t ",,,,.... 5 : JJ - IV f "II; 7" "I T. I wt da,l Y NBWSPAPBR: OUTLINES. .... .win of President McKinley lit the New York stock market, but ks came to the rescue and re ted the pressure. The Vene- Ssn fleet yesterday bombarded the SombUntownofRioHacha. ree more alleged anarcEists arrest- in Chicago. Vice President velt arrived at Buffalo yeater- The would-be assawpn of 'president admits that he talked matter over in advance with his ,niL but insists that he alone is undue. The North Atlantic ladron is coaling at Newport News. - New York markets: Money on firm at 4 per cent, ine last loan ff at 4 per cent. ; cotton steady Idling uplands Sic; flottr unsettled dosed easy; wheat spot steady, i red 72 c; corn spot steady, '3 6iC; oats spot dull. No. 3 38c; in quiet; spirits turpentine steady. WEATHER REPORT U. 8. Dkp't of Aorioultubk, WEATHER .BUREAU, - ? Wilmington, N. 0., Sept. 7. V IM., 75 degrees; maximum, 78 de- b; minimum, 66 degrees; mean. 73 MB. -.'""' Cnfall for the day, rainfall 1st of the month to date, .71 ) of water in the Cape Fear river iyetteville at 8 A. M., 6.5 feet-" COTTON REGION BULLETIN. temperatures have been some- high in the western and mod- in the eastern districts. Local have fallen on the West Gulf land in Alabama. STORM WARNING. shejgton, Sept. 7. JNorlne&st warning, 3 P. M., Wilmington, bead, Norfolk section, Norfolk, ort News, Fort Monroe and West A disturbance evidently of con-, lble strength is apparently an ting the North Carolina coast, to northeast gales are probable bt and Sunday from North Car' to the Delaware capes - FORECAST TOR TO-DAY. bhisqton, Sept. 7. For North ca: Saowers Sunday ; northerly probably high on the north Monday fair. Almanac September 8, 4 '6,36 A.M. :...:.-6.i8se?i. agta 12 EL 53 M. rater at Sou tb. port. 3 51 P.M. t'iter Wilmington . 6 ZIP. M. said that the Navy Depart- very anxious to have Ad- lowiaon on the Schley Court liry. Assistant ttackett evi-. oE the objections raised I J. Pope Brown, candidate lernor, by some of the Geor- prs, ia that he parts hie name kiddle; but' he parts his hair lmo3t expert handlers of the Treasury Department lungton are women. Some are so clever that they can counterfeit bill in the dark ouch. : organ bituminous coal com intly formed will control hose output last year was c c POO tons, or, about three- U the entire outnut of all a : in the country. tract has been recently - c and T will 0 ster, q o 0 in 0 iS 8 it all X rn a V rited U ..0 fi et. ooo. the delivery of 100,000 :aolin.at New York from erica, while there are im Iposita of this stuff in this Southern States. jgo man has come to the front ppetual light," and thinks jvolutionize the light busi Ithout making light of this hicago ia a great place to contrivance as that. woman died in Pennsyl- f w days ago in her 24th Je height was 36 inches." Prfect in proportions. She roua offers to go into out declined to exhibit P freak. pch have coined anew Alpine snow. They "tie coa " 7 V s JM MQU suppliea the streams electricity IS or en or at a1 pinery, and 'thus tekes f oiack coal. rr of M. Santos-Dumont, oaioon inventor, who is i'aris, u a wealthy pr in Ti-o:i tt. ... "iQiu. xi e aiso inildren, of whom fUnfn.' pst. Santos spends his g himself in his sky -.wu inreatening to r lou "oiuier caught in -uWy, alter the 15th 9n onU: . . -vuuers caught down f r'"lJ gooa cnanceof Fore this proclamation vol. Lxym.-No. 144. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS: Mr. Sam. Heide Chapel Hill yesterday. I rstnrned to -"Mr. B. P. Penny got home last night from a Northern trip. - Mr .Sam Bear, Jr., - returned last night from a Northern trip, k Mr. lu ;T. Cottingham, of Maxton, was in the city yesterday. MrThoB Post is spending some time at Pompton, New Jersey. ... ' Mr Walter Brem, of Charlotte;, was a guest at the Orton yesterday. . . Mr. Percy Munson' got home last night from an extended business P :, . ' '.Vt - ' . v ' . ' . . Mr.' A. Shoaf, of Jacksonville, N. O.. made business calls in the city yesterday. i V ; , - Messrs. J. H. and Sanv.Oma hundro, "of Sanford, were guests at The Orton yesterday. . I ? - ;"- Miss Elizabeth Payne left yes terdaj morning for Raleigh to visit herTdster, Mrs. Cameron MacRse. ::r Mr. H. DeLeon Southerland, of Atlanta; f ia expected ito-day to spend a part of his vacation at his old home. . - . Miss Mary Tayloe, of Wash ington, N. a; arrived last evening to YisitMiss McFariane, No. 414 North Front street. .''"-:---rv j..; . Mrs. F.Bheinstein and children returned to New York yesterday from Wrightsville Beach, where they spent the past Summer." . ; : - l ; - Mr. Lonnie Southerland. left yesterday for Goldsboro, where he will spend a couple of days before going to Washington. A. W. McLean, Esq., and Superintendent T. C. MeNeely, f the Carolina Northern Railroad, were ar rivals in the city yesterday. ' Mrs. a D. Gilbert, who has been " visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jofcn' E. Hair, of Cumberland county, has returned to the city, ,. Mr. John W. Gafford, former ly editor of the Dispatch left yester day for Chapel Hill fo enter the liter ary department of the University. Mr. Bobt. Siegler, city ticket agent of the flant System at Jackson ville, Fla., is apending a vacation in Wilmington with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam 8iegler ; Bev. Dr. Calvin S. Blackwell returned last night from his vacation spent' in Virginia. .: He will occupy: his pulpit as usual at the First Baptist church to-day. , . . - Mr. Andrew Moreland, cashier of the Atlantic. National Bank, left yesterday evening for a vacation of a week or ten days, which he will spend at Buffaloand New York. : , Mr. C. W Polvogt returned last night from the Northern markets.. Miss Cressler, who will be head milli ner at the store again this season,' also returned yesterday .evening. Miss Lela Mclver, one of the. popular salesladies at the store of the O. W. Polvogt Ca, has returned from every pleasant, vacation spent with friends and relatives at Sanford, N. C Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cooper returned .yesterday : from Dansville, N. Y., where they have, spent some time. Both returned much refreshed and improved by reason of their vaca tion. " -- - . Miss Sarah Gardner, head milliner at the department store of J. EL Behder & Co., left last night for the North to assist Mr. Behder. in the purchasing of Fall and Winter goods. - - ' .- ' ' ; Mr. W. H. Lane, who attended the Great . Council of Bed Men at Raleigh, got home last night He stopped at Burgaw upon his return to spend several days with members of the, family. ; .. V : " - . Mr. Henry ; G. Fehnell, chief clerk in the Purchasing . Department of the Atlantic Coast Line, who has been quite sick during the past weekr was reported to be-gradually improv ing yesterday. i Death of MisUter's Wife. V ' Friends in the city yesterday re ceived- news of the death of Mrs. Mc Millan, wife of the Bev. Mr. McMil lan, pastor of the '.Presbyterian church at Lumberton, N. C. Miss Bessie Mc Millan, daughter of the deceased, is very well known in Wilmington and h& man v friends here who will learn with great sorrow of her bereavement Stesmer WuoiogtoB's Trips. " The excursion public is asked not to forget that the steamer r Wilmington will make two .trips to Southport and return to day . The first boat leaves the city at 9 :45 A. M. and the last at 2:30 P. M. The fare for the round trip is only twenty-five cents. - NEW ADVEBtlSBaiENTS Frank lEL Stedman Taxes. T " . WrightBent Wright's houses. B. K. MaeBae -Bankrupt notice.'. - Levi McMillan Announcement. ' S. EL MacRaeBankrupt notice.; 1 Geo. O. Gaylord New FaU suits. . - Mercer & Evans Closing out sale. O. W.Yates & Oo.-Exlusive depos'y a&R Solomon Now's your chance W B. Cooper September muUets. -Hardin's Pharmacy Whale oil soap The Atlantic National Bank Asset $3,000,000. -I'? 'r'-lMA . BXTSI1TESS IXX3AL8. ' For Bent Seven-room nouse. " " Wanted Agents. " . v-. Wanted Male help.: . V . -: Standard Ca1 Any person. ' '-' Wanted White housekeeper. ; ' P. H. Hayden Busgiss, harnets. CODNTY ROAD BONDS. Cleveland Purchasers Want Abandon Contract On Ac . ' coiint o! Technicality. & v PASSAGE v BY 3 LEGISLATURE. They Ssy BIII Aathorizlsf the Issae Did Not Pass the First Reading Proba . ble Suit to HoIi Them to the Bsrfsiir. A sensation has been sprung upon the Board of County Commissioners. The recent sale on -July 22nd of the $50,000 in New Hanover road bonds to W. J. Hays & Son, of Cleveland' Ohio, who took them- at par, ; bearing four.per wnt interest, expected to place the amount of .money available within sixty days from date, but Vow W. J. Hays c Son want to withdraw from the contract upon the ground that the act authorizing the bond ' is sue was not passed constitutionally that it did not receive the necessary first reading, although they concede that the second and third readings were all right. The best legal authority is said to be on the side of the County .Com missioners, however, and it is learned that the courts will be resorted to in order to force the purchasers of the bonds to their contract, although no official announcement to this effect can be secured. . . The Board of Commissioners held a private session in the grand jury room at the Court House yesterday after noon, at which were present Chairman McEachern, Commissioners Holmes, Vollers, Montgomery and County At torney W. B. McKoy. Although noth-' fng was given out for publication, it is presumed that the bond matter was gone carefully over and a method of procedure laid out ' Of course the refusal of the bonds is not the slightest reflection upon the credit of the county under the circum stances, but the problem will likely, prove a troublesome one for the coun ty's energetic Board of Commissioners. When the bids for the bonds were originally opened there were three other bidden for the certificates and. all were .eager for them at par, the only difference in favor of Hays & Co. being that they .did not want a commission on the transaction.. The bidders besides Hays & Son were Kleyboldte & Ca, Feder Holtzeman &Co., and Seasongood & Meyer, all of Cincinnati. The outcome of the litigation, if there be any, - will "be ; awaited with great interest. . . -. ' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. A NoiBber of Transfers Were Recorded Yesterday at the Court House. The following transfers of city real estate were noted from deeds filed for record yesterday at the Court House: .John A. Orrell and wife to John T. Sholar, house and lot on west side of Second, between Nun and Church streets, the lot being. 33x165 feet in size; alsoii right of way over certain lands of J. A Orrell; consideration, $1,000. - . - . v Thomas H Wright to J O. Brock, house and lot on east side of Sixth, between Church and Castle . streets, the same being 83x66 feet in size; con sideration, $700. Susan BL Moore, executrix of the late Roger Moore,': Parker ' Quince Moore and Roger Moore; to Alex.'' D. Garrison, house and lot on west side of Twelfth, between Orange, and Ann streets, the same being 33x150 feet in size; consideration; $350. . " Thomas Newkirk and wife to the Metropolitan Trust Company, of Wil mington, house and lot on south , side of Hanover. ' between Seventh and Eighth streets, the same being 66x821 feet; consideration, $525. - . FORMFR WILMINQTONIAN IN A FIRE, Editor J. J. Dsrllnxton Had a Nsrrsws cspela Danville, Va ' - In the Richmond Everting Leader of September 6th, is found a special from Danville, Va.-, containing an ac count of a thrilling escape from a burning house by Mr. J. J: Darlington, formerly of this city, but now editor of the Danville Tobacco Journal : -Mr..Darlington had retired for the night and awoke half suffocated with smoke pouring in from the rear of the building where the fire had : evidently been applied Jy an incendiary.1 He was too dazed : to find' the key in the door and - pushed back to a window, but could, not get it open. Finally he got out by breaking through the pan els of the door with his fists, although the key was in ; the ,;lock. - He will be laid up for several weeks.'"..; - The house - belonging to a landlord was totally destroyed at a loss of $1. 500 and the contents' burned at a loss of $400 to Mr. Darlington, t Lanresce SpruntY Condition. . -. . Tle Stab notes with sorrow this morning that the advices from Ashe ville yesterday as to. the condition "of Laurence Sprunt were very disap pointing, and last night ; the : latest news was discouraging, to say the least of ifc', Friends, ; hpwever, . hope" for more welcome news to-day. .0' Small Fire Yesterdsy. v' The alarm of fire about 1:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon was on account of a small blaze on the roof of . M. J. Allen Taylor's residence on Seventh, between Market and Princess streets. The fire originated from sparks from a chimney and the damage was about fifteen dollars. ' ; ": ; ' WILMINGTON, N. C, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER WHAT BASEBALL f PEOPLE ARE SAYING; Hifh School and Iron. Works Played to 1 Standstill Notes of EzLeaine : ; Plsyers Southern Lesroe. : - In the eighth inning, with the score one to one, the game at Hilton Park yesterday afternoon between the High School Champions and the Wilming ton Iron Works had to be called on ac count of darkness Neither side, of course, could claim a victory. The contest was spirited and really of a high brdert Zellers and Zellers formed the battery for the Iron Works and Sellers and Moore for the High School. Zellers struck, out eight men and Sellers ... ' made the remarkable; record' of eleven. VpAN. Chadwiek Jr., who leaves to-morrow for theT University, Jedini batting, -having made three hits out of three times up, and having been hit by. pitched ball once. - -; -J--. - . . THE SOORB BY INNINOS. ' JJ JJ JJ ' Iron Works... 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0125. High 8chooL..O 0 1.0 0 0 a0 1 5 2. : Batteries: Zellers and Zellers; Sel lers and Moore. Umpire Mr. Clayton. Time 1:50. Attendance 100. Sorber has been given the Ra leigh franchise for next Season. Jack Sherman, late of the Turtles, has secured the position of night clerk at the oldCarollton Hotel, Raleigh. Harry Clayton and Ed. McGinnis, of the the late Wilmington team, got home yesterday from Newborn. They recite thrilling experiences of the Kin ton game last week. Baseball people here say that the idea next year is an Eastern North Carolina leasrue, composed of the cities of Wilmington, Newborn, Goldsboro, Wilson, Kins ton and Rocky Mount. - The Kinston Free Press is highly indignant at the Newborn Journal's report of the game at Kinston Thurs day. It says the Kinston team will not accept Newborn's challenge for the game at Wilmington or Golds-, boro. Southern Lesgne Scores Yesterdsy. (First game). Birmingham 3, Little Bock 0. , , (Second game). Birmingham 5, Little Bock 14. ; Memphis 4, Selma 9. , (First game). . Nashville 17. New Orleans 5. ' (Second game). - Nashville 12, New Orleans 3. Chattanooga 4, 8b re ve port 8. Noted Outlaw Captured. , The Fayetteville Observer contains an account of the capture by .Sheriff Burns, Deputy Monaghan and special deputies' Watson and Ingold of Alex. Gilmore, the notorious Cumberland county outlaw who has been accused of hundreds of crimes and convicted of many. Gilmore was captured at the home of a negro . in Cedar Creek where he was dragged frdm tinder a bed, offering no resistance at all against the heavy: odds. He has been in the penitentiaries of both North and South Carolina several times but has always made his escape shortly after his incarceration. The last crime for which he is wanted is the burglary of the house of Mr. Frank McDaniel In Fayetteville.; -v Mr. Johnson, Acting Chairman.' . -- In connection with the article in yesterday's Stab regarding the award of the contract for the paving of Prin cess street it was stated that the award was made by Mayor Waddell, acting as chairman of the Streets and Wharves Committee. Alderman Johnson called at the office last night and informed the Star that he has been acting chair man of that committee in the absence of Mr. Bailey,' the regular chairman. A. & M. College Fall. ,'. . Master Clyde Piner. son of Capt. E. Piner, has returnedfrom the A. & M. College, Raleigh, . where he had a scholarship for the ensuing year. The institution was so crowded that a place could not be found for many of the freshmen and Master Clyde was among them. The attendance, at the A. & M is said to have broken all records:- : . ' ' Marrisge at Fsyetteville. . , Miss Janie KyleTdaughter of Mrs. Annie Kyle, and Mr. H. McD. Robin son, a prominent member of the Cum berland county bar, and both popular young people of Fayetteville, N. C, were married Thursday evening. Both, parties have many friends in Wil mington, who will extend congratula tions. Excursion from Lumberton. V . Mr." Frank Gough and - Dr. R. T, Allen announce their fourth excursion of the year from Lumberton to Wilr mingtbn and return - on 7. Thursday, September 12th, arriving at 10 o'clock A. M. and returning at 7 P. M The. fare for the round trip is only 98 cents; children, 75 eenti Two More Excursions. . v.- V-c- Hatch Bcoa., the well known excur sion 'X managers,1- wio' have already brought this season more than 3,500 people to Wilmington,' have only two more trips this season. The remaining excursions will come J from Dunn, N. Q, on the 16th ihst, V and Goldsboro on the 17th. Presiding Elder sick. : f: - :r. Rev. Jna ,H. Hall returned;; last evening from Rose C Hill, where ! he went to hold quarterly conference for Presiding Elder B. B. John, who is confined to . his home here by illness, Mr. Hall will occupy his pulpit as tuual to-day at" Fifth Street LLE. C-urch. . - .; " ' ; ' " : FAIR AND CARNIVAL. Elks Have Had a Busy Week in Workino; for the Big 0c tober Event. THE CANVASSING COMMITTEE. It Has Gone Over About One-third of Its .Territory and Feels Qrstlfied The 'lr i - Advertising and Transportation . . Being ; Looked After. ' ! - The week just ended has been one of unusual activity with the Wilmington. Lodge of Elks, which Is leaving no stone unturned in its very elaborate preparations for' the ' fair and carnival next months To use the parlance of Ihe cross-roads weather philosopher. "unless all signs fail," there'll be a hot time hereabouts when all the antlered get there horns locked during the gala week. ; y ; "'p The week has been an especially busy one for the committees as organ izations rather than the lodge of Elks as a whole. The work in this way is systematized and each committee has its own peculiar province with duties incident thereto. Nothing definite as yet has been received from the rail roads as to rates, but the transportation committee thinks it has every assu rance that its efforts in this direction will De crowned with success. The advertising committee will get in its most efficient work; this week. The advertising sheets are daily ex pected and Dr. T. B. Carroll, chairman of the advertising committee, has engaged bill board space in the followicg cities while still others are yet to hear from: Raleigh, Charlotte, Goldsboro Newborn, - Greensboro, Wioston, Asheville, Wilson, Dur ham. Marion and Florence, S. C. Of cour&e the smaller towns will be billed in the usual manner. ? The subscription committee was out for several days of the past week' and met" ith fairly good success. About one-tLiid of the territory has been covered and next week it hopes to call on every merchant in the city who has not been seen. The amusement committee has been carefully looking after the matter of parades, eta, and are satisfied that its department will not be lacking when the final round up comes. A number . of the merchants are placing orders for Elks' bunting, flags and other decorations and the city will be in gala attire. The people generally are enthusiastic when it comes to talking the fair and there is no reason to believe that the affair will ."come off" short of a complete success. SAD DEATH AT BURGAW, N. C Miss Mary McNeill, a Popular Young Lady, - Psssed Awsy Frldsy Evening. (Special Star Correspondence. Burgaw, N. C, Sept. 7. Mis Mary McNeill, daughter of Mr. nod Mrs. A.' E. McNeill, of this town, died yester day evening after an illness of several months. She was twenty years of age and was just entering upon the thresh" old of i noble young womanhood. Besides the -heartbroken parents the deceased is Survived by a sister. Miss Katie McNeill. ' and four brothers. Messrs W. W., W. IV,' A. S., and L. McNeill. - -. ' "; 'i . She was. conscious up to the time of her death and among her last words, she offered a beautiful prayer and told her loved ones around her bedside that she was "going to live with Jesus." She called them to her and told them that she . could not stay with them longer but was waiting for Jesus to come and take her away. - She was always a consecrated Uhris tian and did much good in the com munity and was a member of the Bap tist church here She was a student at the Womana' College, Richmond, Va.; during the session of 1898-99. The following year sne attended tne Bap tist Female - University, at Raleigh, and at both places she drew tocher a host of friends, who will learn with sorrow the sad news of her death. . -. In the school at Burgaw, of which she was a member of the faculty, she will be. remembered as an able teacher and a maker -of many friends who have already shown the high esteem in which she was held by their special interest in her during her continued illness. She was sick for months, and bore her trouble nobly. The funeral took place here at 4 o'clock this evening in the presence of a concourse of friends, the Rev. M. C. Walton officiating. The pall bearers were j " Honorary: Messrs. W. : M. Hand, Bv. Mr. , Martin, J. G. Brad shaw and H. L Bo wen; active: Messrs. Bruce Black,. T. F. Groom, Empie Taylor, R, Sanderson, - Loftin Larkins and Dr. Thompson.. - - mhhMBSBSSJSMmmhmv' ' - ... - . - J Death of Mrs, Fsnnle Gilchrist Baker. The Fayetteville O&server of this week copied from the current number of the Presbyterian' Eerald a notice ol the death of Mrs. Fannie Gilchrist Baker, for years a popular belle' of Fayetteville: "-- ""- -:-: 'She was bdrn - in Waltourvillej S. C, and was the third daughter of the -s Rev. Adam Gilchrist, who for twenty-three years was pastor of the Presbyterian church at Fayetteville, and Mary Blaine, his wife, of Carlisle, Pa, She was also the widow of the late Judge James M. 'Baker, of Jack sonville, Fla., Where her long and useful married life was' spent. Leav ing home in apparently good health,, she succumbed after a brief illness, with only two of her beloved children at her bedside.'-- M V'- - Wilmington Fox Club . ', ; Capt R. O. Grant has been elected president and Mr. W. T. Sears, secret tary, of the Wilmington Fox ; Clubj The membership is as follows: Messrs. R. O. Grant, E. H. Soeed, F. T. Mills, F; HFechUg, T.: Sears, Dick Btokley, R. B. Mason; S. J. Davis, W. B McClellan;and Walter William soiu; TheOclub is having a kennel built near the Angola Lumber Com pany's plant and some -"fine tlcodsl hnr will t9 fcrt ty c1." r ' "-. 8. 1901. LOCAL DOTS, Arrangements are being made' for an excursion Jo Charlotte on Sep tember 23rd. 'There is talk of a meeting of the Board - of Aldermen to-morrow afternoon. - ; , . ' The annual election of officers of the Boys' Brigade will take place to-morrow night. - : "Atheism and Anarchy" will be Dr. Biackwell's subject to night at the JJirst baptist Church. fright, the real estate agent, has an announcement of . interest in the. advertising columns of td day's Stab. Read it . As the Stab employs no trav elling gent, bills are sent, direct to subscribers.. These bills should re ceive nromnt attAtion-.-- -,v i Key. p. u;: Morton will speak at the men's meeting at the Y. M. C. A. this afternoon in place of Rev. R. B. John, who is sick. ' .: Sheriff Frank H. Stedman gives notice in an advertisement in to-day's Stab that State and county taxes are now due and payable. Goldsboro Argus; 5th: "Misses Mamie and Carrie Hilker gave a party last night at the home of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hilker, in honor of their guest. Miss Lucile Banck, of Wilmington." License for the marriage of five colored couples were issued dur ing the past week. Two were issued yesterday : Randall Mayo and Nancy Jones and Silas Washington and Mary Anna Wilson. An item left in the office Fri day stated that Miss Olivia Pridgen, of Caintuck township, Pender county, had died. It should have been stated that she was married . to Mr. F. A Pridgen, the Rev. R. H. Hewlett offi ciating. . A Fayetteville Engagement. Fayetteville Observer: "The en gagement of Mr. E. A. Johnston and Miss Janie W. McDiarmid. of Man chester, was announced to-day. They are to be married this Winter in tne Presbyterian church of this city. Mr. Johnston is the son of Mr. William Johnston, the millionaire ship owner, of Liverpool, England, and head , of the-great Johnston line of steamers which ply to almost every port in the world. Miss McDiarmid, who is a daughter of our esteemed countyman, Mr. A. K. McUiarmid, is one of tne most popular young ladies in this whole section, and one of the State's loveliest daughters." Depository for School Books. The store of Messrs. C. W. Yates & Co., has been made an exclusive de pository for school books adopted by the North Carolina Text Book Com mission and they have made a 5-year contract with all publishers for the sale of all books adopted by the com mission. They are now prepared to fill all orders promptly and ask that patrons send for list giving new prices. Negro Excursion From -Darlington. An excursion of about 250 negroes reached the city at 11:30 o'clock yes terday morning, from Darlington, S. C. They came on a special tram which left last night at 10 o'clock. The Seaboard Air Line Railway will sell tickets to Richmond, Ya , on ac count of Carnival and Horse Show, October 7th. to 12th, at one fare for the round trip. Tickets from all North Carolina points will be on sale Oct. 7thtolltb, good to return until the lath. t niED. SKILLY. In this city, at 8.10 o'clock this (Sunday) morning, Mrs. CATHARINE THE RESA BEILLY, wife of -to. John w. EeUly, aged 48 years. Notice of funeral will be given in Tuesday's Bias. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TAXES ! TAXES ! ! The Tax Books are now in my hands and prompt settlement will save costs.- .( FRANK H. STEDMAN, sep 8 It . . : Sheriff. FOR RENT, l Or will lease for a term of years the Doable Store on Water street, between Obesnnt and Mulberry, occupied several years by the WU-lardBag- Manufactory. ' D. O'OONNOB. t . "Seal Estate Agent, . a till! in ausl4tf ExeQutofs Hotice. ; TTnvtmr nn.T1fled ma Kxecntor ot the Estate Of John Eppa, deceased, be tore the Clerk of the Dupenor uonrt ol new nonvTw iwuutf, uuww la hAi-Ahv civnn to all nersons Indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and aU persons Having eiainuragamss tne mux esuuo, ai e reaulred to present them to the nndersl gned. property verified, on or before the 10th day of August, loos, or this notice wfll be plead in bar of their recovery. LOUIS M. BUNTINO-, an 11 6t - , . su - -. Executor of John Eppe. ;- TTW TTTR niRTRinT OOUKT OF THE UN1TEB X States for the Eastern District of North Caro lina: In the matter of Robert Williams, bank-runt.- In - Bankruptcy. To the creditors of RnWt Williams, of Rose Hill, in the county or Duplin, in said district, bankrupt - Notice is hwhv riven that on the 6th day of BeDtember. A. D. 1901, the said - Robert Williams - was adjudged a bankrupt; and that the first meet ing oT his creditors will be held at the office m th nnaerBicrned Referee in Bankruptcy. in Fayetteville, In said district, on the 16th the afternoon; at which time the Bald creditors may attend, prove uteir r.iaima, appoint a trua taA. examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly come before the said meeting, if examination of bankrupt Is aesiren aavise me. Fayetteville, N O., September etb, 1901. -Respectfully, '' '--,' 4. H. MwKAH, . sep 8 It - . ; Referee In Bankruptcy. IN THEDISTRIOT COURT OF THE UNITED States, Cor the Eastern District of North Caro lina, in tne matter or Jacob Baron, Dank runt In Bankruptcy. To the creditors of Jacob Baron, ot Rose HilL in the county . of Duplin, In said District, bankrupt: Notice is hereby given that on the 6th dav of September. A. D 1901,. the said, Jacob Baron was ad judged a oankrupv ana tnat toe nrst meeting of his creditors will be held at the office of the undersigned Referee in Bankruptcy, in Fayetteviile, in said district, on the 16th day ot September, A. D. 1901, at 1 o'clock in the af ternoon, at which time the -said credi tors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the- bankrupt -.and. transact such other business as may properly -come be fore the said meecit!?. If examination of bank rupt is d e av . -a me. WHOLE NO. 10,624 Exclusive -Depository For School Books Adopted by the Morth .Caro lina Text Books Commission; frnatccTpM8 8CHO0i;8UPPLIES& icuiu ui wuuLrjf uuou same a ay received. - sep 8tf Announcement I ." . V " J . .-..-.". . . ------ - I have purchased Millan, Jr., In the SHOE business (heretofore streetsumjer the firm name of levi McMillan & oo. The business will be continnfld hv lTusting for a continuance of your i am yours LEVI sep 8 tf REASONABLE GOODS! MULLETS, new catch, Best Cream Cheese. Martin's Gilt Edge Butter, Bagging and Ties. SALT. A ttSEBAL LI 2 OP CASE GOODS DEMAND AT THIS 8BASOM. Sole agents for ROB ROY FLOUR. MclIAIR & PEARSALL. TRY US, We have Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Cakes, Crackers. Candies, Soap, Snuff, Soda; . St&rch. Lye. Potash, Lard, . Meal. Homtny, Molasses. ' Nailn, Tobacco, Smoking and 1 Che-wing, T'r - andfull line of Canned Ooodsi All of which we offer to the trade at living prices: Williams Bros. le SStf - i NOTICE. .Tncit arrlvnrt n&p load Horses: Bfivfiral will weigh from 1,400 to 1.5C0 lbs., and lots of all classes of Stock on band also. We' carry the biggest stock of Bnggles and Harness In the city, and at the lowest prices. Balance of tnls month will sell Bnggles at cost to make room for car load due September 15th. For bar gains call and see. Wilmington Live Stock Co. aog 20 tf 300J5heese. 100 Boxes Tobacco. 200 Sacks Coffee. SAM! BEAR, Sr., sepStf- 18 Market street, male 00 Soap For Destroying Insects . , Infesting Trees, Vines and Plants. For sale at t - t HARDIN'S PALACE PHARMACY. sep 8 tf s . :; :: -.: 188 Bonth Front street. ' ; Freoh Packed September Mets. Bagging, Ties, Saitnd a full line oi Groceries and Provisions; HALL & PEARSALL, (INC0B7OBATSD.) Sep 5 tf " Kntt and Hnlberry Bts. JDST0PE11ED At No. 108 North Water with a fun and complete line of fresh groceries at wholesale. We lvev,-4 - : IfJlFlour, SugaiV Coffee ISeal, J: Uolasses : - and a fun line of ease goods. New eatch Mul lets nst In. - - Fresh Cheese and Butter arriving every week. - Prices guaranteed. .Treatment fair.: .. Z . -PSTEB ZXeQUEEir. tvHr Wholesale Qrocerf and Commission Merchant, v sep itt ,; Ho, 106 North Water St., FOR RENT, -1 r .t Dwellings,- Stores, C tv 1 --. Offices,' &c ' ' " One Year, bj Vail. $5.00 ' Six ZXontfca, " , 2.50 I Three Senilis, " . ' t,ZS ; Twe Uontha, : v. 1.00 ' inuTUM so sbserlers in site ? City at 4S Cants Tpr Ilemtk. X Ov0wfteeeeeee A,TBS &c CO., Booksellers & Btationers. Wilmington, N. 0. the interest of Jno. c. Mc : I conducted at Fourth 'and Campbell : ma wit Ti valued patronage, . ; : truly, rJcr1ILLAN. Rent Wright's Houses. J. Q. Wriffht & Son is the RmI Estate Agency to consult for all Octo ber changes. If its a vacant House. we will find you a tenant If a tenant, we will find you a desirable House. Seven years active experience, com bined with everv facllitv. onarantee you the best service. We have left the following Houses: "Call early and ' avoid the rush :" Front between Walnut And RaiI Onm. Seventh, between Walnut and Red- Cross Sts. Ann.- between Second and Third Rt .Corner Second and Ann Sts. dock:, between Fourth and Fifth Bts. Sixth, between Mulberry and Ohesnut Church, between Water and Front Sts, Fifth, bet ween Dno and OnnM flta Walnut between Fourth and Fifth. ' Ninth, between Market and Dock 8ts. Red CrOSB. hetwdAn PUtmnd And Thiiwl Store,Front between Dock and Oraose. Water, between Princess and Chesnut Also, Offices and Stores. , Call early, as they are moving fast The Real Estate Agent and Notary Public, sep 8 tf The Greatest Cigar Of tne Time. 'CUBAN BLOSSOM," nyx CREHO," "Perfectos style." High Quality Low Price. These Clears have no ennal tor ttin nrfaA strictly hand-made, of the nnest Imported Ma terial; as good Tobacco as goes Into a loo Cigar. We call attention to a cheaper smoke : It" "CHEROOT" The wonder of the smokers trr a tmneh. anil yon will smoke no other kind wrapped wltb Sumatra Wrapper, same Wrapper as goes on Go viKur, niiu is recommenaea io select smoKers. Fold bv all kind of stores and Amrrahnra. Ont, of-town traae will please correspond with ns. & Hasbagen, SOLE DISTRIBUTORS. sepltf GERrJlANIA, Portland Cement. Hoffman, Rosindale Cement : Bagging and Ties, 1 . Molasses, Domestic and Imported Salt, Grain, Lime, Hay, Nails. The Worth Co. myl4tf - " - - September Unllets. $768.15 In New River Balleti. 11 0.0 in Pie-Nle Ohteie. ' $ 84.14 ia Fresh. Grits. , , ' S419.07 isYeUOwCorn, $810.97 tn Fead Oats. . $398.49 in Va.HeaL $217.01 in new nice. $198.14 ia Seed Bye. ' $805.81 in Asserted Calces. , . 9301.06 laAiiorteauaaayi ; :-.f;Ul)oyoawlshprJces. . W. B. COOPER, V " S06,tia, si Hntt street, -sepltf '' .''- :. ' , wnaunston. m. a HeiviCatimi-lMets. Also qnantitieB of ; all other goodB in my liieS& i ?i . i".;S-i--i:iiwH6 v . ' 130 128 and 124 North Water Btreet, i sep 8 tt ; . ....... v.s Wilmington. . c. 7E KOVI HAVE S0HETHIW6 TO OFFER TOO. ' :j:,,Zovl can save money by oing to WABREN, OAFK ifor your f :rlMneh:: Ask 'w;itgy Match i-i' y v II