lvrfc o..Rii Pverv-UsvX JjOoaraaieca - - tircolitlon Urjerinaa mai Of Any Other DaHyNews-. paper Published In Wilmington. WEST DAILY NBWSPAPER. S IN THE STATU. OUTLINES. . attendance at' the Letter Car- ... r.nntionin Chattanooga. - Ms of two Montana bank, to the " ount of $300,000 are in circulation kine signatures of presidents and SSL 1-A wide spread reTOlu ,nary movement i going on in Perr xhe French goYernment sent tquest to Munir Bey, the Turkish Inbassador, to leave France immedi tely and Manir Bay departed for witzerland last evening Hes ,r makes the cotton crop of the United tatesfor 1900-1901 amount to 10,383,- t2 bales. France is determined , compel Turkey to fulfil her oblia oni Marie Josephine East wink, f Philadelphia, arraigned in police, ourt, London, charged with forgery, ii 'minors in Tennessee, about one Cusand, have struck. No race Lween Columbia and Constitution lesterday, because of lack of wind Woman arrested in. Lionaan . be- nvA to be an American of wealth. Wed with forging a railway stock ertificate for 100,000. Riot last jght at Tybee island between civilians rom Savannah and soldiers from Fort creven; there were many broken Lads, but no fatalities. WEATHER REPORT. U. S. Dkp't or Agriculture, i Wkathkk Bttrxau, -Wilmington, N. C, Sept. 2. S 1 Temperatures: 8 A. M., 75 degrees; P. M., 73 degrees; maximum, 89 de- Ues; minimum, 71 degrees; mean, 80 grees. Rainfall for the day, .00; rainfall ace 1st of the month to date, .71 kch. FORECAST FOB TO-DAY. Washington, sept, a. w xnorw Saroliaa: Fair Tuesday, Wednesday; Jnd Thursday; probably local show L; wind)mostly northeasttfly. Port AlmanacSeptember 3.. lun Rises .......... 5.33A.M. Juu Sets 6.25 P.M. bay's Length : 13 H. 6S M. ligh Water at South port. - 10. 87 A. Mi ligh Water Wilmington . 1.07 P. M. In Chicago they have increased le valuatioa of the taxabla proper- V of "Elijah" Dowie, from $15,000 b 500,000. It looks as if they in tern! to tax ,out. Broak "Ite.j'daima to be the Kchest town for size and population in the world. Its wealth is placed t ?S3.180,700 this year, an increase f 5,000,000 over last year. Within the past ten years pneu- kumia ha3 become a more fatal Jnalady in the United v States than onsumption. Liast year the deaths rom pneumonia numbered 191-6 per 100,000 to 190.5 from con sump- ion. The Japanese have a custom of planting a tree when each child is jorn and catting it down when the ihild grows up and gets married. Planting the tree is nice and all ight, bnt cutting it down is all wrong. That pot of gold that has been plowed up by farmers in different parts of the South for several years iuccesaively, is being yanked inta ieryice again. Its first appearance was near Huntsville, Ala.,' a few Bays ago. ilr3. Markell, of Roanoke, Va.i Isn't brooding much over the loss of ler husband, who skipped away from ler, bnt has sized him un as worth J . A 10,000, has charged this amount up against a youne woman who charmed him, and sued her for it, A case of when extremes meet oc curred in the town of Bihghamton, the other day when a 6 year old girl, 6 feet 2 inches tall; weighing 125 pounds, married a 26 year old kid, 4 feet 7 inches high, and weighing 200 pounds. A complete skeleton of a hoplo phoneous tiger was recently due out of one of the Rocky Mountains; when this skeleton was covered with flesh and hide it was about the size of -a Bengal tiger. That's the kind they had in that country sev era! hundred thousand years ago out tney are all dead now. I There is said to be a great subteri auean river running across Ohio. rtn . . a men wells are sunk along at a great roaring sound is heard, -and m some cases where the boring was ueep enough the bottoms fell out of the wells, revealing a very rapid stream. But ut yet where it comes out or what it does with itself. The Swedes have a mean way of --muugging nsh and luring inlft a i . them irouoie. They put a .lol minnows in. i a,--,- '. of to a rope so it wufwlinsnended in the ater. Then they play on an ac- ' uu ur something to draw the wmcn are captivated as i Joya are by a brass band. And tbe anglers dron thnir ,nv" small then lines AT uvvavu aid pull the unsuBoectinir fisriMi out that's just a little bit too mean. x f i i DAY,ATMTnPORT. The Celebration Yesterday Was Accompanied . by Full Meas- gs'mtjbl Suecess. !" ORATION BY COL VVADDELL. He Spoke Oi a Uve Ssbject to as later- ested PeopleYtrieBs Atkletlc Con- tests Second Reglmest Band ' :w B Excarsloa Last Nli&t l': The last of a series of three public celebrations at Southport within the past year was the very elaborate ob servance of Labor Day yesterday by the people of that enterprising town. and upwards of two thousand visitors, who crathered there from Wilmington and all other contiffuoui points as their guests upon the occasion. The num ber of those who went down, from this city alone was one thousand and by the time 1 the county delegations reached the town the streets were teeming with people. The celebration was in every, sense a suecess and the. 8outhport people are receiving de served praise for their enterprise in ar ranging the event Fully three thousand people were in the street parade,-which formed on the garrison at 11 A. M., and marched to . Franklin Square to inspiring strains of music from the South port Ctornet Band. After scrip ture reading . and a very fervent prayer by - the Bev. E. J. Edwards, Acting Mayor E. N. Cranmer hospit ably, welcomed the enthusiastic throng of visitors. CoL A. ML WaddelL orator of the day, was then introduced in exceedingly graceful language by Robert W. Davis, Esq., one of the; leading members of the Southport bar and a very entertaining speaker. CoL Waddell was welcomed with loud and prolonged applause and was iitened to with great attention and profit. His general theme was labor and capital and this all absorbing topic was treated in a masterly man ner. During the latter part of his dis course he began to generalize and spoke along industrial lines " in the most en tertaining way. Ool .Waddell's very able speech concluded the morning's exercises and the afternoon contests opened with a tug of war between teams from the Wilmington Division, Naval Reserves, and the city of Southport.- Southport was the winner in the contest. The next event pole vaulting and greased pole climbing was won by Tom Pad rick. The prise for the 100 yards dash was won by James Craig.. The stand ing broad jump contest was won by 8. K. Eure and his distance was ten feet The running broad jump was won by Private . Griggs, of Fort Cas well., His distance was 17 feet, 9 inches. The running high jump was won toy C A. Montgomery and the standing high jump by S. ML Eure, the latter's record having been S feet, eight inches. The baseball game on the garrison was between picked teams from Southport and was close and in teresting. -- The basket ball game between the Wilmington Naval Reserves and the Boys' Brigade for the championship cup was won by the Boys' Brigade in a score of 15 to 6. The teams lined-up' as follows: Brigade Dozier and Irving, for wards; Davis, centre; Price and Peck, guards. Reserves Lane and Momss, for wards; Murphy and Scott, - guards; LeGwin, centre. The game of basket ball practically ended the afternoon events, with the exception of a very spirited barrel race in which S. Davis was the winner. The twilight concert by the South- port band and the amateur minstrel show at 7:30 o'clock provided early evening entertainment for all, and at 8:48 the Second Regiment Band, of Wilmington, gave a delightful open air concert on the square, during the progress of which the following pro gramme was rendered: 1 Tenth Regiment March, (llall.j "The Lass I Love" (from Garratt O'Magh.) (Mackie.) , . , r 3 A uuncn oi uiac Denies (Holzman.) 4 Uhilian uance. 5 "The Man Behind the guns.1! (Sousa:) AU March.", (8eouton.) 7 "inxie." The band went down on a special trip of the steamer Wilmington; leav ing the city at 6 P. M. and a most en joyable evening was spent. The or ganization was eighteen memoers strong and in the absence of "Prof. S. A-Schlossthe band was excellently led by Mr, E. H. Munson. Prof. Hol- lowbush, of Hollowbush's urcnestra, accompanied them and added much to the success of. the trip. ? 1 '--;t v; V i - The returning party from South port reached the city last night on the steamers Compton . and Wilmington after aday of ' delightful recreation and. pleasure. - ' iiafli nf Voanreii Soo. ? Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Leslie. No.. 806 North Ninth street, deeplv sympathize with them in the . I I II 1 ,ii :1mm tm loss of their ypungesir wiuu, o"""" . l ... AatTi nmnrmd at S P. mT yesterday. The funeral will be held at 4 o'clock this afternoon with interment m ueiievue wbbij- N.KW : ADVEBTISEMENTB ; ; Sam'l Bear, Sr. -Cheese, tolmceb. ' fot. ; wnrnfTicton Schedule. - i U... ww m . - Bell Telephone Co. Special notice. - n t: On Co" New catch mulleta. The People's Savings Bank Notica Tarboro Southerner Printer wanted 1HE LOCAL DOTS. MraG. W. Yopp is visiting in Buckingham, N. O. v ; The B. Y..P. XJ.rof ther First Baptist Church will give a sociable to night week. , No local markets are printed in the Stab to-day on account of '.Labor Day yesterday. -. ' .-r ; ; ; Hatch Bros, will bring another excursion train over the Seaboard Air Line Thursday. . Rev. J. W, Potter, pastor of Market Street M'JL" Church, is con- dueting a revival at ZlonME. Church. Brunswick county. - . - - The Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company has an inter esting notice to subscribers in the ad vertising columns. - : i ! As the Stas employs no . trav elling agents, bills-are sent direct to subscribers.' These bills should, re ceive prompt attention. Work is expected to begin soon on the iSindsome new building for the Murchison National Bank af corner of Front and Chesnut streets. ; Beginning to-day the r eg alar winter schedule on the steamer Wil mington is effective. See advertise ment in another column. Dr. Calvin S. Blackwell, pas tor of the First Baptist Church, is ex pec ted home from his vacation this week in time to preach Sunday as usual. The Wilmington Savings and Trust Company was not open yester day for deposits but all money placed with the bank to-day will bear interest from Sept 1st. Campbell Encampment No. 1, I. O. O. F., conferred the Royal Pur ple Degree on six candidates last night After the exercises a spread of refresh ments was enjoyed. Money deposited with the People's Saving Bank to-day will bear nterest from September 1st This con cession is granted because of the dos ing of the bank yesterday for Labor Day. "Bosh Hashonah," the Jewish New Year, comes next Friday week and will be observed as usual in Wil mington. Ten days later "Yom Kip- pur" or the Day of Atonement will be observed. Friends will be glad to learn of the convalescence of Walter 8., the" eleven-year-old son of Capt. Eugene S. Knight, who has been very sick for some time. The little fellow had an attack of both scarlet fever and diph theria. The Wilmington Tar Heels" nd "Second Street Giants" tried con clusions on -the ball field . yesterday with the. result of a victory for the Tar Heels" In a score of 31 to 7. The batteries were Clowe and King ; Ber gen and Bremer. DIFFICULTY IN "BROOKLYN." Wslter Sllvy lsdicted Kiley Smith sod yict Versa la Police Court. Walter Bilvy. who has lately fig ured in the courts rather often, was arrested yesterday afternoon, charged with an attempt to shoot Riley Smith, white, about the same age of Sllvy . Smith had been in an altercation with a boy named Joe Yates, a relative of Silvy, and the latter accosted Smith about it near Ninth' and Bladen streets. Silvy says Smith drew a knife on' Mm and he snapped an empty pistol in his face to ward off an attack from the knife. Smith says the attack was unprovoked. Silvy was brought to the police station and gave $50 cash bond for his appearance at the municipal court this morning. lie then swore out warrants for Smith, charging him with assault with a deadly weapon and embezzlement. In regard to the latter charge, he says that he sent Smith to a saloon for a pint of liquor and gave him fifty cents out of which to get twenty-five : cents to pay for the same. Silvy alleges that Smith would not return the change, saying that the entire fifty cents had been spent by him for the liquor. All the charges will be investigated in the municipal court to-day. SALE OF THE LONDON WHARF. Bid Io st Receiver's Sale fey Mr. J. V. Qrslsier Yesterday af Noon. f Bv virtue of an order of the Su perior court of Forsyth, county, at the July term, 1901, In a case In which the North 8tate Improvement Com pany was defendant, J. C. Buxton, Esq., of Winston, yesterday at .noon sold at auction ' the London wharf property on Water, between Chesnut and Grace streets, as attorney for John W. Fries, receiver of the North State Company . -'.i The sale took place on the premises and the property was bid in by Mr.' J. V. Grainger, cashier of the Murchison National Bank, for $9,000. The only other bidder was Mr." Andrew More land, cashier of the Atlantic National Banki who started the property;, at $7,000. The bidding was very lively between the two, Mr. Moreland's last bid having been $8,950, when Mr. Grainger bid $9,000, and the property was knocked down to him. Miss Norma Foster at Home.- ;J . Miss Norma Foster, Wilmington's talented young i musician, . who has spent the greater portion of the past three years at conservatories. North, returned home Sunday night ; from Mount Pooona, Pa. and will spend the winter with her. mother : at' 713 Grace street. Miss Foster expects to open a s studio soon for - vocal and violin training - -' MORN WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER on the diamond: Newbern With Reinforcements From Wilmington Defeated Tar Babies Yesterday. r SCORE WAS SEVEN TO FIVE. The Chronic Craaks Are Still On the War Path for News of Depsrtlsg Plsyers. interest Will Die With the First 1 Snow of Winter. Professional baseball is no more in Wilmington, for the present at least. A majority , of the members of the team who won the pennant in the late league have-gone elsewhere and the cranks must now : rely for their sport in reading of - the games in the big leagues and those played by the lnde pendent teams in the State, .which have not yet given way . to the ap proach of Fall and Winter Devlin, Thaekara, Hopkins, Frost and Warren, of the Wilmington team, left Sunday night for Newbern, where they will play a week's engagement with the' Soft Shells." Clayton did not go as was expected but will likely - leave to-day or to morrow for Wilxes barre, Pa., where he has been offered place. Allen is still here and may remain until next Summer. McGinnis is in the city, but yesterday while at Southport, he received a telegram asking him to join the Newbern team. He did not get the message in time to catch the afternoon train but he may go over to day. Both he and Thaekara expect to return after the short engagement with "the sister city." The game at Newbern yesterday against Tarboro was favorable to the locals in a score of seven to five. The following special was received last night: "Njwbkh, N. G, Sept. 2. New born defeated Tarboro to-day in a score of seven to five. The game was 'eatured by heavy hitting and rather bose playing. The score: 12345678 9 BHK Newbern 10301020 7-10 5 Tarboro. .. ....000000320 T 7 4 "Batteries: Hopkins and Thaekara; Martin and Lehman. "Summary i Three base hit, Devlin; base on balls, off Martin 3; struck out, by Hopkins 7, by Martin 5; left on bases, Newbern 9, Tarboro 4. Time, 1:85. Umpire, Mr. Stevens." The local cranks and crankerinas are much interested in the success or fail ure of Stewart's debut in the Southern League Sunday at New Orleans, as the papers stated that he would likely make his initial appearance in the box on that day. The game was won by New Orleans against Bel ma in a score of seven to five and .thejrooters have now turned their wondenhgs" if New Orleans would , win the game into hoping that Stewart really did pitch' it. An Associated Press dispatch has this about a big league pitcher, who is well known in Wilmington : Charleston, S. C Sept. 2. "Jim- mie" Mc James, who up to a few weeks ago was on the pitching staff of the Brooklyn baseball team, is confined to a room here with his left . arm broken in two places. His collar bone is also shattered.- McJames was driving a spirited horse at his home in Cheraw yesterday when he was thrown from the buggy. His injuries are serious, though not necessarily dangerous. THE FORCES AT FORT CASWELL Cspt. Qsrdhier Arrived to Tske Chsr;e of 102dd Compsny Cspt. Lsodon Capt R. F. Gardiner, commander of the 102nd Company, Coast Artil lery, now stationed at Fort. Caswell, reached the city yesterday from San Francisco and went Immediately down the river in the afternoon. CapL Gardiner had been travelling from the Pacific coast juit a week and was very naturally worn out when he reached the city. Capt. Landon, who is now. com manding one of the batteries at Cas well, expects to leave this week for his new station at Portland, Me. He will be relieved with the Thirty-eighth, Company now at Caswell by Lieut. Hollyday, who arrived some time ago. Heariag la Baakraptey. : A meeting of the creditors of Moore & Finch, bankrupts, of Shallotte, N. a, was held yesterday in the United States court room before Referee S. H. MacRae. Jno. H. Gore, Jr.,; Esq., represented a number of the creditors and Judge E. K. Bryan was present in behalf of the bankrupts. About the only matter of business transacted at the meeting wss the appointment -of Mr. W. H. Phillips, of Shallotte, as trustee. Ref olar Monthly Meetlogs. 7 On account of the Labor Day obser vance, all the regular, monthly board meetings were postponed .yesterday: The Aldermen expect to meet next Friday nieht. if not earlier, and the County Commissioners will meet this afternoon at 80 o'clock. The latter board met yesterday afternoon, but an adjournment was taken' until to day. Those present were Messrs. Holmes,- Alexander and Montgomery. Bif Chiefs Off For Ralelfh. ' - CsDt. J. M. McGowan, Great True tee. Great "Junior Sagamore W.: H. Lane and Great Representatives E. P. H. Strunck and ' M. Marshburn are among the Wilmington Bed Men who left" Sunday : and , yesterday I for the Great Council in Raleigh to--day. They all carry good report from the order in Wilmington, which., city is repre? senfed by two nourishing tribes. -.- PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. 5 - Mr. 25. V. Snipes retnrned to Richmond yesterday.; . :v.-.. , ; j i . Mr Pierre Holmes returned to Horner's School yesterday. ' " : Mr. D. C. Love has returned from Lincolnton and Asheville. 1 : Mr. W. Hope Whyte, of Gas tonia, is at the beach for a few dsys. Mr. Joe ,W. Yates got - home yesterday from a short trip to Green ville, s. o. c --zi -:-sl Mr. W. Van Hardin is at home from a two weeks' trip to Lincoln Lithia Springs. : - Mr. and Mrs. H. j;F. WUder have just returned from a pleasant trip to Washington and Baltimore. - - Master Clyde Piner, son"; of Cpt EL.Piner,, th popular A. C. L. gatemanv-IefV vestardaTtQ eaier 'tber mSmt CtoTlege.'Safelght , -' -Me88r8.r Carlos and Bartow Thomas, of Calabash, N. C, were here yesterday en route to Richmond. where they will take a business course. Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Holt, who have been spending the Summer at their cottage at Wrightsville, re turned to their home at Fayetteville yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. D. W.; Tpwnsend and children, of Maxton, spent a part of last week in the city the guests of Mrs. Townsend's parents, Capt and Mrs. J. W. Plummer. , REWARD FOR MURDERER. County Commissioners Yesterday Paid Amooflt Offered for Capture of Nefro Who Killed Will Dudley. The reward of $100 offered by the County Commissioners several months ago for the capture of the murderer of Will Dudley and his delivery to the sheriff of the county was paid yester day. ' - .. Payment of the reward has been held up on account of a dispute over a division of the amount between Capt. J. P. Cutts, the A. C. L. conductor who shut the negro in a box car at-' tached to his train, and Chief of Police A. B. Freeman, of Goldsboro, who, with two of his men, took the negro from the car upon the arrival of the train at Goldsboro. Chief Freemsn and Captain Cutts were both in the city yesterday, and after a conference with several of the County Commissioners and agreement between themselves, the amount was paid over and receipts taken therefor. By the division, Chief Freeman re ceived $65 of the amount and Captain Cutts. the remainder. The latter will divide with the negro train hand who informed, him of the murderer's pres ence on the traih; laid Chief Freenxxn: will divide with his officers who as sisted in taking the 'negro from the car. CONDITION OF LAJURENCE SPRUNT. Some Chaore for the Better and Psrents aad Friends More Hopeful. -The numerous friends in Wilming ton of . Mr. and Mrs. James Sprunt and of the family anxiously awaited tidings yesterday from Asheville of the condition of' little Laurence Sprunt, whose critical illness with scarlet - fever has several times been noted in these columns. Until Sunday noon the news frqm the bedside of the boy was most alarm ing but a change for the better soon came and later reports during the day were that the improvement had been sustained. He spent a very restless night following the improvement in the afternoon and yesterday morning the reports were somewhat conflicting but encouraging, nevertheless. A telegram to Mr. W. H. Sprunt last night at 9:30 o'clock stated that while Laurence had undergone no radical change, the improvement Was still sustained and all were very hope ful of his ultimate recovery if there was no backset. Mr. Sprunt telegraphs that he and Mrs. Sprunt are deeply-grateful for the many prayers that have been offered by their friends in Wilmington and elsewhere for the recovery of their boy. 7..-;;-.--:- Vegetable Insects On Soand. . Early vegetables on Middle Sound are said to be suffering from the rav ages of a smalllnsect known as the "fire bug" or Lincoln bug, as they were called just prior to the late Civil war. The bugs are always present in limited number, but this year they are said to be in countless millions. . Col- lards have been destroyed on .the stalk by them and green peas, and turnips have also come in for their share of the injury. Increased Cotton MiQ Time. Beginning this week $he Wilming ton Cotton Mills will be operated six days in the week instead of four, as heretofore. The increased demand for manufactured goods is assigned as the reason for the increased output.-. The news is welcome tov the hundreds of operatives, who have been working on short time during the Summer months. Rev. Mr. Story Has Retnrned. - Bev, J. C;StoryVvwho is pursuing his theological studies at Union Semi nary, Bichmond, Va., and who has. been supplying the pulpit of. Tinman uel Presbyterian ' church, this city, during the: Summer months, left yes terday returning to Bichmond to take aphis; work there.' Mr. Story made many friends during his short stay in the city; who regrettd exceedingly to see mm leave. 3. 1901. THE ELKS' CARNIVAL. Executive Committee ' Rounding Matters for the Fair id I Great Shape, - HELD MEETING YESTERDAY. Low Railroad Rates Are Assured -Adver-tlsioi; Matter In Larje Qnsntitles On " the Way--AddltIon8l Features. ; j Subscription Canvass. ; The Elks' Carnival Executive Com mittee, which hav general control and supervision of the big - fair to be given in Wilmington fqr the week y begin ning October 14tb, had a most enthus iastic session at the Temple at Ce'clock starday ,storoojnduringj1 whi auniuoroi impomur uiHiLeis pertam. ing .to the fair were discussed t the prospects were found to be more en couraging and the sub-committees admonished to keep up the good work. In the matter of railroad rates, it was ascertained that a definite an nouncement would be forthcoming in a few days but that in the meantime assurances had been had that the very essential inducement of low fares would be forthcoming. The rate is expected to be one fare for the round trip or approximately one and a half cents per mile.' This. inducement on the part of the railroads will no doubt attract large crowds. A telegram was received from Bus iness Manager V. D. Levitt, of the Bostock-Ferari Shows, saying that 12, 000 sheets of lithographic advertising matter would be forwarded at once from Dayton, Ohio. Advices were also had that 15,000 carnival buttons for advertising pur poses would reach here this week. The St. Louis Confetti Company also notified the committee that 10,000 bags of confetti would be shipped at' once. The committee to. solicit subscrip tions will meet at the Temple at 4 o'clock this afternoon? and the city will be mapped ' into districts for a thorough canvass, beginning tomor row morning. During the progress of the meeting yesterday afternoon two additional committees were named to begin work at once. They are as follows: . Souvenir Programme Committee W. L. DeBosset, Jr., (chairman) Jno. J. Fowler, Jno. B. ' Turrentine, Jr., Robert Buark and W. F. Robertson. Country Store Committee James F.Woolvin (chairman), W. A. French, Jr., F. P. Turrentine, H. D. Springer, H. EL Croswell, A. S. Williams and Ben j. BelL The souvenir programme committee s appointed to prepare an elaborate programme of events fair week and to insur their liberal dhrtribnties. will be gotten up in the true Elk style "the best on earth" and will be from the presses in time for the fair. The country store committee is to ar range for a mammoth booth for the sale of various articles of merchandise. This feature is common to all fairs of the kind to be given in Wilmington and always proves entertaining and profitable. Winston, Greensboro and Charlotte Elks will be here in large delegations and travelling men say there is great interest in the fair every where. It ap pears now that nothing can come in the way of the carnival and success. It is hoped that the business men of the city will lend their support to the en terprise. BAD NAVASSA NEGROES Two of Them Had Fight Yesterday That -Nearly Resalted FatsIIy. -Joe Andrews, colored, aged about zs years, was urougni to ine cy yes terday from Navassa station and sent to the Hospital for treatment of a se vere gash in his head, just back of the right ear, inflicted by a hatchet thrown at him by Wm. Waddell, a colored carpenter with whom he was employ ed in some building now in progress at the factory. ' After the negro's wound had been sewed up, he appeared in Justice Fowler's court against Waddell, who was sent ever to the higher court un der a bond of $50, which he could 'not give. : Andrews was found guilty of simple assault and required to pay the COSt. .. ' . -. , ' . JAMES WALKER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL. New Saperiatendent Arrived Meeting of Bosrd of Managers This Morning, h Dr. Thomas B. Little, the newly elected superintendent of , the James Walker Memorial ' Hospital, reached the city from Philadelphia Sunday night and is a guest of his cousin, Mr. George S. . LeGrand. : Dr. Little will formally take charge of the hospital to-day.;( j . .. ' .',.. 'wl'.vvl There will be a meeting of the Board of Managers of the Hospital at the cfSce of HughMaeBae 8c Co., on Front street, ' thisZ Jmornfegr at J.0 o'clockfat which Dr. Littie will likely be present. A foil attendance is de sired. : ;; i - Pipkin's Next Bxesiraioa Will be from Goldsboro to Norfolk Washington and Buffalo Sentember 4th, 1901. This will be a nine-day trip, and the fare from Goldsboro to Buf falo and return will be onlr J19.00. For full particulars, route, etc, write to B. E."Piprnr, Manager Goldsboro, ' - C DISH. ., V ' ;,. I , in this city Monday at 9 F. M., at the home of his parents. ANPBEW? ADOUPHUS. vonnsrest child of Alexander and -Mary A. Leslie, aged .10 moatns ana x& aays. .-,, -- . , -'J ronersl Crora residence, ; 80S North Ninth Btreet, this (Tuesdayy afternoon, at 4 o'clock-. Interment at Bellevne. Friends and aoanainS. ances invited to attend. - WHOLE NO. 10,619 NOTICE Jii't 2 deposited with us to-day, Tuesday, September 3rd, will beainterest from September 1st, 1901. V, how Si? -IKS? IT111, U8 uo matter how large, no matter how small, it will be welcome, and will reneivA ufnl ttAnt.;,m The People's Savings Bank, . " - " mm.m.Amm !.'- a " 'it ' Opposite the - I P. W. J. W. NORWOOD, Pres. THE ATLAIITIG ? , , WILMINGTON, N. C, August 31, 190! ' The Directors of the; Atlantic National Bank, having declared. esttalvideiKrof pne"percenti for the month of August, same is payable September 2nd. iBesident stockholders will please call for their checks. :- : sep 1 tf The Greatest Cigar Of the Time ''CUBAN BLOSSOM," -10,." "CREMO," " 1 -Perfectoa style." High Quality Low Price. These Cigars have no equal for the price strictly hand-made, of the nnest Imported Ma terial; as good Tobacco as goes Into a loo Cigar. We call attention to cheaper smoke : Match It "CHEROOT 99 The wonder or the smokers try a banco, and yon will smoke no other kind wrapped with Sumatra Wrapper, same Wrapper as goes on fic Cigar, and Is recommended to select smokers. Fold by all kind of stores and everywhere. Out-of-town trade will please correspond with us. Yollers & Hashagen; SOLE DISTEIBUTOES. sepltt GERM AN I A, Portland Cement Hoffman, Rosindale Cement. Bagging and Ties, Molasses, Domestic and Imported Salt, Grain, Lime, v Hay, Nails. The Worth Co. ) my 14 tt -. . . FISH, FISH.! 25 BARRELS Hew Catch Mlets. Also quantities of all other goods in my line. D. L. GORE CO., WHOLXSiUC QBOCXBS, 120, 128 and VH North Water Street, sep 8 tf Wilmington, N. C 300 Cheese. 100 Boxes Tobacco. 200 Sacks Coffee. : SAM'L BEAR, Sr., sep m'tt f 18 Market street, ; SPECIAL 1I0TIGE - To Southern Bell Telephoas and Telegrftph Oompany'i Subscribers. Parties contemplating a change in residence will do us a favor by giving ns at least two weeks notice, so that we may be able to change vnnr tAlenhona-wban von mam. DUDBcriDers laiung rogive nstne aoove nouco may be without telephone service for a week or ten aaya oeiore we ean diu us ciuuikc. . ueeiieciinuiy, SOUTHERN BKLIaTBLE. AHD TELA. CO. T. 8. MCMANTJ8, Manager. sepsst Bcanapps. Magogany, Jack's Best, Sweet uream,uoseina,c.. ; . . .. : B. B. laijst Bowers, Lorrlllarana Gftil ; : Portuonao' (Atcos, Boyal BlneCsbanas ' N. B. We have a few tons m Tobacco to be i cioseaont. .. . .-j.VK. . HALL & PEAE8ALL, (mCOBFOBAXBD.) - vws wmtm as. ss .wm-mm AWMtwrnrnmm -4 angetr " ' Hntt and xsiberry FOR RENT, ; Or will lease for atsrmof years tke Doable store on Water street. netween ohesnnt and Mnlberry, occnpiea several years oy tne wu- tara nag nanuacEory. - IX O'OONHOB. 14t - - r Beat estate Agent, Steamer Wilraiiigton Schedule Ooramendmr TaesCay, Jrrat steamer wumlngton jw3Z?lt SaTm. Winter schedule. leawtna -Beach 60th ror southport Matpuchlng JBTnchm on the ap and down trips, fcaro, ,T"ep8ii ; taecltxatWSP.Mv - ' - - . Meoeeeeoooeooooc: : TERMS OF SUBSCHIFTiZ" , Om Yaar, by Ball, S.C: ; Six XXomtks, . . -8.60: Threat ZXoatlia, ' 1.25 ' Two tfonthe, ' 1.005 IUTre4 Sarir fat tlft .-. City as 4S Cts pr BXvmSSu ? Postoffice. mo. s. ARnsTtoNe, vie pnsum DICK, Oa.klr. :-:s-SXH J. W. YATES, Aas'tOaabtcr. NATIONAL BANK, ANDREW UORELAHD, Cashier Kodaks and 20 PER CEHT. OFF Until further notice we will sell Kodaks and Cameras at 20 per cent, discount. -'"W"''3 Souvenir Booklet of Contains Pictures of all PubUc Build- ; Inns. Schools, Churches, Streets, PriTste 5 Besidenees, Biyer and Seashore Views, Mills, Factories, Shlppinc;, : etc -'Mh Mailed to any address, 85 cents. C. W. YATES & Cqlllif ' Books and Stationery, Jysitf ; wmnlngton. H a 'j RBASOMBLB G00i MULLETS, new catch. :. Best Cream Cheese, Martin's Gilt Edge Butter, Bagging and Ties. SALT. A CtXVKBAL LIXn 0? OUSX SOODS DXMAHD . AT THIS 8XASOV. Sole agents for UclIAIR & PEARSALL. TRY US We have Flour, Sugar, Coffee,1 Tea, Cakes, Crackers. Candies, ' Soap, Snuff, Soda, Starchy Lye. Potsh. Idsrd, : , Mestl Hominy. Molasses -- Nails. Tobacco. Smoking; and Cnewins;, ' " rcS' ' and a full line of Canned Goods. All of which we offer to the trade at " , living prices. 1 Williams Broo. Peach and Yanilla i For Sundays One Dollar Per Gallon. v We have some nice fruit. Grapes, Pears, Bansnss and Peaches. Mm lf( rkUMMbllf JlMf , r:-;:.-90. PrlnceBs8ttreet.?j' Ben Toons 1 660. X-""' Inter-Stateisa. ang Si tf . .--t; : ,r,- tK:t : 'i LIVERPOOL SALT. $946.16 in Liverpool Salt, 'M M $105.97 in Table $460.11 in Amerlean sal V : $ 76V&0 la IUek Alxust Salt, hit $110.49 in Paeket SalU x $410,15 ia Banker Hill Flour, $475.10 la Favoritoriosr, , i s :. 70.11 1st Broeassw 4 -:' $110.1 6 in Water Backets. $ 78.65 in N.C. name. -J' 1" ,V; j No copyright on our ads. ,. . . ' ; . V V. B. COOPER, Wholesale Grocer ' ' - ' sos, tin, sis NaU street,' 4;1; aul8tf, v-r - ,i wiUslnston..0. STATE OS1 NORTH CAROLINA, ;-..--i.;,Nsw Hasovxb Coram. Lella8wann,7 - ; v irv. ,JBWtion for divorce tengj,ta4 iZtwTliw mjrmATmxt th dBienasn iot iruoikjr SrduodiiiSeDce be found In the state, and KSnt defendant, Now this to to notify t'o Hanover to be held on the Tth day of October, 1901. and answer or demur to the complaint of -the plaintiff filed in said cause, or plaintiff wiu begranted the relief prayed for. ,Angnsl 8U19rT r - ' 'r 1 Clerk enparior Court, Sew Hanover onnty. - : 'V:

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