Ttrve nc cirocnrmTi'vi o twier TB That Morning ur audauuir i iy,4Y lOrt TMr, by Kail, Six Henta, - r paper P"D"8ncu wnffliDS011- $ ;Tfcree,XIontat; Two ZIonthe, ; - - XDellTere to Sneserlbsn In ine THE STAX. VOL:iLXyin-N0153 WHOLE NO. 10,633 HE r 95.00$ 1.25 X 1,00 1 - - j ' . ,' - JenrJ, OUTLINES. ,.t.msn drowned-off Bfcpo J a11To. refiners V. prices. steady. VEATHER REPORT. g,Dlp'T0F AGRICULTURE, i . WlATHKB BUBEAU, r njBSSTON, N.O., Sept. 18 Wures: B A. m., oi nejiw.. 65 degrees; maximum, o uo- 1 i m a minimum, 65 aegreea; mou, PERSONAli PARAQRAPHSg Hon." J A'. Brown: of ' Chad bourni was here yes teay:ljC;;'fws Mrl -W MarcniaQaf hasf ?V turned from Black Mountain. T ' .V .. , . . .- : Major.; Channcey . Ives came in yesterday from Philadelphia. Geo. L. Pesohau, Esq., is ' in Norfolk on professional business " -f-'Mxa. HeVbert'Borden returned last night from a pleasant visit North. Miss Bettie Pearsall left yester day to Tisit friends at Staunton, Va. . Mr. and Mrs.- John T. Sholar left yesterday morninjr for Baltimore . on sv pleasure trip..; ;r . Mr; and Mrs. B. B. Stone have returned from a very pleasant Tisit to friends at Shallotte, N. Q. ; . - -;.. Misses Anna Tarsley and Mary Payne left-yesterday' to resume their studies at EL MaryTs 8chool, Raleigh r Mi33 Bettie Hanson left yes terday, axsoompanied by her her father Mr. I: Hanson, to enter Elisabeth College, Charlotter J ? !;:--;: ' Mr. J. W. -Norwood, returned DONOR DEAD . RULER. UN,TED STATES 'B.""-'sas: SEABRIGIIT : ASHORE. XOCAL DOTS. Memorial Services at the Several j Churches This : Morning at :. i i Eleven O'clock. r ; t Wliy Tbejr Are Not Draped ia i Mosralof la Times of Great National Orkf f; NO JUSIRESS H?ILL BE TRANSACTED Like tbe Preseat. Inn D. U"1"" ' .? AflU to Orton Bishop iCe. Baseballgame tzZ Ark., broke up in a ireandoneoftheplsyer. !ted and put in .jail. J,t Norfolk, Va.;streeU are l etased damage estimated at Ilea yj " in Georgia, Alabama ,7:.- Dr. John EL W ifs sno' ' . gUte Senator x. in. gjtoH Rouge, Louisiana. U York markete: Moaay.-Pn- t 3JS per ceuw, mo jt 4 per cent.; coston dline uplands 8 B-18e; flour- Crket was unsettled; wheat FL ?. ,:..;:,csU yesterday from Washington where he R'wa!!?:;:a7;. "iHtrlattendedthePresidentVfuneralasone jgc; r0S1u . I of the renresentatiTM of North Caro- lin. ' - . " j ' " ' .. V' - .. . Miss Lucy Cole, who has 'been visiting in Durham, ; has ; returned from : that city to Bandoiph Macon College - for Women to resume her studies." -; l':"'-- Mr. -Andrew Moreland, cashier of the 'Atlantic- National Bank," re turned yesterday morning,, from an extended trip Worth. He stopped in Washington ' Tuesday to witness the funeral ceremonies over the body of the late lamented President. ; - - Fayetteyille Observer: l'Mr. B. F. Bullard, rice" president of "the Southern Naval Stores Company, of SaTannah. Qa., .who has been here n a Tisit to his old- home, Stedman, in this county, went down to Wil mington yesterday afternoon. BUSINESS HOUSES TO CLOSE. Hoar of President's Faneral in Cantos To day Win Plad Many in Wlknintton j: -l- Qathered in Sympathy EIabo- v : " Tste Musical Profrsmme. IfaU for the day, i.yo; rainiaii L of the month to date, 2.77 of water in the Cape Fear river VetteTille at 8 A. M., 14 feet and boiTOS B1GI05 BULLKTIH. rains have fallen in the b districts. At Charlotte, us; 3.40; Limberton, 2.09; Ba- 140; Wilson, "210; Goldsboro, Clearing and much -cooler W prevails over the greater por-. y the cotton belt WTATHER CONDITIONS. northwest storm signal was dis- Ji at 10.20 A. M. The storm was bentralnear Savannah, moving eatward. Heavy rains reported many points ia the South Atlan- Utes, rOMOAST FOB TO-DAY. L3HI5QT05I, S9pL 18 B Or INOriD m-Fair Thmavafcrfxcent rain fooler in extrenea?? , vr'cjion. ij lair; warmer yunuwi riau. m the north coast. U almanac September 19. THE PRICE OP C0U1N SEED. Ciaes ets i Length f Water at Southport I Water Wilmington . 5.45 A. M. 6.03 P. M. 13H.17M. 11.45 P. M. 2.1S A. li. late President McKinley'a ral falls on the anniversary of kident Garfield's death twenty lie death penalty for murder has restored in Iowa and Colorado, leaves only four Statea Wis- p, Michigan, Rhode Island and pe-m which the death penalty bt inflicted. a singular coincidence the day queation has arisen in this State whether a dog's evidence should taken in court when doers are by officers to help them run FH 8 crimiTiftl- Win nM? Va ger of the dog's lying or per- pg himself. Farmers Asked to Resist Allied Attempt te Depreciate Value of Prodnct - ; Commissioner of Agriculture S. L. Patterson has issued from his office at Baleigh the following' circular letter to tho farmers of the State : RALdaH, N. a. Sept ' 16. In view of the concerted efforts which it seems from the published dispatches are now being made by the leading purcnasers of cotton seed of Louisiana, Missis sippi and other cotton . producing States to fix a market price for seed far -below thepresent prieer anaior much less than tbe probable output of the present crop ought to command especially so when the extreme short ness of the corn crop is considered action ought to be taken by : the far mers to . counteract 1 1 these unfair schemes and to secure for their seed product such Talues J as : conditions properly warrant.; jj ; v- . 1 am lnionnsa uuu enoru auong mi line will be made in other Southern States,-and I therefore most heartily nndnrM tha call issued by Mr. T. B. Parker, Secretary of tne North Caro lina State Alliance, for a meeting of the farmers in their respective counties on Saturday, the 21st inst, to select delegates to attend a State meeting in Baleicn on Wednesday, the 25th inst. - When men for selfish purposes com bine together to "flx" prices to be paid for farm products far below the true value of such products by shutting off comDetition. it is time tor farmers to take some action to defeat such nefa rious schemes, and to "fix" themselves in such position as to be able to hold their products until the natural law of supply and demand can have its legiti mate sway, t Respectfully,. : , ; r S. L. Pattkbsos, ; . Commisaioner of Agriculture.' HfflsylTania comes to the front h the meanest man on deck. He wed the girl who jilted him for presents he gave her when he f "acourtin'of her" and for the tof the marriacrfi IiVbtibo in whin.1i inTeated when Tip thnnfffct. Ii f adead sure thina nn - s phere is a war on .tt,t, noi Between the 19th an 9i?t.i, - . tMl P.0 gU8l ToklO Pot ftwav with The Government pays a ru inr i vi 3 Ia find the rats too nume- B of K particular locality to get f I by Other mean a. tliavutfira houses and cremate them. ' En8liJh actors .-.7l tt out a . " encan actors wno been inirnJri 4-V, T T, iheJ have hired a lot of P1 hiss uavtj io senaover ' tBmarkahlo fa i - XlincrV... .: Duuaing- KlustbeenaccomjlUhedin i wnere a Bevpn.of - m iu is.,.., . -w,y Bfcruu- --ea twenty-one and a Wir.hnTi- . -5VOUJ aru remasir- ucj nave a hot stove. g8. Th , . 1 J"-" Keai.- . "J ave Deen known! time. Ueatenant Plant Transferred. The numerous friends in Wilming ton of Lieutenant William: P. piatt, TJ. 8. A., will be interested in tne an- ! nouncement that' he has received a i deserved promotion In a transfer trom Fortress Monroe -" to the barracks at Salt -Lake City Utah. ' Lieutenant Piatt expects to leave for his new post In a short while, and to Tisit his old home in Wilmington for a few days prior to bis going. ' ; " Real Estate Transfers. - j:-f " :'f; Beal estate transfers were filed for record at the Court Bouse yesteraay I as follows:'" Stephen Sneeden to John J. Hawkins, for $32.25; tract of land ! embracing; two and : flfteen-hundreth acres at high water mark on Bradley 's creek, adjoining the right of way of the Seacoast railroad; Stephen tJneea I en to George H Sogers, for $280. tract adjoining above and containing twelve and one fifth acres. Death, ef Infant Daoihter. ; C. g Ada,' the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bobert King, died at the family home in Wilmington nearly Tuesday morning. - The remains were taken to Ashton jresterday morning for. Inter ment accompanied by the infant's grandfatherrflr. J. M. King and Mr, J. Baerman. -' - -. ; . A.&:Y.TrainUte. The A. & Y. train last night was about an hour and a half late on ao count of waiting for connections de layed by the heavy rains. Other trains yesterday, for the most parv.wero All arrangements are complete for the memorial services in Wilmington to-day In honor of thelate President of the United States. It will be in fact a day of mourning .throughout the city and everywhere will be out ward signs of the Nation's grief . 'Aside from the , closing of business houses for the entire day. on the wharf, : the banks, both laHQnaJLandMving& in stitutions, the Produce Exchange, the lumber mills, the real; estate offices,' the JCourt : House : offices and many other places will cease operations for the whole day and with the great ma jority of retail houses ;the hours of the funeral in Canton will also be observed by the closing of doors. Summed up as a whole, the Memorial Pay In Wil mington promises to be quite as elabo rate, just 1 as appropriate; and just as sincere as in any city of its size in the South. " . - The greatest interest ' of "course Centres in the - memorial ? services proper this morning' at the First Bap tist and St. James' Episcopal churches. At the Baptist church - there- will .be joint exercises by representatives of all congregations except those of the Episcopal faith, who will gather in joint meeting at St. James' for divine services by the Bev. James m Carmich ael, D. D., rector of SL John'aparish. The colored churches will also observe the funeral service" generally. At St, Mark's Episcopal church, colored, a ' feature ' of the service will be a eulogy of the life and character of the late "President by Collector of Customs Jno. C Dancy, of this port The tolling of bells will announce the services at the churches and the public generally is invited to attend. The joint services at the First Bap tist church will begin with the funeral dirge, "Departed C!omrades,M (Keller) by the Second Regiment Band, which will play from the gallery over the entrance to the church. This will be followed by the singing by the eon arreeation of "My Country I 'tis of Thee," and an invocation. "Remem ber Now Thy Creator" (Rhodes) will next be rendered by a special male quartte consisting of X IL Cooper, first tenor; - R. F. Fowler, : second tenor; Jas. S. Williams, first bass, and A. S. Holden, second bass.:.; -; The scripture reading will be from both the Old Trad New Testament by two dty pastors. ;vi A prayer wijl follow the reading and then will come three ten-minute addresses by three ministers of tbe city. - Upon conclusion of the addresses. Miss Mattie Home will sing the solo, 1 Heard the Voice of Jesus Say," composed by the late E. VanLaer, of this city. Thia will- be ; followed by prayer and the singing by the congre Mtion of the late President's favorite hymn, "Nearer, My God, to Thee," which - will, immediately precede the benediction. ;s-i.;;: :-',r'.-". r r?: . ,Mr. E. H. Muhson, ' assisted by Mr. Alf . H. Yopp, will be the organist, and . the choir will be composed - of representative singers f from all the churches. Others who can contribute to the singing are asked to occupy the seats immediately to the right and left and in front of the pulpit. Pro grammes containing words of the hymns will be distributed. - Members of the Second Regiment Band are asked to meet at the Wil mington -Light Infantry armory at fifteen" minutes -to 11 o'clock for: the purpose of marcht"g to the-church in a ly4K-.',H ; The more observant have been in clined to ask for the past several days why the postoffice and other United States ; buildings are "not draped in mourning as a mark of respect to the deceased President " ...I ' V ; ; -: It Is a very natural inquiry to those who remember the elaborote drapinr ot buildings of like character after the' death of the- late Presidentsr Garfield and Lincoln, and Assistant Postmaster T. E; Wallace, witii" whom a reporter talked last night, gave the solution to what the ordinary ; Individual would likely construe as a neglect rVM ii It is not that the people employ ed in the buildings are Tout of harmony in the least with the great spirit of mourn ing of the hour, explained :Mr. ,-Wal lace, bur that thereis n iactyojf Congress of campartiTely c recent enactment prohibiting the draping of public buildings , on j any account -and the postoffice people of employes of other buildings,, for tat matter, do not feel like going in the face of the law, although their . desires" and public opinion might sustain such a course, .j: : - - ; ' r - -: H i -The act, Mr. Wallace says,, was evidently framed to check the custom ot draping for minor -officials which had become at one time, " perhaps, over-burdensome and too x common It was also framed .perhaps without contemplation of the great mourning that would necessarily follow the death or assassination oT a president or vice president ; It is expected that the law in the near future will be so changed as to meet extraordinary conditions like the present THE PEOPLE'S SAVINGS BANK. ? T There will ; be - no .prayer and praise meeting to-night at the First Baptist (urefcifefc ' .." The next attraction at the Opera Bouse is Hennesey "LeRoyle in Other People's Money Friday night week, September 27th. - ' J . -- -7- License? was. issued yesterday for the marriage of Miss Peemie Cur ie, daughter of :Mr&- Anna Currie, to Mr. Frank T.HcDougald, both .: Wil mington.'.;.' ;... ; . ,v. r - , " . : "Eayetteville; Observer:: f'Qxu former townsman, Judge Thomas C. Fuller, has returned to Raleighfrom Asheville, where he has been for two months. ' His healUi : continues very feeble." - j - Justice Fowler has not yet ren- Island, to the east of the light station, I dered a decision in tbe case' of Webb I Martin's Gilt Edff6 fitltter Stone. Rourk & Co., of thU city, as I Company, mention of which was made in.thejlnna likely do so to-dayrf J040x WUmingtdri Steamboat Caught in J a Gale Off Bald Head Tuw- ; Capt Hewlett andj Crew Rescoed From Ufe Savlag Station, Wiere nCarte ; ; of Umber and Other Material -y . Bad Been Towed. - The- sturdy little steamboat ; fifea- briQhti Capt Geo. O. Hewlett, of the Wilmington and Little River Trans portation Company, went ashore early Tuesday - afternoon , oh Bald Head BYtheSaym , Thurcday, Sept. 1 9thi9pi THEVSriLinNerTQN SAVING & TRUST GO. REASONABLE GOODS- MULLETS.: new catch. Best Cream Oheese.. THE GULF STORM WAS HERE. Rainfall Yesterday Was Heavy and the Weather Mnch Unsettled-Wlad Did ' " Not Reach Hlfb Velocity. 4 Wilmington had area! touch of the' Gulf vtorin yesterday and last night and though it was a few days late, ac cording to the - Weather ' Bureau schedule, its presence did not have to be proclaimed, from' the house-top and the average, citizen was willing to concede that the real article was with us. Tbe wind did not attain a danger ous velocity on land but what was lost in this respect was gained in amount of rainfall. " -. . .. The rain began a little after 9 o'clock, yesterday morning and up to ..noon the fall was 1.06 inches.. Inrihe after noon, shortly bafore A o'elock,- the floods ' came again and for a while there were remarks about "the bottom having dropped out" but the fall was not so large as in the forenoon. At nightfall there was a sudden drop of the temperature and people thinly clad began to inquire for wraps, but the chaxure was . rather "welcomed after the torrid-weather of the past few days. '5?l'-y- - "-,.-T'YU : The wind came . in gusts last night with some rain. Marine, men say the weather must have been rough on the "outside" but no direct information was obtained. ;-;y': .-ri I I Warnings for .a f rapid rise in the Cape Fear during ' the next two or three days have been issued. The wa ter ia expected to reach SO or 85 feet but not to pass the danger line at Fay- etteville. r ; .- " --' -snnfrBnnmsea". - - WERE MARRIED YESTERDAY being a in a perilous position.'-. . They- hop;' however, ohliigh tide t6is morn ing to float the steameriind Bring her up to the city practically free from serious injury'. rv ,The SeabrigHt left Wilmiogton late Monday afternoon with a tow of flats laden with lumber and Other C material for the new light station : now being . constructed on the island. She - arrived -1 all safe, docked the flats andl was waiting, off shore for a discharge of the .lighters,; when a sharp gale came on abeut 3 o'clock Tuesday afternoon and sent . the staunch little craft away up on shore. The '- life saving crew., perceived: the danger "of the boat; and came imme diately to the rescue of Capt He wlett, Engineer Jno. Bell, a colored fireman and a ; colored; cook, ; composing the crew. They were landed . safely on the island but the steamer: is ' still on the shoals.' The wind was blowing furiously and with . the very rough sea, it was exceedingly- fortunate that the crew was saved; The f boat had no cargo, : of -course, except stores.; - The position of the stranded steamer is about 200 yards from the channel and close upon .: the shore. At ; low tide she is almost 6n the island itself. It is reported that a large hole was jabbed in the hull of the vessel but Captain Hewlett, who came up to the city yes terday to report to his Owners, says he does not think material injury has been done in this respect though the hold of the boat is pretty well filled with water. , - The steamer Compton belonging to the; same owners, will be taken by Capt W. A. Sanders to the. scene of the .wreck very early this morning and work will immediately be commenced oh flood tide to float the stranded steamer -.'r ' . ''Z:rJtr-y.. S A; PRETTY HOME v WKDDINQ and sjeLLT. Tbe Pan-American Kxpoaitlem, Will elose October 31st Those who have not yet visited; this marvelous Wonderland are remindod that the time is arrowinz short In order to permit every citizen in the territory traversed-by its lines to take the trip, the Seaboard Air Line Railway has placed in effect a rate of practically: one fare for the round trip to Buffalo and return; tickets on sale .September 3d to October 20th, inclusive; tickets good to . return within twenty day s from date of sale. - This liberal" con cession should meet with a hearty re sponse on the part of I the; travelling public, and many will doubtless avail themselves of the opportunity of at tending this last and largest of Na tional Expositions, ir-,, -'. i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR RENT. - Tbat aeslrable Store, Including second floor, No. '109 Market street, at present occupied by Tbe Ludden & Bates Music Honse. Apply to ANDBEW SMITH. sen 14 lm - - - " Beal Estate Agent. FOR RENT, 5 hit! ang 14 tf ' Or will lease for at srm or years the Doable Store on Water street, between Ohesnnt and Mulberry, occupied several years by tbe Wll lard Bag Mannfactory. D. O'OONKOB. - - Beal Estate Agent, A GXHXBAL LHTB 0-0 ABB GOODS -OXMAKD AT THIS 8XASOH. 1 ; Sole agents" for " ' : rob royiflour: Ucll AIR & PEARS ALL. . SOP - - 'j :. us. We have Floury Sugar,' Coffee, Tea; Cakes.; Crackers. Candies, Soap, Snnff, Soda, Starch, Lye, '"Potash, Lard, - : SXea.1, Hominy, ' . Molasses, ', Tobacco, Smoking and : Chewins;r ? ; J ' 'l and a full line of Canned Goods. All of which we offer to the trade at : living prices. Wi 1 1 ferns B ros. : ie 85tf WRIGHT THE REAL ESTATE AGEMT. Wants Your Business. . We can handle it to your entire ; aatiafactton and save-you time, worry and money.' :" - ) .-f:: Call us up Bell ThOne 843. - Red Cross, between Second and Third. Front betw'n Walnui and Red Cross. Corner Second and Ann streets. . Corner Second and Orange streets. ' "- Fifth, between Ann and Nun streets. ' Ninth, between Market and Dock. J; 6. WRIGHT& N,f g Tbe Beat Estate Agent and Notary FaWto. - : Sep Wtf ;: V--;-- "MO 1.T.P.TR JJUUIM 5J J Miss Delia Maade Powell Wedded by Mr. ?; E. Clay tos Moore Last Night Re- ; rU:-y ceptloa Afterwards. Hi'f'--. MARKET NOTICE.! Notice is hereby given that the Stalls and Stores of the city will be rented at Public Auction on Friday, September 20tb, commencing at Fifth Ward Mar ket House at 11 A. MV, reaching Fourtn Street - Market : House about 11.45 ! o'clock A.' M.. aad - Front - Stree t Mar ket House about 13.35 V. m. Diaiis , will be rented upon the cash premium Slan. -i No bids will be received from elinquent renters, nor will sub-letting be allowed. - : 'i'-. -. . . . J. F MAUNDER, . ) Chairman Market Committee. sep!91t ..... : .!'- 'hPir;Ms r Consignment just to hand. "OTLLETS," s f:V-e Caught on beach in original barrels. : 't'''- iTS,K S -:M " - " Not repacked but full barrels.' ' "1OTIAIETS,, " . , v ;. Prom the" celebrated Nixon . v fisheries. . : :- ; "MUL1VETS.,, S Send us your orders and get quality and weights. t 5 Hashagen - Agents for Nixon Fisheries.' Fruit of AU Kinds. :rif' Miss Msry McArtso, of FayettevUItf, Be came the Bride ef Mr. Fred L. Pear:; sail, of WUmlottoa. - : - UST OF LETTERS. Remalaist UocaUed Porta the Wilmliig. i tea Postoffice Sept. 11th, iywi.; - : : woaaars usr. - - .. "Sallie Aycock, Elizabeth Bettes, Mrs J R Berry, Lula Cox, Isla Cooler Josephine Darnelson, Mrs, Maggie. lyavis, Juiry uruu, . ju. ... Emma J Hicks, Alice Jones, Mrs Qeen Jones,' Mrs J L JiacK, tjusan McDonald, Sarah Mathews, Jane Robins, Lina 'J StiUman,- aiary a. Whisler, Mary, w aixer, jd w uranwrib. - Chas Anderson, -; O A JBaro, J a. Bloun, Jas A Dodd, John Dawson, Jas Dawson, Jno Freeman, Wm J , (Jor dan, Robt HInes, Robt - Hines. B T Jones, M S Kiser, J H McMillan, Theo De Latruflf, John Nafly, . N Richson, I W Swain, W Sossamean, . L J Single- tery, Jas Thomas, W wooawaro, m Walliss, is vvngns, j o-wtu, - Grocery Co., Dana Shadeland.: ? BKTTJBHZD' lKOM DEAD LETTKB 011102. Lizzie Williams. , Mr. Fred L Pearsall, a popular young business man of this city, and Miss Mary McArtan, '" a charming young ' lady of Fayetteville, were quietly married -yesterday morning at the home of the bride's uncle, . Mr. John McArUn, at 'Linden,'' ; near Fayetteville.- Immediately after the ceremony the bride and groom left for Staunton. Va. where they will spend their honeymoon, . later returning to Wilmington, tneir home in the future. At Wilson they were joined on their wedding tour by Miss Betttie Pearsall, who accompanied them to Staunton. - C The Fayetteville' 0&serter, has ; the following account of the marriage:' f ;;' " "Mr; Fred. L. Pearsall, son of Mr. Oscar Pearsall, of Wilmington, and Miss Mary McArtan were married at the borne of the5 bride's uncle. Mr. John McArtan, at Linden this morn; log byer. Stedman Black. - , - . V - "After a beautiful wedding break fast, the party, consisting of the bride and groom, Mias Florence 1; Pearsall, Messrs. JLrE. Hall and H. Lacy Hunt, of Wilmington, -and Mr.. James M. Black, of Red Springs, .drove to this city, arriving here at 1:30 o'clock this afternoon. - -' " .-i ' '-.' i and Mrs. Pearsall will - leave to-night for an extended northern trip; The othera returned home on the afternoon train, i-' -rB f rH MnArtan ia one of the love Ume wiuiams. . - - , ladies of this section, and -PawunBOAllin tr for above letters will I iizl .J27 Mnta in -"R,avtt villa please say advertised. If not called for 1 &nd Qamberland county wish her and t in fifteen days they Vfm be sent to the dead letter.offlce. .y . V: """ yf:A":iyt jroaOTaaw,.,. her nonular young husbanda .happy' journey through life. - " Htnnw.7'vlj:orWKico,r enort 1 - ' "VOW ID . -mwm- Q 18 these Ma.r:r. Pay ernarriai Moat J -0I.0I than, "Tea. tw . re nezro ax inin i km painncr kind Ber Spanish rule. r-i- if- N1CW ADVERTISEMENTS . . . ( Market itice-Stall renting Ht': W.ROboner Baking powder.- ; Savings Banks No business to-day. Lost-Goid brooch,'-" -;v:;:...:;.;' Jjotireenback OlO) : Philadelphia Clothing Ca Wanted Miss Fahnie Corbett Fietcaer music Sonthcrs Leaxne Scores. ;TfL:f v The following are the scores of yes terday's baseball games in ; the South ern League: Selma 7, : Memphis 2 Memphis . 9, Selma " 1; - Shreveport 1, ChatUnooga 3; New Orleans 6, t Bir mingham 0; New Orleans 7, Birming ham o.--,-r Real Estate At eats Will Close, 'i-f. : : The following real estate agents have signed an - agreement to close their offlces during all; business hours io I day: -W..M. Camming, J, Q. Wright J 7 -. . - m ..lit. & Con, D. O'Connor, Anarew omuu Or.: w P.-WerteaDtker. f ; : a nrivate letter 'f rom Dr. - O.; P. WAvtABhakBr. "who was for severari years the iwpular surgeon. ;ln charge of the Marine Hospital , nere, no awi to be most . kindly remembered to his friends in Wilmington Dr. werten- baker is now. medical ofacer In conr mandTof the ; New Orleans " Marine Hospital and is making-many friends in tbe "Crescent City. ! Of his resi dence 'in' Wilmington, ;lr. Werten- baker writes :"IvrecalV my ataym Wilmington with much pleasure and feel that r have-'some. warm friends there." " ' ' " - A very" beautiful ' ceremony was performed last night at 9 o'clock by the RevsDr. A; D. McClure who at the Maidence of the bride's brother. Mr.' W. E. Powell, No. 509 North Fourth street, joined in matrimony Miss Delia Maud Powell, "daughter of " Mr. and Mrs. James -M. Powell, of Weldon,' N. .C.,- and Mr. Edward Clayton Moore, a popular - and well ; known youhVhusiness man of thia city. " : The. wedding was quiet hut exceed ingly, pretty and in good taste. There were present to witness the- event a number of friends and relatives of. the happy young people to the marriage vow. The residence was handsomely deoorated and brilliantly lighted with electrics and Japanese lanterns; The parlor where the ceremony was per- formed was . prettily decorated with feras.V'1 The bride entered the parlor from the main hall, leaning upon the arm of ;the groom '. and the words that made them man and wife r were im- mwiiaivelv snoken r bv Dr.: Mc- ClurorxThere were no attendants. The bride was handsomely , costumed in a gown ot organdie,, trimmed with lace and white satin ribbon. She car ried a lovly shower bouquet of bride roses and maiden hair lerns. 4 After theceremony there were many congratulations ' and expressions of best .wishes at an elegant reception at which those who assisted in receiving were : Miss Lucy .Moore, Mr, Lynn Moore. Miss Orace ' Smith, , and Mr. Wal ter .Williams. A course of de lightful refreshments was served dur ing the progress of the reception. Many costly and handsome bridal presents were displayed, among them being a gift to the groom of a splendid buffet by his fellow clerks at the department Store ot meagre, as u. nouuot w w., where Mr. Moore is manager of the clothing department. V V ! ' . C Mr. and Mrs.- Moore will reside In the future at No. 708 Princess street. ; Slgaor BDeTrafforoV;:t : Mr. ;J. Keener Westbrook and his company of select vaudeville artists, who will shortly begin a tour of North and South Carolina towns, have se cured the services of Signor ;H. Dei Trsff ord,- an eminent pianist of high excellence. 7 Signor , , : . DeTraflord, though an Italian, is a graduate of the London (Eng.) Conservatory of Mu sic; and is" said to be a musician of great talent. TuinWer Baking Powder SllO 11 in S"e Tnnabler FowteR-?! $98 15 in Jtntr BaUaf Powitt. ; f IIS e In P. & M. BnlOna Powder, f 10S OS In Cf. Ii. Powder. - - -$310 OO In Horfrd Powder. .. - 815 98 In New Mullet. . fT9e 85 In B. P. Oatt.. --";;i:--115 16 In "Wnlte BNd Oati. . . - $149 SS.ln Ssed Hr :'V---..ZS: y ... ; Wbolesale Grocer, ' '-; . ';' 108.110, SIS Hut street,. .: : Sep 19 tl " . . . wnminton.H.u Rye 40 bushels Seed Rye. 40 bushels Seed Wheat. TV7T- - :;,;-;l50 Bbls. Nice MnUota.) Also Bagging and Ties and car-loads ; " of other stuff,;, ' ;. : Get our price. WHOLXSAU 8B0CKBS, I am not going to establish a branch store not am I going to change business. - ; ; g2 s : The people aire satisfied With my Goofls and prices and I am. satisfied ylth my sales and nrofita.. - - - - --i-: . - : ; ' . '. Furniture anil Furniture - Itlsfarnl ; tare t&at bat has no are. Do not l wn. - - : What Is Good PnrnitnroT ? ; what is y-i-z kv ; ; GHOST rOBNTTCBEJ - -has no body. Looks very fine, strength at all all varnish and a imooMMi sump ftnsmMd. : our TTurnlture ! la an .TnnalHnn nf DitllTlff RflflltL PftrlOT and Bedroom Furniture here that needs lew words of praise trom as. Quality Is stamped all over each article. . . ... . ' " I . And that q.oauty isn c mgn pntseu. . i j IIUIIB0E & EELLTS, 2 h r " Ha 17 Boatb Front street. :- Ben Phone ll ' sepntf- Bagging and Ties. - Salt on hand and cargo to arrive. ; :r rvlblasses. Domestic. Peachot, Pears, Plums, Grapes,: Bananas, ; Ap-r- 5 pies and Oranges; ;.-' Call Mdt'mefor . : .- to be had in the city. -tr, ft':iJ. v 1 . 904: Frtncess Btreet. ; : i ,8-. BeilThoneaso. r sepfltt i Inter-State 132. Freoh Packed September Unllets. i-HZ.l-'- Bagging, Ties, full line, of - Salt and a Groceries ana PrdvMoi ' t-n VjS oobEFOBATKD.),x': hM- Q I sep.5 'tf .uvic'-'s-. :s4 SttOberry Bta. . . Cheese, Full Cream. Sardines. Salmon, Cakes. - DunJap lal. : -;-; Com, Oats, Hay. i I4me,; Oement; sepistf . myis OKB WEEK OHLY.; , Three pounds parched or ground ' best quamy aracaa wswi r Coffee. ;.:Vr. ::.."..:v.. ,67cta Five pounds American standard Gtranmatea ougar ....- m m p eta --i-v; :.85cts 7S; Bell Phone 618 sepiT ti -- rill market street. . Inter-State 421. JUST 0PE1IED ' Quantity io 1 One person limited. , (This is our regular 26c Coffee. - " i--h At The Both Phones 109 septltf Capped uieGliniax. Dimtie to Streets. Superintendent . of Streets J. It. Woolard was busy between showers yesterday in making a tour of the city, inspecting: the damage by wash-outs to streets and sidewalks. He said there was no great damage by reason of the excessive rainfall, but it will take a pretty general overhauling to get the minor damrr rer aired."" :Siis. At No. 108 Worth Water Street j 7, .fjij- '-?r with a full and complete line ot fresh grocertee at wholesale. We have 3 Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Real; ui a mil Mne of ease goods. -Kew catch Mul- Irtish Cheese and Butter arriving every weer, Prices guaranteed. : Treatment lair. - - iEPETEB MctJUEEHr irZWf Wholesale Grocer and OommlsslonJMerclgnt, sep&tt no. luonorvu "T"D'-4 wiiniaGTqiiisiuicoi . Vim mrA mntxr WmiAftV.' RentsmbMP 9th. 1901. the schedule wol be as follows until further , notice: -: , ' t--:zs DAII.T EXCEPT BUNpAT. v : Leave Ocean view. 7 45 A. It innt arrrrod ear toad Horses; several wiy iZ 1 Ana a i urn itw . and lota OX lu classes ox block on uui y."v: nrtaaa. RalOBC Of I room ror car loau am boiiwmwi . t" gains can ana soi.:t.v;i;; f ; Vilmuiflton Live stock Co Yes, we"hae reached that point' by the in troductionor four new' r'ahnax" Chairs and other funiltrstooeepond; Oin? barbers arej skilled in thebnsmees and our rasonana other : nrtmnlngsn are. as they have alwsjstwsn, of ; tbeverTbestWesoyewn . ..- JeStf -':"r-.. .. . ' ' T Bonta Trout BV ; . angWtf ndTicn 4 t : OhOGGG- .Hi aT iA li'fi j IT U ' cbice of the" deerctarv an TncLvww of ?tft ': . . - FoaiSHOOTH, vln Bepfc;rC.i8lI The revrflar annnaT meeting of the stock holders of the Carolina Central Bflroaacom- kny will De neta in tne jrrons Birees uiuco . e comnanv in the city of Wilmington, State ! ot North Carolina, en Thursday, the 8rd- day ox October, a. v vm. at i o-cioca r. , 4 . eecrstarj. rt 100 Boxcar Tobacco. S00 GaclifJlCbflcoi -K2 ,v .SOP S WtV':--- 18 Kartot street. I Leave Wilmington. 8 SO A.M.: sepstra '1010 A.M.' -""STOP. M.S 6 80 P.M. "- :,. 80 A.M. -: o w jr.. aiir- z,- m va- sv ah ' ': C iN:;S YOunccoY Leave Wilmington. , 8SIVPMi BTTIIDAY 'TBADStif ,v 'iifS -.Leave ocean view. np:'5.p..Mii fig 'fii There' win be the usual late train mday Tiiffht RpntTObar 6th. on acconnt f vacht races ana ,Clu9 nance iue- ctttiurud mM latramh"sl-en annulled. u I're' T o t ui w can .an oa iu.i j m. maa a.ow P. n. wains. - , .- ..- .. Pfr is a . great POssibnit!reapaM rich returns tor your sacrifice for hs uon. -riace uuu " "".JiV-r rwueire or I looked arter. M3nmpijt rnaiiiT orinchi lieJ?&enWe? aa'oVportnn education ocyp "-.rrrlBClp an si 83i rtiKSnfln 1U1U t Vi.:is wvpg,:; For Dcstroyiniig J-, - -.. V. fiV -'. ' " -'I ..:' ".V.- ' : ;' Tncinrt.ft .' .' ''".' - Infesting Trees, Vines and Plants. . for sale at . " T , r. - .,x--4 liiOTstftl! F;:r.:.::cy. ''aWpett ' 3 :J-y J : nth Front street. St od. " - . - and J. II. Buntir. , - - II

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