- " ;. i '."'". !'. . I r i Pi V jJLLi.v:T'::"-i-' ' . . - -. , - ;-.sg .gags :QafMtee4 Boaa-FMe. Every-UnS I" LIrailflflnB t tu . S . 4H nu iaai . Ot Xaj Othef Daily New. . TPer:f Published la vc Wflinlajtoa. OUBST b AttT KBWgPAPBR) outlines: Yale won the boat race. .77 A. ne gro tramp threw a white boy : from a train near West Point, , Kiss killing him instantly, -i Thos. G. - Barker, conricted of shooting Rot. John . Kel ler, was sentenced (toner years im -prtsonment. The second flood at Pocahontas, Wt Va., coal fields caused additional damage to railroads. Boy and girl struck by lightning near.. HollinsVa. ; the girl was killed and the - boy had an arm broken. ' - The Seventh National bank, New York :city, suspended payment and closed Us doors by order of the Comptroller of the Currency; the banket indebted ness is large. -Twenty houses in Cen ter Point, Ark., burned ; loss $75,000. :Kappa Alpha Convention in Rich mond, va., elected officers. Hon. T. CL Crenshaw, of Georgia, stabbed- br PuIImaaer oondaotor; the lat ter was arrested' and gave 'bond. Blackmailers who demanded $5,000 from a wealthy Kansas . farmer, and were Ignored, set fire to his house. New York .markets: Money on cIl firm at 3i per cent. ; cotton quiet, - middling uplands 8c ; flour active and. stronger; wheat spot firm, No. 3 red 77tc; corn spot steady, No. 2 47c; oats spot steady. No. 2 32 Jc; rosin. steady ; spirits turpentine steady atS8S81c ' WEATHER REPORT O. 8. DT O AeRICUXTURK, . Wkathkk Bureau, WrutizroTOX, N. C, Jane 27. ) Temperatures; 8 A. M., 76 degrees; 8 P. M., 76 degrees; maximum, 83 de rrees jminir- 68 degrees; mean, 76 Mesrref V - Rail ithe day,. 0; rainfall since Tuit e month to date, 7 00 inches. . - li GpTTOS BJK3IOH BULLETIN. Thffy eather continuewarm in all sectiol.. Local rains have fallen in . Geora, North ar South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi and Texas. FOB TO DAT. . June 27. For North ally fair Friday and eept showers in the moun ; light east to southeast Jane 28. 4.44 A. M. 7.20P.M 14 U. 36 M. ivt. 4 17 A aL atff47A.M lSBians to Siberia is thousand left Odessa iree months. lea tne norses ;ot about wn. aloud on the Itim nn oil t.Vio BfeA.m Jext thing he will be free wash. Grant says the Amer- in the Philippines are m ana equal to their If course Fred includes imed the role of las an idea that to kidnap him. ) to explore his Elijah bacillus. lan wants a ai- husband has a p& making pre nd never do tired of that says paying rm oi giving. r- It is swapping lith the profits ca thesiae of the swapper he money. in ink they are on the trail expansionists across ' the line whohave been ex- .ag tne currency oj -ing Mexican sUver bnUion into TTnited States half dollars and hope ta' knd the foimdrv at the end' of the trail. - ' time this week twelve of bf the sprightliest of Bntishartisans leave London for this, country 1 i YJW 1 mi naar fi - uaroa vuener .." Sturj 1 V i T ".fft Study bur way of making things. ' - The Kntiahers were very slow in Caching on to what tbe pute Japs -anght-xon to about twenty-five earsagow f -.'A "man was picked hp in New t ' York, harbor Monday who started to ; ' v: - wim to the South Pole, - He was as id as a yellow jacket when they hed him out of the water against .3 will. He expected to reach the S. P. next day, but landed in a luna tic asylum. Ir the agTHjultural department of , Mir eaejy are propagating new -far: ties of wheat by selecting and : ial pollenzation. Some of the ' a produced are far ahead of the rieties Vprevionsly cultivated. .timated .that they hare added CwO,000 to the Value of theWest- i : : : . . , . . . 1 1 VOL. LXVHI. NO. 84 OUR PATRIOTIC DAY Glorious Fourth on Tapis For - Both Wrightsville and Carolina Beach. PREPARATIONS IN PROGRESS For Bis Celebration Everywhere Red Men Will Have Charge at Carolina . Beach Splendid Observance at Soatbporf. Probably the most current, at any rate apropos question is: "Where are yon going on the Fourth!" Of course, some can answer definitely and others cannot There are going to be big times all 'round and many attractions to demand a close decision. At Wrightsville Beach the day as of yore will be gloriously observed. The Seashore JIoteL .and both, vaeht clubs will give big 'dances.- At the hotel it will be a day of constant enjoyment, while both the Atlantic and Carolina Clubs will furnish entire day's pro grammes of almost incessant amuse ment. There will, of course, be boat racing, eta, and the Seacoaat road will also offer special attractions. -Indications are for almost an overflow of visitors from afar, while the usual large crowds will go down from town. The hotels. Seashore and Ocean Yiew, will amply accommodate the former, while the Seacoast' will look after the latter in their usual careful and quick style. A schedule for the running of trains at all hours and on schedule time is now being made up. The Fourth this year at popular Carolina Beach will be a memorable one. . All kinds of sport and fun are to be dished out. The observance will be under the auspices of Eyota Tribe No. 5, Improved Order of Bed Men, of this city, and that alone is a sufficient guarantee of a big time. There will be dancing all day at the pavilion and Sedgely Hall Club and music on the boats plying between the city and the beach. Of course, Hanover Seaside Club will have their usual splendid celebration. . Captain John W. Harper, the clever commander of the steamer Wilming ton, has arranged a splendid schedule as follows : Boats leave the city at 8.00 and 10.30 A. M., and 2.00, 5.00 and 7.30 P. M. Leave the beach at 9.00 and 1L00 A. M , and 3 00, 6 00 and 10.00 P. M. The day too at Southport will be a big one. In fact, one of the most ap propriate and extensive Fourth cele orations of years will take place there. A fine programme of speaking, music, etc., has been mappecTout. The Boys' Brigade will be at camp at South nort vhen, and will participate in the patriotic observance. CONStRVATORY CLOSING With a Caaralag Recital Miss Hamme's School Terminated Its Ses sions Last Nlfht. A delightful piano recital last night marked the close of a highly success ful season at Miss Hamme's' Conser vatory. It was largely attended and greatly enjoyed. Before the recital commenced Prof. Washington Catlett, county superin tendent of public instruction, read an entertaining report of the rapid pro gross made by Miss Hamme's pupils the past season and the large amount of work that bad been accomplished. The recital programme was as fol lows: Serenata," (Moszkowski) Miss Anna Wootten. "Favorite Roundo," Jfiiehner) Miss Lina DeBosseL (a) "Funeral March," (Chopin); (b) "Impromptu," (Chopin) Miss Sarah Catlett. March, "Hongroise" (Bowalski.) Misses Loia Stanley, Amorette Woot ten, Jennie Murchison and Annie Hamme. - "'Forgotten," mandolin and guitar Miss Sarah Catlett andF. Harry West "Allegro in Wely Miss Tirgina BaileyTN M3aVjilgina Bailey, (A.) Garrotte Orthr (B.) Whither Carl K.olllng. Miss Lois Staley, by "The Moun tain Spring," Bohne Miss AmoretU "Wootten. "Folaca Brilliante," Weber Miss Sarah Catlett and Miss Virginia Bailey. Odd Fellows' Election Last Night. Wilmington Lodge No, 189, Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows, elected the following officers last night : 8. P. O. W. W. Roberts. " " N. Q. Kelly Jewell. V. Q. C. C. Chadbourn. Secretary R. H. Northrop. Treasurer J. T. King. The installation will take place Thursday, July 11. Entered a Quarantined House. Police Sergeant Burnett this morn ing, about 1 o'clock, arrested a white man, B. L. Lane, on a warrant charg ing him with violation of the quaran tine law. It is alleged that Lane en tered a house on Queen street between Sixth' and Seventh, which was under quarantine for scarlet fever. The quarantine placard was posted in plain view He will be tried In the police court this morning. :,- ,. "' . ' 1-i v" ' NEW ADVEBTISKMKNTB MaInTlteA:;": Star Press boy wanted. ; '''ir:C;' Yi Jv W, Powell Delighted with iCK - Fireworks for the Fourth of July wholesale and retail at Behder'a. LOCAL DOTS. Painters will go to work Mon day on tne court house.. The township tax listers were kept busy at the court house yesterday. The free show at Hilton still continues to draw a large crowd nightly. : The Seashore Hotel dined three hundred aud seventy-two guests yes terday.. The Boys' Brigade are still making-active preparations for their encampment next month. The delightful evening rides on the steamer Wilmington to the pier and return are as popular as ever. The Second Regiment Band's rehearsal last night showed the fine excellency the organization has al ready obtained. The full dress german at the Seashore to-night will be a recherche affair. - To-morrow evening the regu lar week end ball takes place. . . The excursion from Dillon, S. C, arrived on time yesterday. There were a large crowd of excursionists and they all saw the "sights." Now will piscatorial experts be good. . During a three days fishing frolic at Wrightsville Beach this week Messrs. -Watts .Martin, of Winston, and A. J. " Cramnton, of Charlotte, landed S3 sheephead, 95 blue fish and 9 Spanish mackerel. ENCAMPMENT . MATTERS. Eqnipage Will Soon Arrive Personnel of the First Refimeat t Enter Camp. Between now and next Friday the entire equipage for the encampment of the State Guard at. Wrightsville will be received. The work of making the camp will commence next week and will be about completed when Col. F. A. Macon, of . Henderson. Quartermaster General, arrives ai one of the advance guard. - As is known, the Third regiment will be the first to go into camp. Ool. Henry" Perry, of Henderson, will command the regiment, which is com posed of the following companies: Co. A Salisbury. Co, B Raleigh. Co. C Henderson. Co. D Durham. Co. E Oxford. Co. F Franklin ton. Co. G Beidsville. H Warrenton. Co. Co. Co. Co. I-r3sarlington. Mt. Airy. M King's Mountain. The encampmeatcommittefl here is still soliciting subscriptions. SALOON SCREENXAW "V WIU Not Be Enforced Until til the AI It Aldermen Pass Oa Together with several other alder manic doings the resurrected law of prohibiting saloons the use of screens found discussion on the streets yester day, both pro and con. - The ordinance is at present in a state of rest and will remain so at least until next Monday night when the regular monthly meet ing of the Board of Aldermen will be held. The ordinance is really an absolete one, and dates back many, many years. In fact, its existance was not general ly known until Mayor Waddell in formed the Aldermen Wednesday afternoon. The Mayor has not given orders to have it enforced and will not do so uatH the board acts upon it Monday night. It will either have to be re pealed or enforced.. New Postal Wafoa A-Comlnf. The time for Wilmington to be the proud possessor of an up to date police patrol wagon, sometimes termed a Black Maria," is about at hand. In fact, such a vehicle is expected to ar rive to day or to-morrow and, after in spection, will be put in immediate use. The wagon will be a great acquisi tion to the equipment of our efficient police department It will be very attractive ' in appearance, possessing seats on each side, brass railings and two steps in the rear. It will also have shades to screen prisoners from view when necessary. ; - OMef Furlong has received a picture of the new wagon, which was ordered from Baltimore, Md., by the Cowan Livery Stable Co. ... - . m To-day's Excursion to Carolina Beach. ThsBoy's Brigade's excursion to Carolina Beach takes place to-day and it is going to 4e a bjg success. The Brigade is going down in force, as are their many friends. Everybody :: who goes is promised a good time. . Besides other amusements there, will be a dance at night The WUmingt on will leave for the beach at 9.15 this morning and at 2.4$, 6.15 and 7.30 o'clock thin afternoon. The last boat will leave the beach at 10 o'clock to-night; r .- ' . ; Commissioners Grant License. The Board of , County Commission ers held a special session yesterday afternoon for the purpose of passing on applications for liquor licenses; They; approved the applications "for the city ; township - as passed by the aldermen and in addition granted a license to Paul Caase, of Wrightsville. The application of Frank L. Brown, of Wrightsville Beach, to sell malt liquor -was laid on the table, until the author Ities of the Beach' (incorporated) ap prove it , - ? Bargains in einbroiderie and vests atttenaer.- v M s WILMINGTON, N. C, TflE SAME OLD STORY Champions Once Again Yesterday Afternoon Scored a Nice Little Victory. TARTARS 00 DOWN IN DEFEAT It Was a Ratllinr Good Game Mostlv a Twlrlers' Battle With "Cy" Leading. A Hot Home Coming Expected This Afternoon, YKSTEEDAY'S GAMES. Wilmington, 4; Tarboro; L. Charlotte, 9; Raleigh, 5. Norfolk, 3 Richmond, 1. WHERE THEY PLAY TO-DAY. Tarboro at Wilmington. a Raleigh at Charlotte. w . -Richmond at Norfolk. STABBING OF THE CLTJBS. Won. .. 3 . 3 .. 3 1 .. 1 .. 1 Raleigh .... ... Lost 1 i . 1 3 3 S Per cent - .750' Wilmington . . . .750 .750 .250 .250 .250 Norfolk Tarboro ....... Richmond ...... Charlotte The stars must have foretold a victory, for if ever a feeling of a home team's mastery prevaded the very atmosphere it was yesterday. Not- with standing the strong opposing Tartars and the close score, never an anxious moment or breath holding spell occurred. For some unezplain able reason every body knew thecham pions were going to win and win they did. Yet it was a splendid game. - It was really a pitcher's battle with Vorhees leading at critical stages. The Champion b never appeared to better advantage. They were lively, "gingery" and perfect, save for two errors that cost . nothing. They ap peared to thoroughly enjoy the neck and neck race until the home stretch was reached, when they "won out" though it would only have been by a nose if Ashenback's frisky frivolities hadn't led him into a damaging duo of rapid consecutive errors. Tarboro was not in the best form, and was unfortunate in widely sepa rating their hits, concept in the ninth inning, but Vorhees' strong work asserted itself. The only plays bordering on sensa tionalism was a stop by Crockett, a long throw by Sebring from left field home, and two beautiful .stops by Gettig in the box. " The game openef up with the Tar tars at the rubber, which netted noth ing exfbpt a harmless single by Wed dige, aftei Deisel had fanned. Foster made a neat sacrifice, but Ashenback thrashed the air. The Giants were luckier, due probably to Gettig's tem porary wildness. Both Clayton and Devlin, the first up, were "dead headed" to first and then moved up a peg on Crockett's sacrifice. Stafford gained first on a skyscraper just back of third, but which was not sufficient for a score. Sebring flew out to right and permitted Clayton to score. Cran ston fanned. The second was fruitless for both, as the Tartars only had one more to reach first, and he was given a pass, and the Giants Only got a hot single by McGinnis. i The third started ' out gloriously for the visitors, as Gettig lined out a two bagger at the very start and obtained second on Deisel's hit to "Dalvy." But on the third bag he remained, as Cy was invincible, fanning Weddige and permitting Foster at first to fly to Crockett Our half was not as good and decidedly not as lengthy. ' It was one to three out, with Devlin driving out to deep center, Crockett out to "Little Ash," and Stafford Tanning. In the fourth inning more goose eggs materialized, the' only man get ting on OL jjeing Cranston on Wed dige's erroNand a subsequent steal of second., Tbe fifth was almost a repetition with the positions reversed, as the only man who got to first was Gettig, whose arm came in contact with the ball. The Sixth inning was the only time the Tartars were in evidence with a score:' Weddige singled and Foster followed with a timely sacrifice. Ashenback flew out to left, but Curtis scored Weddige on a pretty single. Gwaltney fanned. For Jthe Champions Seabring obtained a single, but as Crockett and Stafford had both previously registered goose eggs, hit to ahort uJ the latter on a deep Icen ter fly, and as Cranston followed the single with a fly to thjxd, it availed "nit." Neither the seventh or the eighth gave the Tartars a living chance, though Pennington got a pretty single. Again the Champions were fortunate in the eighth. Clayton singled, went to second on Deisel's sacri flee and scored on Crockett' si ogle.. "Davy" got second on Foster's error of. his. tiogle, bat was forced out at third by Sebring's hit to the box. In the meantime Stafford had walked to first and Se bring's. chance put him on second. Cranston hit to second and Ash erred. Then to cap . the climax; he made a most unearthly throw home and Staf ford and 1 Sebring scored. Cranston was put out at third: while trying to make the rounds on the wild throw. After two men had been retired in the ninth Gettig hit a difficult one to Crockett who made an extraordinary stop but it didn't reach first in time. In rapid succession Curtis and Wed dige siagled, thereby filling up the bases. But "All's well that ends well" Vorhees fanned Foster. --..' Gettig pitched a fine game. The field-, ing of Sebring - and Pennington was also-JLl. t;i ': ff'i,' S707&1 MBY.nnOTO&its :i& e78 9 fig? Tarboro.UiO Off 0 0 1 0 0 04-1-8 8 Wilmington -40 0 00 08-4 5 8 Batteries t . Vorhees and. Cranston; Getti and Gwaltney. - ' FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1901. ty. ' i THE TABULATED SCORE Tarboro. AB ... 5 ... 5 ... 3 ... 4 ...3 ... 4 3 ... 4 ...3 R 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PO 3 0 2 '7 1 4 3 4 0 A 0 2 0 0 0 Deisel, 3b.. ..... Weddige, an...., Foster, cf . Ashenback. lb . . Curtis, If Gwaltney; c Hempleman, 2b. Pennington, rf. . Gettig, p Total Wilmington. .84 1 8 24 9 3 AB . 3 . 2 . 3 . 3 . 4 R 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 PO 0 0 2 12 2 A E o o Clayton, as. Devlin, rf. Crockett, 2b. Stafford, lb",.... Sebring, If..,.., CrostoD. C. . . . . 3 0 0 0 2 0 4 10 1 0 0 Warrm. 3h. 9 rMcGinnis,cf. r 3 vorhees, p 3 ToUl ......(.28 4 5 27 12 2 Summary Stolen bases, Cranston (2); two base hits, Gettig and Pen nington ; bases tin balls, off Gettig 3, off Vorhees 2; hit by pitched ball, by Vorhees 1; struck out, by Gettig 4, by Vorhees 8. Time of game, 1:25. Um pire, Mr. Staley. i Attendance, 500. Not At All Sensational, , , But It Increased Onr Percentage. The Turtles crawled backward yesterday. . The Turtles crawled into a Hor nets' nest about right. The - Giants are now tied with, but, thanks awfully, not to the Turtles. Lipp, a fine pitcher, is now with the Hornets and will make his pres-. ence felt. . ' ' "Our Bob Gwaltney wore the inflated pad for the Tartars and did his work well. It was not a sensational game. In fact the ginger provided for the occas ion was very much diluted. Promoters of excursions during the Encampment should select days when there will be base ball games here.' Strangers who went to the Park and asked what the .big tent outside was for, were told" that it was for AshehbaclPs circus. Without knowing how the gate people figured it, the Star is satisfied that the number Of people on the grounds was at least 675. Capt John Cotton was a conspicr uous rob&r for the Tartars. As Tar. boro is John's native town, his preference was not a surprise. It was close enough up to the eighth inning, each team having scored one run. Then the Champions made three runs, and tftit settled it. The horse editor of the Star con gratulates the snake editor of the Char lotte Observer on the ease with which the Hornets turned the Turtles on their backs. During the Encampment aTl Wrightsville' there will be fifteen games played in Wilmington, giving the Guardsmen a fine opportunity to enjoy tire sport A fair comment on the result of the' game is that the Tartars were in a somewhat crippled condition, and that the Giants did-not nIJ- up. to their usual standard. Good for Tarboro," said the ornithological of the Postt of Wednes day. As reciprocity is a good thing, we -say, as we .look at the - score of yesterday good for Charlotte. Manager Bryan and Captain Ashenback say they were umpired out of the game yesterday, and the latter said to a Star representative that the Tartars would not play to day unless some one other than Sta ley umpires the game. Richmond Times: '.'Treasurer Phillips, of the Richmond Base Ball Club, burned the wires yesterday in his efforts to secure players to strengthen the' local team. Pastor, the new short stop, who is said to be a wonder, both in the field and at the bat, will report to day, and Drauby, the best first baseman in the Atlantic League, will, probably join in a few days." . " The Star of Tuesday said: "The sting of the Hornets may strike the Turtles in a tender spot to day say, in the regionakeMnarrative." As this did not trnm r that day,. the ornithological oracle of the tne star, was a poor propnet. - we that very thing did occur at Charlotte yesterday, the Hornets winnings by a score of 9 to 5. Here is richness for ycu from the Norfolk Landmark- "The fight among the clubs for the - pennant in this league promises to be one of the most interesting imaginable. The teams in North Carolina are determined that the flag shall go to one of them, while the two teams in Virginia are equally as determined. Wilmington papers give Norfolk the credit of winning the &mmt half of the inaion, - while our pa pers confer the honor upon Wilming ton. It is very improbable that there will be any content between the two for the: honor, as Manager Cunning ham Beemsto be willing that the Old North State boys shall have the honor. He expects to win the 'second half, and afterwards defeat Wilmington for the pennant for the season. - - dames On Other Diamonds. At Charlotte- 12845 6 78 9 RHB Charlotte. ..... .1 0 0 0 1 1 2,0 49 9 6 Raleigh ........ 4 0 1 0 0 0. 0 0 05 6 4 Batteries : Lipp and Gates ;. Stanley and LeGrande. At Richmond . " - ,. 123456789 rhe Richmond.;. . .". 0-0000001 012 2 Norfolk........ 0 110001 0 0-3 9 3 Batteries : ,-" Bishop 1 and Manners ; Dannehower and Lehman. !. Delightful Lawn Fete ' - The lawn .party given last night by the young ladies of Fifth Street M. E. Church was a big success. If was given on the spacious lawn of the church, which was . brightly ' illuminated by Japanese lanterns.' The large attend ance was delightfully entertained and served with delicious refreshments by a bevy- of charming young ladies. Quite a neat sum was realised by the party::;: -V . - v $ cents lawns for 3 cents at Rehder's. BAR ASSOCIATION. Two Sessions of the Convention Held Yesterday at Wrightsville. ADDRBSSES AT EACH jSESSION By Hon Charles M. BIsckford, of Vir ginia, snd Hsmilton C. Jones, Esq , . of the Charlotte Bar Routine -Business Programme. The lawyers 6? the State are still in convention at the Seashore Hotel at Wrightsville Beach. Yesterday was the second day of the third annual meeting of the North Carolina Bar Association and two ses sions were held during, the day: The first session was called to order at 10 o'clockA. M.,and the second convened last night at 9V'clock in the ball room of the hotel. - . . During; the mbrning'session an elab. orate and scholarly address was deliv ered by Hon. Charles M. Blackford, of Lynchburg, Va. The subject of the address was, "The Influence of the English-speaking Lawyer on Preserv ing the Liberty of the English speak ing Race." In paying a tribute to the Bar Associations , of the country, Mr. Blackford said : "Nothing has been done by the bar of the United States, or of the several States, so calculated to purify its prac tice or to elevate and ennoble its aims, as the formation and main tenance of tbe various Bar Associa tions. By them the lawyers are brought together in charming social intercourse; the old men, by asso ciates, are inspired again, with the en -thusiasm of youth, and the young are cheered as they chafe in their slow and seemingly hopeless progress by noting the footsteps of the old, learn ing of their struggles andhearing the story of their days of gloom and de pression and of the labors by which they attained their success. Nor is this all, here men are taught that the highest rewards of the profession are won only by hard work and that its best triumphs are accorded only to those whose ways are ciean, whose purposes are high and tbe .ethics of whose practice will bear the closest scrutiny." The delivery of the speech occupied almost two hours. Much routine business was trans acted at the morning session. The Lreports of all standing and special committees were received and filed. The report of the secretary of the As- sociation showed that the Association numbers three hundred and sixty eight members. Thirty-nine mem bers .have been elected during the present session. At the night - session the principal feature was the address by Hamilton C. Jones, Esq., of the Charlotte Bar. "Traditions and Recollections of the Bench and Bar of North Carolina" was the subject o&he address. To-day is the last day of the present convention. All lawyers and their families are expected to remain over and become the guests of the Wil mington Bar on a trip down the Cape Fear river and out to sea to morrow. Extensive preparations have been made for this trip and many will doubtless remain and go down. The programme of to day will be: 10 A. M. "Taxation of Corpora tions," by James H. Pou, Esq ; Dis cussion ; General Business ; Report of committee to recommend officers; Election of officers and members of the Executive Committee. Among the arrivals, yesterday a the Sea Shore hotel, were ; Victor Bryant, Judge Winston, Durham ; Zeb V. Wal ser, Z. I. Waker, Lexington, N. C. ; C. G. Wright, Greensboro; C. M. Blackford, Lynchburg, Va; Geo. G. Thompson,Jr., Fred Harper and wife, Lynchburg, Va ; Geo. J. Holladay and wife, S. C ; F. A. Daniels, Goldsboro; H. Pou, Raleigh; L. A. Beasleynjj wife, Kenansville; ex- Governor and Mrs. .Russell, Judge and Mrs. Robinson, R. T. Turlington; H. N. Pharr, Charlotte; Ellis a Wil liams, R. B. Red wine, D. A. Coving' ton, Monroe, N. C. ; W. C. Maxwell, Charlotte; Lieutenant Bishop and wife, Fort Caswell; P. B. Beard, Sal isbury. A full dress. german will be given to night in the Seashore Hotel ball room. The last train will leave the beach for Wilmington at IS o'clock midnight. " News of Our Doc." J ; From the El Paso, Texas, Daily News of the 17th inst, comes : the following: ;4 "Mr. Nichols will - leave io-morrow for Denver and Kansas City on busi ness, to be absent several yfeeks. He is accompanied to El Paso by -W. W. Vick, of Nacosari, who is promin ly mentioned as the coming un? States vice consul soon to be nai for that place. Both gentlemen re- Eort great activity in both railroad uilding by the Bisbee . and Green people and in the extensive mining propositions." , . : ? All of "Doc's" friends in the city, and they are numbered by the score, will read the above with pleasure and wish him the peat success his clever ness and ability so richly deserve. The "flood Roads'! Bond Issue, ...... . . Jk . . - The county's new : bond . issue will very probably be made the latter part of next month. Bids will be adver tised . for - in. the - city and,; financial papers the 15th or 20th of July. In additition- circulars letters are to be sent to the different firms who purch ase bonds, w' " ,v --: . " 50 cents' straw hats Behder'a. -v- at Id V ' cents at WHOLE NO. 10,564 PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Miss Louise F. Knight left last evening for Baltimore. Mr. D. D. Hankins and bride reached the city last evening-. Mr. J. J. Crosswell, route agent of the Southern Express Company, is in the city. Mr. F. A.' Daniels, of Golds boro, was registered at the seashore yesterday. Jas. H. Pou, Esq., of Raleigh, is attending the Bar Association at Wrightsville. Miss Lula Johnson, of Marion, S. C , was registered at . the Seashore Hotel-yesterday. . Mr. J. O. Gasque, of Marion, S. C, graced our city with his genial presence yesterday. - Mr. C. G. vWright, of Greens boro, was among the arrivals at the Seashore Hotel yesterday. Mrs. J, A. Lockhart and child, of Wadesbpro, passedsjhrough yester terday going to Wrightsville Beach. -:;lnlBsl)aisyjohnsonof Teacheys, passed through the city yesterday en route to Wrightsville, to spend a few days. Miss Mamie McGirt, who has been visiting friends in Fayetteville and Greensboro, returned to .the city yesterday. . Messrs. D. H. McLean and J. C. Clifford, two prominent attorneys of Dunn, N. C, are in the city attend ing the Bar Association. Miss Gertrude Rivenbark, oi Willard, and Miss Zenie Croom, of Burgaw. are in the city, the guests of Mrs. D. W. Rivenbark. The following Fayetteville people reached the city this morning on the steamer Hurt going to the Sea shore: Sheriff George A. Burns and Messrs. W. L. Holt, A. H. Slocomb, E H. Williamson, W. A. Vanstory, C. L. Belvin, L. A. Williamson and L. 8. Brandt LIST OF LETTERS. Remaining Uncalled Por in the Wilming ;' ton Postofflce June 26th, 1901. WOMEN'S LIST. Carrie Anderson, Etta Bartlett, Rosa Daniel, Georgia Davis, Luisso Garri son, Eliza Hallerty, Lena Kerney, IdaFarrel, Martha Futch,' Sue Jane Mosie, Buia Mason, Mrs. A. E. Nixon, Mary Nixon. Mary Paterson, Mrs. J. C. Bobbins, Mamie Rurie, Martha Robins, Pearl Shaw, Nellie Seymour, Addie Spicer, Anna Simon, Bettie Thomas, ffaura WOams, Mrs. Albert Wiber. . MEN'S LIST. H.Beamon, J. M. Byrd, Lary Bil lipps, R. T. Bunce, Wm. Blanding, W. J. Brown, W. H. Carter, Geo. W. Chester, S. L. Chinniss, S. Dagus, Moses Grime, Mr. and Mrs. R. Gerdan, F. J. Herring, G. R. Home, Jim Hismith, Jno. J. Henden, W. A. Jarrell, L. Krissin, Antony Larring ton, Henry Fayet, J. B. Forsyth, JNelson Fusle, Reshop Michel, M. C. McClarry, T. Maddox. Willie Morris, A. B. Mercer, A. S. Malcanson, Car nice McRoach, G. C. Mclntire, A. B. Nichols, James Nixon, Simon Rod gers, 8. W. Rogerson, W. B. Short, M. Stutman, L. S. Simpson, R. J. Smith, J. W. Weaks. EE TURNED FROM DEAD LETTER OFFICE. J. M. Wallie. Persons calling for above tetters will please say advertised. If not called for in fifteen days they will be sent to the dead letter office. M. O. Dabby, m Postmaster. THE N. C. STATE GUARD. Reorganization Third Regiment Requisi tion Tfor Supplies W. Q. Old, Cnptaln of Naval Brigade. t Special Star Telegram. Rleigh, June 27. Governor Ay cock A-day issued a commission to W. T.gOld, Elizabeth City, Captain of tne iNortn uarouna in aval Brigade, to succeed wjap tain H. H. "Mcllhenny, of Wilmugton, resigned. The com mission is dated bsc, June 10th, when Mcllhenny's resaLaation became ef fective. A reauisition is forwarded for t!8. 000 worth of military umforms, accou trements, supplies, etc., including instruments for three regimental bands of fifty-two pieces each. An order has been issued reorganiz ing the Third, regiaaent as tollowm! First battalion Major T. J. Winston, of Durham. Companies Durham, Raleigh, Burlington, Reidsville. Sec ond battalion Major P. T. Jones, of Henderson. Companies Henderson, Warrenton, . Oxford, Franklinton. Third battalion Major to be elected during - encampment. Companies Mount Airy, Salis bury, King's Moun tain. This regiment goes into camp at Wrightsville July tenth. CITY OP. WILSON Will Issue $25,000 Bonds for .Pavinf Streets Court House Addition. - T Special Star Telearam. v WrLsoir, N, a, June 2T.A force of hands is at work on the $15,000 addition to our court house. ;7"' By an almost unanimous vote the city of Wilson to-day agreed to issue 125,000 bonds for paving our streets. , , 1 'sseana-naat-Bjaest-- - City Subscribers. , City subscriDers are earnestly re quested to report promptly at the Stab office every failure of the carriers to deliver their papers. In all such cases steps will be taken to Insure prompt and regular delivery . , ; . - i I TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTWTrX , by Ua.ll, f5.00v Months 8.60 X MobUis, " 1.25 tha, ' : ' -1.00 to Snbaertbera Ib tb ; 45 Gents per BXontav. . T' co OUR FURNITURE IS IN THE FOREGROUND because of superior merit It Is not tne kln4 that Is contemptuously referred to as "cheap stuff," yet It Is cheap when price Is considered. THIS FURNITURE Is made by Improved machinery directed and controlled by Intelligent workmen. The wood . Is well seasoned stock. Will not shrink and wstd out of shape, it is good rurniture to iook noon and Sood furniture to own. - Note these little prices: Solid Oak Chlffoneen from I5T5 up. Cane Seat Bed-room Chairs 75c lo 11.50 each.. HUHR0E & KELLY, No. 17 South Front street , , Befl" 'Phone 115. Je as tf 99 Sold every where and by , everybody. j hjjlv if 1IM Tobacco. . ' 9 ' - . Free from stems and suits the taste. "aTTrtTxr vrtTT7xr BUV T U V 11 M Tobacco Don't decay teeth. A good chew. "SHOW DOWN . Tobacco. All stores carry" it.- Take no other. tollers & Hashagen, je 23 tf Sole Agents. LIVERPOOL SALT. 680 Bag;, 806 pound, 79c. - 587 BtLgm, 180 pound, 74. ; 816 Bags, 100 pound, 41.' 711 Bags, 100 White, 42. 348 Bags, 100 Table, 65c. - 86 Barrels 2 lb. Pockets, $3.25 110 Bags Ice Cream, $1.35. 26 Bass, Rock Cattle, S 1.50. Prices In car lots, good basrs, fresh filled, sub ject to market changes. Smaller lots little higher. W. B. COOPER, Wholesale Grocer . 308. 810. 312 Nut street, Je 27. tf wnminartoiA N. 5 and lOc Store la not in it along tide of Warren's Cafe, r- iu:l ii r - i in. i X One Three Two ODelrrarea. X Cltrat 4 , n Tabacco nun us o anu iuu LuiiuiiBb. r v warren s steam Bakery and Cafe. je 27 tf Opposite ilasonlo Temple.-- , ! , -X-S... ' .. WANTED, 3,000 lbs. Beeswax. 5,000 lbs. Wool. Highest cash prices. paid. --7 Quotations furnished on applica tion. SAMUEL BEAE, Sr. 18 market street, lesrtf. wnmlmrton.. N HEW DAIRY IDHCflV A long felt want for Wil mington. Mac's Cafe, 111 Princess Street. inrr T nnvtr WSMtTTWV TTTWH' OA'VU 1 a or the ' aeotle- accommodation of both Ladles and Gentle- Elegant up-to-date service and polite atten- , , . tlOQ. . I I Business Lunch a specialty, served dally ' J I from 12 M. to a P. m. lo centa. - . OPEN DAY AND RIGHT. ' Splendid tAncb Counter. Ir su tu Je 8i tC r ' Iledical Departmr OHIVERSITI dr NORTH C1I Fully equipped for tbe best work.- It nave maae spienaiu recorus. - ; -v; . -Taition.$75. Other Expenses Low. Fall term beelna September 9, wou- Address V. F. TENABIiEt PrttUltaf,: , is jetfiot v UbapI Hill, Iff. C. . Press Boy ,Wantcd. A reliable boy, 15 to lS years oldV" who has had experience in running ? Job Presses, may secure employment , ; by applying at the Star. Office. - Must " . be a-esident of Wilmington. . - ' , , r jew at , BIDS iMVITEDp7 " :" Tot the erection of tbe Mazton Graded Bchp i - , - - , - i building, Mazton, n. o. - - Address X, B. WXATHKKLT, Je S3 lw : fr su we ' Clerk School Board. ' . DELIGHTED WITH IT; Fats Blxjit, N. O., June 22, 1SC1, . Mr. N F. Parher, Wilmington, 17. C. . Dbab Sib I enclose cheek to Cz account. The Wardrobe is a has f piece of Furniture, and the t- " ordered it for are delighted wi'-i it. - - . Yours truly, - j23tf j-J. W.Po-r:-.- rr J '1 1- - c K ' - i r - ' i c - I X a r 7 'ft ""4 -

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