m flBrinteea ooo.-., ClrcnlitJon Larrer man mat Of Any Other Dally News paper Published la Wilmington. felPBST 0AII.T NKWSFAPH ..I L I I B" O OUTLINES. L8 Democratic caucus of the House Representative .. . Urn. of Tennesse, as me muwmj referred to comiuinoo. . . lit... TX7.f jot defeated a"""" -j Itbill by a 60010 of 11 10 5- CeoTernment closed its case in the Ij of Mrs. Bonine for the murder of lL. her counsel made preliminary ..nt There are grave dif- Lees between the young Queen of fclUind and tier nusoana. onn Lnsn, a miser, nvinK ue vxrecu.- lod.8. C, robbed oi i,ow mcasn tmany valuable papers. Ru- lMd Jeal is revivea mat me o. a.. jU. U icauire control oi tae Virginia i Southwestern railway. Large irards will be offered for the re rery of the body of Miss Cropsey, i joung lady missing from Eliza- h City, N. C. Fire at Denver, I destroyed the City Hall. Jma and Colon are quiet: trains on ! railroad are carrying American Vrdg. Twenty persons arownea C collision of ferry boats at San Fran C N. Y. markets: Money on nominal; cotton quiet at 8e; flour h steady but less active; wheat k quiet; No. 2 red 831c; corn spot L; No. 2, 69fc; rosin steady ; strained kmon to good $1.55; spirits, turpen- V quiet at 87i38a . -v WEATHER REPORT. (J. 8. Dkp't or Agriculture, j Weather Bureau, Wilmington, N. C, Not. 80. ) 'emperatures: 8 A, M., 41 degrees;. H., 50 degrees; maximum, 61 de bt; minimum, 41 degrees; mean, 51 ma. iinfall for the day, .00; rainfall a 1st of the month to date, 1.16 ies itge of water in the Cape Fear river 'ijetteville at 8 A. M., 3 8 feet. FORECAST rOB TO-DAY. VismsQTOS. Nov. 80. For North Volina: Fair Sunday and Monday; ih winds, most southerly. nrt AlmanacDecember 1. Rises 8ets 6.51A.M. 4.46 P.M. 9 H. 55 M. 11 34 A.M. 3.04 P. M. Y$ Length h Water at soutnport. Ii Water Wilmington. 1 Chatham county man, who is living in Arizona, has sent back fce for a lot of North Carolina led hams. That fellow believes Vood, solid, high living. Thomas Lipton says he is ling to try a third tip on that Sir Thomas has lots of fan en he is over here sailing his its. even it he doesn't lilt any- me one asks "Why do men ear They do it principally be- Ise they want to express them- res quickly and more vigorously in they can do it in the book rds they know. X Newport, Ky., spiritualist' has n holding seance correspondence h the late Li Hung Chang, who ports that he is in paradise, where jsumaoiy he is wearing his pea- It feathers. We expect that is kther lie. ndge Gary, one of the organizers ithe billion dollar Steel Trust, trusts are local affairs, with pen Congress has nothing to do. F trust authorized bv the laws pet Jersey, which operates all P the country has a pretty long jen lor a local affair. f pet dog died in Syracuse, N. the other day and was buried in LT.!i . . - ' Fine satm lined casket made for Wd. That was absurd enouirh mot so idiotic as the perfor- pw tnat took place over a de- fa Sew Jersey canine, which Fluied with a funeral oration. The people of the United States Frying on account of the duty r oo.ooo.ooo more for the im- SUgar thfiV nan than t.Tiov , v Vckj ii sugar wwo ri tree. And nfttwithntaTnHniT laltt. e rueygeta good deal of rner stuff in their sugar. TV. 18 increasin? in fchia nnnntrv. fording to a hnii0H u eauthe average in 1890 was 'l Jeara. v,;i . r Proof that we are learning fde a The 8tatemt is also that the longevity is greatest . -v WMe8) attributed to better pJ precautions. AreportQ . . a . 7ru augg stone is mad. Noth- rrpr18inginthat 'Ptnred Kv 8ome brigand fnllnwa rwuldnot getaway and thrft I much , , .. . reroDr. -ngana haggling hrhe aa ther s kto tell the whole crowd to ajgjitanywhere. b Harmn'8 Palace Pharmacy. The Morning Star.' VOL. LXIX. NO. WILMINGTON, N. C, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1901. WHOLE NO. 10,695 COURT ADJOURNED. Last Term for the Present Year Expired Last Midnight by Limitation. 1 REPORT OF THE GRAND JURY. A ii Kecomtnends More Adeqaife Prorii- loss is Jn for the Issaae Mixla tratesShooldHaveJarlsdlctloa. Proceediacs Yesterday. The last term of the Superior Court of New Hanover for . the present year expired last midnight by limitation, after disposition by a number of un important eases during the day. Judge Allen and Solicitor : Duffy will leave to-day for Kenansvttlo to hold Duplin Superior Court, after which they will go to Pender county. Judge Allen there finishing up his circuit of this district. It is with reluctance that the attorneys of the Wilmington bar and the public at large give him up for the present, as he has made a most favor able impression by his fair and impar tial rulings and his uniform courtesy to all who have occasion to visit a court over which he is presiding. He will go from this to the Baleigh dis trict and Judge E. W. Timberlake, of Louisburg, will come here for the term opening January 6th. The following proceedings appear from the court docket yesterday: J. EL Waiters, assault with deadly weapon; verdict, guilty of simple as sault; thirty days on roads. Not guilty as to same defendant for carry ing concealed weapons. Henry Green, false pretence, called and failed; judgment nisi; instanter capias ordered and issued. Henry Purdie, assault with deadly weapon ; guilty of simple assault, and case continued; bond fixed at $25, Martha Clark, larceny of goods from H. W. Konig; plead guilty of larceny and receiving; sentenced to county jail for four months with privilege to County Commissioners to hire out to pay costs. Oscar Millis, forgery ; 4 months in jail with privilege to hire out to pay coats. Thos. Croom, non-payment of costs; capias to issue. J oe Lee, assault with deadly weapon ; nol prossed with leave. In view of the fact that attorneys for the defence began investigation as to legaliCy of the grand jury which re turned a true bill against Hector Mc- Lauchlin and E. Tiner, charged with burglary in the first degree, Solicitor Duffy disregarded the old bill and sent down a new one to be passed upon. The alleged irregularity was that Mr. Samuel Blossom, a grand juror at the time, had a suit pending in court. The grand jury at this term failed to re turn a true bill as to Tiner and he was released yesterday from jaiL The case ofMcLauchlin was continued until the next term. The attorneys for the defence are C. D. Weeks and B. O. Grady, Esqs. Report of the Qraad Jary. The grand jury finished its work yesterday morning and was discharg ed with thanks by Judge Allen, after having returned the following report of its deliberations during the week: To The Honorable O. H. Allen, Judge Superior Court: ' We. your grand jury, have endeav ored to carry out your instructions. On account of the recent term held, have had little business before us and many of these cases of a very trivial nature. We feel that these should be settled in the magistrate eourts with out prosecution by and so much cost to the county. We have had 20 bills or indictment presented to u. 17 of which we found to be true and 3 not true bills. We wish to thank your Honor (or kindness and courtesy shown, for im- partality In presiding and dispatcn or business. We visited -the jaiL which we found to be well kept, clean and well heated. We nnd mat mere is no provision iur the care of unfortunate insane and as the SUte institutions are so crowded that often it is necessary to confine them here for months before admis sion can be had. We feel that duty and humanity demand that provision be made for their care wnue so aetainea. From experience had in the last lew months, we learn that these unfortu nates have inflicted much injury to themselves on account of improper fanilitiM for their care. A pitiful ex ample of this having been presented to us in the case or w my r lowers, wuoui w found in iaiL We are lniormea that there have been three similar fame in the last aix months. We re- thit two nadded cells be built in the jail for care or detainea insane. Respectfully submitted. M. M. Pabkeb, f oreman. The Fire Ust Night The alarm of fire from box 64 last night at 8:32 o'clock was on account nf thn hnrain? of a two-story frame residence owned and occupied by J. A. Vass, colored. It was situated at No. 124 South Eleventh street and was a comDlete loss. The insurance was $250 with the agency of J. V anB. Metis. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice To creditors. Clyde Line Sailing days. 8. & B. Solomon Carpets. New Steamer Line Notice. D. Ii. Gore Co. Wire nails. Geo. O. Gaylord Cloak sale. City Hospital Sealed proposals. N. P. Parker For Xmaa buyers. B. O. DeRosset Business dispute. J. H. Behder & Co. Holiday sale. Atlantic National Bank Dividend. People's Savings Bank Dont fail Mutual Benevolent Asso'n Notice. W. B. Cooper Double patent flour. ( BTTSHTESS LOCALS. - Lost Fox terrier. Gas Heater For bath room. Big Returns Small investment LOCAL DOTS. An anatomy museum is '-'hold- Ing down the boards" on Market street, next door to Green's drug store. A quarantine for diphtheria war yesterday established at the home of George Grimes tead, 1208 Market street Dr. Thos. R. Little, the super intendent advertises in another col umn for supplies for the James Walker Memorial Hospital. . "Coon Hollow" and Rose Cog- Ian, in some high-class play, will be seen atthe Opera House during the lat ter part of this week. The remains ofDr. K. W.Tate, who died at Chadbourn, were brought through Wilmington and sent to Ash ton yesterday for burial. The W. C. T. 'U. will meet Wednesday at 4 o'clock in the lecture room of the First Baptist Church. All are invited to be present. Christian Science service will be held this morning at the Masonic Temple, room No. 10. Subject of the Bible lesson: "God the Only Cause and Creator." The usual monthly meetings will be held to-morrow the County Commissioners at 3 P. M , the Alder men at 8 P. M., and othea boards at usual hours. Prof. Catlett, County Superin tendent of Publio Instruction, will hold another institute for white teach ers of the public schools on Saturday, December 21st The orphanage edition of the Raleigh Christian Advocate last week presented excellent pictures of Rev. J. N. Cole, and Mr. W.E.Springer.of this ; city, who are trustees of the well knwn institution. Bishop B. F. Lee, D. D., of Ohio, presiding bishop of the Second Episcopal District of the A. M. E. Church, will preach in St Stephen's Church Sunday morning at 10.30 o'clock. At 3 P. M. communion will be celebrated. . The annual conference will be held at Fayetteville, beginning Thursday. Attention is directed to the advertisement of the United States Fidelity and Guaranty Co., of Balti more, which may be found in another . column. C. D. Weeks, Esq., of this city, with offices in the Smith build ing, is special agent of the company and would be glad to confer with those desiring bonds executed for any pur pose. Correspondence is solicited. POULTRY SHOW IN JANUARY. Fsiclers of the State Beiag Interested. Lesson la Incnbatloi. The first four days in January have been decided upon as the time for the poultry and pet stock fair to be given in una cut by tne wumington Poultry and Live Stock Association. The City Hall will most probably be the place. An enthusiastic meeting of the ar rangement committee, consisting of Messrs. 8- J. Davis, Jno. O. Boesch and Frank L. Huggins, was held Fri day night with the Association as a body,-and plans were enthusiastically discussed. A feature of the show will be the hatching of chickens and other fowls by incubator, and a number of dealers have been invited to exhibit their machines on this occasion. It is proposed to make it an educational exhibit and the fanciers of the State are receiving letters asking their co operation. An extract from one of many letters says: "A lively interest in fancy poultry is being awakened among our people, and we believe a large part of the birds sent for exhi bition can be sold. If not sold, birds will be returned to you at our ex pense." Skeletons Exhnmed. While excavating for the laying ot sewerage pipe on the east side of Fourth between Market and Dock streets yesterday morning, workmep unearthed two skeletons of bodies ap I parently buried years ago at a depth of about five feet in the ground. The skeletons were remarkably well pre served and appeared to have been of the negro race. The teeth were plainly , evident and were picked from the skull by those who desired them for souvenirs of the find. Last week, while excavations were being made on Fourth between Dock and Orange i streets, other skeletons were exhumed. Thronib Line to Atlanta. Atlanta Constitution: "By a recent change of schedule made by the At lantic Coast Line, Atlanta gains another through route to Wilmington, nrhiiA tha timA i radii end to fourteen" ni nnA-hif honra. Quite a consider able reduction. Heretofore, it has been impossible to go to Wilmington via Augusta wnnout jayinavurer ui night at some point The changes Kv tha Atlsntin Hnant Line arive close connection at all junctions and allow tne trip to oe maue aimost en tirely by daylight Train leaving At lanta at 7:65 A. M. makes direct con ! nection with the Coast Line at Augus ta, arriving at JTlornce at t:zu sr. jku Leave Florence at 8:15 P. M., arriving in Wilmington at 11:30 P. M. (east erntime)." New Insurance Association. A. New Hanover Division of the Mutual Benevolent Associa tion, of North Carolina, has been or- ! ganixed in Wilmington, witn . unci I Green president; William B. French secretary and treasurer, and S. w. Sanders, Sol J. Jones ana j. mat thews, directors. George A. Hussey is president and H. E. King is seer-- tary and treasurer oi tne otaw nation, with headquarters in Baleigh. TAX ON BANK STOCK. Judge Allen Yesterday Denied Request for Restraining Or der Against Collection. APPEAL TO SUPREME COURT. ! Important Case In Which Larf e Monled Interests and Constitutionality of Revenue Act Are Involved. Able Counsel Employed. An application, which may become famous in court circles in the State and one which would be far reaching in its consequences, if allowed, was denied by Judge Oliver H. Allen in the Superior Court yesterday, where upon an. appeal was taken to the Supreme Court The case is entitled "Jno. 8. Arm strong, W. E Worth, J. W. Nor wood, EL C. McQ ieen, J. V. Grainger, N. B Rankin, Geo. B. French and W. A. French, trading as Geo. B. French & Son, Andrew Moreland, J. A. Springer, August O. Schuster, Richard Bradley, M J. Corbett T. M. Emerson, V. E Zoeller and F. W. Dick against Frank H. Stedman, sheriff of New Hanover county. North Carolina, and the City of Wil mington." The plaintiffs are all well known bank stock owners of the city, -and the motion is for a restraining order upon the sheriff and city authorities against their collecting the tax on plaintiffs' bank stock with out deducting from it the indebted ness of individual shareholders, as is allowed to other money interests as set forth in the complaint The validity of the entire revenue act is attacked, and the outcome will be watched with interest ' Ex-Judge E K. Bryan is retained as counsel for the plaintiffs and in the complaint it is set forth in substance that on the first Monday in June the Board of County Commissioners and the City of Wilmington, acting under the Revenue Law of 1901, levied and assessed taxes against all the real and personal property of the plaintiffs and that the plaintiffs are informed and believe that the said Revenue Law was not passed by the Legislature in a con stitutional manner, in that it was not read the three several times on three several days, etc., aa required; that the sheriff of the county and officers of the city of Wilmington are threaten ing to levy, upon their property and enforce collection of the alleged ille gally assessed taxes; that the plaintiffs have stood ready and willing to pay the taxes as assessed for 1900 and that defendants have declined to accept same. For a second cause of action the plaintiffs say that they were on June 1st share holders in either the Atlan tic or Murchison national or the two savings banks of the city, and that on the first Monday in June the county and city authorities required them to list all the shares of stock held by them in all banks without allowing them to mafce any deductions from shares on account of debts due and owing by them, in violation of the law. For a third cause plaintiffs allege that' June the 1st the city and county authorities by virtue of the Revenue Act required them to list their shares with no deduction for debts, contrary to Section 27 of the Revenue Law; that there is about $375,000 invested in capital stock of private banks, and in loans by note and mortgages on real estate about $10,000,000 invested and that about $4,000,000 was listed against money on hand for 1900,' and about $21,000,000 insolvent credits, upon all of which property there was allowed deductions for sol vent credits and that the stock of State and National Banks will not exceed $15,000,000; that the County CommisN aionera in allowing plaintiffs no de ductions on account of their indebted ness thus unjustly discriminated against them and that the tax levied against them is at a greater rate than that assessed against other moneyed capital, which was employed In com petition. Judge Allen denied the application in the following opinion from which an appeal was taken : "This cause coming on to be heard unon the complaint filed herein. which is exhibtited to the undersigned as an affidavit, and it appearing to the court that the plaintiffs seek to restrain the sheriff of New Hanover county and the city of Wilmineton from col lectin certain taxes upon the grounds (1) that they are required to list their s bares of bank stock without being allowed to deduct from said shares debts due and owing by them and (2) that the Revenue law was not passed accordance with the provisions of the constitution, and it appearing to the Court that the requirements complained of are neither unreason able, unjust or against conscience. and being of opinion that the courts of the State ahould not interfere by injunction with the collection of taxes, which are necessary for the subsistence of the government when it would tend to serious and grave consequences, therefore, Without passing upon the legal questions involved, it is consid ered that tne said application tor a re straining order be and the same is re fused. O. H. Allen, "Judge 5th Judicial District" County Attorney W. B." McKoy, Messrs. Rountree & C4rr and City At torney Bellamy represent the defend ants and will fight the case in the Su preme Court before which time it can be heard practically all the taxes for the current fiscal year will have been collected. i Aa the Stab employs no trav elling agents, bills are sent direct to subscribers. - These bills should I ceive prompt attention. C. LYON, ESQ., APPOINTED. Named as Solicitor of Seventh District Yesterday Qsttls-Kllfo Case Oone to Jary Raleigh News, Special Star Telegram. Baleigh, N. C, Nov. 80. C. a Lyon, of Elizabethtown, was to-day appointed to succeed the late O. M. McLean as solicitor of the Seventh Judicial District Mr. Lyon was unan imously endorsed among others by the Democratic bar of Fayetteville. Messrs. Burrell, Walker & Cansler, bf Charlotte, are to appear instead of the Attorney General in the railroad taxation case of Ward vs. The Cor poration Commission, which comes up on appeal in the Supreme Court next week. Attorney General Gil mer has been verv ill for several weeks. Watauga Hall, at the A. & M. Ool- ege, which was destroyed by fire last midnight, is a total los3f $15,000. About sixty boys lost all their belong ings. Twenty-five have gone home; others are provided with temporary quarters. There was $6,000 insurance. The Gattis-Kilgo case waa given to the jury at Oxford to-night The jury was out still at 11 P. M. They eeem in doubt of evidence of .malice on the part of defendants in making the pub- icatiohs. , NEW STEAMBOAT LINE. Meeting of Stockholders in Company Ahoat to be Org mixed for Operating Steamers to New York. Subscribers to stock in the new steamboat company in process of or ganization for the purpose of operat ing a line between Wilmington and New York are asked to meet in the rooms of the Merchants' Association to-morrow afternoon at, S o'clock for the purpose of hearing the final re port of the central committee and of organizing the new company. Itis learned, unofficially however, that all plans have been perfected by which the new steamer line will be in operation in a very short time."; Ad vertisement for the meeting may be seen in another column. J REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS RECORDED Deed to the Pike Lamber Compsny's Prop erty for New Pnrcbssers. The following recent transfers of real eatate appear from deeds filed for record yesterday at the Court House : Milton D. Hays and wife, of Pitts burg, Pa., to the Pittsburg Lumber Company, a corporation existing un der the laws of North Caiolina, the property of the old C. W. Pike Lum ber Company recently bid in at pub ic sale; consideration $5,200. Andrew Bmith and wife to Thos. H. Wright, house and lot on the east side of Fourth between Wooster and Daw son streets, size 33x165 feet; consider ation, $75. David S. Morgan and wife, of Pen der county, to Daniel L. Smith, of New Hanover, tract of land contain log eighteen acres, more or less, on the Holly Shelter road near its intersec tion with Clear Water branch; consid eration $77. Coldest November ia Years. Observer Geo. W. Felger, in charge of the local Weather Bureau,says that the month just closed, with its almost constant low temperature, wa the coldeat November aince the establish ment of the station. The average temperature for the month, 49, is 6 degrees below the normal and 3 de grees below the average of the coldest November heretofore 1878 and 1880. On only five daya was the temperature above the average and on 12 days it ranged from 7 to 17 below. The ab normal character of the month is best illustrated by the fact that the tem perature fell below the freezing point on eight days, which is six above the average and exactly equal to the total number during the previous eight No vembers. Underwriters' Isanctlon. The Star was in error yesterday in stating that the amount involved in the in junction secured by the Wil mington Underwriters' Insurance As sociation was only the tax on $4,900 worth of real estate at 38 cents a hun dred. The amount involved is the en tire tax on the capital stock of the company and Eugene 8. Martin, Esq., is employed by the plaintiff. Messrs. Rountree & Carr appear for the county and the injunction will be heard by Judge Allen at Burgaw to morrow night week. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mrs. Andrew Moreland and little son are spending a while in Charleston. Mr. Joe Schloss and bride, of New York, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Schloss. Mra. Walter Holt returned to Fayetteville yesterday after visiting relatives in the city. 7Rev.R.B. John went toJMagno lia yesterday to hold the last quarterly conference for the fiscal year. Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Pendleton, of Baltimore, who have been visiting the family of Dr, A. D. McClure, re turned home yesterday. Rev. Peter Mclntyreof Faiaon, is the guest of Dr. K. J. Powers, on South Second street He will preach at St Andrew's Presbyterian church to-day and to-night by exchange of pulpits with Dr. McClure. c. 1 .. - . . - -I. i MEMORIAL SERVICES. Ceremonies by Wilmington t Iks in Honor of "Our Ab sent Brothers."' PUBLIC CORDIALLY INVITED. Oration by Fred Harper, Esq , of Lynch bnrf, Va.-Select Musical Proframme by Orchestra, Qnsrletteand So loist Charity Collection. Appropriate and impressive services will be observed in the Opera House this afternoan at 3 o'clock by Wil mington Lodge No. 532. Benevolent and. Protective Order of Elks and the members of the lodge most cordially invite their friends and the public gen erally to be with them upon this oc casion which is in honor of Elks every where who have passed away during the past fiscal year. A. special musical programme has been arranged and the service prom ises to he most pleasing. Exalted Ruler C. T. Harper will preside and officers of the lodge will have seats on the atage. The Elks will assemble at their Temple on North Front street shortly before the exercises and march to the Opera House in a body. The oration will be by Fred Harper, Esq., a brother of the Exalted Ruler and a native Wilmingtonian, who has achieved great success in the legal profession of Virginia, he being a law partner of Senator Jno. W. Daniel. who has in late years been promin ently spoken of for the presidency. The orator will be introduced by Her bert McClammy, Esq., a leading mem ber of the Wilmington bar and an Elk whose fidelity is never questioned. The exercises will be opened with a prelude by an orchestra composed of the following: Miss Norma Foster, violin; Mr. S. A. Schloss, violin; Mr. Will. Render, clarionet; Mr. W. A. Martin, flute; Mr. J. E. Willson, cornet and Mr. Robert Morris, trom bone. Following explanatory remarks by the Exalted Ruler, the hymn. Shadows of the Evening Hour," will be sung by the congregation and Dr. Mendelsohn will offer prayer. The lodge ceremonies according to the ritual will be observed and the anthem, 'Lead Kindly Light," (Buck) will be rendered by a select male quartette as follows: Mr. C. H. Cooper, first tenor; Mr. R. F. Fowler, second tenor; Mr. J. S. Williams, first bass; Mr. H. K. Holden, second bass, and Mr. E. H. Munson, accompanist. The opening ode, "Great Ruler of the Universe," will precede a prayer by the chaplain. Dr. James Car- michael, and this will be followed by a selected solo by Mrs. E. K. Bryan. Next will come the address by Mr. Harper, followed by the hymn "All Hail the Power of Jesus Name" during the progress of which the annual col- eCtion for charity purposes will be re ceived. The closing ceremonies will consist of the anthem "When the Mists Have Rolled Away" (Sankey) by the quar- tetie, and tne singing by tne congre gation of the hymn "Onward Chris tian 8oldiers," benediction, and selec- tion;by the orchestra. The memorial service committee is composed as follows: Messrs. W. F. Robertson (chairman), L. Stein, War ren S. Johnson, Jack Bellamy and I. W. Solomon. Handsome Confederate Calendars. The Stab has with compliments of Mrs. William Robert Vawter, of Richmond, Va., chairman of the U. D. C. Committee, one of the handsome souvenir Confederate calendars being published under the auspices of the Daughters of the Confederacy and sold for the benefit of the Jtfferson Davis monument fund. They are for the year 1903, handsomely printed and well worth the small price ssked. Copies may be secured by applying to Miss Mary F. Meares, of this city. Accident to Buoy Tender. A special to the Stab last night from Southport says: "The United 8tates buoy tender Wistaria, while replacing beacons t Bald Head to day, met with an accident in having a hole punched through her bottom by a snag. The vessel is lying easy and will probably be floated without serious damages. Clyde Steamer Movements. On account of the severe storms along the North Atlantic coast last week, there will be no regular trip of the Clyde steamer to Wilmington this week. The Clyde steamer Algonquin, on her - way from New York to Charleston, will, however, stop at this port and leave freight on Tuesday as usual. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. Mr. H. McLean Green, President ot the Peo ple's Mutual Benevolent Association ot New Hanover countv. readouts the members and aU who feel interested in this plan of Life Insur ance, to meet him and the other omoers at the City Hall, in court room, next Wednesday nignc, vecemoer uo, i o o-oiock. &. A. MATTHEWS, decist - 1 District Agent FOR XHAS BUYERS. T will nnfi't aafnaj4"tt-v DAAAmKAr 7th. duplicate anything in my store at 10 percent, discount and . guarantee de livery oeiore ueeemoer zow. H. F. PARKER, furniture and Furniture Novelties, 4 Wirtnl .1 ii i n I 111 Market street. Bell Tbone (18 deol tf Inter-state 4H. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A BUSINESS DISPUTE. Is easily settled when the ac counts are properly kept. Dont practice false economy by try. iog to save on blank book s We will itell you a set of bigh-g-ade well made blank bocks from ledger to journal, cash books, order books, memorandum books and day hoc ks at such a small cost that you can afford ' the best Our strck of office supplies is alwavs cample' e. A new line of Bridgn Whist sets; also Playing Cat d. ROBERT C. DEROSSET. 107 Marktt Street Bell 'Phone 26. dec 1 tf HOUSE FURNISHINGS. SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK. CARPETS, WINDOW SHADES, MATTING-, TOWELS AND TABLE LINEN. Bargains in every department. S. & B. SOLOMON. deel tf FANCY FRUITS. Full Line To-day. i nov 30 ly Wire Nails, Wire Nails. 60O Res Wire Navils, all aiaea. 800 Kegs Cat Nails. oo Boxes Fancy Jvaporavted Ap- pica. 25 Boxes Fancy Eraporated reaeaei. 60 Boxes "Snlit Stick" Candy. 100 Pails "Cape Fear" Mixture Uandy. 25 Boxes Florida Oranges. ALSO- C. O. Nnte. Raisin'. Mixed Knta. Mnllate. Fancy Cakes and Canned Goods. A"d eighty-two car loads oi other stuff. Get our prices. D. L. GORE CO., Wholesale Groceries and Drags. 130, 188 and 124 North Water street, dc 1 tf Wilmington. N. a Notice, Subscribers. Subscribers to Stock of the New Steamer Line to New York will please meet at rooms of the Merchants' Asso ciation on Monday next at 3 P. M. to hear final report of committee and or ganizo the new company. Every sub scriber is deeply interested and should not fail to attend. o. "W. WORTH, J A. TAYLOR. J. A ARRINGDALE, SAM'L BBAB, JR., S. P. M'NAIB, decl2t Committee. Double Patent Flonr. 25 -Barrels Banker Hill Floor. 116 Barrels B. H. Flonr. 103 Boxes 20-lb. It. It. Raisins. 87 Boxes Mixed Nats. 110 Boxes Fire Crackers. 18 Tubs O. E. Butter. 01 Cases Baffle Milk. 84 Cases Dime Milk. W. B. COOPER, Wholesale Grocer, toe, S10, 818 Nntt street, dec 1 tl wiiminzton. N. 0. NOTICE fO CREDITORS. TTNTTED STATES OF AMERICA.. EA8TKRW ' U District ot North Cai olina. United states District Court, at Wilmington. In Backrnptcy. Tn th matter or Moore & Frlnk. Tne netltlon of Moore & Frlnk, or Shallotte, In the oonncy of Brunswick, Norm uaronna, ror a iuu aw charge in Bankruptcy, having been filed In mid Cnnrfc. it la ordered bv the Cou t that a hearing be had on the 14th dav of December, 1901, te ore the Referee, Samuel H. MacBae, or said Court at rayewevuie, Morvn uarouna, at on. A'Ainnk in tha afternoon, and that all known creditors and other persons interested may ap pear at said time ana place ana snow jus causa. ir Hnv liihv nave. war mo vmu v. w tteners snoma nos oe gnuiieu. This 29th day of Not ember, A. D.1901. . h. Ia. grant, cierx. By WK. H. SHAW, Deputy uiers. dec lit . James Walker Memorial Hospital. Whjunqton, N. C, Not. 30, 1901. Sealed Proposals will be receired at this Hospital until 12 o'clock noon. Saturday, December 7, 1901, for fur- nisninir said Hospital with -Groceries. Meats. Bread, Ice. Milk. Lights. Fuel. Drugs and Surgical Supplies for the fiscal year beginning January i,lu2. Blank Proposals mar be had at Dr. C. r. Holies' office. Mao Ha buiiaine. Further information will be furnished by Superintendent The right! is re- I aerred to reject any or an dios. dec 1 tf Superintendent 1REII :TKgpFSUBSCRlPTIO?l. , One Ymmr, hy Mall, $S.OOj six Heaths, 8.60 : ; Three Zlontlu, M 1.85; ' Two Xlonths, M 1.00 ' 2 City at 4 S Cnta per BXomtku T NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. We Soil Flour, Flour, Flour. Silver Coin." "Always Reliable," ''Stock's Best," "Puritan." BUT these brands and vnnr tra.ln will inrnuo. We are reoovr.iz-Ml aa RAllincr hish mtfi niia ana lowest living prices. Bay ot as. MIXED CORIT 'in Erefl Weight Sacts. MIXED OATS in Eren eUfet Ms TIMOTHY HAY. Wo have consignments of We sell cheap and solicit your trade. Vollers & Hashagen. PBOVISIOlf DBA LEES. nov24U The Ladies' Rocker was drawn by Miss Anna Wooten, who held No. 897. As the chair is gone we are now go ing to uivjs a wax a most BEAUTIFUL TOILET SET or li pieces, which can now be seen at pur store Yoa are required to buy only 0c worth or Groceries ror cash to obtain chauoe on this KLKGANT TOIuET 8JET. "COME AND SEE IT " TrA lira, win or will fab-a niAna riaiAmkAH aw (XmasEve.) NEW ARRIVALS. Heinz's Peach Butter 15c. Heinz's Apple Batter 10c. Sweet Pickles, dozen, 10c. If yon want something real nice try our. Blue Ribbon Coffee at 30c. H. J. BIERMMCO., ' 215 Market Street. Bell 'Phone No. 88. novifttf FILING DEVICES. Globe Filing Devices are used every where, and are recognized as the highest type of labor-saving office con veniences, uiooe-Wernicke units are fitted with letter files, card index files. document files, mercantile report files, check files, deposit ticket files, arch files, pigeon Hole coxes, daily report boxes, catalogue drawers, legal blank drawers, miscellaneous drawers of va rious sizes, metal roller sbelves, glass door shelves, open shelves, and bases fitted with a variety of drawers, cup boards, etc Ail kinds of Office Bup plies at C. W.YATES & GO., n0T24tf Wilmington, N.C. FOR THANKSGIVING DINNER. NIAGARA, CATAWBA AND MALAGA GRAPES. CALIFORNIA PEARS, Bananas, Apples, FLORIDA ORANGES, Pineapples, Figs and Dates. J. W. PLUHMER, Jr., 204 Princess Street. Interstate 1&. Bell Phone 680. nov 87 u SAY! STOP! ANZ LOOK IXC THE WIN DOW OF THE k. U. SUSMAN FURNITURE CO. AND 8KB HOW TEE BRASS BED ZS REDUCED. Alan innv mar far fine Una of Tnrnltnre and AAA how cheat) a arood nnalltr of foods can be sold. We nave given others bargains and U yoo give as a cau we are sure yon wui do sauoueu with onr prices. Very respectfully, A. M. Susman Furniture Co., 110 and 118 Marks Street, nov 80 tf Wilmington, N. C. NOTICE. I wteh to inform the public that I have just re ceived anotner smpmenc oi uxe owsoiwa is RHINE WINE." Whlcb I offer at One Dollar per Gallon, de livered at your bouse yon furnish vessel. Needs no recommendation. Known tne woria over as the purest and oldest Wine made for any purpose tor wmcn yon want to use ii. rci tlvely notJntoxlcatlng. I can only get small shipments at a time, and these are months apart. " uome m time or tune uu v - when we tell you "All Sold." JNO. H. KUCK, novSJlw No. Wrl Water t. Executrix Hotice. 7 Having qualified as Executrix of the last wll of Henry vonOiahn, deceased, notice is hereby rimntoall Dersoos Indebted to bis estate to make immediate payment; and all persons hav ing claims against said estate mnst present them for payment on or before the Mth dy of November. 190 J, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. , fe.Thls88ra day of November, woi. " Nov. 84, 1901." sn novStSt "" 4 ''''it. 'it--' It 3 r I' i 1 0, 51 1 t t 4f t t b p.' 1 'i ' V i n 1 ft 'n Li 1 f !

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