- . ! . v., - . ' - : '. - ' m : ' -: : :" . . : : .-; i ' -?r - - - ' - --.:-J:; n- ggg i iz - - - -) . ,. . . ..... . 4 . .!... . i ! j ylH .wieeU .ions-Flde, Every-hav . fm n , j " . L, . . , - - ' I - ' - I .-v " iki lite iM abv Other -Mally New- D.Mizhff In pSPer ul.i.v- ... WllffllllftOO. ? i THE STATE. outlines. ' local drains collided in the v.. York ueairsi " . Park svenue, New York city; fif n passengers were killed and thirty 1 iniured. many seriously. genUment has developed in- the to the recent offer of the Panama f !al Company to sell out to the w. , estates. -Private pension i islation occupied the attention of Z Senate. The nominations or n to be recorder of deeds. District i vnt.ih Carolina, were sent Iric: Oi . - . -suirday to the benate. OnarieS' J is preparing to give arousing re .; to the Libsrty bell on its arri ".',he to-day. A small circle ..-Vnun? Democracy of Philadel i:. h5prved Jackson Day with a r-0t vesterday. Ten thousand greeted the Liberty bell upon ill grrival yesieraay m ouuu. currtar7 Lone authorizes denial Li statement by President Castro of Venezuela that instructions nave oen tn U. 3. warsh ps to offer re cces by fjree if the German fleet aliened Venezuelan territory. Borers struck oil at Pensacola, FJa. -Chili and Argentina have settled dieir differences. Prance has jiims against Venezuela she wants ..y The anniversary of I tattle of New Orleans was Llebrated .in that city yesterday. -New York markets: Money on l-jj firm at 5(3,7 per cent., the.mar- I closing, bid and asked, 56 per IsiL; cotton quiet at 8 316c; flour 'lirir active and firm; wheat spot rn; No. 2 red 91Hc; corn spot jdy; No. 2, 70 'Ac; rosin steady; wirits turpentine steady. LEATHER REPORT. U 5. DEP'T of agriculture, i . Weather Bureau, WILMINGTON. IN. J.. Jan. O. J Twnoeratures: A. 41., 43 degrees; P.M.. 43 degrees; maximum, 58 de- krw; minimum, 41 degrees; mean, 50 Kit ! for the day, .00; rainfall of the month to date. .00 iisr of water in Cape Fear river sFneUrvi le. N C , at 8 A. M. 7 la - RECAST jTOa TO-DAY. SfiSHixGTOS. Jan 8. For North islifis: Fair Tiiursday and Friday; ll'.iofresn westerly winds. Port almanac January 9. 'uRisss ;a3eu.; .tfiLeagtn 7.10 A.M. 5.06 P. M. 9H.56M. 7.40 P.M. 10.10 P. M -jl Water at Soutnport. it W ater Wilmmeton . Between JIarch 14th, 19Q0, and :e end of last November, there was 1st increase of 692 national banks -iM country. There are said to be forty counties cleiaa which have not a single p married) resident lawyer. But manage to get along somehow. "Republic of Liberia" is be- aSto put on airs and wants a FT- It ha3 purchased a enn boat pita country which it proposes to PI to on the installment plan. U Washington dispatch says Gov. :;lio will succeed' Secretary i eats pie. three times a day. A "ho can do that and remain ' need not fear to tackle the pnry pr anything else. j,. c IUUIU ior some oi tne W on the St. Louis Exposi 19 Bounds, it. kq r, abont, 1 firm 4. ovdicn bicce. e7 are not going to cut them TheV Will rlitr fViam tt t.A 'antthem. war office is going to cruit3 for the armv in Afri, with sets of false teeth. JJJ jota of teeth to masticate .7 ne7 get down there and 6 to be oninlf tpJH, tlioiV Q the Boers are around. 1 . ' . ij?; clnb in Milwaukee, Norri3 th T eCtQre Dy febntT LTlle,kctnre was all yranaa been an ac- ' ee. These womefc were a bright. tva superior of the t 1 used to hear her lec- wb0 labored un- HpV Dat 116 had been Wltt the assistance wmch showed the nr 9b' ' apparently com ' l erneroJ bread . :" vuicas-n to iza auu in- f-sPaUce Pharmacy. British I : i i - VOL. LXIX.---NO. 91. LOCAL DOTS. The Merchants' Association Di rectors will meet at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon m regular monthly session Mr. , W. P. Swarineen tired from the editorship of the Co-. lumDus JSews and ia iivHa k. juessrs. J. u. Frink and W. A. Fereu - son. itev. J. B. Marshall will be ordained to the gospel ministry at the ciose or ine prayer and praise service lo-niffbt at the First Baptist church. - The Primary and Junior Sun day School Union will meet at the x. M. C. A. this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Dr. Blackwell will tar.h th lesson. Sheriff Stedman gives official notice that jurors summoned for Mon day, Jan. 13th. the second week of th Superior Court for criminal business. need not attend. The Board of - Governors of L'Arioso German Club, at a meeting xuesaay evening, decided to eive the ciuo s regular Jannarv dance on Tuea day night, 14th inst. The Red Men of Eyota Tribe are preparing for a sumptuous feast and celebration to-mnrm m'oht week. Committees will soon be an- pomted to make ail arrangements The tug Alexander- Jones is ex pected here from New York at noon to day, whither she went towinc the disabled barque Bonny Doon, which put in at Southport some time ago. - The directors of the North Carolina Railroad will meet at Raleich to day: Nothing except routine busi ness and thei declaring of a semi-annual dividend is expected to come up. 4- Schooner M. C. HasTcell cleared yesterday for St. Piene with cargo of lumber, consigned by the Kidder Lumber Co. The schooner Wm, F. Campbell arrived from Barbadoes to J. T. Riley & Co. On the way to the fire vester- day morning in response to the alarm from box 41, one of the horses attached to me noos: and ladder truck fell and was dragged some distance, but was not seriously injured. The Stab Should have stated in its court proceedings yesterday that the sentence imposed upon Thos. Croom for non-payment of costs was so changed that Mr. Croom will be allowed to settle up the same and be discharged. He has already arranged to that effect. Miss Pauline Sessoms, of Way. cross, Ga., and Miss Mattie. Bell Bul- lard, of Savannah, Ga.. students at the Salem Female Academy, left yes terday morning, after spending the holidays with the family of Mr. L. J. Cooper. They will visit at Goldsboro for a day or two before returning to college. By deed filed for record yes terday Iredell Meares and wife trans ferred to the Metropolitan Trust Com pany a house and lot on Eighth be tween Swann and Nixon streets, 45x75 feet in size; consideration, $175. By another deed the Trust Company con veyed the same property to Joshua Cochran for the samt:onsideration. The Star has a very attractive New Year calendar, with the compli ments of SL Mary's College, Belmont, N. C, which is in charge of the Bene dictine Fathers, of the Catholic Church. The institution was founded in 1878. is situated eleven miles1 west of Charlotte on the Southern railway and is admirably equipped in every way for the physical and intellectual training of its students. The Stak returns sincere thanks to Capt. Edgar D. Williams for an attractive calendar for the New Year. The calendar contains much valuable information as to the local port and is indispensable to shipping and newpaper offices. Besides being harbor master of the port, Capt. Williams is the clever master of the steam tug Marion and manager of ex tensive pile driving and other marine machinery. Inocs and His Band. .Innes and His Band appeared to a very large and fashionable audience at the theatre last night It may correctly be said to have been one of the very largest houses of the season and by the musical folk, the concert was said to have been one of the best given in Wilmington in years. The selections from "Carmen" were pronounced very fine and upon the whole, the audience s eminently satisfied. The band leaves at 6 o'clock for a concert at Florence this afternoon, later going to Columbia and Charleston. The Assembly Ball. The eieeant society function which which will be given to-morrow night "The Assembly" in ,the Masonic Tample will begin promptly at 9 o'clock. The ladies who will receive on this occasion will be Mrs. Warren G. Elliott, Mrs. E. O. Holt, Mrs. D. H. Lippitt. Mrs. Jno. R. Kenly, Mrs. Geo. Q. Thomas, Mrs. Clayton Giles, Mrs. Gabriel Holmes, Mrs. T. M. .Em erson, Mrs. J. V. Grainger, Mrs. Geo. W. Kidder, and Mrs. E. W. VanCourt Lucas. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS .' Opera House Mabel Paige Co. Sheriff Stedman Notice to jurors. Murchison National Bank Meeting of stockholders. BUSINESS LOCALS. Lost Fur boa. Notiee Pony for sale. Cas Radiator Warm room. ; " : : , . LUMBER MILL FIRE. Comparatively Heavy Loss Yes terday Morning at Plant of Angola Lumber Co. FLAMES ON THE DRY KILNS. unginsted Prom Unknown Source and Wrought Damage Amounting to About $5,000 Fire In Barber Shops An Awning Burned. TJVS 1 . ... fire wmcn originated from an un known source wrought damage of between $5,000 and $6,000 at the plant of the Angola Lumber Company, just beyond Hilton Park, yesterday fore noon. lhe damage was to a pair of dry kilns and their contents, consisting of 100,000 feet of lumber, and it was umy uy mnt 01 naru worK and ex cellent fire appliances at the mill and in the city, that the entire plant was saved. The fire originated on the in- Biue 01 iB xiin ana naa gained con siderable headway when discovered. lhe fare engine pump at the mill was immediately put tq work on the flames as were also two streams of water from hydrants in the yard. The steamers Marion and Compton, on the river, were also attracted to the scene by the blowing of whistles and clouds of smoke that arose from the plant xae boats each soon had a stream playing on the building and a little later the steamer tug Buck had towed up a lighter bearing an engine of the Fire Department from Market dock Hose companies Nos. 1 and S, of the Department also went to the scene and did valiant work. The fire was discovered at 10:30 o'clock and in less than an hour it was under control, bespeaking much for the excellent appliances at the plant and for the capable management of the mill. The loss is fully covered by insur ance with companies represented by Mr. J. VanB. Melts. Mr. W. T. Sears, general manager of the mill, desires to publicly express the thanks oflthe company to the tug Marion, steamer Compton and tu& Buck, to Chief Schnibben and his as sociates in the Wilmington Fire De partment; especially to Mr. George Harriss, 'chairman of the Fire Com-' mittee, and to the Cape Fear and Hil ton Lumber companies for their valu able service rendered during the fire. Other Fires Yesterday. At 9:56 o'clock yesterday morning an alarm was sent in from box 41. The fire was located at No. 8i North Second street, at the rear of a building owned by T. F. Simmons and occu pied by Mrs. Judge as a pressing club. No damage, was done to that building but the barber Bhop adjoining, occu pied by Louis Peterson, was damaged to the extent of: about $15, and an ad joining shop occupied by R. W. Diew was damaged about $25. All' the in jury was principally to the buildings and was protected by insurance. At about 4 o'clock yesterday after noon the awning in front of Messrs. Victor Zoeller& Company's store on Front street was burned but no dam age resulted to the building or stock. The awning was down at the time and it is thought some one threw a lihgted cigarette or match from above upo then the canvas. The up-stairs of the building is occupied by the Carolina Athletic Club. The department was not called out for the slight blaze. The Fire Last Night. Considerable damage resulted to the stock of drugs belonging to Mr. Jos. C. Shepard, Jr., and to the build ing, No. 123 Market street, by a fire which was discovered last night at 10:30 o'clock in the rear of the store. The origin of the fire is unknown. An alarm was sent in from box 41, Water and Market streets, nd the firemen were soon on the scene, the Chemical Engine alone being used in subduing the flames. j Mr. Shepard estimates the damage to his stock at about 13,000, with insu rance of only $1,500, distributed equal ly among agencies represented by J. H. Boatwright and John VanB. Metts. The damage to the building which is owned by D. L. Gore, will not exceed $600 and is fully covered by a total insurance of $4,000. The kitchen and other rooms of Mrs. D. Rountree, who conducts a boarding house on the second floor, were dam aged by burning and smoke to some extent with no insurance. The fire originated either in a stor age room in the extreme rear of Mr. Shepard's store where about $1,000 worth of patent medicines in original packages were stored, or in a wood house on the first floor belonging to Mrs. Rountree. Further in the rear of the place were : stables for a mule and horse belonging toRR Stone & Co , but theywere liberated without injury. The rear 01 me drug swre only was burned but the stock is very badly damaged by smoke. Jar. enep- ard was at the theatre at the time of the fire and Mr. iJ. T. Cowan, his clerk, had left the place only a short time. The origin of the fire is un known, as no combustibles were stored in that part of the store. Members of the Mabel Paige com pany had apartments for the week at the Rountree House and pandemon ium reigned when they discovered the building on fire. Their trnnas, etc., were hastily brought to the streets but were soon returned when it was found the danger was over. Deputy Collector Jno. E. Tay lor left last night ror wasnmgw-" look after 'his fences" in the fight for the Wilmington Collectorship. WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY TW0WF,N0T0NC0MPANIRS secretary 01 state Has Chartered WIN (niogtoa Brokerage and Electrical Supply and Construction Cos. Special Star Telegram. xvALEIqh, N. C, Jan. 8. The Wil mington Brokerage Company, and the Wilmington Electrical Supply and Construction Company were chartered to-day. The authorized capital stock of the Brokerage Company is $25,000, and the incorporators are J. E. Crow, George D.' Crow and C. C. Brown. The Electrical Supply and Construc tion Company has an authorized capi tal of $25,Q00, and the purpose is to do a general 'electrical and mechanical contracting business. The incorpor ators are John Frank, W. H. Howell, w. A. Lawrence, J. O. Brook, W. W. Tbigpen, J. W. Reilly, Jno. D. Bel lamy, C. O. Brown, R. R. Bellamy, E. O. Holt, J. W. Williamson, Frank H. Russell, W. R. Kenan and S. H. Fishblate. PRETTY HOME WEDDING. Miss Irene Bass and Mr. Eugene Schulken Were Married Last Evening. The marriage of Mr. Eugene Pette- way 8chulken, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Schulken, of this city, and Miss Irene Bos well Bass, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. R. Bass, of War saw, was solemnized last night at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Ber- nice C. Moore, No. 811 North Fourth street. xne ceremony was performed in an impressive way by Dr. A. D. McClure, bf St. Andrew's Presbyterian church. Miss Sally Clair Bass, of Warsaw, sister of the bride, was maid of honor and Mr. Arthur Schulken, brother of the groom, acted ss best man. The wedding was a quiet affair, only the immediate families of the contract ing parties being invited. Mr. Schulken is a popular employe of the Bell Telephone Company and the bride is a most charming young lady who numbers her friends by the score. Mr. and Mrs. Schulken will reside in Wilmington. Mr. Abernathy For Congress. C. L. Abernathy, Esq., of Beaufort, N. C, is in the city on professional business. Mr. Abernathy is one of the brilliant young lawyers of tne East, and is well and favorably known in Wilmington. He has represented his county several times in the Legis lature, has i served as Presidential Elector for his district, and filled other positions of prominence and honor at the hands of his people. The Star learns that Mr. Abernathy will very likely be the nominee of the next con vention in the Third District for Con gress. The honor could be no more worthily bestowed. Struck By Shifting Cars. A horse attached to a dray and being driven by John Berry, colored, was struck yesterday morning by some A. C. L. freight cars being shifted on the dummy tracks at Nutt and Red Cross streets, and so badly injured that ti had to be killed. The negro barely escaped, the dray having been de molished almost from under his feet. The horse and vehicle belonged to Fletcher Pitt man, the well known colored barber. A furniture van be longing to the Sneed Company was driven past the scene of the wreck shortly after its occurrence, and the horse attached to that ran away and partially demolished it. Wilmington Underwriters Co. The third annual meeting of the Wilmington Underwriters' Insurance Company was held yesterday after noon at 3 o'clock in the Merchants' Association rooms. All the old direc tors were re-elected and the vacancy caused by the death of the late Mr. W. A. Riach was filled by the elec tion of Mr. George R. French. Mr. N. B. Rankin was elected president The other officers will be chosen by the directors at their first meeting for the new year, i The reports of all offi cers showed a most flourishing condi tion of the Company. K. of P. Committees, At the regular meeting of Jefferson Lod?e No. 6 K. of P., held at Castle Hall l ist night, Chancellor Comman der Anson Alligood announced tne following committees for the ensuing term: Relief ; C. C, V. 0., P., P. Q, R. E. Blake, W. D. Huhn andT. W. Clawson ; Supervising, C. D. Weeks, W. W. Roberts and Jno. H. Gore. Jr.; Finance; Wm. A. Caldwell, J. L. Kerr-andL. B. Rogers; Hall, JU. Bonitz, O. D. Koonce and B. O. Stone. Coming Society Event. Invitations Lave been received by a number of society people of Wilming ton as follows: "Mr. Thomas Alex ander Mclntyre requests the pleasure of your company at an informal dance to be held af 'Onslow Hall' on Friday evening, January 17th, 1902. Special train will leave Atlantic Coast Line depot, Wilmington, N. C, at 6 P. M., and return at the convenience of guests after the dance. R. 8. V. P. Verona, N. C.'f Cape Fear Fisheries Co- The annual meeting of the Cape Fear Fisheries Company was held Monday, 6th inst. All the old officers were re-elected as follows : H, O. Mc Queen, president; J. H. Ohadbourn, Jr., vice president; Wm. R. Morse, secretary and treasurer; H. O- Mc Queen, J. H, Ohadbourn, Jr., and Capt J. W. Harper, directors. ' ' ----- NEWS OF TDE COURTS Eighteen Convicts, Sentenced I This Week, Will Go to the Roads To-day. IMPORTANT CIVIL MATTERS. Interesting Cases On Docket for the Two Weeks' Term Beginning Jan. 27th. . Complaints Filed Judge Tim berlake Will Preside i i Judge E. W. Timberlake, who held this week's term of the Superior Court. has returned to home his but will come again Monday j week to hold Onslow court, at Jacksonville. From Jacksonville he will come again to Wilmineton on the 27th inst. to hold a two weeks' term of the court here for the trial of civil cases. TT a . ... - xesteraay tne list of ; prisoners sen tenced to terms on the county roads at this week's term was made up by Jailor R. M. Capps and they will be sent out to the stockade to-day. They are 18 in number and the aggregate of their sentences is 10 years and seven montQs. lnree or tne number are women and can be employed only as domestics. ' loose wno will be sect out are as follows: Jane Allen, j larceny, four months; Kate Brooks, perjury, twelve months; Amanda Norman, indecent exposure, four months; James Arm strong, larceny, four months; Frank Anderson, gambling, three months; Andrew Bell, larceny, two years; Burt Green, forcible trespass; G. W. Hooper, larceny, six months; Wm. Holley, gambling, three months; Bryant Jones, gambling, three months; Levy Lane, assault with deadly wea pon, six months; T. R. Rouse, assault with deadly weapon, twelve months; Ben Richardson, assault with dead ly weapon, six months; Arthur Taylor, larceny, twelve months; Dan i Washington, larcency, six months; Chas. Hawkins, larceny, 12 months; "Dink" Holmes, assault with ! a deadly weapon,' twelve months; Chas. Harrington, eight months for resisting an officer and four months for forfeiture of costs. Hector McLachlin, white, who was sentenced to ten years for burglary and Grattan Pierce, sentenced to five years for murder in the second degree, will be sent to Raleigh by Sheriff Stedman the latter part of this week. Before leaving the city Judge Tim berlake went over the civil docket for the forthcoming term with a number of the Wilmington attorneys and made ; a partial calendai for trial. Among the suits for hearing are those of Strauss vs. City of Wilmington, which was given a new ! trial by the Supreme Court, and that of B. F. Penny vs. W. C. & A. Railroad, in which damages are asked; by plaintiff for being shot by a negro ejected from defendant's train. ! There are in addition to these a number of other important suits, the complaints in two of which were filed yesterday. One of them is entitled J. L. Love vs. Carolina Central Railroad, which has been previously mentioned in these columns. The plaintiff in the action asks $50,000 actual and $50,000 punitive damages for injuries received by him while a conductor for the de fendant company, on Dec. 20th, 1900, the said injuries having j been due to the alleged negligence of the company in not providing improved couplings for a certain caboose car in which he was riding at the time given, and which ; became detached from the remainder of a train going west from Wilmington, and which I later going down grade, crashed into the other cars and threw plaintiff violently against the side of the car : and against a hot stove severely burning and other wise injuring him so that he is inca- paciated for his usual work. The plaintiff is represented in the suit by Messrs. Herbert McClammy, Bellamy & Bellamy and Wm. J.Bella my. The defendant is represented by Messrs. : Meares & Ruark. j The other complaint filed yesterday was in the suit of Graham! Murray by his next friend R. M. Murray, against Dr. Chas. T. Harper, superintendent of health; and the City of Wilming ton. The plaintiff asks $5,000 dam ages and the complaint sets forth that on July 8th, 1901, plaintiff, then about six years old,' was sick with fever and other diseases, and confined to bed at the house of his father, thei defendants carelessly and negligently removed, or caused him to be removed while confined in bed to another room, when there was no necessity for same. causing : said Murray to suiter great bodily pain and permanent injury. L. V. Grady, Esq., appears for the plaintiff in the action. j The bar of the city will likely meet Saturday week to arrange the full calendar of cases. I Remains Laid to Rest Mr. John Mclnnis' family, accom panied by their pastor, Rev, J. J. Pay seur, carried the remains of their little boy to Willard yesterday and laid him to rest in the family burying grounds. The little son was three years, eight months and three days old, and was sick only seven days with the dreadful disease, croup, when he died at his home, 607 Campbell street leaving his father, mother and two little sisters to mourn his death. The many friends and relatives met the corpse at Wil lard and gently aided in every way possible to relieve the burdened pa rents. A beautiful flowered cross was placed on the coffin by Miss Sanders. Mr. Mclnnis is foreman in Bandera & Oo.'s branch store at Fourth street bridge. 9, 1902. i 1 PERS,,NAL paragraphs Mr. RyS. Floyd, of Ashpole, jn. u., was here yesterday on a busi- ness trip. Dr. W. Ross Davis, of Whiteville, came over for the Innes band con cert last night xne toiAK regrets to announce that Mrs. H. J. Bierman is seriously ill with pneumonia. Mrs. D. M. Wishart, of Lum- berton, is the guest of her daughter; Mrs W. B. Bowden. G. B. Patterson, Esq., of Maxton, was in the city yesterday on professional business. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Memory,! of Whiteville, came down to, the city' yesterday to hear Innes' Band. Jno. D. Shaw, Jr., Esq., of Laurinburg, N. C, arrived in the city; yasterday on professional business. Mr Richard Battle, of ' the! Neivsand Observer editorial staff, is! in the city on business connected with! his paper. iir. otruawicK JNasn nas re ! n 1 . , -fc-r . . turned from Maxton, N. C, and has a position in the insurance agency of Mr. John Van B. Metts. Raleigh News and Observer: "Mrs. M. H. P. Clark, who has been visiting Mrs. Richard Battle, left for Wilmington yesterday, accompanied by little Miss Margaret Gulley, of Wake Forest." Mr. J. C. Blackley, the well known horseman of Maxton, N. C, has removed with his family to Wil- onngton and will be engaged in the livery business with Mr. 8. J. Davis, on Market street. - Mrs. A. J. Gray, Jr., and little son, Joan Springer (Jray, returned yesterday to Richmond, after spending the holidays in Wilmington. Thev were accompanied by Mrs. J. C. Springer, who will be the guest of Mrs. Gray for some time. THE WILMINGTON COLLECTORSHIP. Fight Waged In Washington Over North Carolina Jobs-Dancy's Name Sent In. Regarding the Wilmington Collec torship for which there is a superabun dance of candidates, the Washington correspondent of the Raleigh News and Observer sends that paper of yes terday the following: 'John C. Dancy, the negro collector of. the port of Wilmington, who is on the slate for recorder of deeds of the District of Columbia, called on the President to-day. He will not be ap pointed until a successor to him as col lector has been decided upon and this matter waits during Pntchard's ab sence. Senator Pritcbard is still kept at home by the sickness of his wife. Bernard is here and says be will win in the District Attorneyship fight. "Mr. B. F. Keith, of Wilmington. an applicant for the position of Col lector, is here with the endorsement of about 100 business men of Wil mington. He bones to get Senator, Pritcbard's U. K. mark. 'Ex-Senator Marion Butler arrived to-day. It was understood that he came here to fight Skinner's appoint ment as District Attorney. He is not so much for Bernard as he is against 8kinner, though he will back Bernard. The Ex-Senator went to New York this afternoon, but it . is the . under standing that he will return here in a day or two and remain "for the war.' In the meantime there are no develop ments in the district attorneyship fight" As will be seen by reference to the Stab's telegraphic dispatches this morning the name of Dancy has been sent to the Senate with a batch of others for confirmation. LIST OF LETTERS. Remaining Uncalled For in the Wilming ton Postoffice Jan. 8tb, 1902. WOMEN'S LIST. Eliza Barde, Menie Collie. Laura Crewels, Laura Hill, May Howe, Ad ele E Jones, Adda Jones, Anna Mer ritts, Ella McDonald, J A McKeithan, Maggie Moms, Pennie Miles. Eliza Jane Mcuall, icstber JNewton, a F Porter, Esreo Robinson, Lula Humas, Frankle Wright HEN'S LIST. Geo E Branch, James Brown. John Cott. Henry Fesmire, J D Harrison, J W Hughs, J D Harden. C T John son, A Cing, Levy Bros, P v Melvin, R H Mason, David Nixon (2), Sig Norwood, G F Pomd, Hawood Priflg- en, Jas ! Porter, J T Phillips, tteo Pinner, Newton 8c Parker, Thomas Shields, L B Stutts, L K Smith. Capt Jno Shuf, John Smith, Duck Tyson,. J G Taylor, J T Tillman. R V Troy, A H Taylor, Dr Jas Walker. J W Williams, Joseph Williams. J Win- gate, Joseph Warren, Johnston Will iams, R R D Williams. RETURNED FROM DEAD LETTER OFFICE. Wm Tavln " - . l w Persons calling for above letters will please say advertised. If not called for in fifteen days they will be sent to the dead letter office. M. C. Darby, Postmaster. Mabel Paige To-night. Miss Mabel Paige and her popular company will be seen again at tne Opera House to night in "Under Two Flags," one of the very best pieces in her popular repertoire. Ladies will be admitted free to-night when ac- camnanied hv th hnlrlnp nf nn.irl 30- ; cent ticket, reserved before 7 o'clock. I r " ' I Popular prices will prevail all over the house. 1 Moved to Elks' Temple. i Mr. J. E. Hinnant, who formerly conducted the Bank Cafe on Princess street, has removed to. the Elks' Tem ple, and is now serving his friends there. He has an excellent location and is enjoying a liberal patronage. WHOLE NO. 10,727 IB BORATED 12 1-2 Robert WHOLESALE AND jan 7 81 The fflurchison Of Wilmington, N. C. The annual meeting of the stockholders of this Bank for the election of Directors will be held Tuesday 14th, at I I o'clock. an:9tf J. V. GRAINGER. Cashier. Roger M oore's Sons St Co., j i 104 and 106 North Water Street. BRICK! BRICK! J State Agents for "Alpha" Portland Cement. "Boffman's" Rosendale Also have in stock a full snnnlv nf Limn Plasm Rsuiflno Cement. Sheathing Paper, Bewer and Chimney iouiuKiesi .oniagies!! oningiesin uiven and sawed. Get our prices before placing your orders. su tu th jan 5 St Esau imam Don't have much use for stoves. ! A fire in the middle of a snow hut, jwith an infinitesimal hole I for a chimney, is good enough Ifor them. But such an ar rangement wouldn't be con- sidered c,just the thing" in this latitude. Here people need stoves and we keep them for fsale-j-Parlor Stoves, Kitchen I Stoves, Small Bedroom Stoves, land many odd sorts. The prices are adapted to persons with fnon-millionairish purses, too. Wej have; too, a complete stock of Hardware, Agricultural Imple ments, Ammunition, &c. i ! J. i ircliii i Co., ORTON BUILDING. dec,6tC Don t confound them with foods less quality that cost just as much--dvery package is guaranteed to contain the finest grain, hypenicalljj milled to retain all the nutritive elements which Nature intended. f The piost liked cereal of the cen tury is f. j Ralston Breakfast Food Which represents the high quality main tained in, every checkerboard package that goes forth from Purina Mill "Where Purity Is Paramount." Accept no sub stitutes, be sure you get the checker board kind. I FOR SALE BY . y.Binn&Co. 215 Market Street. jan 7tt Bell 'Phone No. 88. Fancy Fruits. Bananas, Extra Fancy. -1 i Fears, Grapes, Oranges, j Apples. Nuts, Figs; Dates and Raisins. ! Give me a call. I can please yon oh nice Fruit and Candies. J. W. PLUMMER, Jr., a4 Princess Street. Inter-State 132. Bell 'Phone 680. Jan4tf - i FICE0F THE SECRETARY AND TREAS URER OF "THE ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD COMPANY: 1 Wilmhtotos, N. C., December 7, 1901. The Board of Directors of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Gompanv nave declared a divi dend of one and one half (1) ner cent, on the common capital stock of that company, paya- Die to an holders or recora oi January ist, ivuz. Dividend dna and navanle at the Treasurer's office, Wilmington, North Carolina, on and after jannarv low. iuu& Transfer dookb wuibi closed trom December 81st. 1901, to Jannarv ltoa, inclusive, j JA8. F. POST, aec SW lot . I secretary uu xrvunuivi. Mabel Paige Co. I ' 1 TO-NIGHT C Under Two Flags." Ladies Free To-night If aecomnanled by a nald SO cent ticket and re served In advance before 7 P. M. Prices 10, 20 and 30 cents. - jan 9 It NOTICE. 1 The Jurors summoned for Monday, January 13:h,the second week of Superior Court ror criminal business, need not attend. FRANK H. STEDMAN, lan 9 it ; Bnerur. A I d Of f i Lr Am a tWs xMEr i i 7 95.003 ' Six Months, a km O ; Three Months, 1.85; 1.00; Two Months, to sabMirlbora ln.ta 45 Hants pr Bloata. lil Oae Year, by Vail, i POWDER cents per box. R. Bellamy, RETAIL tuthsa DRUGGIST. National Bank. BRICK! BRICK! Pipe. Cuban Blossom Cigar 5c Cuban Blossom Cigar 5c. Cuban Blossom Cigar 5c. Cuban Blossom Cigar 5c. Cuban Blossom Cigar 5c. Cuban Blossom Cigar 5c. Cuban Blossom Cigar 5c. Cuban Blossom Cigar 5c. Cuban Blossom Cigar 5c. "Match It" Cheroots- gentleman's smoke better than most cigars "MATCH IT" CHEROOTS Sumatra wrapper Same as 10c cigars. "MATCH IT" CHEROOTS. Try it if you won't smoke common stuff. Vollers & Hasbagen. PEOVISIONER8. dec 30 tr We Take This Method Of thanking the generous public for their past valued favors in dis pensing patronage at Our Department Stores. Mapy lines of Goods have been closed out; many others partly so; yet, there remains Various and Valuable Bargains For th economical householder to ponder over. We are now push ing everything preparatory to giv ing the general public the Best Possible Footwear Service To be bad at the lowest possible cost. Try us at the Same Old Place. FANCY ICE CREAM SHAPES. We are making the following shapes for receptions, &c: Pineapples, Violets, Rose Buds, Asparagus, Bananas, . Oranges, -Pears, Apples, Peaches, Bunch Grapes, .Limes, Diamonds, Birds. Ace of Spades, &c. E. 4 jam 7 ly Hardin's Syrup of White Pine and cure Tar W1U Coughs, Colds, Croup, Hoarseness and all affections of the throat and lungs. It is easy to take. Price 25 cents at HARDIN'S PALACE PHARMACY. jan 7tr 128 South Front street. Notice ! All parties owing A. P. Sus man, on contracts or other wise, are hereby notified to 8ettlesuch contracts or ac counts with me. GEORGE L. PESCHAU, jn7 3t ASSIGNEE. Help Wanted. A young man, 15 to 17 yean of age. a resident of Wilmington, who can set type or desires to learn, is wanted as copy boy at the jan 4 tf STAB OFFICE. iilw 4 EM Co. Ja ? tf ran son. Alii mmm - i f.-t Si J ..-73 mi4 mum mam '-Yfi-rV-:-:;- I j. H1 rv1 - tint! If.-' .:r, j m UK. mm fir : "-! km 'm h mm mm- ii ; ill -mm mm lip 'mm ' , I ;