rt!Li nnas-Flde, EreryDS lT!L.,.rT.Tb.t 5 Of Any Other Dafly News paper Published ia Wilmington. i.K mo - Y " pornius J tar. OUTLINES. was obtained yesterday in Ser trial of Mrs. Bonine, "SSSe aa unexpected attack at captured the town of Colon; hmeat or mnuM . - i.uo - .-) nnr o vaav o Vnrk allows - j ntenance ana crw ui airs. iu ... a patient in ut. jogum- telection ia awoui. u..v nitT for tne coasutauw. t.-.u onn.RAte hu bought 26 - of coal iana in wwi vir- Southern Furniture Minu- . i-..Miatinn IiaIiI ita first Ljen' akbuv.- Cjj, meeting yesterday ia Onar- . jrrea Jurist, cuaruerer. Ujcntedin AuDurn prison, . x. American marines aitacsea an Leat stronghold on the island of i thirt-v ITilininna anil Cfed rice and other stores. la trainmen tcuiea, mree passen- r ud fourteen trainmen injured in 1 on the SinU Fe railroad in murdering two constaoies near brd, Hiss., has baen captured and bs lynched. Thirty lives L by a fire in a mine at Tellu- Col. The expense incurred Vt trial and conviction of the assas- o President McKinley was fl,- Jji N. Y. markets: Money on firm at 44 percent, last loan at Vr cent; cotton quiet at 8c; flour and unchanged; wheat ept -No. 2 red 82J3; corn spot firm, 3,671:; rosin steady; spirits tur- bedull at27i38c WEATHER REPORT. U.S. Dsp't or Agrioultd bk, , WKATHKB BtJBBAU, WiuaHGTOzr, N. O., Not. 20 bsperatures: 8 A. M., 34 degrees; 1L, 43 degrees; maximum, 60 de- W; minimum, S3 degrees; mean, 43 Wall for the day, trace; rainfall VtUtof the month to date, 0.67 i lies. igeof water in the Gape Fear river hyetteville at 8 A. M.. 3.6 feet rOBZOAST FOB TO-DAY. ASHiSGTON. Nov. 20. For North oliaa: Fair Thursday and Friday ; it to fresh northerly winds. rt Almanac If orunbtr 21. Rises 6 43 A.M. 4.49 P.M. 10 3.7M. 223 A.M. 4.53 A.M. 8eu rs Length (h Water at South port. h Water Wilmington . Lorn Paul is in favor of arbitra- ptith the British, provided they itratehis way. Lor army and navy officers are in or of dispeasing with the sword, uch has become more ornamental Jin usef ul. t is said that Mr. Carnegie gets an average three hundred beg- pg letters a day. But there is no requiring him to read all of em. wmt has been invaded by that Ktish fog, and Paris has to grin d bear it. The PariB language, feyer, cannot do justice to the ptish fog. The town of Bugwash, in Nova otia, was swept away by fire the pr day. But a town with a name e that might expect something to 'PPen to it. some men are born for luck. me fellows boring for oil in Michi p struck beds of the finest find of jpaalt, several times more valuable them than an oil find would be. h Illinois they preserve the impkin for use and for trade by "tiu? it in striDS and drvinir it aa . j B w are aned. In this wav it is pop in packages, keeps well and iwte as good for pies. &c. as the Pmpkins used in the old way. 8awnoset gun trans tn natp.Ti ficken thieves should not forget all POUt it. A P 110 did that visited his chicken ter dark. L ii j wn wuw vaw Red the trigger and got the charge vjculdi ui 1 1 in uiru mi oi rne ornlri mmpa in l" KfttiH ... . . "-- Olo importuning tne UOVMnmt !iL "mcui ior peace wuu - "r8, and neaf.a ftt. almost any - . - war hasn't turned out a speculation as they thought " "7' ney neipea to tool I very many leaturea oi pnu mto it. Wnse dan;,. of coal have ra rep,, v ' recently discovered in Alaska, Ndtobe enough to last the world rmauyyeara They keep on find- thn J gs m Alaska. Not lorn? ao Covered in one of the islands tm h7i. of m"ble, as fine as lan marble. LaGrriDpe and In- t"paza us (iwrvpvjo ECTOBiliT. " wuurB Faiaee Pharmacy. VOL. LXIX.-NO. 51. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. Edwin A. McKoy left yes terday for Newborn on a business Tiait Mr.' Joe Mearea. representinz Berlin fltruai ;& Myers, . of New York, la in the city callimr OB him trade. . -: ' ' , . Mrs. H. P. West . an5 Mlaa Emma West are at home from New York, where they spent several weeks with friends. Mr. C. A. Walker, a pharma cist of several . vears exnertane at Rocky Mount, arrived yesterday to take a position with Mr. J. Hieka Bunting. Mr. J. D. Edwards. Mr. T. H. Wright and City Attorney Wo.'J. Bellamy are among the Wilmington Elks in Raleigh for the. institution of the new lodge. i ; "- - Miss 'Floxenos Barlow of Lonia- ville, Ky., and Mrs. OantrUU of (Georgetown, Ky., left yesterday, re turning to their homes, after attend ing the U. D. O. convention last week. Mr. Ernest M. Brogden has resigned his position as stenographer at the Bheinstein Dry Goods Com pany's store and taken a similar posi tion at the Murehison National Bank. Mrs. John D. Leak, of Wadea boro, returned home yesterday after attending the U. D. C convention and spending several days in the city, the guest of Mrs. M. Oronly, South Third street Friends are exceedingly glad to learn that there is continued im provement in the condition of Mr. George Chad bourn, whose critical ill ness has been noted several times in these columns. Capt. Armond Lu DeBosset, accompanied by his daughter. Miss Tallulah DeBosset left yesterday morning for New York to consult a specialist for an eye trouble with which he has been suffering for some time. His friends here hope for very bene ficial results. RECTOR OP ST. PAUL'S PARISH. Rev. William Friscis Dkklasea Hss Ac cepted a Call to Tbst Work. Bev. William Francis Dickinson, of New York, has accepted a call to the rectorate of St Paul's Episcopal church, this city, recently extended, and he announced his decision yester day morning before leaving for his home, where he will close his work at once and return in time to conduct Thanksgiving services. The call is a permanent one and at the time he was invited to Wilming ton he had other invitations of a flat tering nature, but he chose to come South where he has long desired to re side. He is unmarried, about middle- aged and possesses many of the qual ities that go to make a successful min ister. For several years he has had charge of a work with St Peter's par ish. New York city. He is an active Odd Fellow and will be welcomed to the city especially by members of that fraternity. Notice fey Uzkthowie Board. Notice is given by the Lighthouse Board that on and about December 10th, 1901, light vessel No. 34 will be replaced on her station off the entrance to Charleston harbor, on the easier ly prolongation of the main channel range line, and relief light vessel No. 29, temporarily marking the station, will be withdrawn. NO change has been made in light vessel No. 34 as to ! characteristics of lights or general ap pearance, but hereafter the fog signal will be an eight-inch chime whistle, operated by compressed air, sounding blasts of three seconds' duration, sep arated by silent intervals of sixty seconds. Jiew Office for the Ulef. The new office at the City Hall for the Chief of Police has been completed and is being furnished. Chief Fur long moved in yesterday and has hand some quarters. The office is furnished with roller top desk, handsome chairs and other fixtures. The interior or the office is finished in oak and the floor carpeted. The office is in the southwest corner of the old city court room and is neatly enclosed with ground glass and oak partitions. Oxford Semlaary. President Hobgood, of the Oxford (N. C.) Seminary for Girls, in a business note, says that his school is enjoying a great degree of prosperity. A sufficient number of boarding siu- dents have matriculated aunng too session to fill every available place in the boarding department There will, however, be a few vacancies alter Christmas. Loyal Workers' Society. -The Loval Workers' Society of the Second Advent Church royally enter tained a large number of friends at the Fifth ward hook and ladder hall last night A small admission wsa charged and on the inside there were OUla mi. , , . . . I . A. (ha church fund and pleasure for the patrons. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J. A. Springer & Co. CoaL Levi McMillan & Co. Read ibis. Opera House Wrong Mr. Wright BusnnBss LOCALS. Gas Radiatoi In ten minutes. Only three days left of Polvogt's Were you In the crowd at Polvogt's q H Hi lIMfMSJ THE SeC. EXPOSITION. I Atlantic Coast Line WUI Have Fine Service for Charles- ton' Big Show. OFFICERS VISITED GROUNDS. New Scaedoles Belog Arrssged for Hold lag the Crowds Additional Sooth era Trsla for WUmiottoa Be Stasias Next Mondsy. Mr. T. M. Emerson, traffic manager of the Atlantic Coast Line, who was in the oity yesterday, gave a good ac count of what his company would do for Charleston in the wav of fine trains for the Exposition. Mr. Emer gen ha been at work on a special schedule, which will be In ahape-vtry sooruy. un account or tne neavy business which is sure to follow the opening of the Exposition the pas-' senger department will be prepared to give a first-class service in every par ticular, and with fast and fine schedules the Atlantic Coast Line will be able to get a big share of the travel. Mr. Emerson said yesterday that he was sending out great batches of advertising matter, and he believed that there would be a splendid attendance at the Exposition. "Great interest is being taken in the enterprise," he said, "and the railroad people are doing their best to help out. When our new service is arranged it will show marked improvements and Charleston will get all the benefit pos sible." The new train between Charleston and Wilmington will be put on next ' Sunday, and beginning December 1st dining cars will be op erated by the Coast Line between Charleston and New York. Slight changes will be made in the schedules. The Florida special will make the first trip out from New York early in Jan uary and this train will probably do the heaviest business ever known. While in. the city yesterday the vis iting officials of the Atlantic Coast Line, and the Directors of the Charles ton and Western Carolina Railway Company made a trip to the Exposi tion grounds and were charmed with the big show. It was rather disagree able weather to be out but the visitors were anxious to see the work. Col. C 8. Gadsden took charge of the party and pointed out the various buildings from the window of his carriage. MR. DORRITEB AT THE Y. M. C. A. Ronslez Meetings for Men Are Being Held Each Night Special Mosic. Rev. J. A. Dorritee, of Charlotte, arrived yesterday via the 8. A L., and conducted a rousing meeting for men at the Y. M. C. A. last night His subject was. "A Great Man." and his discourse was both entertaining and profitable. Rev. , Mr. Dorritee will remain in the city during the "week of prayer" at the Association, and will conduct meetings for men each night He ia an earnest worker, a forcible speaker, and one whom the Y. M. C, A. has done well to secure. There will be special music each night Last evening a solo was charm ingly rendered by Miss Anne McL. Taylor, and the regular choir also ren dered a number of effective numbers. Rev. Mr. Dorritee will speak to night on "Lessons from the Life of Paul." Mrs. Latta will sing. Sunday afternoon Mr. Dorritee will conduct tie men's meeting in the afternoon, and to all of the services men are cor dially invited. THE WRONG MR. WRIQHT.' Oae of Brosdbarst's Psmoss Comedies at the Opers Hoase Sstordsy Night. The Wrong Mr. Wright" which will be presented at the Opera House next Saturday,- matinee and night, is Broadhurst's and in his funniest vein and the people of the play, Seymour Sites, the arrested employer, Henri etta Olivet, the lady detective, the English "Lady Killer," iord Brazen- Iface, and all the rest of them are ; characters mat only itroaunursi couia draw successfully. This amusing comedy will do neaaea bv that clever voune comedian. Mr. John Allison, whom the patrons of the Opera House wui aoupuess re- SmJT i "Whit Hannened to Jones." 1 It. itfAH ! mm a w I produced here two seasons ago. "Tne nr.... If XX7vkn was Tfnlanri Mr. Wright" was Roland Reed's most famous success. Sale of seats bear ins to-morrow at Gerken s. Matinee prices 25 and 60 cents. Mr. Vincent's Oreat Saccess. Mr. R. W. Vincent formerly editor of the Evening Dispatch, this city, has been promoted to the position of man aging editor of the Newport Hews Herald and the Evening Times, ef Newport News, Va., both of which papers are now owned by a Richmond capitalist Mr. Vincent rose to tne new position from a reportoriai one and his rapid rise will be a source of much gratification to numerous friends in Wilmington. Rev. L. B. Boaey. Rsv. L. B. Boney, of Wilmington, hss a call to the pastorate of Lisbon Baptist church, Bladen county, and will announce his decision to accept or decline on the first Sunday in Decem ber, when he will preach to the con gregation. Mr. Boney already hss charges at Magnolia, Natmore and Wootten's ehapeL He has given up Mm wnfk at Delflrado and BlackweJl's i chapel. Thanksgiving at the Opera House. (larnenter'a magnificent production t . Vadia" will be the Thanks- giving attraction at tnevpera nouw Thndav evening. The company is a . . n good one and comes well spoten oi oy tfc.nreai. At Greensboro night be fore last it was especially highly com- plimented by the papers oi tnat ww. v i Tnwall at PolVOgt's to- Bargain to uomior- .-y- WILMINGTON, N. 0., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER J01NT PYTHIAN MEgr,NrTATLANTIG COAST UNE I Local Lodges Were Last Night the Quests of Jefferson No. 61 Informal Though Eojoyabie Eafertalooest Members of the four Pythian lodges of the city were most hospitably - en tertained last night in Castle, Hall in joint meeting by Jefferson Lodge No. 61, Chancellor Commander W. L. Holden presiding. There was a good attendance and much enthusiasm was manifest. The entertainment committee, con sisting of Messrs. L. J. Cooper, (chair man,) C D. Weeks, H. F. Hsar and J no. H. Gore, Jr.," provided a rather informal programme, but one alto gether enjoyable and beneficial to the members at large. Past Chancellor Commander Jas. C. Morrison read 1 a . very entertaining paper on Wear the Button, and there werttingeniarjpon subject by a number of those present including Messrs. W. a Smith, W. F. Robertson and others. Mr. J. D. Nutt chairman of the building committee, gave a very pleas ing outline of the "Pythian Home" which will soon be established in the Murehison National Bank building. The question of whether it is advis able to continue the plan of having monthly joint meetings in lieu of the quarterly district meetings through the next year was introduced and rep resentatives, from each of the four lodges represented spoke very much in favor of continuance. The last of the joint meetings will be held with Germania Lodge in December unless it is decided to continue them through another year. Rev. J. A. Dorritee, of Rath bone Lodge, Charlotte, was introduced to the meeting by Mr. H. E. Bonitz and pleasantly entertained the gathering with a short address which was in happy vein. Dr. W. C. Galloway also msde a few interesting remarks. After the lodge exercises the enter tainment committee provided a course of refreshments which was greatly enjoyed. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Site for Factory of Brick Compssy A Lot Os Dswsoo Street Andrew Smith and wife have trans ferred by deed, filed for record at the Court House yesterday, to the Hy draulic White Brick Company, the block or square of city realty bound' ed by Bladen, Harnett Front and Sec ond streets; consideration $3,600. On this site the new factory of the brick I company will be established. Work on the same will eommence soon. By deed, also filed for record at the Court House yesterday, W. M. Cum- ming and wife transferred to D. L. Re vis lot on south side of Dawson, between Front and Second streets, the same being 33x66 feet in size, consid eration $376. Small Blazes Yesterday. Two alarms of fire called out the department yesterday, but neither of the blazes caused damage of conse quence. The first, at 12:30 P. M., from box 16, was on account of small fire started by sparks from the chimney of the residence of Mrs. Grace Blue, 307 Brunswick street At 1:30 o'clock a telephone alarm called the chemical engine to No. 21 South Sixteenth street where there was a small blaze on the roof of house belonging to Mr. T. O. Bunt ing and occupied by James Moore, colored. The damage in neither in stance amounted to more than $10. Acknowledgment of Sympathy. CaDt. J. M. McGowao. keeper of records and seals of Eyota Tribe No. 6, Improved Order of Red Men, yes terday received the following acknowl edgement of a telegram of sympathy sentto Mrs. McKinley by the lodge upon the occasion of the shooting of t -.-,.- t Buffalo; "Mra. Me- Kinley acknowledges with grateful i appreciation tne tenaer expressions I i l.J L V. t her Etas' Memorial Service, All arrangements are complete for th Elks' memorial service to be held by the Wilmington lodge on 8unday afternoon, Dec. 1st in the Upera House. There will be a splendid mus ical programme and an oration by Fred Harper, Esq . of Lynchburg, Va. The arrangement committee is composed of W. F. Robertson, (chair man,) Henry J. Gerken, L. Stein, J. L. Solomon and Jack Bellamy. No Mslicloasness Shown? Scinio Ashe, the negro arrested Tuesday afternoon for turning in false fire alarm from Front and Orange streets, was arraigned in the munici pal court yesterday at noon, but no malicious intent was shown and be was discharged. William Miller, who waa arrested for interfering with the arrest was also discharged at the re quest of Alderman George Harriss, who had him taken in custoay. Methodist Conferences. Thn annual session of the North n.mlfna (Vtnfflrence of the AX. A. Church. South, will assemble in Fay- etteville next Tuesday week. Bishop Hare-rove, of Nashville, Tenn., pre siding. The Western Norm uarouna Conference, Bishop, Hargrove pre siding, convened at Gastonia yester day. Three days left of The Polvogt Co.'s Bargain Week. t Vfcit Th Pnlvnvt Co. tto-day it's i their Bargain Week. t Annual Meetings of C. & W. C. and Northwestern Stockhol ders at Charleston. REPORTS VERY GRATIFYING. Directors Re-elected aad OUier rBsslsess ef Routine Chsrscter Trsnsscted. Deaths of Mr. Newcomer and Mr. Riach AaaoBsced. - v; News and Courier, 20th.) The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Charleston and Western Carolina Railway, a property of the Atlantic Coast Line. Railroad Com pany, was held in Charleston yester day A number of : high4 officials of theAtlantio Coast Line came to attend the fttsetinav Officerawaca re-elected. The report of President John B Cleve land showed that the affairs of the read were in splendid shape. . The directors elected were the fol lowing: Michael Jenkins. W. G. El liott Henry Walters, John B. Cleve land, J. O. U. Fleming, J. A. Brock. Avery Patton, D. A. P. Jordan and J. P. Doughty. The directors re-elected Mr. Cleveland president of the rail road. Mr. Walters vice president and Mr. J. F. Post secretary and treasurer. Mr.J. R. Kenly was re-elected general manager, Mr. T. M. Emerson, traffic manager, and Mr. O. 8. Gadsden was elected acting general auditor. Among the visiting directors at the meeting yesterday were: Messrs. Michael Jenkins, Waldo Newcomer and Henry Walters, of Baltimore; W. G. Elliott, president of the At lantic Coast Line Railroad Company, of Wilmington; J. B. Cleveland, Spartanburg; J. O. C. Fleming, Lau rens; J. A. Brock, Anderson; Avery Patton, Greenville, and D. A. P. Jor don, of Greenwood. Other railroad men at the meeting were: Mr. J. F. Divine, general superintendent: Mr. J R. Kenly, general manager, and Mr. T. M. Emerson, trafflo manager of the Atlantic Coast Line, and Mr. Thomas Wilson, president of the Northwestern Railroad of South Car olina. President Cleveland, of the Charles ton aad Western Carolina, submitted his annual report which was adopted. He showed that the company 'was in exceptionally fine condition. Mr. Cleveland referred in feeling terms to the death of Mr. B. F. Newcomer, of Baltimore, one of the directors, and spoke also of the death of Mr. W. A. Riacb, the general auditor. Mr. Jen kins, of. Baltimore, who was elected director; took the place made vacant by Mr. Newcomers death. Tbe annual meeting of the stock holders of the Northwestern Railroad Company, of 8outh Carolina, was also held yesterday. This road, which is an Atlantic Coast Line property, is generally known as "Tom Wilson's road," and the ability with which President Wilson has looked after it waa shown In the f set that a dividend of 6 per cent for the year was declar ed. President Wilson's report was gratifying and showed that the prop erty was in first class condition. He was re-elected by the directors. The directors elected were : Henry Wal ters. W. G. Elliott J. W. Divine, J. a. Kenly, J. F. Rhame and Thos. Wilson. Tbe directors elected J. . Post secre tary and treasurer and 8- G. LeGrand aeung general auditor. LIST OF LETTERS. Remaining Uncalled For la the Wilming ton Postoffice Nov. 20th, I991. WOMEN'S LIST. H E Brvan. Joanna Barnhill, Katie Brewer, Nettie Baker. Ella J Clinton, G G Davis. S O Dodson, N J Estes, Iran Evans. Mary Fennell, Mary Frank. O Hawkins, Ida Hayes, Bailie Hankins. Martha Johns, Belle Mar vin, Satyra Martin, Margaret Walker. KEN'S LIST. H Atkinson. A R Belalmy. E W Baldwin. Henry Bedford, Joe Brown. 8ham Bullard, D J Clark, J A Coop er, Robbins Carrier, lr Davis, Edward Fov. K B ITarr. M U Gea chem, O L Haywood, Mr Hayes, W H Hardin. Alison Jordan. J r M Jack son, J K .&.enu, j a Jveuy, a r Kerksey. F G Lee, Palmer Lee, Ellis Moore. D McFadden. t a. melton. J H Mann, Thos McDowell, Samuel Ro gers. Geo Rhodes, Amos mater, J Simpson. J J W Sumson, H L Tread- well, J C Trotman, U Turnngton,. Wilier. J D Walker, G A Williams, C O Williams. RETURNED FROM DEAD LETTER OFFICE. Dartch Corwin. Persons calling for above letters will please sav advertised. If not called for in fifteen days they will be sent to the dead letter office. M. u. dabbt, Postmaster. Dr. E. J. Nixon to Wed. Invitations have been received in tbe city as follows by friends of Dr. E. J. Nixon, who was formerly con nected with the A. C. L. relief depart ment in Wilmington, but now in the same service at Richmond: "Mr. and Mrs. William EL Patrick request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter, Olivia Brickell, to Dr. Edwin Jones Nixon, Wednesday, November the twenty-seventh, nine teen hundred and one, at one o'clock, Trinity Church. Chocowinity, North Carolina. . At the Opera House. "Sevengala," the hypnotist was I again seen at the Opera House last night by a crowd, which though not large, was very appreciative of the wonderful exhibitions given. ' Those who have not yet witnessed the phe nomenal tests in telepathy would do well to attend one of the perform- ences before the close of his engage ment to-morrow night. Osteepatfey. We take pleasure in announcing that our Infirmarv is now open and fnllv eauinued for the treatment of natienta. All forms of diseases suo- eessf nllv treated without the use Of Antitoxin. Drura or Surgical oper ation. No charge for examination and consultation, umce noun a. M. to 5:80 P. M. Other hours by nodal imnmrnsnL Wlliard : 1U- firmarv of Oateonatnv. oia enncess street, between Fifth and Sixth, t 21, 1901. 4 ; local dots. November 25th is the date for L' Agile Cotillon Club's next german. Raleigh now has the long distance telephone service from the Bell Company. A new postoffice has been established at Ezra. Bladen county. with Eunice C. Green postmaster. The sewerage contractors are now engaged in laying pipe on Mar ket between Second and Sixth streets. The British Bteamer Tripoli was cleared yesterday by J. H. Sloan for Cork, with a cargo of 9,351 bales of cotton valued at $376,000. There are three capital cases for trial at the next week's term of the Superior: Court over . which Judge Oliver EL Allen will preside. N Mr. Archibald Young, who has been connected with a business college i in Baltimore for Jour years, has been engaged to instruct the commercial classes in Howell's Military Academy. A meeting of the Wilmington Railway Bridge Company was held yesterday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock at the Front street office of the Seaboard Air Line railroad, in this city. Only routine business was transacted. General Manager A. B. Skel- ding, of the Wilmington Street Rail way Company, has removed his office from the power house at Water and Orange streets to the MscRae building in the apartments occupied by ' tbe Wilmington Gas Light Company. The handsome brass bedstead in the show window of the A. M. Bus man Furniture Company's store oh Market street upon which the price was reduced fifty cents each day, was sold yesterday to Mr. Henry Bear for $61.60. The original price was $76. Under the head of "Army and Navy Notes," the Washington Post says: "Ma jor Charles Humphreys has been detailed as a member of the examining board to meet at Vancou ver Barracks, vice Lieut Col. William V. Richards, Seventh Cavalry, re lieved." . Hon. J. U. Young, Insurance Commissioner, is sending out posters calling the attention of officers and all citizens of the State generally to the law requiring that all fires be inves tigated by the'ebief of the fire depart ment or the fire committee in the cities and towns of the State, and that the result of such investigation be re ported to the commissioner at Raleigh. He Lost a Leg. A white man named Blanchard had a leg crushed by the A. O. L. south bound train at Fremont .Tuesday after noon. He was taken to Goldsboro and placed in the Emergency hos pital, where his leg was amputated. He formerly lived at Warsaw and conducted a mercantile business, but has been doing business at Dunn for some time. He was on his way to Warsaw and got off the train at Fre mont to speak to friends. In -getting back on the train he fell and the wheels passed over his leg. He is in a serious condition. mm i North Carollas's Exhibits. News and Observer, 20th: "Mr. T. R. Bruner, secretary of the Board of Agriculture, left yesterday for Charles ton to install the North Carolina ex hibits at the Exposition. He will be there for about ten days. Mr. Bruner expects another car load of the ex hibits from this State to leave here to-day. For some time a force of hands has been at wprk preparing for the placing of tbe exhibit from this State." NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR RENT, Dwellings, Stores, Offices, &c D. O'CONNOR. ill! an 22 tf SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23. Nfttinee and Night. The Wrong Mr. Wright. ! JOHN ALUWN at Peymour Bites, by Geo. H. Broaanarec, aucnor k "What Happen to Jones." "Why 8 Kirn Left Home " "The House that JiCk Built." Twenty Weeks In London." "Fifteen ee tn New York." Bolana Reed's greatest saccess. nov 81 8t f&&SU& TO-NIGHT. Tne King of fan makers, BXVKNQALA. The reigning New York Novelty Success, THE SEVENGALAS. Prat: W. and Mile Minerva in their astonish ing; novelty, Transmission oy xeiepatny. races iu, mi ana su coats. Reserved seats on sale at Gerken's. nov 80 It . - - Gapped the Climax. Yes, we have reached that point by the In traduction of four new ''Climax" Chairs and other fornltore to correspond. Our barbers are skilled In tbe business and our racors and other "trimmings" are, as they have always been, of the very beet. We solicit your patronage. DA VIS ft GUION. les tf 7 South Front bt. 300 Cheese. 100 Boxes Tobacco. 200 Sacks Coffee. as API'S B IT . A D Ca epstt lttissjtstreet, jfIA Art WHOLE NO. 10,687 GOAL THAT IS beegkh: g-bade goods.' We want good money, you want We can also suit you on the Wood oia stand. " " J. A. Springer & Co. nov 16 tf READ THIS. SPECIAL SALE EVERY SATURDAY. NOTICE SHOPS FOR GO lllblll IN BBK K BUILDING, 4th and Campbell Street, WIL-niNOTON, N. C. THIS IS THE PLACE. MEN'S WORKING SHOES FOR $1.00. READ THIS. Souvenir Booklet of Wil mington. Daughters of the Confederacy yisiting our city will find our store a general meeting place for ladies. We will be glad to have you call and we assure you a hearty welcome. We have many attractive articles that will interest you. All the newest Books, Beau tiful Pictures, Fancy Goods, Novelties, etc. Prompt and polite attention. c. vr. YATES & go., Bookseller and Stationers. 117 Market street. nov 10 tf PLEASING SHOES. Here are Shoes that fit your foot, look well and give long service. The sort of shoes FOR MEN AND WOMEN ' which are satisfying and eco nomical. Will hold shape and good looks to the. last stitch. SOLOMON'S SHOE STORE. novlOtf New Goods. Bagging and Ties, New Mullets, FIRST PAT. FLOUR 2ND PAT. FLOUR, STRAIGHT FLOUR. SUGAR. COFFEE. RICE, MEAL. GRITS, MOLASSES WHEAT BRAN, CANNED GOODS, SOAP, LYE. STARCH, Sft.LT, fee Send me yoor orders. Special attention Riven to consisnmentr. S. P. HcNAIR. an S3 tt Black Maria Is all the sx. The best Twist Chewing Tobaocn on tne market. I am able to supply munistomers in any size iota. TJolasses and Syrup. Bargains in Porto Rico, New Orleans and Cuba Molnwnofl, any grades at lowest prices. Heavy, Fancy and staple Groceries of au amos. write ror prices or can PETER MeQUEEN. Jr., octitr CONFEDERATE FLAGS 4Heis Y I .THAT WILL J .ii MAKE YOU eiMSMoMoeooo TERdS Of SUBSCRIPTION On Yeavr, by Madt $B.OOl Six EXeatfea, ' 2.60 Thro XXoKtha l.JBB Two UoBtfcs, - : l.OO Dllvsre4 im Safescrltors Us aha City at 4S Cata par BlaaUau oooeoo00' GOAL ! WOT DIRT. Slate Dost Of Of any kind and that contains 90 per cent pure carbon, is what you get when you buy our good Coal, so honors are easy. question. Send your orders to the , i ' The Veteran Dealers. $. TO nov 21 tf WE SELL CIGARS. "El Capitan," 10c Cigars. "Santa Bana," 5c Cigars. "Cuban Blossom," 5c Cigars. "Benown," 5c Cigars. "Chico Portrendo." 5c Cigars (Topical Twist " 5c Cigars. "Span Nickle," 5c Cigars. "Smokette," 5c Cigars. "Oremo," 5c Cigars. TOBACCO. "Sensation." "Duke's Mixture." "Maryland Club." "Good Luck." "Show Down." In fact we carry almost every brand made and can fill orders promptly. Yollers & Hashagen, DISTRIBUTORS. nov 19 tf Sweet Cream, Batter Ilk A TTID BUTTER. E. WARREN & SON. nov 19 ly SAY! STOP! AND LOOK IN THE WIN DOW OF THE A. M. SUSLUN FURNITURE CO. AND SEX HOW TBX BRASS BED IS REDUCED. Also look over oar fine line of Furniture and see how cheap a good quality of goods can be so'd. we have given others bargains and U yon Klve us a call we are sore yon will be satisfied with oar prices. Very respectfully, LU. Susman Furniture Co., 110 avad 11S Market Street, nov SO tx Wilmington, N. C BIDS WANTED. By Commissioners of New Hanover eonnty for furnishing Coal at County Home, Court House and Jail from December 1st. For furnishing Coffins and Burial for out-door poor for one year from December 1st. For keeping deck at Court House tot one year from. December 1st. For building one mile, more or lees, wire fence between Scott's Hill and found, as per speclfl eations to be seen at Court House. Bids will be received till s.80 P. M. Monday, December 2nd, 1901. D. McEACHXBS, nov 19 St Chairman. Flower Seed and Bulbs. Hew Stock; Selected Varieties. Dutch. Soman and Italian Hya cinth Bttlbs,all colors ; Tulip Bulbs all colors and shapes: Chinese Sa cred Lilies, extra large Bulbs; Evergreen Lawn Grass Seed. Now is the time to plant all of the above to get good results. Call at HARDIN'S PALACE PHARMACY. octstf las South rroatstrest, 'if SI ' ' -v. '-vy - 13;