i.n.1'. .. .MWMtll ,, ,. . ; ' ' - ' " , , ' - . - - ' - " " ' ' - i - a iti....o ur oidwtwriiui.v One Ymf, by ZX&U. 5.0ct Otter Dinr" a Six ZXoDths, ' 2.60 ; PBbHshed 10 x. Thnw LIontkf , " , .1.25; Tw.ZTonUi., ' ' :1.00; dipEB P TATB. VOL. LXVIII.r-NO; CRr at 4 Vntm pr BImm.- X; WILMINGTON N. C.V SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 21, 1901; WHOLE NO. 10,635 . . - ....... . .... .... . , . : . : - . 1 .A I - i - PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. PAVING CONTRACT. nhanler, divorcea mJ The Schley HJe-v p. Admiral Pi01", c-t witness ex- Sooner Idle Times "folk and the master 0B. j .nd drowned. STwtnpany of mounted oVis at Vlakfon- ... thn cemetery lnkUledi.afreiht b near Detroit. Business Q a, Washington yester-. Uet was in session. rT nchess of Cornwall; ,t the Canadian capital. Lt statue of Airreo IjTBsterday at Wincnea- LOTer a hundred persons U made application to mi- L HcKinley. ree Unies in Atlanta have ,'Jdated. t4 n NAW khi&U, arrest - Three men kiubu u n.Fans injured in a coUi- Bsjston & Albany railroad. York markets: Money on at SifflU Pr cent., me , tt 4 per cent ; cotton fjdliBf uplands 8ic; flour Let was quiet; wheat- No. 8 red 76c; corn Ka.J63e; oaU spot nrm. r ... rosin steady; spinis Ld7at36i363. tur- Sther report. DIPT OF AGBIOULTUBB, IWUTHIE BUREAU. br9T0N,N.C., Sept. 20. Uures: 8 A. 11., 59 degrees; I degrees; maximum, t ae limunuJ7 degrees; mean, 62 for the day, 22; rainfall W the month to date, 2.99 water in the Cape Pear river hille tt 8 A M.. 43.6 feet and IAIHEB CONDITIONS. 1)1 ware covers the entire iwpt the extreme southern Heavy frost is reported fronv ly.Kansas, lieht frosts from kad Oklahoma, and freezing ire in the Dakotas. Jt depression of the barome Inl over Southern Florida UTS a tendency to continue sled weather in this section. llSMiST FOB TO DAY. P8T05, Sept. 20. For North Fair Saturday and Sun mer8anday; light northerly Homing variable. ilAkn&e September 21. Rev. Father Marion, of Fay etteTilie, la the (fttestrbtl Bev. Father Dennen.' . ; Mr. Junius Dayia, Jr., left yes- terday to enter the Boston School .of Teehnolory. -':.7Z - Mrs S. 8." Drew is , at home from Mount Airy where ahe spent a part of the Summer. . :. .; . . 1 - . : ': ' Mrs. D. E.'WiH8teal and little son arrived yesterday from Washing ton, D. U, to Tiait relathrea.y " c. MrB.rD. Weacott returned yesterday from Aaheyille, , where he has been spending some time...---'' Mha Stella Meredith "haa. gone to Greensboro, where aha Will i enter the Greenboro Female CJollette. ' ' '-- Mrv Edward Anderson McKoy is here on a visit to his another, .Mrs. T.U.UcSjOTt on Wrightsvillo Sound.! Miaai ;osephiheri Sfliddena xe turned last erenine to ' Goldaboro, af ter a pleasant visit to Mrs. & Way land Jonea.,.- . . f 't V P. Mrs. Calvin S. BlackwelTi re turned - last evening from Virginia,' where she has been spending' several months-V-v,.- -.ri; ls-Sfy7-' Mrsv George Eotmtree and Mr. and. Mrs. Preston ; U. Bridgers and family have returned from their Sum mer outing at Brerard, N. C, '; ' i Miss Laura Wescott .returned yta terday from Coyness Springs and Roanoke, where she haa ' been spend ing the Summer with her sister, Mrs. E,. Maury. Fryev : 5 r--i f'.-: 'i Mr. E.' W. .Wallace, proprietor of The Orton, was called : to, Kenan'a- ville yesterday morning by a telegram announcing the. illness of his mother, Mrs. Bland Wallace, Ux. Victor Mclntyrei of New York, - who " has been spending the Summer with his, friend, Mr. James Hinea, of FaisoxC Will sail on the New York steamer this evening for home. I . Dr.. J." M. Wells," pastor of the First Presbyterian church, and family will return ; to-day 0014 Sulphur Springs, Va. I Dr. Wells will occupy his pulpit at the usual services to-morrow. "I; .. - ' ...-i'1. Fayetteville OiservertlHi. Wil liams Murchison, of Wilmington, ar rived here yesterday to visit Ms sister, Mrs. & U. Pemberton, who is ilL We are glad to learn that Mrs.-Pemberton is considerably stronger this after- Audit arid Fiaancef BoirdtWant New Bids for the Princess : - r.1- REFERRED T0 ALDERMEN. Taey WH Meet This Atteraooa Tat Three f O'clockSeveral Maalclpal Matters ; Were , Considered at Unrth noon.' CITY MARKETS RENTED. They Were Let to the tiixhest Bidder Yes- terdsy by Aldenosa Maasdeffor the EBSBtag njth iteratSouthport. iter Wilmington . 5.46 A.M. 6.00 P.M. 12H.14M. 12.36 A. M. 3.06 A.M. ire nearly 300,000 teachers din this country teaching mg idea how to shoot." b State of Connecticut-there Man's Association which is foyer by a solid 400-ponnder. le ntg down on the obstrep- lember that settles him. touted hop crop this year, hich is grown on the Pa- fth 200,000 bales, Pin that to brew a lot of trouble. F i so lar?e tbat if tha States and all v, nrnno or. Were drorjued in it Nflnt be crowded and there " 300,000 square miles to .it "We a snrnlna nf wnmon P States there is a deficit in There a lot of India iana is one of these, for there has Wn wnfmr ""jearsfora man tomarrv him to get Alderman J. . ; Frank ' Maunderr chairman of ' the , Market committee, accompanied by City Clerk and Treas urer. B. F. King, yesterday : visited the various eity market houses and rented the stalls and apartments therein for the ensuing year. Mr. Maunder'was his own ; auctioneer, ; and rattled off the bids in proffessional style, t There are practically no changes in the tenants and the rents and premiums are about th. m last vear: - Following is the result of the auction: t ' v Front street msrket SUlls 1, and 3, north side, J. F. GarrelT uo., 250 and SO cents premium. Stalls 1, 2 and 3, south aide. $150 anoV 30 cents. Stall No. 8 south side. J. F. Grre & Ca, $36 and no premium. v Btalla No. 1, 2 and 4. centre, L : B. Rhodes, $250 and 80 cents. v 8talls No. 6 and 7, $73 and SO cents. : Stall Noi- 10, Sam Merrick, $24 and 80 -cento: premium. Stall No. lZ J. M. HoUand, $24 and 30 cenuiStoll No. 14, Charlotte n.wi. ai9 and SO cents. - Restaurant NoJl, Kenan Byrd, $72 and 80 cents. Restaurant No. - 3, John j Anderson $48 and 80 cents, Restaurant No. 3 aTdJoom, a B- Goodwin, $72 and 35 cents premium. - Room NOTl, . . r. Bailey. $12 and SO cental Store No. 1, Jno. a amrisjj, $150 .a-n'W-. ium. Store No., 2, J. A. Odom, $120 and $21 premium, i 8tore No. 3, W. M. Sneeden, iiw ana mium. Room No. 4. J. FGarrell & Co., $13 and no premium; No. 3. J. u. Hardin, $36 and no premium,- -"Fifth Street Market-O. H. Ken nedy, $160 rent and 25 cents premium. -Fourth Street Market-Stall No. 1, t r,v. ars and 20 cento premium: Na-1 JVV. Garrll & Oa,$75 and 35 cents premium; No. 4, D. afineeden, 48 and 25 cento. Stalls 3 and 5 weit not rented ' 'Fish Stalls, Front Stoeet Spaces 3 and 8, J. Loughlin, $50 and ?irLliw No. 4. 31 K. Robin- wfNoayi ahd, J Iioaghto, $7 and $15, respectively. ; iThe awajd- of the contract to the Coal, Cement and Supply Company, of this city,, for the ; paving of two blocks of Princess street, from Second to Fourth, failed of approval by the Board of Audit Vahd Finance, which was in special session from ,3 until ofclockestorday .afternoon. The matter was referred -again', to the Board of Aldermen? after a lengthy discussion, and that body is asked to call for new proposals so that all bid ders naay be satisfied and may have, no pretext for complaint. V In order thai it may be necessary (or no departure from his original plan- to have the - work begin r October 10th Mayor Waddell; has called a special meeting of the . Aldermen this after noon at three o'clock "and it is pre sumed at this meeting a final disposi-. tibn of the matter will be made as far as the Aldermen are concerned.- . -' "Present at the meeting yesterday afternoon were Chairman McQueen and Messrs. S. P. McNair, and Jesse Wilder, comprising the Board, Mayor Waddell, Aldermen Harriss and Maun der, City Attorney Bellamy, Messrs. Roger Moore, Jaav T. Riley, S. P. Adams and Judge E. K. Bryan. . Chairman McQueen, in calling the meeting to order, stated that the pav ing question would be taken up again. He said that from all he could learn the price at which the award was made by the Aldermen was not unreason able for the material and, work pro posed to be furnished, but there was a question if it was wise to use such exs pensive material on a section of the street where .trafficis not heavy, while the more central portions of the same and Market street are paved with cheaper material ; that 'the other work on Princess and Market streets with vitrified brick cost only $167 per square yard and . the pavement now in contemplation will cost $2.05 per square yardV -. : -i-vVi-'. " s Judge E. K. Bryan, who wai i present as counsel for the Coal, Cement and Supply Company, explained that the block called for in the recentcon tract cost $39 per thousand, while others could be had for $26 or $27 per thousand., like thosetinowJsidim, rprincess and Market streets. Mr. Moore read a testimonial to the quality of brick proposed to be furn ished by his firm. ! v ' ; - Alderman ' Maunder . said ' that as a member of the Streets and Wharves Committee, he had decided in favor of the fire proof brick because 128 miiM of streets had been paved in Philadelphia with them during the last 13 years and theyv were good to day. - In response to a question from Mr. McQueen asl to the wisdom of paving one section of the street with superior quality brickywhile the more traversed section was paved; with cheaper material, Alderman Maunder said the Titrifled :briek now - in; uge were unsatisfactory ; they had begun chipping off and horses were being in jured by. falling on them. - ; ; , Mr. Wilder thought there could be no objection to referring the matter back to the Aldermen for new bids. .. Judge Bryan stated that the Alder-: men had called for bids on brick of the kind decided upon and that they thought it was in their- province to state the quality and the ; Board of Audit and Finance : to pass upon (he Rae would be competent to judge of the.materialri:' Other Matters fdereC .- Alderman Maunder brought to' the attention of the board the i adyteability of buiidiBcrlhe bridge over the Fifth street crossing of the A.:.C. I tracks conjointly with the railroad company,' which- had offered abutments worth. $4,500. Messrs. McQueen and McNair expressed themselves in favor of the bridge, but wanted to know where th money was coming, from; :,The board thought it best" to postpone action a few'weeks longer. f---?-?.- .rf-'f i .Theibill -of Mr. H. VonGlahn for underpinning v wall onFJfth-street, was referred to the former street com mittee for information. ;erfV i The:;Ci Treasurer submitted a statement .of the - finances of the municipality, showing a balance from July, account of $24,358.17; receipts during, August, t9,988.3&-total, $34, 345,48 hedlsburaementsuM the- month amounted ' to X $8039,41, leaving a balance on hand September 1st of $26,307.07.' . : . V- ' , , - -, Alderman Skinner, of " the Streets and Wharves j Committee, was al lowed $250 for the purchase of a pump' and $150 for a boiler to be used at the city rock quarry. Both are second hand, but in good order. ; Ah appropriation' was also made ' for the purchase of two -' mules In place of two others which will be sold. "' - f Bill of Mr. Eugene S.; Martin for professional services J in an opinion upon the sewerage election was -. or. dered paid. - The amount is $85...- I The remainder of the Session was taken up in auditing bills for current expenses. ' -, '- TOE ELKS' CARNIVAL. LOCAL DOTS AH Cocamittees Are Progressing I '-i 1ttii: Now With' Vprv flrpflf 'WMk nyiT - f f asu w j . wa w 3S-S Satisfaction.. . RATES ON THE RAILROADS. SHIRT WAISTS IN SCHOOL. Bey With Modera Dress Excluded Prem Graded School ;ia ; Pledooal North , Carollss A Local ComtnenL ; A Wilmington school committee man, who is interested in no small degree in all matters of public educa tion and thoroughly up-to-date in his ideas pertaining to i the same, has de rected the attention of the Stab to a letter recently7 received by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction from a lady patron of a graded school in Piedmont North Carolina, who has been the victim of "arbitrary' and ty rannical rules" imposed by the super inten3ent of the school by not allow ing her thirteen-y ear-old "son to wear a neat, well-fitting shirt waist to school during the very warm days early in September. .The letter continues with the statement that the lad in the case has gone to school in Baltimore, New York and Brooklyn - without being sent home for a coat, and that such action as this "does not encourage a New Yorker to setttefaTyow-Stata to be obliged to pass the censorship of a man who may know how to teach, but not necessarily be -the final Tsar on the subject of dress or fashion." ,'Tfae letter bas, in it the following question : 'Is it permissible in a pub lic school, presumably for the educa tion of the masses, ; f or a principal to make an arbitrary rule on the subject of dress? If a boy is ; sent to school, clad in clean, whole garments, with clean hands and face; has the principal any authority to send him - home for his coat when the temperature is such that every man In town is working in his shirt sleeves!" f Because of Jhe . an noyance caused the lady, she ; has ' withdrawn her son from the school until State Superin tendent Toon." shall have , decided whether or not he can be admitted without a coat. 5 - " "The local committeeman,' who calls the attention of the Stab to the inci dent, makes the well founded com ment that 'the letter ; not only con tains good advice that fits the local case referred to, but that a great many teachers who arrogate to themselves judgment they Are Provlsj Eatlrely Safflciest to 1 . Draw the Crowds asd the Advertls CisfMaasfers -. Are Beriaalog" f53c Their Dalies; - ' v": 1 The Ejk's Carnival is now an assur ed success and from the- present indi cations It will ; undoubtedly prove the greatest affair of its kind ever held in Not th. Carolina. ". f - A great part of the detailed prelimi nary work haaJaeftB aompleted and uft hrcommittees are now on - a . firm wor king basis; so 'much so, in: fact, that the Executive or Central Com mittee which met recently,: expressed great satisfaction atthe excellent man ner in which the work - had been con ducted. - - - ' I All the railroads in North Carolina, Virginia and Bouth ' Carolina have finally put on the- "remarkably low rate of one fare for the round trip ih rough 'all, territory likely to be reached by the fair. ' This concession is the greatest victory - that has been o far achieved and is In - itself virt ually : an overwhelming success for the carnival, for on ', account - of this rate visitors will pour into the city in great numbers. - - - j Large bales ot flaming ' posters, streamers and beautifully lithographed sheets portraying . the features of the great': Bostock aggregation, - arrived yesterday, and the bill posters, under the 'direction of Dr. T. B. Carroll, started, posting at once, so that in a. few days the city - will be ablaze with Elk Carnival signs. - - , A large force of bill posters will be organized the first of -next week for the purpose of extensively billing with the large posters all of the stations on the A.' C. L., -8. A -It and Southern railways in North Carolina. All the larger cities, including Ra leigh, Charlotte, Goldsboro, Asheville and others, will be billed by local bill posters and the regular Elk force of posters will touch only the smaller stations. A big lot of advertising matter will be sent to South Carolina and some will reach the southern part of Virginia. - Ten thousand enamel lapel buttons'" have been shipped and will be distributed probably to-day. ; A gorgeous and extra vsgant pageant of all the local and visiting organiza tions, trades and professions will be arranged for Thursday, October 17th, aniLJthe committees in charge is ne gotiating witbiar costume hoaserfor the purchase of costumes, etc t The carnival wIH- be a success and that a great one, too. " . The Carolin:, Yacht .Club otjl Wrightsville Beach will close, for the season Sept. 22nd. " ; ; " , - . - j The Fayetteville Pythiana have arranged for a K. of P. fair to beheld Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of next week. . - . - -7. ,l , . 1 : : The schooner7 LillitPearl, of 60 tons capacity, arrived: yesterday from Beaufort, N. CC, with a' cargo of fish for Wilmington merchants. ' j . Marsden Bellamy, Jr., EBq., commissioner, yesterday "sold- at. auc tion to John Green, colored, for $100, lot 80x75 feet in Tove's alley. " I i-.r :Rev. P. Ci Morton will preach at Grace M. E. Church to-morrow at thell A. M. servteeat the Y. M. a Alio4heaiwrnooaad at Delgadoajt . "The Stab regrets ; to v learn of the' critical illnessof the infant Of Mr. and Mrs, Malcolm McKay at the Ma rine Hospital, where - Mr.r McKayis steward.. . . , Sr Toney Fantopula, " the well known f. Greek" confectionery mer chant who has spent the past year and a half in his native country,has re turned to the city and wiU likely en gage in business sgain. - : .5' ( j The soldiers at Fort s Caswell have a movement on foot for the "or ganization of a post band. The two batteries now at the fort include some excellent talent and the band would no doubt be a good one. - .- I ' The funeral of the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank KHuggins was held yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock from the residence, - the Rev. Dr. James Carmichael and the Rev. Dr. Calvin S. Blackwell officiating.: k k ' BRUNSWICK SUPERI0K C0URT7 ' BOYS' AMD GIRL'S Shoes this Week: -THIO IS THE PLAGE. sep it tt rJicfwllLLAW CO. FOURTH AND OAIIPBELI. QTEEETO. Hi Stores Closed i Shoe' Department. I sep 21 tf " tQif AqooimT, of holiday; oue STORES 7Ilii BE CLOSED IION ; DAY; SEPTEHBER 23RD. O , ? s: b: qotorwiow. 1 l : Dry Goads Department Surplus Is Strength if 1 With assets of over $800,000.00 and surplus of over $30,000.00 we guarantee absolute security to depositors intrusting their money to'our keeping. We solicit your account. Four per cent, in terest paid on all amounts of $5.00 and over. No notice-required before the withdrawal of money. ' Deposits received now5 bear, interest from " October 1st.., - - , - . . j. O 1 - ". - ' THE WILUIHGTOU SAY11IGS ft- TRUST CO.; " 108 Princess - Street. - ' r " ' ' S. W. hobwoos, PrMMrat. 1 U WA1TBBI, wise rrcaUtoas. : . ,. C. & TATIiOBt Jr.-CMSUt. -v, sen 20 tf THE STEAMER SEABR10HT. WDI be Convened at Soatbport Monday, r Navsssa Qnano Company's Case, r Brunswick Superior Court, which always engagea almost as . many Wil mington attorneys as the regular ses sions here, will be convened at South port Monday. . " ' One of the important cases on the docket and one which has' created a great deal of interest is that of F. M. Moore, of Phoenix, . against the Na- vassa Guano Company for damages alleged to have been sustained by him in the depreciation of the value of his lands by reason of fumes and gases emitted from the factory of the com pany at Meares' Bluff, -j -l The case involves a large number of witnesses and has been hard fought for several years. The array of legal tal ent on both sides is strong. ' V. Sait Atafnst Westers Uatocw " Justice Fowler t. yesterday.. rend ered a - judgment . in favor - of the plaintiff for $10.26 in the suit of W. L. Webb against the Western Union Tel egraph Company, reference to which has been made in these columns. No tice of an appeal was made by Hon. John D. Bellamy, counsel for the de fendant company. In arriving at his decision. Justice Fowler held that the mule was injured to the extent of $35 by the reason of the failure of atten tion bv the veterinary surgeon, who wss telegraphed for, but that the sur geon's fee would have been $25, and in that event the damage would have been $10, to which was added the tele graph tolls, amounting to 26 cents. r Church Notices.' - Riadan Street Methodist Cburch: Bev. J. J. Porter wlU preach -at U A. ML, ana at the evening service. : . . , - - Chapel of the CWoa Bnepnera, Bixtnjuia Queen streets. - There wDl toe the usual services on Sunday at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Bunday 1 school at 4 o'clock la the afternoon. , - Bonthsiae Baptist Cnurcn, corner nitn ana Wooster streets, Bev. B. H. Herring, pastor. (Services lio'clocs A. M. ana 7.80 P. M. Snnday BchOOl at 8 r. to. rrayer iubbuuk . Weanesday night at 8 o'clocsv - - rirst Baptist Church, corner or uarset ana fifth streets, Bey. Calvin B. Biaorweu, v. v.. Bagging and Ties. ! "MDLLETS," 1 Salt on hand and cargo , to arrive. rJloiasses, Imported and Domestic. Chees8, Full Cream. . Sardines, Salmon; Cakes. . Dunlap. Ileal Corn, Oats, Hay. Lime, Cement, r The Wofthl Fnseral of Mrs. QUbert. ;. . : : - -7 '?i The mortal remains of the late Mrs. Sussn Elizabeth : Gilbert, whose; sad death was chronicled in these columns vMterdsv. were laid to rest In t: Oak- dale Cemetery the same afternoon, in thA nreaence of numerous: friends, man, who was con- n2 abont. hntB mnnVi , w u v II UAIAUAA "w in his houBe, got the 1 f beinp a Mar V l. :wtu ana no house. money was fe6" of ChicaSO has '-.because he tried to "Whits 7- K mm vv,u ,nnx, xnere uiUC VIX 111. I a l0llwhi8 own S;wMr' Wn gentle- Vu. 8 a Rood ti? u on it . & " Abost "Red". Armstroare rf:' ' The Norfolk TirgihiarPilQt has the "following , concerning a oaseDau wall known here: "The re- porter of the Y Wy inlormeu ww," LT Red) . Armiirons jmwiu-j C his .resignation as amember of the department to; theJBoof PoUce - Commissioners. - -$25 and cost, to beating Henry Beibel wiin J. " jTl Taylor and appealed.- He is under suspension from the force now. , .T . Cottoa Receipts CoatlSBe,SauH. ? Testerday'a stoca report at the Pro duce Exchange shows that the cotton, receipt, continue very small in com parison with last year, i During the past week only 4,m -bales came on the market against w tb last year oince we. wJU- VWpU at this port nave the right of passing final reasonability of the price for that qual- I upon all matters affecting the interest lty;: ..rr;..-, : ; of pupils in the publio senoois couio . . Then it was suggested; that Messrs. jead between the lines and profit by Moore and Biley . might not be able to the good advice contained in the well auots prices do uis wsuuw wrikkcu called' for in the - specifications but both assured the Board upon the sug gestion that they could furnish, just as good of another manufacture. Judge Bryan said the only difference between the boards appeared to bathe quality of brick to be used and that was a matter entirely in we proT" of the Aldermen. . I Here a question arose as to the jaris diction of the two boards, regarding which Mayor Waddell, Mr. Jicyueen.. Judge Bryan - and others expressed fhemsel ves. : The Mayor steted that the Aldermen through their com mittee had agreed on speclflcationa and thought that detail had been settled through the proper channel Y? : w MeOneen aUted that his board did hot desire to change the detail but thought the pavement ; was too expen- : slve.' -'5- 'V'-t:-: f-:-"-' -;' t Mayor Waddell . thought it was true economy' to gethe best when experi-. menU with cheaper grades had proved unsatisfactory He was perfectly wll: ling to entertain -bids from Messrs. Moore and Biley if they were prepared tn on brick and. work aa specified. If an indiscriminate call was made fa? brick, the bids, would be senseless. ?Mr. Wilder then made his - formal Ann thst the matter be referred She Has Beea Tesaporsrily Abaadoaed. Crew Came Up to City Yesterday. - The steamer Sedbright, stranded off Bald Head Island at the mouth of the Cape Fear has been temporarily abandoned. " iThe Compton, Capt. W. A. Sanders, which arrived in port about 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon from Little Biver, S. C, went to the scene of the wreck on her way up and attempted to make a pull on her, but the distance was again found to be too far from deep water to move the derelict. . .r . The crew, - which has remained aboard of the little craft since she wss thrown away up on the - beach, were taken off and brought up to the city yesterday"afternoon. An examination of the wreck on low water makes it almost positive that' the vessel is be vond recovery. . Cant. Sander, originally Intended to SSfrV-' return to saia xaeau ounj um iuuiu- ing and make a final attempt to save - " Consignment just to hand. I - Caught on beach -in original; ; barrels. r , . flf - TTTTT T TTfl ' . ju.WJUWJuaM I Not repacked but full barrels, VIIULLETS,,, From the celebrated Nixon " fisheries. - MTJLLBTS.,, " 1 . .' ' - Send us your orders and - get r quality and weights., J - Mm & Hashagen; t ' gents-fofNixon"Fisheries," ' - - sepistf - '-1" WRIGHT, THE REAL ESTATE AGENT. Wants Your Business We can handle it to your entire satisfaction and save you time, ' worry and money. Call us up Bell Thone 342. WHAT IS t - Kisrnnu-i OHOBT rrBNITCBBT v. - tore that 1 1 A hiii. T-nnb-a iwv flna. bnt has no tdiau varnish ana glare. Do not 1 touy It, even If the price is away down. . What Is Good Furniture? - A question easily answered.'. Our Furniture 1 Theretsan exposition of Dining Boom, Parlor and Bedroom Furniture nere ,'ft1" ; words ot praise irotn ub. au over eaon ai-- Ann tnat Quauty usu ugn Quality- Is stamped Bed Cross, between Second and Third. Front, betw'n Walnut and Bed Cross. Corner Second and Ann streets. 4 Corner Second and Orange streets.- v Fifth, between Ann and Nun: streets. Ninth, between Market and Dock.. v . IITJITROE & KELLY'S, 1 J. 6. WRIGHT, & 80TI, KOi 17 Booth Front street. Bell 'Phone 115. . sepWtf V The Real estate Agent and Notary Public. ' , sep 17 tf . - - . - kha boat, but he at length concluded nothing could be done for the present, though lighters may . be used later in an attempt to save her." ' : -" , v 1 1 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS YESTERDAY Number of Deeds ! Filed for : Record, Bat None Is Inportaat. . " ' J;The following are among the prop- AY-r transfers aDoearing from deeds who gathered to pay a last ssd mark ofj filed jor record yesterday at the Court respect and esteem to one wnominey i Houae5 First Presbyterian ChurcB. Kev. j.- . Wells. Ph. V., pastor. Divine services at 11 A. M. ana 8.80 P.VL. conducted by toe pastor. Prayer meettng on Thursdays at 8:15 P. H. The pubUa eoralaily Invited. -u r. - St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, corner Fourth and Campbell streets, Bev. Alex. D. He ctare, D. D pastor. Divine Bervlces at 11 A. M. and 800 rML Sabbath School at 4 P. M. Prayer meeting and lecture Wednesday at 8:00 P. al. The pubUc cordially invited. Beats tree. - Brooklyn- Baptist Church, corner Fourth and Brunswick streets. Bev. J. J. faysenr. pastor. Bervioes to-morrow at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Bunday School at 8.80 P. H. .WeeUy prayer Btrangersand-Tisltors are oordlally Invited to anaemces. - - c ,v , . - --i - Fifth Btreet Methodist Church, situated on mft.K ntrmt between Nun and Church. Bev.' John H. Hall, pastor. . Bervlces n Bunday i A. XL. ana 0.00 tj. rrayerunjeuuiK Freoh Packed , Ffutt Of All RUldS. September ilnllets. Bagging, -s Ties, full line of '- Salt and a Groceries and Provisions; : HALL & PEAESALL, A cordial In- . w" - loved. .The funeral waa impressively conducted from the ; late residence, NO. 107 South Fifth street, at 4 o'cloek by the Bey. Jno, H. Hall .. The pall in wfira: Honorary, ur, w. Love, Messm K. J. jonea, oamuoi NorthropandWrE. Springer acuve; Messrs. B, W. Price B.. J. Jacobs, W. W; Hodges, Brry Haia .D. Fciard: and W, B,. Cooper.-- - -i ; :i-:-? (Back from asMatoirfi 1 Co Watter Tayloran F. ' Bobertsony : of Gtovernor Aycock's staff; returned yesterday ; from Wash Irigtou, where they attended the fune ral exercises of tiie late President Mc- KInley:vThe sight around tne capiKu WW .the President's remaina . were Joe Uppitt to Mrs. T. B. Burbank tor $100, an undivided one-tmru in terest - In ' three lots on Wrightsville Sound. - " t- D. MeFayden and ,wife, of Bruns wick county, to D. F. Klein for $250, tract of land on the south side of the Newborn road,- near Pauline avenue, In Harnett township. - ; Jno. T. Smith and wife to Eddie Q. Hall for $685, city lot on west side of Fifth near Castle- street, the same being 81Jx90 feet In size. I - ; r Bobert Henry White and wife to iPMiiir PT--ftmh for $500. city lot on south side of Green street, 82i feet east v from its intersection with - the eastern line of Anderson street, the, same being 66x821 feet in site. .(11 A. M. and K.00 KM. iMuula Avnnlnar at 7.80 O'clock. Sunday afternoon at 5.00 o'clock; vitatlon extended to all. amrA VL K. Ghnrch. corner or urace and TnnTi afniAtJi - Pantor. Rev. J. N. Ooie. Ber vlces Sunday at 11 o'clock a. m. and 800 p. m. Bunday school, W. B. Cooper, anpfc, 4J p. m Weekly prayer meeting weanesoay at B.wp. m. A cordial welcome to alL Visitors to the city specially Invited. Beats, free.- - -- sep 5 tt (INCOBPOBATBD.) , . -5m and Mulberry Stay Peaches," Pears, Plums, Grapes,; Bananas, : Ap ptes and Oranoes, ' ' ' Call and see me for the BEST FBTJTF to be had in the city. J, NEW ADVEBTISEMENTS; their return, as stated in yesterday's train to the Aldermen, with a request I papert ooL Taylor and Major tsooerv iv,at thev call for new bids and if posv sible for- cheaper " material that will ..wftv all nurooses. The motion was Son ivisiteq.m route home, : Alexandria,- -Va. en frora girl whn ar, 1 J J. . nia until W she Mtta " Bae came in and to have her S; txU. ? whereas last I mai.mAmA bv Mr; MeNair,. and? as there her was kid for her re- year to'Sept. 20th A628 bi receivea. bales Vere of was car- - p. -y NEW . AD-vTOTISEMENTS appmg. t S.&B. Solomon Stores closed. I B,"W. Banders Send your ju 1--. w-r' . r T- - Tt.-.'W-.-.-.f v" . were only - wreo,.uwu"iw" board present, of courjse, itJ ' MrWilder suggested that the opin ion of an expert be sought as to the desirability of the brick - offered. . He said that either Mr. a P. Adams, Capt.. Jca i::":3 cr Crr. Wali:r GV In justice Boroemsna's Assanlt s -v The hearing of the submission of ex Denutv Sheriff B. B. Daniels for 'as- lavintf in state there, is described as I -.i and battery upoh Justice W. beintf a grand one, lnueeo. yupu i Bornemann win tare piace una aiwcr- noon at 4 o'clock before juauce w Gowan. The case promises to be an interesting one and one whieh - will attract a large number of 'spectators." Sootbera Lesiae Scores Yesterday. . . i The followlfig, are scores in the Southern Baseball League yesterday : I LItttle Bock 6, Chattanooga 5 ; " Little Bock 13. Chattanooga 6; 'Nashville 13, ZShreveport 5( New : Orleans 10, iSelma 0. The Memphis-Birmingham game was pectpened. - - rr THE DI8TBIOT COTTBT OF THE UNITED States for the Eastern District of North Carp Una: in the matter of H. a. Carver & Oo.,bank- TO uw CIVuiMni vi n. v. nrlnsrs. In the county-ox Robeson, in said district, Danarnpb nereov Eiven uiavuu uiovui uj v "vwj?i a. n. faoi. the said H. Q. carver & adiuairea DanKrupw; lng of their creditors Ol tne uuuerBiiixna. may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trus tee, examine the bankrupts, and transact such other business as may properly come before the Bald meeting. If examination of bankrupts.- la desired advise me. ' .' . Fayetteville, N. O.Be - sep 21 It f ' : Bef eree In Bankrnrtcy. " Seed Rye: and;; Wheat. i-; :. 40 bushels Seed Rye.;, : - 40 Uushels Seed Wheat. V. PLUUUEB, Jr.. 30i Princess street. , BeQ 'Phone S80. sepetf Interstate 183. Capped the Cflmax. t r . - - mm . 1 J . I 9. carver uo., wereuuiy j Also JBagging ana 1168 BUU ur-iuu 9 via vuat uw ura. . . -Jri ixe c ; - . . i - I UutmrvlMiit. weaoncit TOUT a n lam. at i o'clock in I v - - - . 1 1 , ieStf ' v D. L. CORE CO., WBOLISALS 6XOCEBB, - 120, no, and 124 North Water Btreet, , sep 18 tf- - -t Wilminsrton. NtC res.'we have reached that point tty the in v troducUon of four new Clhnax?' Chairs and, -other tornltore to correspond. -. Our barbers ars,; skilled In the bnstoess and our raeors and other Hrunsnngs" are, as they nave always been, of , amoN, Bonth Front St. - - Late Caswell Officer Promoted, 'Capt. Edward Landon, late of the t twell." has received a deserved compUment in an appoint ment as aide-de-camp to wjw w, Brooke, at Governor's Island, N, X. fw.in Landon was detached from the pest at Caswell some time eo. Tho Sugar and Coffeo Deal Off. 408 25c 65c 35c Tumbler BaMnPouder ore Apple Cider Vinegar, quality;... One Onebox "Fine Art" Toilet Soap, ele gantly scented, ...... ...... HO 11-ia.lsTBsiam Fwe.- S98 IS in Jeraer BJtl Powder. Si 1 S 09 la P. jSc M. Baltlnc Powder. flOa 09 In G. UPowccr. . - aiO OO ta Horaford'e Powder, i .: IT96 85 1st K. P. Oat. 1 ...".. I21S 16 in V bite Seed Oats, v 1149 63 in seea stye. 100 Booa Tobacco, r 200 Sacts Ooflfoe. GArirt ;bear, sr., sepStt 18 Karket street,-; FOtinEflT, These are regular, prices. " AH for the . Bum OIoriHH IIHHU(UIIJIK Send down your XUG. , At The Unlucky Ccmtr. Both Phones 1 ) sepSltf V. -C: COOPER, LJ . Dwellingsr Stores sepistf T7holeaal Ovoemr, " 806, 810, SM Hn8 sttse. . wilminirton. H. O. 1J Offlcesr&c - au22tf D. O'COITNOB- t t t ti. 11. i-.aCi-.S3 -r ' ' II

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