B7 WILUAB tt. KtsKNARD SUKDAT MOKKie, Dkcembeb 15. WHERE THE BOOMERANG COKES IF. Ia writing yesterday oa the oppo sition to the Crumpaoker bill we re marked that it might be followed by some results not anticipated by its originator and his followers. Its real,' though not its acknowledged, purpose is to strengthen the Repub lican party by weakening the South and to rive the Republican party a stronger grip on Congress and the Presidency by reducing Southern representation in Congress and in the electoral college. That is the scheme, but it may have quite a contrary effect in time. Leaving out Democratic opposi tion from both sides of the line, which will, of course, be solid against it, there are several element in the K puWwa party which are opposed tft u $rrt Uk KepuV as $r poodent of the Baltimore 5, who spoke not only for him self but for a ery con siderable number of Republi cans in the Northern and Western States. They don't know how soon they may be confronted by the elections, ballot box stuffing and all that kind of thing. He has sagacity enough to see that the Re publican party in North Carolina couldn't form an- alliance with a white mule' after the National Re publican party committed itself to and became responsible for snch a measure as Crumpacker proposes, and hence there is nothing surpris ing in Senator Pritchard's opposi tion to it. But opposition will come also from the intelligent, sensible ne groes of the South, who will depre cate the re-opening and agitation of that question as injurious to both races, white and black, but more to the black than to the white, because the black are always the greatest sufferers in these race agitations. A meeting of negro ministers, held in Louisiana several days ago, voiced the sentiments of this class of negroes in the follow ing resolution, whioh, among others, was unanimously adopted: "ivaotKi, That we prey the Oon Itm of the United State not to ao an tagonise the race question by a reduo tic of Southern representation as to sttr eereee haired tn the South an a renetitioa of the bloody scenes 9t tee "TV. 0 wtkka the negro will be Uhatcril mrrr.v The wtoore intelligent elasa of oe tW4, especially that who own prop erty, are not anxioea to have the mob of negroes vote. They would prefer not, because the less of that kind of voting there is the more assurance they have of good honest govern ment which will protect them and their interests the same as it will the white people and their interests. These are some of the results that PC I -BROWSING. EX-PRIME MIM3TER si j In the Schlitz brewery you will find a plate glass room. In it are cooling pipes, over which the hot beer dfips. Above it is an air filter, and no air comes into this room save through that filter. : No germs can reach beer handled with such rare caution. But, after the beer is aged, we filter it, then bottle and seal it, then sterilize every bottle. We take triple precautions because beer is a saccharine product. Impurities multiply if they get into it. There is no grade between absolute purity and utter impurity. Every bottle of Schlitt is absolutely pure, and purity healthfulness. Your physician knows ask him. 'Phone I. S. 202. Sol Bear A Co.. SO Market St., WUmtactou. Call tor the Brewery Bottling. IS (CooOed odd f oDiheiredl Air arising from putting up a claim to those islands, the conditions are still further embarrassed by the pro tective tariff, for if that were not in the way, if the protection statesmen did not feel it incumbent on them to protect their favorites, we might have free trade with our new acqui sitions, and thus escape these tariff tangles whioh put this oountry in such a perplexing and inconsistent position, as holding that these islands are foreign territory and American territory at one and the same time. SPIRITS TURPENTINE. CURRENT COMMENT. negro question in their own States and they don't want to take a posi-1 would convert the Crumpacker bill tion now that would estop them I into a boomerang, and utterly de- from taking such action as they might deem necessary in such con tingency. Then there are those who if the South only were affected might not hesitate to support Mr. Crumpacker's scheme but realizing that if carried out logically it must apply to all States which restrict suffrage for other causes than crime, will not want to put themselves in a position to estop suffrage legislation which might in time become neces sary to protect the interests of the better and more substantial class of citizens from the irresponsible and worst class, at least considered irre sponsible, and not desirable as voters. Take Massachusetts, for instance, the State of Representative Moody, who introduced the resolution of investigation as to Louisiana. That State has qualified suffrage laws, the object of which was to eliminate as far as possible the votes of Euro pean and Canadian immigrants in the interest of what the people who favor these laws call good govern ment. If Massachusetts takes such action to protect herself from the votes of illiterate white men, why should the people of Massachusetts object to the people of a Southern State taking action to protect them selves from the votes of the illiterate black mass, which is a much more potent and dangerous factor in these stroy the Republican party in the South without a hope of recovery. A DISAPPOISTMMT. The verdict in the Schley case is a surprise and a disappointment, a surprise at the biassed decision of the majority and a disappointment at the division in the court. We thought, as doubtless did many others who followed up the proceed ings of the investigation, that there would be a sort of compromise ver dict which, while fully vindicating Schley, would let the Navy Depart ment down easy, bnt we did not ex pect, and we do not think any other impartial person did, that two of the judges could have concluded to make such a sweeping condemna tion, with but one savin? clause. It appears that under Sena tor Frye's new ship subsidy bill the biggest bounties are to be given to the fast passenger ships that carry mails. These are not the vessels that carry the farmers" freights. Savannah News, Dem. A Boston woman made a guess on the number of beans in a jar and came within half a bean of the right number. There are some things the Boston people understand much better than the negro ques tion. nasnxngton I'ost, Ind. The dispatches from Boston say of the election there yesterday: "Two prominent Republican politi cians were arrested on suspicion of having obtained repeaters. This, however, was the only unfortunate feature of the day." Which was the "unfortunate feature" the arrest or the obtaining of repeaters? Where's Moody? Macm Telegraph, Dem. Doctor Reed does not think it necessary that out of 50,000 strong young Americans "encamped at a health resort" 12,000 should be Smithfleld Herald: We learn from people in different sections of the county that more land has been sown in small grain this season than for many years. Sanford Express-. While felling a ires near nere last F riday Henry Waddell, colored, was accidentally killed by the tree falling after it bad lodged striking him on the head. He was found next day. Winston Journal: The marital trouble between N. Marsh and his wife culminated in the divorce court Thurs day, when Mr. Marsh, was granted a divorce. This Is the fifth divorce grant ed this term, and there are four or five more on the docket Lexington Dispatch: Mr. H. J. Berrier, of Lexington, has a riolin which, if the stamps upon it are gen uine, is 204 years old. The four- year -oia daughter of Mr. Andrew uioareiter, an estimable citizen of oetnany, wis county, received fatal burns Monday morning, causing her ueaiu uve nours later. Dunn Banner: During 1901 there has been great improvements in the town of Dunn. More building has been done than in any previous JTW, uutu mm to residence and bun noes house. The town haa had an x. Unanswered yet?,4 The prayer your lips hare pleaded In agony of heart these many yean? Does faith begin to fail; is hope de parting. And-think you all in vain those fall in or inaraf Say not the Father hath not heard your prayer; You shall have your desire, some time, somewhere. Unanswered yet? Though when you first presented This one petition at the Father's throne. It seemed you could not wait the time of asking, 80 urgeot was your heart lo make it known. Though years have passed since then, do not despair. The Lord will answer you. some time, somewhere. Unanswered yei? Nay, do not say ungranted ; Perhaps your part is not yet wholly done. The work began when first your prayer was uttered. And God will finish what He has begun. If you will keep the incense burning there, His glory there you will see, some time, somewhere. Unanswered yet? Faith cannot be unanswered. Her feet were firmly planted on the rock; Amid the wildest storms she stands un daunted. Nor quails before the loudest thun der shock She knows Omnipotence has heard her prayer. And cries, it shall be done, some time, somewhere. :...' m mm mmmm - I , f "'UD8l . ucaa uy rerun. When r i r - - j Peruna we had to tx 2: mm go up close to her and talk venr t j . . . - j vuu 10 make hpr hear. "After t a kino- one-half dozen bottles 6fPernn she can hear von om. she can versation." 'inda Thousands of . 7"'" Wn WOuld be suml some nho. wen csn I j mi MM SUNDAY SERVICES. Services at Seamen's Bathel thi afternoon commencing, at 3 o'clock, conducted by Rev,. Mr. Horsfield. The public invited. Christian 8cience service at the Masonic Temple, Room 10, this morn ing at 11:15 o'clock. Subject of Bible lesson : God the Preser of Man. Services in St John's church to day, 3rd Sunday in advent, by the rector, Rev. James Carmichael, D. D., at 7:45 and 11 A. M. Sunday school, 3:30 P. M Hon. talso Caesar Moreno, Ex-Prime Minister of Hawaii. The Hon. CeoCtesar Moreno, ex-Prime Minister bf Hawaii, and projector of the Trans-Paciflo cable, 1876, is a distinguished statesman, and the besi known Italian in the country. In a letter from Washington, D. c, to the Peruna Med icine Co., he says : can commend your great national catarrh cure, Peruna, to saved Sf much convenience Ti my menus tnrougnout the county as a safe, reliable medicine. I mow of no other tonic that will build a person up as well as Peruna. It is a positive cure for the universal disease, catarrh, and those who will try this remarkable medicine will find a sure cure. respectfully, . CelsoCas some wherever located: , fair h;;. ' is or eauair,, portance, that jw... rrh wherever locate Catarrh is Fny one.halfo7ZC' afflicted more nr . "e some form, '-k covery of Peruna, Cata considered wen . . " MIC if II tm I S'ce the introduction VIZI to the meflir! prwessinm sands of cases are cured Mr. W. M. Holland 4 tt. "Vo-! el1 Tin-: " v una as roiinvr . i "I am more than dUa benefits derived fro ?E? H winterofl899mvweigwPaes7,n I used several bottles duS" and now weigh 211. s wewjj j,, " I have recommended it I friends both as a tonic and itanf 4 If I had been luckv enni. it several years ae-o P"" "7.H never be too thankful to voti benefits received f ?ou remedy. My mother haalsob --j wurcu UV your remedy." Talma, COMMEKCIAL. is a waterhaul and settles nothing. But there is little prospect of eet- States than the illiterate immigrants I ting anything more satisfactory.' for are in Massachusetts, or Connecti and this in the face of so much posi- I invalided and nearly a thousand die. ..... I rivv 1 ... - tive testimony to the contrary, while one of the judges, the train of the trio, with the same testimony before him, came to an exactly op posite conclusion. The country will agree with Admiral Dewey, and that will leave the matter just where it was before the investigation began. Neither the friends of Schley, nor the friends of Sampson, nor the be lievers in fair play, who may not be long to either faction, will be satis fied with this divided verdict, which The laws of sanitation are included in the laws of war, and the com mander who ignores the least of these, except for good and sufficient reason, beoomes responsible for much. And the Government which does not insist on the penalty is un true to its higher interests. Jack sonvitte Times- Union, Dem. The proposition to incorpo rate in any tariff favors extended to Cuba a clause for the encourage ment of American ship-building is good sense. The idea is this: Al low tariff rebates on only such im ports from Cuba as arrive in Ameri can or Cuban ships. This would practically confine the carrying of some millions of tons to United oeedinriy prosperous year, notwith-1 Sunday in Advent. Holy Communion uuiaing ine snort crop and the scarci ty of money. Newborn Journal: H. A. Chad wick was arrested at Poilocksville Friday by Denntv IT. H uMh.i tk Thompson, his offence being that of passing counterfeit silver dollars on a colored man named Jonas Brown. Chadwick waived examination berore U. S. Commissioner C B. Hill Friday night and gave $1,000 bond for his ap pearance at the next term of the U. 8 District Court at Newbern. Statesville Landmark: Mr. -15. 8ane who hM not yet reached middle ae. has from his early boy hood until twelve months ago hunted and trapped minks, muskrats, otters, coons, 'possums and surh lib a ramo on Third and Fourth creeks for the sport that was in it, but he is now pur suing the business for the money that w D"ng last year he received over $40 for furs of animals he trapped. He has added 18 new traps to his pres ent number, making about 47 in all, and hopes to reap a bountiful return ur mm jaoor and expenditures durimr season. He disposes of hfa f BAWkt 1a?U Jaml'. d"1"50' Thi" I WILMINGTON MARKET. 7:45 A. M. Mornin? Braver and sermon 11 o'clock. Sunday School at 3:45 P. M. Evening prayer 5 o'clock. St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Sixth and Market streets. Rev. A. Q. Voigt pastor. English services to day at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Sundav sehr.nl at 3:30 P. M. A cordial invitation ex tended to all. T J?iri.t- PfhyterUn church. Rev. John M. Wells, Ph D , pastor. Divine service at 11 A. M. and 7:80 P. M , conducted by the pastor. Sunday school at 4 P. M. Prayer meeting oa Thursdays at 8 P. M. The public cor dially invited. Pews free. SL Matthew's English church, North Fourth street above Bladen, Rev. C. W, Keg ley pastor. Sunday school at 9:45 A. M. Preach In at 11 A. M. ; services at 7:30 P. M. AH seats free and every person wel come. SUNDAY SELECTIONS. this to markets in Indiana very fair price for it and receives a cut, or Pennsylvania. Without some such restrictions it would be, with the increase of the f oreign element, only a question of time, and no re mote time, either, when the native voters would by the minor factor in the government of several of these States. But the Crumpacker bill logically applied would cut off all if the case were taken into Congress I stafces vessels, since Cubans own no partisan influence would rnln tWa 1 8niP8 fhis wonld be an effective and the majority would feel it in cumbent to sustain the Navy De partment just as these two Admirals who rendered that unwarranted ver dict did. Unbiased people who have read, tne testimony feel that it vindicated wutojr, bu turn, as iar as tnev are and legitimate means of helping our merchant marine. Chattanooga Times, Ind, TWIiSKUNUS Hot Headed. . According to the London Vanity Fair, a celebrated surgeon met a young offi cer in Piccadilly one day and greeted him with surprise. "Well, I am pleased to see yon! I am surprised! Do you know I have a portion of your brain In a Jar at home?" "Ah, well," laughed the other, "I can easily spare that I have got a berth In the war office." restrictive suffrage legislation in any I concerned he doesn't need any more of these States, unless they accepted the alternative of reduced represent tation in Congress and in the electo ral college. Already how to protect themselves from the incoming masses of negroes has been a subject of animated and serious discussion in such cities as Philadelphia, Bos ton and Chicago, while negroes have been driven from a number of towns and counties in Mr. Crumpacker's State. Coming southward there are Re publicans who hoped to build up a white Republican party by eliminat ing the negro. They feel the agita tion of the negro question as a party measure would so inflame the feel ing of the white men of the South against the Republican party that they would loath anything bearing that name and the hope of building up a white Republican party would be dashed to the earth never to re vive There are others who have been scheming to form a combination witn what senator McLaurin calls "Commercial Democrats," , whose plan was 'to J use ' these , Commercial Democrats as decoys to draw votes from the Democratic party, to nom inate themfor office, and cast the Re publican voto; white jmd j black for them; thus ? defeat the: Democratic party and elect so-called Democrats with Republican principles. This is the programme of some of the Re publican schemers in this State. Making the negro an issue in Con gress, making war on the South on account of him, would destroy that scheme even before it bndded, and dnve ihed i Cppmercial Democrats bacJcintoapty. If Senator "Pritchard excels in any particular it is as a schemer, who never hesitates to "hold prin ciples in abeyance" to mcftonmli.i. any political scheme he may lave Tn nun success is the vindication. He can well afford to rest on that and on the unqualified verdict of the other hero of the Spanish war Admiral Dewey who An Objection "The worst fea tureof this submarine navy business," said the chronic objector, is that'it will be sure to lead to a revival of the tank drama after our next war." Baltimore American. - "Does Mr. Blimmins know much about horse races?" "No," an swered the man with a faded and ex perienced look. "How can you tell?" "psychologle- How do you spell I giye it up. besides Schley, is the only one of I "BK the ?act that be ta willing to bet tne navy who comes out of this thing with as much honor as he went in. He had tlie coarare of his convictions and the independence to put them in plain English over his, own signature. A TANGLED WEB. The Democratic minority of the House Committee on Ways and Means have taken an American and Democratic position in their report on the tariff bill for the Philippines. Uf course the bill recommended by I you think you could spare me a quar- tha moinnfn -.ill ..J L-t 1 ter?n PhOnAelnKin Au w i-wjvt.j niu iau . wxiu pernaps on them.' WashinftonStar. "When I came to this town eighteen years ago." said the leading citizen, "xhad only 18 pence in my pockets." "However," the cynlu kind ly added, "there were other Twlta Pearson's Weekly. A Delicate. Choice Of Terms: "I am told," said the friend, "that the manager you have lert was paying you a fabulous salary." No," answered Mr. Stormington Barnes; "not fabu lous; imaginary. " Washington Star. , "You know, dear," she said, when we were married, you said that my possession made you the richest man in the world?" "Yes, darling, and so it did." "Well a then, do some changes, for they must have money to run the machine over there, and they have not the cour age to put their hands; into J the treasury and take it out to swell the $350,000,000 .those . patches of ground have already cost us. But between the grabbing states men and the courts, which didn't have the nerve to sit down in the grabbing statesmen, what a mess they have made of ,jthis whole bus iness, and what a predicament thev have put this country in. Accord ing to the grabbing st&tBsjnen: these acquisitions are American -territory by virtue of purchase and conquest; according to the courts they are American territory, when it comes to . rulinir tham but foreign territory - whea-b comes to squeezing tariff duties out oijkbem. For some purposes the constitution stretches far enough to reach , and cover them, for other purposes, it does not. We are in the fix of the fellow who had the bear by the tail; he had to hold on because he didn't nnd it ter?" Philadelvhia Press. Stylish Ladv Visitor fto small bOT. While waiting for hnatnea tn onm. down) What is the matter with Pido, that you are watehinir him n .ioaoi. Small Boy Mamma said that your ub was onuuga 10 msKe a dog laugh, and I wanted to see him An u ty Bits. " Newton Entenorise: Ed. Smith colored waiter at the hotel, was found lying on the sidewalk in fmi n v , . " aawuw va J- ucr nam ware store Baturdav niirhtin an unconscious condition. Dr. David 5Pn woked idai about three hours and uuauy orougnt mm to life. No wbia- uy or poison was round in his stom ach, and the case was a puzzling one. Wfclt Mmn Tmrmed Yellow. Great constematirm fu u. mm- m " AVIS a J PiUQ friends of M. A. Hogarty, of Lexing ton, Ky., when they saw he was turn ing yellow. His skin slowly changed color, also his eyes, and he suffered wnuij. xus maiaov waa Yollow Jaundice. He was treated by the best doctors, but without benefit. Then 2 try Klectdc Bitters; the. womterful Stomach and Liver remedy; and he writes: "After tat- ? . . tile 1 was wholly cured." A trial proves its jnatchless merit for all Stomach,-Liver and Kidney trou bles. Only. 50 cents. Sold by R R. BKlJCliix;TdjjigeiHt. Stack. Penner Say, give me a synonym for "psychic," will you? Wright Well, there's aL- Penner AH right It? Wright Why er oh. Why not use "psychic?" Penner I would, but I don't know bow to spell that. Philadelphia Press. Wfcy Car If the Babr Ia Healthy? Muggins is not handsome, and he knows it When his first baby was born, he asked, "Does It look like me?" Of course they replied In the affirma tive. "Well," said he, with a sigh, "break it to my wife gently." London Tit-Bits. Presldlof Elder's Appointments, Wllmlug . toe District. Fifth Street, Dec. 15. Market Street. Dec 15. Scott's Hill, Prospect, Dec. 21, 22. Grace, Dec. 22. Burgaw, Wallace, Dec 28, 29. ouuuipgn, dan. o, e. Waccamaw, Old Dock. Jan. 11, 12. Whitevill, Whiteville, Jan. 12, 13. Town Creek, Zion, Jan. 18, 19. Bladen Street, Jan. 19. Shallotte Camp. Jan. 25, 26. SarTer'B Wayman, Feb. 12. umuen, cemienem, .Feb. 8, 9. Elizabeth, Elizabethtown, Feb. 10. Jacksonville and Bichlands, Rich lands, Feb. 15. 16. Magnolia, Centenary, Feb, 22, 23. Clinton, Clinton, Mirch 1, 2. Kenansyille, Kenansville, March 3. Unslow, Swansboro, March 8, 9. R- B. John. P. E. Opportunity with ability makes responsibility. Bishop Hurst. Habit is at first as a gossamer thread, but it soon grows into a cable. Uon t wait for eitraordlnarv opportunities; seize common occasions and make them great. j.uo iiioi. tmng io ao, II you have not already done so, is to fall in love with your work. Give a youth resolution and the alphabet, and who shall place mum mm career I Find your purpose and fling your lines out to it. Try to be some body with all your might. Life is too short to nurse one's misery. Hurry across the lowlands that yon may spend more time on the mountain tops. Phillips Brooks. Bead your Bibles; fill your Whole SOUlS With thft thnnoht f Christ; make of him not only a Re deemer, but a brother not only a Savior, but a friend. Canon Farrar. Spiritual serenity is spiritual strength. It comes in by no softness of sentiment, but by thorough work. xt comes by a faith that emboldens and energizes the whole soul. Bishop F. D, Huntington. Nothing but love will kindle love. Power will not doit Holiness will not do it Gifts will not do it men will take your gifts and then repay you with hatred. Bat love be gets love; heart responds to heart Jesus loved. Dolan. (Quoted officially at the closing by the Produce Exchange. J STAR OFFICE, December U SPIRITS TURPENTINE Nothing doing. ROSIN Market firm at 95c per bar rel fprstrained and $1.00 per barrel for good strained. relToVfeXketfirmattl-2Pei'bar-CRUDE TURPENTTNT?'. r quiet at $1.10 per barrel for hard, $2.00 for dip and for virgin. Quotations same Hay last year Spirits turpentine steady at 3736Wc rosin firm at $1.201.25; tar steady at 8 130 C turpentine I"6 at t1-30 . - RECEIPTS. spirits turpentine Rosin Tar V. Crude turpentine "."." receipts same day last casxs spirits turpentine, 220 barrels rosm, 211 barrels tar, 23 barrels crude turpentine. COTTON. Market firm on a basis of 7Hc per pound for middling. Quotations: O": 5 716 cts lplb Good ordinary 6 13-16 " " Low middling 7 7-16 44 44 Middling in. -1 j 1 ... ' a uuoa suaaung 8 62 226 379 68 year 42 ' Moreno. lQto adopting this course by a break of three to three and a half points in Liverpool to-day and by another bad turn of the stock market - But almost cuiuouiai.eiy ner tne call unbiased room operators recognized great inher- 1. Bbreugiu m tne market. Covering "-.-.uwiiyo progress ana new wriuK uK urea prominently. The an F-rucB or an intensely cold me aouthwest and forecast ior very low temperature . uo ucuirai ana eastern districts urrounay,T8Te nse to predictions ? movement of the crop next . . .j rcveipia were not up to expectatusns and estimates indicat- Cry moderate arrivals on Monday. a a8 et' the outh' the continent , 1Uilu spinners were buying on the first hours advance. Room bulls ntl yuunug m meir ettorts to sun- .1 , " me Dears were grcanjr UlSturDea OV 1 . . Address Columbus. The O., for 1 catarrh book worxea against the cold we 1 actor in mm tn-dav 0..1 . T 8B- "own; may cora It and May oats JfC lower, ft 10ns ciosea 57c to 12c. high o lru-y ; winter patent ts s 3 90: strahrhts S3 30(SiS to. -l-?. 3 40; spring specials $4 30; patents $3-603 80; straigbU 23iJ " u -iiuviHvio. 6 spring No. 2 red 8082c. Cora-& 73"-3 yellow -c. Oat-xJ no. z white No.. 3 white 4846c. Met barrel. $15 40ai5 an 100 tba.. f9 8214 Ch9 RS . " - ' - klUUl snouiaers. Doxed.X7 37iia7 R9i i clear sides, boxed, $8 8O890 ) key Basis of hih winp ti n The leading futures rsn?ui'.. C3 i1 M lows openine-. highest. ,1 ciosmg: Wheat No. 2 DecemMJ Urd,'; -r 1 .. . iui aviiiuii ui vhiiipb antxh rAHn with last ntoht' finoi hiA. J?" 7677. 75. 75c. Mat weakness abroad and 'tha -iSffiS: SSW?,.I ipry condition of the stock market. Trade was not especially active, but re flected a healthy speculative situation. 1 he market for spot cotton closed quiet with prices unchanged, on the basis of 8ic for middling uplands and 84c for middling gulf. - vim 01 YORK' Dec 1. Cotton quiet SIS?? ,net reiPts 1,17 bales: gross 3.609 bales; stock 104022 bale? opot conon closed quiet; middling S-1R Same dav lost voo mv-4. e i 9c for middlina;. ' VUon futures market closed steady Receipts 2.073 bales: samedavW P2e?lbe.8-1. January 8.12.Pebruarv year, 199. ' Jareh a.15. April 8.16, May 8.16. ? L ' 7 ' AuU8t 8 2, Sep 80,79,79c Cora-No. 2 osr 64 X. 65. 64. 64c: Mav tX. 67H. 675ia67c- Jnl , 00, oose7, 674c. Oats ber45W. 45U. 44. 44c- Mi 393, S9Mc. Messnork. ner bhl-i. arytno 40, 16 45, 16 45, 1645; no ao, 16 97. 16 85, 16 99. Un! iuu tts Januarr 9 K7U sail 9 87i:Mav t9 87U .9 an ' q i' i Short ribs, oer 100 fts Jfl 8 62X. FOREIGN BASKET r?. Snarly by wnmlnsrton Produce uuuiuuaaion JtercHantS. Drlcea nmnumtin. tember . Total to-day Net ur " ba7exprt,'to Great Br?S?n 39730 ooujttby produok. k . luo -onHnent 2,713 PEANUTS North Cajina. firm. Wime, 65c; extra prime, 70c: fancv k"0"1 .Pts 43.930 Bv Cabse to the Morniiw iut uvsRPOOt, Dec. 14, 4.-30 P. II otton: Spot, quiet; prieea id American middling 4 .m sales of the day were 6,000 bald 5mjrajV.TO9S balesTTxrto.1 11 wh ch 800 bales were for spec, L5Tt- Ui kwenvy-aignt pounds ba,ft9 - ;t" rr-'A "V.""" '' na export and included 4.7(H) eoo. 2 bales. ' ' v-eni 3713 American. Receipts 24,200 his. cfoRNLVs. S"Af"., Total since September 1t ASe"cn- t ' t ceiota 4 HSK kra hoU.. l . i upnea quiei ana ci wx niure. n T ."'-v;.-0t "ir w ureal I nntet- A jji.-.. . Prance M8M9 I December 4S2-64d seller: Decemi Continent 1.147 741 i- m in nd January 4 80-644 3l-64d lei December 14 fioi-T I January and February 4 29-644 e. net -ish ttsTraii" b5 February and March oa Duyer; March and April 4 N. C. BACON WW. i.. 1 kit IffiJKS shoulders, 1314c; On the rocks we find the im pressions lert ages since by leaves that fell on the soft clay and seemed to perish. So somewhere every word we speak for God, and every smallest aeea we ao ror the love of Christ. .vr uoir immortal recora. J. K. MiUer. Life is noble; if to any it is not so, it is because thev malm it nth. wise. It is an inestimable privilege to live; it Is greater still to live well. Each one can start a train of mni. quences for good that will be as the peooie cast into the water, which will start a ripple which will extend to "'o,""j ouuro io oiesa or to curse man, or sweeten or to embitter life. - at 2021c per dozen. CHICKENH Dull nSL 25cprings,10to20c. TUfeEYa-Dressed, firm at 10 12J4c: live. 8fa9v BEESWAX-Firm at 26c TALLOW Firm at 5X6c per pound. SWEET POTATOES Firm at 50 60c per bushel. FIMANCIAL MARKETS. By Telegrapb to the Mornuur star. Nw Yobk. Dec. 14. Money on call market was quoted steady at 4 per cent.. Prime mercantile paper 434(Sl 5 per cent Sterling exchange firnTe? With actual business in hnb-A. k:iV I ifilAiO. . 7 . UtllB ill ?S2 .:raSm4naDI at 482 i82H for sixty days. Posted rates mercW bills 482i482M. B?r silver l;f n d?lla 43- Govern !.bond .'ttriy: State bonds 'u"o- tMuroaa bands irvei.. 7 . 1 JreceiPls .996 bales; Nor f at 8c, net receipts 3,458 bales; Baltimore, nominal .ts receipts bales; Boston, quiet at 83i net receipts 414 bales ; WUmhS: fiii. 7fc n6t receipts To76 bales. Philadelphia, quiet at 8c, net receipts 42 bales: RUnn.k itY' -I 7 Tie. net receinta f ksk iwiJ . 8c, net receipts 2,167 bales; Au- ,833 bales; Charleston, steady at 7Uc net receipts 872 bales. 4 29-64d bnver: Anril andMaylJ 4 29-64d value; May and Junetf 644 29-64d seller: June and k 4 28-64d seller; July and Augusts 644 28-64d seller; August and lemoer 4 Z3-644 24-64d seller. MARINE. BY RIVER AND RAIL. Receipts' of What's Tour Fae Warth Sometimes a fortune, but never. Navsl Stores Yesterday. sad Cotton if vmi n a M ..ii. i f umuuw complexion, a jaundiced look, moth natchea nH blotches on the skin all signs of Liver trouble. But Dr. King's New L"Jfill give clear skin, ros? cheeks and rich complexion. Only25eents. at B. R. Bmxajcy'8 drug store. " HATCmtCBTBBSK, AXA June 80, 1875. ' j. mvrrKTTUQml . BIT: I can uanra VOn tht nvn, wvmicirST Atf n Stire as and wom. lSdryoVr tqSXZT&2 " are pre-eminently a success ulUMdn. to mothers and children -i'!88m . Ml. USL.ATTT. W.& W. Railroad 779 bales cotton, 6 casks spirits turpentine. 32 ha mi. tar, 10 barrels crude turnentina. W. O. & A. Railroad-1.023 hai I ern Union 91U: U. a rUiIA,!:? 1t-o mnt-St- ... : iS. .rinMhnullMi. ir - U. 8. refunding 2's, registered, 108; U. a refunding 2's. coupon, 109 iX;o e" WW ;do. cou pon 139K; U. a 4's, old reg'd, 111 H : do. coupon, liasz. rr a ip. j lw.l;1T,Upori' l0J Southern Sm7 i , ,131- Stocks : Baltimore &OUol01; Chesapeake & Ohio ioZi: Manhattan T. . w Central 162; Reading 47; do. 1st Krd 79; da 2nd prSf'd 67 2? St! R'wav6M;d2 Pi8; Bouthe a T72 ; Mo- Prerd ; Amalga mated Copper 65 Hi Am'n Tobacco People's Qas 98 jSWOxTt: jessee Coal and Iron 61: U S. Leather UK: do. Drefd. Ria. wJt enttan IO no r " r " -'"'" turpentine, i i r-"!, -ui.cj.ican national 13 14 "'Penti-e- I !""Loom?e 80; do. we! V UCaxtlTUMU-- 'Oft IHIM Mtfnn IK lOrriSU O 44 MTflnrlflMfl ri:i VHaWw waiwvu. j,u - - - 'uuaiu Wll Virginia-Oaroli na do. preferred. 122. BRKffhKQn. Chemical Co., 61; barrels tar. n-A. & Y. Railroad 144 bales cotton, 3 casks spirits turpentine, 100 barrels rosin. 64 hanwla t Steamer A. P.'Hurt lSeaakaaniPtt. I NAM At cTnnro I.lca 6c; mild steady: Cordova ttJ turpentine. 18 barrel. rosinT 69bs5rehT ' a,unw raMttRtTb . BarRaw4Ueady; fair refin- PRODUCE MARKETS. By Telegraph to the M omloc star. Nkw York, Dec 14. -Flour market quiet all day but steady wShreS QuotaUons: winter patents $4 75 4 80; Minnesota patents a rra in Wheat-spot steady; No.. 2 red 86Ke Options displayed activit and furthS stoength this mornmg al a mSlt of higher cables bad weather in the Southwest small spring wheat receipts and activity among shorts. Laterthe market sold. off under ein? and closed steady at Hc net advlJcT 86Jc: Mav c!oaulfiKSZn. t.i ilTi 85?notDrm S SSrn r.Stl-.82 iOptions a .7 -"""s vigorous trade in tha first hour on talk of lighter receinJf "PPprt by Chicago bulls fnd higher cables and scant local offerings Closed firm at ic uet advaSS May closed 71 ; December closed 71X pats-spot firm; Na 2, SlXcToptioS Jffit d 8lrone'-. with corn. La" 5?iSTeSiepn steamed 1510 20 refined steady; continent $10 25 rSoutb! American 21 1 on. J Tallow was firm; 'ciclSge) BJL Jl Na 7 in- ARRIVED. Steamer Driver, Bradshaw, Fu ille. T D Love. I Stmr Compton, Sanders, CslW ana Lame Kiver, H U, atone, Co. Schr M C Haskell, 299 torn, M field, St Thomas, George Harris, OE UO. CLEARED. Stmr A .T.Tnfinenn PnliinfiOD. RttD. W J M onwlith ' Stmr A P Hurt, Robeson, Fay! ville, James Madden. .. J Clyde steamship Oneida, Hale, '"I xotk, a Bmallbones. MARINE DIRECfORV convenient to let co. an suppose we will have to hold on to Via o?l orA - 1 nil ' . goal of &mWt;m , " j w uia&.o xne ceaz be- apsakSg, hebs i7 U jf Ooe. pulous as to the mSK.1 Borne gro and snarling. noda y ch Aside from the embarrassment in view. goal of FAVCniTE kScniFiicri For over Fifty Tears Mrs. Wihslow's Soothing Sykxjp has been used for over fifty years by mil lions of mothers for thai Mia 7 rooceS. ' j " ,? cnuu, soiten the gums, and allays all pain ; cures wind coS and is the best remedy for diarrhoea It will relieve the poor little sufferer Immediately. Sold bv druggists in every part of the world. Twenty five t4Mrs. Winslow's SoothlnV fl.!0' and take no other kind. Kind Yob Haw Alwayt BongM ; tar, 3 barrels crude turpentine. Steamer O. M. Whltlock 1 bale cotton, 78 barrels tar, 38 barrels crude turpentine. Steamer Common sa halM 2 casks spirits turpentine, 4 barrels rosin, 19 barrels tar. Schooner Glyde 7 bales cotton, 2 casks spirits turpentine, 44 barrels rosin. Schooner Minnie Ward 14 casks spirits turpentine, 60 barrels rosin. 23 barrels tar. Total 2.073 bales cotton. K9 spirits turpentine, 226 barrels rosin, 879 barrels tar, 68 barrels crude turpen tine.' a in 3 8-S9v."-if ' i FK1 Bv.Telegrapn to the Morning Star. &tu steady, with quotations cioW Spirit, turp.ntln?di?I.fS?L,l..5!- JPS!" L!5.4?LP?? A W SS: cut-lSf . . '. I v w. UUUCS 19 ID. 1CA BfaQ. w Wee. 14. Snirita tnr. mestic.fair to extra 4.(7Lz n-To' I a . . - M. a Mr IK n PHW B "S?1 Pi ahbrtiaea7.T8B0 Charleston. RndTV oJc; sales casks. Kosln firm and nnchu.. Llat f Tasla in tk Port of anna-ton, n. o., December 15, I01 STEAMSHIrc Jessmore, (Br) 1,548 tons, Alexander Sprunt & Son. . Spennymore, (Br) 1,749 tons, Heide&Co. 8CHOONERS. M C Haskell, 299 tons, WiW m George Harriss, Son & Co. , Addie P McFadden, 199 tons, Ste George Harriss, Son & Co. Mabel Darling, (Br) 112 tons, Bo" J A Springer & Co. , Abbie GfCole, 232 tons, Cole, G' Harriss. Ran fr. On. . ChasC Lister, 267 tons, Moore, DJSawy'er267 tons, Kelly, uarrlss, Son & Co. TWk ROTTER Hutiln rtoni fiSS fnns. WW ueide & Co. Albatross, (Nor) 491 tons, Heide & Co. barrels. SaYAJTHAR TW ia a:-i . "loa ox casks: exnorts aoa steadier; creamery 1624e 8utrf-Vf-15A22o nh, .ft-TZ , Bt"Jaairy C3 A. 3S bti Beargtl Signatnre of The Kind You Havew s- wm " Fop Whoopinrr Ooufrh use aHELIBys EX PEOTOBAIJT. For sale by Hardin's Palace Pharmacy. .Bod.,to,7nrrK5 and Pennlylvanira"" reis: aalfiKX8h..i. : I at mt wiaor. iy'"" whiuwq . . r.i. .' rel.- .uura.uoar. je -.rnXi X?) "?ady; iSXeCUtHX ROvl xorlc 0275; fwi 003 00. Tt,- JZ COTTON CIARKETS. By ISlesraDb to tba Mnmtnr KtjLr . New Yoek. Dec. 14.-The cotton garket opened easy, with prices three to six ppinta lower under unloading by small holders who were frightened ersons mdebtsd w New Yoii ; ijoncr island ta nntK . I weney sweets t8-e0ft3 oo n-TTiJ Zl ! I nn. . vrntnz of lO.h TM I rj" 'VWS4MU, YYaUJ his sr- Kivtsn eo m fancy iH' m Ratio 9iSm.h.,I T,a'. uw T- Teignts to Liver pool Ootton by steam 18. . Chicago, Dec 14.-An .inclination to take profits and Saturdiy illness matetoinediiata payment; aJirU ins Claims against saia eersw them tor n&vm ant on nr before tne Kavember, iwn, or thla notice win w oar of tbelr recovery. Thls28rd day of Bo Nov. S4, 19W. .Mmhw. 1901. .na eis c r- sa

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