!'otDBsTAl-YNBWS,'APK ' . . .:. '. ... , . . ? Two Month, - 1.00$ is THE STATE. i VTiT T YTY -KTr " 1 1 111 1 - Delivered so aeerlbera la . 1 LXIX.-NO. 66. WILBflNGTON, N. 43., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1901. WHOLE NO. 10,702 UUlt outlines. Th President has nominate Kicn for U. S. consul at ue- anat"" . C and Be. A. Pruden to be chap Senators Till- U in the army. j w-.T.aurin. of South Carolina. S iheir differences yesterday in the witness stand in the Bonine esteraay. " 7 . ' untv safe was roooea oi money 1(i raluabie ppo- smvrna, a., roooeu; iuo o wu GaeedbilleiTinK 1116 United 8utes Lisdiction in cases of lynching and P npnaltv for narticination Lf!h. Farmers and Merchants' Bank tf Los Angeles, Cal., has disappeared I Lith I100.00U oi me uan money. jv ii.. i . I a new snip suDsiay om lairoaucea i the Senate by Frye. A treaty ith Nicaragua ii" uiwigw wj Lhich a lease of territory to the United tea is made for tee Nicaragua can at. The committee or citizens at liwbeth City, N. O., reported at a 1SS meeting: that they had a tangible to the disappearance or Miss TT - . ellie Uropsey. xesieraay a i ir few lors markets: axoaey ua . Aw x a 1 1 a. Ml firm at s&i per cant., vne last oto at 5 per cent. ; cotton quiet at Me; flour fairly active and stronger; krheat-pot strong, wo. zrea fcorii-spot easy, No. 2 73J4c; rosm kteady; spirits turpentine steady. WEATHER REPORT 0. 8. DBP'T OF AQBIOULTDBB, i Weatheb Bubkau, Wilmingtoh, N. O., Dec 9. ) Temperatures: 8 A. M., 68 degrees; P. M., 63 degrees; maximum, 67 de- pees; minimum, 51 degrees; mean, 59 iegrees. 1 Rainfall for the day, .05; rainfall wee 1st of the month to date, 2.21 aches. STORM WARNING. The southwest signals were ordered Wt 2:45 P. H., at coast points from Charleston to Norfolk. A storm was jnntral in Eastern Tennessee, moving horiheast and increasing in intensity. FORECAST FOB TO-OAT. Washington. Dec. 9. For North ICtrolina: Fair and much colder Tues day. Wednesday, fair and colder; jbriak westerly winds. Port Alma.oac December 10. Sun Rises 6.57 A.M. 4.46 P.M. 9H. 49 M. 5 29 P. M. 759P.M Sun Sets Diy's Length High Water at Boutnport. Hirh Water Wilmington. Berlin consumes $3,500,000 goose meat every year. Perhaps this may account for some of the goose tariff pbble they indulge in oyer them. The Pennsylvania railroad is put ting on style. It proposes to have 400 new locomotives next year and to expend $50,000,000 in new equip ment and in brushing up. 1 movement is on foot in Texas to start a home fire insurance com pany with a capital of six or seven million dollars, run with Texas money and by Texans. And that's what every Southern State should do. A Chicago animal inspector thinks Chicago got a lot of smallpox in a consignment of hogs shipped from St. Lonis. Chicago is so much pre judiced against St. Louis that it ob jects to almost everything that comes from that town. When young lovers make up their I minds to get married the old folks nay as well surrender, for there will do an elopement or something else. to Maine the other day Joseph telton, aged 86, and Miss Caroline Griscom, aged 82, quietly slipped off uu goi married without -saving a word to the old folks about it. n . . . . . " is said that the Senators m Washington are somewhat perplexed to how they will place Senator acLaunn, of South Carolina, as r.rtnw ... . j are not sure whether he is a Democrat or a Republican. Uoth H strange in that, for he doesn't :-v" wmseu. ue calls nimseil a Jtanocrat and performs like a Ee- Foncan. ston now claims to be not only leading bean burg of the u, but the chamoion stamn consumer. Her people spent $6 per 10r StaTrma W a train of. I 13 Pr capita for New Yorkers and me city of brotherly lovers. inere be some mystic connec- u Detween beans and stamps. Thia II ... , " uvernment is becoming a retarJ penaive institution. Sec y GaSe figures out the expense 1 numing it for the fiscal year end Sjwe 30, 1903, at $610,829,688. tion 18 fr the reSular appropria- and does not include special tta?Cldeiltal appropriations. But ,J? 7 i0.m Reed used to remark, M)iilion dollarNconntry." flui? LaGrippe iuicI In. ieri2auaA nffP.Knf.vB -'"oyHarain's Palace Phrm..- X LOCAL DOTS. Betsy Milla, colored, was sent to the county roads yesterday for ten days for assault and battery. Schooner Emily F. Northam. Wilmington to Stamford, oaased out at Southport at 8 A.M. yesterday.- The Piano Club will meet to morrow (Wednesday) night at 8 o'clock at Lndden & Bates' music store, on Princess street The open air bicyclist per formers who were, drawing the crowds at Front and Market streets last week are now 'doing" Florence. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Strick land, of Delgado, were bereaved Sun day afternoon by the death of an in fant son. The funeral took place yes terday. British steamshio Polano. hence for .Liverpool, arrived out ves terday. British steamer ZWpoK, . r - " nence for Cork, arrived at destination for orders and sailed for Liverpool. The Produce Exchange will meet at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon for the purpose of recommending cer tain needed changes in the Federal bankruptcy law. A full -attendance is desired. After a short illness with feyer Mr. W. A. Buss, of Delgado, died Sunday morning at the age of 56 years. He leaves a wife and a num ber of children. The remains were interred at 11 A. M. yesterday in Bel levue cemetery. The report from Elizabeth Oity that Chief of Police Furlong, of this city, had located the missing Nel lie Cropsey was a mistake. He wired for a description of the girl some time after she left, but it was only a pre liminary measure in the event some thing should develop later. . Persons who kindly remember Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Parker, formerly of Wilmington but now of Washing ton, D. C, will be interested in ihe announcement that through the influ ence of Hon. Jno. D. Bellamy their little son, "Mac." has been appointed a page in the House of Representa tives at a good salary. There will arrive to-day via Clyde steamer from New York at the delicatessen ot Hinton Bros., No. 115 Market street, a select assortment of Zimmerman's celebrated Kosher meats, fresh lobsters, codfish and smelt Orders may be 'phoned to No. 418. Fresh water fish and New River garden oysters are received daily. DEATH OP MRS. E. A. WOODROB. Paseral Held Proa First Baptist Cbsrch Yesterday Afteraoos. Mrs. E. A. Wood roe, formerly of Wilmington but for the past three years a resident of Savannah, Qa., died at Lawndale, N. C on Sunday. The remains were brought to Wil mington yesterday and the-funeral was held the same afternoon at 3.80 o'clock from the First Baptist church. Rev. J. J. Payseur, of Brooklyn church, officiating in the absence of Dr. Blaekwell, the pastor. The inter ment was in Oakdale cemetery, the following gentlemen having acted as pallbearers: Messrs. D. L. Gore, 8. Gr. Hall, J. A. Everett, J. W. Norwood. Owen Fennell and Dr. A. M. Baldwin. Mrs. Wood roe was in the 60th year of her age. and was a most estimable woman. She was a daughter of the lateD. M. Foyles. jof Wilmington. and leaves only one surviving member of the immediate family, Mr. J. D. Wood roe, of Washington, D. 0., who now has a resDonsible position with the Plant railway system. THE ASSOCIATED CHARITIES. Report of Treasurer of Associated Cfciri- ties for the Meath of November. Receipts New Hanover county. $125; cash. $1; Mrs. Elisabeth Latimer, as KO- Win. Latimer. $3 60: E. 8. Mar tin, Esq., $35; a rriena, o; casn. $20; H C. McQueen, $10; casn, l; cash, $1; W. R. Kenan, $10; Mrs. W. T. PrsIev. SZo: Uaot. J. x. naxper. $5; Wm. Niestlie, $4 50; Mrs. James W. Collins, $1; Miss Wendell, 9. rt J' Jones. S3: Mrs. uerry Amtm. si: Martin jsaunen. o: John Kuhlken, $1.50; cash, $5; r TT J. Ah pens, sa: uowara Ahrens. $5;Wm. M. Uumming, 19; Mrs Adam jcmme. sa: casn. i; juts. Fa a T Matt X2U: I' 4- UCJIianUS. OV nta- Warren (. JLUOU. ViOl WU- " . -T t 9 oa- Mn Jnmai uavis. k: casa, $1; J. H. Chad bourn & Co., $35; cash, I $1; a friend, $10; J. ABpringer, tnree i of nrovidons: Jas. 1. Metis, tnree ana a half barrels of flour. niahnnmriinti secretary's sauury, e9K. nitftarine Kennedy Home, $12 50: groceries. $196,35; wood, $43 20; rent for those in need. $7.50; eaan Help, asSK- railroad fares. $6.05; shoes. $2.50'; janitor, $3.60; nourishment for SICK, Dislocated a Shoulder. - Wilmlnir ton's esteemed townsman. Mr. I Shrier. suffered a painful dislor cation of the Shoulder Bunuay, j f1Hni? airainst a door while in play with his little daughter at tne iamuy -Kn 11 "Prlneesa street, lsrs. UWU1V aV)W aj. . Bellamy and Russell eave him imme diits attention and his friends were iari tn ma him on the street at usual yesterday. - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS City Taxes-Notice. . Hieton Bros. Delicatessen. W.. B.- CooperFirecrackers. People's Savings Bank Notice. Hall tic Pearsall Seed potatoes. H. J. Blerman & Co. Soon we part. I ..... - - . 1 m ' ' I MMMMHHMMIMaHHMHi TO EQUIP HOSPITAL. City and County Will Likely Ap propriate $6,000 to Furnish the Institution. i JOINT MEETING YESTERDAY. Boars' of Commissioners. Aldermes and Managers of James Walker Memorial Building la Conference Meet 11 of MagUtrates.- As the result of a conference yester day afternoon between the boards of County Commissioners, Aldermen and Hosnital Managers an arrange ment was partially effected by which the city and county will most probably make special joint and pro rata appro priations amounting to $6,000 for furn ishing the splendid James Walker Memorial Hospital, which was recent ly completed and given to the people by Mr. James Walker at a cost of more than $50,000. When the late Mr. Walker made known his purpose to establish the magnificent memorial which now bears his name, he authorized Dr. W. J. H. Bellamy to summon a number of representative citizens of Wilming ton to meet at . his office. At this meeting Mr. Walker outlined the plan of his proposed philanthropy to the large number of gentlemen who gath ered, and one of the conditions to his magnanimous gift was that the people, after he had completed the building, should equip and maintain the insti tution. For the maintenance of the hospital the legislative act in corporating the Board of Managers provided in the required payment by the county of $4,800 and by the city of $3,200 per year for this purpose. But unfortunately no provision was made for .the equipment of the build ing. For several months, however, the Board of Managers set about to raise a sufficient amount by private subscriptions. Experts figured closely the cost of an equipment suitable to the magnificent building and it was found that $6,000 would be the very least needed. Despite moat faithful personal efforts by several members of the Board only about $3,500 could be secured by popular gift and the task was abandoned. ' At the sugges tion of many who had been approached for subscriptions and with a feeling that there was justness in the propo sition for a whole people to pay for a benefit which would be derived by a whole people, it was decided to ask the city and county to make an extra ap propriation out of their public funds to meet the cost of equipment in the same proportion as the two con tributed to the maintenance of the hospital, L e., two-fifths or $3,400 by the city and three-fifths or $3,600 by the county. In this way every citi zen wouia oe a contnoutor 10 ine cause and would enjoy accordingly all the benefits of such an institution in their midst. To get the matter in proper shape, at the request of the Hospital Managers the boards of Aldermen and Commis sioners held a joint conference yester day afternoon at 3:30 o'clock with the hospital authorities in the county court room. Capt Walter Q. Mac- Rae acted as chairman of the meeting by request and the following members of the three boards were present: Mayor Waddell,Chairman McEachern, of the Board of Commissioners, Coun ty Attorney McKoy.City Attorney Bel lamy, Dr. Thomas B. Little, hospital superintendent. Commissioners Vol- lers, Montgomery and Alexander; Aldermen Harriss, Maunder, Skinner, Johnson and Spencer, Messrs. W. Gr. MacRae, Sam Bear, Jr., D. O. Love, W. H, Sprunt, M. a Willard and O. P. Bolles, Dr. W. J. H. Bellamy, of the Hospital Board, and Mr. H. C. McQueen, chairman of the City Board of Audit and Finance. Capt Walter MacRae, in calling the meeting to order, briefly stated the ob ject. Six thousand dollars was the least amount that would be sufficient in the opinion of Dr. Q. G. Thomas, who had just completed furnishing the splendid A. C. L. hospital at Rocky Mount, and Dr. Little, who has had wide experience in hospital work. Capt. MacRae detailed the work of the efforts of his Board to raise the money by private subscription: The grounds could not be improved out of the $6,000, but other provision would be made by the managers for that He said that with good management and proper attention he believed toe hospital would soon be self-sustaining. j an appropriation was received from mnnidnavlities the $3,500 sub- scribed by citizens would not be asked as they would contribute their pro rata in taxes. Mr. Sam 'Bear, Jr., who has been very active in his efforts to secure the amount necessary by private scbscrip- tinn. noke alonff the same line asd detailed the work by the managers in this regard. He was also of the opin ion that in a few years endowments would make the institution self-sus taining. Dr. W. J. H. Bellamy recalled; tne promise to Mr. Walker by the repre sentative citizens wbo baa gatnerea in m . a a a the deceased philanthrptst's office when he made known his purpose to the hospital. Faith should not --- ha broken now. Chairman McEachern of the Board nt rsommissioners, said he thougnt nr. Walker's idea of the furnishing ... for representative citizens inoi idually to subscribe to tne fund. He questioned the legality of any appro priation that the county might make. and quoted irom ww duties of Commissioners. He was in fat ranoatby with the movement, but knew the county authorities were WILMINGTON, N.-C., TUESDAY, DECEMBER unwilling to overstep the law. Another reasonagainst appropriation was that the budget for the- year's county expenses had been made up, and no funds are now available. The money could be borrowed but first the magistrates of the county would have to say, whether or not they would ap prove of an additional tax levy next year to meet the loan. If there were no legal objections in the way, he would be glad to call the magistrates together and arrange for -the negotia tion of a loan. Mayor Waddell caid as for the city be bad much the- same statement to make as Mr. McEachern. The Al dermen could make no disbursements without concurrence of the Board of Audit and Finance ; the chairman of that body, who was present, could speak as to that. There were no funds available now and the negotiation of a loan, would have to pass the Finance Board. Personally he was greatly in sympathy with the movement. He also discussed the legal status of the case, and although he could not satis-. fy himself ihar such a proceeding would be strictly legal, he felt no ap prehension that anyone would ques tion it. Chairman - McQueen, of the City Board of Audit and Finance, said he was heartily in sympathy with the ap peal and he thought he voiced the sen timent of his entire Board in saying that it would approve of the appro priation if it were made by the Alder men. He said he was not qualified to speak absolutely as to the legality of the appropriation, but that the city had sent money to Galveston and he thought there was as much law for appropriating to the hospital as for that purpose. He did not believe that the legality would be questioned. Alderman Harriss spoke in favor of the appropriation and Mayor Waddell said as there were just half of the Board of Aldermen present if all the five members were in favor of the ap propriation be would cast a deciding vote in favor of the appropriation if it was necessary at next meeting. Messrs. Skinner, Maunder, Spencer and Johnson said they would heartily vote for the measure. Chairman McEachern then said he would call a meeting of the magis trates as soon as possible and ascertain if they would agree to an additional tax levy next June to meet a loan to ba negotiated now. Capt. MacRae said all that was wanted was an assurance from the two Boards. Dr. Thomas and Dr. Lit tle were going North in a few days and if there was money in sight they could make the purchase. It was then agreed to call another. meeting of the three boards after the magistrates had passed upon the mat ter and take the decisive action. The meeting then adjourned. LARGELY ATTENDED FUNERAL opressive Services la St. James Episco pal Church Yesterday la Honor of Late Dr. W. W. Harriss. In the presence of a large congrega tion of friends and relatives the order for the burial of the dead was impres sively said yesterday morning at 11 o'clock in St. James' Episcopal Church over the remains of the late Dr. Wil liam White Harriss, the rector of the parish, the Rev. Frederick H. T. Hors field officiating. The hymns were by the regular choir and were very beau tiful and appropriate. The congregation was representative of all classes and conditions of men, who had gathered to do honor to one whom they held in much veneration and in greatest esteem. Cape Fear Camp, United Confederate Veterans, . attended in a body in uniform out of respect to the deceased comrade, whose long membership was an honor and credit to the organization. The floral tributes were many and exceptionally beautiful. The in terment was in Oakdale cemetery, whence the funeral cortege moved slowly after the impressive services at the church. The following close friends of the deceased were pall bearers: Honorary, Col. John L. Cantwell, Ex-Judge O. P. Mearea, Mr. R. J. Jones, Mr. A. D. Cazaux, Capt. T. O. Bunting and Col. W. A. Johnson ; active, Messrs. Herbert Mc Olammy. O. W. Worth, Iredell Meares, Dr. J. H. Durham, Major D. O'Connor and Capt. J. L. Boatwright. Owing to Sunday schedules on rail roads south, Mr. Thos. B. Harriss, a son of the deceased, was unable to get to Wilmington in time for the funeral, and another son, Mr. W. W. Harriss, Jr., of Gainesville, Fla., was unable to sret here on account of his illness with pneumonia. Hon. John. D. Bel lamy, a nephew of the deceased, ar rived from Washington, D. C, Sun day morning and attended the funeral. Transfers of Real Estate. By deeds filed for record yesterday W. A! McGowan and wife transferred to Hannah L. Sloan the house and lot on west side of Sixth between Swann and Nixon atreets, size 45x150 feet; consideration, $500. Also yesterday a deed was filed conveying from Wm. J. Kellog and wife to W. A. Mc Gowan the same property of date Oct. -85th; consideration, $375. St. James' Vestry At a meetinsr of the vestry of St, James' parish . Thursday night, organ ization was effected by election of. the following: Col W. L. DeRosset, senior warden; Capt T.'D. Meares, junior warden; Maj. W. F. Robertson, secretary, and Mr. Wm. Calder, treas urer. --'6 'U "'-' ' We will deliver all photographs taken this week before Christmas un less the weather la very bad next wee. Taylor's Studio, t THE APPOINTMENTS. North Carolina M. E. Conference Adjourned at Fayette vllle Yesterday Morning. THANKS FOR HOSPITALITY. Body of Ministers and Delegntes Were Handsomely Entertained Only One sc tuc rr. mioftoa Churches. J I The North Carolina Conference, M. E. Church South, concluded is annual session at Fayetteville yesterday, and many of the clergymen and delegates eft on the afternoon trains for their homes. Several of those who attended from Wilmington reached the city last night, and all speak in glowing terms of the hospitable and cordial manner n which the city of Fayetteville enter tained them. Conference met at the usual hour yesterday morning. The session was argely devoted to the hearing of re ports from the several committees and transacting other business of routine nature incident to the closing. The Conference, by a rising vote, thanked Fayetteville for the very hospital way in which it had been en tertained. The appointments were read during the morning hour and were received with satisfaction. With the exception of Rev. J. J. Porter, of Bladen street church, who goes the ensuing year to Carvers Creek circuit, all the Wil mington pastors and Presiding Elder John are returned. By courtesy of the Fayettteville Ob server the Htab prints the appoint ments as follows: Wilmington District, R B John. , E Wilmineton. Grace churcb. J N Cole: Bladen Street. G B Webster: Fifth Street, J H Hall; Market Street, w rotter? Bcott's Uill, j w Our- ganus; Onslow, F 15 rsecton, supply: Jacksonville, V A Royal, supply : Mag nolia, U U Brothers; Kenansvule, W D Sasser; Burgaw, J W Martin; Clin ton, T E Wright; Bladen. A J Groves; Jfilizabetn. I T Simmons; Wbiteville, A B Barnes, U w Bmitb. sup ; Car ver's Creek, J J Porter; Waccamaw, to be supplied; Shallotte, J M Mar lowe, supply; Town Creek, R T Wyche, supply; Southport, A R Goodchild; New River, W R Royal, supplf. Newborn District, F D , Swindell, E. Newborn, R F Bum pass: Goldsboro, St. Paul, M Bradshaw; Goldsboro circuit, H E Tripp; Mount Olive, J M Carraway; Mount Olive and Faison, T. P. Bonner; LsGrange, VLB Anderson; Snow MULE Pope: Kinston, N E Coltrane and W E Brown; Gifton, J M Lowder; Craven, WHTownsend; Jones, D U Geddiej Pamlico, W A Jenkins; Oriental. J H M Giles; Morehead City, H M North; Beaufort, J A Hornaday; Core 8ound, OK Pool, supply; Straits, F E Dixon and 8 Lefifers, 8up. Washington District. IT A Bishop. P. E Washington, R C Beaman; Washington Circuit, D A Wat kins; Aurora, P Greening; Swann Quarter, W T Everton; Mattamuskeet, L M B rower: Fairfield Station, J E Holder; Greenville, H M Eure; Farmville, T H Bam, supply; Gnmesland, F F Eure; Bethel, A D Betta; Tarboro, O W Robinson: Robersonville. R R Grant; South Edgecombe, C I Reed; Rocky Mount, L .L Nash; South Rocky Mount, P D Wood all; Nash ville, JM Benson; Spring Hope. S H Jovner; Wilson, A P Tyer; Fremont, T J Dailey ; Wilson Circuit, B B Cul- breth ; Ocracoke and Portsmouth, B H Black. I Warrenton District, R A Willis, P E Warrenton,. E H Davis; Warren, L M Chaffin; Ridgeway, D L Ernhart; Henderson. J u Bundv; Liittleton, a S Humble; Weldon, W W Rase; Roa noke Rapids, E R Welch; Roanoke, RB Clark; Enfield and Halifax, 8 A Cotton; Battleboro and Whatakera, J G Johnson ; Scotland Neck, J C Jones; Hopgood, D B Parker; Williamston, H Sutton: Gary-burg, EW Fox; Northampton. E E Rose ; Rich Square, WF Jones; Mehemn, W U Merritt; Murfresboro, J A Root; Hassellsville, B O Thompson; Bertie, R L Davis; President Littleton Female College, JM Rhodes. Raleish District. J T Gibbs. P E. Raleigh, Edenton Street, G F Smith; Raleigh, Central, G T Adams; Ra leigh, Brooklyn. M MMcFarland; Ra leigh, Epwortb, J M Culbreth; Oary, ALOrmand; Clayton, G W Fisher; 8mithfield, R D Holmes; Kenley, G B Starling; Mill brook, A L Seabolt; Youngsville, G B Rood; Franklinton, JH Shore; Louisburg, M T Plylerj Tar River, R H Broom; Granville, W H Puckett: Oxford, a. Mcuunen; ux- ford Church. J D Pegram. Durham District. W hi Moore, t iU Durham, Trinity, W O Norman; Dur ham. Main Street, W L Ounningim; Durham, Carr Church, F B MeOali; Durham Circuit, J B Thompson ; West Durh.m. G D Laneston: Chapel HilL N M Watson; Hillsboro, J T Draper; Mt. Tircah. M D Giles: Woodsdaie. a H Whitaker. supply; Milton, N C Year by ; Vanceville, J H McCracken; Rnrlinffton Station, l ts trerrv; uur- linirton Circuit. J T Stanford; Hast Burlington, Graham and Haw River, (i nnen Ai&mance. j a isauev. Favetteville District. B R Hall. P E Hay Street, T A Smoot; Campbell and Rose Chapel, O Johnson; Cum berland. H G Stamev: Cokes bury. J J Barker; Sampson, B B Holder; Buck horn, J W Wallace: Dunn, E M 8nipes; Newton Grove, R A Bra ton; Pittsboro, J H Frizzelle; Haw River; R W Rojiav; Goldston. JO Humble; 8iler Oity, J Sanford; Carthage, L E Thompson: Sanford, W F Craven; Jones boro, J M Ashbay; Lillington, W Tt Hnmhla. BUDDlV. Elizabeth City District, J E Under wood. P E Elizabeth City. D H "Tuttle and J L Cunningham; Paaquo- tank. L Yl Old: Camden. W E 10- cutt; Mozock, R Bradley; Currituck, TXT A 1;lM4. ftT.tK riatna fl. W Htr- Edenton, R H Willie; Plymouth, J H Ttnffilo- mn. Roner. A J Parker; Pantego, J E Bristowe; Dare, Wm Lowe: Roanoke Island, 8 T Moyle; ITittv Hawk. J E Sanders, sup. ; lien nAkeet. A W Price: Hatteras, L B JnnM nninmblsw W P Constable: Principal High School, O B Taylor; VandArhilt TJniveraitT. a E forter. Rockingham District, W S Rone, P E Rockingham, F M Shamberger Rockinirham Circuit. N H Guyton Richmond. S E Mercer: Mt Gilead, M D Hixi Pakin. J W Hojle, supply Montgomery, E C Sell; Elise, D A Futrell: Aberdeen, G A Oglesby; St 10, 1901. John and Gibson, J A Lee; Laurin- burg, Li o filassev ; Humlet. C O Du- rant; Maxton and colporteur, N H D Wilson; Red Splines. Z T Harrison; Lumberton, J P Pate; Robeson, B C Alfred and R W Townsend. Transferred John M Lewis to Lou isville Conference and J A Peeler to South Carolina. Southport people will be- interested to note that Rev. R. W. Bailey has been transferred to Haw River, N. 0., and in his stead cornea Rev. A. R Goodchild. Delegates to the general conference were elected as follows: Clerical-J. C. Kilgo, T. N. Ivey, - tfTT. Gibbs and F. D. Swindell. Al- 4.-- .4.- TP A XT -I-- I T TO T.. ternates, E. A. Yates and R. F. Bum pass. Jjav J. l. Brown. W. BJ Bonneer. J. H. Southgate and B. D. Zollicoffer. Alternates, Dr. J. F. Miller and L L. 8mith. THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Special Meeting Yesterday at Which Un- Important Matters Were Transacted, Meetlnr of Magistrates Called. At a special meeting of the Board of County Commissioners, held yester day afternoon. Chairman McEachern presiding, and Messrs. EL L Vollers, W. F. Alexander and F. A. Mont gomery being in attendance, a num ber of routine and unimportant mat ters were considered. Upon recommendation of the special committee appointed at last meeting, it was ordered that the in come tax of 1360 listed sgainst J. W, Norwood be refunded, he having been a non-resident of the State on June 1st. The annual report of public moneys collected by CoL Jno. D. Taylor, Clerk of the Superior Court, was re; ceived and ordered on file. It wa- ordered that all convicts in the county jail under final sentence be sent to the county roads. At the request of the Board of Hos pital Managers the chairman was ordered to call a meeting of the Board of Magistrates for the purpose of ob taining authority to negotiate a loan of $3,600 for equipping the James Walker Memorial Hospital. It was ordered that the amounts assessed originally against the stock of the Murchison National and the At- antic National banks be collected as now appearing on the books and that the rebate by reason of the correction in deducting real estate as sent down by the 8tate Auditor be allowed in a warrant to save extensive change in computation on the books as they now stand. HOULTRYMEN ELECTED OFFICERS.' Mr. W1H Bonitz Will be Superintendent of Show in January Annual Meeting. The second annual. meeting of the Wilmington Poultry and Live Stock Association was held last night and was attended by much enthusiasm. The principal business transacted. other than a liberal discussion of the forthcoming poultry show in January, under the auspices of the organiza tion, was the election of officers for the ensuing year, which resulted in the choosing of the same officers, as follows: President E. P. Bailey. Vice President A. O. 8need. Secretary and Treasurer W. C. Armstrong. Assistant Secretary W. H. Mc Eachern. Mr. Will Bonitz was elected super intendent of the poultry show. - No better man for the position could be found. His heart is in the work and he is energetic beyond peradventure. Interest in the show is on the in crease and outside fanciers are writ ing for space for exhibits. The local owners are also getting in trim to meet outside competition in fine birds and will no doubt capture at least a few of the prizes. A competent judge out side of Wilmington will be secured to pass upon the exhibits. JOLLY "TARS" ELECTED OFFICERS. Annual Meeting of Naval Reserves Last Night Proposed Trip to Charleston. At the regular business meeting of Wilmington Division, Naval Reserves, held last night, the following civil of ficers and committees were chosen for the ensuing year: President. H. C. Howard. Vice-President W, B. Savage. Secretary and Treasurer. S. K. De- vaney. Finance Committee. A. A. Hergen- rother, N. N. Davis and J. E. Bunt ing. Uniform Committee. W. B. Sav- age, A. Ji.. .rowers ano j. im Jung. Armory uommittee. a. u. vaugn- an, J. U. Meier and j. ur. rrempert. The proposed trip of the Division to Charleston during the Exposition was informally discussed and Mr. J. E. Bunting was appointed to investi gate details of such a trip and to report at a subsequent meeting. If the com pany goes to Charleston at all, it is not likely that the trip will be madej on the Hornet but aboard one of tne transports of the army which will be in these waters early in the year. The Opera House Last NIr.nL Miss Rose Coghlan and an excellent supporting company in the sensa tional society drama, "A Woman of no Importance," more than pleased a cultured and fashionable audience in the Opera House last night. Miss Coghlan, in the leading role, was all thatiecstatie press criticisms proclaimed her and every member of the cast was all that could be expected. On ac count of tbe very threatening weather and in the face of a prediction of a violent northeaster, the audience was not so large as it should have.' been. Fate seemed to have decreed that Wil mington should not break the pre cedent of liberally patronizing the less worthy attractions and according only a meagre support to the meritorious. i- a .--ii in - " - 1 PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Miss Louise Knight is visiting friends in Baltimore. Capt. E. W. VanC. Lucas re turned yesterday from' Washington, D. C. Mr. A. L. Bishop, the popular Boston shoe drummer, is at The Orton. Mr. Chauncey Southerland, Jr., has taken a position in the Atlantic National Bank. Lieut. Garrison Ball, of the army post at Fort Caswell, spent last night in the city. Mrs. M, O. Bryce, of Hamlet, is in the city visiting her parents, Mrs. and Mrs. N. Mcintosh. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Wallace returned Sunday evening from Ken an sville, where they spent the day. Miss Winnie Oldham, of Wil son, N. C, is the guest of the family of Capt W. P. Oldham, North Third street Mrs. Joseph H. Allen, of Richmond, Va., returned home yes terday after a visit to her daughter, Mrs. F. H. Fechtig. Mrs. Walter Williamson will leave to-day for Charlotte, to attend a house party to be given by Mrs. R. M. Oates, of that city. Hon. Jno. D. Bellamy arrived in the city Sunday to spend a day or two at home, Congress having adjourned Friday until Tuesday. First Lieutenant Buggies, of the armv poet at Caswell, left venter- day for New York to join his wife. who will accompany him here in a few days. Messrs. J. J. Croswell and E. C. Barrett, two of the Southern Ex press Company's most popular route agents, were in the city yesterday on business visits. Mr. Will Blair, of Winston, ar rived in the city Sunday evening on his way to Edgecomba to join Gov ernor Aycock and party, who are out on a hunting expedition in that lo cality. While in the city he was the guest of Blair. his brother, f'r. John Jay ROYAL ARCANUM ELECTION. Officers Chosen Last Night for Ensuing Term by Cornelius Harnett Council. At a regular meeting of Cornelius Harnett Council No. 231, Royal Arca num, held last night, the following of fleers were elected : Regent Dr. W. C. Galloway. Vice Regent W. H. Turlington. Orator -Jas. O. Morrison. ' ' Secretary B. J. Jacobs. Collector Jacob Weil. Treasurer I L. Greenewald. Chaplain Chas. E. Hall. Guide H. Burkheimer. Warden Joseph Sternberger. Sentry Aaron Silverman. Trustees B. Solomon, I. J. Bear and George Sloan. Rev. Dr. 8. Mendelsohn was chosen representative to the GrandCouncil and Mr. B. J. Jacobs, alternate to the Grand Council. NEWS FROM RALEIGH. Critical Cosdltion of Oen. T. F. Toon. The Sooth Dakota Suit. Special Star Telegram. Raleigh, N. C. Dec. 9. The life of Gen. T.iF. Toon, superintendent of public instruction, was several times despaired of Sunday night and this forenoon, but he is reported some better to-night and his physi cians are hopeful, lie is suffering from- pneumonia, the third attack in five years, and both lungs are in volved. He is constantly attended by a trained nurse and two physicians. United States Marshal Dockery to day served on Governor Aycock a peremptory summons from tne united States Supreme Court, for North Caro lina to appear March 2nd and answer the complaint of South Dakota in the Western North Carolina Railroad bond suit. The first subpoena was ig nored by Governor Aycock. so as not to acknowledge jurisdiction of the court to hear the case. Fifth Ward Water Works. At last ground has been broken for the Fifth ward water pipes. Messrs. Wm. McLean & Co., the contractors, began work yesterday on Eighth street, extending towards Dawson. With no unnecessary delay the work will be completed in thirty days. The Stab's good friend, Mr. French McQueen, of Lumberton. ar rived in the city yesterday for a brief visit. DIED. WOODROE In La wi dale. N. C. December 8th. Mrs. BL A. WOOD n OK. aged 59 vears 14 days NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TAX NOTICE. The time for voluntary payment of City Taxaa expired Not. 1st, pay NOW and save annoyance and expense of levy or garnishee. B. F. KlltO. dec lost tuth City Tax collector. Hinton Bros'. DBUCAIK8SEH, - No. 115 narket Street Phone No. 418. On Clyde Steamship arrtnns to-day an as sortment of Zimmerman's telect KOSHER MEATS. FRESH LOBSTERS, HALIBUT, CODFISH AND SMELTS. ! Fresh Water Fish and New Birer Garden Oysters received daily, dee 10 It -ii 1 - - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Soon We Part. Have yon peeped la at oar window Hae yon seen what we have there ? ' It's become a social tonic, More so than the Rocking Chair. The time Is drawing near when we mast part wiihiur O?ol-b Set. Did yon gt a tic tut ? ir not tften ome at once or you will ti- achate -of getting the most Handsome ToHet Set yon have s en In many a day. The ch- ce cos 8 you aothlng; we only ask vou to buy 50"! w-rth of Groceries for caen at brtoes which are Just as low as you pay else where. THIS WEEK 6 pounds Lump Starch 25 cents. 2 " Aromatic Coffee 25 " 4 quarts White Beans 35 " JNorth Carolina Hams 14 it OUR GROCERIES Good as the best.' Better than the rest. H. J. BIERHAH & CO., 815 Market Street. Bell 'Phone No. 38. deciotf "Wo Sell Flour. Flour, Flour. "Sliver Coin." "Always Reliable." "Stock s Best," "Puritan." Bay these brands and v ur trade will increase. We are recogr.lzd as selling: high grade Goods and lowest living prices. Boy ot us. MIXED CORN in Etch Weijdit Sack MIXED OATS iuEren Weight Ms TIMOTHY HAY. We have consignments of We sell cheap and solicit vonr trade. Vollers & Hastageo, PEO VISION DKAEEBS. noT 24 tt FRESH BUTTER AND Butter Milk To-day. E. EH i dec 4 1? Watches That Keep Time. A watch that doesn't keep time Is worse thin no wa ch at all. I sell watches ot the reliable v sort all first claps timepieces, and sell them at v prices that give but a small margin of profit. I reoalr watches also, and my lone exDerl- ence in the business has tausht me to repair tnem ssuunuy ana soienascaiiy. B sides watches I have a arreat variety of Jewelry suitable for Christmas presents. J. T. BURKE, The Jeweller South Front St. decs tf FLORIDA ORANGES. 40 Boxes Nice Vlorlda Orange. 85 Bsc O . Nuts. 35 Box-s SflxeANnts. T5 Boxes Nics K'lfbrnlaBalsIns. 50 Boxes Bvaporat4 apples and 100 Boxes split 811k Candy, sons thn flue. 150 Palls rape Fear mixture Candy. 25 uasKets Nice Broxen vanuy. Also a few B. P. Oats le't and 75 car loads of other goods. Up-to-date buyers always get our prices oerore purcnaemg. D. L. CORE CO., Wholesale Groceries and Drugs. 120. 122 and 124 North Water street, dec 8 tf Wilmington. N. O. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOB Something to give as an Xmas ift. don't Mop what you are loosing tor, be it for YOuaO IT. F. PABKER, Furniture and Furniture Novelties, ill Market street. Interstate 421. Bell 'Phone 618 decs tr OUSTS CJEt Vaughn's Improved Early Ohio Seed Potatoes just received in prime condition. Other varieties to arrive. Let us book your orders at once as the demand will doubUes be large. - Provisions and Groceries In great variety. Set oar prices. HALL & PEARSALL, (INCORPORATED.) Wholesale Grocers and Commission Mer chants, deciotf FIRECRACKERS. 818 Boxes New Firecracker a. 87 Boxes C. C. Nats. 281 Bfirs Shot. 111 Packages W. P. Caps. 103 Martin's Cheese. 18 Tabs G. E Batter. 83 Bexes Paekajres Tea. 804 Cases Table Sjrrwp. W. B. COOPER, Wholes ale Grocer, 0B.ua. tar JTOt street. . Wilmington, w. i deoioti - h 1 A;- ft. mi I 4t I. 3M m Ml: ft1 Jy m I i 1 t; ".n I,, Wt " V