. . . i . pi l AAA - fOBST1" . . Than That imm of su3scEiPTi::.v . lvMOWV"" A. ' I . . : :. . . Of Any Other uaiiync"- In paper rui Wilmington. 1 .AAAMAaAM r . a. a lillim n m w w w w - gegtovtrt f tar OUTLINES. ' Lucy W. Snow is asnore S.JT Schooner Helena WfTT. n,ftred in collision LLord Kitchener reports recent en- I Its -WIUJr. Koers. in which the lat iantersw'" . . number Sab coal deal in WestVir 1 Jrh condition of President iCTnlev continues favorable. --i jcKiniey w . district ! LMsntS to leavo " - rToLffar denies that he has been E' i to settle the steel strike and Lfieht will eo on until the ,W . OT .T Fair, rast- iakerswin. ' " . I Ut charged with embezzling post- Iked the meeting of EmperorWiF 0f Germany and the Czar of Bus-. jj. Y. markets: Money on firm at 45 per cent,- the last w being at 4 per cent; cotton y, middling uplands 81c; flour fairly active; wheat-ipot easy, a. 3 red 7oi" ; com opv, fiUa.. OaiS sou - i I Lin steady ;spirits turpentine steady , 36i 37c . ' : WEATHER REPORT. U 3. dkp't of Agriculture, . Wkathib Buriau, Wiuiisgtos, N. C, Sept. 11. j Temperatures: 8A.JL, rtaepei M., 77 degrees; maximum, 03 ue- fees; miuimuiii, i pjrees. j Rainfall for the day, .75; rainfall bee 1st of the monin 10 aaie, .o ch. ."r-. . 0TT0N RBQION BULIaXTIH. HJ6 temperatures have continued' ! of "iec8Qtral and western dutncts. iSr fains have fallen in Georgia, bathdarolina, Texas, Louisiana and 'ennessee. ,"- FOMOAST FOB TO-DAY. .' Washi5QT0!i, Sept 11. For North tuolina: Fair Thursday;. Tioay; bowers and cooler; light to fresh botherly winds. - Port Almanac September 18. . Ian Rises 5.39 A. 1L Ban Sets e.izf.sa. Day's Length 12 xx. 33 SL, Bigh Water at Southnort. 6.59 P. MV Bigh Water WiJmjot9 P. MV Senator Vest thinks that Wm. J.' Bryan would fit nicely in the U. S. Senate. He would, too. In 1849 there was one woman prac ticing medicine in the United States.' pow there are about 6,000. " . " It is said that the name of Presi dent McKinley's would-be murderer means in the Polish language,x "make." -- Hon. Grover Cleveland is going West to pursue big game. He wants to get a pop at some of the varmints which Boosevelt left. , - ' r' It is Baid that Senator Hanna never swears except when he thinks has reasonable provocation, and then he does it with emphasis. That New York family which is 'ringahou8e built with twenty- tten bath rooms in it must have accumulated a great deal of real estate. A woman out West wants a di-: wrce because her husband plays the trombone. That is the bone of con tention, she says she was deceived! snd didn't know it before her mar liage. ,. ;J It ia noted as a remarkable coin cidence that just before the PresiV nt was shot the orchestra was Playing, "Uuraed B-e These BuUets,w the scene in Weber's "Der Freigchutz," where they are casting Pallets in the forest. Governor Shaw, of Iowa, says he fa not yet made up his mind to en I 161 then race for the Republican nomination for the Presidency. He probably wait a whUe to see what rocouragement will be given.: the" otW fellows. f The mother of the late Secretary 1 State Gresham lives in Albany lw- and is 8tm hale. ..She cele-" Wated her 98th birthday a f ew dayT wLaDd not only enjoyed it and" artamed her friends, but assisted PreParing the dinner for them, ; i. citizen of Newark, N. J ( charged with the grave off eiice of ers from graves. - She 8 she w mem so well tW gat she will UP in her them, Bleep and purloin ,re ares good 1 111 this country. baahrjn.lMt' Sunday that uent! . at QSalo onthe Presi- "life waa a visitation of Provi- beci Canon wT?-.s . '- Porttoir. I " mwy had an op- r in . 8UPPW the -liquor doT be PhPPmes . and didn't VOL. LXVIII.-rNO. i47; PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Capt. Alria Walker returned yesterday from Newport -': Capt. DeLeon Fillyaw return ed yesterday from Norfolk. ' L ' Mrs. Fannie Strange'arrived in the city from States ville yesterday. rj jjclt. wuue ueuamv leit Tea- terday, returninr to the Unirersity. H. L. Stevens. Esq.. of t"War- saw, is in the city on professional busi ness." ..; ' ; -C : . v r . Messrsl W. T. Clark and iW. J. Boykin, of - Wilson,1, were Orton guests jesUndaj...hZ-:, : Hon. James ... H." Pou, "'of Ra leigh, was in the city yesterday on pro fessional business. -.-. . ; Jno. H. GUre, ,Jr.; Esq., left yesterday afternoon for Florida on a preionsltrip,,u Miss Bynum, who has been the Kuestoftha family ofthe Rev Jc H. Hall, returned to her home y ester-' Rey. P. 0. Morton wiU leave to night for Uttle Biyer and Bhallotte to assist in holding protracted ; meet- Mr. BeLancey Eyans . has - sev ered his connection -with the Golds- bororioe mills and has returned to the city.. .c. H?r!-5Tx 1 , Miss Lou Nicie Bridg ex, V of Bladenboro, is the guest of the family of Mr. W. A. Bourk, 1 South' Fifth street.1; ' -r-' -: .'- -l'G Mr. S. H. Fishblate expects to leave this morning for Biltmore to join his family, who are spending the Summer there. Messrs. N. -A. Carter, H, A. Townsend, B. M. McKenzie and A. D. HcXensie, of Baynham, N. C., were in the city yesterfay.:;-:':-;1;;-:: Mis Mamie Burns, of Iranhoe,; Who has been the guest for some, time Mrav aiD. BelLtleft . yesterday morning to visit in Norfolk. - i ' Mr Harry Clayton, late short stop on the Wilmington baseball team, where he will conclude the season. : v Mrs. B. S. Garrissof Clinton; N. CL; after spending a week in the city, the truest of Mrs. ; J. - O. Wlggs, returned home yesterday morning. . Among ; the guests : at The Orton' yesterday were: W. H. Pyke," South port ; G. E. - - Fleming.:- Greens boro; E. B. Wright, Board man, and E. L. Goodman and wife, of - Savan nah, Ga. " , ', " Messrs. . Z. Whitehead and w. x. Hears, : oi tnis city, are attend ing the: session of the Concatenated Order of Hbo' Hoo at Norfolk this week. Mr 8ears was- among the number of "kittens' that were 4,bo : janed," otherwise . received into the lumbermen's organization, during the session.:.' . A Reasios) at Meast Olive, . " - Baleigh News and Observer ; Capt. CL B Denson has accepted an invita tion to deliver an address at a reunion. ! of Confederate veterans to be held at Mount Olive. . The reunion Is one of the survivors of Company E, 30th North Carolina, the company com manded by Capt. Denson in the early part ot-the war. xnougn it was a very large company originally, there are only thirty members of itnow living.. It was at first composed almost en tirely of cadets from a military school taught by CapL . Dtnsoo, near Mount Olive. These cadets, however, were soon detailed for duty elsewhere as drill masters and the company was re cruited with men from Duplin and Waxne counties. It went Into the i service fully equipped at its own ex pense.- - . - - " -";-- 'mm SjBsBBaWSSl- . . Hsoover CIvk Frolic. " The season at Carolina Beach will come to a close to-day with an enjoy able seaside frolic by Hanover Seaside Club. The House Committee has pre pared an unusually attractive pro gramme and club members and their friends are looking forward with mucn pleasure to the day and night's festivi ties. There -will be music, dancing and refreshments all day and at night. The first boat leaves the city at 9 :45 A. M. and the last at 5:15 P. M. There will be a late boat at night from the beach. "" ' : ' - " . District Deputy Gerkenv . Mr. Henry J. Gerken", one of the most enthusiastic and -enterprising Elks In this Btate, has been assured of an appointment as District Deputy of the order in North Carolina. Tne oi fiee is the highest in - Elkdom in : the State and the office will 'y be worthily bestowed when it is giren to Mr. Ger ken. He is a Past Buier ot .Wilming ton Lodge and one . of the :; moving gpirits in the fair and carnival to be giten in Wilmington, Oct. i&-isn. Fosersl ef Mrs.. Hewstt j iThe funeral of the iateMrsMargav ! ret E. Hrett,'Whose death was hoted in these columns yesterday, was held the same afternoon at , a-G'ciocs: irom. her r late residence, the T Bev. B. H. Herring officiating. ; The interment was In the family . burying ground near- the home. The following gen tlemen were pall bearers: F. A.' Montgomery,tJ."F.JLUtletonr E2 Milton and Jn8. CWS fr xS - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ; r j -Tollers & Hashagen Greatest cigar. Geo. O. Gaylord Backet . Store ; closed to-day .i :-::$2C:t :' Mrs. DivineyBooms for rent. ;. As the Stab employs no trav elling agents, bills are sent direct ta sutscri!:?rs...Ther3 . tills -3uia tv TOE COUNTY SCHOOLS Official Circulars Calling the Fall - Term Issued Yesterday by - the Superintendent. 7r t TEACHERS FOR THE DISTRICTS AU Have Been Selected asd Wm .Report fer Doty Moadsy, ; September JOtb. " . ; A Seveo Months Sessloa---Tbe Prospects EocooraxlDt. . '' As stated in. these columns . a few days ago, the public schools of the county, will; begin their new 'fiscal year on Monday, September 80th. In dications point to a very large attend ance.' Professor Washington Oatlett, the enterprising and zealous superin tendent, says v that ' a seven .months tenn will again ba giTsnilaia year, which is tSe longest continuous ' pub lic school session in the State. : . ''A copy of the following official cir-; cular letter was mailed yesterday to each school committeeman in - the county:-- , T!he Public Schools, of New Han over county:, will open Monday, Sep-' tember SOth. rThe 4 committees ' are earnestly fequested to see that every thinc'majbe ready fori the work. Much depends upon each one's doing his duty to make the coming year the the most successful one in the history of our schools. The community must be aroused to the importance of educa tion. . Our libraries must be increased ; our school grounds beautified ; and our school rooms made attractive and comfortable. ' - 'Superintendent, committeemen and teachers must unite to carry out, in full, the school law and to make our schools the best in the 8tate. . . ,.awms a vs. - y " z. .- ".;,MW. Oatlett, Supt" . 'V The following ' teachers have been, selected-for the various districts, both white and colored: ' . . District No. 10, Castle - Haynes White school, E. A. Murphy; col bred school, 8arah J. Hall r" ; District No. 12, Bock Hill-Colored, Levi Nixon. . : .... -J:r ' -. District No. 6, J Acorn ; Branch White school, Matthew Bo wen; color ed school, J. J. Clemmens. District No. 8, Federal Point White school. Miss Lucy Smith; ? colored school, T. H. Sterling. :- District No. 9, Carolina Beach Col ored school. Sarah MacBae. District Na JL- Masonboro White school, J. P. Herring; colored school. not elected)'. District No. 3. Myrtle Grove White school, Miss Jennie T. Oldham. ' . . District No. 7. PearsaU's . School House White school, 8. V. Bowen; colored school, Miriam Nash. - - District No. 13, Middle . Sound- White school. Miss Kathleen Elmore ; colored school, Carrie B. Merrick. ; District No. U, Scott's Hill White sehooL Miss H. H. Waldrup: colored school, Dimmie P. Dixon. - District No. 8,- Wrightsville--White school, Miss Paltie D. Thorne; col ored school, Mamie Levy.;-: -i - District No. 14, Greenville Sound White schooL E. 8. Herring; colored FaimieTeMalr.'V District Na 15. : Delgado Mills- White school. Miss Augusta Wiggins; principal ; Miss Beba Meyers, assistant. LIST OF LETTERS. :''.'? Remalalsg Uncalled For In the WUminj- toa Postofflcs Sept. Ilia, lfJH.. " Hannah Brown, Laura M Brynson, Mrs Oscar Bryce, Mrs Paul Browne, Mm w n niarkJ 8arah Crow. Mrs An nla Dixon. Blanche Dixon, Mrs M J TVtnnMl. Madee Elfriend. Rachel Fu nn ivira Oarrit. Mrs B D Grant. Agnes Hubs, - Daf ney Hurrey, Eliza Howard, Isabella Hick. Mrs Mandy Hollan (8), Mildred Holmes, Margaret Hall, G H Johnson, Nettie Jones, Uan Johnson. Melva Jenkins. Mrs T pf iTaIIav. Mrs O-P; Keller.-: Stella Markes. Bhoda MorrisonV;Mora Mor ran. Melrina McEmtire, Josephine Unra. Amu ; Newman. Mrs O A Kihnl Mmie Nichols. Leslie Proa M-v PucketL v Lizzie .Powers, aha Pnrdie. Virginia Bichon,: 8adie Sykes, -JIarie "Smith, Melie Suter, .TMnhina Smith. Ann C Sego, Fanny Thnmnmn. Annie L Williams,' Lina Williams Bosanna i Williams, ; Au gusta Young (2). . . n F . Ohas Anderson, Willie Anders, A L Boyd. A Bought, Grant Baker, Joe pon.M fv- John A Berger. Sandy rMwh: . Joh Cravghan.' Thos Cam- pel, Cornelius Daniel, EM Downing, Thn nAi.i W B Davis. Bob Eaves, G P Empy, Isaiah Pharrer, Dr N D wiiTA- Mr Fields. S F Farrow, J G la.tt R Tt Henrv. W P Hauser, Dan Jones, .John H : Jones, W M TamM T?Thi KlBir. : W H Miller. Jas McDowell, George McGee. O W Paul,' Claudie Puckett, A MPuden; Harris Boper, A 8immon,, A Vann J D Vahn, G xi waiters, uic, Bobt Williams, Wesley W atson. j BETUEHKD FBOH DKAD LKTTEB OBTIOBI. v Laura BerryJ Dora .Haikea. iPMumimllinirfor above letters will uv aA-mrtiseA.il not called for ia fifteen days they wiUbe sent to the dead letter office - ju.-w. xAtux, : Lanreace Spraot Improviaf. ' i Friends In the dty were; gratified to learn from a telegram received - from mv JTimM flnrant at Asheville -last aiirht that the condition - of his son, Laurence 8prunt,was very eucourag? Inr. Physicians now say that with no unfavorable turn- or change, m ,m condition for a day or two; the boy's recovery is reasonably certain." He ias Verr deaf from his continuecL: illness' but his parents and; attendants r -trust thit this, feature of his indisposition is onlv temporary,' though it may prove TnanTit Tte news vestjrday, how- eT-r, upoa'tha whola' we 3 very en WILMINGTON, N. 0., THURSDAY, -SEPTEMBER. LOCAL DOTS; The r massage parlors which were recently opened by Miss Jacque in the : Masonic : Temple, have . been closed and Miss Jacque has returned to her home in Philadelphia. .. W. G. Reaves and wife trans ferred by deed recorded at the Court House 'yesterday,-: to W. A.- Sanders and wife for $35, lot near Second and Church streets, the same being ; 81x33 feet in size. - ": ' ,'- v -";'-,v Miss Corrinne Butler, of Flor ence, S. O.,' who has many friends Jn Wilmington,' wa.s married at ' Darling ton, Monday afternoon, to ,Mr." Louis B. Gregory, manager of the American Tobacco Company at Florence. The alarm of fire ; at 7:34 o'clock last night from box 18, was on account of a small blaze,' as the result of a lamp explosion at the dwelling house of Bebecca Gillom, colored, 908 8chutta!s alley. The damage was , tri fling.. -r . v A valuable dog belonging to Mrs. Fannie Mitchell and- known the town over for his amiable' and sensi ble qualities,1 was killed at Fourth and Market streets, by the hook and ladder truck as it was responding,. to the' Are alarm last night. ' : .'..;..: - THe thirty-three fire alarm boxes of the .Wilmington system are being tested: by the - superintendent An alarm is sent in from one of the boxes each afternoon. . By sending in only one test alarm per - day, it will take more than a month to test them all.- ' " ' THE ASSOCIATION BOYS. Junior Department of WllminrtoB Y. M. C. A. Win be Festared TWa Year. 7 , Meetiog To-morrow Wxbt v . ' , .During the coming fiscal year at the Young Men's Christian Association it is the purpose of the management to give more Strict attention to the junior department of the work. It will be under the special supervision of Dr. N. M. Wetzel, the enterprising physi cal director and assistant general sec- retarr. : ' : It is hoped to increase this class of membership to a great - extent and with this end in view a meeting of the junior members will ba held to-mor row night at 8 o'olock for the purpose of formulating a membership contest similar to that which proved so sig- nallv successful with the older members about a year ago. The con test will last 'or a month and the membership fee has been fixed at $3.00, including all Association privileges. The rooms in the building; for . the juniors are to be handsomely equipped and Dr. Wetzel has arranged for spe cial and improved gymnasium exer cises. A concert " will be . given next Thursday night for the benefit of the junior branch of the Association. " SOME ALDERMANIC CHANGES. Mr. Oeorre Hsrriss Msde Chslnnas of tbe Fire Committee latlmatloa as " to Other Depsrtmests. Mayor .Waddell yesterday author ized the announcement that in the fu- tdre Alderman George "Harriss would be chairman of the Fire Committee of the Board of Aldermen Instead of the Mayor, who will be pretty busily en- eased with his new duties as chair man of the Streets and Wharves Com mittee. . .' - .--i Tbe Are committee, as now consti tuted, is composed of Alderman Har riss,' (chairman). Mayor Waddell and Alderman VonGlahn. Mayor Waddell was asked last night if there were other committee changes in pursuance of his intimation at the meeting of the .Board of Aldermen Monday night. He said - that he had d efinitely . decided upon '. none but several were . under - consideration which would be "public later if they were made. There was talk in Aldermanie circles vesterday that Alderman Skinner had been or would be made a member of the Streets'andr Wharves Committee, vice one of the original members who had signified a purpose of resigning. hut this was entirely unofficial. I..- jn t rsssfj -jssr- -fjj Csptsia Slosn's Offices. Fixtures are being placed in the new offices of Capt. J. H. Sloan," J the well known cotton exporter.- which are now upstairs in the -Kercnner; build- in. No. 114 North Front street The 1 offices will be yeiry handsome, rell ventilated and easily . accessible by a stairway leading from Front r strf et at the south corner of the building.; The Cottoa Sessos. All the railroads entering Wilming; ton shared in the cotton receipU yes terdayi although they wefe not large and reached only 37T bales, YagainSt 663 bales on the same day last season; The Quotations remain unchanged on a basis of 8 cents for. middling, against 10 cents on the same date last year.. rrcsilUBS Bluer oivarj; fr'-r."'"''' TheBevrB. B. johnL presming der of the Wilmington District, M. E. Church, is sick withl malarial fever at the James Walker Memorial Hospital. His numerous friends in Wilmington ! and in the district hope for his early restoration to health.' The Excursion Yesterday. i Only about 175 persons came on Car ter's excursion from Elrod other. points on the Southeastern division of - it.-. fl T. . oeirtaw- 1 . 1 St.'.J f t 1 f ..V t 10A.t TRIAL OF CRACKSMEN Two Men Before Superior Court !i at Wadesboro for Serf-' v :oiis OiceV" HEARING WILL BE EXTENDED. Tbontbt to be Perioss ImpUcsted in Rsd Spriogs tad Rsleirb Robberies Able - Coonsel Are Prosecatisg and y Defeodlac tbe Prisooers. : - -Special 'sfaiTeUara'&'l p- Wadesboro, N.: O., Sept 1L The Fall term of Anson Superior Court,' with Judge Neal presiding, convened on Monday The cases of State vs. ChaS. Ellsworth and Geo. Traylor, the alleged Morven safe erackers, is now in progress. -Tnree . inaictmen is are pending agarnst thedefendants. .The evidence presented ttfthislime traces the defendants -from Clio, 8 C, at which place a safe was crack td, and places them in Morven on the night of the robbery at 'tbit;ptacei-- -Two or three days wm oe consumea in the trial of the cases, y- The prison ers are well dressed and of handsome appearance.;? '. ;y C -' : They are represenXedby Hon. Frank L Osborner of . Charlotte, and H. H. McLendon, of Wadesboro The State is represented 7 by Solictor Robinson, Hon. Jas. A. Lockhart and Bennett & Bennett. Ellsworth and Traylor are thought to have belonged to the band of yeg- 1 men" or semi-professional Safe blow ers who entered and robbed the Post E office at Bed Springs; N. O., and the l Southern Express Company's office at Baleigh, N. C. They were traced for some time by Postoffice Inspector Jere Connolly, of this city, who formed a correct theory of the manipulations of the robbers and gave an exposition in the newspapers of their possible oper ations in other sections of tbe State, au of" which came true. For some time, it was sought to have theprison- ers transferred to Wilmington for safe keeping, bat the authorities at Wades boro deemed the transfer unnecessary and they were retained there. t. CONCERT AT S0UTHP0RT. Vaudeville Eotertalamest Tbere Tooifht. Ssme Performsoce Here Next Week: A snlendid concert by Mr. J. Keener Westbrook, supported by a company of select vaudeville artists of more than local reputation, will be given in the pavilion at South port at 8 o'clock to-night It promises to be a delight ful attraction, well worth the witness ing. JChe following programme has been .prepared: --;.;."-: '; ' ; ;; ' :: : : PABT FIBST. ' t - Overture, selected. Professor Alf. H. Yonn. -"- . ' "." -,-;i--;-v ,:!' Whistling, selected, . Mr. . teener Westbrook. - - - 'Hobo's Frolic" (just several mirth ful tricks of jumrling). Cowan. Mandolin solo, "Uavatma," J. uair, Professor W. Lee Harvey. Trombone solo, "Asleep in tne Deep," Mr. Robert Morriss. PABT SEOOITD. . . Overture, selected. Professor Yopp. Whistling, selected. Mr. Westbrook. Lange. Professor Harvey, v - - X Few Minutes of Liffhtninsr Baton Manipulating, with Electrical Finale, Cowan. "; - .. "--- Trombone solo, selected, Mr. Mor WhistUnar : and cornet " duet. with piano accompaniment, Westbrook and Messrs. Uarvey. The same : concert will be given in the Y. M. C. A. auditorium, this city, to-nisrht week, for the benefit of the junior department of Association work. Miss Norma Foster will add to both programmes in violin and vocal selec tions. Excarsioa From Lambertoa To-Dsy. An excursion, conducted by Messrs. Frank Gbugh and Dr. B. T. Allen, will reach here, via the Seaboard Air Line, from Lumbertonf this morning at 10 o'clock. The party will be taken aboard the steamer Wilmington at the S. A. L. wharf for a trip to Carolina i Beach, Southport and out to sea, re turning at 5 P. M. : Those from the City who desire to take the trip may leave on the steamer at her; Market street wharf at 9:45 AT M. ' The fare i for the round trip is only 25 cents.' Qreat Closisr Oat Sale. "Mr. George O. Osylord, proprietor of the Big. Wilmington Backet Store, gives notice to the public this morn ing that his store -will be closed to-day for the purpose of marking down $89,- 000. worth of high 'grade merchandises which will be thrown on ' the market at r greatly reduced - prices' . Friday morning at 8:S0 o'clock. - Additional clerical assistance has been engaged and the great sale promises to be one of the big events of the weekl Car Shops Are Busy. ' The Atlantic Coast Line shops in i Wilmington present a busy scene now adays. Three - newvestibule - day i coacheaL three new pattern express i cars and one hundred flat cars of max imum capacity are among the recent i orders. The usual number of regular freight cars are also being turned vut of the shops here at the rate'Of one and a half a day" : - A New Pay Car. - 7 The old private, coach of jQeneral Manager- John B. Kenly of the 'At lantic uoast Lane, - is f!ng over hauled and converted lr o a car f of the' pay train, in the slcrs hers. . It will fcs tiumt:red-,,303,M and will t;3 me prce or tne c:a p;y cir L tv-tr , Star 12, 1901 A VESSEL IN DISTRESS, Norweg isa Stesmsblp Llswood Boaad for . Wllmiartok at Bermads. , An Associated Press telegram, dated Bermuda,' September 11th, . received last night, states that the Norwegian ; steamship Idnwood 1056 tons, Capt. : Stubbs, which sailed' from Pomaron, Spain, August gSthJ.for Wilmington, put in at that1 port yesterday in dis tress, The mate of the vessel is in jured. ::;-:?-. - - - i From best ' information obtainable the vessel is consigned to Messrs. Heide & Co,; with a cargo of kainit tr py-? rites for one of the .several fertilizer factories at or near Wilmington;- - Alfosqsin Left for Yscht Rsces. "'-J The Algonquin left Sbutbport yes terday morning for New. York, where She has been ordered to become one of the patrol boats for the ..international yacht races' Saturday and ; suceeeding days."-The cutter will take her time' leisurely UP the eoast and will reach her destinatiou Friday night.. v " "? " ::" '" ": ' ' " ai m'tmm ' - '' ): Jostke Married Codple.rv 'r Miss Sallie Westbrook and Mr. Eure Rogers, both of Delgado Millsi were happily tnarried by Jastice G. -W. Bornemann yesterday morning at 10 o'clock.; : After the ceremony 'Squire Bornem ann delighted ; the wedding party with a number . of j selections from his accordeon. ; : t - ZC, NEW ADVEBTISEMENTg. ART STUDIO. I will oDen mr Btndlo to receive Art. -PudHb September tb 16 tb, 1901, Na Sift South Seeona BEreet, wumuiKton, n. u. sep 11 5t SS XABT 8. POWERS.: FpfriBElfT Dwellings, Stores, ; j Offices, &c. ' D. O'CONNOR. h-.iii au 22 tf FOR RENT, Or wm lease for a tsnn of years tha Double store oar Water street, between Chesnat and Mnlberry, occupied several years by tbe Wll- tardl u&ft Mannractory. : tag Manntactor D. O'OONHOB. u. u ana M tt Beal Estate Agent. ; LOOEOUTl . ONE WEEK ONLY, v Three pounds parched or ground best qaauty Caracas laguyra v Coffee . . ...... ... . .... . . . . . ... 57 cts Five pounds American standard .: Granulated tJagar. . . . . . ,z cts Total vv'.''.. . - i V v.V. .V. .85 cts -Quantity to one person limited. This is our regular 25c Coffee. S- VV. SANDERS, At The Unlucky Corner, t Both Phones 109 - . ; sep 11 tr : JUST OPENED At No. Street 108 North' Water with a full and complete line of fresh groceries at wholesale. We have - y - r - - Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Meat, ;'' Molasses j If and a roll Use ot case goods. New catch Mul lets just to. .- - - - . . jrreen unease ana ouwer arriviua ovoi j iroo. Prices gaaranteea. , Treatment uur. .u-: , PETER HcQUEEN, Ji, ; J Wholesale Grocer rand Commteslon Merchant, Sep S l ,. . ;r , mow wo Nona v aier du . Qffle of the Secretary an& Treasurer of fte Carolina Central Bauroaa Company. ? . " POBTSMODTH,; VA4 Sept. 3rd, 19W. The resralar annual meettng or the etocK- holdersof the Carolina Central Ballroaa Oom- Sny will be new 10 tne front -screec oiuce oi e oomoanv In the city of Wilmington, Btate Stat of NortlLCarollna. on Thursday, the 8rd day ot October, D. as 1 O'CIOCC V.,M.t - sepiClm .JOHN H. 8HABP, ,:, -. '. ir Secretary. WimiHGTOMlSEACOteT rIr; On and after Monday. Seotember 9th. 1901. the schedule will be as follows until farther notice: - - - - - .-:?.' .: DAH.T KXCKPTBUKDAT. " ' Leave wunungton. Leave Ocean View . 6 SO A. IL v:;; ? iS U 19 A.M. - 11 30 A. If. a 8 p. u. S 00 P4 WLr : s so p. m.-: o oo p.m.." ; k-.-v:v. BTJiroAXTBAm.';v;;fi!- Leave wilnunson.-'2w;?.'Ba'w Ocean view. t . 8 80 P. M. -JK; ' 00 r. M. ? There will be the nsnal late train Friday night, September 6th, on account of yacht races and club dance The Saturday night late train has been annulled. - - - Freight will be carried on 10.10 kj M. and 8.80 r. m. trains. -- -a- - E. O. GBANT, BUDertntendent.: sep s tf LIGHT AND ;in furniture DABK EFFECTS- "r are; shown in our assortment. Simply a matter of taste which seem; most pleasing. Both are in good style and" all are of excellent quality.-- -;-' j ; t - s is from factories which 'are "celebrated for the quality of their output 'We are showio some very handsome : . L.-DROOII SUITE3 Id -Qdartered Oak, - Golden 'finished Oak White and Gold, eta, at yery low prices." '",. I rUlTT 9 t i WHOLE NO. 10,627 J. H. Rehder & Co. ' . An All American Sale of . . - -" ---..4 - M - ' 10 A courteous welcome you 'always ar;xare so any one purchasing f llUllLf 1311 :sm s sepl tr WILMINGTON, N. C. Wholesale and Betail Dealeiin BiramiTODSSfAin) American and Foreign Portland Rosindale Cement, Lime, Plaster, Plasterer's Hair, Brick, &c. ' Shingles and all kinds of Boofing: Oak; Ash and Pine Wood a specialty;' Office 214 south Front Street. ft Warehouses South t Water St; Bell 'Phone 645 :r-- ;;-l.;i;; ..:fcaug 20 tf ;; THE REAL ESTATE AGENT. " Can save you money in the rent- j ing of your property. Place, your houses with them and they will get good attention.' - Your returns will be prompt and satisfactory. ' ; ', Following small list is what is left I of our houses: Bed Cross, between Second and Third. Front; betw'n Walnut and Bed Cross. Seventh, between Walnut, and : Bed Cross. ,;;; ":-r': Ann, between Second and Third. ; Corner Second and Ann. f Chesnut, between Fourth and Fifth. Fifth, between Dock and Orange, Walnuty between Fourth and Fifth. Ninth, between Market and Dock. ; Stores; Offices and Booms. ; : ; J. 6. WRIGHT & S0M, ft The Beat Estate Agent and Notary Public. . sep 11 tf . 1 Frnit of All Kinds. .Peaches, Pears, Plums, Grapes, Bananas, An-i ;ft-ft'jiie8rfranfle8ft ft:' Call and see me for the BEST FBXJIT to be had inecity." I; PLUMPER, Jr.v j V:- so Princess Street.! x; ; , inter-state ue.'- BeUPhonefi60. sepStf September Unllets. $768.15 in New River Outlets. $110.09 in Pie-Nie Cheese. -i s 84.14 in Fresh Grite. - - S41.07 in YeUow Corn. , $810.97 in Peed Oats. ' $898.49 in Vaw Zleakl. ' r' ?; ! $817.01. in New Rice.;, : -t $198.14 in Seed Bye. - $805.81 in Aasortea vasces. $801.05 in Assorted Csvndy. b Do yon wish prices, .-v . WBCOOPERaft . Whole sinle Grecer , ;J.; soe, no, sis zrntt street. iZiZl. wnmlnzton. Bf. 0Vr -sepstf SHI BARRELS Hew Catch Also quantities of all other goods in my line.". . - . D. L. GORE CO., WH0LX8AJJC qrockbs, 130, 123 and 184 North Water Street, sep S tf. Wilmington H. C 300 CheeGe.: .100 Boxes. Tobacco; 200 Sacks Ooffobr m' m m m i Vt f'-s - Or., ;'sepsti 18 Market street.'. male OUrSoap : K ' ?- . I i ; ArMeHoromirnre; selected HOTfrom t i 5 Fori-DcstxroirlgSwnr,;: usssT :irr i , J I neredDriimmer, bat ujm?htai-ect at r 1 Incocta- Jnie sting-Treesy Yines and. Plants "or ftda at- ; ' - r For r rM'r " ) f ,.L,.m I. -,-. . 1 One Yeavr, by XZavIl, 5.CC"J CIA ZXontks, " ; 8.BO 2 Throe ZXontha . '1.25 1 Tws Xlonths, - LOO PDsUvereA Sabserlaers In tne : City at 4S Cents per Slentn. r eooeooeocc J. H. Rehder & Co. cap carpet 'Beautiful designs in Brussels at 50 and 69c, worth 25 per cent. more. : Moquets in large range of colors, for this sale 98c, $1.25 value. --. . 2-Ply Ail-Wool 36 inch Ingrain. Special price 48 and 65c - Smyrna Bugs 98c. tl.98.v, $2.50 . and $3.50 each. - Moquet Bugs $1.25 up. .Door-Mats 50c each. . . - ' Cocoa Bags 50 and 98c each. Star Carpets in large assortments to 300 per yard. : .'- .i. find at the popular Department Store. :; ; ; 2.00 or more. OK; ANTHRACITE GOAL, nt, Tbe Greatest Cigar or tit Time ''CUBAN BLOSSOM' Londree style. Terfeotos style.1,; High Quality Low Price. These Cigars have no equal tor the price strictly hand-made, of the nnest Imported Ma terial; as good Tobacco as goes Into a 10c Cigar. -We call attention to a cheaper smoke : : , ,-.- MateJiltl mu CHEROOT ' The wonder of the smotere try a bnnch, and -: yon will smoke no other kind wrapped with Sumatra wrapper, same Wrapper as goes on 6c Cigar, and Is recommended to select smokers., Sold by all kind ot stores and everywhere. Out- v of-town trade, will pteaae correspond with as. . a-V-'v SOLE DISTBIBUTOBS. sepltt gEASOHABLE GOODS p; MTOLETS; new catch; Best Oream Cheese. : Majiin's GUt Edge Butteri Bagging?and Ties. i-- ft SALT. 1 A eSKZBAL lOTt 0A8B 00008 DXXAJTO AT THIS 8XA80B. I - ROB ROY FLOUR. Llcll AIR & sep ftV Bagflliig and Ties,; lllnlw!iuiiats -",ft-i''' 4-'"K' v ''f,yiT"r' . "r-S.; FIRST PAT. FLOUR, vd pat. flour; ' . SUGAR. COFPEE, RICE, EIEAL, GRITS, nOLA.B3E3, WHEAT BRAXI. :tSf Ztf&i iB. CANNED GOODS, SOAP, ' L YE, . STARCn, SALT be. Send me your orders. m r ; r ; : Bpeclal attenUoa alvra to eonsignmentr.y Is. p. cisriAin. an 88 tt ; - - ft NOTICE. HasMp Goods ' E3 - r - - u P - :-f .Tnat &rrtvu1 r-Mjr Inail TTnrnAM- afiveral Will . weigh from 1,400 to 1,6C0 lbs., and lots of ad classes of Stock on hand also. We carry the biggest stock or Bnggies ana Harness m iue city, and at the lowest prices. Balance of this mnth will seU Bnggies at cost to make room fur car load ana aeptemner utn. or w , gams eau ana see. - A7ilr.ir.3tca Live Stsck Co. , High Grade. J factarer'S exniD ana buuwu. w ux rqp see it in my store. . . U I. I.".- l-i. c J t J i-1

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