ration UnerTWi". m Other DfiHyNcwS. r PnbHed lo WiimiDgi""- ' i THB STATE. of Miss Nell Cropsey was Wy day in the Pasquotank W ,6S!it the Cropsey residence, WN.C u. D. Don y' ' terday. The Missouri will be launched Newport NewS' Va' ifjien reported killed in tureen Colombian govern- i ftnd revolutionists under 4tfla . Fresh oil finds Tennessee and Kentucky. Bard R Lear7' 'w Seven Americans 1 a, number wounded in a Filipino in Samar prov ed TT wreck ton Pa- four trJnmen I Senator Chauncey hi 8Dd MiSS PalDQer ma"ied P Three men killed by in an iron furnace at nFr -!Toe North At Sron has arrived at Cule- '2d Wilcox, the young '"JLcted of complicity in the 55- cpsey' of E15zabeth fibeea patinj.il for his own iL. there is a strong feeling ffjL Abe Alleu and STueGovera are to fight for the height championship of the 4 N. Y. markets: Money on f'n-n'tt 69 per cent.; cotton I it Sic; flour easier, but not Mbly lower; wheat-spot easy 2 red 89c -. corn spot easy, JNo. z ' tsRnnt easy. No. 2 51J8; Lttiet; spirits turpentine quiet. eathefTrepqrt ij g,Dsp'T of Agriculture, , Weather Bureau, or,r TmTrti X. f!.. Dec. 27. j e!nperatures: 3 A. M., 59 degrees ; 64 de ls; iiiinimum, 49 decrees; mean. 56 Liafall for the day, .01; rainfall s 1st of the month to date. S.ti as. j of water in Cape Fear river Fijetteville. N. C, at S A. M. 7 MBSOAST FOE TO-DAY. VashisgTOX. Dec. 27. For North Mm: Fair Saturday. Sunday in- bioff cloudiness, probably ram; Eii to fresh 'northeast winds. jri Almanac December 23. 7.10 A. M. 4.521. M. 9H43M. 9.32 A. M. 12 02 P. M aJcS it's Lsa'.:i it Water st Souihort. Ciller vVilsi n? cn. .forms give some people a good hi of trouble, but silk worms fo employment to 600,000 people Italy. Senator ,Chauncey Depew waa pried at Nice, and he got a nice Htoo. Chauncey is a "peach," pine is a daisv. i Hillennium calculator figures It that it will get along here in The presumption i3 that the pin South Africa and the Philip- pi fill be over by that time. 'tot of the 256 ve3sel3 that passed .ttghthe Suez canal in Novem-itm-Iew the American flag, 143 a English and 36 German. Other es reused from one to eigh- fflte Carlo has a cemetery for a convenience of ttrand get the worst of it, and interest in further proceedings, ue 2,000 graves in that came ling aince 1860. t i toaid that there are 2,2787717 machines in this country. I, "", "ut, mciuae tne extem fwdtelephones in the West, where "" utilize their wire fences jWad of the telephone compa- PP WlonAn oiti non- Lb m IQWUSIU) str R are going to put $5,000,000 Hfarainm j , , , ..s aUU developing l.oou,- m me everglades in .andtlipn w . : Tigar cane and manufactur jyou a large scale. They Fannin 2 tn o nnn nnn a uiauG ,VUU.UVV PMear. Chicajn r,.;?.,.. ii Veai ( u s jut -oo" me mar&eb m temSi ch would fol the best rhen.Batthehen EliT-0fitiQ80mo Particulars, f bib it may be concopfefl fkip young longer U wiU i. J TO nn 1 i. i and i , . . . alil oiracK:alot- of these, . n kaowintr ii- f. 13 aade a signal failure. 'n? frnm . a-. iti o eauonai com- ,Jnunnthl Unrtunate lot of bkhl with 7'uuu a year income is crack et f skimmed mUk 7 there isn't an editor wh would exchange 'Hit wouldn't like oslfo't888 thiQg but we .,4. 1 tomd trviTKr u i. l&?ripPe and In- ! rain-B Palace Pharmacy. ruTUNEsT VOL. LXIX. NO. 81. WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28. 1901. WHOLE NO. 10.717 " PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. D. E. Gill, of Kaleigh, is in the City. Mrs. E. Y. Davis is visiting at Laurinburg. Mr. E. A. MoKoy left yester day for New York. Mr. Neill Emerson is at home from the V. M. L Mr. D. W. Biggs, of Ashpole, waa in Wilmington yesterday. Mr. George Ganzer, of Ports mouth, Va., was in the city yester day. Mr. J. A. Watson, of Mount Olive, was a' visitor to Wilmington yesterday. Mr. James H. Taylor, Jr., deputy sheriff, returned from Char lotte yesterday. Dr. W. T. Smith has been called to his home on account of the extreme illness of his sister. Mr. James H. Cowan has joined the Rentfrow Company, which is filling an engagement at Florence. Mr. A. H. Slocomb, of Fay etteville, an aspirant for the position of Collector of Customs at this port, was here yesterday. Mr. B. B. Jackson, for the past sixteen months in the employ of Mercer & Evans, returned to his home at Faison yesterday. Mrs. H. D. Burkhimer and children, of Newborn, formerly of Wilmington, are spending the holi days here on a visit to relations and friends. COUNTRY NEGRO ROBBED. Not Only Did He Lose $15, Bat He Also Had to Pay the Costs of a Case. During the rush just before Christ mas John Nixon, a country negro, came to town with a cart load of country produce and was disposing of it at the Front street market, when he was robbed of $15. Nixon took a handful of money from his pocket to make some change. He laid $15 in bills on the foot board of the cart. Some one came up to buy a fowl from him and he forgot to pick up his money. Presently he remembered it and turned to get it, but the green backs were missing. John Dudley, who came up about the time Nixon waa counting his money, was suspected. He was ar rested and brought before Justice Fowler yesterday to answer to the charge of larceny. Mr. Fowler, after hearing the evidence, adjudged it malicious prosecution and imposed the costs of the case on Nixon. HENRY BQ APPOINTED. Snccessor to Late R, B. Masoa as Mana Zer of Oil Mill. Mr. Henry Bowden, of Warsaw, for the oast nine Tears with the North Carolina Cotton Oil Company, has been appointed manager of tbe Wil mington mill, to succeed the late K. Beverly Mason. He took charge of the business yesterday. Mr. Bowden is one of the company's most highly esteemed employes and he has the entire confidence of all with whom he does business. He will move his family here from Warsaw. Mr. Fred Schroeder, who lived in Wilmington for some time, but is now cashier and book-keeper of the South Carolina Cotton Oil Company In uo lumbia. will return to Wilmington and accept a similar position in the Wilmington muL Mr. Frank H. Bagg, cashier and book-keeper for the company here, will go to Columbia to accept tbe po sition vacated by Mr. Schroeder. HANOVER LODGE I. 0. 0. P. Officers Elected at Regular Medlar, HeM Ust Nljht To Serve a Year. At the regular meeting of Hanover Lodge, No. 145, I. O. O. F.. last night, the following officers were elected : S. P. G. C. R. Bpooner. N. G. John F. Wood. V. G. Ed. F. Lewis. R. 8. Sam'l. G. Hall. P. 8. B. W. Dunham. Treasurer W. EL Howell. Trustees E. F. Johnson, E. N. Penny, N. F. Parker. General Belief Committee. B. W. Dunham. Th ahrv with the appointed offi cers will be installed on the first Fri . day night in January. Appointed Assistant Fr.eJf.lit Agent. The Seaboard Air Line has issued a circular announcing that Mr. L. E, Chalenor is appointed assistant gen eral freight agent, Savannah, Ga., vice Mr. A. Pop?, transferred to f oris- I mouth, Va. Effective January 1st, 1902. The circular is signed by Gen eral Freight Agent Chas. R. Capps. The British steamship Tolosa, 3,099 tons, Capt. Seaborne, cleared yesterday for Liverpool, with a cargo of 11,184 bales of cotton, weighing .5,854,610 pounds, valued at $455,000. Vessel and cargo by Alexander Sprunt & Son. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Geo. R. French & Sons. Shoes. H. J. Bierman At Co. Fruit cake. Wilmington Savings & Trust Co.- i Special. - BUSIKESS UX3AXS. Wanted Man to build cistern. CHRISTMAS SERVICES St. Paul's Lutheran and -St. Andrew's Presbyterian Sunday Schools. APPROPRIATE OBSERVANCES. St. Jsmes' Episcopal Qavc Its Exercises Tbnrsdiy Night The Programmes Were Most Entertalolng at All of Them Christmas Trees Several of the Sunday schools gave their Christmas entertainments last night and the attendance upon each was very large. St. Paul's Lutheran. The Christmas exercises of St Paul's Lutheran Sunday school were unusu ally interesting, this year and the deco rations were very handsome. Tbe exercises were held in the Memorial Building, corner of Princess and Sixth streets. " There were two beautiful Christmas trees and these were heavily laden with presents and ornaments. Be tween the two trees was a very attrac tive chimney made of candy bricks. Dr. A. G. Voigt, as has been his custom for the past few years, didn't make an address, but told a beautiful Christmas story, and it was listened to with great interest. His story was about the way in which a poor boy became in possession of a Christmas tree very unexpectedly, and afterwards through his influence a poor sick girl also unexpectedly received a Christ mas tree. Mr. F. A. Bissinger, superintendent of the Sunday School, was in charge of the execeses. Mrs. EL F. Otten played the accompani ments on the piano, and Miss Kate Fick played for the smaller children. The programme rendered was as follows: Song, No. 141. "Introit and Gloria." Prayer. Song, No. 85. Song, "Joy Bells," by infant depart ment. Scripture reading. Choir, selection. Song, 'It Came Upon," etc Light the Trees. Song, No. 113. Song, "Little Feet," by small girls. Address, by Dr. Voigt. Song, No. 148. Collection. Choir. Song. No. 89. Lord's Prayer. Distribution of gifts. Benediction. St. Aidrew's Presbjteriao. At St. Andrew's Presbyterian enter tainment the audience was very large and the exercises interesting. The programme was as follows: Prayer. Song by school. Song by young ladies. Recitation, by Miss Marie RusselL Song, by young ladies. Recitation, by Miss Isabel Mc Dougald. "Santa Claus," song by girls. Santa Claus, who was splendidly impersonated by Mr. J. Ed. Smith, then appeared and distributed fruits candies and nuts. A liberal contribution was made for James Johnson, the faithful colored janitor who has served the church for 23years. The young ladies who composed the choir were: Misses Clara Wiggs, Mary Bell King, Marie Russell, Daisy Maltoby, Isabel McDougald and Liz zetteWade. Miss Ida Strause played the accompaniments on the organ. St. Jsmes' Episcopal. One of the pleasantest entertain ments of the holiday season was the Christmas entertainment of St. James' Sunday School Thursday night. The children of the Sundayschool brought many presents but of their bounty and filled the tree with gifts. During the evening several hymns were sung. Mr. Geo. T. Hewlett, impersonating Santa Claus, msde his appearance and told the children about the animals on tbe Christmas tree and then distributed bon bons and kisses among them. Mr. William Calder presented a five dollar gold piece to Miss Alice Davis, .nhi nf Mr. Junius Davis, as a prize for the best composition on "Christmas." The second prize, offered for the composition with the best descriptive and dramatic force, was presented to Clayton Smith. A committee of three was appointed as iudges. Each com position was numbered and there was nothing on them to indicate the name nf thfi author. The beautiful Christmas tree, laden with little offerings from the children at T.rti' will be taken to the nh.nAl of the Good Shepherd next Tuesday night and the pretty gif ts will be distributed among the children of m;dnn aehool. This custom of St James' Sunday school is a beauti fulone. ! The Elks' Anniversary. The Elks' preparations for their an miAhration next Monday rjti nMSmMinv inlendidlv and nigu mo "w- - I . ' ill 1 ... Vf loera ha Ann Of the occasion win uuum. - .Li. .i....ntut in the history of Wil- . t ja rra The committee in minKtuu Mvfc. .1 f .mnMmnts. composed of OIIWIES VI n - Uucm 1j MteiD. EM. xyYi Solomon, is preparing an elaborate . - ..A MVAPvthinir will be done to make the second anniversary . a a. la 11 ha of the lodge just wa-uu-r :T. The Elks wul be out was nigm m force. It HO TOO IiStO fnF vou to get a nice present to give for. you u, ..ij - laptfe ouan- in return. "r;.h Voods. H 2m I hire i nice Hue to select but stm I nave a your New Jt w : -J a- Burke. tne jeweuw, - - Morning HAPPINESS AT COUNTY HOmE. I A Patient Writes Flatteringly of tbe Treat ment Pnrnished Them by the Officials. New Hanover County Home, December 26, 1901. Editor Stab Will you kindlv pub lish the following. I have been a patient at this Home for some time past and am at present confined to my room with a severe at tack of rheumat: the patients have requested me to write wis statement in oraer tnat tbe readers of voar naner m h infnvm. ed as to the treatment we receive here at the hands of the Superintendent and his f amilv. and biam natfmaiv as to the splendid treat in store for mem on unristmas day in the shape of a magnificent dinner a dinner good enough for any one to partake of. The table fairlv croaned undnv th of the good things upon it. Turkey, umcKen, nam anu aucx, witn all the necessarv condiments; fruit twill nf and jelly cakes; pies of various kinds. ana iruus ana confections In abund ance. The old and young had a de lightful feast. The dinner was a great success. Mr. Chadwick. hia annA wife onJ daughter, looked after their comfort, and everything was done that could be wj mue ii pieasant ior tnem. After the dinner was over they were peri mitted tO CarrV to their mnma frnm the table all they wished to, and rest assured they availed themselves of mis oner ior ail a was worth, (the writer ior one.) And now in conelnRinn T wiah tn state that I have never seen any man (and I question if one could be found) better oualifiad ni mru-n .mln.nti. fitted for the position of Superinten dent man tne present incumbent, M. Q. Chadwiclr. TTin-hAartnil Mnial disposition, he does everything to maae inose unaer nis care coauortable and h&DTJv. And hin wifA a nnhln type of womanhood, a big hearted Christian lady, ever looking after the A 'i. .a ... . comiori or me patients, visiting tnem often, administering to the sick, pre Darinc nourishment fnr thm ,nH doing all that she can for their well- . i A, , , ... . tare, ootn temporal ana spiritual. Surely the county is blest in having such people in charge of its beautiful Home. Patient. NEW YEAR'S ENTERTAINMENT. At the Y. M. C. A. by tbe Weekes Con- cert Company Will be a Rare Trest, The Y. M. C. A. New Year's con cert will be a most enjoyable enter tainment. Mr. Weekes and Misses Weekes and Ostranderare artists of the highest talent. Mr. Weekes' success has been in his "David Harem," and as the "Hoss Trader" progresses it is evident that his auditors are at his mercy, for his remarks bring forth suppressed shouts. Miss Elizabeth Weeaes has a voice like Annie Laurie's, "low and sweet," and yet especially remarkable for its depth and richness. Miss Janet Ostrander is a well known and popular sweet soprano, who has had a remarkable success in plantation songs with her own banjo accompaniments. Her aria, the "Bo lero"' from Sicilian Vespers, is as ex quisite as anything ever heard in America. The box sheet will be open at the Y. M C. A. office Monday, and mem bers of the Association course can secure seats at the small price of 25c and 10 cents extra, non members 50c and 10 cents extra. LIST OF LETTERS. Remaining Uncalled For in the Wilming ton Postofflce Dec. 27tb, 1901. WOMEN'S LIST. A Barnes. Daisv Bonds. E K Burke. M E Brvan. Marv E Brown. M L Rnltnn Kuril's. Bell. Bettlfl Glemorf. Her Council. Minnie Davis. Rebecca Davis, Mattie Kgilsten, uattie ttuy, Onnhi trail A R n T.indssv. Rettie Southerland, iiyda juyons, uiss iacy, - m i i . mar a . a t Frances jmtcneii. naia atearmur, Hannah W nnrfl. Hester McNiffhL Mar tha R Miller, Margaret Mills, Martha McLaw, lllie Koagers. HEN'S LIST. n Allen. TP (1 Andrews. J W An- Dsn Buruss. E W Brown. F a Uatta TP Vt Rnn Kzril Brown. H H Borneman, 8 W Cooper, J M Boon, veo lixon, w a. outier, &uon mark- V. Chambers. D C Coleman. T W finrrnll. S Corner. R B Dunham. David TCvsns. Edward . Farn. John Jasper .Grange. W N Hargrove. P Jonnson, wm K.euy. a. b iong, u a T.ivlnatnnn. M B Ltwimmt. B A Moore, B McKnight, B McCary. D McFadden, a u aninccan, u a ufaib-- J McMillan. Judre Monk. J MoTTnv. J McDonald. L McOov. L V McKoy, M Hc&.oy. tr xoanuei, j McCoIIocbt, Li MCLieary, w mc rt.nial M Pan ton O A Prahm. TJ G Roberts, L L Roberson, Jno Robin son, B F Rafferty, H Scott, W Ses soms, J P Taylor, J Tounzell, Geo Williams. RETURNED PROM DEAD LETTER OFFICE. J B Lyman, O McHorton. p.wmn .alliTi rr fnr aVmve letters will please say advertised. If not called for in ni teen days tney wiu do sent to wio dead letter omce. en. u. uaju x , Postmaster. The Assembly Ball. The Assembly ball to be given on January 10th in the Masonic Temple will bea-in at 9 o'clock P. M. Tbe ball will continue until 12 o'clock when a sumptuous supper will be served in the banquet halL The cotil lon will be danced, beginning at l o'clock, and Mr. H. H. Mcllhenny will lead it. The affair on the lutn will probably be the Assembly's only function this season. It will be very elaborate. New Horses for Fire Department oi.i. ov.ai.ioa Rn.hnihben went to VUivl , .-- Baltimore vesterdav to buy a pair of horses for the Fire Department. The aldermen recently appropriated $450 tor the purchase of a fine pair of horses for tha department and the Fire Committee directed Chief Schnib ben to go to Baltimore and pick out .... a two suitable animals, tie wui return ' torday or Sunday. BRILLIANT RECEPTION Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Emer son Charmingly Entertained Last Night. IN HONOR OF MISS EMERSON. One of the Most Fashionable Social Func tions Ever Given In Wilmington and Society Was Oat la Pall Force. Delightful Occasion. One of the most beautiful receptions ever given in Wilmington was that last evening given by Mr. and ?rs. Thomas M. Emerson in honor of their daughter.Miss Nellie Emerson. It was one oft the most brilliant social functions that has ever been given in this section of the State, and society was out in full force, the scores of beautiful women in their fashionable evening gowns and the gentlemen in conventional evening dress. It was a scene of great splendor and one on which the eye could dwell and feast indefinitely. The reception was given at the resi dence of Mr. and Mrs. Kmerso--, No. 510 Dock street, from 9 to 12 o'clock. The docorations were gorgeous and 11 .. . A . n tne enure nrst noor was a scene of rarest beauty. The parlor was decorated in white and green and the same 'effect prevailed in the drawing room. The din ing room presented an unusually attractive appearance. The decorations there were in red and green. The entire effect was one of perfect har mony. Palms, ferns and other tropi cal plants, and cut flowers, were dis played in profusion. The first floor of the residence was a wealth of beau tiful flowers and decorations. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson, Miss Emer son, Miss Elliott Emerson and Miss Ousdeslys, her friend, composed the receiving party and were stationed in the front rooms. There was a very large number of guests and all seemed to have a most de delightful time. One of the features of the entertainment was dancing in an improvised ball room erected on the western side of the house. The room was beautiful in its blaze of electric lights and red Japanese lan terns casting their reflections on the pure white walls. The music was by Hollowbnsh's band, of Raleigh. Refreshments were served in charm ing style and they were very dainty. The reception was a very brilliant affair and will be remembered as one of the most delightful ever given in this city. LOCAL DOTS. Standard Oil barge, No. 58, arrived in port yesterday. The tug Alexander Jones is towing the schooner Jkmny Doon to New York. Three young negroes will be tried before Justice McGowan to-day on the charge of stealing brass and other metaL A quarantine has been raised at No. 604 North Sixth street for scarlet fever, This is the only case of contagious disease in the city. Rev. J. H. Hall will speak to men at 5 o'clock Sunday afternoon at the Y. M. C. A. There will be a vocal duet by Miss Nora Scott and Miss May Galloway. The schooner John W. Dana has arrived from Port Arthur, Texas, with a cargo of machinery for the Cape Fear Fisheries Company. The vessel is discharging at Old Bruns wick.1 The schooner Allie G. Cole, 232 tons, Capt Cole, cleared yester day for Samana, Santo Domingo, with 210.884 feet of lumber, valued at $5,- 600. Vessel and cargo by Geo. Har- riss, Son & Co. The police are trying their utmost to break up a ring of gam blers in the city. Five negroes are ! now in the guardhouse awaiting a hearing before the Mayor. Tney are believed to be members of the gang. EFFORT TO WRECK TRAIN. Spikes Drawn aad Rsll Moved at a Switch Near Qoldsboro. News and Observer. Ooldbboro. Dec. 26. A fearful wreck of passenger train No. 4, Engl neer Brinson. Conductor Coleman, was narrowly averted five miles from thia citv. At Herrings' crossing or Spring Bank there is a siding, and some one had drawn the spikes and moved the rail at this switch, leaving the signal board white, xne train at k Mini rnAvtnv at a aneed of turn uwui nw. . r, - - fifty miles an hour and fortunately ran right througn tne switcn. mu the train been going east it would h. nna fntn tn amuiir. ana inert) was a car on the siding; at apoint .h.M ih.H i nnttA an emoanKmeut. The wretch evidently had no designs n th.Hhnn Wlw trnintf eaaL but did his work after the train passed, hoping to derail tram o. . wnicn BAoniav nunmr malt and express. IV(UW I.Pl , . Thia train was Crowded With PaSSen- gers and the narrowness oi mis catas trophe makes one suaaer as ne reauzes Ikaia alftBa afsta 1 1 ' - .uvaar wivev via . t nAMtMAfAw rVtlaman aid; MJll I AS I evening, a short distance below this crossing. I put oit my tram m wi. man, who was unaer mv, mT. t hi)r mrtA nnmanacreable. ThlS JL TT maMvj muw . mm..-.. . r, , party may have undertaken to wrecx .v.. TTnfartnnatelv there are Uw Ussvaaaa. , a w no blood hounds within easy reach elaa tha a-uiltv party could be tracked and captured. Mr. J. S. Weathrook, of Wal-; 1 lace, was a visitor here yesterday. ; TAR; K1NST0N & CAROLINA ROAD. Incorporated With Capltsl Stock of $500,- 000 Qeoeral Toon's Condition. Special Star Telegram. Raleigh, N.O , Dec. 27. The Kins- ton and Carolina Railroad Company was incorporated to-day with $500,000 capital. The road will be about Sixty miles long and will connect Kmston with the Wilmington and Weldon road, and will traverse portions of Le noir, Duplin and Pender counties. There is decided improvement in General Toon's condition. His family is confident that he will recover. Haven't Recovered Body. The body of Corporal Willie Sin clair, who was drowned at Fort Cas well Tuesday afternoon, has not been recovered. Efforts were made to float it by the explosion of dynamite in the vicinity of the place where the drowning occurred, but the attempt was a failure. Other means will be employed to recover the body of the young soldier. Church Notices. Bladen Street Methodist Church: Rev. J. J. Porter will preach at 11 A. M., and at the evening service. Chanel of the Good Etheoherd. Sixth and Queen streets. There will be the usual services on Sunday at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday Southslde BaDtlst Church, corner Firth and Wooster streets. Rev. B. H. Herring, pastor. Services 11 o'clock- A. M. and 7.80 P. M. Sunday School at 8 P. M. Prayer meeting servlee every weanesaay mgnt at a 0'ciock. First Baptist Church, corner of Market and Fifth streets. Hey. Calvin 8. Blackwe.L D. D.. S as tor ii a. M., "The glory in tbe face of esns Christ " 7:80 P. M , "New Tear's Reso lutionswhat they are made of and what they are worm." First Presbyterian Church. Bev. John K. Wells, Ph. D pastor. Divine cervices at 11 A. M., and at 7 80 p. U. conducted by the pastor. Sundav school at 4 P. M. Prayer, meeting on Thursdays at 8:00 P. M. The public cordially Invited to all services. Pews free. St. Andrew's Presbvterian Church, corner Fourth and Campbell streets, Bev. Alex. D. Mc Clure, D. D., pastor. Divine services at 11 A. M. and 7.80 P. M. Sabbath School at 8.80 P. M. Prayer meeting and lecture Wednesday at 8 P. M. The public invited. Beats tree. Bellelous services will be conducted at the Seaman's Bethel to-morrow, (Sabbath) after noon, at 3 o'clock, by iter. A. D. HcClure, u. u.. seamen ana nvermen are especially Invited. AH are welcome. Brooklyn Baptist Church, corner Fourth and Brunswick streets. Bev. J. J. Payseur, pastor. Services to-morrow at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday School at 3.30 P. M. Weekly prayer ana praise meeting weanesaay at a f. a.. Strangers and visitors are cordially Invited to all services. Fifth Street Methodist Church, situated on Fifth street between Nun and Church, Bev. John H. HalL pastor. Services on Sunday at 11 A. M. and 6.00 P. M. Prayer meeting Wed nesday evening at 7.80 o'clock. 8 an day School Sunday afternoon at 5.00 o'clock. A cordial In vitation extenaea to au. Grace M. E. Church, corner oi urace and Fourth streets. Pastor, Bev. J. N. Cole. Ser vices Sunday at 11 o'clock a. m. and 8.co p. m. Sunday School, W. B. Cooper, supt., 4.80 p. m Weekly prayer meeting Wednesday at 8.00 p. m. A cordial welcome to alL Visitors to the city pecially Invited. Seats free. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A CARD. Notice is hereby given that Sam'l J. Springer has been admitted to membership in our firm. J. A. SPRINGER & GO. dec ss lw Just Arrived A CARLOAD OF HORSES AND MULES, the good kind, at the old price. I am still selling Buggies and Karness at Cost. If you want any of them In this line command see me. F. T. MILLS. dec 81 U Gocoannts! Gocoannts! Mixed Nuts, Raisins, Apples, Sugar, Coffee, Flour, Meal and Molasses. Also a full line of case goods. Prices ! right. Treatment fair. PETER McQUEEN, Jr., decStr No. 106 North Water Bt NORTH CAROLINA, New Hanovsb County, Superior Court. Mary B. Keeton, vs. J. T. Keeton. Thin In an action bronsrht bv the plaintiff In the above entitled cause against the defendant above named for divorce on the ground of abandonment. It being made to appear that J T. Keeton is a non-resiaent ol the State of North Carolina and cannot, alter aue aiugence os rnnnii in thin state. These are therefore to no tify said defendant to appear at tbe next term oi uie tsnpenor uuu' i w w umu ,w vim uvuuu of Mew Hanover on the 8th Monday before the 1st Monday in March, A. D. 1008, then and there to answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff or Judgment wm ds grantea accoruuiK to the prayer of the complaint. In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand and seal of office, this 19th day of November, A. D. 1901. JJU. u. la i uvn. Clerk superior Court of New Hanover county. nov 10 ot sa OZLSTEj CAE Vavushn's Improved Ejurly Ohio Seed Potatoes 9 just received in prime condition. Other varieties to arrive. Let us book your do large. Provisions and Groceries in great variety. Get our prices. HALL & PEARSALL, (INCORPORATED.) wholesale Grocers and Oommlsston Mer chants. declOtf Ulfanted, Furs. 5,000 Raccoon Skins. 6,000 Fox Skins. 6,000 Opossum Skinav 1,000 Mink Skins. And Furs ot all description. Highest prices paid. Quotations furnished on appUcatloB. SAM'!- BEAR, Sr.. aovMtf ' IS Market street, 0 The Handsomest Ever brought to this city can be seen in our retail depart ment direct from the manufacturers' hands. Snappy Styles for Gents, in Banisters, Pat. Vici Bals, price $6. We have Pat. Calf and Vici's for $3, $3.50 $4.00 and $5.00. All the newest and nicest for Infants, Children, Misses and Ladies. We have all the new Patent Leathers and Kids, prices $1, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 and $3.00. Come to us for Fleece Soles, Leggins.and Over-Gaiters. GEO. R. FRENCH & SOUS. dec 6 tf Special, Special, Wednesday, January 1st. being a legal holiday, this bank will be closed. Money deposited on or before the next day, Thursday, January 2nd, will bear interest from January 1st. All deposits in this bank are subject to check without notice. Tbe Wilmington Sayings & Trust Company, 108 Princess Street. J. w. Nokvoos, Prasldsat. B. WALTERS, tim frssiassit. C. B. TAYLOR. Jr., Cahur. dec 88 M REASONABLE GOODS. MULLETS, new catch. Best Cream Cheese,. Martin's Gilt Edge Butter, Bagging and Ties, SALT. A GSNEBAL LIN 35 OF CASS GOODS DEMAND AT THIS SEASON. Sole agents for ROB ROY FLOUR. HcNAIR & PEARSALL Xmas Goods ! Xmas Goods! My Line is now all out. Call and see it before buying. dec 15 tf 107 Market St. FOR CHRISTMAS! WE HAVE CH CHS, KIIIS. Raisins, Apples, Oranges, Cocoanuts. Also a full line of Canned Goods in connection with our regular stock of heavy groceries. Write to us for prices. Williams Bros. decetf Tne Unlucky Corner. New Goods. Blalasa 6 rapes, Coeoannti. Oraana of Whittt Oranges. Great Big Fish Roe Cheap. Preserved Singer, Loose Buckwheat. Pre pared Buckwheat, Fresh Saratoga Chips, Fancy Bed Cranberries, cleaned Cur rents and Raisins. -Fine Olace Citron. S. W. SAN Both Phones 109. Coarse Salt. 1,016 Bags, 200 pound. Salt. 811 Bags, 180-pound, Salt. 916 Bayrs. 100-pound, Salt. 881 Bags Table Salt. 18 Barrels Table Salt. 919 Barrels Good Flour. 218 Barrels Best Floor. 2 1 Tabs 8. E. Butter. 1,61 1 Bushels IT. C. Peanuts. 847 Bushels Va. Peannts. ' W. B. COOPER, Wholesale Grocer, sos, no, US Nntt street, Wiim';:n. S. o. dec 22 u Rust Proof Seed Oats. 400 aus.elsR P- Seed Oats. 2,5oO bushels Mixed at. 4.000 bash. flKtxsd ana white Com. 100,00 l.bs. N. I Tim. Hay. 1 Cfi AAA nr.II Bil. HaaII IrOS. 1,8 OO Good 2 nd h sd Bt aehlne Bis. 50 fcec" Wire Nails. !8vO kecs Cut A alls. We have also en route genuine Aristook rhnnt.. Malnn. Seed Potatoes. We are headquarters in oar Use. Get oar prices. D. L. CORE CO., Wholesale Groceries and Drags. 130, 122 and 124 North Water Street, dec 1? tf Wilmington. N. C FOR RENT, Dwellings, Stores, Offices, &c. au 22 tf D. O'CONNOR. D DERS9 OCtSStf otoooa TERMS OF SUBSCRlPTlOai : One Year, by Kail, ftS.Oot Six SXoaths, - ZJiO ; Tars) Souths, " 1.85 Two Xfontba, " l.OO tDaUvred to RakMnlwn la City at 45 Cents pr Blontlu X Shoes Special. FRUITCAKE What reposing thoughts ot comfort. To And when you partake. The fruit you bonnet at -lenaan's Made such delightful cake. Seeded Raisins, packages 10c. Cleaned Currants, packages 10c. Citron, pound 20c. Figs, pounds 20c. Bananas, large, dozen 20c. Cocoanuts, each 5c. Mixed Nuts, pound 15c. Black Walnuts, peck 25c. Mixed Candy, pound 10c. i Chocolate Drops, pound 20c. Malaga Grapes, pound 20c Oranges and Apples Galore. 1 Remember our motto: GOOD AS THE BEST. BETTER THAN THE REST. H. J. BIEMAuM, 215 Market street. Bell 'Phone No. 88. dec 17 tf Shirt Flannel! Brown, Blue, Grey, 25c yard. S. & B. Solomon dec 15 tf To Dealers! In stock ready for delivery below manufacturer's price 50 Small Tis "Cloyer Hill" Braii "BUTTER." 100 Boies Geo. Hartson's "CHEESE." "STOCK'S BEST" FLOUR. "PITTSBURG'S BEST" FLOUR. "SILVER COIN" FLOUR. Sole Agent CREM0, RENOWN, T0PICALS, CUBAN BLOSSOMS, "MATCH IT" CHEROOTS. Yollers & HasMgen. PEOVISIOKEKS. dec 22 tf SWEET CREAM ICE CBEffl. dec M ly Usemirnamental-prertDgh to please the most 'aatWlousttpiotf enougn to be ot real selce. The cost bumajr nomore than tht of a couple of hand! er- , cfs-eMtSan a bottle of extract Thtreally 'abpraeentto your wire is something wlS whlcn tebeauSfytte home. This 4a your oppomaltytouniw tbe practical with tne sen-' timentaL IT. F. PABKEB, Furniture and Furniture Ilotelties. I Ul Market street. Interstate 4SU Bell 'Phone 611 decwtt , 9. iUi Si.

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