r j i i w i ...or i nan ion a 0Any Other DHy New. paper Pnblished in lp8ST. STATE. OUTLINES. . men at doubtful if Congressional .k. OoHIav affair will U oi luo at xhe Bay Lane steamer Norfolk, ran into and in ttta Aw Lbma. at r.: Republic, it is announced, W Btnd taken with MQlVB nAirfiiinmAn t hrtw. I;,.. the unueau . -. an amicaoie aa- Signor Marconi claims L. k has receiveu MD0 .... a lonti Oman njcrossw a.. - j Qollis, a drummer in Green- I nntv S. 0 , killed his wire and eeoWtJ.' .... ir-iO-i a. cloud burst in the Tennessee - rm . Uuins caused a nooa in oprmg; Lone, of the . i.h.;r his time in reviewing Irt a M""" o i'port of the court in the Schley Terrific wind storm in LsiDPi. with loss of life reported. Llbe condition of Gen. Toon last L was decidedly more nopeiui. L At Monticello, Ala., Walter S. L (hot and killed by Frank J. F' . T. 1 15 I 1 Lg An iiaiia.u amp is aiugn the coast of Florida, and is likely A. Vmi rt jo pieces. r-resiaeni xsoose- j . m till not accept uarnegie a oner oi 000 000 in bonds for higher edu- lion, unless it is converted into cash. L It is denied that the coal famine kell. Lbont to cause a shnt-down of cotton tli in the South. Very severe Uther in Chicago; temperature ht degrees below zero. York markets: Money on steady at 4 per cent, the last it 3 per cent ; cotton quiet at ; flour market was steady but wheat spot steady, No. 2 86c; corn spot firm, No. 2 ; oats spot firm, No. 2. Sljc Isin steady ; Spirits turpentine dull. WEATHER REPORT 17.8, Dkp't or Agriculture, WKATHBB iSURXAU. Wilmington, N. 01, Dec M-5 emperatures: 8 A. M., 65 degrees ; 1L, 67 degrees; maximum, 72 de- W minimum, 62 degrees; mean, 67 r Wall for the day, .67; rainfall U 1st of the month to date, 2.93 khes. feuzeof water in Cape Fear river llWtteville, N. C, at 8 A. M. STORM WARNING. Advisory telegram at 10 A. 1L, sent hbj the Weather Bureau to all tkros between Jacksonville and New prk: Storm in Alabama was moving Irtbeast; would cause unusually tan northeast gales along the coast In Hatteras northward ; followed by erere cold wave Sunday. JORKOAST FOB TO-DAY. Washington, Dec. 14. For North iralina: Fair and much colder, with cold wave Sunday. Monday fair d colder; brisk northwesterly ids. Ptrt Almanac December 15. tBises 7.03 A. M. Sets 4.47 P.M. bfi LeEgth 9H.44M. M Water at Southport . 10.25 P. M. n water Wilmington. 13 55 A.M. Henceforth Admiral Dewey will p.ptwna non grata in the Navy ppartmeiit. A report comes from Washington !nt Senator McLaurin will not re- FP- AO one thousrht he would. ft would not either if we were in p place, unles3 he had a better job n right. Admirals Benham and Ramsey ft like two bi? barnacles on a log Jting the Schley court proceedings Iule Dewey went for the "facts.,, got them and rendered his ver ges accordingly. They could just f well have rendered their verdict ,3elore the trial began.- C. Erwin, a Kansas farmer J fte blues last Fall, and offered wu his corn crop on fiftv-five i on a basis of 15 bnshels to the but couldn't find any one will- cnances. Me was oewaa disappointed when he aSv hi8Cropand had a thou" bushels more than he expected, "wrn booming away np, too. jrUUadelDhia Timee in fit a thatLord Salisbury doesn't "a decent respect for the ;w of mankind. "Them's our . If he did he would vaamberlain and Milner,. kitchener, fix nna tm Ulan... - ' i rwa, aad quit trying to seize that doe8Q,fc belong to John umAincan correspondent of km 1BIM 8ay8 the reason ,,; T DOers d0 not surrender is 'ney are under a Triodra of an? i j.i m1 - we uape "rebels," who as traitors Werp a j ... i MiTim owireuuer wunoui JKoarantee of afotw f deS10'6 fiSht on rather than vape uoiony friends. ana honorable. fiuftn?uriPPe and In- CHENEY'S i aarain-s Palace l i Pharmacy. VUL. L,A1J5l. JNU. 71. LOCAL DOTS. Rev. E. B. John will talk to at the Y. M. O. A. this afternoon 5 o'clock. . . Regular monthly meeting of Cape Fear Camp, . U. a V , Monday the W. L. h armory. "Jonah," Will furnish Dr. Blackwell a theme for disoourie to night at the First Baptist church. The Nineteenth State Conven tion of the North Carolina Sunday School Association will be held in Fayetteville next year. . - Rev. W. D. Beckom. and Rev. J. C Gray, left yesterday for Rich lands, Onslow county, to organize a Second Advent church. Railroad men, say; travel in Eastern North Carolina is just now very light Poor crops in the country is assigned for the falling off. The Aldermen will meet at 3;30. P. M. to- morrow to pass upon liquor licenses and to consider annronria- tion for equipping the Hospital. - The Stab acknowledges with thanks a very useful calendar for the year 1902 from the Virginia Life In surance Company, of this city. The schooner C. Haskell, Capt A. K. WingEeld, arrived yester day from 8t. Thomas via Charleston. She was formerly the brig M. C. Has Concord Chapter No. 1, R, A. M., will hold a regular convocation Monday evening at which an election of officers for the ensuing year will take place. - In Hester's statement of the total movement of cotton since Sep tember 1st last, published in yester day's Star, figures should have been 5,563,091 bales, instead of 6,563,091. Mr. F. T. Mills advertises the sale of his entire stock of buggies, harness, etc, at actual manufacturer's cost to close up the business. Mr. Mills will devote his entire time to the sale and exchange of horses and mules. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis B. Mason, of Middle Sound, celebrated the 50th anniversary of their marriage last week. The occasion took the form of a family re-union at which 43 members were present, 27 of them bearing the name Mason. Rev. Jno. H. Hall and family are still in Fayetterille visiting rela tives. In Mr. Hall's absence to-day Bev. B. B. John, the presiding elder. will preach at Fifth Street M. E. church at 11 A. M. and Rev. J. W. Potter at 7:30 P. M. The hearing of the Wilmington Underwriters' injunction ease before Judge Allen appointed to have been held here last night, was postponed until some time this week. It will most probably be heard this week during Pender Superior Court at Bur gaw. Rev. D. W. Herring, of Samp son county,' will occupy the pulpit of Southside Baptist church at both ser vices to-day. Mr. Herring had expect ed to leave the city for another ap pointment and Rev. O. W. Triplett was expected to preach, but a change was made so that Mr. Herring will be here. - Mr. J. Keener Westbrook, No. 205 Market street, yesterday received a solid car of the finest Jamaica bana nas seen on this market in years. Mr. Westbrook hopes to establish in Wil mington a wholesale trade in West In dia and other tropical fruits, some- thine like houses of the same kind in other Southern cities. The fixtures for the Clerk and Treasurer's office at the City Hall have arrived and will be in place in a few days. They were furnished by the Beutell Manufacturing Co., of Atlanta. The old fixtures are being used by Fire Chief 8chnibben in fit- tine ud an office for himself at the Chemical station. A Veteraa of Two Wars. The current number of the Lost Cause, Louisville. Ky., contains an excellent likeness and biographical sketch of Wilmington's esteemed townsman. OoL Jno. L. Oantwell. It wa written by Miss Florence Bar low, the talented editor of the maga zine, who spent several days in Wil mington during the recent general convention of the United Daughters of the Confederacy. New Provision lioase. The Stab learns upon perfectly re liable authority that another of the large meat packing houses in the West will onen a branch house m w liming ton about January 1st, with offices most probably in one of the new A, C L. storerooms on Water street near Grace. The agency will be establish- i hr wall known and reliable bmker and com mission merchant of Charleston, 8. C. NKW ADVEBTI8KMENT8. Bell Telephone Co. Notice. Qlwhen Bros. Atlantic Cafe. Geo. O. Gaylord Good things. Atlantic National Bank Report. S. & B. Solomon Shirt flannel. Opera House "The Deemster." Volleis & Hashagen Read this. Robert C. DeRosset Xmas goods. C. W. Yates & Co. Holiday goods. Hardin's Pharmacy Christmas help F. T. Mills At manufacturer's cost. People's Saving Bank Opportun'a. Murcbison National Bank Statem't Masonic Meeting Ooaeord Chapter. Busnrcss loo alb. Notice Choice fruit trees. P. EL Hayden For thirty days. Big Returns Small investment. Veterans Meeting Cape Fear Camp. Wanted Energetic men and women llIE R. BEVERLY MASON. I Young Man Prominent in Social and Business Circles Died Yesterday Morning. REMAINS TAKEN TO VIRGINIA. Per Elgnt Years Mansrer of Wilmlnrtoa Mill of N. C. Cottea Oil Compssy. Member of Cape Fesr Clob ssd Other Social Orfsnlzations Mr. Bobert Beverly Mason, a young man prominent in the business and social circles of Wilmington, a native of Virginia and a man loved and es teemed by a wide circle of friends died in this city at 11:50 o'clock yes terday morning at his home on north west corner of Front and Church streets. The remains, accompanied by his father and friends, were taken on the A. C. L. north bound train at 7 o'clock last evening for interment at hi old home at Marshall, Farquier county, Va. Mr. Mason had been ill with fever for about four weeks, but those who had watched closely his condition were beginning to hope' very strongly of his recovery. Last Wednesday, however, unfavorable symptoms de- 3 veiopea ana aitnougn nope was en tertained until almost the hour of death, a sudden turn for the worse came yesterday morning and he passed away at the time indicated. Friday his father, Mr. J. 8. Mason, of Marshall. Va., reached his bedside and the sick man appeared much brighter. It was only temporary, though, and he passed away while his father was still with him. Deceased was the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mason. He was born in Orange county, Va., May 14th, 1867, and therefore was in the 35th year of his age. His early education was received in the "preparatory schools of his county, and later he entered the South Carolina College at Columbia, from which institution he graduated. His business career began with a position with the Land & Im provement Company, of Columbia, but later he held a managerial position with the Globe Phosphate Company, of the same city. Eight years ago when Mr. H. E. Wells was elevated to the vice presidency of the company, Mr. Mason succeeded him here as manager of the North Carolina Cotton Oil Company, and has lived here since. In Wilmington Mr. Mason made many friends, and warm ones. He possessed a genial character and one of strictest integrity and honesty. His circle of acquaintances was not .un usually large because he preferred by nature to have them few and bound to him in ties of warm friendship. As manager of the extensive inter ests of his company here, the business prospered and few mills were as ably conducted. To his employes he was kind and courteous, and to his friends he was devoted. . The news of his death was a pro found shock to the many who had known him as a young man in the most robust health and possessing every other-promise of along and useful career. Mr. Mason leaves to mourn their loss bis father and mother, four broth ers and two sisters. His brothers are Messrs. Richard J. Mason, of Marshall, Va. ; J. Stevens Mason, Jr., of Wash ington, D. C. ; Dr. Wm. B. Mason, of New York; L. R. Mason, who has just graduated from the University of the South. The sisters are Misses Jane Carter and Eliza Beverly Mason, of Marshall, Va. Impressive funeral services over the remains were conducted at 6 o'clock yesterday evening from the late resi dence by the Rev. Dr. James Car- michael, pastor of St. John's Episcopal parish, and immediately thereafter the funeral cortege moved slowly to the A. C. L. Front street station, from whence the remains were taken Tto Vir ginia, accompanied by the deeply be reaved father and Messrs. H. M. Chase, Donald MacRae and W. A. Dick, intimate friends and club mates of the deceased. The floral offerings were beautiful. The pall-bearers from the residence tA the train were: Messrs. A. a. Skelding, M. W. Divine, Hugh Mac Bae, Donald MacRae, George Roun- tree, S. P. Adams. H. M. Chase, H. H. McTlhennT. Geo. E. Crow and W . A. Dick. . Cape Fear Club, of which deceased was a member, assembled in a body yesterday afternoon and accompanied the remains to the train. As a mark of respect to the memory of the late Robert Beverly Mason, a member and former president of the club, the Christmas german of L'Ari oso German Club has been abandoned. A Vetersa Offenders John Watson, the veteran police nfF.nHii- waa arrested at JTront ana Market streets yesterday afternoon for drunkenness and disorderly conduct. It required the combined efforts or ro licemen Woebse and Leon George to him t the station house and in addition to the original charge, one of resisting was entered against him on the sergeant's desk. At th pm nest of many the fine furs of the Johnson sicca- 7 t tt t.hii ft. no.'s Department J5? ' vnt atMAt. where they will KSSs" ssipriees. Any one of thew would make a handsome Christ- H mm n i... pmuatiU for the whole vnn.iu :- -j -- a. n a hi family at j.u. naouou vw. - WW . t i store. Morn WILMINGTON, N, C SUNDAY, DECEMBER 15, L,EUT - woomN's C0NDITI0N I News From Him la Cobs Is Such as to Cause the Gravest Apprehessioss Among His Friends. In a letter yesterday to his father. Rev. Edward Wootten, most discour aging news came as to the condition of Lieut. Bradley J. Wootten. who has been ill in an army hospital near Havana for several months. . The let ter was from Mrs. Wootten, who has been at the bedside of her husband since he has been in a serious condi tion, and was mailed last - Tuesday. The tone of the letter held out little hope of the young officer's recovery and Rev. Mr. Wootten left at once on yesterday afternoon's train via Tampa to be with his son. Up to about ten days ago Lieut. Wootten's condition was regarded as very favorable and he was expected home on sick furlough after the holi days. The discouraging letter yester day and a subsequent cablegram in the evening announcing that there was no change in his condition brought sorrow to a very wide circle of friends in Wilmington and else where. ' r Lieut. Wootten underwent an oper ation for appendicitis about a month ago and for sometime subsequent it was thought that he was on a rapid road to recovery. During the past week, however, complications set in and the Star is exceedingly regretful to say that the news now indicates that his friends may prepare for the worst. REMAINS ARRIVED FROM NEWBERN. Body of Mr. J. C. Scsrborooih Takes Yes terdsy to Charlotte for Iatermeat. The remains of the late J. C. Scar borough, whose death at Newbern, N. C, was chronicled in these columns yesterday, arrived the same afternoon via the W. & N. railroad at 12:15 o'clock and were taken to Charlotte via the Seaboard Air Line at 3:05 o'clock P. M. The funeral and inter ment will be at Charlotte to-day. The remains were accompanied by the bereaved wife and were met at the station upon the arrival of the train by the entire office force of the Standard Oil Company, this city, in cluding the manager, Mr. W. R. Barksdale, a deputation from Jefferson Lodge No. 61, K. of P., of which de ceased was a member, and a number of persona bound to him in ties of in dividual friendship. The pall bearers were as follows: Messrs. J. C. Morrison, A. 8. Holden, Anson Alligood. B. O. Stone, L. B. Boflrera, W. T. Smith and Geo. W. Branch. Many handsome floral trib utes were laid upon the casket. The remains were accompanied to Charlotte by Mr. Trabue Barksdale, of the Standard Oil Company. Negro Stole Money sod Clothing. A negro lad, with the over preten tious title of George Washington Hooper, was lodged in the station house yesterday charged with larceny. Hooper boarded with "Bill" and Ham lin Kelly at a negro house on 8ixth between Bladen and Harnett streets. Yesterday morning the Kelly discov ered that a grip sack containing $4.75 in coin, a coat, pair of pants and other articles had been stolen from their room. Suspicion pointed, notwith standing' his name, to Hooper. The Kellys went to Navassa station, where Hooper is employed, in search of a clue. When the thief caught sight of the two men he took to the swamp. but was at length rounded up, brought to the city and surrendered to Policeman H. W. Howell. The negro confessed and exhibited a pair of the stolen pants on his person when cap tured. Sale of Market Street Property. Bvdeed executed yesterday, Ellie ! T. Beery, guardian of Sybil Hancock a - and E. T. Hancock, minors, trans ferred to Jno. F. Divine an undivided one-fourth interest in the building and lot on north side of Market street, 62 feet and one inch west of Front street adjoining the lot formerly owned by I James Dawson and fronting on Mar ket street 22 feet and one inch and extending back into the block 92 feet; consideration $2,500. By another deed ! of same date Jno. BL Beery and wife and Geo. L. Hancock transferred to the tame purchaser their undivided one fourth interest and the life estate of Ellie T. Beery in an undivided one- half nart of the same property : con sideration, $2,500. Warrsnt for Fsilnre to List A. EL Gerhard, white, was arrested yesterday on a warrant aworn out by City Tax Collector B. F. King, charg ing him with failure to list his poll tax as required in section 8 of the tax ordinance. Mr. Gerhard claims that the tax has been paid in Baltimore and he doesn't desire to pay twice for the same year, . He has employed Brooke G. Empie, Esq., to defend him and will test the case in the Superior Court If he finds it necessary. 'Uncle Josh Sprnceby" Last Night , On account of the weather the au dienee which greeted "Uncie Joan . . .mm -m W ! Spruceby" at the theatre last night waa necMsarilT smalL but What WAS lost in numbers was made up in en thusiasm. ' The show upon the whole was good much bettor than was ex-nMtd-4nd the nitv in that more people didn't see it iRvarv 1 nartment at J. EL Behder & Col's big store in filled with unntt- mas presents at special prices. t Sterling Silver Novelties worth 25c; e going fast for 10c. at Rheder's. - t I are going NG TEACHERS' INSTITUTE Another for White Teachers of the County Will be Held Next Saturday. AN INTERESTING PROGRAMME Many of the Teschers Will Participate sod Exercises Will be of as Interest- ? ins ao4 Elaborate Character. : : The Fall Terms. The County Teachers' Institute, which waa held in Wilmington sever al months ago. proved so signally suc cessful, and demonstrated itself so popular with and beneficial to the teachers at large that Professor Wash ington Catlett, the County Superin tendent of Public Instruction, has de cided to hold another just before the various county institutions suspend exercises for the' holidays. The date is next Saturday, Decem ber 21st, and, if anything, the exer cises this time will be on a more elab orate scale and be more generally par ticipated in by the teachers themselves than before. A very interesting pro gramme is now in course of prepara tion, and Prof. Catiett is confident that the event will be of great benefit and pleasure to those taking part The following circular letter was last week sent out to the various teachers in the county : Circular No. 3. In accordance with Section 38. of -the School Law, I shall hold a meet ing for white teachers or the public schools on Saturday, December 21st I am informed our last gathering was attended with good results. I wish the teachers to understand that these meetings are intended for their benent in every respect I wish them to come prepared to take an active part in the exercises, to exchange ideas and experiences, and to suggest any measures which will tend to the advancement of the schools and their own interests. An interesting pro gramme will be prepared, xou are expected to be present Respectfully, W. UATLKTT, Hupt The Xmaa holidays will mark the close of the moat successful Fall terms of the county schools in years, and the Institute, for that reason, will be of all the more interest. Impetus will also be gained for the new year's work which teachers and superintendent alike are looking forward to with much pleasure. Sewerage Lsborers Murmured. Fifty or seventy-five of the 150 col ored laborers employed in excavating for the sewerage contractors gathered at the office of the company yesterday afternoon and began to murmur because they were not paid off for the past two weeks' work as they had expected. A number of them went to Justice Fowler's office and wanted to sue for the amounts, but the would-be complainants in various and sundry cases frankly admitted that the company had notified them last Tues day that they would not receive pay until the Saturday following and i therefore Justice Fowler, according to law, refused to issue the warrants. The contractors claim, so the men say, that if the men are paid off now, so near the Christmas holidays, there will be no work for them this- week and consequently payment is deferred. It appears to be a very logical position by the contractors. ANOTHER SEABOARD RUMOR. Ssle of Vlrgisia sad Southwestern to Trust Compssy Msy be Sigstt lennt. The Raleigh News and Observer of yesterday nays: From Baltimore comes the state ment on the best of authority that the Virginia and Southwestern railroad has passed into the hands of the Union ! Trust Company, of Baltimore. Presi dent Blackiaton, of the Union Pacific Trust Company, declined yesterday either to confirm or deny the report It is believed in well informed circles that an official announcement will be forthcoming before next week. The Virginia and Southwestern runs from Iron Mountain City, Tenn., to Bristol, thence to Big Stone Gap, Va. It is 135 miles in length, and was owned by the Virginia Coal, Coke and Iron Uompany. For several months this company has been in tbe hands of Receivers Cornelius Shields, of Bristol, and Hen ry K. McHarsr. of New York. About two weeks ago it was reported that the Ohio River and Charleston railroad would build a connection between the Virginia and Southwestern and the Seaboard Air Line, thus giving a direct route from West Virginia tnrougn North Carolina to Wilmington. New Orr ss for Grsce. Mrs. W. H. Shaw, president of the I Onran Fund Society of Grace M. U. church, has advices from the builder, the Moellar Onran Company. Of Hagerstown, Md., that the handsome pipe instrument for Grace will be shipped to-morrow. Workmen will be here to Install it in a few days. The work will require about two weeks. '. 1 "snaavsnsi - PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. D. H. Jenkins, of Caro- leen, arrived yesterday to join his family, who are spending the Winter in Wilmington. Mrs. Herbert McClammy and little daughter, Miriam, left yesterday morning for Wake county where they will spend some time at Mrs. McOlam my's old home, later going to High Point to remain for the Winter. fin th tu RtnMt J. EL Behdar ft Co., Christmas presents for the whole !. A . xamiiy. i tl.00 OoXJarta 7Sc. SLOO Doll Gar riages 75a, $1.50 Doll carnages wse., are going now at Rehden's. t 1901. OPERA HOUSE OFFERINGS. "Belle of New York" Will be Seen To morrow Night and "The Deemster" Oa Thnrsdsy Evening. The Belle of New York" with a record of 2,000 performances comes to, the Opera House to-morrow night This is a record that ' has never been approached by any other American theatrical product and is second only n all the world to the enormous vogue of "Pinafore" a generation ago. The Belle of New York" company this sesson is said to be a notable one with Miss Beulah Dodee. who has both good looks and ability, as the salvation Army lassie. Dunns: her metropolitan engagement in this part tbe critics waxed enthusiastic over her performance. Among the other mem bers of the company to be seen here will be Mr. Edward J. Connelly of the London company, Joseph Kane, Arthur Deagon, James Darling, Etat tie Wells, Laura Witt Mae Sailer, GraceRutlege, Virginia Boss. The company numbers sixty in all so it is said and the entire production this season is Identified with that seen in London during tbe "Belle's" prosper ous run at the Shaftesbury Theatre. Hall Uaine'8 drama "The Deemster" will be the Opera House offering next Thursday night. Readers will re member Mr. Cainlas the author of such celebrated dramas as ' The Chris tian," "The Mauxman." etc., and an entertainment of unusual merit may be expected. The play presents a great moral lesson and is especially endorsed by the clergy. STATE GUARD NUMBERS 2,082 Annual Report of Adjutant General Royster Shows Gratifying Increase During Past Yesr Officers snd Men. Raleigh News and Observer.' The State Guard now numbers 2,082 men, including officers and enlisted men. Last year the strength of the Guard was 1,905, showing an increase of 177 men and three companies. These fieures are from the report of Adjutant General B. S. Royster, which waa completed yesterday. The Adju tant General has been working for several weeks to ascertain the exact strength of the Guard, so as to get the figures to Washington, where they are required by the War Department be fore the first of the year. The report of ueneral Koyster shows that the State Guard numbers 1,782 men, the Naval Reserves 225 men and the Light Artillery 68 men. The 17 members of the general staff foots up 2,082, the military strength of the State. This does not include the Governor's personal staff. There are 33 companies of infantry this year as compared with 36 last year, nve companies or naval reserves, the same as last year, and a battery of artillery in place of a detachment The First regiment contains 51 offi cers and 549 enlisted men. The Second numbers 51 officers and 542 enlisted men. In the Third regiment there are 51 officers and 535 enlisted men. In the Naval Brigade there are 38 com missioned officers and 187 enlisted men. Tbe battery of artillery, which is located at Charlotte, numbers 3 com missioned officers and 58 enlisted men. Only one company disbanded dur ing the year. This was the- Charlotte company, which was succeeded by the Greensboro comoanv. OEN. TOON'S CONDITION. Decidedly More Hopeful Call for Report of Condition of State Banks. Special Star Telegram. Raleigh, N. C, Dec. 14. Physi cians attending Gen. Toon report his condition to-night as decidedly more hopeful. He is holding his own re markably well. There has been no change since morning, but he is better than he was last night The Corporation Commission issued a call to-day for reports as to the con dition of private, State and savings banks at the close of business on December 10th last IN MEMORIAM. Whbbxas. It has 'pleased Provi dence to call hence, to his reward, our late associate, Dr. William W. Harriss, therefore, I Resolved. That in .the death or our esteemed, honored and beloved fellow citizen, we lose a genial associate and wise counsellor, on whose waom we could relv and in which we showed our trust and confidence by repeatedly choosing him as chairman of this Board. Resolved, That as we lose a wise counsellor, so North Carolina loses a distinguished and loyal son, wno was ever ready to serve her in the civil walks or on the field of strife, and, whatever his position, never shrank from duty, which was ever cheerfully and faithfully performed ; the county and city a devoted citizen, and the church a zealous member without pre tence. Resolved. That while hiB never fail ing sunny, cheery temperament al ways looked on the bright side and saw the sunbeam behind the cloud, and he went through life making the clad s-ladder and the sad less sad, we are less grieved at his going because the summons came not after long and lingering tribulation, but in the full ness of his years, the painless ending of a well rounded life of usefulness and duty well done, and to the reward laid up for a me of unseinsh devotion. isesolvea. That we tenner to tne sor rowing relatives and bereaved family of our departed friend our deepest armnathies. and as they treasure his memory as a kind, loving and watch ful guardian, so will we treasure the memory of the genial associate, the wise adviser, the honest and fearless administrator of impartial justice, but one who never failed to temper justice with merer when mercy should be heard. . Resolved. That a cony of these reso lutionsbe presented to the family of the deceased and spread upon the minutes of this Board. . Wm. H. Bkeitaed, " - J. M. MoGowak, If. W. Jaoobi, G. W. BORKKMAKN, Committee of ' the Board of Magis trates of New Hanover county. - TT li ca J Q . M Kn T7.1a.' twHm Si gs; t2.00 Velocfoedes si. 48. movinar prices this ? week at Rhe- den's. , ' . . . " t WHOLE NO. 10,707 Our Tov Annex. ODDoelta tha Btor Rtnm in ftTYkWllAil With ffflMta fAn 4a fe OnAalnl 4aa VI jee.ttweneea room for anotherT,lg lot "amfe - IRIESJbiJIEie, &c CO. FOURTH STREET BRIDGE. Car fare paid on purchases of 13 and P. S. Everything for Fancy Work. ATLAOTIO ri A -FPTn Gieschen Bros., Proprietors. OPPOSITE A. C. Ii. RAILWAY DEPOT. We are convenient to you in arriving or leaving by Railway.' Can serve you OYSTERS in any style, Birds, Steaks, Chops or a Lunch at short notice. Out Patent Drip Coffee you want to try to appreciate. Served for all trains. We carry the largest assortment of WINES and LIQUORS in the city ; tbe celebrated "Budweiser and Letup's 8t. Louis Beer." If you need anything in our line call or 'Phone us. FAMILY TRADE Bell 'Phone 111. decl5 2t su Opportunities For making money come to nearly every one sooner or later. Only those with available funds at their command can aot Have you a fund ? Don't you want to start one? Open an account with us, you will be astonished at the result. Our regular interest quar ter begins on January 1st. Money deposited now will bear interest from that date. We take any amount large or small, and extend the same courtesy to alL The People's Savings Bank, Opposite the Postoffice. II. o. BleQUBKN, President. JNO. 8. ABKUTRONe, Praaldant. dec IS tt F. W. DICK. Cask tar. StatemertoftheCon- UurCMSOll Mfolial Ml Of Wilmington, n. C, At the close of business, December 10th, 1901. (Began business March 1st, 1899.) RESOURCES. Loans and discounts S 499,638 89 tr. a Bonds. 901,000.00 Five per cent, redemption fund-. 7,800.00 Baal Estate for Bankpralldlng 18,838 85 Revenue stamps 122.62 Cash on hand ana In banks 405,091.54 H.181,978.90 We solicit your account. We can furnish banking, Pnneral of Qsry Williams. The funeral of the late Gary Wil liams, whose death has been chronicled in4hese columns, was conducted by the Rev. F. H. T. Horsfield yesterday morning at 8 o'clock from the resi dence of the young man's step-father, Capt Wm. Skinner, Sixth and Church streets. The remains were taken on the morning A. & Y . train to Fay etteville for interment. $1.80 Express Wagons, with seat. will be sold for $1.19 this week atReh ner's. t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I AM HERE TO STAY. BSfOBS tak1nar advantage of Closlnz Out" sales compare my goods and prices. . The success to De attained by selling honest goods of lasting quality at reasonable prices is mine. II. F. PARKER, ' Furniture and Furniture Novelties, ill Market street. Inter-State 421. Bell Thone 618 declStf THURSDAY. DECEMBER 20TH. "The Deemster." By Hall Cain, author of "The Chris tian." Powerful Company. Beautiful Production. dec 15 St su tu th At Manufacturers' Cost. I am selling Bnggles. Harness, etc., at actual manufacturers' cost to close out my entire Buggy and Harness Business. ' So I can devote my entire time to the Horse and Mule Business. Will close It out as a whole or retail and rent store now occupied with same. F. T. MILLS. declizw BELL TELEPHONE. Haw Bntaaorlbera tfrba added to Hew Dlres- torr mease cot this out and paste in Directory of November 15th, 1901 : No. 780 Behrends, s., residence, sos nanet treet. ha 79inarnm. r ri . raoidance. Front ana Ho. auo uuee, uiayton, ranaeuce, w""" Na4l-Sinton Bros, DeUcataasen, 115 Mar Na 68 Independent ice Co., Seventh and !M.iiMlaW ft Mil Itj-tU ' no. 843 juaaer, miss &iuue toumwi o Bourn lmru Duww No. 736 Latimer, Wm. , residence, 128 South No. 729 MacBae, Donald, residence. Third and Dock streets. No. 725-Morton, Paul O., Jr., residence, 114 VMmA III Piu'lfc PUUUA A u ww. No. W8 Peechau, t, residence, 601. Brace street. - . . No. 521 Bterntoereer, I. J residence, 513 Nun no. 140 a num. Anorew, omce, iiw rancees No. 797 tnrm Dr. W. c ' office! 222 market 1 No. 479-etrangs, Mrs. F. n, residence, 211 No. 430-Wescbtt, Bohfc, D grocer, Fourth . No. 447 Westbrook, J. K commission mer -.A. fH WmWa at mm, tjmrnm No. 488 Wilmington Floral Co., Fifteenth and deoisst T.8. TERMS OF SUBSCRlPTIOli Oaa Yeavr, by Mall, S.OOX Six Hoatfca, 8,50' ; Thr BoBtka " 1.25 ' ' Two Hontha, 1.00 DallTare4 to rtserlrs la tks X city at 4S oenta per meat. A Visit to the Big Store this week will place you where you can purchase Christmas Presents for the whole family. i Every Department is filled with Holiday Novelties. Special prices ate beln offered in au depart ments. Onr 10 and JBc Booths are tbe biggest attrac tions In tbe city. Mry new thing just re ceived have bren placed In ttiem. to rew Oa Be sax? 'Snd rWtthe pSpalar upwards. dec 7 tf SOLICITED. Inter-State 111. LIABILITIES. Capital stock ....$ 800,000.60 Profits less expenses 18,669.66 Circulation 166 960.00 Deposits, Individual 468.828 96 Bank 807,634.58 91,181,97890 yon every accommodation consistent with safe fleclStf Shirt Flannel! Brown, Blue, Grey, 25c yard. S. & B. Solomon dec 15 tt BEAD THIS. We are loaded with low priced "Stock's Best," ''Silver Chain," cc FLOUR. FLOUR. Also "Clover Hill Butter." Large Stock "Cuban Blossom" Cigars." "Natch It" Cheroots." Yollers & Hashagen. deolStt Xmas Goods! Xmas Goods! My Line Is now all out. Call . and see it before buying. dee 15 tf 107 Market St. Concord Chanter Ko. 1, E. A M. QOMPANIONS-Tha regular Convocation win be held Monday erening, and election of offi cers for .nsnma year. W. A.MABTIN. dec 15 It secretary. ! I a aaa ERIC DeROSSET