s. - rRnm-Flde, Eyery-DaX TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION Jon LarfcrThM That V Other Daily News rj published in I Wilmington- t Oil Yer, by XXsvil, $6.0oJ i Six Heaths, . M - 8.60$ Three Mentha, M V 1.25 T Twe ZXenths, M 1.00 L "7nkwspapbb tDsUvsre to Subscriber In thee . City at 4 5 CSmts per Blesitlu X I IBB STATK. X VOL. LXVin. NO. 126. WILMINGTON, N. C, SUNDAY, AUGUST 18, 1901. WHOLE NO. 10,606 Morning Star. - II HI IK Rowing OUTLINES. Jns were " , Isli inj"ed in a vtu"j iri Chicago. elve Armenian vhjk, rs were uuiv- r at HWt lorm was sew Ural buildings were wown hers damaged. The nt Colombia nas esia?. U posts along the Panama L Chauncey Boyer was ed by 0. A, Brookm near The concentration L's troops on the borders it is said, is for the pur- Wer, in pursuance wnn lj;cr with iiora js.cn- Charleston received the aew crop cotton yesterday, vy Department is hurry the scene of the Oolom ,1a trouble. - A. loco icdintoa crowded trolley dyn; six people reported wenty injured. The ation at Asheville, N. C, ns on all main lines are -Steel workers in mills :ee and Wheeling -have strikers. No loss of led' on the Gulf coast be- but numerous disasters to A pilot boat was 'and sunk by a steamer V nr IT harbor and four f drowned. New Its- Money on call nominal, (dy; middling uplands 8c; End about steady; wheat No. 2 red 73Jc; corn spot Ipot quiet and steady. No. 3 buiet; strained common to jal.45; spirits turpentine Si36c. . THER REPORT. CODRT ADJOURNED. THE QDJ! REP0RT FINAL LEAGUE GAME. CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. August Term of One Week Ex pired by limitation Last Midnight. HAUSER INCENDIARY CASE. Defendant Qaye Increased Bond Motion to Quash Continued With Trial Until November Matter lavolvinf City Tax Ordinance. litp'T of Agriculture, weather Bureau, biGTOir, N. 0., Aug. 17. ) kures: 8 A. M., 79 degrees degrees; maximum, 84 de lirium, 74 degrees; mean, 79 for the day, .98; rainfall f the month to date, 4.35 Ion region bulletin. kn is central north of Mem- omincr and has diminished fy. Heavy rains have fallen Is cleared on the Gulf eaasjyjjSgjiuT OAST FOB TO-DAV. " V anr gto, Aug. 17. JJ'or worm tThe Gulf storm has ad it little daring the last Jar hours and has diminished in energy. From present Is high winds are not proba- fcourse within the next thirty- Cloudy, with occasional lunday and Monday ; warmer trior Sunday ; light southerly Almanac.--Angnit 18. 5.20 A.M. 6.46P.M. leth 13H.26M. ter at Southport. 10.05 P.M. ler Wilmington. 12.85 A.M. laid that the janitors in e Northern cities propose !g. If this scheme mate- may result in lock outs. ppper pie is considered a 1st in the Philippines. At sons in some sections of this we might import Filipi put them to use as pie- &d that if Sir Thomas Lip- that cup back to England b elevated to the Peerage, anto it, as it were. But 'many a slip betwixt the liip"-ton. aing to the latest official i x ranee, xne popmawou ia 141,3.33, a gain of only 412,- ie past five years. The gam pally in the towns. Many tral districts show a loss. Sage, started out for him- or boy, without education, y he was rich, and now at ft eighty-six he is estimated th all the way from $150,- 1250,000,000 and isn't los- f it nor giving it away. 4. i -l i i -vr .teat rauroau scneme lUiiew It proposed stock company an elevated railway in New ich can make with safety Is an hour. We thought ig would happen when they talking about a 150 mile J England. jtated that the only . survi I of the late Premier Crispi, as a refugee from justice and ited felon with a long cnmi- u. He spent most of his reformatories and was final- sated in a burglary, when he country to keep out of The August- term of the 8uperior Court expired last midnight by limi tation. Judge Allen will leave at once to convene a special term of Pitt Supe rior Court, which, was made necessary by the continued illnesa of Judge Bryan, of Newborn. TheclSainc dav'a session was marked by a clearing up of the odds and ends on the docket preparatory to the next term, which does not convene until the first week in November. Th morning session was occupied princi pally in the hearing- of the case of Wm. m Johnson, a colored ice cart driver, for violation of the city ordi nance requiring all vehicles to be tagged. Judge K. K. Bryan appeared for the defence and City Attorney Wm.' J. Bellamy for the municipality. A motion was made by defendant to dismiss the warrant but the motion was refused and defendant excepted. A special verdict was rendered and the court held the defendant not guilty. The plaintiff excepted and appealed to the Supreme Court. The ordinance was found defective in that it made by its verbiasre "the truck, waeon. dray or cart' subject to the fine in- sieaa oi me drivers xnereoi. xrus jaw has been "on- the books for several years. Herbert McClammy, Esq., secured a new trial for his client, Jeff Bald win, charged with the larceny of a razor hone from his father-inlaw. A technicality in the testimony of wife against husband was raised and a former verdict of guilty set aside. Defendant was released on bail until next term. In the case of the Virginia Caro lina Chemical Company, vs. G. W. Westbrook. plaintiff moved for judgment by default, but it appearing to the court that this being a criminal term and that the defendant had no notice except sum mons in this cause, the court refused if , motion, and plaintiff excepted and Bk A . . ed; bond fixed at 35. Hurst, colored, was found guilty of larceny and sent to the roads for four months. In the case of J. W. Cotton vs. Mrs. Susan Moore, Eugene S. Martin, Esq., was appointed referee. In the case of Edward Wootten vs. W. & W. R. R, E. K. Bryan, Esq., was appointed referee. The most interesting proceed ing of the day was in connection with the Hauser case, in which the defendant is charged with burn ing his store- last Sunday night. The case was called and Solicitor Duffy asked that, the bond be made tLOOO instead of $400 as fixed in the municipal court. There was argument pro and con on this question which ultimately resulted in Judge Allen's naming the amount at $600, justified. The defendant is represented by Messrs. Bellamy Peschau and Brooke G. Empie, Esq. ; the prosecution by City Attnmev Wm. J. Bellamy, Herbert McClammy and Marsden Bellamy, Esgs. Upon the fixing of the bond, there was a plea in abatement and motion to quash. The motion was continued until next term. Leave was allowed the prosecution to amend and answer plea. The plea and motion to quash is as follows: The defendant Hauser, througn ms attorneys, hereby enters the following pleas in abatement, and requests the court to quash the bill of indictment found in this cause upon the following grounds: , First That the Solicitor of the Su perior Court, as he is informed and believes, while the grand jury was de liberating on the bill of indictment in this cause, was sent for by the grand iury and went into the grand jury room, before said body of grand ju rors, and was consulted by the grand iury as to the finding of the bill. ol That An of thm erand 1U- rors, H. Li. Peterson, has a suit Pnd ir, inH at issue in the Superior Court of this county. Third That the grand jury as now constituted is illegal, as they were drawn from a box the names in which were selected and the list revised in the month of July, 1901, when it should have been selected and revfced on the first Monday in June, 1901, and if then revised should not haye been added to or interfered with in July, 1901. , ' Th. tafAndant was ordered in cus- tody of the sheriff until the required bond was given. He went to jail, but at 6 o'clock last. evening the bond was arranged in the sum of $600, with the following sureties: H. Wentzensen, P. W.Ortmann, Paul Caase, F. H. Krahnke, F. G. Punke and Leger Meyer. The bond . is regarded as a Ter strong one. Very Comprehensive Insight to County Affairs as Returned to the Superior Court Yesterday Aflernooo. - To Hon. Oliver B. AUen, Judge pre siding: We, the grand jury for the August 1901 term of the Superior Court of New Hanover county, beg leave to make the following report: We have found twenty-nine true bills and three not true bills, and have made three presentments. There were three bills in which the witnesses could not be found, upon which no action was taken. We have .been somewhat hampered by the delay, in finding wit nesses, and, in our opinion, all wit nesses who are known to be needed at a certain session of court should be lo cated before court sits. The jury visited the jail and found it in good condition as to cleanliness. We heard no complaint from th pris oners as to treatment, those spoken to saying the treatment was good. We found the glass broken from some swinging sash in the basement. We would recommend that the glass be re placed and that suitable hooks be pro vided to fasten the windows back when open and prevent slamming by wind. The registers in the main -prison are worn out and should be replaced be fore waiter. There is also a broken pjace in ins iron ceiling or me Base ment which should be fixed. W viaitAn th a rnek auarrv and prison at Castle Haynes and found the prison in a cleanly condition, the prisoners well satisfied as to their food of which, in our judgment, - plenty is supplied. We would sugget that meat for the convict s be bought in smaller quantities than box lota, especially dur ing hot weather. We commend the county physician and the manager of the institution for the sanitary precau tions taken to guard the health of the inmates, there being only three fever cases and they are convalescent. The portable prison which is kept station ary here until needed for use on the road, should have boards placed urf der its wheels to protect the rims, as its weight sinks the tire under the sur face of the ground. From our obser vation, we are of the opinion that the work at tne quarry ana on me rosa being done as economically as possi ble under existing circumstances. The road plow or scraper we found about four miles from town just outside of the road in the bushes. We reoom that it 1m nlaced under shelter. as we understand it has been unused for a month or more. At the County Home we found a general cleaning up going on. The walls of the kitchen and colored dor mitory were being whitewashed. Iron covers for the cistern, spoken of by former grand juries, have been order ed and will soon be in position. We recomnrend that the broken terra cotta sewer under the lead pipes from the dormitory of the colored inmates be repaired and extended m such a manner as to take the water entirely away from the building, there being a bad washout under the pillars of the back piazza of this house. All the in mates of this home speak well of their treatment and our opinion is that a better keeper than the present encum- bent wouia oe nam 10 una. w e wm that tne Iron ceiling of (he kitchen should be painted as it is rusty. We note the change in the court room and believe it will tend to make it more comfortable for all who have business there. The painting which is in progress on tne interior oi me building is needed. We desire to call attention to cobwebs and dirt in the windows of several offices. We would suggest that the water in the base ment be attended to at once, and that the work be made permanent. Also, we recommend that the hall floor be strengthened by permanent posts and braces. Having finished our work we would ask td be discharged. T?Twrtfn1W submitted. J. F. LrrTLETON, Foreman. W. C. Armstrong, Clerk. Its Was Lost by Champions to Tur tles at Raleigh Yester day Afternoon. PLAYED IN A HEAVY RAIN. Manager Cowan Protested, Bat Jif Is Up With Association and Now We're Polling for Pennant Charlotte Forfeits Two to Tarboro. . YESTERDAY'S GAMES. Wilmington, 4; Raleigh, 7. Charlotte, 0; Tarboro,. 9 (1st). Charlotte, 0 ; Tarboro, 9 (2d). STANDING OF THE CLUBS. Raleigh Tarboro Wilmington . . . Charlotte Won. Lest. Per cent. 22 12 .647 18 15 .545 14 20 .414 14 "21 .400 Special Star Telegram. Raleigh, N. C, Aug. 17. Wil mington should have won in a canter to-day and would have done so had not the elements decreed to the con trary. In fact it would haye been a "shet out" For six innings the visitors had plenty of ginger and hit the ball hard, while Hopkins had the locals at bis mercy, only allowing one hit and a scratch. Then the trouble be gan. Rain set in and the game was called. After about ten minutes du ration, play was resumed Tut had to be stopped in short order on account of another hard shower, which lasted another ten minutes. Mr. Mace, for a third time, called the game, but at the time most of the people from the bleachers had sought shelter. Those who remained on the bleachers did so at the request of home players'. Capt. Allen requested Mr. Mace to wait longer, but ke refused and Man ager Cowan protested. The eighth inning, with Raleigh at the bat, was slaved in the rain. This was Mr. Mace's off day, as he made several erroneous decisions. Clay ton's short stop playing for the visitors was a feature. . the boors: by innings. 123456789 SHE Wilmington ...0 0801000 04 4 4 Raleigh 0 0010024 7 4 7 Batteries : Hopkins and Turner ; Per son and LeGrande. THE TABULATED SCORE. Wilmington. AB R H PO i Clavton. ss 4 Devlin, If 4 McGinnis, cf 4 Dommel, lb 4 Warren, 3b 4 Allen, rf 4 Newman, rr. 2 Frost, 2b 2 Turner, c 4 Hopkins, p 3 Urgaaizatioa Effected Last Night Purposes and Aims. A local branch of the Carpenters' and Joiners' Union of America was organized last night in Red Men's Hall with a charter list of forty-three members. The organization grew out of a mass meeting of the carpenters of the city, over which Mr. J. P. Stevens presided and at which Mr. H. R. Rhodes' acted as secretary. Mr. Rhodes, of Jackson ville, Fla., Mr.. Davis, of Charlqtte, and a gentleman from Atlanta made brief addresses as to the benefits to be derived from the organization of the union, and Messrs. J. Rv Davis- and W. B. Savage, of Wilmington, the latter of the Electrical Workers' TJition, also made brief addresses favorable to organization, the , pur pose of which' is for social -and be nevolent objects and opposed to strikes and in favor jof. arbitration i The charter list will remain open for two weeks and in the interim a canvass will be made for new mem bers. Meetings will be held ' each Saturday night at 8 o'clock until further notice. A vote of thanks was tender d' to the Red Men for the use of their hall. A Q00D WOMAN G0N6. LEAGUE SEASON ENDS No More Regular Series dames; But Pennant Contests Will be Hummers. AT RALEIGH LAST NIGHT, o 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 4 0 10 0 0 0 2 6 0 A 6 0 0 0 1 0 0 . 2 0 3 Death of Mother Mary Angastine Kent at Belmont, N. C, 0a Tbanday. Many friends in the city have heard with sorrow the news of the death of ' Mother Mary Augustine Kent, of the Convent of the Sacred Hart, Belmont, N. C, which occurred on Thursday of last week. She was well known by the Catholic Church throughout North Carolina, arid in her taking away her church has suffered an irre parable loss. v During the epidemic of yellow fever in Wilmington in 1862, she, with- two companions, came to nurse the fever stricken people.. Her gentle, Chris tian charity won the love and esteem of all. Again, in 1869, at the invita tation of Cardinal Gibbons, she came to Wilmington to establish a convent and school for young ladies. Solemn requiem mass for the repose of the soul of the dead was celebrated at the Cathedral at Belmont yester day, after which her remains were laid to rest in the Sisters' plot in the ad joining cemetery. BACK FROM FUNERAL. 4 4 24 12 AB R H PO A 1 0 1 0 2 1 10 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 2 6 1 4 s 0 0 0 1 4 1 I 0 0 LOCAL DOTS. ently deceased crank in who had accumulated amount of $60,000, willed to a servant, and -directed B remainder, after rjavinz his v a - e-i U expenses," be burned to rn the presence of witnesses. ?uld have taken it with him 1 doubtless have been burned i. -3L CaswX ' kr NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. N. P. Parker-In August. Geo. O. Gaylord Thank you. W. B. Cooper Liverpool salt. Carolina Yacht Club Regatta. J. W. Winders Ponies for sale, j Toilers & Hashagen "Match It" . faonic Meeting Concord Chapter. F. Robertson ljumoer oaxgaiu. Rhder & Co. Clearing sale. I .. , T S. & B. Solomon W nne nainsou. N. F. Parker "Behind the Scenes.? BUSTJrXSS fcOOALB. " For Sale Two cottages. r j. B. Quelch Farm for sale, p. H. Hayden Buggies, harness. Btr. Wilmington Excur'a Tuesday. The schooner Carrie A. Bucfc nam arrived yesterday with a cargo of cement. , About 350 people came on the Conway excursion yesterday. They returned last night about 7 o'clock. On next Friday night Manager Hinton will give a dance especially for the children at the Seashore Hotel. In the absence of the pastor, p., .Tniin TT Hall, services will be conducted at Fifth Street M. E. Church to-day by some visiting pastor. The men's meeting at the Y. M. C. A. this afternoon will be conducted by Rev. . A. Smith, of Fair Bluff. There will be a vocal duet and other special music A picked team from the A. C. Iu shops yesterday afternoon defeated the Wilmington High School Champions at baseball by a score of 7 to 3. Tbe game was at Hilton Park. Lieutenant H. M. . Chase yes trdav Insnected the Naval Reserves' cruiser Hornet preparatory to the trip AueustSlst. The Newborn Reserves will be asked to join the Wilmington boys on their outing. . A quantity . of lumber at Wrightsville Sound, in good condi tion, is offered, for sale in an advertise ment in the Stab to-day. To those in need of material of this character, a great bargain is offered. Work on new residences is in progress on South Front street for Messrs. W. A. McGowan and J. A. OrrelL In the same block handsome residences are being built for Messrs' W. J. Reaves and Ed. Taylor. The Boys' Brigade, of thia city, alwaya a favorite with Southport peo !. has been invited to participate in the Labor Day celebration there on onUmW 2nd. The ' Brigade will consider the matter of accepting the invitation Monday night. ( Pipkin'! Nexs Bxearslom ; Will be from Goldsboro to Norfolk, Washington and Buffalo September 4th. 19Q1; This will be a nine-day trip, and the fare from Goldsboro to BuK falo and return will oe oniy i.uy. For full particulars, route, etc., write ; Jo R. Jfi. xTPl janRK wmww Fruit jars and rubbers at BehderVt Total 35 "Raleich. Venable,ss 4 Hughes, cf. Kelly, lb. 4 Sorber, If 3 Hanuecar. 21 3 Cronin,3b 4 0 Curran, rf u LeGrande, c 3U Pflraon. ti 3 0 Tntl 30 7 4 27 10 7 Summary Stolen bases, Hennegar (2) and Devlin; double play, Clayton to Frost to Dommel; struck out, by Person 6, by Hopkins 5; passed ball, LeGrande and Turner; three base hits, Kelly and Hopkins; base on balls, off Hopkins 4. Time, 1:40. Attendance, 450. Umpire, Mr. Mace. Wilmington Did Not Quite Touch Bottom. Now for the eleven pennant games. They will draw well. Even with seven errors by Ra leigh, Wilmington could not win. Hopkins pitched an excellent game and also made a three-base hit. Crockett and High have been re leased from the Detroit American League team. Clayton showed yesterday that he can play ball, his work being a fea ture of the game. Manager Cowan protested the game yesterday for reasons given in the Raleigh special to the Star. Umpire Mace doubtless intended tn he fair, but he must know that Turtles are in their element when it comes to mud and water. The eleven pennant games are to begin at Raleigh Tuesday. Five games will be played there, the 20th, 21st, 22d, 23d and 24th. On the 26th one game will be played on neutral ground. The remaining five games will be played in Wilmington on the 27th, 28tb, 29tb, snrti and Slat. Of Friday's game the Raleigh Neves and Observer says : ."Wilming ton had at the slab a big fellow, a new man on the team and Newman by name.. He was a puzzler to the Red Birds and yielded -only four hits. These and the errors of Jack Frost and other Lobsters were sufficient to turn the trick." When Charlotte forfeited the two games to Tarboro - yesterday, the Queen City team waa in the league and remained there until it withdrew at night, consequently both games must be counted.againat the Hornets and for the Tartars, as appears in our percentage column this morning. Those who are subscribers to the baseball fund should . come forward manfully and pay the amounta due. Upon their return here' the players must be paid and the money is needed. The remaining eleven games will furnish an abundance of remunera tion for the subscription and it ahould in &11 honest v be paid. ' i -; ' Charlotte Forfeited Two Games.; v .; Coablotte, Aug. 17. Charlotte forfeited a" doubie-header to Tarboro today by refusing to play with the official umpire. - The - teams played two exhibition games, however, which resulted in scores:, Tarboro 10; Char lotte, 2 ; Tarboro, 0 ; Charlotte, 4. Members of Col. Elliott's Family Back from Fnneral of Their Uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Warren G. Elliott, Jr., Mr. Charles Elliott,and Mr. Milton C. Elliott returned yesterday from Norfolk, where thev attended the funeral of their uncle, the late Charles G. Elliott, who passed away at Heal ing Springs, Va., last week. Mr. Elliott was a native of Gran ville county, and a brother of Col. Warren G. Elliott, president of the Atlantic Coast Line. He has been Treasurer of the Norfolk and Southern Railway and held that position at the time of his death. He married Miss Jennette Cooper, daughter of tbe late Mr. J. C. Cooper, of Oxford, a sister of Mrs. W. H. White of Raleigh. He was a brave Confederate soldier and was always devoted to the Lost Cause and its memories. Charlotte Withdrew From Orfaabatioa and a Three-Club Association Was I Found Impracticable Proceed ings of Meeting ia Detail. ' Special Star Telegram. Raleigh, N. C, Aug. 17 The very checkered career of the Virginia-Carolina League is at last at an end. 3 It has received many bumps and thumps but it did not receive a "knock out until tO-night. The blow was deliver ed by Charlotte in the shape of a rMiiynatmn filed bv W. B. Dorr, of the Charlotte 'AwSc&tiosT The,-i'alitiiif tion was filed by wire to night at quite a unique meeting. The meeting was conducted over leased telegraph wire between Charlotte and Raleigh. All the clubs were represented. Upon the filing of Charlotte's resignation and notification of Tarboro that their club would report in Raleigh for schedule games next week, Manager Cowan, of Wilmington, refused to go to Charlotte unless a positive guarantee was given. Receiving a negative answer, he mo tioned for termination of the season to-night and demanded, immediately the playing of the pennant series, a three-club league being impracticable. Bryan, of Tarboro, demurred, but motion was carried, Wilmington and Raleigh voting in the affirmative. President Higgs, officially declares the season at an end. The pennant series of eleven games will commence Tuesday, Wilmington playing in Raleigh five games. Mon day, August 20th, sixth game of series will be played on neutral grounds and the other five games will be play ed in Wilmington, commencing on August 27th. Raleigh, N. C, August 17. A meeting of the Virginia-Carolina League , was held here tc-night Ra leigh and Wilmington were represent ed by delegates, while Charlotte and Tarboro acted by wire, the meeting being in a telegraph office.' Charlotte resigned from the league. Tarboro said it would Btick, but as a three-club league was impracticable, Wilmington and Raleigh voted to close the season at once, while Tarhpro voted against it. Raleigh wins the second series and will play thirteen games with Wilmington beginning Tuesday. Five here, five in Wilmington and. three on neutral ground. Charlotte withdrew as it re fused to accept Russell as an umpire. On August 10th Charlotte wanted to close the leaeue on August 15th. From Charlotte's Point of View. Charlotte, N.C., Aug. 17. Owing to what is considered unfair treatment by the president of the league in forc ing an umpire upon the Charlotte team, it tc-night withdrew from the league and the latter will disband. Wilmington and Raleigh will play the pennant series. CONVICT SQUAD REINFORCED. County Roads Will Have Services of Ten Additional Laborers. Twelve years and four months is the aggregate of sentences to the county roads at the term of Superior Court just adjourned. The number of con victs is ten and all of them except one are colored. The following list com piled by Capt R. M. Capps, the clever jailor, is worth the reading to those interested in county affairs: Jno. Bell, larceny, fifteen months; Geo. Robinson, larceny, ten months; Ben, Richardson, assault with deadly weapon, thirty days;- Mallie Russ, larceny, twelve months; Mack Taylor, house breaking, seven years; Joe Blocker, larceny, eight months; , Jas. Epps, damage to personal property, thirty days; Joe Hill, larceny, twelve months! Julius Mitchell, sssault and battery, thirty ,f day s ; George Hurst, larceny, four months. Copies of Public Laws. The Register of Deeds yesterday re ceived from the Secretary of State 86 copies of the Public Laws- of North Carolina for the session of the Legisla ture of 1901. These are for .distribu tion to the Sheriff . Register of Deeds, members of the General Assembly and justices of the peace of the coun ty. Those for the officers first named are full bound, while those for the jus tices are half bound. Copies of the "Public Documents" were receiyed for Clerk of the Superior Court and mem bers of the General Assembly. The Private Laws will be received in a few days.. ;' Excnrsloa Tuesday Night. The United Workers I of the First Baptist Church have a treat in atore for their friends and the public xues !& nifht from 8 to 11 o'clock. ' It Is a delightful excursion on the steamer Wilmington to the .."Rocks;' -ana re turn and every patron - is 'assured a pleasant evening. " The ' fare " for the round trip is only twenty five cents and refreshments ' will be served on board at reasonable , prices. Don't forget the date, the place and the oc casion. - In Memory of the North Carolina League . "After the balL" "Requiescat in pace." "The good die young." Let's take, a "high ball." "Sic transit gloria niundi." "De mortuis nil nisi bonum." "Sweet are the uses of adversity." "Othello's occupation's gone." So is that of the V. P. "Oh 1 what was I ever begun for If so soon I was to be done for?" The V. P. will now retire "to twilight cells and bowers, where thoughtful melancholy loves to muse." "Oh ! for a lodge in some sequestered spot; The world forgetting, and by the world forgot." The Elks' Carnival. Past Exalted Ruler H. J. Gerken, who is one of the moving "sperits" In the Elks' fair and carnival at Wil minirton in October, yesterday re ceived a telegram from Business Man- airer Leavitt. of the Bostock aggrega tion, stating that he would arrive iu the citv Monday to confer with the promoters here relative to bringing his attractions here. He should be given great encouragement by all citizens.' PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. Walter Wells, of Wallace, arrived in the city last evening. : J Gen. Julian S. Carr left on the north-bound train yesterday for Dur ham. Miss Lottie Long, of Mount Olive, is the guest of the Misses Wiggs, Campbell street. ' Mr. Charles A. Sternberger, of Philadelphia, is visiting his aunt, Mrs. L L. Greenewald. , . Miss Iva Kerr, of Kerr. N. C, who has been visting the Misses Mere dith, returned home yesterday. . Miss Pauline Howard, of Dan ville Va.k is visiting her brother, Mr. H. C. Howard, of this city. - MrV. Chas, E. McG wigan, of En field, Is visiting her brother, Mr. J. F. Whitaker, at 213 North Fourth street. Col. Cicero : Barker . returned on the Atlantic and Yadkin train yea- terdart his home at Salisbury , N. U . Miss Josephine Boney, of Clin ton, N. Cm is visiting Miss Bailie Mc Intyre, on Grace street. . The friends of Mr.: John D. Burkhimer will be glad to know that he was doir g well yesterday. Mrs. F. V. Burkhimer-has re turned from a pleasant visit to Savan nah, Darien and Brunswick, Ga. Mr, and Mrs. J A. Holloway, of Durham, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Burke, 209 South Sixth street. Misses Ida Page and Norrie Kelly, of Jacksonville, Fla., are visit ing Miss Annie Peterson, 5231 North Fourth street. Mr. H. M. Wiggs, of Edenton, N. C, is in the city, the guest of . his pare n to, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Wiggs, 214 Campbell street Maj. Edwin Sully, the genial commissary of the North Carolina Di vision, TJ. C. V., returned to Rock ingham, N. C, yesterday. Mrs. W. S. Miller, of Atlanta, Ga, is visiting friends in the city. Mr. Albert D. Miller has returned to Atlanta, after a very pleasant visit to the city. Mr. " and Mrs. J. H. Render will leave tc-night for an extended trip to Bedford City, Pa. En route they will stop in West Virginia to visit Mr. Rehder'a mother, whose health has been somewhat impaired lately. Rev. Dr. Tupple, of Atlanta. who will assume the duties of rector of St James' parish during the ab sence of Rev. Mr. Horsfield, arrived, yesterday via the' Seaboard Air Line, He will conduct the usual services at St. Jsmes' to-day. Mr. W. B. Harker, of Maxton, and his brother, Mr. J. W. Harker, of Bladen-, went down to Southport yes terday for a short stay at the hospitable Stuart House. The horse editor sug gested to them that if they fell over board, with Miss Kate Stuart in hail ing distance, they might count on be ing rescued. Soothport Trips To-day. Two trips on the steamer Wilming- I ton to Southport to day will doubtless carry a large crowd to the delightful resort at the mouth of the Cape . Fear. Many Wilmington people are already there, and you'll not feel lonely if you'll land in that neighborhood. Half a day can be spent at Southport and half a day at the beach. You pay your monsT onlv 25 cents and take vour choice. The first boat leaves at 9:46 A. M. ; the last at 2:30 P. M. Fruit jars and rubbers at Rehder'a. t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Match It" "CHEROOT The world wonder. "Match It" if you can. it SHOW DOWN Tobacco Cant't be beat. Sold everywhere. Take no other. "OBE1IO," "CUBAN BLOSSOH" Cigar Is the finest 5c Cigar sold here or any i m it ' t j i " wuere. xiy wem. i your ueaier don't have them the next man has. Yollers & Hashagen, au 18 tt T . ' - ' r " TRY US. We have Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Cakes, Crackers. Candies, . Soap, Snuff, Soda, Starch, Lye, Potash, Lard, Meal, Hominy, Molasses, Nsvils, Tobacco, Smoking; and Chewing, and a full line of Canned Goods. All of which we offer to the' trade at living prices. Williams Bros. Je25tf FANCY FRUIT FOR' SUNDAYS. Delaware and Niagara Grapes 25c . per basket. Soft Peaches 35c per basket. Armlaa 15fi Tier dozens Fancy Oranges 40 and 60c per doz. California Pears, Plums, Grapes and Bananas. Ice Cream; very best, $1 per gallon. J. W. PLUWMERr Jr.v- Ball 'Pbone 660. augntf 304 Princess street Inter-state 188. On uvnnnt nf thd HlOH PRICE of Feed and other necessary expenses, I mm w t .a J we, tne unaersijrnea laverymen, uuu it imnflnihla tn tin hunnABM at the old rates, and have agreed to the following rates, effective August xoio, xsrvu. One Horse anil Vehicle $11.50 Month Saiile Horse - - 12.50 Ponies - - - - 12.50 S. P. COWAN LIVERY CO., I ORRELL & CARROLL, S. J. DAVIS. au 6 lOt NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Concori Chanter No. 1, H. A. M. QOMPANIONS-The regular Convocation will I be held Monday evenin. 1TmTO tv A iaoniuii aug 18 It - Secretary. r Lumber Bargain ! Ail lumber at Camo Avcock. WrightSVillft, to be sold at once. About 60,000 feet, most of It dreseed both sides. Apply at once to Y W. F. ROBERTSON, : ang 18 It .. 118 Princess street. Bagging and Ties. Can Ship Promptly. 2,600 Rolls Barging. 4,000 Bundles Ties. 1,000 2nd hand. Machine Casks. 160,000 libs. Hoop Iron. 36 Barrels lue. I 1,000 Kegs Nails. 1,000 Bnaheis w. u. jneai. 1,000 Bushels Corn. 1,000 Bnjshels Oats. A Inn aixtv.thrae car loads of other groceries. Get pur prices. D. L. GORE CO., WHOLKSALX QROCKBS, 180, 122 and 124 North Water street. Jy 80 tf Wilmington, N. O, Carolina Yacht Club. August Regatta win be sailed over the Club's I course on Tuesday, Augart 87th, at 4 P. M. TachwwiareportatS&.M-.., Bepiemoer uerana wm "Sr iiTu course on eatorday, September 7th, at 4 P. M. kv order uegaroa uonuiuww. an 18 it H. R. 8 4.VAQE, Purser. Comptoa's Trip To-day. The steamer Compton will afford the usual' convenient and delightful trip to Southport and to sea to-day and the public if most cordially invited to avail itself of r the opportunity for spending a pleasant Sunday. The boat leaves her wharf at 9:45 A. M. and returns in the early evening about 6 o'clock. The fare is 25 cents for the round trip. Csroliss Yacht Clnb Rtrattas. The Auarust regatta of the Carolina Yacht Club will be sailed over tha Club course on Tuesday, August 27th, at 4 P. VL Yachts are' requested to report at 3:30 P. M. The September regatta will be sailed over the course at the .same hour Sept. 7th. . City Subscribers. CStj lubscriDers are earnestly re quested to report promptly at the Stab office every failure of the carriers to deliver their papers. In all such cases steps will be taken to insure prompt and regular delivery. - , Ponies for Sale. I have for sale two Harsh Ponies, suitable for boys, at low prices. Ap ply to J. W. WINDKR8, au 18 2t Castle Haynes, N. C. IN AUGUST Profits are not considered. If the Good suit you, your price will suit me. ,H. P. PARKER, ? Furniture and Furniture Novelties, i Grand Excursion- To Southport and Ten Miles to Sea On comfortable and commodlons Steamer at 11 O CiOCK A. BU Wtt DUUUM w . t- , Veturnlng reaches the city at 60 P. M. Fate on either boat 85 cents round trip. For those who wish to spend a pteasant day and enjoy Zll wu.u.ua 4VhAM&. fa vtj-fc mrarflt n Al lorn trill trip The boat passes In full view and stopping at Old Brunswick. Fort Fisher, Bouthport. Fort Caswell and then ten mllesto sea. go and take yonr friends with you. W. A.. SANDERS, aus 12 lm .. Master. New Goods! Marrow Pat Baaaa. . , . Evaporated Aprieots. - ; Fox's Saratoga Chips. Dried. Itlaasv Be Postnm Cereal' Bell 'Phone 613 aulltf 111 Hf arVat atFMt Inters tote 421. Fruit jars and rubbers at Bender's, t : Fruit jars and rubbers at Bebder's. t LIVERPOOL SALT. $045,16 ia IJverpeol Salt, -$105.97 in Table Salt. ' ' -1 $460.11 in American Salt, . ) $ 76.40 in Rock Alum Salt, $110.49 ia Pocket Salt. $410.16 ia Banker Hill Flour. . $475. l v ia ravorite rioar $ .70.11 in Brooms. . $110.1Sin Water Buckets, $? 78.65 in XT, C. Uanu. . -t aiJ VVVIIIbUV wa rve sjpaasa j A f : UJsY, Ift COCPER. - it l V C Wholoaalo' Qroeor l08,sie,Hststwet. an 18 tt "i'sf i'-'4' wnnunstoa. 9. rape Nats, t 'Bakafi Ooeoa ana caocoiaM. A muura 8o.ala Vsamaat. ; -tmft4 Olives lOe a Jar, , S. VJ. SANDERS, At The Unlucky Corner mywtf , , . . Gapped tbe Climax. Yes, we have reaohed that point by hn ! troduouonoffow new "cun I -..r.taflorrespond. our barbers are skUled in the business and onr rasors and other I best, we woum yur iwvni - , - r t r. DAVIS GUION, . jeetf . 7Bontli Front St.

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