j I if- . . rf! r'- " .- ' .---. .. . . . . ... pv.rv.ha "t Hurler Th.Tht X Other Daily News- pabllsbed In liaiIngton. I 1 JF1"K STATE. banker and merchant, liabilities - n nas ' . . r E 0 Lawrence, ci vi ,rthe adjutant general's k is suspected of for2inR checks made payable to K continues; about one iffirms have signed agree r Dr W. D- Thomas of t Tl,. died in BalUmore rieavicai i aiuiau or many years; waier is ,n-iTf HwaI lines: Lt damage at Biltmore. nnn fSSftd that il.0 1 Tl UiAUl -' j.m killed in a struggle Hotel Kenmore, J 0 was commuiea of the arand utaii - Horace W. Means, tobacco r..inrton, Kj., committed r, Three thousand people 3 fvnrl unfl ninth - flea wiw e to about 500, yesterday "L. The President will return to Washington Lay if Mrs. McKinleycon- 1 improve. Colombian Lot has taken steps to prevent t 0f arms from the U. ent bands iu that country. Yark markets : Money on it 45 P61" CeQt-' laSt l0an cent.; cotton quiei; iujuuuu; : " O . anlinnl 9W4 jiSic; Hour nrui; n ucoi iua So. 2 red its; com apu jfo. 2 50c; oats spot dull, jje; rosin quiet; strained com- (good fl.5Zi; , spirits lur quiet at 35i36c. IEATHER REPORT. iDlP'TOF AGRIOULTURB5, i Wbathkr Bureau, . SfmnssTOK, is. u, aiaysi. j ires: 8 A. M., 73 degrees; rees; matimum, 78 de Biaiaum, 6Ji degrees; mean, 72 w Ql for the day, 0.67; rainfall fnt of the month to date, 3 58 W water in the Cape Fear river kerille at 8 A M. lOieet Ims have fallen in all districts Ihtj rains in) the central and actions. Clearing weather Viover the western districts naewhat loer 3mperture. MllCclumhitA C, 3.62; At- iS; Union Springs, Ala , Z.5U. I0EIOAST FOR TO-DAY. pnGTON, May 21. l!;or isorm ta. liain weanesuay. w fair in western, probably extern portion; brisk south- I winds. & trt Almanac May 22. las.. 4 49 A. 11. 7.03 P.M. 14 H. 14 M. 11 05 P. M. 1.35 A. M. h.. Lengtb Water at South port. ifrierWilmingotn. rir Beveridge is going ta to study up things. If he Rck loaded with Russian lore pean talk the Senat.org may for- another delnere of Mew York Journal says the tie Danish West Indies closed and we take 'em in W,000. We also take with assorted population. On pofSt. Thomas they are W negroes. P Pauline, danp-htpr of Cnl. sby, of the Confederate adopted the profession of 5ed nurse, and graduated from 5land University Hospitai, in V few days ago. She Sh a three years' course. ynTY., preacher says a o difference between the fJ8 Who flip coins and t.hn ffll. P Jail street who gamble in f e8 there is. The nftwafcnva jjje and nickels while the koys flip for thousands P are bein g formed for the Pgofs twenty five storv hoa. aite of thft Pifn, o. m i . t " - 14 VIA tm V W W.600,000, and the whole ' deluding the lot, $10,000,- --i'lci.eu. n win taKe ttK of nobby custom and f'ces to Vestment. pay dividends on I 'SilLV.r on v. -11 ... i j j cm urn minister m Jo was a widower, took rH Ri-.nfi. fl 'hose whn ma1ij to wifp. i i not wish to have ker uu ea"h, and that he & hio-Vi ,? i . fiair ;i mpiimeni Dy P 'nto m;itr-imn : MtiA .utQer" mills have Pk0efin.. ...... stives on easy terms, 'enng them, as is the -v. TV. : t ucl is sense and who taow 7calltT and more apt job, and indulge 52. TAXATION HATTERS. Magistrates Will Meet Monday Week : to Pass Upon the Tax Levy. CHAIRMAN M'NEIIX COMING. He Will Advise Tax Listers As to Their Duties As Assessors Under the Act Adopted by Last LeglsUtnre. : The EqaallzttioB Board. Pursuant to Section 717 of the CJode of North Carolina, Chairman D.- Mc Eachern, of the Board of Ooun ty Commissioners, has called a meeting of the justices of the peace of New Hanover to be held at noon Monday. June 3rd, at the Court House for the purpose of passing upon i the tax levy for the ensuing fiscal year as fixed bv VOL. LXVIII.-N(X the XJounty' Commissioners, . and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meet- The tax levy has not yet been an nounced by the commissioners owing to the fact of the bond issue election, the campaign for which is now on, but it will be arranged and presented to the magistrates for acceptance at the time indicated above. There is no election of County Com missioners at this meeting, as these omciais, pursuant to Section 716 ' of the Code, Vol., L", were , elected for two years at the - meeting last year. Section 716 under which the meeting Monday week is called provides for a joint session, of the commissioners and magistrates and a majority of the qualifed justices of the peace in the county constitutes a quorum For attending these meetings the magis trates receive no compensation but the register of deeds, who is an ex officio clerk of the meeting, will receive such compensation for his services as the Board of Commissioners shall provide. After the levy is fixed the new Revenue Act of 1901 provides that the Board of County Commission era as an equalization board shall " meet on the first Monday in July and revise the tax list and valuation reported to them. It shall be the duty of the Register of Deeds, without additional compensa tion, to complete the list by computing the tax payable by each person and af fixing the same opposite his name. The commissioners at this meeting will hear all complaints of over-valuation and will have power to summon and examine witnesses and will correct the list of list takers as they may deem equitable "and just. They will have power, after notification of the owner or s gents, to raise the valuation of any property they deem unreasonablyelQw. o Confer With Tax Listers. Another important meeting that will have much bearing upon taxation matters in New Hanover is the con ference at Wilmington to morrow of Chairman Franklin McNeill, of . the Board of State Tax Commissioners, a creation of the last Legislature, with the several tax listers of the county. Mr. McNeill will meet the listers at 1 o'clock in the morning at the Court House and will advise them as to their duties as assessing officers officer under n "Apt to provide for the assessment of property and the collection of taxes." The three mem bers of the Board of Tax Commission ers are holding meetings at principal Dointe throughout the State for this purpose. Yesterday Chairman Me Neill was at Kinston: to-day he is at Newborn and he will leave to-morrow afternoon for Charlotte. CORONER'S JURY OF INQUEST. Retaroed Verdict is the Kllllsg of the Col ored Mas Brower The coroner's jury empanelled night before last to inquire into the circum stances of the death of F. & Brower, colored, who was horribly mangled by an A. O. L. engine near Sixth street bridge, yesterday morning, after the examination of a number of wit nesses, returned a verdict as followsi "We, the undersigned jury of in quest over the body of F. & Brower, find that he came to his death by being run over by an engine of the Atlantic Hoist Line Railroad Company, caused by his own negligence." Particulanhof the killing of Brower were printed in the Stab yesterday. Cape Fear Club Improvement It is learned that work will be corn menced at once on the improvements to the Cane Fear Club quarters and that the amount expended will " be bout iT.OOO. The house will be mane to extend along Front street soath wrd, almost to Chesriut street and will be otherwise enlarged and greatly improved. City Subscriber. nirr subscriners are earnestly re quested to report promptly at the Stab office every failure of the carriers to deliver their papers. In all such cases .tens will be taken to , insure promp and regular delivery. " , NEW ADVKBTlskMKNTS W. B. Cooper Pic nic hams. -D. L. Gore' Co. Mule for sale. Tenuis H. Skinner-Bids invited. : D. McKacbernMagistrates' meeting ! F. T.MUlsStylish horses and mules.. " a T. McNair New goods In stock.; The People's Savings Bnk--JJon forget tbo date. ,-- ,. -fnti. "i-'-ji. i- ; - v 1 - BUSINESS LOCALS. - Dr. W; d GalUoway--Lbst LOCAL DOTS. . Christian Science services at the Masonic Temple, room Nov this morning at 8:15 o'clock. 10, License was issued yesterday for the marriage' of Miss Emma At kinson to Mr. J. A. Dennis, both of Wilmington. 'Electric lights are being install ed in the ' James Wait arm rvi a 1 Hospital and the grounds are bei no- levelled with a gradual slope towards the street. J.' H. Gore, Jr.. 'and wife yes terday . transferred . to - Sarah Jane Howe by deed the lot on east side of Seventh between n Wright streets, 33x165 feet in size: consideration, $100. It is stated as a fuct that Charlotte has "only one fire engine, and that is an obsolete affair built oyer twenty years ago." And. yet Charlotte claims to be progressive. Isaac Merritt, "colored, was ar rested by Deputy Sheriff W. H. Cox on a capias from Onslow county yes day and was bent to Jacksonville in charge of Deputy 8heriff - Kemster Padrick. The negro was charged with larceny. f - - 4 - . - . Chairman Louis H. Skinner, of the Public Building. Committee. advertises for bids for certain improve ments at the City Hall . according to specifications prepared by Mr. H. E. Borate and recently outlined in these columns. - Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Meier will deeply sympathize with them in the death of their infant son, Robert Earle, aged fiye months, which occurred yesterday afternoon at 1 o'clock at the family residence on Queen between Fifth and Sixth streets. The funeral will be held to-day. ANNUAL MEETING THIS AFTERNOON. Society for the Prevcatloo of Cruelty to Children and Aalmals. The regular annual meeting of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children and Animals will be held at 5 o'clock this afternoon in the office of the Merchants' Association. All members are respectfully invited to be present. Election of officers for the ensuing year will be held. Persons wno aesire to Become members are also invited to attend or send in their application for membership. The list of members at present is as follows W. R. Kenan, F. A. Lord, J. W. Atkinson, George L. Morton, W. H. Alderman, Jas. W. Monroe, G. J. Boney, Oscar Tearsall, Thos. F. Bag ley, Robt R. Bellamy, C. H. Robin- son", Hon. John D. Bellamy, C. Reaves, SChristensen, Thos. Qa.inll van, Pres ton Cumming, Dan'l Quinlivan, R. N. Sweet, J. J. Fowler, James Sprunt, Clayton Giles, W. H. Sprunt, A. S. Heide; B. F. Hall, J. H. Watters, & W. Holden, B G. Worth. P. Heins- berger, R. F. Warren, W. W. Hodges, W. A. Wilson, George Bate, George A. Woodard, E. W. Hewlett, J. F. Gause, & Q. Hall, Nathaniel Jacobi, H. A. Kure, B. F. King and 8. W. Sanders. . TEACHERS' ASSEMBLY COMMITTEE. Will Meet This Afternoon to Make Pre liminary Arrangements. The committee recently named to make all preliminary arrangements for the Teachers' Assembly to be held at. Wrightsville Beach June 10th to 16th, will hold its first meeting this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce in the Seaboard Air Lane building. The following well known gentle men, closely identified with the educa tional Interests of the city and county, compose the committee: Messrs. Jas. EL Ohadbourn, Sr., W. A. Johnson, W. Catlett, J. J. Blair, Jas. F. Post, "ft:- J. Jones, IU C. Love, W. H. Sprunt and' M. W. Jacob! The Seashore Hoteli The first car load of furniture for furnishing the new annex to the Sea shore Hotel at Wrightsville Beach ar rived yesterday and another - will follow in 7a few days. Mr. W. J. Gardner,' whom the Star stated sev eral days ago would be the chief clerk at the "Seashore," : arrived Monday evening. Capt C, W. DuRant, of Howell's Military Academy, will also boon the clerical force of the hotel during the Summer. A New A. C. L. Baggage Room. Work was begun yesterday on : a new baggage room for the A. O. L., at its Front street station. It will , be upon the site of the , present office but will be more than double its size and much more .conveniently; arranged.. The transfer wagons will be loaded from the bridge side of the room in stead of from the inside of the . track enclosure as now. The new building will contain private offices for the station agent and baggage agent Wilmington Presbytery Meeting. . Wilmington Presbytery will be con -b-atimI in snecial session to-morrow in the First Presbyterian Church of this city. Several matters of importance .Min be acted upon the principal of hinh la the call to Key. JS. Hi. Lane k ih Presbyterian Church at Bed- ford City; Va. ' Mrs. Delano, wife of Commander 1 $ tt. FL S. Toveka, ' is In a short visit to the family cTmVoS N. Harris. The : Topeka has been oraerea w . r7 T . will be used as a training smp - WILMINGTON, N. C., WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, ALMOST A SHOT-OUT. Richmond Was Unable to Score in Yesterday's Qame Until . the Ninth Inning. BUT THE SCORE IS 4 TO 3. And a Little Shower of Bain That inter. f ered With Allen's Leather Twirling Is Responsible for It Ralelfb Lost to Portsmouth Notes. . YESTERDAY'S games. Wilmington, 4; Richmond, 3. Newport News, 6; Norfolk, 2. ' Raleigh, 4; Portsmouth, 5. WHERE THET PLAT TO-DAY. Richmond at Wilmington. jNortoiK at Newport News. Portsmouth at Raleigh. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. Won. .. 17 .. 15 . 14 Lest Percent Wilminatonr . . . Raleigh ... 13 12 15 16 19 .566 .555 .484 .466 .821 Newport News. Norfolk,. Portsmouth. 14 Richmond 9 A slight fall of rain which began in .the ninth inning yesterday afternoon with Richmond at the bat, all but lost the game for Wilmington, when every body including the visiting team were able to concede a complete shut out. Sturdy young Allen in the box for the locals, was winding up his long string of victories for the home aggregation. and had downed two men of the three that would have made the "white wash" complete. Then the rain came harder and the three hundred and fifty spectators be gan leaving the park and Capt. Barley Kain was heading a string of the Grays toward the gate. Traeger had' flown out on a beautiful "flow" to Sebring and Manners had gone out from Allen.. Bass came up and per ambulated; then Darby got a single and Fillman got first on Clayton's juggling with a wet ball which gath- )d "moss" as it came to him. The bases were then full, and Barley Kain and-his boys turned their faces back to the bench. It was not the fault of Tacks'1 but Saffte gathered one of his "finest" on the nose for three bases, according to Ashenback's vocabulary, and Bass, Darby and Fillman, a form idable looking trio, galloped across the plate. Kain came up, but went out on a beautiful catch by Sfbring. "Right After 'em" was the clarion call shot across the lot to his men by Capt "Bob" when Richmond opened up with the stick and this injunction was scrupulously complied with until the almost fatal ninth, which is told of above. Darby went out to Stafford ; Fillman was hit and 8a fie flew out to Sebring, who doubled up to "Davy", and Capt "Bob," retiring the side. Wilmington went out in its batting order. In the second by a wild throw of Warren and an error by Crockett Richmond filled the bases with Garrett, Bigbie and Manners after Kain had popped out and Traeger had sacrificed. Bass came up and popped out to Allen. TXrl..4nn nnt aa far ab iMtnnd hilt Wilminirton got as far as second bu was unable to get past that point About the same story could be told of the third inning and the fourth was featured by a star catch by Se bring of Bigbie's long drive and a two base hit of Traeger, which however, did not develop into a run. Crockett led o for the Giants with a beautiful two-base hit to right; Clayton sacri flees Crockett to third but he is caught on a bad " coach to home plate on a hit bv Stafford to short? Devlin flew out to short In the Fifth Bass led off with a two- base hit to left and Darby saenncea him to third. It looked like a score hut xiiiman wen . oui irum mhnrt ! and 8affle flew out to Stafford. - Wilmington came up and fl.em.in did evervthine but score. War ren and - Thackara got beautifuj incrlns thrmiirh short and by third base i McGinnis fie w out to second. Allen tingled to left but Warren was thrnwn nut at home. Sebring retiree! the side by flying out to second. Richmond went out in its- order in the irth and Crockett for Wil mington got first on Darby's error, stole second and afterwards scored on rWrfttt's error in handling a ball hit by - Stafford to short and. thrown to third. Warren got a long single 1 and Sebring running for Stafford and I Devlin, who was hit and walked, I score. McGinnis let drive to second I ana w arren was caugnt at nome on a I daring run. Thackara flew out to left In the seventh a fishy decision by Mr. Staley allowed' Traeger to run in home and much discussion ensued which resulted in Traeger's being put out on the bench by Allen, Mr. Staley holding. , that he . did hot - touch the plate. , The "rooters" unanimously argued that he was put out in - the first instanceand put out a second time when Allen touched him on the bench. Darby forced Bass at second. For Wilmington Sebring got the only single, Allen having gone out from third, Crockett to right and "Capt Stafford having fanned after Capt Eainhad dropped a beautiful drive by Clayton to centre." In the eighth, Fillman flew out, Saflie promenaded, Kain flew out to Sebring; Baffle stole second ; Garrett got first on Clayton's error and Bigbie flew out to McGinnis. For Wilming ton, Devlin went out from short; Warren singled by short; McGinnis flew out to right and Warren scored on ; Thackara's two bagger. Allen walked but Sebring flew out to first The story of the ninth in which the rain and a bunching of . hits by Rich mond cheated Wilmington out of a shut-out, has already been told and it would be painful to repeat it here. The tabulated score tells the tale: SCORE BY INNINGS.. ' : "f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E Richmond. . . . .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3-3 6 5 Wilmington . .00000301 x 4 10 4 Batteries Bass and Manners; Al leh and Thackara. ' THE TABULATED SCORE. Richmond. ab r h po E 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 Darby, ss , . 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 2 Fillman, rf... 3 Baffle, 2b .... 4 Kain, cf 5 Garrett 3b.... 4 4 4 3 3 Hie bie, lb 6 1 7 0 Trager, If. ... . Manners, c...., Bass, p , Total .34 3 6 24 9 5 Wilndbgton. ab r h po a e Sebring, If.... 5 0 1 6 2 0 Urockeit2b. 4 113 1 1 Clayton, ss 3 0 0 0 5 2 Stafford, lb 3 1 1 12 0 0 levlin,rf 3 10 0 0 0 warren. 3b 4 13 10 1 Thackara, c . 3 0 2 1 1 0 McGinnis, cf 4 0 110 0 Allen, p.... 3 0 0 0 1 0 Total 82 4 10 27 12 4 Summary Bases stolen, Baffle 2, Trager 1, Crockett 1, Allen 1. Two base hits, Trager, Bass, Crockett, Thackara. Three base hits, Saffle. Double plays, Sebring to "Crockett to Stafford. Bases on balls, off Bass 2, off Allen 2. Struck out by-Bass 4, by Allen 1. Hit by pitched ball, by Bass 1, Allen 2. Left on bases, Richmond 7, Wilmington 9. Time of game 1:25. Attendance 350. UmpirPMr. Staley. Notes of Yesterday's Qame. The Giants made . a fine catch when they signed Sebring. He was enthusiastically applauded for bis fine work yesterday. Old man Thackara drove a "beauty" into centre field yesterday. "He's a good one." The very threatening weather ma terially reduced the number of "March hares" at the Park; but, after all. the rain was accommodating enough to postpone active work until the ninth inning. Then it raised Kain. The rain which began falling at the close of the eighth inning, had a re juyenating effect on the Grays, en abling them to make three runs in theminth. But "enough is a plenty." If the horse editor can get a second he will move that we - make it three straight to day. What say "the doc tor" and "Cousin Sam?" The horse editor told you yesterday it was on the cards for Portsmouth to beat Raleigh, and that the Giants would beat the Grays to-day. That puts Wilmington "top of column and next to reading matter,'1 Wilmington is now.34 points ahead of Rjdeighin the percentage column. TO morrow Portsmouth comes and Richmond goes to Raleigh. Next week Wilmington goes to Richmond for games, and the following week Ashenback will be with u again. Features of yesterday's game for Richmond were Darby's short and Traeger's fielding for Wilmington, Sebr in fir's star work in left and the stick work of Warren, and Thackara. It is probable that Foreman will go in the box to day for the home team. Delaney left last night for bis home in New York State. The closely contested games here with Richmond are evidence of how well matched are the teams in the league. The "bottom of the ladder" plays the "top notch" and it is nip and tuck between the two, ' Richmond Will Strengthen. The Richmond Times of yesterday says: ; ; ... : "Catcher Ganns was released b Manager Kain Saturday. He wi robably catch on In some other team n the league. Bishop did , not go on 'Treasurer Traneri will leave for Washington this morning to secure new players to strengthen his team. He will confer with Manager Manning, and will act largely on his advice. Every effort will be made at once to strengthen the team, and it is quite likely that a winner will be made ox the club by the time it returns to .Richmond from North Carolina next Monday. J Mr. Trafien telegraphed for a Wilmington (Del.) pitcher to meet him in Washington; and if his record proves satisfactory he will sign him at once." Games On Other Diamonds At Raleigh - 123456789 R H E Raleigh. 2 0002000 04 9 1 Portsmouth . ...0 0112 0 0 0 15 9 I i Batteries Martin and Westlake Bowden and Legrande. . - . At Newport - . r 123456789 SHE Newport News.1 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 x 6 10 2 Norfolk.. ..... .0 0.0 1 ooio 02 ? . Batteries-Johnston and Ashenback Leitner and Lehman. - -. State Quart Encampment. Adjutant General B, & Royster, CoL Macon and CoL P. M. Pearsall will be here to-morrow to look after the matter of holding the State Guard Encampment at .Wrightsville. On the following day they will go to South- port to look after the field were. 1901. MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS. Many. Considered at Last Night's Meeting of the Audit and Finance Board. CLERK OF MUNICIPAL COURT. here Was Non-Concurrence In Action of Aldermen City Attorney's Salary Restored Salary of Health Of ficersBack Tax Books. Several matters of very general public interest came up ' at last night's regular meeting of the City Board of Audit and Finance, at which Chair man McQueen presided and upon which all the members were in attendance. Mayor Waddell appeared before' the Board and asked for concurrence in the action -by the Aldermen . in pro viding a clerk for the municipal court, who also is qualified as a magistrate and therefore vested with the power of making out warrants, etc., in the Mayor's absence. He stated that he had appointed, by power given him by the Aldermen, Mr. F. T. 'Skipper, and that in addition to his duties as clerk of the municipal court Mr. Skipper would assist with the work in the city clerk and treasurer's office. Mayor Waddell asked that his appointment be confirmed and that a salary for the clerk be fixed. " The matter, upon motion of Mr, W. A. Riach, was not acted upon ana the gayor and Aldermen were referred to the action of the Board of Audit and Finance at its meeting of May 14tb, when an increase of one extra ser geant of police was allowed, provided that the duties of the clerk of the police court be performed by souie member of the police department. The action of the Aldermen in pro viding for three permanent and one temporary health inspectors and the arrangement of the salary of perma nent officers at $45 per month was not concurred in, it having been agreed upon the fixing of the budget that there should be two permanent and two temporary officers at salaries of $40 per month each. In regard to the extra $1 per day allowed street laborers by the Alder men for working in sewer pipes, it was decided by the Audit and Finance Board to allow only 50 cents per day extra, and their action in sa doing was understood not to be establishing a precedent in this particular. The donation of $5e to the Jack sonville fire sufferers was cheerfully concurred in. Upon the advice of the Streets and Wharves Committee that the bid of the S. P. Cowan Livery Company for caring for the city mules included shelter for the vehicles, the bid for same was accepted. The action of the Aldermen in au thorising the Fire Committee to rent a lighter for the fire department was referred back to ftie Aldermen with inquiry as to the cost to the city of buying such a lighter, instead of rent ing. The. salary of the City Attorney, upon motion of Mr. Riach, was restored to $500 per yf ar and in regard to the back tax books, the matter was re ferred to the Chairman with instruc tion to consult a disinterested attorney as to the legal status of the question as to whether the commissions on the collection of same would go to the present city attorney or the retiring official in this capacity. After the examination and approval of bills for current expenses, the Board adjourned, subject to call of the chair man. . PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Capt. J. L. Autrey, of Autreys- ville, arrived in the city last evening. Mrs. J. O. Shepard and chil dren left yesterday morning to visit at Kenansville. . The Stab is glad to note that Dr. W. O. Galloway is recovering from a recent very severe attack of ill ness. J. A. Sutton yesterday received a telegram from his brother, Deputy Collector W. J. Sutton at Fayette- ville, stating that he was dangerously sick and to come at once. To Attend Grocers' Association. Messrs. R. B. Stone and L. B. Rogers left yesterday for Memphis, Tenn., where they will attend &he an nual meeting of the Southern Whole sale Grocers Association, ..which con venes. Thurs-day. ' Messrs. Stone and Rogers go as delegates from the Wilm ington Wholesale Grocers' Associa tion. . - NEW ABVERTISBMENTS. Meeting of Magistrates. Th. .inoMnaa of t.hi Phatm of New Hanover county are hereby notified to meet at the Court House Monday, June 3rd, at 13 o'clock M., to pass upon tax levy and such other business as may propers com ueiug CHKEHi - chairman Board County Commissioners, my 22 st t i New Hanover County. Bids InYited. Bids for improvement in the City Hall Building, according to plans and specifications, to be found at the office Df the Clerk and .Treasurer, or at the office of EL E. Bonitz, architect, will be received until . 12, M., Thursday, SOth June, instant Right reserved to reject any or all bids. - JUUUia U. oJJJNISiiLtv, . Ch'm. Public Building Committee, ;m2&2t-;.u wesu . - - WHOLE NO. 10,532 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 63 1-2 Steps EAST from the corner of Front, and WEST from corner second and Princess streets will take you to DEPARTMENT STORES, Where the public have found ; are still ' nnaing ana will -continue to nnd the BEST GOODS for the LEAST MONEY, any where to be found. A comparison will convince. Bell Phon 661. !ap88tf Buyers of Groceries. We offer at competing prices: . 2 Cars Va. Water Ground Meal. 2 Cars Mixed Corn, en route. Canned Meats Iiard and D. S. Meats. Bellies-Plates. Bacon, Shoulders. Red Seal Lye. Sardines. Sugars, all grades, etc. We are headauarters for Cuban Blossom. Renown Cremo. Topical Twist Cigars. Many brands Cheroots and Clearettes. If you want to save money, ask for prices. Toilers & Hashageny mal2tf DISTRIBUTERS. M Goods in Stock and to arrive. Sugar, Coffee, Rice, Grits. Meal, Molasses, Canned Goods. FIRST PAT. FLOUR, 2ND PAT. FLOUR, STEIAIGHTUFLOUR, WHEAT BRAN, &c., &e, Special attention .Riven to consignments. Tour orders appreciated. S. P. r.lcNAlR. my 22 tf PIG NIG HAMS. 2,100 Pounds Pic-Nio Hams. Pounds D. 8. Plates. Pounds D. 8. Bides. .. Pounds Bacon Plates, -Pounds Pare Lard. , . Pounds Compound Lard. Pounds O. M. Pork. Pounds N. c. Mullet. : Bushels Cow Peas. 14,610 12 780 4,990 6,840 2,110 3,600 18,600 110 1,240 890 Bushels Yellow Corn. Bushels White Corn. W. B. .COOPER, Wholesale Grocer 308. 310, 318 Nutt street, Wlitntfiton.N.O. my a2 tf Stysh Horses and Mules, Bugzies lnd Harness. Bee my Rubber Une or In fact ay style you want in open or Top Bue- mes, msBtonB or Traps. Harness uu nw-uw repairing specialty. See me. F. T. HILLS. my22M lUlule for Sale. Also all Goods Usually kept in a ' Wholesale Grocery Store D. L. CORE CO. 130, 122jma 124 North Water Street, my 22 tf Wllminston, N. C. UP TO PATE, Qulon & Davis nave a well equipped Barber Shop.. They have no "accomplished tonsorlal artists;" but they have four flrst-class barbers who, with razors keen as a Damascus blade. never fall to please the most fastidious. Our bootblacks can give you a "shine" that almost equals that of The Horning Star. "Brash the gentleman from bead to foot." "Next." DAVIS & GXJION, apastf 7 South Front St. On and After Monday, Mav 20. 1901. trains will leave dally on Wil mington Seacoast Railroad : Leave Wilmington io:lo A. M., 2:30 P. M., 6:80 P. M. Leave ocean. views A. MM ii:39 a. 5 P.M.:, :W; BUnDAX TRAIN. Leave Wilmington 2:80 P. M. Leave Ocean View 5 i M. '.. . On Monrtav mnmlnor there will be a train leaving Wilmington at 6:sa A.. M. . Regular Summer Schedule of ten trains wul go Into effect June 8, 1901. B. o. OBAnt, fTjylff o Ufc?Y?A iaww-we Street Railway Notice. . n aftav.TnnTlRlL 1001. Can Of the Wil- mmgton Street Railway Company will stop only at the near street corners from the al recilon tee car Is proceeding anfl at ,nA ! extends. eitends. - . A. B. SKKLDINQ. tiwt miaaia ox hhsd um wviik wmvu un matini. General Manager. Sins -. W -f TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION.: : One Tear, by Mail, $5.00 Six Months, " 2.50 ; Three Months, 1.25 ' Two Months, 1,00 r .. . . . - - iifetiverea so subscribers In the t . vr per montn. X NEW AD VERTISEMENTS. Election Notice. In accordance with the laws of 1901 enUtled 5T tv uouvDuiiuB ior roau improvement in New Hanover County, an election win be held , Tuesday, June 18th, 1901, and the question Buonuttea as follows: 'Shall New Hanover County. North Carolina. Issue fifty thousand dollars of its bonds, with Interest coupons attached, to repair, make and ImproTe the public roads in said county." Tne ballots tendered and cast by the auallCed electors shall have written or printed upon them "For good roads or agaidst good roads." All qualified electors who favor the issue of said bonds shall vote,," for good roads." All qualified voters who are opposed to the Issue of said bonds shall vote "against good roads." An entire new registration is required for said . election. Registration books will be opened May 16th ' and remain open till June 7th inclusive, at the voting places In the regular election precincts as follows: : " ' ' .. First ward 1st Division Polling place ad- Joining MaTronicnols' store, on Fourth between ' Hanover and Brunswick streets. Registrar F. T. Skipper. Poll holders J. D. Doscher and - Geo. Bland. First Ward 2nd Division Polling pUca A Otterson's store northeast corner Fifth and . Harnett streets. Registrar J. A Barnes. Poll holders T. B. Carroll and Martin Rathgen. First Ward 3rd Division Polling place Hoss Reel houee near Fourth street bridge. Resrls-trar-w A. Wright. Poll holders J. T. Mc- Iver, Geo. Hewlett. Second Ward Polling place Old Court House. Registrar A. J. Hill. Poll, holders R. W. -v Wallace, 8. P. Collier. Third Ward Polling place near southwest corner Eighth and Princess streets. Registrar A. G. Hanklns. Poll holders -Walker Meares, - Geo. P. Cotchett. Fourth Ward Polling place Worth's ice ' house, on Dock between Front and Water streets. Registrar J. R. Davis. Poll holders T. G. Pickett, W. J. Bellamy.. Fifth Ward 1st Division Polling place, Hook and Ladder House on Fifth, near Castle s reet. Registrar R. H. McKOy. Poll holders J. M. Branch and Fred Griffith. Fifth Ward 2nd Division Polling place, En gine House, corner Sixth and Castle streets. ' Registrar J. D. H. Klander. Poll holders-J. M. McGowan and H. A. Decover. - Cape Fear Tcwnshlp P jliing place, Blossom's Store, at Castle Haynes. Registrar B. W. Bor deau. Poll holders C. H. Casteen and T. J. .Belcher. Masonboro Township Polling place, Town-- ship House. Registrar Dv , J. Fergus." Poll holders Chas. w. Bishop and Jno. G. Wagner. Federal PolntTownship Polling place, Capps Store. Registrar F. D. Capps. Poll holders Jno. Keves and Hill Williams. Harnett Township 1st Division Polling , place, Delgado store. Registrar J. D. Woody. Poll holders R. B. Moore and D. T. O'Brien. Second Division Polling place. Township House, near 7-mile post.. Registrar Garrett Walker. Poll holders C. H. Alexander and Robt. Parker.- D. MoEACHERN, Chairman. By order of Board County Commissioners, ma 7 18 ju BUTTER. ir yon use ' Willow Ran" Batter yon will do no worrying, as Its quality Is unexcelled, van be bad at retail from Brooks & Taylor, Water street. Chas. E. Smith, Seventh and Dawson. J. Q. Herring, North Fourth. W. P. Woodcock, Fourth and Swann. U. Schulken,-Fourth and Nixon. Jas. Berge, Fifth and Nixon. W. H. Tarley, 1007 North Fourth. C. L. Spencer, Fourth and Bladen. Greenblott & Bardin, at Front Street Market. H. J. Bierman & Co., 215 Market. R. V. Leonard, Market street. D. N. Stanly, Market street. Thos. J. Gore, corner Dock and Water. G. W, Linder & Co.. corner Dock and Front. J. T. Smith, Front and Castle. B. A. Benson, Third and Queen. Jas. Elder, Agt., Eleventh and Market. a. M. Wilson x Co., Front and Wooster. E. H. Dement, Ninth and Grace. G. W. Green, 614 Castle. C. B. P. Mahler, Fourth and Bed Cross. G. M. Murrell, Fourth and Walnut. ' J. J. Mohr, Ninth and Grace. W. H. Hardy, Fifth and Church. J. C. Walton, Seventh and Castle. G.F.G.Tiencken,Eleventhand Market J. G. W. Tiencken, Fourth and Castle. J. F. Bulfs, Fourth and Walnut Martin Hcnmbben,ixln and lied Cross. B. J. Kulken, Sixth and Brunswick. W. B. Smith, Bladen and Fifth. C. O. Knox, Sixth and Harnett. A. V. Jones, Seventh and Harnett C. B. Pape, Seventh and Harnett. O. E. Sherer, Eighth and Swann. Geo. Schnibben, 8eventh and Nixon. E. B. Haar, Tenth and Market. Martin Batbjen, Sixth and Swann. J. D. Soutberland, Seventh and Castle. , Spivey & Cook, North Fourth. h 3. M. Moore, North Fourth. 1 Brown Bros., Fifth and Uneen. H. W. Konig, Fourth and Bladen. At Wholesale Front W m. E. Worth & C o. maiatf TaOur Patrons! While our business has been temporarily suspended by reason of the damage in curred by fire, we are making every effort , to get the business in good shape, and we are again ready to serve you, as heretofore, ' to the best of our ability. Our temporary quarters will be next door to the old stand. Bargains In Soap, Perfumery, Brushes, Combs and many other Toilet articles. a J. H. HARDIN. Both 'Phones. No. 66 ap 18 tf CAROLINA BEACH. Steamer Wilmington will make a trip to Caro lina BeachlSunday evening. May 19th, leaving att.80; arrive back 7.15. Fare 25c. Steamer : Southport will leave for Southport 10 A. M., con necting with steamer Wilmington at the pier in the evening; fare. 26 cents. One trip a day will be made to the Beach until June 1st, leaving 9.45 A. M. Commencing Tues day. May 21st. . mal6tt J. W. HARPER. Atlantic View Hotel, UTrlsHtsvllle So and, N. C. , This delightful Summer Besort will be open to guests May 18th. Pig Fish and all other Sea Delicacies served' at our tables. , Boating' and Bathing at pleasure. Nice cottages within : the grounds to rent for the season to families. For further information address, JOHN H. HANBT. my 8 1 July wesu : -r- - Printer Wanted. Wanted, a - first class ; compositor ' - who has had experience on a daily morning paper. Must have good re-. commendations as ; to. habits and qualifications. ' V - " " - Apply at or address the ; ' - my 21 St : STAR OFFICE. --e 1 j -1 "" ". - 'L J- ,.