T cfrcnltion Urrer in- .- 0, Any Other DaHy News- paper PsbHsbed lo Wilmington- Jf TUB a - V- fche OUTLINES. ianu imiralBamsay f emr.ee! has been chosen successor on the Schley Judge Tor, inquiry, Jo in r.fllBl Ul mo vj. a. John Most, cnarKW " ndiarv literature and ar Proposals "v nf thesteei sino l-.-.Hnn. a. uiv " P"' A man nhn lve declared as w B""6 President itoosvm.. president was on a (tunning ex New York when joat knt ion in x--- -t .Jst, nf the f resident a cuuiuuuu fced mm "k , York markets: awnor ... ami at 410 per cent., ine last being at 5 per cenv; rowra .MHiinjr uplands 8e; flour inactive; wheat spot easy, 9 red 75ic; corn spot easy, no. k, nats-spot steady, Wo. 2 SBc d steady; spirits mrpcuuuo w"j. WEATHER REPORT. U S. Dbp't or Aqrioultub, . 1 . n T rm w . tt - ' VVKATtiaitt uuw.au, . r - vVilmington, N. C, Sept. 13 ) . s MA - mperatures: o a.. flfl, io aegrwa; M 79 degrees; maximum, 92 de minimum. 75 deerees; men,M kinfall for the day, .0; rainfall 1st of the month to date, .75 00TTON REGION BULLETIN. . he temperatures were generally Bwhat lower in tne central. sec- Local rains are reported from ly all districts. STORM WARNING. storm was, as reportea aiua.n. erday, central near the eastern kmatT of UuDa, movine wesu Ihwest. It was considered aanger- for vessels of all classes off! th Florida and North Carolina night and Saturday. fOEKOAST FOB TO DAY. Fashi5GT0N, Sept 13. For North Una: Partly cloudy Saturday and Iday. probably showers; clear Bat in western and central portions; to fresh northerly winds ort Almanac September 14. Rises.. 5.41 A.. If. 6.10 P.M. Seta... k's Length .. 12H.29M. h Wate-- at-8outhport&M. h Water WUminetonTii?i jSL . kccording to the last census there 56,000 negroes in Pennsylva- I, which means about dU,UUU e8 worth playing for. a Glasgow they are discussing! scheme of a railway tunnel unH the channel from Ireland to land. The estimated cost is 000,000. - " ; he New York Journal snggets lat the trial of Czolgosz be short, tuple and non-sensational. He onld not be given much opportu ty to poae as a hero. England ia catching on to Ameri- p ideas. Even biff London has1 owed the example of American M, and passed an ordinance pro fiting expectorating on the side- 'alks. So far we are told hv th Axnerts Busaiantalk that Caolgosz is pro- ounced Chol?osh. Choalirosh. walcoatz, Zollgo8h and Zolgoose. Nsisat a complete list, but you fntake your choice after wrestling1 pa the lot. Senator Wellington hasn't denied alleged interview vt. hnt hd pl probably do like all the inter-l rewed do when they say brutal or J thmgs-aay the reporter mis- awniea them, and that thev pcYer said it, iinattan island wfta m-imTianv Khtfrom its Indian proprietors! IDLi .. "U Ul OSOV1 HSU SkUlb j -icuowa who sold it had not 13 'hat there ever wnnld ha alAam. railroad trains, and all thati oi thing running into it. Jitn.n r . . i "Wtttnia country di.:i: i 1 and v . r "uo iuiumci! in it , . KeceQtly experiments - novation in Japan have suH """IIOWP R.HI. T 1 A J hto . au tue aps nope w .nable to oil i..V ithnnf j " " uependmg on any other in Pn6?iUm who manipulates 'spiriti tri ,re' Wi3" h gotten into e with a tt young lady because "seanp.Aii-. ... . Crated permiuea an incar- ermit1 10 kiss her ftTi alio ards 1 n&ttJt. She tb"ef ore instituted 000 against the medium. said that Prince ChuD who kowtowing WsVTWilJ wm visit this enn UJ Wta!!a,ny kowing to do here! 1 hae a iollv m w f valnovi. ' . J lu K"1! W" Hin;;:" PTtera from -Mr. whpnT 0 doe8n'' sleep' voji; Lxyin. no; 149. ;.-X HE IS DSAD The dreaded has happened and life which for eieht davB has' ;hung in the balanco has gone oat: j a - : i - - t - c8 ; ; sDaaow oi . gioom over b . whole land. The wire which1 (clicked the sad announcement" of this death' brought sorrow to every J ihou8ehold.to the inilUons who Jaince the assassin shot was 'fired 'nravo frm. Vii lifa 'nf (lift fvfaVaTi President might be spared. .The fear ;id i solicitude that fol lowed the shock at the horrid, deed. gave way to afeelingof hopefulness Jwith the enconrajjing bulletins sent from day to .day,, by the attend- physicians until the -belief be-J &e general that he would survive' get weH.'V The gloomy bulletins aa Jterrible shock that brought with it! wa uveptau ; - . mJ. -Throughout all this ordeal he bore himself so bravely so calmly, submitted to L the inevitable - with such masterly self control that no word of impatience, of complaining, or of resentfulness at the perpetra tor or theabettors of the deed that cost his . lif eMBScaped : his lips. He bore it all with the submission of a martyr and was the most , resigned to his possible fate of all those who were associated, with him officially br otherwise. He was calm and. jhopef ul when they were gloomy, de pressed and despondent. The country had hoped and pray bd that he would recover for its sake land for his; and for the wife of his bosom, to whom through their whole wedded life he has been so" beauti fully devoted and when its1 hopes were blighted and tie .- tragic end bame, the great heart . of the people was stricken with grief, and the tears of millions fell with the tears of tnat loving, wife who saw the life out of the man she loved and (whom the American ; people loved land honored as they have loved and honored few men. They mourn the man whose pri vate life, domestic virtues and. amiable qualities endeared . him to fall who knew him or knew of them ; they lament the passing away, even at it were in the natural . course . of events and . not by the hand of vio lence, of a man who in his exalted "nnaifinn hnA srrnwn nnnn them from year to year until' all' honored him las a well meaning, broad-minded, mberal-viewed,t patriotic-President, who lived and labored for his coun- trva welfare and for every section lof it:'. , . -v , . This will be the best foundation If or his fame, and when he lies on his bier, the sweetest and purest Inowers that will rest -upon - it wil come from the Sunny. South. SERVICES AT TEMPLE OF ISRAEL. LlewUh New Year Ushered la. With ApH . propriate ReHgton Exercises "Very solemn and impressive services: were held by the Bev. Dr. Mendel Jsohn last ; evening at tne xempie oi Israel in ; honor of the Jewish New pear.BoshHasnonah," whichbegan fct sunset last eyening. v Th. attendance was large and the . ' . ." I-i . -T- Id-. service most : appropnaw. Idelaohn offered a very fervent prayer fa tha restoration of President Mo- hrtnlay, in whose condition there was such a radical change for the worse kuring the day and the reference was 'responsive in the hearts of all those 'gathered together at the beginning of their New Year. Services will be held -; again this morning at 10 o'clock and during the. day the places of business of all , pro- tmnt Tmetites will - remain - closed until the1 evening. -. . Destn of a Ckild at Dell adoi - Friends' of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. atrother. of Delgado, will sympathize . - - . . . i with them sincerely m tne u uwu - -SeS-litUe- four-year-old daughter, last Saturday 'afternoon and the xon !?ElSer. which nccurred Thur.4 test will be spirited if anything at alL 4iU hm BinAarelTX m tne loss? vii day at the family home. Oongestion of the brain was the cause of the : lit-j tle'girl's death. .The funeral was peiu( m - ' .wnn ot ' K - n VI nek and cemetery. - The Racket Store Sale: M l " There Was a great rush yesterday aL Oaylordrs Big Backet Store on account, of the sweeping sale advertised to take. place Deginnma: " r j forenoon. Extra clerical ww .t imA. Avrhausted and the big ouiia ing was phroBged" with bargain seek ersJ The sale will continue to-day. . - C N EW ADVEBT1SEMBINT8.; i.: Andrew Smith For iren H a jr n Rnlnmrm Stores closed. : Onin House Cllvette, magician. Oeo.O.Gay lord-Crowds turned away. - - " Busiarsss ijoals. " - ilee ting Onslow Land and Invest . JL Jul llvi A BIG DAIIAOE SDIT.I Conductor Asks for $50,000 From Carolina Central RaUrdad v -", for Injuries. - NOTICE FILED YESTERDAY. Plaintiff is J. L. Love aad Base of Action ; Is Accldeat at Crooiy Last Decem ber Case ' iNNew flaaover;". ; ." " " Superior Court. Notice of a big damage suit against the Carolina Central - Railroad Com pany - was. niea -yesterday with . the Clerk of the Superior Court : - .- The suit is brought by Mr. J. L Love, formerly a freight conductor in the employ of the company, and his attorneys are Herbert McClammy and! Wp,;J, llamyvEMS- vvTiile' no complaint is filed as yet, it is learned that the amount of damaees asked! wiuoe fdu.uuu, ana. tnat tne gtounas; (of complaint are that the plaintiff re-J ceived permanent injuries in an acci dent to his train at Cronly, N. C , on December 27th : last. He claims that! he was riding in the caboose of his train, and by the-breaking of an al- ueged .defecUve coupling the car wan telescoped and he was thrown vio lently against a hot stove, his face and one hand badly burned and an arm broken. He was brought to the City Hospital in Wilmington subsequenlly and received treatment here. Mr. Love is a young man,' and his alleged! disability 'at comparatively an early age is assigned by the attorneys as the reason for the large amount asked. The case will be returnable at the next term of the Superior Court but! will likely not be tried until the fol lowing term. f CITY HALL IMPROVEMENTS. ; Sapid Prorress Beinc Made Oa the New -- Office Apartmeats," Etc ' Contractor D. Hanna and Supervis ing Architect H E. Bonitz are . mak ing rapid progress on the extensive! repairs and improvement at the City The fixtures for the City Clerk and Treasurer's office, will ba here shortly from the Beutelle Manufacturing Company, Atlanta, Ga., and every thing will be in readiness for their in stallation upon arrival. . The necessary alteration in the city court room for the partitioning of. I nr. . -n. i -M n.1 -A' mncH i or liio vuici ui . uuw - auw CStv Sunerintendent of Health are being made, and the old band room u A.. . . . .... I- 3, in ine oaeement . is oeing . rapuuj transformed into police headquarters. Electric lights, telephone and water fixtures are being installed and . the! room will be admirably adapted as a! home" for the men when not parol ing, their beats, xne two omces in the court room will be to the right as! one enters the door, that of the Chief) of Police coming .first and that of the! ISuperintendent of Health being in the southwestern corner of the building. (These offices will be enclosed in glass, airy and convenient." ELKS' FAIR AND CARNIVAL. Promoter aad lastractor Will Arrive Mon-j day Prospects Are Eocoarsrinx Hardly a . day passes that does not! bring fresh encouragement . for tne Elks who are striving to make a great success of their fair and carnival in Wilmington, October 14th-19th. I TTmdome lithosrranh posters arei daily expected and then Dr. Tom Car toll and his advertising- committee rill o to "spreading paste," to usee fbrurative term. v- ; " Mr. G. O. Litt, professional rani mmntAp and - instructor, will reacn Ihere Monday and proceed to "set the woods on fire" with enthusiasm. He knows every detail of fair work andj will be a valuable acquisition to the! Uorpsof local assistants in the work. To the merchants the soliciting com mittee wishes to say : "wow is tn time to rabscribe.n or words to that effect. " ... . BASEBALL QAME TO-DAY. hi.1i SehnAt Ctasmolons wiu coniena, Afslnst WHmlaftoo Iron works, Hilton Park will be : the Mecca to which all the "more enthusiastic base ball snorts will flock "this afternoon at :15 o'clock' to witness - the game be tween the High School -. Champions and the .Wilmington Iron Works f.m The rame is to decide a tie of one to one in eight innings played Zellern and Zellers will do the hon ors for the Iron Works and tne in vincible twirler Sellers with Moore be- hint thm bt will constitute the bat An admission fee of fifteen cents will be charged forgentlemen ahd ten bents for ladies. LOCAL DOTS. jonn meyers, wiuiou, " Committed to; jail by-Justice Fowler esterdav for the Superior Court on a. Charge of abandonment. . ; . :r ' -1 I MrAndrew;:Smith;.the; 'estate agent,pffers for rent the VeHtf- 'bly located store on : Market ' street (now occupied by Ludden : & , Bates, 'poaseasion wiU be given October 1st Cant. A. L.t DeBosset -expects tatinW nf " the Ul CVlupiCW IUU wu.fMv.Mw . - , j W tax books bday; ,The work has, been delayed on account of the recent -edactiontf the rats by the Aldermen me Bcsrd of Audit and Finance. k WILMINGTON, N: C; SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER AN INCREASE OF SALARY. That of Chairman of Board of Ceoaty . Commissioners Made $1,209;" It has just become known that at al meeting of the Board of County Com missioners on last Monday, the salary of its enterprising chairman, Mr. D. McEachern, was increased from $600 per year to $1,200. ' " f .. This action was taken' in the follow-l ing resolution wnicn - was aaoptea, Messrs. Holmes, Tollers and Mont gomery voting aye, and Mr. Alexan der voting nay: -V ;:-. .: VWmcBEAS. Under Chapter 49, of the Acts of the General Assembly of 1901, it is the duty of this Board to fix the pay of its chairman from Decem ber 1st. and realizing that by reason of building good roads, the duties of the ohairman have been very much in creased, and requires so much more time than ever before, and believing it is to the best interests of the county that such time should be given.: - : ' Kesolvea.ThtA the nay or tne cnaar man of this Board be fixed at $100 per month, and that be shall be required to act as chairman of the Permanent Roads Committee." -' 1 - ' - The act under which the increase was made is as follows : r The General Assembly of North CaroA - una ao Enact - ---'--.'. 8eo. l.--That the Board of Commis- lonera of New Hanover county shall ,ave the power to fix a stated salary or the chairman of their Board, be ginning the first Monday in Decem ber in each year. T I; , Sko. 2. That the acts of the Com missioners aforesaid in fixing a salary heretofore-.under a misapprehension is hereby legalized. - ' Bsc. 3. That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. Ratified this 29th day of January A. D., 1901. tw.. ;,t CUVETTE, THB GREAT " MAGICIAN.' Opeoiof Performasce st the Opera Hoose Next Taesdsy Night. The Great Olivette Company, head ed by . Olivette, the "King of Magi (cians," will be seen at the Opera House on Tuesday, September 17th. Olivette is said to be one of the most! accomplished:; .performers that has lever appeared . nere. xnis versatile man gives a most interesting show, so the managers -claim, the perform-l ance consisting of marvellous slight-i of-hand, Oriental magic, mental tele !zranhy. ' startling illusions, - artistic. Jcomedy manipulations, laughable fin ger silhouettes, imitations, music and Jeongs. Olivette and his company of European entertainers - are admitted by the press, pulpit and public to give the most gorgeous, unique ana struc lingly amusing performance on earth. The engagement in this city is for one! night only.. .Seats on sale at Gerken's! Monday morning. THE PRESENT COTTON SEASON. Receiots Are Very Short On Account of Lateness of the Fail. Cotton receipts continue very short and to'such a degree as to excite gen- .m1 M.mfMon( Tf Mtimatp .thai! the season is at least three weeks laW than last year. The receipts yester- day were only 309 bales against 2,4381 Jbaleaon the same day in 1900. The receipts for the week ended yesterday were only 1,180 bales, whereas for the loorresponding week last year 14,821! bales were . received. The receipts Jsince September 1st have been 1,8581 airainst 22.474 bales during the same period last year. ; The quotations now are only 8 knts against 101 cents on the same flay last year.;1 RemodeQInc Dror Store.1 The store formerly occupied - by iDinirelhoef Bros.. No. 123 Market: Jstreet, is being handsomely remod- riArf for-, ocnunancv on October 1st by Mr. Jos. O. Shepard, Jr., the drug gist A solid glass front wiu be pui in and up-to-date fixtures installed. The plans were drawn and the work ia heiner sucervised bv Mr. ix. Bonitz, the architect. j S No Services at Qrace. , Owing to the absence of the pastor, Rev. J. N. Cole, who is taking his va teation. and Illness of the presiding elder, Bev. B. B. John, there will he no services at Grace M. K. unurcn Sunday morning or evening. tsunaay .h nni wi 11. however.' be held at 4 :50l bVjlock PlM . - ,v First PreskyterUin Church. On account of. the absence of the n.W the Bev. J. M. Wells, there will be no service in the First rrea- byterian Church Sunday. - Bev. Mr. Wells is still in Virginia on his yaca tion but will likely be home in time to conduct services Sunday .week , In Charje" of Art Departmentri ; Mia Bessie Fill v aw. the accom- nlUKA danchter of m Uscaf JO. iFillyaw, b( this city, has. been elected. ito lake charge of the art department! of the Mary Hood Iustltute, . Liocoln-1 tn. GL . Miss Fillvaw hasialreadyl 'entered upon her duties, and is giving eminent satisfaction.' " - Talk of Another Yacht Race, i' : Parties ' interested in yacht racing 'are talking of another regatta underj n.nlinA Yacht Club in the near future. There is t . ... , ..kii 'perhaps now more, interest juh UMniv than hAfore this season. - . - A, iattl ynj-tner. The Carolina & ' Northern Railroad u.. Kcun . TjAnded - further South, reaching the followingsUUons ;-Nari ietta, iiomesvuie, ana x-agee mlua. wrioht will be received by the Sea board Air Line for those points. Ship-I ments must be prep a. ; ' r NG PRESIDENTS DEATH. News Received Locally With Deep Sorrow, by Those Who Awaited Tidings. MEETING IN COURT HOUSE. Cltizess Csiied to Assemble En Masse to Psss Soitsbie Resolations Upon the " Ssd Demise All Invited to ke H S - v - Present and Pirtlclpstc - ' - "t '-" ' ' 1 -. " u '"'-."- J . T. Several prominent citizens have re quested the Star to : give - notice that! there will be a meeting at the" Court House this morning at 10 o'clock td take action In reference to- the death of President William McKinley.. , The news of. the death of President! McKtnley was reeeived.v locally last oight only -with feelingk of the pro- fouodest sorrow. Men irrespective of party -and political faith were alike saddened ;by the- news .that cast a loom over the Wauou this mornincl and intensely indignant that so useful a career should have been shortened by the red-handed and . self-canfessed anarchist. . Bulletins from the sick room were! eagerly sought at the newspaper offices during the day and at night the offices were besieged by hundreds of inquir-j ersfor the latest advices. People at their homes and at a distance made! liberal use of the telephone and the bell in this office was kept constantly ringing. . The grief of the community at the President's untimely demise is but spoken and very generaL The meeting at ; the Court : House to day will likely be largely attended and the resolations adopted'will speak in no uncertain way the sentiment of thej jcommumty. Everybody is cordially invited to be present.' The call is by butibess men of the city, who are anx ious tnat any action may be - by ' as! large an assemblage of representative' citizens ss possible. Y. M. C. A. JUNIOR DEPARTMENT. Caovsss tor Members Decided Upon at ' Meeting Last Night. The meeting of the Y. M O. A. Juniors last night was brim - full of enthusiasm and a plan of campaign was agreed upon for hew members. ' : The canvass will last for thirty days and will end with a banquet given to the 'successful membership team by the vanquished.; Tbe canvass is upon the same plan - as inaugurated y-thel yellows" and Freds' in! the senior department fast year and - the results will no doubt be equally as encourH aging. At the meeting last night ringing speeches were made by Mr. J. P. Bus- sell, chairman of the Junior Depart tnent. Secretary Turner and Physical Director Wetzel,: all of-' whom are fully alive to the ' necessities of the work.; J - AN EX-CONVICT C APTUS ED. He la Wanted at Marion, S. C, sod Was' Pointed Out by as Excnrsioalst. Last night about 7 o'clock as the ne gro excursion train rrom joarton, s. O., was leaving the Front street sta tion of the Atlantic Coast Line, two or three of the party pointed out a negro named Major Henderson who they said Is wanted at Marion for escaping the county chain gang. Policemen & J. Bryan and I. F. Huggins immediately took the "Ma nor" in custody and locked him up at the station house. The sheriff of Mar- on county is - expected to arrive oil send for the prisoner to day." NEW INSTRUMENTS RECEIVED. The Second Ref iment Band Is Now Folly! Eqaipped In Orest Shape The remainder of ' the new instru ments for the Second Regiment Band reached the the yesterday and were; unpacked and found to be in first class: i ... condition . - , - . r' The Band is' now fully equipped with the newest and lastest improved! instruments . and will be second to none in the State Guard. - The instru-j ments received yesterday consist of an alto saxophone, a piccolo, four B fiat! teornets and'a double B flat - bass in- istrument.t . :' v v Onslow Land and Investment Co. The annual meeting of the' Onslowj Land and Investment Company willl be held at the office of the secretary,! George H. Howell. EsqM Room Nal l ir fn . mL.:J.- noon, September 84th. A full attend ance is urged. V Excursion To-day. 7 An excursionvjrom Conway, S. O.J under the care of Mr. J.' W. Harrel-1 son. will reach this city at 10 o'clocki this moraine. - Another from Mul Jlins, a a. i expected on Tuesday, 3ept 17th. Bxcnrsloo Yesterday.'." , ' An excursion of about 800 negroes reached the city ; yesterday from Slarion, S. C They spent the day in the city sight-seeing and returned last night about 8 o'clock. w, rr Air. j uiian coutnerianq. is ur Washington to attend the wedding to- day of his brother; Mr. Lonnie South arland. Another brother, Ur. Eu De Leon Southerland, la also in Wash .ington to attsndjtia marriage. - - Star. 14, 1901. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Mr, James Owen Eielly is quite Jsick at his home. - , . Heputy Sheriff " W. H. Cox re turned from Jacksonville,' N. C, Mrs. Jnb. Shaw is visiting Mr. Robert Lewis, No.' 112 Ann street. r Col. D. D.-McCoH, of .s Ben- nettsville, 8. O., was in the city yes Mr.? and Mrs. J.r 8, Canaday and children left yesterday, for a visit to friends in Onslow county. - . . Mr. E. . Y, Smith,, formerly of Wilmington but now of Macon, tia.; lis in the city greeting his friends. Capt. - HT " 0. Twining, the blever A. C. L conductor, will ' leave to-day fori; Seven Springs to spend his vacation. i;-'-rTu .i a JMis8 Lillian Slocombi J of Fayn etteville, is- in the city on a 1 visit td Misses Catherine and Carrie HSariiss;, on Fifth stre':i Mr. ahd Mrs. B. P.. McClamH my, Mrs. A. t. Mcuiammy and Mrs. IJ. R. Kennedy got home -yesterday from - a delightful trip to - the Pan-1 LAmerican Exposition. ' 'U HAS 65,000 NEW MEMBERS. $ That Number Wss Added to Order of Odd . Fellows Dnrlog tbe Psst Year. Sovereign Lodfe. ' j Raleigh News and Observer, 18. Hon. Chas. M. Busbee left last night for - Indianapolis . to attend the 77th session of the Sovereign',Grand Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows.: The condition of the Order through out the' world is more prosperous than ever before in its history. Mr.'Busbee showed us the advance sheets of the reports of the Grand Sire and Grand Secretary. The reports show ' the great strength of the Order. The mem bership on December 31st, 1900, wss 1,129.094,11 being an increase during 1900 of 65 JS2..S The income of the Or der for 1900 Vas $10,121,891.06 and the amount' disbursed for relief during that year was $3,726,692.60. The ses don at Indianapolis promises to be a memorable-one. There will be a full! attendance of representatives and an immense throng of members of the or-l Ider. In the public parade on Tuesday there are expected to be 40.000 in line lof march. Mr. Busbee expects to re turn on the 22nd inst. He was the head of the order in 1891-'92 and has never lost his interest in Odd Fellow ship. He is one of the most eloquent speakers of the order, and is Us most illustrious leader.- The delegates from North Carolina are: Mr. M. w. Jacobi. of w limine ton; Mr. B. C Gorbam, of Fayette viile; Mr. B. H. Woodell, of Baleigh. Mr. Woodell goes in place of Dr. J. A. Stevens, ef Clinton.-who,-on ac Icount of serious : illness. has been forced to resign as a delegate. This is ereatly regretted by ..his colleagues, ifor Dr. Stevens is one of the mostJ 'popular as well - as one . of the bestl posted Odd : Fellows in - the State, Messrs. Chas. F. Liumsden and Joseph! Bernard, leading Odd Fellows oil Baleigh, also expect to go. DAVIDSON COLLEGE OPENING. ' - - About Sixty Students is Freshmsn Class. - Msny New Campos Boildlogs. Special StarVorrespondenceJi DAvmsoN.N, C, Sept 13. David son. uoiiege opened, witn very nat terinir prospects, the freshman - class numbers' nearly - sixty, and a . very likely looking set of boys they are. The college "football - team was put promptly in the field, and by October 15th we expect to nave our team in good shape to go against the picked team of the otate. -:.r.i ? - The campus has taken on a new ap pearance this year, some of .the older! buildings been removed and. new ones now ha vine their place. Tne nospital of the medical department has also been completed and has many inmates, who are given tbe best of attention. Wilmington is represented this yean bv W. Taylor in tne medical coi- leee and Messrs. Patterson, rsagley And Sprunt in the literary department By this time next year Dr. Monroe expects to have in connection with his medical college a school or pharmacy. Ichnrch Notices. 5 .. Bladan Street Kethodlst Church: Rev. 3. J, Porter will Dreach at . 11 A. . ML. ana at) K,he evenlnz service. - ObaDel of the Good shepherd, Blxth ana; Oneen streets. -There will be the usual services Ion BnndaT at 11 a. m. and 8 d. m. Sunday! iscnooi at 4 o'ciocjc nuie aixernoon. Sonthsiae BaptlHt Church, corner Fifth and IWomnAP Rtreel Bev. Herring-, pastor. 'Senrlces 11 o'clock A. M. and 7.89 P. M. Sunday School at 8 P. M. Prayer meeting service every tt. u. I Wednesday night hi o'ciock. I First Baptist Church, corner of Market anp TBIfth streets, Bev. Calvin 8. BlackwelL DD., Iruwttr.. 11 A- M. "The Andacltv of Jesufl." 3 P. K "Did a real. Christian -ever faU from laracei I fit. Andrew's Preebvterlan Church, corner! 1 Fourth and Campbell streets, Bev. Alex. D. Mc-i tuiure, if. u pastor, mvine services ii &. r ud R no p. M. SabbaUi School at 4 P. M. rrayer meeting and lecture Wednesday at .8:001 .P. X, The public eordiauy invitea. Heats iree. I BrooUvn Bantlst Church, corner Fourth and 'Brunswick streets. Bev. J. J. Payseur, pastor. HamrlAM tfvTOorroW at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M.I Sunday School at 880 P. M. vWeekly prayerl an A nraJaA mAAtlnff " WednefidAV at 8 P. M.I Strangers and visitors jure cordially Invited toi .au services. -; t . ; I Fifth Street Methodist Church, situated on 'rifth street between Nun and Church, Bev, John tt Hall, pastor. 4. Services on Sunday lit 11 a w ami A an p. M. Praver meetlns Wea- inaculiiv avnnlnflr at 7.80 o'clock. Sunday School .Sunday afternoon at 5.00 O'clock. :i A cordial ln- (vitauon extenueu vu tuu ,. ?.yv--v ; . I Bellgfous servlcea will be conducted at thef 'aeaman's uetnei o-morrow, oauunui; wwi- Innnn it 9 A'nkvV h ItAt. .A. . T). . MOClfirA. o o. eeamen ana nvermeu m Bspecukujri invited.: All are wetoome. . .- I TRIBUTE OF RESPECT." Whksxas. It has Dleased Almighty Ood ln Hlsl Infinite windom to remove from our midst our beloved comrade, K; Keith Calder, and while we bow in submission to His wul, we feel that ;in bis death the wumlngton Light Infantry haf Host a most faithful and efficient -member. andf the community at large an upright Christian, gentleman, la whom were combined those su-i perlor qualities which make a man of the! .highest character. Now, therefore, be It . I I Resolved, That the members of the Wllmlng-l Hdn Light infantry, In company assembled, do' hereby express onr slneerest sympathy for hte .bereaved family and friends; and do tt further i I . Resolved. That the Wilmington Ught Ialan-I try wear the usual badge of mourning for. the customary length of time out of reepet to hie memory, and that a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family of onr deceased comrade, ana that they be published in our dally newspapers. minutes of thjs company. . - - - . " h. sttt: oy. . , ' , .;- : C.ji t . JA2 WHOLE rNO. 10,629 A. U, dKUWIN. IS, t M We are now receivinir onr Mattings - for. the Fall assortment, beauty . of strongly interest any one Body Brussels Extra i Supers,Three-Plys, Wilton's and Velvets." . ; . . , fin entirely new VNayaio Indian, Art Squares: prices, and sizes to match Carpets. . We - have never . shown a' 'V" more attractive line of Mattings. xo examine tnese goods whether i A. D. No. ftU58tf WWW Stores Closed -n ON ACCOUNT OF HOLIDAY, OUR STOBES WILL BE CLOSED TO DAY UNTIL S. B. sep 14 tf II n FOR RENT. That desirable Store, lnclaalnK secona floor,1 No.. 109 Market street, at present oecnpied by The Ludaen .& Bates Music House. Apply to ANDREW SMITH. ' sepMlm seal Estate Aaent. ONE NIGHT ONLY, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17. he Great Olivette Company. "OLIVETTE," The King of Magicians, ana his Company on European Entertainers. Prices SSe 50e T5e and $1.00. sepMSt 300 1 00 Boxes Tobacco 200 Sacks Coffee. SAM'L BEAR, Sr., sepStf 18 Market street. Wnale Oil Soap For Destroying Insects x Infesting Trees, Vines and Plants. Jb'or sale at ; ; -','- -v1 :i HARDIN'S PALACE PHARMACY. sepStf lse South Front street. Fresh Packed September Mullets. Bagging, -Ties, fnllUne of Salt and a! Groceries and Provisions. HALL & PEARSALL, (IKCOBPOBATED.) . Nutt and. Mulberry Sts. sep5 tf ONE WEES ONLY, ' Three pounds parched or ground J best aualitv uaracas juaguyra Coffee... .......57c Five oounds American standard uranuiatea cusar. . . . ....... i. o i m. Total. ...... .... - 85cts Quantity, to one person limited. : This isour regular 25c Coffee. . : XX'M The Unlucky Corner. ' Both Phones 10 , - seplltf High Grade. iHsHn Irnraltnra. RalACteAHOT from the hAantifni and oftlmea deceotlve DhotographSt shown by the smooth-talking, pleasant-man-4 Inered Drummer, but bought afreet at the manu-f lyou see it in my store. . , . - it; F, PAEKEE, i: Furniture and Furniture Novelties, Ill Market street. - inter-State 431.. Bell Thona CIS sepitr Frait of AD Kinds;" ' Peaches,: P6ars, PlumsJ Grapes, Bananas,; Ap- pies and Oranges. 1 1 - ., ""5, . a - Call and see me for the BEST FRUIT to be had in the city. - ! L VA PLUSQER. ir V-;- - : . , J so Prtncess Street. Pell 'Phone SS0. 8?p9t ' !v; inter-State 133.. eeooaooooeooo:: TERMS OF SU3SCRIPTi:i- One ' Tear, by Mail. $5.00 Six ZXemtka. : JiO '. Three ZXeBihs, M ; Two. lleiiUiiiI.OO ; Dttrmn te Serlln In ! -., CUr at 4 per Iltatk. X looe0oeoeeo V ' Or a a a a LI new stnAlr tf Oonuf. f.j season of 1901. In extent of O styles ; and values, they will O wishing to purchase such goods. o a patterns. ' in different sizes. Rnira at all You are respectfully invited you wish to buy or not; ft ; wm D - .'' . BROWN 29 North Front Street I & 9 SIX O'CLOCK. SOLQIU20N. AUV VTA VUiVMI ; VIQU1 -:. :r5Qs, Of tbe Times 'CUBAN BLOSSOM," "LouOree style.. fCREM0" Terfectos style. ; High Quality Low Price These have no eanal for the price strictly -made, of the finest Imported Ma- : fterlal; as a ix) Da ceo as goes uno a iuo utsar. ition to a cheaper smoke : - . we can Match It" ! "CHERoqr ; The wonder or the smokers try a bunch, and nn will smoke no other kind wraDDed With umatra Wrapper, same Wrapper as goes on 60 Oigar, and Is recommended to select smokers. 4nM bv all kind of stnrea and everywhere. Out- pf -town trade will please correspond with us. YoUers oV Hasflagen " Xr S01JE DISTRIBUTOBS, Bagging and Ties, ; ' New Mullets, . FIRST PAT. FLOUR, 2ND PAT. FLOUR. rV X -f STRAIGHT FliOUR. , SUGAR. COFFEE, RICE, MEAL, GRITS, MOLASSES, WHEAT BRAN, X'X'iX CANNED GOODS, SOAP, LYE. STARCH, S ALT, Ac. Send me your orders.' r ' ' Special attention Klven to consignment S. P. McNAlR, au 88 tt NOTICE. , x - JiiBt arrived ear load Horses: several will Lmtoh tram 1.400 to 1.K0 IDS., and lOtS Of aU telaases of stock on hand also.-We carry the , blsgest stock or Buggies ana telr, and at the Jtowestprtces.BaUjnceof mk month wOT seU Buggies at cost to make (room for ear load due September 15th. For bar.:. "gains can ana see. - Yilmington Live Stock Go. augi9.tf . i " ' ' FISH, FIGC-3. 25 BARRELS . . ' -'.;jiVV.', -r' - v 3 IM Catch Unllets. I Xjsr -. xn :' Alstf ciuantities bf;all other go.oda in my line. - " - - D. L. CORE CO., ' whoijouijc Qboosbs, ' -' -v 120, 123 and 134 North Water Street, sep 8 tf r . , i Wilmington, N. C, M Rust Proof Oats. 1,860 Bmekiela B. P. Oats (en romte). 489 Bnahela White Oats., .,i,-t' eiO Buahele.BlUceOat. 103 Case See Lye, 50 . 21S DonaFtMd Btm. . S04 Boxes Oer Beefc - , 810 BuhdsS. S l .WheleaaJe Grocer X t si Hnt street, Wilmington. H. tx sep is tr ART STUDIO, 1 will open my Pu"o to receive Art PW' 3ungton. T 6-11 Si T 8. POWT 1. New Goods W 1;' snsnsjgs ' ' awake. ment 'Co.'- J" -

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