- - . . - i - " ---i t,, . r , . ....... . , . s ;. - ... - - ... . --.s J- v . . -- V:A- .- r - : ? . ' Rnnl-Pide S3- 01 Any Other Daily News paper PabHshed la WHmlagton. WILMINGTON, N; C, WEDNESDAY,-SEPTEMBER 11, 1901. NO. 10,626 VOL. LXVHI.-NO. 146. h I . . .. . .. . - . - . . . - -, l.vv.. r.,i!..i.i.iv-tij. .i..r.;v.w-:. " . ' - .. I - :: Ji !ltw at AK Ikata m KTmt1i - "4 .aa'TW9W jjtC3)loruiug tar. outlines. n.. , nast week hu been TheL. ;70VcottoQ; it Uopen- BOrtvrr: p . JDff rspiuij- 1 !U0.S1fir . h i tr in au bw- . . i lon lAd. 782.509. whites, 55" - t. Tls,fl.lirT offeM .Pnment bonds 'to the to DUjr . nnn tnd hu di ffl?BJll.i.t internal rerenue reoeipti iMIEU .. i deputed with nauonai Presiaeni iin;ojj - ebntinues very nhTsicians speak favoraoie ana uu with confidence of n . his l spey recovery. mbj Gorman, rested in thn anarchisi queen, ir- Chicago; she denied being implicated in any pioi to mi uw President 8haffer, of Preiident Amalgamated Association, and his the -JnioTS. it is said, are directed 10 UtlB the steel &n ' , - -L- -i Ik. U fprms obtamable, Camps of vs -I r Coiifederate veterans m w)iX ud Virginia adopt resolationsf of mnpathy for fresxaent jacjia-wey. jjew York markets: Money. on aU firm at 35J per cent., last loan 8 r cent, and ruling rate o percent.; cotton quiet and steady; middling up lands 8c; flour barely steaay anain- 7fiJS; com spa caaji . , KT. (1U. rosin steady; spirits tarpenune nrmer at 361371c. -. I WEATHER REPORT, 0. g. dep't or AaRiouLTtJM, i ; ; -Wkathkb Bubkatt, . - Wilmington, N. O., Sept. 10. ) f Temperatures: 8 A. AL., 73 degrees v iP. M., 76 degrees; maximum, 83 de Jrees; minimum, 67 degrees; mean, 75 degrees. -. Rainfall for the day, .04; rainiau since 1st of the month to date, ,7a inch. - . -:' . 00TT0N REGION BXTIXKTIH. - ', Warm weather has continued orer the greater portion of the cotton sec tion. Local rains have fallen in .the Atlanta, Charleston, Galveston, Okla homa and Montgomery districts. ? . . FOBKOAST IOH TO-DAY. ; Washington, Sept. 10. For, North Carolina: Showers Wednesday and probably Thursday; light to fflesh southerly winds. cv n . a, O 1 rrn: nan rtiSHS ja-i-rt. .-i t' r iwv Sun Sets 6.14T.H Day's Length 12 rL. 36 M. High Water at 8outhport. 6.20 P. 1L. High Water Wilmington . H.6U f. ax.. Mr. Bryan denies the report that he is investing in oil property, or hankering for oil. He is too busy Tunning his Commoner to fool with oU. David Nation says he is going East to chastise Carrie for the way she has been talking abont him- ; And this after John L. Sullivan ran, hid and played sick when he heard she was coming his . ; Mr. Joe. Jefferson is said to be again in excellent health. - A : man who has done so much to make his fellow mortals smile and enjoy themselves a3 genial Joe has is en-, titled to perpetual good health. l When Senator Piatt of New York read of the attempted murder of President McKinley he remarked that that was one of the cases where lynching would be justifiable.- Per-. taps if he lived in the South he might enlarge his opinion somewhat' t The mosquito is getting -some vindication at last, although lome-: what late in the season, New York physicians now attribute the epi-. demic of malarial fever in, that city iargely to the bites of ground fleas. The mosquito ought to feel some what relieved now. Santos-Uumond, the balloon man, hanks for luck on a charmed amulet that he wears. He also has a high regard for the red-haired girl. But ne seems never to have caught onto toe left hind foot of a grave "yard rabbit. But this ? nrnViohlv V10P.AUSA he was raised in benighted Brazil A fellow in Indiana who got into' 4 fight with another fellow and in advertently stuck a finger.in:-the other fellow's mouth and had it hit- off is suing a bystander for $10, because he didn't jump in and Prize the biter's jaws apart. Per Japahe didn't know how much that nnger was worth. - V - - geological professor in the Un yersitj of Nebraska imparts the sad formation that the geysers in Yel wwstone Park are playing out and .pnot last more than ten years Dfr; This ra calculated to make leel blue, for the American people were at.nni, u tnose geysers, Hr. J- Ogden Armnnr nfTr - . - mmu-mxlhonaire, whorecent 'J returnpr? . . . --. ; f nn i Europe, ineo. 10 lfi 1TI &Ql rrr . . . " w,uuu wortn oi leweis. the sleuth hounds of the New and MCU8t0m hoU8e scented them 113 Jni' gden tad to ahell; out -Thaw 68' d-i.;5,W fieV "li8M a business for a nil- PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. I. Grady, Esq.. left yester day for .Norfolk. - ;. r;:'; ' " Mr. 5S. B3 BaUeyi returned to the' city jesterday J:;-3 : Mr. Norwood Orrell left yes terday to enter Horner's School. . Misi - Bettie; Montgomery," of Charlotte, is visiting her sister, . Mrs. H. V, Martin. v-- - Johh H. Gore; Jr., Esq., will leave this.'" morning for Florida on a professional trip.U (Vn- i ' ' -Missea NeUielsiidAiina" Belle Kerr, of Kerr, are visiting Miss 8allie Mclntire, on Grace" strcetfc Mr. H, B. Nnnnery, of Cedar Creek, N. C, was a pleasant visitor to' the Stab office y esterday. 5 ff;-j. " Mr. and Mrs. W. I.: Kinney, of Greenwood, Miss., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Maunder. ' r. . -Misa Neppie Borden left yes-; ferday to resume her studies 1 at the Greensboro Female College. ; ;3 Miss Anne McL. Taylor re turned last evening from "a visit to friends In Goldsboro and Durham. : V Misses T Lucy r; Baldwin and Irene Peterson left yesterday morning for the Baptist Female University; r Mr. John Frank,- ' manager of the Western Union Telegraph Com pany, returned from Virginia yester day. r ..." 5 , - ' -7- Miss ; Maggie - MeBaniel, ? of Whitoville, was here yesterday, en route to she: Baptist Female Univer sity at Baleigh. J v Mral S. D. , Scarborough and Miss Hazel Bell Thomas, of Chester, 8. GL, are guests of Mrs.-Beery, on South Fifth street.- " - V- ! Messrs. ' George G. Thomas, Jr., H. B. Short, Jr., George Chad bourn and Christopher Pierce left yes-, terday for the University. ;-!- ' Miss, Fannie Moore,' on ' her way from NorfoUp Va., to Caintuck, will spend : several days - with the family of Mr.' B. B. Pridgen, 814, North Fifth street. ; , - f 4 -blisses JEaise and i Ellen Duffie, of Columbia,' S, C are in . the city visiting relatiTes, the ' family of Mrs. Eliza M. Bellamy, corner Fifth and Market streets.'" - Cap. Wm. S. Clayton, mili tary instructor in Howell's - Military Academy, arrived : yesterday ' from Earnhardt, 8. C, to begin his duties upon -the . opening ; pf the school to morrow. - MrT N. Farrior, of Char lotte, returned home, yesterday after a two months vacation spent, rt the SoundC : Mrs! Farrior will remain in in the the guest of her parents for some time yet. ? 1 ' r ' Among yesterday's guests at The Orton - weref J. ' J. McKellar, Augusta, Ga.; B. O. Sandy, Washing ton, D. CL ; C. A. Petteway, Jackson Tille, N. a ; W. H. Pope, iFayetto rille; W. B. Allen, Newbern; D, E. Mclver, Sanford; Claude W. Stewart, Carthage, and J. L. Burro sav New-:' bern. - -' ;" " ;: r . ; BOYS' BRIGADE OFFICERS. AasBil Hectios HeU Mosdiy Night at Postpoaed Regalsr MeetlBj. - ; --The First Battalion, Boy's Brigade of America,' at its - regular annual meeting on Monday night, elected of ficers as follows:, '. . 'V First Ijieutonant-Jas. A.- Price, . Second Lieutenant J. Wni Curtia. -.; President A. I. Dosher. ...Vice President T. F. Tyler, Jr; , - Secretary Charles C. Lougnlin. . ; Janitor H. F. Quinn. ' f The meeting ; was postponed from the preceding Monday night ; on ac mnntof thelabor Dtv exercises, at Southport' WUI Reside ia Qeldsbore. ' Mr and Mrs. R. E. BizzeU, popular young people or nunuoRwa, wuw were recently married, lert yesterday for Goldsboro, which city will be their future home. Mr. Bizzell has a re moniible Dosftion with the Goldsboro Bice Milling Company. The young nmlA eurr with them the very best wishes of a host of friends In Wil- Aa Exchsaie of S teaaers." rS . : ; The Clyde steamship Geo. W- Clyde arrived yesterday from New York in place of the Saginaw, which is on we railway for a thorough overhauling. The Clyde Is regularly engaged on sne Boston. New .York and J acxsonvme Una and U commanded by Cant W. J. Steplesformeriy of the 07ieufa which remains on the Wilmington une.- Scarl Fever oa'Soaad. rf;i:: There are said to be several cases 6f Greenville ' sound. I They Ire under the care of Dr. W. D. McMillan, counjy,. :.wn""" t...nt. a' nnmher of families have moWn from the sound on this ao- cohnt-v Excarslooi To-day aad To-morrow, :r . Mr Carter ol,iymna. wiU hring down an excursion fiom Klrod and Intermediate points on the Northeastern raUroad to-day. ',: union from Lumberum ww ""V norrow-t ':frf-'-'"-T:-..:i "'-"'- . i NKW;ADVEBTlBEMENTa ' a W. Sanders-Look out; , . . : Miss-Mary S. Powers-A stuuiu. Un. E. B. Ds -i?tt-Amin'r j i notice. 'Btr.V7nitcn Tr!? to r"aC---y LUMBER ENTERPRISE. Plant of the C. W. Pike Com V ; pany. Sold Monday to Pitta r:3y:': burg4 Capitanstsr- WILL BE , REHABILITATED. That is tbe Pretty Well Antheaticated Ra , . nor Bid Is st Asctlon This Week. : - Descriptloa of the . Property yii Ma 118 Capacity, i; , ; The lumber interests in Wilming ton are perhaps second only in import ance to its vast business in cotton and naval stores and any increase in f the number of enterprises of this charac ter or rehabilitation of ; plants, : for a time unused, is always hailed with delight ' . The Stab has informatio that; the plant formerly operatedhere vby the OL W. Pike Company and one of the beat equipped of its kind in the city will soon be put in operation again by capitalists from Pittsburg, Pa., who will carry on the lumber business in an extensive way; ' The valuable plant formerly owned by the a WV Pike Company was sold Monday -at auction in front of f the Court House by Mr. M. M. Caldwell," commissioner, and was bid in by Mr. M. D. Hays, of Pittsburg, who it is understood is acting for - the party of capitalists who will put the plant in operation. The sale was pursuant to a decree Of the United Btates Court at Abingdon, Va., , in the causes jof Paul Hutchinson's administrator . et als. vsvthe Wythe ville Insurance and Banking Company et als., and Blount & Boyton y. H. G. Wadleyiet als., and upon an ancillary bill in the same names in the Circuit Court of the United States for the Eastern District of North Carolina.. The bid was $5,010 and the property was knocked down to Mr. Hays for that amount.; ! The mill is excellently equipped and is situated one mile from Wilmington on the west bank , of the Northeast branch of the Cape Fear river, includ ing 23 acres of land on which it is sit uated. At the saw mill-location the river is 1,850 feet wide and . 15 feet deep. The sawmill was constructed in the Tery best manner on deep foun dations of brick and cement The ma chinery consists of three large steam boilers, of lO&horse power each, built by the Erie City Iron Works, of Erie, Pa. A magnificent enarine made by Stearns Manufacturing Co., of Erie, Pa." It har all the modern ap- pliances for drawing up the logs out of the river turning the logs tat the carriage, edging and cut-off sawrwith three brick dry kilns 18x90 feet, of standard pattern, with twelve thou sand feet of steam pipe In each kiln. There is a covered wharf, 43x193 feet, with capacity for 1,000,000 feet of lum ber. A railroad in the yards connects with the main lines. . -: : Mr. Hays, - the purchaser of 4 the property," yesterday went up to Bur-, gaw, to bid on certain V timber lands sold at auction under the same decree. There are three tracts of land contain Ing 350, 126 and 630 acres, respectively,' and all said be : exeellently- timbered and easily accessible to the Cape-Fear river. . !''--'' V. A FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE. ' MUa Gertrade M. Bajty Wffl Becoae the ; Bride of Mr. W. M. Creasy. I : V Friends in the city yesterday re ceived ' the following invitation an nouncing the forthcoming marriage of popular young people well known in Wilmington: - . ifr. &nd Mrs. Charlea Bugby, request the honor of your presence ... at the marriage of their sister, " . . Gertrude Medernach, - to . . - -" Mr. WUliam Martin Creasy, Wednesday morning, Sept. 25th, on Nineteen hundred- and one . at nine thirty o'clock, in the ; - ; Christian Church, -" t- Kinston, North Carolina. -- The groom-elect Is chief clerk in the office of the general superintendent of the ArO. L., this city, and Ithe brWV elect was for some time a popular ana talented member l of the Wilmington High School faculty. : : . ' . FUNERAL OP MRS. J. .W. REILLY. Reariein Hlfi Msss at St Thomas Cisrcb. 1 Yesterdsy Moraiar The laternieat. Requiem High Mass for the repose of the soul of the late Mrs.' Catherine Reilly, wife of " Mr. ; J. W. Reilly," who ' passed away " early Sun dar morning, was celebrated y the I Rey. Father G. Dennen at St Thomas t-ftthBdral yesterday; morning at 10 o'clock In the presence of ; large, concourse of sorrowing friends and relatives..,; ' - -Z ;.The interment was InOakdale come-, many-beauUful floral trib utes attested the love and esteem In -which she was held. The pall bearers were as follows t Honorary :: Messrs; James . Madden. T. Donlap, Jno. ) H. Hanby and Dr. L. H. Love 5 active : Messrs. P. H. Hayden, John Sweeney Jno. H. Gore, Jr., Chsi : D. Foard nd Martin O'Brien. ".; : Death of Mrs. Hewett. - 1- : Friends will learn with sorrow of the death of Mrs. Maggie Hewett which occurred at 1 :30Jo'clock yesterday after noon at her farm residence near wu mington after a continued illness with hemonhagicerer. " Mrs. Hewett was In the 56th year of her age and is sur- w unn. Mr; Jamea Jtie wen. Th9 acer&1 t9 held at 4 :C3 .o'clock --- frCnt!iel:.t3 re:!J:rc5, . ? ThVmbnthly inspection of ; the, Wilmington Light Infantry took place last 'hightA cT-r r':";oi ,rS:J?SS?-''-'''' Collector E. ;C. Duncan, of Baleigh announces the seizure of the Cypress Distilling Company's ; plant near Wilmington . on account of al leged Irregularities. ' ' ' ) J .'Miss ; Mary E.' -- Powers - will open a r studio for Art pupils at 216 South Second street, in this city, Sept4 16th.? She Is a daughter of Dr. K. J. Powers,-: of Pender' countyr and is a young lady of many accomplishments. A" cable of the Southern J Bell Telephone Company on North Water street is being . repaired 1 under ' the su pervision of alr. xom;" JUozier, s wno was manager of the exchange here during Mr. ; McMaaus'' recent absence from the city. " License wasr issued yesterday' I for the marriage of Jacob L, Boney. of : Wallace, and r Mrs. Julia Augusta Johnson, daughter of Mr. V and Mrs T. H. W. Mclntire, of this city. 'Also for the marriage of Eurie Rogers, of Delgado, and Sallie Westbrook, of Delgado. , ,-t '--'. . ' 'Kinston 'Free Press: .Messrsv' SmitfU "Hennager and Sorber, the Baleigh ball players who have been; with Kinston the past several days, left this morning for Raleigh. Messrs. Hennagerand Smith will leave imme diately for Washington, D." C.,: and Mr: . Sorber, with his wife - will leave for Albany, N. '.Y. The ball players ex Dressed themselves as having en joyed their stay in Kinston." MARRIED YESTERDAY APTERNOON. Mrs. Jolla A. Jokastoa Becomes Bride of '-.'' - Mr. J. L, Boaey, of Wallace. , . Mrs. Julia Augusta Johnson, daugh ter of Mrs. T.'H. W. .McIntyre,' who resides on Grace street, was quietly married ' yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the. family home to Mr. Jacob L. Boney a well known and prosperous young planter and mill man of WallaeerNa---v---:k; " The ceremony was impressively per formed by the Roy. R.M. Williams, of Wallace, assisted by the Bev.Dr. A. D. McClure, of this city, : The wed ding,, was exceedingly quiet . on ac count of the illnass of - the ;: bride's mother," who recently suffered a pain ful injury fay falling from the back norch . of her residence. The -bride and groom left on last evening's ti for Wallace, their future home. LETTER CARRIERS' CONVENTION. Mr. : A. B. Onyloa .'Back Mr. ReW, of ' New York; Here to Visit His Brother. ; Mr. A B. Guyton, one of the popu lar letter carriers at the Wilmington nostoffice. . srbt home yesterday from Chattanooga, where he has been .at tending the National Convention of carriers. , lie reports a narmonious session with adjournment to Denver, Colorado, next year, v . l v . Mr. Geo. W. Field, a member of the New York better carriers' force, "also arrived in the city yesterday from, the National Convention, on a visit to his brother, Mr. EL A. Field. He will re turn to New York Friday 7 : Were Married Yesterday ; ' Mr. Chas. H. Fore, of this city, and Miss Sarah Palmer Fitts, daughter of Captain Francis M. . Fitts, were mar ried in the Methodist church at Macon, N. C, yesterday morning. The bride and groom will spend their bridal tour North. Among the Wilming- tonians in attendance upon the cere mony were Captain F. M. Fitts, Mr. and Mrs.": R. W. Wallace and Miss "Claire : Lathrop. Mr. and Mrs. Fore will arrive In Wilmington about Oc tober lSt ''-' ' Laoreace Spraat Improvtef. t jr r The Stab rejoices vrith many friends this morning at the news last night from Asheville to the effect that the condition of Laurence Sprunt, son of Mr. and Mrs. James 8prunt, aa yery encouraging.? This Is the thirteenth day of the boy's severe illness, and it is thought the crisis has passed f ana that unless unexpected complications arise, nie recovery ; is. reaaoxmuij, tainl The hews that the little fellow is entirely, free from danger will come welcome indeed to hundreds of friends here.; .' -" . . River, Excursion Sondsy. y, i Capt J; W; Harper gives notice. that on next Sunday the steamer WO-. mington will make V special trip to Southport and to sea for - which the fare will be .only' 25 cents for .the round trip: The boat will make only one trip during the day, ' leaving the city at 8:45 A.-; M. and . returning at 6:80 P. M. - : - As Ailered Chlckes Thief, " '- ...v ' Lawrence . Crawford, colored, . was sent over for the Superior Court yes terday by Mayor Waddell on the I charge of the" larceny of chickens. He gave 25 bond for his appearance ana was . released, ' tie was oeienuw j Herbert Mc01ammyEsq. : Ji; Joist Pvthlaa Meetior. : Thenexfof the series of joint meet- tnJ. n thA fniir Pvthian lodges of the city will.take place Monday night and wW be -with Btonewall Lodge. An unusually attractive programme is In course of preparation ana ra large at tendance of KfnlghU Is expected, - At the Opera House Taesday WsM, . - " llr. Felix Blei, business manager of The Great Olivetts Compauy, ia?n the c'tj 'r-".ys Err '.T " --J l-a a . -cl ,,f tr 3 0-T3, LOCAL DOTS. TflE ELKS' CARNIVAL: Important Meeting: of .the'Ex ecatiye i Committee at the c Tempie i Last RAILROAD RATES SECURED. Informal Prorrsmaie of EventsMspped Oat Locstloa of Some of the Booths. : ':; BoDowbosb's Cornet Baad Ea;"."C S i.. fajed Other Boslaess.. - King Carnival will "reign supreme in gaiety and pleasure in Wilmington for one solid week, October 14th-19tb. . Each passing" day brings: more and more $ assurance to . the enterprising Elks that their fairwill-tbe-'at great success and the,- merchants andbus J Tnesi men, J inrespecttye of their affllia tiba with the lodgeL are : beginning to think that way too. The canvassing committee is keeping up its work and is meeting- with fair success, although it deserves better. ; Last night there was a meeting of the Executive Committee, Mr. H. J. Gerken presiding and the reports of all sub-committees showed a sub stantial growth in preparation for the big event It was reported that the Board of Aldermen had been ; very generous in its concessions to the fair promoters and that all 'the street space desired had been granted. ' -s - . -. Another'' important announcement was that of definite railroad ratesTor the event The Coast Line, Seaboard and Southern have granted a rate of one faro for the round - trip over all their lines in North Carolina, South Carolina andv contiguous sections of other States. One cent a mile travel led has been granted- to military or ganizations and 'brass bands. -.Tickets will be on sale for a week: and will be good for the return until the follow ing Monday night October 21ft : The I- amusement ' committee, ' Mr. 'Jckn Bellamy ' ; cbairmao j : Jias mapped out a very complete pro gramme of each day's entertainment' but as there will likely be some changes it is not yet given out for publication. Thursday, of fair 'week, wlflhhe "Elks' Day," and a great one, too. hundreds of visiting B. P. O. E's are expected on that day and the town will be turned over to them. , .. " Arrangements have also been made for a trolley parade each ttia-ht pf the fafar between 8 and 9 o'clock."7 Fire gayly decorated and brilliantly light ed cars will make a trip around the belt on a special schedule, with the front car occupied by a band of splen did imaslciaasv.-- .m - The music' committee 7 last night closed a contract by wire with Hol Iowbush's Cornet Band of twenty all professional musicians to play dur ing the week. Of course it will be assisted by numerous bands with the Bostock-Ferari Show, which is the main attraction. ' The Hollow bush band hasbeen engaged, so it is stated, to playat the Richmond Elks' fair on the week preceding the fair nere -: The special committee on the coun try store has gone to work with, a im and will likely open its empori um of merchandise in front of the Postofflce building, extending length wise nearly half a square.- Last night about one hundred letters were mailed to various merchants' North soliciting contributions through local merchants. The Carnival district Will . extend along Front from .Walnut to Orange street and on Market from -Water to midwai- between J3ecbnd and Third streets.- At each street intersection the Bostock-Ferari Company will have one of its mammoth entertainment booths established, which will extend up and down intersecting streets about a block. Between each of the corners merchants, will be granted space for the erection of booths to display their goods.- Ample .space' will be allowed vehicles and streets cars to pass..; 5 On Market between Water : and Front streets, the trained animal show and menagerie will be established. At the end of the Market streeTplaza and facing Front street will be the Chrys tal Maze and just in the rear of thisC between Front and Second streets; will be the mammoth 90-foot Ferris wheel. --At Front and Princess streets, ex tending toward Water, it "is expected to establish the German Tillage booth. In this booth the Elks - have kindly given the Daughters of the Confed eracy, of this city, space for a refresh ment stand and lunch room, the reve nue from whioh; will be used in der fraying the expenses of the city dele- gates to : the I National ; Convention, Daughters of the Confederacy, which assembles in Wilmington on the. fol lowing months Ordinarily, this sec tion of the booth Is let for dispensing strong drink, but the Elks decided this would hot be in line with the object o their fair and the . privilege was accordingly given to the uaugn ters of the Confederacy. '' yi From now on J with many of the de tails of arrangement out of -, the way, the Elks will push forward to a. bril liant success. : :- - ': ;"; ; ' HEWETT At. her residence. Jumping Bun, fsSSSSSSlS I kaWBTr, beloved wife of Jas H.Hewett, aged 64 rears. - - Friends of tbe family are Invited to attend the funeral at 4 o'clock this afternoon at above place. ' . - --. - .EW ADYERTISEMENTS., -or TTi 1 NEW ADVEBTISEMENTS. $?TZZ X I Hf : f i . LIGHT AND in furniture -;DABK EFFECTS ; are , shown ! in our assortment 'Simply a matter of taste " which " -seem ' most pleasing. Both are in good style and all. are of excellent quality. v-.: '-.; .-?'!'ijIv ;SjCffiB2FjgBNlTURE is from factories whieh are celebrated .li' are sUowing some very1 handsome BEDROOM SUITES . ; in Quartered Osk, Golden, finished Oak White and Gold, etc., at very low prices, w Pt.'i-S:- ITLTITEOE & KELLY'S, No. 17 South Front street. BeU Phone US. B6B4tf . GERMiwii Portiand ; Cement. 7 Hoffman, Rosindale : Cement n Bagging and 1 Ties, Molasses,. . Domestic and Imported Salt, Grain, Lime, Hay, Wails. ' - The Worth Co. my I4tf - TRY US. r We have Flour, Sugar, Coffee, TeaCakes, - Crackers. Candies, 1 Soap, Snnff, Soda, : Starch, Lye, Potash, Idtrd, Mesvl, Hominy, Molasses : - Nails, Tobacco, Smoking and Chewing, and full line of Canned Goods. All of which we offer to the - trade at living prices. - - Williams Broo. . j86tr , look: ottt i ONE WEEK ONLY.- ' Three pounds parched or ground best quality Caracas Laguyra . -Ceff ee.............. ........ ..57 cts Five pounds American standard) . Granulated Sugar 28 cts - Total . . ........... .... . . 85 cts - Quantity to one person limited. . This is our regular 25c Coffee. S.W. SAWDERS, . . . At The Unlucky Corner. Both Fhonee 109 - - r - seplltt ... Freoh Packed - September Llnllets. Bagging," Ties, full line of : ' Salt and a Groceries and Provisions. HALL & PEAESALL, (INCOSPORATED.) Nntt and Mulberrr Sts. seps tf WILMINGTON SEACOAST R. R. On and after Monday, September 9th, 1901, the schedule wQI be as follows until farther notloe: ' - ' - .-, DAILY XXCEPT 8TJKDAT. j r LeaTe Wflmlngton. - Leave Ocean View. 6 SO A. M.- ; - " T4B A." BC . 10 10 aIjE T - .' II 80 A.M. 1 ' 8 Ilk Ml " - -t- 600 P.M.. , t SO P. SU 9 00 P. M. j-. .' SUNDAY-TRAIN. i - - Leave Wilmington. t ' "Leave ocean v lew. 2 80 P. M. B.00.P. M...:,--; night, Maa ! Freight wlU be carried on 10.10 A. M. and S.8S r.m.trams.r - 0. GBAKT, , -sepstt Baperlntendent. TJOTICE. ; t Carolina Central Rawroaa twmpany... r -' " Portshocth. Va, Bept 8ra,"j9W. ? The regular annual meeting of the stock- ! holders of the Carolina Central uauroaa uom- pany wul be held in the Front street office of the oompftDT in rte city of Wilmington. Btate i the company in the city of Wilmington, .Btate 1 of North Carolina, on Thursday, the 8rd day of October. A. tt l Jl W I O-ciock r. a JOHN XL 8HABP,' " . " T - Becretary. sep Sim Admini3trator'slTotico. Having' anallfled as Administrator of - the ! estate of James 8. oagett, aeceaseo, this us to I notify all persons indbuted to the ceoeased to make immediate payment to me, or n y author ized agent, wauier t. wiu n .1 orama i to whom he was Indebted will preee their I claims to me, properly proven, before the 10th aay of eeptemoer, iwt, w uun uuuuo plead tnbr of recoveT. - 'j. mh4a i a i.T.h flaw nt fcTttfSTTihur. 1901. i ' j(t-' . K'1.E.a.DAC32TT,: ' r - " Admlnlstitkbur James 8. LagioCt. sep 11 we, j The Inrcbison n. C BIeTJEElV IrMlB. pi3-bs isi ,000,000:00. I Prompt4Uid reliable service. Security. Every possible , facility. V UNITED STATES, STATE AND - DIRECTORS. ' N. Jaoobi, " j.' O. STKVKirsoir, RW. Wallace, J J wo. F. MoNaib, E. M. MUEOHISON I J. "V. GRAoraxB, M. J.' COBBETT, " WJ B. COOPXB. .'sS:.tti-'S:- J. W.; NORWOOD, Pres.- THE ATLANTIC UATIOll AL 8 AUK WILMINGTON, N. 0. . Financial Paid out to stockholders since organization, 1892. .... ......... .$66,250 laberaiity, promptness, modern methods, v - - V t w ANDREW UORELAND, Cashier. J. W. YATES, Ass't Cashier. sep 8 tf October First ' ' '. ' Money deposited now bears interest from that date at the rate Of . 4 per - cent per annum, compounded quarterly, interest being payable In three months from October 1st.- Start an account with us now, no matter '' how large, no matter how small, it will be welcome and will receive' .-- careful attention. - . - ;r The People's Savings Batik, t . Opposite the Postoffice. , , , Prasllamfc. ' - JTNO. . ABHITBON6, Tim PrMUtoBt. V. W. BIOSU Caaftilar. s- - " B. C. BleClITKEN, sepU tf " . . REASONABLE GOODS - t . . . ( ; : : , .... : MULLETS, new catch. Best Oream Cheese, Martin's Gut Edge Butter, , Bagging and Ties. : SALT. j A. GENERAL LUTB 07 OAJSB GOODS , : DXMAWD AT THIS 8BAS0V. - Sole agents .for V ROB ROY FLOUR. I ? Ucll AIR & PEARSALL. see Fruit of All Kinds. ; . " Peaches, Pears, Plums, Grapes, Bananas, Ap- pies and Orannes, : Call and see me for the BEST FRUIT to be had in the city. . J. V. PLUMPER, Jr., S04 Princess Street. - Inter-State 138. Bell Thone 660. sepOtf September llnllets. $768.15 In New River ZXullets. -$11 0.09 in Pic-Nie Cheese. " 84.14 in zresn unts. -$419.07 la Yellow Corn. v K . $810.97 in Feed Osvta. : . 8S98.49 in Va. Meat $217.01 in New Rice. st!98.14 In Seed Rye. $205.81 in Assorted Castes. -$301.05 In Assorted Candy, y - Do yon wish prices. - V. B. COOPER,) . ; Wbolesjkle Grocer V 80S, sio, sis-Ntitt street, . sepStt ' Wilmington. N.a FISH, FISH, ' 25 BARRELS i Hew Catch Linuets. Also quantities of all other goods in myJine." . ' "-'W-' l core co.,; " " WHOUSAt QBOCXKS, i jV f m, isa and 124 North water street, x:: sep S tf '- Wilmington, V. O. 300-Cheese; : ; ioo Boxc3 Tobacco. I - nfri aVfl flnffAA : I 200 SCLCHS UOIIOO. SAr.rLBEAR, Sr., sepltt "18 Market street, ForestroyintT Vilcimstca Liva C!::!: C;. ' -2 " - TreisVIae " -nl'PI.zts. MonaI;anli- j, OBAINSER, Cashier. CITY DEPOSITORY. A. B. Nichols, : T. M. Emxbsoh, . J. A. SPsnraKB, H. C MoQukkk. JOHN S. ARMSTRONG, Vice Pres 02,000,000. Strength. Is the beginning of a new interest period with us. THE REAL ESTATE AGENT. Can save you money In the rent ing of your property, h- Place your i houses with them ' and 'they - will, get good attention. : Your returns will be , prompt and satisfactory! , - ; - Following small list is what . is, left of our houses: " J," Bed Cross, between Second anc( Third. Front, betw'n Walnut and Bed Cross. Seventh, between WalnujUand Bed Cross. Ann, between Second andThird." . '. Corner Second and Ann. v- J Ghesnut, between Fourth and Fifth.: ' Fifth, between Dock and Orange. ' Walnut, between. Fourth and Fifth, Ninth, between Market and Dock. . .. ' . Stores, Offices and Booms. . ' f J. 6. WRIGHT & SON, The Real Estate Asent aad Notary Public. , - sep 11 tf - j. The Greatest Cigar Of tat .Times CUBAK BLOSSOM," Loudree style.' "CREM0,"T ; -Perfectos style.'1 High Quality Low Price. Thnm oiarsni have no oat for the price strictly hand-made, of tbe imported Ma terial; as good Tobacco as goes into a 100 uisar . we call attention to a cheaper smoke :. , . w.. . Matclilt 95 "CHEROOT The wonder of the smokers try a Iranch, ana yon will smoke no other kind wrapped with Sumatra wrapper, same Wrapper as goes on Bo cigar, ana is reoommenueu w Sold by all kind of stores and everywhere, out-of-town trade wul please correspond with ns. Yoiiers & Haihagen, " . SOLE DISTEIBUTOBSr sepltt- . .' - -- J- - :' '" ' Hew Goods; - 4 - Bagging and Ties, New Uullsts, mV, FIRST , PAT. 2ND PA. FLOUB. . -- STRAIGHT FLOUR, ' '; SUGAR. COFFER; RICE, HEAL, GRITS, HOLAEZZ ' WHEAT BRAN, : CANNED GOODS, COAT, 1 ; I. YD, STARCD. SALT, tc. Send me your orders. ; '"'. J"7 Bpedal attention given to eonslgnmentr. V.P.",CsNAin. anSStt t " .-Jaa riMA Horses;syer8,V lots we cs. S5J2 m load due Beitember 1 . gains call and see. i - D tore3