,1 -At -l Tbat !' tfAny Other Dally News- paper PsbHsbed to ' Wilmington. IX THE STATE. OUTLINES. : f Most, the anarchist, wu wrested lt evening m new xorjc 1 700 lonsrshoremen in t Orleans nave swuck tor mKur New Orleans ".....j ht Rear Admiral Howi- q Ws disqualified from servinj: on tMC":;:nment: no further session court; we rZZl" ' until next week. lis pry"- Indent McKinley was not to .wen FStar his fo did not gree with is doine well, and not to -nnrted to have su uu iu w Jfdepth of sixty-five feet in Lae rsty WilUamsbursr county, 8. O. bisirict Attorney renney mj;wh is no eviaenoo . n.U.. . T n Luthern Association of Railway Oom Gssioners chose Hot Springs, Arkan- W is the next piace ui wio4r iux- X. IDU&BUi IUUUBJ wu firm at 46 per cent, tbo last loih man " " ' aiet, middling upianas otc; uour Was fairly active ; wneai spot sieaay, ka2 red76c; corn spot firm. No. 62ia, oats-spot steaay, no. ito tnrnnntinA BtAadv. (Sinsieauj. ' - WEATHER REPORT. 0 S. Dkp't or Agrioultcrk, . Weather Bumau, Wilmington, N.O., Sept. 12- Temperatures 8 A. M., 77 degrees; P JLi 78 degrees maximum, 88 de- wei; minimum, i aegreea; mea, oi . Mt m i n iegrees. '- EunfaU for the day, .0; rainfaJi ace 1st of the montn to aave, .7S heh. 00TTON REGION BULLETIN. High temperatures were generally ported yesterday. Local rains have alien in the Uentrai ana western istricts. Rainfall at Longview, Tex.,- 82;Prescott, Ark., 2-01. rOSEOAST FOR TO-DAY. Washington, Sept. 13. For North Carolina: Showers Friday: cooler in entral portion. Saturday showers; resh westerly winds. Port Almanac--September 13. an Rises 5.40 AVld. 6.11P.M. Sun Sets Pay's Length 12 ft. SIM. go Water at ooutnport. High Water Wilmington M1P,M. Pension Commissioner Evans is a irave man. The wnoie It. A. xw oaldn't scare him into throwing ip his job. Agents of the Northern Pacific Railroad estimate the grain shortage In Northwestern Canada atl00,000,- XX) bn8hel8. Our Western grain pen are not sorry for that. In a joint debate in the late John Jasper's church, in Richmond, last Monday night, it was decided that lohn Jasper was right, that the 'sun do move." and the victorious ebater is going to publish a book to prove it. An enterprising Connecticut wo- Nnwhowa3 short on cows, was etected in making milk from chem- S1h to supply her New York custo- Pj-n- It is a good deal easier to Fm a dairy that way than to be fathered with a lot of cows. There are several pronunciations given for the name of the Presi- Fent'g WOnlfU,o mnrAarar. orr.or.rr Ftiiers "Zolgoose." When a man lloea a fooli V. tn'nr :- an.mimoa Red a eoose. hnt if in triio naa jiolgooae acted like a plain fool. r ' The Washington corresnondent of ew York Journal of Commerce J President McKinlev's Buffalo fPeech commits his nartv to -tariff puionand reciprocity. Whether U1S pjriy or not lt com. f " him, and he will doubtless fol w 11 P in his mesaaaft to Con- In the event ti.n p...i : assassinate him, of Which there is now every hope, the Tttnalt- i. j ior me charge on which his Tm would be tried is ten years onment. But the District At wj sayg he may be tried on havatrI tMf' tbe aSgregate penalties for tcuih miriy years. - It ia aai 1.. t for thirty yean has spent all the. spare, after modest "me. n Paying the debts, with in- , " or a relative who .fAilAd in Can " 8 m 1873. pt; . uc was unaer no legal ions rr ofUrSPn, uuw many men, even ""au8, would do that? .. ; f Owen s:t, Vald Ta receny died near ,at tfleageof92 i years. fmn.n ,JuunR man ?f T 0UDty. m this State, Georgia i, m' and married in Widalt?4 hU bride 8 kome w?r0nhor8ebackt i fiv0 ne died he w the dren8?eration8. having five great grand, m'rt. Pandandtwogreat-great . w V)L: LXVni -NO. 148. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. A CSol. F. W. Kerchner left last night for the North. . ; . ' . V : ; ." Mr. D. W. Millsaps, of ; Lum berton, was here yesterday. C - . Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Cprbett re turned from Baltimore Testerday. . Mr. and Mrs. A. D.7 Brown hawe gone . on their annual ; tour North. . "; , " '-... v. : .,' Mr. Bichard Dunn ex pects 'to return to the Virginia Polytechnic Institute to-day- . s Mr." A, M. Busman, the furni ture man, left last night for a bnt iness trip North. . - T It V. Grady, Esq., and Mr K. R. Foster returned from Norfolk yesterday morning. Messrs. B. H. Jordan and W. W. Phifer, oi Charlotte, were arrivals at The Orton yesterday. -. Mrs.. A. J ' Hanby - left- last night for New York, where she will risit friends and relatires. Miss Jane: Alice Brooks is at home from a risit to her brother, Mr. E. 0. Brooks, of Norfolk. : f ..-. Mrs.? Ernest ; Williams ' and daughter returned - from the moun tains yesterday morning.. . BeV: J. .W. Gurganus. of cott's Hill, was a pleasant visitor to ine stab office yesterday, y ; Miss - Minnie -Edwards,; who has been visiting in the city for several days, returned to . Masonboro yester- - , "y- :: . - " Miss Maie Whitney and Miss Willie Knnett are guests of Mrs. W. A. Brown at a house party at Rocky Point. . -:. ' i : Mr. Walter C. Vick, S. A: L railway agent at Councils, -N. a, is in the city en route to the Pan-American Exposition. ; - -r Messrs. W. E. McAllister, of LumbertOD, and I.' 8. Covington. . of RockingKam, N. a, were visitors to; the city yesterday. -T; v Misses Katie Harlow, Eliza French and Emma JJorthrop returned last Tening from a delightful stay of several -weeks at Wilxesboro. Messrs. B. M. Melvin, of Dub- lin, Bladen county, andGea J. Moore, of Point Caswell, N. a. were visitors to the city on business yesterday, j : Miss Annie French, Mr. and Mrs. A. . White. Mr. and Mrs. R. EL Lee and Register of Deeds J. N. Buie, of Lumberton. were arrivals at The Orton yesterday. " "' - Mr M. H. Curran, proprietor - of - Wilmington's well known t ancLI popular merchant, tailoring establish- ment, is at home from a business'trip j through sections of the State." Miss Louise Bellamy, accom-1 panied by her sister, Mrs. Warren S. Johnson, who will visit in Staunton,' Va., left yesterday morning to enter the Baldwin Seminary, at Staunton. ;: Mr. J.' J. Croswell, that enter-1 prising "right arm" of the Southern , Express Company in the capacity of route agent, with " headquarters in Fayetteville, reached the city ; yes tor- day" evening and is being cordially' greeted by his friends. OP INTEREST TO BOYS. Special Meetiat for Jaalors at the Y. ' C. A. Te-alxbt. . The Stab is asked to impress upon junior members of the Young Men's Christian Association the importance of attending the special meeting in the building to-night for - the ' purpose of formulating a great movement for members this Fall. " . This department of Association work will be made- a feature this year and every attention possible given to the boys. Dr. : Wetzel, the genial and enterprising physical direc tor Is at the head of the movement and the procession must move . forward rapidly. ; ' - ' - An interesting meeting is in store for the boys to-night and a very large attendance is earnestly desired. - flasdsooe Wiadow Slf os. Handsome window signs at the store of the O. W. Polvogt Company, North Front street, are the creation of Mr. G. Henry Haar, the firm's clever bookkeeper. Mr; Haar has a decided talent in this work as is evidenced by the number of complimen ts he is re ceiving from those who stop to admire his execution.-: , Will HiveElkj' Booth. 1 The Organ Fund Society of Grace M. E Church has decided to have a booth in the Elks' Fair and Carnival district next month.- It will be : hand somely - fitted up and will doubtless yteld a handsome return. ' The society is also contemplating " another moon light excusiion in the very near future. Howell's MOltary Academy.1 ; , Howell's Military Academy opened yesterday with a very encouraging a tendance and bright prospect for the Fall, termif The students are enthusi astic and full of energy for the coming year's work. Among the out-of-town cadets to arrive for the term was Mr. Flade'A Smith, of Elkton.x . Rew advebtiseuents: , The Worth CoC Bagging and ties. W B. Cooper Red rust proof oats. W. E. 8pringer & Co.Cook book, Geo. O. Gaylord-rDoors wide , open. ' .. " , - - ';" K ' :" BCSI5X3S LOCALS. ... ;l'liost-Pocketbook. -y? 2 lC Wanted Earnest insn and women. - . . -. . : ..... - . . .. ... : : : : - 1 JEWISHiNEWiYEAR, Celebration of "Rosh Hashonah" Begins at'Six.O'clock This Iff Afternoon:? ;.;r. SERVICES IN i WILAlNQJON They WW be Held for Ten i Days ' Dnrlnr Seasoa of Penance and Are Very ;..:; Solemn aod Attended by All of . VV -V " Irieltte Palth. 'k v. This evening at 6 o'clock, our fellow citizens of -the Jewish persuasion will meetat their Temple, corner Fourth and Market streets, : to celebrate,, the beginning ofthe new year, 5,663 A. M. . As the beginning of a year in augurates among the Jews a season of penance which lasts ten days and closes with the Jay of Atonement, the services- held : durihrtharperiodv are alwayj of a very solemn"' nature and attended -by- every professing Israelite.V The services this 'evening will last about an hour, and will be continued to-morrow morning, begin ning at 10 o'clock. " - " The Hebrew name for new year i is "Rosh Hashonah,'f which means head of the year. The Hebrews observe this year the first day of the month Tishri, which comes on September 14th. Likeall Jewish holidays, it is observed from sunset to sundown. One well versed in the doctrine of the Jewish church says: "The day is not & holiday so much as it is a holy day. It is of solemn - and : earnest prayer introspection and self review. It isalled variously the day of mem orial, the day of judgment, and the day of the blowing of the trumpet It has received this last title on ac-; count of " this peculiar ; service., the blowing of the Shofar or ram's horn. "The "holy - day will be observed universally and devoutly through out the city, every Jewish house of business beings closed and every Jew ish family participating : in : the ob-' servance , of the sacred .-s festival. The day is observed in 1901 with the same idealism which characterized it in the most ancient days. The ad vance of civilization and the onward progress of the world . has changed only some of the outward forms, but its spiritual significance is unchanged. "As the merchant at the beginning of the secular year casts up his ledger and sets down his debts and credits, so does the Hebrew observer of the New Year day balance his life accounts, re pent sincere of his faults and follies, and start out with fresh strivings for higher and purer living. -1-1 The old year of sin is buried in the cemetery of the . past . and the New Year, a child of hope, turns its face towards the future. Eight days after 'Rosh Hashonah' comes Yom Kippur, or the day of atonement.'' - - U THE JOINT PYTHIAN MEETING 1 f Kelihts of tbe City Will be the Guests of Stoaewall Lodge Monday Night I The commKteeof arrangements for the joint Pythian meeting at Castle Hall Monday night with Stonewall Lodge No. 1, has been very active in its preparations to give all visiting Knights upon this occasion, a good time. The following elaborate pro-. gramme will be observed, ' with a feast of good things for the inner man at its conclusion : - - ; ' '. - - -. , Piano solo Mr. Bernard William- son. - " Vocal solo Miss Norma Foster. Whistling solo Miss Elizabeth Ot- ten. .U --".'- ; Recitation Mrs. B. O. Moore. " Vocal solo Miss Nora Scott, Violin solo Miis Norma Foster. " Piano solo Mr. Bernard William son. " -1 " . - --r- . ' .. - . Recitation Major W. F. Robertson. .Accompanists Mrs. Mattie IiTChas- ten and Miss Fannie Corbett. 5 Those who wiU take part in the ren dition of the programme are among Wilmington's very best talent and an evening of delightful entertainment is assured. THE LORD CUP PRESENTED. Won This Seasoa by Mr. S. P. Cowaa, Owaer of the Yacht Sadie." r -Mr. A. B. Skelding, chairman of the Regatta Committee of the Carolina Yacht Clubesterday morning form ally presented to Mrr . Jf. uowan -ino "Lord Cup," recently won by aim m his yacht Sadie in the several regat tas at Wrightsville. The oup Is ot sil ver and handsomely engraved. It was offered by Mr. Jno. B. Lordoi the New York-Yacht Club, in 1899 . to the boat 'winning two out of , three races. It was competed for twice In 99, once in 1900 andwlce this Summer. ' r Mr. Cowan's handsome little .yacht was built in Philadelphia and is ex-; actly In the shape of a cigar. . She is 15 feet four inches, over all and gets right along over distance. -"V:'. Presented to Coloael Taylor. ; V ; ; At a recent : meeting7 of the Boys' Brigade the- handsome silver cup won in r the basket ball championship at" Southport on Labor Day, was present ed to the 'Brigades' highly esteemed commander, Col. Walker Taylor. ; It was accepted only on condition that if the Brigade ever owned an armory of its own it would be returned. Retister PostoHIce Cw':;:); V The papers in the Register postoffice cMft,' from;Colnmbus county, were re ceived at the oSce of the Clerk of the United States Court-yesterday.- The ease will to heard at the October Special term and will " be one of the meet Interesting cf the, cession. WILMINGTON, N. 0, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, l?Oll r ' THE BASEBALL REALM. Game To-morrow at Hilton Park Wbst 1 it Dolag With tbe'; Ex-Learae Play ' ' v . ers Qeneral Notes. To morrow afternoon at 4:15 o'clock the crack baseball teams of the Wil mington Iron Works and High School Champions will line-up to play off the tie of one to one in last Saturday's game. The contest will be royal and a good crowd should witness it Zel lers and Zellers will compose the bat-' tery for the Iron , Works, and.Sellers and Moore will do the twirling and donning of the mask, respectively, for the High School. Fifteen . cents 'ad mission' will be charged for gentlemen and ten cents for ladies. : "Davy" Crockett, since his release from the Detroit American League team, has joined the Matthew, Ind., team in the Western Association, ; He is; playing first base and doing great ' Stewart pitched for New Orleans against Chattanooga Tuesday. The Picayune says of his work, although he lost the game, three"to one:: - Stewart had a chance to pitch the first full game since he -has been with the Pelicans. Before joining the Louisiana boys Stewart pitched over eighty games; he was tired out and the little rest he has been given seems to have proven of wonderful benefit To-day he had a world of speed and very good control. He was handi capped as the game opened by a lack of knowledge of the players against him. For this reason hits were re corded in the first inning. He seemed to learn them quickly, however, for when the second inning opened all three men went to the bench with strike outs. He simply carried Chat tanooga off her feet, and all through the came, especially after the first inning, he had the batters at his mer cy, it was one or the best exhibi- uonspi piicntng ever seen on tne local grounds; and the Chattanooeras will remember it - Ten hits were re corded off Stewart but nine strike outs also went to his credit Umpire Ed Clark, who officiated for some time in the Virginia-North Caro lina Baseball League, appears to have grown 4n disfavor in the Southern League, where he went after leaving here. The iNew Orleans Picayune says: "Umpire Clark was so bad to day that Manager . Whistler, of Chat tanooga, has refused to play another game under his incompetent service. Clark could umpire a good game if he would conduct himself properly, but unfortunately he does not seem to be doing so. To-night Powell and Whist ler held a consultation and to morrow either a local umpire or two players will officiate." THE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM. Recommesdstloa of : Electrician of Tariff Association Being Rapidly Complied With Varlons Improvements. " When Mr. A. M. Schoen. electrician of the Southeastern Tariff Associa tion, inspected the Wilmington fire alarm system about three weeks ago, he left the following report with Chief Charles Schnibben : "Although this entire system was straightened out and put in good re pair a few years ago, re-inspection and test shows a number of deficiencies ex istent at the present time. As the re sult of testing a number of boxes at different points in the city, with the exception - of the test bells, the me chanism of the boxes themselves was found to be in good working order, as was also the main tower bell,' the indicators at the various houses, how ever, worked very badly, those at one or more of the -four houses either strik ing or showing wrong for almost every alarm turned in. "As a result of this. Inspection I would recommend as follows: Indi cators to be thoroughly overhauled and put in proper working condition. Battery strength: of circuits JNoa. l ana 3 be increased to at least 28 or 30 in dicated points on the galvanometer. A ground- detecting galvanometer pro vldea ana sec up at tne nailery room. Repeater to be pat in good working order. All test bells in boxes to be Dut in working order. I would also recommend that going over the boxes in the city seriatim a single round, be sent in from one each day in order to note whether all of the apparatus is al ways in nroner workine order, the one piece relative to the others." . Chief Schnibben said last night that since the recommendations above were made, all of . them have been and are bihg complied with as fast as possible and that in his opinion the system is now in as good order as it has been for four years. The indicators have been thoroughly overhauled; batteries increased in strength as suggested; re peater and test bells put in first class shape and the seriatim test of all the boxes being made. ; A ground detect ing galvanometer has been ordered and will be here shortly for installation at. once." . - - - ' Hanover Seaside Clob. - -N ., ; Members of the . Hanover Seaside Club enjoyed a delightful " outing at their handsome "home" on Carolina Beach yesterday and last night There was music, dancing and refreshments and a late boat to the city last night The closing frolic may well be said to have been one of the; most enjoyable of the entire season.-i; ";,; Sickness of Her Son.' r. -' - .' . Mrs. N. F, Brandt, - of Norfolk, ar-, rived last 'evening in . response " to a telegram advising her - of the serious illness of her son with congestion of the brain. Mr. Brandt was on a visit to his auni Mrs. Steve Greelisb, when he became so seriously ,111. The Ortofl Repairs. "-:. ".- r Pamters and - decorators were : at workvyesterday beautifying the lobby of The Orton, .which is now Under going jvery general repairs tinder the direction of Its clever and up-to-date proprietor, XIr. R.:W. Wallace. - TOXHIITPRODUCTION Big -.. Convention of Turpentine Men in Jackson ville Adopted v . ''' That ; Slogan. , r PERMANENT ORGANIZATION. Two Hundred and Fifty . In Attendance. : New Boxes Cot Will be Reduced One , Half This Year The Scale of " , Wafes Redoced.. : Savannah Morning Newd. JAOKSoimLLK, FLa.; Sept 10. Two hundred and fifty operators,: re presenting oyer one-third of the dis tilleries in the turpentine belt and at least 60 per cent, of the entire ; output of the Southern States, assembled in convention in this city to day; and solemn ly pledged." themselverto-i'e strict the cutting of turpentine boxes during the coming twelve, mouths to within 50 per cent of the boxes - cut last year:; i - b ; -' ' " "' This was the most imnartant action- taken by the meeting of tbe - naval stores operators in their most success ful effort at organization to-day. For the first time in the history of the in dustry those who are the source of supply to the entire world of a pro duct which has become indispsnsable and for which no , substitute has yet been found, have perfected an organi zation for their common protection on lines which cannot fail to succeed: For weeks the originators -of the movement to combine the turpentine operators have labored to get together the operators and form an organiza tion that would bring a condition that would enable the nroducers of naval stores to control their own product. By the agreement to curtail r reduc tion and at the same time to regulate the abuses of labor a most important betterment in the condition of the in dustry has been achieved. Mayor . Fletcher, of Jacksonville. made an eloquent address of welcome, wnicn was responded to In fitting words by 8. L. Varnedoe. an elo quent Georgian. now . in the turpen tine business near Tampa At the eon- elusion of his address he moved the execuoa oi a., u. uovmgtoa as presi dent' which was unanimously car ried. Then followed the election of W. J. Hilburn, vice president; J. O. Powell, secretary:' H. A. Mcfiachern. treasurer. W. a West also made a forcible speech, and then the report of the com mittee on constitution' and - bv-laws consumed : the better portion of the day. The name of the new organiza tion is to be the Turpentine Operators' a . i . i omwwuuo, aau,-wmie me meeting was carried on strictly - by the Operators -themselves, the factors. under the terms of the constitution adopted, were made eligible to mem bership and a resolution was adopted to notify all factors of the - action of the organization and ask for their co operation. it was agreed that the action of the convention and the resolutions adopted concerning the cutting of boxes and the scale of wages should not go into effect until operators-representing sixty-six and two-thirds of the entire tur pentine output shall have become members of the association, ana agreed to abide by the rules laid down. This percentage those present are confident they can secure. The most animated discussion was upon the question of the scale of wares. The following scale , was finally adopted: Uhipping, S23 for 10,600 boxes and no rations; raking trees, 20 to 25 cents, horse, wagon and driver $16 to 120; dipping S3i cents per barrel; cutting boxes one and one-quarter cents. Renting out boxes to laborers was pro hibited. ;' Laurence Spraafs Condition. " Friends in the city will be exceed ingly glad to know that the condition of Laurence Sprunt continues very favorable. All the telegrams from Asheville 'yesterday were very, en couraging and friends hope, to-day or to-morrow to announce that the boy is out of danger. His hearing still con tinues a little impaired but this is hoped to be only temporary and inci dent to the continued very violent ill ness. - - . - - Mr. Hinton Left for Charleston. Mr. Joe H. Hinton, who so success fully managed the Seashore Hotel at Wrightsville Beach during the , past two seasons, left yesterday afternoon for Charleston to look over the hotel field there with a view to opening a first class cafe for the Exposi tion, which begins December 1st' He will no doubt, make, a great success' if he decides to locate in Charleston for the Winter. 'K-&C2:J:CUiy Black Fish Excursion. f A party of anglers left the city early yesterday morning on the tug Marion for the "Black Fish grounds" and wk turned yesterday evening about six o'clock. The weather was not very favorable to the sport, but tne fisher men had a "great time." Among those in the party were- Messrs. - Jno. K. Wood, Will L. Miller and- son, Mr. J. D. Nutt, a H. Ward, R. L. Holmes and others.-. . . .- ' ; ' 1 .--.' -" '. - "k v Distressed Vessel Llnwood. . . The Norwegian steamship Linwood, reported - in these columns yesterday in distress at Bermuda, is laden with a ewgo of pyrites for, the Navassa Guano Company.; She is consigned to -Messrs. Alexander Sprunt & Son, and will likely be loaded with cotton when- she ; reaches Wilmington and finishes discharging her cargo. f Excarsion -From Lumberton. w . ; -".'-'t The excursion train from .Lumber- ton, which" arrived yesterday at 10 o'clock consisted of five coaches and brought down about 800 persons,' who remained in the city and at the beaches until seven o'clock last evening. The party was In charge of Messrs. -Frank Gough and R. T. ;Allen, who -have this ' season established ' an enviable reputation as exeirrisa nian?2ers., "ALYIN JOSUPT CANCELLED. There WutbeNo Performance la the Opera y i-X "-HoBte Next Monday Night. I :: " Manager 8. Ak Schioss, of the .. Wil mington Opera; House," reached the city last night from Greensboro, and informs the Stab that he has cancelled the engagement of the Alvin Joslin Company here Monday night. One of the leading lady members ; of the company is very unwell, and it would have been' impossible to have, a suc cessful presentation of .the comedy without her assistance.' - - r -; , . .., - The Raleigh engagement of the eom-v pany has likewise been cancelled. It is alleged, on account of unfavorable press notices in Virginia papers. . f " Capt. Donald MacRae's Residence. : ' ? Southport Standard 'Mr.w Price Furpless is the successful bidder over artisans - from several . parts of j the country foi ! erecting the i retaining walls to tae-new resideacaof McDon ald McRae, of . Wilmington. When the work is completed it will be one of the prettiest of its kind. The Sears & Fisher brick will be used and are to be laid Flemish bond... The coping is to be. of - North Carolina brownstone. steps pf granite and bases at entrance of granite. Several months will be required for the work. An Excursion From Mnlllns, S. C. . An excursion from Mullins, S. C, to Wilmington will be run on Tues day, Sept 17th. Passengers will be taken as far this way as Lake Wacca maw. The managers are . Messrs. A. B. Nichols, H.' W.'McGehee, J S. Oliver and J. W. Connerly. - Another excursion is scheduled to arrive from Conway, S. C, on to morrow. .It will reach here about 10 o'clock A; M. and return at 7 P. M. Mr . J. W. Har relson is manager. Raleigh Baseball Players. - ! Raleigh ' News and Observer: " 'King' Kelly, captain of the Raleigh Red Birds, is to make Raleigh ; bis home. He h as arrangned to open a pool and billiard parlor in the Yar- borougn House cafe rooms, lately used asDorsett's cafe. Mr. tis Stocks- dale, who made fame as a twirler for the Birds, is also likely to stay in Ra- elgh, it being reported that he is to have charge of a cigar stand in the Acme Wine Company's store." a Absence of Alooqaio.. Southport Standard : "The revenue cutter' Forward, "from Charleston, came into port yesterday afternoon .' Tbe Forward does not go to the races this year, but will do extra patrol duty along the coast in the absence of the Algonquin. ; LOCAL DOTS. New River oysters . are now; on the market and are bringing 25 cents a quart.; :- : .' ; - r The timber outlook, for the season opening October 1st is said to be very good both from the point of view of prices and quantity that will be marketed. r A short crop year always yields an abundant supply of timber on the river. . ? , Southport Standard: "Corpor al McKane took a walk ' down the beach from Fort Caswell on Thursday and- has not been heard from since, and it is improbable that intelligence of his whereabouts will be heard soon. It appears i that some one has been shipping too much metal to junk deal ers for the pleasure of the - Engineer Department" COMPLETION OF "BEATTY'S BRIDGE." Will be Celebrated by Big Basket Picnic . - Saturday, September 27th. . ! . Special Star Correspondeiice. : Pabkbsbsburo, N. Cm Sept 12. The new. steel bridge across. Black river at "Beatty," built by Bladen and Pender counties, will be completed by the 27th inst ; We regard the build ing of the bridge as a stride forward in the way of progress, it being the first steel ;. draw bridge i built in . this section of our country. The good peo ple of Pender, Sampson and Bladen propose to celebrate its completion by. naving a Dig iarmers- ainner at .tne bridge on September. 27th. : Dinner will be served in the grove, an address will be delivered by -an- able apeaxer and a pleasant day is promised to all good people. Everybody is invited to come and bring "a large basket full," Yours, respectfully, -y: -- 'f i -i -,C::-w U P. JfABKEfi. i Chairman Board ''. of Commissioners, Bladen, county. - . - ; H:. ".?li'T?'-;''i--'-i- K. F. POWBBS. - ; Chairman : Board of Commissioners, Pender county. -. " -:-k y--, NEWADVEBTISEMENTSJ . - 5 ; . Sail oh hand arid cargo :t6,arrve;ijtt - f - -' ' rvlolaose: 5 ; ; Cheese, Full Cream: Sardines, ?; Salmon, : Ca kes. EPunIan"Ueai:fMril Oorn,iOats, Limo, Oomont. - - 2 . . seuiatf Bagging Imported . . . ... .... i j WHOLE NO. 10,628 VITHEYTHY c::z CI : Is very interesting news to everybody. The whole family must have Shoes and the question is wnere can we get the for our money. We will give you that information and reprove it. We have the nicest ; goods and newest ideas our fac ... tories can produce forFall and : Winter wear. ' - , ; , ..: . ' , Onr SCHOOL SHOES cannot be surpassed for durability, beauty and 7: comfort. 'Come here first. , J R . F R sep 1 tt LIGHT AND in furniture DARK EFFECTS are shown in our assortment . Simply a matter of taste which seem most pleasing. Both are in good style and all are of excellent quality. : OUR FURNITURE is from factories which are celebrated for the quality of their, output We are showing some very handsome . BEDROOM SUITES - in Quartered Oak, Golden finished Oak White and Gold, etc., at very low prices. . . IIUimOE & KELLY'S, No. 17 soata Front street. Bell Thone 118. sep4tf THE REAL ESTATE AGENT. Can save you money in the rent ing of your property. Place your houses with them and they will get - , " - --- " - -" - r- - . good attention. Your returns will be prompt and satisfactory. - Following small fist is what is left ot our houses: Red Cross, between Second and Third. Front, betw'n Walnut and Red Cross. Seventh,' between Walnut and Red Cross.., v-.- : ' :ys- Ann, between Second and Third. ' : Corner Second and Ann. " ., t - Chesnut between. Fourth and Fifth. Fifth, between Dock and Orange. f . Walnut between Fourth and Fifth. Ninth, between Market and Dock. Stores, Offices and Rooms. " - r . J. G. WRIGHT & SON, The Seal Estate Agent and Notary Public, sep ll tf - Fruit of All Kinds. ; , Peaches, Pears, Plums, " Grapes, Bananas, Ap- pies and Oranges, Call and see mq for the BEST FRUIT to be had in the city. , J. V. PLUndER, Jr.; Princess Street. . Ben Phone 680. - -'r " Inter-Btateiaa. sepsti -,i i 300 100 Boxes Tobacco. 200 Sacks Coffee; -..-. - SAf.TL BEAR, Sr., sepStt 18 Market street, Red Rust Proof Oats . 1,860 BuMiB, P. Oats (en romt) J0 Baiself8Md Bre,i .X 48 Bnahels White Oata. -610-Bashl mixed Oata.'.-'-:- ---- i- : :; 1 1 0 Caaaa Mcndleson I.y. 4 191 .' " 50 sws). aa.6o ..218 Dona Potted Htau . - - n 204 Dozen Cam Br. .- i .r- : -: '-1 90 Dozen Salmon. . v -f . -' : 810 Bnahels ti, C. Sfeasmta." 441 BsiHeIsVa.PMB.mUw Y. B, COOPER, Orocar -'"-'-".'i '.rji'i S08, ttO, m KutS street, e sep is' tf ' . jrttmiaston..o. : X II TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTS. ' One Teavr, by Hail, 5.CCV Six ZXontks, 8.60 X 1.25 1; 1.00 I Tare rJentas, ' Two Konths, (DaJlvarad So Buhaertbtrm In tk J City at 45 Cants per Mntlu X - We have made arrangements : with "Polishers of this ; famous COOK isuu&f.which enables us to present one to each purchaser of our - - - CELEBRATED BUCK WHITU ENAMELED - TiXRE s STEEL RANGES. OrlginaTprice of this book were $5 00 percopy. We have a fine assortment of Buck and other standard Cooking and Heating Machines. Also have some special prices. . E. SPRINGER & CO.; ; Purcell Building, ' : eeputt ' Wttmlstrton, N. o. '' best E W O H & so w s. Tie Greatest , Cigar or tit tisbs (, CUBAN BLOSSOM," "Loudres style. :. CREIO" 'Terfectos style. ; High Quality Low Price. These pirars have no equal Tor the' price strictly hand-made, of the nnest impoited Ha wlJif8 goodTcacco aa toto a 10o cigar. : we call attention to a cheaper smoke : - - Match It" "CHEROOF - The wonder of the smokers try a bunch, ana Von will smoke no other kind wrapped with Sumatra Wrapper, same Wrapper as goes on 6c Clear, and is recommended to select smokers. -Bold by all kind of stores and everywhere. Out- -of -town trade will please correspond with us. '. Yollers & Hashagen, . SOLE . DISTRIBUTORS. sepir REASONABLE GOODS. MULLETS, new catch, Best Oream Cheese. ' Martin's, Gilt Edge Butter, Bagging and Ties. salt. : a exvxBAL LTjra ov oasb eoona DXKAJSTD AT THIS 8XAJ30X. Sole agents for BOB BOY FLOPB. UcllAIR (S PEARSALL. Hew Goods. ; Bagging and Ties, New Mullets, J.. FIRST PAT. 2ND PAT. FLOUR, : STRAIGHT FLOUR. Vv i SUGAR. COFFEE. RICE, . 9 v MEAT GRITS, ZZOUaSSES, -WHEAT. BBAir, 'fiSM CANNED GOODS, SOAP, . . LYE, STARCH, SALT, fte. ! Bend me yota orders.":? f5Si; Bpeclal attention given to eonslgnmentF. : 7 ; S. P. fJcNAIR. au 88 tt NOTICE. -..-. if t'S. .. . .: v.- ' 1- Jnst arrived ear load Horses: several will weigh from 1,400 to l,M0 tt., and lots of alL Classes oi biock on nana aiso. - we utt mo biggest stock ot Bnggtes and Harness in the city, and at the lowest prices. Balance of this month wOl seU Buggies at coet to make room lor car ioaa aue ueptemDer isin. ror at : gains call and see, -r ,--,;.;: :'x: u 4 Viimingtoh Live Stsck Co. langwtf . ; A: -h'f;S4?-v:V 25BARJELS, , Also quantities of all other goods inmy line. ;; libf toi WoBM '. ': " J"----.--.--.'.- ' -.Vi-.fc.Ji...',. lIV'rtvBOLKSALS Q.Z . . T.3, .- - '. ; ' I5d,'"i33 1 131 r?" "' Street ' sep tf jLtau. N. C - ' "" ::-f 1 ' . ' HODSE cum;;. -f