.tioBL-rrerTh..Th.t Ot Any - 0 pjper Pb8hcd la Wilioiaeion. X ouw . STATE. Z I OUTLINES. - ins have caused serious in and Texas. Kfty tin tnd children were injured at Pen . Washington in the rush Krai's of the dead Presi r n-AS7. the assassin of dentMcKinley, was arraigned In Buffalo, N.Y., but he refused Lid or even i - - - bT tried in the Supreme Court Monday. Six miner, were L and three others were injured 1 explosion in a coal mine ia i0 A hurricane wu re 2 s approaching Pensacola last ThB remains of President tinier left Washington last night rention of Nebraska met yesterday ; Populist State conTnuu .j Presiaeni rtooseveii Uned his first cabinet meeting yes- rteady at z3 P"r v.:. t 2i ner cent; cotton . mi1Hlin? uplands 8c; flour L 'active and stronger; wheat itronk, No. 2 red 77fc; corn firm. No. 3 66ic; oats spot firm, 1 ? A. 38fc; rosin steaay; spiriw ar- Kne steady. WEATHER REPORT U. S. DEP'T OF AGRIOUIjTUBE, i WILW3IQT05, N. 0., Sept. 17. mperatures: 8 A. M., 80 degrees; 3L, 7 degrees; maximum, oo ae i: minimum, 73 degrees; mean. Gfall for the day, .26; rainfall 1st of the month to date, 1.01 Uof water in the Cape Fear river lyetteville at 8 A. M., 7.8 feet WEATHER CONDITIONS. - litheast storm signals were dis- W at 10:20 A. M. at Jacksonville, iniah, Charleston, Wilmington, head and Washington. The trop- storm center was. expected to I the Gulf coast in the evening, move northeast with increased ity. Hurricane warning was or- it Mobile and Cedar Keys Lvy showers in the cotton belt. bill at Charlotte, 2.18; Cheraw, Greenville, S. C, 2.20; Spartan- 51 conditions prgm AheJWest ; reported in Kansas, Nebraska bath Dakota. 0RE0AST FOB TO-DAY. ksmsGTOs, SepL 17. For North ias: Cooler Wednesday, shift- winds becominsr northeasterly, Uly high; Thursday generally irt Almanac September 18. pises .5.44 Artl. 6.04 P.M. 12H.20M. 10.57P. M. 1.27 A. M Bete Length water at South port water Wilmington . ia Maude Eoosevelt, the actress, knn of President Roosevelt. p said that Mr. McKinley car- 3,000 life insurance for the it of Mrs. McKinley. V trade in South Africa has I thai trebled in the past five ' we are not exDloitin? the p that section either. Icitizen of Kentucky has recent U t ii. ii -. me ai IP? en aim nf j 1 2V n He doesn't seem tn hftVA I5" ny hurry to leave Ken- 1a in London they are bragging ; m old locomotive that has pnumg for about thirty years covered over 4.000.000 In this countrv that old ? onld have hppn A-nmrA Pile long ago. t the longest diatanrA fAlp. la this country ia in Spring- "UIO. A Un.JI.. 1 there declares sho ia I1! receiving messages from the U. ;,' Dy telephone. She never 5 S Phne exchane of of le?bership of the aa a.. E3n. t uaa ia"en irom k;uori9oiossof a . In ten .on,. it it 1 128,0OO mpmU. r,. L 6 iur the pensions all the It. r a wager by ton -font K. t um-pndding t, oftheT Thames. He tin can. Tvn j r dropped that heat rb generatea the business vi - auu si also o for the ffll. iitcouldn' be done. mnBt the editnr fA 'Pathizing with e in tti.r,4i: ration nGObllUg Of Cznl that Congress l- NOW nriifAii 10 Smi dth. urst Smith man VdL. LXVra.NO. 152 PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Dr J. Harry Honnet has gone to New York. Mr. " W, H Daniel of Nichols, S. tj., was here yesterday. . - - ; Mr. J. P. Taylor, of Magno lia, N. 0. was here yesterday. Misa Mildred Davis: left yes terday for Greensboro to enter college. ; . Miss Minnie -We8cott left yes terday to enter Littleton Female Col lege. ' - '.. Dr. E. A. Hawes left yesterday afternoon to spend a vacation at Lin oolnton, N. CL v ; ' h Miss May Belle SSneed left yes terday, returning to the Baptist Female University.- i-"'; w' j.! :'y--:. r . Mr. and Mrs. J. H, Behder re turned yesterday from a very pleas ant trip North.- ---irr r; Messrs W. H. Smith and E. B. Dewey, of (Joldsboro, were Or ton' guests yesterday -' .. ' ; Mr John Hall - left yesterday to resume, his studies in the Boston School of Technology:; ;v ' Mrs, Thompson," of Baltimore1 who has been visiting her father. Mr; - E. P. Covington, returned home yes terday. ' .. Misses Gertrude Bryan and Ida Hankina left yesterday ) to resume their studies at the State -Normal Col lege, Greensboro. Mr. T. H. Thompson' and fam ily returned yesterdvy from, a delight ful sojourn of several weeks at Lenoir and Blowing Bock. h - Mrs. Bosa Grant returned yes- terdayfrom a very, pleasant visit to Atlanta, where she was the guest of Mrs. J. O. Castleberry. f . Mrs. J. Harper Erwin, of Dnr- ham, who : has been spending some time at Mr. E. C. Holt cottage, Wrightsville Beach, returned - home yesterday.'-' - Mrs. H. Behder returned yes terday from Virginia, where - she has been recuperating her hfalth. Friends were glad to see her. looking ' so well upon her arrival. ' Samuel Davis, Jr.," the little son of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Davis, rested very comfortably yesterday.! Numer ous friends of the parents and the lit tle son hope for an early recovery. ; Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Council, Jr.. Miss Blanche Smith, of Wanna- nish; Mrs. K. B. Council and Mr. J no. B. McFayden, of Council's, have gone to attend the Pan American Expo sition. '' ' . i , r Mr J. H. Newbury, ' of Mag 4 nolia, was registered at The Orton yesterday. Mr. Newbury was one of the number invited by Governor Ay- eock tn attend the President's funeral service at Washington yesterday. Mr. Julian Sontherland re turned yesterday from Washington, where he attended the recent marriage of his brother, Mr. Lonnie Southern- land, who, with his bride, is now on an extended tour through the West. : THE ROME BREWINQ COMPANY. Mais aad All Branch Offices Close Thsrs- dsy for President's Fssersl. A sympathetic and ; exceedingly appropriate act on Hhe. part of - the Home Brewing Company, Bichmond, Va., is embraced in the following letter, received yesterday by the man-, aer of the Wilmington branch: Home Brewing Company, Wilming ton, a - - ; tt,. m.mnv nf the late President of the United States this brewery and its branch offices will be eiosea irom in a iff. Thnndav. 8eoL 19th.lto Fri day morning, Sept. 20thj 1901rj ' Yours very troiy, i - Hoxa BsEwnra Co. "snnnnnnnnBBBsni" Two Excnrsions Yesterday. i NmtIt a thousand excursionists rMehftd the citv vesterdav on special trains from Mullins, a a and Golds- boro, N. C The Mullins excursion was run by Messrs. A. B. Nichols, H. W. McGehee. J. S. Oliver and J. W.Con- Lierly. It left at 7:30 last evening. Hatch Brothers, the successful excur sion managers, brought down the Golds bo ro excursion which ; also left last nitfht. These will probably be the last excursions of the season and our "out-of-town f fiends" ; will not be with u airain until the great i Elk's Fair and Carnival, Oct 14th-19fh, in clusive. - ' - - - d-anssnsMksjBswBBssssajjBBMBHMM - - Presented Handsome Umkrella. , : ; Am a token of the esteem in which ha u held bv the Board of Directors, Mr. W7 W. Turner, the retiring secre tary of the Y. M. O. A., of this city. wu nresented with a very nanasome silk umbrella just as be took his der parture for Colorado Monday nignt. The presentation was made in behalf of the Board by&r.ino. Frank. U Mrs. Bell Beresved, - .. ' ' ' Dr. and Mrs. O. D. Bell left last : OrAAn-rille. N.'-C. in re- usui i " ' . ' sponse to a telegram conveying to Mrst : Bell the sad news or we aeain w uw brother. Mills B. Eure, Esq., a promi nent young attorney of Greenville. and a son of Judge Allies u. jbure, ui Norfolk. Thejaneral. will be held a Greenville to day. -: - ':; '; v-;' ' V mmm . ;.. .- NEW ADVEBTISEMENT8 ; Banks No business Thursday. V D. LT Gore Oo.Seed rye and wheat Home Brewing Co. Close Thursday Geo. O. Gay lord Great success. - The People's Savings Bank Octo-, ber 1st ' .a v i ; , -, vA BCSIOTSa LOCALS. ' ; - Mrs. G. J. llciailan Uuslstrschcr. ; PAVING CONTRACT. Controversy Sprung Up Over the Award for the Princess Street Work. - AUDIT AND FINANCE BOARD. Competitive Bidders Appeared at Meeting reaieroay Aiternoon nnd Claimed They Did fjot Have Opportunity. , v Action Postponed. It looks now as if there, may be hitch in the Aldermanic proceedings of a few nights ago in awarding the contract for the Princess street paying. The first serious intimation of an in terruption came at the semi monthly meeting; of the Board of .Audit, and Finance yesterday afternoon, at which Chairman H. C. McQueen ; presided and Messrs.Jesse Wilder and B. P. McNair were present - The action of the Aldermen in con curring In the award of the contract bylhe Streets and Wharves Committee to the Coal, Cemenfand Supply Com pany at $3.05 per square yard, war re ported and Messrs J. T. Riley and Roger Moore, competitive biddem were present to resist the necessary ap proval of the bid by the Audit and Finance Board.. Mayor Waddell was present,-as chairman of the Streets and Wharves Committee, and Mr. S. P. Adams, : manager of the Coal, Cement and Supply Company, 'with Qis counsel. Judge iC K. Kryan, was also present Routine business, was first taken up and after the transaction of various and sundry' - items, ; including an ap proval of the extra appropriation of $350 for repairs to the roofs of the Front street market house and City Hall, -the street paving controversy came on. Mayor Waddell - stated the circumstances of the award and Chair man McQueen asked if there was more than one bid; that more than one bid appeared to be necessary. Mr. Roger Moore, of the firm of Roger Moore's Sons & Co., read a letter from the then acting chairman of the committee, Alderman E. F. Johnson, asking bids for brick. , Mr. Adams, of the Coal, ' Cement &8upplyCo., stated that there were two other bids from a Tennessee and Virginia Company. Judge E. K. Bryan, counsel for Mr. Adams, said that Mr. Moore had as much notice as Mr. Adams or any one else; that the notice Mr. Moore received was suffi cient He did not think it just after 1S0. Adams' bid was in to call for new ones gain for .thn aamaworh v Mr. J. T. Riley, of the firm of J. T: Riley & Co., explained that he had received a letter from Mr. Johnson of like tenor as that received by Mr. Moore and he thought neither of them had the legal notice. Mayor Waddell stated that Alder man Johnson had not turned oyer to the Board of Aldermen the bids of Messrs. Moore and Riley. Mr. Adams stated that he did not know of the- work until about . two hours before, as Mr. Johnson had informed him that if his bid was not in by a certain hour the contract would be awarded to the Tennessee firm. The matter was discussed pro and con in a desultory manner for some time ; and the Board . of Audit and Finance at length decided to postpone action , on the matter, until a special meeting, which will be held Friday afternoon at S o'clock. Alderman Maunder was also present at the meeting to urge concurrence in the - Aldermen's appropriation of $4,600 for the new iron bridge on Fifth street over the railroad, but the meeting was so entirely taken uyVith other matters that Mr. Maunder had to wait until a subsequent meeting. ' . Y. M. C. A. JUNIOR DEPARTMENT. ' Membership Contest Organized Last Night - oy seiecuoa oi woBBpcunz. The junior membership contest at theY. M. O. A. was organized last night under most favorable auspices and from now until 6 o'clock on the evening of October 14th, the fight for new recruits will be fast and furious. The plan of the contest is the same as that of the 'reds" and the veIlows"of the senior department about a year ago and when the con test is closed -the defeated team' will serve at a banquet at which; members of the successful team . will be the guests of honor. ": ' 7 The teams organized last night un der the banners of 'white'' and pink" and were chosen as follows : "Whites" Gilbert Ford, General; Louis Moore, Captain; E. T. Hancock, Lieutenant; DeWitt Schonwald, Mer rill Blair, Tom Wood,: August Chris toff ersen, 7 Frank - Keith, : Lawrence VonGJahn, Leland Whitney, Eugene LeGrande, Willie VonGlahn, James Willson. :r ' 7 . -rrl '"PinksWalter Mclntire, General ; Wm. Hall, Captain; Marsden Smith, Lieutenant: Rosrer Sehuiken, usDorn Ford, Will Miller, James Wade, Joe Wilkinson, Geo. ; Dent Bryan ewt kirf Joe Sebreli, Canova Peterson," Oscar Pearsali; ft-.V7'-,; Postoff Ice Honrs To-morrows pc;- 'A. On account of the funeral of "the late President at Canton to morrow. the following hours will be observed at the Wilmington posiomce: vAmeni i ..v nnlv the earlv morning de- liveryf and collection.. The general delivery and stamp windows win do open from 9 to 10 A. M. and from 9 to 7 P. li. The registry department will ta crea crlj tr n to 10 A. II. WILMINGTON, N; CM WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1901. LOCAL DOTS. The -office of B. G. Dun & Co. will be closed to morrow out of respect to the late President The regular weekly drills of the W. L. I., .which were suspended during the Summer months, were re sumed last night y" . Tfie German steamship Atheti, 1,412 tons. Captain Klunker, has sailed from Hamburg for Wilmington with a cargo of kainit f The rural mail delivery carrier will make no delivery or collection on to-morrow on account of the fun eral of the late President , An engine and box car ran oft the A. C L. tracks last night oppo site the Portner Brewing Company's plant The damage was of no conse quence. " " - .'.";; - Mr. J. Keener Westbrook and his company of superb vaudeville en tertainers have an engagement at the opera house at Marion, S. C, Monday evening. . . Justice MoGoiran yesterday committed to jail Bessie McFarland, colored, charged with forcible tres pass upon the premises of Sallie Lewis, likewise colored. " . The main entrance to the City Hall was appropriately draped in mourning yesterday in sympathy with the nation's grief on account of the President's assassination. The steamer Driver is expected down from Willis' Creek to-dav in or TaSr to clear for Favetteville before the closing on the wharf Thursday. The' Hurt was in port yesterday from Fay etteville. r Splendid pictures of the late President McKinley, deftly draped in mourning, form attractive and patri otic window displays at Solomon's shoe store and at the store of D. New man & Son. Cotton receipts yesterday were the heaviest of the year 1,150 bales, against 4,864 bales the same day last year. The quotations are unchanged, though New York closed higher yes terday afternoon. ' The marriage of Miss Delia? Maud Powell to Mr. E. Clayton Moore' will be celebrated to night at 9 o'clock at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Powell, No. 509 North Fourth street. The Baptist Young People's Union held a small but enthusiastic re-organization meeting at the First Baptist Church last night The at tendance was not large on sccount of the threatening weather. Henry Skipper and wife yes terday transferred by deed to Bertha Skipper for $500, lot in the western line of Sixth street at its intersection with the northern line of Swann street the same' being 45x75 feet in size. The date for the "Farmers' Dinner and Picnic" at Beattie's Bridge has been changed from September. 27th to Thursday, October, 3d. The change is found necessary owing to delay in getting material for a com pletion of tbe bridge. DAMAGES FOR A MULE. Interesting Snit, In Which the Western Union Telegraph Company is the De fendant, Tried Yesterdsy. A novel and interesting suit referred to previously in these columns, in which Mr. W. L Webb sues the Western Union Telegraph Company for the alleeed failure to deliver promptly a telegram sent by his brother, Mr. J. W. Webb, of Burga w, was heard in Justice Fowler's court yester day afternoon and judgment reserved until to-day. - , The Blaintiff lives on Mr. W. K. Springer's plantation, a short distance from the city, and on or about J uly 1st was telegraphed to by his brother for a veterinarv surgeon to attend a sick mule, the property of the plaintiff. The message was sent in care of Mr. vt. is. Springer on Saturday and the same was not delivered, so the plaintiff 'claims.: The animal recovered, but it is alleged hia usefulness is impaired by the sick ness and that the plaintiff is entitled to recover punitive and actual damages i the sum of - $50. The question 01 'mental anguish" was also argued, but the court held that this element did not enter the snit and only the remaining two questions of damage would be con sidered. The plaintiff is represented by L. V. Oradv. Esa.. and the defendant com pany by Hon. Jno, D Bellamy. CUVETTE," THE MAGICIAN. Small Audience Witnessed Performance In Legerdemain and Trick Performing. It is plainly evident judging from last night's small audience at t&e Ooera House, that the minds or Wil mington theatre-goers do hot turn to agicians ; and their : performances. 1 : this - they : are i right ' if ma gicians like Olivette are to star and alone ask their patronage, tsm as so last evening s performance, Olivette wu the "whole show." to use a true expression, but then the whole show" did. not amount to a great deaL' For versatility he was excellent as he gave combination of jugglery, legerae- main, etc : Some were good, some in different and some bad. His Fielding bottle : feature was : splendid, as was also the Silhouettes, ' but; the legeme the tailk in the cocoanut-was Off color. ! This part of the perform ance was not even stereotype," unless it be likened to some f iae-snow exnii It wra tii, t'i. MEMORIAL SERVICES. Will be Conducted To-morrow Mornlns at First Baptist and : . St. James Churches. OBSERVANCE AT THE FORTi Exercises Were Suspended Yesterday nnd Sslntes Fired In Honor of Dead Chief. - Msny Business Houses Win V' . Close On Tbnrsdsy. - . - ' ., ' - .. - - The memorial services in Wilming ton to-morrow In bonOr of the late lamented President McKinley, prom ise to be both elaborate and approprir ale.---': ; :'. i Yesterday dlscloaedtheplssjg-fl surance that the cessation of business will be even more general than at first expected and hundreds of Wilming toniana will gather in all reverence to do honor to the deceased Chief Exe cutive upon his fun rar day in Can ton, Ohio. ' ' As stated yestei day practically all the business houses and ofBces. on the wharf and in the wholesale district of the city will be closed during the en tire day and a majority of the retail stores will be closed during the hour of the funeral, beginning at 11 o'clock A. M. The ' Produce Exchange will also most probably be closed and the shortest hours consistent' with the conducting of urgent business will , be observed all day at the Postofflce, Cus tom House, Weather Bureau and other United States institutions. The ministers of many of the denominations in the city met yester day morning in the Y. M. C. A. building and formulated all plans for a mass memorial meeting, beginning at 11 o'clock in the First Baptist church. Pastors of all churches in the city were cordially invited to be present and the people of the city were also asked to attend. The service will consist of music by the best of talent prayer, scripture reading and short addresses by prominent clers-vmen. All churches are requested to have their bells tolled for thirty minutes, beginning at 10:30 o'clock and the service promises to be most solemn and impressive throughout. The programme will be as follows: (1) Choir. (2) Invocation.tS) Hymn. (4) Scripture reading by two promi nent ministers. (5) Prayer. (6) Ad dresses of ten minutes each by three well known pastors of the city. (6) Choir. (7) Prayer. (8) Hymn. (9) Benediction. ,The committee which hastbe-ar arrangement of the musical pro.' gramme consists of Messrs. E. H. Mun son, A. 8. Holden and Frank L. Hug gins. , The choir will most probably be composed of Misses Mattie Home. Carrie White, Mrs. A. & Holden ahd Mrs. Preston G. White, sopranos; Mrs. Jas. D. Smith, Mrs. F. A. Muse, Miss Annie Hart and Miss Belle Anderson, altos; Messrs. C. H. Cooper, R. O. Banks, R. F. Fowler and W. L. WiL if ord, tenors; Messrs. E. M. Beery, A. 8. Holden, F. L. Huggins and J. S. Williams, basses. It is hoped to have the. Second' Regiment Band play a funeral dirge in the gallery in front of the church at the opening. Some spe cial features of the programme will be the rendition by a male quartette of Remember Now Thy Creator in the Days of Thy Youth," and . a solo by Miss Mattie Horne. The male qaar tette will consist of ' Messrs. O. H. Cooper and R. ' F. Fowler, tenors; Messrs. J. S. Williams and A. S. Hol den, basses. - ' Special Services at St. James'.. By direction of Rt Rev. Bishop A. A. Watson, of the East Carolina Dio cese, the congregations of Saint James', Saint Johns', Saint Pauls'. and the Chapel of the Good Shepherd are invit" ed to assemble at St James' church at 11 o'clock A. M. Thursday, for special services to be conducted by the Rev. James Carmichael, D. D., during the funeral of the late President The service will be appropriate and doubt less attended by a very large concourse of sympathetic people. Observance nt Fort Caswell. At the army post at Fort Caswell at the mouth of the river the President's funeral in Washington yesterday was fittingly honored. All during the day a single gun was fired each half hour and at 6 P. M. the President's salute of twenty-one guns was given. When retreat was sounded at night the National salute was fired. All regular duties were suspended during the day and the two batteries . paraded for a few minutes in the afternoon. . - Lumbermen Will Observe the Day. 1 The following testimonial of the high esteem in which the late Presi dent iwas held by those engaged in the extensive lumber business at Wil mington was handed the Stab last night for publication: " v: r "In order to better - commemorate the remembrance of the devoted hus band, tne upright citizen, tbe faithful Christian and the beloved President Wm. McKinley, we, the undersigned, lumber manufacturers of this city, agree to close our mills on Thursday, September 19th, the day in which his mortal : remains . are nnaiiy laid to rest : -, : v-.-r ; While we mourn his loss as above all others, yet we feel that his life and labors have become one or tne ncnest heritages of the American people, and there is no tribute too great that can ke lafji nn tafa AKaMAtnH ' ' "Chad bourn Lumber . Co.. Kidder Lumber Co.-, Hilton Lumber Co.,' Cape Fear Lumber Co , a & W. H. Northrop., Fore & Foster C04 Angola Lumber Co., O. H. Cooper & Co." .Robinson's, and. Wallace BroaV shows are both headed this way. ' The former will be at Goldsboro Octc!::? i - $ FUNERAL YESTERDAY M0RNINQ. Remslns of Mr, John Davis Burkhelmer Tenderly Laid to Rest la Oakdale. --Yesterday, morning at 10 o'clock from the late residence, No. 208 North Fourth street Rev. A. D. McClure. D. D., impressively conducted the funer al services over the remains of the late Mr. John Davis Burkheimer. whose sad and untimely death has already been chronicled in these columns. A large concourse of friends were pres ent to pay a last sad mark of respect to the deceased .; young man and at Oakdale Cemetery where the remains were tenderly laid to rest, hundreds of beautiful floral tributes were laid upon the casket and grave mound. Tha following' were pall bearers : Honorary. Dr. T. S Burbank and Mr. I: Bluenthenthal: active Meau-a. McLaurfnThoa. B; Powers,' AL P. Parker, Thos. B. Oldham. E. T. Wade and Julius etern berger. - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. F0IT RENT, Or will lease for a tarm or years te Doable 8tore on Water street, between ohesnnt and Mniberrv.- 1 occnpled several years by tbe WU- - wru jmuiuiBCHiry. D. O'OONSOS. angMtf Eeal Estate Agent, , State and County Taxes. For tbe year 1901 are now due and abonld be paid promptly In order to avoid tbe costs Im posed Dy ine law on aeunqoenta. Tbe sheriff will be at Hasonboro HalL faasonboro townsbip. Tbnrsday, October 8r8; stoneley's Store, Wrglhtevllle, Friday, oetobsr 4tb; Seven MUe Post, Harnett township. Township House, Bat nrday, October 5tb; Blddle's Store, Federal Point township. Monday, October 7cb; Castle Hayne, Bloesom'8 8 tore. Tuesday, October 8th. FRANK EL 8 TED MAN. September 17tb,190L Sheriff. sep 17 IK - Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as Administrator of tbe estate of James S. uaggett, deceased, this is to notify all persons indebted to tne deceased to make Immediate payment to me. or my author ised agent, Walter H. Daggett, and all persons to whom be was Indebted will present their claims to me, properly proven, before the 10th day of September, 1904, -or this notice will be plead In bar of recovery. This the loth day of September, 1901. MRS. K. B. DAGGETT, Administrator James 8. Daggett, sep 11 6t we . Seed Rye and Wheat 40 bushels Seeq Rye. 40 bushels Seed Wheat. Mixllets, ISO Bbls. Nice Mullets. Also Bagging and Ties and car-loads of other stuff. Get our price. . . D.L.GORECO., WHOutsixa Gkocirs, lao, 122 and m North Water street, " sep 18 tf Wilmington, N. C, Home Brewing Company m Richmond, Va ' As a mark of respect to the memory of the late President of the United States this - Brewery and its branch offices will be closed from 10 A. M. Thursday, September 19th, to Friday morning, September 20th, 190L HOME BREWING CO. sep 18 it , BECAUSE! I am not going; to establish a branch store nor am I going to change business. . . BECAUSE The people are satisfied with my Goods and prices and I am satisfied with my sales and profits. . N. F. PARKER, Furniture and Furniture Novelties, lllHarket street. Bell 'Phone CIS sep if tf - Inter-State 421; . Whale Oil Soap A For Destroying Insects Infesting Trees, Vines and Plants. For sale at . HARDIN'S PALACE PHARMACY. . sep8tX ISO Sonth Front street. WILMINGTON SEACOAST R. R. On and after Monday, September 9th, 1901, thesehednle win be as follows until farther notice: v ; DAILY BXCKPT SUNDAY. ' Leave Wilmington. e to A. M. 10 10 A.M. 2 80 P. M. - 80 P. K. Leave Ocean View. 745 A. M. "-.i 11 80 A. M. 5 00 P. M. -ooo p. m. 7 . SUNDAY TRAIN. Leave WUmlngton. . - Leave Ocean View. 80 P. M. 5 00 P. M. There will be tbe usual late train Friday night, September 6th, on account of yacht races and dub dance - The- Saturday night ! late train has been annulled. - Freight will be camea on 10.10 a. m. ana asi P. K. trains. . , - is. w. wisamr, . sep 5 tf Superintendent. rJOTICE. Bglce vf the Seeretary fcmd ' Trettaurer 'of ;'the' Carolina Central Railroad Company L - g ' ; .; : PORTSMOUtH, Vi, Sept. 8rd, 190Lt ) t The nguiarannual meetlngof the stock- uuiuoio ui uia loiuuii weubnu nurvau Vrum pany will be held m the Front street office of the com Dan y in the city of Wilmington, state of North Carolina, on Thursday, the 8rd day of . J - - - Sep 8 lm , ; - JOHN H. SHABP, Secretary. Executor's ITotice. Havlnir anallfled aa Kzecntor of the RntfttA of John Epps, deceased, before-the Clerk of the Superior Court of New Hanover county, notion 1 is hereby given to all persons indebted to sulci estate to make Immediate payment, and all persons having e'alms 8 tnMtist the snld ete. aie required t- r -mi -iwi.neiui'"'Ts ! proriy vt: . ci or I- e t 1 1 i - ' " Bill WHOLE NO. 10,632 110 BDSI1IESS WILL BE TRAKSACTED,; By the Banko ofithio City Thursday. September 1 9th, 1 901 . THE ATLANTIC NATIONAL BANK. 1 THE ; IHJROHI80N NATIONAL BANK: sepl8 2t " 1 ... ; October First - Is the beginning of a new interest period with us. -v Money deposited now bears interest from that date at the rate of 4 per . cent, per annum, compounded quarterly, interest being payable in three W months from October 1st. Start an account with us now, no matter ; . .iZowJ8S, n2 matterjiow small, it .will .be welcome and WiU-receive - careful attention. - 4 - . j e's Opposite the a. C. BIcQl7EEn, Presideet sep H tf " . , j?; We have flour, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Cakes, Crackers, Candies, Soap, Snuff, Soda, Stareh, Lye, Potash. Lavrd, Meal, Hominy, Molasses, Nails, Tobavceo, Smoking; and Chewing;, and a full line of Canned Goods. All of which we offer to the trade at living prices. . - v Williams Bros. le sstr what is itlsfurnl OHOST1 FUBNTTURE f tore .that has no body. Looks very fine, but has no strength at all all Tarnish and glare. Do not bay it, even tt the price is away down. What Ia Good Furniture T A question easily answered. Our Furniture ! There Is an exposition of Dlnlnar Boom. Parlor and Bedroom Furniture here that needs few words or praise rrom us. Quality is stamped all over each article. And that quality isn't high priced. . I1UNR0E & KELLY'S, No. 17 South Front street. Bell Phone lis. . sepntf Bagging and Ties. Salt on hand and cargo to arrive. TvlolaLsses. , Imported and Domestic. Cheese, Full Cream. Sardines, Salmon, Calces. DunlanMeal. Corn; Oats, Hay. Lime, Cement. The Worth Go. sep 18 tf ... ' JUST OPENED. At No. 108 North Water , Street with a full and complete line of fresh groceries at wholesale. We have , Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Meal. - Molasses and a full line of case goods. New catch Mul lets Just In. . - t jrresn uneese ana nuner arriving: evwj woo. Prices guaranteed. Treatment fair. " '?, PETER KeQUEEZr, Jr Wholesale Grocer fand Commission Merchant, sep e u -- . ;, o. 109 Moron water au . NOTICE. Just arrived car load Horses; several will weigh from 1,400 to 1.6C0 lbs., and lota of all classes of stock on hand also. We carry the biggest stock of Buggies and Harness In the citv. and at the lowest nrices. Balance of this month will sell Buggies at cost to make room tor car load due September 15th. For bar? gains call and see. - r . . . , , , , . n i Wilmington Live Stock Co. augtf. - - ; YOUR BOY Is a great possibility, capable of yielding rich returns for your sacrifice for h's Educa tion. Place him where he will be f althfnllv looked after, thoroughly trained for College or business and developed in moral, manly princi ples. The Howell Military Academy offers just sucn an opportunity tor tne education 01 your Doy. upens beptember lain,- - ' an 81 8m' Principal. : - FOR REflt, J r'i ,--'f. ill V Dwellings, Stores, , t it Peopl TEBIIS OF SU3SCni?Ti:iJ One Tesvr, by Hail, $5,003 Six ZXemtks, . 2.CO Three ZXonths M l.8 ' Tw XZontha. . - 1.00 lirTra to saeacrlbera Im tliee Y City as 4S Cemta pr BteaAtw MfOOMMl0MtOW Savings Bank, : Postofflce. JTNO. 8. AKBUTBOfTCly Tie kfmULmmU DICK CasJbter. "MULLETS," Consignment just to hand.' ("MULLETS," Caught on beach in original barrels. ; v "MULLETS," Not repacked but full barrels. v utnjLLETs," ; ; Prom the celebrated Nixon fisheries. - "MULLETS." Send us your orders and get quality and weights. Yollers & Hasbagen. Agents for Nixon Fisheries, sepistf Frnit of AO Kinds, . Peaches, Pears, Plums; Grapes, Bananas, Ap ples and Oranges, Call and see me for the BEST FRUIT to be had in the city. L Vf. PLUMBER, Jr., 904 Princess Street. Ben 'Phone 680. Inter-State 182. ' sepetf Fresh Packed September Hnllets. : Bagging, Ties, Salt and a full line of - groceries and Provisions. HALL & PEARSALL, .., , J: (INCOBPOSATBD.) sep 5 tf Nut and Halberry Sts. LOOK OTTO? I ONE WEEK ONLY. Three pounds parched or ground best quality (Jaracas ijaguyra Coffee 57 cts Five pounds American standard Granulated Bugar . . . t z eta Total... . .85 cts Quantity to one person limited. This is our regular 25c Goffee. - , . S. W. SANDERS, At The Unlucky Ckxrner. Both Phones 109 . Beplltt . Red Rnst Proof Oats. 1,860 BnanelaB. p. Oat. (reete). ITU Jt .in.ii own mm 48 BnsHels WlilMOat.. ' ' 610 Bubili BllxedOatai HO Cam. KtndlcMn Iv. ' B 103 Cimi 5e jyt sa.60 per ease. 50 cm. lOe Lye, 93.50 per ease. am a n.m. ua.vai wm. . . . 204 DoitaCcra Be. 190 IKaem SaJmon. , , 810 Bushel. if.G. sfMBntau v 441 Bnabel. Te FeemsiUrs . Y. B. COOPER, - Wholesale Greteer - . , sos, no, as Hutt street, . : Wilmington. M.o. sep 15 tf Capped the Glifaax. ;Yes, we have reached that point by the to -r,, troducaonof four new M3Hhiaxw Obairs ana -v-'v other furntme toeorreepoad. , Our barbers a , ; . ' akHled. ln t3w business and our mors and other , "trimmings'! are, aa they have always been, of r- the very best We solicit your patronage. ';. ,. ----'-. davis ft amoK, ' JeStt ' 1 Booth Front St. 300 Cheese .100 Boxes Tobacco. 200 Backs Goffee. a -SAr.TL BEAR, Sr.. sepatf 18 Market street. . .FOR REriT. ; That desirable Etore, tncludig second aoor, NOw 109 Martt street, atpr' -t occrptea tfy - AT V - 1 tr t r I