I : TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION TAiR rtBirniccu Clrcal-tioa Urf cr Th i n.i Of Any Other Dafly News paper Published Id t it S r4 a n One Tesr by Mail. $5.00$ .8.60 1.26 1.00 Six Months, " Three Months, M Two Months . Illvr4 to Smkserlscrs In the fOU . i-nts STATE. X VbL. LXVm NOv 136. WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 1901. WHOLE NO. 10,616 The Morn pnWj LABOR DAY MONDAY. PERSUN PARA0RAPI!S- AN EXCITING CHASE. LOCAL DOTS. GIANTS HOME COMING OUTLINES. riorth Carolina's toUl population is oKiO of which 624.469 are ne s" ' Th nostoffice at Whistler, .. . u hiirvlara. In roDDea "j en"- rn.ki'aM N . II on A , .:iy row vw"-i . Xtmi'J , . men shot. s iri i irru -w , han w rVwiBtftntinnnlA De fatally- tfcvt fu .;. ispatch says wo irn France. A outh bouna ' " " Antral wrecked near Newark, N. J sst night; the engineer was killed nd about thirty others were injured. Continued rebel activity is re nted in the vicinity of Colon and ! a Steamer Deutschland, t New York, made the run west ' grd across the Atlantic in five days, waive hours and twenty-three min- As the result of the eiplo- 0n on the steamboat City of Trenton 3iBf. persons are known positively-to e dead, nineteen are missing and two ,f the injured will probably die. invention of Roman Catholic Socie ties in session at long orancu. he presidml-oi the cotton mills in Columbia. S. C, re-orts all the mills running the strikers' places being rapidly filled. -Steamer City of Clifton sunk in the Mississippi rive; all the passengers were saved. Posses are in pursuit of the negro who murdered Miss Henderson at.Colum- . . I A 3 Sbus, Mo. ; he nas noi oeen capiurea. I ew York markets: Money on 'call steady at 2i3 per cent, the last loan being at 2i per cenu; coiion steady, middling uplands 8c; flour inactive and about steady; wheat spot easier, No. 2 red 76c; corn spot easier, io. 6 oaju, No. 2 38ic; rosin quiet; spirits turpen tine steady at 3636c WEATHER REPORT People of Southport re Plan ning a Great Celebration On That Occasion. - In I WILMINGTON IS INTERESTED. u. a Dkp't of aqbioultubk, f Wilmington, N. C, Aug. 29. remDeratures: 8 A Hi.. 70 degrees; ' - . J - S T. ii., 74 degrees; maximum, oz ue mi J - . M 97 grees; minimum, iv ucf rcrn , -ir.u, ejrrees. Rainfall for the day, .74; rainfall since 1st 01 me monm w uac, inches age of water in the Cape Fear river at Favetteville at 8 A. IB 1 reel COTTON REGION B. JBTIN. H-gh temperature wi .generally fair weather has PJ5i in the we-tern districts C-$6 fa1Ien in t';.' central and eastern sections. "OREOA8T FOB TO-DAY. Washington, Aug. 29. For North Carolina: Partly cloudy Fridaj and Siturday, with occasional showers; light easterly winds. Port Aloas,ne August 30. Sua Rises - Suu Sets Day's Length High Water at 8outhport. High Water Wilmington . 5.29 A. M. 6.31P.M. 13H.2M. 7.28 A.M. 9.58 A. M. Several Orfiaizatloas From This City Will Send Terns for Athletic Exercises. Col! WaddeU, Orator of the Day. Secoad Regiment Band. ' JAbor Day next Monday! in Wil mington will not be elaborately cele brated but what this city has left un done, South port will do and many WQmingtonians will be there to par ticipate in and enjoy a programme, which has been carefully prepared on a magnificent scale. There will be some observance here Jn the way of the closing of business houses and offices but at Southport when business has closed there will be abundant op portunity for the average citizen to go out and spend a day of real pleasure. The celebration begins with a street parade, which will form on the Garri son with the Southport Cornet Band in the lead, at 11 o'clock A. M., and march to that shaded grove of live oaks, Franklin Square, the centre of attraction for the day's festivities. After scripture read ing and prayer by Rev. E. J. Ed wards, acting Mayor E. EL Cranmer, Esq., will make a short welcome address and Robert W. Davis, Esq., will introduce the orator of the occa sion, CoL A. M. WaddeU, Mayor of the city of Wilmington. In the afternoon numerous athletic exercises will be in progress including a tug of war participated in by Wil mington Division, Naval Reserves, and a championship game of basket ball between the crack teams of the Boys' Brigade, of this City, and the Reserves. The prize for the ball game is a very, handsome silver cup which is now on exhibition in Honnet's show window, in this city. The inscription on the cup is: "LAor Day.Southport. N. C. Sept. 2nd, 1901. Basket Ball Championship." A number of prizes for cjher events have already been sent down bv Mr. !Honnet and all of them are of sufficient value and beauty to excite the very best effort in the contests. JThere will also be a number of boat races and a baseball game du ring the atternoon. In the evening there will be a min strel show by local talent in Franklin gqtoare and an open air concert by the Second Regiment Band of Wilming ton, which will leave the city af 5 P. M. - The stealer Wilmington has ax ranged a schedule 6f two trips during the day and a large crowd from the city can be accommodated. The first boat leaves at 9 A. M. and the last at 5 P. M. Returning, the schedule from Southport is 2 P. M. and 9:30 P. M. CRUISE OP NAVAL RESERVES. Even great wealth isn't a panacea for trouble. Mrs. W. K. Vander bilt is mourning the loss of a brindle ?nP- Mrs. C. L. Coghill, of Rich mond, Va.. is visiting in the city. Mr. W. H. Phillips, of Shal lotte, is in the city on a business . trip. Mr." S. Atkinson, of Sloop Point, was here yesterday on a busi ness trip. The Stab regrets to learn that Mr. John D. Burkheimer continues very ill. Rev. J. N. Cole returned yes day from a visit to relatives in Meck lenburg, Va. Mr. J. A. Atkinson, of Ham let, N. O!, is here on a business and pleasure trip. . Mr. J. W. Westbrook, of Hampstead, Pender county, was a visitor to the city yesterday. Mr. S. S. Drew got home last night from 'a business trip for the Mercer & Evans Company. Aj R. Dunning, Esq., got home last night from a professional trip to Elizabethtown and Bladen boro. Mr. John B. Cranmer expects to leave next week for the University of North Carolina to take a medical course. Mr. Milton Mcintosh, of Laurinburg, and F. Pegues, of Dar lineton, 8. C, were among yesterday's arrivals. Messrs. W. R. McKay, Floral College, and Warren H. Biggs, Wil liamston, were arrivals at The Orton yesterday. Mrs. W. Hi Dennis, of Ports mouth, Va., returned to her home yesterday, accompanied by her sister. Miss Lillie Everett. Mrs. Sallie Peterson and daughter. Miss Hyacinth, of Point Caswell, are here on a visit to rela tives and friends. Southport Standard-. "Rev. P. O. Morton, of Wilmington, spent Sun day here. He held ' services at Fort Caswell and aboard the Algonquin." Pitcher W. H. Newman, of the Wilmington Baseball Team, left last night for Washington. He went via Gordon ville. Va.. where he will visit relatives. Mrs. Osear Byerly, whose health has been very poor for some time, has gone to Asheville to recuperate. She was accompanied by Mr." Byerly and her nurseMiss Edith Fulford. Mrs. D. H. Wallace, Miss Ada Wallace, Mrs. Ellsworth,, Messrs. Frank Shepard, Willie Grant and Gordon Grant went up to Wfllard yes terday to attend the big picnic in Johnson's grove. . Rev. John H. Hall, of Fifth Street M. E. church, accompanied by his family, returned yesterday from Bynum, Chatham county, where they have been spending some time. Miss Annie Bynum returned' with them and will visit the family for some time. Mr. Alex. Baxter, the popular and clever chief clerk at The Orton, got home yesterday from a two weeks' vacation spent at Raleigh, N. C. The boys about the lobby were Negro With Empty Pistol Defied Police and Was Subse quently Arrested. HAD SHOT ANOTHER NEGRO. The Pursuit Was Lively and Engaged a Crowd of Civilians Exclusive of the Police He Was Pelted by Ser geant Burnett. . ; A report comes from Washington that Admiral Howison will decline to serve on the Schley court of in quiry. Under the circumstances it is the proper thing for him to do. Plans Were Considered at Special Meet lag Last Night at the Armory. Final arrangements were made at a special meeting of Wilmington Diyis- I giying him the glad hand and cordial shake upon his appearance behind the counter last night. Gushing oil wells are all well enough but when they start in for impromptu gushing, and suffocate people like that one at Beaumont, Texas, did, they carry the gushing business too far. Andrew Jackson Montague, the Democratic nominee for Governor of Virginia, is a plain Mr. not even a Col. But a man, with Andrew Jackson hitched on to his name doesn't need any titular prefixes. ' A man has arrived in Washington who lays claim to the whole city of Manilla. Why didn't he put in a claim to the bunch of islands. It would be a happy riddance if he or some other benevolent person would relieve us of the whole batch. 'inn. Nafral Reserves, last night, for the cruise which the sailors will take tomorrow night, leaving tne ciiy about midnight on the Hornet and proceed at once to Southport, from whence short trips will De maae vo sea. Lieut U..M. Chase will- be in com mand, Capt. T. M. Monroe will be navigating officer and Chief Engineer W. A. Furlong will look after things in the engine room. The Division ex nects to leave with about thirty strong and will be at Southport to participate in the Labor Day excercises. One or more -of the brigade officers are ex pected to accompany the boys on the trip. Steamer Hart's Extra Trip. The river steamboat A. P. Hurt came down on a special trip from Fay- etteville Jyesterday with a cargo oi cotton seed meal for the Virginia- Carolina Chemical Company. She re turned in the afternoon and the Hawes will be down' on her regular inp to morrow. The Driver was down from Fayetteville also yesterday with a large cargo of country produce and a number of passengers. PLEASANT BOATING PARTY. Given by Mr. James S. Williams Compli mentary to Visiting Yonng Ladles. A very pleasant and highly enjoy able boating party was given yester day afternoon, -continuing into last evening by Mr. James S. Williams on the Marion in compliment to a number of visiting young ladies. The boat left the city at 2:80 o'clock and after a trip to Southport and out to sea, the party returned aboard by moonlight last night, reaching the city at 9 o'clock. A delightful lunch and refreshments were served in the after cabin at 6:30 o'clock. The party was very pleasantly chap eroned by Mrs. H. J. Bucher, of Day- tn Ohio, and consisted of the follow ing: Misses Lillian Williams, Fremont, j single bullet having hit him. The down-town section of the city 0 was thrown into a furor of excitement last night about 11 o'clock by a mad chase after a desperate negro with pistol in hand, in which about a dozen policemen and half a hundred citizens participated. Fifteen or more volleys were fired at the fleeing negro until he was finally captured on Sec oad, near Chesnut streets by Police 8ergeant C. S. Burnett and Patrolman J. J. Moore. The negro's name is Isaac Jones, aged twenty . years, and he was wanted by the officers for shooting another negro under the steamer Wilmington's shed earlier in the niht. Notwithstanding the rapid and rather indiscriminate firing and the large number of people who gathered in the street to join in the chase, no body was hit by the flying bullets and the negro was at length brought to bay by Sergeant Burnett, who felled him with a severe blow on the head from his club. In falling, the negro was also bruised about the knees. When picked up a murderous looking revol ver was found under him, which pre viously he had brandished at different times in the face of perhaps ten or fif teen of his pursuers. This led to the fir ing on the part of those who wanted his capture. .The pistol was without a single cartridge in the cylinder and the negro bad merely been making a "bluff," as he afterwards said at the police station, at those who were after him. The weapon is a Harrington & Richardson manufacture and 88 calibre in size. The police think that9after the negro shot another early in the night, he unloaded the weapon and did not have an opportunity of refill ing the chambers. The negro lives at Navassa and came down to the city on a freight train last night, accompanied by his brother, Edward Neal. The latter says he left his brother at Ruth Hall and he began drinking mean whiskey. which led to all the trouble. The ne gro shot early in the night is named "Louis," a driver at the Palace Bakery. He says he was shot by mistake. The wound is just above the knee, the ball having passed through the fleshy part of his leg and glanced on the cobble stones in such a way that it broke a' window-light on the second floor of Bennett's saloon across the street. Policeman L. M. Smith arrested two negroes on suspicion and carried them to the Btation house, but neither was identified by the negro as his assailant. Garfield Chessam, negro porter at Bennett's saloon, identified Jones as the negro who did the shooting. He was then walking up Market street, near Bellamy's drug store, and Police man Smith started for him. The negro ran and the officer gave chase.' He was soon joined by Policemen E. R. Chad wick, J. J. Moore, Capt. Wil liams, Sergeant Burnett and a crowd of citizens, and the chase was fast and furious. The negro went up Front street and turned into Polvost's alley and drew his pistol a savage looking weapon which be flashed at any one who came in his path. The crowd chased him through to Water street, thence up Water to Princess and down the Custom House alley to the Masonic Temple alley: thence to Front street and down the Purcell alley toward Second street. In the Purcell alley, a negro baker attempted to halt him, but Jones drew his pistol and the baker did likewise. He fired five shots at him without effect, and when he had reached Second and Princess streets he again brandished his weapon and a fusilade of shots ensued. The officers finally landed him fur ther up the street, as stated, not a Me was Two or three unfurnished rooms for - light housekeeping are wanted. See business .local column. As the Stab employs no trav elling agents, bills are sent direct to subscribers. These bills should re ceive prompt attention. The Royal Workers of the Sec ond Advent Church will run an ex cursion to Carolina Beach on the steamer Wilmington to-day. The suggestion made in the Stab of yesterday that a night parade of street cars, illuminated and deco rated, be added to the attractions of the Elk's carnival has been so favor ably received that it is almost certain of adoption. The street cars have been reap ing a harvest from the thousands of excursionists ' who have visited Wil mington tbisseason. In this connec tion it may be of interest to state that a well informed citizen rrceutly said to a Stab representative that the street railway was , one of the best paying properties in Wilmington. ' i Mr. Jas. G. Covington, of Mon roe, is a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Representative in Con gress from the new. Seventh District He is well known s one of the most active Democratic workers in the State, and his friends predict for him a large following in the nominating convention. They Will Return From Newbero This Afternoon. After Three -Straight Victories. ONLY SIX INNINGS YESTERDAY Rain Interfered With Game and Held At tendance Down to 300Qoldsboro Amateurs Took Yesterday's Con test Prom Tar Babies. Special Star I'etegram.'i ' Newbkrn, N. C. Aug. 29. Rain delayed to-day's game until 5 o'clock and stopped it at the beginning of the seventh inning. Mud and water pre vented a good exhibition of the game but a number of clever plays were made. v The Wilmington club leaves for home on the morning train. BOOBHS BY INNINGS. 12 3 Wilmington.. 3 1 0 Newborn. . ..0 2 1 Batteries: Hopkins 4 6 6' B H E 0 1 05 4 2 1 0 04 4 3 and Thackara; a a a I FUNERAL YESTERDAY. Remains of Col. E S. Latimer Tenderly Laid to Rest in Oakdale Cemetery. Many Beautiful Floral Tributes All that was mortal of the late CoL Edward Savage Latimer was laid to rest late yesterday afternoon in Oak dale cemetery. The funeral was held at 5:30 o'clock P. M. from St. James' Episcopal Church, the Rt Rev. Bishop A. A. Watson and the Rev. Dr. T. C. Tupper, officiating. There were gath ered in the sacred edifice hundreds of friends and relatives, who had assem bled to pay a last sad tribute to one whom they held in high esteem. Immediately after the services the long funeral procession moved to the cemetery where the remains were in terred. The floral tributes were very numerous and exceedingly pretty. One of them eame from Eyota Tribe No. 5, Red Men, of which deceased was a faithful member. The armory of Wilmington Divi sion Naval Reserves was appropriately draped out of respect to his memory. The pall bearers for the funeral were: Honorary: Hon. J no. D. Bel lamy, Capt John L. Boatwright and Mr. E. T. Draper; active, Capt. Donald MacRae, Sheriff Frank H Strdman,' Capt. H. H. Mcllhenny, Lieutenant H. M. Chase, Messrs. J. W. Carmi chael, C. B. Southerland, W. A. Wil liams and D. H. Lippitt. Mr. Henry Latimer, of Auburn, N. Y., arrived yesterday morning to at tend the funeral. Smith and Surles. Time forty hve minutes. Umpire Mr. Stevens. At tendance 300. due to storm. The Game at Goldsboro Yesterday The game yesterday afternoou be tween Goldsboro and Tarboro resulted . in a victory for the first named city by a score of two to one. The atten dance was 550. The batteries were Stockdale and LeGrande for Golds boro and Martin and Lehman for Tar boro. "Stocks" struck out twelve men and Martin two. The Tarboro team plays again at Goldsboro to-day. 9 I i Q w 9 A. D. BROWN. CARPETS R S HD TIC. We areow receiving our new stock of Carpets, Rugs and Mattings for the Fall season of 1901. In extent of assortment, beauty of styles and .values, they will strongly interest any one wishing to purchase such goods. The assortment embraces Ingrains, Tapestry, Axminster, Body Brussels, Extra Supers, Three-Plys, Wilton's and Velvets. .r raw BRUSSELS MI SQUARES In entirely new patterns. - Navajo Indian Art Squares in different sizes. Rugs at all prices and sizes to match Carpets. We have never shown a more attractive line of Mattings. You are, respectfully invited to examine these goods whether you wish to buy or not. A D BROWN, No. 29 North Front Street. au.25 tf a o o o LAST DANCES OF THE SEASON, There should be no kicking against the umpire by Wilmington players at Newborn. The boys are getting a square deal over there and the people here realize it Warren, Frost and Hopkins each got the only two base hits of the game Wednesday. Frost got three nits out of four times up and Hopkins got two out of four. The other hits were made by Clayton, Allen and Warren. Clay ton, at short made the lonesome error and that didn't amount to much. N EW ADVERTISEMENTS. Labor Day at Southport. On account ot Labor Day Exercises at Bonth port, Monday, September and. steamer Wil mington will make epeolal trips, leaving the city at 8 A. M. and i P. M.. and returning leave Southport at 8 P. M. and 9.39 P. M. Fare 25 cents lor the round trip. au 30 it 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 14 f 9 9 Friday and Saturday Nights, 9 AT THE Seashore Hotel. No one will be admitted to the Ball Room without a Supper Check. 9 auff 89 3t St? t A 1 ATTENTION f. FOR RENT, . Money deposited with us on or before TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3RD, will bear interest from September 1st Don't put off making your deposit, but make it TO-DAY. The People's Savings Bank, ! illli' aug 14 tf Or will lease f or a t Tm ot y ears the Doable Store on Water street, between Chesnut and Mulberry, occupied several years by the Wll lard Bag Manufactory- D. O'OONNOB. Eeal Estate Agent. , . aug SO tf Opposite the Postbffice. q Praidn. jrivo. 8. AKMSTitoNO, Vie Prsl4nt. P. W. KICK, c:ler. The latest about the Court of In quiry business is that Admiral Schley's lawyers will produce testi mony to prove dereliction on the part of "Fizhtin? Bob" Evans in tne Santiago scrimmage. In that case probably ex-Senator Chandler would contribute his sevices gra N. O. : Annie Sholar, Savannah, Ga. ; Mabel Herbert Portsmouth, Va.; Vir ginia Westbrook, Faison, N. C; Ida May Sholar, Columbia, S. C. ; Carrie Andrews, Whiteville, N. C; Louise and Fannie Corbett Mamie McGirt,' Sudie Williams, Katie LeGwin and Geerf etowa Tax la Port. I Mamie Morrill,of Wilmington. Messrs, The Georgetown tug T. Williams, i will Taylor, James G. Ootcnett, n.y. placed in the lock-up for trial to-day. Excursion to Fort Fisher. The excursion to night steamer Wilmington by ladies 48 tons, was in port yesterday en route to Norfolk, for which pori sue pro ceeded in the afternoon. . The tug has been sold to Norfolk parties and came And renainting on ner way 'nhL8l feet long. 21 feet beam and 9 feet deep. A society is being organized some where in Virginia for the suppres sion of improvised, titles.' Whether they propose to go out with Win-, cheaters and Bhoot on sight ,the "Col'a," "Hon's" etc., we don't know but that's about the only way that could be done, and that would about depopulate some"deestrictsf" Qeraiaa Steamer ia Port. - . The German steamship Zdvland, Captaisi Warthmann, arrivea in po She is consigned to lr TTnide & Co.. with a cargo of fertilizer material from Hamburg the Navassa Guano Company, for i Conaul Stowe, who is in London, a hU return te Waj3ja from Cape Town, South ASca'where he has been located, says' there is';a great future for South Africa when Peace ia restored, that it is a very Jch country, the surface of whose mineral wealth is yet scarcely Scratched. That's what Rhodes hamberlain, &c., thought when they atarted the rumpus., . 'V' The Rlcanoad Ezcarsloas. Both the Richmond excursion. r turned to the city very early yesterday :t- nn was over the Atlantic and the other over mo Line and returned little later. : NRW ADVERTISEMENTS Labor Day-At Southport -MacRae Bankrupt notice. -ThePeople's Saving. Bank-Attent'n BUSI5KS3 LOCALS. To Lady Telescope valiae.: ; Wanted Unfurnished room. . Titt J. PL Williams. D. K. LeGwin, Jno. E. Piatt James Northam, FiU hugh Gibson, H. & McQrirt, C. D. Weeks, Emil Wessell and Clarence Motte. Seal Estate Traasfers. . deeds filed for record at the Court House yesterday the following ( property transfers are noted : W. R. French and.wife to u. navuio ur $100, lot 33x64 feet at northwestern intersection of Second ana w ngn streets. W. B. French and wife to Mrs. W. L. Burkhimer tor ls, 83x51 feet on Second between Dawson ,i -ar-trTit atreeta. W. J. Reaves on the to Fort Fisher interested in the improve ments now going on at the Y. M. O. A. building promises to be largely pat ronized. The patronesses or tne ex cursion are Mesdames J. R. Banner man, J. O. Stewart, C. C. Brown and P. O. Morton. The boat leaves at 7:45 o'clock. x Duplin Superior Court. . So engrossed with criminal matters is the present term of the Duplin Su perior Court that Judge Alien nas continued the entire civil docket Notice to that effect has been given several Wilmington attorneys who are interested. . : 1 Marrlaf e of Miss Harris. Richmond Evening Leader i '-The approaching marriage of Miss Mattie Scholar Harris, who until recently made her home in this city, to Mr. Edgar Calvin Yarborough, of Green ville, S. C, will be of much interest to her many friends here. The csremony will be performed at the bride' home in Wilmington, N. C, on Tuesday next at high noon, the Rev. John H. Hall, of the Fifth Street Methodist Church, officiating: Mr. Yarborough will be attended by his best mat), Mr. Miss Harris is the daughter of Mis. C. M. Harris and is an exceedingly pretty brunette. Mr. Yarborough is a valuable employe of the Southern Bell Tele phone Company. After the ceremony the young couple will leave - for a western tour, going: as far as San Francisco, Cat" Brick Thrown at Him. Wess Odom, a .young white man, aged about 20 years and employed at Sneeden's restaurant on South Front street was found by the police iasi night about 11 o'clock on Fifth, between Dawson and -Wright streets with a severe gash over his. eye, which he says was inflicted by ajbrick thrown at him in the street He was taken in an adjoining house and later trans ferred to the City Hospital in the patrol wagon. The police think they have a clue io his assailant Dance To-morrow Night. The last week-end dance of the sea son at the Seashore Hotel, Wrights- ville Beach, will be given by Manager Hinton to-morrow night The music will be by Hollowbush's Orchestra, and there will be a late train to the city. Only gentlemen holding supper checks will be admitted to the bail room. r txt itro-ir. nTJTR.TTT HOTTRT OF THK UNITED States, ror the Eastern District of North Caro lina, in ine matter ui a. a. iuu, imun.kuv. In Bankruptcy. To. the creditors of K. Wilson, of Dunn, in the county of rramV In na.tri District. bankrUDt: Notice is hereby given that on the 28th day of August, A. D 1901. the eaid A. B. Wilson was ad iadeed a bankrupt: and that the first meeting offite creditors will be Leld at the office pf the undersigned Referee In Bankruptcy, in Fayette vme. in saw uibixiui ua un au i y. September, A. D. 1901. at 5.80 o'clock Jn theaf ternoon, at which -time the said credi tors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact such other business as may properiy cuwe uc fore the said meeting, schedule shows, assets nothing above constitutional exemption; llabUl Hes. 16,698.60 If examination of bankrupt is de sired advise me. . Fayetteville, N. O . i-cEAE. an 80 it , Referee In Bankruptcy. CERN1ANIA, Portland Cfment. Hoffman, Rosindafe Cement. Bagging and Ties, Molasses, Domestic and Imported ' Salt, Grain Lime, Hay, Nails. NOTICE. Just arrived car load Horses; . several will weigh from 1,400 to 1,500 lbs., and lots of ail w wit woST of Buggies and Harness to the city, and at the lowest prices. Balance of this month will sell Buggies at cost to make room for car ioaa aue oepLoiuuor uw. gains call and see. Wilmington Live Stock Co. augSOtf The Worth Co. my 14 tf "- m . t e B K (3 CD 03 9 e B Pi a B a to' SB ye Hew Goods. Bagging and Ties, New Mullets, FIRST PAT. FLOUR, ........ . - v . . v 4 SND PAT. FLOUR, STRAIGHT FLOUR. : ! SUGAR. COFFEE, RICE, ' MEAL, GRITS, MOLASSES, WHEAT BRAN, CANNED GOODS, SOAP, LYE, STARCH, S ALT, &c. Bend me your orders. Bpeclal attention given to consignments. : . S. P. HcNAlR. St S3 S 3 2 9 J or :Ls! -J 2 81 J" H O en V I 'SI 5r -a si s a. sN 31 .8 OA 9 CB 8 8 at 8S te o O Hi 8 8 91 S 8 8 era 55 as re ji 3n s - K 5 33 .8 OS) 8H S?1 3 IB S 5 a a 33 ' 3 o - Ei CO o a HI W . 'Match It? "CHEROOT" SEE THE SHOES ' we are selline for $3.00, and your own good judgment will affirm every wora we bj The world wonder. you can. , "Match It" if an 88 tt Tne Carter la Port, . . The revenue cutter Algonquin was and wife to Edgar Taylor for $800, lot I in port for a few hours yesterday for Layias Oot Grounds. . A delegation from the Elks'. Carni val Committee yesterday afternoon went over the territory proposed to be covered by the forthcoming fair, took measurements for the location of tne booths, etc , etc Plans are being made to afford merchants an excellent op portunity to display their goods. 33132 feet on eastern aiae oi utooh between Church and Castle streets. TKnm TT. Wriffht to Mary ;J. Vaughan for $3,000 house and lot 48x52 feet ia size on east aiae oi Fourth, between Princess and Market. Raleifh ExcnrsIoB Yesterday ; Weathers fip Christian's excursion from Raleigh yesterday arrived at 3 P M-i and brought about 4W persons. Passengera were taken as far this way. as liumberton. The train returns n 7:30 o'clock this evening. ; ; : stores. She came straigni w j from Charleston, S. 0., where she has been 'on a cruise. After receiving provisions, etc, she returned in the afternoon to Southport. , , Plpkli Next Kxemrsiosi - Will be from Goldsboro to Norfolk, Washington and Buffalo September 4th. 1901.This will be a nine-day trip, and the fare from Goldsboro to Buf- fttlo and return will be only $19.00. For full particulars, route, etc, write to B. E. Pipkdt; Manager, Goldsboro, N.a ' -t The Fire Ut Nljhl. - The alarm of fire at 11:30 o'clock last night from box 31 was on account of a small, blaze at the residence, of Mrs, Fannie Rogers, No. 70S North 1 Sixth street, It caught from a cooking stove and the damage was only about $5. v Received last night a fresh, supply of . elegant free - atone peaches. Call and see us or telephone Bell 447 Carolina Fruit Co., 217 North Front street. ' - t ; gBASOHABLB GOODS. MULLETS, new catch. . Best Cream Cheese, Martin's Gilt Edge Butter, Bagging and Ties . F : salt. . : . LDTX OT CASliy GOODS DXKAJTD AT THIS 8XAS0S. Sole agents for . -' ROB ROY FLOUR. LIcllAIR &PGMSALL, in their praise. Three dollars is a price inai , gives you a pretty wide range of choice in leathers,' shapes, and styles, but only one quality the best. SOLOMON'S SHOE STORE. an 85 tf ' ' - - Bagging and Ties. ; ' - Can Ship Promptly. ? - 2,500 Roll Ba-gglne. 4.000 Bnndlea Ties. ; 1,000 2nd hand Machine Casks, 150,000 Lbs. Hoop iron. 35 Barrels Glue. 1,000 Keg Rails. 1,000 Bushels W. G. Meal. 1,000 Basnets fJorn. 1,000 Bushels Oats. " Also sixty-three car loads of other groceries, net our prices. , s D. L. GORE CO., . . WHOLSSAU qkocibs, 120, 123 and 124 North Water Street, jy 80 tf - . Wilmington, N. O. -1 1 "SHOW DOWN" Tobacco Cant't be beat. Sold everywhere. Take no other. j "OBEUO," "CUBAN BliOSSOU" Oigrar Is the finest 5c Cigar sold here or any where. Try them, ll ' your aeaier don't have them the next man 'has. Ypllers & Hasbagen, aug 18 tf . -, , ' sep au . 22 tf FOR RENT'.' Dwellings, Stores, Office, , 1 . . -'; ; D.-O'CONNOB; Bchnai Cream, any. Jack's Best, Bwee S.0. x S3M .U Jd'F. - , b. B. JUI1B, Bowers, torriuara, and Gall & AXi . - -, 'Portuondo'Chlcos.Boyal Bine Ontanas N b. we nave a few Jobs Is Tobacco to be closed put . HALL & PEABSALL, - - ; (INCORPORATED.) t' V WHOLESALE GROCERS, ' ans tt ; -- Hutt and Mulberry

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