: : TERL1S DF SU3SCRIPTI01 r Other PBbllshed w X I jalssM J VOL. tXVin.-NO. 156. WILMINGTON, N . C, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22,1901. outlines. T7".a,.B with The on w 4. -. L British steamer - ,d at San"aK"' . a aw , -,00 direct from ST where she loaded tuuj previous - feeling American t wounded in a fight at a E and Titus have formally )ir .snment as eoM P. Czolgosz, me x m in nV.lnck next is gei ir " . rninfr vr- .r;nWserief is crushing Jltf" - . . I The President nas appom. fadwly comptroller of the fl- The Czar and Preai L yesterday reviewed 120, f troops; at the lchean Soubet in his speech said the Lgfaa alliance is pledged to j inspired by jusuco . jome of his hearers took the 'fe, to affairs in South The Sovereign Grand "odd Fellows decides that tt is run in connection with the proprietor of the hotel be eligible to membership. York markets: Money on rwas nominal. Prime mer a6 ner cent cotton Idling uplands 8 5-16c; flour irket was quiet; wneav it, No. 2 red 76c; corn No. S64e; oats spot firm. I 1 ami O A a PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. ... ... . . . - ' . ': - - FAIR AND CARNIVAL. FATHER REPORT. DKP'T Of AGB10TJLTURR, WcATHER BTJBKATJ, bwaTON, N. u., sept. iratares: 8 A. M., 59 degrees; deerees; maximum, 69 de- linimum, 56 degrees; mean, 62 in for the day, 0; rainiaii k of the month to date, 2.99 of water in the Cape Fear river teville at 8 A. M., 40.0 feet and WEATHER CONDVyjStS. rains have ValX stern CirolinajelstwheVe Tin thecot- the weather has been fair. rather has continued cool in ail 21. S rOMOAST FOB TO DAY. Ihihgtox, Sept.. 21 For JNortn hi: Fair Sunday; warmer m and southern portions. Mon- Ir, warmer, st resa norineasi to lads. almanac September 22. rises lets. Dr. F. H. Russell has returned to the city.';';;'-; 7 ; 7-7777 Uti Mr. D. J. Corbett, Jr., .of Keith, N. G, was here yesterday. Miss Lola ohnson of War saw, is visiting in the city, the truest of friends.,. MrtLM. Gr Bailey left yester day to visit friends and relatives at Atkinson N. CL ;. . . . Miss Carrie Duffie returned last evening from a very pleasant visit to friends in Goidsboro. Mr. B. G. Worth returned to the city last evening, after a vacation North for several weeks.' 7.; - Capt. A. D. Brown returned yesterday from New. York, where he has been purchasing goods for-; the Fall and Winter trade. - f Mr and Mrs. W. C. Mason have returned to their home in Blue field W. Ya after a. pleasant visit to relatives and friends in the city. . Z ' Mrs. John H. Gore, Jr.," and little daughter, Arabella, returned last! evening V from t Franklin,. Va.. where vthey spent a part of the Sum mer. " " Mr. Henry Blount, of Kocky Mount, who is known all oyer the State as a lecturer of superior talent, was a pleasant caller at the Stab office yesterday. Mrs. W. N. Harriss and family, returned - yesterday ; from Hamilton, Va., where Jthey have been spending the Summer. They are residing at No. 118 North-Third street. Kev. Dr. J. M." Wells and fam ily returned last evening from a very pleasant vacation spent in Virginia ' Dr. Wells will conduct the services as usual at the First Presbyterian church to-day. ; - . Mr. T. M. Emerson and family returned last evening from the North. They will reside in the handsome resi dence recently completed for Mr. Bobt H. Northrop, on Dock, between Fifth and Sixth streets: j - . ; Bev. Frederick H. Horsfield, rector of 8L James1 Episcopal parish, returned last night from a pleasant vacation, spent at his old home in Cambridee, N. . Y."' He will occupy his pulpit as usual to-day. - ' , Mr. S. .P. Adams, manage? of the Coal, Cement and Supply Com pany, will leave to-morrow morning for an extensive trio through' the North to make a thorough inspection of. street paving. He will visit New York, Boston, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and other great cities. Representative of Bbstock-Ferari Company. Here to' Excite In- . r . terest in therEvent.; - ; : THE TRAINED'ANIMAL SHOW. Mr. HqfffflSB Ssys It Is AtiractloD Eooosb ia Itself to Ssy Nothlot of a Dosea -V : Otbers The Ust of - Contribn- y V' - tors to ' Food. : ' : -V Fuchs, i Tho. O. Boesch, F. W. Qrt- mann, Kress & Uo.l. Uhattwicx, O W. Yates & COA-R. O. DeBossett, The Clarendon Water Works Jo., H. J. Gerken, Jr H. Wi Bonitz, H. A. Tucker & Bro., Andrew Smith, J. G. vv ngnt oc eon, - w . ul. iKjuuiuiing, Yarborough & Murray. J. H. Sloan,H. C. McQueen, J. F.Woolvin,Willard& tines, w. u. ueuossei. dr.v a. aa. ous man, W. H. Green & Co., -J. Hicks Bunting, Cbas. M. wwuock, t. uin livan, D.Quinlivan, J. O. Brown, O.P. Cazaux & Co., OJD. Foard, E. Poezolt, Taylor's Bazaar. Jurgen Haar, Stern berger Bros.,, 8. W. Sanders, A. Winslead, Jtt. ts ttamme, w. J.rennj & Co., J. T. Burke, O. H. O'Befry, Wi B. Pate & Ca, Wm. Tienken. Dr. J. H. Dreher, - JnO. S. McEacherh Sons. P. EL Hayden. O. B. Bellois, F. u-. runae. - .-.,;-. . . MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS. 0 WHOLE NO. 10636 I Special Meeting Yesterday After- noon to Authorize New Bids for Street Pavings NEW COMMITTEE APPOINTED. Lsncth ... WiteratSouthport. Water WUinington 5.47 A.M. 5.58 P.M. 12H.11M, 1 84 M. 404 A.M. the "Viper" and "Cobra wrecked, Great Britain seems chosen hoodooed names for prater splitting torpedo boat 'ojers. First Cargo of Cottoa. . N' The first cargo of cotton of the season for foreign export is aboard the British steamship TorQOtm,- which ciearea Mterdav for Ghent. Belgium. The cargo consists of 5,872 bales, valued at $251,500 and is consigned by Messrs. Alexander 8prunt & Son. The first cargo last season went Torwara on j September 11th on the German steam - RhraArnoH LuvJeen; It consisted of 5,800 bales, valued at $287,124. Two other cargoes were shipped on the 14th and 17th of the same month. resident Eoosevelt has Dutch, pch, Irish and Scotch blood in reins, and a Northern father and rathern mother. A pretty good bination. HcKinley monument in ..New has been suggested. As a mment builder New York is a mmental failure. If outsiders lor it it may be built. Men a man deliheratplv commits Fide, hke that Ohio man did re- pj because he was afraid he fuldn't be hannv with the woman u to marry it lookB like iumt)- ZnomtheanticiDated frvini? nan pthefire. auania Journal has started a x kvj a uivuuucui v M lata Prosit lfT7-:i At.- v. -uere ne made the speech in '"A he proposed that the Federal pernment heln to nam fnr the Re of the Confederate dead. i Seacoast R. R. Schedale. 7 : EfTecUve to-morrow,' trains on the j Wilmington Seacoast railroad will be operated on the regular Winter sched ule. Daily except Sunday we noun of departure from Wilmington wm be 2:30 and 6:30 P. M.; from wngnw- ville, 8:15 A. and 5:15 P. M. Sun, days the train will leave Wilmington at 2:30 and at 6:30 P. but there will be only one train from Wrignis Tille at 5:15 P. VL Freight must be prepaid and will be carried only on the 2:30 P. M. train. 7 , : : Moles for Street Work. Alderman J. Frank Maunder, for the City StreeU and wnarves com mittee, yesterday purchased: ror mai department from the Wilmington Live Stock Association, two of the finest young mules seen hereaoouis in They costlao oui arw Mr. F. C Huffman, a representa tive of the famous: Bpstie-Ferari shows, which will be one of the main attractions at Wilmington V big Elk's Fair and Carnival next month, ar rived in the city yesterday and will remain here in the interest of the Fair until it is formally opened, . October 14th.', -V- " ; 'i.:- Mr, Huffman is thoroughly convert sant with every detail of fair promo tion and promises the people of this section great things in the gala week being arranged. He - has established headquarters at Gerken's and would be glad to entertain any proposition looking to the welfare of the attrac tion. He says the shows that will be brought to Wilmington by his com pany are all first class and will draw the crowds for miles around. , The Traiaed Animal Sbow. "The big feature and principal attraction In the amusement line," ays Mr. Huffman, "is , the colossal collection of : trained wild animals presented, exhibited and trained in mammoth fifty-foot, steel arena under the personal direction of Col. Ferari. This-particular exhibition was before the inauguration of street fairs in America, the recognized amusement institution of England, where for forty years it sustained it's established reputation for - exhibiting the largest and costliest collection oCtrained wild animals in the world. Since its ar rival in this-country it has more than doubled its former size. Its costly massive exterior is. in itself worth travelling a hundred miles to see, for nothing like it ir on either side of the Atlantic ocean can compare with it v for its perfect beauty. This magnificent front and entrance cost alone $50,000, built of solid oak and embelished by the master carvers of ihe world. Five hundred French plate mirrors of unique design are ex travagantly enlaid over the entire vast exterior, which measures 100 feet in length and 25'feet in height, sur mounted by domes of great value and stPactural beauty. Occupying the eente Arf the trreat diuble entrance is a mammoth Parisian orchestrion that cost to import from the Paris Exposi tion $10,000. ' This equals In volume and tone forty perfect performers. This magnificent musical invention,, together with the entire exterior, are at night time a blaze of light and rWT Hundreds of beautiful col ored incandescent lights add richness nA lnotA tn the scene, and the fairy tale of Aladden's lamp is almost veri fied in actuality." ' ' V "Then comes its startling and sensa tional exhibition of human daring and wild animal training. In the center there is erected a mammoth fifty foot steel arena, the animals are trans ferred from some of the smaller trav elling dens into the great enclosure and while therein turned loose with no confining bara to impede their movements, a daring trainer enters and puts them through the most re markable performance ever witnessed. The most prominent among the great est trainers to-day appearing before the public is Princess Delaware, tne ia mous lady animal educator, who was fAmllii th neatest European fea- ture of the Hagenback shows in Ham Wit Oermanv. After many momm of tireless training that runs into years, she has succeeded in breaking for exhibitional purposesin the great arena five full grown forest bred Afri can and Nubian lions, they are taught like children, roll VJ Uimj . ..... barrels, leaping objecU, form oeauuiui THE DAUGHTERS OF CONFEDERACY. Eighth Aannal Cosveotloo Will be Held is Wilmiottoa Darlsj November, ; 7 Miss Mary F. Meares, correspond ing secretary of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, which will meet in Wilmington Nov.' lStb, nexV ia mailing to the ' hundreds of chapters throughout ' the- country a circular letter giving all preliminary data con cerning the' forthcoming convenyon. All chapters are urged to send dele gates or, proxies. The railroads have given a rate of one and one-third fares and delegate's are instructed that full fare must be paid coming and upon presentation of proper certificates will be entitled to one third rate re The Orton has been chosen as head quarters and a rate of $3 per day is offered, two or more in a room. Pri vate board can be had at $1 to $1.50 per day. . Mrs. B. W. Hicks, No. 41S South Third street, is chairman of the Bureau of Information and will cheer fully answer all- inquiries. The cor responding secretary will alao be glad j to be of any assistance to any of the delegates or visitors. New Wharf Baiidiois. It is announced that the A. C. L. will shortly begin work on a hand some two-story brick store and office buildlne on Water street," between the location of its new warehouse, built inea the fire, and Grace street The old O. F. & Y.V. depot, now occupied as offices by Mr. a P. rNair, will give way to the new building, as will also the cold storage plant of the Schlita Brewing Company and the office of the Wilmington Brokerage Company. The new building recently completed by the Coast Line will be occupied by Messrs. C. C. Covington & Co.. and Mr. McNair's office, and others in the path of the new building, will be moved temporarily until it is comple- THE STEAMER SEABKIOHT. A . a ions: time. wif" uiiw, - r . worth every cent of it. says Alderman ; pyramids and tableaux pictures and ... hmA t match I -.iv the tiriit rone. Madame Pauline KinnuBr. " 1 ,T - - - . AlthontrTi ti,Q m 1.1 (yen who tried and convicted L 77 the assassin of Garfield, Li8 Z ne in Wa8ngton- u uean.Tr at A A nn Guiteau hurled his curse at but it doesn't seem to have Ml one already In the . service has - also been purchssed - for the7 Chemical Engine station. Two other fire depart ment Worses, unfit, for use, were sold. 'r- T"- " '' ' "j,- ' New Grocery Stare. Zi' ' - str" F. A, Mongomery gives nouee in another column of the removal of his grocery business from" Second and Castle streeta to wo. oua orw street. He has a complete line of fresh goods and offers as an induce ment to the trade reasonaiw and prompt service. lie mvuw r - - .... i ..11 - nnnn friends and the puonc w Mm at his new store. -y NEWADVEBTISEMENT8; ' v Bobert Giffen r yellow ntnp isn't afraid of . aTlfl V1 a nlr , it." . IUBU Ui lU ire. f a 1. mZ 8ays mth the con" - "v.lca8e ot the race or no increase in the. JtheUttle Mo Km Wu blao.V ronoo v:4. m. '""BO IUO WUItB soon and 0TY1 in nnm. may aV- y'yellow . event of the death of Pres , . , -v uu oecreiary - 01 JW . become President. It yretbe I Secretary -nSay , Wbch event Presi ."iJIrWould name his suc- Pr man wto would.be- entif a vacancy should Royal ArcanumNotice. Seacoas?Tioad--Schedule. v Wanted-Second-hand scale. . " Levi McMillan & Co. Wanted. Geo. O. Gay lord The great sale. ' Hardin's Pharmacy Satisfactory, t F. A. Montgomery-Removal notice O. W.Yates & Oo.-Exslusive depos y " Mercer & Evans-Kaosing oui ' Roger Moore's Sons & Co-Cemen t -7 Munroe and Kelly-Good furniture. The Convent-Studies to be resumed Masonio Meeting Concord Chapter. : - v BTJsnrgsfl UWALS. r --r - Stores For rant: -Rooms For rent ,f : : v Ferguson Outfit free. . 1 Walter Tart "or saie.;, , f Lost Fox terrier puppy. ' - - Stenographer Position wanted. -' v P. H. Hayden Biigsries, harness lira. J. J. Bowdea Privt Board. DeVere, another lady trainer of great ' ui antAr -the arena and now, ,. , -demonstrate her wonderful powers over the den of beasts." 77 "Upon the whole." says Mr. Huff man, there will be plenty to look at and admire for a week..The trained show is only one of the many departments with the greatest XZf tion of entertainers in the world All of the show will be here for the week, October 14th-19th" r Those Who Have Scbscribed. .7 The soliciting ; committee, pernaps the most important of the many that 1. wn knnointed." last night closed a week of arduous work and others are yet to be approached. Many who have not yet been seen, but who desire to contribute may do so by calling on or telephoning Mr. L. Stein, who is the enterprising chaiman of this commit tee The names of additional contria- n k iHven ': from day to aay. Those who have thus fax, contributed are as follows: ' " . n, -ki David Co. Fishblate Clott ing Co., A. Bhrler. J.JB. Jjf".: CuVran: L Shrier, W. Dine & Co. Jacobi Hardware w, w. soT& Co,, R.W. Wallace &OHugh MacRae. 1. M. oear ocvo., wni" & IposV. The Itheinstein Dry Goods gx, The OT W. Polvogt Co.. Gavlord, 8. & B. Solomon, 7 J,B, sroSu dK- J. E. Hinnant & Co., F. J. Bosrd ol Snrvey Win be Held Upon Her To-morrow at Bald Head. A" board of survey, consisting of Capt. a J. Craig, Capt Wm. St George and Mr. W. N. Harriss, will to-morrow morning go down on the steamer Uompton to Bald Head Island and determine ' what disposition to mtln of the wrecked steamer Sea- bright, of the Wilmington and Little River TransportaUon Company. -Nothing was done for the stranded vessel yesterday, and nothing will be done now until a report is had from the survey. - " Qraad Recent, Royal Arcanam. Mr. W. F. Rountree, of Newborn, Grand Regent of the Royal Arcanum in North Carolina,,, will arrive in tne city Monday and make an official visi I tation at niaht to Cornelius Harnett Council No. 231, of this city. Mem bers of Carolina Council are invited t hfl nresent and participate in the exercises. Mr. Rountree will be met at the station by a deputation of prom inent members from the local coun cils and conducted to The Orton, which will be his home while in the .city." . . - .- ' ' ! New Y. M. C. A. Secretary. Mr. George H. Fitch, for eight years in association work in. Cincinnati, Ohio, aKentuckianby birth, a mem ber of the Methodist church, and a young man of striking personality and pleasing address, has been elected and has accepted the general secretary ship of the Wilmington Y. M.' O. A. tt- M-Mntw mnt several days here looking over the field, and writes from Asheville. N. C, that he will be here October 1st to take up his duties. A Dsy of Atonement. - "Yom Kippur," or the Day of Atonement, with those of the Hebrew faith, begins this evening at 6 o'clock, and continues until the same hour to morrow evening. During this period the places of business of all Israelites will be closed. There will be services -t tti TnmDie of Israel, conducted by Dr. Mendelshon; this evening at 6:30 o'clock,-and also a" continuous service to-morrow from 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. ' Cargo ef Cement. - - The schooner "Km Ifanennovter arrived yesterday at.4 P. M. from New York with a f full cargo or "Aipna Portland" Cement for Roger moore Sons & Co. She is discharging part or I fier cargo at Fort uasweii -ior we building of quarters, etc, now going on were.::-7iy7 j'-? inavor Waddell Made Several Cbsnges- Bsck Tsx Matter Will Likely be Ar- ': bitrated Letter -From Judge . 7 V Bryan Routine Business, v i r Pursuant to the call of Mayor Wad: de)l, the Board of Aldermen assembled yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock in special session, those t present having beeu the Mayor, Aldermen Voh Glahbr Mann: West Skinner, . Harriss, John son and Maunder; absent Messrs Bai ley, 8pencer and Parker. ; ; The :meeting ' was called! primarily for the authorization of new bids for the Princess street paving, but a nUnt ber of other matters came in "oa the side" and the session lasted about two. hours. ; - - S:kr:'--V--- !'" .. Mayor. Waddell read a communica tion from the Board of Audit aud Fi- nance informing the Aldermen offici ally of the action of that Bord on the afternoon ' previous and supple mented the reading of ' the letter by explaining the circumstances of the failure of the Board of Audit and Fi nance to approve the bid of The Coal, Cement and Supply Co. Upon motion of Mr. West and sec ond by Mr. Maunder, the Mayor was authorized to advertise for new bids but the question of the length of time to be allowed bidders was raised- and Messrs. Roger Moore and J. T. Riley, who were present, asked for 10 days. This concession was granted. - Judge E. K. Bryan,' who had a con tract prior to 1898 with the city for the collection of back taxes, was present at the meeting and submitted the fol lowing letter, looking to the arbitration of certain differences between the mu nicipality and himself relative to about $800 in controversy, the amount now being in his hands: s ' a ' gentlemen : a. suit nas Deen in stituted in the Superior Court of this county against me by the City of Wil mington to recover a certain amount of money alleged to be held by me which it is claimed belongs to the city- This suit grows out of Jhe col lection of . back taxes due the city which was collected by me and my as sociates under a contract made v with the City Attorney under tne Act 01 1RQS .- - " I have endeavored time and time again to get to a settlement of this matter, but have been unable to do so. When Mr. C. W. Worth was on the Board of Aldermen, he as a member of that Board came to see me and ask ed if I was willing to meet la commit tee from that Board and take up the matter with them and give them my contentions, and to this inquiry I re plied that I would gladly do so; that I would not only be glad to give them my contentions, but would.; go over the matter with them, , and 11, alter hearing my aide they thought I should yeild to tnem, ana surrenaer my cimm, that I would do that I do not see how I could have made a more liberal proposition. -- ' This proposition was never acted on by the Board of Aldermen or a com mittee from that Board. The matter stood this way for some time and see ing that the Board of Aldermen were not going to act I then asked Mr. Meares,' the then City Attorney, to bring suit so that our respective rights might be tested in the courts, but this request was not granted. The city has now brought suit against me and our rights can be determined therein; but being anxious for a speedy deter mination of this matter I have decid ed to submit to you the following proposition: - y 'L 7 I am willing to leave this matter to the following named gentlemen as arbitrators, to wit Hon. A. M. Wad dell, Messrs. E. S. Martin and Junius Davis, they to go over the entire mat ter and take the contentions of each party and pass upon the same and Lb. thAii. award in writine to ' the Superior Court In the event of a dis agreement among the arbitrators the award of any two of them to be final and if they are of the opinion that the city is entitled to a judgmentthey shall so state the. amount nd the . h.11 anifi. nn inrtornant accord- ingly, if they are of the opinion that I am entitled to a judgment against the city they shall so state anu .uujcuuou. shall be entered up in my favor. They are to pass upon all of our respective rights and recommend to the court the judgment to be entered up by it No appeal is to be taken by either side from the report of the arbitrators. If they give judgment against me I am to pay the same within five days from the ad journment of the court which nn thm nn dement and if." tne i j j oooin.t that eitv thev are to pay the same within thirty - days from the adjournment of - the court which enters up the judgment - You will notice that I have selected the head of the city government as one of the arbitrators while the other two are tn no way connected with me and have no interest in this controversy and all gentlemen of character Tand ability and will act impartially. ; - The losing party is to pay all1 the i- t tha m infllndinir the fee to the arbitrators. I think it but just that the Mayor should serve without compensation as he is a city official, but I am willing to leave that matter entirely with him. -;- ' 7 7 This proposition 1 to, be accented within twenty days torn i this date. You will perhaps notice that all the arbitrators are lawyers. The reason for this is because tne sui indre questions of law wan issues 01 fact. '.- 'Viv-.'."pt7';' -:r rf: I have submitted this proposition without ascertaining whether 7the above named arbitrators will act.. 711 any one of the above named arbi trators refuse to act; the twaremain-i .v.ii uiM..t a third man. who is to bo impartiaL -D: as many as two decline to act; their the suit to pro- v . . . - tit .TT 'Ovkva E. K. Bryan. si Tbomss' Parochial School.. 7I ; St Thomas'. Parochial School will begin its Fall term on next Wed nes- dar The school is conoucieu 03 mo Sisters of Mercy and; a thorough in tellectual and moral training is imparl ed." For further particulars inquire at the convent .7 lix. Mann nioved skn aceeptance of the nronosition. Mr. Johnson : did not think Mr. Bryan ' should name all the arbitrators and suggested the name of Brooke .G.7 Empie, 'Esq: Judge Bryan explained that all fairness had been Used in the choosing of arbitra- I tors,'M evidenced by the choosing of Mavor Waddell. the head of life city ar .. - . government,' as one of them, ' . ... Mr. Harriss wanted thprbposition submitted to a connaittee-JbnsiBting of the MayojvaKressrs. VonGlahn and West to pass upon the questions to be arbitrated. 7 An ..amendment to the original motion to this effect-was sec onded: by Mr. Skinner. Mr. Mann withdrew1 his original 1 motion and moved the differences be adjusted in the .. Superior - Court Mr. 'Johnson Withdrew his amendment and seconded Mr. Mann's last motion? The' same was lost, Messrs. Johnson ' and Mann alone voting aye, and the question re curred on Mr. Harriss' motion to refer to a committee, the naming of which he left to the Mayoirl The motion of Mr. Harriss. was carried and Messrs. Harriss, VonGlahar and I Westwere named as the committee. ' . The Mayor read a communication from the Board of Audit and Finance, directing the attention of- the Alder men to the fact that under contract with the Clarendon Waterworks Co., the lavlnflr of water pipes in, the Fifth ward would have to be done under the supervision of Maj. W. F. Robertson, the water works engineer, instead of the city engineer, as called for in the contract with Messrs. McLean' & Ga. the. successful "bidders for the work. Mayor Waddell called attention to the fact that Maj Robertson himself was a bidder for the work and he would hardly insist on supervising the work of a rival bidder. No action was taken relative to the matter, the Mayor stat ing that the communication was read for the information' of the : Aldermen. The chairman of the Public Building Committee was authorized to ; repair the gauge at the City Hall for the test ing of the water pressure during fires. Mr. Mann made an off-hand motion that the Water Works Company be forced to furnish potable water, but no action was taken. . City Attorney Bellamy reported the collection of $476.54 in back taxes during the past month, anda total since July 26th of $1,635.03.' He also enumerated the suits recently. insti tuted against the city and asked to be authorized to employ associate coun sel in that of J. W. Monk vs. City, involving about $11J)00 in the title to the city rock quarry. It was ex plained that Mr. W. Al Wright was on his personal bond to indemnify the city against. any loss in this re spect. Mr. Johnson asked that Mr. Eugene S. Martin be, employed; others said it was customary to leave the choosing of associates with the attor nev himself. A motion prevailed leavine it to the Finance Committee, composed of the Mayor, Messrs. West and Bailey. : '"The salary of 'Melvin Dent messen ger to the Mayor, who it was ex plained performed many necessary duties not strictly in his province, was increased from $20 to $30 per month upon motion of Mr. Mann, and a committee, consisting. of Messrs. Mann, Skinner and Harriss, was ap pointed to uree its approval before the Board of Audit and Finance. SbaklDi-Up of Committee. - At the opening of the meeting, members of the Bosrd present were given copies of the following appoint ment or committees: Finance Mayor, Bailey and West Fire Department Harris, Von Glahn and Maunder. v- Lights West Parker and Johnson. Markets Maunder, ? 8pencer and Mann. , : j Ordinances Harriss, 8kinner and Spencer. - - , Police Mayor, Maunder and Mann. Public Buildings Skinner, Von Glahn and Bailey. Sanitary Anairs jQnnsen, ofamnc and Parker. , Sewerage Bailey, Mann and Von Glahn. Streets and Wharves Mayor, Maun der and Skinner. . 7 , Waterworks Spencer, Johnson and Parker. 7... 7... The only committees which remain as originally appointed by the Mayor at the beginning of the new, fiscal year are those on finance, police, sewerage and water works.- Messrs. Maunder and Skinner succeed' Messrs Bailey and Johnson on the Streets and Wharves com mittee, the , former hav ing resigned on account of his contin ued absence from, the city . and the Mayor becomes chairman of, the same. Mr. Johnson is placed on the Light committee, succeeding j Mr. Skinner. Mr. Harriss . succeeds : thelMayor as ohaivman of Fire committee and the I Mavor la succeeded as a member of that committee by" Mr. Maunder.- Mr.Mann succeeds Mr. : Harriss. On the, Market committee, and Mr, Spencer succeeds Mr. Mann on the Ordinance commit tee. Mr. Bailey succeeds Mr.- Parker on the Puhlio Building committee and Mr. Parker succeeds Mr; West on the Sanitary committee. . , Before the meeting adjourned Mr. Johnson took occasion to protest against v nis z peremptory x removal from the Streets and Wharves Com mittee,and we;ttempt to saddle him'? with the failure of the Princess' street contract -He declared that ?he had never, delayed matters . and had done his whole duty as he conceived it- He intimated that his position on tne sewerage question- had engendered a prejudice against him, which he wished to refute? . ' 'l " f-' c"T-' ' Mayor Waddell spoke to him in the most kindly terms, declaring that there had been no malicious discrimination. as he suggested, but that the commit tee shad been re-appointed for the good Of the city and the advancement of street improvement" -7 ' The meetine adjourned "until the regular hour on the, first Monday . in October, .v.. - ,T .-7 f LOCAL DOTS. V-i.- , -ji-- easaBBi Ona Y4ur by Zlail, SiHoiatais?fev Tlu-2atlw,';4 Tws XXontha. f7 ' ... : . " m .' a S at a -IHUTrM fTr B .at' my at vep r jumu. .; . ooeooeK k ; NEW ADVERtlSEMENTS $6.00j 7 2-60 1.00?- I Concord Chapter No. 1, R. A. M.. will hold a SDecial ! convocation Monday evening at 8 o'clock to confer he Most Excellent Masters degree. ', V- Prof .Washington Catlett.com- missioner, will sell at auction to-morrow at noon a valuable tract of land in the country, . adjoining the County Home. - j i-( - -i';-1 7 It is stated- that ';. a lodge of Elks will be instituted In Raleigh in the near future.7 District Deputy Ger ken, of this city; will be -the installing -officer. : ' ,7 ?'V." ' The service for men at the Y. M. O. A. at 5:30 o'clock this afternoon will be addressed by Rev. P. C. Mor- Miss Janie Clark; of Savannah, sing. :. v Hennessy LeRoyle, who is very pleasantly remembered from last "sea son in "Other People's Money," is the neqt attraction at the Opera House, Friday Sept 27th.-' - -.';-, 7- ; "The young man "who went down to Jericho" wiir be Dr. Black well's subject to-night at the First Baptist Church by- special request of young men for young men. t A fox-terrier puppy, highly valued by the owner, has strayed or been stolen and a liberal reward is offered for the return of the same in the business local column of tonlay's STAB.: ' --7- i?" ' Joseph Aldrich and wife of Pittsburg, Pa., yesterday transferred by deed to James " Owen Reilly for $300. lot on west side of Fifth - be tween Taylor and Howard streets, the same-being 83x75 feet in size. . ' JusticeG. W. Bornemann was not able, by reason of his injuries, to appear at the trial of his assailant be fore Justice J. M. McGowan yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock and the hearing was accordingly adjourned until next Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock. . Effective yesterday Mr. E. D. Kyle is appointed Division Freight Agent of the Seaboard A ir Line . Rail way, with headquarters at Jackson ville. Fla. Mr. Kyle will have charge of traffic on the Jacksonville Division, and will report to the Assistant . Gen eral Freight Agent at Savannah, Ga. OUR OHAIKS WELL - Of every- 8TAKD THX RACKET -1 ; day use. Unlike many beautiful things they possess great strength. Tne wood Is tough, well sea soned and durable. Every Joint is perfect. The finish hi excellent r-s. s ; ' -Dining Boom Chairs of Oak, with arms and ! leather seats, S9.00set - Dining Boom Chairs of Oak and Mahogany,' cane seats, from S5.00 to 113.00. ; Reception Chairs, etc . Also, a full line or odd Far lor Chairs. . IIUHEOE & KELLY'S, ; Bea "Phone IIS. IT. Ho. 17 South rront street. sepsstf WRIGHT THE REAL ESTATE AGENT. Wants Your Business We can handle it to your entire satisfaction and save you time, worry and money. Callus up Bell 'Phone 342. Hod, John U. Bellamy Will Speak. Hon. John D. Bellamy has accepted an invitation to address the citizens of Sampson. Pender and Bladen counties at Beattie's Bridge, upon the occasion of the "Farmers Dinner and Picnic, " in "honor of the completion of the bridge, October 3d. The public is cor dially invited to attend the celebration..-1"' ; : ""'' '"' ' ", NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. : Concom Chapter No. 1, R. A. M. . COMPANIONS. There will be a Special Con vocation of this Chapter Monday evening, 8 o'clock to confer the Most Excellent Master's D32130 By order of the High Priest . . W. A. MARTIN. . sep 88 it " Secretary. ROYAL ARCANUM. Red Cross, between Second and Third. Front, betw'n Walnut and Red Cross. Corner Second and Ann streets. .. Corner Second and Orange streets.; Fifths between Ann and Nun streets. I Ninth, between Market and Dock. : J. 6. WRIGHT & S0M, The Real Estate Agent and Notary Public sep 17tf - : 1 ' Seed Rye land Meat. J40 bushels Seed Rye. .40 bushels Seed Wheat. , 1 BO Bbla. Nice Bullets. ' I Also Bagging and Ties and car-loads ..j oi otner 8tun ; , x Get our price.. ; - . r D. L. GORE CO., 7WHOLXSALB OSOeXBS, ... 180. 188 and 124 North Water street,' : sep 18 tf - - Wilmington, N. O, i School for toTing Ladies Miss Hart. Miss Brown. V r The next session will begin ' I " ' .. - am j Misannn mWissFS! WEDKESDAT. ZJND Or UUT UBriK. a iivvs m ... . t CouncU No. 881 to-morrow (Monday) night. Members of Oomeliua Harnett and Carolina Councils are earnestly requested to be present. sep 23 It - Wanted. Panetual atendaee at e Klnning of tn session Is easentlal to a creditable Stand. MISS HOBDAY One second-hand Scale. Must be large enough to weigh from ; 2,500 to 3,000 pounds. , Address, r . 7 sep 23 It Stab Office. will resume instruction . In Shorthand, ' Voice Culture and singing. For terms, apply to the , seplSJt sa PRINCIPALS, 114 Orange street. Studies Will be Resumed I Conimissioner's Sale. sAtSL Thomas' Parochial School' wnaulair RnntAmhA 25th. These Onrmnla .M nrtiinrtAI kv tha HiaterS of Mercy, and a thorough,- intellectual an1 mAn I mi ui ncr ia i mnnrtftd to chil dren. For further particulars Inquire aK 1 THE CONVENT. sep 22 It .. ' :: . ' C FOR RENT, - 1 Or wffl lease for a tjrm of years the Double Store on Water street, between Oheenut and Mulberry, occupied several years by the Wll lardBag Manufactory. ; - ,,; c D. COONHOR. ' x .T -' '7 :'i Real Estate Agents i 6 augutt Satisfactory Spices. i Good Spices our kind are onejof fWt nf sl Vi nil Mir nnnAr'a heart. WC have Mace, Nutmegs Cinnamon, Gin ger, Cloves, Allspice, ana-every outer Spice which is used in Preserving, Pickling or Seasoning. We sell them either whole or ground, and in any quantity. - " " HARDIN'S PAUCE PHARMACY. " sepsstf , r ' 188 South Frontstreet; r, iiAAMA th annArlnr (Innrt of . New Hanover county, made In the cause oi Edwara uuaiey uowia b h. w W. D O omptorf et al., pending before the Clerk ; ; of the said Superior Court, the undersigned will . f tneOourt House doorofNew Hanover eouaty on Monday, tne ra ujr ui wywmuw," -18 o"lock the foUowtosc deeorlbed tract of Land, situated in the county of New Hanover toiwlt: Begtanlng at the southeast corner of . . the Poor House tract on smith's Creek and running thenoe along the east line of said tract nrthls deirrees east 8.630 feet, to a stone - marked N. H. C; thenoe with said line nortn oarreu s une 1 ubko w w y;s of hU oornera: thence along the Une of sttd tract north 78 dearees east 1,864 feet, to a pwe tree, marking the corners of Garrell's and s.err a iiuw; vuouwa win wi 57 " J7 Jr?Z2 oia W tA m. avfaVa thAflAA Anil til 4derees east 1,716 feet, to or near Smith's Creek; tSnce soulhwestwardly with the creek . to the beginning, containing about 1,000 acres. -1 WASHINGTON CATUTT, m -: f oonunlsaloner. auSS4t The Sugar, and ;J ; i Obffee:peatPif.;g!l ; .; So try this one weak. One gallon pare Apple Older vinegar, jAn One box "Fine Arf 'Xollet soap,. eie- 25C IOailWJ a7VtHStf7M These are regular prices. All tor the -sum of .................. .miji jiami wm. jrrm-j-? I i65c 35c BEII0VAL NOTICE, f I q? $ Arj b E RCf " This is to Inform mv friends, customers and the pubUo generally that I have removed my tie streets to 808 North Fourth street, opposite Fourth street market, wherel am better than: ever prepared to serve you with the best goods Thanking my old Customers for their liberal patronage in the past ana eouc; .. - ,b xne uniucay uomw. - Both Phones 109 - ? ; v .-:'.Bep 81 tf TumUei a. Mmtlnu- ance from the same, with that ot all those who desire the best and freshest in the Grocery line, lam, . x ours graiei.uuyt . ..,,; - , ,5 t ., F m KONTOOKXBT. Orders taken in and delivered to any point to the city. Bell 'Phone 800. sn th :,-. sep 88 8t wiiniiiGTOii seacoast; r. r. $110 11 11 Se Tmmller Powder. &?fp ' IS 9 ta P, Bsklni Pw4r 10a OS la 6. 1.. Powder. 7 &a 7 f 210 00 lm hoibi.tv rtwwjiiii' B81S u new juuntM . -t $215.16 in "Wline 8e4 Oats, f 73 : 7; : ,149 sa ta a)ee.sie4v.iiijrfvv - Norfolk. Landmarlci .'Miss : Grace Hobdav has recently returned from the annual 'Vocal Consultation' held at Allenhurst; N.' J. Her work was pronounced 'scientlacally; fault- On and after Monday, September 83rd, 19W, 1 the schedule on the Wilmington. Seacoast Rau- , , ' DAILY EXCEPT 8UNDAT. Leave Wumlngton." 4 Leave Wrlghtsvllle. imps' V . ' 8 IS A. Mr . 0 80 P. M. ' ' , 5 15 P. M.. BU1TDAT TRAIN. V " Leave Wilmington, f v ' . Leave wrlghtsvllle. S 80 P. M. 7; 7::. : S 89 P. M. j a . . V - - -- l. " - Freight must be prepaid and win be camea 00 UUI sepistf WBCOOPEni : WhoiesaJe Grocer, .p . v wv" Ui wnTalastoa.HVo. FOR RENT, the 8.30 P. M. train 01 sepKtt V -7 relKnff-StoTCB7 I J - ! r. 0tSces &c; ' R. 0;: GRANT, fi , BnDertntendent. an 22, tf U. O'CONNOB. II