iilliSK -' ' Every-D X TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION r .,.-i.rer Than That I" On Year, by Mail, $5,002 y Other DaHy News- Slz -Moatluu ' ; . S.5Q paper Pnww"-Wilmington- Three Months, " 1.25 Two ZSonths : 1.00' Delivered to 8nbaerlbers In th.t r .HB STATE, City mt 45 Cents per filontn. L. LXVnr.-NO. 74. WILMINGrTX)N 16, 1901. WHOLE NOi 10,554 LI - - M n go vniug J. TEACHERS' ASSEHBIY LOCAL DOTS. THE TIRED TURTLES. nihasa Go041 Roads Ass" PP a son of E. D. Strong, of Texas, is supposed to have jfi l Over 700 men rXthe Newport News ship ilZm Court of New ' . afAiAA tonass IT' f the estate of Mrs. eoanW Mrs. P. H. Ken dofthe murder of i00" nuv. Mo., and it ten years iu u Thos. Maxley was atiy-. , 5 flwlt w;h his The Closing; Feature An Excur sion Down the Cape Pear River Yesterday. A MOST ENJOYABLE TRIP. Many of the Teachers Remain in the City and On the Beach Services To-day at Some of the City Churches Conducted by Visitors. ' , winod in a Bjtni jl Stroud, at Swansboro.Ga. n was killed and over e wounded in the acci- ..in in nau w"j - ' LTedeathoftwochildrenjother. W . T.oHnr disorders in Wared. Ui.. ahiirsr ,u. LotflABhin Oresron WrsW mo " - "T v...t ci-r months. BIHI Ik Bi r. hndv was recovered T.n ferry-boat Northfield; . . . UnnT on miasms. . n aWT nill.ll III U II 1 I . i j.it.Hcericut., CulandsSc; flour duU and abJ t 7fi u a Labor disorders in have been (renewed. from : six lire .het-spot easy, no. L firm, No. 2 47c; rosin tijj. slraineu Cnirits turDentine steady. !,gl"i -r IEATHER REPORT. a Dkp't of agriculture, i WHATHEB BUHBAU, N. 0., June 15. ) Latures: ,8 A. M., 77 degrees; V76deRrees; maximum, 83 de sinimum, ?l aegrees; mc-u, . . Ull for the day, .ua; rim" jut of the montn to awe, x L UOTTOS REGION BULLETIN. father is generally lair ana is the central an(F western ais- Md unsettle and somewnai UtheeasterrfTwitn rain, neayy njns haye fallen m ueorgia, iind South Carolina. At Char- i08; Mullen, Ga., 2.04;SparUn 3.C., 2 38; Toccoa, Ga., 2.26. I0BK0A3T FOB TO DAT. . ' TJ XT 4 V. KHI5GT0S, June lo.-rwiww Li-Showers Sunday. Monday, fed warmer; fresh southeast to finds. lVvS. . Iff. Port Almanac June Length t filer at South port. Wter Wilmington . 4.41 A. M. 7.17 P.M. 14 H. 36 M. 7.25 P M. 9.55 P.M. fckd is paying for all the les- ahe has had in South Af ric last so far has beA $7o5,000,- 4,973 me killed and 17,209 fed, and the full bill isn't in yet. St iugusta Cliramcle ventures bark that "Senator McLaurin to have a hazy idea of party He has no mo- idea of than a June bug has of fi3hington scientist has dis- pdthat the Irish potato con- i deadly poison which he call fame. And here we have been f? I. p.'s all our life without inspecting it. The closing feature of the. North Carolina Teachers' Assembly was an excursion down the river yesterday which proved to be a fitting finality to the highly profitable convention held at Wrightaville Beach the- past week. The trip was made on-theeommodiouB steamer Wilmington and wa& a-, moat enjoyable onev , Stops were . made, at Southport and Old Brans wick, and the visitors, who numbered about two hundred, were delighted with both places. The Wilmington also made a short run to sea and on the ' return trip ran alongside the revenue cutter Algonquin, lying at anchor at Southport,' and the visitors were wel corned aboard by CaptT Willey, the clever commander of the cutter. After a thorough and delightful ih spection of Uncle Sam's strong little fighter, the Wilmington steamed homeward. - All the visitors" were highly pleased with the water-picnic and expressed their appreciation of the many cour tesies extended them by Capt John T. Harper, the gallant commander of the Wilmington, and Prof. Washington Oatlett, Superintendent of Public In struction, who was also on the excur sion. Quite a number of the teachers left for their respective homes yesterday, while many yet remain in the city and at the beach. All express gratification at the convention held here and -which is said to have- been one of the most pleasant and profitable in the history of the Assembly. A number of the visiting teachers will occupy city pulpits to day. Prof. E: Walter Sykes, Of Wake Forest College, will speak at Brook lyn Baptist church this morning at 11 o'clock and at to-night's service at the First Baptist church. He will also addres53he men's meeting at the Y. M. C. A. this afternoon at 5 o'clock. Prof. Bivens, of Trinity Park High School, will preach at Grace M. E. nhnreh this mor nine at the 11 o'clock service, and to-night at Fifth Street M. E. Church. Rev. R. ,TJVann, president of the Baptist University, Kaleigb, will oc cupy .the pulpit of the First Baptist Church this morning, and to-night will visjt Brooklyn Baptist Church. Dr. Bretton, of St. Mary's School, Raleigh,- will deliver the sermon at the morning services at SL John's Episcopal Church. Rev. A. A. Marshall, D. D. of Ra leigh, will conduct services to day at the beach. At many of the churches there wiil be special music. At Grace5 M. EL Church this morning Miss Ella New man, of Knoxville.'Tenn., will render a solo, and to-night at the First Bap tist Church the special feature of the musical programme will be a solo by Mrs. W. L. Latta and several selec tions by a fine quartette. There will also be special music at the Young' Men's Christian Associa tion meeting this afternoon. For other new; advertisements see fourth page. - ;'. . ' -The police made sixteen arrests during the past week. The Torgorm sailed from New York yesterday for Wilmington. - The" Pension Board of the county is due to meet to-morrow after noon. Hand and in-door ball is now the popular pastime of the Christian Association. r The regular semi-monthly meet ing of the Board of Audit apd Finance is called for Tuesday night Business was rather dull in the matrimonial field the past week. Only one marriage license was issued. Hollowbush's Orchestra will give Giants Made It Four Out of Six - From the Red Birds Yes- -terday Afternoon. FAST AND BRILLIANT CONTEST pa now I comes a Nebraska mho declares that she, too, tter been kissed. This cor- ptea the assertion hat we have pore made that there are nighty ugly women out there. SNEED COMPANY CHARTERED a sacred 'concert this afternoon,' at 5 o'clock at the Seashore Hotel. ' . - The regular convocation of Con cord Chapter, Royal Arch Masons,will be held to-morrow night at 8 o'clock. The business sign of the Na tional Bank of Wilmington yesterday gave way to that of the Atlantic Na tional Bank.; ' The W. C. T. U. will meet next Wednesday afternoon at half past 4 o'clock in Grace M. E. Church. All cordially Invited. ' The Star is informed that an exclusively wholesale drug house will be established in Wilmington within the next thirty days. . The city circulation of The MosHixa Stab is 'steadily growing, and is now larger that at at any time within the past fifteen years. Mr. E. T. Wade, of this city, tells the Stab that he has a barred Plymouth Rock hen that has beaten the record; with a brood' of youngs chicks, she laid two eggs last Tuesday. The Duplin Journal, a breezy, well edited weekly published at'Fai son, made, its debut last week. The Stab extends a hearty welcome and a sincere wish for a long and prosperous life. ;: The lawv fete which was to have been given by .the ladies of the First Baptist Church a week or so ago, bat which was postponed, will take place on the church lawn Wednesday night. Dr. Dunlop Thompson, who recently, graduated in medicine, has formed a copartnership with Dr. R. G. Rozier atlLumberton. He is a brother of Mr. Jos. E. Thompson, of the Star staff. The steamer Compton will make her usual Sunday trip to Southport and to sea to-day, leaving her wharf at 10 o'clock this morning, and reaching the city on the return trip at 6.S0 o'clock this afternoon. Fare 25 cents for the round trip.- . . Butt's panorama is exhibiting on Fifth between Walnut and Grace streets, for the benefit of the Organ. Fund of Grace M. E. Church. They have been fortunate in securing this entertainment, as it is educational and instructive. Mr. Butt's . lectures are listened to by appreciative audiences. Some runaways are more lively than others, and to the former class belongs one that took place yesterday morning in the vicinity of 8econd and Princess streets. The star performer was the cart horse of the Electric Light Company. "There was plenty of ex citement but, fortunately, no damage. CRIMINAL COURT OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY. Headed by Sensational Plays by the Home Team Stewart for the Third Time T .. During Series Twirled Splendid Ball Other Games. YESTERDAY'S GAUSS. Wilmington, 3; italeigh, 1. Newport, 7; Richmond, 4' Norfolk, 4; Portsmouth, 0. ; WHERE THEY PLAY TO-MOBROW. Raleigh at Newport News. .Wilmington at Portsmouth. . ' O - v Richmond at Norfolk. STAHDUIQ OF THE CLUBS. '. Won. Lest .Percent Another .feature of, the game was Stewart's superb pitching. ; Yesterday' made his third appearance in the box this week. ' For the -visitors, Person also twirled a fine game and Ail's third base playing and stick, work -were ex cellent :iv--:;-:- i-'"Ct'-c v SOOBK BY IHITIXGS. ,1 " 1234 5 67.8 9 BHE Raleigh . . ... ...0 10 0 00 0 0 01 4 4 Wilmington .. . .1 0 0 0 2 0 O O x 3 7 3 Batteries Person and LeGrande; Stewart and Thackara. N C. STATE GUARD. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. is The Annual Encampment of the Troops to be Held This Year at VVrightsvUIe. BY ORDER OF Q0V. AYC0CK. THE TABULATED SOOBE. Raleigh.- . ,ab Stanley, cf 4 Kelly, lb........ ... 4 .tZy 3 b - 4 Uennegar, 2b. 4 Sorber, If.. 3 Sherman, rf........ 4 H 0 1 2 0 0 0 LeGrande, c . . . . . . . ... .4 'to 0 .1 0 B 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wilmington ......... 33 Newport News. ..... SO Norfolk.. 28 Raleigh.. 27 Portsmouth 21 Richmond 17 22 22 24 27 29 34 .593 .577 .538 .500 .453 .333 nuson j,ews boasts oi a PS lady in that town who per- N the m fish in less than five and witAut a net, too." m pretty good for the Wilson tat we know a girl who caught 'pound Fish without either net She just fascinated her cap- 4 I cultivation of tobacco is FS anch progress in Minnesota a predicted that it will be- f fte leading tobacco-producing I8 "he Union. Dane countv. now claims to be the H tobacco-growing county in "UlOn. lon 1 V 11.. M also a Prpaf. onnntv fnr furies, and also for white- r chiidi lacomorstion Psoers Received aid Filed With the Clerk of the Soperlor Court Yesterday.- The State has chartered the Sneed Company, of this city, which, as set forth in the papers of incorporation, will carry on in Wilmington a whole aiA and retail furniture business, in cluding the manufacture, of- such ar ticles as may be deemed necessary to aid and assist in the conducting of such business, and the carrying on of a crockery and general merchandise business. The papers or incorpora tion were filed at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court yesterday. being transmitted from Raleigh. The capital authorized is 7,ow, rep resenting seventy shareav'at the face value of $100 per shared and is held by. Mr. L E. Sneed, Emmett H. Sneed,:A. O. Sneed and O. D. Phares all of this city. The lease of life given the company is thirty years- ' lren, Danish stock. 1 i r ConnepHor.4- a ... v . "v-ui u.i uuiiuer rum around in hat he supposed tack of his deceased father's rs struck on a pile of stocks p worth 1250,000 that he . cted his pa of owning, t. uea interest of $48,000. aiscovery he has discov he doesn't like the drnm- s well enough to stick that Gen. BalUngton I ra of .Ampri,. or. l l0 the Salvation - "jvw .acres, m r section of Georgia upon r-rvaca wo locate a coi- U.u people m cities who NEW ADVEBTISEMKNT8 Wanted-Lady cashier. Notice To liquor dealers. T N. F.' Parker Furniture." ' Mercer & Evans Co.-rShoes. . W.-B. Cooper Save money. Munroe & Kelly Furniture. : Open Buffalo Lithia Springs. ! VolIers&Hashagen-rTobacco. : E. K. Bryan Foreclosure sale." i Geo. O. Gaylord Lowest price.; t Notice Schedule Band O Tax. , J. H. Rehder & CoWorld'a best. Murchison National Bank Security Maaonic Meeting Concord Chapter. BUSJHESS XiOOAtB. ' Fine Pony For aale? ; , Wanted Saddle horse. . jr. xx. xiayaon ukhio, uuum , i Wanted To hire ' horse and buggy. For Sale Two horses and one mule; TheC. W: Bfvogt Co. are showing new goods this. wek.-:;rfui;.:.nf.:f week at The Pol Held its Last Session and Went Out of Existence Yesterday The Pocket - Was Soon Cleared. The Criminal Court of New Han- oyer county went out of "existence yesterday morning and in its place in the future will be extra terms of the Superior Court, these extra terms, according to the last legislative en actment, will be held solely for the trial of criminal actions, though mo tions in civil actions can . be heard. These extra terms will be inaugurated in all districts in. the Stat the eighth of next month. At the term here His Honor Judge Oliver H. Allen will preside. Terms for holding of court for the trial of criminal cases : will -be held this year July 8th, August 12tb, November 4th and 25th, and for the hearing of civil actions October 8th. Yesterday morning at 10 o'clock Judge Bryan, with all court officials in attendance, convened court and after a very short session adjourned sine die. ' - L While court . was - in session Mrs. Mary Williams, came into court and, through her counsel, sub mitted in four cases of selling liquor on Sunday and without license. She also withdrew an appeal made In an other case of similar character. : JudgtfBryan, in view of the fact, that the defendant promised "good behavior," suspended judgment upon payment of costs in the former cases and reduced the fine in the latter to tSQ. ' ." " . Solicitor Duffy is still in the city,, resting on his oars, as his next court will be the Inaugural one here next month. . Tax Now Past Due. : ' Sheriff F. H. Stedman gives notice in this morning'sissue that Schedule B and O taxes are past due, , and tna according to law he will have to pros ecute all delinquents after June 20th, which is next Thursday. A - list oi those liable Is designated. : . - , and! New' Goods this ogt.C!o.;Z.i;:..'t xr rrattfnir: HammocKS Trunks are shown in " large quantities' Af ter sharpening up the expectancies of the unsophisticated Red Birds to the degree that an even break was possible the Giants yesterday after noonlcarried off a fourth victory and now with the horse editor gives King Kelly's Konquered Klub the horse laugh. ' The game yesterday was the best of the three played here this week, which is saying a good deal, as bath Thurs day and Friday's games were "corkers." However, the contest yesterday had the advantage of being the final one, so to speak, as each club went in to "do or die." and it's "up to" the Birds to give the funeral. But, then, they want to keep up with the nrocession even if they have to ride in the hearse. The game was witnessed by about 600 people and there never was a time that their interest was allowed to lag. The Giants played winning ball from the jump, notwithstanding the fact that Crockett in the second made his semi-annual error, and allowed one of the Birds to fly across the pan. But for this the visitors would have suf fered their second shut out this week. Later. Crockett atoned for the error nobly by making the most phenom enal catch of many moons, it was perfect high-irnj robbery of Stanley's expected two baggar. Seabring also made a star play by making a long throw from left field home, after fail ing to "catch a difficult flyer. Both were brilliant plays and merit more than passing comment, but as the horse-editor; claims the distinction for his denartment why. of coarse, the religious editor will have to subside Wilmington tallied her runs in the first and fifth, while Raleigh scored in the second. In the first it was one, two, three and out for Raleigh, Stan ley going out on a hit to second, Kelly fanned and Atz popped to Warren. Clayton made a bad beginning for the Giants very, very strarfge to say by fan nine, but Devlin followed with a two bagger and then moved up an other peg on Sherman's wild throw. Crockett gave Kelly a hot grounder, which his Kin dels let go by and Davy covered the initial bag as Dev lin crossed the Vubber. Stafford went out and Sebring, next up, tfcrashed the air. . The second gave the Birds their only run. Sorber was given life to first after Hennesrer had hit to Stewart and out and just before Sherman fan ned. On a pass ball by Thackara, Sorber went to second and then home on Crockett's muff of LeGrand's, high flyer. Yen able retired the side by hitting to Stewart. The Giants' time at the bat availed nothing, although Warren m&& a pretty single, and subsequently went to second on Mc Ginnis's knock to the box. In the third, after Person and Stan ley had lost out, the former fanning, Kelly and Atz both obtained singles, but Hennsger could not save the day. He gave Crockett a high one, and thus ended the third for Raleigh. - : From this inning until the fifth not a hit, except a single by Crockett, was made, but . in the fifth - the Giants cruelly shattered the Red Birds' "vague hopes," and that, too, after Stewart 1 and Clayton were chalked down. ' Devlin singled, stole second and scored on Crockett's No. $ single , Stafford likewise singled . and Crock ett scored. Sebring singled and Staf ford moved to third, whea he died, as Thackara fanned. - : It was also in the fifth that Sebring made his feature play. With Venable on second, which base 1 was obtained on a pass to first and a sacrifice by Person, he failed to make a running catch of Stanley's fly to left field, but recovered the ball quickly and threw ft homeward, cutting Venable off within a few feet of the plate. The sixth netted one hit by Atz, but Crockett made a pretty double and made his joy short. He. stopped Per son's "hot one,"; touched Atz, who was. journeying to second, and then doubled Person at first. v . - ' The rest of the game : was devoid of hits, save for a single made by Ven able in the seventh and one by Atz in the eighth, i . - In the eighth "Davy": got in his phenomenal' workwhen the Birds in their half presented their , strongest batters. Stanley, the "slugger," toed the scratch' first and after a couple or breath-holding fouls hit a mighty line drive between first and second, which looked good for two bags, but !,Davy t Arnal r- to the emergency and brought it down -With hia left hand, while' the crowd made the welkin ring fnr several minutes. The driv was a. terrifie one and- is .estimated at five feet above; VDavy V head, 4 Venable, ss ..2 Person, p... . Total-. r i . . . i.. . . 3l 1 - Wilmington. ab b Clay ton, ss. ... . . 4 0 Devlinrf... .... 3. 2 Crockett, 2b. 4 1 Stafford, lb......... 4 0 Sebring. If 4-0 Thackara, c. . 3 0 Warren, 3b. ....... . 3 0 McGinnis, cf. ....... 4 0 Stewart p 4 0 PO 1 11 1 0 0 3 8 0 0 Av 0 0 2 4 0 -6 2; 1 1 4 84 10 H PO. 0 4 2r 0 2 3 1 12 10 0 7 1 1 0 0 0 0 A 2 0 6 0 1 1 2 0 3 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 Sesside Park, or Latimer's drove, Se- Jected Aa Ideal Spot Troops Will Qo Into Camp by Regiments, for Ten Days' Each. ToUl. .......33 3 7 27 15 3 Summary Bases stolen, Devlin 1. Two base hit. Devlin. Double plays, Crockett to Stafford. . Bases on balls by Stewart 2, by Person 8. Struck out by Stewart 6, by Person 9. Passed calls, Thackara 1. Time of game 1:50. Umpire Mr. Mace. Four Out of Six Is All the Horse Editor Claimed. Umnire Mace is fair- and square. uome again. As a "coach" Tbackera is a pro-v nounced success. Kelly's supply of fire being ex hausted, his Turtles wouldn't move,. Of the twelve games played with the Turtles the Giants have won eight The Turtles turned their feet heaven ward and Kelly ' wept tears of pearly dew. Arthur Devlin, the -young man from Washington City, made two of the runs scored by the Giants. 7 For a youngster not yet . out of his teens, ' "Jim" Boney is an all- Aitti wvm fmaw a s W '9 A1UUUU tUVOI UUIU TV SJ SMisav The Giants leave for Portsmouth at 9.05 this morning. You will be "absent but not forgotten," boys The Stab of last Sundav said four out of the six with the Turtles would be "just splendid." Weil, we got At last The question of where the ! encampment jof the North Carohna ! State Guard- will- be ; held this ear has been settled, and WrightsviUe hss .been' recommended ;$is'. the "gar deu 'spoi, and UiV recommendation of . the comniitJffewitltxnars approved by the Governor. . . ; - The following special telegram wan received by the Stab last night from its Raleigh correspondent: - Raleigh, NC. June 15. The com mittee appointed by the Governor to examine sites for the proposed en campment this Summer met this after noon and agreed upon a report, the substance of it being as follows: They recommended Latimer Grove, at WrightsviUe, as most suitable and available. The encampment will be by regiments. They recommended that the Second regiment go into camp from July 10th to 19th; the Third regiment, from July 20th to 30th; the First regiment, from July 31st to Au gust 10th. Governor Aycock will issue"an order in accordance with the recommendation of the committee. The committee adopted a resolution thanking Mrs. Poisson for so kindly andgenerously tendering the property for use by the State Guard. Of course the encampment will mean a big thing for Wilmington, both socially and financially, and will bring hundreds of visitors to the city. The soldier boys will find the site selected at WrightsviUe an ideal camp ground, and will also find plenty pf. " Miss Carrie Shaw, of Delta, visiting relatives in the city.. ' Miss Benton Banckr has re turned from a pleasant visit to Golds bora Mr. ; Jno. L. . Arrington,' of Rocky Mount, was- in the city yester day. -ix - Mr. W. H. Stone, of Little River, S. O, was in the city yesterday and saw the Giants cage the Red Birds. Mr. J. H. Behder returned from the Northern markets yesterday, where he - purchased his usual large and elegant stock. Prof. Jno. J. Blair, superin tendent of the Wilmington public schools, left" yesterday for a visit to his home in High Point... . 1-cSsw-Mr, Arthur Belden and - bride reached the city last night and are the guests of his father, Capt. Louis S. Belden, on South Fourth street Mr. V. T. Boatwright, now of Portsmouth, Va., is in-the city shak ing hands. "Vic" has been one of the loudest rooters for the Giants this week. Mr. J. 0. Blackley, of the Southern Live Stock Company, will leave Monday for the West to pur chase a select lot of horses and mules for this market Mr Jim" Royster, of Raleigh, who, in the day s of the A.C. L. O. A. N. ball games, was one of our "crack" players, as well as tbe of the -best in the State, is in the city. Our ! genial 'Joe', surnamed Thompson, determined not to be out done by the horse editor, whose recent tour in the same direction was shrouded in so much mystery, left on the Karo lina Sentral yesterday for some desti nation and with some object that he studiously i avoided - making public. A pleasant trip to you, old boy. NEW AD VERTISEMENTS. 2 3 O ' a - a 8 t3 Pi s w I. CM s a S s a . ! 3 to' see s 8 m o 83 CO 4? 8r OS g s 3" 8 CO 1 o 9! . - o - iB6 o a to ox. J" SI OS O D-D 8 s -J s us at' 8 -Is 3n c 8 .11 W sis to "I El S ' 3 J T . v:v:- O . - IliB BRILLIANT BEACH DAftCE. em. - By way of digression the edito rial rooters and rooterinas of Raleigh are reminded that the Giants ' are just 93 "pints" ahead of the Turtles. Congratulations to the boys and girls who assembled in the Academy of Music at Raleigh yesterday to re ceive the " report of tfiV gairie"by In nings,. "Phancy their pheelings." With the clouds threatening a deluge, and rain actually falling in fitful showers, six hundred rooters and rooterinas were at 'the Park- to see King Kelly's Krew overwhelmed. The horse editor advertised in two separate places in this column yesterday for a team to "turn the Tur tles on their backs." It reported promptly and did the work with neat ness and despatch. This week the Giants play at Portsmouth Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdayand at Norfolk Thurs day, Friday and Saturday. . Next weekthey play Richmond and Ports mouth at Hilton Park. Sebring's long distance throw of the ball, after a run for it from left field to the home plate, putting oiit Venable, was a feature. It went aa. straight to Thackara as if fired "from a rifle in the hands of an expert marks man. :. x Crockett's capture , of that hot line drive of Stanley's was almost phenomenal, as he stopped and held it with an upward reach of his left (gloved) hand. " The applause that followed it was deafening and the grand stand was a scene of bedlamite demonstrations. , ; Gamer On Other Diamonds. At Richmond . 1234 5 6 789 BH E Richroond.....0 0300 0010 4 8 3 Newport Newa.1 1 0 0 2 2 0 107 8 6 Batteries-Thomas and Manners ; Wolf and Ashenback. At Portsmouth 123456789 B H B Norfolk . , . . ...10000012 x-4 4 3 Portsmouth .0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 Oo 6 u -Batteries Morrisey and Lehman ; Iipp and Westlake. t -. Z A. C. L.'s New Buildlsf. , The new building of the A O. Ti on North Front street, 'recently com pleted, is now occupied by officers of the Company. President Warren G. Elliot Treasurer ,. James . F. . Post' Superintendent Jno. F. Divine and Superintendent of Motive Power R. E. Smith, have offices on the second floor. The . entire third "floor will be occupied by the auditing , depart ment, while the roadway department will occupy a large part of the first floor. - - ' New Drue Store. ' In order that we may better accom modate our . Patrons . and the public generally, we . have opened a: Drug Store on the N. E. Corner, of Front and Castle streets, where we shall en deavor to keep a full line of -Drugs, chemicals, - patent . medicines, toilet articles, etc. Our prescription depart ment will be complete and prescrip tions filled-by competent druggist ;thus sustaining the reputation that we have made at our jtore on corner 5th and Castle streets, for fair dealing, fresh drugs, accurate compounding and moderate prices." Give . us a- trial. Satisfaction guaranteed. i :r-; Sotjthside DnuaCkx, it J. S. A. W. A. Canady, Propane N.-B. Southside Pharmacy, N. W. corner 5th. and Castle, will continue without any change. ; :rs-' ' t r' gay features at the. beach. Then, again, they will get an opportunity of seeing some good fast base ball, as follows: The Second regiment will have an opportunity to witness games at Wil-. mington with Norfolk July llth, 12th and ISth; with Newport. News July 15th, 16th and 17th, and with Raleigh July 18th and 19th. The Third regi ment, games with Raleigh July 20th, and Newport News Ally 29th and 30th. The First regiment, games with Newport News July 31st and Rich mond August 1st 2d and 3d. Joint Pythian Meeting. The fifth joint Pythian meeting wiir be held Tuesday night with Clarendon Lodge No. 2, and upon this occasion one of the main features, and a most enjoyable one, will be a dramatic re citation by Dr. Chauncey Rakestraw, a prominent Py thidfc of the State. The following officers will preside at the meeting: Chancellor Commander Colonel Walker Taylor, of Clarendon, No. 2. Master of Work Capt T. D. Meares, of Stonewall, No. L Vice Chancellor Mr. B. Behrends, of Germania, No., 4. Prelate Mr. Anson Alhgood, of Jefferson, No. 61. The programme will be as follows: Address, by Joseph T. King; Exem plification of theUnwrittenWork, by Supreme Master of Exchequer, Thomas D. Meares; Dramatic Recita tion, "Damon and Pythias," by Chauncey Rakestraw, M. D., of Char lotte, N; Q; The Occult Mysteries of the Persian Magi, by James D. Nutt J. W. Fleeter accompanist. PROMINENT ELK COMINQ. District Deputy Tomllnsoa Will Visit 0ns v Lodge Tuesday.. -One of the prominent officials of the big horned fraternity, District Deputy Tomlinson, of Winston, will be in Wilmington Tuesday, and while his visit will be an - official one, yet. the hospitable Elks of this city will make it a sociable one as welL The district deputy is on his usual round of in spectioft and will meet our lodge at a special session called for Tuesday night His entertainment' here will, of course, be in accordance with the high standard so peculiarly pos sessed by Elks, and it is said that an elaborate social session at the hand some home of the Wilmington lodge is on the tapis for Tuesday night after the meeting. ; notice to mariners. First of the Week End Balls at the Sea shore Hotel Last Night. The first of the series of week end dances to be given at the Seashore hotel at WrightsviUe beach took place last night. Notwithstanding the inclement weather, many went down from Wil mington and returned by special train at 11 o'clock P. M. over the Seacoast railway. Crowds went over to the hotel from WrightsviUe and neigh boring sounds, andtogether with the guests of the hotel and cottagers danced in the new b& room or prom enaded the wide verandas until the last train left the beach. The music for the occasion was furnished by the Holleybush orchestra, tiie hotel's band, and it was excellent The Seashore hotel this Summer promises to be the center of the WrightsviUe social world. Extensive and elaborate preparations are being made, and a Summer of gaiety is looked forward to unknown before even to WrightsviUe beach. The Summer homes along the sound and the cottages on the beach are rapidly filling. Almost every cottage on the beach is already occupied. . The Roundtrees, Holts, Chad bourns, Peschaus, Corbetts, Emer- sous, Williams, JLenans, avortns', Solomons, Halls, Harriss, Herbert Smiths, Arringdales, Parsleys, and Boatwrights have moved down during the past week and are among those occupying , cottages, on the beach. The Seashore Hotel register showed the foUowing new arrivals yesterday: Joel A. Blair, Philadelphia; M. Oates, Dunn, N. C. ; Miss B. Swinson, Miss L. Swinson, H. Richter, Chicago; B. M. $orneilson Salisbury ; L. R. Stone, Neva. York city; G. C. Horden, Vir gini?: R. D. Bullock, Rocky Mount ; R. Yl McPherson, Raleigh; J. W. Hines, ocky Mount; O. H. Hopkins, Ashevils N. CL; J. Flem Johnson, Gastonia, N. C; Thos. Pescud, Ra leigh; J. H.Klunk, Baltimore; J W. Bailey, Raleigh; Miss Margaret 'Mer cer, Miss Mary Mercer, Elm City ; W. R. Jenkins, Philadelphia,' and many others. : ' : -V"' " " New Uniforms For New Band. ; The newly organized Second Regit ment Band, of this city, will soon have hew fatigue uniforms. - Of course the uniforms will ' be strictly regulation in make and "get up," and will ' be : furnished : or ; twenty -two men. The measurement is . " to, be taken by, Mr. Will Fleet and ail membersof the band are requested to call on him at Fishblate's Clothing establishment as early as possible to morrow morning. - Show-Down Tobacco. Acs, Kins, Queen, Jack and Ten-Spot. This Tobacco is aa extra good chew. Yon will like the flavor. Tags are valuable. (See. Premium list). The folio wins are a few of . the merchants handling these goods, viz: J. H. Boesch, 801 North Fourth street, W. A. Walker, corner Fourth and Harnett Chas. Schulken, 1202 North Fourth. Gieschen Bros., corner Front and Red Cross. - : J. P. Montgomery, Third and Castle. F. A. Montgomery, Second and Castle. J. C. Walton, Seventh and Castle. . J.- D. Southerland & Co., Seventh and Castle. -D. L. T. Capps & Bro., 602 Castle. G. W. Green, 614' Castle. J. H. Bornemann, Seventh and Nun. C. D. Gore, Ninth and Orange. G. F. Tienken, corner Eleventh and Market. Elijah Walton, Eleventh and Market B. H. J. Ahrens, Seventh and Market. J. F. Benton, 106 North Tenth. Humphrey & Aman, corner Sixth and Chesnut B. C. Moore, 901 North Fourth: Geo. Schnibben, Seventh and Nixon. Martin Rathjen, corner Sixth and Swann. B. J. Kulken, Sixth and Brunswick. ' Martin 8chnibben,Sixth and Red Cross. J. 2- Herring, 914 North Fourth. Paul Caase, WrightsviUe. No grit ; no stems; no flirt. Ten thousandglyen away free Tuesday, Wednesday and Tmu sday of next week. Tollers & Hashagen; ' v-j jeietf '" '!' r Distributors. , - J 'j THE DINING BOOH around the taDle. Is the sitting room In many bouses. The members of . the family like to linger The FURNITURE therefore, should be strong and solid as well as handsome. We have that kind of furniture here. Don't know where better or cbeaser can ' be found. Easy enough to. find higher priced goods. - These tables and chairs will be good when the grandchildren are nousekeepinfl:. ; :. nUlIBOE & KELLY, No. 17 Sontb Front street ;. Bell Thone 115.- Je. l tt SCHEDULE B A1ID G. According to section 101 of the Revenue Act It is made the duty of the sherisofeacn county in the state to make dUlgeat Inquiry as to whether or not aU licenses provided for under 1 Schedules B and O have been paid, and It shall - be the duty or the snerux, upon tne. iauure oi snch nerson. firm or corDoratlon to Day such , license tax on demand, to swear out a warrant before some jusnceoiine reace m saia wmmj. . The taxes under Schedules B and O are bow , past dae and i wui oe compeuea w couect wwr June 20th, according to the law, Licenses are due by the following: Attorneys, Auctioneers, Billiard Tables (with ' or without liquor). Bicycle dealers.lBowllng Alleys, Breweries an agencies lor ovmmeea. Cigarette dealers, Coal and Wood dealers. Col lection Agencies, Commission Merchants, Cor- ; . Afirents. Feather Kenovators. V (dealers in). Girt Enterprises, woteia, uorse dealers. Itinerant dealers, Junk dealers, Laun dries (steam and not steam). Lightning Bod AgentBvJiumner aeaiers, neat; aeaiers urcau meat in each place). Merchandise Brokers,- ocnusts.onticians.uu I'anss. ncnni iiMmniin p&wnhrokri. Photoflrranhers. Physl H.n. Minn M.11A nrrnn dAalera. Pista .is, Dirks, Daggers or other deadly weapons (dealers in. Pool u-abloB. Prise Fhotoomphers, kmI Estate and Collection Agencies, Second-Hand Clothes (dealers In). Bblp Brokers, Blot Machines (with Fixed Returns and without),. Stock Brokers, Theatres, Tradlag Stamps, Undertakers, FRANK H. STEDMAN, jellt snerior. : Tidies: GentTs and Children Bath ing SulU 60c and upwards at The O. W. Polvogt Co. - . - . - t ' Notice is hereby given that, on or about Julv 1. 190L a blower siren wiiT be established : at Roanoke Marshes Light Station, on the southerly aide and midway of the : narrow channel connecting -PamUco ajid -iCroatan' sounds, to sound during thick or toggy tinn senarated bv Silent intervals of H seconds.: The sounding of the fog bell at this station will be discontinued on the same :drte.'y2 j- ,::..-;-- Qreafly Damaxed Crops. : - : Mr. B. O. Stone; returned to the eity yesterday from a pleasant visit to TJttle River, a O. He tells us oi a severe rain and wind storm that visit' ed that section Thursday and lasted forty-eight hours greatly damaging the crops. : Mr. Stone1! -father, Mr. Wl U.: Stone, owner of . a large planta tion, had his com crop aim ruined. ' Before" their trimmor leaves, the Polvosrt Co. will offer special induce ments in their Millinery department t New Lawns and WJiite Goods are just received at The Polvogt Co. V The buyer for C. W. Polvogt Co. has iust returned from Northern mar kets and they will show this week new Summer Goods. ; t new advertisements; Concord Chaster - Ho. 1, R. A; ; M, : sOMPAldONS The regular Convocation will be held Monday evenings o'clock. .. : s jew .-rrs---:w. A. nAxtiift, uecretary. ISave Tuioney. Liquor Dealers 61. BO in Castor Oil. 43.80 Hsvrlem Oil. -81.40 in Quinine; - 26.16 in Essence Cinnamon. $15.1 lin Essence Lemon. s B7.5Q in CpsomBauts. $21780 in Laundry Soap. $ 87.BO in Toilet Soap. $103.11 in Gold Dnst. $270.80 in Can Syrup. nBlS.flO In Can Tomatoes. $ 1 10.40 In Table Peaches. WiBB. COOPER, Wholesale Grocer je 16 tf , sos, sio, 819 Nutt street, TV wnminstoa. sr. r In' THlMfa'm wiTVTukhAlH in NW Hanover county Tuesday, J une 18th,' and-the Election Law- makes it a mis demeanor for any person to give away; or sell any intoxicating liquor wwnin flvn milM nf anv nollinsr nlace. at any i time within twelve hours nextjreced- ing or succeeding any Juono naecuon or during the holdings thereof. - - T ' 3 : : D. tlcEACHERN, ' Ch'm'n Board County UOmmitSioners of New Hanover county.. jftw iL THETE8T0F TIHE.' ; " ? Ton buy Furniture for a lifetime. ; Yon base your estimate of the firm from whom yon ty . ft of on how It turns out after you have bought . It and carried It borne. A firm therefore .that ... r lntends to stay in business a- long time eannot - -. afford to seU anything that does not give long time satisfaction. I eannot afford to let any -am hiT a dollar's worth of Furniture that won't entirely please them. My business has erown 1 treatment ol the pui or my fluccess. , and that is the secret N. F. PABKEB, Ul Market Street, , inter-State to. i - , . ;v.; ; f-:,r'- k f-f??'" -Si'" I v. J, c ft, BeQ Phone SIS. Jeiatf " 'V- ; xautory upon it. -' ; hy The Polvogt uo. . . : r:.- - l ' - - tv si";- -