iteed -Bona-FUe, Brery-Usy Wtion Uner Thss Tlit Any Utner uauy news paper PabHshed Wumlsgton. Ss DAILY NKW8PAPKB2 t IN THE STA.TK. X iv j-i . ...iv. T L -tr-j,:"vAv'?V,-.::v-i;. mil - "-' !"7flmZmr" i VOL IJLVIITNO. 1U. v-, : WHOLE NO, 10,594 mjmv; THE ORPHANS COMING LOCAL DOTS. OUTLINES. ate in the Tenth U. 8. artil Sullivan's Island killed hia then blew out ma own The Agricultural De- It Is preparing an exhaustive tn truck farming m tne umwu Another steamer, na Q. launched at Newport Newt L for the Morgan line. - tZ.ta to compromise or settle tl workers' strike failed, and ever. Bishop Iiittle- the .Episcopal diocese of Long lied suddenly yesterday. r wkersat McKeesport are . tri m-event the importation or to Uke the place of strikers, bdney killed Charles Prioe, hla -in-law, at Wnehtsville, ua. Tazwell county, Va., Zijs killed Wm. Mallory. lr Avera, from Galveston with and erain for Hamburg, Id near Cape Rice; crew saved. W. Adams was drowned while t in the surf at 8t Augustine, An Italian named Uastei- lot and killed his wife at Tampa, N. Y. markets: Money on minal; cotton quiet; middling ls81-16c; flour steady to firm Liet at old .quotations; wheat- rrn:No. 2 red 76fc; corn spot fNo. 2. 601c; rosin quiet; strained Lon to good $1.40; spirits turpen- iteadv at 35i37c. V c WEATHER REPORT. 3D. S. DKPT OF AQRICTOliTDKB, J ; WKATHEB UDBJDAUi ?1 Wilmington, N. C Aug. 8. ) : Imperatures: 8 A. M., 77 degrees; M., 78 degrees; maximum, 87 de- ; minimum, 71 degrees; mean, 79 rees. kinfall for the day,. .00; rainfall 1st of. the month to date, 1.65 pes. . COTTON BIGION BTJIXBJTIS. he weather has been generally fair ill districts, with temperature about lonary. f , fOBBOAST fOB TO-DAY. 1 :t ITashiitgton, Aug. 3. For North otina: Partly cloudy Sunday and i.iaj; variable winds, Port Alma.nse---Angat 4. , Children of Odd Fellows' Home "at Qoldsboro Expected Here . ' Next Week. ! ON THEIR ANNUAL OUTING. Committee Prdta Local Loir es Have Per fected All Arranrefneats for. Their -Eatertaiameat Trip to Soatb port aad to WrlfhtsTllle. . in Sets. A4f?-- oh Water at South port gh W.ter Wilmrngtoa. ' 6.09 A M. 7.02 P.M. 13H.65M., 10 OS A. M.' 12.83 A. M. Tlie ' hoodoo 13 figured in that Sowa, Oklahoma, ylanil lottery. ierewere!3 applicants for every Ltch of land to-be entered. , The State of New Hampshire en- uragea the dead graaahopper in-. i8try by paying $1 a bushel for ad ones. Live ones don t count. The latest scheme is a Boston an'a proposed $50,000,000 cotton anters' trust. But the cotton anters are not putting; much trust The half a hundred, bright young folks from the Odd Fellows', Orphan Home at Qoldsboro, who annually hav a week's outing at Wilmington and its seaside - resorts as the gueat of tae Wilmington, and Southport lodsrea. will be here next week and it is very unnecessary to'aay that each one of the merry. group and?; those who have them in charge will find a warm welcome awaiting them not only by those who "wear the three links" but by all who are endowed with a feeling of human kindness toward these fath erless ones. .' The children will be hierer on the morning of Tuesday, August 13th, and will remain until Saturday. The joint ' committee of entertainment from the four lodges of Odd Fellows in Wilmington met yesterday after noon at 6 o'clock and mapped out a programme of the several events that will go to make the children happy during their stay in our "midst. , - At the station Tuesday morning the party will be met by the committee from the four lodges of this city and a committee from Atlantic Lodge No. 43, of Southport. The steamer Wil mington will .meet them at the A. C. L. wharf and with the Southport committee the children will be taken straight through to Southport, where they will be entertained by Atlantic Lodge of that city until Wednesday. They will return to the city at 2:30 P. M. and on Wednesday evening at the Y. M. C A., the chil dren will' give an entertainment for the benefit of the public. Early Thursday morning the party will go to Wrightsvil'e beach and there they will be the guests at dinner of Man-. ager Joe Bfnton, of the Seashore Ho tl Th mtnra to Wilmineton will be on the 6 o'clock train of the same day, and Thursday night, Friday and Friday night, they will be entertain ed at' the homes of the many Odd Fellows in Wilmington. On the 9:30 train Saturday morning, the children will return to Qoldsboro and the Stab ventures the assertion from exper- ' iences of the past that all of them will have had a good time. The committee of entertainment which is working industriously for the pleasure of the prphana is as follows: , Gape Fear" , Lodge, No. 3. M. W. Jacobi, L. L. Boon, W. H. Topp. Orion Lodge, No. 67. H. O. Craig, B. R. Penny, Wm. Simpson. Wilmington Lodge, No.! 139. W. W. Roberta, O. CL Chadbourn, J. B. Turrentine. Jr. " t Hanover Lodge, No. 145. N. F. Parker, J, E. Wood, a Q. Hall. Jtr. M. W. Jacobi is chairman of the committee and Mr. John E. Wood secretary. There was' no meeting of the Salesmen's Association last night on account of the lack of a quorum. - ,: '.The floor of the front porch at the jail is being repaired, as recom mended in the last - grand, jury 'a re-; port. : : - . . ' Mtsatrs. J. A. King and W. H. Powell are managers of - an excur sion which' -will arrive Friday, 16th inat, from Fayetteville. . , ' r EevG.VW'. King will be the speaker at the men's meeting at the Y. M CL A. at 5:30 . this afternoon. The public is cordially invited. The Carolina Fruit Company has the thanks of the Horse Editor for a basket of very fine Georgia peaches sent him after the double victory yes terday. . . . '' . " The citizens of Middld Sound are asking for telephone service in that community. Mr. L. A. Mason is negotiating with the Inter-State Com pany for the service.- - ' Mr. D. Russell Foster caught a drumflsh at ; Wrightsville Friday which weighed 21J pounds. The fish was caught three blocks from Col. Foster's cottage; Bicycle owners had best keep a lookout for . their machines. At least three were stolen last week from places where they had been -casually left by the riders. , , A Crescent bicycle, model 3l, was stolen from in front of the Navassa Guano Company's office "on Friday. A reward r will be jaaid by parties whose names may be secured at this' office. ' ;- - - A DOUBLE-HEADER. Wilmington Champiohs Took 5 Both Games From Charlotte " ! ' " c J Hornets Yesterday. THX TABULATED SOORB Weaver, cf ....... Bigbie,Sb.V....... Draubv. lb ....... Knau, ss..... ...... Swander, If....... i Gates, c... .... ... Clark. 2b... ...... Lapp,rf,. Bass, p .. AB r.f 4 4 ,:4.' , 4' , 3 4 2 3 FIRST GAME. B H P0 A E 0 10 0 0 0 0 3 1 10 1-6 1 3 l'l 11 0-1 00 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 4 0 3 3 1 1 0 3 IN CAMP ON MONDAY First Regiment, North Cardlinli State Guard, at Wrights J villf Tn-mnrTOW. - I NOW SECOND IN ) LEAGUE. Total. I- 1 71 7k "o COL. ARMFIELD COMMANDING. The First Was a Sbtttbat sad Second Was ; a Walk4)TerHopklss, New Pitcher, is Here Tarbore Defeated Rt r lelgh McaianlsVWork. ' ' - . YKSTKEDAY'S GAMES. Wilmington, 8; Charlotte, 0 1st game. Wilmington,10 : Charlotte,2 2d game. Baleigh, 2; Tarboro, 3. -WHKBB THEY PLAY TO-MOBBOW. Wilmington at Tarboro. . - . Unarioiie at uaieign. , i v ; STANDING OF THE CLUBS. ?-':;" ' won. Lost Percent. Raleigh V. 14 9,. .608 Wilmington . .7 . 11 1' .478 Charlotte . , . : . . . . . . ." 11 J3 -r v .4SSr Tarboro.... v.i..... 10 W) Wilmington. Clayton, ss ..... Devlin, lb ...... Warreni 3b. . . . McGinnis, ci.... Allen, if.... ... I Frost. 2b ....... Cranston, c. .... wniig,rr. Stewart, p ...... AB ... 4 ... 3 4' ...4 ... S ... 3 ...8 ... 2. ... 3 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 e A E 3 .J0 0 6 24 14 0 B H PO 0 8 1 3 13 1 0 13 0 1 1 0 0 3 5 7. 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 o i Special Tralos Will Begla Arrivisg Mos Cemptoa's Bxcarsioa To-day. ' To those ' who have in the past eri joyed the pleasure of a trip to South port and to sea on the Steamer Comth ton, it 1s only . necessary to say that the boat will leave again this morn ing at. 9:45 o'clock and "all your friends will ; be on board,'' including many of the Atlanta excursion party. The fare for the , round. trip is only 35 cents and in lieu of two trips, all per sons who desire will be taken ten miles to sea. The boat reaches the day Erector Indications Point to a t f city upon the return at H :30 o'clock. Large Attendance SerersI Ad- vance Sqssds Here. James H. Howe, aged 63 years, a well known colored man, sexton of Pine Forest cemetery, died last Thurs day and will be buried this afternoon from his residence on North Eleventh street.- ', - , ... - Bev. J. H. Hall will preach at Scott's .Hill to-day. His. pulpit at Fifth Street M. E. church, this city, will be occupied at the 11 o'clock ser vice y Bev. B. B. John, presiding elder of the Wilmington district. TARTARS DEFEATED THE TURTLES. that. The Republican papers object to he "grandfather' clause in our suf- kge law. They don't seem td ap- p-eciate the veneration we have for nir ancestors. Forty-five thousand people at Chicago bathed in. the lake one day last week. This was above the av erage. The lake is the reservoir Tom which Chicago gets her drink ing water. . ? f Twenty years ago the. negroes hsre in a majority' of J 7374 in Louisiana. To-day as a result oi White immigration, and perhaps pegro emigration, the whites have a Lajorityof 78,808. That's solving he negro problem. . Tie Baltimore Herald rises to re- arfe that "in Jingiana a newspaper is not 'patriotic', that fails to slap he chief of the war office on his lofficial shoulder and admire him ex travagantly. " In the language of the Heathen Chinee it is "allee 'samee" on this side of the salt pond.. Captain Schley, son of v Admiral Schley, propounds the conundrum: If Admiral Schley had lost that Santiago fight, would Admiral Sampson have rushed to assume the responsibility . as he did ' the glory of the victory? Not much. ! The Atlanta Excarslon. The excursion from Atlanta under the auspices of the Carpenters' and Joiners' Union reached ; wngnis-. ville beach yesterday morning about 9:30 o'clock. There are about 300 persons in. the party and all of them spent the day delightfully : by the sea. Most of them came .up to the city last night and will go aown to Carolina Beach and 8outhporf on th aeveral boat tc-day. They will I Mturn to-morrow night. Mr. W. B. Clements, travelling passenger agent, and Mr. E. K. Winters, trainmaster, I were aboard the train and gave the ex cursionists every attention possible. Lawn Fete To-morrow. : utnv vnun? neoole of the city are I anticipating with pleasure the lawn fete to be given to-morrow aiternoou and evening by the young lady friends of the T. M. O. A , for the beneni or the fund to equip the new parlors in the building. It will be on the lawn I of the First Presbyterian' church and attractions will oe onerea. Children will be admitted from 5 to 7 P.M , and the evening' festivities win begin at 8 o'clock I Cltj SfbscrlDers. n?trmbacriDer are earnestly re quested to report promptly at the Stab office every failure of the carriers to deliver their papers. In all such eases tM will be taken to insure prompt Brysa Got Victory From Kelly Matinee Idol Pnt Ont of toe Game. Special Star Telegram. Tabbobo, N. C, Aug. 3. Tarboro won a pretty game from the Turtles to-day. Both slab artists pitched fine ball. The visitors were unable to taice advantage of Kelley's two base hit, nn AftM ha had been advanced to third, for it was there the Ring was caught napping. The features were Atz's and Kelley's batting for the Tur tles and that of Martin for the home team. Hennegar's one hand atop of Martin's hot - grounder was phenomenal. Strenuous kicking by the visitors resulted in Stanley's expulsion from the game. The score: 138456789 BHE Raleigh ..00010001 02 3 3 Tarboro.... 10100000 3 3 3 Batteries: Stocksdale and Curran; Bush and Lehman. Umpire, Mr. Weeks. , a Mid-Week Excursion. It is a charitable and commendable offer that Capt. W. A. Sanders, of the steamer Compton, makes in connec- ; tionvrith his mid-week family excur I sion to Southport next Wednesday. The offer is to provide all the inmates of the Home with a free ticket, and it is certain, that many of them will avail themselves of the I Captain's kindness. The Hotel Bruns wick will be thrown open for use of the excursionists, with its broad ver andas and tables upon which to spread luncb j Particulars naay be had of the trip by reference to the advertising columns. and rem tar delivery. NJCW ADVEBTISIMENTS Mr. Cortez, the Rio Grande Mex ican bandit, has been tried in Texas for one murder and been sentenced to fifty years' in the penitentiary. He is to be tried for two more? On the same scale this -would give him one hundred and fifty years by which time he will probably con clude to be good ' and quit killing UHOI) a. - - - J- l : L . as a cottdTT Carolina now ., ranks second Amannfitcturing State, surpassed only . by Massachusetts. . The probabilities are that as South Carolina has preached this place within twenty years, in the text twenty there ;, are at least three Sopthern States which will; lead Massachusetts ' South Carolina, lorth Carolina and Qeorgia. ' : O- W. JTates & Co. Kodaks. ; Solomon's Shoe Store At cost. ; 8. H. MacBae Bankrupt notice. D. L. Gore Ca Bagging and ties. BUSINESS lOOALSl - ' j; Wanted Position in saloon. P. H. Hayden Buggies, harness. A. W. Beiger Thoroughbred aires. " ' Picas NoteCfcanae.. . t n--ui. VtmhIa 4a Baltimore or. Washington will go y la Norfolk in stead of liicnmona. , no cuwis" date! August 6. 1901. Train will leave Wilmington promptly at 7;45 A. M. Tuesday. Fa from Wilmington to Norfolk and return .uu. b aro Wilmington to waaningwn ua ro- v wr tram Wilmington to Bltimoro and -return $8.50. Bag gage 35c extra. , tsena ymrwwn i for ataierooms at onw. sr'iyyMm .i !v, Ruitimopa or Washine- ton. For further particulars, write to f , . ;? -,. .Groldsboro, N. O. Excursions To-day. The usual splendid facilities for spending Sunday at Southport will be I offered on the steamer Wilmington again tc-day and with the continued torrid weather it is safe to predict thai thm boats will be crowded. The Wil mington will leave for the first trip at 9:45 A. M., and for the second at o'clock in the afternoon." The fare for the round trip-70 miles of delightful Seabreeze will be only : 35 cents on either boat. Many of the .Atlanta ex cursionists, who arrived yesterday,- will be on each boat. fntttl of Mr. Howard. The funeral of the late Mr. Thos. W. Howard, whose death was noted in yesterday's Stab, . will be 1 held : this morning at 9:30 o'clock irom me late residense. No. 110 Market street, and the interment will be in ueuevue cemetery." Cherokee Tribe, Improved: nlAr of Red Men. of which he was a charter member,' will attend the ser vices in a body. Mr. Howard was a member of the order for eighteen years. Mrs. E. Q. Woody Win SInf. At' the First Presbyterian church this morning at the U o'clock service, Mrs. K. G. Woody, of Bicnmono, v a-, will sing a solo, and with Mr; H. K. Holden the two will sing a duet At the night service, the musical pro gramme will be rendered by . we om choir: Mrs. , W. LH ;Lotta, soprano; Mrs. E. G. Woody, alto; Mr. O. V. Motte. tenor, and Mr.H. K. Hoiaen, bass. Yu'umu rvtmntnn i ta Southport' Wednesday, Aug. 7th. Boat leaves I her wharf - 9:30, returning leaves Southport 4:15 - IV M., reacning cuy 1 .on . . 9r-m Wiitnfl trill S5 cents. Go and take your children and enjoy a pleasant day's ouung .y 1 little expense. , .; s;,Ut . ' The Champions took both ends of i the double-header with Charlotte yes terday and crimped in the edges so nicelv that the countenance of Capt. Clark,, of the Hornets, presented a woe-begone expression as he left the field late in the evening. In other words, he looked like a thirty-cent piece. - The story is briefly told. One was what the Horse Editor laconically faMn a "ah at mit;n the second is de fined in the lexicon of that worthy lr Totals 'higtmuckety-te-muck'' as a "walk- i over." The first score was three to nothing, with an accent on the noth ing, and the second was ten to two, with apologies to the two. Stewart and Bass were the opposing slab ar tists in the rst and Sweeney- and "Buck" Hooker-hit-hard were the cynosures in the second paralyzer. The local "professors'' came off with the honors and had almost perfect sup port of the team, while the gentlemen hailing from the Independence City were pounded pretty hard. The opening game was called at 3:4 o'clock and it was pretty much a pitch er's battle until the fourth Inning when the Champion scored the only three runs of tb. came Devlin and Warren both led off with "beautiful singles but tbe latter ws caught at second. McGiDfis, who distinguished Himself throughout both games and had the grand stand making goo- goo eyes at him. was jaext up. The Old-Beliable Beware-of-Imitationa fol lowed up the singles with a beauty three-base hit that cleared . the bases. He was later scored by a dandy twe base hit by Frost, Allen having gone out from ' pitcher . in the meantime Frost came home on a single by Cran' ston and a more crushing "shet out" was aavedy-Btewart,. who fouled to third after Willig had walked. It was pretty much "one-twe-three and you're out" until the Hornets were retired in the ninth and Char lotte money . had been transfered to Wilmington trouser pockets. The -second game was a slugging match so far as Hooker is concerned. He is pitched almost every day by Capt. Clark but that does not alter the re sult Sweeney went in the box for the locals and pitched a magnificent game. Berore ne sieaoiea aowu, uuw ever, the Hornets tallied one on a pass to Biffbie and singles by Drauby and Knau. The locals could do nothing, in their half and both teams blanked in the aecond. i: The locals made it two to the good in the third. Clayton singled and was aacrificed by Devlin; Warren flnw to centre and McGinnis got free transportation. Capt Allen, waa hit and Frost sent "Mack", and. Clayton across the rubber on a beautiful sin gle. Cranston was out, second to first. . , .The Hornets tied the score in the fourth on a two base hit by Gates, a hit-out by Clark and a long fly of Bass to centre, Swander singled to centre and Weaver flew to. centre. Tt w& Bizbie. Knau and Drauby for the Hornets and the Champions made it two the lead in their half. Devlin was Bit and Warren went to the high brush in centre; McCHnnia singled to right and Devlin crossed; Allen fanned and Jack" ' F. sent Warren, home 'on a lpeach" while Grand Old V'Mack" waa , caught oh third- Cranston flew to left v With two large horizontals to the good, the Champions had a , merry go round in" the sixth and when the grand stand and bleachers had recov ered from overjoy. Six more runs had been added. Willig drew four balls and got third on Sweeney's single to centre and Frost for Sweeney stoie sec ond. '; Clavton fanned i and Devlin scored Willig on a hit to second ; War ren singled to right and ' the : Frost Bweeeey combination crossed the rub ber. McGinnis went, to centre; scor-; iog Devlin, "Mack" got second, on centrerfielder.'s error; Allen hit to short and Warren scored 'on catcher's error. Frdst up and Allen ' stole sec ond; Frost flew to right and McGinnis. scored j Cranston bit for. two oases to right; scbring Allen,' but on attempt to stretch his drive; he waa thrown out at third.; "-f; .:r', 'm i This" week the Qtoato go to Tar boro fo three games and ' then return home for three games with the esteem ed Turtles. " ... ' I : .' V-'-Fiimrea never lie and the perhaps over-drawn picture above ; by the ex-: uberant reporter may be corrobora ted or contradicted beldw VT y - THE SCORE BY. UTOTiras FIRST GAM. Total... 29 3 9 37 13 ;1 Riimmin Pttnlnn huec. Cranston and Lapp; two base hit. Frost; three oase nit, mcu-innis; aouow . Warren to Frost to Devlin, Swander to ClarK; base on balls, off Stewart 1, on Uass 1; struck out, oy Stewart o, by Bass 1. Time of game, 1 0. : Um pire, .Mr. Mace. , , ' THE SCORE BT nrinwOSf-SEOOJID GAME. . 4-ii 34 5 578 9 ;b he Charlotte: ... .1 00100000- 2 7 2 Wilmington. .0 0203600 10 11 3 Batteriea : Hooker and . Gates : Sweeney and Cranston. :. THE TABULATED SCORE SECOND GAME. Charlotte. - ab r h po a - E ....... . 5 0 18 0 0 Rtohia-Sb. ....4 10 3 U U Drauby, lb.. .4 0 1 10 0 0 Emu. m. ........... 3 0 1 0 5 1 I Swander, If......... 4 0 0 3 1 0 Gates,............ 4 1 .1 5 0 l Clark, 3b 4 01 0 3 0 Bass,rf..... 4 0 1 110 Hooker, p. . . . . 4 0 10 10 w- -'s-- a r f W O A n fl Charlotte. : . : .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 6. 0 080000 -3 9 1 I Batteries ; ; Bats and Gates ; Stewart I and Cranston ......36 2 7 24 11 2 Wilmington. ab r h po. a e Clayton, ss.. ........ 4 1 14 1 0 Devlin, lb , 1 3 0 7 0 0 Warren. 3b .-..-5 3 8 0 5 0 McGinnis, cf... 4 3 3 4 0 0 Allen, If.. 4 1 0 3 0 0 Frost, 3b....: 5 0 3 3 4 0 Cranston, c. 5 .0 3 3 0 1 Willig, rf. 3 113 0 1 8weeney,p ...v 4 1110 1 Totals.....:.... .35 10 11 27 10 3 Summary Stolen bases, Devlin (2), Allen, Frost Cranston, Willig, Sweeney and Swander; two base hits, Gates and Cranston: base on balls, off 8weeney 3, by Hooker 4; hit by pitcneo oau, tevnn w; uruc uut, by 8weeney 7, hy Hooker 4; passed ball, Cranston. Time of game, 1:35. Attendance, 600. Umpire, Mr. Mace. Our Baking Powder Made the Giants Rise. Our sympathies to Kaptain Klark May he have better luck in Baleigh. . .. The grand old center-fielder was in fine trim both at the bat and in the field. ; Stewart struck out eight men and Bass 1; Sweeney struct oat 7 and Hooker 4. . What's the matter with" Komical King . Kelly's derrick now f Slipped another cog! . Sweeney got back to his old form and pitched a-game , that , made his friends feel proudU C-.-w ": : Frost Warren, Claj ton oh 1 well, the whole "fix" did o well that W is useless, to go into details. . : There was not a map on the Wil mington nine who did not do his part in winning the double victory. , : Our konfounded komplimenta to Komical King Kelly. May his shadow never grow less nor his percentage grow more. T ' . It was just impossible for - the Hornets to handle some of those grasaburners fired from the bats of the Giants. '.C- '". '! The playing of thfc Turtles is! be coming almost as bad as Bucolic Billy Boylan's poetry,. Beally, they : are getting awful slow. " 4 i Hooker has pitched more than the equivalent of three full games this week and was, consequently, not at his best yesterday. i" v The V. P. says all : doubts have been removed and he is now certain that the game yesterday . was , a diabolical "shet-out" for the Hornets, i The genial : snake editor of , the Post will please make a note of the fact that bur derrick is working smoothly and now has power enough to lift GiantsX v 4 t : - Umpire Mace is to have a team next year, and is already "spotting" his players. , His experience will en able him to make up a strong combi nation of players ' The Giants leave Monday for the game at Tarboro. Umpire Mace, who has "cords of friends" here for: his manly decisions and impartial rulings on the ball field, : will acoompany them. - ----'':' -?--- 1 :. ;". - i Charlotte News: -"The atfnjr of the Hornets is getting where the Lob sters don't like it How are they to help it!" Haven't they already helped it by beating you fellows three straight games! Please prepay reply. " Possibly, the D. D. of the N. and 0. will now think there is some, Vrizn in the horse editor's baking powder. By : the ' way, - wouldn't you like to have some of "our brand! You may heed it Monday. ' ! " ": ."According to the dictionary," says the D. D. of the N". and O., "a Lobster' is a macrurous crustacean with large and unequal claws." VWe thank, thee, Jew, for that ; w6rd.n According to Worcester, a LiOgger head is "a blockhead; a thickskttll; a dolt"- ... . ... , .:. , . There is one characteristic of the Giants that is worthy of all commen dation. : . They pay "what they , owe promptly... Thursday they borrowed a 3 to 0 "shet-out" from Charlotte and yesterday they handed it back to Kap tainKlark with "thanks, awfully." . Hopkins, the 'new twister," came in lastnight from Bedford City. He has. all the olementa of a; ball player in his make-up, a muscle of steel, and stands something over six feet in his boots. . Manager Cowan will give him a trial in the first game at Tarboro Monday. : , i i.-. . Before to-morrow night Camp Ay cock, Wrightsyille Sound, will ; be alive with -troops, of the First Regi ment, 'North Carolina State Guard, which is the last of the three divisions of the State militia to go into camp ror, ten days, 88 ordered by Governor Ajr cock, commander-in-chief. ' As stated in yesterday's Stab the indications are for a very large attendance, aid. members- of -advance squads, 7 who reached the city yesterday;7troni.:ihe several companies," spoke very cn couragingly . of . the ? prospers for a successful outing." - v Col. J. F. Armfield, of Statesville,". commanding the regiment, will reach the city this morning and will ; begin at once preparations for the encamp ment The regiment is composed, of companies as ioiiows: x. Company D Capt. J, B; Anderson, Charlotte. ' , Company A Fayetteville Light Infantry, Fayetteville. i ; Company C Capt J. O. Besseht, Winston. ' ; Company E Capt. Boy L. Limster, Statesyille. : ; Company F Capt. H. C. Chedester, Asheville. - ' Company G Capt. J. T. Gardner, Shelby. ' . . Company H Capt Thos. String field, Waynesville. Company I Capt B. P. Hackney, Durham. Company L Capt J. F, Goodmsn, Concord. " . . . ' Cqmpany M Lieut. Wm. F. Nester, Charlotte. I The Waynesville company -r will start for camp to-morrow morning at 4 o'clock on a special train, winch will pick up Asheville Companies F atd K and the First Regiment Band. The Statesville com'pany will be pick ed up by. this train at 8:40 A. M. , and the Concord company will join the train at Salisbury. At Greensboro the Special will take, on the Winston company, and later the Durham com pany, reaching Qoldsboro at 3 PJ M. and Wilmington about 5:30 P. M. Companies M and D and Battery A' from Charlotte and the Shelby com pany wll arrive at 5:30 P. M. on a apeeiai ever the Seaboard Air Line. The Fayetteville Light Tnfaniry will arrive on the regular A. & Y. train at 7:15 o'clock in the evening. CATHERINE KENNEDY HOME. f I J . Contributions -to the Catherine Kennedy Home for July, 1901 : ' Mrs. James Post Mrs.' James Carmichael, Miss Louise Harlow, Mrs. Yanee Nor wood, Mr. E. K. Hill, Mrs. Roger Moore, Mrs. EL F. Wilder, Mr. A. D. Wessell, Mr. James A.' Montgomery, Mr. Robert Montgomery, Mr. Hicks Bunting, medicines; Mr. Robert R. Bellamy, medicines; Mr. J. H. Hintze, beefweeklv: Mr. J. F. Garrell. beef weekly. Through Mr. E? P. - Bailey irom Black Fish excursion flixuo. Through Mr. E. P. Bailey from Tow? ing Transportation Ob. ; $5.00. j Mr. monthly meeting will be,h?ldTuesday at me uome at o o ciocc. . . . r X MSBSBiSiSIA AM' AMBM AM A St J, t Ose Tsar, by Mail, $5.00$ ' Six Kosttha, - '-f-. S.60 X Throo BoBtha, - l.2X Two Moatha, 1.00 $ 'pUTr4 U Sabaertftara ta ta - I city at 45 Cants per Slant. , , x 00OOO0 r NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Kodakc and Kamerao. 20 PER CEHT. OFF lntil further notice we. will sell Kodaks and Cameras at 20 per cent, discount. Souvenir Booklet ' of Wilmington, j Contains Pictures of all Public Build ings. ," - Schools, Churches, Streets, 'Private Residences, River and.: Seashore . Views, Mills, Factories, Shipping, etc- " i Mailed to any address, 25 cents. 4 ;C. W."YATE8 & CO., V - ' r . Books and Stationery, 1 jyaitf . V , t - wamington. V. O. Sewerage. MatterAgaJa. Those whef 'hold the keys to the terior of the sewerage fight say lively times are in sight at to-morrow even ing's meeting of the Board of Alder men. It ia learned that another ordi nance will be proposed, submitting the matter of municipal ownership to the people. i NEW ADVEBTISEMENTS.- J Bagging and Ties. .2,500 Rolls Basglne. ; 4,000 Bandies Ties. , 1,000 2nd hand Machine Caaks. 150,000 libs. Hoop Iron. 35 Barrels la e. i 1,000 Kegra Naila. 1,000 BaShela W. O. Meal, t a 1,000 Bushels Cora. ; 1,000 Bushels Oats. Also aixtv-three car loads of other groceries. Get our prices. D. L. CORE COl, . WH0LK8ALI GEOCXES, . i 180, 122 and 124 North Water Street; 1y80tf Wllmlagton. N. C. WE NOW HAVE SOMETHING ; TO OFFER YOU. You can save money by going to WARREN'S CAFE for your ; . .. S ' '' Lunch. Ask fob rr. Warren's Steam Bakery and Cafe, . -' jylOtf . - f 28 North Front Street ' i "Feed Oats;" (I FEED OATS,' FEED OATS," FEED CATS." FEED OATS." We will have this Saturday morning 1,480 Bushels, and, as we close aflTocTock would suggest 8tartingvarly to" get' your needs if you are lucky to get any at all. Yollers Hasiagen, Wholesale Grocers. anffStt TN THE DISTRICT OOTJBT OF THE UNITED ltn. In the matter of Charles T. Bhepard. bank- rapt. In BanKruptcy. ixjuio Monoraoiw iuoiuhu United States for the Eastern District of Nortn i Carolina, unarjes i. onep&ru, ot yvnmiiiKwu m : IUlV ut lien unuvTVinini J v i v Carolina, In said district, respectfully repre genta that on the , Srd day of July, last PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS - Mi. W. C. Harper, of Buffalo, N.Y., is in the city, inspecting cross ties. .. .-. , . . . Mr. J. J; Oroswell, of "the Southern Express Company, Fayette ville, is in the city. . . Lieut. W. P. Tlatt. of the U. S. artillery service,returned to Fortress Monroe yesterday. . Dr. D. L. Boozer, Jr., and Mr. W. a Tyree, of Newberry, B. C.are guests at The Orton; A - Miss Kate Darderi. of Golds-' boro, returned home yesterday afier a visit to Miss Annie Lee. Miss Carrie McLean, of Char lotte, arrived yesterday . and is the guest of Mrs. B. C. Moore . .. . I Messrs. Henry Haar and Allie Price left yesterday for Rocky Ppint, Burgaw and "other points North.f v v ! Mr. Edward Y. Wootten re turned td the A. & M. College y ester" day to resume his studies in electricity. Mr. John Dean Stewart 'and sister, of . Atlanta, arrived yesterday and are guests at the . Seashore Hotel. i Dr. J. N. Johnson came down from a several weeks trip top the, W. & W. road yesterday, but returned in the'afternoon..'-!!.!!--:.. I . V Miss Katie LeGwin, who ! has been visiting friends at Washington and Fairfield, N.' C.,'. returned home yesterday evening, r '. Dr. F. T. Bishop, of Washing ton. D. C . accomnanied bv Mr. Harry Sheetz, of Fayetteyiye Is isit&g his mother on Myrtle Grove Sound. ' Mr. Harry H. Helms; left; last night for Springfield, ; Ohio, where he will engage : in. business .wilhf his brother, -i He will return about Sept. 15th to join his family, who will leave W A. Fafriss, of Durham; N.O., are visiting in the city. Mrs. Farriss. who was ver un well when the ; family was residing here. ' Is now Enrich improved, f She has recently been in a Baltimore hos pital for treatment. 'i'tl'i' 5 BvOHLVfPowerst Jaocom panied by his Bister, Miss Helen" ow era, arrived in the city last evening. Miss Powers will visit friends and re latives here, and Rev. Mr. Powera will preach at the First Baptist Church in the absence of Dr. Black welL Extra Soft Peaches, ? and must be-sold. 1 ; I have any kind of fruit you want. " ' Ice Cream for Sundays. Give me your orders. j J. W. PLUMMER, Jr;f " Interstate is2. runtcy: that he has duly surrendered all hla prop erty and rights of property, ana has rouy com plied with all the requirements of said Acts and -of the orders of the Court touch' ng; his bank ruptcy. Wherefore, be prays that he may be de creed by tne court to nave a ruu aiscnarge irom all debts provable against bla estate under said Bankrupt Acts, except such debts as are ex cepted by law from sucn aiscnarge. - Dated this 3rd aay or Auguet. a. v. hot. .OHAS. T. 8HBPABD. . OBDEB OF NOTICE THKBEON. on readintr the foregoing petition, it ifl jr n.i , eha haaMnn ha uruotcu - ujr uio uuutvT ioassiw mm. uwwa ourt. hid nnnn the sama on the 14th day Of atFayetteyule,-in, said district, at 19 o'clock ' noonr and that . notice thereof be pub- . printed In the said district, and that all known creditors, and other persons in Interest may , . .vuH n wxo awn. uu MM. . . . InuL if .n thm h. h th nraverof the - - said petitioner should not be granted. 1 "V. an 4 it ' Beferee In Bankruptcy. Commissioner's Sale. New Hanover county, made In the cause of Eawara vuaiey uuwui mtu. n . u. wwt.ij, W. D. Oompton et al.. pending before the Clerk of the said (superior Court, the undersigned will expose for sale to the highest bidder for cash at . the Court House door of New Hanover county on Tnureaay, tne saa w w. aukubis wu Land, situated in tbe county of New Hanover to-wit: 3eglnnlng at the southeast corner or the Poor House tract Bell 'Phone ISO. jy7tf TRY US. T We have Flour, Sugar, Coffee, !:-: Tea, Cakes, Crackers Candies, Soap, Snuff, Soda, .; 1 Starch, Lye, Potash, Lard, Meal, Hominy, Molaaaes, NsOlv, Tobcco, Smoklns and l ah Bmlth1, rtrAAlr anA . running thence along the east line of said tract : north 49 aeereee east s,sw wwi" " marked N. H. O ; thence with said line north 45 degrees west lJM leet 15 mlnut east , rrs feet to the corner or GarreU's land; thence with Garrell's line 14 degrees, east 498 feet to another of his corners; thence along tbe line of said tract north 78 decrees east 1.254 feet, to a pine tree, marking- the corners of Garrell's and 1 Kerr S unco: tuauce wiui Ajarr s uuv wuui ; HAsrrAMi Hast 148 feet to a stake: thence south 49)4 degrees east 1 716 feet, to or near Smith's ureek; tnence souinweBiwaruiy wiui iwmw. I to the "beginning, wnUlni about 1 ,000 acres. Jy2180t - Oommttaloner. TJe Invite ... , r , , Attention to our stock of . Bagglnfj:, Ties, Salt, Molasses, Flour, 6cr iGet our prices before you place s your orders, -v ; . v Caewinsr, and a full line of Canned Goods) All - of which we offer "to the trade at . olivine prices.. . : ; :v , .... j t, '' Mr. and Mrs.' Williams Bros. . .... . ... WILMIHGTOli SEACOAST Hi ; R. On and after July 18th. 1901, tne schedule vrffl beasiouows: i-3 - ' DAILY EXCKFT 8XTKDAT. : I Leave wunungtoa. , 01 lav Ocean View. ' 6 80 A. M. - - 7 45 A. M.-.-, ... .,A ,A A U ; -..r . :. . 19 AO A. M- 2 80 P. M. 9 45 P, M. 7 15 P. H.'f,. '' A ta-w Kim lnv iiMeemm nut. HALL & PEimOALL, ; (IltCOBPOBATBD.) j,. -- , WHOLES AM GROCERS, Jy 17tt " ' Nutt and Mnlberry HEW UDLLETS. 1.160 Poaada Hew ZZalletiu , 1.863 Pounds Old Unllets. . 791 Poands White Tisb. ; 816 Darrein 1-16 Planr. 4 1 811 Barrels 1-8 Flour. - ' 'I J : 08 Barrels 1 Flonr. ' r HO Barrels 1-S Flew.- 106 Barrels Banker Hill. 1 19 Barrels Zeb Vance, - ; Snmday Excursion Avg, 4tl4 RlAarriAv Pomntnn trt Hnnthnorts and in apa. Wm make onl v one round trin? as we earry our friends who go j with 1 us ten miles tossa lc-waa. au lor za t cents round; trjp, Lioer una was ever Boat leaves at 9:45 AJ lL returninz I a ii "a a. m . nr. n r i x. 1 13 ,ue cuj pi o jr., - : ; - i i Leave Wilmington. Leave Ocean View, 10 10 A. - - ljA. ' - a .a so P. .. xi t ot Pi & f 7 15 P. M. , . , , .00P. Mi ( TnrairniiiiT and Baturdav on account of I Hotel anQ Club House dances extra train will I leave Wilmington u r. k.,ui wmumux. n. TT.nlnht 1 1 ftl. IV till I (M. I II III M . mm tvnn i p m trains, excent fresh meats. Ice and ..iAa . nlnVi vlfl tjLm-cm An t.hA ' Ml I train. No 'goods will be received unless ao companted by way bills and Freight -Prepaid, I a tt m-mm, mm JL mhaA 4 St Mill.. Freucnt mask oa nKivu uui wiiu a uuu- . . , 1 n ... ...I. Vn ...a ntee oeiure mhiviiih un wi mwu. .av vaw I ttons will be made to tvese rules. jet tt-'j ' Superintendent. ' Administrator's ITotico. v.' BrcobPEii; ".-'r?.''" - f tTheteaale "Greeer ii tC wr a Hntt street, . jy si tt , wiuaiaatoB. H. 1 4 f .- -. Having qnsUSed as AdmlnlntTAtnr. ef the estate ot Jonn Henry Boeach, aeceaBeo, vub, w to notiry au persons inaeoieu w ,ious"rr sons to whom be was -indebted wlU present out uay vi 11017, i m Daroi recovery. ,5 , :, , f ,rf: ,. . This the srd day ot July. 19M. BOBSCH, v S Administrator John Henry Bggj A. l. n nn'innn Wev -Goods! c-s.s-r.fl ZZarrow rat ueana. lt . . Evaperated Aprieeta. : Fox's Oaratofira onip . JLYSZ- aeela Bs3urreaux. ' itnfffed Olives toe a J"ar. ; s. vv; b a n b e no, - .. At The Unlucky Corner. mylStf - . f 'H ! f- I

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