f Guaranteed Bom-Fide. Everr-Da J. Urcolatioa Untr Thaai That i Of Any Other Dally New. $ paper Published ia Wllmlotoa. Y IN THE STATE. OUTLINES. The Memphis Board of Health has quarantined against live stock from the charbon ravaged section of the Mississippi delta. - The average condition of cotton, as reported by the Department of Agriculture, is- the lowest recorded 81.1; in North Caro lina the condition is 77. The loss by the burning of the Homestead hotel at Hot Springs, Yfcis about $300,000. The George Washing ton Memorial Association propose the erection of a memorial building to the memory of Washington. - Gen. Gomez visited President McKinley at the White House; it is again affirmed that his visit here has no political sig nificance. Bubonic plague has appeared at Para, Brazil. TI?e town of Williams, Arizona,i practi cally destroyed by fire; loss $500,000. : Sturges' Bank, a private institu tion at Mansfield, Ohio, 'has' failed. ITIfteen men reported killed in a riot by striking miners at Telluride, Col. -1 Jno. M. Sherwood, secre tary and assistant treasurer of the S. A. L., died yesterday at his borne in Portsmouth, Va. ; Judge Thomp son, of the United States court in Cin cinnati, has issued a temporary in junction against striking machinists. -A. negro lynched near Smith field, N. O., for assaulting a white girl. - The strike in the railway shops of the Plant System at High Springs, Fla, has terminated. Gen. MacArthur will turn over com mand in the. Philippines to General Chaffee to-day. N. Y. markets: Money on call firm at t25 per cent. ; cotton easy, middling uplands 8Jc; flour a trifle steady, but dull; wheat spot firm, No. 3 red 75 c; corn spot quiet, No. 2 49 Jc; oata spot firm. Mo. 2 32 Jc; rosin steady; spirits turpentine steady at 36i37c WEATHER REPORT. U: 8. Dep't of Agbjotjltobb, t Wkathkb Bureau, Wilmington, N. C, July 3. ) Temperatures: 8 A. M., 79 degrees; 8 P. M., 80 degrees; maximum, 91 de grees ; minimum, 74 degrees ; mean, 83 ilurees. Rainfall for the day, ; rainfall simr fir-t of the. month to date, --. ((OTTON REGION BULLETIN. . The weather continnS- warm in all sections. Local raofMw fallen in N(rth Carolina,' GfiSrgia, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana. Rainfall at WcM.w, 3.28 inches. rO RECAST FOB TO-DAY. Washington. July 3. For Noith Carolina: Partly cloudy Thursday; probably local thunder storms in cen tral and western portions. Friday fair; fresh southerly winds. Port Almanac July 4. Sun Rises 4.47 A.M. Sun Sets..... ; 7.20P.M. Day's Length 14 H. 33 M. High Water at Bouthport. 3.UU A. M. igh Water Wilmington. 1130 A. M. The Dnke of Manchester has com promised his debts for 60 cents on the dollar. Father-in-law Zimmer man furnished the 60 per cent. Hantsville, Ala., is- becoming a manufacturing, city. The eighth cotton mill, a $100,000 plant, owned by a New York capitalist, will be soon in operation. For a young inventor Paul B. Bosch, aged 16, of York, Pa., ia starting one pretty wen. ne nas patented a device for increasing the speed of locomotives for which he has refused $30,000. v I Honors are crowd in? on Mark - Banna. A short while ago a Cleve and army post made him a CoL and )ow an Ohio college has decorated im with an LL. D. Uanna went rough, college in abont three onths, but not that college. As far as hef tineas goes Mr. Mc inley'a Philippine commission fills he bill. The membars average 222 founds. Judge Taf t leads with 296 le swung all that around a few ights ago in a dance" with a recon- tructed senorita. , Louis tewark is the champion eavy weight of Currituck- county. '.e is only 17 years old, but weighs, -ithout any bricks in his pockets, 90 pounds: Hia foot ia thirteen ches long and .built in proportion. e is muscular, too, and can lift a height that it would require five or ordinary men to move. Mr, Schwab, of the Steel conu ne, made a hit the other day. He aid off a little debt on a church and hen about -two hundred women in 5 e congregation kissed him, al- ough hia wife waa right there, sym- athizing with him. After this ex erience he will not be in a hurry to ht more money in that church.. A lot of farmers in ' v& bx ere in danger of loainft,." TTlieafc i'ops for want of harvesters; solved e problem by holding np an immi ant train passing through, and com lled the immigrants to get out and sip them harvest; at a pay of $3.50 i day. This was the largest pay ley ever earned and it came to them i the queerest waV they ever ; saw VOL. LXVIII.-NO. 88. DAY WE CELEBRATE Fourth of July Will Be Very Elaborately Celebrated By Wilmington Folks. THE VARIOUS ATTRACTIONS Programmes- of Resplendent Features at the Beaches and Other Resorts. Admirable Schedules on All Transportation Lines. "The Glorious Fourth" a some phrase, doubtless fla: at hackneyed yed at the edges, but nevertheless very expressive as applied to the big; hUiday as it will be observed in Wil mington and its vicinity to day. A general outline of the features of celebration at the beaches and at other adjacent retreats was given in j eater day morning's j?aper, and as the average citizen has already decided the all absorbing qneation of "where shall I spend the holiday I" it is unnecessary, to repeat programmes at this late hour. It will be an all-day affair, it Sitters not where the "Fourth" is taken in. At Wrightsville both Carolina and Atlantic clubs have resplendent pro grammes for the entertainment of their members and invited guests and both hotels will arrange their daily routine to conform to' the spirit of the day. The high diving of Prof. Holland and the base ball game between local teams will be among the features. The Wil mington Seacoast Railroad has on its emergency schedule of ten trains each way and one may leave or return to the city at will. The annual regatta of the Carolina Yacht CJub at Wrightaiille will, ot course, be fraught with its old-time interest. It will begin at 10:80 A. M. promptly and the following entries have been made, with captain and handicap allowed each: "Emma" C. W. Worth, none. "Phantom" John Williams, none "Frolic" T. W. Davis, 3:54. "Eugenia" Geo. Harriss, 4:48. "Sadie" S. P. Cowan, 5:16. "Questio1" R. A. Parsley, 5:30. UnqueU Dr. Thomas, 5:30. "Lark"-Jlayton Giles, 5:30. "Lrk" Davis, 5:30. "Mabel" J. VanB. Metts, 9:00. "Sprite" H. B. Peschau, 10:50. At Carolina Beach the principal feature&f celebration will be by Eyota Tribe No. 5, Improved Order of Red Men, which will take this occasion to have its annual excursion thither, and by the Hanover Seaside Club, which .will have a number nf festive features for the pleasure of its friends and members. An ad mirable schedule has been arranged by Capt. Harper for the steamer Wil mington, which may be seen by refer ence to another column.. The fare for the round trip on any boat will be twenty five cents. Many Wilmingtonians will "take in' the celebration at Southport, which this year will be of more than passing interest as was referred to at length in yesterday's paper. There will be salutes from .the big guns at the Fort and the cutter Algonquin wi 1 also usher in the National holiday with the Jboomiog of guns. At night the splendid vessel will give an exhibition of .the work with its electric search light, which must be seen to be ap predated. The steamer Compton will observe the following programme for the day: Leave the city at 8:30 A. M., 3:00 and 7:30 P.M. Leave Southport at 11:30 A. M., 5:30 and 11:80 P. M. The steamer Southport will also connect with the Wilmington at each arrival at Carolina Beach pier. - Another popular retreat to day will be Lake Waccamaw, and for the ac commodation of tbe public the A. C. L. will run a special train, leaving the city this morning at 8 o'clock and. re turning at 8 o'clock to night. The fare for the round trip will be only 75 cents. At the Ocean View Hotel. -Visitors to Wrightsville Beach to day can find no better place lor amusement than., the Ocean view HoteL There will be music and dancing all day at the pavilion, while those not interested in terpischorean "features may turn their attentions to surf bathing, feasting etc., to say nothing of playing the "one baby, one cigar; two baby, two cigars; three baby, half a dollar" game that is going on there with the grinning "coon" behind the canvas. There is also a "cane rack" in full operation and at night there will be "a splendid display of fireworks. -The hotel' will serve a sumptuous "Fourth of July" dinner to it's guests. - No Paper To-moryiw. Conforming to the usual custom in tne Wilmington newspaper world, there will be no issue of the Stab to morrow, notwithstanding the double header at Raleigh to day.- The public will doubtless appreciate the fact that the "Fourth" should be as "glorious" for the newspaper worker as well as for the remaining contingent of man kind. ffBW ADVERTISEMENTS - D. L. Gore Co. Hoop Iron. --J Solomon's Shoe Store Glorious 4th Munroe & Kelly Summer comfort J. O. Boesch Administrator's notice Carolina: Beach and Southport Schedule for July 4th. " f , Busrjrxss zjooalb. Wanted-A No. 1 terrant. , 1HE I FESTIVE KNIGHTS OP PYTHIAS. Enthusiastic Meeting Followed by a So cial Session Last Wight. 1 Jefferson Lodge No. 61, X of P. had a most enthusiastic meeting and a festive social session last evening at Castle Hall, the occasion being the in stallation of new officers and the con clusion of the membership contest in augurated at the beginning of last term. The following are the new officers: C. 0. W. L. Holden. V. O. Anson Alligood.' P. E. F. Jones. M at A. W. L. Williford. M. of W. JJO. Morrison. I. G. L. O. Smith. O. G. Geo. W. Branch. These ' were installed by Deputy Grand Chancellor E. H. Munson as sisted by H. E. Bonitz, G. M. A. ; J. H. Dreher, G. P.; J. H. Taylor, Jr., G. V. C. ; James W. Monroe, G M. W. Just prior to the installation two candidates were giln tbe rank of Knight an upon: ci Iclusion oX the lodg exercises a very pleasing event took place in the presentation to Mr. Alex. 8. Holden, the enterprising keeper of records and seals of the lodge, of a handsome gold medal for having secured the largest number bf new members during the term. The formal presentation was made by A. R. Dunning, Esq., in a neat speech, happy and graceful. This was responded to feelingly by Mr. Holden. Then there was a spread of bountiful refreshments, including ice cream, cake, etc., and a thoroughly enjoy able season was spent. . Jefferson Lodge now has more than a hundred members and is enterprise ing, if anything at alL Many new faces were seen in the lodge room last night and great enthusiasm man ifested. The next joint Pythian meet ing will be held with Jefferson on July 19tb. THE ATLANTA EXCURSION. More Than a Thousand Georgians Will be at Wrightsville To-morrow. The annual excursion of the Ma sonic Temple Association and the Re tail Grocers of Atlanta, Ga., for the benefit of the Masonic Temple build ing fund, of that city, will reach Wrightsville Beach to-morning before the breakfast hour and fully a thou sand people are expected. They will remain here for three days. , The train, with ample sleeping car accommodations, will leave Atlanta via the 8. A. L. at 7 o'clock this even iag Skid will reach Wilmington before day to-morrow morning. Governor Aycock has courteously placed at the disposal of the Masons and their friends 200 of the State Guard tents and these will be occupied by a num ber of the &'? during their stay here. 7 The arralMient committees are composed of the most prominent people of the Gate City and are as follows: Masonic Temple Association Hon. Hoke Smith, Messrs. J. W. English, J. L. Mayson and T. E. Ladd. Grocers' Assertion G. S. Prior, L S. Mitchell, George Sims, B. E. Gardner and A. C. MinhinnenL POPULAR Y0UNQ PEOPLE WEDDE0. Miss Lavlnia Oilllcaa Became the Bride of. Mr. Bellamy Harriss Yesterday. A very quiet but an exceedingly pretty aoarriage ceremony was per formed yesterday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Annie B. Gillican, No. 510 Grace street, when her charming daughter, Miss Lavinia D. billican was led to the altar by Mr. Bellamy Harriss a popular and enter prising young business man of this city.. . The parlors of the home were effect ivelf decorated with a wealth of rare flowers and plants, and the happy young people were - joined in matri mony by the Rev. J. N. Cole, pastor of Grace M. E. Church. Miss Bessie Walker was maid of honor and Mr. Robert N. Harriss, - brother of the groom, best man. The bride was given away by her eldest brother, Mr. E. O. Gillican, of New York, city, a travel ling passenger agent of tbe Atlantic Coast Line. Mr. and Mrs. Harriss will spend their honeymoon at Wrightsville. LOCAL DOTS. The steamer Burt will run an excursion for the benefit of Fayette ville people to day. - The annual picnic at Six Forks, four miles east of Burgaw, Pender county, will not be held this year until July 2th. The public is invited, to "come and bring well filled baskets." Sheriff Stedman yesterday; morning "swore in" five policemen to do duty af Wrightsville Beach, as sisting Beach Officer Martin. They are Police Sergeant C. S. Burnett and Policemen E. R. Chad wick, E. Skip per and D. D. George. The Stab received jesterday through the D. L. Gore Company a "first cotton bloom" from Mr. Dan Leonard, of Kerr, Sampson county. It was plucked on July 1st, and waa from a very fine stalk as a leaf ac companying clearly indicated. New Pastor to Arrive. . : Rev. C. W. Kegley, the new pastor of St. Matthew's English Lutheran church, is.expected to arrive from his home at Wythe vilie, va., to preacn to his congregation next Sunday. He will likely get here Friday. : MORN WILMINGTON, N. C EXPECTED DEFEAT. The Turtles Walked Away With the Wilmington Giants Yes terday Afternoon. WAS SHUT-OUT, 6 TO 0 1 Tarboro Falls Down Twice Before Rich mond and Charlotte Meets a Crush ing Pate at Hands of Norfolk. Wilmington's New Pitcher. YESTERDAY'S games. Wilmington, 0; Raleigh, 6. Charlotte, 0; Norfolk, 13 Tarboro, 0; Richmond, 9. Tarboro, 2; Richmond, 4. WHERE THEY PLAY TO DAY. Wilmington at Raleigh (3). Charlotte at Richmond (2). Tarboro at Norfolk (2). STANDING OF THE CLUBS. Won. Lest Per cent Wilmington 7 '2 Norfolk ,. 6 3 Raleigh 5 -4 .855 Richmond ...... 5 4 .555 Charlotte 3 6 .333 Tarboro 1 8 .111 Mr. James Sebring and Mr. "Willie" Warren, left fielder and third base man,' respectively, did the honors on the Blab for Wilmington yesterday afternoon, and in view of the fact that they were pitted against Smith, Raleigh's crack twirler, who pitched a phenomenal eame. and that the fielding at times behind them was ragged, it is yet a compliment to these two young gentlemen and the team as a wnole to say tbat the best Kme Kelly's crew could do was to make the score 6 to 0 in their favor. Sebring pitched the first four innings and he led off superblyA but in the third and fourth innings the visitors jumped on his puzzlers with a ven geance and pounded him for three runs. Then the sturdy little Warren perched upon the slab and with no practice whatever this season, held the score and hits down to a nicety. JSis work was really of a very high ordeat The visiting "Statesman" gave us a gilt edge article and though he was liberal in the distribution , of free passes, he allowed but one hit and was in the game up to his neck all the way through. Had the regular de pleted pitching staff not have been' held in reserve for the double-header at Raleigh to-day, it is doubtful if the Giants could even then have with stood the onslaughts of Mr. Smith, who easily outclasses either Grand Stand Favorite Stanley or Good Na- tured Stocksdale. Both teams went out beautifully in the first inning, "Davy" having gotten the only single. The run-get ting by the visitois opened up in the second on a pass to Atz, a sacrifice by Borber and a passed ball by Thackara. The "Turckles" salted away another run in the third on a two base' hit by Smith and an error of Clayton by which the batter got third, a pass to Venable, an un effectual hit by Stanley to second on which Smith crossed the rubber with two men down. . Kelly went out to short The fourth silenced the rooters and rooterinas when Atz, the very first man up, smashed out a double and Sorber, next at tbe willow, lined out a three bagger, scoring Atz Hennager, out to pitch; Stockdale walks; Lie Grande flies out to deep left; Sorber scores ; Smith forces "Stocks" at second and the funeral procession has stopped. In the fourth the agony was tempor arily suspended and Warren relieved Sebring in the box, Allen assuming third cushion and Sebring going to his accustomed "posish" inTeft The visitors got their first run on Warren in the sixth on one of those rare (not rank) errors of Devlin, a pass to Hennager and a scratch hit by Stocksdale. Then for two innings King Kelly could do nothing with Warren and ditto Wilmington as to Mr. Smith. The Turtles, however, got their backs up in the ninth and added another horizontal to the run-gettfng column on an error of Allen in hand ling Stocksdale's hit, LeGrande's sac rificeanda conglomeration of putre fied errors resulting from "Tacks'" In advertency; in not being in his position when "Stocks' " happened to be' mak ing his way home, via third base. Features of the game were Stocks dale's. one hand catch of Crockett's drive ; Smith's pitching, which was the best ever seen on this diamond this sea son, and Devlin's beautiful stop of a line drive by first base. The latter took the breath from the cotton bloom editor of the Star, i SCORE BY INNINGS. 123 4 5 6789 RHB Raleigh .. . .... .0 1 1 2 0 1 0 0 16 4 3 Wilmington .,.00000001 0-0 I 6 - Batteries; Smith and LeGrande; Sebring, Warren and Thackara. THE TABULATED SCORE. Raleigh. Venable, 88 ... . Stanley, cf..1.. Kelly, lb 4 Atz, 3 b. Sorber, If...... Hennager, 2b. . Stocksdale, rf.. LeGrand, c . . . . Smith, p :ab r h po a e . 3 0 0 0 8 0 3 0 4 0 3 2 4 2 0 0 0 16 1 1 0 0 2 3 1 2 0 4 0 0 4 3 3 4 4 Total.; ..31 6 4 27 18 3 Wilmington. Clayton, as. ... Devlin, lb... ...... Sebring, p& If.... Crockett, 2b....... Thackara, c...f .... McGinnis, cf . .i .-. . . Warren, Sb & p. . . . Cranston, rf ....... Allen, If & 3b . AB R H PO A E 4 4 8 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 3 0 13 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 3 2 1 0 6 0 0 Totai.:ir....:..J.27 o. 1 27 ie e Summary: Two base hits, Atz and Smith f three-base hit, Sorber ; double plays, Clayton to Crockett to Devlin, venable to Hennager to Kelly; base on balls, off. Sebring 4, off Warren 2, w THURSDAY, JULY 4, off Smith 4; struck out, by Warren 4. Smith 2; passed ball, Thackara. Um pire, . Mr. Btaley. Attendance, 350. Time of game, 1:25.. The Turtle Victory , Was Not Unexpected. 5 Warren showed capacity in the box and will make a good reserve pitcher. Raleigh has four good pitchers, and two of them work in the out field regularly. , - Those who believed the Giants would win yesterday were "few and far between." - To the lady lovers of base ball: Don't forget the meeting at the Elks1 Temple at 5.30 to-morrow afternoon It is expected that Allen will pitch in the morning and Stewart in the afternoon game at Raleigh to-. day The Giants and Turtles tf ft for Raleigh last evening at 7 o'clock. They were due at Raleigh about 11 p. m. If tbe Giants, in their crippled condition, can win two of the four games at Raleigh they will do wonder fully well. . : Sebring distrusted himself before be went in the box. He safd- he was apprehensive that he could not con trol the ball. July 8th, 9th and 10th Wilming ton plays at Charlotte. On the 11th, 12th and 13th Charlotte plays our Champions here. The horse editor, along with the Star family, will take a rest to-day. Consequently, there will be no paper issued Friday. We'll come again Saturday. Now that the management have taken action in the matter of supply ing one of the two crying needs of the Champions, the lovely women of Wilmington may be relied on to do thereat. Richmond Disvatch: "Manaeer Ashen back, of (he Tarboro team, who went to Philadelphia at the close of the game on Monday, sent three play ers from Philadelphia and one from vyaanington for a trial." Warren went in the box at the beginning of the fifth inning. He held the Turtles down to two runs during the remainder of the game, and one of these runs was the result of rank errors by the Giants The fair rooterinas are urged to attend the meeting to be held at the Elks' Temple Friday afternoon at 5 30. They are relied on to make the bazaar or lawn party to be given for the benefit of the Champions a complete success. ' Wilmington was compelled to sacrifice the game to Raleigh in order that she might reserve Stewart and Allen (her only pitchers) for the two games in ' Kaleign to day. Is any argument now necessary to show that a third pitcher should be engaged? The faithful four hundred who looked on in dismay at the game yes terday will be glad to-know that an other good pitcher was - telegraphed for last night, and is expected at Ra leigh in time for Saturday's game. He is said to be also a good batter and outfielder. Another Pitcher Slfned. Announcement is made by the management of the Wilmington team that Pitcher Willig, of Williamsport, Pa., has been signed and will report for duty at Raleigh on Saturday. Reference to his record has already been made in these columns and it will suffice to say that he was tele graphed for last night, and that last year he pitched for Albany in the New York State league. This year he is with the Weedsport team of the Lake Shore League,- which has not the National League protection. While the management did not feel justified from a financial view of the situation to sign the-new twirler, yet it is believed that the good ladies of the city in their bazaar and the citizens, who will be approached for subscrip tions, will make it all even up in the end. flames Oa Other Diamonds. At Richmond- 1 2 8 4 5 she 0 0 0 45 6 1 0 0 0 00 2 2 Richmond 1 Tarboro 0 Batteries: Bass and Manners: Wolfe and Foster. At the close of the 'fifth inning Fos ter was ordered out of the game. He refused to go and the game was de clared forfeited to Richmond by a score of 9 to 0. Second game: ' - 12345678 9. RHE Richmond .0 010 0 10 2 - 8 1 Tarboro. ....O 000 100012 4 5 Batteries: Thomas and . Manners; Gettig and Foster. At Norfolk v 12345 6789 RHE Norfolk ..... .4 0 0 8 0 3 3 0 -13 16 0 Charlotte... .. 000000000 .0 2 7 Batteries: 81agle and Lehman; Martin and Gates. y aaa an Negro Brutally Assaults Another. Justice Fowler yesterday sent to jail for the forthcoming term of the Superior Court, Harrison Brown, col ored, charged with murderous assault upon Eddie Eggerson, his room mate at a colored dwelling in "Brooklyn."1 Eggerson had lost a sum of money from a trunk m the room and had in timated that Brown had stolen it. On the .morning of June ' 28th, ; while Eggerson was standing in front of the bureau in ; the room arranging: his cravat, r Brown went into the yard, secured an axe handle and approach ing the negro at the glass from the rear, felled him to the floor by a heavy blow across the left eye and struck him three times while his victim was on' the floor unconscious. He was only yesterday able to be up to prose cute hia assailant. ' - v. Deputy Sheriff Harvey Cox left yesterday with an insane -colored wo man for the Goldsboro State Hospital. Star. 1901. THE BOYS' BRIGADE First Battalion Went Into Camp For Ten Days at South port Yesterday. COPY OF THE FIRST ORDER The Jolly Young Soldiers Will Be Away About Ten Days and Will Have a Splendid Time Roster of Two Companies and Officers. The First Battalion, Boys' Brigade of America, CoL Walker Taylor com manding, went into camp yesterday afternoon at Southport and will re main there' for ten days. The follow ing order was issued yesterday : Headquarters First Battalion. North Carolina Boys Brigade or America. Camp "Lane,", Southport, N. 0., July 3rd. 1901. The fourth annual Encampment of this Battalion will formally open at Camp "Lane" (named iff honor of our friend and chaplain. ,Bev. E. E. Lane, as a. slight token of our appreciation of nis interest in and work among us) this afternoon at 4:30 o'clock, and the following assignments are announced bv Colonel Tavlor. to be in effect during said Encampment: Joseph J.LiOughlm.Maior command ing battalion; James A. Price, captain, company A; J. William Curtis, cap- tain, company B; Dr. James M. Hall, surgeon; John W. Brown, battalion adjutant; James W. OrrelJ, battalion sergeant major; Albert L. Dosher, bu gler; Joseph B. LinderJ.st sergeant, company A; Harry O. Thomas, 1st ser geant company B. These officers will be obeyed and respected accordingly. Tne following hours will be observed during the Encampment: Beville, 5 30 A. M; assembly, 5.45 A. M.; mess, 6.00 A. M. ; company drill, 6.3Q A. M. ; recall, 7.80 A. M. ; sick call, 7.45 A. M. ; religious exercises, 8.00 A. M. ; guard mount, 8.45 A. M.; mess 12-00 m, ; battalion drill, 3 30 if. M. ; mess, 5.00 P. M. ; dress parade. 6.00 P. M. : tattoo 8.00 P. M. ; taps, 9 00 P. M. The countersign will be issued daily from headquarters. One officer of-the day, one sergeant, and as many cor porals and privates as may be neces sary, will be detailed daily for guard duty. The hours of bathing will be announced daily. All orders and sig nals will be issued from headquarters. By order or major Loughnn. John W. Brown, 1st Lieut, and Adjutant. The following is a roster of the bat talion : Walter Blackman, John W. Brown, A. L. Burress, Joe Benson, Wilbur Dosher, A. L. Dosher, Percy O. Hall, Frank Irving, Joseph J. Loughlin. Chas. C. Loughlin, M. M. Parker, Jr., Robt Presson, Thos. O. Ramsey. Jr., Harry O. Thomas, Walter Thomas, Herbert Jordan, W. W. King. Jr., Lester King, J. Sam Br it tain, Geo. W. Burress, C. Ed. Bender, J. W. Curtis, E. P. Dudley. Geo. T. Farrar. Francis Garrison, Hans A. Kure, Jr., Joseph B. Linder, K. Henry Orrell, J. W. Orrell, Jas. A. Price, Fred Russ, Thad. F. Tyler, Jr., Chas. Wood berry, Henry F. Quinn, Harry Walker, Louis Klander, Dr. J. W. Hall. CITY REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Many Deeds Filed Yesterday at Court House Bat None Are Important. Transfers of real estate were re corded yesterday at the Court House as follows: W. A. McGowan and wife and J. A. Orrell and wife to W. J. Reaves and wife for $1 and other valuable considerations, lot 66x165 feet on east side of Front between Church and Castle streets. W. J. Reaves and wife to John A. Orrell and wife for $1 and other val uable considerations, lot 33x132 feet on east side of Front betwen Church and Castle streets. - W. J. Reaves and wife to the .Wil mington Underwriters' Insurance Company (mortgage deed) for $1810.. lot 66x165 feet on east side of Front between Church and Castle. W. J. Reaves and wife to W. A. McGowan and. wife (warranty deed) for $1 and other valuable consider ations, lot 33x132 feet as above. W. W. Howe and wife to D. L. Gore, for $500, lot on west side side of Fourth street, 33x165 feet in size, be tween Nun and Church streets. Wilmington Underwriters' Insur ance to W. J. Reaves and wife, deed of release for lot on Front between Church and Castle streets. Altmore Walker and wife to W. A. McGowan and wife for $600, lot on Castle between Second and Third streets. In Memory of Capt, Barns. Wednesday July 24th the patriotic people of Onslow, Carteret and Gra ven counties will unveil a .handsome monument to the memory of, Capt. Otway Burns, of Beaufort, N. C, the hero of the good ship Snap Dragon in the war of 1812. The monument has been erected by the ; sons of Captain Owen 'Burns, of the United States Navy, they being, grandsons of Cap tain Otway Burns. The address will be by Judge Walter Clark. Mr. Rom ulus A. Nunn, of Newborn, is chair-, man bf the committee, and invites the public to attend the exercises. The Associated Charities. r The .report of .the Secretary, Miss Carrie L. Price, of the Associated Charities, shows receipts and disburse ments for May and June as follows: Receipts, "county, $250; Mrs. E. Latti mer, $5 ; cash $10 ; Mrs. EL G. Smalls bones, $5. Total $275. Disburse ments, secretary's salary (two months), $50; Catherine Kennedy Home, $25; groceries, $300.50 ; help, $10 ; rent, $22 ; janitor, $4.50; railroad fare, $2L37; wood, $40.40 ; - shoes $4.25. Total $478.12. .. ' -. , : An k. and M. Examination. Candidates ' for admission to the A: and- M. College, Raleigh, will be examined by Prof. Washington Cat lett, county superintendent of' public instruction, on . Thursday, July 11th. The examination is of "applicants" and not for scholarships as previously stated in these colums. i - ' WHOLE NO. 10,568 PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. H. K. Nash, Jr., left yes terday for Tarboro. . Mr. S. H. Fishblate left last evening for Ashe vi He, N. C. Mr. John LeGwin, of Maxton, is here to spend the "Fourth." Robert Ruark, Esq., is back from a professional trip to High Point. Mr. W. N. Harriss and bod, Marion. returned yesterday from Hamilton, Va. Mrs. Jas. D. Smith and her guest, Miss Ella Newman, of Knox- ville, Tenn.. are visiting in Charlotte. Capt. Edgar Williams has gone to Norfolk on business connected with the floating of the British steamship Starcro88, off Beaufort last week. HIT T . m r Tit -w ' jxus. ti. w. nivans, oi jaieign, ar rived yesterday en route to Winna- bow, Brunswick county, to be with her daughter, Miss Mary Evans, who is quite sick. Mrs. E. B. Stevens and Miss Jessie . Stevens, of Southport, Wee herejjreaterday on their way to tne Black Mountains to spend a part of the Summer. Rev. J. N. Cole, pastor of Grace M. E. Church, will leave the first of next week for San Francisco, CaL, to attend the National Conference of the Ep worth League. He will 'probably be away for a month. i m i Prominent Duplin Citizen Dead. News was received here yesterday of the death of Mr. Luther R. Matthews, a prominent citizen of Duplin county. Mr. Matthews was a gallant Confeder ate soldier, serving faithfully the Lost Cause till wounded and taken prisoner at Fort Anderson. He married Miss Mary C. Graft, of this city, and she with four children, Mrtf. J. J. Robin son, of Black River, and Messrs. L. R., W. C. and Archie E. Matthews,' sur vive him. . Among the relatives who went up to Rose Hill to attend the funeral, wmca win iae place to-day, were Captain and Mrs. J. O. Wiggs, Miss Bertha Wiggs, Miss Lizzie Pope, Mr. J. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Craft and Mr. James Craft. Mr. Leslie B Wiggs will go up this morning. Junior Order U. A. M. The following officers of Jeff Davis Council No. 63, Jr O.-U. A. M., were duly installed by Junior Past Coun cilor J. H. Swinson last night: Jr. P. 0. Jos. F. Craig. C A. J. Hewlett. V. C E. B. Burkheimer. R S. John E. Wood. A. R. S. W. R. Hall. F. S. G. C. Simmons. Treas. John Thomas. Condr. W. W. Thigpen. Warden C. J. McKeithan. J. S. Charles W. Hewlett I. 8. E. G. HalL Chaplain Jas. A. Kelly. Trustree John E. Wood. Superintendent of Fire Alarm. Mr. W. J. Kirkham was yesterday appointed superintendent of the fire alarm system to succeed Mr. John T. Yates, resigned. He was appointed by the Fire Committee to whom the matter was left by the Board of Alder men. Mr. Kirkham has formerly filled the position and is a man abundantly experienced in the work. Mr. Ed. Harr was elected as a fireman to succeed Mr. Yates, Mr. Kirkham having charge only of the alarm sys tem and the pay of the two amount ing to the same as heretofore. "Richard's Himself Again." The many friends of "Wash." Lamb in Wilmington will be glad to read this from the Goldsboro Argus: Capt. J. W. Lamb, the genial and popular livery and stock man, is now located in his commodious and lmpos- ng new stables, on John street, near the site of -his recent fire, and has the best appointed and largest stables in the city, where livery teams can be bad in any style. - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Administrator's Notice. i - - H ivlna anftllflea as Administrator of the estate oc Joan Henry Boesch, deceased, this Is to notify all persons Indebted to the deceased to make Immediate payment to me, ana aH per sons to whom he was Indebted will present their claims to me. Drooerlv oroven. before the 5th day of July, 1908. or this notice will be plead m Dar oi recovery. 'inisineara aay oi Juiy, iwi. - - J. O. BOESCH, Administrator John Henry Boeeeh. A. J. MARSHALL, Attorney. th Jy 4 6t -t- $200 REWARD. The Board of County Commissioners of Bran&wlck county will tay a reward of Two Hundred Dollars for the arrest and delivery to the Sheriff of said county of the murderer or murderers oi wimam oaston trice, at Nayassa. Brunswick county, on or about the 16th of June, lain. . jo. j. guthbie. unainnan tsoara oi commissioners. ju8 4t . ; FOURTH OF JULY SCHEDULE. For Carolina Beack andSonthport Leave Wilmington. Leave Beach. 8 00 A. M. 10 80 A. M. 8 09 P. M. 5 03 P. M. - rsop. h. SCO A, M. 18 00 M. 8 00 P. M. 00 P. M. 10 00 P. M. Fare for RoeI Trip 25 Cents. ! Steamer Southport connects with steamer numiDgion n trior eacn trip for Bontnport. U4U '' - , Gapped tbe Climax. Tee, we have reached that'point by the In - troduotionof four -new "'Climax" Chairs and other furniture to correspond; Our barbers are skilled in the business and our rasorsand other ?trtmming8 are, as they hare always been ot the very beet.; We solicit yeur patronage. TERMS OF SUBSCniRTIOn. '5t T .I X One Year, ' bj XU, S t)3.CC X Six Month Three Month. Two Vmis?-1tWQ$-. Deirrira to Subscribers In the i ; City at 45 Cents per Month. X : " NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. COOL, wicker' farnl- COMFORTABLE, turefa the ideal CHEP. furniture for summer. It looks dellghtrul'y cool and It Is cool. v. i - We are makings special sale of Fancy wicker Rockers made on white maple frames, S3. 00; Fancv olalted tuu-.lr with hrh S roll arms: shaped seats, at S4.00. These are not cheaply made goods which will go to pieces in a short time but excellent furni ture, beautiful, strong and lastinsr. HUNROE & KELLY, No. 17 south Front street. Bell 'Phone 116. jy 4 tf Bold every where and by everybody. VV Tobacco. a Free from stems and suits the taste. t ((TJATir TVrkTTTCT Tobacco Don't chew. decay teeth. DOWN A good "dTTVIXT Tobacco. All stores other. carry it. Take no YoIIers & Hashagen, je 23 tf Sole Agents. Celebration at Sontbuort July 4th. i Excursion by steamer ComntonJ Three round tripsi The Declaration of Independence to be read. Historical Addresses, - etc. Vocal and Instru mental Music, String Band and. Brass Band: Dress Parade bv CoL Walker Taylor's Boys' Brigade in the after noon. Bports (Jreased Fig Race, Foot Race, Tug of War, Wheelbarrow Race, Three Legged Race. etc. Base Ball, Rowing and Bailing Races. Nu merous prizes offered. The- National Salute at noon will be fired from the Algonquin and Fort Caswell. Grand display of Fireworks, Illumination on water at nignt. A Bali at Night. Schedule: Leaving the city at 8. SO A. M.. 2.00 and 7.30 P. M. Leaving Southport 11.30 A, M., 5.30 and 11.30 Jr. M. Refreshments, Lunch, etc., served on the grounds. Fare round trip 25c. Note time last -boat leaves Southport will be moonlight 'all way back to the city. Remember, no changes or transferring en. route when you go with us. ju2 3t HOOP IRON. . bought at a price that we can meet any competition. Matters not who offers It. 400,000 Lbs. Hoop Iron 50 Barrels Glue. 25 Bales Batting. 1.enn Second-hand Machln yv Price Low, lne Barrels. 100 Cars of Groceries. Get Prices. D. L. GORE CO. Wholesale Grocibs, 190. 122 and 124 North Water Street. Je 4 tf Wilmington, N. C. 5 and 1 0c Store r Is not in it along; side of Warren's Cafe, With Its 5 and 10c Lunches. Warren's Steam Bakery and Cafe. jeSTtf Opposite Masonic Temple. Hay, Corn, Mealf Oats, Flour. Several cars just in. JTull libe CANNED GOODS, Snuff, Tobacco, Cigars, &c. Get our samples and prices. - HALL & PEARSALL, (INCOBPOBAtSD v WHOLESALE GROCERS, J 81 tf Nutt and Mulberry WILMINGTON SEACOAST R. . R. Special Scnedule for July 4tn. The followintr Bchednle will bo observed on the Wllmlnaton Seacoast B. B. on July 4th: Leave Wilmington. . LeaveOcean view., ; 7 80 AI M. - 10 00 A. M. 12 00 M 1 80 P. M. 8 00 P. M; 5 00 P. M. I 6 10 P. M. : 7 80 P. M. . - 9 00 P. M. , 11 00 P. M. -B. O. GBABT, - Superintendent, v 8 80 A.H. 9 00 A. Mi . 10 15 A. M. -12 15 P. M. 1 43 P. M. 3 15 P. M. . 5 15 P. M. r. S5 P. M. 7 45 P. M. 9 15 P. M. jnsat ' Ocean View Hotel, irricntsvUle Baaeb, N. C. ' : Is now completed and open for guests at rea i abnable rates. The table wilt tie suppled with k every sea delicacy. An elegant Bath "House . . with 160 well appointed rooms. : New Bath Suits' for ladies, gentlemen and children. The fCate1 stocked with the best. A real seaside resort -Polite and prompt attention.: . : '..w.-. OCEAN VIETW CO., T le S3 lm ... am tu th iranazera., RecefYerc liziizz.T "r .Havins been appIntea Eeceiver tor Kerchner F-'T'as, I heresy norj:y au parties having c!-' iiost er.iitra tome same with me.- HIX 8. BATTLE, tl. - Beoerrer. '-in lib if , 5.-'".'" in t f I t