TQaaranteed BonsFlde, Every-Us; 1 & TCDiic nt ciiDcrtninTinu i TERMS Circalatioa Larger Than J at Of Any Other DByNcB . piper Pwbllsbed ! nn AR ur ouoouniriiun. J v.? " . H So Tear, by Mail, $5,002 : X Six Mntha, ; ;t 8.60 "vK . V WUmiigtoa. STarae Months, " : 1.25 jTwa Months, 1.00$ ODellrerel to Subaerlbera In ta X CUj at 45 Cants per Xtontn. . Y OLDEST DAILY HEWSPAPEB IN THE STATE. VOL. LXVni NO. 85. WILMINGTON, N. C, SUNDAY, JttNE 30; 1901. WHOLE NO. 10,565 Moil Me OUTLINES Prince Chuan, brother of the Emper or of China sail for ' Germany July 20th; he will return by way of Amer ica and Is ' expected to reach this coimtry in October. There is no intention to reduce the U. 8. military force : in China Machinists, at Newport News have agreed to stay oat until the ship-yards accede to their demands. Three negroes acci dentally killed on an excursion train en route to Savannah, Ga. Ex cess of receipts over disbursements by the government for the fiscal .year mnnniins'n irii - n.Trnrainn MA- AWS StSVSV AAA TW t steamer Mohawk with about 900 pas sengers, from South Nor walk. Conn., sunk near Glen Island; no lire "lost. A strike order has been issued in olving all the sheet iron mills in the country and about 20,000 skilled work men. A negro physician com mitted suicide by hanging himself to a tree at Louisville, Ky. -Express train wrecked 'near Greensburg, Pa.; three passengers were hurt. A dozen people injured in a gale at the race track in Denver, Col. , Great pro-Boer demonstration in Brussels.' New York markets: Money on call firm at 5 per cent. ; cotton dull, middling, uplands 813-16c; flour was dull and easier ; wheat spot steady N. 2 red "74c; corn spot quiet, No. 2 47c; oats spot quiet Wo. 2 j52Je; renin quiet, strained common to good $140. Spirits turpentine quiet at 37 38ic. . - WEATHER REPORT. . 0. 8. Dbp'v of Agriculture, Weather Bureau, Wilmington, N. C, June 29. I'emperaiures: 8 A. M., 77 degrees; 8 L M.. 80 degrees; maximum, 88 de-u-roes; minimum, 71 degrees; mean, 80 .! screes.' : Rainfall for the day, 0; rainfall s.nce first of the-month lo date, 7.00 i.-hes. ,- 3iage of water- in the Cape Pear river at Fayetteville at 8 A. M., 16.6 feet, and falling. . ' ." OOTTOlf REGION BULLETIN. The weather continues warm in all sections. Local rains have fallen in tne Atlanta. Augusta, New Orleans and Vicksburg districts. . FORECAST FOB TO-DAY. Washington, June 29. For North Carolina; " Fair in eastern, showers in weaU-ru' portion Sunday. Monday fair; fresh southerly winds. Port Almanac - June SO. Sun Rises 4.45 A M Sua Sets 7.80 P.M. D.y's Length 14H.87M. Uigh Water at Southport. 5.68 A.M. High Water Wilmington - . 8.28 A. M. The island of Porto Bico is prin cipally a rural region. Out of-a population of 953,243 only 75,000 live in cities. It ia said that the Bhort wheat crop in France will necessitate the pur chase of 36,000,000 bushels to supply the demand for conffompCTpn. A very fine . quality of kaolin has been discovered in -Madison county, in this State.- Kaolin has-been found in several of our counties. The automobile is rapidly sup planting the stage coach in the West. The auto is a rapid institu tion, and it ought to get away with the s. c. Although there are 6,000,000 bearing peach trees in Georgia, the Augusta Uhronitle remarks that the price is too high for the average man's pocket resources. The horse grip is" spreading from New York city to Long Island and New Jersey. The grip, by the way, is one of the things that it is very hard to get a grip on that will keep it within the original bounds. ... - The Boer racket is costing John Bull about a million dollars a day. If he knew as much before he got in as he does now be would have kept out. It is a costly business for which there is no compensating equivalent. V ". The annual consumption of cotton by the world is 14,000,000 bales, of which the United States consume 3,600,000, Great Britain 3,300,000, Germany 1,400,000, Russia 1,200,-! 000, Austria 7507000, France 550,000 and Spain 450,000. . La Liitha. -tmtk " of " ths leading Cuban papers, favors ' annexation to this country. :- It ; would probably like to have Cuba definitely 'located somewhere. At present she r is too far out to be in and too far in to be out; she doesn't' exactly know where she "is at." I - - - A Chicago man : has discovered that 10,000 women in New York smoke cigarettes, and that nearly all the women in that town toy with tobaoco in some form. ? He doesn't say how he found all this -on V but the presumption is he must hare 'a pretty extensive acquaintance among PERHODSfPOSITION. Of the British ' Steamer -Star Cross, Prom Brunswick, Ga., . -'" Bound to Bremen. ,) ASHORE ON LOOKOUT SHOALS Tigs Prom Wilmington and Norfolk aad Reveoae Cutter Algonquin Have Gone " Jo Her Assistance May be '.--Z . Floated by Ughterlor,. ) "Z;. The Stab's press dispatches yester day morning gave an account of the stranding off Lookout of; the British steamship Star Cross, bound from Bru ns wick, Ga., to Bremen with a cargo of cotton. : V.- Friday night the Cape Fear Towing and Transportation Company's - tug Blanche and ' the - tug" Marion went from. Southport to-the assistance of the stranded craft. They were fol lowed shortly afterwards by the reve nue cutter Algonquin, which, went down from this dty. All of the boats arrived too late to pull the steamship over the shoals at high water yesterday morning, so waited until the afternoon at 5 o'clock, but whether they were successful or not is not known, as neither of the three boats had put back to Southport up to 10 o'clock last night. The position occupied by . the Star Cross was a decidedly perilous one, especially on account of the southeast prevailing wind, but whether or not it was strong enough to wreck or dam age the. ship ia net known. - - The following-press dispatch was received by the Stab last night: Charlotte. N." O..' June 29. A special to the Observer from Beau fort, . U., says that the -British steamer Star Cross, from Brunswick for Bremen, which- went - ashore on Cape Lookout shoals yesterday, is in about the same position as when she struck. The wrecking tug Coley, from Norfolk, arrived at 7 P. M. and two tugs from Wilmington are there endeavoring to float her. It is sup posed that she can be floated by light ering, but none ofae cargo has been thrown off yet. The weather is favor able. BR1QADE ENCAMPMENT. Advisee Detail Win Go to Sosthport To- . - .- morrow r Moraiag. -' Commencing Wednesday, Colonel Walker Taylor's Boys Brigade will jro into camp at Bouth port for ten days. The camp site is already laid off at the old - garrison and to-morrow an ad vance detail will go down -to get things ahip-shape. The detail will consist of five of the brigade's most en ergetic members and will be in charge of CapL J as. A. Price. The squad will have everything ready for the re ception of the boys Wednesday morn ing. - The brigade this year will go into camp in the very best of shape and will carry thirty-eight members. In fact, the encampment is going to be a bigsuccesss. ' They will be in camp . exactly tea days, from Wednesday, July 3rd, to Saturday July 13th, and will take part in the big Fourth celebration, occupy -ing the position of honor in the pa-( rsde. . - -'..'- : Col. Taylor, Paymaster General of the State Guard will, of course, go in camp with the boys. . , ' Mr. Parker's Little Joke. Mr. N. F. Parker is fast developing into a first-rate jester. His latest wit ticiam was in the form of placards, one of which found itself attached to extra chairs used on the lawyers' ex cursion yesterday, and which read as follows: ;' "'.:? ;'- ' " ' ' ' 4)on't rely On any lawyer who may wear a yachting costume that don't make a sailor, but cling stoutly to me while crossing the "bar," and I will sustain you. But when Obi. vy adaen commences his piscatorial narratives, kindly take a seat on the deck, as my strength'! limited, in spite of the Tact that I came from Parker, the furniture man, etc" ,"T -Z; " A New FlrsB."' ' : UMsra. F: T. MilU and W. B. Mc Clellan have formed ft co-partnership and in future will carry on an'exten- stock sale - business at Mr. icui' old stand, corner Second ana Trf nmu atreet. Thev nropose to han die the very best horses ana muies ana will also carry at all ume a. specia line of up-todate handsome harness. RitK UAMra. Mills and ueuieuan are "old timers"; at this business and deserve (he success that their joining of forces will bring.- W 1 ' aiB aansSBBsP-aB NKW ADVBBTISKMENT8 N.F. Parker If. - . ( Mao's Cafe Now opening. . ' A O. L. Dividend Notice. 'y CaroUna Beach Big Fourth. ,5 J. H. Behder Now opening. Geo. O. Gaylord New goods. J. W. Plummer, Jr. Ice cream. " Polomon's Shoe Store One day. 1 The People's Savings Bank Notice. '. aa. K. French & Bona Special sale Coal, Cement & Supply Co. Notice. Wilmington Live Stock Co Notice. Wilmington Savings Trust Co. Take, notice. - . '. BTTSXBfKSS liOOAUL ;. Warned All persona. ' ; W. J. Schttlts Agents. : ; '' - pl a Havden-Buggies, harness. Great bargains this week in grocer LOCAL DOTS. The city and - county tax list ing came to an ecd yesterday. . " To-morrow afternoon the Coun ty Commissioners will meet in regular monthly session. - . : The board of Audit and Fi nance will hold 'its " semi-monthly meeting Tuesday night. , ; Four marriage licenses were issued the past week j one to a colored couple and three to white couples. i. Several interesting matters are to come up at the - regular .monthly meeting of the Board of Aldermen to morrow night. 1 ; Beginning to morrow -' Front street market house will close at 11-A. M. instead of noon and will open at o'clock in the afternoon. : ".Wilmington contractors should read ihe advertisement of Mr. J. B. Weather j asking for bids for the erection of the Graded School building at Maxton, N. O. , -f The remains of the late Samuel .Ball, whose death was announced in yesterday's r Stab, were carried to Phoenix, N. C, yesterday afternoon and tenderly laid to rest. T . - The band will carry a large crowd down the river on its moonlight excursion Tuesday night to the Bocks. The band concert will be a big feature. The Wilmington will leave her wharf at8 o'clock. --- -- - The'l first - announcement through the" press of the Coal, Cement and Supply Company, of this city, appears in the Stab to-day. Bead it. Besides coal and cement .they are dealers - in .plaster, lime, - plasterers' hair, brick, shingles, roofing, and in oak, pine and ash wood. The Bed Men want it under stood that the Fourth celebration is going to be both big and delightful at Carolina Beach. Dancing and various other means of entertainment will be n vogue all day. In this morning's issue is given the schedule the Wil mington will observe. .7' Solomon's Shoe Store has something new and novel to offer in the way of an advertisemenUNext Wednesday and then only, any pair of men's tan shoes in the establishment can be purchased for $3.50 at 9 o'clock in the morning, and every hour up to 7 o'clockin the evening will witness a reduction of 10 cents.' The funeral of little Wjjlie Smith,' son of Mr. and Mrs.- W. S; Buntine. was held yesterday at . the family residence on Walnut street, between Front and Second. Bev. F. H. T. Horsefield. D. D., rector of SL James Episcopal Ohurah, conducted the service. The interment was in Oakdale Cemetery. - SUPPLIES FOR THE CAMP. Will Arrive by Wedsesisy Eacsmpmest Committee Awarding Contracts. The encampment committee yes terday made some of the final ar rangements for the making of a camp at Wrightsville v and will complete them to-morrow, - The work of thoroughly cleaning up the site was given to ex Superinten dent of Streets Perry, who, will go down in the morning with a force of hands. The contract for the car penter work, which- will consist tt flooring for the tents and the like, will be given out to-morrow; , It is now definitely known that all the tents and other equipage will reach the city not later than Wednes day.- A. large shipment of supplies according to.an official letter received Yesterday from Major C.C. Bunch, As-' Blatant Quartermaster General, will be made fremRaleigh Tuesday. Major Bunch's notification was to Col. Wal ker Tavlor. I Paymaster General He also requested the purchase of large a flagpole from which to fly Old Glory. One of the busiest men for the next week or so will be Major W. F. Robertson, 'Assistant Paymaster Gen eral, who will have to assume all the duties of the Paymaster, as CoL Tay lor Wednesday , will go in camp at Southport with the Boys Brigade. PERFECT ORDER Will be Kept the Ponrtb by a Speclsl Force of Deputies at Beth Beaches. There is no question in the world but what good .order will , prevail at Wrightsville and - Carolina Beaches the Fourth. . The authorities of the former place guarantee the best of be havior, and Capt. John W. uarper and the Bed Men will vouch for good conduct at the latter place. . Bnt Sheriff F. H. Stedman is also iroinir to look out for the welfare of visitors at these two resorts, and will appoint a sufficient number of deputies to see that law and order is kept, ue has already selected special officers for rUroHna Beach as follows: W. B. Mann, M. E. Keathley, O. K. Col ' v. Tt iinvkhlmer. D.. Hanna. R. ." Truelove and F. B. "LeGwin; Constable William Sheehan and Jus tice of the Peace Jas. M. McGtowan will also be on duty at Carolina Beach. Cleared For Bristol, Esils sd. - The Norwegian targe AIbgtro98, Capt Basmussen, was cleared yester day by a P. Shotter Co., for Bris tol. England, with a cargo of rosin numbering 5,035 barrels and valued at $6,020.35. The vessel was by Heide & Co. r -3 -v Great bargains this week in grocer ries at Kerchner & Harriss's. ;;. A ALONE AT VERY TOP. And Are Not Desirous of Com- pany Solitude is the Sweetest. FIVE OUT OF SIX PAST WEEK. Champioas Woa Oat From Tartars . Yea- terdsy Afteraoos la What Would Have Bees Good Game Bat for Ash sad "Kicks." YESTEBDAY'S OaXXS. Wilmington, 8; Tarboro, 8. Charlotte, 8; Kaieign, . Norfolk, 4; Bichmond, 8. WHXBB THXT PLAT TO-MOBKOW. - Raleigh at Wilmington. Charlotte at Norfolk. Tarboro at Bichmond. STUTBnra OF THJB OLUBS. Won. Last Peroant Wilmington...,.... 6.1 .833 Raleigh 4 2 .667 Norfolk.; 4 .2 .667 Richmond. .-.. 3 4 .333 Charlotte .. J .333 Tarboro 1 6 . .166 Five out of six! "WelL I a-uess that's poor," re- marks the ,ironicalisticn editoi That's the Champions' record the past week, and they are now perched, serene and alone, at the top. thanks to timely assistance of the HorneU, who stung the Turtles good and hand yes terday in spite of the shelL Contention is one thing and kicking is another. The former is proper in iu mild doses when occasions, present themselves, and sometimes' circum stances even make some kicking, a ittle kicking, necessary, but when it borders on a constancy and that too decidedly forte, why it is not only ru inous to a base ball game, but it gives 1 the most patient and coolest "fan" a weary feeling, near akin to disgust. That was the only drawback to yester daj's game being a splendid one. Not the ideal, which is only realized now and then, but a coodexcit ing game of ball. It possessed all the qualifications "gingery" coaching, lively base-running, snappy work on both In and out . field, while the willow incessantly kissed the sphere. Of course . there was an off play or two, but perfection doesn't always smile on base ballists, and apropos of the kicking question it is due Mr. Staley to say he umpired a good, dean game, as he generally does in Wilmington. The .Tartars started off like they really not only intended but "were going to win. But that was the trouble, they started too early, for while they were dispensing their hits all through seven innings the Cham pions kept theirs up their sleeves until the last three when they pulled them down and presented them in a lovely little bunch, -which netted Leight. They also sprung three beautiful double plays on the visitors at critical times. With a flourish and shout Foster and Ash both obtained singles in the first, but only the former scored, and that was the only run tallied until the fifth inning, in spite of the fact that Clayton, Thackara, Wiggins, Gettigand Gillican all obtained sin gles and Devlin a two bagger. In the fifth the Champions dropped on the Tartars like a load of bricks and with two bases on balls and singles- by Clayton, Devlin, Sebring, Thackara and Warren, ran up five runs. ' "Z--""Z'; J'-'y-: The fif th netted the visitors nothing, though they obtained a single, but in the sixth they obtained two," due to a base on balls, a double by Ashenback, and a single a piece by Curtis and Weddiee. ' The Champions got three ilneles in the sixth by Devlin, Crock- ett and Allen, butonly one run. . The seventh ciosea tne contest, as the Tartars had to leave to catch the train. In this inning the visitors got three, after two men .were down. This was due to the three bases on balls and wild pitch by Allen, and alngles by Wiffirins and Ashenback. The Cham pions squared accounts by getting a couple of runs off a base on balls and two baggers by Clayton 'and McGin- The Visitors did sret their half of the eighth, but. it netted them nothing save a two bagger bytPennington. We started off in our half with a pretty single b Crockett when time was called. BOOM by iHsraas. r 1234567 SHE Tarboro -.. . .4. 00002 86 18 S Wilmineton .. ...-.000051 28 14 0 Z Batteries: Gettig and - Ashenback; Allen and Thackara. '"r 1 THB-TABUIiATKD BOOBK. -;rfi Tarboro. ab e h po a ;b Foster, cf.CT.. I. 2 3 11 0 0 Ashenback, o ....... 4 z s M wHHim. lb.......: 3 0 1 10 0 ' 0 Gillimin, as..,; . i - 3 0 rjU 2; 2 l 0 Curtis, 3b. i ...... , . 4 0 x 1 1 z-.i Hempleman, 2b. . . .. 4 ; 0 1 13 0 VATininvtnn- rf. . r. ..4 0 12-0 0 Wiggins, If......... 4 ,0 :2 4 0 2 Gettig. p.. .......... a i v u Total....!. .31 6 12 21 U 8 ' Wihninsrton. AB B . H rx A K Clayton, as.........; 4, 1, 5 s 5 5 Devlin, lb. ;..... 4 13; 6 0:0 Crockett, 2b. 4 i-0 1 2 ; 6 4 - 0 Cranston, rf ...... 8 1 0 1 0 0 Sebring, If. Ui . ..... 4 I. 1 1; 0 0 Thackara. e. . . i V .... 3.0 2 8.1 0 Warren. 3b. . . . . 4 '0 1 1 1 ; 0 McGinnis, c.f . . ; .... . 4 1 1 4 0 0 AUen,p:..;.........:33 1 ; 0 1; 0 .. Total.. -.83 8 14 24 12 0 Summary Two base bits, Devlin nia-tnn. McGinnis. - Ashenback - ant Pennington; double plays,- Crockett to Clayton to Devlin, Clayton to Crockett to Devlin, Allen , to Crockett to Devlin; base on oaus, ox Auen a, off Gettig 2; struckout, by Allen S by Uetug u;-wua pcn,-iia. We Are Top of Colams, " " Next to Resdisf Matter. The Tartars expect two r.ew men to join them at Richmond. McGinnis in centre field captured four flies with neatness and despatch; Five out of six ought to be satis factory ( but to this the incorrigible lunatic replies:' "Ch, that's nothing 1", The three double plays made by the Champions added immensely to the enthusiasm of ihe rooters and rriot erinas. " , The game yesterday was a decided improvement on that of Friday, Up to the fifth inning it was "nip and tuck;-"' -'.:-r- : - .4- Clayton and Devlin led in the batting, each, making a two base hit and two singles. Each went to the bat four times. V The horse editor's percentage on attendance is enormously bully. It stands at , 1000. He has not lost a. game since the season opened. . It is no longer plain "Kid" Clay ton; butuCaptain Clayton of the Wil mington Giants. ' The young man fills the position well ancTwears his honors modestly. - . - . Yesterday Manager Ashenback let New. Orleans have third baieman Diesel as a substitute for pitcher High, who was "sold" to and paid for by New Orleans, but who failed to "show up." -.-"yi ;" " '" --; : The horse editor duplicates his congratulations to the snake editor ot the Charlotte Observer on the result of the dispute there yesterday. Yea, verily, the Hornets sjamboked the Turtles again. -Allen did not, pitch his usual game simply because he was not well. When asked by a Stab representa tive, in the forenoon, if he would' pitch he said he would try, but that he was not at all welL . Do not imagine for one moment that the Giants will have the smooth sailing this week that favored them, last week. It will be "war to the knife, and knife to the hilt" between the Giants and the.Tartles. ' With a degree. of confidence that was sublime Manager Bryan shocked a Stab man yesterday with the asser tion that when the Tartars came to Wilmington again they would make "us fellows" feel "like a two-cent piece." Thar now 1 . To-morrow, Tuesday and Wednes day Wilmington and Raleigh will wrestle for victory on the diamond of Hilton Park and on the last three days of the week at Wake Court House. These games should attract great crowds. The "week-end ball" at Hilton Park was very well attended. - The number of people in the enclosure was nearly five hundred, and there must have been two hundred more, includ- ng the colored contngient, who -wit nessed the game from trees and other (disad) vantage points outside. - . c Referring to Devlin as Stafford's successor at first base, the Stab ven tured the opinion yesterday that he would "be a prime favorite from the start." This was fully established yes terday- . He not only played his posi tion faultlessly, but also did fine work at the bat Tartar has more tar in it than any other word in the English language; and as s the team managed . by Mr. Bryan . represents ' Tarboro, or Tar' river, the name seems appropriate. Our office cat also calls attention to the meaning of the' well , known1 ex pression, "to catch a Tartar." ; I Raleigh News and t- Observer i "When the Turtles get a hold on the Lobsters there'll be somebody wishing it would thunder and it won't be the Turtles, either.". Oh 1 yon don't know what you. are . talking about Any little six-year old kid will tell you that a lobster can play all around a turtle. Charlotte, N. C, June 29. Ate meeting of baseball enthusiasts here to-inght final arrangements for taking over : the Portsmouth franchise and team in the Virginia-Carolina League were completed. A fund to Insure the completion of the season has - been raised. - . dames Ob Other ttismosds. - At Charlotte - .-. 1 83486 789 SHE Charlotte.. v....000020100r-3 9 1 Baleigh...;..-000 20 00002 9 3 Batteries: ; Linn and Gates: Person and LeGrande. ;; v . . At Norfolk -:' " - , 123456789 BHI Nnfalk T-. .0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 4 7 3 Richmond.. .. .3fr00 0 1 0.0 03 4 4 Ratteries: Morrisev and Lehman; Bishop and Manners. - How the Giants Became Xhsmploas The following table is a complete record of the games or tne nrst series: - - a -3 j a O ' V l S S il Wilmington 6 6 8 8 8 36 .600 Norfolk . . 6 3 9 6 9 83 .569 N. N.-H.... 7 7 3 9 6 82 .552 Raleteh....: 4 .8 9 . . 4 9 29 .509 Portsmouth 4 7 .3 4 - . 6 24 .429 Richmond . V 3 2 5 " .4 - 5, 19 .333 Lost......24 25 26 28 82 38 ": N. N..-BL now Tarboro. . Portsmouth now Charlotte. , j Cbristisa Service This Afteraooa - Despite the warm weather the men's meeting at the Y. M. O. A., : has con tinued to attract a rood audience. The service is held in tne cool lobby at 5:00 PT M. A sone service, a short talk and a special programipe of soloe. duets and quartets fill up the time. Mr. Henry W. A. Hanson will speak tbia afternoon and a duet bv local voices will be" the musical attraction. The subject of Mr. Hanson's talk will be Trme Manhood.'! .... ---- '- ,- Great bargains this week in grocer ies at Kerchner.cc uarrisss. i- ;-, TIIEDAR ASSOCIATION Guests of Wilmington Bar On a Delightful Trio Down the Cape Fear River ; ON STEAMER W1LMINQT0N. Week-End Dasce at the Seashore Hotel at WrifhtsvUle BeachLarge Attend ance Maay Members of Bar ,: ' f Associatioa .Present v The lawyers' of the State - were yes terday the guests of ' the Wilmington Bar on a delightful trip down the Cape Par river, t. Invitations were some Ume ago sent out to- the North Caro lina Bar Association inviting them to go down the river and out to sea on the cutter Algonquin. - Elaborate preparation had been made for the 4 trip, and yesterday was set as the day. A train load of invited guests came up from Wrightsville Beach to take in the affair, but there was no Algonquin in sight A telegram received by Congressman Bellamy from Capt Wiley, dated, Southport, announced that, the ship -had been hurriedly ordered to Cape.- Lookout to assist a British steamer in distress there. . For tunately, the services of the steamer Wilmington were secured. The Wil mington was at Southport, but in rt-b ponse to a telegram was soon heading for this clty,under full steam; ' The start from the city was made at 10:30 o'clock yesterday, morning, and the .steamer . returned f to her dock yesterday evening at 6:00 o'clock. All on board expressed themselves as having a very pleasant time. A good - many, of the lawyers re turned to their ; respective homes last light but a big majority is still in the city and at our seashores. - Lsst Night's Week End Dance. " The regular week end dance at - the Seashore Hotel at Wrightsville Beach ast night drew a large crowd to the holel. Dancing was kept up until 12 o'clock midnight, a late train being run to the city at that hour over the Seacoast Bail way for the accommoda tion of those taking part in the dance. A large crowd of guests-are at the Hotel at present. Many who came down to attend the Bar Association meeting are still here and many more came yesterday , and last night. Among those arriving yesterday were: raul Jones, larooro; tne Misses Johnson, Warsaw, N. C, Rufus Williams, Maxton, N. C. ; Geo. H. Bellinger, Charlotte; A. U. Pen der, Norfolk, Ya.; Miss Annie Lee, Fremont; E. H. Clark, Phila.; R. G. Johnson, Atlanta; W. Y. Pruden and wife. Edenton, N. C. ; FredS. Merrett, New York; L. T. - Cunningham, E. H. Davis, Miss Cornelia Ferrell, Max- ton,N. C; W. H. McMullen and wife, Miss Louisa McMullen, Miss Margaret McMullen, Faison, N. C ; a M. McCall, Mayesville, S. C; A. ULr McCall, Florence,; 8. C. ; J. A. Tate, A. M. Sinclair, J. B. Beall, Charlotte; E. A.' Woodruff, Baleigh; O. H. Snow, Baltimore; Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Borden, Richmond,-Ya.; H. G. Smith , and wife, Atlanta, Ga. ; Jas. P. Stbne, Charlotte; Miss Ella New man, Knox vUle-'Tenh. ; F. O. Hanna ford, Philadelphia; R. N. ;Gowers, Borne, Ga. . ' : ." , ' Sonth port's Big Celebration. Preparations still go actively on for the : Fourth of Julv celebration . at Bduthport, which is going to be a big frmtt and nnnrlnntAfi ' nn ATI extensive scale. - People from the city will be able to go to Southport ''any old time" urinar the day. as the steamer Comp- ton will make three trips and the Wil mington, connecting at Carolina Beach pier . with the Southport, will make' five.': , . . ; '. . Amons a few of the- many features of the observance will be ah exciting regatta and afball game in - the afters noon and a' splendid display of -fire works and a dance at night. The ball game will be between : a team of . the Boys Brigade and a select local team. One of the most : notable features of the patriotic exercises will be the read ing . of the Declaration of : Indepen dence by E. D. Guthrie, Esq. New Patrol Wagon is Here. The new police patrol . wagon . ar- rivnd vesterdav and ' is a thing of beauty. It' is now -housed at jthe stables of 8. P. Cowan & Co.. who ordered it, and will be officially turn ed Over to the city wr-morrow. ' The wagon is of regulation patern and- bears all" up-to-date improve mnt 7 It han aeats on the sides, steps in thn FPtur. brass rod railines and- hicrht : lnttfiHnjr on the -, sides. ' It weiehs between : rpOO A and nounds and was : handrnaade by E. Lehner 8c Sons, of Baltimore, MtL - ..... A handsome new set of -hand-made dron harness, heavily : mounted : with brass and of the latest make, - accom. naniea the wasron. - The harness is similar to that used by the fire de partment. " CATHARINE (KENNEDY HOME, i -Vipiis f nrinwinv ! tha list nf Mntribu tions to the Catharine Kennedy Home for June:, ' -' Mrs. Bridgers, -Mrs. . W. R, French (four timesX, Mrs. Hodges, Mrs-J". u.aLM. - Im . IXTm . flv-ivnimf Mm SHajLiinwn, xsxaTBa. ' Vf ui Wf ,J2-.rT Harriss, Mrs. Cantwell, Mrs. Wilder, Miss jjouise iiariow. ansa kW" Mr. Hintxe (beef weekly), Mr. Garrell (oeei .weexiyj, axr.- bbh, t. Armstrong,- Mr. Hicks Bunting, Mr. R. Montgomery; sack flour, cans peaches, DBS BOHD IBUWIU al inuuw Regular monthly meeting will be i .11 m J -t tl,; l?AfM. r D M Hem xuesuaj u yimro w m. . ju ' ' 'Great bargains this week in grocer ies at Jercnner ce mrrisss. , -t The Coal, Cement WILMINGTON. N. C. v Wholesale and Betail Dealers in BITDUIKODS AND American and Foreign Portland Cement, . Rosindale Cement, Lime, Plaster, . Plasterer's Hair, Brick, &c. Shingles and all kinds of Roofing, Oak'. Ash and Pine Wood a specialty. Office 214 South Front Street. Warehouses South Water St. Bell Thone 648. , jeSOtf Notice to Depositors. Interest for the quarter ending June SOtb, is now due and payable. .Depositors who have had as much as $5.00, on deposit for three months are requested to bring in thoir books at their con -venienee to-have interest entered. Bring also your money and make a new deposit Monday, as money received on that date will bear interest from July 1st. , e's Opposite the H. o. ncQCBEN, Praslaant. J6 80 a F. W. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Miss Hamme left yesterday for Chatauqus, ''N. Y. " -- Mr. Thoa.. H. Wright has re turned to the city. - r Mr, C, Ed. Taylor, editor of the Southport Standard, is in the city. - Mr. S. M. McCall, of Mayes ville, S. C, arrived in the city yester day. l- Mrs. Annie Blount, of Dallas, Texas,is the guest of her sister, Mrs. L. Vernon Carroll. Messrs. L. T. Cottingham and E. L. Davis, of Maxton, were among yesterday's arrivals. Editor Geo. W. Branson has gone to spend a vacation at his home n Orangeburg, S. C. r Miss Hattie Orrell is the charm ing guest of her aunt, Mrs. XUarlton, at Warsaw, where she has been the past month.' Mrs. S. A. Trezervant and daugh ter, of Fort Motte.8. C, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs'. Jos. H. Hanby, have returned home. Miss Marie Wimberly,- a popu lar and attractive young lady of Brans-: wick, Ga., is visiting her cousin, Mrs. . Vervon Carroll, on Chesnut street. FIRE THIS M0BN1N0. A Part of the Old Bettenconrt Property Agaio Caused an Alara. - This morninir. "about 1.20 o'clock. fire was discovered in the two-story frame building southwest- corner Mar ket and Second street, a part of the old Bettencourt property, now owned by Mrs. A. C WesselL An alarm was sent in from box 41, Front and Water streets, and the department responded promptly and in half an hour had the flames entirely suppressed. -' fi The fire was on the ground floor of the buildinff. which is a grocery store and saloon owned by Mr. Fritz Punke. Just how it started is unknown.. The. damage to' the stock is estimated 1500. covered bv insurance of $1,500 with Mr. W. W. Hodges. The building was damaged to the extent of about $50, which is also covered by insurance.;.. ;- ''r v The second story of the building was unoccupied. ' The fire was discov ered by Mr. Will Bonitz, night clerk at the Bonilz Hotel. He was 'sitting on the front piazza of the hotel, across the street, when he discovered smoke issuing from the - building, and he immediately sent in the alarm. Funeral of the Late John H. Boescn. . The funeral of the late John H Boesch waS held at 4 O'clock yesterday afternoon from his late residence, cor ner Fourth and Brunswick streets: The funeral service was conducted by Rev, A. GkVbigt, D JX, and the interment was made in Oakdale Ceme- terv. The nail-bearers were: Honorary Messrs. Jesse ;Wilder, O. F. W. Von- Kampen,'Marsden Bellamy and Jno. TTo... aoHtrA 1TABsra. Ai D. Wessell. L. Hansen, M. Rathien. Geo. Hyer, J. viv Lu vriescnen, Dnni jjhioih, i . xxr ' TTmliMa anil ffi-ank Hannder. ' - :. The Howard Relief Company, of which the deceasea was a -memoer. attended the ftfnerai m a ooay. :. NEW-ADVERTISEMENTS. ' A BIG FOURTH. At Carolina Beacb. under tne ansploes of Dancing aU day. A splendid time In general. n i 41. a .fi-w a O Mini 1 A OA A waT SaTlfl W. Ik and 7.30 P. M. Leave Beach at andll A. M. and 8, 6 and 10 F. M, rare tor round trip sao. . e30 2t " . BIDS INVITED v r.--' l--- ............ vr',-.. ' ror the erection of the Maxton Graded School bulldtngrHaxtoa, K. C. -' -Address - ' - ' J. B. WKATHKBLT, .: Je281w " tfrsn we Clerk School Board. HOW OPEHIITG --A And doinsr maHInay - ' Bmalnesa. Mao's Gafe. Ul Princess Street;, A DAIRY LUNOH-, Sspeciany for ladles and gentlemen.' Give us SegeVup4oate 'service and polite' atten- Busuiees tuncb a specIaMri servea dally from 18 M. to J P. M. 15 cent. -3 i .r;; . ?-Wm DAT AR9 HIBHtfi i Splendid Luach Counter. Or an tu le 30 tt Peopl and Supply Co., AHTHRACITE COAL, Say i ngs Bank, Postoffice. JNO. 8. ARMSTRONG, Tie President. DICK, Caafeler. ft Show Down'TabaoGQ Sold every where and by everybody. "SHOW DOWN" Tobacco. Free from stems and suits the taste. ."-." "SHOWDOWN" Tobacco - Don't decay teeth. A good chew. "SHOW DOWN Tobacco, .All stores carry it Take no other. Yollers & Eashagen, je 23 tf Sole Agents. It Goes Right to the Spot, -v , the spot that you cannot ucatrmworOa, but you know Just where It Is. 'The better we make Ice Dream, the more 'cus tomers we have, and the Quantities we Bell "show that Our customers know a good thing - whbn thev taste It. , ! '- r J. W. PLUWMER, Jr., N 204 Prlnceea street. Inter-Btate 132. Bell Phone 080. Jeaotf OFFICE OFvTHE SECRETARY AND TREAS URER 0FTHE ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD COMPANY; .' . WnaOHOTON, N. O , June 29th, ll. The Board of Directors of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co. have declared a Dividend or One and a Hair Per Cent on the Common stock or that Company, payable to all holders of re cord ot July 1st, 1S01. Dividend due and paya ble at the Treasurer 'a Office, Wilmington, North , Carolina, on and after July 10th, 1901. Transfer Books will stand closed from July 1st to July . loth, 1901, Inclusive. ' JAKX8 F. POST. Je 30 9t . - Secretary and Treasurer. F. X. REII.I.S W. B. mCIiKLIAN. Wilmington Live Stock Co. The undersigned having entered into a co partaersnip, styled as above, can be found at F. T. HlUar old stand. Second and Prlnceea streets, where they will conduct the Uve Stock business on a larger scale and keep constantly on hand a first class stock of Baggies, Harness and Horse Goods. We will e ell tor less money because we buy In CAB LOAD LOTS and PAY CASH and carry the biggest stock of Horses, Mules, Buggies and Harness to ba found in Wilmington. Just received, car load of IBug gies, ear load of Horses. Remember, we save you money, see na be fore you buy. r. T. MILLS. Wilmington, N. C. w. B. MoCLELLAN, late of Tennessee. iesott . ' - Gapped the Climax. Tes, we have reached that point by the in traduction ftf our new -Cmnaxnr Obalrs and other furnltore to correspond.. Our barbers are skilled ln'thelraslnees and our ruors and ottier "trimmings" are, as they have always been, of the very best. We solicit your patronage. , DAVIS & GUION, Jetf ' 7 South Front St. ... IF "Ton are laboring under the impresalpn that your "out of town friends" wUJ not ywt you during the Encampment, come out from nnder the cloud and fit up the "company room. A guarantee that you will have need of It goes with every suite. 7 - II. F. PAEKEE, Furniture and Furnitnre Novelties, f11 Wurk-AtL Bell 'Phone 813 jeaotf Inter-State 431. Ocean Yiew. Hotel, WrlgjB.tsvUle Beaen, N C. .y is now completed and open for guests at rea aonable rates. The table wm be suppled with every sea delicacy. ; An elegant Bata House with ICS wen appointed rooms. Hew Bath Buna for ladles, gentlemen and children. The MCafen stocked wttb the-best, A real seaside resort Polite and prompt attention !r ; : :j ?v: W.r yiZ' -OCEAB VIEW CO., -v jeraim . " aatatb i - ,4 Managers. ew xoTKWomen. . ies at Ji.ercnner 9& a - - -