,.A Booa-fwe, ctj jaUooLarierThaii That Any Other DaBy News- OneTaavr, by Mail. $B.OO; Six KoBths, - i " :. :i s.so: paper P-bHsbed ia Tiireo Hontaus, 1.25 ; 1.00 T.w ZXoatka DellTareA 8paacrlbra ts ta f .v THE STATM. O vol; L,xvmSNO;fii4o WlXMrnGTON; N. C.V WEDI 1901. WHOLE NO. 10,620 ma t s-. - -...-. - - . . - - - m m m . m w w w w v w "an . -. 3.; r - m m - m m m - wa. . w w . .. m. . - . n w - . wn - . - ., . v . . - m mm . mm - mm : - mm.- ? . m m . - . , j.-. t :. vi .y- t w C.-.nfher Daily News- . 1 A t a XV -7- 1 r". ' I ' I : ' T T-TT --7-. -T- . I I ' ;' ---' - - - - - - . . , I i outline " AFFAIRS OE CODNTY; I CONCERT TO-MORROW NIGHT, It. by We condition of ooon North Carolina than ib any P.N" mftiorityofStateaof ton belt Uear average. w and three mtiu -j - explosion near Grewivill pevelopments show decided ,, . ,ifftftturers in the steel 'ortne 'skuation. AUO ro Li yachting wi or .nntV:!- -anrt that he i in Ian aenw -r--- - , lthy with the xnira irany iauo in MissourL Under new tionment Texas Rains three Oon- tl0n Tv Hatton Mill ben. " ' . Lt Gastonia, reorganize. 1 000 plant. Negro lyncnea lffee county, Aia , iur Five men stracK - ami ligntniDg near Ban Diego, Strike of mill operative m m jnmbia. S. a, is suu onr fcsolidaiion of all the bituminous mining companies in V ennsyi- Til? TTT-. A V. Ohio, Indiana, iiiinoa, n wt fnia and Kentucky has been per- bv the J. P. Morgan syndicate. Sew York markets: Moneyjon steadier at 34 per cent, ih last being at 3 per cent r cotton middling uplands 8C flour steady but rather quiet;, wheat easier, tso. 6 rou wm t a en., nif cmrtt nnlAt 2 38ic; rosin quiet; spirits mrpen- steady at 36J36c ; : ' WEATHER REPORT, U. S. DKP'T OS AGBICTOI.TUWK, i WKATHKB CTJBIAU, . j ; WlLMIHGTON, N. 0., Sept 8. ) J , imperatures: 8 A. M., 71 aegrees; M., 77 degrees; maxinium, oo uo- es; minimum, u urrew , TOCS. feainfall for the day, .00; ralniau ke 1st of the montft to aaie, .'a COTTON BEGION BTJIXJETIH. he temperatures are generally derate in all districts. Local rains he fallen on the middle Gulf coast, Id in Texas and Oklahoma. ' - FORECAST FOB TO-DA1-- IWashisgton, Sept 3. For JSortn Lrolina: Fair Wednesday and Thurs- Lj; light northeasterly winds. ; Port Almanae- September 4. Board of Commissioners in Ad burned Rearl? Monthly Meetic i Yesterday. THE USUAL REPORTS HEARD. Tax Books Received Prom Register ipf - - Deeds aid Taraed Oyer to Sberiff lor f ColIectloajBrora "Driwn for i October Term of Coart. T?icoc ..j?:3 3rU 6.84 KM. iiy's Length 13 H. BOM. igh VV ater at aoutn port xx ox a- jjj. igh Water Wilmington 8 01 P. la in Australia they turn cats loose ;o discourage the multiplication 01 abbita. When the cats get rid of khe rabbi ts then the problem to lolve will be how to get rid of the Icats. " The scarcity and high price of Irish potatoes has started people in the North to looking for a snbsfci tute. Food authorities recommend rice and hominy as substitutes, more nourishing than the potato,' and cheaper. , " Health statisticians say that the average of human life in this conn- try has been increased about fire years since 1890. At that rate" it will not be many decades before we runup against centenarians all along the way. - ...Pursuant to adjournment., Monday on account of Labor Day, the County Commissioners met yesterday after noon at 3:30 o'clock, Mr. Gabriel Holmes ' acting ' as ; chairman" and Messrs. W. F. - Alexander and Ji A. Montgomery haring been present Barrinsr the receiving of the com puted tax books from the Register of eeda " and their subsequent formal' transfer to - the sheriff for collection the proceedings were principally rou tine and of no very generalinterest. ! The monthly reports were read and ordered on :flle.- That of Dr. W. D. McMillan, superintendent of- health, shows' that during the month, :323 patients were treated In his office and 60 visits made to 65 patients at their homes. ; The jajlj county, home and convict camp were reported in good sanitary condition ; no cases of fever have occurred in the home or in the jail and only a few cases of chills and malaria have been found in the camp; The recent filling in of the low places and draining the surf ace water from the yards at the homv Dr. McMillan says, has been a marked sanitary im- proyementionly four cases of typhoid fever in the county, home have been reported to bis office. ; ; I" - The Begister of Deeds reported the payment of $14J35 into the county treasury as revenue "from marriage licenses. - y - The: report of Mr. Sol, J. " Jones, road superintendent,'-dealt largely with detail work. Superintendent Jones was directed bj the board to proceed according to law against Julius Henry and John' Paderlck' for alleged failure to obey a legal sum mons to foad duty. " -IT. J. Ashley was exempted from road duty on account of physical de bility. . - V- " : , The report of a special committee, consisting of Messrs. Montgomery and Alexander, to investigate the petition for a decrease in the valuation of the property of the New Hanover Land and Improvement Company, was de ferred until asubsequent meeting. j Jarors Ppr Next Tera of Coart. The following ) jurors were " sum moned for the term of New. Hanover Superior courW which will be:con ntwi MnndftT. October 7th. for the trial of civil suits: .: i ' First weex Frank .Herbst, W. O. Page, BL B. Begister, Thos. J. - Pae, Geo. W. Penny, Henry W. Penny, Jesse N. Bowden, D. W. Traak, H. L. Deans, W. H. Turley, M. Bosenmsn, G. W. Parker, Jr., Robert Scott,- Geo. HHudson, A. -G. Alderman, Jno.' W. Wilson, Samuel W. Skinner. I V Second week-J. L. Sailings, CSlif ton Carroll, W: A. Biach, Jno. M. Williams, Geo. T.' Grotgen, D. H MrTnffhon. D. G. Westbrook,:, J oe Lippitt, J. A. Montgomery, J. J. Woo ten, E. T. Oonoway, a L.; Fow ler, a Thalley, J, A. Bpringer, K. W. Jewell, Joe L. Middleton, Joe A. Westbrook, O. O. Byerly. Mr. Earl Webb left Monday to enter Bingham BchooL J:t': rS- CoU George L.' Morton rettirn ed to the city yesterday . ;r-. -f Mr. E. P. Bailey, Jr.,; has re turned to the Al. Ar W- Colleire. 'I : MrV R. E. Blake left . yesterday I REAL to spend a few days at Burgaw. ' r ; . OolJ K, M. Murchisoir expects to return this morning to Asheville. -J Major H. L. Grant, of Raleigh,' was an arrival at The Orton yesterday. ; Miss Bessie Montgomery "left yesterday to visit friends iff Greens boro. v : . . ;' v-. : ' L; - ' : :-' -r- i -r- Mrs. W. R. Kenan, Miss Sarah Kenan and Miss Annie Peck left yes-; day for Dansville, Y. " K ' Messrs. Thos." T. Allard, of Fort Caswell, and Pater Gilchrist, of Charlotte, are registered at The Orton: '-rXJapt. Haywoodlark is at home from a vacation spent at Seven Springs. ? He is much Improved in: health. . - . Miss Isabel Bryan, who -has been visiting Miss1 Mabel Powers at WrighUville, left yesterday for Fay etteville. . ' . i Messrs. Joe Armstrong, Wad dell Watters and Richard Meares left yesterday to resume their studies at Horner's School. J Messrs. T. M. Woodbnrn, of Dawson's Landing, and James Nichol son, of Indian Wells, were passengers on the steamer Hurt, which arrived yesterday. " .... ' - : - Miss Mary Stroupe, of Win ston, 'who-, has been visiting Miss Louise Harper, returned home yester day morning. She was accompanied by Miss Harper, who will be her guest for a few days.v : . ; .-: Mr. French McQueen, of Lumberton, is here greeting his friends. vHe is just back from. Lin coln Lithia Springs, where fee spent some time recuperating from an at tack of hay fever. Bobksx Are - Now Complete and pjHave Been Turned : Overjv ' for Collection. AND PERSONAL TAX. There Has Been a Very Snbstsntlsl In. crease tad Accompanying It is a Re. . dactloa Is tbe Rite Some .fr -: Facts and FIjBTes..-; f -"7 MARR1AQE OP MISS HARRIS.; Popnlar Yonor Lady of Wflmiattoa Wed ded ay Mr. Yarbroogh of Somter S. C At the residence of the bride's mother, lira. Lillie J. Harris, Fourth,' between Ntjn and Church, streets, a very pretty wedding ceremony was solemnized yesterday at noon in the marriage of her daughter Miss Martha Sholar Harris to Mr.' ; Edgar Calvin Yarborugh, of Sumter, S. C ""; : The ceremony was performed by ! Rev. John H. Hall, pastor of Fifth Street M. E. church, in the ' presence of. a few friends and relative. The maid of honor was Miss Lillie Kate Hirrut aiater of the bride. She wore a costume of lovely white organdie and carried a bouquet of rosea, - The bride wore " a becoming gown of gray, silk, with hat and eloves to match. She jcarried a bouquet of bride's roses. The beat man was Mr. E. Schulken, of Wilmington. Among the out-of-town attendants upon; the ceremony, were Mrs. C. L. Ooghill, of Rich mond, and Mr. Yarhrough, of Green ville, S. Q, brother of the groom, v ' v The bride and groom Jeft in' the afternoon, via the S. A. train, for. Greenville, S. a, which city will be their future home. : " ; : r r The tax books of the county, duly approved and signed by the Board of County Commissioners, were yester day transmitted to tbe sheriff! and col lections on the same will begin at onee. . ' -" ' . '.. -y. . , ;The increased valuation in real and personal property is very marked and is to such an extent that the eommis sioners feel assured that with the de creased levy a full amount of revenue wilUje derived. Last year the" rate was 95f cents, 53 cents of which went to . the county and 43 cents to the State. This year the 43 cents goes to the State as usual, but. the levy for county purposes is only 88 cents or a saving of 14f cents. Even with the reduced rate the increased valuation wUl yield to the county $86,401.64, practically the same as last year, when the footings of the tax books showed (86,480.14. ' ' ' Last year the entire real and per sonal property valuation was $7,465, 191; this year it is $8,451,441 or an in crease in these valuations ; alone v of $986,350. The income tax given in last year was $131,531 while this year it is $307,306 or nearly double. ; The real estate this year consists of 85,038 acres of land valued at $713,791 and .4,300 town lots at $5,389,110. Total, $6,103,901. The value of per sonal property is $3,348,540, making the total $8,451,441 as given above. The personal property list is very varied and shows some interesting statistics. There are 913 horses in the county valued at $44,335; 334 mules at $16,540; 1 jack at $10? 106 goats -at $68; 634 cattle at $7,893? 1,671 hogs-at $390; 150 sheep at $150: 7 dogs taxed at $1 each.: The value of farming utensils is $3,364; tools of mechanics, $1,648 household and kitchen furniture $330,705; proviaiona, $371; flreams, $1,948; libraries. $9,110; scientific in struments $1,630; money on hand or on deposit, $33,683; solvent credits, $611,534; shares in incorporated com panies, $495,499; cotton in seed or lint, $34,030; tobacco, leaf or manufactured, $3,430: turpentine, rods and tar, $19,- 446; brandy and whiskey, $17,783; mu sical instruments, $30,345 ; 143 bicycles, $1,668; plated and silverware, $14,703; watches and jewelry, $34,389; goods, wares and 'merchandise, $555,558; pri vate banks, $797; other personal prop erty, $206,544. :- - L The County Commissioners are to be congratulated upon the very mate rial reduction that they, have been able to make in the rate, at the same time carrying on the very extensive" road and other improvements that have been inaugurated since they went in office. The city is also making a reduction of fifteen, cents in its rate and, after all, the. day may yet come when the tax grumbler will find but few sympathizers. 'r-:''-r 77.7,; ' WeU Kaowa Citizen of WHmlaftoa Passed :4 Away Early Yesterday Morning Fa- . - " neral This Moralag. !. ; ' The community learned with sorrow veaterda-r nominer of the death of Mr.. James Dickson MacRae, a well known and highly respected citizen of ' Wil mington, who passed away yesterday morning at 7:15 o'clock at hia. home, No. 508 South Third street, after an illness of three weeks with typhoid fever.. The news of his demise was-not altogether unexpected, as his condition has been regarded as critical for some time before, but it was" nevertheless received with much sadness - i-: Mr. MacRae was born near Fayette ville, N. C.; and was 51 years of age. He was a son of the late CapC Roder ick MacRae, who was for . many years a " steamboat master f between Wil mington and Fayettevilli The de eeased r-moved i to thi . cityr about six years ago ,from, Brunswick county, . where - he ;i was ; engaged in farming. For the past three years,' although residing in Wilmington, he has been in charge of ; Mr. James Sprunt's " extensive plantation,: "The Oaks,' down the river, and was re garded as one of the most careful and experienced agriculturists in the coun" ty. ; In .his life he was retiring but frank, and drew to himself hundreds of dose friends. He was "a member of the First Presbyterian Church, this city, and one of the most valuable members of that congregation. . . He ia survived in the immediate. family by a sorrowing wife and three daughters Louise, Isabella and Mag gie; the "eldest of the three being Louise, aged 14 years. - He is also survived by five brothers and - one sister. They are Messrs. W. W. and Roderick MacRae, of this city; John MacRae, ofBrunswick county; Calvin MacRae, of Fayette ville; Donald Mac Rae, "of Atlanta, and Mrs. Marion Makepeace, of Providence, R-L To all of them the sympathy of the en tire community is extended. The funeral will take place this morning at 10 o'clock from the late residence, and the interment will be in Oakdale cemetery. , -;;; - Board Held Its Regular Semi- Monthly Meeting Yesterday. - Afternoon at 3 O'clock. CITY HALlTc IMPROVEMENTS. I Contract Awarded for Remodelling Several ; Offices Rednctloa la Tax Rate Sag- -- --- :;1 gested Fifth Ward .Water; ifFr. I Works-Urhtlflg Coatract. . f::l: EASTERN CAROLINA BALL. News of the Diamond After Leagne Expl ratloa Newbera andTarboro Play V v toaStaad Still. Special Star Telegram. Nkwbern, N. C, Sept. 3. Today's game between Newborn and Tarboro was tied when darkness closed the game at the end of the twelfth inning. Each side made one run in the last in ning. Newborn leaving three men on bases. The rooters were wild over the long suspense and many, close decis ions caused stubborn kicking against i the umpire. The same clubs play again to-morrow. " . " . 7V BOOBB BY IHOTSaS. - 1SS46678B101113 SHE .000009 3 8 0 0 0 1-0 6 7 .SOO1O0S0000 1-0 117 COLORED TEAMS PLAYED. Hon. Chauncey M. Depew is glad. he wasn't born rich, for if he had. been he doesn't think he would have developed into the "peach" he -nor be in such demand as ; a post prandial speaker. And he might . never accnmalated so many, chest nuts either. . " Wm. Winters broke up a picnic in ew Jersey the other day. He had been hanffinsr around the town. worthless sort of a fellow; was ac cused of stealing some jewelryahd then went out and hanged himself. The picnickers ran up against him, and suddenly changed base. ': 1 V- "r A robbery of jewelry was'commit ted sometime ago in New York, for which as suspects two negro servants Were in iail Tint nnntun rhn ana- Pectedher son, a burglar and rough I HosplUl Meeting Postponed Mr. Toraer Will Oo to Colorado. . ; rmr. W W. Turner, wnose resigna tion aa general aecretary of the Wil mington Y. M. O. A.; was recenUy tendered? and accepted, expect to leave the last of the present month to become general secretary, sl the local .wri.tfn ot Pnnhln. Colorado. Mr. TnmF mm to Colorado for the bene fit to be derived from the climate and thinks he will like the work. He ex pects to leave Baleigh on the 18th Inst., aboard the Pullman tourist car for delegates to the Episcopal Conyen-. tion at 13an Francisccv la the PoUce'CfljBrt Yesterday. . t The only important case for dUpod tion by the Mayor yesterday was that nr.n a;u h&rred with an as- aault wit a deadly weapon upon BUeTEuntth. BUvy oubmitted to .the -W.-nd duosited$50 as cash bond for Ids appearance at the Superior eourt. In the meantime, he withdrew WO warranU which were Issued upon his affidavit, charging Smith with an assault with a deadly weapon and with NAVAL RESERVES ; HAVE RETURNED. They Oot Home Oa the Craiser Horaet " Yesterday Aftefaboa-p-SpIeadld Trip. . Wilmington Division, Naval Be aervea, got home yesterday morning about ? .o'clock.on the cruiser Horwe which made the trip from Bouthport in a little less than two hours. Tne sail ors were delighted with their outing and all join in pronouncing it the most enjoyable cruise of Beveral yeara tv, h-n Ahnnt thirty in number. toj r - -. disembarkeat MureMson's wnarr ana the cruiser waa tied up there. - : ; Monday morning a short trip to sea was taken by the division and it was greatiy en joyecL The Beserves had as rnr ihK trin a oarty of ladles and gentlemen from Bouthport. Off For PasAmerlcaa.;? p Mr: PtfUl M. Taylor, the popular Princess street S photographer, wiu leave this morning to spena some time at the Pan-American Exposiuon at Buffalo. ". While ; there he will make a special, atudy of. the art and photographic exhibits ana wm w nMnaTa to srive his customers ' the benefit of his experience upon his re turn to Wilmington. ,z. : , customer generally, nrevaiied npon him to confess the theft,'-and free the negroes. A feliow who could be so influenced by his mother is not hopelessly depraved. ; ..v- m.i.n mutiiKr of the Board of Managers of the James Walker.Me- znorial - HosintkiraPPOi I to 7e t.- ik-M -vMtArdav morning at the UCOU J . . offica of Hugbr- MacBae & Co.. did not W. K. Vanderbilt regrets that he was born rich, as he has. nothing definite to strive for. ' He can get around that mighty easy by divid ! ng his money out and then strik ing out to hustle for himself. Know ing how it is, the probabilities are that he would change his mind and not think it such a bad thing to be born rich after all. Mr. gigio Succeeds MrDeRosset. ? -i. :kr. CroswAllBagin has succeededMr. FN: DeBosset as aecretary toMr;H. tr . T7, .nii fMlflrht and nas- materialize on account of the lack of a I agent of the A. a L. Mr. Bagin ,, ,".;- r.Ut!' the U . - i. ku mnlAmd ; in the wmr " iiiBaa-. - . . . . naa inpiimri w 'uotut . w - : newly elected superintendent of the hosplUl. whose arrival was " yesterday's Stab, formally assumed charge of the Institution yesterday at Irs. Simmons, of Kansas, wants a divorce because in the&otara they have been married her nnsband haanot petted, kissed or -caressed her. Once she stole a kiss from him and he slapped her in the face. - He admits not kissing her, but it waa hecause he ia opposed to kissing; and feared she might have a lot " of mi--robes roosting on her ruby lips. C D.. A Alff ennen Meeting. The regular monthly meeting oi me nd- of JLldermen postponea irom Mondav on account of the ; Labor Day at 3 o'clocx; o buuuw "iTk iral public interest is expected to come peiore wo igiaa" NEWjADVEBTISEMENTa - J. W. Plummer, Jr. Pears.- ; - r": r-- anil ITellv Light and dark. . The . People's Savings Bank-Save Dur money. -12 ' : - - BTJSI5Z3 LOCALS. office of the auperintendent of motive power. Ma. DeBosset left: Sunday to take a position in the New York office of the general counsel of the American Tobacco Company. ' . I a little Bov Mutti.f ' : v Master Nicholaa ? HulIen,C the littie' I atesonof Mr. 0. P.B. Mahler.Fourth and Bed Cross streets, susiam-u severe fracture of the shoulder maae - tn vib & fallinff from a tree in the yard of Capt -William Cprbett I Monday af ternoon; The little fellow . attended by Dr. J. T.' Bcnon- waid.,?:-"::- wfii-iarfn- and Newbera . Tried Coacla- ; slons On ffflton Diamond Yesterday.' The colored baseball .teams of Wil mington and Newborn ."crossed bats" on the Hilton diamond yesterday afternoon before a crowd of some 200 spectators, about fifty of whom were white persona. . ' , " . - The local team lost the game in a acore"of five to four; though they had a sbet-outn up their sleeves for the Tutors until the , seventh inning. Then the Newborn team bunched hits 'and batted ' out four runs," galnlnT a lead of one run. Each team scored in the ninth, and thegame was ended. Mr. Clem Wesoott . umpirea sne game with satisfaction to both aggre gations. : " ' . : " : The teams will play again this after noon and each will go on the field tb do or to die." . - :; . " " - . ; CONDITION" OP LAURENCE SPRUNT. News Not So Encooraging Last Night, But Hope Is Still Eatertalaed. ; ' - The Stab - regrets exceedingly to f Wa mnrninff that the latest news last night from the bedside of f little r Hnnmt , was not so en- couraging.v ,.. - "f vr:' -' ' TJntil noon yesterday; mosi iavor able advices were received from "Ashe where the little one ja suffering so intensely but; since that time some complications have arisen, and .the i worst is feared, though ; hope is still cherished by the fond l parents and friends who are Muatoterwjw-ine boy's actual eondiuon. Tarboro... Kiwlwni.. Batteries: Bush and Lehman :Uettig and Thackarar : " . --y Bummarv Two base bits, : Warren Devlin; struck out, by Gettig 9. by Bush 9; base on balls, off Bush 3; left on bases. Newborn -11; Tarboro ; 8. Umpire Mr, Stevens. Time :20. : Stewart Batted Out of Box. v A special from New Orleans dated Sunday , to the Louisville' Courier Journal says: : t - : 1 a New Orleans and Selma played, a poor game of ball to-day. .Selma start ed out well, and hit Stewart, the new t.h.. u mi thit ha nan iodb taken out,- but the fireworks broke out ia the eighth inning, and Selma went to pieces. - Oilligan made two beauti ful catches, one in right field and the other in left - z'-vv-r? '::Xi-,.J-: 1 Stewart was taken out of the box.in the fifth inning after Selma had made her only 5 runs of the game off his delivery - Freeland f replaced t him. Selma got 16 hits in the game and New Orleans li, but four errors to three gave the game to the latter. : The very extensive improvements at the City Hall, which were outlined in these columns some time ago ; and which . were temporarily ,i held up on account of the faUure of the Board of Audit and Finance to approve' the contract - asTawarded by the Alder men, -will now-- go 'forward unless some obstacle yet creeps m which the city authorities do not contemplate. ; The Audit and Finance Board would, not at first concur in the award of the; contract because of the uncertainties of the taxable returns and the fear. that ' there - would not.be revenue in hand to meet the expenditures, but at the regular" monthly meeting yester day afternoon, at which Chairman McQueen presided and Messrs. Yates and Wilder- were present, the Board felt warranted in making the expen penditure and the, awarding of the contract - w.as . accordingly : concurred in. . It is expected that the work will begin at once. . -roy ' ;. -; About the only other matter of gen eral interest transacted at the meeting of the Board was the adoption of a recommendation - to the 'Aldermen that in the light of the apparent in creased valuation of real and personal nronertv. the tax rate be stilL further reduced to $1.60 on the $100 worth of property. Last year the rate was $1.75 but early this season a reduction of ten cents was made and now it is pro posed to make a further redaction of five cents. . ' ; - ' The bond of the Wilmington Gas Light Company in the sum of $5,000 with Mr. Hugh MacBae as surety was approved. The bond is for the faithful performance of the city lighting con tract. . V ' : - . Various and sundry bills for current expenses were audited and approved. An informal discussion of the pro posed extension of the water works system into Fifth ward, was had, but for lack of further time, the matter was deferred until a subsequent meet ing. - ' The improvements at the City Hall made possible by the Board's action yesterday afternoon, consist of a re modeliing and the fitting with modern fixtures, of the office of the City Clerk and Treasurer; the remodelling of the city court room and its division into private offices for the Chief of Police and City Superintondant of Health, and the conversion of the old Second Regiment band room in the basement into 'police headquarters. The con tract for the fixtures in the Clerk's of fice hat been : -.warded to the Beutell Mfe. Co.. of Atlantsrfor $349, and Mr. D. Hanna has the coatract for' the other work at $790.00. I The plans for the work, were drawn by Mr. H. E Bonitz and include many conveniences and changes tn appear ance that will be welcomed by the general public. -1 '"''i? Will be Given In Y. M. C. A. Aadltoriam ' - Benefit Grace Organ Fnnd. The following programme .has been arranged for a delightful : concert which a number of the young musi cians of the city have kindly arranged to be given to-morrow : night in the Y. M. O. A.' auditorium for the benefit of the Grace church organ fund: ', - "The Bridge," male quartette (Lans ing) O. H. Cooperr. first tenor; B. . F. Fowler, second tenor; J. a Williams, firstbass; A 8. Holden, second bass. ;"Mayj Morning' soprano s aolo, (Penza) Miss Norma Foster. Polonaise in E major, ; piano solo, (Liszt) Mr. James Charles Craft. Vood , Niffht" mixed 1 auartette. (Pinsuili) Miss Carrie White. Mr. a H. Cooper, Miss : Norma Foster 4 and Mr. A. a Holden. i - r ' ? "Asthore," soprano solofc (Trotere) Miss Alice Borden. ' V' 4 . - ?A Dream of Love,'' piano solo, by Liszt, staccato etude,, by Kubinstein, Miss Elizabeth iVBurtt. ' ? ' Becitation, (Selected) Miss Alloe Craffc: . -r ' : ' .l.r r--'-: J Cavatina," violin solo, (Raff) Miss Norma Foster. . i ' "Serenade,' male quartette, (Mars cb'ner) C. H. Cooper,; first tenorrjB. F. Fowler, second tenor J J. 8. yiil liams, first bass; A. a Holden, second baSS. ? i Accompanists Miss Fannie Corbett and Mr. Alfred H. Yopp. t ' LOCAL DOTS. 'NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LIGHT AND is in furniture"; DARK EFFECTS- are shown ; ; . In our assortment. Simply, a matter of taste which , seem most pleasing. ' y Rnth arA in moil atvlA and ' all are' of -- & excellent quality. ; . OUB FTJBN1TU BE is'from factories which are celebrated for tne quality or tneir 'outpuWv'we:vi-,-are showing some very handsome c BEDBOOB BUTTES : a y in Quartered Oak, Golden finished -Oak White and Gold, eta, at very low prices. : : :T Umm0E-& KELLY&, ; V U tfo. lTSoutb Front street, 'ci Ben Thone 118.- ' sep4tf PEAKS, PBARS, 'The British steamer Kiriwood sailed from Villa Real for Wilmington August 24th. - ' - ? The British steamship Roxby, Oapt. Shields, arrived Monday for a cargo of cotton.' j - . : ; - As the Stab employs no trav elling agents, bills are sent direct to subscribers. These bills should re ceive prompt attention. '. . f . Mr. W. J. Smith, of this city, returned yesterday from . South Caro lina where on Sunday he married a daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. A. S.Smith, of Bladen county. ; i r ; ' Plpkla'f Nxt,Bxeratoat; I Will be from Goldsboro to Norfolk, Washington and Buffalo September 4th, 1901. This will be a nine-day trip, and the fare from Goldsboro to Buf falo and return will be only $19.00. For full particulars, route, etc., write to R. E. Pipkht, Manager, Goldsboro, N.C. . ' - t - . :- - DIED. . w & r.T a v Tn till a Mt.v ftantAmhAr Srd. at 7:15 A. M - JAMXS UICKBON MACBA2L aged 61 I years. - ; -' The faneral will take place to-day (Wednes day) at 10 A. SC., from the residence, 508 South Third street, thence to Oakda e Cemetery. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR RENT, , Or win lease for a termor years the Doable 8 tore on Water street, between Ohesnnt and Mulberry, occupied several years by the Wu lardBag "gS&wnRm. . Beal Estate Agent, , FOR PICKLING AND EATING. ; Just received a large consignment fifty baskets for sale cheap. Call and see them cir phone your order. ... J. Yt. PLUMHER, JrM i S04 Piinoess Street. BeU 'Phone aso. inter-Btateiaa. sepitf - -.'Sr.ti-. f J'. RBASOHABLB GOODS j MULLETS, new catch. Best Cream Cheese, Martin's Gilt Edge Butter, Bagging and Ties. SAiyr. A GX2TBBAL LTJTX OI OASB OOT8 DJSILAXTD AT THIS BXABQTiS ' -X.::; ;'ii..t' Sole agents for ; jv TlOB ROY FLOXTB,. UcllAlR S PEARSAU. ;"tt" ser liii III! angMtf FOR RENT, 20 an 22 tf Dwellings, Stores,' , Offices, &c. D. O'CONNOR. DEATH OP MRS. C. C MEBANE. rrs.L.a ri::i-r -:';rt hour 3. "j-k ' il'jt (nJi. tha Seaboard H..TI.. .ii xviinri trin tickets to Buffalo, for the Pan-American Expo sition, at one rare wr we plus fl, maxics raw irom Negro Accldentially Shoti n : a colored man employed on Gover: wa- T?aAirr nlaee across Brunswick uvi J-.i.i. , . waa brouffM W wo -.J day afternoon and sent to tne nospiwi for treatment of a gunshot wound in flicted accidentally 1 by v anassociaw with whom ha waa employed-to drive birds from the rice fields. The wounded n-irro was in a shanty on tiwplace and his associate, i having t nis gw loaded withnaiis, buck shot, eta, iot alligator sought to empty it for re loading with bird shot He fired it iotrt the hut not knowing we coiorea man was inside , and the effect .wai j rather surprising toboto "paea con I cemed.": ' r;.::. ,--; ".5'---jiru. ,. : -.. Joe Hennager, late with Baleigh, played second base for Tarboro Mon day. - U Frank Smith, Raleigh's big, mus cular nitcher: has gone to Kinston for a week's engagement. It appears thai the report that he has joined Birming ham in the Southern League is untrue. . Graiid Old Centre Fielder" Mcs. ainnia left yesterday to join the New born team. "Mack' is bo, love with Wilmington, however, and will re turn in a short time to spend the! win j ter here, r - v ' ..r' The. Newborn Jovrnal yesterday in speaking of the game Monday, says that Newborn scored three runs on one : of the longest hits ; of I the ! season by : Thackara with : three men The Giants at Newborn are In brand new uniformsV The cranks here would - hate to see the boys In any) other uniform than that of Wilming ton tint it wa can't have them longer. it is well that they are among our ball, friends In Newborn. : i Kinston has secured six of tbe Tarboro playersMorriseyi Lehman, Bush," MartinVWeddige and Gilligan. Hennegar will also play with Winston to morrow, Friday and Saturday. The Tarboro team will disband after the game at Newborn to day. - ' ; i. Of the tehjhits made by Newborn in the" game . with Tarboro Monday, -Warren, Devlin andThackara each got two; Jack Frost took three and Suerles got one. Thackara's two were doubles' Warren andf Frost ;f achf got 5 a double and Devlin hit one of his to the high brush for thre cushidna. i'fj. Passed Away aU:30 . O'clock Yesterday , Evening at Norfolk, Va. i . Priends and - relatives in Wilming- ton last night received the sad news from Norfolk, Va:, of the deatn 01 Mrs. C. a Mebane, which occurred in that city at 6 :80 o'clock yesterday even ing. ' Mrs. Mebane was a sister 01 Mrs. j Albert SL Willard and Mr. Wm. M. Stevenson, of this city, and has hun dreds of friends here who will learn of her death with much sorrow. T ;. -.The remains" will reach Wilmmgton at 6 :15 o'clock this evening. No funeral j arrangements have thus far been made. WE NOW HAVE SOMETHING TO OFFER YOU. "i . You can save money by. going to WABBEN'S CAFE for your Lunch. Ask fob' it. t - Warren's Steam Bakery and Cafe. TRY US. J ; We have Flour, Sugar, Coffee, V " Tea, : Cakes, : i'M)t: Crackers. Candles, , : Soap, Sniff, Sofia, i Starch, To.' -Potavlo.rd;y f Kea.1, Boaalay, , Molaaaea. . , Nails, Tobacco, Smokinff Bd Chewing, ' ' and a fuU line of Canned Goods. All - of whiclf we offer to the trade at: j living prices. - . . VSf illiamo Broo. fej je 85 tf 'J 10 as North Front BtreeL Real -EstateTraflsfei''i ;f .The following property., transfers were recorded at the OourT House yes terday! W. A. Dick and wife to Mrs.' Ethel Parmele Oardwell for $3,100, the house and lot . on - the ! west side of nnnYiA atrMt. 66 feet- north of Nun street, the same being 66x90 feet in nze. J. B. Bissett et alto Kate ana and Jessie Bissett f or'.$100. lif e Interest in the property, onieast side of Third street, tetween Bed Cross and Camp bell streets. ; A deed la also made by the same parties to Kate and Mary Bissett for a like : consideration . and under the same; circumstances t to . a tract of land in the. same blocJc.fThe sale of the Second street property was made through the Jrealiestate agency of i MessraV5 G.. Wright & Party of Flshermefl. S Mra Scarborough cameinryeiK tAPdsw fmm Morehead City, where he has been on his annual" fishing .expe dition . with a "well known party of anffler. consisting of Messrs. S.B. Cotton, of Hope MiUa, ;Ia ? Allen: of Cumberland. N. and'All J. Crampton, of CharlotteThey were trolling for. Spanish ' mackerel iind made a catch of. 3B4. ; Mr. Allen suo. eeeded in landing a ; mammoth Sea role weighing nine pounds, and waa forthwith rated the champion 01 vne season. ife'S-i :. 300 100 Boxes Tobacco. I 200 Sacks Coffee. SAIYTL BEAR, ;:Sr;J LIVERPOOL SALT. i $946.16 la Llrerpaol Salt, SJ10tt.v ua ravo ifLi 1 1 aa(4eavii Salt. , ft 70.40 in Rock Alum Salt, i in twm PmIui Malt. - ft 410.10 In xsoBBter xuu ' - $475.16 in Favrorito Plor.r; . ft .. 70.1 1 In Brooms. '. .-' , - ' -vVi $1 lO.lO In Water atucama. $78.65 tn N.C. Banw. '; Vs y, Ho copyright on our ana., uuurcu, aepStr 18 Market street. l$Hr!ISHi Hew Catch , unuets Also Vtuvniities of all other goods iiiTmy. lme:?; anistr 7; B. . WnolaMsavU Grocer . aos. tiaj siriratt street, -, ::. wnnlacton. M. o 5hnappe. llajroMy, Ja-Best, wew - oream,BoeeBaa.&c v ": ; xr. b. mnsBowers, torrmard, and Gail Sep S tt WnALHUII GBOOKBS. .120. 123 ana mNorttWaw Street. ' rrhinn -Tuivai , BineJCabanas itt. b. we nave a few ions In Totooo to fee doeea.mt..;.;.i. ri?H'?fest;; 25c a pound, Tipoiir cents at , W- WHOlESAIJa: GROCERS vattwl?f :1nt and Mnlherry; SPECIAL NOTICE HIRDItrS PHUCE PKARnWY. anas aisS ? ise South Frontsreev " Fresh arrival of Fancy Chinese Free stone Peaches. Forty cents per bas ket. - Carclina Fruit Co., 217 North. Front str: : t.: Cell .'phone 447. ..t r Eicnnlon Prom 1hamVut0il An . excursion train insisting of eijrhtoachea well filledvrithl people; reached the &tj yesterday from Dunn, I NCiabout-noon. Thegcrowtt-waa taken to Carolina Beach on the steamer UOTICEiMg! all the Wilmington i about xti t. " returr-'g to' the "city welsh firom MO to lKO tte t this month wul seU Baggies at eoet to make room torcar toad doe Beptemher.Hth. For bar gains, cau anusea-x,; uy k-.v'-";To fkwtkoiritBoUiToleph ' fiS i awadlTolerpa Coiiipity Parties oontemplatlnfl' a ehange tn res' l wuldons a favor by giving n a at leto t weeks notice, so that we may be able to ct: your telephone when yoo rnova . may be without telephone service for a v Or lenu&yB Dotuw wo wmuw w - . t ' Beepeotf nlly, . f BOUTHSBN BELI.TIJi.:aSD TELE. C beantital and ottimes deoepttyerhoto Mm nv ine-.HiiiDuut-HUJLiiiK. t" - rt Ivlt lTaVmi... hut VirtTIcrVvt .rct flt t.jS r ii a- mu ia ill i" a aaw ar - facturer'8 exhibit and shown to me ezacuy a yon see a in my www..- m ,r"!. .."iJ?-"j r m If mu nltl9 fcrr.iiui6c.wa ruu.uiK iiuiciu- Ee'l 'Phono Gii

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