mm One Year, by MsvU. teM s ' F. ! t tjr'l k iSt : ; Six Slon Ilia, " 8.SO TkrM ZXoBtha, - 1.8.5; LBA,,,M ; Two Months, M l.OO ; H THE STATK. 1 Deliver t CItys Deliver f aserlfeMi im . 4 WILMINGTON, N. CM FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1902. ' at 45 Cents per Month. . X dWFWe,Eyery.0.y f 1 1 Tl TV TT -vi ' 1"'" f , i.firni Urzer i du a f II H n II am - IYI II ' "V n kw -n. 11 -w i R 1 I '"-X irlffJA llr AllKl:Klf I IIIM X " , 1U"- TL.. TS..1 Y I M l 1 I .. V - -' - I A Tmiln MI- ailaialilli A. r 0,5,17 "; a it ii im ; w ii if ir-c rxu . i rw -t4- iv' 1 w l-i s KSTDAii.YBWS,iAPB ' ' j . ' (.... ! vTm XXonths, 1.0O? WHOLE NO. 10.728 outlines. fl.pbttrns Nicaragua Canal bill Mr fnnke has ordered a design for an && Stueof President McKinley ?JSed in the park of Trinity 1 Durham, N. C. Negro 0""" ' , :u and several trainmen Za in a collision of trains near fJ416? Franklin J. Moses. i Klliou ! ' n.TaanS. I s pernor of South Carolina, was luces"" , a . rnw mAn sentenced to four months nsOBment for larceny of an over- business yesterday and adjourned .in Monday. reponea in rgoase for an increase of subsidiary Mr coinage and to mainUin silver JLs t parity with gold. Lib- iTbell day celebrated in Charleston, a p witb all honors. ttoyernor 5sSery.ofKy., elected U. S. Sena j,y the Dsmocratic caucus. jairil Schley and wife left Wash- j-jrton jeaieruaj - , J district Attorney Jerome at New yesterday, began investigation jj,e tunnel disaster. An oil fifty miles from Galveston, ft is spouting oil sixty feet high, udlhose mcnarge chuuu. cuo.roi iw. ,-Admner to the diplomatic corps , pyen last night at the White is investigating alleged intnninations m gram rates from f eitera points to the Atlantic seaboard 1 New York markets: Money on -ii wis firm at 45i per cent; Itotton quiet at Sic; flour market was nlliustained but very dull; wheat I m.w c J ne T - Ijoieuy; a reu corn at easy; No. 2 70ic;c; rosin steady; I (ained common to good $1.50L55; lirits turpentine steady. WEATHER HEPORT. 0. 3. Dkp't of Agbioultdbk, WEikTlTlEll KTTRATT Wilmington, N. C, Jan. 9 ) Temperatures: 8 A. M., 43 degrees; IIP. If., 45 degrees; maximum, 62 de--tes; minimum, 42 degrees; mean, 52 Bun'ali for the day, .00; rainfall hvf 1st of the month to date. 00 Ixbes. fOBEOAST FOB TO-DAY Washington. Jan 9. For North Itolioa: Fair Friday and Saturday; i winds, mostly southerly, j Part Almana.c Tavnnary 10. ; lioffises 7.10 AJ M. ha Sea 5.06 PjM. IM Length ..." 9B. 56 M. m Water at Soutfaport. 8 16 PJM. m Water Wilmington . 10.46 M I Itiaan nfF dav nnv that I srtmA lilroad accident is not reported, lad some of them are fearful ones, 1 100. Dr. Parkhurst, of New York, will Iickle almost anything. He reached a sermon last Sunday $init foot-ball On account of failing health Sen- to Daniel, of Virginia, has been sapelled to resign as a member of tie constitutional convention. I A Chicago man tried to murder is fife and kill himself because she sfiued to kisa him. Some men ex Fct entirely too muehof their HTM. . ". I fe. Chauncey M. Depew is said be one of the heirs to a Dutch &te valued at $80,000,000. But does she want with a piece! of htch estate when she has Chaun- If nature has endowed the hew retary of the Treasury as boun Uj with financial brains aalshe withtoes he should be a success. as six toes on each foot, but he at going around bragging about it. bG. and Orrick W. Watson. JPffinoll- . t ... t . -"uj oi v ermont, but now oi I 1 --'.ugj lis U I RMU HUSU birthdav n fow ,iro ,r i Tti they celebrated their golden rgs. Each has four sons 'and foighters, all grown. I A Texas moda AAnfratffl London nnr f onV9A jna. JfJwiOjOOO.OOO barrels of Beau- 111 Oil. All nil-tn'nn.T,0-1 Tol.. The incinfiranr, : J DP- In 1884 there were in Can tnia J,ilT nl m 1900 there Wer cie aro nnnr twontv.oiT )ri(,s and a roast doesn'tlcost TV V4- V 1 OA A. M it did some years ago. It Said that ei-OnvArnnr Tfkatr tQ . 7. "a Ior tne .Beaumont iich i ' e of whom he a ' Has aold some of its wells IS to -uuara Oil (Jomuanv for and worked the remain u. 0 an English cornnTatinn ""u i fo:i , y Cf -8tock of 20,000,000, looks like a naT,;fi v.-. L.: LOCAL DOTS. "The Man of Schemes will la Dr. BlackwelPs theme at the-Y. M. a Sunday afternoon, 5 o'clock. The Fort Caawell Concert Band Rave a concert in the pavilion at South port last night for the benefit of the South port organ fund. j The Bussian barque Ahti arriv ed yesterday from Savannah for a cargo of naval stores from the yards Of Paterson Downfnir Ar. fV Patrolman R. Xr. Holmes, of the police force, is suffering very bad- with a disease of the feet. His nhv- sicians fear that one foot will have to be amputated. I Henry Williams, colored, a fre quent ' victim of the police, was sent to the county roads for twenty days by the Mayor yesterday on a charge of habitual drunkenness. The annual meeting of lot be owners of Oakdale cemeterv wil held at the office of the secretary and treasurer, 205 Princess street, Monday evening, Jan. IStb, at 8 o'clock, i ! By deed filed for record yester day AJ M. Prince, of Onslow county, transferred to Sam1. Bear, Sr.,a lot on Wrightsville Beach adjoining the Sprunt Cottage ;w consideration $100. Frank Clayton, colored, re siding at 1218 James streets, was fined (5 in the municipal court yesterday for violation of the city ordinance in not giving his premises proper sani tary attention. I - The steamer Johnson, of the Black river line, is in port a few days for a change In her deck. The pilot house is being placed on the hur ricane deck and the cabin accommoda tions are being enlarged. I First Seargeant Leary, of the army post at Caswell, went to Fortress Momre yesterday as a witness in a court martial proceeding against a de serter from the ranks of the recruits brought here some time ago. I In order to vacate the store now occupied by the A. M. 8usman Furniture Company on Market street within ten days, the entire bankruptcy stock will be sold regardless of cost, beginning Saturday, morning. 1 The Methodist handbook and almanac, edited by the Rev. Dr. T. N. Ivey, D. D., for the current year, contains excellent half-tone photo graphs of Grace M. EL church, this city, and of the Rev. R. B. John, P.K. of the Wilmington district. j The sewerage contractors are now engaged in laying pipe on Prin cess between Water and Front and on Market between Water and Second street As nearly as possible the Lstreets are being "immediately" re stored to their former condition. i Application will be made to the County Commissioners of Brun swick by P. C. Tharp to retail liquor near the Menhaden fish factory, 8mithville township; also by H. Er Truelove for license to retail at his distillery ia Town Greek township. James Wilkin s, a colored dray man, 'was arrested yesterday at the Front Street Market for an assault upon Ed. Love, also colored. Love made a disparaging remark concern ing Wilkin's family and the latter re taliated by striking Love with a whip. cutting an ugly gash in his face. The Stab is requested to ire- mind the members and euests of TheAs- sembly that the entertainment this eve ning will convene at 9 o'clock and all are urgentty requested to be prompt in attendance bo they can participate in the "Treadmill" which will start at 9:30 sharp. Dr. Blackwell has accepted the invitation of the allied Confederate organizations ot the city to make the address upon the occasion of th Lee birthday celebration, Monday , J an.Sflth. No better selection could have been made and the public may look for treat In one of his characteristic happy efforts. Duplin Journal: "The Journal was glad to have a call from pur friend, Mr. John Sprunt Hill, of New York. Mr. Hill is a prominent young lawyer of the metropolis, but a native of Faison. He was nominated in the Fourteenth District of New York two years'ago for Congress on the Demo cratic ticket, and made a brilliant campaign. Having spent the holidays with friends and relatives in North Carolina, he returned last week to his home." Impreviof Wharf Property. The Atlantic Coast Line Company is greatly improving its wharfage nrooertv between the freight ware house and the coal chute a distance of about 100 yards. A strong bulk- hMd ! now bein&r built and wnen completed, the place will be filled in .nd nnn of the finest piers in the eity v;u hA cnmntated. When a double row ot piles in the river Is completed. a line of anchor piles will be driven Hnn ahnnt eiirht or ten feet nearer shore and at the' base, of the river hank. From the anchor pile will ex tend long iron rods which will j be foined on to a strong belt that will ex tend around the outer row of piles, making the bulkhead perfectly secure. N EW ADVERTISEMENTS, j Opera House Mabel Paige Co. Oakdale Cemetery Co. Meeting; BUSI2TKS8 LOOaJLS. Furniture Bankruptcy sale. Lost Brooch set with pearls. BUSINESS INTERESTS. Very Enthsiastic Meeting of Mer chants' Association Direc tors Held Yesterday. CANVASS FOR NEW MEMBERS Committee Appointed to Infuse More Life Iato OrfMlzitioB and Enlarge Its Usefolaess Made Report The Work of Four Years. The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors of the Merchants' Association was held yesterday after noon at 3:30 o'clock in the rooms of the Association in the Seaboard Air Line building. It might well be call ed a "rejuvenation meeting " for there was a goodly number of business men in attendance and the .welfare of the Association and the prospects for its upbuilding were enthusiastically discussed. Mr. W. E. Springer, the president, was in the chair and others in attendance were Mr. P.Heinsberger, the secretary, Messrs. W. E. Worth, M. W. Jacobi, Wm. Niestlie, J. M. Solky, Geo. O. Gaylord, D. O. Love, J. H. Thomas and A. O. Schuster. The committee appointed ut the last meeting to present the merits of the Association to the business men of the city and to use its best endeavor to interest merchants in the work. made a formal report through Mr. J. M. Solky. A circular letter was shown, pointing out interesting facts about the organization and soliciting businessmen to connect themselves with the body. Mr. M. W. Jacobi spoke of the future of the work and of the incalculable benefit of the collection feature. Merchants, he said, should not stand in their own lignt longer by not join ing and making proper use of the benefits afforded by the Association in this regard. Upon motion the circular letter was ordered mailed to those likely to con nect themselves with the Association. The secretary submitted a detailed statement of amounts of bad debts reported to the Association for collec tion during the past four years; the collections made through the secre tary's office and the collections report ed by members on accounts after en trusting them to the Association. Those reported for the four years were as follows: 1897 to 1898 $ 11,600 00 1898 " 1899 13.653 67 1899 " 1900 16.696 70 1900 " 1901... 16,434 07 y : Total $ 56.284 34 Collections by Association through Office. 18971898 1,000 00 18971899... 1,493 25 1899- 1900. i .. 2,133 00 1900 1901. . . 1,661 20 Reported by members after entrusting to Association 18971898 $ 2,600 00 1898 1899 ; 3,600 00 1899 1900. 6.000 00, 1900 1901 6,100 00 Total.... $24,586 45 The secretary was instructed to mail copies of the statement to the members of the Association and others interested. RAN CONSTABLE'S POSSE OFF. Negro, Ooo la Haad, Refused Search of Premises Near Towa Creek. The Stab several days ago men tioned the robbery of the smoke house of Mrs. W. J. Kelly, a widow lady of Town Creek, just across the river. The Southport Standard of this week has the following in reference to the same: "Mrs. W. J. Kelly, who was so re cently made a widow, as noted in these columns just before unnstmas, bad her smoke house robbed last, week of about six hundred pounds of meat, fifty pounds of lard and a quantity or dried beef. Evidently there was more than one thief in the robbery. Ban Age was suspicioned and Constable W. H. Bobbins with a posse of men went to Age's house on Saturday last with a search warrant to search his premises. After searching around the nremiaea the officer began dieeine in the yard where there was fresh turned earth noticed, and the old negro came to the door with bis gun and ran tne nosse off. the men withdrawing at the order of the officer in charge. No furth er steps have been taken to apprenena the sruilty persons, xne toss so sirs. Kelly was heavy." la Honor of Retlriif Collector. The "Owl Club a leading colored social organization of the city, gave x elaborate banquet Wednesday night in Odd Fellows' Hall, 8eventh and Nun streets, in honor of the re turn from Washington of Collector John C Dancy, recently appointed Recorder of Deeds for the District of Columbia. There were a number Of speeches and a programme of other exercises in honor of the distinguished member, who will take up his resi dence in Washington just as soon is his successor here has qualified. Col lector Dancy arrived on a belated freight train from Hamlet, having missed connection with the regular passenger train only ten minutes. Cant. Stroot Ia Port. rut W TT Rtrout. of the schoott Viw " 9 . tpva TP. rtamnbell. im one of the cleverest craftmasters who visits this port. He is just back from a round trip passage of 32 days from Wilming- - n..k.j whither hn earned ton W srmKvmtwmt a cargo of lumber. The diitancejis about 4, wo mues, u i- ..i.nrfM far a sailing vessel. time - , " His vessel ia consigned to J. TN RUey Co., and this trip she will take a !.mh from Kidder's mill to earu u Jamaica. . COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Auditing Committee in Sessioa Yesterdsy After ooo Passed Upon Treasorer ' Green's Report for December. The auditing committee of the Board of County Commissioners was in ses sion yesterday afternoon, Chairman McEachern and Messrs. H. L. Vollers and Gabriel Holmes having been in attendance. The most important item of business transacted was the audit ing of the monthly report of County Treasurer H. McL. Green, which shows receipts and disbursements as follows: Receipts Balance from November, $17,410.72; back taxes, $139.04; mar riage license, $41.80; property tax, $5,930.64 Total, $23,523.20. Disbursements Out-door poor. $451.40; Superior Court, $1,108 42; public building, $165.84; permanent road improvement, $769.36; stationery and advertising, $51.75; roads and bridges, $227.14; refunded taxes, $156.02; magistrates, $4.20; Hospital, $400; County Home, $179.37; Register of Deeds, $25.40; Superintendent of Health, $102.50; attorney, $395; coro ner, 116; Uounty Commissioners, $128.70; clerk,$50; janitor, $45; treas urer's commissions, $128.57. Total, $4,303 67. The balance to January account is $19,218.53. Treasurer Green's report of the special county fund shows a balance from November of $1,841 18 and a collection of special taxes amounting to $3,000, making a total of $4,841.18. Bonds and coupons were : paid- amounting to $1,057.59, leaving a balance of $783. 69 to the January account WEDDED AT CLINTON, N. C. Miss Eva Boykin Lee Became the Charm lot Bride of Ms. Qeorfe B. Batter Oa Wednesday Afternoon. Messrs. Jno. K. Williams and Alex. M. McClure returned last evening from Clinton, N. Cj where on Wed nesday afternoon at 5.30 o'clock tney attended the marriage of Miss Eva Bo j kin Lee to Maj. George Edwin Butler, both popular young people of Clinton. The ceremony was performed by Rev. F. N. Skinner, the rector, assisted by Rev. LW. Hughes, of Fayetteville, in St. Paul's Episcopal church,Clinton and the pretty service was witnessed by hosts of friends of the bride and groom. Miss AUie Liee, sister oi the bride, was maid of honor and the bridesmaids, all handsomely costumed, were Misses Louise Dick, of Randleman; Bailie Lee, of Goldsboro; Bessie Patrick, Florence Hubbard and India Bumgartner, of Clinton. Mr. Lester Butler, brother of the groom, was best man and the groomsmen were. Messrs. Jnd. K. Williams, of Wilmington ; Henry Johnson, Joseph Beaman, Howard McKinnon, B. E. Lee and D. H. Bumgartner, of Clin ton. The ushers were Messrs. L. A. Bethune and Henry Grady, of Clin ton; C. P. Sellars, of Greensboro, and A. M. McClure, of Wilmingion. The bride and groom left by private conveyance for Faison, where they left on the evening train for the Charleston Exposition. An elegant reception was given at night at the home of the bride's parents. Dr. and Mrs. A M. Lee. ELECTED CHIEFS LAST NIGHT. Cherokee Tribe, Improved Order of Red Meo, Kindled Its Cooacil Fires Cherokee Tribe No. 9, Improved Order of Red Men, last night elected the following chiefs to serve for the ensuing Great Sun : Sachem J. B. Ooley. Senior Sagamore J. A. Deans. ' Junior Sagamore J. M. Walton. Prophet W. J. Jordan. C. of R.--W. H. Lane. K. of W.J. C Walton. First San nan ML Marshburn. Second 8annap John Purdy. First Warrior Frank Lafella. Becond Warrior W. H. Pittman. Third Warrior A Bos we 11. Fourth Warrior Geo. Warren. First Brave R. E. Blair. 8econd Brave W. L. Cable. Third Brave J. M. 8herman. Fourth Brave A. Mavroniohols. Guard of Wiewam C.. J. Mo- Keithan. The above with appointive chiefs will be raised to their respective stumps at the next kindling of the council fires by the tribe. Better Mall Facilities, -1 Southport Standard : "Ah effort is beinsr made to tret the northern mail to Southport from Wilmington as soon after its arrival in the latter city as pos sible, and the prospect now is that the effort will be successful. By courtesy of the Quartermaster at Fort Caswell .. r 1 1 a i l l 1 me steamer isomnpon,, wmoa leaves Wilmington at 2 o'clock daily, could bring the northern mail and other mail that had collected to that hour to Southport. Such a plan is purposed. which would be a great aavantage here." Uaa Claytoa Company, The 8tab learns that the Una Clay ton Company, which is pleasantly re membered by theatre-goers ; here, will begin a week's engagement hete on Mondav niffht. 20th insL The com pany is now in Raleigh. ' Mr. Lester Butler, formerly of Clinton, N. U, is advance agent for the troupe and will arrive in Wilmington this week to make arrangements for the coming of the company. Mr. Henry Pridgen, of Gpd win. N. C. passed through the citj TMUrdsv on his war to Black Creek, N. O. Mr. Pridgen is in the Western Union service. THE COUECTOBSHIP. J. W. Brooks in Washington, Said to be an Aspirant for the Office.! MR. D. L. GORE'S CLAIMS. It Is Stated That Ex-Qovernor Roneli Will Go to Champioa His Caase. Batter for Keith Other Capital Notes, j Special-Star Telegram. Washington, D.,0., Jan; 9.J. W. Brooks, of Wilmington, former Reg ister of Deeds of Brunswick county, is here on a still hunt for the office of collector of the port of Wilm ngton. He has made no formal application,, but it is said he will present his name and strong endorsements when Sena ator Pritcbard returns to the capital. Ex Governor D. L. Russell, of Wil mington, is expected here to-morrow. e is backing D. L. Gore in the race. It is aid in Washington that Mr. Gore will give the office to his son, Jno. H. Gore, Jr., Russell's law partner, in the event he'is successful. Ex-Senator Marion Butler is here and it is said he is booming B. F. Keith for the collectorship, they hav ing for a number of years been close personal friends. The Raleigh Post yesterday, in its Washington correspondence, has the following to say, among other things, of the North Carolina fight at the capital: "United States District Attorney Bernard left here this morning. He was at the Department of Justice and fuund out the charges . against him 5 -a - O . .1 - a TT wquiu nut aiievk uie appointment, as also found out that Senator Pritchard would have the naming of the man. Mr. Bernard has not yet found out and will not until his successor is named, that he is not in it. Who his successor is. Senator Pritchard can tell, but as is he absent, no one here can say, except that it will not be Bernard. , A letter received from Senator Pritcbard to-day states that his wife is better, but not out of danger. He does not say when he will be in Washing ton. '-Senator Simmons was in the Sen ate to-day. His wife was much better, and' it is expected that she will be able to join him withintwo weeks. Messrs. Ktuttz and Bellamy appeared in the House to-day. "Mr. Thomas to-day introduced in the House a bill to pay the estate of Hayward Brewington of Sampson county $2,403 for supplies during the war." The Civil Service Commission to day announced that an examination for departmental service would be held tn Wilmington March 24th and April 22nd William Nobles, of Eoka. Bladen county, has been granted a pension of $8 a month. A. P. MacDonald is ap pointed postmaster at Squires. Bladen county, vice J. R. Squires resigned. Mabel Paige Company. The largest audience of the eeason greeted Mabel Paige and her support ing company in "Under Two "Flags" at the Opera House last evening. The "standing room only" sign was out early, and even all of the "standing room" was soon occupied by the en thusiastic audience. The play proved itself one of the strongest in the repertoire of the company. To-night "The Pearl of Savoy" will be present ed ; to-morrow, matinee, "The Little Coquette," and to-morrow night "Ten Nights In a Bar Room." Matinee prices ten and twenty cents. Farmer ia Baakraptcy. Through Jno. W. LeGrand. Esq., of Rockingham, Nathan L. Hender son, a farmer near Laurinburg, N. O, filed a petition in voluntary bank ruptcy in the United States Court here yesterday. The liabilities are scheduled at $3.57&25; assets, fL- 65S 50, out of which the homestead exemption is asked. The petition will be heard by Referee Samuel H. Mac Rao at his office in Fayetteville at 1:30 P. M. to-day. Nearly all the creditors reside at Laurinburg, and the principal ones are Jno. F. McNaJb and M. M. McKinnon. Masqaerade aad Civic Ball.'. The Stab returns thanks to the Merry Companion Social Club for an invitation to attend its first grand annual masquerade and civic ball at Germania Hall Thursday night, Jan uary 16 th. The committee of ar rangements is composed of Messrs. Henry Habernicht, William Hoefner, D. B. Branch and C. H. Bornemann. Officers of the club are Wiliam Tien- ken, president;. C R. Spooner, vice president; D. B. Branch, secretary, and George Tien ken, treasurer. Oysters at Newbers. "Xy ; Newborn correspondence in Raleigh Past: "The receipts of oysters are now large and very fine in quality. Ship pers are busy filling orders. During Christmas week the ojsiermen.iooa a holiday, aa if by common consent, and the receipts were nothing until a few days ago. The Wilmington dealers are complaining of the small quantity of oysters received there and say that the quality is poor, which is the reverse here. Their oysters come a good deal from New River and east winds have made the water too salty, so that large beds of tbecultivated oysters are unfit to ship." ' To Attesd Caaeroa-McDufne Wedding. Mr H. L MeDuffie, of Fayetteville. accompanied by her two daughters, Misses Nora and Charlotte, arrived in the city yesterday afternoon on her way to Lake Waccamaw, to be pres ent at the marriage of her son, Mr. Roy H. MeDuffie, to Miss Pauline a Cameron, next Wednesday afternoon. They will remain in Wilmington, however, guests of Rev. Jno. H. Hall and family until next Monday. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mrs. John 0. James left yes terday to visit friends in Norfolk. Southport Standard: "Miss Mollie Price, of Wilmington, is spend ing the week with relative here." . Messrs. J. B. Cole and A. E. Cain were passengers on the steamer Highlander which arrived yesterday. Faison Journal: "Mr. B. B. Jackson, of Wilmington, is spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Jackson." Southport Standard: "Mr. Geo. W. Felger, Weather Observer of Wilmington, was here to see our new steel tower for display signals on Tuesday." Y. M. C. A. Basket Ball Game. Picked teams from the Y. M. O. A. basket ball league will play an inter esting exhibition game at the City Hall to-night. The public U cordial ly invited. The prospects for a five- team league are now very promising. The teams will likely be designated-' as "Young Men," "Business Men," "A. C. L," "Naval Reserves" and "Boys' Brigade." The first of the league games will likely be played to-night week. North Carolina Year Book. Mr. Richard Battle, of the News and Observer staff, is in the city superin tending the delivery of the North Caro lina Year Book for 1902. a volume of 600 pages, issued by the News and Ob server eaeh year, and containing a wealth of statistics and information about the State .not obtainable else where. There are many subscribers for the boik in Wilmington, but there should be more. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Annual Meeting Of the Lot owners of Oakdale Onuterv will t bold at t-A office ot the Secretary aid Treasurer. 205)4 Prliice' street Monday even ing, January lSrb, at 8 o'clock. The amead ment to tne Company's Charier will, be pre- Beniea ior consr 'erasum. Bi'HaBO J. jonbs, Becy and Treas'r. Jan 10 st Executor's Notice. Having Qualified as Executor of tne ertate of the late Mrs Rebecca O. 8'0lter. I hereby no tify all persons having claims again1-1 her estate to present tne same on or berore January 2, 1903, otherwise they will be brred. All persons indebted to the estate are requested to make prompt settlement. January s, mus. JOEL P. STOLTEB, Ja84t fr Executor. Mabel Paige Co. TO-NIGHT "im v n xne rean oi oavoy. MATINEE TO-MORBOW 8:80 P. M. "THE LITTLE COQUETTE." TO-MORBOW EVENING Ten Nights In Barroom." Prices 10, so and 30 cents. jan 10 It OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY AND TREAS URER OF THE ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD COMPANY: Wilmington, n. C, December 87, 1901. The Board of Directors of the Atlantic Coast Line Ball road Companv have declared a divi dend of one and one half (IM) per cent, on the onnmon capital stcck of thai, company, paya ble to all bold rs of record of January 1st, 1903. Dividend due and navable at the Treasurer's office, Wilmington, North Carolina on and after January 10th 1908. Transfer book will stand ciosea irom uecemDer sist, iu,w jannary yn lus, inclusive, jab. r rvix, aec im secretary ana -.Treasurer. Cocoanuts ! Cocoanuts! Mixed Nuts, Raisins, Apples, Sugar, Coffee, Flour, Meal and Molasses. Also a full line ot case goods. Prices right. Treatment fair. PETER McQUEEN.jJtm deo 8 tf wo. 106 Nortn water St "WE WILL BOND YOU." The United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company. Home OJBee, - BAMISOBB, BED. Fali tip Cash Cajital, $1,500,000.00 Surety Bonds ot every description. FIDELITY. CONTRACT. JUDICIAL Judicial bonds executed without delay. CD. WEEKS. T eeneral Agent, - Bmltb Bunding. Wilmington, N. O. Correspondence solicited. nov 88 sm Office Supplies. Before you buy your office supplies for the new year call and get my prices. I have everything you will need in a first class office. 107 Market St. deo 29 tf Bell 'Phone 26. RH mm a THE BIG SALE NOW GOING- ON AT THE STORE OP THE Johnson Goods Company. The Greatest Bargains Ever Offered. Stock must be sold within ten days. Fine Silks and Velvets. Fine Dress Goods and Linings. Table Linens and White Goods. Heminway Embroidery Silk 2 cents a skein. Notions of every description. Hosiery and Underwear. Fine Laces and Embroidery. Fine Feathers, Ornaments. I Hats, Trimmings, Flowers, Fine Corsets at half price. ! Blankets, Comforts, &c. Gooda will be sacrificed within ten days. Remember the placenext to Orton Hotel. jan 5 tf ! The fflurMson Of Wilmington, ft. C. U. C. NeaUEEN, President. Assets S Erompt and reliable service. Security. Every possible facility. UNITED STATES, STATE AND CITY DEPOSITORY. DIRECTORS. N. Jacobi, j. C. Stkvenson, R W. Waixacw, Jko. F. MoNaib, K. M. MUBOHiSON J. V. Grainger. ML J. COBBETT, W. iS. UOOPEB, jan 9 tr Notice to Depositors! i Interest for the quarter ending December 81st, 1901, is now due and payable. Depositors who have had as much as $5 00 on deposit for three months or more are requested to bring in their 000K8 at their convenience to have interest entered. The People's Savings Bank, Opposite the H. C. KIQ17KKN, Praldnt " 9. Esquimaux Don't have much nse for stoves. A fire in the middle of a snow hut, with an infinitesimal hole for a chimney, is good enough for them. But such an ar rangement wouldn't be con sidered "just the thing" in this latitude. Here people need , 8tovesand we keep them for sale Parlor Stoves, Kitchen Stoves, Small Bedroom Stoves, and many odd sorts. The prices are adapted to persons with non-millionairish purses, too. We have, too, a complete stock of Hardware, Agricultural Imple ments, Ammunition, &c. J. V. Tilurchison & Co., ORTON BTJIIJDING. dec 5tt PURINA CEREALS. Don't confound them with foods of less quality that cost just as roach every package Is guaranteed to contain the finest grain, hygienically milled to retain all the nutritive elements which Nature intended. The most liked cereal of the cen tury Is Ralston Breakfast Food which represents the high quality main tained In every checkerboard package that goes forth from Purina Mill "Where Purity Is Paramount." Accept no sub stitutes, be sure you get the checker board kind. FOSSAIXBY H J.BiGrman&Co. 815 Market street. jan 7tr Bell Thone Ho. 88. Tar Casks, Hoop Iron. Jnst received a lot Iron Bound Oil Casks for Tar. One Car Hoop Iron, all sizes. Get our prices for - Faney-and Staple Groceries and ProTiaions before bny ing HALL & FEABSALL, (INCORPORATED.) Wholesale Grocers. Jan Itt Rust Proof Seed Oats. '- 40O silteelsB P Seed Oats. 2.50 eeakels Bllxed Oat. 4,000 )!. nixcxl asd Wblte Cora. 10O,OOi Lbs. No. I Tim. Usy. 1S8.000 Hoop Iron. 1,800 eooe 2 ad band Haebln. Bis. SOO M nslasMi (U crmdea). a fiO kara IV ire Nail. 8uO kec cut AsUle. We have also en route genuine Artstook County, Maine, ueea rowraeo. We are headquarters la our line. Get ear prices. D. L GORE CO., Wholesale Grocertee and Drojcs. 120, 128 and 124 North Water Street, dec 17 tf WilmtoKton. N. a FOR RENT, i .' Dwellings, Stores, Offices, &c. 1.- an 22 tf D. O'CONNOR. National Bank. J. V. ORAINfiSBt CMkltr 000,000.00. ;- A, B. Nichols, T. M Bmkbsom, J A. SPBHfOER, H. O. MoQuken. Ppstoffice. JNO. 8. ARMSTRONG, ! PrMl4nt. OfCK. Cashier. Cuban Blossom Cigar 5c Cuban Blossom Cigar 5c. Cuban Blossom Cigar , Cuban Blossom Cigar 5c. Cuban Blossom Cigar 5c. Cuban Blossom Cigar 5c. Cuban Blossom Cigar 5c. Cuban Blossom Cigar 5c. Cuban Blossom Cigar 5c. "Match It" Cheroots- gentleman's smoke better than most cigars "MATCH IT" CHEEOOTS Sumatra wrapper Same us 10c cigars. "MATCH IT" CHEBOOTS. Try it If you won't smoke common staff. Vollers & Hashagen. PBOVISIONEKS. dec 29 tf le Take This Method Of thanking the generous public for their past valued favors m dis pensing patronage at . Our Department Stores. Many lines of Goods have been closed out; many others partly so; yet, there remains ' f' Various and Valuable Bargains I For th economical householder to ponder over. We are now push- ing everything preparatory to giv ing the general public the Best Possible Footwear Service To be bad at the lowest possible cost. Try us at the , Same Old Place. M & Evans Co. JaStf FAWCY ICE CREAK) SHAPES. We are making the following shapes for receptions, &c: Pineapples, Violets, Kose Buds, Asparagus, Bananas, Oranges, Pears, Apples, Peaches, Bunch Grapes, Iiimes, Diamonds, Birds. Ace of Spades, &c IE. is JanIT p Fancy Fruits. Dos, Extra Fancy. Peari, Qrapes, Oranges, Apples. Huts, Figs, Dates and Raisins. Give me a call. I can please you on nice Fruit and Candies. -' SMPrtsoess Street. Ben Fbonel aa4tt Iatarttateiss, i m Sun. 1 1 III ih t .,; 1 re i ill I 5. . 1 1 4 i t mil lr i i V" tb 4 v u s . t Ml: 'I l rt it VU 1 VI. "it' A 1 i 111 -,r 1 , "S- - J 'Mb 5-' : -.-tr ij.-