Morn .raoteed BoBa.FWe, Every-Us, UcuIaUon Larger Than Th. J ! Of Any Other Daily New- 3 aper Pnbllshed in j Wilmlnfton. jj -r rrll C (T1TR 1 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. X One Testr, by Mail, $6,002 X Six Months, -60 X f Three Months ' 1.26 Two Months, " 1.00 Delivered to Subscribers ln4he Y City at 45 Gents per month. VOL. LXVIII.-NO. 82, WILMINGTON, N. C., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1901. WHOLE NO. ia,562 ng i ' OUTLINES The loss of life by the flood in West .-Is- ihn neighborhood of ' r:i ctmirV at Jamestown at ucpiu ui " - , .j T.?ttlA Rftcbr. Art.. wn wrecxeu uoi m PV .i, nostal clerks severely m jred; no passengers hurt n0 r- . T ato HnnvenUon or omo -ofPd a State ticses. fcNasii for Governor, and endorsed Lker for re-election as U. S. Sena- The Weather Bureau reports L.t the condition of cotton m the lir0linas ana ru. Th hrfiftk m the N. & W. 4lwi in WAst Ljlroad causea uy iu- - ireinia, extenas ior h uuw Smiles. New York markets: 3 li ac fi-mn- at 33tfn5 DAP Joney on " f i i U, last loan at o w i: rate 4 per cent. ; cotton dull, mid- jiing uplands o rd 510C. lOWer; wueat-Biwi L 2 red 75c. ; corn spot nrm, wo. 47'c. ; rosin steady; spirits lurpen- WEATHEH REPORT u s elkp't ov agriculture, Weather Bureau, Wilmington, N. C, June 25 ) AS 1 Mf A J mperatures: a A. m., o aegrees; U., 80 degrees; maximum, oo ue- mn 1 OA Lrf; minimum, uur s; uioaxi, ov -rres. iinfalffor the day, .00; rainfall first of the month to date, 7.00 -jes. ' COTTON REGION BULLETIN. 3h temperatures continue in all Lns, local rains have fallen in the kuita, Augusta, Memphis, Mobile, i Orleans, oavannan, v icusuurtr Wilmington districts. rOBKOAST FOR TO-DAY. tasHiNOTON, June 25. For North Mna Fair in tne eastern portion owers in the western portion es(fav- xnursagy, iair, vanaoie Jane 26. 4.44 A. M. Jets. J 7.19 P.M. Length .14H.37M. Water at South port 2.33 A. M. flVir Wilmington . 5 03 A. M University of Chicago, the jest in the country, has an en- leawi ?ou,uuu,uuwr wnicn is a ukn Kndyard Kipling eoes orr rations he instructs his home airy not to forward any letters rrti TP -i js. inis way unayara escapes ted deal of bother, and savea pra:e. e-alJifnak- lt costs abont equip an tip- there must be business. iVfan doi n doctor tells parents f? could make their children P hard beds. They are the Sir health. Perhaps that's likes the tramp so tough and es him such a powerful Ptl claiming any is $10,000,000 niyersities, as esents his sur- t year. He is d of the sur- has decided r a man to man wnen ne jot the neck. fencer that the templated and nclude in the Mien the franchise dealers in pJelphia said that $2,500,000 kby Mr. Wanamaker was a bluff, -fsMoweiit up by raising the bid to WWO, with! a guarantee of three es jon the street cars, and fhe Wints tn'lrnnw what. .hflV Jowitli that." Harr? Harsh, a young lawyer of ffgham, Ala., married, was so V moulted by, a young widow that If IWaed in paying attentions reawetoher. The last call he e reciprocated with the con f?rt volver and he is now for repairs. hi time TJPnffrthe establishment of. tinthe Philippine8,. T .. 1 : - it ii HeS That'atlle date fixed for i r Porto Rico t0- There it it. V1 PP cracjeer ais r'iathig admins - 'PtellaeTw flU wife. mnn"; o : PVtlt J AAA a CA Wian mummie8 the woman who liyed 2,- before Christ. They have as old as are fort AlmaMC- -X Ssas t IV J Jf and r ri ers -ireveJ ri pre didn'r"! VERY SAD ACCIDENT. Fireman King Severely Injured by the Explosion of a Dy- t namite Shell. HE KICKED THE CARTRIDGE And the Explosion Followed Accident Happened Lite Yesterday Afternoon at the House of Hook and Lad der Company No. 1. The house of Hook and Ladder Company No. 1, on Dock street, near Fourth, was the scene of a sad acci dent laie yesterday afternoon, in which Ladder man R. H. Kins; was the vic tim. By the accidental explosion of a small dynamite cartridge, such as are used by the company when occasion at fires demand the blowing up of some object, the young fireman had his two hands badly injured, one almost blown to pieces, and his flee so badly hurt that ft is very probable he will lose the sight of his left eye. The accident happened about 6.15 o'clock, just after the unfortunate young man had returned to tne nre house from supper. Upon reporting for duty after bis evening meal, be stopped for a few moments 'and on versed, with CapL W. P. Monroe, of the company and seyeral other fire men who were loitering just outside the front entrance of the house. He then entered the buildipg and went to the rear. Almost immediately the ex plosion occurred and Capt. Monroe and the others rushed inside and found King covered with blood, his hands horribly torn and bleeding and his face badly scarred. With it all the fireman preserved his usual coolness and pluckily asked where he could ' find a physician. Chief Schnibben at once placed the unfortunate young man in his biifegy and accompanied by Capt. Monroe he was sent to the office of Dr. W. J. H. Bellamy who tempore arily dressed his wounds and Men sent him to the hospital. At the hospital Dr. W. D. McMillan took the patient in charge and with the assistance of Dr. Hall, of the in stitution, amputated the thumb and three fingers of the left hand. The right hand was also badly injured, but the physicians were able to save all the fingers. The face was also in jured, yery likely to the extent of the loss of the left eye, . but that will not be known definitely until Dr. W. C. Galloway makes an examination to day. lux. Btareo vwat uu aLvmoui -was due 10 a dynamite cartridge, which was lying on the floor of the fire-house, near the door. He care lessly kicked it andsthe explosion fol lowed. Capt. Monroe and the other mem bers of the company are in ignorance in regard to the exact cause of the ac cident, as all, except King and one or two others who were at supper, were on the outside of the fire house. Fireman King is a young man and has a wife and child. He is the son of ex-Jailor W. A. King. Yonog Colored Lad Drowned. A small colored boy, Robert Thomp son, eleven years of age, was drowned in Cape Fear river yesterday morning. The accident happened abaut 11 o'clock at the foot of Hanover btreet. Young Thompson and a companion were out in a small row boat. The former's hat blew off into the river and in attempting to fish it out he fell overboard and was drowned, not being able to swim. The body was soon recovered and after it was viewed by the coroner, Dr. C. D. Bell, was turned over to the parents, who live on Hanqg&r street, between Second and Third. Dr. Bell did not deem an inquest necessary, as the accidental cause of the tragedy was plainly evident, Deeds Filed Yesterday. The Register of Deeds was kept busy recording deeds yesterday. Among those filed were four recit ing a division of property of an estate, and two for the transfer of land. Of the latter Isaac Loftin and wife and Abraham EL Polite and wife transfer red to A. EL Brown for $200 a piece of property on Dock street between Fif teenth and Sixteenth. J. H. Behder and wife also transferred a tract of land situated in East Wilmington to I. B. Cowan for $338.; Odd Fellows' Election. Cape Fear Lodge No. 2, Indepenr dent Qrder of Odd Fellows, elected the following officers last night: P. G. J." F. Stanland. N. G. Geo. Darden. ' , V. G, David Z.LeG win. Secretary J. T.Riley. Treasurer Wm. Goodman. The above officers will, be installed next Monday night. Daace at Seashore Hotel To-nliht. The Seashore Hotel will give another one of ita gatand festive dances to-night- TfaebaiKwill take place im mediately after We initial session of the Bar Association, the music, of course, being furnished by the superb hotel orchestra. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS "' . . i Star Press boy wanted. J. .W. Plummer. Jr. Ice cream. j. H. Render & Co.Bargain days. All our rood are offered at actual coat for cashi The Johnson urj Goods Co.: ': ' ' V Vnn ret the greatest bargains in the LOCAL DOTS. The lks are ready to welcome the Bar Association at their handsome home. Another South Carolina excur sion is expected to reach the city to-, morrow. v There will be a full evening dress german at the Seashore Hotel Friday night . ' w There will be Christian Science services at the Masonic Temple room 10 this evening at 8:15 o'clock. The Board of Aldermen will meet in special session this afternoon to pass upon the tax license ordinance. A boy who knows how to run job presses, and who resides in Wil mington, is wanted at the Stab Printery. The annnal pic-nic, which has been a great feature in Onslow and adjoining counties for many yeard, will be held at Alum Springs July 25th. The nuptials of Miss Edith Bolles, of this city, and Dr. B. R. Graham, of Wallace, will be celebrated at St. James' Episcopal Church this afternoon. A ROYAL RECEPTION. Qiven Last Night by the Wilmington Lodge of Elks to Their Dls- . trlct Deputy. The reception accorded' District Deputy C. F. Tomlinson last night by the Wilmington Lodge of Elks was a royal one. The district deputy arrived in the city at 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon and was met and escorted by a special committee, composed of Messrs. L. Stein, W. A. French, Jr., and R. W. Wallace, to the Orton Hotel, where the committee most graciously enter tained him at supper. They then acted as his escort to the elegant Elk Temple. ' . As the guest of honor was on busi ness bent, the lodge first held a special session for his inspection. One of the main features was the initiation of a candidate, Mr. Adolph Goodman, and the lodge's crack degree team handled him in a skilled and most picturesque manner. Upon adjournment of the special meeting, the social session was held, and it was a merry party who gathered around the festive board. W. J. Bellamy, Esq., chairman of the . special committee, called the session to order in his usual attractive style and then gracefully surrendered the gavel to Past Exalted Ruler H. J. Gerken. Mr. Gerken called upon many of the big-horned fraternity for speeches and each responded in a happy .vein. Among the speech-makers were District Deputy Tomlinson, of the Winston -Lodge; Fred Harper, Esq., of the Lynchburg (Va.) Lodge, and Dr. Chas. T. Harper, W. J. Bellamy, Esq., Robert Ruark, Esq., and Mr. L. Stein, of the Wilmington Lodge. Many of the members were also to the front with amusing "stunts" and in this line Messrs.- Edgar Bear and Julius Taylor excelled. The repast was a most elaborate one and was served in elegant style. District Deputy Tomlinson will leave this morning to visit the Greens boro lodge. He is now on his annual visitation tour . before attending the Grand Lodge which this year meets at Milwaukee. MIN1STERINQ CIRCLE Of the King's Daughters Have a Splendid Record for the Last Fiscal Year. The ministering circle of the King's Daughters have decided that it is not practicable to rebuild the Shelter of the Silver Cross so they have abandon ed that idea, but in lieu of this they intend to have sonje special charitable object next year. The record of the circle for the last fiscal year is a splen did one. It shows that much great charitable work was accomplished. Among other things done the past year the circle paid the rent of several poor women and furnished many more with fuel during the Winter months. They also sent a crippled youne girl to a New York hospital and kept her there under the best of treatment for three months; paid the railroad fare of a destitute mother and little one to their home in Savannah, and donated $25 to the Associated Charities. These are only a few of the many noble deeds of charity that this grand organization of Christian workers accomplished. The officers of the circle are as fol lows: President Mrs: C H. King. Vice President Mrs. Wallace Car michaeL Secretary Mrs. Stella Divine. Mrs. King as president also acts as treasurer. , , Commissioners Considering Reward. 1 The matter of Brunswick county of fering a reward for the apprehension of the assassin of Mr. Gaston Price Is now up to" the commissioners of that county. Bheriff Stedman received sf letter from Sheriff Walker yesterday , stating that the matter had been refer ut n th commissioners. They will. no doubt, take action shortly, thereby increasing the now standing rewaro o $200. . Our special Clothing sale to-day mean bargains for; everybody. The Johnson Dry Goods Co. , . . , rt m mmBBSB r' , Hats l6cC Best quaUty scriven draw era 49c. Fruit of fV?,', I bleaching 6c 4 Days at Rehdert. CHAMPIONS DOWNED. Our Correspondent Attributes Defeat-Solely to Very Care less Base Running. THIRD GAME THIS AFTERNOON While Defeat is Bitter Yet It Is Consol log to Know That the Victors Are All Wool and a Yard Wide. Red Birds Frying High. YESTERDAY'S GAMES. Wilmington, 1; Tarboro, 2. Raleigh, 12; . Charlotte, 6. . Norfolk, 5; Richmond, 8.' . WHERE THEY PLAY TO-DAY. Wilmington at Tarboro. 0 Norfolk at Richmond. Charlotte at Raleigh. STANDING OP THE CLUBS. J Won. Lest Percent. Raleigh.... 2 0 1,000 Wilmington 1 1 .500 Tarboro 1 1 .500 Charlotte 1 1 .500 Richmond 1 1 .500 Norfolk 1 1 .500 Tabboro, N. C, June 25. The game was lost by Wilmington to-day simply through base-running and tardy play at the bat Wilmington made three consecutive hits and Staf ford was given, a base on balls in the third inning and still we did not score. It seems that fellows who have play ed as long as we have together would be able to take advantage of openings and run bases with a little judgment. Both sides were easily blanked up to the third, .when Clayton singled to left Devlin followed with a pretty single, but .Clayton couldn't make third. Crockett was given the signal to bunt, ut after he had one strike and one ball, he was told to hit with the runners. When the ball w8 pitched Clayton started for third and "Lizzie" simply stood still and allowed Clayton to be thrown out at third without attempting to help him; but Devlin was seized with men tal cross-eyedness and made no at tempt to go to second. He was watch ing Foster throw Clayton out at third. On the next ball pitched, Crockett singled and Devlin went to third. "Lizzie" started for second and Foxy Foster made a bluff to second, then threw to third, catching Devlin asleep at the switch. Stafford got a base on balls, but Cranston was an easy out to Ashenback. In the seventh, with one down Devlin made a terrific drive to left cenwe and after a long run Curtis muffed it "Scissors" made his fourth hit . of the game, putting Devlin on third. When "Lizzie" went to second he stopped up long enough to let Devlin run in. Then occurred a long chase in which Devlin was pushed over the base by the man with the ball, but Staley said "Safe," because Wolfe had just led Devlin out of the line. Tarboro did not even look dangerous till the eighth. After two were down Deisel singled, Milligan hit a slow one down to Warren who; had plenty of time to threw him out at first, but instead threw to second to catch Deisel, and both were safe. Weddige singled and Deisel scored; Foster followed with a single and scorgd GUligan, Ash was an easy out to MoGinnis. They made "eight hits to - our sevgn, and made three errors to our one. We lost through stupid playing. The features of the game were Crockett's hitting and Curtis' fielding. Attend ance good. SCORE BY INNINGS. 1234 5.6 789 RHE Wilmington ....000O0010 01 7 1 Tarboro 0 0000002 2 8 3 Batteries: Stewart and Cranston; Wolf and Foster. BWei lQi Champions Lt Yesterdsy, But We'll Welcome Them all the Same. Twelve to six at Raleigh indicates a rae time game. It was close work, each team scoring in, but one inning. "Beaten, but not dismayed." But we must have two out of three. With two league teams and the trimmings" there, Tarboro must be a lively town. We'll welcome Ashenback's Tar tars to-morrow, too. They . are now North Carolinians by adoption. Go to the A. C. L. depot at 9.25 A. M. to-morrow and give the Obsmplooi at WUmiagtoa o.looma. Ashenback scraped the tar off the heels of ' his Tartars yetterday, but they'll be all "stuck up" again to day. Don't be discouraged by the fig ures in the percentage column. There will be a mighty shaking up of the dice in July. Don't forget the ssries of three games between the Champion Giants and the Tarboro Tartars, to begin at Hilton Park to morrow. The Aurora Tarborealis brighten ed the baseball horizon of our Edge combe sports yesterday. Congratula tions to the Tar nver boys, provided they don't- win to-day. In the game between the Turtles and the Hornets, Monday, pitcher Stanley, of the former team, made the good showing of 14 strike-outs. Mar tin, for the Hornets, struck out three. The Richmond papers keep a storage battery full of electrical kicks for all the umpires. Consequently, their comments shook he gentlemen who eloquently exclaim "play ball.!' The lunatic, who has ' not yet been put in a strait-jacket, says he can't see to save his life how the Champions got beat yesterday. .He'll soon be looking for six out of four games.' - The rollicking, ? rootering. ran- tankerous, . religious reporter of the Post says : "The Red Birds are laying for the .Lobsters." All righti Lwe'U take the bird eggs and give you the goose eggs. " "Good gracious I" says the ubi quitous baseball bedlamite. "The Turtles 1000 and the Giants only 500. I told you so," The poor devil is utterly oblivious of the fact that the loss of one game makes the difference. Qames On Other Diamonds At Raleigh 123456789 RHE Raleigh 3 0 0 0 0 413 112 XL Charlotte 2 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 1 6 11 Batteries: Smith and LeGrande; Murray and Gates. At Richmond 123456789 RHE Richmond.... ;200204 00 8 9 4 Norfolk 2 0 0 0 3 0-00 05 10 6 Batteries: Bishop and Manners; Slagle and Lehman. UNITED STATES COURT. Convened Yesterday Afternoon- Several Important Cases CooslderedCoart to Reassemble This Morning There , was a short session i f the United States District Court yesi-niay, Judge Thos. R. Purnell presiding His Honor arrived in the city shortly past noon yesterday via the Seaboard Air Line- from Raleigh; and almost immediately commenced the last court's unadjourned term. Other court officers in attendance were District Attorney C. M. Bernard, Marshal H. C. Dockery and Deputy Clerk W. H. Shaw. The most interesting matter consid ered was the petition of The Morton Trust Company, of New York to fore close the $150,000 mortgage on the Wilmington Street Railway Company. Geo. Rountree, Esq , of Rountree & Kerr, representing the plaintiffs, ar gued in behalf of a decree of sale, and Hon. John D. Bellamy, representing certain bondholders, argued against an immediate foreclosure Both arguments consumed most of the lime of the - session, so the matter went over until to-day. Waddell & Battle were present as counsel for the defendant company A non suit was entered up in the case of Robinson Brothers, of Annis ton, Ala., vs. the Dixon Cotton Mills, of Laurinburg. N. C, an action brought for a number of bales of cotton. The sale of certain property by J. O. Kerr, commissioner, in the suit of the Cape Fear Lumber Compm; vs. L T. Coltingham, was confirmed. During the session J. O. Kerr, Esq., was introduced to the court and sworn in as practicing attorney. Court will meet again this morning, when argument in the Railway suit will be resumed. Several other cases are to be brought up at this term, one of the most im portant being the admiralty suit of the negro laborer, Cotton, against the New York steamship Saginaw for $5,000 alleged damages. The case will probably be tried, as it is under stood that counsel representing both sides are ready. Judge Purnell is also here to attend the State Bar Association convention He is spending his leisure moments at the Beashore Hotel. BIRTHDAY PARTY. Of the Organ Fund Society of Grace Church a Big Success. While each of the many successful entertainments given by the Organ Fund Society of Grace M. E. Church in past years has been of an unusually attractive and enjoyable nature, the one given last night was the superior of all. It was the ever amusing birth day party, and occurred at the resi dence of Mrs. M. E. Grafflin, corner Third and Walnut streets. The party was sort of two-fold, being given late in the afternoon for the enjoy ment of the little ones and repeated at night for the pleasure of the older folks. The attendance was very large uponeach occasion, and everybody had a thoroughly delightful time. Not only was the handsome Graf flin residence used, but the spacious lawn as welL Both places were bril liantly illuminated, the latter by many strings of pretty Japanese lan terns and gayly decorated. The lawn with its picturesque and summer ad vantages was, of course, the most at tractive spot, especially for tete-a tete couples. The ladies of the ancietv wera on hand and promptly accommodated their many guestswith delicious re freshments and a good time in gen eral. And we are glad to note that their energetic efforts netted a neat sum for the organ fund, which is now about complete. The party was' enlivened by music furnished by Prof. Francisco's New York Italian Band. Horse and Religious Editors Feasted. The horse editor and the religious editor had their palates "fickled to death" last night by the receipt and subsequent annihilation of a donation of ice cream from the confectionary establishment of Mr. John. W. Plum mer, Jr. The way the h. e. and r. e. froze on to that delicious dish would have made you .scream. Verily,. Friend John, we thank thee. ' Biggest bargains at Rehder's this week. t Rehder's is the place to visit this week. " t ' sssB nsT 'mji ' -4 Days of Bargains at Rehder's. t Don't fail to visit "J. H. Rehder's this week. . -- t Don't miss Johnson's Great Clear ance Sale all goods at cost t THE BAR ASSOCIATION Our Distinguished Visitors Are Now Arriving by Every Train. THE FlfesT SESSION TO-NIGHT. Indications Point to a Big and Profitable Convention Programme of the Opening Session To-night at the Seashore Hotel. The North Carolina Bar Association convenes at Wrightsville beach this evening at" 9 o'clock' in" Its third annual session. All roads yesterday seemed to lead to Wrightsville Beach. Lawyers from the North, lawyers from the South and lawyers from the West, many with their families, pass ed through Wilmington yesterday on their way to the seacoast Many distinguished men are among those who will be present at the pres ent session. Supreme Court judges, Superior Court judges, ex-judges, TJ! S. judges, Congressmen, would be Congressmen and scores of other no less distinguished lawyers of the State greeted and conversed with one another in the lobby of the Seashore Hotel last night. The present session of the Associa tion promises to be more than usually well attended, for numbers are ex pected to arrive to-day and to-morrow. Governor Aycock was expected this morning, but a letter received by Hon. John D. Bellamy last night brings the information that it will be impossible for him to be here. The speech of welcome to night on behalf of the local bar will be deliver ed by Robert Ruark, Esq. The order of exercises, as published in Sunday's Stab, will be as follows: Wednesday. June 26.-9 00 P. M. Call to order by Chairman of Execu tive Committee, Clement Manly, Esq. Annual Address of the President of the Association, Hon. Chas. M. Sted man. Appointment of Committees. Notice of Amendments to Constitu tion or By-Laws. Introduction of Resolutions. New Business. Among those arriving last night and yesterday at the seashore are : Lee S. Overman, Salisbury, N. C. ; W. A. Guthrie, Durham; Judge G. H. Brown, Jr., A. L. Brooks, Greens boro; H. C. Dockery, Rockingham; Judge James MacRae, W. R. Allen, Goldsboro; H. fc. Faison, Clinton; U. S. District Attorney?. M. Bernard, wife and child, Raleigh ; Judge Thos., R. Purnell, Raleigh; C. F. Warren, Washington, N. C ; A. G. Mangum Gastonia; C. A. Moore, wife and daughter, L. H. Clement and wife, Salisbury; Gen. W. A- Henderson, A. W. Stubbs, J. Crawford Biggs, Judge F. 1). Winston, Durham; Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Spruill, R. B. McLauglin, C. H. Armfield, J. H. Harkness, B. F. Long, States ville; Judge R. W. Douglas, Greensboro; And Aw J. Harriss and son, Henderson ; J. A. Murchison, H. MeD. Robinson,' Fayetteville; J. L. Fleming, wife and child, Greenville; J. A. Albritton, Snow Hill; T. T, Hicks and two children, Henderson; Clem Manly, Winston; A. O. Gay lord, J. W. Ferguson, Waynesville A full dress german will bo given in the Seashore Hotel Friday evening. THE NEW HOSPITAL. Applications Wanted for Resident Physi cian and Matron Building Almost Ready ferilse. Dr. Chas. P. Bolles, Jr., secretary of the new hospital board, announces that applications will be received un til July 1 for the positions of resident physician and matron of the James Walker Memorial Hospital. The selection of two persons com petent of filling these important posi tions wHiave to be made by the new board whicbrrakes the place of the old city-county board as soon as the hos pital is ready to be occupied and is put in use. The newboard is com posed of WarrenGElliott, Esq., chairman; Dr. C. t Bolles, Jr., sec retary; Dr. W. j H. Bellamy and Messrs. W. H. Sprunt, Walter G. MacRaf, M. a WiUard, D. C. Love and Samuel Bear. Sr. The hospital is now about ready for occupancy. It is thought that iwill fflolllx. 4utad over ,the first of next month and then as soon as pos sible thereafter a resident physician and matron will be appointed. It is said that there are numerous appli cants for the former position. New Flat Cars for Coast Line. One hundred fine forty-foot flat cars are now being, built by the Atlantic Coast Line at their shops in this cityl Jui The cars will have a capacity of 80,OVV pounds each. vveiu: Work is still progressing rapidly on the vestibuled cars, which are to take the places of the ordinary day coaches. Qalelc Service to BaJelsb Greensboro AsnevUle atn Upper Carolina Points via Atlantic Const Line. Passengers can leave Wilmington 7. P. M; arrive Goldsboro 9.30 P. M., leave uoiusooro via oouinern .Hallway 9.40 P. -11. arrive Raleieh 1 A. M.. Greensboro 5.15 A. M., Arrive Ashe ville -2.50 tr. li. Pullman sleener operated from Goldsboro to Greens boro, ' The Atlantic nonet T .inn will baII round trip tickets to all points on its linos, far iitia and nna.(hi flnt .Iih m im mrmmmmw HMia mmWwmm0 T 1 fl 1 m JUmA SFJ ASSj0V fare, to fee sold nn Jnlv 9nH 3m1 .ml 4th ; final limit July 8th inclusive, t A thousand - bargains are offered at Johnson's. Call and see them. t . '". ' "" -- - - - --. ----- . .-- Read J. H. Rehder's and ck. adver- tiament. . 0 '.. ... C- PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. E. T. Pullen, of Buigaw, was in the city yesterday, Mr. Otto Dingelhoef has gone to Raleigh on a short visit. The Stab is pained to know that Mr. W. 8. Bunting's little son is seriously ill. Mrs. Nash E. Buntine and son, Master William McDuffie, have re turned to Fayetteville. Messre. J. D. Mallard and A. W. Graham, of Wallace, arrived in the city last night to attend the Bolles Chadbourn wedding. 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hollings worth, of " Velasco, Texas, passed through the city ' vesterdav on their 'way tdWrightsville Beach. Mr. R. F. Crow, one of Wilming ton's clever yotfhg sons, engaged in the business field at Waco, Texas, ar rived home yesterday for a short visit. Misses Florence Pannill and Jeanie Ellington, wfto have been visiting friends at Wrightsville Beach, returned to their homes in Reidsville yesterday. NEW STEAMBOAT LINE. Charter of the Georgetown, Charleston and Wilmington Steamboat Co. Registered in This County. Col. John D. Taylor, clerk of the Superior Court, yesterday morning received for registration a copy of the charter of the Georgetown, Charleston and Wilmington Steamboat Company. The company is chartered under the. laws of South Carolina, the incorpora tors being named as Mark Moses, J. B. Steele and Abe Moses, all of George town. The main office will be in George town and the company will operate steamboats, fiats and a lighter for the transportation '. of , passengers and freight. Towing will also be engaged in. The termini will be at Charleston, Georgetown and this city. The minimum amount of capital stock is $30,000, divided Into 300 shares of the par value of $100 per share. The entire stock, save two shares, is held by Mark Moses. Each of the other two incorporators, Abe Moses and J. B. Steele, own one of the two remain ing shares. All of the capital stock has been paid. Decision Against the Bank. Justice Fowler yesterday decided against the Wilmington Savings and Trust Company ine suit brought by Frank L. James, colored, for the recovery of $8.50, money placed by him on deposit in the bank and which was paid out by the cashier on pre sentation of an alleged forged, check, accompanied by the deposit book. The justice held that the bank was liable, as under the circumstances ordinary precaution had not been observed in cashing the check. An. appeal was taken by Eugene Martin, Esq., counsel for the defend ant company, so the case will go up to the Superior Court, and very prob ably higher, to the Supreme Court. Officials of the Supply Company. Mr. S. P. Adams, who has been in the construction department of the Atlantic Coast Line, will resign his position the 1st of July iu order to de vote his entire time to the managerial business of the Cam!, Cement and Supply Company, of this city. Mr. Warren G. Elliott, Jr., secretary and treasurer of the company, is now in charge of the main office on Water street, between Orange and Ann. Both are exceedingly popular and clever young business men and Will, no doubt, meet with the great success they so richly merit v THE ENCAMPMENT. Deflnitennouncement as to Postpone, ment Probably To-day. Social Star Telegram. Raleigh, N. C, June 25. Adju tant General Royster arrived from Oxford too late to hold a conference with the i military committee this afternoon. He said he will call the committee together and consult the Governor to morrow morning, after which a definite -announcement re garding the encampment will be given out Asked if postponement was probable, he said he would not Ilk? committee Governor. tone and manner of reply, however, strongly indicated his belief that postponement would be agreed upon. Kllled by Uk-htning. A correspondent of ing from Rose boro. the Star, writ- Duplin county, June 24, says: Mr. L. H. Lyon, a highly respected citizen and well to do farmer, living one half mile of this place, was in his field plowing about 3 o'clock this af ternoon, when he was struck by light ning, both himself and hors9 being in stantly killed. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Press Boy Wanted. A reliable boy, 15 to 18 years old, who has had experience in running Job Presses, may secure employment by applying t the Stab Office. Must be a resident of Wilmington. Je 86 St t Printer Wanted Wanted, a first- class compositor who has had experience on a daily morning paper. Must have : good recommendations ; aa to habits and qualifications. : V ;Vi ; Apply at, or address the v ; je 25 3t MORNING STAR. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ' 7 1-3 a M aa O R O e o B A 8. p. - ! f B P. jo 31 (. o MfcS ! 63 H 9 0 ye p p! .yo! ii 3 e ES p R R R JO"" o 0 SI 8 rm 8 O C9 1 00 S3 8 CO S CO CD o a Hi W o 8 CO as 8 CO 8 gg . jsys o "a o 8 a ft of S3' R 00 CO -o m o "3 9 o Bod R 0 at a Bo 3 Delicious and Refreshing is the Ice Cream we sell yon. We take the greatest care ln.maklng our Cream, ana use only the best materials. It- Is pure and wholesome, and can be eaten by the ' most delicate person without fear of Injury. J. W. PLUMMER, Jr., 204 Princess street. Inter-state 132. Bell 'Phone 680. "je 28 tf OUR FURNITURE ' IS IN THE FOREGROUND because or superior merit It Is not tne kind that is contemptuously referred to as "cheap stuff," yet it is cheap when price Is considered. THIS FURNITURE is made bv lmnrovod xnflchlnarv directed and controlled by Intelligent workmen. The wood is wen seasonea ssock. wm not snnnK ana warn out of shape. It is eood furniture to look upon and good furniture to own. Note these little prices: Solid Oak Chlffoneers from (5.75 up. Cane Seat Bed-room Chairs 75c to $1.50 each. HUNR0E & KELLY, No. 17 South Front street. RaII 'PhAna 11 K iix M rr Sold every where and by everybody. "CITTnTxr TkrVTITlCTM av TV XJJ TW Al Tobacco. ' ' ' -Free from stems and suits the . taste. j L L e w V -"k 9 9 w -9- mum -at Tobacco Don't decay teeth. A good chew. Tobacco. All stores carry it. Take no other. 1 . - Vollers & Hashagen, je 23 tf Sole Agents. WILMINGTON SEACOW R. R. - ' be as follows : ;daily except sunday. Leave Wilmington. Leave Ocean View. 6 80 A.M. 7 45 A. M. 10 10 A. M. 11 80 A. M. 2 30 P. M. 3 45 P. M. . 5 10 F.- M. . 6 00 P. M. 7 30 P.M. " 10 00 P.M. SUNDAY TRAIN. v Leave Wilmington. Leave Ocean View: 10 10 a. m. . 11 30 a. m.- 2 30 P. M. . . 6 00 P. M. 7 30 P.M. J 00 P.M. -I Every Friday and Saturday on account of Hotel and Club House dances extra train will' leave Wilmington If P.M., the Beach at 12 P. M. 7 Freight will becarrled only on the 10.10 A. . and 5 P. M. trains, except fresh meats, ice and vegetable", which will be taken on the 0.30 train. No goods will be received unless ac companied by way bills and Freight Prepaid. Freight must be received at our depot 15 mm- utes before leavlne time of train. No excep tions will be made to these roles. B. O. GBANT, -Je 1 tf - superintendent. For Rent. ... f. THREE NICE COTTAGES ON WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH. APPLY TO V. O'CONNOB. ; je 2i st Beal Estate Asent. DELIGHTED WITH IT. Paib Bltjff, N. a, June 22, 1901, Mr. N. F. Parker y Wilmington, N. C.i Dear Sib I enclose check to close account. The Wardrobe is a handsome piece of Furniture, and the parties I ordered it for are aengnted witn It. .. . - - - xours-Brnuy, :ws.' je23tf . J. POWELL -"Wii." I Ml It III I II I 1 1 1 1 I i iesSJSSMsi I II II I IIMH 1 IiiiiI s city at Johnson's. "' ': " ;'; -;

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