Waoteed Boo.Flde,Every.D teo of subscripti::i. UrcnUtioa Uaer Than Thai Of Any Other Deny News- Y i J Ob Tr, by Mail; ? $5.00$ SLa Months. -! 8.60? paper Published In Wilmington. Three IloaUis, M W6X Two Heaths, V 1.00 J : rniiDEST DAI DUtm4 to 8nkserlbr In the S IN THE STAtK. X L..''''""-'' VOL. LXVni.-NO. 117. WILMINGTON, N. C;, THURSDAY, AUGtFST 8;: 1901; WHOLE NO. 10,597 City at 4B Ceata per 2Komt. X 0000000g'OO IVTfWMiiTvrn. OUTLINES. 'he United SUtes gunboat Machiaa rd to proceed to Colon to tch the movements of hostile force the isthmus of ranama. officer mortally wounueu wu u- er officer injured at Charleston, . in a struggle with two negroes, o hom was killed and the other ured. - JNegro nurnou in Coffee county, Ala., for crim assault. The United States 1 Corporation proposes to at once bed to start its closed sheet mills; trouble has yet occurrea as any ived yesterday at Dallas and sev- other town in Texas. men ke of eold ore in Wilkes county. Independent influences are to be at work to bring about a ement of the trouble between the workers and the steel trust. at floods in the- langtse river caused the death of many thou- s of people in China. mve bns injured in a trolley car acci- at Memphis. Train wrecked be N. & W. railroad; no one Hurt. N. Y. markets: Money on call y at 22J Pr cent , the last loan r at 2J per cent. ; cotton quiet, mid- uplands 8c ; flour was firmer; kt spot firm, sso. z rea rtc; spotfirm; No. 2 60c; oats- steady; No. 2 38c; rosin steady; s turpentine steady at 34c WEATHER REPORT. U. S. DEP T OF AGRIUUITURK, a WEATHKB iSUBMAU, f Wilmington, N. C., Aug. 7. J mperatures: 8 A. M.., 81 aegrees; M., 73 degrees; maximum, 85 de k; minimum, os uojxttdj. , uwi, lees. knfall for the day, .74; rainfall 1st of the month to date, 3.00 fcs Vffe of water in the Cape Fear river yetteville at 8 A. it, 29 feet and a COTTON BBGIOH BULLKTUL Ie temperatures are gnnonuij tly lower in the eastern, and Itly higher in the western districts. rj rains have fallen in the east- Idisiricts At Wilson, 6 81; Kal- 2.38: Greensboro. 1.97; Lum- i. 1.92; Augusta, Qa., 3.28. FOBKOAST FOB TO-DAY. iSHisQTON, Aug.. 7. Ivor worm llna : Fair Thursday and. Friday; I ar w,i?t- I terly winfjj-- -1 i west9r ort Almanac Aagmt 8. iises -. 5.12 A.M. 6.58 P.M. 13H.48M. 1.50 P. M 4.10 P.M. sets i Length Water at South port Water Wilmington - argia is doing fairly well. The tie property increased last year 3,000 in value. ' . . : : , liral Cervera says he never iampson. ut ne aia meew and doubtless wishes he toats over half a billion dollars to run this government now, isn't anything to brag of. We much better government when i't cost half as much. total value of cotton and its ct8 exported from this country t fiscal year was $365,405,707. this total there was only 418 worth of manufactures.- of the 20,000.000 of checks y used in this country only 18,000 are "raised." .Bnt ire lotB of people in this conn- could raise a check to -save ves. rical energy is now earned iagara Falls to Buffalo, a dis- 23 miles. A plant is to be hed on the St. Lawrence khich proposes to- transmit vO miles. Sanguilly, of vCuba, lived country he would be looked a curiosity.- He has. been bed for President of Cuba, indidly confesses' that he think he is qualified for that Comptroller ef the Treasury an increase of 153,595,000 (irculating medium during tl fiscal year. But. there ntof it circulating m this he vineyard. Rockefeller is estimated to be U the way from $500,000,000 p,000,000. But Mr. Eocke- tesn't pay taxes on $1,000,- ere are very few of the rea, however, who pay any- e their fair nronortion of pber of 5gjntorg have pro- f urnisLs; Government Useless powder. But our :e didn't take any stock in lof powder. What would without the din and roar, it wonm the ifourtn oi juiv a noiseless fire cracker. Wn't crack? . ' THE FIRST REGIMENT Another ' Rainy Day in Camp, But Soldiers Are Bright and Cheerful. THE REGULAR CAMP ROUTINE Doubt as to the Governor's Arrival at All. Ret ineatal Basd Is Maklnr. Very Fa verable Impreuloa Roster of -; l i:- the Waynesville Compaay. - - X: I Camp Aycocay v . Wrightsyille, Aug. 7. The rainy season still continues but through it all the boys are still cheer fully looking ahead for better weather. - The battalion - drills and dress pa rade to-day were exceptionally fine,' especially the parade. The band dis coursed inspiring military airs both at rereille and parade. At dress parade the buglers played with the band. This music in the opinion of your cor respondent, can hardly be excelled by any State Guard band in the country. The only order read to-day assigns of ficers of the day and guard. r The Of ficer of the Day is Captain Clifton, of the Queen City Guards ; officers of the guard. Lieutenant Loftin of Company B, and Lieutenant Williams, of Bat tery A, senior and junior officers, res pectiTely..r ' -v. ' : The battery ; went on dress parade for the first time. to-day and made a yery good showinglv The uniforms of members are yery nobby. 1 The batr tery recetred ita Howitzer to-day. ; . Colonel Bain receired the news yes terday morning that Governor' Ay cock's little son, Charles, was very much worse. The colonel, however, has received no official information regarding Iheimpossibilty of the Gov ernor's re viewing the regiment. It is hoped by the regiment that his son will soon be out of danger. -Colonel Cobb hardly expects to hold any more target practice at the range for this year at least. The provost guard established Tues day is very effective. Below is the roster of Company H, of Waynes ville, which it was impossi ble to get yesterday: ; - Company H, Waynesville Captain Thoa. Btringfield. - First Lieutenant EL A. Love, Second Lieutenant J. it. Hoyle. Sergeants 8cenck and Davis. Corporals York, BusseL West and McClure. , . Privates Allen. Morris, Meaford, Burrisa, Jones, Smithers, ' Maffery. McKlroy, Bkatea, Hyatt, Horcombe, Messer, McCracken, Lynch, Spake, Maxwell, Nlchola, Davis, Lanier, w vfTn. r,Tf:u- Rmith Fnnk- lia, Evans. Jones, Skates. J., 8kates, W., Gattis, Evans, Smith. Bev. Mr. Caldwell, of Waynesville, is along with the company as chaplain. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Miss Mary Bell King is visiting at Wallace. Mr. Roland Carrington, of Laurinburg, N. C ia at The Orton. Mr. Junius Davis, Jr., got home yesterday from Buffalo, N. Y. Miss Mary Nash left yesterday to visit at Hilliboro, - Miss Susie Parsley left last evening for Buff alo to attend the Ex position. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Maultsby, of Fayette ville, returned home from the beach yesterday. - SherifE Frank H. Stedman left last night for Buffalo to spend ten days at the Exposition. The Misses Nurney, of Suffolk, Va., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Thomas, North Front street : The Stab had the pleasure of a visit yesterday from Mr. E. J . Hale, Jr., of the Fayette ville Observer. Mr. W. N. Bennett, the clever general representative or Colgate & Co., is in the city calling on the trade. E. K. Proctor,' Jr., Esq., and Superintendent T. a McNeely, of the Carolina and Northern railroad, are in the city. - - ' . Miss Maribland Wallace, who has been visiting her brother, Mr.' B, W. Wallace, left yesterday, returning home. ' Misses " Marie , and Lillie Peschau and Mr, H. T Bauman left last night for the Pan-American Ex position, Buffalo, N. Y. Tayettevilie - Observer t 7th: "Mrs. Chaa. El Borden, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. W. H. Penv berton, . went down to Wilmington this afternoon. ' Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Pridgen, of Godwin, is in townTand on the beaches for a few days ; then they go to visit the family of Mr. A. B. Prid gen, Currituck, O. ; : - Florence Times, 6th: "Dr. Pride Thomas of Wilmington, arrived in the city last night. He will relieve Dr. N. W. Hicks as medical examiner, of the A. O. L. relief department, this district, while the latter is off on a three or four weeks' vacation." TaxCyathULaidUo. I The cutting off the river and harbor improvement by the last Congress so far as Wilmington is concernea - wui be made more complete to-day. The tug Cynthia which haa been employ ed in emergency ; work down the Cape Fear finished up its work yesterday and will join - the idle craft at the government dock this morning. Capt P. T. Dicksejvmaster of the tug, came up to the city yesterday. v - : - ;new ADVEBTISEMENTS , a ; Seashore Hotel Sea food, ; ' ... People's Savings Bank-Your atten'n Toilers & Hashagea-Mullet season. Treasury Depart Sealed proposal. LOCAL DOTS. Schooner Mary 1 J. Russell cleared . light . yesterday ' for Bruns wick, Ga. . British steamship Whitehall arrived yesterday with cargo of py rites for the Navassa Guano Com pany.. , - - . iCapt Charles Wessell will run an excursion up Black river to-morrow, complimentary to a '- number of his friends. . . ' ' p B. F. King and wife yesterday transferred by ' deed recorded at the Court House for $1,030 the house and lot on Third, between Castle and Queen streets, lot 83x165 feet in size. Thos.'C. DahielB and Matthew Manly, both of Newborn, ; ; have been commissioned a commander - and lieutenant commander, respectively,' of the second .battalion. Naval Be seryes.'. - - ; . ' - Charlotte Observer, 7th: "The Charlotte reel team has accepted the invitation to be the guests of Chief Schnibben,' of the Wilmington Fire Department, at the clam bake next Saturday." ' . - . I . v . County Tax ; Lister Bunting, who is " now computing the county tax -books for the Begister of Deeds, has received the. valuation from the Corporation Commissioner of all bank stock in the city. : The catalogue of Limestone College, Gaffney. &. C for 1900-1901, shows an attendance of 150 students, and a faculty composed of nineteen professors. The course of instruction embraces - ten schools, and includes everything desirable In female educa tion. Professor Lee Davis Lodge, a brother-in-law of Mr. Herbert Mc Clammy, of Wilmington, is president. ACTIVITY AT PORT CASWELL. Oarrisoa to be Stresjthesed by Addition of Another Compaay. Pursuant to an order issued by General Miles, commanding the army, on August 2d, an immediate organization or nine additional com panies of coast artillery will be made, making the total number of such companies 106, out of 126 as limited by law. Of the nine additional com panies, Fort Caswell will get one the 102nd, commanded by Capt R. F. Gardner. Company 88th, now at Caswell, is in command of Lieutenant Landon, and it, with the 110th, it is under stood, will be recruited up to the full strength of 125 men each. . Work on the additional quarters fortheaoffieers and men has already been commenced. The full quota at Caswell when the new company , is added will be about 250. The other new, companies ordered are as follows: 98th Capt. Hamilton Bowan, Fort Hamilton, N. x . ' 99th Capt Wm. P. Pence, Morgan, Ala. 100th Capt D. E. Aullman, Fort Fort Totten, N. Y. , , A lOlst-Capt A. T. Smith, Fort Tot ten. N. Y. 103d Capt Jno. C. Gilmore, Jr., Fort Howard, Md. 106th Capt Geo. H. McManus, Fort Washington, Md. 105th Capt L. B. Burgess, at the Presidio of San Francisco. 104th Capt Chas. P. Summerau, Fort Lawton, Wash. NEW RIVER BOAT LAUNCHED, Cttaax, Which Was Boned Some Time Axe, Will Have Worthy Successor. The hull of the new steamboat being built here bv Mr. T. D. Love, general manager of the Merchants' and Farm era Steamboat Company, of Wilming ton and Fayetteville, to take the place of the Climax which was burned at her wharf here 'several months ago as she was being completed, was launched yesterday at the foot of Dawson street where it was constructed by Mr. F. T. Gaskill, the well known ship carpen ter. " : ":' ' - Mr. Love has not decided on a name for the new craft It is 115 feet long, 22 feet wide and will draw about 16 inches of water, making it an ideal boat for the upper Cape Fear. The machinery will arrive and be installed. in time for the trial trip about oep; tember 15th. . .' Teams Didn't Play, r ; The floods yesterday brought disap pointment to not only theWilmington league baseball -team ' but also to its crack amateur team, the Wilmington High School ; Champlona. ' Three iramea for yesterday, r to-day ' and to morrow were scheduled with the Goldsboro team but a telegram was re ceived bv Manager W.CGalloway Jr and Capt Mclntyre yesterday morning from Manager W. O. Gattis, of Golds boro, saying that the game would have to be cancelled on account of wet grounds. Married at Maxtos. Miss Berta Wooten, of Maxton,N. a; and Dr. O. F. Smith, of Magnolia, were quietly married Monday morn ing at 8:80-o'clock at -the home of the bride's father, Major Wooten, at Max ton." The bride .and groom passed through Wilmington Tuesday eyea ingon their way to Magnolia and were given a reception upon their arrival by Mr J. A. Watta. . ' ;:"f;- City Subscribers. ' ;.'V : City subscriDeni are earnestly te quested to report promptly at the Stab office every failure of the carriers to deliver their papers. In all aucn eases steps, will be taken to Insure prompt and regular delivery.; iS..,..; RALEIOfl TOOK TWO. While Wilmington and Tarboro Game Was Postponed On Account of Rain. TEAM RETURNED LAST NIQHT Charlotte Defeated, Six to Oae isd Eleven - to Two Russell Has Beeo Sijoed by , Wilmington Tarties Arrive -This AfteraooB. ;'j . V YXSTEBDAYS (AlUEs! f Wilmington-Tarboro, rain. : Charlotte, 6: Baleigh, 10 - ; ;:? r; Charlotte, Baleigh, 11. '. ? WHKBlB THKT PLAY TO-DAY. Baleigh at Wilmington. ; " . . r i:-Charlotte at Tarboro. " 8TAB6IHO OV TBK CLUBS. ' ;i:.Won-.Iieeti Percent Baleigh 1 ' 9 .640 WUmington 12 12 . ".500 Tarboro .... 10 IS .434 Charlotte. 1 11 15 ! ' .4553 The floods that have been pouring down 411 oyer the Slate for the past several " days were the I salvation of Henry Bryan and his baseball team at Tarboro yesterday, both ends of the double-header having been prevented on account of rain. . " . ! "- Manager Bryan generoualy" told Manager Cowan about noon that with the lowering clouds and flooded dia mond it would be useless for him to remain in Tarboro until the night train and that he could leave with his men at 12:30 P. M. if he desired.' Manager Cowan readily accepted the very kind offer and guarantee for the two postponed games and .arrived with the team last evening at 6 o'clock and will be in good trim and anxious for the fray with the Turtles this afternoon. The -rurcks" wilt arrive at 12:05 over the Seaboard Air Line.' The double-header at Baleigh yes terday afternoon was exceedingly dis astrous to the Hornets, the first game having been lost by them in a score of ten to six and the second in a score of eleven to two. By this recosd, the Turtles increase their lead in the percentage column and relegate the Hornets to the bottom of the column. The score is as follows: THE SCOBS Y INIOlfQS. 1 First game 138456789 BHE Charlotte 100030101 6 95 Baleigh 10005040 10 11 3 Batteries: Lipp and Gates, Stanley and LeGrande. Second game 1234 5 6 78 9 B H E Charlotte 1100000002 43 Baleigh.. ... .6 0 0 0 1 0 1 3 11 13 3 Batteries: Hooker, Gates and Big bie; Smith and LeGrande. Crowd the Grand Stand And Bleachers To-day. Stewart will be in the box for the Giants to-day. The attendance ought to average at least 600 this week. Charlotte plays at Tarboro the remainder of the week. Go to the Park this afternoon and see a fine game of ball. . j The game will be called at 4:30 sharp. Go earlyand get a good seat Bishop,' formerly one of Rich mond's pitchers, has joined the Hor nets. " Russell, recently with Tarboro, is now a Giant and will be in the game to-day. The derrick used by the Turtles worked well yesterday. King Kelly will try it here to-day. ! Phillips, who recently played first base for Raleigh, will umpire the gamea here this week. - Smith and Ats have reconsidered. They are still with Raleigh and now say they are willing to remain. " The most exciting games in the second series will be those played here to -day, to-morrow and Saturday. 1 1 . -LThii Diamond Duster of the N. and O. must have been happy , last night "kicking up" a dust'V so j to speak. "'-' 7 '"' Eyery player should run. .out all his hits. " ThereTs always a chance of an error at or a wild throw to -first base. . ::: ' :- ' 'r rlt ' Nothing was heard from Captain Thackara yesterday. He will perhaps bring Dent along with him to-day or to-morrow. - ; , . - "" - '"''J :?:l-" . The Turtles" won both games from the Hornets yesterday by a score, of 10 to 6 and 11 to 2 respectively. 8o, the Giants will have to do some fine work I The puerile wonder, v tTacks Alien, wks the real article as captain pro tern at Tarboro Tuesday. He put the ginger into his men and - the boys say the game would have been a shut put had Hopkins received the perfect support his pitching merited.7 t v Th Wilmington teani as -now constituted, is an expensive luxury and our people should bear this con sUntly in mind. - In. its present form it can hold its - own with The best ; but it Ukes a lot of money to 1PJ ex penses. Patronize the games gener- wy.v-rU-...". . -::-:-.5j;,,-v-..w.r . . This, came J from f Raleigh, last night . in a special telegram: to the STABt The Raleigh team leaves in the morning for Wilmington : intact Neither Smith, Ats or Stanley will be sold to New Orleans, .who offered a thousand dollars for the . three. A vigorous protest by the Raleigh root ers compelled the management to de-. cline the New Orleans offer." , - J Rev. J. N; Cole, ' Bev. J. H.; Hall, Bey J- W. Potter, Mr. and Mrs.; O. C CovingtonCMf. W. B. Cooper. Mr. W. E, Springe? and Mr . and Mrs. B, H. Beery, of Wilmington, are ; at Bose Hill attending the. Wilmington i District M. Bi Conference. ;Cv- CITY HOSPITAL MANAGERS. Held Their Last Meetiar Yesterday Atter aoon aadNow Comes, the New Sa ' perlateadeat's Report. .. . ; - -; The chief feature of yesterday after; noon's regular monthly meeting - of the Board of Managers of the City Hospital was the reading of the monthly report of Dr. A. H. Harriss, acting superintendent of the institu tion. The report covers 'the conduct Of the hospital up to the night of July 23rd, at which time the management passed oyer into the hands of the Board of Managers of the .James -Walker Me morial Hospital. The report shows that during the month 43 patients were treated,, of which number 23 were colored and 20 were white." ; There were remaining at the hospital June 30th, 18 patients and 25 were admitted . during the month, makiug a total of 43r TbirtT nine were discharged during July, in cluding the number passed over to. the new hospital, and 4 died. Pay patients, were treated 74 days and charity, pa tienta , 398 . days.. Rations - were fur nished to employes 345 days, making the total rations 817. The average cost per capita was 22 cents per day. ' The amount expended for subsistence dar ing the month was $187.18; general expenses, $143,01; psy roll, $163.43, Total, ' $493.62. The ; receipts - were : Pay patients, $142.30; prescriptions, $36; city, $166.66; county, $250. Total, $594.96. V The receipts over; expendi tures were $10L34. , Upon motion it was ordered that upon payment of current expenses for this month, the balance on hand to the credit of the .City Hospital be turned over to the treasury of the new institution. The amount turned over is approximately $400. Upon the conclusion of this business Chairman McEachern stated that the board had been supplanted by the new board and there was no further use for its existence, whereupon an adjourn ment sine dit was taken. There were present at the last meeting, which was held at the Court House at 3 o'clock. Messrs. McEachern, Holmes and Montgomery. Just before adjournment Chairman McEachern had occasion to say if Mr. James M. Hall, the popular interne at the institution who was present at the meeting, that his services at the hos- pital had been most satisfactory and he had great pleasure in expressing the sentiments of the board to this effect, His reports were always neat and correctly kept; he hoped that there would be-no change in the in terne for the new hospital. - In this connection it is well to state that the new board has notified.: all employes at the hospital that where services had been conscientious! j. and faithfully performed all would be re tained in the employment. -" "J ' TALKING ABOUT FRANCHISES. Discnssloa On Streets Shifted Prom Sew erste .te Street Railway Opioloas. The sewerage question received a much needed rest on the streets, in offices and in stores yesterday, the discussion having been' transferred, temporarily at least, to the practica bility of the issuance by the city of a franchise to the Wilmington Seacoast Railroad to extend its proposed trolley line from the oeach into the city. There ' was a diversity of opinion as to the duty of the aldermen in the matter, and it will require several days for an" official in that capacity to determine the exact wishes of his con-, stituency in the matter. Some people even went so far as to question the sincerity of the Seacoast people in asking for the franchise. , One man said : "The move on the part of the Seacoast railroad is easily understood. They , simply aht a franchise to lay tracks, so that when the Street rail way is sold under fore closure on October 7th, its franchise in this respect will be greatly deteriorated in value. Then they will buy . the Street railway, as it is their purpose to do ultimately any way, and not much, if any, more than the $100,000 will have to be paid for it It is a shrewd move." And thus it went Chaages is County Court Room. : When the Buperior Court for New Hanover convenes Monday.attepdants upon tne . same wno nave noi Kept track of events will be surprised to find the wonderful transformation that has token place in the court room. The job was completed yesterday by carpen ters under the direction of Mr. H. E. Bonitz, the . architect " and yesterday afternoon Chairman - McEachern and Commissioners Holmes and Montgom ery went up and . inspected the work. The entire plan of the court room is changed, with thejudge'a bench, etc., facing the north instead of the east as heretofore. All agree that Lthe re arrangement is much more convenient and comfortable than the old form. '. The Hvy.ftAw.? i The Fayettevme.Ooseroer of : yester day afternoon, in speaking of the rapid rise in the Cape Fear to 29.4 feet and the expected rise, to a point beyond 40 ! feet s predicted by the Weather Bu- I s : ' r - ' it V. it i - - : reau, says, m enumeraung,ineuani age by the excessive rainfall:: ' c "One bad result haa been tne stop ping of the work of construction of the great dam and other works of the Cape Fear Power Company. Work on the new wharf of the jrayeuevuie ana Wilmington Steamboat Company has also had to be temporarily-abandoned, of course. However, when the weather clears up large forces of men will be put to work on these mammoth enter- prises ana tne worx wm oe pusuea. as rapidly as posdhle.'' 4 v . r ; f 1 Mr. H. L.' Voller8 . retupied ta the city yeatordaVSHis family will remain in the mountains until Fall. S VETERANS' REUNION. Copies of General Order lor En campment Received in - the City Yesterday. . GEN. RANSOM WILL; SPfcAK. Brigade and Other Officers to be Elected, j. Camp Dues ' Urged to be Paid Re duced Rates Os AH Railroads. Random Notes of Qstheriof . As the date for the event approaches the prospects are growing brighter and brighter for the annual reunion of the North CarblihaDivision; United Confederate Veterans, at Wrightsvilie Sound,- beginning on the afternoon of Wednesday, Aug. 14th, and continu ing for three days. r: : : The gist of. the general order issued about two weeks ago by Major Gen eral Julian S.I Carr, - officially calling the encampment and reunionr Jhas al ready been published in these col umns and it is now unnecessary to repeat -v :. " During the encampment -.the. an nual election of division and brigade commanders will lake place, to wit: A major general and four brigadier generals. Only those will -be entitled to vote at this election who are duly accredited delegates from camps which are reported b Adjutant - General Moorman as having paid their dues. The attention of camp commanders is especially galled to this, and they will at once see that their camp dues are paid, as required by the constitution of the United Confederate Veterans. " At Camp Aycock where the encamp ment will be held there are accommo dations for about 1,000 persons and those who do not desire the novelty of camp life may find boarding places with reduced rates. All the railroads have given a rate of one cent a mile in ' each direction for the occasion. Tickets will be on sale Aug. 12th, 13th and 14th and- are good for one continuous passage until the 24th. The agent at any station will give the exact price of a ticket from his station on application. This rate is given to all visitors as well as to the veterans.. Brigadier General F. M. Parker, oi the Third Brigade, North Carolina Division, U. C. V., has issued orders for the annual election of officers for his division, from Enfield, N. C, under date of July 30th. In concluding- the order General Parker sayS: "My comrades, with these induce ments, let us turn out . in full force. This may" be . the last reunion for many of us before we cross the river; The brigadier general commanding will be disappointed if the third is not the largest brigade of the division." One of the greatest features of the encsmnmeni will be the speech of General Matt W. Ransom. As pre viously noted in these columnsT' his speech will be made on the 15th inst and a very large . crowd of his old comrades and friends will very likeTy hear him. - CONFERENCE AT ROSE HILL. Business Session of Wilmington District, M. E. Cbnrcfa Soath, Convened Yes terdsy Notes of Meeting. " Special Star Correspondence. Rosa Hill, N. C, Aug. 7. The business sessions of the Wilmington District Conference of the M. E. Church South, convened here at 9 o'clock this morning, the Rev. R. B. John, P..E.J in the chair.- Mr. A. J. Johnson was electsd secretary.. The opening sermon was preached last night by vthe Rev. A J. Groves, of Bladen circuit - The "conference heard reports this morning from Bev. J. H Hall, of Fifth Street . ChuTwh, Wilmington; Rev. R. W-. Bailey, of South port; Rev. G. T. Simmons, of . Elizabethtown ; Rev. O. O. Rose, of Jacksonville and Riehlanda. and Rev. Y. E. Wright of Clinton. All the reports were very en couraging indeed. The sermon at 11 o'clock to-day was by Rev. J. N. Cole, of WUmington. , The conference- is highly pleased with the royal entertainment by the good people of all the denominations here.. : : Those present from Wilmington are Revs. Rev. R. B. John, J.' N.' Cole, J. H. Hall, J. W. Potter, J. J. Porter, Mr. W. E. Springer." Mr. and Mrs.- C. C Covington, Mr. and - Mrs. R. H. Beery, E. F. Johnson, Lv F. Lander and W.-B. Cooper. ' ; CAPT. J. L. COWAN DEAD, ; Pormer WUmlsftoaiaa Died Last Week at ; MoBttomery, Alaabsma. ; v r Baleigh Times SfA. j. 'X : if.- '; Captain John?; London Cowan, an eminent civil engineer, and formerly president of the. Opelika & Auburn MlIioad.'died in Monteomery, Ala., on Sunday,. August 4th, whither he had gone from his home in Opelika for surgical attention. - - r: "captain uowan was oorn in vy u mingtott, N. C and was a brother of Mrs. C. B. Denson of this city, Mrs. John, C. James, of Wilmington,- and a. H. uowan, aaq., or uurnam. - 'He built many important railroads, in this country and Canada, and was consulting : engineer for otnera. ja.e waa greatly beloved in nis aaopteu State of Alabama, where he leaves a devoted wife and five children in Ope lika."- Band Excarsioa To-aixht " 1 Don't foreet the excursion by the Second Regiment Band on the steamer WUminoton to-nighr to th-icka'V and return. The. boat; leayes ;at .8 o'clock and 'returns before midnights The band, has recently received its new instruments and mew music A pleas ant time Is in store ftnr everyJody who takes" in the exsrz;;a.'. IF YOU ENJOY Sea WHY HOT THE SEASHORE WRIQHTSVILIiE ang'8 tf Your Attention -v . To the-People's Savings Bank,-who beg; to an--i 'nounce that their business is constantly enlarging, because patrons sre . guaranteed absolute security, receive courteous treatment and are given : every legitimate accommodation. : .;-. - -.p. Interest on deposits at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum, compounded ; -quarterly, on all amounts from $5.00 upward. . We are centrally located and conservatively managed and beg to solicit your patronagevv ; ;-; .. i - . - ' ThePeople's Opposite the. Postoffice. - I P PraMtst. JNO. S. JJUKSTRONG, Tie President. f ;F. W. PICK. Gavskter. HC. C. BXcQVEElf, angS tt LIST OF LETTERS. Remaining- Uncalled For In the Wilming ton Postoffice Am. 7th, 1901. MICH'S LIST. Borden G L, Buntsey ' Ed J, Car Isaac Govincrton James. Hall Capt D J, Harrington King & Co, Hales G W, Herring J P, Jewett f uriey w. uan- m R Malett Alonza. Mebartenrz J L, Mandox T, Maurr J E, Raten S E. Ronison W T, Smith H G, Sconiny W T, Wall Henry O, Whenen J W, White John, Wellington ; Wm, Yar boro Dan, Smith N. .. . ; WOKKN'S UST. AH S A, Boykin Mittie, Bryant Gra ham, Brinkley Seller, Fox Perdie, Goodman Sudie, Graham Oedress, Herring Annie, Leslie Sallie, Murphy E, McNeill Grace, Quinn Annie, Tay lor TCliza. Wriffht Anna 1L Whitfield Virginia col., Whitfield Virginia,, Wil liams W L. Persons calling for above letters will please say advertised. If not called for in fifteen days they will be sent to the dead letter office. M. C. Darby, Postmaster. new advertisements; WE NOV HAVE SOMETHING TO OFFER YOU. You can saye money , by going r to WARREN'S CAFE for your . . Lunch. - Ask pok rr . - Warren's Steam Bakery and Cafe. jy jotf 38 Nortb Front Btreet Bagging and Ties. i : ; 2.500 Bolls Bagging. 4,000 Bundles Ties. 1.000 End hand. Machine Casks. 1 50,000 lib. Hoop Iron. 35 Barrel Glue. t l.OOO Kega WavlU. 1,000 Bushels W. G. Meal. . V 1,000 Buahels Corn. 1,000 Bushela Oats. Also sixty-three car loads of other groceries. Get our prices, j . D.LGORECO,, :. . - WHOLKBALS Sbocxrs, jy SO ti . WUmington. M. C FURNITTJRE TO HAND DOWN TO Y0UE CHILDBUN . i M.nnnt &mn im mxrcnABed at these low nrlces. nhASti fnniKflM nan nP - nonvnK ftUTWDUo .L - anv. time bnt -Its ueemineea Ooee not last through oae generation. . - r THIS FURNITURE hi hunt to last. The material excellent Also- the workmanship. - wui not loee strength or beauty. There are no defects to cover by var nlsh or nalnt. Every Joint is perfect. When our goods are seen the cheapness of our prices win ne reauzso. -u , : - nUimOE & EELLT, No. H Boatb Front street. , Bell Phone 115. ango tf J. C. BLACKaBY - 01 J the J. Sonthern Live I stock Company, has lost received another lot i Of nlce-" lf Jk-yniiS iv i?:: : Also a lot of nice Buggies "and Harness. If yon need anything in bis line dont fall to see him before yon buy.- Will sen them for casn or gw paper. .Call at v - ,t - V. f i S. , J. DAVIS, ioastf - rs l0lrlr"t6Jeeti OOQ GO TO BEACH. N. O. Savings Is now at hand and we are :' shipping the celebrated Nixon Fishery Catch "of -. -? - New August Catch Pullets. They . are better" and cheaper than Bacon and you 'cannot afford to not carry them in stock, ; and as the catch is very small we dQn't see : any low prices in the near future. Send in your orders or ask prices. ; Yollers & Hashagen, General Provision Dealers, . ; WILMINGTON SEACOAST R. R For the benefit and aceommoaadon cf the 1st Beglment the foUowlDg acliedule has been pat on : SPECIAL SCHEDULE. ' DAILY- EXCEPT 8UHDAT. Leave WrlghtsvUle. . , LeaTeOcean View. 9 00 A. K. 10 SO A. M. 1 IS P. M. :. 1 40 P. M. -:. 8 00 P. M. . 8 JO P. M. 4 lS-P.'M. ' 6 00 P. aW : 6 45 P. M. , 7 0 P. M. ' . saop. m. : 11 oo p.m. . BETWEEN WttMlNGTON AND OCAK VIEW. , ' Leave WUmington. - - Leave Ocean View. 18 46 P. VL 10 80 P. M. ? 6 15 P. M. 5 00 P. M. ; . - 'y - SXTliPAT EXTBA. " Leave Wilmington. . - - Leave Ocean View. 8 30 A. H. 8 IS P.M.- ;U 5 SO P. M. 7 80 P.M. SUNDAY EXTRA BETWEEN WRIGHTS V ILLX ASO OCEAN VIEW. . Leave WrlghtsvlUe. Leave Ooean View. 8 00 A. M. T J SO A. M. -;. 10 00 A. M. 11 00 A. H 100 P.M. 8 15 P, M. 4 CO P.M. 7 80 P.M. : ' REGULAR SCHEDULE. -,; DAILY. : Leave Wilmington. Leave Ocean View. 6 80A. M. - - 7 46 A.M. ' 10 10 A. M. , 18 80 P. M. ' . . 8 80P.M. : -- - j-"-- 8 45 P. M. T-' 5 10 P. M. : 6 OOP. M. ; 3 .7 15 P. M. - - I 10 00 P. M. '.." B3X7NDAY TRAINS. . . 1- : Leave Wilmington. . LeaveOeean view.; Z . 10 10 A. M. .- v:;."' 13 80 P. M. - . ;' 8 to P. M. v S 00 p. m. - r 7 is p. h. '7 v S OOP. Si- - t V - - B. O. GRANT, S. c ang s tt -: ". SaserintenOent. On account of the High Pbioe of: Feed and other necessary expenses,: we,Hhe undersigned Iiiverymen, find it impossible to do' business at the old rates, and have agreed to the following , rates, effective August lBtn, iaui; ; One Horse and YeMcle $14.50 SaftOBHoml!fSil2.50 - Ponies 5112.50 : it s: j. COWAN LIVERY CO., ' ORRELL & CARROLL', S. J. DAyiaa lOt S HEW UULLETS. 1,150 Pounds Bow Mulletsy 1.883 Pounds Old Mullets; ? - 791 Pounds White Fish. : 816 Barrels 1-10 Pleur.f " 811 Barrels 1-8 Flour. 208 Barrels 1-4 Flovr.- : - 1 10 Barrels 12 Flour. .V 215 Barrels Best Flour. :. 106 Barrels Bumker HUL 1 19 Barrels Zeb Vanee. V. : B. COSTEH, Wlioleaalo-Crroeor aaa. ato. sis Hntft street. -jy si tf AdmiinslnratofsIToticc. TTivlnir nnallflAd HOTEL, . Galled The Mullet Season Aamlnlstrator of the .; Men. deceased, this is - t estate of John Henry Boesch. d to notify all persons Indebted to the aeceasea to make Immediate payment to me, and all per- - sons to whom he was indebted win present . their claims to me,properly prOTenbeforetfie sth day of July, 1908. or this notice will be pw ? inbarpt recovery.. --Z::-7rA& jTms tne sra oay ox wmy, iw. jZaBOWOB'4 Administrator John Henry wpoCTAT.T Attorney, v .-.; A. J. 1IT. OFFKW BXT- mBXAIUBT -wiliiBffton. I J. oerrlsinK'.Ai-M)naaAia will be re- August KWmZTn. 8 o'clock P. M. on the celved at.thlapffl Iit then opened for 1901, and then opened tor 5th day oiESSTmif Quarters tie c. oni-ntlM EtflLHon. cane - Orews a Unmrtm.nca with drawiiiv and f s, copies of wbfehmay be bd; at. : a ot the Bnpfcrvwm Archlte -? by f 1 1 ti - - 1 V ''TP fl;

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