- V. Rons-Fide, Every-us? , : U Any Oth Daily New- piper Pabllshed I. Wilmington. j TUS STATE. - . BlomiuB 55 tar. OUTLINES. fiitio a lawyer, while men: I Tnred. shot and seriously Birming- $ . i Tm. L. Dodd, at J A1 II Former President ill. 3i. t far from well. - Commission de- .:-.tthe railways in the case rf Wholesale Lumber Dealers' As- F. . Encouraging news f jihers. a r.j .ha State Department at KrinttM from Buenos Ayres; it is PL there will be a peaceful settle rs .u. chili-Argentine disnuta. tine dispute. L-tot w v , " exhibit at the fos Thl I H U " exposition will open early T..rv- it will be the largest ever PJW ., otri Almost the i j ; tne ou J A.r.'nn rtf th tftwn ftf 1 business portion Wow, n w va., destroyea oy nre; Secretary Long has forged Edgar Stanton Maclay from n in me oruuaiju uavjr tji-The Filipino General Sam I Mhor insurgent chiefs, sur- CJd - tiermany nas not yet r .. . i. it i- is Jib ulumaium w onnw. tat'" . .. t-r l- i n.. worn ution in Venezuela is 11 0 v ' ii . 1WU mi u iiicu auu Lbm wounded in a street duel at hjyrtSS, Wesi vuKm. v.-. declines to discuss the reprimand M him by the secretary cu vy r. IvY. markets: Money on can r -- . . i Ait 2i8 per cent; cotton quiet I mk: rosin steady ; spirits turpen- i WEATHER REPORT. 0. s. dkp't of aqkioult0bs. Wkathkr Bukead, Wilmington, N. C, Dec. 21 emperature: 8 A. M., 33 degrees; liott. k, 45 degrees; maximum, 59 de- Lat; minimum, 38 degrees; mean, 48 i 3infaU for the day, 01; rainlall 1st of the month to date, 3.23 Lies. FORECAST FOB TO-DAY. Washington. Dec. 2i. For North t-olina fair and warmer Wednesday; inday increasing: cloudiness, prob- m run ana eoiaer in wesiern por bi;fresb south winds. ?rt AImnc December 25. ki Rises 7. 09 A. 11. 4.51 P. M. fciSels krj Length 9H.42 M. awtef at South port. 6.59 A. M. 9 24 A.M. ii Water Wilmisgion i merry Christmas, but don't be No aerry that you will be sorry for D. a-iorrow. the It ii said that Germany is sroinsr take a hand in the Nicaragua pi question, and if Germany does JtrasDy might put her foot in it. he If Admiral Schley appeals to the one psdent, as it is intimated he will Bnt kit may pat Mr. Roosevelt on the feed edge, where Long was, and W to crawl out by quashing further There ig a Kansas man who labors that iderthe hallucination that he is pfoabaadof Jfi33 Helen Gould. ! u Helen doesn't share in that fltcination it doesn't help the 'van Dian a hanlr flp.nnnnfc -mTifVi A Chattanooga man claims, after sixteen years on it, to have POted an aDDaratna wWi will N. esiiipaat sea, at a distance of miles apart, and by which was flcaa speak with each other as ple on land speak oyer a tele tone. Not lice rie English (J; in South Africa who were f Jl the arm arP irtnri; u n. the Psed to ihya tham o well. P medals as those JtoTen. They are kicking at ii "i ""u. nc uuu b oiame this satisfied with the srriD thev CJ a fflPafr innnl!.. i.1 A the - - cgg8 m aignt xntne Tbe Puwupm their cold storage cjoftk C0urae PeoPle who get sion. PBmi.; are beiQS established the thousands of Ployed Nt T "orKmen in that city. hihl? get08ay the states ide LZ promote fche interests rfcte 7, 1 immensely loodstuffs. f heat crP of Manitoba "uloun" to 50,502,000 averase yield f 25.1 V tiie avB, . 18 nearlv fs' T acre - r yieia ror the PUtrv, f8' catthati8 a new for in t. 7 Vear8Iromnw, un- tity but r451 farmers Fill 41 have done, tbft not be more than it w " VOL. LXIX.-NO. personal paragraphs. ar. j. $. Farrar is here to spend the holidays. Miss Lilly Eyerett has come ' 1 m nome irom Portsmouth. Vn Jar. w. A. Dunn is at hnmn irom tne V. P. L. at Blaekahn,r v u. yj. tarr, H.8Q.. ig arjendinir nui ... a vuruunai at His borne in Dunlin county. Misa Ruth Fearer left Tester day for Hartsville, a O.. to spend the noiiuays. Mrs. A. S. Holden" haa return ed from Florence. Her niece is im proving. Jar. and Mrs. D. V. Richard oi w nueviiie, were in the city yesterday, Miss Jennie Jackson, of Flor ence, 8. a, is the guest of Mrs. Laura van Patten. Misa Minnie Boone, of Hanflet. N. is the- guest of Capt. and Mrs. Nathan Williams. Mr. T. Alex. Baxter, chief clerk atTheOrton, is spending Christmas at home at Bidgeway. Juessrs. William M. Peck and ar m - A. M. Hart have gone to Charleston to spend Christmas. Miss Nellie Faison returned to her home at Faison yesterday after a visu to Mrs. T. F. Simmons. rnr. uawson .Latham went to Clinton yesterday to spend Christmas i . . . wnn nis mother, Mrs. W. N. Cronly. Mr. Ualvin S. Blackwell, Jr., son of Dr. C. 8. Blackwell, is at home from the University to spend the holi days. Mr. Charles Elliott, of Wash ington, is here on a visit to his pa rents, uoi. and Mrs. Warren G. El Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Farrior, or unarlotte, are visiting Mrs. Far- nor's parents, Maj. and Mrs. T. H. McKoy. Kinston Free Press, 23rd: Mrs. J. C Wagner and children. Masters Johnnie, Charles and baby. ana miss Blanche Cordes left this morning for Wilmington to spfend the Holidays. i VERY SMALL BLAZE, ' Lamp Upset la Residence Oa Grace Street A Good Joke Oa the Chief. The fire department was called out at 8 o'clock last night by an alarm from box 25. The cause wm the up setting of a lamp in the residence at 213 Grace street, occupied by W. Hall and owned by Mrs. H. L. Sloan. Damage to furniture, $15; to building, $10. Chief Schnibben comes in as the subject of a rood joke. Yesterday afternoon, between 4 and 5 o'clock. turned in an .alarm from box 1:24, at the Cape .Fear Lumber Com pany, it being the custom to turn in round each afternoon as a test. on this particular occasion the Chief did not succeed in eettinr the "shut pff" plug in and a regular alarm 'was sounded. After a long run to the box the several companies were informed by Chief Schnibben it was ah accident and they could return. Stevedorisc Without Ucease. Capt EL L. Phil pot, of the schooner W. P. Hood, and John Hurst, color ed, were bonnd over to court by Jus tice Fowler yesterday' on the charge of stevedoring without license.' The former gave a $50 bond, with Mr. W. Harrisa as security, and the latter recognized. The warrant was sworn out by Mr. Hans A. Kure. Mbcb Disorder. A few arrests were made by the po last night for plain drunks, but Chief Furlong says this Christmas haa been free from very great disorder, and people are behaving remarkably Armerla in Port. The lighthouse tender Armaria, of lighthouse district, was in port yesterday. The Armaria is here on her quarterly visit. She takes supplies to lighthouses, lightships, etc., all along coast First Assembly. - The date of the first ."Assembly" has been set for January 10th. The affair will doubtless be the social event of the season. Keasnich's Band of Rich mond has been engaged for the occa Remember tbe Carriers. Headers of the Stab are asked not to forget the earner boys with their Christmas carols this morning. They present them only once a year. During the week ending yes terday, the Register of Deeds issued 21 licenses. 18 to white couple and 8 to colored. Yesterday three were granted to white couples and the same number to colored. Wm nt Too Ii to you to get a nice present to give return. I have sold a large quan of novelties and other nice Roods, still I have a nice line to select your New Tear's gifts from. They are too numerous to mention. J. T. Burke, the jeweller. 27 South Front street, t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J. A. Springer & Co. A card. J. W. Plummer, Jr. Fireworks. Mercer & Evans Co. Merry Xmtsy r l : ' THE MERRY YULE-TIDE Thef First Christmas of the New Century Was Ushered In Most Auspiciously. A DAY OF FEASTINQ AND FUN. Everytbiof Propitious for the Celebra- tloaof the Grandest Holiday la tbe Calendar Services at tbe Cbarcbes. a over tbe Christian world the birth of the Prince of Peace was re proclaimed to-day, and happy Christ mas carols ring out and mingle with the sweet chimes of the Yule-tide in introducing the first Christmas of the Twentieth Century. The Wholly, the mistletoe, the bright : happy fires, the splendid feasts and all those accompa niments will, of course, be in evidence on every hand. In Wilmington evert thing points to a delightful observance of this, the greatest of all holidays in tbe calendar. The Oh was more manifest in Wilmington yesterday and last night than in several seasons. Christmas eve was joyfully celebrated and the cares of the world seemed to be cast aside in or der to join in the great merrymaking. Tbe principal streets and thorough fares were crowded all day with holi day shoppers as they passed to and fro maaing tneir purchases, and it was late last night when the streets as sumed their usual quiet. The small boy, and Jarger ones too for that matter, gave themselves over to cannon crackers and everything else that was noisy, and thus with a din and rush was ushered in the Ubrotmas of 1901, hallowed by so many sweet memories. The display by the merchants was much more elaborate this year, and judging from all indications the sea son has been a success with them. The sun came out and took up a more permanent position, and the weather was simply ideal after the severe spell which has just been experienced Every year brings new and attractive novelties, and this season was no ex ception. The retail stores have had their inning for the past few days. The wholesale dealers came in for their share of the big business just prior to that time. Now that the greater portion of the business is over the season of lasting and fun has set in. The Yule-tide is the merriest of the merry, and everybody, old and youog. great and small, is joining in the gen eral throng in contributing to make Christmas the pleasantest and greatest of holidays. Saspessloa of Baslaess. There will be a general suspension of business in the city to day and only a few places will be kept open. Tbe Postoffice will observe Sunday hours. The carriers will make an early morn ing collection and delivery. The gen eral delivery and registering depart ments will be open from 9 to 10 o'clock. The Custom House, exchang es, offices in the City Hall and Court House, banks and all wholesale houses on the wharf will be closed for the Church Services To-day. At St. James' Episcopal the holy communion will be celebrated at 7:45 o'clock. Morning services and ser mon at 11 o'clock. Rev. F. H. T. HorsSeld officiating. At 8t John's Episcopal, holy com munion at 8 A. M. , Morning services and exercises at 11 o'clock. Rev. James Carmichael, D D , officiating. At St. Paul's Episcopal, morning services and sermon at 11 ociocs. Rev. Dr. Diekenson officiating. There will be Christmas services with special music at St. Paul's Lutheran, Sixth and Market streets, at 11 o'clock A. M., Rev. Dr. A. G. Voigt officiat ing. At St. Thomas' Pro-Cathedral, Father Dennen officiating, the first mass will take place at 6 A. M. and at 10:30 A. M. high mass will be cele brated. Services will be held at the Chapel of the Good Shepherd, corner of Sixth and' Q seen : streets, at 11 o'clock A. M. POPULAR Y0U1NQ ORQANIST. Miss Ola Mitchell to be Presented With a Handsome Oold Watch To-dsy. Miss Ola Mitchell, the popular and highly esteemed young organist of the Brooklyn Baptist Church, has a most pleasant surprise in store. Early this morning at the residence or K9V. J.J. Payseur, her brother-in-law, she will be presented with a gift from the mem bers of the church, a handsomely en graved gold Elgin watch and brooch to miteh. in token of their love and fond appreciation of her faithful ser vices as organist. Mrs. W. B. Duke conceived the idea and it was through her efforts that the money for the gift was collected. Mrs. Duke will make the presentation this morning on behalf of the congrega tion. : Miss Mitchell is a music pupil or Miss Cannie Chasten, and graduated from tbe Tileston High School in the class of 1901. The gift is a merited recognition of her faithful services to the church. Breexy Times Coming. Mr. Harry Heller, advance agent ror the "Breexy Times" uompany, w u the city. - His show will be bere on Wednesday night, January isi mr. Heller says we company h.u. urm.,t Times" is strictly first-class and carries sixteen people. They have an orohestra. Mo WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER CHRISTMAS WEDDINGS Two Popnlar Young Conples Plighted Their Troths at the Hymeneal Altar. ,. A pretty home wedding was cele brated at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. Ida Ward. The contracting parties were Miss Lillie Ward and Mr. William Pleasant McGlaughon, two popular young people of this city. The bride was becomingly attired in white organdie, daintily trimmed with ribbon and chiffon. Miss Daisy King and Mr. Hersey McGlaughon, brother of the groom, were attendants. The house, which was elaborately decorated for the occasion, presented an unusually .festive appearance. Rev. J. N. Cole, pastor of Grace M. E. Church, performed the ceremony in the presence of a large company of warm friends, after which a very de lightful repast, was served. Many beautiful and useful presents attested the popularity of the happy young couple. They left on the seven o'clock train for Norfolk to spend their honeymoon. They will be at home after January 1st at 813 North Fourth street At one o'clock at the same home. Mr. Ed. Franck. of Richlands. u married to Miss Hattie Wllkins, who has been boarding with Mrs. Ward for a long time. They were served with a sumptuous dinner, and left on the 2:25 train for the groom's home in Onslow county. MclatyreLoftln. At 8 o'clock to-morrow morning Miss Daisy Mclntyre and Mr. Joseph Loftin will be united in marriage by Rev. Calvin 8. Blackwell. D. D. Thev will leave at 9:30 on the W. & W. train on a bridal tour. THE FANTASTIC PARADE. Will be One of the Features of To'dsy. . Maoy RldicalooB Characters. One of the most interesting celebra tions of Christmas day will be the fantastic parade this morning and to night by the members of the Carolina Athletic Club. The parade will leave the hall at Front and Princess streets at 10:80 A. M. and 8:80 P. M., and will pass through the principal streets. ' The following is a list of those who will, be in the parade and the char acters they will represent: C. F. Duf fy, leader; George Parsley, "Farmer John;" James Gause, "Farmer John's wife;" Walter Melatire, "Captain of ragtime football team;" Paul Cant- well, " African cowboy Sam Lodor, "Have you seen George;" Willie Peschau, "Chief of fire depart ment;" Earnest Peschau, "Young America;" Clarence Mills and Em mett Crow, "drummer boys;" Chauncey Soiitberland, "belle; of darktown;" Clarence Myers, "8ally from Wrights boro;" James Duffy, "Farmer John's Son;" Norwood Orrell, "rough rider.;" Cleveland Galloway, "Bowery touch;" Zek Bell, "Hary had a iittle lamb;" Norwood Huske, "Pat from Old Ire land;" Willie Smith, "bugler boy;" Q. B. Satchwell, "sporting lady;" Haywood Faison, "Wearey Willie;" Louis Moore, "Santa Olaus," and many other funny characters. The parade will be given under the direction of Chas. F. Duffy, president of the club, and Paul Cantwell. vice president. It will doubtless furnish much amusement. FARMERS STILL IN HOPE. Recent Cold Snsp May Not Have Done So Much Damsfe In Georgia and Florida. Satxinnah Morning News. Farmers about the city have not yet been able to determine definitely tbe extent of the damage done their crops by tbe cold snap. Some damage of course has been done, but the growers still hope it will be comparatively smalL A day or two of warmer weather will be needed to reveal the extent of the loss. Cabbage is tbe principal crop now in the fields, though there are small crops also of beets, carrots, turnips and the like, intended for sale in the local market. The crops for the most part are hardy ones, and there is some hope that the loss to the growers will not be large. It is feared, however, that they will snffer heavily. Ttie reports received by the South ern Express Company and the rail roads from Georgiasand Florida indi cate that tbe vegetables were frozen and that tbey will not recover from tbe cold. The spell of low tempera ture continued too long to admit of tbe vegetation recovering. At Tampa tbe temperature reu as low as 24 degrees. Such cold as that, if it lasts long, is too much for vege tables. Oranges, too, could not with stand it, and tbe fruit was froxen on the trees. The trees themselves, offi cials said, were not killed. Mr. Sam J. Springer. Mr. Samuel J. Springer, son of Mr. J. A. Springer, has been admitted to membership in the firm of 'Messrs. J. A, Springer & Co., wholesale and re tail coal dealers,on North Water street. For some time past Mr. Springer has been bookkeeper for the firm and the announcement that he has been admit ted into the firm is an acknowledge ment of his business ability and it will be gratifying news to his many friends. A Monster Tramp. The British steamship Gymerie 2,698 tons, Captain Thomson, arrived yesterday from Baltimore and was docked at the Champion Compress. She is a monster tramp steamer and is the largest vessel that has visited this port this season. She came light from Baltimore.' " " . ' - RNINO SDOT IN SELF DEFENCE I Walter Silva and Bud Green Were Severely Wounded Last INight. BROKE INTO CHAPMAN'S STORE The Two Mes, Crazed With Drink, Tried to Pot the Place On the Rum " ad the Proprietor Fired loto Them. Walter Silva, a young white man who has appeared so conspicuously in the City and Criminal' Courts for the past year or two, was shot about 6:80 o'clock yesterday evening by James' Chapman at the latter's store at Second and Brunswick streets, and he is now at the City Hospital in a serious con dition. Silva and an infamous negro named "Bud" Green went to Chapman's grocery and saloon and began raising a disturbance. Botb were uoder the influence of whiskey. Chapman found it necessary to put them out of the store twice on account of their dis order, and the third time he put them out he locked the door. The men be came desperate at this juncture and attempted to break in at the door and window. Chapman warned them and told them if they broke in and attempt ed to do him any harm he would resort to his pistol. The door was then smashed in and as the two men made for him, Chapman fired at them. Silva fell with a S8-calibre bullet in his head, and the negro, after giving a yell which signified that he was shot, jumped out of the store. The police were notified immediately and Chapman was taken to the City Hall and Silva, who was unconscious, was carried to the hospital. Chapman was recognized for his appearance, as he acted wholly in self-defence. A telephone message from the hos pital at midnight informed us that Silva was resting more easily, the bul let did not break the skull, and unless there was a concussion, he would probably recover. However, his true condition cannot be ascertaind before to-day. Silva was sent to the county roads ai the last term of the Suprior Court for thirty days, he having been found guilty of assault with a deadly weapon. His time expired to-day and he came to the city from Castle Haynes and be gan drinking with the negro "Bud' Green, who is serving out a sentence on the roads. The negro came in a cart and had a box of Christmas goods for Mr. Shear in, who ia in charge of the stockade. He has disappeared, but the mule and cart were found at Eleventh and Cas tle streets. On the bundles was found a few traces of blood, which would in dicate that the negro were wounded and probably fell from the cart Chief Furlong had his men on a close lookout for the desperado last night. but up to an early-hour this morning he had not been found. Both Bilva and Green are men of very bad reputations and Chapman is not blamed for using the defense whicb he did. LOCAL DOTS. Christmas tree exercises will be held at Black well's Chapel to-night. The Clyde steamship Navahoe arrivcu yesieruay irom new xora. British steamer Wandby, hence for Liverpool, arrived out yesterday. Handsome patent gold gas fix tures have been installed in the Clerk's office at the City Hall. The Commercial Cable Compa ny is distributing among its patrons a very attractive calendar. The calendar issued by M. W. Divine & Co. for 1902, is one of the handsomest received at the Stab office. Christmas being a general hol iday, no work will be done in the 8tab office to-day, and there will be no issue of the paper to-morrow. The funeral services over the remains of Emile John, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Schnibben, were conducted at 8 o'clock this after noon, with interment at Oakdale. Sipio Mack, colored, employed by the Wilmington Gas Company, was arrested yesterday for digging on both sides of Front street, between Ann and Nun, at the same time. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A CARD. v. Notice is hereby given that Sam'l J. Springer has been admitted to membership in our firm. J. A. 8PRINGEB & CO. dee 86 lw Tbe Unlucky Corner. New Goods. BEalaga drapes, CoMsaiti, Graaaa of . Wftieat, Orange. Great Big Fish Roe Cheap. Preserve Singer, Loose BuckwhatPre pared Bickwheat. fresh Saratoga Chips, Fancy Bed Cranberries, cleaned Cur rents ana Raisins. Fine Qlace Citron. S. W. SANDERS, Both Phones 109. sottstt StARo 25, 1901. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. "A MERRY XMAS AND HAPPY NEW - YEAR TO YOD ALL." Thanking you for past favors we ask a continuance of the same. dec 28 tf Fireworks to Burn. You Pay the money, we furnish the blaze. t The third and last call. . Pay me a visit to-day. As the people are becoming wise and know who to patronize so you can readily understand without asking the question why our stock is fast decreasing. Don't play the part of a snail. I Confectioneries, Emits and Pire- I works of all description. J. W. PLUMMER, Jr., , . am Princess Street. Bell 'Phone 680. dec 25 U Inter-State 132. Xmas Goods ! Xmas Goods! My Line is now all out. Call and see it before buying. dec 15 tf 107 Market St. Bagging and Ties. 0 Salt on hand and cargo to arrive. Molasses, Imported and Domestic. Cheese, Full Cream. Sardines, Salmon Calces. Ounlap Meal. Com, OatS, Hay. Lime, Cement. The Worth Co. sen is tf . Execution Sale. By virtue of an execution directed to tbe un derstated from the -nperior Court of New Han over oounij In an actjoa wceretn the Chicago Organ ompany is plaintiff and Kobert Bronso n defendant I will on Monday, the 6 h day of January 1902, at 18 o'c'ock M. at the court House door of said con tit v.' sell to the h'flrhest bidder for cash, to satisfy y said execution, all un meat, uu9 tui i interest waicn tnt toe saia Kobert Bronson, defendant, has In the f ollowing aeecrioea real estate, to-wit: Beginning in tne wr stern Une of Twelfth street SO rfeet from the northwestern int rsection of Dock and Twelrth streets, and running thence northwardly with sld western line of Twelfth street 40 feet; thence wettvardly and parallel wltn Dock street 60 tf et; then -e southwardly and para' lei wltn Twe'fth street 40 feet; thence eastwardly and parallel with Dock street 60-feet to the western line of Twelfth street, toe beginning, the same belnar parts of lot s 4 and 5 In Block No. 160, In the city of Wilmington, M. O. FRANK H STKDMAN. dec"4 4t we Sheriff. Rust Proof Seed Oats. 400 fcnafeelsR P- Steed Oats. 3,SoO boabels Mixed Oat. 4,000 a.h. .ix4 and. White Corn. lOO.OO-i Lbs. No. I Tim. Hay. 158.000 pounds Hoop Iron. 1.80O &ood 2nd hand Machine Bis. SOO bbls Molasses (.11 grades). 1 50 keg Wire Nails. 1800 kegs Cut a all. We have also en route genuine Arts took County, Maine. Seed Potatoes. We are headquarters In our line. Get our prices. D. L. GORE CO., Wholesale Groceries and Drugs. 120, 123 and 124 North Water Street, dee 17 tf Wilmington. N. C, Christmas Help. Did you ever go shopping and have only a vague notion of what you wanted? 8uppose you think a little of the Goods we mention. Perfume and Toilet Soap, a very large assortment; Hair Brushes, Combs and Mirrors in great va riety ; Puff and Soap Boxes, some ' beauties. Toilet Cases from 25c to $5.00 each. We . have scores of other articles appropriate for gifts, . , and we're anxious to have you ex amine our line. - HARDIN'S PALACE PHARUACf decistf 126 South Front street. FOR RENT, : Dwellings Stores,' Offices, &c. :r an 22 tf D. O'CONNOB, Mercer $ Evans Co. ROBERT C. DeBET. WHOLE NO. 10,715 i s . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Esquimaux Don't have much use for stoves. a. nre in ine miaaie oi a snow hut, with an infinitesimal hole for a chimney, is good enough for them. But such an ar- mugeuieiit woman c oe con sidered ''just the thing" in this latitude. Here people need stoves and we keep them for sale Parlor Stoves, Kitchen Stoves, Small Bedroom Stoves, and many odd sorts. The prices are adapted to persons with non-millionairi8h purses, too. We have, too, a complete stock of - Hardware, Agricultural Imple ments, Ammunition, &c. ORTON BUILDING. dec 5tr SEASONABLE GOODS. MULLETS, new catch. Best Cream Cheese. Martin's Gilt Edge Butter, Bagging and Ties. SALT. i. GBM KBAL LUTZ OS OASB SOOD8 D11UHD AX THIS 8XASOH. Sole agents lor ROB BOY FLOUR. HCHAIR & PEARSALL. F0R christhas i WE HAVE Raisins, Apples, Oranges, Cocoanuts. Also a full line of Canned Goods in connection with our regular 8tocic ot heavy groceries. Write to us for prices. Williams Bros. deostr Cocoanuts! Cocoanuts! Mixed Nuts, Raisins, Apples, Sugar, Coffee. Flour, Meal and Molasses. Also a full line of case goods. Prices right Treatment fair. PETER McQUEEN, Jr., dec 3 tr no. 108 North Water 8t SIXTEENTH SERIES NORTH CAROLINA HOME , BUILDING ASSOCIATION. The first instalment of the sixteenth series of tbe North Carolina Home Building Association is navable on Saturday, January 4th, 1902. All desiring stock should subscribe at once as only a limited number of shares will be issued. , FRANK H. STEDMAN, Secretary, and Treasurer. dec 18 3t we Just Arrived A CARLOAD OF HOBSES AND MULES, the good kind, at the old price, still Belling lam Buggies and Harness at Cost. If yon want any of them in this line come and see me. F. T. MILLS. decsitf Coarse Salt. 1.016 Bags, 200 pound. Salt. 811 Basra, 180-pound. Salt. 915 Bag, lOO-pound, Salt. 81 Bags Table Salt. 18 Barrels Table Salt. 919 Barrels Good Flour. 818 Barrels Best Flour. 81 Tabs G B. Butter. 1,511 Bushels N C. Peanuts. 847 Bushels V. Peanuts. W. B. COOPER, Wholesale Grocer, toe. no. ua Nutt dec 82 u . Wilmington,. .O. Vaughn's Improved Esvrly Ohio Seed Potatoes just received in prime condition. I Other varieties to arrive. Let ua book your . oraers at once as the demand will donbtleej Provisions and Groceries in great variety. Get our prices. HALL & PEAESALL, -c-!"; ' f ." . (tncobpobatsd.) Wholesale Grocers and Commission Mer - chants. declOtf J. I. Hrt'iJCt urn TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION.! Onm Xaar, by- Mail, f S.OOZ Six ZXonthe, 8.50' Three XXontha, " 1.86; Two ZZontha, - 1.00 airrorec to Haaaermero ua Btoe tit 900000000Q 000 VoQ T NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FRUITCAKE wt 'eposes thoughts or comfort. The fruit yon boua-nt at ierman's Made such delightful cake. Seeded Raisins, packages 10c. Cleaned Currants, packages 10c. Citron, pound 20c. , Figs, pounds 20c. Bananas, large, dozen 20c. Cocoanutg,' each 5c' Mixed 'Nuts, pound 15c. Black Walnuts, peck 25c Mixed Candy, pound 10c. Chocolate Drops, pound 20c. Malaga Grapes, pound 20c. Oranges and Apples Galore. Remember our motto: GOOD AS THE BEST. BETTER THAN THE REST. H. J. BIERMAN&CO., 815 Market Street. decrrtr Bell 'Phone No. 88. Shirt Flannel! Brown, Grey, yard. S, & B. Solomon dec 15 tf To Dealers! In stock ready for delivery below manufacturer's price 50 Small mi "ewer HiirBraM "BUTTER." 100 Boxes Geo. HarUon's "puccec "PlMSBUBG'S BEST" FLOUR. "SILVER COIN" FLOUR. Sole Agent CBEMO, BENOWN, T0PI0ALS, CUBAtf BLOSSOMS, "MATCH IT" CHEROOTS. Vollers & Hasbagen. PBOTISIOITEBS. dec 22 tf SWEET CREAM ICE CREAM. dec M ly Sol Bear & Co., Leading: Brands. RYE WHISKEY, Duff Gordon Sherry, North Carolina Scuppernong Wine, Solilitz" FAMOUS MILWAUKEE BEEB. Bell 'Phone 198. Inter-State 202. dec si tf , Wanted, Furo. 5,000 Raccoon Skins 6,000 Fox Skins. 6,000 Opossum Skins, 1,000 Elink Skins, And Furs of all description. Highest prices paid. Qnotationa furnished on application. SAM'L BEAR, Sr., novMtt 18 Market street. . Useful ornamental pretty enoush to pleaee the most fastidious taste practical enough to be of real serrloe. The cost is trifling' no more than tht of a oonple of handker chiefs lees than a nottle of extract. Th reUy acceptable present to your wife is some'Ding with which to Msutary the borne. Th s tsyiur opportunity to unite the practical with the sen timental. .- . . ;S.,3 t IT. F. PAEKEE, Furniture and Furniture Ho velties, mJIarket street Interstate . Bell Phone 6H deoistf . Blue 25c