Itecd JERttS SUBSCRIPTION, flatioa Urer Than Tba Any Other Daily News- One Yeauv by-Mavil, $5.00 Sli'stJi4i0f Wilmlost011 Three Months, 1.25 Twe Vntlk::Mitl'M .iHtLNBW a DllTre to subscribers 1m tat IN THE STATE. St VOL. LXVm.-NO. 123 . WILMINGTON, NI C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1901. WHOLE NO. 10,603 X City t 4S Csnts per If omtsu a as -. - - - r m -. mm - - m a -. .- rv - - n - . - - : . m - - . v ana a a m. - - r - m ner ruw" a i -i I I - n - 11 11 J . w -iim 1 1 , t I i vj 11 " 1 xi .- ii - - - .. -- n' -'.. 11 .ill . -. f I w nklisllfl in - B I -; ,.- I I - I I Hill A . - ?'- I .-: M ;- I I U l II ;i: I V - : t : i X'U -'z II 'I ' V"J - l II .- . ' " : WK .- - W I I - i-J - J . V II T. rV .;-,-.- ' - I -i Jt "r- Y I : 1 1 II II II' -zm -.-- .. . - w - J . W - X - . V .- : - .r M --- 1 - 1 llj: 111 fl r. I . . a I : ' ' 1 . - 1 ... 1 4 OUTLINES. Inder Frederick M. Wise, U. Unf heart disease L-Two young women drown- while bathing. n. Vr has secured a divorce. L: .Annrted aU over East liu' . j Qua storm is ueTci ngth, ana nara wm. t New Orleans. In Pitt C., William liaraner ana shot and killed eacn otner. her army from Colombia haa Venezuela. lre aes" Water works crib in the lake and, Ohio, resulting in the ten men. iuonuw rispi took place vesteraay a Virginia uemocrauc Vvon- iominated Montague forQov- iHalf the town of Uoal Ureek inundated, the damage will busands of dollars. N. Y. Money on call quoted steady per cent. ; cotton dull, mid-. llands 8c; flour easier out not Iheat spot weak; No. 2 red n-spot weak, No. 3 63ic; bt dull. No. 2 40c; rosin quiet; turpentine quiet, EATHER SEPORT. . i)KP'T or agbiotji.ttjh, LMISGTON, N. U., AUg. 14 1 I a -sa n . feratures: a a. m., to degrees; 78 degrees; maximum, 84 de a 1 . MA kinimum, 73 aegrees; mean, yd, ill for the day, .06; rainfall It of the month to date, 3 20 of water in the Cape Fear river iteville at 8 A. M., 28.8 feet and img is issued ioai toe vp "1 11 A A 1 1 ter will reach but not greatly the danger line at Fayetteville rday morning. )TTON REGION BULLKTIH. decided temperature changes curred. Rains have fallen in ill districts with heavy local i in North and South Carolina, and Mississippi. R&infall at, , 2 34 ; Newborn, 1.41; Char- 02. FORECAST FOB TO-DAY. HISGTOK, Aug. 14 For INortn 1 . 1 J . I ria : uiouay, unseiiit-u. weiiurr o w ers Thursday Friday ; ast to southeaii v'i rt Almanac---Aoajut 15. ses. 5.18 A.M. lets.. 6.50 P.M. - Length Vater at South port. .Vater Wilmington. 13H.32M. 817P.M. 10.47 P.M. bpestoni 111., pays its mayor tits a year and its councilmen But they don't devote all their ,o running Hoopeston. isonn ana Jansas ngure con- bly in the Boer war. They 15,000,000 worth of horses and for . the use of the British py are already beginning w losticate asto the size of this a cotton crop. The New York u from reports of oorrespon- figures up from ten to eleven in bales. na believes in putting on style ime8. She is going to erect as a nee for her Minister in. . Wash h one of the nobbiest houses in wn. Wu Ting-fang ought to a nice shack. ontana Judge says he was I jd by the Montana Copper Com- 1250,000 to decide a case in its but didn't take it. Gee whiz! strange things sometimes hap- ut in that country. b fellow who wrote the plank .e Iowa Bepublican platform ring that the war in the Philip- was not for aggrandizement, or humanity, ought to hire jelf to Borne comic paper as a prist. ,oae repudiated Southern bonds that New York syndicate is to try to have made valid nt in the aggregate to f 155, J56. It is said it has scraped far bonds to the amount of ,000. miral Sampson has asked to be ed of the charge as com- ant of the Boston Navy-yard, to strength to stand the racket of chley Court of Inquiry, where fill be a star witness. -There p t seem to be anything , the ter with Schley's stomach. he New York Sun rises to ask, ea a republican form of govern it exist where the negro is dis jchised oris intimidated?" The liry is not germane. The negro pt disfranchised or intimidated lie South. Only a certain class iegroes is disfranchised, and as intimidation that doesn't exist more than it does in the North, re workmen are somethimes in ned that they must vote as their Jloyers do or hunt other jobs. VETERANS IN CAMP. Number Now in . Wilmington and . at the Sound Estimated at . Five Hundred. N. cTHE PROGRAMME FOR TO-DAYi Inclnded la Order Issued Yesterday Even ing fea. Matt Ransom Will Speak it 3 P. M. To-day Division . . and Brigade Elections. ; Every train yesterday increased the erowds of veterans and their friends, whore here and at the beach and sound for the reunion and encamp ment at Wrightsville. It is conser vatively estimaiad that the number of veterans alone already here will reach five huifdred and this number is ex pected to be increased, to fully one thousand to-day. At- the eamp last night, of course, everything was in confusion on account of the late arri val of a majority of the delegations.! but to-day, will find the Qld soldiers observing: strict routine : and'en joying themselves as only veterans of a civil war can. General Carr, commanding the Division, is already on the grounds and Adjutant General H. A. London, his chief of staff is also here. Most of the brigade commanders and their, ad jutants are also in the city and in camp. - ; i The local entertainment committee is doing its full duty and Cape Fear Camp, of this city, is well represented In camp. ' Members now remaining in the city are called out by Commander Metts this afternoon and are expected to leave this mornins: or this afternoon in time to take part in the camp exercises and to hear General Matt W. Ransom,, who arrived in the city last evening and will speak this afternoon at j 2: SO o'clock from the pavilion on the camp grounds. It is also requested that ' as many as possible of the Daughters of the Confederacy go down to j camp aunng me aay anaespeqauy inl ine afternoon to assist in entertaining' the old soldiers. There will be ample train facilities for returning: to the city in the evening. j The following general order fissued by Major. General ' Carr yesterday evening outlines the camp routine" to day : ; Headquarters N. O. Dir., X7. a V., Camp Aycock, Wrightsville, . August 14. General Order No. 16: The following; is. announced as the programme for to-morrow, the 16th inst.: Reveille. .......... ... ...... 6 KX) A. M. Guard Mmrnt . ww'SOi-i, : Mess Call. 7:30 A, M. Prayers 8:00 A.M. Sick Call. - 8:30 A. M. Officers' Call 9:00 A. M. Assembly Call .11:00 A. M, Mess Call 30 P. M. Assembly Call 3:30 P. M. Parade Call 6:00 P. M. Mess Call 7:00 P. M. Tattoo...... I. .....9:00 P. M. Taps.; .....9-0 P.M. At the assembly call at 11A.M. a business meeting will be held and the annual election of district and brigade commanders will be held. At the as sembly at 3:30 P. M. an address will be delivered by Gen. M. W. Ransom, to which the public is cordially invited. By order of Maj. Gen. J. 8. Carr. H. A. London, Adjutant ; General and Chief of Statf. j General Notes Aksnt Camp. Gen. Ransom, who - arrived last evening;, is the guest of Capt. W. R. Kenan at the beach. The Second Regiment Band has been secured to furnish music for j the vete rans to-day. - The Seaeoast railroad people hope to arrange to-day a schedule of extra trains for the benefit of those in camp and those desiring to visit camp. , Dr. Holliday.commanding the Samp son Camp of Veterans, brought down a fine lot of men. Their weights range from 180 to 250 pounds each. Among the prominent veterans pres ent yesterday were Brigadier Generals W. L. -London and F. M. Parker, Pittsboro; Maj.. H. A. London, chief of staff, Pittsboro; CoL T. M. Emory, Weldon;Capt. J. H. Currie, Fayette ville; Maj. Edwin Bully, Rockingham; Maj C. D. Barden, Salisbury; Maj. J. P. Leach, Littleton; Maj. W. A. 8mitb, Ansonville. 3. Prominent Woodmss Coming.' Mr. A. C. Fine, chairman of the Board of Southern Managers of the Woodmen of the World, will make an official visitation to Live Oak Camp No. 6.r of . this city. . to-night at 8 o'clock. Mr. Fine will arrive on tnis evening's A. O. L. train. - As will be seen rby reference to an advertisement in another column the Woodmen " are expected tomeet In Germania Pythian Lodge room ln stead of Castle Hall in the MacRae building as usual. - A full attendance is desired. i Entertainment by Orphans, f The children of the Odd Fellows' Orphanage at Goldsboro; came up to the city, from Southport yesterday Afternoon and are guests1 of the Wil mington. Odd Fellows. Last night a very creditable entertainment was given in the Y. M. a A. auditorium, which betokened careful ana exceuen training by those . In charge of the Home. To-day the children . will visit WrightsTille Beach. I. . - . .. m " - 7,::- " NEW ADVERTISEMENTS " ! . Attention Cape Fear Camp. Str. Oompton Grand excursion. Meeting Woodmen of the World. K.. of P. Atten'n Germania Lodge. S 1 , BUSIKKS8 UK7ALS. " : . : .Wanted Furnished bed room. " . j co day - Al VYKIUnidVlULC. C. Underwriters' ' Association and Knifhts of Honor Held Meetlnfs There Yesterday. Yesterday, was a day of conventions at Wrightsville . Beach. Two sessions of the North Carolina Fire Under writers' Association were held in the Assembly room of the Carolina Yacht Club during the day and two sessions of the Grand Council. Knights . of Honor of North Carolina; were held at the Seashore HoteL The morning session of the Under writers'. Association was called to order at U o'clock and continued until about 1:30 P. M. An afternoon session was held from 2:30 until 5:80 o'clock: The morning session was taken up principally -with routine business al though two excellent addresses were delivered by Col. Walker Taylor, the retiring president, and by W. J. Hunter, of Columbia, S. C., specfal agent of the Rochester German, Glen's Falls and New Hampshire Fjre Insur ance companies. : His subject was the work accomplished by the Asso ciation and along the - line of insur ance in general. t During the afternoon session the reports . of the various committees were received and the election of offi cers held for the ensuing; year. The election resulted aa follows: President C. F. Harvey, Kinston. First Vice President R. W. Mur ray, Greensboro. Second Vice President L P. Al bright, Burlington. Third Vice President W. J. Gris wold, Durham. . Secretary and Treasurer J. Van B. Metts, Wilmington. Executive Committee CoL Walker Taylor, Wilmington ; F. K. Ellington, Raleigh; H. C. Bragaw Washington; A. P. Weaver. Wilson; R. E. Coch ran, Charlotte. Delegates to the national association to be held at Put-In-Bay, Ohio, during September were selected as follows: a F. Harvey, Kinston; M. S.Willard, Wilmington; W. J. Griswold, Dur ham; W. T. Crumpler and Thos. Grif fith. At 5:30 o'clock the convention adjourned, subject to the call of the executive committee. After the afternoon session the visiting delegates were tendered a launch party by the local board of underwriters of Wilmington. The selection of a meeting place for next year's convention was left to the executive committee. All the dele gates attending express themselves as well pleased, with the beach and are warm in their praise of the courtesies shownlheat by the local agents hera Kalibts of Honor In Session. ' At 11 o'clock the opening session of the bi ennial meeting of the Grand Lodge, Kpights - of Honor, bt North Carolina, was held in the ball rosm of the Seashore HoteL The meeting was called to order with Grand ; Dictator JB. Whitaker, of Winston, in the chair, and P. O. Carlton, of Statesville, acting as Grand Reporter. The usual routine business was transacted and reports from various lodges received. Addresses were delivered by Grand Dictator J. B. Whitaker, Grand Re porter P. C. Carlton and Supreme Representative, Hon. Theodore- F. Kluttz, of Salisbury. The reports received indicate a very j satisfactory condition of 'the order. j A recess was taken about 13 o'clock, and an afternoon session was held from 3 till. 4 o'clock. This morning j the session will be called to order at 9 o'clock, and the morning will proba bly be taken up with the -election and installation of officers. It is expected that the business of the session will be concluded to-day. Among the prominent Knights at tending are Rev. Dr. L. A. Bikle, grand, chaplain, Concord; K. R. Jones) vice dictator, and W. F. Rountree, grand trustee, Newborn ; M. Jfetzer, assistant grand dictator. Concord; S. 0 Bcofield, grand treasurer, Davidson; Norman L. Shaw, past grand dictator, Warrenton; Thomas B. Beall, Salis bury; T. B. Wright, Winston; O.'L. Kilpatrick, Kinston; Dr. Frank Boitte, Goldiboro; Royal J. Btokely, Asne ville. - Yesterday's Arrivals. - Among yesterday's arrivals at The Orton- were: P. MacRae and Peter John, Laurinburg; Capt. J. u. Mar shall and. Capt J. R. Little. Wades boro; Judge T. A. McNeill, Lumber- ton; Capt. Frank uennew, Tvaaesr boro; W. J. Ashcraf t, ' Wadesboro; A. L Breece, Pemberton; J. M. Mil ler. Goldsboro; J. M. Spencer,. New- bern ; J. L. McNair, Laurinburg; C.T. Williams, Georgetown, 8. C; J. E Haywood and W. R. Tatum, McCall, 6. O. ; A. J: McKennon and children. Miss Thompson and Miss Williams, Maxton; E. Porter,-Bocky Point; J. O. Howie, Charlotte; Dr. and Mrs. W. a Bteele. Mrs. W. W. Reid and Miss irinMmM PattM. Mount Olive tL. E. Bryan,. Tarboro; J. L. McLean and Marvin Carter, Maxton ; Jno. C. Mo Millan, Teacheys; J. Sterling Jones, Greensboro; R. P. Caldwell, Lumber ton; Gus McCall and T. W. Bitch, Lanrinburc: J. W. Perry, Pollocks- yille. -. . .. . The club frolic by Hanover Seaside Club at Carolina Beach yes terday and last night was very largely attended and greatly enjoyed. There was music, dancing and other forms of entertainmen t. v : '-Vryh If you " wish ' a hoice chew try a plug of -the genuine Drummond Na tural Leaf. For sale by Samuel Bear, ; Sr., 18 Market street r .. . , - . t ; LOCALS SPLIT EVEN. They Took Two of the Four Games With Henry Bryan's Tar Babies" SCORE WAS FIVE TO FOUR. Single Batted Ont of Aox In Fifth Inning. . Refsn Pitched Splendid Ball, Bnt Was a Trifle Wild Charlotte Again . . V Defeated Rsleljb. TESTERDAY'S GAMES. Wilmington, 5; Tarboro, 4. Charlotte, 7; Raleigh, 6. . WHERE THEY FLAT TO-DAY. wiinungton at Kaieian. . Tarboro at Charlotte 8TANBING OF THE CLUBS. Won. ,. 19 ,. 15 .. 14 .. 14 Lest. 12 15 17 18 Per cent. .612 .500 .451 .437 Raleigh Tarboro Wilmington ... Charlotte ...... Wilmington made it an even break of the series of four games with Tar. boro here .this week at the ball park yesterday afternoon. The score was five to four, and the five hundred "faithful" who found their way put to the grounds were amply repaid, for their trouble and the price of ad mission. " . 3 . - The locals found Slsgle up in a bal loon in the fifth inning and batted him out for four runs, which, combined with one in the first inning, to make a lead that the Tartars couldn't over come. The game commenced at 4 o'clock with the visitors at the willow, and they landed two men safely home be fore Ragan could get control. ' Martin singled ; Puliefer fouled to Thackara ; Kemmer walked, allowing Martin sec ond and the bases were cleared On a two base hit by Weddege to left. Hempleman was thrown out by Thackara and Spratt flew out to McGinnis. When the ' Champions came up,- Clayton fanned; Devlin walked and scored on Warren's sin gle and McGinnis' beautiful two base bit Warren was on third with one man down. Allen hit to second and "Wallie" died at the plate; Frost flew tofirat - The run-getting machine slipped a cog and no mora business was done until the fiftb iuuiu hu the locals by bunchiag hits and taking advan tage of error piled up a total of four runs. Thackara hit double and Turner, Wilmington's new fielder, followed it up with another, scoring Thackara. Ragan struck out. and Clayton hit double and went to third onMartin error, scoring Turner. Devlin singled 'andCIaytoBsowSsdJ Warren: fouled to catcher, and Mc Ginnis hit to right and Martin's fum ble went to third and Devlin scored? Allen was' out, second" to first and the Grand Old Centre Felder, as is cus tomary, was left on third. ' It looked at least like a tied score in ' the ninth, but the Tartars couldn't quite span the chasm between five and two runs, although they got the run ner that would have tied the score as far as the third base. Bush drew four balls and Martin was out, second to first; Pulsifier got free transportation to the initial bag and Kemmer, next up, had been given three balls when Capt. "Tacks" Allen determined to put as end to the fireworks and Ragan was replaced by Hopkins Kemmer hit double, however, scoring Bush and Pulsifer." Kemmer stole third and Weddige and Spratt were out from the infield. The victory wss won by the locals five to four. THE SCORE BY IOTSTNGS. 123456789 BEX Tarboro 2 0000000 24' 7 2 Wilmington. ...10004000 5 8 0 Batteries : Slagle, Bush and Lehman ; Regan, Hopkins, and Thackara. . THE TABULATED SCORE. ' Tarboro. Martin, rf... Pulsifer, If. AB 3 4 4 3 5 4 -4 3 3 H PO .1 0 0 o 2 13 1 0 11 E 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Kemmer, lb Weddige, cf. . . . . . Hempleman, 2b. . Spratt, 3b -. 0 1 0 1 0 Ljenman, c. ..... . Gilligan, ss Slagle,p.... .... Bush, p..... 1 Total:,....... - Wilmington. Clayton, ss ..... . Devlin, lb .34 4 7 24 13 2 AB . 4 . 3 .4, .4 . 4 .4 . 3 . 3 . 3 . 0 PO 3 11 1 3 4 3 2 0 0 0 A 4 0 2 0 0 3 1 0 1 0 Warren, 3b ..... McGinnis, cf . . . Allen, If.... .... Frost, 2b..,....., Thackara. c.r. .. Turner, rf . , , , . . Ragan, p.. Hopkins, p..... . Total., 5 8 27 11 0 Summary Two base hits, McGin nis, Clayton, Thackara, Turner, Kem4 mer and Weddige; - three base hit, Hempleman; double plays. Warren to Frost, Spratt-' to Hempleman to Kemmer; base on balls, off Ragan 8, off Slagle 1; struck out, oy j&agau x, by Slagle 5, by Bush 1. Time, 125. Umpire, Mr. Mace. ' Attendance, euo. Newman and Dommel ? 1 ' Join Giants in Raleigh. v Well, we sjamboked 'em again. "Ohl what a fall, my" Logger heads. ' - - ' Not an error was recorded against the Giants. -. - .1 . . it was another interesting; game from start to finish. . .-. . And the Hornets shelled the Turtles again yesterday. McGinnis, Clayton, . Thackara and Turner each made a two base bit. Notwithstanding his wildnets at times, Ragan's curves are hard to hit Barely. " '-Sj '"'. " 1..-- That wonderful I boy, "Tacka" Allen, distinguished himself by mak ing two hits.;- '. '':':- '-;;'; ' S Cranston will leare for his home He leaves entirely of his own accord.' .1; The - signing of Newman and Dommel is expected t add materially to the strength of the Wilmington team; - Those who puffed" the unspeak able Weeks so endearingly must be deeply pained at his untimely tak ing off. ; . The Giants got into, a good bat ting streak and had lots of fun with Mr. Slagle until he was rudely jostled out of the box. Pitcher W. H. Newman tele graphed from Memphis last night that he would Join the team at Raleigh Saturday morning. - Newman was notified by tele-v ' graph last night to join our team at Raleigh immediately. L He is expected to pitch in Saturday's game. .. , Dommel" rehed bTali eisaH ing and went with the Giants to Hal eigh. He -will, cover first base and Devlin will play in left field. , The Hornets took three straight games from. the Loggerhead Turtles. And, don't you forget it, the tl,000 Beauties, Atz, Stanley and Smith, are all three with the Loggerheads. Turner, who has been engaged temporarily by Manager Oowan, played yesterday and made a twe-base hit. He is a good catcher, batter and out fielder. He accompanied the team to Raleigh, . , The News and Observer of yes terday says: "Report had it y ester day that New Orleans had at last put its cash where Raleigh could see it, and that Stanley and Atz would leave Thursday." . The Funeral Director of the Mourning Post and the D. D. (Dear Departed) of the N. and O. have doubtless made all necessary arrange ments to receive the remains of tbe Turtles at Wake Court House to-day. Slagle . stood the bumps and thumps of the Giants until the sixth inning. Then Manager Bryan touched a spring and the "Jack in the box" jumped but. Bush jumped In; but five runs "in the hand" proved to be "worth two in tbe Bush." The Dear Departed of the N. and sO. is hot on arithmetic. He said, yes terday : "Only two hundred per cent, ahead of the Lobsters is the Red Birds' record this A. M." As Wilmington was 419, two hundred per cent, more for the Turtles would give them 1,257 Instead of 633. Screams the Funeral Director of the Mourning Post : "The poor old Lob sters have fallen down three limes before the Red' Birds." Well, please let us know, in strict confidence, how many times the "poor old" Logger head Turtles fell down before the Hornets at Charlotte. The Game Yesterdsy at Charlotte. Kaleigh....:...0 0 5 0O3 0106 9 6 Charlotte. ... ...00020011 3-7 9 6 Batteries: Persons and LeGrande; Murray and Gates. PRETTY AFTERNOON WEDDING Miss Mimie Mclatfre Becomes the Bride . of Mr. Elmer Mason Jones, of Sa vannah The Ceremony. A quiet, -but exceedingly tasteful wedding was celebrated at Fifth Street M. E Church yesterday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, when Mr. Elmer Mason Jones, of Savannah. Ga., led to the hymeneal altar Miss Mamie Melntire, daughter of Mrs. 8. N. Melntire, of this city, and the two were made man and wife in a . beautiful service per formed by the Rev. Jno. H. Hall, pas tor of the congregation. The party entered the church to a beautiful wedding 'march skilfully played by Miss Elizabeth D. Burtt. The maid of honor, the bride, and her uncle, Mr. W. H. Newell, entered from the norh entrance of the church and they were joined at the altar by the groom and his best man, who en tered from the south door. The bride was handsomely attired in a tailor-made suit of mode cloth trimmed with bands of silk and hat to match. She carried an exquisite bou quet of bride's roses and maiden hair ferns. The maid of honor was Miss Lucile Hunting Newell, of Norfolk, cousin of the bride. J3he wore white chiffon with hat to match and carried a bouquet - of white carnations. ; ' The bride was given' away her uncle Mr. W- H. Newell, of Norfolk. , ' The best man was Mr. B. A. Jones, of Meriden. , Miss., ' brother of the the groom.- The ushers were Messrs. James 8. Williams, E. L. Heinsberger, Willie Herring and Dr. W. T. Smith. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Jones left on the southbound train for Savannah, their future home. Joint Pythian Meeting To-night. - . K The Pythian lodges of the city will be the guests to night of Germania Lodge No. 4, in joint meeting, the ar rangements for which are being made by a committee consisting of Messrs. H. L. Vollers, Jno. Haar and J. W. Duls. One of the features will be work in the third rank In long form by Jef ferson Lodge No. 61. As will be seen by , reference to an , advertisement in another column, the meeting will be held in . Castle Hall in the MacRae building instead of the regular lodge room of Germania, which has been turned; over for the evening to the Woodmen of the World, who will re ceive an official visitation from Mr. 'A. O. Fine,, there. All visiting Pythians are cordially invited." '"'.X: - The ; genuine Drummond Natural . Leaf, one of the most popular brands or cnewing tobacco ever sola in Wil mington. For sale wholesale and re tail by SAmuel Bear, Sr.f 18 Market ; street..v -it'ir-j--f'i'sy - at Washington, D." a, to-day TDE SUPERIOR COURT 1 he Two Capital Cases for the Term Were Called Dur : - r - ing Yesterday; SANITY OF EDWARD WILLIS. Attorneys for Negro Charged With Arson Sobmltted a Plea of Insanity Motion' -j for Contlnoance as to Wallace or SnbmlssioD, 2nd Degree. V ; . - The Superior Court yesterday was engaged for a part of the day with two of - the most .important cases on with murder, and EdV Willis, charged with arson. -The latter was in hearing as to the sanity of the defendant when the court adjourned for the day at 6 o'clock last evening, and the Wallace case is open on a conditional motion for continuance until next term.Tbe grand jury also made marked progress dur ing the day and will finish the business of the term on Friday. It adjourned last evening to assemble this morning and go out in carriages to the County Home and convict. camp at Castle Haynes. When this Is completed it will -met Friday morning in regular session and most probably adjourn for the term. The motion in the Wallace case in which the defendant is charged 'with the murder of Will. Dudley was lodg ed in the morning by Jno. H. Gore, Jr., and Robert Ruark, E&qs , who appear as counsel for Wallace by appoint ment of the court. It is for contin uance until next term to allow tbe attorneys opportunity for a prep aration of their case. The motion is contingent upon another to allow the defendant to submit to murder in the second degree, which Solicitor Duffy, now has under advisement. He said yesterday evening that he was unde cided as to the matter but was rather inclined from the evidence in hand to urge a verdict in the first degree. The case of Ed Willis for arson con sumed the entire afternoon session of the court and will likely require a greater part of to-day. C. D. Weeks and Marsden Bellamy, Jr., Esqs., ap pear for the defendant and Solicitor Duffy is assisted in the prosecution by E. M. Koonce, Esq., Jacksonville. The evidence thus far has been entire-' ly along the line of defendant's sanity or insanity and the crime' with which he is charged ' has not yet been entered into. . Four witnesses for the defence were examined yester day and there are yet fifteen or twenty to b3 heard,4 nine of whom are for the 8tate. In the meantime Drs. C. D. Bell and AHHarrUs&- havat been re quested to mike an. examination of tbe defendant Willis, who is a paralytic and said to be subject to epileptic fits. As he was placed in the prisoners' box in the court room yesterday afternoon, heu toppled . from his seat and ap- peared to suffer from a very violent attack of epilepsy. 'He soon recovered, however, and the trial was entered upon. The witnesses examined were Hester Brown; mother of. the defendant, D. W, Teachey, Rev. Jacob Onslow, Ashley Fleming; all colored, and Dr. A. H Harriss. who was on the stand when a recess was taken. Stab readers will remember that the charge upon which Willis is held is the burning of a colored woman's house in "Brooklyn" several months ago. He was held at the instance of Chief Schnibben, who found him at the scene apparently in wild glee over his crime! Of the talesmen summoned for the day, Seth A. Robbins, L. H. Burnett, J. F. Jarman, J. O. Brock. W. H. Memtt. A. Bos well, Jas. W. Jack son and J. N. Shepard were excused. The following, routine cases- were heard during the day : Wm. Johnson, violation of city ordi nance in ; not - providing his vehicle with a tag as required by municipal ordinance: argued as to law before Judge Allen by Judge E. K. Bryan, counsel for defendant, and continued until tc-day at 3.P, M. . Isham Peoples, assault with deadly weapon, trial by jury and verdict not fcmjity. v ; ... . . David weal, submitted to carrying concealed weapons, case left open. -- John Wallace, murder, motion by defendant for continuance unless the proposition to submit to a verdict of murder in the second degree is accept ed. Motion left open. Henry Davis, assault with deadly weapon; defendant sentenced to pay the costs and fine of 5. Charles Harrington, assault with deadly weapon; judgment suspended on payment ' of costs; defendant paid $5 and recognized, with W. A. Bonitz as surety; for balance ; of costs by next term.- . . . - '- '--' Henry Hobbs, attempt at criminal assault upon Mrs. Ephraim Dale ; not a true bill by grand jury. The following talesmen were drawn for to-day : ; J. 8. Sellers, Andrew Blair, J. F. BaggettvW. J. Croswell, Jr., W. F. Furpless, R. L. Jackson, F. Bagley. Chas. H. Thompson, E. T. Mason, F. A. Mason, A. H. Morris, J.D. Rowan, E. J. Taylor, A. C Pen ton, O. B. Clowe, Ed. S. Herring, B. 8. Herring, H. M. Chase. - LOCAL DOTS. It is stated that the A. C.Li. will build an ice house at Florence, 1 8. O., in the near future. - ; ; ' : Sch(er'.'7o;ji which j sailed from Wilmington July 26tb, ar rived at Mayaguez, P. B.t on August An excuraiontroni - Asheborjo. and High Point is scheduled to arrive in the city to-day' rand iretorn .to-mor- - row arenmgv' irl:'!: r- As the Staa employs no trar I elling agents, bills are -sent direct to subscribers. These bills, should re-. ! ceive prompt attention. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Miss Alice T. Davis, of Bock ingham, is visiting relatives here.. . r--The family of Bey; J. N. Cole is in Virginia to spend the Summer. Mr. B. T. BiYenbark, of Wil lard, N. Q, was in the city yesterday. Mr. Marion Marah, of Lynch burg, Va Is visiting his aunt, Mrs. T. E. Davis. V . . - Mr. E. M. Johnson, of Wil lard, and Mr. J. O. Carr, of cWallace, are in the city. ". : v. . ' Misses Lilly and Carrie Drew, two popular young ladies of South port, returned home yesterday. i - V-:-iTr. Mrs, John Dyer and son have returned to Savannah after a very Mrs. J, W. Lamb and daugh ters, Misses Annie and Fannie, of Goldsboro, are guests , of relatives in the city. ' Mrs. Arthur G, Prempert and children returned to Winston yester day after a pleasant visit to friends in the city. Mrs. Sarah Willis and Masters Ernest Willis, Carl and Thomas Lee Taylor, of Newborn, are visiting rela tives here Miss Hattie V . Hodges and Master Chas. B. Hodges, of Sanford, Fla., are visiting their aunt, Mrs R. H, Pickett. Mr. Edmund Hawes and sis ter, Miss Maggie, of Atkinson, N. C, passed through the ciy yesterday en route to Southport Misses Mamie and Callie Bil ker, of Goldsboro, are guests of Mrs. Otto Banckon Red. Cross street be tween Front and Second. Miss Lydie White, after a pleasant visit to Wilmington, returned home yesterday to Fayetteville, much to tbe regret of her many friends. Mr. Fleet Dunlap, of Anson ville, N. C, is in tbe city, the guest of his friends, Messrs. Allie and Joe Mitchell, No. 7 South Fourth street Gen. T. F. Toon, State Super intendent of Public Instruction, and Hon. B. F. Dixon, State Auditor, are here to attend the Veterans' reunion. Friends of Mr. H. L. Fennell will regret to know that he is confined to his home with a severe attack of lumbago. The report that he suffered a stroke of paralysis is a mistake. , Mrs. M. F.' Heller and Miss Porter, of Kingstree, 8. C, and Mrs. Leon Pearsall, of Rocky Mount, were here yesterday to attend the Small bones Porter wedding which took place in St John's Episcopal church yesterday, evening at 6 o'clock. The horse editor of the Stab had the-pleasureoi meeting yesterday his bid friend J. Luther McLean, of Maxton, who is here to participate in the reunion of Veterans. Although a veteran, "Cousin" Luther is still "one of the boys." as was shown by his I hilarious eniovment of the o-amn of I hilarious enjoyment of the eame of baseball in the afternoon, The Newborn train yesterday brought in a large party of Jones and Onslow county citizens to attend the veterans' reunion and other events at the beach. In the party were CoL Cyrus Fpscue, Messrs. R. F. Hinton, Wm. Simmons. Jas. Rhodes. O. V. Justice, George Harold, Edgar Elliott andT. B. Henderson. General Purchasing Agent F. H. Fechtig, of the A. C. L., has re turned from, a short vacation spent most pleasantly in the western part of the State. He left his family at Lin colnton, where they will remain some time. Her many, friends here will be glad to hear that the health of Mrs. Fechtig, who had been - quite feeble prior to leaving home, shows marked improvement. t , ... ; Mr. W. A. Biach, General Au ditor of the Atlantic Coast Line, left last evening for New York, where he will be joined by Mrs. Biach lor a trip abroad. They will sail on the steam ship Umbria Saturday morning, going direct to Scotland.where they will spend some time. They may also visit other parts of Great Britain and make a run over to, the Continent and will . not be back borne until the early part of October. Their troops of fiiends wish them a most delight ful period of enjoyment STATE GUARD ENCAMPMENT. It Came to a Close Yesterdsy Morning. ' Soldiers Retnrnlsr Home. J j ' Pursuant to orders from headquar ters the First Regiment North Caro lina State Guard, left Camp Aycock yesterday morning and their evacua tion was closely followed by an occu pation by. the Confederate Veterans. The troops left on. special trains via the S- A. L. and A. C. L. early yester day; morning and by Jthis time the companies are again safe at home. . The encampment of the First Begi meat was a great success and members and officers were - well .- pleased with their outing. All the regiments in the Guard have now had ten- days . each at the Sound and when the Veterans are goneday after to-morrow; Camp Aycoek will be no more.' s Arson Case To-eay. , The case ol H. Hanser; charged with arson, was called before Mayor pro tern West in the municipal court yes terday morning but upon motion of counsel for the prosecution, the hear ing was postponed until the same hour to-day pending whch time Insurance Commissioner ' Young- expects to gather additional evidence Mr. Young has - associated with - CSrj-s Attorney R11am v in this nrosecution of.the ease S Herbert X McClammy,5 -EsqwQf (his city -i fi' r if J - - NEW ADVEETISBMENTS. 66 Match It 53 "CHEROOT" The world wonder, you can. "Match It' If "SHOW DOWN" Tobacco Cant't be beat. Sold Take no other. everywhere. "CUBAN BLOSSOM" i Oisara Is the finest 5c Cigar sold here or any where. Try them. If vour dealer don't have them the next man has. Toilers & flasfiagen, , au 11 tt " : - ' :.. , Grand Excnrsion To Southport and Ten Miles to Sea On comfortable and commodious steamer ' COMPTON, Saturday and Sunday, AoKust i7tb and 18th. Boat leaves her wharf on Baturda at 11 o'clock A. M., and Sunday at 9-AS A. M.. returning reaches the cltv at 6:20 p. M. fata ! on either boat as cents round trip. For those -wbowlshto spend a pleasant day and enjoy tbe aea breezes there Is no more delightful i trip Tbe boat passes In roll view and BtoDDiDar at Old Brunswick. Fort Fisher, Southport, Fort Caswell and then ten miles to sea. Go and take -your friends with you. W. A. SANDERS, aogiKim . master. Bagging and Ties. Can Ship Promptly. 2,500 Rolls Bagging. 4,000 Bundles Ties. 1,000 2nd hand Machine Casks. 160,000 Lbs. Hoop Iron. 35 Barrels Glue 1,000 Kegs Nails. l.OOO Bushels W. G. Meal. 1.000 Bushels Corn. 1,000 Bujshels Oats. Also sixty-three car loads of other groceries. Get our prices. D. L GORE CO., Wholksaue qbocsrs, ; lao, 128 and 124 North Water street, ' ly 80 tf Wilmington, N. O. For Sale or Rent. ' Desirable Cottage On Wrightsville Beach. Just com pleted, containing eight Booms. Possession at once.. Apply at 18 Market Street. aalltf . HRW FTITI T RTl 11 13 11 LIU ULILt I 1,150 Pounds New Mallets. ' 1.868 Pounds Old Mullets. 791 Poanda White Fish. 216 Barrels 1-16 Flour. 31 1 Barrels 1-8 Flour. 208 Barrels 1-4 Flour. 110 Barrels 1-2 Flour. 215 Bsvrrels Best Flour. 106 Barrels Bunker Hill. 119 Barrels Zeb Vance. W. B. COOPER, i, .Wholesale Grocer sosl no, su Nntt street, ' Jy 81 tt WUmlngton.W.O. Woodmen of the World. Live Oak Camp will meet to-night at Castle Ball ot Sermanla IiOdge, K. of P Front between Market and Dock streets. Mr. Av O. Fine, Chairman Board ot senior Managers, will be eeenc, ana wisnes to mees every wooanutn in Umlneton. "GEO. C. JACKSON. Chief. K. D. WAHBEN, Ooa. Oommander. aa 15 It Cape Fear Camp. AU members of Cape Fear Camp, No. 254, V. G. V., are requeeted to attend the Veterans Re union to-day, at Camp Aycock. , . - jas. i. MZTra, ; angisit -.3 oeonnaaoer.i. Attention Germania Lodge; - The joint meeting of the tour Pythian LodRea to nave been held to-night in our Castle Hall, win be held In the Castle Hall ot the other Pythian Lodges in the McBae battdlnir instead. : S, -G. F. SCITTEB. C. O. " JNO. HAAS, K. of 8;. and 8. . - - ang 15 It . rflRXAStTBT PKPABTMXSt' OFFICX BTJ- per pervlslntc Architect. Washington. D. C. August ft, 1901. Bealed Propoeais will be re- celved at this office nntn 8 o'clock V. M. on the 5 th day of September, 1901, and then opened for tie construction of Quarters Xor Detained; orews at the V. B. Quarantine Station, Cape Fear, N. in acooraanoe with drawing' and speclflcatlons, copies of which mar be bad at the discretion ot the Supervising Architect, by applying to this omce or totne Medical omcer In command at TAYLOR, Bupei intbport, H. C. - JAMES KSOI ig Arcmtect. thsatn mam ot ' iSoard at SotitlTpbrti Board, Stuart House, Southport' A few vacant rooms for first time this season. Special rates to families and parties by week or ten days. v'1- -'' Rock Spring Hstel FOB BXNT. fifteen- rooms with Improvements. ADDlV to :: D. O'CORNOB, " : Real Estate Agent. ang 13 St Holpv Wanted.' aasBssBssassBBs . - - -" .' .t"r, - . . .:. - c - ;- " A young man, 15 to 17 years of age, ; ; a resident of Wilmington . "hojean -Set type cerrectly, is wanted as copy TlaiZU : fe STAR OFFIOE. : or wmieasefor attrmofyears, ; -'.. . . . - ir the Double store on Water street, between Oheannt end Mulberry , occupied several years by the wu- - lard Lag Hannfaetory. t ,, - . D. O OONKOB. Vy.i, "-:,;"t ; Beat Estate- Agen V v r uMtf V! I v. - v '.-;.S is v f