Any ulu V pob,ishcd in Wilffliu?011- KEWSPAPEB y5 rflE STATE. r i OUTLINES. o;nffree is dead. " A '' L yesterday to the jRus. Virginia's b .., convention neia a 0BB no live issues on yes J paymaster IT S. 13 lo 00 iriea . . i t r ,tiai for "scanaaious in"1 riortn- The crop uunw-. the resun ui oawto Excitement in Austin, j f QhovifFe Mnr. the muruerui LSlover is intense; posses arc 4u Murican murderer. 1't TTnnedv. charged with C,i Dolly Bvoid. JP .i.,cotiH doll n PamnMa was re ii.".,- thousand dollars baiL . ten luwu"--- -- F , 1.AAT1V1 I 1 A C., des- tit i Lptftof i i . .1.. nee 111 IHHI wind storm in Scott . naTV Virginia, A a ma norl nrrtna. Ument was nearu jc.., -Yhrk Court of Appeals in 1 0f Roland B. Molineux, the r fa A Hams bpoisonerui - i -U ;n Vancaa Plitv tn j" . iti i acleus ot a imru parj. who swore falsely, that ITiisoa had criminally assaulted his .i;.inn (mm thfi State. inu un-" Llork markets: Money on r i . ljlt3a per ceuu; i rate 4 per cent ; cotton auu, uplands 8ic; flour easy and ,ieat-3pot market weak; No. Scjcora spot firm, No. 2 48Jc; Unarms 0.2, 32ic; rosin quiei; jupentine nrm at at&6i$c. lEATHER REPORT idkft of agri culture, , Wiathkr Bureau, ffiii5GT0S, IS. U., 4une 10. j Vffatures: A. m., oo uegreca; w, 72 degrees; maximum, ae sinimum, 65 degrees; mean, 71 k'ill for the s da y, .ut; rainiaii AM - It irst of the nth to date, 4 82 V of water in the Cape Fear river CtUeville at 8 A. M., 14.5 feet XTTOS REGION BULLETIN. billy fair weather with hign hlares continues in the Gulf. Lie temperatures, unsettled Lr iid showers have prevailed Atlantic coast district with the ktainfali at Wilmington 2 78 JljBKOAST FOR TO-DA"X. yMQTON, June L North m: Fair Wedoesi rhurs firmer Wednesday ; lieht vnria Port Almanac--Jane 19. 4.42 A. at. 7.19 1'. M. 14H.39M. 9 5 2 P M. sts Length Water at South port. Water Wilmington. 12.22 A. M. pording to a recent census the Wion of Manila is 244,932, of are Americans. There Chinese. JeEnssian Government has sent auto this country to ,8tudy our pne system. But how in the pief - would they ever ,say p-in Russian? pee the bank act of March 14, . went into operation, 584 banks foeen established in the country, FftUOare this Sonth. seven mmXorth Carolina. jouDg woman in Kansas has Ma verdirtt. fnr nnn ilam. gainst a man for breach of rill ..t l scl ner up ana encourasre rumer VOUncr mpn tn urn t.n latest in afl shins mm is an in ron of M. Te ebolt, of Paris. ho claims tliat. .;a P in the air fnr r.V.roo The governinfint Viaa nn. Nedloo,000 to aid him in Omenta. Thn shin .m'i of twelve men and is lifted Mali.. a is a . gas in all f claims. : these air. humi t.i r l"6 Cltv Pnnn:i .(ni -i - . . . j uUUU VL i niiaaeipnia - ute street railway -Wtfl III Tht. - i m ... mat cny tor nothing, ie"er to the Mavor. offer- Ia. . J "jwuuu ior rJ till! nil-r iO Cfin rrn f - -- . . iranchiaea, and then . flia letter on tne ""l i , k. at once to sien VI awa? ordinance. What did LT ? 2.,000 to the UllohlV when his crowd uanna told the bovs L vJhio Universitv. wWo va fon v !e,t mencement day, that klAt.11 7uusn college e in about A few days after he hll T emi "Pi" work Mi derails hav "sxmng ior which e talent: s: if 4. , " - Lue HueV Til 011 thos, so quickly and c OVi rolla l w no, wnere wonia WlJ have been, exi I I - - ... r I 1 1 , ll.-o . ....... I II v -TV rr -tn -w- ; kV : V - I $ 1 1 - I If. 11 I rj JM: - r;: Y.-.i r Vr - i7 I ITK i l - II - SYv 1 1 v"TT - k . 1 1 ZiAY:l I I I II II - ,11 A -5 - : -v; - -t.. r ft I I, II I VI II I i -ii l V V II a II rv , I I . 1 . .' . VOL: LXVHI. NO. 76. FOR "GOOD ROADS;' The Election Held Yesterday in New Hanover County Was Very Quiet. FOR ISSUANCE $50,000 BONDS. Light Vote Cast Majority of Twelve In Favor of the Measare With Part of Harnett Township Yet to Hear From. What is known as the "good roads" election was held yesterday in New Hanover county and carried by a small majority. The -election was a quiet one. In fact, it dd not possess any indications of such an occasion, except the' closure of saloons. The polls opened and closed at the usual hours, and. according to reports re ceived .last night the vote was as fol lows: Beglstered. For. 69 26 27 77 110 96 29 69 44 74 39 5 First Ward, 1st division 13? First Ward, 2d division. . . First Ward. 3d division. . 53. 78 172 235 190 100 129 47 79 77 7 8econd Ward . . . Third Ward. Fourth Ward. Fifth Ward, 1st division. . Fifth Ward. 3d division. . . Cape Fear Township Mason boro.. Harnett, Delgado division, Federal Foint . Total.. 1.304 665 Harnett, seventh mile post division. not in. All votes registered and not cast counted against the road improve ment by the issuance of $50,000 worth of county bonds, with interest cou pons attached. The votes actually cast against were ninety eight,leaving 541 votes not cast, which, of course, had the, same effect as the ninety - eight. The majority of twelve will be increased when the second division of Harnett township is heard from. PYTHIAN JOINT MEETINQ. Last Night Was a Big Success Splen did Recitation of Damon and Pythias. The joint Pythian meeting last night held with Clarendon Lodge No. 2, was a grand success, and furnished a big social time to a "ball full" of Knights. An elaborate and highly enjoyable programme was prepared for the occa sion and was headed by a happy ad dress of welcome by Mr. Joseph T. King, After Mr. King's speech, Supreme Master of Exchequer, Thos. D.Meares, exemplified the committee work of the order in highly intelligent and com prehensive manner. His exemplifica tion proved exceedingly interesting and profitable. The next numbeproved one of the finest ever presented alany of the suc cessfuloint meetings. It was a recita tion of "Damon and Pythias," render ed by Hon. Chauncey Rakes traw, M. D., of Charlotte. The recitation was given with splendid dramatic force and understanding and was greatly appreciated and loudly applauded. Dr. James D. Nutt closed the enter tainment with an attractive and en joyable sketch-of illusions and magic entitled, the "Occult Mysteries of the Persian Magic." . Mr. J. W. Fleet acted as accompa nist in his usual clever style. The following officers presided: Chancellor Commander, Walker Taylor, of Clarendon, No. 2. Master of Work, T. D. Meares, of Stonewall, No. 1. Vice Chancellor, S. Behrends, of German ia, No. 4. Prelate, Anson Alligood, of Jeffer son, No. 61. The "write up" would not be com plete if reference was not made to the handsome hall decorations which con sisted mainly of the national colors and flags of all nations. Meeting of Railroad Directors. The Board of Directors of the South Carolina Pacific Railway Company met in this city yesterday and elected officers. The directors present were T. B. Gibson, of McCall, S. C, O. Br McCall, D. D. McColl, J. M. Jackson and C. M. Weatherby, of Bennetts ville, S. C, and Warren G. Elliott, John F. Divine and W. A. Biach, of this city. The meeting was organized by cal ling Mr. D. D. McColl to the chair, after which the following officers were elected : President Warren G. Elliott. Secretary -C; S. McCall. No other business was transacted and the meeting adjourned Respite for the Canines The canines' of Wilmington have this year been given .a short respite U.'a o win ir to tne non-appearnniw t iuo doir baderes . .whicn Treasurer King ordered a month ago". However, they are expected to arrive most any day and then, with, ten days'.notlce, the crusade against the doglets will com mence. It is just about time at pres ent for the dog cart to be around, but this vear it is not likely to make its appearance until Jul? 1. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Culbreth & Riven bark Features you'll recognize. - v - v - BUSINESS LOCALS. Lawn Party United Workers of the First Baptist Church. The Great Bargains now offered by the Johnson Dry Goods Co. are un precedented You ought to get some of then -- t LOCAL DOTS; An excursion is looked for to day from South Carolina. The British steamship Talgorm is once more in port, after an absence of almost a year. The New York steamer Saginaw f arrived in port yesterday morning, and departed in the afternoon. There will be Christian Science service at the Masonic Temple; Room 10, this evening at 8:15 o'clock. Quite a number of replies to the advertisement "Cashier Wanted" await the advertiser at the Stab office. The Board of County Commis sioners will meet to-morrow at noon, to officially receive the election re turns. The alleged deserter from the United States army at Cuba was taken to Fort Caswell yesterday to be court martialed. The Second Regiment Band held a splendid rehearsal last night at their new quarters in the Wilmington Light Infantry armory. The opening to-night of Oceanic Hotel, Carolina Beach, promises to be a gay one. The moonlight trip of the Wilmington will be a big feature. Mr. Frank Keith is the proud possessor of a quartette of brown Leg horn hens that laid six eggs last Thurs day. Egg and a half per hen. Good average. We have heard on every hand appreciation of courtesiesextended by Manager A. B. Skelding, of the Street Railway Company, during the recent convention of the Teacher's Assembly. President Charles D. Mclver, president of the State Normal and Industrial College at Greensboro, has an attractive advertisement in this morning's issue, setting forth some interesting and important facts about this great State institution of learning. The lawn fete of ' the United Workers of the First Baptist Church will take place to night on the church awn. If weather is inclement, it will take place in the-lecture room of the edifice. There will be no admission fee. CITY FINANCES. Meeting of Board of Andit and Finance Yesterday Afternoon. The Board of Audit and Finance met-yesterday afternoon, the meetings having been changed Tor the Summer months from evening to afternoon. Messrs. H. C. McQueen (chairman), W. A. Riach, Jesse Wilder and C. W. Yates were present at the meeting. Nothing of much public interest was done, passage on the license tax ordi nance being deferred until a special session to-night at 8.15 o'clock. Several matters were referred to the Board of Aldermen, one being the Public Building Committee's approval of bids for the interior repairs to the City Hall. These bids will have to be approved by the Aldermen and re turned to the Board of Audit and Fi nance for its consideration. Bills were audited and approved for current expenses. Royal Arcanum Day. To-morrow the two hundred Arca- nians of this city will celebrate the 24th anniversary of the great bene ficial order, Royal Arcanum, by an excursion on the steamer Wilmington to Carolina Beach and Southport. The members of the Order are very en thusiastic about their anniversary re union and they have ample reason for being so. Of the 230,000 members constituting the fraternity, about 2,200 are in this grand jurisdiction and a little over 200 in this city. - In Che twenty-four years of existence the Order has distributed, to widows and orphans over sixty three million dollars, and of this sum $900,000 have been received in this State and over $130,000 came to Wilmington to glad den the hearts of widowed mothers, enabling them to support and educate ir fatherless children. he Stab wishes them a glorious future and can promise their friends who will join them in this celebration an enjoyable day. Death of Mr. John H. Harper. The Star announces with deep re gret the death of our well known citizen, Mr. John HI Harper, which occurred yesterday at his residence, No. 710 Fifth street. The deceased for a number of years was clerk of Fourth street market. He leaves a wife and three children to mourn, his loss. He was sixty-one years of age. The funeral will be held at 10 o'clock this morning at Prospect church. ' Aboot the Coast Line's Offices. Removals to the handsome addition of the Coast Line main office are now about complete. ' From time . to time the Star has referred to the new ad dition, but in to-morrow's or Friday's issue an extended account which is now prepared but "crowded out," will be given. A Clever Commander. 'The schooner Fred B. Balano reached the city yesterday afternoon from New York, bringing with her that clever commander and - affable gentleman, Capt. Q. O, Sawyer, who has a host of warm mends nere, ae was given'a hearty " welcome and kept busy shaking nanos. . , Doctor Johnston and Bixey held a consultation at the wnije rLousejei. ai thm nrraftlnsion of Which Dr. Johnston pronounced r Mrs. McKinley out of danger ana convalescing, WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, YOD BET WE LICKED. And It Was Portsmouth's Strong Team That Went Down in Defeat. CLAYTON'S Q00D STICK WORK Made a Cake Walk 'Round the Cushions. Warren Also There With the Goods. Turtles Too Slow for Shipbuild ers Richmond Not In It. YESTERDAY'S games. Wilmington, 5 ; Portsmouth, 4. JNorfolk, 7; Kicnmond, 0. Newport, 8; Raleigh, 7. WHERE THEY PLAY TO-DAY. Wilmington at Portsmouth. Raleigh at Newport News. Richmond at Norfolk. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. Won. Lost Fer cent. Wilmington .. 33 22 .600 .585 .547 .491 .444 .327 Newport News 31 Norfolk...," 29 Raleigh...; 27 Portsmouth 24 22 24 28 30 35 Richmond 17 Some how or 'nuther the most im portant feature of our report, the tabulated, score, which would have likewise noted the batteries, failed to materialize last night. - It is, of course, provoking as well as disappointing, but none of the "fans" feel the disap ment more than the religious editor and the horse editor, especially the latter who spent unnecessary wakeful hours looking and longing for t. s. and then went to bed and very apropos had the nightmare. However, we will try and makff the following, wired from our special cor respondent suffice : Norfolk, Va., June 18. The game between Wilmington and Portsmouth was void of sensational plays of any sort. Portsmouth scored one on a fumble by Crockett, Weaver's safe bunt and an out to Sebring in the third. They scored three more on hits and rather poor fielding by the "Down Home Boys." In the fifth on errors by Weaver and hits mixed in, Wil mington scored four. With the bases full and two out, Clayton hit a long fly to right and three runs were scored. With two out in the sixth, Stafford on third and Warren on first, Warren attempted to steal but stopped up in time to allow Stafford to score. The base running of the "Down Home Boys" was not up to their standard. Attendance very smf 11, Henry Bryan is here and there is not much doubt that Portsmouth will go to Tarboro and another team be put in one of tne North Carolina towns." The Giant's Are Still At Top of Column. Five to four. Hurrah galore 1 The Turtles have again joined "the 400." The Giants are still on the top rung of the percentage ladder. The Giants got away from the post in fine style yesterday and won by a neck.' O'Steen won the game for New port News yesterday by making a home run. Now, if the Giants and the Tur tles both win to day it will make the percentage column look better. Henry Bryan is in Portsmouth. And he isn't there just for the fun of the thing. He means business. With propitious skies, there may be two-bagger games at Portsmouth, Norfolk and Newport News to-day. Clayton distinguished himself by hitting a long fly to right field, with the bases full, and scoring three men.' If one may judge from the papers of those two towns, Norfolk and Portsmouth take but little interest in base ball. It is amazing how many ladies phone the Shar office for the base ball news. May the good-. Lord bless the rooterinas. Ohl King Kelly! Harness your Turtles and make 'em beat the Ship builders to day. They are too close to the Giants. Warren showed 'em a little trick, too, by holding up in his attempt to steal second base long enough to get put out, thus enabling Stafford to score the winning run. It Charlotte should get the New port News team she will doubtless change the name from "Shipbuilders" to "Hornets," and then there'll be a hot time, sure enough. It took eleven innings for the Shipbuilders to beat the Turtle one run. Wolf went in that box' for the former, played two innings, and gave the Turtles six hits. Ashen back re tired him and went . in the box him self. In the remaining nine innings he gave but Ave hits. He had the pleasure of striking out K. K. K. The Star special, from Norfolk says there is uot much doubt Chat the Portsmouth team will go to Tarboro and that another Virginia team will be Dut iu oue of the North Carolina towns- Possibly, this means that Charlotte will get the Newport News team. If the forecast of the Star's correspondent is correct North Caro lina will have four of the six teams in the league. . Games 0a Other Diamonds. At Newport News - 12 3 4 5 6 7 o 9 10 11 R H E N.News. .00310 10 02 0 18 13 2 Raleigh. .73400001 0 0 0 07 11 5 Batteries Wolf, Ashenback 'and Foster ;.Stockdale and LeGrande. At Norfolk 12 345 678 B B H B Norfolk . ... ... 1 0 0 3 1 0 0 2 x 7 .18 3 Richmond. . , .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 6 3 Batteries Dannehower and ; ; Leh man ; Bishop and Manners. , -; 1 The Johnson Dry Goods Co. ask all who owe them to call and pay up, Theyhave no collector , , t ' STILL A - . MYSTERY. But Reward Will Soon be Offered Coro ner's Inquest Yesterday Morning and Funeral In the Afternoon. - - " - . Mystery surrounds - the horrible murder of Mr. , Gaston Price. Not a single clue was discovered yesterday, although the county authorities are at work upon the matter and will do all in their power to apprehend yie assassins. As the crime was not com mitted in this county, but in Bruns wick, the authorities of the latteirplace are the ones to offer a reward for the capture of the murderers. However, Sheriff Stedman in taking an Active interest and rightly so in the matter. and yesterday ascertained that the Navassa Guano Company would offer a reward in conjunction with the au thorities of Brunswick county, and consequently yesterday afternoon ad - dressed, aleUccxt Sheriff Walterrf Brunswick. Or course,- Brunswick county will offer a reward, as the murder was a most heinous and cold blooded one. - It is now almost certain that the deceased was robbed of quite a sum of money, as a short while ago he drew several hundred dollars from the Wil mington Savings and Trust Company whore he did his banking business, and week before last only . deposited $200 of the sum of three hundred and odd dollars received as part payment on sale of a piece of property to James Elkin and wife. So this makes some thing like $500 not accounted for and which the assassins no doubt secured. Coroner Bell held the necessary inquest yesterday morning at 10 o'clock, empanelling the following jury: L. Tate Bowden, foreman, Robert H. Cowan, secretary. G. B. Cooper, Louis Chapman, Hugh Sweeney and L. F. Harper. After viewing the remains at Wiiolvin' undertaking establishment ttreet, the jury went into session. Only one witness was examined, Mr. C. W. Stewart, stepson of the deceased. His lestimonv was the tame as given in yesterday's issue of the Star. Tne jury rendered a verdict that the deceased came to his death at tne hands of parties unknown. The funeral of the deceased was held yesterday afternoon at Mr. Stewart's residence, 420 Red Cross sueet,and was attended by a large concourse qf friends. Cape Fear Lodge No. 2, In dependent Order of Odd Fellows, also attended in a body. The service was conducted by Rev. F. D. McClure, pastor of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. The interment was in Oakdale. The pall bearers were Messrs. J. F. Stanland, Chas. Schulken, G. H. Ward, Garry Holmes and W. H. Yopp. PROBABLY ANOTHER MURDER Body of a Negro Man Found Floating in Wrightsville Sound With the Head Crashed. The body of Robert Galloway, a young colored man of this, city, was found floating in the Sound . at Wrightsville Beach yesterday after noon about 1 o'clock, and from an in vestigation made shortly afterwards, by Dr. C. D. Bell, the coroner, foul play is strongly suspected. The body to all appearances had been in the water about twenty-four hours and the head and face were badly bruised and beaten up, one eye being completely out, while the centre of the forehead was crushed in. These signs proved conclusively to the coroner's jury that the deceased had either been murdered and his body thrown into the water, or that the injuries apparent were due in some manner to an accident. Con sequently the jury rendered a verdict that the deceased came to his death either by accident, or at the hands of parties unknown. . The body was discovered in the Bank's channel by a party of colored fishermen. They fished it in and noti fied Coroner Bell, who immediately went to the beach and held an inquest, with the result noted. The jury was composed of D. Hanna, foreman, E. E. Davis, secretary, Reuben Grant, S. W. Hennant and T. O. Millis. The death of Galloway is very mys terious. He was last seen, so far as can be ascertained at present, about 4 o'clock 8unday afternoon,', on the beach"7 where he had gone to see a girl -employed at one of the. oottage. Galloway was about 30 years of age, and had been in the employ of the Cotton Seed Oil Mills, of this city. about five years. He came here : from Charlotte. Cashier Ff J. Haywood, Jr. .The many friends of Mr. F. J. Hay wood, Jr., for some . time Assistant Cashier, of the Atlantic National Bank, while regretting his removal from Wilmington will be pleased to learn that he has been elected Cashier Of The Southern Real Estate, Loan and Trust Company, of Charlotte, N. O. The selection of Mr. Haywood for this responsible position is. at once a compliment to his capacity and recog niti6n of the high standard of pro ficienoy which obtains in the Atlantic National Bank. " Mr. Haywood is enjoying a rest be fore entering upon his new duties the first of next month; and the best wish es of a host of friends . accompany him. ' -''n'.-:'y? 'U 'v. -:,::-r: Mid-Summer closing out sale com mences to-day at , the Johnson ' Dry Goods Go. . , . ; . v i . : Entire stock' of the Johnson Dry Goods Co. 'offered todaf at special prices. v .; , C-h- MURDER 1901. STATE ENCAMPMENT. Colonel Michie and Captain Lloyd Arrived in Wilmington Yes i terday Afternoon. s ARE fjpw AT WRIGHTSVILLE. Will Lay Out the Camp To-day Assisted by a Detail From the Wilmington ' Light Infantry Supplies Will be-Shlpped Here at Once. Colonel Michie, of Durham, chief engineer of the North Carolina State Guards, and Capt. , Lloyd, ; also of Durham, arrived in the city yesterday afternoon via the Atlantic Coast Line, atid wiil to-day commence to lay ' off the camp site at Kenmore, Wrigjits; ville. Both - officers . went direct to night at the Seashore Hotel. Col. Michie, assisted by Capt Lloyd, will thoroughly inspect the site and convert it into a systematic camp. Lo cations for the tents, drill grounds, streets etc., wiil be laid off, and dif ferent quarters allotted the different companies. They will not be alone in this work for a detail of six mei from the Light infantry, of this city, Com pany C, Second Regiment, will go down to Wrightsville to-day and re -port for duty to CoL Michie. So it can be seen how systematic and energetic the making of a camp has to be. The equipage for the camp will commence to arrive this week and will keep a-coming for about a fort night, as there are many things, tents, poles, etc , to be shipped. CoL Mechie will be here for four or. five days. - Col. W. B. Rodman, of the Second Regiment, which will be the first regi ment in cam, will also be one of the advance guard, so to speak. He will reach here about the 5th of next month, five days before camp life commences, and will also make a thorough inspection of everything. Of the Second Regiment Wilming- mington wiil possess both the band and one of the crack companies, and along this line it is well to know what companies compose the regiment which will encamp from July 10 to 20. It is a full regiment, as follows: Company A--Tarboro. Company B-Greenville. Company C Wilmington. Company D Goldsboro. Company E Raleigh. Company F Hertford. Company G Washington. Company H Clinto. - Company I Edenton. Company L Lumber Bridge. Company M Maxton. It is estimated that this regiment, which is a splendid one, will bring about 500 men to camp. Our Second Regiment Band boys have all had their measures taken for new uniforms and Major Champ McD. Davis has made out and filed the nec essary requisition. Truckers' Annual Meeting To-day, The annual meeting of the East Carolina Truckers' and Fruit Growers' Association will be held at the court house this afternoon. Meetings of the ex ecutive committee and directors of the association were held in the city yes terday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, at the rooms of the Merchants' Association, Both prepared their reports, which will be presented to the meeting this afternoon. At the meeting were Mr. W. L. Hill, of Warsaw; Mr. J. S. West brook, of Faison; Mr. J. H. West brook, of Mount Olive; Mr. W. E. Thigpen, of-Chadbourn; Dr. Geo. F. Lucas, of Currie; Dr. E. Porter, of Rocky Point, and Mr. W. E. Springer, of this city. Hatch Bros. Excursion Yesterday, Hatch Bros. Goldsboro excursion reached the city yesterday bringing down several hundred people, who en joyed themselves in various ways. Nearly all the excursionists went directly through to the beach where they romanced forfive or six hours, enjoying the salt air and refreshing dips in Old Ocean. They then return ed to the city and went sight seeing until the excursion train, pulled out at night. , . S. A. L. Washouts. , Trains on the Seaboard Air Line were, but slightly delayed yesterday On account Of the -preTiou dey washouts along the line; The Char lotte train arrived about an hour late, but everything and everybody were safe 'and sOund, the delay only being caused by carefulness. All the wash outs have been filled in and the track wherever necessary thoroughly re paired,; so the goose is now once more hanging high. Stole Brass From the Coast Line. Justice Fowler will to-day try two negro boys,' Harry Thomas andBilt Taylor,, charged with stealing brass from the shops of the Atlantic Coasl Line. The. boys were arrested by Con stable Sutton and found with some- thincr like seventv-five pounds of brass, in their possession which has been identified by Hr. Thos, Torpy as the property of the Coast Line. City Subscribers. ' v City subscribers are earnestly re quested to report promptly at the Stab office every failure of the carriers. to deliver, their papers. In all such cases steps will be taken to Insure prompt and .regular -Uvw . C Johnson's great mid-Summer clear ing sale commences to-day, r$ :t ; WHOLE NO. 10,556 PERSONAL-PARAGRAPHS. -Mr. S.' S. Batchelor, of Ra leigh, is in the city. Mr. G. R. LeRoy, of Norfolk, is once more with us. Miss Octavia Boatwright has gone on a to Atlanta. Mr. J. E. Ward, of Fayette ville, arrived in the city yesterday. . Miss Ada Morris, of Raleigh, is visiting the Misses Swinson, at 211 Grace street. , Mr. W. F., Trogdon, a popular knight of the grip of Philadelphia, is here calling on the trade. Miss Annie Wood, of Goldsboro, is in the city, the guest of her grand mother, Mrs. E. A. Silva. The many friends of Mr. C. D. Maffitt are glad to r see him out again after a fortnight's sickness. WmmMx H. W. Howell and daugh ter, Miss Maggie, have returned to the city after-a two weeks' pleasure trip to Newborn, Morehead and other points. Mrs. W. L. Killeborn, who has been visiting her brother in law. Dr. Stanley Warde Hart, at his cottage at Wrightsville, will return to her home in Nashville, Tenn., to day. ATLANTIC YACHT CLUB. Will Give a Brilliant Formal Opening Fri day Night. Friday night has definitely been decided upon for the formal' opening of the Atlantic jgacht Club, of Wrightsville Beach? The Star yes terday announced that this date would probably be the one selected and yes terday afternoon the executive com mittee of the club met and decided that it. would be the most auspicious for the opening. Many plans were dis cussed for making the occasion a grand success -and a splendid pro gramme mapped out. In fact; it is said that the opening this season will far surpass any of previous years. The main feature of the event will be a big dance at which a fine or chestra will play. There will also be other forms of entertainnent and de licious refreshments will be served. The handsome club house will be gay ly decorated and brilliantly illumi nated. Tar barrels will also be burned on the beach, thereby adding much to the festive scene. Invitations will be extended to . the members of Hanover Club, of Caro lina Beach, and Carolina Club,, of Wrights ville Beach, and of course a goodly representation from both will be on hand. There will be a late train un from the beach. A DIED IN CLINTON. Mr. D. G. Morrisey, of Warsaw, N. C, 1 Aged 82 Years. f Special Star Correspondence.' Clinton, N. C. June 18. Mr. D. G. Morrisey, of Warsaw, died here Sun day night at the residence of his nephew, Mr. R. G. Morrisey. He had been suffering with cancer for some time. He was 82 years of age. The only member of his immediate family surviving him is Mrs. M. P. Brown, or Warsaw, a sister, who came over early Saturday morning to be with her brother. The deceased was for many years agent for the W. & W. Railroad at Warsaw and during all the years maintained an unquestioned reputation for honesty and industry. His funeral was held Monday after noon and, was conducted by Rev. Peter Mclntyre, of Faisons, who eulo gized the good Qualities of the deceased. The pall bearers were Messrs. B. C. Holmes, H. B. Chesnutt, Li. tf. Bar brey, F. T. Atkins, James K. Morrisey and B. C. Moore, the latter of Wil mington. A NATIVE OF FAYETTEVILLE. Mr?George McNeill, Who Was Shot and Killed at Dothan, Ala. Mi? George MoNeill, who was shot and kiWed at Dothan, Ala., last Mon day by ftrof . W. A. Rankin, as told in the Starts press dispatches yesetrday, was a native of Fayetteville, N. C, a brother ofeOapt. Jas. D. McNeill. The Fayetteville Observer says: Mr. George McNeill went to Ala- bama from Reidsville about eight years ago, and for the4 past several years he has been principal of the Graded Schools of that place,' as well as one of its leading and most highly respected citizens. He leaves a wife, who. was Miss Julia Marlin, of Rowan county, and three children. The prices made " by. the Johnson Dry Goods Co. are for Spot Cash. Nothing charged. t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Atlantic Yiew Hotel WrlKbtsvllle Sound, N. G. This delightful Summer Resort will be open to guests Hay 18th. Fig Fish and all other Sea Delicacies served at our tables. Boating and Bathing at pleasure. Nice cottages within the grounds to rent for the season to families. - For further Information address, " JOHN H. HANBY. my 8 1 July " we su Wheat Bran. I . Car load Wheat Bran. '" . 1 000 Boshels White Corn. 2 800 Bn8liel8 1111x64 P0- 1 200 BT1Hliela Virginia Meal, - - and all other goods usually kept In a grocery Store. D. L. CORE CO, . 120, 12s and 124 North Water Street, -Je4 tf : F Wumlngton, N. C -; iTERMSW SUBSCRIPTION.? IOne Year, by, $6.00 X Bl Months, ; v t 2.50 X Three ZXontas, ,. " 1.25 Two Xfontha, ; ".- 1.00 9 W Delivered, to Subscribers In tne City at 4S 'cents per Blontn. T ; . .. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FEATURES YOU'LL RECOGNIZE. In the first place our photographs are correct likenesses, but they are more than that. The retouching and finishing give them an art value which you can appreciate. ' We want .our photographs to speak for us. CUL6RETH & RIVENBARK, 116 MarkeJ Street. we f r sn je 19 tf z 4 s .2 o e 0 5 s - p ' ft. to- KB SB CD O o 2 jo (9 ilk at (9 It. M e o B M1 -. - si otf 2 e P ft. e a B 3 M 8; B3 O t S 1 CO o a HI w O 8 00 CO OO SB 8 CO 8 s 8? B CO SB g m ex. S3 Show-Down Tobacco. Ace, King, Queen, Jack and Ten-spot. This Tobacco is an extra good chew, you will like the flavor. Tags are valuable. (See Premium list). The following are a few of the merchants handling these goods, viz: J H. Boesch, 801 North Fourth street. - W. A. Walker, corner Fourth and Harnett. Chas. Schulken, 1203 North Fourth. . Gieschen Bros., corner Front and Red Cross. J. P. Montgomery, Third and Castle.. F. A. Montgomery, Second and Castle. J. C. Walton, Seventh and Castle. J. D. Southerland & Co., Seventh and CastJe. D. L. T. Capps & Bro., 602 Castle. G. W. Green, 614 Castle. J. H. Bornemann, Seventh and Nun. C. D. Gore, Ninth and Orange. G. F. Tien ken, corner Eleventh and Market. Elijah Walton, Eleventh and Market. B. H. J. Ahrens, Seventh and Market. J. F. Benton. 106 North Tenth. Humphrey & Aman, corner Sixth and Chesnut. B. C. Moore, 901 North Fourth. Geo. Schnibben, Seventh and Nixon. Martin Ratbjen, corner Sixth and Swann. B. J. Kulken, Sixth and Brunswick. Martin 8chnibben, Sixth and Red Cross. J. . Herring, 914 North Fourth. Paul Caase, Wrightsville. No grit; no stems; no dirt. Ten thousand slven awav free Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday at next week. Yollers & Hasbagen, je 18 tf Distributors. Save Money. 61.50 43.80 81.40 26.16 15.11 27.60 in Castor Oil. in Harlem Oil. in Quinine. in Essence Cinnamon. in Essence Lemon. iu. Epsom Salts'. in Laundry Soap. in Toilet Soap in Gold Dust. in Can Syrup. in Can Tomatoes. - W. B. COOPER, Wholesale Grocer $217.80 4) 87.50 $103.11 $270.80 $218.90 $110.40 303, 810, sis Nutt street, " Wilmington. N. o. Je 18 tf Salt 8 Gee II go a o 3 Salt Another Cargo Just in. Bead to ronr;,,,; . .orders for 100 pound white sacks at :48c f8. anasuriapa atc. rrompt acwpuiuuv, Full line Groceries and Provisions, Get our samples and prices. HALL & PEABSALL, . (INCOBPOBATSD.) .7 . r WHOLESALE GROCERS, Je 18 tf Nutt and Mnlbemr l3evv Goods! Marrow Fat Beam. - Evaporated Aprieots. Fox's Saratoga Chips. . Dried Ittutu'Beans. Postum Cereal Graps Nut. BaJcer's Coeoa and. cnoeolate. Aailart Squln -Blgmrreaux. Stuffed Olives lOe a Jar. -. v -f S. W- SANDERS, 1 At The Unlucky Corner. - myl5tf - ' DIVIDEND NOTICE. ' The Board of Directors of the Carolina In surance Company have declared a Semi-Annual Dividend Of Three Per Cent payable June aoth to stockholders of record on this date. J182t 4 . . Secretary. J ' . ..Vf :4'.r: -A - . '4 - "i . .-i.'-' '. ls- 1 II

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