iiiii fdaarinteed Booa-Fide, Every-DajiJ TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Circulation Larger Than That Of Any Other Daily News paper Published I Wilmington. One Tcavr, by Mail, $5.0o Six SXoBths, ' - 8.KO ; Throo Months, " 1.25 Two Months, " 1.00' Vm.nmT ntllT N KUI IP1PRR DUTre4 to Subscriber In tn IN THE STATE. 1 City at 4S Owata per Bternth. VOL. LXIX.NO. 22. WILMINGTON, N; C., "FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1901. WHOLE NO. 10,658 1HE mm kite plmm gtux. OUTLINES. The paymaster of the Virginia iron urnacea was waylaid, shot and robbed f $2,000 near Middlesboro, Ky. ight witnesses were examined yes- erday in the Schley court of inquiry; The Wholesale Druggists' Asso ciation elected officers and adjourned o meet next year at Monterey, Cal. C. H. Happus, a German store- . 1 ' eeper, was muraerea ana roDoea in is store about seven miles from barleston, B. O. The general assenger and ticket agents' associa- lon, in session at Aaneviiie, seieciea ortland, Me., as the next place of kneeling, British lost a captain knd four men killed in a fight with the 'Boers on .the 16th. Triennial. Convention of the Episcopal Church adjourned sine die. 8enator Mc- Laurin had a conference with Presi dent Roosevelt regarding the South ern situation. Harry C Wesson, engineer on the Plant system, was waylaid, murdered and-robbed near Palatka, Fla. Immense gather ing at the Democratic meeting in Tammany Hall last night. Three prominent citizens of Welsh, West Virginia, wounded, two of them fatally, in an affray. New York markets: Money on call steady at 34 per cent., the last loan being at 3 per cent; cotton quiet at 8c; flour more active and firmer; wheat spot market steady. No. 2 red 77c; corn steady, No. 2 61 Jc; oats spot firm, No. 2 40c; rosin steady; spirits turpentine firmer. WEATHER REPORT. U. S. Dep't or Agriculture, i I Wkathkb Bureau, Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 17. ) The weather is clear in the cotton belt, with slightly higher temperature iq most districts. Colder weather pre vails in Oklahoma. I j FORECAST. FOR TO-DAY. Washington, Oct. 17. For North Carolina : Fair Friday and Saturday; light northwesterly winds, becoming fresh northeasterly. Port Almanac October 18. i v- Su u Rises - 6.09 A. M. Sun Sets! 5.21P.M. Day's Length 11H.12M. High Water at Southport. 11.16 P. M. High Water Wilmington. 1.46 A.M. Louisiana sugar planters are not stack on the .reciprocity business. Too much Cuban sugar in it for her. Last year this country shipped $$2,000,000 worth of corn to foreign countries. Ten years ago the ship ments amounted to only $17,000,000. By August 1st there were twenty oil wells in Texas. August added twenty-three and September twen ty, making sixty-three, with more to come. The French people are the most heavily taxed people in the world, and yet that government is spending $25,000,000 a year more than its in come. Encouraged by two successful attempts to shoot Niagara Falls in a boat, Peter Nissen of Chicago may keep at it until he provides a cen tral figure for a funeral. It is said that the fees of the doc tors and surgeons who attended President McKinley after he was shot will aggregate $100,000, which means pretty liberal pay all around. British soldiers returning from South Africa would much rathe have their back pay than the medals they are presented with. The me dals will not buy eatables and soft drinks, and "glory" without these would be rather thin and dry. Bishop Derrick advises the col ored people that they need not look for sympathy to England. She has all she can attend to on her own ac count. Judging from her sympathy aa shown in her dealings with the negroes in Africa, it isn't of a very high order anyway. A report comes from Washington that Senator Hanna is not in accord with President Boosevelt in the policy of his Southern appoint ments to office and will emphasize his disapproval by resigning his po sition as Chairman of the National Republican committee. If President Boosevelt doesn't have a distinguished and historic ancestry it will not be the fault of the genealogical tree climbers. One of them has succeeded in tracing him back to 8ir Bobert Bruce, and will doubtless get him back to Al fred the Great before he finishes the job. - Several indictments have been found against Neely and Bathbone, in the case of the Havana postoffi.ee thievery. The amount they got away with is $185,000. If convicted they stand a chance of becoming fully acclimated, as the term of im prisonment may be from 22 to 26 years. - -. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Prof. M. . C. :' J3.; . Nobles, of Chapel Hill, is in the city: Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Farrior returned to Charlotte yesterday. Miss Kate B. Smith, of Fay ette ville, is visiting in the city. Mias Lizzie Moore, of Warsaw, is the guest of friends in the city. Mr. Ferdie Johnson, of Clin ton, is among: the carnival throng. Mrs. J. N. Johnson is spend ing the week in the city with friends. Miss Mary H&igh, has return ed from a visit to relatives in Fayettes Tille. Capt. and Mrs. T. J. Newsonv are spending the week in the city. . Mrs. A. M. Carr, of Wallace, is visiting the family of Mr. L. V. Grady. Bey. Dr. A. D. McClure has returned from Petersburg, Va., and Baltimore. Mrs. J. E. St. George and Miss Cleve Stevens, of Clinton, are -visiting friends in the city. Misses Lula Boney and Mary Mallard, of Wallace, are guests of friends in the city. Geo. B. Edwards, Esq., of Goldsboro, is the guest of his brother, Mr. J. D. Edwards. Mr. Chas. F. Sansbury, editor of the McColl Times, is in the city taking in the Carnival. Miss Annie C. Lamb, of Qplds boro, is in the city, the guest of Miss Carrie Elizabeth Duffy. Mrs. H. T. Tennent, of Spar tanburg, S. C, is visiting at the home of Col. Jno. D. Taylor. MiBses Carrie Drew and Ida Potter Mansen, of Southport. are' guests of Mrs. Alice Theea. Messrs. B. E. Lee, George G. French and A. v W. McLean of Lum berton were here yesterday. Mr, and Mrs. Nash E. Bunt ing of Fayetteville, 'were among the Carnival visitors yesterday. Miss Lena Jarman, of Jack sonville, N. C, is visiting in the city, the guest of Miss Sadie Mills. Mrs. J. B. Moore and Miss Maggie Williams, of Burgaw, are guest of Mrs. W. T. Banner man. B. G, Grady, Esq., returned yesterday from Cleveland, Ohio, and the Pan-American Exposition. Mrs. W. H. McMullen and Mias Louise McMullen, of Faison, N. O , are guests of friends in the city. Miss Emma Farmer, of Spring Hope, N. C, arrived last evening to visit Mr. and Mrs. T. EL Thompson. Messrs. J. A. Clark, of Wil son, andjj. A. Murphy, of Atkinson, N. C, were here yesterday for the Fair. Messrs. Hoyle Dosher, Willie Thompson and Cleve BelL of South port, were here for the CarnfVal yes terday. Miss Mary Culbreth left yes terday for Bichmond to spend the Winter with her sister, Mrs. BobL E. VanLear. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Wells, of Elm City, N. C, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Thompson during the Fair week. Mrs. W. N. Cronly and little daughter, Elise, left yesterday morn ing for Clinton where the family will reside in the future. Mr. Cronly will join them later. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Powers re turned to Atlanta yesterday afternoon. Miss Mabel Powers will remain in the city for a few days, the guest of Miss Octa via Boat wrighC Mr. F. B. Mintz, of the South port Standard, is here enjoying the Carnival. He is distributing -a very uniaue little advertising novelty in the interest of hia paper. Misses Bertha Pinner, Lizzie Thompson, Annie Weeks, Bessie Mc Keithan and Agnes Grissom formed a party of charming young ladies from Southport who came up for the Carnival yesterday. Col. and Mrs. W. A. Johnson are at home from New York. The numerous friends of Col. Johnson are delighted to know that he is fast re covering from the protracted illness which detained him in New York while on a business visit. Wm. Simoa Released. William Simon, thelhalf-witted Sy rian who has been confined in jail for several months because there is not room for him in the criminal insane department of the State penitentiary, was yesterday released by order of Judge Allen, presiding at this term of the Superior Court. Simon was de lighted at his release and expressed great wonder when " he reached the Carnival down-town and saw all that was going on. He didn't go "farther than the "hobby horses" for some time they possessed all the charms he desired for the while. Old Friends Meet. Fayetteville Observer, 17th: "Col. W. G. Jones, of Bichmond. Va., for merly of the Navassa Guano Com- nanv. Wilmington, is in the city. The meeting between him and Mr. J. Lilly was touching, the two being bound, together by an undying friend ship." : NEW ADVERTISEMENTS D. L. Gore Attention, merchants. Chas. M. Stieff All ladies invited. Opera House "Knobs o' Tonne- IT WAS ELKS' DAY. Carnival and Street Fair Yester day Was the Greatest Suc cess of the Week. THE PARADE LAST NIGHT. "Best People on Earth" Donned Fantastic Costumes and Captured the Crowds. , Midnight Walk of Ghosts Post poned Country Store. "Elks' Day" at the Carnival yester day was the , "biggest of them all." The crowds on the Midway and various streets down-town were larger than on any night previous, not excepting the opening. During the day people were also here in large numbers, many of them being visitors from adjacent towns and from the country. All the various shows were well patronized and every where the Carnival spirit was supreme. The extra and regular trains on the railroads brought large crowds and the steam boats also pour ed into the city a goodly number of visitors. The steamer Wilmington brought a party of about 100 from Southport and other boats on the river did. their share in this respect The steamer Driver brought an ex cursion party from up the Cape Fear. The crowning feature of Elks' day was the fantastic parade of Wilming ton Lodge No. 532, last night at 9 o'clock. It was witnessed by thous ands of people and excited no little interest and amusement The Elks appeared in fantastic and ludicrous costumes and fitted their actions to their appearance in a manner that was highly creditable and entertaining. It was arranged by the Amusement Com mittee and successfully executed in the most minute particular. The cos tumes were ordered from Washington, D. C, and arrived just in time for distribution. That very little time was given for arrangements reflects all the more credit on the enterprising committee consisting of Mr. Thos. W. Davis (chairman), John D. Bellamy, Jr.. 3rd, W. G. Elliott" Jr., E. J. Bear, W. A. French, Jr., J. P. Tay lor, F. P. Turrentineand 8. A. Schloss. Contrary to the rule of most parades, that of the Elks last night moved promptly on time. The route was from the Temple to Nun street up Nun to Third, down Third to Mars ket, to Front and back again to the Temple. All along the line the Elks were greeted with tumultuous ap plause and it. was the universal opinion, that the parade was the most creditable feature of the entire Fair and there have been many good ones. The parade passed as follows: Dr. T. B. Carroll, the Irish police man. Platoon of Wilmington Police. H. J. Gerken, Boosevelt Hollowbush's Band. Adolph Goodman, aide-de-camp. Jack Bellamy and George Harold, jockey marshals. Jake Solomon, Indian Chiefv Ike Solomon, Chinaman. Albert Solomon, clown on donkey. B. B. Jackson, clown in goat cart E. P. Bailey, Mexican on horse back. L M. Bear, Mexican on horseback. W. A. French, Jr., Indian chief on horseback. Harry Stokeley, clown on donkey. F. N. Pinner, Indian walking. Harry Crosswell, yellow Kid. L McL. Green, the devil. Wm. J. Bellamy, Uncle Sam. Thoa. H. Wright, Mexican cowboy. Frank Donlan, Swiss peasant Dr. D. J. Aaron, Chinese minister. Bobert Buark, Filipino. P. CL Morton, Jr., Japanese. EL D. Springer, peasant E. EL Sneed, Venetian. Jack Burnett, grizzly bear. Mr. Shepherd, Oriental. Mr. Cranmer, a wolf. E. O. Cohen, Spanish gentleman. EL Lacy Hunt Spanish lady. W. B. Morrison, negro from the rural district J. D. Edwards, while bear. Gus Danenbaum, cavalier. J. P. Taylor, Dutchman. F. K. Tomlinson, Scotch High lander. Oscar Morriss, countryman. E. E. Gorham, bear driven by Mr. Lambeth, his keeper, in Oriental cos tume. Dr. Chas. T. Harper, Prince. L. Stein, cavalier. Chamn McD. Davis, Prince on cameL Thos. W. Davis, Prince, on Camel "The Great Trio" on a float Em- mettE. Levy, tramp; E. J. Bear, ballet girl, and F. P. Turr6ntine,baby with bottle and milk. Ghost Parade Postponed. The ghost parade did not take place at one minute past twelve as was ex peoted owing to the impossibility of securing as many torch lights as were expected. The necessary illuminating "sticks" will, however, reach-the city this morning and Mr. Davis, chairman of the committee, authorizes the ' posi tive announcement that it will take place at 11 o'clock to-night The earlier hour will afford an opportunity to a larger number of people to witness the weird performance and ghosts, spooks and fantastic visions will flit by to the awe and terror of all who care to witness it Every Elk io the city is expected to report at the . Temple at a quarter past ten o'clock to-night arm ed with all - paraphemelia to partici pate in the exercise., A white sheet will be found a convenient addition to One's wardrobe where other parapher nalia is not available.1 The route will ia from the Temnle down Front to twv .trftftt and - back up Front to i the Temple.&:-:.i ,i Fair Closes Saturday Nfctat. - The impression has gone abroad that the "show will all be over" before Sat urday night. Mr. H. J. Gerken, chair man of the Carnival Executive Com mittee, authorizes the positive an nouncement that all snows will re main open until Saturday midnight It is confidently expected that the closing night, will be larger than all of them in point of attendance and gaiety.-. The Elks' Country Store. The Country Store last night almost exhausted its entire stock, and mer chants will be called upon to-day for a replenishment' About $600 has been taken in from this source thus far and as it all goes to the Elks without con dition it is hoped that the contribu tions of merchandise will be substan tial. 8tock is wanted sufficient to run the store through to night A num ber of the valuable prizes, including the rocking chair, oil stove, pearl brooch and gun have not been disposed of but these will positively "go" to-day according to the announcement of the management The "best foot" of the proprietors of the country store will be put forward to-day and those who are wise will be the patrons of the establishment. Free Concert at Stieff' s Booth. Beginning this afternoon at 4:30 o'clock in the Stieff piano booth in front of the Fishblate Clothing Com pany's store a free concert will be given to which all ladies and children are cordially invited. Prof. J. B. Williamson will render a number of classical selections with intermissions by Professor Thompson, the "King of Ragtime." Beacons for the Cape Fear. The United States buoy tender Wis taria arrived in port yesterday on her regular inspection trip. While here she will replace certain buoys in the river and will establish new beacon lights along the channel as recently asked for in the petition circulated by Capt Edgar Williams, the harbor master. The government has already appropriated $500 for the additional lights and they will be established just as soon as possible. Some trouble is being experienced in securing a pile driver but this necessary apparatus will likely be secured from Charleston at an early date. Won Trip to ht Carnival Mr. James Bennett of Clio, 8. C . m m A t 1 won the prize 01 a tree trip 10 me Carnival offered by Mr. T. H. Thomp son, the enterprising representative of the Eagle Paper Company, to the merchant sending him the largest order in a given time for the celebra- 2. J .ft LIJ- ,1 VtajMf " MJU W Uiuo uiu ymyvx wags. He has not yet put in his appearance but will be down, most likely, before the week is over. Mr. Thompson has furnished all the booths, etc. at the Fair with samples of the paper and paper bags as an advertisement Well Known Carpenter Dead. Murphy Ward, an aged and highly reaneeted colored carpenter of the city, died yesterday morning at sr o'clock at his home. No. 1004 Rankin street He was 63 years of age and enjoyed the confidence and esteem of his race and that of many white citi zens. The funeral will be held this afternoon at 3 o'clock from the Cen tral Bantist church, of which he had long been a deacon. LOCAL DO IS. The British steamship Mountby, 2,113 tons, arrived yesterday from Cardiff to Messrs. Alexander Sprunt & Son. As the Stab employs no trav ellinsr agents, bills are sent direct to subscribers. These bills should re' ceive prompt attention. ' Mr. John T. Yates, formerly superintendent of the Wilmington Fire Alarm system, is now acting electrician for the Bos took shows while they are m Wilmington. ?,Jim Williams, for many years porter at the ACL. fneght station in this city, died Wednesday after noon. He was well thought of by his emnlover and clerks and his death is regretted. The revenue cutter Algonquin, which left Wilmington some time ago to tfe patrol duty for the yacht races is undergoing repairs at Jersey City She will return to this station about the lat of October. Deputy U. S.' Marshal Mitch ell left yesterday morning for Baleigh with Frank Townsend. of New Han- over, ana . jr. xtubiotb, oi , vum . -r m m , . . f1 berland, sentenced at the recent term of the Federal Court to 18 months each in the penitentiary. The tug Alexander Jones arriv ed at Southport Wednesday night with a suction dredge of the Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific Company in tow from Ocracoke. The company has -been awarded the contract for filling in behind the sea wll at Fort Caswell Fayetteville ObserverlKVii "By the noon - train to-day tne ioiiowing Federal prisoners were brought up from Wilmington: John McDougal and John McKinnon, each thirty days imprisonment' and $100 fine; Bhep Turner, cleared on the illicit charge, will be held for trial at Baleigh for perjury. TVm't rive no because you have never - naa a eooa doowkpu. - rjr purr"New School Platinum,? and y will be satisfied. Tayior a oiuoio. - For LaGrippe and In fluenza use osjanmx'o EXPECTORANT. COURTS YESTERDAY. Work of United States and Dis trict Sessions Concluded in the. Morning. THE LIBEL CASE DISMISSED. Snit of ViriinlaCarollna Chemical Com pany Against J. P. Klrvea Still In ; . Hearing May Get to the Jnry, To-day Other Notes. There was little yesterday of general interest in either of the courts 'now in session at Wilmington. The Federal Court convened at 10 o'clock A. M. and was in session only thirty min utes, having adjourned at 10:30 A. M. subject to the further orders' of the Judge. The Superior Court was en gaged the entire day until 5:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon in a continued hearing of the Kirven case from South Carolina. Adjournment for the day was taken until 9:30 o'clock this morn ing. The case of the Virginia-Carolina Chemical Company against J. P. Kir ven has engaged the attention of the Superior Court since Tuesday after noon. It involves the title to 100 bales of cotton approximating in value $2,- 400 and shipped to Messrs. Alexander Sprunt & Son in the Fall of 1898. The defendant J. P. Kirven was indebted by lien to the plaintiff in the sum of about $3,200 and the plaintiff claimed that the cotton shipped to Messrs. Sprunt & Son was the property of Kirven, the defendant who, on the other hand, claimed that the cotton was the property of his brother, E. E. Kiiven. The latter, claiming the cot toa, demanded payment for the same nod the Vtrginia-Caroliaa Chemical Company entered suit and attached the money in the hands of Messrs. Sprunt & Son. It is to settle this con troversy that the court is now en gaged. The hearing of defendant's witnesses was resumed yesterday and concluded about 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The plaintiff then began introducing evidence in rebuttal of that offered by the defendant This will be conclud ed with the examination of one or two other witnesses this morning and the attorneys will then address the jury. Appearing for the plaintiff are Bountree & Carr, of this city; Wilcox & Wilcox, of Florence, 8. C, and W. F. Dargan, Esq., of Darlington, S. O. The attorneys for the defendant are Bellamy & Peschau, , Junius Davis, Esq., of this city; and Geo. W.Brown, Esq., of Darlington, 8. O. It is ex pected that the case will be concluded this evening. The Federal Court Yesterday. , The business of the United States District Court having been completed Wednesday afternoon, the Circuit Court was convened yesterday morn ing at 10 o'clock, His Honor, Judge Thos. B. PurnelLpresiding. As sever al attorneys interested were busy in the Superior Court, now in session, very little business was transacted. In the case of Charles M. Whitlock, libellant, against the steam tug Buck, upon exceptions to the libel of the claimant, the steamer Buck, her tackle, apparel, boiler, machinery and furniture, the Judge issued an order that the exceptions to the libel- are sustained and that the libel be dismiss ed and that the costs be taxed against the libellant. The case of London Cotton against the American steamship Saginaw, suit for $5,000 for injuries received while at work in the hold of the vessel, was continued. The plaintiff's attorneys are Herbert McClammy, Esq., and William J. Bellamy, Esq. The clerk submitted his reports of the disbursement of funds in cases on trial in the District and Circuit courts and the same were approved. The court just adjourned was the largest ever held in this division of this district there having been a hundred and two cases disposed of and thirty cases continued to the next ses sion to be convened on the first Mon day after the fourth Monday in April. The. grand jury acted on sixty-seven bills of indictment of which they re turned true bills in fifty-two cases, having ignored fourteen indictments. There are five defendants who waived bill and pleaded guilty as upon infor mation filed. One case was continued for bill; one case was nol pressed with out bill, and one defendant being dead action in his case was abated. Iti First time Here. Manager Schloss is very proud of the fact of securing the Dixie Btock Gomnanv for his natrons for all of next week and at popular prices, 10, 20 and 30 cents. This company comes with the hiarhest endorsement of the Southern press' of the larger cities They have jhst closed a phenomenal engagement in Atlanta of two weeks. On Monday . night the company pro poses as an introduction Hal Beid'a master-piece, "Knobs OTennessee a nlav that has won more fame for its author than any of his other produc tions. The Dixie Stock Company has the exclusive right of its presentation, All special scenery is carried for its productions. Numerous specialties are introduced between acts. ; -; l The Atlantic Coast Line has on sale round trip tickets to Buffalo, oh m ! count Fan-American Exposition, with transit limit of five days in eacn direc tion and final limit 20 days, at rate of on fare wins ftl.00. Bate from Wil mington fZ3.SU. etop-overs auowea within transit limit. These tickets anld via Philadelphia and Pennsyl vania i railroad, as well aa via direct route. - - .-t HAS BOUGHT GREENSBORO TELEGRAM Mr. R. W. Haywood, Formerly of Wil- mlnfton. Will Edit Afternoon Daily. A special to the Charlotte Observer from Greensboro, dated October 16th, says: "The (Jreensboro leieoram was again sold by the receiver, at public auction, to-day. The property was first sold by piece, bringing $1,057. It was then sold as a whole for $1,575, Mr. B. W. Haywood, editor of the Samoson Democrat, becoming the purchaser. Mr. J. Q. Foy, of Wms- ton-Salem; Mr. J. T. Perkins, oi gnes ter. S. C. and Mr. Herman Bumgard- ner. of Washington, were the other bidders for the property as a whole. It is understood that the sale will be con firmed without objection. Mr. Hay wood tells the Observer correspond ent that he will take charge of the property as soon as possible and pub lish a clean and up-to-date paper. Mr. Ha? wood was a member of the staff of the Wilmington Stab for two vears and was on the Evenina Dispatch for the-. same length of time. For the pist six months he has been operating the Sampson Democrat, at Clinton, under i a lease. I NEW ADVEBTISEMENTS. ONE WEEK, COMMENCING MONDAY, OCT. 21. THE DIXIE STOOK CO. Price IP, 20, 80 Cents.. Ltlnee Wednesday and 8ardy. Change of plays nightly. Monday night "KNOBS 0' TENNESSEE." All special scenery. octls All Ladies Invited to CONCERT AT STIEFF'S BOOTH, Friday afternoon at 4.S0. CHAS. M. STIEFF, Piano Manufacturer. Factory Branch 313 North Tryon street, octl8tf - Charlotte, N, c. . Black Maria Is all the so. The oest Twist Chewing Tobacco on the market I am able to supply my customers In any Blze lota. Holasses and Syrup. Bargains in Porto Klco, New Orleans and Cuba Molasses. Any grades at lowest prices. Heavy, Fancy and staple Groceries of au Unas, w rue xor prises or can, PETER McQUEEN, Jr., Staple and Fancy Groceries, No. 106 North Water St octltr WILMINGTON SEACOAST R. R. On arii after Mondav. Seotember 23rd. 1901. toe scneauie on roe Wilmington Beacoass fuui- road will be as follows: DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave Wilmington. Leave Wrtehtevllle. '280 P. M. 8 15A.H. 6 80 P. M. 5 15 P. K. SUNDAY TRAIN Leave womlnston. Leave wnghtavllle 2 80 P.M. 5 15 P.M. 6 SO P. M. Freleht must be oreDaid and will be carried on the S.30 P. M. train only. B. O. GRANT, sep S3 tt Superintendent. EVERYBODY Has put their best foot forward for our Carnival Week, and so have L Visitors wfll see as fine and as com plete a stock of Furniture as was ever olSDlayed in the South; and a. few pieces as fine as is made In the world. N. F. PARKER, Furniture and Furniture Novelties, 111 Market street. Inter-State 421. Bell Thone 613 octis tr Flower Seed and Bulbs, New Stock; Selected Varieties. Dutch, Roman and Italian Hya cinth Bulbs, all colors; Tulip Bulbs all colors and shapes ; Chinese Sa cred Lilies, extra' large Bulbs; Evergreen Lawn Grass Seed. Now is the time to plant all of the above to get good results, uail at HARDIN'S PALACE PHARMACY. oct 83 tf ; ISO South Front street. Attention, Hants! We extend to you all a cordial welcome to our city during car nival week, and ask that vou make our store your neaaquar ters while In the city. Our trav elling men will all be in the city and will be glad to show you the sights. Be sure and call on us. D. L. CORE CO., . WHOLXSALX GBOCDUM Aim DAUGS, 190, 188 and 124 Korth water Street, oct ss tf Wilmington, N. C We will guarantee our Bilk to be Cream. - LET US HATE YOUR3 :. . BUSINESS. E. WAEEEIT & SOIL Oct 15 17 - 1 ' . Srt -J Our Guarantee I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Mullets! NEW CATCH JUST IN. Also Fish Barrels for pack ing BEnlletsw Salt in 200 lbs., 1 80 lbs. and 100 lbs. Sacks. We also have a full line of Groceries such as Flour, Sugar, Rice, Coffee, Cakes, Candy, Sar dines and Oysters, Virginia Water Ground Meal and most Any other thing that yen can fine m the grocery line. All of which we offer to the trade at living prices. Williams Bros. sepS8tf FURNITURE 18 regardless THROWN AROUND . of conse quences in some homes and only fur niture that is strong and well made will last and not show the hard usage. That kind of FURNITURE is here. We have it in a variety of styles. For Parlor, Dining Room, Bedroom and Kitchen. Costs less than it seems possible for good furniture to be made for, but Here it is, at munboe & kelly's, No. 17 south Front street. Bell Phone 115. octstf FOR SALE At The Unlucky Corner. One Lsvrge, Handsome FAMILY HORSE, Suitable for snrry or wagon, Sound, healthy, gentle. Plenty of North Carolina Apples and Hams. S. W. SANDERS, Both Phones 109 octltf CASE GOODS. 218 Caaea New Sardines. 620 Dozen Beat Oysters. 240 Doaen Alaska Salmon. 180 Doaen Standard Tomatoes. BIO Dosen-Caas Syrup. 160 Doaen Table Peaches. 222 Doaen Pie Peaches. 104 Doaen New OXackeral 218 Doaen Corn Beet 110 Doaen Chip Beef. W. ft. COOPER, Wholesale Grocer, 308, sio, 312 Nutt street, . octstf Wilmington. N. o. Ladies and Gentlemen. We will call Opening of a your attention to our Grand me and Up-to-Date Line of Furniture, h Stoves, Crockery. Lamps, etc Also, we will ve io per cent, discount on ui aio isr uu at thirty days (of our Opening). A. M. SUSMAN FURNITURE CO., 1 10 smdTilS Market Street, oct 6 tf Wilmington. N. C. 7 300 Cheese. 100 Boxes Tobacco. 200 Sacks Coffee. SAM'L BEAR, Sr., -sepstf 18 Market street. N. C. Red RustProof Oats. We have succeeded in securing a lot of these famous Seed Oats , for Fall towing. Bagging, Ties, Salt, Molasses, and a general line of Groceries and Provisions. Let us submit samples andprices. I HALL & PEAE8ALL, (INCORPORATED.) Wholesale Grocers and Commission Mer- ' cnants. . . mv x m, Help Wanted. . A -MMjai mam 1 PC wA 17 VMM A ttVA resident of WUminsrton. who can set type or desires to learn, is wanted as copy boy at tne : OCt 8 tt . . DlAa OJJ'JJ lUJJi. iji Printer Wanted. Wanted, a first class compositor who has had experience on a aaiiy morning paper. Must have Rood rAMim m an datlnn a aa to habits and qualiflcationa.v ' Apply tt, or aoaress mo - - octstf MOBNING STAB. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. REPORT QF THE CONDITION OF TEE ATLANTIC National Bank at Wilmington, in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business, Sep tember 80th, 1901. RESOURCES. Loana and discounts....... $1,094,528 as Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 993 68 U. 8. Bonds to secure circulation . 95,100 oo V. 8. Bonds to secure U. 8. Deposits 173,800 00 Banking house, furniture, and fix tures.. 88,000 00 Other Real Estate.. 10,000 00 Dae from National Banks (not Re serve Agents) 77,283 li Due from State Banks and Bankers 103,640 87 Dne from approved reserve agents 47,698 69 Notes of other National Banks 8,800 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels, ana cents 908 85 Lawful Honey Reserve In Bank, viz: Specie 11,107 00 Legal tender notes 116,708 00-127,815 85-181,517 85 Redemption fond with TT. 8. Treas'r (5 per cent, or circulation; b,ubu oo Total .81,760,611 98 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In $ 125,000 oo Surplus fond I 50,000 00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 95,478 54 145,472 54 National Bank notes outstanding. , . . 95,100 OO Dne to other National Banks 23,793 51 Due to State Banks and Bankers 850.654 98 Dividends unpaid . 1,404 00 Indlvldualdeposlta subject -to check 776.595 71 Demand certificates ot de posit 65,018 17 Cashier's checks outstand- ' tag 13,778 11 United States deposits.... 178,800 oo 1,395.039 48 Total tt.760.6U 96 State of North Carolina, county of New Han over, bs.: I. Andrew Moreland. Cashier of the above- named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Andrew uuiusjuajiu. uasmer. Sworn and subscribed to before me this 4th day of October, 1901. w. o. ARMSTRONG, Notary Public Correct Attest: Junius Davis, J c. w. Yatks, Directors, octstf D. L. Gobi. ) GAMIVAL VISITORS. Enjoy yourselves, and buy the 'best on earth in "CREM0,w 'CUBAN BLOSSOM" CIG-AES. "MATCH IT" OHBEOOT. ''CREM0," "CUBAN BLOSSOM' "MATCH IT." The srreatest sellers In the town, and kept by all stores and everywhere Cigars are sold. Vollers & Hashagen, octiatf We have moved our large stock of Dry Goods, Notions, etc., to our up stairs floors, from next door; and have nice easy rising steps, so that you will have to make but little effort to see the Real values that await you . Our purpose is to let the retail trade have the full benefit of the Close. Out Bale, and judging from the crowds we have, the public appreciates it, and the peo- Ele are benenttiDg tnemseives. we ave DEAD LOADS of great values to sell yet, so come and get your share. Our Shoe Business is Booming also, and why ? Becau se our customers say we sell the Best Shoes Made for the money we charge. - We extend a cordial welcome to tne Elks and everybody else. DEPARTMENT oct 18tf STORES, Exclusive Depository FOB ALL THE School Books used in the Public Schools. SCHOOL SUPPLIES ' AT LOWEST PRICES. C. W. YATES & CO. OCt 6 tf - Llaxton Building and Loan Association, MAXTON N. C DIRECTORS: J. D. OBOOitV KAXTOH. K. ICC&AI, MAXTOJT. . Ju J. HcraraoH, KAXXOH, G. B. PAXTZBSOV, KAXXOH. J B. WBATHEBLT, jtAXTOXTT W. H. BjUUTAED, wnacurOTOM. M. G. XCjraOTJjVXAXTOV. Subscriptions to stock payable in weekly la- taitonl the fact that the Association has nt&t nA ha bnt. and its annual expenses, ,ta Si Coil ai Hew M Cist. & Evans Co. s V

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