tbgd,tJoaLarjcrThTh.t TERDS OF SU3SCniPTi:X ; 0fABy Other D.Hyew. L a. AAA. A. OUTLINES. -- iurv al Buffalo, N. Y Indictment against Ciolgos for lu . .L.ci rree: he refused teroa Carlisle, , !!i militia organizations in the , have applied for a placd in'the f,ftiie funerai priw nM Mrs. McKinley arrived L WWte House in Wasfaingtofc al DOle, M 1116 r rWlCOkIl UfJUIWWpM l u: hnina in M"i n t a Wj, iea "ia """"" -i-vv jhe date or tne nrat racer jhe America's cup haabeen -j to Thursday, SeptRS; th steamer eanu w muucv uu Helena bar, near Unarlestpa, ; Collision on tne uentrai fcoreia, near Rome, Ga. ; engineer t Md conductor injured. j Aycock and stall lert tuin night for Washington; f York markers: Money On I as easier at 26 per cent, the on being at S i per cenL ; cotton: middling uplands 8Jct flour quiet but steady; wheat appt Ifa 2 red 76ic; corn spot firm, lS3it; oats spot firmer. No ; rosin steady ; spirits turpentine! at3637c. : WEATHER REPOBT. P.S.DEP'TOF AGBIOTLTCa, ; WIATHEB iJUBEAU, . - MOMI5STQ5, N.O., Sept. 17. ) ' Jnperatures: 8 A. M., 79 degrees ; , 5., 80 degrees; maximum, 9Q de r ; minimuHi, 76 degrees; mean, 83, fees. tnfall for the day, .0; rainfall : 1st of the month to date, .75 Vge of water in the Cape Fear river: yetteville at 8 A. M., 4.0 feet. ; STORM WARNING. j bpical storm has apparently re-j ed over the Yucatan channel into Eulf and is likely to move slowly fcward. Considered unsafe for tls borind across the Gulf. " rOBIOAST FOB TO-DAY. ' f ashington, Sept. 16. For North; buna: Ham Tuesday ana . prob Wednesday; cooler Tuesday In east portion; fresh southerly ps, shifting to northerly. brt Alnani v September 17.E1 Rises., 5.44A.M.t 3eu .. 6.05 P. M. s Length 12H.21M fc Wster at 8outhport . 10.15 P. M. ; ii Water Wilmington. 12.45 A.M.: regon ought to beV good terri-; for the enterprising spinster to; ? for. There are 48.000 mora than women there.. . . : . . t ib said that the eucalyptus tree5 aamania grows from a height of to 400 feet.; This is the only fi we know of the California red-i he wave of prosperity seems to' e swung around New York Stated aaaeasors can't find within 5,- 000 as much personal DTobertTi pjdidin 1899. V, 6.- . -w. . " Tesant a isn says inbre pie are trying to buy their way P New York snniet.v t.hia vast P"er before. And thev don't' ""ich for their money either.- ince Brutus killed his friend there have been more than a attempts on the lives of; in of civilized fchover fnrfw.fl j 1.1.1! Fhe cooks in the Vitw 411 of Turkey struck for theiif ' whlch was in arrears. He did , it a case of lock - out but nP- He jugged the last one of to, P16. English shipbuilders who F the Oceanic, the Uto. vaobaI oefore th r,u;n . i nj!-J for aZZrrX m win .r, WW abolish all law, and i yet "of them when charged! ie.takearefQS behind the! t, it lts Protection, and1 Old ffill t, , . . ? ackof v -Qgiana has a which he has been! g since 1873. Honio v, FSSaJi- eah 11 til he could PhiliialPa8ackf anthe; vU uome alonR yet-: hutw;:.:"-',i8ntmiichon w 8ue- he has one , 6ui5i pound8t bnilt rCcorlgi8tertheneBofpeo ptj. at8eein2 in that ry!?lme8' of Missouri, K n the Holmes section fl ,!. he. refQ8ed aono . r.aest of 6,000: one , . moaerare MiBHnnrl i"1 "KJnev - flUJ naQie more portal, , vol. iyra.Nd; i5i: PERSONAL PARAQRAPHS. V Mr.'. J. D.'.'Tld wards:- iS Charieston "f o a fe w :dayi:-yxi t: o - Mr. JPiidIeares, oi Coun i'a gtattaB, waain the Uy yesterday f , -jW- -M? Creasy returned yeaterday4mv stont-Lwhere pent Sunday. " : - ifMtji Ernesto M.rBrogden re turneajjesterfafrom of aiew days to (Joldsboro. A- r j Miss' Lanra Mobrebf Kenans villa, is the truest of Mr. and Mrs. R. Ws-Wallaee at The Orton. j ; Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Council, Jr., of Wannanish. 1L. C- were in th tomr.-.-i--- otbnans Jillftivia viaiting.hAZnn Mr Br-W. Wallace the Tdeveir. proprietor of The brton; j Mt!. and Mrs. JoKn Tayldr left! last night for the North to tpnrehasel their fall stock of imillinery and dryl 'dOd::rtJ,-i--,s j-l.'..,..rA-;,-fe '-fT-. j yics; got "home yes- ierday from an .extended '-.iait-j to Chi-j cago, Denver and other points of in-! terest in the West.7 H ' &'J. .'for- ! rr! Mr, John D. Beatty, slof; Iiongj View, Bladen county, who has:; been aielc several Weeks vrith typhoid fever,' is convalescent. -Tf'V; : .. f v - Mr. Bay Powers, of -Atlanta,! who has' been spending' the 1 Bummer; at Wrightaville, left last evening to; enter Cornell University ?i I ; Amdng the visitors to the city yesterday were Mr. and -Mrs. tH.. 11 Goodwin, Mrs.- H. SX McNeill, Messrs. T. H.' McNeil, G. K. Mtssengil D. Hl( uooa and tn. F. Young, of Dunn, and Misa Hettie , Darden, of Little Biver Academy.:', --1; ! 1 -- Mr. Jas. P." Boyster, formerly! of Baleign, i but now curator of the; Departmental Library, University of Chicago, - is in the city on a visit to friends. He will; graduate with the degree of M. ; A from the. University. of Chicago this year. i ' T7 Mr. W: WJ Tunllr; late secre-j tary of the Wilmington .Young Men's Christian Association, left last , night f orBaleigh from whence he will leave: oh a special tourist's car for Californa, later returning to . Pueblo, CoL, to take up Association work there.! - I Mr. Timothy Donlan, the ge-j niai ' and - capable : superintendent of Oakdale Cemetery, is attending the annual convention 'of Cemetery andl Parfc' Superintendents, ' at Pittsburg.! Before returning he .will visit the Pan American Exposition and other points of interest North. ;r j ' 'bad ACCIDENT TO A BOY. j - - ' 1 ; . i Little Sen of Mr. S. J. Davis Keceived Se vere Praxtare of Arm. U ' Samuel Davis," the six-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Davis, No;. 214. Market 'street," sustained a fearful Injury Sunday , morning about, id o'clock by falling from . a step ladder on the high' porch of the residence to the ground, a distance of nearly fifteen jteet. ;?Af ter the little fellow had failed to the ground, the step , ladder upon which he had been .climbing' on the porch,' came tumbling down, striking him on the left arm; causing ; a ; cpm-j pbu nd'iracture, and a dial ocation : of the elbow complicated with whatj thef physicians term a colles fracture. 1 i The boy was attended by Drs. Jos J O-'.Shepara.. Asa -Love, O. T. Harper' and 7 W. J. .Love., At first it waa thought the' limb would have to be; amputated but now the surgeons think the arm can be saved, ' though it will be practically useless to the little fel Iqw in the f uture. -A " 1 - i -..! 1 ' f. f Want io Lay Pipet . , At a meeting of the Board of Man-. agera of (he James Walker. 'Metntirial Hospital ..held yesterday . morning an application from . the .Wilmington Sewerage : Company 3to lay ' certain pipe through . the hospital property' was reierrea to a committee consisung of Capk Walter G. MacBae and Dr; W. J. H Bellamy: j Ha Cracked His Skall. .'. J i r A-little ' four-year-old- son of : MnU Oowan,5'Srho lives pn Walnut near Second street, fell from the steps ol the fandily home . Sunday afternoon and jfractured Ibis. skulLf Physicians were called- in . and ; are giving the littlef fellow - the rbest of attention,. though it is eueyea nis f wouaua r? tJefrp Stble'si-.Wiatchi' ?;?f ; : Officer. J. RNewkirJc Sunday after-? noon; arrested Jim Ferine colored ybuthi'fwho is charged with the larf ceny of a".watch: , from-a; person a MeareaKufiThe;! held awaiting an - officer from; Brnnswick: county.. ;'.y.-V ; ;J dt-s- Lot ADVKBTISEMENTS :, 1 ?' 'N F.ParkerBecause! Nbticorlt d county;taxes.j tW v J. Wright & SonFor renU', ,-. . J. Pt Slater,Br; Partner wanted K Xevl McMillan & CoThisL week.; Munrbe and KeU ybodiurniturei V? Masonlo-oMeetiBg'.Wilmg'n. Lodge -V GeoiO'yloidammedito-toe awn.',.-;, .i , j Wanted-: Active agents. Hawrrbve Taylort-Notice. Steribgrapher-PoeltionantedV t As the Btab employs no trav ellinjr agents, bills are sent direct to subscribers. ?: These -bills ' hotua: re: cei ve prcmp t kttentlonv : ' i ; v MrBiB-Wallace: SUNDAY. At Air)f;iTiiem Were -Touchiog ri References to President's WERE TWO SPECIAt; SERMONS At he jFlrst Bs ptlst ; 4 St. Paul's La thersB Chnrcbes taere WeW Appro- IfWiatSeryic -; Last Words a TexLf In nearly alT3f"lherirWUmington churches in Whichi services were held 8unday there were touching references in sermonand nraver to the death of the late lamented President McKfnley At the First Baptist church the ser? vices were msde especially -fitting ai night by a special sermon .which the pastor, Bev.Jhr. Calvin S. BlackweU preached from the . last words of Mr f-TT? a ' ;.V : - '' ' - . T jKLcnaniey. "is is uod's Way; His Will be" Dbne.-The eonirreiration which assembled! .: hearth sermon was '- very ,: target and. 'the" ,.'spacious church building was packed ta its ut most capacity, many chairs from the Sunday school room ,; having been pressei into service and' jtlaced la the aisles. ' - - ! Before the . sermon In prayer : Dri Blackwell made a beautiful invocation for the bereaved wife of the! late Presi dent and asked for her. early deliver ance from the great grief with which sheisafflicted.:rj- "if-:"'' 'u' I The Bible lesson was from that part of the Scriptures referring to Geth-; seminae and Calvary . and from . the same passages of Scripture were taken! the words of the President in his dying hour. 'Dr. Blackwell thenbegan his sermon; andj had, ; the - undivided attention of every one in the hearing of his voice. The history of Christy anity from the early ages was taken; up and each great tragic event to 'H cent times was shown to have been but a stepping stone to' higher civilizationi The assassination of Lincoln, Garfield and McKinley weie mentioned as hav ing been according to God's will and though deplorable, but a step for the betterment oi tneir people. Tne as-f sassination of Lincoln, was to partially unite the two - great sections North! and South; the - dying of -Gar-; field was a sacrifice to teach theNa-j tion better and purer methods of gov ernment and the tragic death of Mri ! McKinley .was but to arouse the peo-i j plo to the dangers of anarchy and ma terial commercialism. ' T At the conclusion of the service the! enti congregation sang, ''Nearer My God to Thee," the last verse softly; appropriate '. from1 the fact that this! song was softly chanted by Mr. Mc Kinley shortly before he relapsed into unconsciousness. - -' ' ' At St Pssl's Latherao Cborcb. ! . At St. Paul's Lnthern Church Sunl dayjnorning the services also' partook of a memorial nature and .the pastor J Bev :Dr.'A? G. -Volgt,"5! preached a splendid sermon - appropriate to the . great bereavement of the country His text was the . 97th Psalm, second verse : "Clouds and-, darkness are round about him r righteousness ' and judgment are the habitation bf his .throne.'!, tc,..' u-. r.Hr-- Vi-it'iwt I Dr. Voigt spoke most entertainingly and profitably to a large coBgregationJ The text, he said,' was a word ' from! God to the Nation in mourning. --.He recited the circumstances I of former assassinations, and said ' that ' we are now in no such crises as in those days The! taking oM of one: man! cannot subvert this government. . Yet it is well to remember the truth that God reigns a truth often" forgotten 'until some extraordinary or shocking event, like the assassination . of our beloved President brings it to - our ' minds afresh;! .';::".;:r y. The speaker, paid a beautiful tribute to the President and continuing saidi 'It is not only ' his death that we mourn, but particularly the manner of his death; The death of a President fills the country with mourning. '.The death' of a -good and wise President produces deeper grief.? The death 6f a President by assassination awakens sorrow mingled with deitostatfon. 'Bn the death of a good and wise Presi- dent inflicted by an anarchist fills ui with sorrow, commingled with .orrpj and execration, yea, fear, y For what are we coming to if the "red hand of the anarchist can be lifted against the; head of this government of the people by the people, for the people P , , Dr. Vpigt closedcwi ; a'beautifuj expression of sympathy io, those desi by ties of blood . to the lateresiaeni,' asking God's comfort from outoi m cloud of darknes to them. fit-. AT THfi OPERA HOUSE T0-NIOflTr " iW If ;i! I . :T - .' - . ..'.,, , ' The Cllvette Compsny Will Entertsfs With C Fests o! Msilc nder SpeciaWei j ? The "Great Olivette, supported by his famous company of European en -tertainers, will hold the boards of thi Opera House to nighty for one njghf only. The "Great CUvette" is said-td be ' vrtthburdoubt the leading rnagU clan'of the world,' having appeared W every country under the sun at the head of 'his own company," and this will e Ms' first visit to this city. ;This isfbt a so-called one man" show as has been the custom of all other magi clans who have appeared here, ' but a fully equipped company of the wbrld'i leadinr msgieal starsfacludin .'.I'Oiif. ttei the Kihg .of. Msgicians.". Tb4 scenery ajadf1?araphernalla nied ny- this company; are said to ee vwortn $30000, and the' costumes of eac and every member of the aggregation , are ror-'eous. . ; Seats are on s&Ia at G? CHURCHES JOHN ; DAVIS BURKHEIMER. '" .... ' " . . Wei! Known Yennr Msa; Passed Awsy Yt st erday Mor slog After Extended ii r!t. Hlness-The Funersl i'p.day. - Many friends and acquaintances id Wilmington! and j elsewhere will heat with profound sorrow of the death of llrTJohh Davis . Burkheimerf which occurred: yestay,':,inbriiing at; the family home, No.', 208 North Fourth' street, t 5:50 o'clock, -r Mr.' Burkheimer had been ' ill for seven weeks with 'typhoid fever ; but it was' thought until a short while her fore his death that' he! ! would recover from , the dread . disease. , Peritonitis, however, followed the attack of fever presumably at the result of a fait fron) a bicycle- on the' shell rbsd a little more than a year ago find . weakene4 from the continued! fever he soon pass ed away. He was conscious almost up k the hour : of -death ' and conversed feelingly with members of the family Mr. Burkheimer was born in Wit mington, March I4th 1872, ' and was therefore in his thirtieth year. His father was the late Washington Burk heimer,longi nee gone. His aged motb er, Mrs. S. V. Burkheimer, with thre4 brothers three sisters," a sorrowing wife a nd two little daughters survive him.; The: sisters and : brothers are Misses Hattie and Maggie Burkheimer; Mrs. Anson Alligobd, Messrs. H. D.; K. B. and W. II; Burkheimer; The wife was Miss Mary Wood,' . daughter of Mr. B. B. Wood, bf . Brunswick, Ga, and the little daughters aged two and one years, respectively, are named Miriam Ward and Virginia. ;: j Deceased was well known in Wil mington for his jovial and amiable disposition, a . high ., sense . of honor and many sterling traits of character! For years he was employed in the dry goods business with Messrs! Morris Bear Brothers, and lately he had been a valued employe of the ' Bheinsteio Dry Goods Company. He served for a period of six or seven . years in the old Wilmington Steam Fire Engine Company and was universally liked. All members of the family were with him when he died, except Mr. H. D. Burkheimer, a brother, who arrived with his wife and children from New-f bern at 12:15 o'clock. - ' 'The funeral will be conducted this morning at 10 o'clock from his late residence and the intermentwill be in Oakdale cemetery. THE PRESIDENT'S FUNERAL Oovernor Aycock Extends lavitatlos to 500 North Csrolinlsns to be Present. Msoy From Wllmlsrtoo. : f "I request yon to attend the funeral of President McKinley at Washing ton Wednesday noon, representing North Carolina." - V j . That is the text of a telegram re; ceived Sunday night from Governor Aycock by a number of prominent citi zens of Wilmington, among ..whom are CoL Walker Taylor, Maj. W. F Robertson and Col. Geo. L. Morton, of the Governor's staff; CoL A. M. Waddell, Col. .Waweu G. Elliott, exr Governor D. L. Bussell, Maj. W. H. Bernard, Dr. T. B. Kingsbury, ex Mayor 3. H. Fishblate and Mr. J. W, Norwood " '; . .Yesterday another telegram was ref ceived from the Governor stating the change in the funeral .arrangements and asking the gentlemen' to be pres ent In Washington on Tuesday morn ing. Ool. Taylor and Major Eobertj son left last nlghi, , going direct to Washington. Mr. W. F. Swaringenj editor of the Whiteville News, was also in the city yesterday en route to attend the funeral in response to Gov ernor Aycock's message. Governor Aycock has extended the Invitation - above to ! five hundred Nrth Carolinians in various parts of the State and indications are that the old .North State will be well represent ed at the I uneraL . ? n ,. x- ?ut v m mam .t CONCERT THURSDAY POSTPONED. 1 iii.v" )r. ;,-.it . . , . - . . I - i ...i.vi-1 f Event Is vTlM. C. A. WH1 Not Tske Placf ' 'Z Until a Dste to be Named Latere The concert advertised for : Thurs day evening in the jT.M.iC. A auditorium, . by. Mr. J. Keener West brook supported by a select vaudeville company, has been' postponed to- a date to be announced later on account of the memorial exercises In honor of Che late FdehlJMcKihley:0"::. . s ,V,.Tiib!'proceedf ..will :.be divided with the Y. M O. A. t junior department and an evening of rare entertainment fsomised.-;'' v VZ'Vi Cottoa Dropped a Vfr.vM'y j f The. local cotton market in sympa thy, with New, YprkJ spot , quotations yesterday declined! in price to 8 . cents for middling:'! Last year at this timb the quotations here. were on a basis bf .per-jKundc-nigQec : inan. now.3i..A ne re? oeipts yesterday were &63 bales, against 4,"49 bales on a corresponding day last News of the Excursions. .' . - . i 4t$Brps;rou Urjteexcursio yesterday 'froiici '.DnnJav'jCtitTOinlei atfa&;f .iasifbffi;-W brought dowu by ;Hateh Bros. tpdat "from Gbidsbbro and still another will reach theVcity i over the' W. C & A. railroad fronvlfcdlirS" O. r j Th"e Atlantic Castifae; bf r placed rpnad UiF-cketOn sale to V?ashing; k nn .finnrrf ebseauiesof the 'late President IleKinleyi thej r at . of c- f fcr lie rout i ; trip. -Tickets t .11 :nt;rl6-l?.a;fii:3lCiiitflve Thuryet Apart in fen lio Hptemoy of thef BUSINESS HOUSES TO O.0S&" MlB&iers Will Meet To-dsy st Y. M. C. A f d Formslife Prbfr smme"bf tlbserv- ; ance Af reenjentby Wbolessle merclisols Osf the Whsrf. Pursuant to the proclamation lately issued by President Roosevelt, Thurs day in Wilmington will be, observed as a day of mourning and : pray efT out of respect to the memory of : ' the 4 late lamented President. Wm.' McKlhleyi whose tragic death' ha ajready !smit ten the nation with bitter gmf.; 1 - In order that the observance mayb in ? order - and conducted V wUh" the proper spirit and reverence, the StIb is requested to say. that, the" ministers of all the churches " are earnestly '.rel- quested to meet in the parlor of : the Y Mi O. A. this morning at 10 o'clock to arrange for a service bf humiliation and prayer oh that day' at! some .bent tral point where as many citizens as possible may gather to pay oat of full hearts their homage of love and rev? erence to the chief - magistrate 'The public will be duly apprised bf the programme and the people" of Wilr mington generally are invited to enter Into the spirit of the hour. 1 ! A, movement .has already ' been .set on foot for a closing of the .business houses, of the city for a part of the day at least, and the- meidorlal meeting bids fair to be one of the largest in re- centyears.'-' -..tiTs'.- i. On the wharf' where ' much ,of the wholesale business of the city is donej there will , be a practical cessation of all duties for the entire day; and. the bp-town distribts' '"will also ba in the line of observance as' far! as' possible; Yesterday the following agreement as to the closing 'was circulated on the wharf and aigned 1 by those . whose names are affixed: '. ' !; WnjoKaTOK, N. CV Sept. 16. ; We, the undersigned, agree to close our places of business on . Thursday, Sept. 19th, in accordance with terms . . .1 , . -: . oi uie : proclamation . issuea o? tne President of the United States:" ' D. L. Gore Comnanv. D ' McEach- ern, Jos. H. Watters, Hall & Pearsall, Swift & Co., Armour PackingCo., McNair & Pearsall, Vollers & Hash agen. The Worth Co, S. P.' McNair, C. C; Covington & Co., Calder Bros.," Corbett & Co., R. . N. Sweet. Pater son. Downing & Co., Jas. T. Riley & Co., I Williams Bros., E. Peschau & Co., Willard Bag and Manufacturing Company, B. W. 1 Hicks, Peter Mc Queen, Jr., J. A. Springer dc Car B. B'. Keith Company, J. A. Taylor, Wilmington Brokerage. Company, J. C. Stevenson Co., James I. MettsA. U. mocomb Cooperage ' Company. Boney & Harper Milling - Company; O. F. Jlitchelt tk., J.- B. Mclfiachern Company, The John R. Turrentine Company. The Coal, Cement and Sup ply Company,' John H. ' Brown, Bob lnson & King, Stone, Rourk & OoM Brooks & Taylor, W. A. Whitehead 5? Son, Adrian & Co'. Creasy Bros. ! Similar petitions, will be most, likely circulated to Jay in other sections of the city, and the closing of stores and offices to attend, the services wiU . be generaL, -r. ; ... T;i- i ' I - r i lit' -UTi ALV1N JOSLIN" COMPANY Old-Tlme Comedy Es joyed by Fair Sized Audience Last NifbL The theatrical season of 1901-02 was inaugurated "at the. Opera House last evening . with' a very clever pres entation of the old-time but ever pop4 ular rural comedy, ' "Alvin J osfinT as played by a company . headed by l-Messrs. Say lor & Miller r The com-; pany as a whole Is composed of capaf ble artists who furnished each of the one hundred and eighty laughs in as many minutes, as advertised. - I The attendance was not large as a consequence' of the; uncertainty of the appearance of the company, but it .was much larger than expected and those present seemed to enjoy every feature of the performance. - r: "- j The clog dancing as a specialty was good and . has; been scarcely ! excelled on T the ! stage' here.; 1 The . company leaves to-day for Florence. ; i Parker,, the Furniture Man. Mr. N. F. Parker, the furniture man j is filling a' very 'large' Order tor The Orton, which is now being thoroughly renbvated and refurnished. ' Mr. Parf Wi received the contract over com petitors from all : parts of ithe conn tryH and that he is filling' it with sueh emif nent satisfaction is a decided' cbmpli ment to his ' ability as a house f ur j nisher. iThe room furnlsblngs are in golden oak and mahogany of Ithe .best grade and most high Jy poiisned. . Tne Chairs, rockers and tablesare-tomatchi The ladies' drawing room and pari lors are furnished with mahogany and the lobby mth' settees bphblstered jn best grade leather, ;.with -centre .piece handsome in design.-- Davenport and easy chairs are also furnished ' for the lobby.'; The reception - room' is with mahogany .'. and leather,; while ' thb reading j room hs;,; furnishings pf polished oak tables 'and arm chairs, The Orton Will soon be the most ele gantly furnished hostelry In'the State Wilmioptoa Elk's flpnor. :hkt Jtk Exalteci BlertHrXken) has received- from- Grand iBecretary Gea A Beynolds, "Saginaw, Mich.i hls cienUals as 'District Deputy ; of the order of Elks in North and . South Carolina It was previously stated that Mr.' Gerken would be. District Deputy of Norjth VCarolinai buUthf credentials give him stul cere terrl tsryetTraEt-:-!-;- ' ' T ; DOTS'. neaodgajof Eawasnstif !tafedrfsstfhiht3t?Cdlum The Spirtlinbarg and Charlotte? Elks As a mark of respect tq thf ia)ra.ana xtjocsss street entrances to Wo CdyiTHopiiree draped in mourninir vesterdav. ' tH r. uf " - r.. a l;he advertlBmeieoiumns Sheriff PrantH. . Stedman elves no4 tice of the time and several places in iEeirratnmemrSfteWfor the collection of taxes.-: !;-. r.'jcjcr fin !r'rrr-;t;T . bukkhkimkb At ols nemo in this city, n tills city. No; 80S Bonth Fourth street, yesterday mornlnr at S.S9 O'clock, JOHN. DAV19 BUBKBEIMEB, IB uia aukujrcHkr oi ino . ..... . . Funeral tita (Caesdyi morning irom tne lat reeiaencB at 10 o'clock. Jutermem ln Oakfial cemetery. Friends and acquaintances ' lnVited to atteno. '( aft NEW' ADVERTISEMENTS., : UA8QKXO TEMPIiE JBep. ' 17tO, 1901. Wilminiton Loige No. 319, A: 1V& A; M T3 ECrtTLAB ' MONTHLY ' COMMUNIC ATIOlfr JX this t (Toesday evening at S o'clock., iM , .1 VlslOna brethren welcome. . ..5 itii .-iii -n : THOS.i BAOIKYJ t sep 17 It . , , ; etecretary. I' PARTNER WANTED. ' ; To obtain Patent for a valuable Invention la aiming spirits turpentine by steain heat. '' N brickwork; no danger fire; finer sradee oi rosin; better retnrna. ' " , i : . i . JJUJ. tr. UATC, Bit., I sap 17 n -.- ' v ? .,, ..j. Boaz,aa.f State and County Taxes. ! fbr ttseyear'lMf'aihbw'nw and enoniofbl aid promptly in . order to avoid the costs im posed by the law on delinquents. The sheriff will be at Haeonboro HalL nasonboro township; WrfflbtBTltae, Friday, October- 4tb; Seven Kile Post, Harnett townsnlp. Township House, Bat nrday, October 5tb; Biddle'a rfitore, - Federal Pnlnr rvmahln llnnfao ritthav ' Vr.h Castle Bayne, Blossom's Store, Tuesday. October 8th, FRANK H. STEDMAN. September lTtb, 1901. -Bhexlir, sep 17 is . FOR RENT, Or will lease for a termor years ilii l the Doable Btore on Water street! occupied several years by the Wll lardBas Manufactory. D. O'CONNOR. ' - Beat Estate Agent, Between unesnae ana iuioerry, ang 14 YOUR BOY Is a (treat Dosslbllltv. canabla of vleldlcar rich returns for your sacrifice for h'a Educa. tion. Place htm where he will be faithfully loogea arcer, tnorougniy tramea ror uouege oi business ana develoiied In moral, manlv -nrfncli plea. The Howell Military Academy offers just euch an. opportunity for the- education of your boy. Opens September 12th, - . ,. i f AMV1UEW J. llUWlilj,l&i - i an 81 Sm , Principal. I : 1 FOR RENT, ! , i . Dwellings,. Stores, Offices, &c. ' Llii 'an 22 tf ' V D- O'COKNOBi! BECAUSE! I am not ffoing to establish a branch store: )t going to establish a 1 lne to change busiuess. BECAUSE nor am I going to change busluees. ,-.,,, , '. The DeoDle "are satisfied with' irir Goods and prices and I am satieflsd .with , my sales and IT. P. PABKER, , Furniture abu Furniture Novelties : ; v,t m .Market street. ; Inter-State 421. ; .,i ..S- ,llt."w)i Bell 'Phone 613 ep i? tr i. WILMINGTON SEACOAST R. R On and after- Hondav.' Beniember 9th. 1901; the schedule will be as foUows until further nonce: . .. . . ... ... ., s .. . DAILY EXCEPT 8IJNDAY. . Leave wnmlngton. "' Leave ocean Views '"- '6 SO A: M. ' 7 45 A. Wuu; ' f : 2 30 P.M. " 5 00 P.M. . SUNDAY TRAIN. : r,. iti-vjs f Leave Wilmington. Leave Ocean View, 8 80 P. M. S 00 P. M. There will be the usual late, train Friday night, Beptembsr 8th, on accounts of yacht races and club dance- ' The Saturday night late train nas oeen annuuea. ' Jri ; Freight will be carried on 10.10 A. M. and 8.3! P. M. trains. -4.!. f .M-'".ti,,i - ,,, i ... B. O. UBAHT,,, II' . L'-'l t'i I IL'J! I 1' "M ' j I 1'. !', Ill I ''ll j A l-ftfi- !'..-11 S I MTOis.:Bet;!c ; ; i V t . . ..i ,w; T. .-. Martini r Gilt Edge Butter Bagging and Ties. A QXHIBAL Ll3Oy OAS! GOODS ' dkmaSd 'at 'this iiso. agentCM;:r ii i Hi I I i -isep9f"if! nHifm'M t$T Jl h lt ir' hit 1 1 "1. j-1 "j 0 -.i:t--; ic satt joiil nandinij(VPfd4 to arrive! rulola Sardines SalmonBCfl kes t-s- if.: ;vlitioOcmcht! .-.r--f WW gEASOHABLB GOODS PBMSnLX Bagging importea TOHOIiE NO. 10,631 NEW ADVEETISEMENTS. Tnt RtAl; ESTATt AGENT. I Wants f Your Businessi ; -.. -it: .. -l ... .... . I We can handle it to your entire If.: ! : satisfaction and save, you . time! , ; pall us, upBeU .'Phone 343, . Bed Cross, between Second and Third. ront, hetw'n Walnut and Bed Cross, Corner. Second apd Ann streeta. !(, Corner Second and Or sin are atreeta. '' f Fifth,; between Ann and Nun streets; The Beat Estate Agent and Notary Public. sep 17 1 , of All Kinds. ri':"v.'1-'. it-! f! 5- asrti ' ' Peacbe Pearis, Plumsi 6 rapes. Bananas, Apr j Call and see me for the BEST FRUIT ; to be had in the city. !.u ! J. W. PLUUMER, Jr v; aw Prtabess Street. Bell 'Phone 680. sep 6 tf ' Interstate laa FrebhPacikbd Vfi ii att. 1 i. ' -.1 "iji - ti:u ;T.jq fix .:; Bagging Ties, Salt and a full line of . ; ; ,' f- Groceries and Provisions. HALL & PEARSALL, (INCOBPOBATEDJ . . Nutt and Mulberry Sts. sep 5 tf FISH, FISH. s s 1 25 BARRELS Hei Catch rMetsi 5 Also quantities of all other goods m my ime. ; H ' .;: - sff ll- ,(: D. L. GORE CO., WHOLXSiiS QKOCIBS, 'lao, 122 and 124 North Water street;; sepstf " " Wilmington, N.iJ, Oil Soap WtUI si '-.V Si v For - Destroying nsects IhiestiriTreesJ; Tihes iihdj P)injts( itt(Aiflalrtftt. l:iili t sepSff Vi "ittBobih Wohtiieet iT.U .f ORS WEEK OBTIiY. .1-.--! f-J K.i L-i 5J Vl'i f i'TiHV (' Three pounds parched or grpund..,,. best quality Caracas Jjacruyra OonTeetf.. . . . .. . a. . .57cts Five nounds American standard .j granulated sugar. , .lt....,... .so cis Quantity to one person Jimtted .-n Tnis is our reguiar zoc uoiiee,: ; a- SStwJftl' SjMMRIif???!f iikA At The Unlucky Corner - BotbFhQaes.l0ft(-ieUn y-.aeplltf 4,1 nnrf Street ' " ,!1,I"l"n!i'l wfth a full and complete nm of iTresh grocerie t A FIOUP.' SUaari COffeei Meal iuui t yuyw f ww.. ww, 1 f IXnfaSSBS " 4 -w:-!f.? ii 1 and a full line of case goods. New catch- MtUr jnresn uneese ana ounerarriYuiK oyojtj www Prices guaranteed. .Txtmenirfair,, , f, ' - - B wmleB8ieGrooer!aia commission JKercluHifi sepstf No. 108 North Water St. f -.MOTEAJf rfJJit:. ftp 1 jnst arrrvea ear ioaa Horses; seversj win weUth from 1.400 to 1.SC0 lbs., and lots of all olasses of Stock on-hand also." We carrv the oitTv1 and at1 the lowest; prices. . Bajlanee1 of nisrimst stock ir , Bnirsnes and.Haneas in tne this month wflleU. Buggies at cost to make room 101 cwnnu uuo DOVbBiaoor una.- -rw b&w hVilmicatoiiflive Stcck Co. Hl noTSlrsWcaO W " i -i.-- 1 T-T. . - t. September V. 3 1 Two Kontaa, v; : ? 1.00 J . - X vjm 4SjOirt jtJBTntfc 21 ; o ' o o o bee o o o o o o o ; ' NEWiAjpyEB i '".ii 5 hi? :WBAT 3W intts . ii nt -5 i (j 1 It to fur nl GHOST' rtTRNlTURE f;-v , , , tnre , that" has no bod.' Looks very' flne,T but has no ' strength at all all vamiah ana glare , Do not buy it, even If the price is away down. - , . 5 . , What Is Good rraaitnref A question easily answered. ' Our Furniture V ' There is an expoeltion of Dlnrntf Boom, Parlor ' and Bedroom Furniture here that needs few -words of praise trocd as. Quality 1 stamped all over each article. . , . - And that quality isnt high priced, tw'-fltv -, ?U? .- .rtni-mot-lt ioiitt;noBS strsLV. Ben 'Phono 118,.,, - -Vw-.. -.seplW u - I .sA.t 'I--3 i(t ;;V ! 1 : 1 Cohsighment just'to Tiand.r .7 t "MULLETS, , Caught on beach ir Original Barrels. ... -' 1 , MULLETS, ' ,:' Not reryacked but full barrels. From -the celebrated Nixon fisheTieSi-j.iii-nii (i'.-h:'-": TlffTTT.T."l?.rTa ! J1LU linn JL i . Send us vour orders , and rcet . :. in . . ) ... . . . & IV .1- i ....! ,-.- .. Agents for Nixon Fisheries. v ' rfviOSi SiJil ll!t(V) We have Flour, Sugar, Tea, Gakes,.wUi'':i1rr ' ' Crackers:' Oaiidis; ... . ... ."Tilt... . . .. .:. Soap, SnuiT, Soda, i; ttut.& if Jit r'i.i.miliA'" j , , . , MeaO,. , Hemiax. . Molase ' : Stalls Tobavcco, Ssaoklnsr and vnewuasf . ..J.-fr ,iifi-;j . ! u.- -til,!.! - and a full line pf Canned Goods.,; All ,, of .which me ofjer to thc trad at ,iS, living prices.,, . .,4 . -(ivfM , VWIIIIUIIIU 'Uje es tf- , -.vim jOMB, MIGHT OHLY, TUESDAY, e";Gr0at:;!C -i4OLIVETTE,-r. Tne - Sing: of Maglckns, and nW -Company- of .n'i w,,iiaOBfaa:ij , , jPri fiOc, 7e and, Sl.OO. t : , sepMSt, . . t r Red -Inst: Proof.,. Oats. i,60 4saeWi P. at (nr4ta; M .4?" STS "i'i b 1m 1, . r HO rmaMiidli:E,y Mi!W4 , . , ;103 Cases 5e Ly, sa.eo per eas . ftia Rnihlll nixed Oats. . 218 Io ozeaiPotte d Han BMf. 204' loaen Corn :! 19' V, homb saunvn. . i , ; . 81 44: Bnrteaayaeannta hi-.',.- u isnsneia-n. v. rwnuMf Wholesaler ' drieer h sep tf :wvm vWiuauuttoasi.A - .r - . - - . .1 t- ' .- .ii BTATB OF NORTH OABI Leila Bwanni I JomiL Bwannl, V- ' .. i ..... :. - Thin 1a a.n jurtiori for divorce brAUffht bv the -.1 15 MTTTTT7FT0 1UUJJUJU1U Hashagen I abandonment, and It appearing to tha court ., I tnat the defendant-is a non-reeident and can not . . V l after due diligence be found In the State, and plaintiff against the defendant for cruelty and that a cause of action eztete In- plalntttl's favor &am.lnofe dcttendant. NOW this &iit Aaftrnia.n wm and: aTmeaa at mans, it t 1 irwrkti to notify the- ;. term of the Superior Court of the county of New? tne nexc Hanover to be neld on the 7th- day- of October. n aniiwur mi ijsj uqiui via mw u ussj w vuwuoii 1901, and answer or demur to the complalntof ntea tb-bsiu obbb ur ptautuu wui; -.Aanist Stb, tm, X'iT, JOHK TATLOI M-Msra new irooont , auaow 1V''''ttMV ' ! t;; " : tbe Climax. liaVen'iha trodncuonorronr new "cmnar onairs ana btbet faiAutareWeernepDn are! sUUed m thabnslhen and our raaorsand other nrtomtngslf aw, asthej have always beenot t w -r:sf iTrt .-irt- frcr,'" .rr-v-.-:w 4eett CaDDed 7 BontS Front Si.-- ill Ii I iMIIM i-.i-' ., -' i. i j r,- -tit 1M 5 i f sen tf -K J ? '- fliw . trw tt ,nfnf.'.,. $haV IeirableMcm Mcond OetorP Hob ito Martwt sitreeti, at present; oocnp r -.V SI; : .'' i - v-