nitaranfMit hana.CI 4 P.,...ri 3 vaaiu WgiriHU, UTSl'WOf , TE RMS .OF SUBSCRIPT) Circulation Larrer Thu tb Of Aajr Otber Dafly News- One:Tear by Slail, $5.0i , , paper ' Potlifibed in- - Six Mentha. " 2.50 3 . . i X Three MonthiV' alJBS X 9 Two Konthc . 1.00 OLDEST r IZTfEW8PAFEBi Delivered to Subscribers In tke ;- IK US STATE, VOL. LXVni. NO. 84. WILMINGTON, N. C., SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 1901. :60.00600 WHOLE NO. 10,564 D:ii 0f II II II II A I I I - M ! II IA i I VJ II VJ VI I - K M I I $ Six Month.. 2.50 2 I OUTLINES. Th9 failure of Harguand & Co, bankers and brokers, was announced oir the N. Y. Btock Exchange. A charter has been granted for a rail road from: Atlanta to Birmingham, Ala.' Frank Miller, safe robber and murderer, and Alonzo .Williams, colored, murderer, -were hanged yes terday at Birmingham,. Ala. radstreet reports the business situ ation faTorable. -Masked men took a "negro from jail at Georgetown, UL, ana unsappaseaao wmijuuuw. ''Samuel Qompers.' president of the American Federation of Labor, is dangerously ill at Washington, D. C. - Bain storms continue in the Bluefleld section of West Virginia causing delay in repairs. A ship load of Boer prisoners has arriTed at St -1 . J .lUn1 rmuda. Hon. Wm. EL Clarke, his two Tounsr daughters and a ten year-old son vof Green" Bryan were drowned last night at Newborn, N. O. - A curious discrepancy has derel oped concerning the amount of indem nity that China has agreed to pay to the Powers. It is believed that the end of the machinists' strike in Newport -News, is not far off. -8erere strm at Minneapolis; one man killed and several people were injured. -i- New' York markets: Money on call firm, at 5i 10 per cent.; cotton quiet, middling uplands 8 13-1 6c; flour wa quiet and easier; wheat spot weak No. 2 red 7Sc; corn spot steady, No. 2 4Sfcc; oats spot dull, Wo. 2 32c; rosin steady; spirits turpentine quiet. WEATHER REPORT Agriculture, t Rttrwatt N. C. June 28. S egrees; maximum, 84 de Jum, 68 degrees; mean76 V Jo the day, 0; rainfall JOS BULLKTIN. jte was slightly lower ,-Vbut continues high in i western districts. llen in nearly all f DAT f 27. For North udy, withhow i June 29. 4.45 AM. 7.20 P.M. X:.'." 14H.37M. rt. 510 A.M. Ji. 7.40 A.M., fifteen or pool or pud- jfeller is fixing all around. He is -w - - i r mm .will control , all the and wells on beth mentions it as t in the en- girls to the ajority were rleans Times is true of the for a warm e leading s ol both men, and numerous - Constitu iworld Robert l t .. nj nas arriTea Jn that the American . ay longer, swear more T fight harder than any c saw, and he seems. to s a formidable com 'isBessi Bifejfcewart, J daughter of swart, o-ifevTada,-irnn- si.. tor. Stewart " a millinery store ; at i Newport, , and is doing a rushing busi ""e old man is probably a rtner, - He has become. oenator. since he played out jt h&f into the Republican . jj ' . - ' 3 i a wr-a in the town of r. V&.f i o.M getting rich sells.- for a ;:.ou3 of. 3 not -given, tut the. Jrrein--tlon at they are f tLs 'i - She attributes j h er xzcl. t that she can. get ztzzi tmte pies out of the sac: 3 l : : arial as anj other -pia bull " ? -nahaj rescher has raised hs r event aants, -us pec 1 Hie t :i3 lit t 1 A 5 MAN NO OPPRESSION Section Six of the Revenue Act Passed by the State . Legislature. LAW AS TO CORPORATIONS Circular Letter from the State Auditor Regarding the Appraisement of Cap ital Stock Wilmington Corpo rations Receive Notification. State Auditor B. F. Dixon is send ing out to all "corporations the neces sary blanks for the appraisal of stock, and accompanying each is a personal letter, which reads as follows: "In accordance with. Section 6, of the Revenue Act, 1901, 1 enclose here with a blank form for the appraisal of capital stock of your corporation. The law requires that this appraisement shall be made by two of your officers,' and between the 1st and 15th days of July, as to the actual value in cash of your capital stock on the first day of June. This is a noyel law . for our people and yet I do not think it was the purpose of the Legislature to op press the corporations by ah unjust tax. I am sure it is not the purpose of this Department to do anytbiB6f tgit kind." J Y'l would respectfully suggest that instead of trying to arrive at the cash value ol your capital stock from the amounts it declared in dividends or carried into' surplus, or sinking fund, for any one year, that you could more readily arrive at its value by estima ting it through your profits or loss for a series of years. "I want you gentlemen to under stand that it is the desire of this De partment to accept the appraisal which you may make of your property .for taxation as final." The Wilmington corporations, ex cept those of very recent origin, have received blank forms and copies of the above letter. Consequently the ap praisal of stock will be in active vogue for the next ten or fifteen days. A Swell Daace. The full dress germ an at the Sea shore Hotel last night was a brilliant success and enjoyed by a large num ber of dancers. The german was gracefully led by Mr. Clayton Giles, Jr. , The attendance was as follows: Mrs. Thomas Settle, of Winston, Mrs. Frank 8pruil, of Lexington ; Miss Cornelia Ferrell, of Clinton; Miss Daisy Johnson, of Warsaw; Miss Fer rell, of Clinton; Miss Virginia Bhober, of Graensboro; Miss Nettie Dockery, of Charlotte; Miss Agnes Stevenson, of Kinston; Miss Ger trade - Lichtenstein, of Tarboro; Miss Grace Burkhead, of Lexington; Miss Taylor, of Washington; Mrs. J. C. Wise, of. Maoon, Ga.; Misses Carrie Myers, Eliza ,Bellamny, Maria Baldwin, Emma West, Augusta Wig gins, ElUanor Cantwell, Lilla Bel lamy, Marie Peschau, Sarah Kenan ; Lucile Murchison, Bettie DeBosset; Annie Peck and Jeanie Peck and Mes dames E. 8. Latimer, E. Van Court Lucas and B. M. Chiswell, of Wilson; Mr- J. Crawford Brings, of Durham ; Hon Thos. Settle, of Winston; Hon. Frank SpruilL of Louisburg; Hon. Z V. Walser, of Raleigh; Mr. A. Man gam, of Rutherford ton ; Mr Archie Graham, of Philadelphia, and Messrs. Wallace CarmiehaeL'" George L. Peschau, Henry Peschsu, Thos. ,W. Davis, "Jack" Bellamy, Marsden Bellamy. Jr., James Munds, T. A. Baxter, Samuel Springer and Horace Springer. BAND EXCURSION. Delightful Moonlight Ride to the Rocks Tuesday Night. The next thing on tapis forth i new Second Regiment Band, North 2 - OKI. - Jl ... r. r jiua fsbsw vruar u, is a rr .irfnlig augnt excursion next Tuesday night 1 The run will be made on the commodious steamer Wilmington to the Rocks and bsck, and during the delightful trip a 8uberb band concert will be given. At the last meeting of the organiza tion a committee composed of Messrs. EL H. Muuson, R C. Banks and R C. Piatt was appointed to make all ar rangements. The committee went m mediately to work and now report a splendid time in sight. The Wilmington will leave the city at 9 o'clock in the evening and return about midnight. The band concert will be in progress both on the down and return trip. Of course delicious refreshments will be obtainable on board. The fare for the round trip will be 25 cents. The band Tuesday night will march from their quarters in the Wilmington Light Infantry armory to the wharf and dispense fine music on the way. Big Isjoss Elect Chiefs. ; y Eyota Tribe No. 5, Improved Order of -Red Men, elected the following raised chiefs last night: r Sachem William Sheehan. . .Senior Sagamore D. Hanna.' , Junior . Sagamore EL R. Bark- Eeimw'.'i';;. ,. " prophet John A. Martin. (Keeper of Wigwam F.B. LeGwin. 5c. These officers, together with , the ap pointive chiefs, will' be installed next IMday nighLN;,;, , , . CMefj of Records - James M. Mc Gowan and Keeper of Wampum E. P.; EfrncchT' were '.elected , last Cold DTnr.Ti;r::iz:TT3 vaot dealers.;" ' -V, ; JCo".-AU3nt:c. - al Bank ITC LOCAL DOTS. To-day is the last to list taxes. The revenue cutter Algonquin is in port. ? . The week-end ball at the Sea shore Hotel takes place to night. Hereafter ladies' baseball tick ets can be obtained at Johnson's Dry Goods Establishment. The Algonquin will leave this morning at 9 o'clock on the river out- ng of the Bar Association. Mr. Ii. Hansen, Jr., will con duct the Christian Association's men's meeting to-morrow afternoon. The popular course committee of the Y. M. C. A. has already com menced to make up a list of next season's attractions. In two cases of assault with a deadly weapon Justice McGowan yes terday bound Lizzie Jackson, colored, over to the Superior Court. The register - of deeds Ogives notice that tax on the total amount of liquor purchases will be due after to morrow and payable the first ten days in July. - Rev. P. C. Morton, JD. D., will conduct services at Phoenix to morrow morning, but will return to the city in time to hold services at Delgado in the evening.' Hon. C. M. Bernard, United States District Attorney, entertained exGov. Daniel Russell, Judge W. 8. O'B. Robinson and party aTthe Sea shore Hotel Thursday. The occasion was a "swell" dinner. MR. JOHN H. B0ESCH DEAD. Entered Into Rest Yesterday Afternoon After a Fortnight's Illness Panersl This Afternoon. The 8tab regrets exceedingly ' to chronicle the death of one of. Wil mington's truest citizens and a man highly esteemed by all, Mr. John EL Boesch, which occurred yesterday afternoon at 3.30 o'clock at the family residence, corner Fourth and Bruns wick streets. Mr. Boesch about a fortnight ago was taken sick with typhoid fever, and in spite of all earthly aid the end came yesterday afternoon. The only members of his immediate family, a son and a daughter, Mr. waiter Boesch of this city, and Mrs. Richard Linder, of Norfolk, Va., were at his bedside when the white winged mes senger came. Mrs. Linder arrived in the city Monday, in response to a telegram informing her of her father's fatal ill ness. The deceased was a brother of Mr. John C. Boesch and Misses Mary and Erne Boesch, all of this city. Mr. Boesch was born in Neuhans ad Qate, Province of Hanover, Ger many, exactly fifty-two years, nine months and twenty-six days ago and came to Wilmington when a youth in his teens, and lived here up to the time of his death. He was a good citizen amf aoe loved and respected by all who knew him. He bad a pe culiar and pleasing knack of making and holding steadfast friends. The funeral service will be held this afternoon at 4 o'clock from his late residence, thence to Qakdale Ceme tery. Howard Relief Company, of which the deceased was a member, will attend the funeral in a body. SAD ACCIDENT AT NEWBERN. Hon. Wm. E. Clarke, His Two Daughters aad a Son of Greca Bryaa Drowned. By Teiearapb to tbe m nuns Star. ' . Nkwbkrn, N.C., June28J3on.Wm. TCni.i,t i. i m n i uLtffg, Mary -"in I ii -t acred 9, and i - n n .. . , j vroo... oryan, ue (cu yeac ow sun of Green Bryan, were drowned here to night. The party was out rowing opposite the ' water works when the boat was swamped by the waves. Mr. Clarke's little son, William E. Jr., was the only one of the party saved. He clung to the boat .until rescued.; The bodies or the two young women have been recovered. Mr. Clarke was a Republican, and had at different times been State senator, represents tive, deputy collector of customs and postmaster of Newborn, Death of a Bright Little Child. " The Stab condoles with Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Bunting in their deep grief over the death of their only son, Willie Smith, an exceedingly bright and lovable child of twenty-two months. The little fellow passed away, yesterday at 10 o'clock, at the family residence on Walnut street, between Front and Second. The funeral will be held at the residence at 10 o'clock this morning. The interment will be made in Oak dale cemetery. Officers for Hanover Lodge. . . At the regular meeting of Hanover Nov 145, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, last night the following offi cers were elected: ' i S..P. G. O. F. Williams. ; N. G. O. R. Spooner. V. G. J. EL Wood. : i I . S. a G. HalL F. a B. W. Dunham, ; Treasurer-r-W. H. HowelL : The above . officers will be installed next Friday night. . ' f -.MMBaaHaKBswMBt Bank Dividend Declared. . ; The Board of DirOstors of the Atian tic NationalBank have declared" the - j.a semi-annual dividend of $4 per : i a. It Is r t r ?. r'a.ble. They have d- " - '":nal six per "1 t3r2iJai :z::rg ANOTHER VICTORY; Tartars Were Never in Yester day's Game and Conse quently Lost Out. T WAS A VERY LOOSE GAME. Started Off Well Bat Decreased Rapidly Kicking a' Decidedly Regrettable Feature Better Ball This Afternoon Other Games. YESTERDAY GAMES. Wilmington, 13; Tarboro, 6. .uaieign, 2; Uharlotte, 1. Richmond, 9 ; Norfolk, 5. WHERE THEY PLAY TO-DAY. Tarboro at Wilmington. Raleigh at Charlotte, v Richmond at Norfolk. BTAKBnra of the clubs. won. ,. 4 . 4 ,. 3 .. 2 . 1 .. 1 D8t 1 1 2 3 4 4 Per cent. Wilmington . . . Raleigh Norfolk Richmond Tarboro Charlotte .800 .600 .400 .200 .200 Imagine if you can a game most abundant with errors, plentiful with hits and almost incessant with "kicks' yet not entirely devoid of amusement, and' you have yesterday's battle on Hilton diamond. In fact, it was to a large extent entertaining, though not in the slightest possessing the essential attribute of baseball-excitement. The Champions met an abundance of errors and loose playing with good snappy ball and, of course, there could be but one result the Tartars went down in defeat, with no one to blame, unless it be Wolf, who put up an inferior arti cle of ball, and Ashenback with a repetition of Thursday's costly errors. The locala;are accredited with three -fourths as many errors as the visitors, but they were made through careless ness, or in other words at sort of "don't care" moments. The worst feature of the game was Ash's kicking, with a strong second from Weddige. It was like unto a "drowning man grabbing at a straw," for each regis tered two errors and the former had to give way at first to foster, aiaiey umpired a fine game. Stewarc made the best twirler's rec ord, in and out of the box, yet made here. He emerged from the game a star, with McGinnis a strong under, study. For the visitors, Curtis ex celled, while Deisel fhnd Weddige's stick work was splendid. The Tfrtars opened up in great style. Both Deisel and Weddige found the ball, but not for hits, and Foster, followed with a two bag line drive, which enabled him to score as Crockett threw wild to third 'in an endeavor to cut him off. Ash fanned. Due to Wolf's wildness the Champions also started off well, Clayton walked and Devlin was hit and followed to first Crockett went out on a fly to centre. Wolf then filled the bases by giving Stafford a pass. Sebring put one in deep centre which Foster obtained, but which scored Clayton. Stafford thenfmade a feint by going for second and Wolf's throw to that bag was Devlin's cue to Fcore from third, which he did in great style, assisted by Wed dige's wild throw home. Thackara fanned. It was slum fcLil tweet ftr the visitors in the second ore, two, three, out, but the Champions were there with "the goods," but the. Tartars couldn't buy them. Warren and Mc Ginnis led off with singles. Ash made an error and let Stewart claim first. Clayton forced Warren out at the plate. Everybody moved up a peg on Gwaltney's wild throw to first and responded to an encore on Dev lin's siaae o -.ett hit to second and OlaytolTKrfnrown out weddige made another diabolical wild throw and Devlin andV Crockett tagged the pan Btafford fifflfeed. The Tartars made two thfcasbgers in the third, one each by Defeei and Weddige, And on an error Sebring and Clayton's wild throw, Jboth scored. The Champions also tallied Jtwo, War ren and Sebring, each of whom, ob tained pretty singles, crossing' the. rubber. ' The fourth was devoid of runs.: The fifth netted nothing except a beautiful two bags drive to left by Thackara. .." One run was fostered by the Cham pions in the sixth, obtaining it pn Stewart's two bagger and Clayton's fly to deep center. Goose eggs were in vogue in the seventh, but in the eighth there were all kinds of runs. The Tartars ob tained two on two doubles by Curtis and Weddige and a single by Foster. The ChampioDS ran in four, due to two baggers by Stewart and Sebring, sin gles by Crockett and Cranston and a costly, error of Fester's. . The Tartars m&de one more in the ninth on a double by Curtis, a single by Gilligan and an error on the part of McGinnis. THE TABULATED SOOBE. Tarboro. AB . 4" , 4 4' B 2 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 i B Deisel, 3b Weddige, 2b. Foster, cf& lb...... Ashenback, lb& cf . , Curtis, If... Wiggins, ss ........ . Gettig.rf Gwaltney, c ....... . Wolf.rf 1 0 6 8 4 4 4 3 4 3 I 3 1 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 Total...... ...84 8 24 5 Wilmington. ab Clayton, ss. . . ....... 4 PO. 3- 3 3 5 0 11 1 2 2 0 A E 8-1 0 0 Devlin, rf & lb. Crockett, 3b... Stafford, lb . 2 2 0 Sebring, if. 1 2 0 .1 1 3 1 1 3 2 11 Thackara, c... Warren, Sb., ULCV71UUM) CI . . . Stewart, pr.... .'. , .4 Cranston, rf . .V. . . . . 2 0 0 iTta..:.V..V,r.88 13 11 27 10 6 Summary Stolen ' bases, Clayton; Stafford and Devlin; two base hits, Sebring, Thackara, Stewart (2), Deisel, weaoiffe. nosier and uurtis: three base hits. Deisel and Weddfoe: doubled piays, ueisel to Wiggins to Ashen back; bases on balls, off Stewart 2, off won s;,nit oy pitched ball. Devlin: struck out, by Stewart 9, by Wolf 4; passed ball, Gwaltney. Time of game, 1:45. Umpire. Mr. Stalev. SCORE BY HTNINGS. 123456789 R H k Tarboro......! 02 0000 21 6 8 8 Wilmington ..24200104 13 11 6 Batteries: Wolf and Gwaltney: Stewart and Thackara. Nothing the Matter With the (Hants. They Are All Right, We "sjambroked" 'em again yes terday. It was a ragged and jagged game as a whole. The horse editor's puzzle picture: Find" Stewart. Four out of five ought to satisfy the disconsolate croaker. But it will never do it The Turtles defeated the Hornets yesterday, but the latter "gave Jem a " good run for their money." The attendance showed that there is no decline in the enthusiasm of the rooters and rooterinas of Wilmington. If signing new players will "do the trick" the Turtles will be "strictly in it." They are averaging about one new man a day. Stewart played a beautiful game all around. His pitching was superb. his work admirable, and his base-running excellent. The sentiment in base ball circles here is unanimous that the president of the league should not be owner or manager o one of the teams. Devlin will take Stafford's place. at first base, and the Stab predicts that he will be a favorite from the start. Keep your eye on him. The Wilmington management should make all needed preparations for the hard fight next week. The Giants games with the Turtles and it will require hard, conscientious work to make an even break. "Fore warned, forearmed." There are many idiotic rumors afloat in regard to the Wilmington team. The Stab is assured by those in charge that the Giants will con tinue their good work, and that the personnel of the team will be kept to the highest standard. There are quite a number of sub scriptions; to the base balJafund here that have -not yet been paid. In the aggregate they amount to a consider able sum, and should be paid at once. Our team had hard luck in Portsmouth on account of the collapse of the team there, not even getting the guarantee. Our esteemed ornithological is assured that it was a typographical error that made the name of the Post appear as "Pest" in this department yesterday. Our esteemed is not pes tering us at alL On the contrary, the ornithological is a "fellow' of infinite jest." He's a bird; and we are delight ed with his baseball warblings. In reference to the departure of Messrs. Stafford and Vorhees yester day, the Stab is authorized by the management to say that the former left for his home in response to a tele gram from his brother, and the nature of his business is such that he may not return at all. Mr. Vorhees is ex pected back, not later than Sunday evening. Qames On Other Diamonds. At Charlotte 123456789 bhe Charlotte. 0 1000000 01 6 2 Raleigh 0 0000000 22 4 1 Batteries: Martin and Gates; Smith and LeGrande. At Norfolk 123456789 BHE Norfolk 10020101 05 10 2 Richmond ....01014110 19 15 1 Batteries: Slagle ' and Lehman; Thomas and Manners. Death of Mr. Samuel Hall. J At 10:15 o'clock last night Mr. 8am- djiall, who has been a citizen of uviears. died at the City Hospital- I been sick for a month or morel The deceased came from" one of old families of the upper Cape Fear and was an intrepid Confederate sol dier. He has many riends in the city who will hear the news pt his death with sadness. For a number of years he was a most efficient.- member of the Wilmington police lorce. .He leaves one so, Mr. Samuel Hall,' Jr;, of this city, to mourn his loss. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. P. R. Slocomb, of Georgia, is in the city. Ss " Miss Mary Black has returned from Bed Springs. Mrs. W. L. QtOYer returned yes terday from Cincinnati. -The Stab regrets to note the sickness of Mr. 8. A. Schloss. . jdge E. K. Bryan and Mrs. Bryan iave returned to the city. Mr. Tom Kenan was greeting his many friends on the streets yester day. Mrs. J. D. Bulluck, of Rocky Mount, is among the visitors at Caro lina Beach. Mr. A. Powell, manager and part owner pf the New Orleans hall team, is in the city. , Mrs; Geo. Q. Thomas and Mr. Geo. Q.' Thomas, Jr., returned yester day from New York. ' .. v . ' r Misss Eva ; May Gilbert,., of Norfolk; Va., is here Tlsitingfler Mr. : M. Stackhonse, a promi- jj nent insurance aent or Marlon 8. OL, is spending a few days in the city. . i Gene Guthrie Eaj., of South-1 port, came up yesterday on legal busi-j ness and incidentally "took in" the.1 ball game. " . . TOE CLOSING SESSION Oi the North Carolina Bar Asso ciation at Wrightsville Beach. T FEATURE OF THE OCCASION Address of James H. Poo, Esq , of Raleigh Routine Business Elec tion of Officers Committee Will Select Next Place of Meeting. : $ The third annal meeting of the North Carolina Bar Association offi cially closed on yesterday. .Many of its -distinguished members -are still with us, however,' and will be the guests of the Wilmington Bar on the revenue cutter AroTiutn.this morn ing. . i.Xf--- v-; The preset aessioo has: ben-animW-l portantone and from the character of the addresses delivered will be a me morable one in the history of the As sociation. It is with genuine regret that we see our visitors leave us, and Wilmington and Wrightsville join hands in extending to them an invita tion to meet with us again. Only one session was held on yes terday. The feature of the occasion was the address of James- H. Pou, Esq., of Raleigh. He addressed the convention on the subject of "Taxa tion of Public Corporations," and his address was, from a practical point of view, the most important probably of the present session. Much routine business was trans acted.' A resolution was introduced at the session night before last by Yictor S. Bryant, Esq of the Durham Bar, recommending that the State Consti tution be amended to provide for the division of the State into three judi cial sections in which the judges of Superior Courts should rotate, instead of the present arrangement. After discussion, it was referred to the Com mittee on Judiciary. The electi6n of officers resulted as follows: "T .' President Charles M. Busbee, of Raleigh. "Vice Presidents First district. A. O. Gay lord, Ply mouth jcond dis trict, W. A. Dunn, ScotlandJfcck ; third district, D. L. Ward, Newborn ; fourth district, Donald Gillam, Tar boro; fifth district, George Rountree, Wilmington; sixth district, F A. Daniels, Goldsboro; seventh district, EL McD. Robinson, Fayetteviile; eighth district, Jno. D.Shaw, Rock- lngnam; nuun uiBinct, jo., jj. .clicks, Oxford;, tenth district, Z. V. Walser, Lexington; eleventh district, H. R. Stodd, Reidsville; twelfth district, A. G. Msngum, Gastonia; thirteenth dis trict, W. C. Newland, Lenoir; four teenth district, S. Gallert, Rutherford ton; fifteenth district, Geo. E. Shu ford, Asheville ; sixteenth district, Jas. M. Moody, Waynesville. Secretary and Treasurer Jas. Craw ford Biggs, Durham, Executive Committee Jas. D. Mur phy, Asheville,' and F. A Woodward, Wilson. The meeting place and time of meet ing for next year was left entirely with the Executive Committee. Boys' Brigade Excursion a Success. The excursion yesterday of the Boys' Brigade to Carolina Beach was in every sense a success. The atten dance was large and everybody had a good time. The dance was thorough ly enjoyed. The moonlight trip of the Wilmington last night was one of the most enjoyable features of the excur sion. Church Notices. Bladen Street Methodist Church: Bev. J. J. Porter will preach at 11 A. M., and at the evening service. Chapel of the Good Shepherd, Sixth and Queen streets. There will be the usual services on Sunday at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday School at 4 o'clock in the axternoon. ,1st Church, corner of Market and l Rat. Calrtn 8. BlackweU. D. D.. pastor. Iwtgijg 'Predestinated to be con- iormea 10 uu m.e oi aia boo. r. ju., "The Devil and tap Dollars." . First PresbytJrian Church. Bev. J. M. Wells. Ph. D , pastor. Divine services at 11 A. M. and 6 p. M. Sunday School at 5.00 P. M. Prayer meeting on Thursdays at 8:1 P. M. The public ooaoially invited. St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, corner Fourth and 0ampbell streets, Bev. Alex. D. Mo Clare past, sabbath servloes at 11 A. Mi and 8 00 P.M. Sabbath School at 4 P.M.. , BKoklyj3aptlst Church, corner Fourth and BrunswiCt rvreets. Bev. J. J. Payseur, pastor. Servloee -morrow at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday School at 8.80 P. M. Weekly prayer ana pnuse meenng weanesaay at s r. m Btranrars and visitors are cordially Invited to all services. Fifth Street Methodist Church, situated on Fifth street between Nun ana Church, Bev. John H. Hall, pastor. Services on Bunda: at 11 A. M. and 7.30 P. M. prayer meeting Wed nesday evening at 7.80 o'clock. Sunday School Sunday afternoon at 8.00 o'clock. A cordial in vitation extended to all. Grace M. K. Church, corner oi urace and Fourth streets. Pastor, Bev. J. N. Cole. Ser vices Sunday at it o'clock a. m. and 7.46 p. m. Sunday- School, W. B. Cooper, supt., 3.30 p. m Weekly prayer meeting Wednesday at 8.00 p. m. A cordial welcome to an. Visitors to the city especially invited. Seats free. , a DIED. BOE8CH In this city at 3.30 P.M., Friday, Jane 28th, 1901, J. H. BOESCH, aged 52 years, 9 months and 26 days. Furieral from late residence corner Fouftlj andj Brunswick streets, this (Saturday) after noon at 4 o'clock. Interment at Oakdale Ceme tery, , BUNTING On iS8thlnst.twiLI.TAS SMITH, only son-of W. S. and Athalla Banting, aged 83 months. Funeral this morning at 10 o'clock from rest. jdence on walnut street, between Front and Second thence to Oakdale. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HOWARD RELIEF CO. Attention, Members You are hereby notified to appear at Company Quarters Hus Saturday at 8 P. M., in citizen's dress, to attend the funeral ot our late member, J. H. Boesch. By order of the Foreman. -,,, - - J. G. L. GIE8CHXN, ; js891t- : - Becrstary and Treasurer. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. & J. C. BLACBXEY, ol the Southern Uve Btock Company, has just received another lot of nice ' , - HORSES AND BULES. . Also a lot onlce Buggies and Harness. If you need, anything In nla Une dont fall to see htm before you buy. will sen them for cash or good paper, call at... . : 8. J.' DAVIS, &ac&'-3-; - Mvery Stables, Je25tf . - 208 &2 0 Market Street. Delicious and Refreshing Is the Ice Cream we sell you. We take the greatest care In making our Cream, and use only the best materials. It Is pure and wholesome, and can be eaten by the mo3t delicate person without fear of Injury. J. W PLUMMER, Jr., 304 Princess street. Inter-State 138. Bell 'Phone 680. je28tf New Goods in Stock and to arrive. Sugar, Coffee, Rice, Grits, Meal, Molasses Canned Goods. FIRST PAT. FLOUR, 2ND PAT. FLOUR, STRAIGHT FLOUR, WHEAT BRAN. Sec., &c, Special attention given to consignment Tour orders appreciated. S. F&McNAIR. my 92 tt TRY US. We have Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Cakes, Crackers. Candies, Soap, Snuff, Soda, -Starch, Lye, Potash, Lard, Meal, Hominy, Molasses, Nails, Tobacco, Smoking and Chewing, and a full line of Canned Goods. All of which we offer to the trade at living prices. Williams Bros. Je 25 tf WILMINGTON SEACOAST R. R. On and after June 3rd, 1901, the schedule will do as ioiiows : DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave Wilmington. Leave Ocean View, 6 80 A. M. 7 45 A.. M. t 10 10 A. M. - 11 30 A. M. I 2 30 P. M. -3 45 Jr. M. - . ,- Is 10 P. M. 6 00 P. M. 30 P. M. 10 00 P. M. 8UNDAY TRAIN. . Leave Wilmington. Leave Ocean View. 1010 A. M. 11 80 A. M. . 2 3P. M. 6 00 P. M. 7 3TpJ M. 9 00 P. M. ' Every F&ay and Saturday on account of Hotel and qinb Bouse dances extra train will leave WUmlteton It P. St., the Beach at 12 P. M. Freight will be carried only on the 10.10 A. M . and 5 P. VL tAlns, except fresh meats, ice and vegetables, wblcn win betaken on the 6.30 train. No eoods will be received unless ac companied by vay bills and Freight Prepaid. Freight must be received at our depot 15 min utes before leaving time of train. No excep tions will be made to tese roles. , . j i tt Superintendent. Gapped the pnax. f . Yes, we have reached that point by the, fit troducdonof four new 'Climax" Chairs and other furniture to correspond. Our barbers are skilled In the business and our razors and otber trimmings" are, as they have always been, ot the very best. We solicit your patronage. davis & atnoN, jeGtf 7 Bouth Front 8t. - - . 'V- Wheat xBran. V Car load Wheat Bran. Bushels White-Corn. Bushels Mixed Corn. Bushels Virginia Heal, 2,800 1,200 and ail other goods usually kept In a grocery Btore. ' . t " D. L. GORE CO. i 120,-188 and 124 Kortn Water Street; Je4 tf - Wilmington, N. C TRI1UTY COLLEGE Offers one hundred and twenty-five graduate and undergraduate courses of study. Twenty three teachers In academic courses. Eight laboratories eaulnoed with modern apparatus. Large library i acuities. Beet gymnasinm ana "' ScMarsMiis ail Lte Fimds. ; - Attendance nearly doubled within the past seven years. xpensesvery tow. -The best college is the one that offers a student the best advantages. Send for catalogue, -. . PBESEDENT KILGO, - , . N . "1.-. . -" . "J Durham, N. jesl'iw NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Sold every where and by v everybody. : . "SHOW DOWN" ; Tobacco. , Free from, stems and suits the taste. "SHOW DOWN" Tobacco Don't decay teeth. A good chew. " . - " " .. r. Tobacco. All stores carry , it. Take no other. . . Yollers & Hashagen, t je 23 tf Sole Agents. GERKVlANIAj Portland Cement. Hoffman, Roslndale Cement. Bagging and Ties, Molasses, ; , T ;-.A J T - -: "'.trty vmmuj ami iiuyurieu Salt, Grain, Lime, Hay, Nails. The Worth Co. my 14 tf LIVERPOOL SALT.! 680 Bags, BOO pound, 79c. 687 Bags, 180 pound, 74. " 816 Bags, 100 pound, 41. 711 Bags, 100 White, 42. 348 Bags, 100 Table. 65c. . ' "Vv."" 86 Barrels, 2 lb. Pockets, $3.25. ji&J$ 110 Bags Ice Cream, $1.35. .' MMH 26 B&ga. Rock Cattle, $1.60. DtHitaaltv MMlAta Vt n va Itlla Mnl ..Vv-:'' 1 :ti ' aswo ui vai. ivuo Kwu kjcsico, iiaui uiiova, bu.v , jc, - ,r ' Ject to market changes. Smaller lots little -' mgner. , : :.--7..,-,. i W. B. COOPER, J I Wholesale Grocer : -t v:yFor: 308, 310, 812 Nntt Btreet, l"T' Wliminaioit. N.t; :!-. v w?: Je 8Titf Hay, Corn, Meal. Oats, Flour. Several cars just in. Full line CANNED GOODS, Snuff, Tobacco, Cigars, &ci Get our samples and 'price?.. TT ATT A. TJTi ATJOATT fINCOBPOBATED.) . ' ' : J WHOLESALE GROCERS, je 21 tr Nutt and Mulberry FREE SKOW AT HILTON PARK, From June 24th to 29th.t';Vv BUrS' PANORAMA ArilSSiii EDISON'S KINETESCOPE. 'rt nCm .... . . . . .; -V'-Pf Admi&sion tickets tree to ail persons paying regular cash fare each way; on'' ;"" the Cars. je 23 lw ; 5 and 1 0c Store la not in it longr side ol Warren's Cafe. . s: With Its S and 10c Lunched Warren's Steam Bakery fSlviSlii and Cafe. f f -V ; je7tf - opposite Masonio Temple.: .-r ' ; 3,000 lbs. Beeswax. 5,000 lbs. Wbbli ' . Ilighest cash, prfoea pai4. - .Quotations f urnished on applis- ' jea?tf flmlnaton, H C. "Absolutely Pure, Creates Appetite, Aids Digestion, Invigorating 16c or two bottles for 26c Less by the dozen. HARDIN'S PALACE PHiRuiCY. jesstf South Front sreet Administrators Hoticb; Having Qualified as Administrator with wUl annexed of Ella E. Van OrsdeU, flece" 3. notice la hereby given to all persons indeed to her estate to make immediate payment, ad -all persons having claims against said eari must present them for payment on or beio'e the fourth day of May, 1902, or this notice iU be pleaded lnoar ot their recovery. ,- ;.. : my46t . sa :: Administrator a T. A. - : Receiver's Motico.- Having been appointed Receiver for Kerchner & Harriss, I hereby notify an parties havirg claims against said firm to file same with me. ) ' v . . , - ' . v. , " ED. 8. BATTLE, . . W. HeldelliuiffililltlacK ' - - . ' - A m 1 r- y -;.(-;; 5'-. -" .w- -- -.