"si aranteed Boos-FWe, mrj-uwfx Circulation Laxfer Than Tbsi Of Any Other Dally News paper Pnblished In Wilffllofton. I IN TUB 8TATVC J outlines. lr new members of the board of U nf the S. A. L. elected. her resolution has broken out in V,,pa martial law has been de- L Jack Keon killed by a con- oflElPaso, Texas. R. T. irrp and wife murdered at their in Carroll county, Miss. steamer Elswick Bank, at v 3 VI -Cuk lurjr, badly aamagea oj um. late Democratic convention 01 and will meet to day in Balti- The Steel workers strike on is unchanged ; officials of the ation are satisfied at the way are eoine. An Italian ist from Paterson, N. J., arrest- Switzerland. Alice Dough- rested in New York for conn ing fifty-cent silver pieces., -r ! i it by Mr. Kruger to the United has been decided apon. late of siege in Buenos Ayres has Jraised. Passenger train on and O. held up in Indiana, and press car dynamited and robbed. IT T. Sanford, tax collector, of. county, Ga., is charged with kzling $34,244. The condi f cotton as reported by the Jour- of Commerce is 75.5 : . York markets: Money on call er at 2i4per cent :the last loan cent; prime mercantile paper 41 n a her cent; nour was quiet ana steady; wheat spot easy, No. 76c ; corn spot firm. No. 2 bats spot firm, No. 3 88c;roain spirits turpentine steady at S5J WEATHER REPORT. . S. Dep't of Agriculture, i Weathxb bttbzatj. - , wilminqton, N. C., July SL ) peratures : 8 A. 1L, 81 degrees ; ,76 degrees; maximum, 91 de ; minimum, 76 degrees; mean, 84 s. . - - nfall for the day, 0; rainfall 1st of the month to 'date,' 8.14 OOTTON REGION BUIAJCTHf. fe weather has continued warm in stricts. Local rains are report rORIOAST FOB TO-DAV,; kSHINGTON, July 3L-raZ rsdu"'" i n : Occasional aho weirs Thuiv' md probably Friday ; - Tariable Port Almana -Avgatt 1, . Kiss 5.06 A. H. 7.04 P.M. 13H.58M. 7.56 A.M. 10.26 A. M. Bets Length .... Water at Southport. Water Wilmington . K. Vanderbilt sent his auto- e out on a spin a few days ago scored seventy-four miles an e latest reported discoveries of pome from Liberia, South Africa, here is a boom on in the colored blic. ' . Pennsylvania woman has lost ower of speech. But it took roke of lightning to accom- it. . .. miral Schley isn't talking much days. The other fellows are z the talking and the more talk the bigger the mess they. e Republicans are bragging a full treasury, but they have jted as a war tax in the past years $318,790,501, and they bn collecting. ere. is a stingless bee in the Undies. The stinelesa bee must. iixnry in any country. The less hornet has not yet put in pearance anywhere. ere is nothing like sticking. An lldier at Port Chester, N. Y., list received from the U. S. fnment two months' pay which leen due him for thirty-eight inventor has built a shirt col rhioh will not wilt in warm er, a. It is constructed of alu? Let him proceed and build iminum shirt and make the .complete. I lr some of the copper works in any the sheep that drink the I impregnated with copper green wopl. Wp have heard of je who work in copper establish having green hair. , an illustration of how the Bficent" truBts work, the people nmona were buying kerosene cents a gallon. Th Stand il Company got cont-he ny which was . Belt-jdV-'.. at pnce, and immediately the jumped to ten cents a gallon. ion of Admiral' Schley, who ii b army, stationed at Salt Lake een tallans to one ox the- ca rat there and says his father: bunch of fine cards np his & whio.1i ha . will nlftv' t iha I time and take the breath opt VOL. LXVIII.-NO. 111. ; LMINOTON, NC.;;THURSDAYm A DOUBLE WEDDING. Celebratetf Last Night at Resi dence of Brides Parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Piatt. A VERY PRETTY SERVICE. Miss Aisle Piatt Becones Bride ef Mr. Robert Edward BizuII aad MUs ; Nellie Watt is Wedded te Mr. Prestoa Qayle Wblte. An exceedingly pretty double wed dinV service at the residence of the brides' parents, Mr. and Mrs: Johjn T. PlaJt, No. 609 Grace street, last night at 9:30 o'clock, joined in matrimony, four of Wilmington's most popular youDg people Miss Annie Piatt to Mr. Robert Edward Bizzell and Miss Nellie J. natt to Mr Preston Gayle .White. .. . ;:,r":". . : -The ceremony was Very quiet and only a few guests were present on ae count of the illness of the father of the brides, Mr. John T. Piatt, but the errice was impressiTely performed and in exceedingly "good taste. Rer. Dr. OalTin a Blackwell, pastor of the First Baptist Church, was the officiat ing minister, and those present . in cluded only relatives and very inti-; mate friends of the contracting par ties. The home was neatly decorated with a profusion of plants and flowers and the scene was a beautiful one in-, deed. ' - When the hour for the ceremony arrived, the couples entered in the fol lowing -order: Miss Annie Piatt with Mr. Bizzelh Miss Nellie Platf with Mr. White; Bev. Dr. Blackwell, the officiating jninister. When both couples had taken their stations. Dr. Blackwell spoke feelingly the words that made each other man and wife. The wedding party then was served with delightful refreshments and an informal, reception followed, during which music and recitations were en joyed. m Miss Annie Piatt,' the bride of Mr. Bizzell, wore a becoming suit of white silk mulle, trimmed with lace and ribbons, witbsdiamond brooch. - Miss- Nellie Piatt, the bride of Mr. White, wore light blue organdio, with lace and ribbon trimmings. Her or naments were pearls. . -7 There were very many beautiful bridal presents attesting the esteem in whieh the popular young people' are held. Mr. and Mrs. Bizzell and Mr. and Mrs. White will be at home to friends after to-day at No. 219 8outh Front street.. Among those in : attendance upon the wedding ; from a..disunce were Mr. A C. Bizzell, father of one of the grooms, and son, of Golds boro, and Miss Alma May Tice, of Winston, a friend of the brides. . sdiais oi tie War Path. The warriors, braves and chiefs of Eyota Tribe No. -5, Improved Order of Bed Men, will be on the war path to morrow night with moccasins on their feetand scalping knives up their sleeves for eight pale; faces captured wander ing armlessly through the forest. After a possible adoption of the white skins into the tribe, refreshments consisting of Arctic delicacies etc.. will Deserved. Beaefit Laws Party. A feature of the lawn party - to be riven at the residence of Mrs. M. E. Graffiin, corner Third and Walnut streets, ' this evening for the bene fit of the Organ Fund Society . of Grace M. K. church will be selections from one of Edison's latest and largest phonographs which has been kindly tendered for use on this occasion by Messrs. J. H.. Behdtr & Co. Per Beaefit of Y. M. C. A. , The vounr lady friends of the Young Men's Christian Association met in the building yesterday and decided to give a lawn party ion the grounds of the First Presbyterian Church next Mon day for the benefit of the fund to be used in fitting up the-Y. M. O. A. parlors. Another meeting to com plete arrangements will be held to morrow morning-fct 9:45 o'clock in the Association parlors. ThV Cos! ederate Escsmpmest. di;s.u KTgyinm runA. fibemeri "Gen. Jullian 8. Carr, who was- in the city i i nut. In mmt Anthaaiutifi terms of the proposed , encampment of in August, r For- the first time they . - i a Mnt &-mils rate and waj AwATai w nuirMiia ma ww xxkubbbvav Gen. Carr believes a sufficient number of them will attend to ma.- w .hmum h has taken and determination, and there can be no failure pi is. Sharpie Capsized. The sharpie Winner, CapL BUly Twi. bound from Walton'f Creek to Wilmlno-ton. twith 'a cargo of 1000 watermelons, 'capsized down the river near the menhaden fishery on wed Tiav and nrt of the cargo, which belonged to Mr. W. A. Moore, of Southport was lost -,; . Illcttfl WMk.Dtr Bxeuraln. A tth.MnnMtnf minT natrons Capt. AS SUV ww - Sanders announces a week day ex cursion on the steamer 'ComptonM to n mi . A 4 .iu m ThnnfllT. couuport iuu teaTing; wio - a. i i it,, anntiir inula allow seven hours In Southport. Fare for the round trip only 25 cents. - Patrons may remain, at Southport or go to sea as Uiey ucairo. t,,-:- v. ;. Go to Norfolk, , Washington or Bal timore on- Pipkin's excursion, Aug, th. For ttata room and information 1HE I : - ' LOCAL DOTS. The Wilmington Live Stock Co. has an advertisement of interest in to day's paper. . Jefferson Lodge No. 61, K. of last nighf conferred the rank of Es quire upon two pages. -During, the past month license' has been issued for. the marriaareof eight white couples and nine colored. The schooner City of. Balti more arrived yesterday with a cargo cement for the Coal Cement Suonlv Company.";' ,- . , "Be merciful to " the beasts" always. And be specially careful of their comforts during the excessively hot weather. There were sales of spirits tur pentine on the local market yesterday at 32 cents for "machines" and 31 cents for "countrys." 7 - The government has been en gaged for the past several days ii re pairing the breakwater at New Inlet with stone furnished by Capt Edgsr D. Williams, r Three colored women, Ada Moore, Rebecca Moore and Mary J. Battle were locked up by the police yesterday for drunkenness and dis orderly conduct ' . A colored excursion to ' New born on. August 12th, returning same day, is announced. It is by the Buf falo Pleasure Club and the fare is $1.00 for the round trip.- Liiftenae was i rati ad VAfltarrlAV forthe marriage of Mr. J. A. Brown, a son of Mr. J. J." Brown, of Burgaw, and Miss Katie Merritt daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Merritt of this city. ' '.:.:',: -: It was characteristic of Qeorge Burns, sheriff of Cumberland county, to present the Fayetteville- Indepen dent Light Infantry with that hand some china service. It will come in handy during the encampment : - -" " Mr. A. Silvermann bid in the ewelry sold at auction yesterday by Ed. a Battle, Esq., trustee in the bankruptcy matter - of Dingelhoef Bros, bankrupts. The amount bid was $96, but it is learned that the sale will not be confirmed at that figure. . Fayetteville ; Observer, 31st: "Mr. Ernest W Cooke, chief engineer and manager of the Cape Fear Power Company and of the Fayetteville and WilmingtonSteamboat Company, re turned last night from a stay of sev era! weeks in New York and other northern cities on business connected wflh the above companies." LIST OF LETTERS. Remalalag Uacalled For la the WHining- toa Postofflce July 31st; 1901. WOMXSI LIST. Hilma Anderson. Pheobv Bell. Ro sa Brown. Sarah Crea, Albes Elerbey, Telasuir Everitt Lutter Ellorby, Mary Evans, Fred A. Foster, irannie uui, Minnie Grady, M. E. Green, J. B, Hewlette, James. Gay, Marian Kellir, Emily Liee, Laura Jlnners, siamieijee, Leoner Melony, M. A. Mc, Berenna Mattersby, Jane Price Delia Besuette, Josephine Reaves, Lillian Randall. Amanda Sykes, Mary Smith, Missil Snipe, Hester Tate,' Maggie Wallace. HXZrlB LIST. A TT Amltnaii. Rlh- Anderson. C. W. Bufkin, George Bonds, Lemps Council, Sipio Cyle, John Green, W. M. Garrits, Bimon tiemoy, w. Husbands, B. F. Jones, BL J. Jenkins, Jno. W. Johnson, Isave Craptin, W. S. Larkins, F, L. Leonard, Jno. B. Mullen ft Sons, T. I. Mauldin. W. J. McCall, A. S. Roods, A. w. Kivers, James Rhodes, J. O. Richardson, M. A "RyKVitti RnmheF A: Bra.. F. Lw Skipper, W, J. Smith, E. E. Tooker, J. H. Williamson. W. Wright Wal lace A. waiJcer, latx sc tseu. RETUIUfED FBOX DEAD LETTER OFTIOE. Walter Farrow, Geo. W.: Parker. : - FORsaaH. : -; . r lfM nttHnft RaaehiottL T. V. Robinson, SsJvadore Sano, J. Lobb. ? Pnnnn Cf Aalliniy fnr ftVtrtVA Tp.ttfirS Will nlAono Mtr s1Kaiu1 Tf Tint mIImI f nr in fifteen days they will be sent to the - Vm m war T ---- dead lener omce. bl.j. xjajhox, - - . Fostznaster. : Marrlafe This Eveaisg. v At 6 o'clock this evening in St James' Episcopal church a, pretty weddinc service will be solemnized. which will unite in marriage Miss NMfield Green Cotchett and Lieuten nt Bndlev J. Wootten. both popular young people of Wilmington. The ceremony will be performed oy jsev. ward Wootten. father of the groom, Aiaiated bv Bev. F. H. " T. Horsfield, rector of the parish. Mr. Fred U- Olds, of Raleigh, will be best man. ; The Lewls'CoaBcn Case Judge T. B. Womack, of Baleigh; TMnt Tiipadav at Favetteville inves tigating the rcase of Lewis Council, who ! aoon to hang for criminal as sault in that county. It is believed tht Jndra Womack is making the in vestigation for (governor Aycock, who is being beseeched earnestly for a com mutation of sentence. Judge womacK rami veaterdav : in Wilmington, con ferring with 'Judge EL K. Bryan, of counsel for CouneiL : r j .y : mbssssbV " NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Atiantio National Bank Dividend. ' Wilmington Live 8tock Co. Notice ;--t?i'-BUSDTESa LOOALS.C.;-v Pan-American Pleasant rooms, i T . ' . . aj. . . . L ? X mm AA .- IFANmrAMTUIU. W UllllllrUJD. iViWi n.ithnnM fit. KO. and return Aug 6th. Apply to The C w. Poivogt uo. , ior information. to Norfolk 100 Washington $8.00j Ttik 1 1 1 rv niA Aprly to The C, W. Polvc-t Ca, for 1 : r- : ....... ...i ' . ' ' . " - ANOTOERDOWNFALt: Giants Taken Into the Hornets1 Nest to the Tune of Seven to Five." . .. PITCHERS COLE AND STEWART Were Pitted Afslsst Bass for- Charlotte, Bat WnmlnxtoB Did Not' Begla Its , RaaQettlfli Early EnonzB-Tar- ' '.. t , bore Lest to Tattles. . ; ; ' 1! . : - TESTERDATS GAMES. Wiimington,5; Charlotte, 7. - Kaleigh, 7; Tarboro, 6. WHERE THET PLAY TO DAT. I Charlotte at Wilmington; ; v h ; , ; Baleigh at Tarboro; BTARBiNa oir the clttbs. :'l Won. ljet Percent. . . . . 13 7 .650 . . ."fc 10 - 10 . .600 .... 8 11 'All .... 8 11 .431 Ralelffh . Charlotte.... Wilmington Tarboro.,.. . " : Special Star Telegram. ' Charlotte, N. a, July" 31. And yet another new t wirier did the Cham pions try to-day against the Hornets and yet another defeat is recorded. ' The new pitcher, Cole, was not fast enough for victory. The locals whetted up their appetites on him for three innings . and then devoured Stewart who succeeded him. Yester day the visitors knocked . Bass out of the box, but to-day they , could' not find him, save in the eighth inning. No sensational features occurred ex cept almost an assault upon Umpire Mace by Capt Clark, of the Hornets, whom he had called out at the plate. Clark rot mad and started to hit Mace, but the players prevented a dis turbance. Bishop, of the old Richmond team, has been signed by : Charlotte and. is expected to pitch in to-morrow's game. Allen will be in the box for Wilming ton. "Brownie" Martin has been sign ed bj the Tar Babies. j thk score by nrcrnras. - 123456789 BHl Wilmineton 10000004 05 7 4 Charlotte.. .... .0 3 011101 718 1 Batteries : Cole, Stewart and Thack- ara; Bass and Gates. ' - THS TABULATED BOORS.! ' CharlotU. - AB S "H FO A E Weaver, cf 5 Bigbie, 2b. 5 Hooker, rf.... 4 Drauby, lb . . 4 Knau, ss 3 S wander, If... 4 Gates, a 4 Clark, 2b 4 0 2 4 0 1 0 0; 2 13 11 1 2 2 3 1 0 6 1 0 Baas, p ... 3 Total....... .36 7 16 27 10 1 Wilmington. ab s h po a b Clayton, ss 3 21 1 .2 0 Devlin,lb. 3 11 10 0 0 Sebring, If 3 0 0 1 0 0 Warren 3b 4 0 3 0 1 1 McGinnU, cf. 4 0 0 3 0 0 Thackara, c 4 0 0 5 0 1 r rost, ZD. 4 U U 9 o u Allen, rf. 4 1110 1 Cole, d 1 0 0 0 0 1 Stewart, p 3 11 1 4 0 Total .33 6 7 24 12 4 6, Wilmirgton 3; two-base hits. Hook er Drauby (2) Bass; three base hits, Weaver, Knau,' Gates; home run, Hooker; stolen bases, Bigbie, Clark, (9j, . w arren ; sacnnce mu, a.ou, T)a mm Havlin Ohmnix kaua tvn Kll off Bass 1 ; struck out. by Bass 3, by uoiez, Dy Stewart z; wua pitcnea, Bass. Umpire, Mace. Time, 1:40. At tendance 600. " . Mighty Close Between Wilmington and Tarboro. It was too warm for Cole yester day. The Hornets and the Giants are due here on the K. S. train to-day. - Three "straights !" Well, that's almost enough to make a horse editor drunk.' ' " - It is Tarboro and Wilmington now that persist in their scramble for bottom of column. " . "s Weeks, who has pitched for both Baleigh and Tarboro, has been umpir ing since Meade was retired. Y; T - A determined - effort should be made to reinforce the Wilmington team before next Thursday, when the Turtles will be here. " 1: U , , Baleigh Post: "The poor old- Lobsters. How can it all be explain edtn That's dead easy. - The Logger head Turtles are winning' the most games.. ' -..' Cranston (presdmabiy -Beddy,") eauirht a winning game for Newborn Tuesday. ; It is supposed he is with Newbern under some temporary ar rangement. : r--, .. ; .v The Turtles art now 229 .pinlsn about Si bushels ahead of the Giants; If the Giants win to-day and the Tur ties lose well, 'to be continued in our next." ct50St'.a"i'ft:r:'.-i The Charlotte papers have bought from the Baleigh papers a county right for calling the Wilmington team Lob sters." It may be in order now to sub stitute a name for Hornets." ; : There ought to be a very interest ing game to-day." Barring accidents, the. teams are very, evenly matched, and those who see the game are more than likely to get full value for their admission fee. - 5: : ThA Htar ' Bald - veaterdav: v "If Stewart pitches for the Giants to-day thev will have i good chance id even up with the Hornets.? He did pitch seven innings, and i would probably have won the gf me if he had pitched from 'the start -; x S - --::J - : Wilmington welcomes thsv Hpr nets most cordially. They are a well behaved set of ball players and play a fine game. They are .making a great effort to win the second series, and it will be prudent not to give big odds azainst their success. . .r. " Wilmington has played 19- about one tMrd-f the games scbcl- if:? tv3 vr: NO games still to be played, there -is time enough for the Giants to redeem them, selves, provided every weak point in the teunic promptly strengthened. Martin, who was knocked out of .the box in the game of Monday, was released by Charlotte the : following day. - But Manager. Bryan was smart enough to sign him at once for Tar boro.: Martin is the little chap who pitched against Vorhees the sixteen-; inning game here for Portsmouth some weeks sinee.. :. ' : ; . . ; , v Protested Oame at Raleigb. r ; ' Baleigh. N. G, July 31. The game here to-day was not celled until 6 :37 o'clock, the delay having been caused by rain. - Tarboro played under a writ ten protest, and lost by a score of 7 to 6.' The gsme had to be called on ac count .of darkness at the end of the eighth iniring, when the Tartars went In f or v Uielr- ninth inning.-- Lehman joined the visitors here and played hit old time game. jThe score : .: ' : " - - V 1 2 34 6 6 7 8 R a s Raleiirh . . . . . .0 OOOSiOO 1 ISO Tarboro . . . . 0 2004000 6 10 2 Batteries : Person and LeGrande ; Bush and Lehman. ' ' 7 -r: SELP-LUBRICATINQ AXLK Latest Product of .White Company of This City Leased by Mr 8. P. Keltb-lts v Shoptictry aad Adsptsbility. A Star representative was yesterday shown by Mr, B. P. Keith one of the recently ; patented Council's Self Cleaning Perfect Lubricating Axles" owned by the White Patent Axle and Hub Co., of this city, the exclusive right to manufacture which has been leased by Mr. Keith. Judging by the unique simplicity and usefulness of the device, it looks as if the invention is destined to a decided success. The axle is not alone designed for use on buggies . and carriages, but on all manner of vehicles, light or heavy, and appears to be practicable, time saving, conveuient,and economi cal to man and beast alike. It is the work of Mr. J. P. Council, Jr., of Council's 'Station, N. C, a successful manufacturer in the past of improved turpentine tools, and was patented April 2nd, this year. The axle has a small aperture in the end passing through the tap, in which is fitted a lubricating piston, air tigbt. The hole passes down through the spindle one- fourth of an inch in diameter, con necting with another channel leading from the surface, making it possible to give perfect lubrication without re moving the wheel, and by means or a small pump, with so much eastt that a child can grease four spindles in half minute. " ' " ? The owners of the patent claim that this system of lubrication not only gives, out adds life to the axle, and makes locomotion at least one-third easier. It appears to be safely pre dicted that it will soon supplant the old form of axles with the accompany ing annoyance of keeping . the vehicle well lubricated and therefore less liable to wear. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL CONFERENCE Will be Two N Sessions To-day Prof. S. M. Smith, of Elos, Colleze, Here. This afternoon at .4 o'clock the In teideaominational Sunday Sehool Conference of this city will meet ac cording to the call of :. the Executive Committee of the organization for the purpose of hearing; Prof. S. M. Smith, of Elon College, Secretary of the State Sunday School Association, who is in Wilmington with a view 'of -organiz ing a County Sunday School Conven tion. The meeting will be held in the Y. M. C. A. auditorium and will be presided over -by Prof. Washington Catlett, president of the Conference; The programme as printed in these columns several days mgo will be ob served, including the address by Prof. Smith, who will be introduced by Dr. Calvin a. Blackwell.- The evening meeting which begins at 8 o'clock will be presided over by Mr. W. B. Cooper and Prof. "Smith will again address the gathering. : . Prof. Smith remained at the beach last night; the guest' of Mr. R W. Hicks. The Theatrical Seasoa- Vumr ft. A Schloss will leave this morning for Greensboro - to make arrangements for the opening of the theatrical season in that city Septem ber Srd.V The first attraction will be Fields' Minstrels! which appear here later in the season. The theatrical season in Wilmington will open on the evening of August 80th with Broadhurst's new comedy, -"AdolpH and Budolph." Mrs. S. A. Schloss will accompany Mr. Schloss to Greens boro. en route to Asheville, to spend some time; -.$- ; ''-TS'- Goveraor ftetoratd Home. Governor Avcock came up from the beach yesterday afternoon: and left in the evening on General Manager Jno B- Kenly's private car attached to the regular northbound A. C. L. train. It was; his first' Intention- to remain at the beach until . the coming of the First Beeiment of the State Guard, but It is 'presumed now . that he will return next week to review the troops. m.j-- ' , ' ' i VBsjja tysjsi ijes - "' J" '-; , '-'A1 "- ':T'- '.: : Vieit Norfolk! Washington or Bal timore Aug. etn. xne npsin iuxcur sion goes on that day. For tickets and information apply to The a W. Pol- TOgt uo. . - . t - Take a week's outing and visit Nor folk, -Washington and - Baltimore on the Pipkin Excursion Aug. 6th. See The C. W. P clvr-t Co., f;r tizi 2d lS.-J.o SECOND REGIMENT. Broke Camp at Wrightsviire and Cpmpaniestft for ffome' Yesterdays- r-v FIRST REGIMENT COMES NEXT Last of the State Qaard'WIH Begla Ar- rlTist Monday WHmlnrtos Lliht - lafantry sad Bssd Csme Up , Early Ootlflg a Saccess. : The Second Begiment, North Caro Una State Qusrd, broke camp at Wngfatsville yesterday morning, and left during the day for their respective homes in the State wlth..tne exoeptjott- of Company , C, , Wilmington Light Infantry, and the Second Begiment Band," both of -which, of couraei stopped here. " : v ' i- The "break", was without incident of special note and . the soldiers went home singing the praise of Wrights- ville as an ideal place for an encamp ment Their eood :: feelinsr towards the Wilmington and Wrightsvilie -people is reciprocal, . for, the manly behavior of the troops in the Second and the gallantry of its Officers were the subjects of favorable remark about the city and at the beach upon their departure yesterday. ; The Wilmington 'Light Infantry; the Second Begiment Band and the umber-Bridge Light Infantry com posed the first Installment of troops to eavecamp. They arrived at Wil mington shortly before 9 o'clock. A special car bearing the Lumber Bridge boys was attached to the 9:05 o'clock A. & Y. train and the company taken home via Fayetteville. At 11 o'clock the remainder of the regiment, consisting of the Edenton, Hertford, Tarboro, Greenville, - Wil son, Golds boro, Clinton, liaxton, and Baleigh companies arrived in the . city and all except the Maxton Guards and Oak City Guards, of Baleigh, left On a special train over the Atlantic Coast Line. The two last named companies marched to the Wilmington Light in f entry armory, where temporary quar ters were established and after lunch un der command of Capt G. B. Sellers, of Maxton, these popular divisions of the regiment marched to the S. A. L. station and left on the regular after noon train. Camp Aycock will now be thinly nhabited until- next Monday after noon wheu the boys of the First Begi. ment, Col,. J. F Armfield command ing, begin to arrive . Toe companies comprising .this wmgimecr-- ar- froar Wajnesviile, Asheville, States ville, Concord, Winston. Durham, FajeiU vill, Shelby and Companies M. and D., and Battery Al, .of Charlotte. They will find a warm welcome awaiting them here and best wishes for a suc cessful outing! BIO EXCURSION C0MINQ SATURDAY. Atlants People Will be Here ia Great ' Numbers to Spend Sunday. A large excursion' party of - Atlan- tians is expected to arrive at Wrights ville Beach at 8:80 o'clock Saturday morning and to remain until Monday; The excursion will come over the Sea-; board Air Line railway and will be run straight through to the beach without change of cars. ' Thp train 1 leaves At? lanta at 6:30 "o'clock Friday evening and as the fare is only $3.50 for the round trio it is exnected that a larce crow will be brought. -The event is under the auspices of the Carpenters and Joiners' Association and Mr. W; J. Williams, business manager of the Carpenters' Union, of Atlanta, recent ly made a visit here and arranged vail the details of the coming of his people. Many of the excursionists will- remain at the beach during; Saturday and will come up to spend the night in the city, leaving Sunday morning on the Cape Fear excursions to Carolina Beach, Southport and to sea.. Excursion To-day. With favorable : weather a large crowd will patronize the excursion on the steamer Compton o day to South port and to sea. The boat leaves the city at 9 :30 A. M. : and returning will reach Wilmington about 6:30 o'clock in the evening.: The fare foe the .round trip 'is only 25 cents. Capt Sanders says the word is "go and bring along all the children." A Compromise .Effected. The proposed "damage suit against the British steamship Gladys about to be brought by Messrs. Wm. J. Bella my a,nd L. V. Grady, counsel for the negroes who were injured in the; hold of the vessel a few days ago, was yes terday compromised by the owners of the ship for a valuable consideration. Gravel for Sewerage Co. The schooner Brigadier - arrived: yesterday fromVNew iYork .with a cargo ' of gravel . for the Wilmington Sewerage Company, ? which will I be used in the construction of its" dis posal plant near the cemetery. . The vessel is being discharged at the Lord wharf cfs'- Mooautat Concert To-aig&L - The ' ladies of . Fifth ' Street M. . church are u anticipating a pleasant event in their moonlight concert on board ; the steamer Wilmington this evening. I ; The trip will , be 'twenty miles down the river and the fare will be only 25 cents. Take a week's outing and visit Nor folk. Washington and Baltimore on the Pipkin Excursion Aug. 6th. gse Th 3 C. 7. rolvct Co., tzt t::rtti t 1 J. W. NORWOOD, Pres. ATLANTIC NATIONAL BAM, WIL1IINOTON, N. O. The Directors of the Atlantic dividend of one per cent, forthe month of Jnly,j; same is payable this day. Resident stockholders will; please call for their checks. - amr iM. - ANDREW PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. E. C. Holt left yesterday for the mountains. ' Mr. Fred Phillips, of Tarboro,' ia the guest of Mr. T. D; Meares, Jr. t Mr. Fred. Kidder has gone -to Western North Carolina to spend some time. - - - Mr. Walter L..Holt returned yesterday ; to Fayetteville 1 from Wrightsvilie Beach. - Mrs. Franc H.? Jones, of Char- lptte, is here on a visit to her parents, Mr, and Mrs. H. H. Smith: ' Mrs. P. F. Duffy and dangh ter, Miss Davie, left yesterday to spend some time at Bed Springs, N. O. Miss Maribland- Wallace, of Kenansville, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Wallace at The Orton. - Mr. Ernest Holt, of Greens boro, arrived yesterday evening to spend some time at s Wrightsvilie Beach. ' " ' . Misses Adelaide, Rosa, Bessie and Cammie Short, of Washington, N. C, returned home from the beach yesterday. Qol. Mike Brown,- of Barnwell, S. C, arrived yesterday to look after his interests here as a member of the firm of Brown $ Co. Miss Ellen Crudup, of Kittrell, and Miss Sarah Macon, of Warrenton, returned home yesterday afternoon from Wrightsvilie. Fayetteville Observer 31st: Misses. Nellie and Alice Matthews go down to Wrightsvilie to-morrow to visit Mrs.George D. Parsley." Mr. A. S. Holden has severed his connection with Greenewald's Shoe . Emporium after a contin ous service of nearly nineteen years. Bev. I. W. Hughes, rector of St. John's Episcopal church and chap lain of the Fayetteville Light Infan try, is expected in camp next week with his company. Messrs. .L V. and K. G. Grady have purchased from Capt. 8. F. Craig his residence and lot on Second between Grace and Walnut streets; consideration $3,150. Mr. A. Sydney Bayles, of Au gusta, Ga., and formerly with, the C. & W. C. railway, arrived in the city yesterday to take a position in the pay master's department of the A. C. L. ; Mr. QilW. King left yesterday for Mars' Hill College, in Western North Carolina, to attend ' school during the ' term which commences Aug. 6th. The best wishes of many friends go with him. Mr. John G. RatlifE, the popu lar-young pharmacist at Mr. Jos. C. 8hepard,si left yesterday for his home at We3esiorb. He has been very un well for the past several days Mr. Geo. H. James, secretary of the Southern Advent Christian Publication Society, " has returned from Brunswick, Ga., where he at tended the. annual convention of the society. Mrs. James accompanied mux.. , Friends of Dr. Bobert Strange will be interested in the announce ment - that he- and ' Mrs. Strange in August will spend the month of Canada. They expected to leave yesterday from Norfolk via' Boston and Buffalo.:-:.;;- -i--'W fP'FieaM Not Cbanare. -tJ';i Pipkin's Excursion to Baltimore or Washington will go via Norfolk in stead of Richmond. No -change in date, August 6, 1901. . Train will leave Wilmington promptly at 7:45 Au. Tuesday.. Fare from Wilmington, to Norfolk and return f3. 00. Fare from Wilmington to : Washington and re turn $6,00. . Fare "from . Wilmington to Baltimore and return $6.50. Bag- I gage 25c extra. Send your orders in fOr staterooms at once. Staterooms I extra to either Baltimore or Washing ton. . For further particulars, write to R E. PIPKIN; Manager, f t :fl , Goldsboro, N. Cf. Go to Norfolk. Washington or Bal timore on Pipkin's Excorsion, Aug. 6th. For state room and information apply to The C. W. Polvogt Co. 1 4 NEW AD VEETISEMENTS. Absolutely Pure, Creates Appetite, ; h-c Aids Dlaestion, f v Invigorating. y; ,: - 16c or two bottles for 25oJ ; r Less by the dozen.- i 1 ' ., ' HURDIII'S PALACE PH1RI.TACY. je ttft&& U South Front sreet. Uahomet and th8 tlountains. Hleh Grade Mannfactnrers don't have to send out "arummere," and dealers who want to haa- aie their 00003 mast go to tnem, nenoe. as a menwer 01 uw . x. innuiura Kxcuttngo, maae my annual where It will be tmvlTintjt at kiam Tta'hnm wHll ha nlail A anf.H.affl &TIV HAAkAr ftf' ter stylish, honest made. Ions lasting rwr". - rnrai'tTire and Fninirare Novelties. Hi j'wit ptfeet. HeideMrgllalt TECS OF SUBSCRIPTION Om . Te&r, by Kailt Six SXontlu. ' ; Thre Moxttlu, " . ' Two Kentha,' " ' fDIlTre to 8Bkcriber In tMf ? CT 45 CBta pr Btesitlk. T - toooooooeeoooeooee 0004 J. W. YATES. Aas't Cavshierl National Bank hvino- ip1 L MOBBLAND, Cashier;: Yollers & Hasoagen, :. ;. Wholesale Only. " "D. S. SIDES." i "D. S. PlxATES." "D. S. BUTTS." "D. S. BELLIES." "MIXED COBN." "MIXED OATS.". 'TIMOTHY HAY." "VA. MEAL." "CUBAN BLOSSOM "AND CBEMO . "SHOW DOWN" : Tobaqco "SOHNAPPS" - Tobacco. And many other brands. - We have In stock on consignment from the celebrated Dixon Fisheries -.. NEW CATCH MULLETS. Bend in your orders now. Cheaper than meat by agreatdeal. Yollers & Hasbagen, jy 21 U PBOVISION8. Extra Soft Peaches, ' and must be sold. I have any kind of fruit you want. . Ice Cream ; for Sundays. . Give me your orders. J. VV. PLUrjrjER, Jr., Bell 'Phone 660. Inter-Btate 132. Jy87tf NOTICE. Fall stock Horses and Kales, all grades, roll stock of Harness, and we carry In Baggies as follows : A . Wren & son, H. H. Baboock, Colombia Bangles, Oo., and tots of other makes. Anything; In oar line we can save yon money. Bee us before baying. Respectfully, v .- Wilmington Live Stock Co. aag 1 tf HEW IIDLLETS. . 1,160 Pounds New Mallets. 1,863 Pounds Old Hnlleta. 791 Pownds White Fish. , S16 Barrels 1-18 Plow. 311 Barrels 1-8 Tlour. - S08 Bavrrelv lT Flour. HO Barrels 1-2 Flenr. 816 3aurrel Best Flour. ' 106 Barrels Banker HI1L : 119 Bsvrf elst Zob Vauee. - f B. C00PEn, - v Wholosalo ' Oroeer . ' ' !. . sos.' 110, US Kntt street, jysi tf wummston. a. o New GoocJo! ;Hrrow Fat Beaasu 't ; Evaporate4 Aprleota, . . Fox'o Darato&a Chips. ; Drlel Xbu Bmbs, , ,4 i Peetum Cereal Crape Net. BascerHi'Ceeoa ana ceeelate. --At nar S4ulu-M'Blcarremux. StuCTed OllveelOe a Jmr. . : 'i. At The JJnlucky Corner. - - my is tt ' - - - -.- - j- -:- - Bagging and Ties. 2,600 Roll Br?slat;r ' .'. 4,000 Bundles Ties. 1.000 8nd hand Uaehlno Cask. 160,000 LbswlLToop Iron. - SO uarreie utue. . 1,000 Eea;s If alls. -1,000 Bushel. V7. G. ZXeaI.J ' l.OOO Buahela Cora. i - , l.OOO Bushels Oats. v Also sixtj-three car loads of other groceries. Uet our prices. ' CO., ye woiasita asoenst " f " lao, 122 ana 194 North Water Street, Jy 89 U - . . , . : ; WQmlngton, M. a wekoyikave so::hi:;::g TO OFFER YOU. - ; V .You can saye money by going VtoWAEEEN'8 CAFE for your ; i : Lunch. A8K FOB IT. " - - Warren's Steam Bakery . . ... and Cafe. ts Nortn Vroot Street. 1 iriotr Adminifltrator'g ITotico; txlna aaaUfled as Administrator of the' teof J(n Henry Boeech, dncesed, thla is -to nottfy all persons Indebted to tue deoeased .. to make immediate payment to me, and all per sona to whom he was tuebted will preaeat their claims to td. prororiy proren, before tne sch day of JnlT, u:i, or U.s notice wlU toe pleaa , lnbarctre - "T. .'-.Thist'rsB. i L..ycIJu!y, l""l. " , $5.00? s.5o 1-85 Y 1.00$ r --ly to Tte O. 7. rr'r-'t C 5. - t