1-3 8 2 Batteries Bowden and Legrande; Slagle, Johnson and Foster. At Bichmond: 123456789 R H E Bichmond. . . 0 014 2 0 0 4 112 13 3 Portsmouth . .0 0112000 0 4 9 5 Batteries Thomas . and Manner; Sapp and Westlake. Lecture on Christian Science. HonWm. Gl Ewlng, of Chicago, a lawyer of distinction and ah ex- judge of the Superior Court will lecture upon the teachings and prin ciples of . Christian ' Science at the Opera House next Thursday evening. He comes to Wilmington upon, the in vitation of the local church of Chris tian Scientists and will be heard with much pleasure. Strawberry Shipments. Yesterday's strawberry shipments were not very heavy from the truck ing section around Wilmington on the account of to-day- being Sunday and the markets north' being closed. The heaviest shipments of the season are expected this week. City Stihscrfters. ' . oitv subscriDers are earnestly re auested to reuort nromntly at the Stab office every failure of the carriers to deliver their papers. In all sucn cases steps will be taken to; Insure promp and regular delivery. This' is- Johnson's Bargain Week. All goods marked in plain ngures. t -$i.25 new Crepons 85c RaUerWi -..-... . . - . 1 1 "" in -1 n i. TBE MORNING FIRE Damage Will Likely Not Exceed WOW Only Par x tial Insurance. NEED QF A FIRE LIGHTER. It Was Demonstrated by the Blaze is Em phatic Manner Y. M. C. A. Boat aClob Lost Probable Orlfln of . .. the Coaflsftstlon. r Little remains to be told of the .de structive fire earljayesterday morning on the river front, between Chesnut and Grace streets, from what has al ready been published in these . col umns.- r; Although the wind was compara tirely calmvnd shifted to.as to carry thjands40if the blaze began leaping into the air and shooting sparks and cinders to ward the east the fire department did well in confining the loss to the block in which the fire started and saving much from total destruction that was in that block. , The losses will prob ably not reach the $100,000 mark as hurriedly estimated before the flames were subdued, but it is certain that they will aggregate as much as $75,000. The estimates on individual prop erty as given in yesterday's Star were practically correct, with the excep tion of the Schlitz Brewing Company's plant, the damage to which will prob ably not exceed $250; the Wilming ton Brokerage Company found its loss only about $250, with no insur ance; Roger Moore's Sons & Co., will have a loss of about $1,500, but they are fully protected by insurance. Mr. 8. P. McNair's loss is $21,500, with $18,500 insurance and a loss not men tioned in yesterday's account is 'our boats belonging to the Y. M. O. A. boat club, valued at $60 with no in surance. The fire clearly demonstrated the need of a fire lighter for fighting flames of that character from the river. Apparatus of this kind could have been used to much advantage yesterday morning. Another need of the department appeals to be horses for the reserve engine. Two hose reel horses had to be sent to the Sixth and Castle station yesterday morning for the "Adrian." The origin of the fire is now thought to have been in the warehouse at the south of the burned wharf and prob ably came from colored boys, who gathered about in nooks' and corners there to sleep. The firemen and those who first discovered the blaze do not think it came from the first fire in dpt. Metts' hay warehouse. FESTIVAl? (fF LIIiPOTIANS. DeUtktfal Entertaiament at tbe Opera Hense Wednesday Night lor Benefit Dsnshters of Confederacy. Have you heard about it? Well, you must ask your father for fifty cents and go to the Opera House next Wednesday night and see the beautiful entertainment, which is to be given under the direction of Miss Cammie Lord for tbe benefit of the Daughters of the Confeder acy, tse sure and get tnere in time to see the grand parade at half past eight It will be better than all the fairy tales, because you only read them, and there you will - see a true Queen, who will ride in a chariot made of a single rose, ordered from Fairyland , for the occasion, and four fat little Cupids will be her horses. Then you will seethe King of ButUrflies, he is just grand, and twelve real live butter flies, just like the ones. you try to catoh under your hat in Summer. Then there will come pretty Rainbow fairies, who will come down to earth on their ladder, the rainbow, and stay here just that one night, so don't fail to see them. The Bogey-Man will be there, too, (don't get frightened), and eight terrible goblins, who chase two funny little coons while they dance the "Pickaninie" dance. Then there will be some little people from Gooseland. Of course you know the rhyme: "Mary, Mary, quite contrary, How does your garden grow? With silver bells and cockleshells, And, pretty maids all in a row." Mary bas prom ised to let us have a peep into her lovelv garden, if she does not change her min before then. She will fall asleep, and as she sleeps, a little fairy steals in and gives her a magical wand, whereupon fairy music is heard, Mary awakes, discovers the wand, and finds by waving it all the cockleshells, etc., turn into beautiful children and dance before, her. ' At last the curtain will go down with the flowers whirling their petals madly around, the butter flies swarming, the little pickaninnies, goblins and Bogey-Man peeping at you for tne last time, ana tne rainoow fairies showing you their home up in the skv. and the Queen and Cupids nodding you their good-night Tickets will be on sale Tuesday morning at Yates'. - Condemning Unsafe Boildinfs. Mayor Waddell, Chief of Police Furlong and Chief Scnibben, of the fire department, during the past week have been making a tour of the city condemning buildings which they re gard aa unsafe from the standpoint of being "fire traps.' ; Among the build ings condemned is the . two-story dwelling belonging to Dr. W. J. Love at southeast corner of Fourth and Princess street and a one-story frame dwelling owned by Mr. S. P. Collier, on south side of Grace street between Front and Second streets. 1 To make room for 'new goods we nffev a sneeial discount of 20 per cent for cash on all goods this week.. The Johnson. Dry Goods Ca - t Bargains in Embroideries and In serting tnis weee at &enaera. t .' Dingeihoefs auction sale - Monday night at o'clock. , narket street : t WHOLE NO. 10,524 PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. . and Mrs. d. W nharvv: nf Norfolk, Va., have arrived to attend the uuiDretn-vanJbaer. marriage this evening. Mrs. Cherry is a sister of the prospective groom. - Mr. J. J. Croswell. ' the heat route acrent in the. ftmnlnv rf tha Southern Express Company, came down last evening to rest after a week rusn witn strawberry shipments. ' mm m . Bulletins from Raleigh Game. Messrs. White and Keen are making an effort to raise a subscription suffi cient to warrant them in receiving the news of the base ball game at Baleigh to-morrow in detail at -the office of Murphy & Co.V The amount- must be in hand early Monday- 'morning and. the "sports" are requested to make known their wishes at once. - AnothaeelaiiaH Mr. E. J. Pollard Informed a Star representative yesterday that he had decided to give up the management of the 8chlitz Bottling Works here, though the company was bringing strong pressure to bear upon him to keep it. Mr. Pollard's successor has not been appointed. Our 85 cent silks will be sold this week for 67 cents per yard. The John son Dry Goods Co. t. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THANKS. w- We thank o?r friends for their generous as sistance at the fire this morning, when oar store and stock were destroyed. C. C. COVINGTON & CO. May 11, 1901. ma 12 it SOCIABLE. There will be a Sociable Tuesday evening May 14th. at Hibernian Halt for the benefit of St. Thomas' church. Refreshments will be served. Admission: Adults, 25c; children, 15c. ma iz - Bids Wanted For furnishing and Duttine ud fence around Oak Grove Cemetery about 1.803 feet Fence to be of Woven Wire on Cedar or Black Cypress Posts. Bids will be received tlU Tuesday, May 14 tli, at noon. -V 1). MCEAUHEBN, Chairman Board County Commissioners, my 11 3t PROPOSALS. Seated bids for the erection of a Ore-proof Record Office, together with Metal Equipment, will be received by the Chairman Board Com missioners of Duplin county until June Srd, 1001. Plans and specifications on file in office of Reg ister of Deeds, Kenans ville, N. C, and ot the Architect, room 56, Metzsrott building. Wash ington, D. C. Bids to be accompanied by certi fied check for one hundred dollars. tugnt reserved to reject any or au Diaa. W. R. NEWBURY, Chairman. Magnolia, N. C May 10, TV mal28p su- Atlantic View Hotel, This delightful Bummer Resort will be open to guests May 18th. Pig Fish and all other Sea Delicacies served at our tables. Boating and Bathing at pleasure. Nice cottages within the grounds to rent for the season to families. For further information address, JOHN H. HANBY. my 8 1 July we su May Festiyal of the LMptians. Wednesday Evening;, Blay 16th, at 8.30 O'eloelc.: Under the management of MI8S CAMMIE LORD. BENEFIT OFTHE Daughters of the Confederacy. Admission 50'cents. Ne extra charge for. re serve seats. Beats on sale Tuesday A. M. at yateav my rest OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY AMD TREAS URER OF THE ATLANTIC COAST LINE AILR0AD COMPANY. XMINGTON, N. O , May 6th, 1901. The BoaM of Directors of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co. have declared a dividend of two and one-half per cent, on the Preferred Capital Stock of that Company. Dividend due and payable Tmy 15th, at the office of the Treas urer, w The Transfer Books will stand closed from May6tfotothetfc,tthmclusive.- m JAMES F. POST, -ma78t Treasurer. To the Stockholders of the Carolina Central Railroad Company. Notice is hereby given that a special general meeting of the stockholders of the above named company will be held at its office, 82 Liberty strebtTta the city ot New York, N, Y on the 15th day of May, 1901, at 12 o'clock M. for tbe purpose of taking into consideration Articles ot Agree ment of Merger and consolidation of the follow ing Railroad Companies: Seaboard Air Line Railway, theRatelgh & Gaston. Railroad Com pany, the Raleigh & Augusta Air Line Railroad Company, the Georgia, Carolina & Northern Rail way Company, the Seaboard Air Line Belt Railroad Company, the Palmetto Railway Company,- the Chesterfield & Kersnaw Railroad Company, and the south Bound Railroad Com pany, heretofore entered Into by the Directors of said respective companies, and at which meeting a vote by ballot will be taken for the adoption or rejection of said agreement. By 0rdW 01 "nft H. SHARP, ma 10 5t Secretary and Treasurer. Full Lines of Flour, Meal, Grits, Lard. Meat; Molasses, Salt, ' Iron, Nails, Soap, Starch, Lye, Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars, - Butter, Cheese, Cakes, Candles, Canned? croons, etc ....... -. . - Correspondence solicited. . HALL & PEABSALL, - (INCORPORATED.) . 'wholesale GROCERS. ' ma5tf Nutt and Mulberry D. O'CONNOR, Real Estate aaent WUaalnaton, W.C. DWELLINGS. STORES AND OrnOEB FOR RENT. Houses and Lots for sale on easy terms. Rents, Taxes and Insurance ftuniliwl tnnrnmntl M nnAV loaned on improved psoperty. j .afivj tt.: mm iWsm i sii i . w TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION One' Tear, by feU,V j Six Hontba, ..-'"' 2.tQ , Threw ZXonths, 1,86; TwoZaths, : 1.00 V rwuwva v DUUKriDCH Ml ISM I CItyat 45 Cente per month. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 63 1-2 Steps EAST from the corner of TTrnnt. and WEST from corner second - ; V ' and Princess streets will tate- - you to DEPARTMENT STORES, mm k eb co. Where the public have found: are still- -'--r'-' nnaing ana wilt continue to find : the BEST GOODS for the LEAST . -;" " -:" ' MONEY, any where to be ; found."t ,. V ; ' , :A comparison will convince: Silts Specialty, BeU 'Phone 661. apsstf Buyers of Groceries. We offer at competing prices: 2 Cars V. Water Ground Meal. S Cars Mixed Corn, en route. Canned Meats. Lard and D. S. Meats. Bellies-Plates. Bacon, Shoulders. Red Seal Lye. Sardines. Sugars, all grades, etc. We are headquarters for Cuban Blossom. Renown Cremo. Topical Twist Cigars. Iff fLTIV VktO.Tlria rrhAYVVrfA ILTlfl fOttTtfetAa Tf VAT1 want to save money, ask for prices. Vollers & Hashagen, mal2tf DISTRIBUTERS. BAGGING AUD TIES. 70,000 Yards Bagging. Arrow Ties. Pounds Tobacco Twine. . Dozen castoria, f 2.00 dosen. Dozen Wash Boards. Dozen 5c and 10c Extracts. Ounces Quinine. 2,100 1,500 110 140 360 210 15,000 Lombardy Cigars. Old Virginia Cheroots. Pounds Chewing Tobacco. 30,000 3,500 1,850 'Pounds BmoklngTSacco Quick shipments. ' W. B. COOPER, Wholesale Grocer, 308,810, 812 Nutt street. . Wltmtnsrtcn. N. my 12 tf CUSTOM HOUSE, WILMINGTON. N. C, COL lector's Office, May 7,1901, Supplies for Revenue Vessels Sealed proposals for supply ing ship chandlery rations, and coal to vessels of the Revenue Cutter Service, regularly sta tioned, or temporarily, at Wilmington, N. C, and delivered on board said vessels at that Dlace during the fiscal year ending June 0, 1902, will be received at this office untu 2 o'clock P. M. of May 14th, 1901, at which time and place they will be publicly opened. The coal furnished to be anthracite or bituminous of best duality; uniform In character; to weigh 8,240 pounds to the ton; to be delivered on board the vessels at such times and in such quantities as may be re quired, at localities readily accessible to said vessels, and to be subject to inspection as to quality and weight. Bidders will name the prices both for steaming and stove coal, and aiso tneir racmnes ior lurnismng fine vessels with fresh water, and their charges therefor. Blank forms of proposals, with schedules show ing articles of snip chandlery and component narts of rations, maybe had ucon application to this office; proposals must be submitted on these forms. Separate bids will also be received at tne same time ana pisce ior lUDncaung sou illuminating oils. The right is reserved to re ject any and all bids. JOHN O DANOY, DRIED APPLES. We have about seventeen hundred pounds ot nice Dried Apples. Send us your orders. Also 2,000 Kegs Nails. 800,000 Pounds Hoop Iron. 60 Barrels Glue. 10 Barrels Bungs, 250 Bags Grits. . 300 Bags Meal. 1,500 Bags Corn, i Send ussyour orders. D. L. GORE CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, apsotf WUmlngton. ft. C. TO OUR PATRONS. Our entire stocks of Flour and Mo lasses were destroyed by fire this morn ing. In very few days we will be in position to serve you promptly. With many thanks for past favors, we so licit a renewal of same. s C. O. COVINGTON & CO. May 11, 1901. su tn ma 132t Ice Cream One Dollar Per iSallon. Vanilla, Chocolate, Pineapple. ' V Palace Bakery in full blast. ANDREW MAYROniCHOLS. I Candy Store Bell 'Phone 346,, In- ter-State 191. r Palace Bakery-Bell Thone 261, j Inter-State 25. my!2tf Atimiiii . afamf.enaa-afaam - -"" .4 - 1 I have this day qualified before tbe clerk of . ; the Superior Court of New Hanover county as administrator, cum testamento annexo, of Mrs. -: Mickey R, BllL-deceased, and I hereby notify ; , all persons Indebted to her estate to make early i , parent, and aU persons having claims against v. saia estate w preoouB moui .v w. w-. tornevs. Bellamy & Bellamy,: duly authenti cated, on or before the 1st day of April, 1908, or thlsnotlce win be pleaded in bar of their re-. ThSthe ssra flay 6f March, WL.FCt Administrator C. T. A. of Mrs. Mney B. GQL . ' :ftJ'j:.'y--:... - w I -i-- "-v.-- ir-.'.

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