BgnnnBBsBBJ ,MMM''IMMMBIfc1''fclM' . '' "'" "" ' - ' " , ' --.----;-y -.'"r;--. . ?.u; -.' Tr ',. Booa-Pide, Every-U vuosr- UrcaLtlon Laner ibsb i. Of Any Other Dally News- Pnblished io paper Wllmlnftoa. OUTLINES j , km at Charlotte, N C, in busi Fir6 lnniwi TffA- nBSs section; io negSi Knwntted street cars in ! P063 .n TT1. because of an ordi- T.ksonvuie. fino- the races on the cars. .mceseP1"""-6. . , A OA Norwegian barque Ada, from Sa- ajj for namuur-i .grew rescued and landed at Lon- gnow yesterday in Colum- don' - n Will Dorsev. neirro. i X l . " ' Bl, be hanged for highway Birmingham, Alabama. lenientcu .khArV at flW AyCOCK uaa renium wuuon h ...i the State's interest in the suit Ut by South Dakota. J .T. nmLCva - i seriously wouuusu nuuo funning near neero childrea burned to death in their home in Wake county, N. a u Steamer Kaiser Wilhelm der (jrosse sailed yesterday, from New Turk with seven million dollars in jpld, uense log in voicagu; iwo men killed ana a numoer oi perauus I injured in collisions. union miners raided coat mines near vin- cennes, lad., where non-union men ir9 employed, destroyed property and ininlted a number of miners. Eight hundred cases of bubonic plague ire reported in the vicinity of Cape Town Africa. British steamer at Xewpart News with cargo of cotton on fire. senator Sewell, 01 isetr Jersey, is seriously ill in Asheville. . New York markets: Money oh call firm at 33 per cent, the laat Imd at 3 per cent ; cotton quiet at 8o ; flour qniet and about steady; wheat spot steady, No. 2 red 82&c. ; corn ipotfirm. No. 3, 665c; rosin steady; spirits turpentine firm at 85c WEATHER REPORT U. 8. Dep't or Agriculture, j Weather Bureau, wilmington, n. c, nov. 19. ) Temperatures: 8 A. M., 35 degrees ; P. M., 43 degrees; maximum, 45 de- pees; minimum, S3 degrees; mean, 38 degrees. Rainfall for the day, trace; rainfall tince 1st of the month to date, 0.57 inches. Stage of water in the Cape Fear river it Fayetteville at 8 A. M., 3.6 feet FOEEOAST FOR TO DAY. Washington. Nov. 19. For North Ciroliua Fair Wednesday and Tburs- day; light variable winds, becoming lortherly. Port Almnsc November 20. Sun Rises 6.41A.M. San Sets 4.50 P.M. Day's Length 10H.9M. High Water at Southport . 1.33 A. M. High Water Wilmington S 53 A. M.. Gen. DeWet, whose wife died loine time ago, has a family of nine children, and they are all good look ing ones, too. . . It is estimated that the census of 1900 will cost somethins: oyer $15, 000,000. As a permanent institu tion, as some want- to have it, there would be some nice pickings in it for the faithful. When Minister Wu saw his first game of football and saw the .knock outs he propounded the inquiry "Why don't they use rifles." He evidently thought that would be an easier way to settle it. There is talk of an independent glass combine to fight the trust. We are not a combinist, but in this case we hope the new combine will, in the language of Kaiser Wilhelm, "smash" the other combine "all to pieces." Li Hung Chang is said to have made most of his millions by run ning money-lending or pawn shops throughout China, where he had corea of them, and stuck it to the fellows who had occasion to call on their "uncle." Mr. Rockefeller recently delivered 4n address before a Sunday School on the ''vanity and emptiness of peat riches." Bat he isn't project ing to distribute and get rid of his m Mr. Carnegie is, who isn't making any Sunday School remarks on the I subject. A London Dhvsician expresses the opinion that if the British sol ders boiled the water they drink ftey would suffer very little from tjphoid and enteric" feyers. Our ldiera in camp before the? sailed for Cuba had their drinking water boiled. A lot of mill girls in Hazelton, a- have resolved to dispense with chewing gum, candy, etc., and de 'te the money spent for these to keeping Bp a nIght Bchool When "comes to dispensing with chewing Wnioran education sensible girls ul always give their jaws a rest. The mayor of New York has the .r -""cui, oi a aozen or so munic ipal officers, whose salaries range 15,000 to $15,000, the total punting to about $200,)00, and "e8e have the dispensing of patron age amounting to from $15,000,000 ' 20,000,000. Some pretty fat PickinV'inthat. p ii ... Wy-W v ' - VUL. LiAlX. NO. 50. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Miss Mattie Page, of Wallaoei is visiting in the city. Dr. UeorgeF. Lucas, of Cux--rie, N. C, was here yesterday. Mr J. C. Goodman, of Win- "ton, is registered at The Orton. Mr. 'J. J. Croswell. of the Southern Express Company, -is in the city. V " ' Mrs. B. R. Graham, of Wallace. is the guest of her mother, Mrs. C. P. Holies. Mr. S. A. L. Johnson, of AbbotUburg, N. O., is the guest of Rev. P. a Morton. Mrs. T. W. Clawson returned last evening from Asbury Park, N. JM where she has- been spending several weeks. Mr. D, W. McLean returned last night from a months vacation spent in New York,- Buffalo and Canada. Mrs. George Fredericks and children returned last night from the North where they have been visiting for several months. The Stab is glad to note that there was a decided change for the better in the condition of Mr. George Chadbourn last evening. The Stxk regrets very much to learn that Dr. A. D. McOlure is confined to his home by a severe at . , .... i . lacs: oi racial neuralgia. Mr. Peter A. Kelly, repre senting the J. E. Linde Paper Com pany, New York, paid "the shop" a very pleasant call yesterday. Friends in Wilmington will re gret to know of the illness of Mr.. "Bern" Peempert, the travelling man, who is in the Columbian University Hospital, Washington, D. C. District Deputy H. J. Gerken and a team of Wilmington Elks left yesterday afternoon via the Seaboard Air Line for Baleigh to assist in the institution of the new lodge in that city to-day and to-night Mr. Jii. x. uarney, lately em ployed at the furniture store of Mer cer & Phares, left yesterday morning for Fayetteville to solicit life insur ance for the Durham Sick Benefit Co. Mrs. Carney will join him later. Messrs. J. W. Woodward, Don- i aid MacBae and M. F. H. Gouverneur, and Mr. James F. Post, secretary and treasurer, returned yesterday morn ing from Richmond, where they at tended the annual meeting of the At lantic Coast Line Railroad Company. Mrs. James O. Bessent, of Jacksonville, Fla., who remained in the city from the 17. D. C. Conven tion, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. N. F. Parker, No. 630 Market street Mrs. Bessent is corresponding secre tary of her state Division and came as a delegate from the Martha Weed Chapter, of Jacksonville, besides hold ing proxies from Pensacola. Palatka and Lake City, Fla. A WORD AS TO DIPHTHERIA Sofiestioas 7 Dr. Charles Daffy, of New- ben, ss to Preveatstlves. Dr. Charles Duffy, one of the prom inent physicians of the Btate, publish es the following In regard to diphthe ria in the Newborn Journal: Many inquiries as to some simple means looking to the preventative of the spread of diphtheria, prompt me to suggest the following: Let every householder place near each door leading into or out of the house a salt cellar or other receptacle filled -with common table salt, and in struct and constantly remind the chil dren to out a ninch of the salt in the mouth every time iney go in or out oi the house. A weak salt solution snuf fed into the nostrils several times a . . . dav is also advisable. See that your premises are kept clean and well drained and use whitewash freely about yard fences, cellars, underpin ning, etc Committed to Jail. Henrv Myers, the negro who shot and danrerouslv wounded a woman thought then to have been his wife, was arraigned in the police court yes? terday and held for the higher court under a bond of $150 which he failed to give and wss committed to jail. Myers shot the woman in the head on Red Cross street near Niestlies drug store, and then fled to a swamp near the County Home where be was sur rounded and captured by a squad of oolicemen which gave pursuit The woman was taken to the hospital and almost miraculously recovered. The bullet is still in her head and y ester- day gne appeared in police court , and although not his wife, but a woman ith whom he lived for some time. aha would not prosecute but gave un willingly testimony against him. lhe evidence, however, was fully sufficient to admit of probable cause and ne was Knf nr. The woman said the WUUt W v w- . shooting was accidental. Some Qood FlshiBi . u TV j. Memmon, oi yuuw, - M T...ttAA N. a, says that last xuesoay hauling at the placO of nr. vv. CorbetL Jr.. at Baattie's Bridge, Black river, at one cast there were caught 7S1 fishblue brem, perch and blackfish. weighing as follows : fl.H too nonnda: brem and perch 304 uw. .ww r j mnnrfi. making a total or i,wpou" of fresh water fish. The catch beats all records in this section; at lesst for frh water fishing. The seine was w yards long. . ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Land At public sale. nMn House Sevengalaa. A. M. Busman Furniture Co. Say 1 Masonic Meeting Concord Chapter. Gas Heater Now's the time. ' - 3 ... - i a . rt i . . j : - . I . " " Ml. . , - , ssiiaiiiisisiBssBiSsSBSSBSlisBBSsilssssssslssssSslsMMBM TffiB AN ANNUAL MEETING. The Merchants Association Chose Directors and Transacted - Routine Business. . REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. Much Good Accomplished is Way of Col lections sad Credit System Somewhat Keformed - Suggestion 'Which Was Favorably Received. Directors were elected and a num ber of routine matters were attended to at the fourth annual meeting of the Wilmington Merchants' Association, held yesterday afternoon at S o'clock in its rooms in the Seaboard Air Line building. ' Mr. M. W. Jacobi was called to the chair as presiding officer in the ab sence of Col. W. A. Johnson, the president, and Mr. Heinsberger, as secretary, was at his post. It was found that 78 members out of a total number of 100 were represented, either in person or by proxy. The reports of the secretary and treasurer, the latter duly approved by Messrs. J. H. Thomas and Wm. Nieatlie, the auditing committee, were read, adopted and ordered on file. On motion of Mr. George R. French it was decided to increase the number of directors from 11 to 15 and Article S, Section 1, of the by-laws and con stitution was amended to that effect. A nominating committee, appointed by the chairman and consisting of Messrs. Hugh MacRae. W. E. Worth and J. H. Thomas, submitted the fol lowing names of members to compose the Board of Director for the ensuing year and they were unanimously elec ted, the secretary, by instruction, cast ing the vote of all those present: Sol Bear, Chas. M. Whitlock, A. B. Bkelding, William Nieatlie, J. M. Solky, Marcus W. Jacobi, George O. Gaylord, J. W. Murchison, J. H. Rshder, W. K. Worth, DeWitt O. Love, J. H. Thomas, B. Solomon, W. E. Springer, M. W. Divine. Messrs, Jacobi, Worth, Niestlie and Loye were members of the old board ; the others are newly elected. The Board was instructed to meet on Thursday, 81st inst, at 3:80 o'clock for the purpose of electing officers. At the meeting the following letter was read : WmnjrGTOS, Oct. 1st, 1901. Mr. P. Heinsberger, Secretary. Dear Sir: I make the following suggestion: At your next annual meeting the Association publish a pamphlet, giving a complete list of all the accounts it has dealt with since the organizations, together with any other matter that might pertain to them. Opposite each name a memo randum should show what methods were used to collect the account and whether successful or not. Very truly, James H. Chadbourk, Jr. The suggestion in the letter was favorably received and upon motion of .Mr. W. E. Worth and second by Mr. S. H. Fishblate, the secretary was instructed to have the pamphlet pub lished as described by Mr. Chadbourn. The only annual report of general interest was that of the secretary, which contains much interesting data to members and is as follows: To the Wilmington Merchants' Asso ciation: Dear Sir I have the honor to sub mit herewith my fourth annual report for the year 1900-1901 : The Merchants' Association was or ganized in September, 1897, and began its fourth year with liu active ana three honorary members. The re ceints from membership and dues dur ing 1900-1901. amounted to $742 47. The expenditures amounted to $671 59, leaving a balance in the Atlantic Na tional Bank of $70.88. Twelve business houses have joined your Association, eleven retired from business and ten resigned, mxty-tnree firms have reoorted regularly delin quent debtors. The monthly (reports showed an amount of $16,434 07. The amounts collected through this office by the use of your omcial letter blanKs were 11.661.20. The benefits derived to our meschants through the Associa tion have been great. Many migratory persons who had made it a busioess or having goods charged and never pay ing for them have been weeded out. Many who have eeen siow in paymir their monthly bills are now good cash buyers. A merchant not long ago remarked that he was satisfied that the Merchants' Association brought anoui this mwit rhanirA. Mv thanks are extended to the Rnard of Directors who srreatlv atsist- ed me in performing my duties during the year just closed, uospacuuiiy, XT XlsUIADAVKUKAXftt J CARD FROM MAYOR WADDELL Unnsnal Demsnd Upon Benevolence of the People of Wilmington Is Indicsted. To Tme Editor I feel it to be a duty to supplement the card of Rev. Dr. Blackwell, president of the Asso atMl nh&rittes. oublisned in mis mnraf oar's naners. lor tne reason mat, th ftmt time so earlv in the season applicationsare now daily maoeat we ' " 7-- . T. . . iL. Mayors omce, dj dowwiuwii. colored people, for wood or for haul i ttwhnn riven bv the Associated Charities. The indications certainly Eoint to unusual demands upon tne enevolence of our citisens during the Winter, and I am sure iney win am liberally complied with as they have always been. m ,, A..' XL. W ASBauui ULBJur. Capt Humphreys Transferred. Hant. Chas. Humphreys, assistant -.r,neerinthe U.& Engineer's De partment in this city, has been ordered to Wheeling, W. Va., to take charge t improvements in m river" and he lert ronaay nign iw th.t 'city, much to the regret of his L'.- f ,imds in Wilmington, where he . .a hA nut sixteen years;5 His ,.,.,- .in not ioln him at present. but may leave for their new home later. WILMINGTON, 0., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER DAU0"TERS0PC0WFEDERACV Interesting and Well Attended Meeting of Cape Pear Chapter Yesterday Alter soon Thanks for Kindness. There was an unusually large at tendance at the meeting of the Cape Fear Chapter of the U. ,D; 0. yester day afternoon at the W. L. L armory. After, routine business, the, late con vention was very pleasantly discussed and the Chapter was gratified to hear, through various members, thatHhe delegates from the different States had expressed themselves as quite pleased with their entertainment while in the city indeed, the convention com pared very favorably with any held in other cities heretofore. A charming letter was read from Mrs. W. H. Oliver, of Newborn, pre senting the Chapter with a hand somely framed picture of "Our Lost Cause." In the centre of it is a design for a monument to be erected to the memory of President Davis. Around the border are pictures of President Davis, Vice President Stephens, the members of the cabinet, among them the likeness of the late Hon. George Davis, of Wilmington, and Generals Lee and Stonewall Jackson. The Chapter appreciates the gift and it will be placed in the museum. The Museum Committee reported that many of the delegates visited the museum. It compared very forcibly with many in larger cities, and while smaller than some, in variety and in terest of relics it was very fine indeed.' The secretary was instructed to. thank through' the columns of the city papers, all who so kindly assisted them in the entertainment of the con vention. Their thanks are particular ly due to those who, by their musical talent, rendered the opening exercises so enjoyable; to the ministers of the different denominations, the Veterans, the Wilmington Light Infantry, the Carolina Yacht Club, the Y. M. O. A., the Masons, the Elks, to those ladies and gentlemen and Asso ciations who, by contributions of money, assisted the Chapter in their work; to all who sent flowers, loaned pictures, rugs, tables, etc., without which the convention could not have been the success it was. Thanks, many thanks, to all are returned. PRESBYTtRJAN HIGH SCHOOLS Called Meeting of Wilmington Presbytery Yesterday to Adopt Constitution for Their Government. At a called meeting of Wilmington Presbytery in the First Church, this city, yesterday morning, the commit tee appointed at the last session to draft a constitution and by-laws for the new Presbyterian high schools to be established at Clarkton and Faison, made its report, which was adopted as the rules governing the boards of trustees of the two institutions and they were instructed to proceed with the work accordingly. Rev. D. P. McGeachy, of Burgaw, acted as moderator and Rev. A. Mc- Fayden, of Clarkton, as clerk. Those present were Rev. J. M. Wells, Rev. P. C. Morton, Ruling Elders Samuel Northrop and Oscar Pearsall, of Wil mington; Rev. R. M. Williams, of Wallace, and Dr. Jno. M. Faison, of Faison. The committee which framed the constitution is composed of Pr. Faison and Rev. Mr. Williams, assisted by Dr. Wells, and the boards ot - trustees were requested to meet and organize at the earliest convenience of the members, who were named at the meetiner of Presbytery in October at Clarkton. Several thousand dollars are already in hand for the buildings and more is expected soon. Both schools will start under exceedingly favorable auspices and will prepare for college or busi ness. MADE FALSE FIRE ALARM. Nerro Turned One In and Another Bad Too Much to Say. Whether their intentions were good or bad, Scip Asbe and Wm. Miller, both colored, will have to answer in the police court to day at nqon for turnine in a false alarm and for dis orderly conduct, respectively. Because smoke issued from the win dows of a shop in "Racket store alley" where a blacksmith was shrinking a tire to a cart wheel yesterday after noon, Ashe turned in an alarm from box 43, corner Front and Orange streets, and the department came rushing upon the scene. Chief Schnibben arrested Ashe for the mis creancy, and Miller insisted on having too much to say about the arrest. whereupon Alderman Harris, chair man of the fire committee, took him in toir for the station house. Both will have to answer for their conduct to day. Relics From Fort Fisher. Mrs. Thos. Cobb, of Opelika, Ala. and Mrs. Rufus Barringer, or unar lotte, N. C, who remained in the city afi tha TJ- D. C. convention, were meats of Mrs. P. a Morton on a visit n mm m to Southport Monday. : Mrs. Uood ano Mrs. Barrinser received from Capt. J. W. Harper, of the steamer Wil mington, two-interesting soavenirs of their trip one a sword from tne oatue at Fort Fisher, and the other a bayo net taken from the same field Botn are very highly valued by the ladies to whom they were presented. For l.ttGrirroe and In fluenza use OHEJN.E X'B EXPfiOTOBJSLNT. For sale by Hardin's F&lacfl Pharmacy. NG AFFAIRS OF THE CITY. Regular Semi-Monthly Meeting of Board of Audit and Finance Held Last Night. THE MONTHLY TAX RECEIPTS. Bond of Wm. MacLeaa & Co Water Works Contractors, Approved No Firearms Yet for Policemen. Bills for Current Expenses. The greater portion of last night's regular monthly meeting of the Board of Audit and Finance of; the city was taken up in approving the usual num ber of bills for current expenses. ' Present at the meeting' were Mr. H. O. McQueen, the chairman, and Messrs. C. W. Yates, 8. P. McNalr, Jesse Wilder and J. A. Orrell. ' The bond of Messrs. Wm. McLean & Co., the contractors for extending the water works system into the Fifth ward, in the sum of $1,000, was ap proved with The City Trust, Safe. De posit and Security Company, of Phila delphia, as surety. Much of the mate rial for extension of the water mains is already en the grounds and the con tractors hope to begin work very soon. K was expected that the work would have begun before this time, but a ne cessary delay came and the work will now be rushed. Although a communication wss laid before the Board relative to the equip ment of the police force with fire-arms. no action was taken upon it, but the matter will likely receive considera tion at a subsequent meeting. The Board of Aldermen has already made an appropriation covering the cost of the equipment. Among the interesting features of the proceedings was the reading of the regular monthly report of the City Clerk and Treasurer, showing receipts and disbursements of the public fund for the month of October. Ordinarily the reports are not of general interest, but at this season taxes are coming in and the progress oft col'ections is always watched as an indication of what amount of the total levied will be available. The receipts and dis bursements for the month were as follows: RECEIPTS. Balance from September $26,793 04 Merchant's license 2,358 14 Liquor license 1,414 00 Markets 132 16 Mayor's court 221 60 Pound fees 15 60 Weighing beef cattle 52 75 Miscellaneous ' 20 25 Rent and personal tax 21.015 21 Tax prior to 1901....; 275 34 Dog badges 1 00 Dray badges 4 60 Scavenger system S3 23 uosts on back taxes 32 37 Total $52,369 19 The total amount collected duriog the month was $25,576.15 to which was added the balance from September, making a grand total of $52,369.19. Of this amount $34,983.59 was dis bursed, which disbursements included the payment of two notes of $5,000 each for money borrowed to tide the city over the Summer months when tax gathering was dull. The balance to November account is $17,385.50. "The Wrest Mr. Wrlrht." "Mr. George L. Kennedy, press sgent for "The Wrong Mr. Wright" Com pany, which will be seen at the Opera House Saturday matinee and night, arrived in the city yesterday. The attraction is a bright, breezy farce, constructed for and especially adapted to laughing purposes by that prince of authors, George H. BroadhursL The principal role is taken by Mr. John Allison, who is pleasantly remember ed in Wilmington in Whst Happen ed to Jones" two season ago. Mr. Allison is supported by Miss Maud Allison, who is remembered in the 'Jones" cast in the clever interpreta tion of the Swedish girl. A number of good specialties are introduced and the show is said to be well worth the price. Tpe Y. M, C. A. Week of Prayer. Rev. James A. Dorritee, who has been detained in Charlotte on account of the sickness and death of a friend. has wired that he will be here to-night to conduct the men's meeting at the Y. M. C. A. A special musical pro gramme will be rendered. Much in terest is manifested and an unusually large crowd is expected to attend the service. The meeting laat night at the Y. M. O. A. was conducted by Dr. Georce O. Worth and the Rev. Mr. Leavitt. Exhibitions in Telepathy. Perhaps no feature of the entertain ments now being given at the Opera House by "Sevengala," the hypnotist. are so wonderful as the exhibitions in telepathy, which-aro produced as second part to the regular performance in bvonotism. Nothing hke it has ever been seen here before and this feature alone, if no other, should com mend the attraction to the public. The company last night was greeted with a fairly good house considering the very inclement weather. State Bankers' Association. The local bankers have been joined by the Wilmington Chamber of Com merce in inviting the State Bankers' Association to hold its annual meet- Inir here next Summer. The Associa tion is one of the most important com mercial bodies in the State ; and Wil mington would ;feel proud to enter-. tain its members. The choice of place of meeting is' usually left with the Executive Committee. Ky II 11 vifo 7 20, 1901, LOCAL DOTS. The schooner f Warriir Moore sailed yesterday (light) for Jackson ville, FIft. - - The Hurt and Johnson, of the river craft, were in port yesterday and cleared in the afternoon. The annual meeting of Caro lina Central railroad stockholders was adjourned yesterday until December 3rd. - . - . ., . ''. A special -convocation of 3on cord Chapter No. 1, R. A. M.; will be held to-night to confer the Royal Arch degree. -? . Cotton declined an eighth, on the local market yesterday. The re ceipts were 8,227 bales, the heaviest in several days. As the" Stab1 employs no trav elling agents, bills are sent direct to subscribers. These bills should re-, ceive prompt attention. - Mr.' I. J. Isaacs is in the city gathering data for a pamphlet which he will publish, descriptive of Wil mington's commercial industries. The A. M. Susman Furniture Company, 110-112 Market street, in vites the attention of the public to a well assorted line of Christmas goods which has just been received. The United States buoy ten der Wistaria has completed the work of placing the additional range lights in the Cape Fear recently asked for by the Chamber of Commerce. The Loyal Workers' Society of the Second Advent Church will give "Living Picture" exhibition and oyster supper at tie old Fifth ward truck house to night for the benefit of the church. The Algonquin came up from Southport yesterday after a few days' practice for the benefit of a number of raw recruits recently enlisted at New York. She will remain at her wharf here until December 1st. SOUTH DAKOTA'S SUIT. Counsel Retained by Governor Avcock. Children Bnrned to Death Serious Qnnninf Accident Near Raleigh. Special Star Telegram. Raleigh, N. C, Nov. 19. Oovernpr Aycock to-day retained George Roun- tree, Esq., Wilmington; ex-Judge Jas. E. Shepherd, Raleigh, and ex-Judge Jas. H. Merrimon, Asheville, as coun sel to appear with Attorney General Gilmer to. protect the State's interests n the. preliminary hearing of the suit of South Dakota vs. North Carolina, just admitted in the United States 8upreme Court. The suit is for the value of $10,000 bonds of the Western North Carolina Railroad Company, issued by the State, together with in terest since 1869. Three little children of M. C. Bla- ook, colored, were burned to death near here this afternoon. The parents were at work in a field, when the house caught tire ano was burned down. J. T. Broughton was seriously wounded by the accidental firing of gun by J. 8. Gray while hunting this afternoon near Raleigh. The en tire load entered the back below the shoulder blade and came out on the right breast His condition is very serious. Gray slipped and fell while crossing a ditch with the gun-trigger sprung. ATLANTIC COAST LINE COMPANY. Aaanal Meeting Held is Richmond on Toes- day Reports of Officers, Etc. Richmond Dispatch, 20th. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Atlantic Coast Line was held in the general offices at Byrd Street Station yesterday afternoon. The old directors of the company met earlier in the day and considered the reports to be submitted to the stock holders. Those present were Messrs. W. G. Elliott, president: H. Walters, first vice president; Alexander Hamil ton, second vice president; O. S. Gads den, third vice president; James F. Post, secretary and treasurer, and Di tors Messrs. H. Walters,. Michael Jenkins; Waldo Newcomer, of Balti more; Jfi. U. Borden, or Goldsooro; W. D. JLassiter, of Petersburg; j. . w. Norwood, of Wilmington; Donald MacRae, of Wilmington, H. B. Short, of Lake Waccamaw, ' N. O. : J. J. Lucas, of Society Hill, S. C, and F. W. Scott, of Richmond. At the meeting of the stockholders, the reports of the president and vice president were submitted, with those of the other 'officers. The features of these reports were that the line earned during the year f20u,00O - more gross and $25,000 less net. The company ordered 10,000 tons of rails during the year, and 5,700 tons for forty-five miles of the Petersburg road. The company has spent the sum of $700,000 on equipment and various improvements. All the officers were re-elected as well as. all the members of the Board of Directors. Joint Pythian Meeting. The Knights of Pythias lodges of the city will be entertained by Jeffer son Lodge No. 61 in an enjoyable joint meeting to-night. Mr. L. J. Cooper is chairman of a committee of arrange ments appointed by Jefferson mem bers to provide the programme. Re freshments - will be served after the formal exercises. Was It Snow orSleet? A slight fall of sleet or hominy snow occurred yesterday afternoon about 4 o'clock. It melted very soon however, upon reaching the ground ; and was hardly distinguishable from rain. Snow was, reported during the day at Florence -and Camden, S. G. and si points in Western Nork-Caro- linaJ'- ' v:" -' Every day last week our three stores were thronged with prudent buyers taking advantage of the many bargains offered in Winter Goods. . THIS WEEK'S DRAWING CARD. : , . v. . ?In.trleSl??5etworJSl60cror85c- Kxtra heavy lt-i Cotton Blankets (doable) for 08c' 104 SorUi Carolina Wool Blankets for $2.98. 11-4 extra heavy aU Wool Blanket for 94.98, sold elsewhere at 16.50 and S? 00. Men's SI. 00 natural Wool Undershirts 69c one of our greatest sellers. todies' extra heavy wnlte and Grey Vests for and 93c. Pants to match Children's Vests loc up to 75c. all sizes. Sioo Men's Tan Overcoats, well made, for a tew anSSBUck Ct Br0adC10Ul W ' ColQr CasM)r' M88, Green, Boman Red Pearl Grey BittnSPW'0.11, Colors-Pearl, Grey and Black; 58 Inch Ladles' Cloth 75c Colors Black, Cardinal Reneda, Green, Castor, Brown and Light &rey. We have everything needed for fancy wotk. Remember Christmas Is buf a few weeks off. 615, 617 and 619 North Fourth Street Car fare paid on purchases of $2.00 and up. nov 10 tf Which we guarantee to give you at our Store-be your wants great or small. Our popular prices in Ladies' Shoes Are from $1.60 to $3,00. Our popular prices in Gents' Shoes are from $1.50 to $6. These prices buy the best. Come and see our bargain counter where you get twice your money's worth. GEO. R. FRENCH & SONS. OCt.87 tf . N Souvenir Booklet of Wil mington. Daughters of the Confederacy visiting our city will find our store a general meeting place for ladies. We will be glad to have you call and we assure you a hearty welcome. We have many attractive articles that will interest you. All the newest Books, Beau tiful Pictures, Fancy Goods, Novelties, etc. Prompt and polite attention. C. W. YATES & AO., Bookseller and Stationers, nov 10 tf 117 Market street. Mullets! NEW CATCH JUST IN. Also Fish Barrels for pack ing; Mullets. Salt in 200 lbs., 1 80 lbs. and 100 lbs. Sacks. We also have a full line of Groceries such as Flour, Sugar, Rice, Coffee, Cakes, Candy, Sar dines and Oysters. Virginia Water Ground Meal and most any ' other thing that yen can fine in the grocery line. All of which we offer to the trade at living prices. Williams Bros. B6D88tf y SAY! STOP! AND LOOK IN THE WIN DOW OF THB I II SUSMAN FURNITURE CO. AND BEE HOW THE BRASS BED IS REDUCED. Alan Innlr nvr nnr fine line of Fnniltnre and see bow cheap a good Quality ot goods can be sold. We have given other soarKaf ns and If you give ns a cau we are sure you wm oe bhuhuou wua oar prices. very respecHauy, A.M. Susman Furniture Co., 110 suad 11S Market Street. novsotf Wilmington, N. C. SALE. By virtue of the power vested In me by the Will Oi we laie jsua u. v uuniueu, iwiu yu for sale by pub'lo auclon. for cash, at the Court House door ot New Hanover county, in the City of Wilmington, N. C, on Thursday, the 19th day of December, 1901, at 11 o'clock A. M., the following described lots ot Land situate in AAiri r.ltv. to-wtt: One lot on the eastern side of Sixth street feet sotflh of Dock street, fronting on Blxth street 4o ieet ana ranums uscKuut wiumw fAAtL Iwlnff the western nart of Lot S. Block 144. rtna nt.hAr lot on the eastern Bide of Eighth street, 66 feet north of Orange street, fronting 70 feet on Eighth street,1 and running back that width 75 ieec oeing ine western pan oi uw o and 6, Block 146. UUht reserved to reject any and all bids. For further particulars apply to B.B LEWIS, Administrator O. T. A. of Ella E. vanOradelL November 20, 1901. nov 204t we TO-NIGHT. , The King of fun makers, 81 YENS ALA, The reigning New York Novelty Success, THE SEVENGALAS. Prof. W. and HUe Minerva In their astonish ing novelty, Le Transmission, by Telepathy. Priees 10, 20 and 80 cents. Reserved seats on sale at Gerken's. nov 80 It - ' Concord Mer Ks. 1, B. A. M. pOMP ANIONS. There will be a Special Con vocation this (Wednesday) evening to eon fer the Boyal Arch Degree. -, By order s the mgh Priest. yUiS!ns nov so it ' Secietary.. nius oooooooooeooooo TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION One 'Tear, by Mail, $5.00S ; Six SXonths, - 2.6Q ! ThresBestlis, M 1.85; Two Uonths, " - l.OO Delivered X City at 4 Dellrered to Subscribers im tfc4 1 45 Cants per Bfomtau Men's extra heavy Wool Fleeced Undershirts 98c, 25c Extra values In Ladles' Vests at 48c 7:c WE SELL CIGARS. "El Capitan," 10c Cigars. "Santa Bana," 5c Cigars. "Cuban Blossom," 5c Cigars. "Renown," 5c Cigars. "Chico Portrendo." 5c Cigars. "Topical Twist." 5c Cigars. "Span Nickle," 5c Cigars. "Smokette," 5c Cigars. "Cremo," 5c Cigars. ' TOBACCO. "Sensation." "Duke's Mixture."N "Maryland Club." "Good Luck." "Show Down." In fact we carry almost every brand made and can fill orders promptly. Yollers & Hashagen, DISTRIBUTORS. nov 19 tf Who Holds No. 897. This is the number which drew the "Ladies' Rocker." Whoever holds this number will please call and claim the Chair. Unless the holder of this number cUims the chair within thirty days we shall have another drawing. 80 evorybody please hold your tickets. we nave juss received Purina Whole Wheat Flour Makes a beautiful brown loaf of de licious bread. Sells per sack or is pounds at 60 cents. Ralston Breakfast Food. Cooks in Ave minutes. Bells per S pound packase at 15 cents. Purina Pancake Flour Beady for tl-e griddle. Sells per 2 pound package at 10 cents. Try this triplet. They're nice. H, J. BIERHAMCO., 215 Market Street. novistf Bell 'Phone No. 88. Sweet Crean Butter Milk 4 ATTD BUTTER. E. WABBEH & S0IT. nov 19 ly BIDS WANTED. By Commissioners of New Hanover county for furnishing Coal at County Home, Court House and Jail from December 1st. For furnishing Coffins and Burial for out-door poor for one year from December 1st. For keeping clock at Court House for one year from December 1st. For building one mile, more or less, wire fence between Soott's Hill and Sound, as per specifi cations to be seen at Court House. Bids will be received tm 2.80 p. M. Monday. December 2nd, 1901. D. McEACHKBK, novl98t . Chairman. G. E. Butter. 1,040 Poudi G. B. Butter, SO-ponnd 80 Pounds G. B. Butter, 10-ponn 1140 ?omes Grnn. Soskt, 25-poan 8,500 vZmiUm Gran. scar, 1 00-pnn 6,946 ro4i Gran. Sngmr, 2-pown 4,1 80 We?.c-cw-it..,-S.140 Poaadtluli. Baltlu. 2.4 8 o Pound Loom Bala in. zillo Pounds BILxe Nat. 180 Boxes Firecrackers en rente. City and country orders appreciated. V, B. COOPER, Wholesale Oroeerr novlXtt mmmmm I 55B smsss 1 ; p- J'1

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