. . - - - - -la AifibAA : Hlin..FWe. r2rery.DX p.per Published l Wilfflinrtoo. ' THE STATU. X OUTLINES. --1- oeople injured in a rail road .r netr Birmingham, Ala. K schooner Estelle, Phln- ignore Daw "'uw " ter at wibkwi . . . rTenn..) bank suspended. Ma Emory Speer decides that 'united States bankruptcy laws au- t j .11 State laws m insolvency Sings- The man and daEn at Wilson, N. C. in Section with the Oropsey case, - -.arrested on the charge of horse ,at Heayy snow at Chat- 2J'd Memphis. Grand of Washington parish, La., re 2, to indict men who participated recent lynching at BaUtown.La. Tirenty-two negroes engaged in a riot near Opp, Ala., were arrestee. jiiiledtt Anaaiusia. "'J of snow at nuujr Hr'"it" u" kalooa. Miss. AJW"cl ipoke upon me negro prooiem Northampton, Mass. snowing; It in Charlotte ana in ijoinmoia, . fi last night. inree persona niedand forty iniured in a collision t passenger trains near oiaiveru, t, last night. Cotton laden learner from New Urleans amrea at Itlifax, N. 8., with cargo on Are. tobacco growers in the Philippine tfuids haye formed a combine. York markets: Money on til firm at 4J5 per cent, the last Cat5 per cent; cotton quiet at flour market more active ; wheat -jpotfirm, No. 2 red 86ic; corn spot mg, No. 3 71ic; oats spot firmer, Ko.J51ic; rosin steady; Bpints tur pentine steaay. WEATHER REPORT. U. d. Dkp't or Agriculture, Wkathsb Bureau, Wilmington, N. C, Dec 5. Temperatures: 8 A. M., 34 degrees ; P. II., 86 degrees; maximum, 43 de nes; minimum, 33 degrees; mean, 38 agrees. Rainfall for the day, 00; rainfall tinea 1st of the month to date, 2.16. fOREOAST FOB TO-DAY. Washington. Dec. 5 For North Carolina: Rain Friday. Saturday tartly cloudy ; light to fresh northeast JkIj winds. Port Almanac December 6. Baa Rises 6.56'A. 11. 4.46 P.M. 9 H. 60 M. 3 51P.M. 6 21 P. M. San Sets , bay's Length th Water at soutnport. Hifh Water Wilmington . It is somewhat significant that Speaker Henderson, on the day - the canons nominated him for re-elec tion, thought it necessary to warn his fellows against fooling with that surplus. The Republicans paid $62,794.50 for their victory in thr last Ohio electien, of which Hanna con tributed $11,990, just $10 less than the Democratic campaign fnnd amounted to. A Brooklyn, N. Y., young wom an has recently returned from a jaunt around the earth which she udeunchaperoned and unattended. But gome Brooklyn women are so aglj that they never need chaper oning. Hob. Jno. D. Bellamy is sticking like a Trojan to his bill to repeal the tariff duties on wood pulp and Other paper material, and to reduce the tariff on manufactured paper. It was among the first bills intro duced in the House Tuesday. I The Holland and other submarine projectors may now retire. M. Goubet, a Frenchman, is building a robmarine boat to carry two'hun- passengers, and cross the British Channel in half an hour! He guarantees that none of them be sea-sick. Some scientists figure out that the human family is about 9,000 Jean old, and that it took it about wW.to get a good start in doing ngs. This shows what patience "tf Perseverance will do, and en worajes the belief that by the end we next 9,000 years we will be We to do lots of things. A Virginia man has discovered a PWjceafor making whiskey out of melons. As the melon fur eg the water we suppose the -h would be a sort of toddr. grog, a i-u, . meion wmch can tottled for future use. be The New York Tribune was try- w scare people who eo ahead hv "8 el of thia century, and a con- aPK-rai8em PM8age rates, hut jWadeiphia banking house which Sri m the Pennsylvania coal -,073,75,OOO tons of nn coal. fliLrippo and In- T Haram's Palace Pharmacy. V 63. LOCAL DOTS. Local cotton advanced yester day to 7f cenls for middling; receipts 8,166 bales. Schooners Charles H. Spraque j.- . insrinam cleared yea- eaaay with cargoes of lumber for St. Johns, Antigua, and Stamford, respectirely. By deed filed for record yea- wroay, J as. . Bwan transferred to BL J . Taylor for $460, lot on south side-of SJueen between 8ixth and Seventh atreeta, size 63x82 feet. The Stab is requested to state that the Wholesale Grocers' Associa tion will meet at 11 A. M. to-day in the rooms of the Chamber of. Com merce in the S. A. L. building. The news from Lieut. Bradley J. Wooten is that he is fast improv ing in the army hospital near Havana. Soon after the holidays he expects to come home on a two months' fur lough. Capt. Eben Piner, gateman at the A, O. L station, has in his keep ing a "tramp" cat that was taken off the "rods" under one of the coaches of Capt Harvey Twining's train at Wal lace yesterday morning. A small blaze at No. 208 South Front street, occupied by W. N. Hayes and owned by Jno. L. Boatwright, at 10:20 o'clock yesterday morning, called A. .1 . m . uu mo department in response to a telephone alarm. The damage was about $5. Mr. N. L. Smith, formerly manager of.Ludden & Bates' Southern Music House, in this city, has taken the local agency for the Cable Com pany, the famous piano and organ manufacturers, and will shortly open a branch store in Wilmington. MR. HINTON IN CHARLESTON. He Will Opes Arj j !e Bote! os Dec llth. Estertaia Press Asseclstloa. Mr. Joseph H. Hinton left Monday for Charleston, where he will remain during the Exposition. A recent issue of the News and Courier says: Mr. J. EL Hinton, of Wilmineton, who has been appointed manasrer of tne new Argyle Hotel, which wul be one of the best 'equipped establish ments in the country, is hard at work and is assisting in the nreliminarr work incident to the opening. Mr. Hinton has had fourteen years' expe rience in managing hotels and his ser- nces have always been of a high and satisfactory order. A reporter for the News and Counter called on UoL W. B. Wilson yesterday oy wnom the inrormauon was giren mat tne new Areyle would be formal ly opened about December 10th. CoL Wilson expects to have eyerythinc in shape by that date and will offer the city one of the best hotels of the kind ever built here. CoL Wilson has been notified by President Aull, of the State Press Association, that the South Car olina newspaper editors will make their headquarters at the Areyle dur ing: the Exposition meeting;, beginning December 12, and it . will be necessary to haye the house ' ready. AU that remains to be done is to place the fur niture and ret things in position for the guests. Wlater Weather Testerdsy. Wilmingtonians who haye been longing for a real touch of winter must haye been gratified yesterday. The morning and afternoon were cold and bleak and the most common greeting on the streets was some reference to the probability of snow. Persons who came down last night on the A. & Y. train reported a two-inch fall of snow yesterday at Greensboro and a per ceptible fall as far down as Sanford. There was also anow at Rocky Mount and unconfirmed resorts were of snow as near Wilmington as twelve miles. U sited States Bsoy Trader. Commander John A. Bodge rs, super intendent of this light house district, has returned to Charleston after a abort time spent in Wilmington in connection with the repairs to the United States buoy tender Wistaria, which are being made at Skinners marine railway. The accident to the ressel was a bad one and it is exceed luW fortunate that she was saved at all. Undertaker is a New Role. Justice of the Peace Walter E. Yopp tried his first esse yesterday since he went into office several years ago. The defendant wss Aaron rnuyaw. colored, who was charged with aban donment, the case haying been trans- 1ttA t ram Justice Fowler's court K V. Grady, Eiq., appeared for the de fendant, who was found not gouty. The Baxssr To-sljnt. In order to allow the children more tinii for amusement it has been deeid- A w RL Cecilia Circle of St. James' narish to open its bazaar an hour earlier this afternoon than at first an nounced. The. hour, therefore, for the opening this afternoon will be 4 armftAM of the parish are U blUVSka mrm m assured a moat delightful afternoon and evening in the bazaar. Show To-aliht Called Off. For some reason unknown to Mana- - flahloM. unless it was the fact tnai th advertisine matter did not reach t th. mMaantation of 'A uora u iluuw, r pnm.nM nf noon Hollow" has been UrOrti-J w - I -- . x n unfe n -J !. at i ith m imi mi sslb aim uiumsi w - Th iiva.nce asr ent of tne snow m yesterday for Goldsboro. NKW ADVERTISEMENTS Bankrupt Notice to creditors. Williams Bros. For Christmas. oo a. French & Bons. Shoes. Onara House Miss Bos Coghlan. BuanrsBS locals. Oomf ortable Gas radiator. Popular The Dixie Oafe H EXTRATRAIN SERVICE That Was the Keynote of Yester day Afternoon's Meeting of Chamber of Commerce. LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE. Committees Appointed to Urre Pnbllc Necessities for Commercial later. ests el City-River sod Harbor Work Other Matters. The regu ar monthly meeting of the Chamber of Commerce yesterday afternoon was not a lengthy one but a number of important matters were discussed and action taken in refer ence thereto. President Jacobi was in the chair and CoL Jno. L. Cantwell, the secretary, kept a record of the pro ceedings. The attendance was very satisfactory. The regular order of business was taken up under head of reports from special committees. Mr. L. B. Rogers stated that the Chamber committee to confer with the Aldermen relative to an appropriation for public conven iences, had performed its duties and was assured of the hearty co-operation of the city authorities. A committee had been named by the Aldermen to confer with the business men as to the best methods to be used in providing the accommodations. When new business had been called the president stated the question of longdistance telephone service was still in abeyance. Mr. L M. Bear asked why it wss, not proper to take steps to get telephone service to Wallace, Mount Olive and points in Sampson county ss wss talked of several months ago. Mr. Bear's suggestion brought out a gen eral discussion of telephone possibil ities in the long distance regard and the result of the discussion was the ap pointment of Messrs. L M. Bear, L. B. Rogers and Capt. James I. Metts, as a committee to confer with the au thorities of both systems in Wilming ton or others, if necessary, relative to a 8tate and long distance service. Mr. Rogers, as one of a committee from the Produce Exchange, asked for the co-operation of the Chamber of Commerce in the matter of securing a double daily train service over the Seaboard Air Line railroad, on a sched ule similar to that now in effect on the W., C. & A. road. Capt. T. D. Meares, general agent of the S. A. I., in this city, suggested that the com pany would have to operate the train at a loss of about f 1,600 per month if it was put on and that to get any con nection at Hamlet with the North, the train would have to leave Wilming ton about 4 A. M. After further discussion the presi dent appointed Messrs. T. W. Clawson and L. Bluethenthal as a committee to co-operate with the gentlemen from the Produce Exchange in urging the service to the proper officials. The president suggested that in view of the meeting of Congress, members should again become alive to the needs of the port in the wsy of appro priations for river and harbor work. 'He simply made the suggestion that members might be thinking about the several projects that were more gener ally discussed last year. Mr. J. B. Mercer called attention to the need of Lockwood's Folly river in this respect. He said a petition largely signed last year asking for an appro priation for that stream was in the hands of Congressman Bellamy and he was assured Mr. Bellamy would do the best he could for an appropriation. About $18,000 was spent in improving the river fifteen years ago and this improvement would soon be worthless unless the work could be kept up and enlarged. The Chamber adjourned, subject to call of the president sbsbsVbis WOODMIEN OP THE WORLD. Lire Oak Csbd No. 6 Elected Officers Last Night for Eassiac Term. Live Oak Camp No. 6, Woodmen of tha World, last nisrht elected officers for the ensuing year as follows : CI C Jno. W. Btormfelts. Adv. Lieut A. H. Paddison. Banker W. H. Howell. Clerk Geo. C. Jackson. VMnrt Oao. A. Ueide. Manners Jno. E. Wood. J. W. VlMt avnd J. D. Webster. Cams Physicians O. u. Bell, Unas. T. Harper and D. W. BullucJc Watchman llenry tfauey. Sentry Jno. S. Hill. The order is in a most nourishing condition both locally and nationally. Tt bmw one of the foremost secret orders in the country. Hlotos Bros, Delicstessea. The delicatessen of Messrs. Hinton Bros.. No. 115 Market street, was for mally opened to the public yesterday and judging from the larsre number of nersons who visited tne store during the day and the number of orders booked, the establishment is "along felt want supplied." The store is handsomely fitted up and the very latest fixtures, etv, are used. Capt. fcdirar Hinton is the active proprietor I of the store for the present and he is assisted in catering to the trade by Mr. Ed. Manning, an experienced sales man in the line carried. Will Owa Its Ugbtisg Plant. Tfewbern voted this Week by a mar ioritr of 1W w issue ii,vw ku. - - a sr AAA VM.a I ot a municipal electric lighting plant. m,. aldermen have appointeq a com- mittee to make all coniracw, c xo town has been In darkness since a dis agreement several months by the City . . mi Council ana tne rv pany. Morn WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, THE BAPTISTS IN WINSTON. SereBtyfirst Annual Session of the State Convention The Yobdi People. The Baptist convention at Winston was formally organized Wednesday night by election of the" following offi cers: President, R. M. Marsh, Oxford; secretary. N. B. Broughton, Raleigh; assistant, Rev. Hight C. Moore, New born; treasurer, Walters Durham, Ra leigh; assistant, J. M. Stone, Ashe ville; auditor, J. B. Martin, Raleigh; corresponding secretary, Livingston Johnson, Raleigh; trustees, W. O. Tyree, Durham ; C. M. Cook, Louis burg. H. Hobgood, Oxford; Liv ingston Johnson and L. IL. Briggs, Raleigh ; L. R. Mills. Wake Forest; vice presidents, R. B. White, . Frank linton; Samuel Huffman, Morgan ton; R. L. Moore, Marshall. The introductory sermon was by Dr. Tyree, of Durham. Roll call showed 235 delegates present Hearty addresses of welcome were delivered by Mayor Eaton in behalf of Winston and by Bishop Rondthaler for Salem and the Christian commu nity. Rev. Dr. Barren, of Charlotte, happily responded to the . pleasing words of welcome. In the afternoon the Baptist Young People's Convention closed its annual sessions by the election of the follow ing officers: President Rev. Ohas. L. Greaves, Reidsville; vice presidents. Rev. C. S. Blackwell, Wilmington ; E. L. Moore, Morris Hill; Frank T. Baldwin, Win ston ; corresponding secretary, T. Neil Johnson, Raleigh; recording secre tary and treasurer, Baxter Durham, Raleigh; executive committee, J. W. Bailey and L. Johnson Raleigh; W. F. Fry, East Durham; W. E. Wilkin, Clyde; W. R. Cullum, Wake Forest, I ROSE COGHLAN'S COMING. She Will Appear Here la Sensatloaal Society Drama Next Moadsy Nlrht . A Notsble Attrsctloa. Rose Coghlan's "A Woman of No Importance" is the most talked of play of the season. Press criticisms say it has achieved instantaneous suc cess on its merits as a polished satire on modern social shams. It packed the house nightly at the Fifth Avenue Theatre and on its road tour because there is nothing hackneyed about its theme, because of its brilliancy in sit uation and dialogue, because it amuses by means of easy satire and humor and because of the splendid emotional -work of Miss Rose Coghlan who ap pears in the titular role which presents this superb actress at her best From grave to gay. from lively to severe, she runs the scale of human emotions until the climax of the third act dis plays the art and power of this gifted woman, who is recognized as Amer ica's greatest actress in parts like this of "A Woman of No Importance." The company chosen to support her is in all respects -an excellent one. The sensational character of the story and the quick succession of dramatic inci dents are intensely interesting, and the satire of the author's lines is as keenly incisive as a surgeon's knife. The best society will doubtless be re presented in the auditorium when Rose Coghlan appears here on Monday night Dec 9ib. THE TREASURER'S REPORT. Audited Yesterday by Anditisi Committee of Board of Cosnty Commissioaers. Receipts sad Disbarsemests. Beyond the auditing of bills for cur rent expenses the only matter of inter est transacted , at yesterday's regular monthly meeting of the auditing com mittee of the Board of County Com missioners was the adoption of County Treasurer Green's monthly report for November, which shows receipts and I disbursements as follows: Reeeints Balance from October, general fund, 19,393.18; special fund, $1,841.18; back taxes, $15 75; rent. $15; marriage license, $36.60; property tax, 1901, li,7ty yts; scneauie a lax, $313 74. Total, $33,175 43. Disbursements ruonc ouuaings. $30013; roads and bridges, $187.76; county home, $188 40; jail, $343 08; hospital $uu; outdoor poor, aoa.o; Superior Court, $479.80; tax listing, $50; election, $4; permanent road im provement $9l.4l; stationery ana ad vertising $40.75; magistrates, $6 44; j county commissioners, $125 ski; coro ner, $46 70; register ot aeeas, suo.oo; superintendent of health, $100; attor ney. $35 ; clerk, $50 ; janitor, $45. To tal $3,736 44. Treasurer's commissions on receipts, $150 51; on disbursements, $46.56. Grand total, $3,933.53. The balance to J lecemoer account oi the eeneral fund is $17,410.73; special fund, $1,841.18. - QERMANIA LODQE, K. OP P. Officers Elected at Meetlsg Last Night for Essolnr, Term. Germania Lodge No. 4, Knights of Pythias, at its regular meeting last night elected officers for the ensuing term as follows: 0. O. G. P. Seitter. V.' C J. W. H. Fuchs. Prelate EL F. Haar. M. of W. J. Sternberger. M. of E. F. W. Ortmann. M. of F. BL L. Vollers. K. of B. and 8. John Haar. IL at A. S. Behrends. 1. G. M. Bchnibben. O. G. John F. Soli. Trustee J. G. L. Giescben. O. F. VonKampen and John H. Kuck. General Keller uommitwe x. Gieschen. Sewersge Contrsctor ia Cosrt. Mayor nro tern. Von Glahn, in the police court, yesterday morning fined Superintendent E. P. KItson, of the sewerage contracting firm, $20 for violation of the ordinance regulating ; street excavations. Mr, KItson, through his counsel, Judge K. . Bryan,, appealed the case to the Superior Oourfe NGr FIFTH STREET CHURCH Its Debt Liquidated by the North Carolina Conference at Fay etteville Yesterday. THE OTHER PROCEEDINGS. Standisf Qemmittees of the Cosferesce. Trisl Committee Appelated to laves tlfste Case Reported ay Presid Ing Elder Other Notes. Special Star Telegram. Fatettkville, N. a, Dec. 5. Conference met at 9:40 o'clock this morning, Bishop Hargrove presiding. One of the most interesting proceed ings of the day was the hearing of a report from Revs. R. F. BumpassD. H. Tuttle and J. N. Cole regarding Fifth Street church, Wilmington. Rev. John H. Hall, pastor of the church, presented the case, explaining the circumstance of a very onerous debt upon the congregation. He was strongly supported by Rev. D. H. Tut tle, of Kinston, who supplemented his remarks and started the ball to rolling by giving $25. The subscriptions were made rapid ly by members of the Conference. It is necessary to raise $2,300 and the committee wanted the money raised this morning. Drs. W. O. Norman, J. N. Cole and L. L. Nash made strong speeches and declared there was no cause so urgent to come before this body. Dr. Cole insisted that the amount ought to be raised to-day. Mr. Tuttle said he believed if every body would give all to- day the Lord would replenish them to-morrow. Dr. J. F, Miller, of Goldsboro, made an appeal to the laymen to do more and backed ( his words by an additional $85 to a former con tribution. One thousand dollars was raised and the Conference stood and sang "Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow." The remainder of the $2,800 will be obtained from the parent board and the church may now be said to be "out of debt" When the name of Rev. R. J. Moor man was called this morning his pre siding elder announced that in conse quence of charges affecting this brother's character, and, after investi- gating same, itwas found necessary to cite him to triaL The bishop appoint ed the following members as the trial committee: Messrs. Cole, McCall, Craven, Allred, Bailey, Pope, John son, Bundy and Parker. Under head of question twenty, the Bishop called the names of presiding elders. Rev. J. T. Gibbs, of the Ral eigh District stated that in his district the reports would show the largest financial increase in its history. The standing committees of the con ference are as follows: Books and Periodicals Clerical, G. P. Smith, D. N. Caviness, J. M. Ash by, B. O. Allred, J. EL Hall, M. Brad shaw, L. H. Joyner, M. EL Tuttle and M. D. Hix. Lay, J. G. Brown, W. I. Cranford, E. A. Poe, W. B. Harker, W. EL Pussell, J. P. Miller, T. EL Gatlin. J. T. Ply the and L. L. Smith. Memorials to General Conference Clerical, G. P. Smith, J. C. Eilgo, T. A. Smoot. J. A. Lee. A. 8. Barnes. B. P. Bumpass. EL M. Enre. D. L. Earn hardt and B. O. Beaman. Lay, J. G. Brown, J. EL Southgate, J. W. At water, B. N. Page, W. E. Springer, Y. T. Ormond. J. P. Bruton, Dr. D. Zolliooifer and L. L. Smith. Conference Relations Beys. G. B. Perry, N. M Watson, W. A.Porbes, fl. E. Mercer. R. W. Bailey. C. O. Durant, L. L. Nash, J. D. Bundy and O. P. Jerome. Church Property Clerical. K. D. Holmes; J. B. Thompson. J. O. Hum ble. J. E. Thompson. C. O- Brothers, J. J. Barker, EL E. Tripp, J. U.Jones, EL M. Jackson. Lay, B. B. Adams, R. J. Featherstone. O. W. Bynum. W. G. Davis, S. J. Veach. N. M. Jurnev, G. B Best. W. B. Fleming, and Z. Fearinsr. District Conference Records. Revs. G. T. Adams. M. D. Giles, H. G. 8tamay, E. O. Sell, G. T. Simmons, J. M. Benson, R. A. Bruton, EL 11. Dayis and W. O. Hocutt. B.ble Cause. Clerical, M. F. Plyer, G. D. Laneston. B. B. Oulbreth, N. H. Guvton. A. J. Groves, D. C. Ged- dia. A. D. Betts. T. EL Sutton and 8. T. Movie. Lav. M. L Davis. J. EL Sonthirite. O. W. Womble. F. B. Gibson, R. E. Durham, B. G. Credle, T. T. Thorn. J. EL Exum and D. W. Baker. Memoirs Revs. J. H. Shore and F. D. Swindell. News of the liquidation of the debt under which Fifth Street church, of this city, has labored so long, was re ceived here with genuine satisfaction not alone by members of the congre gation themselves, who have borne with patience the brunt of the unfortu nate circumstances which left them in debt, but by friends of every denomi nation in Wilmineton. The news came first in a private message to Mr. Jno. T. Sholar, who has been very per sistent in his efforts to assist in the work. Before leaving for conference Rev. Mr. Hall, who has also done a noble work in lifting the church debt, found a balance due by the church of $13,000. He at once effected an arrangement with the principal bondholders by which this debt was reduced to $9,000, He and other prominent workers next raised in good subscriptions approxi mately $6,000, leaving the balance to conference, which has now practically been settled. In the next few months the $6,000 in good subscriptions will be collected and the amount from confer ence will be put with it for an entire liauidatlon. The bonds are not due until next October, but within a few months the church hopes to have the debt entirely wiped out. ssssBSBSI BSSSSSSB1pbBb,,""" , The Charleston train : did not arrive, until nearly one oslock this morning on account of delayed con nections, 1901. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Capt. G. W. Taylor, of Jack sonville, N. C, is at The Orton. Mrs. H. Li. Vollors and children left yesterday to visit friends at Salis bury, N. C. Editor H. I. McDaffie, of the Fayetteville New Era, arrived in the city last evening. Miss Hannah Shrier is spend ing some time very pleasantly with friends in Sumter, S. O. -Mr. Edgar Dollar, of White Oak, Bladen county, spent yesterday in the city on a business and pleasure trip. Mr. D: C. Clark left last night for Arizona, which will be his home for the future. He goes to Arizona for his health. Miss Clara Ashton, of Ports mouth, who has been the charming guest of Miss Mamie Clark, returned home yesterday. Mr. H. M. Chase retnrned yes terday from Boston, where he was called on Thanksgiving on account of the death of his father. - Master George Shiepard, who is so well known about town, has ship ped as second mate with Capt Penne- will, of the schooner Emily F. Nor- tham. which will sail early this morn ing for Stamford, Conn., with a cargo of lumber. - Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Weston will leave Saturday night for New York, where they will reside in the future. Mr. Weston goes to New York to take a position with Mr. Cor nelius Vanderbilt He was formerly in charge of the drawing room of the motive power department of the A. O. L. THE NEWS FROM RALEIGH. State Will Borrow Money to Rebsiid the Wstanjs HsU-Snrety Compaay Piled Answer to Worth ComplsioL Special Star Telegram. Raleigh, N. C, Dec 5. The State Board of Agriculture passed a resolution to-day for the Btate to borrow $30,000 to be used, together with $6,000 insurance money, to erect two buildings instead of Watauga Hall burned a few days ago; Watauga Hall to be rebuilt as a dormitorf ex clusively, and another building erect ed to contain a large assembly hall, a dining room and kitchen. The plans are to be secured and the contracts awarded at once. Counsel for the United States Fidel ity and Guarantee Company to-day tiled in the Superior Court an answer to the suit of ex State Treasurer W. H. Worth to recover $15,301.03. em bezzled by Major W . H. Martin while institutional clerk in the State Treas ury. The answer charges Treasurer Worth with gross carelessness in fail ing to properly check np Martin's accounts and certifying to defendant company at the end of each year that the accounts were correct when he had not properly inspected them. The company claims that it was on the ground of Treasurer Worth's state ment that the accounts were correct that the company renewed Martin's bond from year to year. This is stated as the principal one of several reasons why the plaintiff should not recover. Armistead Jones & Son are counsel for the Surety Company. THE FIRE LAST MQHT. Blaze st the Kidder Lumber Compaay Csnsed Loss of About $500. At 7 o'clock last night fire in the boiler room and in the planing de partment of the Kidder Lumber Com pany, In the extreme southern section of the city, caused a damage of some thing over $500. The alarm came to the department from box 413, and the fire was located in the dust room of the planing mill and presumably started from sparks from the boiler room adjoining. The shed over the boiler wss partly burn ed down and the planing mill depart ment was damaged to a alight extent. The loss is partially covered by insur ance. Opera House Last Night. The farce comedy, "A Bell Boy," was presented at the Opera House laat night to a fair sized audience. Some of the features were entertaining; many others were not. Upon the whole the performance was not satis factory, though there were bits of in dividual work that deserve praise. Individual mention should be made of the work of Miss May Claree in one of the minor roles, who promises in a few seasons to develop Into something higher than the ordinary. New Hssover Bond Case. Chairman D. McEachern, of the Board of County Commissioners, last night received a certified copy of the Supreme Court decision in the New Hanover bond case. There is nothing new in the decision from what was published in these columns yesterday: It only adds more absolute certainty to the fact that the bonds are perfectly sound. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, One Night, Friday, December 6th. The 4-act Comedy Drama, "A -Romance of Coon Hollow." Special Scenexy. SiasjiBff sutd Dswneiaff Specialties). Prices 26c S5c and 50c. dec4 8t The Handsomest Ever brought to this city can be seen in our retail depart ment direct from the manufacturers' hands. Snappy Styles for Gents, In Banisters, Pat. Vici Bals, price $6. We have Pat Calf and Vicies for $3, $3.50 $4.00 and $5.00. All the newest and nicest for Infants. Children. Misses and Ladies We have all the new Patent Leathers $2.00 and $3.00. Come to us for Fleece Soles, Leggings and Over-Gaiters. GEO. R. FRENCH & SONS. dee stt DECEMBER, 1901V HAS STOOD THE TEST AND PRO NOUNCED THE BEST. McMillan's $3.00 ANY STYLE YOU WANT; ANY SIZE YOU WANT. This is the place. Levi McMillan Cc co., Bell 'Phone 605. FOR CHRISTMAS! WE HAVE Raisins, Apples, Oranges, Cocoannts. Also a full line-of Canned Goods in connection with our regular stock of heavy groceries. Write to us for prices. Williams Bros. aeestf Da Yop like Coffee ? The good kind, the kind tnat tastes Just as Rood when you are drinking the last drop as It did when you took the first sip. If yon want real good coffee try oar Blue Ribbon Coffee at 30c. Good as the best. Better than the rest. We have a cheaper Coffee It yoa want It 10c, 15o.8 lbs. for 85c and 2lc per lb. Good as can he found anywehie :or the price. DON'T FORGET That with every 5"c cash purchase of groceries at our store you get a chance on a valuable Toilet Set;. You can see it In our window. As you pass alon the way, Btindlng therein artful splendor. Until Christmas Eve to stay. Come and see it Don't delay. The drawing takes place That very day. H. J. BIERHAM CO., 815 Market Street. dec Stt BeO 'Phone No. 88.: NOTICE TO CREDITORS. UNITED STATES DXTTEICT COUET, HAJBT ern District of North C vollna, In Bank ruptcy. In the manor or hci bee. ToiaDtary Bankrupt. McU Lee or Ashpole in tie county ot Robeson and State ot North Carolina, in said district, wts adjudged a Bankrupt on the nut aav oi uccooer tasi past, ana nts now uiou bla petition tor a iuu a ecaarge. ud uub tne rrt dav nr December. 1901. 'nDOn readln the foregoing petif n u is raerea oy tun . uurv that a hearing be had npon the same on the ' 6tn of December A. D 1901. ore Bamnel H. Macttae, Keieree, ot saia uourc at rayette- tlle. North Carolina, in said aistnct, at one o'clock in the afternoon, and that iotice thweot b puttllsnod In the Morhiho ' tab. a newspaper printed in saia uiBtnot, ana that all known creditors ard other tenons In i n rarnot. nu anna&r at eald time and Dlace and hnaitMM If urn thnv have. whv the crjverof the said petition should not be granted. And it to fnrtner ordered by the Ooort that the Clerk shall send bv mall to a 1 known creditors copies th.m Lt. rhAlr nlAAA nf rMlilence AA stAted. nf aain iwiricinn ana snn oraer. aauinasau u Witness, the Honorable Thomas B. Purne'L inflow of the said Court, acd the seal thereof- at Wlimin -ton, . u, 1U sua uuhxici sb uia I 5th day et December, a. d. ism . , w Rv wm. H. 8 HAW. Deputy Clerk. ' dec 1 It n. km. unaxi a., uiern. Gue MONDAY, DECEMBER 9TB. The society event of the season. First appearance In the South for eight seasons of the great emotional actress, MISS ROSE COGHLAN, In the sensational society drama. "A Woman of No Importance." dec 6 St FOB XIIAS BUYERS T will until Saturday. December 7th, tnniiRtA anvthin? in my .store at 10 IKr Cent. UlWOUUt bxiu Kuanuroo w- livery hefore December 25th. H. F. PARKER, Furniture and furniture Novelties, Ill Market street. BeTT"Phone 618 Inter-State 4SL aeo l u THE CLIdAX. ; ThsGnmaz Barber Shoo, as Its name Indi cates, has reached the Ughest point of style and exeeUenoe. Orre us a trial and yon reoeire po lite attention and high elass workmanship. v . DAVIS OUK, am 4 7 South Front Bt. CAKES oeooosooooooeooo TERL1S Of SUBSCRIPTION-! Oast Sew, by KsvlL 5.00Z Six Heaths, M .5o; Three Heaths M 1.15 ; Two ZXoatks, - l.OO; DUTrM to meerir im X City a 45 tmata r Hleatlu Shoes and Kids, prices $1, $1.25. $1.50, Shoes for Men. Fourth aud Campbell Streets. deo 3 tf Esquimaux Don't have much use for stoves. A fire in the middle of a snow hut, with an infinitesimal hole for a chimney, is good enough for them. But such an ar rangement wouldn't be con sidered (ju8t the thing" in this latitude. Here people need stoves and we keep them for sale Parlor Stoves, Kitchen Stoves, Small Bedroom Stoves, and many odd sorts. The prices are adapted to persons with non-millionairi8h purses, too. We have, too, a complete stock of Hardware, Agricultural Imple ments, Ammunition, &c. J.W.lkbnSCo.. ORTON BUILDING. dec stt And you will get a free chance on a nice $10 3L ATVTP to be awarded to lucky purchaser. Will be given away Christmas Eve night at 12 o'clock, by J. T. BURKE, Tne Jeweller., Lamp on exhibition in my Show deo 5 lm Window. Flour, Flour, Flour. "Silver Coin." "Always Reliable' "Stocks Best," ' "Puritan" Bn thMA brands and t'.nr trade will Increase. We are recocnlzod as scutnz high grade Goods and lowest living prices. Buy of us. HIED CORK inEM WeMtSactJ, HIED OATS iu ErenWeizIit Sacks TIMOTHY HAY. ' We have consignments ot We sell cheap and solicit your trade. Vollers & Hashagen, PBOTISI02T DEALERS. novMtf FRESH BUTTER -AND Butter Milk L i deo 4 ly Double Patent Flour. 25 -Barrels Banker Hill Flonr. 116 Barrels B. H. rionr. ' 103 Boxes 20-lb. 1 It. Raisles. 87 Bezes Mixed Nets. 1 lO Bens Fire Crackers. 18 Teba Cr. B. Batter. 61 Cases Basil Milk. 24 Cases Diate Milk. 7. d. COOPER, Waalale Greeer. SBS.S1A. a Hut deo l tr WllmJBStOB. SPEND DOLLAR the V - " - - -It- m iff' -fi: :m Nti m : 5 $ m ? Hi Urn :'-fr 1 m If 1 1 - .145;. -x - M i: I 1 i '3-' m I'V ' f'- 1 -v 1 -. ..... L., f m r .? - . ! ; tit"!;. 1 ?.;iJ I (' m