Morn TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION? . Than That X TAR "00 W" A One Tesvrt bjr SXaJl, Six ZXaatha, - " 95.00$ I other DaHy News- 2.60 1.86 Published in X tr TkrM Bestai, M $ Two Months, " , 1.00 ... . ODIll Y City at 4 Conta pr Bfosrtlw X THB STATU VOL. LXVIII.-NO. 129. WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1901, WHOLE NO. 10,609 ng s OUTLINES. LOCAL DOTS. A PROTESTED GAME. I bn bias Kunboat La Popa anilla witn troop Krd: their rate is un- f The French ambassador nople has broken ok u.pu- 0, shot and killed a negro her daughter and mortally itfon.near Newton Ga. - ivy rain In West Virginia nnesseehasiniencr Cteorge uroruun, his wife with an axe, n of Raymond, Miss. . ;n annthnr ap- ere kuicu - 7 e Cleveland, umo, water Delegates from oyer are present at the an- u 0f the JNQgro a. hunarea . persons or less severely burned by untinii nil tnnlr At Inr 01 a uuxiii-s - breeze works yesterday. lL:iioi and six persons in- IJilUC' - collision of trains near Jack- L . Iowa Democrats in (ention. reaffirmed the Kan- atform. A race not is in Tatnall and Liberty Qa . Tennessee coal imand an eight-hour day advance in ineir wages. markets: Money on call J23tf percent, the last loan 2 per cent. ; cotton steady, uplands 8 3-16c ; flour steadier active; wheat spot firm, No. f. o. b. afloat; corn spot Jo. 2 62c at elevator; rosin kits turpentine quiet at 3634 ATHER REPORT. Mr. H. King Connor, of St. Louis, Mo., organizer of the Order of Railroad Telegraphers, is in the city to establish a lccal branch of his organi zation. - 1 Mr. M. W Bobertson, presi dent of the Pocahontas Lumber Co., Norfolk, Va., writes the Stab that the company is in nS way connected with the Chequasset Lumber Co., referred to in an Associated Press telegram of the 17th inst A barrel of paint being rolled on the deck of the tug Navassa yester day for shipment to the Powers & Gibbs factory up . the river, dropped overbsferd. The paint is valued at about $35 and belonged to M. W. Divine,: Co, ' Mr. B. F. Rising, No. 421 South Fourth street, exhibited at the Star office yesterday a pair of huge tomatoes weighing one and three-quarter pounds and growing from a single stem. The plants were cultivated in nis garden without fertilizer and are apparently a new variety, which he will preserve. Raleigh Won. From Wilmington Again Yesterday, Bat It Probably Won't Count. THE PENNANT CHASERS. The Score Was Six to Three Grounds Slippery and la Bid Shape Umpire Mice Upholds Manager Cowan's Protest Some Remarks. YESTERDAY'S GAME. Raleigh. 6 Wilmington 8TANBINO Or THE CLTJB8. Raleigh Wilmington Played. Won. ... 2 2 ... 2 0 Lost. Percent. 0 1,000 . 2 .000 MORE AND MORE EXCURSIONS Dkp't of Agriculture, t Weather Bureau, IMMGT05. JN. U., A.Ug. 21. Jratures: 8 A. M., 79 degrees; 77 degrees maximum, 84 de- - MO Mnimum, 73 aegrees; mean, 40 ill for the day, .00; rainfall tof the month to date, 4.77 pTTON REGION BULLETIN. ecided temperature changes urred. Showers, with heavy ins, are reported: Li a mens, 88 inches; Fort Gaines Ga., elville, Texas, 2.00; Corpus Tx, 1.64. rOEEOAST FOR TO-DAY. hixgton, Aug. 21.-5.iror in ortn a-Showers Thursd V light to southerly winkJSe5l$jll, rt Almanac- Angait 22. uses ets Length Water at South port. Water Wilmington. 5.23 A.M. 6.43 P.M. 13H.19M. 12.16 A.M. 3.46 A.M. lother idiot who seeks notoriety oses to achieve it by .riding a tie on a rope across Niagara at rails. The bike will have grooved iere is trouble in Madrid. The ta in the royal Kitcnen nave ck. That's a kind of a center as it were, and goes right 1st the royal stomach. Oae Arrived Yesterday and Two Others Will be Here To-day Another Coning To-morrow. The city will be again thronged with excursionists for the remaining days of this week, no less than four parties being scheduled to arrive. Last night at 7:15 o'clock FJippin, Hlnes & Co., of Pilot Mountain, brought down a party of 300 from Mt. Airy and intervening points via Golds boro. The party will leave this morn ing at 6 o'clock on the steamer Wil mington for Carolina Beach and later in the day will be taken on a trip to sea. To-morrow members of the party will go to Wrightsville and in the evening at 6 o'clock they will return home. This morning an excursion from LumbertOB in charge of TA. R. T. Al len and Mr. Frank Cough will arrive over the 8eaboard Air Line and that party will also be taken to Carolina Beach and to sea. At noon another excursion will arrive over the Sea board from Chesterfield and Cheraw. 8. C. The last will go through to Wrightsville but will return in time for a trip down the river to-morrow. To-morrow W. M. Russell will bring another excursion from Troy, N. C This will be only a one-day rip. On the 80th Hatch Bros, will bring down a party from Rockingham, N. C. Steamer Excnrsiejra River. The last moonlight excursions of the season, perhaps, will be run by CapL Harper on the steamer Wilmington JFriday night of this week and Tues day night of next week. The first, to morrow night, will be -to Carolina Beach and the attraction will be danc ing at Sedgeley Hall club house. The boat will leave at 8 o'clock and return at midnight. The trip next ' Tuesday niffhx. is on account of a dance in the pavilion at South port and the hours of departure from and -return to the citv are the tame as for to-morrow night. ven the Boer women reconcen- oes Bhout songs of victory and are that their husbands and hers will win yet. Spartan wives mothers of Spartan men. -Spaniard in Havana who wanted become immune from yellow er, bit himself with a mosquito jich had been biting a yellow fever ient, and died from the bite. t is said that there will be a trol line between Chicago and De- it, a distance of 288 miles, within rear. Trains should do some pret- swift flying as 400-horse power 1 be used. The New York Journal wants 50,000 Southern men to write iters to the President telling him iat they want him to see justice pne to Admiral Schley. The Journal pnldn't find that many fools in the iuth. Weather Bnreaa Changes. Mr. Arthur D. 1 Kinsman, assistant to Observer Geo. W. Felger at the U. 8. Weather Bureau and well known to many in Wilmington for his vocal talent, has been transferred from this citv to the local bureau in Brie, ira. Mr. R. W. Gray. of. Charlotte, will succeed him at Wilmington about the last of September, but in the interim of Mr. Gray's arrival, Mr. Earle Webb, of Morehead, will be Mr. Felger'a assistant. Mr. Marshall in Oklahoma. A Star representative yesterday saw a cut in ue hm of August 9th, picturing the govern- ment land office at uwwn, noma, where Mr. Burgess aiarsnau, a "former Wilmington boy. is Assistant Land Commissioner. Mr. Marshall's picture is shown in the cut, together with the other officers conaucung mo auction sale of lots, which has yielded something over $200,000 to the gov ernmenL Special Star Telegram. , Raleigh, N. 0., Aug. 2L To-day's game was won by Raleigh but it will probably not count in the pennant series, as it was protested from th? very start on account of the sunset limit. On account of ram the game was not commenced until 'after 6 o'clock and was called in the eighth inning on account of darkness. Rules prescribe that the game must begin two hours before sunset, consequently to-day's - contest will very likely amount to naught. The game itself was more or less a farce as the diamond was slippery and soaked with water. It was impossible to field and hard chances could not be taken. Both Newman and Stockdale suffered and at times lost complete control of the ball. If the game is thrown out, as it no doubt will be, it will necessitate a double header this week. The visitors were crippled to-day, Thaekara, their catcher, being sick in bed. Note Rule 21, Section 19, as given in Spalding's Official Baseball Guide, is as follows: "Every championship game must be commenced not later than two hours before sunset." As the game in question was not begun until after 5 o'clock and the sun set yester dav. accordinsr to the almanacs, at least fifteen minutes before seven, it follows that the game was commenced "later than two hours before sunset," and should not count in the pennant series. Editor of the Star. The Protest and When Decided. In response to a telegram sent Man ager Cowan by the Star last night inquiring who would decide the pro test of yesterday's game and when it would be decided, he replied as fol loVs: "Mr. Sherwood Higgs will de cide the protest probably as early as to-morrow. I will be present when he considers it. TJmnire Harry Mace says I am right." Raleigh, N. C, Aug. 2L To day's i game- was featureless and tiresome. Rain at 4 o'clock prevented a full at tendance. Wilmington played slow, and at the end of its half of the eighth inning the game was called at that club's request, though there was am ple time before sunset to. play the next inning. The grounds were wet and a piece of carpet was used for the pitchers to stand .-on. Players could not maintain their footing or run on account of the wet grounds. THE SCORE BT INNINGS. 12345678 R H E Wilmington 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 03 7 3 Wanted, a baseball team to beat the Turtles two out 01s the remaining games to be played this week: Report on the Raleigh diamond two out of the tbr.edajs at 4.30 P. M , "armed and equipped as the law directs " - Tacks Allen is all riarht, but that' does hot necessarily mesa that he can play backstop. Yesterday he had a couple of errors and the stolen base column was rather against him, but the Star repeats that Tacks is Al. If one of the pennant games is to be played at Goldsboro next Monday arrangements should be made at once with the railroads for special trains and reduced rates. Without this feature the attendance at Goldsboro would not pay expenses. . There will be no more exhibition games in Charlotte, the last of the three having been called off yesterday by Manager Bryan, of Tarboro, who left for home with his team. Tuesday the game resulted: Charlotte, 2; Tarboro, 1. v Ed. Ashenback, who formerly constituted the circus aggregation with the Newport News team, is now playing in the California State League. Ash writes that he often longs for North Carolina and Yirginia, and may be heard from in these quarters next season. The Newborn Evening News in speaking of the pennant game or games to be played by the Wilming ton and Raleigh teams other than upon their home grounds, says that Newborn should make an effort to have the teams compete in that city. The article concludes : "Newborn has quite a number of 'cranks' and a good enclosed ground, and we would sug gest that an effort be made to get the clubs to play the last game or games of the series here." A DASTARDLY CRIME. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Met Swift Retribution at Hands of Lynching Party in An son Yesterday. NEGRO SWUNG TO A LIMB. Near McParlaa Colored Fiend Assaulted Dantbter of a Farmer and Was : Hanged Within Five Honrs. Lady Badly Wounded. ASSAULTED A WATCHMAN. Negro Desperado, Bart Green, Threw Brick at Man Who Would Have Saved His Life His Arrest. Raleigh 06 0 0 0 0 0 6 10 1 Batteries: Newman and Allen; Stocksdale and LeGrande. the tabulated score. Wilmington. ab r h po a e Clayton, as. 3 10 3 11 Devlin, 2b 3 1 2 2 2 0 Allen, c 4 a a o 9 Dommel,lb. 3 0 0 5 0 Warren,.3b, 4 0 2 1 0 McGinnis,cr " " Frost,lf 2 0 1 0 0 8tewart,rf 1 0 0 r A J. X Burt Green, a colored desperado, whose name not. infrequently appears on the police docket, was bound over to the next Superior Court yesterday in a bond of $50, failing to give which he went to jaiL The charge against him is assault with a deadly weapon, and it was upon a white man who sought to save th negro's life and that of a colored woman named Betsie Mills, whom Green was accompanying alone the A C. L. yards in this city. The negroes were walking on one of the side tracks of the railroad on which a train was approaching late Tuesday night. Watchman B. F. Strickland, seeing theirdanger, order ed them to leave the switch. They replied insolently, and began a f usi lade of words and profanity, which the watchman' immediately checked by making an attempt to arrest them both. Green got away and the wo man was taken in charge by Police man Frank George, but not until after Green retired to darkness and began to throw brickbats at the watchman, one of which smashed his lantern and another grazed his arm. Green appeared at the trial of the woman yesterday morning and was himself arrested in the court room by Policeman George. The woman was sent to the county roads for thirty days, while Green was sent over to jail for the mgner court as stated. JURORS FOR U. S. COURT. Those Drawn From Several uuniies in the District to Serve During the Special October Term Special Star Telegram. I McFarlan, N. C, Aug. 21 One of the most brutal and heinous cases of criminal assault in the history of the State occurred here' this afternoon between one and two o'clock and the negro brute whoi responaible- for the crime met . swift- punishment. at, th hands of the infuriated' white citizens of the' community. The victim was Miss Lena Keith, aired 22 years and a daughter of a well-known farmer living near McFarlan, a small village in Anson county, on the Wade sboro and Florence division of the A C. L. railroad. The brute was Lute Hough, a desperate negro character known over the entire county. The crime was committed at the home of the young woman, where the negro asked for water and ascertaining the absence of her brother at the stables on the plantation, he proceeded to accomplish his hellish purpose. The young lady was severely cut at the back of her head and on her breast are two ghast ly wounds. The fiend was speedily captured and at sunset this evening he was swinging to a limb just across the South Carolina line about two miles and near the scene of the crime. Fifty volleys were fired into his body by determined citizens and after the lynch ing this well known warning to mem bers of his race was penned on a pla card on his breast: "Our white wo men must be protected.1' By Associated Press. J Charlotte, N. C, Aug. 21. Luke Hous-b. a neero. was hanged near ,Wadesboro, N. C, to night by a crowd of enraged citizens. His body was then riddled with bullets. His crime was criminally assaulting Miss Lena Keith. He attacked his victim while she slept, and broke a chair over her head and than tried to cut her throat. The negro admitted his guilt. The Keiths are respectable people, and as soon as the crime became known the entire .community started in the search. The negro was found within a few hours after the crime. LIST OF LETTERS. Remaining Uncalled For in the Wilming ton PostofflceAng.2l8t, 1901. " Miss Agnes O'Neal,, of Charles ton, is the guest of Miss Hattie O' I on AnK street. .- Miss DoraBullard, of Ivanhoe N. O. is visiting friends and relatives in the city. ; Mr..' W, J. Meredith returned yesterday from a business, trip to Tomahawk, N. O. Mr. M. V. Orrj A. C. L. agent at Dlxon.N. C, is spending a, few days at the beach . Miss Isabel Bryan, of Hewbern, is visiting Miss Mabel Powers at Wrightsville Beach. ; , Solicitor 'Duffy andfamily are spending the week at Mr. R. O. Col lins' cottage, Carolina Beach. Mrs. John M. Baker, of Charles ton, : 8. C, is visitingV Mrs.. Edward Peschatrat Wrigfatsrille-BBaxdfr Mr. A. W. Middleton, of Bos ton, is a guest of his brother in law, Mr. R. W. Wallace, at The Orton. Mr. J. L. Booker, of Char lotte, a former Wilmington boy, is here for a few days' visit to friends, Miss Carrie George Andrews, of Darlington, 8. C, is visiting Miss Northamather home, "Oak Glen." Mr. Jno. B. Hanby accom panied by his mother left yester day for Lincoln Lithia Springs to spend a while. Messrs. W. J. Stein, of Golds boro: Stanley Smith, of Winston, and 8. O. Quinn, of Marion, 8. C.are guests at The Orton. Mr. Charles D. Elliott is at home from a visit to his old home at Fayetteville and the Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo. Mr. Pride J. Thomas returned yesterday from Florence, 8. C, where he has been assisting in the A . C. L. relief work in that city. Mrs. John H. Gore, Jr., and little daughter, Arabella, left yester day to spend the remainder of the Summer at Franklin, Va. Capt. James H. McRee, State Surveyor of Public Land, accompanied by Mr. Louis Hatch, left yesterday morning -to survey certain tracts in Tyrell county. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. McDonald and little daughter, of Atlanta, Ga., returned home yesterday after a very nleasant visit to Mr. and Mrs. T. S. McManus, No. 501 South Third street. Among those who arrived on the "Mt Airy excursion last evening were J. D. Smith, T. G. Faucetto and A. B. Rawley, ML Airy ; Dr. R. D. Flippin, W. G. Dodson, R. H. Brown and J. P. Hines, Pilot Mountain; Mrs. J. M. Flippen, Salisbury. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Kodaks and Kameras. 20 PER CEHT. OFF "Until further notice we will sell Kodaks and Cameras at 20 per cent, discount. Souvenir Booklet of Wilmington. Contains Pictures of all Public Build ings. ' ,- ; . Schools, Churches, Streets, Private Residences, River and Seashore Views, Mills, Factories, Shipping, etc. - , f- vv. : ; , Mailed to any address, 25,cents. - C. W. YATES & CO., jyaitr Books and Stationery, Wilmington, N. O. 5- s 9 S B ft a B 9 2 B P t A a B 5M si 58 -8f ex s CD 5 - JO Sal 7 at sP- I SB S 8 00 B6 s CO IN 3 9' - R en!" s .8 9s a! 00 J K O X 8 If SI ST NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR READER OR WRITER Theee handsome oomblnatlo n BOOK CASES are most useful ana ornamental pieces of FURNITURE. ? , The'deaiiniB'are verv rich. veiopea in uoiaen inisnea uaK. quarter sawea Handsomely de- Imitation itahosany ana Oak. Mahogany, Cherry. The shelves In the bookcase are adjustable. The writing desk !a finished with drawer and pigeon holes lor stationery, racks lor pens, etc. at HUHB0E & KELLY'S, Bell 'Phone 115. No. 17 South Front street. " angll tr K3 8 2 w a 0 MS 3t 3 O w O a fLEASOHABLB GOODS MULLETS, new catch. Best Cream Cheese. Martin'sXGilt Edge Butter, Bagging" land Ties. ; SALT. a. ssjtkbal liwk ov oas! 6ood8 ducaitd at this sbasom. ' Sole agents for ROB ' -R0Y FLOUR. Jell AIR & PEARS ALL. sap " "CHEROOT" WILMINGTON SEHCOAST R. R. On and after July 13th, 1901, the schedule will be as follows : DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. The world wonder. you can. "Match It" if "SHOW DOWN" Tobacco Leave Wilmington. 6 so A. M. . 10 10 A. M. 2 30 P. M. S 10 P. M. 7 15 P. M. Leave Ocean View. 7 46 A. M. IS SO A. M. 8 45 P. H. y 6 00 P. M. 10 00 P. M. Cant't-be beat. Sold Take no other. everywhere. 8UNDAY TRAIN. n Newman, p 3' 0 jotal. r-27 3 7 21 9 3 Raleigh. Veaable, sa Hughes, cf Sorber, If.:..... Hennegar, 2b . . . Cronin, 3b Curran, rf LeGrande, c . . . . Stocksdale, p.... AB . 4 . 4 . 4 . 4 . 2 . 3 . 3 . 3 H 1 2 1 2 0 0 1 1 PO 2 2 7 1 4 2 1 3 2 A 8 0 1 0 1 -1 1 1 2 E 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 1 0 Total... .29 6 10 24 10 1 The Volcano Kiluana, in Hawaii, . getting ready to resume business iter blowing out its furnaces in 98. Vesuvius is also firings up. ut we can keep up with, the effete Id monarchies now since we have live volcano of bur own and a ftummer to when it starts out. Fractured Her Arm. Mrs. Jane.Sheehan, who is so well known by many -people in Wilming ton, fractured her right arm Tuesday - . . . 1 (.iii.o -m thn nrtrcn OI kUD nign ny 4 . I 7w-.r.i!i TTmrriM. Mr. tuns laiua iixccb Tnimruja xiiun - . Summary Three-base hit, Kelly; two-base hits, Hughes and Curran; base on balls, off Stocksdale 4, off Newman 3; hit by pitched ball, Stew .tmftV nut. bv Stocksdale 3, by Newman 6; sacrifice hit, Stewart; passed ball. Alien; stolen bases, Sor- hair Hsnnenr Stocksdale; double play, playton, un , assisted; left on bases, Raleigh 6, Wil- Some men make a failure of every hing they attempt. A New York pan who was too lazy to walk home, pied to commit suicide because he Widn't have chancre enousrh to pay cab hire and failed. But he suc ceeded in getting a ride, for he was carried to a hospital in an ambu lance. " As a proof that the New TSng land cotton mills arjlging to feel the effects of SouthiSJm-. petition, this is given as the main cause of the proposed reduction of wages by the Fall River mills. .They complain of Southern competition in certain lines of goods, especially by the mills at Charlotte. ?": familv home. No. m. W. H. Russell set the broken mem ber, and yesterday she was resting very well, though the injury is quite painful. Convicts Perhaps from Craven. Newbern Evening Allen, in f is charge to the grand jury yesterday, made the remar u might see fit, Craven county huno svstem by which to work her con TtetTon her public roads, to send of the defendants in the court some "J . to . n6W Hanover NKW ADVERTISBMKNT8 ' D. O'Connor For rent D." O'Connor-Land for sale. Rant Rock Spring HoteL. IX O'Connor Cottage for rent " W. Catlett Commissioner s sale. Btr. Wilmington MoonligM excur a i BTJSIKXSS LOCALS. H. L McDuffie New Era. For Rent Desirable house. r Mr. Frank Galloway, of Mount Airy, is a guest at The Orton.: Mace. , Attendance, tuu. The Qame Protested And Should Not Count. The horse editor protests. If the rules governing baseball are observed, the game of yesterday will be declared nuU and void. The gate receipts at Raleigh yes terday were not sufficient to pay the guarantee (140) and expenses. Manager ,Wynn Clarke, formerly of the Charlotte team, is now playing second base for Birmingham, Ala. If the Giants wUl win three of the first six games the five games to be played here will draw immense crowds. Person and Sherman,, of the Ra- leiffh team, yesterday formed the ba tery for Morehead City against New bern."' ' Umpire Mace says Manager Cowan's protest against yesterday's came is all right And what Mace doesn't know ' about baseoau ran s worth knowing. . X ---The Stab regrets to hear that Thaekara was sick and confined to his bed yesterday,' v ; Thin shows how . im portant it is for a team to have twi well equipped catchers, - 1 Jurors for the October term of the United States District and Circuit courts were drawn yesterday from the several counties as follows: New Hanover Geo. R. Bate, W. H. Yopp, Oscar Pearsall, Thos. A. Watson, James Lauchlin, C. H. Cas teen. Columbus E. A. Maultsby, T. F. SUnley, W. D. Wooten, C. B. Gore. Pender E. McMoore, A. E-lTaylor, W. E. Cowan, A. D. Thompson, Harry Lewis. Richmond W. Lb Gibson, a., a.. rvwJnotoT, A. J. Butler. D. M. Morri- son. Robeson J. T. Demey, W. G. Mc Lean, Paul 8. Bleed, 8. Z. Bateman. Cumberland Jas. W. Atkinson, D. H. Maultsby, Willy tT. Raiford, Jon athan Evans, Daniel McNeill. Sampson J. W. Underwood, J oel Jones, J. L. Matthews, Jordan Ses somsr Bladen Alford Atkinson, E. J. Smith, BrateSingletary, Samuel Dun ham. Scotland D., B. McQueen, M. B. Smith, D. H Smith, 8. W. Carter. Duplin R M. Williams, Hiram Swinson. J. J. Bowden, B. Wallace, J.F.Woodward. Brunswick Richard Doaier, John Stanley, J. O. Brooks, H. K. Raark, Lindsay Walker. WOMIN'B LIST. Florence Bird, Lillie Barnhill, VL C Blizzard, Viola Bordeaux. Ernia Caison. Hattie Crew, Lucy Caine, Mo zella Cox, Thos Davis. Mrs. Davis, Mary Susan Dobson, Eilster Dawson, Annie B Green, L JGrice, Miss Glenni Mary Garens, Iline Hall, Lillie B. Kart, Eliza Johnson, Fannie Johnson, Eller Jones, LAura Ltewis, uuia juh mont Miss Matthews. Harnie Nzal, Tom Newkirk, L Prideeon, Jack Price, Georgie PUek, A T Parker, J H Ro berts, Charley Rogers, Jane Richard son. Hettie Smith. Mamie Stephens, Lizzie Seilars, Floenei Summons, Eas tii RhAiinard. Bettie Smith. Maria Tur ner, Nance Turmore, Sarah M Wal lace, B S Williams, Arphelia Wright IQEH'8 LIST. G A Baldwin, R H Bunton. R W Heavens, TO Bradford, Vergen Berry, E H Cooper, H Citrenbam, W H Car ter, 8 N Fergusen, J G Gilsin, M W George, David Holloway, Jno Hill. M H Handen, M Halmonds. Travis Huff, Rev W 8 Holms, J W Johnson, Frank Lane, w u moo re, Jj d rn.ctk.oj, J M Meggs, J A Maxwell. H Moore, A J Montgomery. Mr Parker, M Prof fett J E Stanley. D Stone. AE Bmith, M P Taylor 2, W Wil kins. W M Wor tham, W H A Willisms, E Williams. RETURN HIP FROM DEAD LETTER OFFICE. Fannie J Bell, Bessy Carall, Lizzie Mappison. Persons calling for above letters wiU S- ease say advertisecLIf not called for fifteen days they will be sent to the dead letter office. M.O. Darby, Postmaster. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Grand Moonlight Excursions. ' Steamer W Imlnarton will run a special Moon light Excursion to Carolina Beach Friday night. Leave Wilmington. 10 10 Ar St. 2 80 P. . 7 IS P. If. numHa. anil RatnrAav on account Of Hotel and Club House dances extra train will leave Wilmington II P. M.,tbe Beach at 12 P. M. Leave Ooean View, is 30 A. M. 6 00 P.M. 9 00 P. M. Freight will ne carnea omy o um id 5 P. M. trains, except fresh meats, ice and vegetable, which wui De tasen on ine . train. No goods win be reeeiveo unieBs so- oompamea Dy way oius sou mmui iimwiu. Freight must be received at our depot 15 mln- utes oeiore ishtidk "uj t rm. --" tlons will be made to t-ese rnlw q qsant leitf superintendent. and 5 at Sedgeley Hall oiub t, August 8Tth, steamer AUfTUBt S3rL House. Tuesda; Wilmington wil p.nrsion to Bonthnort for danoeln the pavilion. On both trips steamer will leave at 8 P. M , re turning at midnight. au22lt Dinclng saar"nlffh will make special Moonlight Ex unpawn "CUBAN BLOSSOM" Cigar ' Is the finest 5c Cigar sold here or any where. Try them. If your dealer don't have them the next man has. Vollers & Hashagen, aug 18 tt . ' WANTED. About September 1st, for Repair Work, four Millwrights. One must be able to lay out work. Also, one good Blacksmith. Men must be com petent and quick. SARTEE RIVER CYPRESS LUMBER CO., au 21 D2t wit Ferguson, 8. C. FOR RENT, Or will lease for a term of years the Doable store on Water street; between Ohesnut and Mulberry, occupied several years bytheWll lard Bag Manufactory. - D. O'OONBOB, Real Estate Agent, TRY US. FAUCY FRUIT We have Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Cakes, Crackers, Candies, Soap, Snuff, Soda, FOR SUNDAYS. 25c mint aug 14 tf Lye, Potash, Lavrd, Molassesvl oking and FOR RENT, On Wrightsville, Beach for re mainder of season, Furnished cottage, six- rooms, water wops and toilet. Apply to D. O'COHNOR. augssst Starch. Meal, Hominy,' Nailv, Tobaeeo, S Chewing, ; and a full line of Canned Goods. All of which we offer to the trade at living prices. Williams Bros. je 88 tf Delaware and Niagara Grapes per basket. ' . Soft reaches 35c per basket. Apples 15c per dozen.. .b ancy Uranges 4U ana ouc per uoz. California Pears, Plums, Grapes and Bananas. , , :;r Ice Cream, : very best, $1 per gallon. J. W. PLUMMER, Jr., " 204 Princess Street. BeU 'Phone 680. Inter-Btate 188. angntf Commissioner's Sale. City Subscribers. City subscrioers are earnestly re quested to report promptly at the Stab office every failure of the carriers to deliver their papers. In all such cases, steps will be taken to insure prompt and regular delivery. i v Ho for RlenmonO. 1 m,. tt irniorifa biir Richmond ex cursion will leave here via the Sea board Air Line next Jaonaay morning, August 26th, at 6 o'clock and return-; ingVwill leave Richmond Wednesday night, August 20 in, n 1 u - has alreaay Kcome . mo where and a very large crowd will go. Richmond is one of the largest cities in the South and its phenomenal pro gress and recovery irom vne euecw u grim visaged n&r" surprises every body. The fare is only $1.75 for the round trip. - . , T The Seacoast Railroad Deal. Raleigh News and Observer: & the October term of the U. 8. Court at Wilmington the sale of the Wilming ton Street Hallway, wnicn is now in me hands of a receiver, will come up for nnfii-mation. It is thought that it will be purchased by the company now controlling anu uiwrmiun Wilmington Seacoast Railroad. The nUn in. it is stated, to combine the two roads into one electric railway system and extend it to the various sounds along the coast Wrightsville, Mnannhnro. Qreenvllie. etc, ana erect a handsome Summer hotel at Wrightsville. Some very - wealthy men are interested in the enterprise." Sale of Land To-day. At noon to-day. at the Court House, Prof. Washington Catlett, commis sioner, will expose for sale at auction o Minabla tract of land near the County Home, containing about 1,000 acres. For description of the tract see advertisement in to-day's Star. Mr. W M. Carney, of Atmore, Ala,, returned to his home yesterday after a visit to his old 'home in Bruns wick county .for the first time in& years. Mr. Carney is now a very wealthy man and is engaged in the lumber business in Alabama. Hit FOR RENT, ' Dwellings, Stores, . Offices, &c. au 22 tf D. O'CONNOR. FOR SALE. The very desirable eligible tract of Land, frontage 191 feet on Bay. known as "Hickory Lot;" about 14 extending oacs one muo. 7 """" mr - I NOTICE. liii Rameliein(rnart or ana aaioining the Doctor Anderson Homestead, on Masonboro Bouno. For particulars apply to D. O CONNOR, Agent, au22 3t thsasa Mrs. K. Li. narrisa. Rock Spring Hotel na for RENT. Fifteen rooms with IsSSSl V improvements. au228t Apply to 7 O'CONKOR. seal Estate Agent. IN AUGUST Prnflts are not considered. If the Goods suit you. your price will suit me. II. F.PABKER, Furniture and Furniture Novelties, Bell 'Phone 613 auistf ill Market street. Inter-State 421. For Sale or Rent. .inst .rrived car load Horses; several will weigh from 1,400 to lco lbs., and lota of au claeses of Stock on band also. We carry the biggest StOCK OI BUggies WW nJf" " S room lor oar ioaa uue Bepwmuu xovn. gains caU and see. . N Wilmington Live Stock Co. anggotf - New Goods! Marrow Pavt Beavna. : . . Evaporated Apricots, Fox's Saratoga Chips. Dried. Xlnsm Bean. Fortom Cereal Grape Nnt. Baker Cocoa, and. Cboolate. An nara Sonln Blgnrreanx. Staffed Ollea lOe a Jar. S. YJ. SANDERS, At The Unlucky Corner. ' v mylStt - .:, " : . ".- Gapped the Climax. d-ww vina nf & rlanrAa nf the Rnneiior Court of New Hanover county, made in the cause of mi4 nniiinv rVkrm.n at. Kl. va. W. D. OOWML W. D. Compton et ai.. penaing neiorewiw vSft of the said superior Caurt. theunderslgned wttl . exnose ror saie to me muutxM. bwibi v uku tneCVnrt House door of New Haiiover county -: on Thursday, the 23 id day of August, 1S01, at 12 . o'clock M . the following described tract of : Land, situated in tne county oi now ni ; r the Poor House tract on Smith's Creek Md running thence along Uweast Une .of sald teact f north 45 degrees east 2,620 feet, to a stone ? , , marked N. H.Oi thence with said line north Sdegreeewest 1465 feet 15 minutes east, 775 feet to the corner of GarreU's land; thence with Garrejl's line 14 degrees, east 498 feet to another of his corners: thenos along the line of said tract north 70 degrees eastio KtzZ - tree, marking tne cornere-wi "X " Ken's Unes; thence with Kerr's line south 7a , aegrees east i,ew iwwbu wmuvw "degrees east 1716 feet. to ,or jjeai ' Bintth's r ureeK; tnence aoauiwwvnxuv . w :... to the beginning, containing about 1,000 cres. r W K "wASaiNOXON CATTJPTT, v ' JySlSOt oomnuasioner. . LIVERPOOL SALT! sssnBBsnanaSBaMa $045.16 ia Uverpaol 8alt . f 100.97 in xani a. r $460. 1 1 In American Salt, - f 7MO in Bock aian sail. , - f 1 1O.40 In Poeacet aic $410.16 In Bunker Hill Flovr. ' ; ' $475.18 in Favorite ctonr. - -$ 70.11 in Brooms. $110.16 In water bucks. '4. $ 78.05 In IT. C. tianus. - - Ko copyright on our ads. V. B. COOPER, Wholeaale Groeer - : , 808, no, SIS Hntt street. ' wnminKtoB.Bl.0. aujs tf Plpklm's Next Excursion Will be from Goldsboro to Norfolk, Washington- and Buffalo September 4tb. 1901. This will be a nine-flay trip, and the fare from Goldsboro to Buf falo and return will be only $19.00, For full particulars, route, etc, write to E. E. Pipkin, Manager, Goldsboro, Desirable Cottage On Wrightsville Beach. Jnst com pleted, containing eight : Booms. Possession at once. Apply at 18 Harkot Street. sutt ' Tea. we have reached that point by the In traduction of four new -'Climax" Chairs ana other furniture to correspond. Our barbers are skilled In the business and our raaorsand other trimmings" are, as they have always been, or tne vwy best We solicit jour patronage. -.. , . DAVIS uuw. " - ' 7 South Front St. YE HOY KUVE SOMETHING TO OFFER YOU, - You can save money by oin2 to'WABBETS CAFE foi ;your Lunch. ASK rOB IT. Warren's Steam Bakery :.- r and Cafe. . jyiotf North Front Street.